

A Systemic Enzyme for Healthy Circulation

old message NATTOKINASE - A Systemic Enzyme for Healthy Circulation ... Darrell Miller 06/04/05


Date: June 04, 2005 10:25 AM
Subject: NATTOKINASE - A Systemic Enzyme for Healthy Circulation ...


You may not have worried about the effects of aging when you were younger. But now, you are interested in staying fit. Maintaining your cardiovascular health – for women as well as men – may be one of your greatest concerns. Every tissue in your body relies on your heart to circulate blood through approximately 60,000 miles of your blood vessels. This complex network requires a holistic health approach. Enzymes, which accelerate chemical reactions, can help with a lot more than just your digestion. Systemic enzymes are a special class of enzymes that work on every system in your body to support your overall health. Source Naturals has searched around the globe to bring you NATTOKINASE, a systemic enzyme from Japan that supports the fibrinolytic blood clearing system. Reach for NATTOKINASE to promote your cardiovascular health today.

Supports Healthy Circulation

Source Naturals introduces the science of NATTOKINASE, the natural way to support healthy circulation. A systemic enzyme derived from the fermented soy food natto, nattokinase supports your body’s mechanisms for clearing blood to maintain your cardiovascular health.

Systemic Enzymes

If you are a mature man or women, then maintaining cardiovascular health may be one of your greatest concerns about aging. Every tissue in your body relies on your heart to circulate six liters of blood through approximately 60,000 miles of your arteries, veins and capillaries. This complex network requires a holistic health approach. You might think that all enzymes are just for digestion. Actually, enzymes accelerate thousands of chemical reactions in your body. And systemic enzymes are a special enzyme class that work on every system in your body to support your complete, or systemic, health. Different systemic enzymes, such as papain, bromelain, pancreatin and nattokinase, each work in different ways. The results can include reducing cellular irritation, promoting clear blood flow and supporting balanced immune reactions for your shortterm comfort and long-term health.

An Ancient Japanese Health Secret

The legend about the discovery of natto begins thousands of years ago with Yoshiie Minamoto, a famous Japanese warrior, who was forced to pack hot cooked soybeans in straw for traveling. When the soybeans were later unpacked, the sticky mess was considered spoiled. But when the horses, notoriously picky eaters, preferred this soy food, then people began consuming natto and discovering its health benefits.

How It Works

Healthy circulation occurs when your blood flows smoothly. It takes complex cascades of events to maintain this cardiovascular balance. Source Naturals NATTOKINASE can help. NATTOKINASE doesn’t inhibit blood clot formation. Instead, it works to support healthy circulation in three ways. First, nattokinase assists the fibrinolytic blood clearing system by breaking down cross-linked fibrin protein deposits in the blood. Second, in preliminary studies, natto extracts promote clear blood flow by reducing Euglobulin Lysis Time (ELT). Third, nattokinase supports blood clearing by breaking down Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor–1 (PAI-1), an inhibitor of an enzyme that helps keep blood flowing. Lifestyle conditions such as high stress, high glucose levels and high amounts of adipose tissue are associated with increased PAI-1 levels. Healthy circulation can do wonders to support your total health. When your circulation isn’t balanced, then your tissues aren’t getting enough nutrients and your blood isn’t clearing enough wastes away, which can increase cellular irritation and decrease overall cell health. Alternately, systemic enzymes such as nattokinase support healthy circulation so your tissues can get optimal levels of nutrients delivered and wastes removed for your better health.

Lifestyle Strategies for Maintaining Cardiovascular Health

Eat a Healthy Diet: A diet low in cholesterol, saturated fats and trans-fatty acids, and high in complex carbohydrates and fiber is important for your cardiovascular health. Good choices include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean red meats, fish and poultry without skin (up to 6 oz per day), lowfat or fat-free dairy products, beans and peas, and healthy fats such as olive oil in limited amounts. Avoid sugar, which has been reported to increase risk factors linked to heart disease. Some healthy cooking tips include using a rack to drain off fat when you broil, roast or bake; using wine, fruit juice or marinades to baste; broiling instead of pan-frying; using a vegetable oil spray to brown or sauté foods; and cooking with egg whites instead of yolks. Exercise Regularly: Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is important for supporting your cardiovascular system. Exercise may increase heart healthy HDL cholesterol and lower blood triglycerides (fats), partly because of the decrease in total body fat and increase in muscle mass that usually accompanies exercise. A recent study reported that dietary changes improve cholesterol levels only when an aerobic exercise program is also included. Regular aerobic exercises—brisk walking, jogging, swimming, biking, aerobic dance, and racquet sports—are the best forms of exercise for lowering LDL and raising HDL levels. Experts recommend that people aim for a routine of 30 minute brisk walks most days of the week; an excellent goal is 20 to 25 miles a week, but in terms of raising HDL levels, more is better. Resistance (weight) training offers a complementary benefit by reducing LDL levels. Quit Smoking: Cigarette smoking lowers HDL cholesterol levels and is directly responsible for approximately 20% of all deaths from heart disease. The toxic effects of cigarette smoke damage blood vessels in the heart and legs. In fact, smoking doubles an individual’s risk of heart attack with any level of blood cholesterol. The importance of breaking this habit cannot be emphasized enough. Drink Alcohol Only in Moderation: Many studies have reported that modest consumption of alcohol increases HDL levels and protects against heart disease and possibly stroke. However, since alcohol consumption can cause other health problems, you should consult your health care professional about alcohol use. It has been suggested that antioxidants in red wine such as flavonoids and polyphenols contribute to alcohol’s protective properties. Take the Right Supplements: Many supplements can help support your heart health. Folic acid, one of the B vitamins, supports arterial health by balancing homocysteine levels. Magnesium, potassium, and calcium all help to maintain heart muscle health. Antioxidants such as betacarotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and those found in extracts of green tea support blood vessel integrity. And omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in flax seeds, cod liver oil, and other dietary supplements support healthy blood flow. Additionally, you can take LIFE FORCE, Source Naturals’ best selling multiple. Systemic enzymes such as nattokinase are a new class of natural compounds that can have a significant impact on your cardiovascular, joint and immune health. Source Naturals is pleased to partner with your local health food stores and participating health professionals – the only places where you can find these natural health advances – to bring you NATTOKINASE. Try this ancient Japanese secret to support your cardiovascular health today.

Sumi, H. et al. (1990). Enhancement of the fibrinolytic activity in plasma by oral administration of nattokinase. Acta Haematologica. (84): 139-143. Fujita, M. et al. (1995). Transport of nattokinase across the rat intestinal tract. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 18(9): 1194-1196. Yamamoto, K. et al. (2002). Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 is a major stress-regulated gene: implications for stress-induced thrombosis in aged individuals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 99(2): 890-895.

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