
Search Term: " neuroransmier "

  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Unlocking the Benefits of Green Tea Extract Darrell Miller 8/10/23
Benefits of Vitamin D-3 In The Body! Darrell Miller 8/5/23
How ZincMunity Can Help Support Your Immune System Darrell Miller 12/14/22
Improve Memory, Learning, Focus, And Muscle Function With Acetyl L-Carnitine Darrell Miller 11/9/22
L-Theanine - The Relaxing Amino Acid Darrell Miller 11/8/22
L-Tryptophan: The Amino Acid That Encourages Positive Mood and Promotes Restful Sleep Darrell Miller 10/27/22
The Many Health Benefits of Copper Glycinate Darrell Miller 10/25/22
Gotu Kola: For Anxiety and Stress, Circulation, and Memory Function Darrell Miller 10/24/22
Everything You Need to Know About DMG (Dimethylglycine) Darrell Miller 10/11/22
What is DMAE and Why is it Important? Darrell Miller 10/10/22
The Benefits of Co-Enzyme B-Complex Vitamins Darrell Miller 9/30/22
The Cardiovascular Protection of Celery Seed Extract Darrell Miller 9/27/22
A Healthy Endocannabinoid System ECS Properly Regulates The Following: Darrell Miller 10/9/20
The Amazing Health Benefits of Green Tea Darrell Miller 5/8/19
Why a little sun makes us feel so good Darrell Miller 4/23/19
How MCT oil supports brain health and improves memory Darrell Miller 3/20/19
Bombshell study shows aspartame depletes neurotransmitters in thebrain, makes brains vulnerable to chemical damage from food and vaccines Darrell Miller 3/4/19
Is magnesium the secret to ending PMS? Vitamin eases headaches andcramps VitaNet, LLC Staff 2/20/19
CBD Oil: How Can It Help? Darrell Miller 2/18/19
Study shows benefits of vitamin C in treating cancer Darrell Miller 2/1/19
Alpha GPC: the Supplement that Can Boost Memory, Learning & More? Darrell Miller 1/15/19
Sunflower Lecithin: Brain-Boosting Supplement or UnhealthyAdditive? Darrell Miller 12/18/18
Almonds are good for your heart, brain, AND stomach Darrell Miller 11/21/18
From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/13/18
Rosemary can be used to enhance memory in university students VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/1/18
Health Benefits of Vitamin B9 VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/1/18
5 Adaptogens That Will Improve Your Brain Function VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/29/18
Take bacopa every day to boost mental clarity VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/22/18
Known as the "bliss molecule", anandamide is a natural way to stimulate a sense of happiness VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/10/18
Anxious Pets? Hereâ??s How Hemp Can Help Darrell Miller 7/26/18
Fermented turmeric prevents memory loss caused by oxidative stress and inflammation Darrell Miller 7/16/18
Treating ADHD naturally: The science says Omega-3s make a difference Darrell Miller 10/15/17
10 Reasons You should Be Taking curamed daily! Darrell Miller 9/5/17
Top 7 Foods That Boost Serotonin Darrell Miller 9/1/17
The most important vitamins for beautiful hair and strong nails Darrell Miller 8/19/17
Microbiome – Gut health discoveries revealed Darrell Miller 6/29/17
Why You Need Choline And How To Get It Darrell Miller 6/12/17
Vitamin D and folic acid can help deal with depression Darrell Miller 1/8/17
7 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Must Add to Your Diet Darrell Miller 12/29/16
Health Check: what makes it so hard to quit drugs? Darrell Miller 12/17/16
How Glutathione Reduces Effects Of Parkinson's Disease Darrell Miller 12/10/16
Inositol is a vital nutrient for your body that could prevent and heal cancer Darrell Miller 12/5/16
Support Healthy Circulation and Arterial Function with Benfotiamine! Darrell Miller 11/21/16
Curcumin Helps Alleviate Depression Darrell Miller 10/26/16
MSG: Here is why you should stay far away from it. Darrell Miller 9/20/16
How Huperzine Helps With Memory Darrell Miller 7/30/15
Does Camu Camu Fruit Have Healing Properties? Darrell Miller 4/2/14
Supplements That Can Improve Focus Darrell Miller 3/23/14
Is Cocoa Butter Good For The Skin? Why? Darrell Miller 3/6/14
The benefit of Amino Acid L-Tyrosin for our brains Darrell Miller 1/21/14
amino peptide Darrell Miller 1/18/14
What Is GABA And Why Is It Important For The Brain Darrell Miller 12/21/13
Can DMAE Help Memory And Mood? Darrell Miller 12/19/13
The Facts About Herb Dopa Mucuna Darrell Miller 12/15/13
5-HTP and how it can help promote natural sleep patterns. Darrell Miller 11/27/13
How Does Chlorella Improve Your Health? Darrell Miller 11/4/13
The Role of Glycine in Collagen and Its Remarkable Health Benefits Darrell Miller 3/17/13
What Are The Health Benefits Of Magnesium Glycinate? Darrell Miller 3/12/13
What Are The Health Benefits Of Inositol Crystals? Darrell Miller 12/28/12
Dangers of Rhodiola Rosea? First Lets Look at The Benefits Darrell Miller 12/20/12
Can our health benefit from supplmenting choline? Darrell Miller 11/18/12
glycine: a healthy amino acid Darrell Miller 11/15/12
st johns wort and depression Darrell Miller 10/10/12
Health benefits of GABA Darrell Miller 10/7/12
The Health benefits of P-5-P Darrell Miller 7/20/12
Getting Sleep the Natural Way - What Are Some Natural Remedies For Sleep? Darrell Miller 7/4/12
How does 5-HTP Help the Brain? Darrell Miller 5/28/12
How Does GABA Help Brain Function? Darrell Miller 5/16/12
What Are The Health Benefits Of DMAE? Darrell Miller 4/26/12
How Does Phosphatidyl Serine Improve Your Health? Darrell Miller 4/17/12
What Is L-Carnosine And What Does It Do? Darrell Miller 3/30/12
What Are The Health Benefits Of Rhodiola Rosea? Darrell Miller 2/26/12
What Are the Health Benefits of Phosphatidyl Serine Darrell Miller 2/21/12
Chaste Berry a Women Herb Darrell Miller 2/8/12
What does GABA Do in the Brain? Darrell Miller 11/2/11
Grape Seed or Pine Bark Extract, Which Is Best? Darrell Miller 10/27/11
What Are The Organic Compounds That Provide Our Brains With Their Basic Fuels? Darrell Miller 10/12/11
Can Alpha GPC Really Help With Memory And Growth ? Darrell Miller 9/29/11
Can Royal Jelly boost Metabolism? Darrell Miller 9/21/11
Can The Herb Passion Flower Help Pain? Darrell Miller 9/8/11

