
Search Term: " Pouches "

  Messages 1-4 from 4 matching the search criteria.
What Happens to Our Bodies in Space? Darrell Miller 6/20/17
Sooth Diverticulitis Marshmallow Root Darrell Miller 9/27/16
How Does Additional Dietary Fiber Boost Colon Health? Darrell Miller 10/5/11
stroke, what is it? Darrell Miller 9/28/10

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What Happens to Our Bodies in Space?

Date: June 20, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Happens to Our Bodies in Space?

Space travel could become a real viable option for most people in the very near future. But, you may ask, what kind of health problems can arise from traveling in outer space? Well, nutrition for one, could be an area of concern in space travel, since most food would consist of re-hydrated food pouches. Fresh foods during space travel are rare, so vitamins are a must to ensure proper health is maintained. Another health concern for a space traveler may be hygiene. While on board a space flight, water is limited. Showering and changing clothes daily may not be an option. Water is precious and even urine is recycled and reused. In addition, a person's mental health will certainly be tested from being in such a small confined area during the journey. Sleeping, as well, takes a little more thought, since falling asleep without being tethered could cause one to be injured or even float away! Lastly, the main health concern would probably be radiation exposure which could lead to cancer or "space brain," a condition that causes brain damage. These areas of health concern would need to be considered before deciding if boarding the next spacecraft is the right choice for your one of a kind vacation in the near future. Happy travels!!

Read more: What Happens to Our Bodies in Space?


Sooth Diverticulitis Marshmallow Root

Date: September 27, 2016 05:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Sooth Diverticulitis Marshmallow Root

Diverticulosis occurs when Pouches form along the wall of the gastrointestinal wall, especially in the colon. Diverticulitis refers to the inflammation or infection of the Pouches. The cause of diverticulosis is not yet clear, but medical experts suggest that it may result from the lack of sufficient fiber in the body. Due to insufficient fiber, the colon has to strain to push its contents forward, the pressure from the strain results in weak spots in the colon wall. The bacterial growth in the weak spots is thought to be the cause of the inflammation and infection.

Management of Diverticulitis with Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is obtained from Althaea Officinalis. It has both demulcent and emollient effects. The herbal remedy works by gelling and soothing the inflammation experienced in the colon wall.

Marshmallow root also has several other health benefits including:

  1. It is used in the management of respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.
  2. It is used for external topical applications due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Several skin conditions such as burns boils and other skin irritations can be managed using the herb.
  3. It is employed in the formulation of beauty products such as cosmetics. It is also included in shampoos due to its ability to detangle hair.






How Does Additional Dietary Fiber Boost Colon Health?

Date: October 05, 2011 04:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Additional Dietary Fiber Boost Colon Health?

Properly functioning Colon Is A Healthy Body

Colon health and fiber is intertwined and inseparable. Fiber is very essential and necessary to keep your colon healthy and well functioning. Therefore, if you want your colon to work properly, adequate intake of fiber rich foods should be ensured all the time because if not, several problems specifically those that involves the digestive tract would occur.

The colon as most of us already know is one of the most vital organs for digestion. You could not live without your colon hence, it is truly necessary to maintain life. Through your colon, waste and toxins from the foods that you ate will be flushed out from your body because one of its chief functions is to get rid of the body’s waste products.

When your colon is sound and healthy, the evacuation of body waste and toxins would be on a regular basis. You can determine if your colon is functioning well if your bowel movement is one to two times per day. Through this bowel pattern, build up of waste and toxins in the gastro-intestinal tract would be prevented.

Regular bowel movement and elimination of waste is highly important to prevent the blood from absorbing detrimental elements from the colon because ones these toxins are being absorbed by the blood, it will reach the liver and kidneys which will add up to their work load thus, would lead to exhaustion and organ damage.

For us to prevent vital organ damage, fiber rich foods should be constantly incorporated in your meals. Fiber prevents and relieves constipation and for you to grasp the health advantages that it offers; you have to consume enough fruits and vegetables. Because of fiber’s importance it is very essential to discuss the two categories of fiber:

Insoluble Fiber

This particular kind of fiber is mostly found in nuts, vegetables, and whole-wheat flour. Insoluble fiber is highly beneficial in retaining water therefore making it a very effectual laxative. Insoluble fiber also aids in the formation of waste or feces.

Soluble Fiber

This specific fiber is most of the time broken down by bacteria. It resembles a gel like form that is very effective in the evacuation of waste in the colon. Soluble fiber also helps in keeping the walls of the colon healthy and well functioning. You can grasp the benefits of soluble fiber by eating apples, carrots, oats, and barley.

Because of the kind of lifestyle and diet that the people are engaging in right now, there is a great need to reiterate that fiber should always be included in your meals. Fiber increases the bulk and softens stools hence, it would be easier to evacuate. Another significant benefit of fiber is the promotion of colon health as well as preventing disease conditions such as hemorrhoids and diverticular disease (presence of small Pouches in the colon). In addition, healthy colon could also facilitate safe weight loss thus you will feel hunger less often.


stroke, what is it?

Date: September 28, 2010 03:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: stroke, what is it?

A stroke occurs when a clot forms inside an artery that blocks the flow of blood to the brain. This is also called a thrombus. Embolism, which is a wandering clot, is carried in the bloodstream until it wedges in one of the arteries that lead to the brain. Aneurysms are blood-filled Pouches that balloon out from weak spots in the artery wall and burst. A hemorrhage results when a defective artery in the brain that bursts, flooding the surrounding tissue with blood.

A mild attack can lead to temporary confusion and light-headedness, along with difficulty in speaking clearly, weakness on one side of the body, visual dimness and confusion, severe speech difficulties, and/or sudden or gradual loss or blurring of consciousness. Additionally, amnesia can occur, but it is not typically permanent. A coma can even result for short or long periods.

It is important to watch for early warnings of stroke. Although they may only last a few moments, early warnings include fainting, stumbling, numbness or paralysis of the fingers of one hand, blurring of vision, seeing bright lights, and loss of speech or memory. It is much wiser and significantly less expensive to start improving health in order to prevent this disease. Some doctors who have treated thousands of people suffering from stroke believe that most strokes can typically be prevented.

The Chinese often view strokes as being caused by blood stasis and stagnation of the liver. Chinese medical practitioners attempt to prevent strokes and treat them by treating constipation. Constipation causes a poisoned bloodstream, setting the stage for a possible stroke. Poisoned blood flows through thousands of miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries. The walls of the arteries are made up for cells, which are subject to the same injury from toxins as the cells in the kidneys. The kidneys degenerate at the same time that the arteries do and even from the same causes. When the walls thicken and harden, degeneration results. As they harden they become more brittle, causing them to burst more easily under pressure. Pressure increases as the hole through the arteries grows smaller. AS the walls become more brittle, the extra pressure causes the blood pressure to rupture. This, in turn, causes a stroke. The brain cells rely primarily on oxygen-rich blood in order to get nourishment. If they don’t receive this nourishment, the brain cells will die. Other causes of this are poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, and smoking.

Emotional health is an essential part to any healing. Strokes are often associated with resistance to change, giving up on life, and getting tired of doing all the same things over and over. It is important that we learn to accept changes and are able to go with the flow of life. Life can be exciting. Changes provide us with a new perspective on living.

Some herbs and supplements have been used to help as a preventative. These include vitamin E, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, garlic, evening primrose oil, lecithin, chlorophyll, flaxseed oil, and germanium. For additional information on any of these, please contact a representative from your local health food store.


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