
Search Term: " Sempervirens "

  Messages 1-2 from 2 matching the search criteria.
The Health Benefits Of Cypress Oil Darrell Miller 2/16/14
MIGRAINE BLOCKER - Homeopathic Remedy for Headache and Migraine Relief Darrell Miller 9/30/05

AURA CACIA Essential Oil Cypress (cypressus sempervirens)
   .5 fl oz $8.99 34% OFF $ 5.93
Ollois Gelsemium Sempervirens 30c
   80 ct $7.99 15% OFF $ 6.79

The Health Benefits Of Cypress Oil

Date: February 16, 2014 02:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits Of Cypress Oil

What is cypress

cypress leavesCypress oil is extracted from a plant animal types that is local to the Mediterranean district. The taxonomic name of the plant is Cupressus Sempervirens. It is an enduring bush, which develops to something like 28 meters in tallness and is described by a tapered shape and dim takes off. The oil is concentrated from the twigs and stems of the tree, through a procedure reputed to be steam refining. Cypress oil justifies a wide show of health profits, and has been utilized since time immemorial to treat various sicknesses and health issue. Give us a chance to elucidate some of these profits.

Health Benefits of Cypress Oil

Diuretic – Cypress oil holds diuretic lands, which animate the excretory framework and thusly wipes out the gathered poisons from the form. If not uprooted, these poisons can prompt the onset of life undermining maladies and issue, which turn lethal with time. Cypress oil encourages the sound stream of pee and guarantees that all the advanced poisons in the figure are flushed out of the framework before they make inside confusions.

Circulation – Cypress oil has been discovered to be extremely gainful in controlling and pushing the productivity of the form's circulatory framework. The oil controls haemostatic and styptic lands, which empower the optimal conveyance of supplements all around the figure. The haemostatic lands held in the oil are a characteristic coagulant that accelerates the clotting of blood. The styptic lands avert the constriction of veins for standardized blood flow.

Cosmetic - Cypress oil has regenerative lands and has been discovered to be exceptionally restorative for the skin. It is extremely powerful in mending scars and appalling imprints brought on by pimple inflamation on the face. Its extraordinary astringent lands assistance lessen extreme sleekness in the skin. Skin contaminations, for example, perpetual pimple inflamation, which emerge because of the over emission of oil from the sebaceous organs can in this manner be regulated utilizing Cypress oil.

Pain Relief - Cypress oil is a common pain relieving and is extremely powerful in alleviating ache. The oil is adequately used to assuage constant ache initiated by ailment or osteoarthritis. Its pain relieving lands are upgraded when it is mixed with helichrysum.

Weight Loss – Cypress oil has been found to advertise weight reduction in ladies by lessening the gathering of cellulite in the form. Being a common diuretic, the oil invigorates and increments the recurrence of pee and thus flushes out the overabundance fats from the figure through the pee.

Detoxifier – Cypress oil is a common detoxifier. It disposes of the development of unsafe poisons in the form through discharge and sweat. In spite of the fact that overabundance sweat is destructive for the form, breaking into a sound sweat through activity has dependably been energized by M.d.s and health specialists for the support of great health. Cypress oil invigorates the sweat organs, consequently flushing out the poisons in the form through the pores of our skin.

The range of health profits inferred from Cypress oil had been known since medieval times when the Greeks and Assyrians misused its healing lands to treat an assortment of disquietudes. Today, analysts keep on disentangling its restorative uses and have made noteworthy revelations relating to the enthusiastic and mental health profits got from the use of this wonderful oil.


Please evade Cypress oil throughout pregnancy because of its circulatory and hormonal impacts. When you would like to utilize Cypress oil while you are pregnant please counsel a qualified proficient aromatherapist, as it might be particularly gainful in certain circumstances.

There are numerous modest, manufactured duplicates of sweet-smelling oils, yet these are not proposed for remedial utilization. For best comes about buy the most noteworthy quality oils you can conceivably find. Use confirmed natural fundamental oils, or oils that have been tried and are free from pesticide.


MIGRAINE BLOCKER - Homeopathic Remedy for Headache and Migraine Relief

Date: September 30, 2005 09:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: MIGRAINE BLOCKER - Homeopathic Remedy for Headache and Migraine Relief


MIGRAINE BLOCKER - Homeopathic Remedy for Headache and Migraine Relief

  • Safe and natural treatment for temporary relief of migraine headache pain, pressure and throbbing.
  • Caffeine, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Acetaminophen-Free
  • Fast and Gentle
  • No drowsiness

    One tablet contains:
    Ingredients: Active: Chamomilla (Chamomile) 4X, Bryonia alba (White Bryony) 6X, Iris versicolor (Blue Flag) 6X, Juglans cinerea (Butternut) 6X, Pulsatilla nigircans (Wind Flower) 6X, Sanguinaria canadensis (Blood Root) 6X, Natrum Muriaticum (Sodium Chloride) 10X, Magnesia Muriatica (Magnesium Chloride) 10X, Phosphorus (Phosphorus) 10X, Silicea (Silica) 10X, Zincum Metallicum (Zinc) 10X, Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade) 12X, Gelsemium Sempervirens (Yellow Jessamine) 12X, Ignatia amara (St. Ignatius Bean) 12X, Scutellaria (Skullcap) 12X. Inactive: lactose and magnesium stearate.

    Suggested Use:
    For best results, begin taking at the first sign of symptoms. Chew tablet slightly and allow to dissolve in the mouth. Adults: Take 2 tablets initially, then 1 tablet every two hours as needed. Children: 6-12 years, use one half of the adult dosage. For children under the age of 6 years, consult with your licensed health care professional. Do not exceed 12 tablets per day.

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