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Cannabis reverses aging processes in the brain, study suggests ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 16, 2017 06:44 AM
The cannabis arguments continue to rage on. There are many supposed benefits but some people feel they're not really proven. They feel the negatives outweigh the benefits. There are many cannabis studies going on all the time and some of them are showing possible benfits to the brain including a reversal in the signs of aging. The brain is important to all functions of the body so anything which keeps it healthy is at least worth consideration. Read more: Cannabis reverses aging processes in the brain, study suggests
( Protein Can Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 09, 2017 08:02 PM
Many people suffer from blood sugar level inconsistencies. A condition known as hypoglycemia is caused when your blood sugar (glucose) drops, resulting in a range of symptoms. Many people with diabetes suffer from hypoglycemia, and the common solution is thought by many to be a sweet treat. However, this can often exacerbate the problem. More often the solution is to give the person some foods which contain protein. How protein can stabilize blood sugar levelsIn much the same way that dietary fiber works, eating a source of high-quality protein along with your meals and snacks can have a beneficial effect on your body's blood sugar levels. Adding some protein to your meal would help to provide the amino acids for tissue repair and recovery while also ensuring you stay satisfied for several hours after eating or consuming the meal. By choosing the right combination of protein and carbohydrates to eat, you can control the amount of glucose in your bloodstream by slowing the process of digestion. This slowing down prevents a blood sugar spike as a result of overdosing on carbohydrates. However, this doesn't mean that you can just eat foods with protein to your content. Your body can only assimilate so much protein in a single sitting, so you need to be able to ration your intake. Too much protein included in your diet can have severe side effects like intestinal wind, bad breath, and indigestion and there are also long-term health concerns concerning a diet that's too rich in protein. Though many people might find it challenging to manage, diabetes is not a friendly condition you should just live with. Indeed, with simple changes in your life, you can reap great benefits such as weight reduction and lower both your blood sugar levels as well. Include foods rich in protein in your daily diet and the results will be amazing.
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( Apple Cider Vinegar to Fight Heart Burn ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 16, 2008 08:55 AM
Strange as it may seem, apple cider vinegar can be used to fight heart burn, even though that type of vinegar is composed of acetic acid the same as any other. It wouldn’t seem logical to use an acid to alleviate a condition caused by excess acidity in the stomach, but all will be clear shortly. First, let’s have a look at what cider apple vinegar is, and what health benefits it can impart to the body. There is more to the old maxim regarding an apple a day than most appreciate. Although an orange has more vitamin C, apples have a lot going for them. They not only contain the soluble dietary fiber and prebiotic pectin, that can help reduce blood cholesterol levels, but are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Many consider apple cider vinegar the form of the apple that provides its ultimate health benefits. Hippocrates himself has written of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar and used it for the benefits to health that it imparted. That goes back almost 2400 years, to an age when the biochemistry of the body was unheard of and even the alchemists had yet to work their magic. There was no surprise then that an acid could be used to increase the alkalinity of the body since the terms had yet to be understood, let alone invented. The later applications of vinegar followed a path that would be expected of a substance recognized as a form of medicine, and it has been poured over wounds to sterilize them from early in history, and by people of the 14th and 17th centuries to protect themselves against the Black Death and the Great Plague respectively. It was believed by people in these times that the disease was transferred by breathing in the ‘ill vapors’ and that a vinegar-soaked cloth over the face would protect them. Many