BHI: Flu-Plus 100 tabs

Flu-Plus - 100 tabs

by   BHI
Our Price:
Buy: at $10.20
(3 for $ 10.19ea. = $ 30.57 ) 32% OFF MSRP
UPC: 787647200917
# BZ0012

Description For natural relief of minor flu
sumptoms. Additional areas of effectiveness: headache, body
aches chills, fever nausea, intestinal influenza respiratory
symptoms of catarrh, coryza, cough, sneezing exhaustion,
fatigue Ingredients Aconitum napellus 4X Bryonia
4X Eupatorium perfoliatum 4X Ipecacuanha 6X Pulsatilla
6X Mercurius corrosivus 8X Phosphorus 8X Sulphur
8X Influenzinum 12X Lachesis mutus 12X Recommended
Use Take tablets sublingually or by dissolving completely in
the mouth. Adults and Children above 6 years: take 1 tablet 3-4
times daily. Infants and Children to 6 years: 1/2 the adult
dosage. Warnings Diabetics, hypoglycemics, and people with
known medical conditions and/or taking drugs should consult with
a licensed physician and/or pharmacist prior to taking dietary
supplements. BHI Flu-Plus Additional Notes Additional
notes for BHI Flu-Plus is currently being updated

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