

Hoodia Extract - Discover the Contemporary Use for a Traditional Food Source

old message Hoodia Extract - Discover the Contemporary Use for a Traditional Food Source Darrell Miller 06/29/05


Date: June 29, 2005 09:59 AM
Subject: Hoodia Extract - Discover the Contemporary Use for a Traditional Food Source

Hoodia Extract - Discover the Contemporary Use for a Traditional Food Source

The San Tribesmen of the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa have known for millennia what we’ve only recently discovered; that the cactus-like Hoodia gordonii plant can be used as a healthy alternative food source. Because Source Naturals is dedicated to your good health, we’ve fused ancient San tradition with modern science to develop HOODIA EXTRACT.

The sustenance the San derived from the hoodia plant as a main food source allowed them to travel lightly without the burden of extra food to hinder their journey on long hunting trips. With the introduction of our high quality HOODIA EXTRACT, Source Naturals offers you a safe, natural solution to achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and the chance to discover the contemporary use for the powerful nutritional supplement everyone’s looking for. HOODIA EXTRACT underlines Source Naturals commitment to bringing you the highest quality dietary supplements in your steps toward good health.

An Age Old Tradition

Life in southern Africa’s Kalahari Desert could be cruel. But even without modern research, the San Tribesmen knew their nutritional needs could be met with a remarkable botanical. For more than a hundred thousand years the San thrived as hunter-gatherers; their success dependant on their ability to locate food. Their treks across the Kalahari would last for months, even years, with the men hunting for antelope, and the women foraging for what became the main staple in their diet: fruit, nuts, and plants. None of their traditional food sources were more important than the phenomenal Hoodia gordonii plant. The hoodia plant became their chief source of sustenance while roaming the desert. Fruit and meat spoiled, nuts never lasted, but the stems and roots of that plant were special.

A Special Plant

Despite its similar appearance, the cactus- like hoodia is characterized as a succulent plant, which is a member of the milkweed family. Though there are about 20 species within the family, the active ingredient of hoodia is found only in the gordonii variety. Experts in succulent horticulture have helped ensure that the material Source Naturals uses to make HOODIA EXTRACT is gathered from authentic Hoodia gordonii sources.

A Potent Extract

The secret of HOODIA EXTRACT lies in the plant’s active ingredient; a substance containing previously unknown molecules discovered by South African scientists, and found to interact with the hypothalamus. Through painstaking chemical testing to assure quality and potency, Source Naturals has gone to great lengths to develop an extract that is best for the supplemental needs of its consumers. Every bit of the certified material Source Naturals receives is put through high tech chromatographic analysis to verify the purity of the active constituents needed to make HOODIA EXTRACT.

A Responsible Company HOODIA EXTRACT has been produced with environmental sustainability in mind. Using only materials safely cultivated from the stems of seedlings grown on approved farms in South Africa, Source Naturals has made certain those materials were gathered with the knowledge and help of the San people to better preserve the Kalahari’s natural resources.

A Wellness Revolution in Nutritional Health

With today’s people faced with a multitude of nutritional problems, it is increasingly critical for us to take charge of our own well-being. Source Naturals is devoted to providing the highest quality products designed to supplement your diet and aid in your pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. HOODIA EXTRACT is available at your local health food store in 250mg capsules or tablets. Source Naturals - providing nutritional benefits offered only in the natural products marketplace.

MacLean DB, Luo LG. Increased ATP content/production in the hypothalamus may be a signal for energy sensing of satiety: studies of the anorectic mechanism of a plant steroidal glycoside. Brain Research. 2004. 1020: 1-11. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database: Hoodia.

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