people, associate vinegar with ‘bad wine’ or solutions of acetic acid, generally 5%. But how is real cider apple vinegar produced? All vinegar has acetic acid as its key ingredient. The reason that it can be produced from wine is that acetic acid is produced naturally by the fermentation of ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, the main alcoholic product of the fermentation of sugars. If the fermentation of wine is allowed to continue after the sugar has been used up, then the yeast will act on the ethanol and convert it to acetic acid. In fact the word comes from the old French ‘vin aigre’ or ‘sour wine’, due to it resulting from the undesirable continuing fermentation of wine. The concentration varies according to the use it is put, though commercial pickling vinegars can be distilled to any required concentration of acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar is obtained by the over-fermentation of apple must usually used for cider, and can be obtained either the clear filtered form, or unfiltered with a hazy light brownish color. Although the manufactured distilled vinegars consist of acetic acid at various concentrations, natural vinegars contain by-products of the fermentation process such as citric and tartaric acids. However, none of this explains why apple cider vinegar should help to cure heartburn. The first thing you should keep in mind is that this type of vinegar has some nutritional value that will be explained later, but also that it is less bitter than many other types of vinegar and many enjoy drinking it with a small amount of honey as an energy pick-me-up and also to prevent various digestive problems that it appears to alleviate such as bloating and diarrhoea. The reason that many people experience heartburn is due to the body finding that that the acidity of the stomach is lower than it should be to digest a meal. There might be several reasons for the body believing this, such as drinking too much milk during the meal and thereby neutralizing some of the acid while also introducing more fat to be digested. The body reacts by injecting more acid into the stomach. Excessively spicy foods or alcohol can cause the same effect. Stomach acid is concentrated hydrochloric acid that is very corrosive and can even dissolve a nail. If your stomach is slightly full, the acid causes a slight, but not full, reflux and you get the burning sensation known as heartburn due to the corrosive effects of the very strong acid on the esophagus, which is not protected by the stomach lining that is designed to withstand it. Sometimes the excessive acid in your stomach will cause the bottom of the esophagus to open, allowing some of the stomach contents into the esophagus giving the horrible burning sensation. That sensation is acid corrosion of your body tissue, but it is rapidly repaired and does no lasting damage unless it is chronic when you have to see your doctor. Since heartburn is caused by excess acidity then, it will seem strange that you can use an acid to alleviate it. However, keep in mind that your heartburn is due to the body (brain) being convinced that there is insufficient acid in your stomach. If you introduce a weak acid, then you can convince your brain that the acid has been brought to a satisfactory level and so it will stop sending signals to the stomach lining cells that secrete the HCl. If you remember what I asked you to remember above, regarding the traditional uses of apple cider vinegar and how easy it is to drink, then that vinegar is the ideal acid to take. It floods the stomach with acetic acid and signals pass back and forth between the stomach wall to the brain and back again to the effect that the stomach has enough acid and so no more hydrochloric acid need be secreted. Had you treated it with milk or even an antacid, it would have worked initially, but eventually the signal would be initiated and the lining would secrete more HCl. With an antacid that can occur after the stomach contents have been passed on, but although it has had its effect, your food will have been poorly digested, and so the better remedy is likely not an alkaline antacid but a weak acid such as apple cider vinegar. That’s how it works, but what other benefits does it bring to you. For starters it is a good source of potassium which is essential to maintain a proper cardiac rhythm. Potassium can also help to maintain a good blood pressure, and it is necessary for healthy nails, hair and teeth, and also helps to repair damage to soft tissues and to allow cells to repair internal tissue loss. Potassium is an essential mineral, although there is normally sufficient in a healthy diet. However, if somebody is displaying the symptoms of potassium deficiency then this form of vinegar can help to resolve the problem. The elderly especially can benefit from a regular dose. Other than its antiseptic effect, the most common popular use of apple cider vinegar, however, is to fight heart burn and in that respect it is very effective, even if it seems a bit of a paradox.