Unlocking the Benefits of Green Tea Extract

Date: August 10, 2023 10:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Unlocking the Benefits of Green Tea Extract

  • Powerful Antioxidant
  • Benefits of these antioxidants in fighting inflammation and chronic diseases
  • The role of bioactive compounds in green tea in improving immune function
  • Promotes Weight Loss
  • Improve Mental Efficiency
  • Green tea extract's impact on the central nervous system
  • How Natures Answer Green Tea Extract can enhance cognitive abilities
  • Promotes Heart Health

With the growing awareness about the health benefits of green tea, it comes as no surprise that it has become a popular health supplement. One potent green tea supplement that has continued to maintain attention is Natures Answer brand Green Tea Extract in an Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract. Packed with powerful antioxidants, this supplement can aid in digestion, weight management, and overall well-being.

Powerful Antioxidant

Antioxidants are substances that inhibit oxidation, a process that can lead to cellular damage. They act as scavengers, helping shield the body from harmful free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can inflict damage to our cells. This is where green tea, and particularly green tea extract, shines. Rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols, green tea plays a significant role in maintaining the body's overall health. Polyphenols, including flavonoids and catechins, are known for their potent antioxidant effects. The most notable catechin in green tea is Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), widely studied for its powerful impact on health. Green tea's antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals, reducing oxidative stress, and subsequently lowering the risk of a host of chronic conditions including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers. Thus, the antioxidants in green tea aren't just important, they're an integral part of a health-conscious lifestyle.

Boost Immune System

Green tea boosts immunity through its potent bioactive compounds, primarily polyphenols like catechins. These compounds exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body. Additionally, they help increase the body's production of detoxifying enzymes, further enhancing the immune system's efficiency. Green tea also contains a type of catechin called Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), renowned for its immune-boosting properties. EGCG aids in the production of T-cells, the body's first line of defense against infections. Furthermore, green tea fosters beneficial gut bacteria, which play a crucial role in maintaining a robust immune system.

Promotes Weight Loss

Green tea extract works to accelerate weight loss primarily through its active ingredients, one of which is caffeine. Although not as much as coffee, green tea does contain sufficient caffeine that can aid in fat burning and improving exercise performance. More importantly, it is loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins. The most important of these is Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a substance that can boost metabolism. Studies suggest that the combination of EGCG and caffeine in green tea extract can assist in weight loss by helping the body burn more calories, even at rest, and breaking down more fat cells. Additionally, green tea extract is known to increase fat oxidation and improve insulin sensitivity, both beneficial for weight control. While the effects on each individual can vary, when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, green tea extract can indeed support and accelerate weight loss efforts.

Impacts Central Nervous System

Green tea extract is known to have profound effects on the central nervous system, primarily due to the presence of caffeine and an amino acid called L-theanine. Caffeine, a known stimulant, works by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain called Adenosine. This increases the firing of neurons and the concentration of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, leading to improved brain function, mood, vigilance, reaction times, and even memory. On the other hand, L-theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier and has been shown to increase the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which has anti-anxiety effects. It also increases dopamine and the production of alpha waves in the brain. The unique combination of these two compounds in green tea extract is believed to make it an excellent tool for maintaining and enhancing the central nervous system.

Improve Mental Efficiency

Green tea improves mental efficiency through several biological mechanisms. Primarily, it contains caffeine and L-theanine, two compounds known to enhance brain function. Caffeine, a known stimulant, works by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine, which not only increases the firing of neurons but also amplifies the concentration of other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. This results in improved brain function, vigilance, reaction times, memory recall, and mood.

On the other hand, L-theanine is an amino acid that can cross the blood-brain barrier and has psychoactive properties. It promotes relaxation without drowsiness and can work synergistically with caffeine to enhance brain function. Furthermore, L-theanine increases the frequency of alpha waves in the brain, which leads to improved creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Moreover, green tea is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants, particularly Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which has protective effects on neurons, potentially lowering the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Hence, regular consumption of green tea or its extract can significantly improve mental efficiency.

Promotes Heart Health

Natures Answer Green Tea Extract Alcohol-Free Extract can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels, reduce high blood pressure, and prevent blood clot formation that can lead to heart diseases. The polyphenol and catechin compounds in green tea extract are known to promote the health of the heart by reducing inflammation and improving blood vessels' function. Green tea maintains healthy cholesterol levels by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract and aiding in its excretion. This leads to a reduced level of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the bloodstream, while not affecting the levels of HDL (good cholesterol). Green tea extract can also lower blood pressure. The catechins it contains help to dilate blood vessels, improving their function and allowing blood to flow more easily. This can lead to a significant reduction in blood pressure, especially in cases of hypertension.

Furthermore, studies have shown that the antioxidants in green tea can prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a process that contributes to the formation of plaques in arteries and blood clot formation. By preventing this oxidation, green tea extract can reduce the risk of heart diseases and strokes.

Lastly, the anti-inflammatory nature of green tea's antioxidants helps in reducing inflammation in blood vessels, a condition that can contribute to heart disease. By reducing inflammation, blood flow improves, and the risk of heart disease decreases. In this way, green tea actively promotes heart health.

In conclusion, Natures Answer Green Tea Extract is an all-in-one supplement that can enhance your overall health and well-being in various ways. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and weight management properties of this supplement can do wonders for your physical, neurological, and mental health. Incorporating Natures Answer green tea (alcohol free) liquid extract into your daily routine can help you unlock the multiple benefits that this tea has to offer. So, go ahead, give it a try, and reap the benefits of this powerful supplement!


Benefits of Vitamin D-3 In The Body!

Date: August 05, 2023 09:10 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of Vitamin D-3 In The Body!

As we live in modern times, most people spend their days indoors or in offices under artificial light. This fact can help explain why many individuals are deficient in vitamin D. This vitamin is crucial for bone health, immune function, and overall body wellness. If you're looking for a way to improve your vitamin D levels, Solaray Vitamin D-3 supplement can be a suitable solution. Lets dive into the benefits of this product and how it can help you maintain your health.

