BUG BAND: Deet Free Insect Repellent Spray 7 ounce

Deet Free Insect Repellent Spray - 7 ounce

Our Price:
Buy: at $5.52
(3 for $ 5.51ea. = $ 16.53 ) 31% OFF MSRP
  • Continuous spray action
  • Easy to use, safe and effective when used as directed on the label.
  • Family size 7 oz can
  • New product to repel ticks
  • Non-Aerosol
  • Special bladder can has no ozone harming propellants
UPC: 786216729705
# BW0232

BugBand TICK PLUS spray lotion is perfect for when you need protection from ticks. BugBand TICK PLUS spray lotion in the 7 oz. family size can does not contain any ozone depleting propellants. It has a continuous spray action to dispense a fine mist over the area to be treated. By spraying BugBand TICK PLUS directly on clothing or skin, the Geraniol vapors form a protective barrier to deter blood-sucking insects from biting. It is ideal for use around the ankles, wrist or neck, where ticks tend to invade clothing. Use once for hours of tick protection.

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