( Cell Rejuvenator by Peter Gillham formulation ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 22, 2006 09:01 AM
Cell Rejuvenator is Peter Gillham’s formulation that creates good health on a cellular level. It’s in the formulation Cell rejuvenator is a precisely engineered formula designed to give cells the exact nutrients they need to rejuvenate quickly and in the best condition possible. The formulation contains MSM (methylsulfonyl methane—a source of organic sulfur derived from nature), vitamin C, bioflavanoids and zinc. While primarily used for its anti-aging benefits, Cell Rejuvenator has a great many applications. What’s in Cell Rejuvenator? Peter Gillham’s Cell Rejuvenator is a complete formulation, not just another MSM product. Cell Rejuvenator starts with Lignisul MSM, which guaranteed 99.9 precent pure and is an assurance of a high standard of quality necessary for optimal health benefits. Lignisul MSM is extremely safe, non-toxic and non-allergenic. Then we’ve added vitamin C the perfect companion to MSM. MSM helps to speed new cell formation and vitamin C is one of the primary nutrients the body looks for in making new cells. While MSM helps release toxins, vitamin C neutralizes them. Bioflavonoids are another part of the Cell Rejuvenator formula. They greatly enhance the absorption of vitamin C. along with this, bioflavonoids help promote a strong immune system, improve circulation, and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Cell Rejuvenator also includes zinc one of nature’s “super minerals.” Zinc is responsible for accelerating healing and for the formation of DNA in our tissues. DNA is essentially the blue print the body follows when forming and renewing itself, piece by piece, starting with each new cell. How you benefit Cell Rejuvenator releases toxins with MSM, neutralizes them with vitamin C, promotes a stronger immune system, improved circulation and healthy cholesterol levels with bioflavonoids, and accelerates healing and cellular DNA formation with zinc. MSM is an important nutrient and a key ingredient in Cell Rejuvenator. It is needed by the body for healthy connective tissue and joint function, proper enzyme activity and hormone balance, along with correct functioning of the immune system. Just how important is it? Approximately half of the body’s total sulfur is concentrated in the muscles, skin and bones. It is also present in keratin, the tough substance in the skin, nails and hair. Sulfur is necessary for making collagen, the primary constituent of cartilage and connective tissue. Supplementation with MSM has been found to improve many health situations, such as allergies, asthma, emphysema, lung dysfunction, arthritis, headaches, skin difficulties, stomach and digestive tract problems, circulation and cell absorption. MSM is non-allergenic and has no undesired pharmacological effects. One cannot overdose with MSM the body will use what is needed and flush out the rest without harm. Because it is also a free radical and foreign-protein scavenger, MSM cleans the bloodstream, so allergies to foods or pollens can be eliminated sometimes in just a few days. Beauty Secret We have all heard that with age the skin loses its elasticity, but do you know why? When the body replaces old skin cells, if there is a deficiency of MSM, the new cells are stiff and contribute to wrinkling. Taking Cell Rejuvenator helps the body replace bad cells with good, healthy elastic cells. Easy to use The ingredients in Cell Rejuvenator are mixed in exact amounts to achieve what we feel is the best recipe for cell rejuvenation. Cell Rejuvenator is available in convenient capsules and in powdered form. If you prefer capsules we recommend four capsules a day (2400mg). if they want to take a higher therapeutic does, they may prefer the powdered form, which easily mixes with your favorite juice. Some people see results within days, while it can take weeks for others. The key to success is to be consistent in taking Cell Rejuvenator. A constant supply of the ingredients in Cell Rejuvenator is required to build the healthy cells needed for proper organ functioning and for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. When you stop to think about the fact that our bodies produce cells 24 hours a day, you get some idea of how vital Cell Rejuvenator is!