Improved Bone Health

Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium. Calcium is a critical element that our bodies require for strong bones. Thus, deficiency in vitamin D can lead to weak bones and fragile bone structures. Solaray brand Vitamin D-3 2000IU in Lemon flavor can supplement our bodies with enough vitamin D to enable sufficient calcium absorption and, in turn, strong and healthy bones & teeth.

Enhances Immune System

Our immune system is the first line of defense in protecting our bodies against diseases and infections. Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of our immune system. Vitamin D boosts our white blood cells' activity, which helps combat infections and bacteria that may be detrimental to our system. Thus, supplementing with Solaray Vitamin D-3 2000IU can help improve your immune system's health and functionality.

Increases Dopamine/Serotonin Production

Dopamine/Serotonin are neurotransmitters that promotes positive thoughts, feelings of well-being, and happiness. Research has shown that maintaining optimal serotonin levels is essential for mental health and well-being. A Vitamin D-3 supplement can help increase serotonin production, leading to an improvement in mood and emotional regulation.

Boosts Mood and Mental Well-being

Vitamin D-3 plays a crucial role in mood regulation and warding off depression. It essentially works in the brain's mood centers and impacts the production of serotonin—a key hormone that stabilizes our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness. Deficiency of Vitamin D-3 has often been linked with mood disorders, feeling of sadness, depression, and anxiety. By ensuring an adequate intake of Vitamin D-3, such as through supplements like Solaray Vitamin D-3 2000IU, you can maintain optimal serotonin levels, thereby improving your overall mood and promoting mental well-being. So, if you're feeling down more often than not, it might be a good idea to get your vitamin D levels checked and consider supplementation or more sunshine exposure.

Prevents Chronic Diseases

Deficiency in vitamin D has been linked to the development of chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and heart disease. Supplementing with Vitamin D-3 can reduce the risks of developing these diseases and improve your overall health.

Easy-to-take and Delicious Flavor

Solaray offers Vitamin D-3 2000IU in a Lemon flavor comes in a lozenge (under the tongue) form, making it easy and pleasant to consume. Hence, incorporating this supplement in your daily routine can be effortless and convenient.

In Summary: Supplementing with Solaray brand Vitamin D-3 can help boost your immune system, promote strong-bone-teeth development, enhance your mood, and prevent the development of chronic diseases. Additionally, the lemon flavor and lozenge form make it an enjoyable and easy-to-take supplement. Take care of your body and your health by incorporating a Vitamin D-3 supplement into your daily routine and feel the difference it can make in your life!


How ZincMunity Can Help Support Your Immune System

Date: December 14, 2022 05:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How ZincMunity Can Help Support Your Immune System

Source Naturals Wellness ZincMunity 50 mg Bio-Aligned Zinc provides a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbs that work together to support your immune system. This product is designed for individuals looking for an easy and efficient way to get the essential vitamins and minerals their bodies need on a daily basis. Read on to learn more about what this product has to offer.

What Does ZincMunity Contain?

ZincMunity contains a diverse array of nutrients including Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, B-6, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Alpha lipoic acid, Quercetin, Glutamine, Andrographis, Ginger, Turmeric, and Black pepper for absorption. This combination of ingredients works together to support your overall health and well-being.

Vitamin A has been found to help strengthen the immune system by increasing white blood cell production which is important in fighting off infection or illness. Vitamin D3 helps with calcium absorption which also aids in keeping bones strong and healthy. B-6 helps with neurotransmitter production which can improve mood as well as energy levels. Magnesium helps reduce inflammation in the body while zinc helps with wound healing and boosting immunity. Copper supports collagen production for healthy skin and joints while alpha lipoic acid provides anti-oxidant protection from free radicals in the body. Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory that can help reduce swelling associated with allergies or other illnesses while glutamine helps maintain healthy gut function. Andrographis is known for its powerful antiviral properties while ginger can reduce nausea and ginger has been used as an all natural remedy for centuries due to its many healing benefits such as reducing inflammation and aiding digestion. Finally black pepper helps increase the absorption rate of all these ingredients so you get the most out of each capsule.

What Are The Benefits Of Taking ZincMunity?

The combination of ingredients found in ZincMunity are designed to provide a wide range of benefits including supporting the immune system by providing essential vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal health as well as helping reduce inflammation which can lead to improved energy levels and better overall wellbeing. Additionally this product also helps keep bones strong thanks to its calcium absorption capabilities which may help prevent osteoporosis later in life as well as aid in wound healing due to its D3, Magnesium, & zinc content making it ideal for individuals looking for an easy way to get their daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals without having to take multiple supplements throughout the day.

Source Naturals Wellness ZincMunity 50 mg Bio-Aligned Zinc offers a comprehensive blend of vitamins, minerals, herbs that work together synergistically to support your immune system . Whether you’re looking for an easy way to get your daily dose of essential vitamins & minerals or just want something that will help boost your immunity , this product has something for everyone! With its unique blend of ingredients like vitamin A , vitamin D3 , B - 6 , magnesium , zinc , copper , alpha lipoic acid , quercetin , glutamine , andrographis & more working together synergistically you are sure to see & feel the difference it makes! Give it a try today!


Improve Memory, Learning, Focus, And Muscle Function With Acetyl L-Carnitine

Date: November 09, 2022 10:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Improve Memory, Learning, Focus, And Muscle Function With Acetyl L-Carnitine

Acetyl L-carnitine is an amino acid that assists in the conversion of choline into acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is necessary for memory, learning, concentration, and muscle movement.* Many people take acetyl L-carnitine supplements to improve cognitive function and support healthy brain aging. Here's a closer look at the role of acetyl L-carnitine in the body and how it might benefit your health.

How Acetyl L-Carnitine Works

Acetyl L-carnitine is involved in the production of energy in cells. It helps shuttle fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they're burned for fuel. Acetyl L-carnitine also acts as an antioxidant and helps protect cells from damage.

In the brain, acetyl L-carnitine plays a role in the production of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that's required for learning, memory, focus, and muscle movement.* A decline in acetylcholine levels has been linked with age-related cognitive decline and dementia. Supplementing with acetyl L-carnitine might help increase acetylcholine levels and slow age-related cognitive decline.

