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Glutathione is the body's most important antioxidant Darrell Miller 12/13/18
Inflammation can disrupt body's functions Darrell Miller 7/27/17
WARNING: Sugar destroys your body's ability to absorb these 5 essential nutrients Darrell Miller 3/26/17

Glutathione is the body's most important antioxidant

Date: December 13, 2018 04:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Glutathione is the body's most important antioxidant

Your body is something that you must do everything in your power to take care of. People should think that your body is like a car and in that car, you want to put the best gas in it so that it runs smoothly. A body is the same idea. Antioxidants are things that protect the body from disease. These things should be fostered and maintained to a high level. Glutathione could be the body's most important antioxidant.

Key Takeaways:

  • Glutathione, which is a combination of three important amino acids, is a critical antioxidant which assists with DNA repair.
  • Glutathione has the ability to switch the metabolism of our bodies, so that they produce muscle instead of fat.
  • Poor diet, pollution, medication and aging can all contribute to a significant lowering of the body's levels of glutathione.

"Unfortunately, many of us have very low levels of glutathione – and our bodies are suffering as a result."

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Inflammation can disrupt body's functions

Date: July 27, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Inflammation can disrupt body's functions

Inflammation can disrupt body functions, as stated in an article by Review Journal. An interview conducted with Dr. U. Inge Ferguson, a physician who specializes in internal and obesity medicine, describes a multitude of issues ongoing inflammation can create for the body. For instance, excess weight gain and hormonal imbalances coupled with inflammation can promote other diseases to develop. The article describes what the inflammatory process is in the body, why we should be concerned about ongoing inflammation, the correlation between inflammation and obesity, and the steps to take to prevent or reduce ongoing inflammation in the body.

Key Takeaways:

  • whole-body inflammation promotes blood clotting and risks of heart attack and stroke
  • hormones can become abnormal, promoting diabetes, high-blood pressure, colon polyps, cancers, dementia and other disease. Inflammation is a strong risk factor in heart disease
  • If you have a waist bigger than your hips then you probably have excess abdominal fat, which can lead to inflammation.

"Inflammation happens early on as normal healing. Over time inflammation that continues is harmful, getting in the way of normal body functions."

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WARNING: Sugar destroys your body's ability to absorb these 5 essential nutrients

Date: March 26, 2017 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: WARNING: Sugar destroys your body's ability to absorb these 5 essential nutrients

If you consume too much sugar, it affects your body in many ways. It increases risk of certain health conditions, but it also causes your body the inability to absorb nutrients very important for you to maintain to be at your best. These five essential nutrients aren't getting into your body the way they need to be if you are eating a diet filled with sugary substances. You need to fight back and get your body back.

Key Takeaways:

  • Americans consume too much sugar, which has detrimental health effects such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, and nutrient deficiency.
  • Sugar blocks the absorption of important vitamins and minerals, the lack of which has negative consequences on your body.
  • A host of health issues could be avoided if we reduce our intake of sugar.

"ncreased glucose levels appear to inhibit vitamin C from entering the cells, thereby resulting in limited vitamin absorption. Sugar-induced vitamin C deficiency may result in suppressed tissue regeneration and decreased immune function."

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