( Benefits of Acetyl-L-Carnitine ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 12, 2006 01:55 PM
( Clinical Applications of Herbal Medicine ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 08, 2005 06:29 PM
Clinical Applications of Herbal Medicine by D. Paul Barney, M.D. 1. Infertility (Damiana Ginseng Blend) (SP-1) – Impotency, Hot flashes, hormonal imbalance, menstrual problems. 2. Arthritis (Devil’s Claw Yucca Blend) (SP-2) – Rheumatism, Bursitis, Gout. 3. Respiratory Distress (Pleurisy Root Blend) (SP-3) – Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, T.B. Cough, Sore Throat, Colds, Hay fever. 4. Skin Disorders (Herbal Skin Blend) (SP-4) – Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Rash. 5. Diabetes (Uva Ursi Dandelion Blend) (SP-5) – High Blood Sugar. 6. Water Rentention (Cornsilk Blend) (SP-6) – Edema, Cystitis, Gout. 7-A. Yeast Infection (Goldenseal-witch Hazel Blend) (SP-7A) – Vaginitis. 7-B. Heavy Mentral Flow (Cranesbill Blend) (SP-7B) – Menorrhagia, Menorrhea. 8. Heart Trouble (Hawthorn Motherwort Blend) (SP-8) – Weak heart muscle, Arrythmia, Angina, Short of Breath, Palpitations. 9. High Blood Pressure (Garlic Valerian Blend) (SP-9) – High cholesterol, blood pressure. 10. Pain (White Willow Blend) (SP-10) – Headache, Migraine, Pain for Backache, Inflammation, Spasms, fever. 11-A. Blood Health (Dandelion Yellow Dock Blend) (SP-11A) – Infections, Acne, Gout, Exposure to Toxins. 11-B. Poor Circulation (Cayenne Blend) (SP-11B) – Phlitis, Cold Extremities, Varicose Veins, Diabetes. 12. Constipation (Butternut Cascara Blend) (SP-12) – Constipation. 13. Liver (Dandelion Milk Thistle Blend) (SP-13) – Hepatitis, Jaundice, Alcohol Cirrhosis, Sluggish Bile Flow, Gallstones, Psoriasis. 14. Nervous Tension (Valerian Blend) (SP-14) – Anxiety, Emotional, Fear, Hysteria, Restlessness. 15. Low Energy – Fatigue (Cayenne Ginseng Blend) (SP-15) – Boost Energy, Reduce Fatigue. 15-B. Male Stamina Blend (SP-15b) - Boost Libido. 16. Prostate (Saw Palmetto Blend) (SP-16) – Prostate cancer, Slow Urination. 17. Insomnia (Valerian Hops Blend) (SP-17) – Improve Sleep. 18. Obesity (Chickweed Celery Blend) (SP-18) – Reduce Weight. 19. Glandular & Nervous System Tonic (Goldenseal Gentian Blend) (SP-19) – Support Proper Glandular function and strengthen the nervous system. 20. Gastrointestinal (GI Blend) (SP-20) – Ulcers, Flatulence, Upset Stomach, Colic, Diverticulitis, Gastritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 20-B. Stomach Blend (Mastic gum, Marshmellow) (SP-20b) - Aids in digestion, stomach problems. 21. Infections (Echinacea Goldenseal Blend) (SP-21) – General infections, Flu, Fever, Sore Throat. 22. Caugh & Sore Throat (Bayberry Horehound Blend) (SP-22) – Colds, Bronchial Congestion, Inflammation. 23. Eyes (Eyebright Blend) (SP-23) – Eyestrain, Infection, Conjunctiuits, Dry/Inflamed. 24. Parasites – Worms (Garlic Black Walnut Blend) (SP-24) – Reduce Worms in colon. 25. Environmental (Algin Blend) (SP-25) – Pollution, Heavy metal, Recovery from illness. 26. Thyroid (Kelp Blend) (SP-26) – High, Low, Goiter. 27. Digestion (Papaya Peppermint Blend) (SP-27) – Dyspepsia, Colic, Gas, Heartburn, Antibiotic use, Pancreatic Insufficiency, Dependence on Laxatives. 28. Health & Body Tonic (Sarsaparilla Ginseng Blend) (SP-28) – Stress, Malaise, Fatigue, System Imbalances, Debilities. 29. Degenerative Disorder (Red Clover Blend) (SP-29) – Cancer, Addisons, Skin, Rheumatism. 30. Mental Stamina (Peppermint Ginseng Blend) (SP-30) – Memory Loss, Dementia, Poor Concentration. 31. High Cholesterol (Apple Pectin & Herbs Blend) (SP-31) – Control Cholesterol. 32. Hemorrhoids (Aloe witch Hazel Blend) (SP-32) – Phlebitis, Periodontal Swelling. 33. Allergy (Clay &Herbs Blend) (SP-33) – Hay Fever, Allergies. 34. Healing (Horsetail-Plantain Blend) (SP-34) – Ulcers, Broken Bones, Cuts, Wounds, Lacerations. 35. Low Blood Sugar (Licorice Gota Kola Blend) (SP-35) – Hypoglycemia. 36. Motion Sickness (Ginger Blend) (SP-36) – Nausea, Upset Stomach, Poor Digestion, Morning Sickness. 37. Antioxidants (Antioxidant Herb Blend) (SP-37) – Scavenge free radicals. 38. Hair (Herbal Hair Nutrients Blend) (SP-38) – Feed your Hair. 39. Depression (St. John’s Wort Blend) (SP-39) – Anxiety, Chronic Fatigue, Mononucleosis. 40. Immune Deficiency (Astragalus Blend) (SP-40) – Weakness, Chronic Disease, AIDS.