Acetyl L-carnitine might also help protect nerve cells from damage. This amino acid has been shown to reduce symptoms of nerve pain and improve nerve function in people with diabetic neuropathy and other types of nerve damage.*

Health Benefits of Acetyl L-Carnitine

Acetyl L-carnitine supplements have been shown to offer several health benefits, including:

  • Improving cognitive function in older adults
  • Reducing symptoms of depression
  • Improving symptoms of diabetic neuropathy
  • Improving exercise performance

If you're looking for a supplement to support healthy brain aging or improving cognitive function, acetyl L-carnitine might be worth considering. This amino acid offers several potential health benefits, including reducing symptoms of depression and improving exercise performance. Give it a try today!


L-Theanine - The Relaxing Amino Acid

Date: November 08, 2022 11:38 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: L-Theanine - The Relaxing Amino Acid

L-Theanine is an amino acid found mostly in tea. It's known for its relaxing properties and has been shown to help reduce anxiety. L-Theanine also has some other benefits like increasing dopamine and GABA levels in the brain, and inhibiting the stimulatory properties of caffeine. If you're looking for a natural way to relax, L-theanine might be worth trying.

How Does L-Theanine Work?

L-Theanine works by crossing the blood brain barrier and increasing dopamine and GABA levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that's associated with pleasure, while GABA is a neurotransmitter that has calming effects. By increasing these levels, L-theanine can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

What are the Benefits of L-Theanine?

In addition to reducing anxiety, L-theanine has also been shown to improve sleep quality, increase alertness, and boost memory and cognitive function. It can also help reduce the negative side effects of caffeine, such as jitteriness and nervousness.

If you're looking for a natural way to relax, L-theanine might be worth trying. It's generally well tolerated with few side effects. Try taking 200 mg of L-theanine once or twice daily to see if it works for you.


L-Tryptophan: The Amino Acid That Encourages Positive Mood and Promotes Restful Sleep

Date: October 27, 2022 12:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: L-Tryptophan: The Amino Acid That Encourages Positive Mood and Promotes Restful Sleep

L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that the body needs to function properly, but cannot produce on its own. L-Tryptophan is critical for the production of serotonin and melatonin, which play important roles in maintaining a positive mood, regulating healthy sleep patterns, and supporting a strong immune system. Every lot of NOW L-Tryptophan is rigorously tested to ensure purity and potency.

Serotonin is an important neurotransmitters that help to regulate sleep, mood, and immunity.* When tryptophan crosses the blood-brain barrier, it is converted into serotonin.* serotonin helps to promote feelings of happiness and well-being.* A portion of serotonin is then converted into melatonin.* Melatonin is a hormone that helps to regulate the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.*

L-Tryptophan is found in many common foods such as turkey, chicken, eggs, milk, nuts, and seeds. However, the amount of L-Tryptophan in food is often not enough to produce the desired effect. Supplementing with L-Tryptophan can be an effective way to increase your serotonin and melatonin levels, and support overall health and wellness.

In Summary:

L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that plays a key role in regulating mood, sleep, and immunity. If you are not getting enough L-Tryptophan from your diet, supplementing with this nutrient can be an effective way to support your overall health and wellbeing.


The Many Health Benefits of Copper Glycinate

Date: October 25, 2022 04:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Health Benefits of Copper Glycinate

You may not realize it, but copper is essential for many different bodily functions. This trace mineral is involved in energy production, iron metabolism, connective tissue syntheses, and neurotransmitter production. Copper is also critical for bone health, cardiovascular health, lipid metabolism, neurological health, skin health, and free radical protection. Keep reading to learn more about the many health benefits of copper.

Copper and Energy Production

One of the most important roles that copper plays in the body is in energy production. Copper is a key component of mitochondria, which are known as the "powerhouses of the cell." The mitochondria produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the energy currency of the cell. Therefore, without adequate copper levels, your cells would not be able to produce enough ATP for optimal function.

Copper and Iron Metabolism

Another important role of copper is in iron metabolism. Copper is necessary for the absorption and utilization of iron in the body. Iron is a key component of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen around in the blood. Therefore, without adequate copper levels, your body would not be able to properly utilize iron, leading to anemia or other problems.

Copper and Connective Tissue Synthesis

Copper is also necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, two proteins that make up connective tissue. Connective tissue includes things like skin, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Therefore, copper is necessary for healthy skin as well as strong tendons and ligaments.

As you can see, copper plays many vital roles in the body. If you are deficient in copper, you may experience fatigue, anemia, weak bones or connective tissue, problems with lipid metabolism or neurological function, or poor skin health. To ensure that you are getting enough copper in your diet, eat foods like liver, oysters, lobster, dark chocolate, avocados, almonds, mushrooms ,or leafy green vegetables. You can also take a copper supplement if needed.


Gotu Kola: For Anxiety and Stress, Circulation, and Memory Function

Date: October 24, 2022 03:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Gotu Kola: For Anxiety and Stress, Circulation, and Memory Function

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is a small, green plant that has been used by traditional herbalists since prehistoric times. Its wide range of applications has been well documented in Southeast Asia and India for centuries and continues to be used within the framework of modern herbalism. Gotu kola is not related to kola nuts and does not have any caffeine.

Some of the conditions that gotu kola has been traditionally used to treat include: anxiety, depression, fatigue, impaired memory and cognitive function, poor circulation, and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. In addition to its use as an herbal remedy, gotu kola is also sometimes consumed as a vegetable or steeped to make a tea.

The Benefits of Gotu Kola

Gotu kola contains a number of compounds that are believed to contribute to its health benefits, including triterpenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and saponins. These compounds are thought to possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and wound-healing properties. Additionally, gotu kola is a significant source of Asiaticoside—a compound that has been shown to promote collagen synthesis and skin elasticity.

Some of the specific benefits that gotu kola may offer include:

Improved circulation: Compounds in gotu kola can help to improve blood circulation by strengthening blood vessels and promoting the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). This improved circulation can in turn help to speed up wound healing and reduce inflammation.

Reduced anxiety and stress: Animal studies have found that compounds in gotu kola can help to reduce anxiety and stress levels by modulating the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. In one study on rats, it was found thatgotu kola was just as effective at reducing stress levels as diazepam (Valium), without any of the side effects typically associated with Valium use.

