UPC: 838451000405
# HI0015
Organic Maca Express Energy
Super-concentrated, extremely high-quality tablets! The best in
the industry! Express Energy™ is retailing in Japan for up to
$72.00 per bottle! These unique tablets are created using
a specialized organic process that concentrates all of the
important macamides and macaenes, vitamins and sterols into a
good looking and good tasting tablet that can be chewed or
swallowed whole. Doctors highly recommend this product when they
have high-end clients who know quality and demand performance.
(Much better than capsules that are found in the markets.)
Perfect for traveling where a compact, long lasting, highly
effective product is required. There are no finer tablets
available than these. 500 mg. concentrated tablets in an
amber glass bottle with informative label. Recommended dosage of
2 per day, depending on your body's requirements or as
recommended by a doctor.

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