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Pretend Medicine: let’s play doctor! ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 19, 2006 05:44 PM
(NewsTarget) Conventional medicine, as practiced today, is actually pretend medicine. Doctors and drug companies pretend to make patients healthier by giving them drugs. The FDA pretends to protect the safety of the public. Medical journals pretend to print only rigorous, scientifically-sound research papers. Drug companies pretend to care about the lives and health of patients. Non-profit disease front groups pretend to be searching for the cure while, in reality, most of them are only searching for more ways to recruit patients into conventional medicine treatments like drugs, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. How do we know it’s all pretend? Aside from the junk science, corruption fraud, collusion, conflicts of interest and intellectual dishonesty that characterizes modern medicine, there’s one more all-important thing to consider. The results. If modern medicine really worked, and wasn’t just pretend, wouldn’t we be the healthiest population in the world? (Instead of being 38th?) Seriously. We Americans pay more for health care, per capita, than any nation in the world. We take more drugs, undergo more surgical procedures, and log more hospital visits than anyone else. If the drugs-and-surgery approach to medicine actually produced healthy human beings, shouldn’t we be the healthiest people on the planet? But look around. We are the most diseased people on the planet. We have more disease, disorders and illness than any population that has ever been observed in the history of human civilization (Aside from plagues and the like). The reason is because the medicine being practiced today is pretend medicine. As all of this unfolds, of course, the mainstream media will pretend to offer objective reporting on the health care crisis, relying on journalists who pretend to actually know something about health. Conventional medicine exists in a fantasy. While cancer groups, researchers and drug companies promise enhanced health and quality of life, the reality is far different: accelerating chronic disease, skyrocketing health care costs that are putting U.S. companies like General Motors flat out of business, and hundreds of thousands of Americans being literally killed by medication side effects – an atrocity that the FDA still hasn’t seemed to notice. Conventional medicine is actually the leading cause of death in the United States, killing over 750,000 Americans each year (drug death, hospital deaths, latrogenic deaths combined, source: Death by medicine). That’s the reality of the situation. Maybe its time we all stopped Pretending. Perhaps its time that conventional medicine stopped playing doctor and started helping patients heal with natural, safe and effective treatments that work for real. Because once Americans are killed by prescription drugs, we cant merely pretend to bring them back.
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