Improved cognitive function: Some research suggests that gotu kola may help to improve memory and cognitive function in healthy adults as well as those with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia. One study found that gotu kola extract was able to significantly improve memory performance in adults with Alzheimer's disease after eight weeks of treatment.

In Summary: Gotu kola is a small green plant with a long history of use in traditional medicine. It is thought to offer a number of health benefits due to its content of compounds such as triterpenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, and Asiaticoside. Some potential benefits of gotu kola include improved circulation, reduced anxiety and stress levels, and improved cognitive function. More research is needed to confirm these potential health benefits.


Everything You Need to Know About DMG (Dimethylglycine)

Date: October 11, 2022 10:24 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Everything You Need to Know About DMG (Dimethylglycine)

DMG (Dimethylglycine) is a derivative of the amino acid Glycine that can be found in foods such as beans, brown rice and pumpkin seeds. DMG is an important methyl donor that participates in numerous biochemical pathways and is important for glutathione synthesis.* It also helps to promote optimal cellular oxygen utilization and supports the production of cells involved in the immune response.* While you may not have heard of DMG before, this compound plays an important role in keeping your body healthy. Read on to learn everything you need to know about DMG.

What is DMG?

DMG is a small molecule that donates methyl groups (CH3). Methylation is a process that occurs throughout the body and is essential for many biochemical reactions, including the production of DNA, enzymes, hormones and neurotransmitters. DMG is involved in methylation reactions involving homocysteine, folate, cobalamin (vitamin B12) and NADH.*

DMG also supports glutathione synthesis, which is important because glutathione is a key antioxidant that protects cells from damage caused by free radicals.* Furthermore, DMG promotes optimal cellular oxygen utilization and supports the production of cells involved in the immune response.*

Health Benefits of DMG

Because of its involvement in so many biochemical pathways, DMG has a wide variety of potential health benefits. Some of the most well-researched benefits include support for cardiovascular health, brain function and exercise performance.

Cardiovascular Health: DMG has been shown to support cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure and improving blood flow.* It does this by dilating blood vessels and reducing inflammation.*

Brain Function: DMG has also been shown to support brain function, particularly in aging adults. One study found that supplementing with DMG improved mental clarity, memory and cognitive function in seniors.* The compound may also help improve focus and concentration.

Exercise Performance: Finally, DMG has been shown to improve exercise performance. One study found that athletes who supplemented with Dimethylglycine had increased VO2 max – a measure of cardiovascular fitness – compared to those who didn’t supplement.* Furthermore, another study found that cyclists who supplemented with DMG had reduced heart rate and perceived exertion during exercise.* This suggests that dimethylglycine may help improve endurance exercise performance.

In Summary:

DMG (Dimethylglycine) is a derivative of the amino acid Glycine that can be found in foods such as beans, brown rice and pumpkin seeds. This compound plays an important role in numerous biochemical reactions in the body and has a wide variety of potential health benefits. Supplementing with DMG 100-500 mg per day is generally well tolerated with few side effects reported. If you do experience any adverse effects when taking DMG ramp up your dosage slowly to give your body time to adjust.


What is DMAE and Why is it Important?

Date: October 10, 2022 04:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is DMAE and Why is it Important?

DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) is an amino alcohol that is normally found in minute quantities in the brain. It is generally regarded as a precursor to the essential nutrient choline, which is needed for the brain to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in nerve signal transmission and healthy brain function.*

So what does that mean for you and your health? Let's take a closer look.

DMAE has been shown to have a positive effect on cognitive function and memory, which is why it's often referred to as "the memory vitamin." In one study, supplemented with DMAE showed significantly improved verbal skills and memory recall compared to those who did not take the supplement. Supplemental DMAE has also been shown to improve focus and reduce mental fatigue.

In addition to its cognitive benefits, DMAE has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Inflammation is linked to a number of chronic diseases, so reducing inflammation can lead to better overall health. The antioxidant effects of DMAE may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

In Summary:

DMAE is a nutrient that is normally found in minute quantities in the brain. It plays a crucial role in cognitive function and memory recall, and has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. If you're looking for a way to improve your cognitive function, memory, focus, or overall health, consider adding DMAE to your diet.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


The Benefits of Co-Enzyme B-Complex Vitamins

Date: September 30, 2022 03:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Co-Enzyme B-Complex Vitamins

B-complex vitamins are essential to many of the body's functions, including energy production, synthesis of blood cells, healthy nervous system function, and more. However, the forms of B vitamins found in foods and most supplements need to be converted into their active forms before they can be used by the body. Co-enzyme B-Complex supplements contain B vitamins in their active forms, making them more easily available for use by the body.

B Vitamins and Energy Production

The B vitamins play a vital role in energy production. They work together to convert the food we eat into energy that can be used by our cells. Co-enzyme B-Complex provides the body with easily accessible energy so that we can feel our best throughout the day.

B Vitamins and Blood Cell Synthesis

B vitamins are also necessary for the synthesis of blood cells. This process starts in the bone marrow, where new blood cells are created. The B vitamins help to transport oxygen and nutrients to the bone marrow so that new blood cells can be produced properly. Co-enzyme B-Complex ensures that the body has enough of the active form of B vitamins available so that new blood cells can be created efficiently.

B Vitamins and Nervous System Function

Another important function of B vitamins is maintaining healthy nervous system function. The nervous system is responsible for transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body. B vitamins are necessary for proper neurotransmitter function and myelin production. Co-enzyme B-Complex ensures that the nervous system has enough of the active form of B vitamins available to function optimally.

Co-enzyme B-Complex supplements provide the body with easily accessible energy, support blood cell synthesis, and maintain healthy nervous system function. These supplements are an easy way to ensure that your body has enough of the active form of B vitamins available to perform all of these vital functions.


The Cardiovascular Protection of Celery Seed Extract

Date: September 27, 2022 04:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Cardiovascular Protection of Celery Seed Extract

You may not think of celery as being particularly special, but this innocuous looking vegetable actually packs a powerful punch. Celery seed extract is loaded with bioactive compounds that offer a wide range of health benefits, including supporting vascular health.* Lets take a closer look at celery seed extract and all the ways it can support your health.