( Down with Blood Pressure ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 12, 2005 08:03 AM
Down with Blood Pressure by Kim Erickson Energy Times, January 6, 2002 More than one of four Americans suffers from high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. This so-called silent killer is often the first step in developing long-term problems like heart disease and stroke. According to the American Heart Association, high blood pressure leads to about 45,000 deaths a year and contributes to another 210,000. Hypertension is more common in women beginning at age 50, particularly African-American women. And since high blood pressure rarely causes obvious physical distress, unless your health practitioner monitors your blood pressure on a regular basis, it's easy to miss. The famous study by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), known as the Framingham Heart Study, found that half of all people who suffered a first heart attack and two-thirds of first-time stroke victims also had moderate to high blood pressure. What's more, left untreated, high blood pressure can also increase the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), aneurysms, loss of vision and kidney failure. Normal blood pressure is considered 120/80. When blood pressure reaches 140/90 or above on a consistent basis, you have high blood pressure. What do the numbers mean? The top number, systolic pressure, represents the peak pressure generated in your arteries when your heart beats. The bottom number, diastolic pressure, indicates the pressure when your heart is at rest between heartbeats. Among 95% of all people with high blood pressure, health practitioners can generally pinpoint no specific, single cause. So Salty For decades, the most common recommendation for people with high blood pressure was to eat less salt. Experts have advocated reducing our salt intake to no more than three teaspoons a day: six grams (2400 mg), which is four grams less than the current national average. This recommendation was largely based on a study conducted by Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, Illinois, known as INTERSALT. The study tested more than 10,000 men and women from 32 countries. The researchers concluded that eating a lot of salt was linked to rises in blood pressure. Other scientists haven't always found the same results. One review of 56 clinical trials by the Integrative and Behavioral Cardiology Program at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York found only a modest reduction in blood pressure when the salt shaker was left unshaken. And an analysis of 58 studies by academics at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark found that, overall, studies did not support a general recommendation to reduce the amount of salt we consume. Added to all this confusion, many people are salt sensitive: their bodies retain excess salt instead of flushing it out of their systems. Unfortunately, only medical tests can reveal this sensitivity. Consequently, experts still recommend that you eat fewer foods containing salt. That means going easy on processed foods, lunch meats and soft drinks. In addition, increasing your intake of potassium, calcium and magnesium may help your blood pressure. Mitigating Minerals Foods rich in potassium and magnesium not only help regulate blood pressure, but may boost overall cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of stroke. Vegetarian items such as bananas, baked potatoes and oranges are rich in these minerals. Research that looked at 30,000 doctors found that those who ate diets rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium had lower blood pressure than the men who ate few of these mineral-rich foods (Circ, 1992; vol 86:1475-1484). A study of 40,000 female nurses found that their pressure decreased when they consumed fibrous and magnesium-filled foods (Hypertension, 1996, vol 27:1065-1072). CoQ10 The nutrient CoQ10 is a vitamin-like substance which acts as an antioxidant in the body, decreasing the harm caused by caustic substances known as free radicals. Found in every part of the body, CoQ10 is necessary for producing energy in every cell. But it is estimated that nearly 40% of people with high blood pressure are deficient in CoQ10. Tests of CoQ10 seem to show that it can often reduce blood pressure by almost 10% (Cur Ther Res 1990;47: 841-845). It also appears to reduce blood triglycerides, blood fats linked to heart disease, and insulin, while slightly increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. Food Fight Perhaps the biggest breakthrough in lowering blood pressure without the use of prescription medicine came with a study known as DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). Funded by NHLBI and the National Institutes of Health, the multicenter study examined more than 400 people with high blood pressure. These folks were divided into three groups. One ate the standard high-sodium, high-fat American diet, the second a diet high in fruits and vegetables, and the third a combination diet rich in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products (the DASH diet). While the group eating plenty of fruits and vegetables enjoyed a modest reduction in blood pressure, the study found that combining low-fat dairy with produce lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 11.4 and 5.5 points, respectively. And the benefits came quickly. Many of the people on the combination diet lowered their blood pressure within two weeks. The results were so impressive that researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts suggested that the DASH diet may offer an alternative to drug therapy for people with hypertension and may even serve to prevent high blood pressure altogether. The DASH diet is low in saturated fat and rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Similar to the diet found in Mediterranean cultures, DASH also includes nuts, seeds and legumes, and is supplemented by non- or low-fat dairy products. Moderate amounts of protein-in the form of fish, poultry and soy-are also eaten. Eating in the DASH may also spur weight loss. Since being overweight can increase your blood pressure, the NHLBI strongly recommends a low-calorie diet such as DASH to take off extra pounds. Exercise and stress relief play critical roles in most pressure-reducing plans. Working out not only helps shed weight, it can also lower your blood pressure. Low to moderate aerobic exercise four days a week may lower blood pressure just as effectively as a higher intensity workout. And learning how to manage stress has helped dropped pressures in people with hypertension (Arch Intern Med 2001; 161:1071-80). Nutrition and lifestyle: two vital relief valves for dropping your high blood pressure and increasing your chances of longer life.
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