AMAZON THERAPEUTIC LABORATORIES: Camu-Camu Mega C™ 500mg Wild Crafted 60 vegicaps

Camu-Camu Mega C™ 500mg Wild Crafted - 60 vegicaps

Our Price:
Buy: at $16.26
(3 for $ 16.25ea. = $ 48.75 ) 35% OFF MSRP
UPC: 838451002287
# UI0010

Welcome to the heart of the jungle. We offer more than 120
medicinal herbs, high quality extracts, capsules and 60
traditional compound formulations. We are dedicated to serving
you by offering herbs and products which have been derived from
organically certified farms or wildcrafted under our
“Sustainable Harvest” label by using forestry management
permits. Each item has been validated through empirical studies
and supported by research in clinics and universities around the
world. For all product information, please visit our Herb
Finder page which offers links to all of our merchandise
listings. This useful index enables you to categorize your
search by medical terms or by product type, and we also offer
valuable background information about each of the herbs
available here. Whether as a bulk tea, a liquid tincture or
an encapsulated herb, our line of traditional Amazon
Bio-therapeutic formulations are presented in a convenient to
utilize form and can be administered in precise dosages. Our
finished teas and blends are presented according to principles
established by hundreds of years of popular use in their
countries of origins. Extracts are made according to the USP and
German Pharmacopoeia, capsules are made from only the freshest
materials and formulated according to demands of practitioners
and popular OTC use in the USA.

Camu-Mega-C™ - Myrciaria dubia - This wild jungle berry contains
the highest recorded source of Vitamin C on the planet! About
20x more Vitamin C than oranges or lemons.

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