Celery Seed Extract and Vascular Health

One of the most well-known benefits of celery seed extract is its support for vascular health.* This is thanks to the presence of phthalides in celery seed extract, which help to relax the smooth muscles in your blood vessels.* This relaxation of the smooth muscles increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure.* Additionally, phthalides also help to increase levels of antioxidant enzymes in the body, which further helps to protect vascular health.*

Horse chestnut seed extract has also been shown to support healthy vascular function.* Hawthorn extract is another ingredient in this formula that has been traditionally used to support cardiovascular health.* Hawthorn extract works by helping to increase blood flow and strengthen heart muscle contractions.* It's also rich in antioxidants, making it an ideal addition to a formulation designed to support healthy vascular function.*

Celery Seed Extract and Brain Health

In addition to its effects on the cardiovascular system, celery seed extract has also been shown to offer neuroprotective effects.* This is due in part to the 3-n-butylphthalide (3nB) content of celery seed extract, which has been shown to help protect neurons from damage.* 3nB is also known to increase levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, which can help to improve cognitive function.*

In Summary:

Celery seed extract is a powerful natural compound that offers a wide array of health benefits. From supporting healthy vascular function to protecting brain cells, celery seed extract is an incredibly versatile compound that can benefit many different systems in the body. If you're looking for a natural way to support your health, consider adding a supplement containing celery seed extract to your daily routine.


A Healthy Endocannabinoid System ECS Properly Regulates The Following:

Date: October 09, 2020 10:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Healthy Endocannabinoid System ECS Properly Regulates The Following:

Understanding the ECS

Some Endocannabinoids tell out body how much inflammatory messenger molecules to release or with hold. Others tell how fast to move food through the gastrointestinal tract. Still others tell the brain to release or hold neurotransmitters to calm the brain.

  • Stress
  • Memory
  • Mood
  • Inflammation
  • Energy
  • Sleep
  • Metabolism
  • Appetite
  • Appetite
  • Pain response
  • Immune function
  • Nerve signaling
  • Muscle control

Age does Matter!

Aging is a major contributor to a unhealthy ECS function. Lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, exposure to toxins and stress impact and contribute to a declining ECS.

  • These factors cause us to product fewer endocannabinoids.
  • Contribute to fewer enzymes known to liberate endocannabinoids in the body.
  • Then, Endocannabinoid receptors loose sensitivity and don't respond well.

Any age can consume CBD and benefit from a balanced ECS. Take the plunge and try CBD today!


The Amazing Health Benefits of Green Tea

Date: May 08, 2019 01:32 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Amazing Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is a very versatile health food with many different benefits. Green tea can help regulate your weight and your blood sugar. The caffeine and l-theanine it contains can help improve brain functioning and reduce anxiety symptoms. Green tea bags can be used to repair damage inflicted on your skin by free radicals and UV light. Green tea’s powerful anti-inflammatory effects may even help to reduce the damage to the body and brain from conditions like cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Key Takeaways:

  • The aging and potentially deadly effect of UV radiation is said to be lessened when the affected are also drinking green tea.
  • To promote eye skin elasticity and remove unsightly eye bags, place boiled, decaffeinated, organic, green tea bags that have been allowed to cool, on the appropriate area.
  • Data suggests that green tea facilitates the function of neurotransmitters in the brain and also boosts metabolism, thereby promoting healthy weight loss.

"“Green tea has been a favorite drink of health enthusiasts for decades,” Dr. Ellen Kamhi, Ph.D., author of the”Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide,” tells Newsmax. “It has also been well studied for its health promoting effects on skin. It’s high in compounds called polyphenols which help eliminate free radical damage and rejuvenate aging skin cells."

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Why a little sun makes us feel so good

Date: April 23, 2019 02:39 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why a little sun makes us feel so good

Who doesn't like basking in the rays of sunshine on a nice summer day? Since sunlight has the natural ability to raise serotonin levels, it naturally has the ability to regulate and improve your mood. Not getting enough exposure to sunlight on a regular basis can actually lead to the same harmful side effects that are associated with obesity and smoking. UV exposure is especially important for those who are impacted by seasonal affective disorder (SAD), even if it is received in an artificial setting.

Key Takeaways:

  • UVB radiation from sunlight is what causes the human body to synthesize critical vitamin D.
  • Vitamin D propels genes in the human body that aid in regulating the immune system and in releasing neurotransmitters in the brain.
  • One of the neurotransmitters directly impacted by vitamin D is serotonin, the lack of which is highly implicated in an array of mood disorders.

"A recent study, found that underexposure to sun carried significant risks, similar to smoking, obesity, and being sedentary."

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How MCT oil supports brain health and improves memory

Date: March 20, 2019 05:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How MCT oil supports brain health and improves memory

MCT oils or Medium-Chain Triglycerides have numerous health benefits. For those with digestive issues, the good news is that they are easily absorbed and metabolized. The body can burn them for fuel as opposed to storing them as fat. They also cause levels of ketones to rise in your blood stream, making them great for weight loss, as a sort of short cut for the keto diet.They help in the development of neurotransmitters so they are great for memory issues. Some recent studies have shown improvement in brain function so they are being studies as a possible route for treatment of cognitive problems such as Alzheimer.

Key Takeaways:

  • The health benefits of MCT oil, which is an important dietary staple for people in tropical climates, have been well documented.
  • Researchers are excited about MCT oil because it has been discovered that it has the potential for treating dementia and other mental health problems like Alzheimer’s.
  • MCT oil far outshines it nearest cousin, coconut oil, in the concentration of fatty acids. It has a high concentration of medium chain triglycerides.

"MCTs have been shown to decrease fat and increase lean muscle mass, and MCT oil is currently sold to promote weight loss and improve athletic performance and endurance. MCTs are also routinely administered to prevent muscle wasting in critically ill patients."

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Bombshell study shows aspartame depletes neurotransmitters in thebrain, makes brains vulnerable to chemical damage from food and vaccines

Date: March 04, 2019 02:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bombshell study shows aspartame depletes neurotransmitters in thebrain, makes brains vulnerable to chemical damage from food and vaccines

A recent study looked at the effects of aspartame on brain functions in rats. The results were impressive. The results showed a direct correlation between the dose of aspartame and the destruction of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are required for the function of your brain's neurons. The rats who were fed the aspartame had a reduction of Serotonin and an increase in Epinephrine. Epinephrine is associated with your flight or fight reactions. This study reminds us that although an ingredient might be approved by the FDA, it could have long term effects.

Key Takeaways:

  • In this study on the effects of aspartame on the brain, rats were fed aspartame for 10-40 days then they were decapitated and the brains analyzed.
  • The study found that there was a relationship between the consumption of aspartame and the destruction of neurotransmitters that was dependent on the dose given.
  • The result was that aspartame significantly reduces important neurotransmitters in the brain while increasing aggressively the chemicals that initiate a fight or flight reaction.

"A bombshell scientific study reveals that aspartame may be one of the most damaging vectors for the widespread “dumbing down” of humanity."

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Is magnesium the secret to ending PMS? Vitamin eases headaches andcramps

Date: February 20, 2019 03:49 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Is magnesium the secret to ending PMS? Vitamin eases headaches andcramps

The vast majority of women will suffer from common PMS symptoms like cramps, insomnia, headaches, anxiety and mood swings. Roughly five percent of women will suffer more serious symptoms — known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder — involving anger and depression. However, studies suggest that women who take a daily magnesium supplement suffer from less severe PMS symptoms, possibly because magnesium helps promote higher levels of gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter which helps regulate sleep. Women who experience exhaustion as a central PMS symptom are particularly likely to need more magnesium.

Key Takeaways:

  • Seventy-five percent of women suffer from PMS at some point during their life.
  • Magnesium research suggests that it can help with restful nights sleep, reduce the symptoms of pain and tiredness, as well as migraines and mood swings.
  • Research suggests that individuals who received a magnesium supplement saw improvement with PMS symptoms and lowered depression and anxiety.

"According to PubMed Health, during this time, some women feel a wide range of physical discomforts, such as abdominal pain, abdominal cramping, backache, headaches, bloating, weight gain, breast tenderness, possible sleeping issues and digestive discomfort."

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CBD Oil: How Can It Help?

Date: February 18, 2019 08:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD Oil: How Can It Help?

CBD oil is becoming more mainstream in our stores as a medicine. It is known for pain management and to treat anxiety/depression. CBD has been shown to be effective at treating disorders such as anxiety and depression. It is also shown to help with related conditions such as PTSD and insomnia. CBD oil is also an effective pain medication. It reacts with neurotransmitters to help lower perceived pain. This also could treat arthritis or multiple sclerosis.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD oil is now popular because it is related to helping many who are suffering gain relief from pains and anxiety.
  • When doctors are prescribing treatment for anxiety and depression, they often prescribe psychological courses such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), or prescribe drugs.
  • CBD is better than many prescribed drugs which have side effects and symptoms because it has no side effect and has been proven to be more effective.

"These debilitating conditions have the potential to wreak havoc on the lives of sufferers, and the World Health Organisation counts depression as the single most significant contributor to disability worldwide, with anxiety disorders following closely behind in sixth place."

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Study shows benefits of vitamin C in treating cancer

Date: February 01, 2019 08:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study shows benefits of vitamin C in treating cancer

First discovered in 1912, Vitamin C is a crucial nutrient that plays roles in immunity, tissue repair, synthesis of vital neurotransmitters and protection of the body from free radicals as an antioxidant. Cancer Research recently published a new Phase 1 human trial which suggests that adding intravenous Vitamin C to traditional chemotherapy can significantly increase survival rates. This may be related to Vitamin C’s potential benefits in protecting against the stres that chemotherapy drugs put on the body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin C has lots of benefits. It was discovered in 1912 and has become the first vitamin that was synthesized in the laboratory.
  • Vitamin C is essential for the repair of tissue damage, the production of specific neurotransmitters, and it aids white blood cells to kill bacteria and other invaders.
  • Intravenous use of Vitamin C in traditional medicine is long known in traditional medicine. What is worrisome about it is its high antioxidant activity.

"A recent medical study evaluating the effect of adding intravenous vitamin C during chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer demonstrated significant benefits."

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Alpha GPC: the Supplement that Can Boost Memory, Learning & More?

Date: January 15, 2019 04:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Alpha GPC: the Supplement that Can Boost Memory, Learning & More?

Alpha glycerylphosphoryl choline (alpha GPC) is source of choline that is considered a fatty acid. Alpha GPC has the potential to help cognitive function, as well as aid the body in necessary muscle contraction. Neurologists have found that not only does alpha GPC aid in promoting optimal cognitive function, but it can also help treat memory impairments associated with Alzheimer's and dementia. The muscle-related benefits also lead to higher athletic performance due to an increase in overall muscle strength.

Key Takeaways:

  • Because A-GPC or alpha GPC works to stimulate an important neurotransmitter to the brain when it releases choline, it is an important chemical for brain health.
  • Elderly people who have symptoms of dementia and want to improve it as well as athletes who want to improve their endurance and power can take alpha GPC.
  • Alpha GPC is a molecule that releases choline in the brain. It is found in soy lecithin and other plants as a fatty acid.

"Studies suggest that alpha GPC is one of the best nootropic brain supplements on the market."

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Sunflower Lecithin: Brain-Boosting Supplement or UnhealthyAdditive?

Date: December 18, 2018 04:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Sunflower Lecithin: Brain-Boosting Supplement or UnhealthyAdditive?

Sunflower Lecithin might be part of the reason some may view it as a super food: it is a fatty natural additive that improves many foods, boosts many parts of physical health(such as digestive health and brain health) and has many vitamins and minerals in it. It has been used in traditional medicine for a long time and can even be used in a vegan diet(unlike other forms of lecithin). Be careful though: overloading on it can cause digestive distress.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lecithin occurs naturally in your body, and can also be found in egg yolks, soy products, sunflower, meat and other dietary sources
  • Lecithin can bring relief to symptoms of gastrointestinal maladies such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease by supporting the mucus layer in the gut.
  • Lecithin from sunflowers can help boost choline, an important neurotransmitter associated with memory, cognition and learning.

"Commonly used as an emulsifier and emollient in both processed foods and cosmetics alike, sunflower lecithin has also begun gaining traction in the supplement world thanks to its powerful health-promoting properties."

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Almonds are good for your heart, brain, AND stomach

Date: November 21, 2018 03:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Almonds are good for your heart, brain, AND stomach

Almonds are an extremely versatile food. They can be added to just about any food. It also provides great benefits for your heart, stomach, and brain. Almonds can decrease one's heart attack risks. It can also regulate one's blood sugar and improve memory. In addition, ingesting almonds long term can aid healthy gut microbiota and it can help prevent cancer. They can also help a person keep a healthy weight, and almonds can even extend a person's life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Almonds are beneficial to the heart since they are rich in polyphenols and vitamin E that work as antioxidants and prevent free radicals from accumulating.
  • Insulin resistance, especially in Type 2 diabetes patients, has been associated with magnesium deficiency
  • Eating almonds can promote better memory by increasing the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain.

"Eating almonds is beneficial for heart, brain, and stomach health and function."

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From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders

Date: November 13, 2018 08:51 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders

Living at maximum wellness constitutes more than having a disease-free body, where all the parts are doing what they should. Mental health is also a key component to overall health. From PMS symptoms all the way to psychotic episodes, more than 40 million U.S. citizens suffer from a mental problem yearly. Although treating these potentially life-clouding conditions with pharmaceutical grade interventions is the norm, these interventions are not without the possibility of potentially hazardous side effects. A B vitamin, inositol is present in the human brain in large amounts. Scientists are considering whether significant supplementation of the vitamin might be a way to treat an array of mental conditions naturally and without side effects. The vitamin has already been shown to have positive effect in some mental conditions, which makes sense, as significant neural transmissions depend on the use of the vitamin. Moreover, it's also been shown that individuals with lesser amounts of the mood-regulating chemicals, serotonin and dopamine, have lower levels of inositol. Although more research needs to happen in some instances, there is promising research to suggest that elevating inositol levels could prove efficacious for an array of mental conditions, including panic attacks, bipolar mood disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and depression.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientists have been using inositol to treat people who suffer from mental illnesses and shown to be effective.
  • Studies have shown that people with metal illnesses have less inositol in their brains.
  • If considering increasing inositol, certain foods like beans, whole grains, citrus fruits and nuts contain significant amounts of inositol.

"In fact, other major neurotransmitters depend on inositol to relay messages, making it a key component in a lot of chemical systems in a person’s brain, including the ability to handle stress, learning and cognition, mood, productivity, sleep, and addiction."

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Rosemary can be used to enhance memory in university students

Date: November 01, 2018 10:51 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Rosemary can be used to enhance memory in university students

We all know the stress that college kids go through on a daily basis. Keeping up with their studies while also trying to maintain the life of a normal kid is very difficult. College is the time period where students need to figure some things out about themselves. Also, they need to retain information. Some people have better memories than others and that is evident in so many walks of life. Now, studies show that rosemary helps memory.

Key Takeaways:

  • The study involving Rosemary sought to understand how the plant affected the memory of University students and their quality of sleep among others.
  • The study that was carried out found out that on the scores the students were tested for, Rosemary had significant effects on memory, depression and sleep quality.
  • Rosemary’s effect is attributed to the fact that it is loaded with phytochemicals that interact with neurotransmitters that send signals to the brain.

"Rosemary, known for its distinct fragrance, can also improve memory according to a recent study, proving that the herb’s effects on your brain go beyond making food more appetizing."

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Health Benefits of Vitamin B9

Date: September 01, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Health Benefits of Vitamin B9

Health Benefits of Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9, which naturally occurs in food as folate and is artificially added to food in the form of folic acid, is a crucial and versatile nutrient. Natural dietary sources include green, leafy vegetables, liver and mushrooms, but many other foods can be fortified with Vitamin B9 in the form of folic acid. Vitamin B9 plays an important role in cardiac health, mood, production of red blood cells and other bodily processes. It is also very important during pregnancy, when a deficiency can harm both mother and baby.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pregnant women have an increased need for folate in order to prevent abnormalities in both the mother and the baby.
  • Folate deficiency is linked to low levels of serotonin, which in turn can cause depression.
  • Folate reduces homocysteine, which is associated with the development of diabetes.

"Vitamin B9 is a member of the B-vitamin family and is essential for amino acid metabolism, cellular homeostasis, DNA methylation and neurotransmitter synthesis."

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5 Adaptogens That Will Improve Your Brain Function

Date: August 29, 2018 10:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: 5 Adaptogens That Will Improve Your Brain Function

5 Adaptogens That Will Improve Your Brain Function

Adaptogens help protect your brain from stress and keep it working at peak efficiency. Ashwagandha, for example, can bolster focus, memory and cognition, as well as promoting the growth of new dendrites. Rhodiola can make neurons more sensitive to dopamine and serotonin, which increases mental clarity and focus, and has great potential for fighting depression and inflammation. Turmeric is an even stronger anti-inflammatory, and may help depression as well. Siberian Ginseng can help speed up processes in the brain, and improve learning and retention of new information. Finally, maca root can stabilize moods, fight brain fog and help inhibit breakdown of neurotransmitters.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ashwagandha can help clear brain fog and promote the growth of dendrites, and may also help fight ADHD.
  • Rhodiola can cause neurons to be more sensitive to dopamine and serotonin, and also has antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Siberian ginseng can speed up mental processes and aid learning and retention of new information.

"Adaptogens are substances that promote balance and negate the ill effects of stress in the body."

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Take bacopa every day to boost mental clarity

Date: August 22, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Take bacopa every day to boost mental clarity

Take bacopa every day to boost mental clarity

Are you looking to bolster your brain health in a natural way? Bacopa might be able to help you. It offers many benefits to the brain. For starters, it can make you more durable when dealing with stress. It also can be used to regulate your neurotransmitters. Not only does it improve blood flow to your brain, it also inspires new formations of nerve cells. Finally, it has powerful effects on depression, inflammation, memory and brain elasticity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bacopa is a potent and natural supplement that can bolster brain health.
  • Bacopa increases stress resilience, regulates neurotransmitters and improves blood flow to the brain.
  • Bacopa also promotes the growth of new nerve cells and fights inflammation and depression.

"Together, these compounds make up eight percent of bacopa’s dry weight. Bacopasides are believed to play essential roles in the benefits that bacopa provides."

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Known as the "bliss molecule", anandamide is a natural way to stimulate a sense of happiness

Date: August 10, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Known as the "bliss molecule", anandamide is a natural way to stimulate a sense of happiness

Known as the "bliss molecule", anandamide is a natural way to stimulate a sense of happiness

Anandamide is a natural endocannabinoid produced in your body and found in certain foods that stimulates the same pleasure receptors as psychoactive THC. Anandamide and other endocannabinoids can help protect the brain from stress and damage, and encourage balanced moods and better consolidation of memories. The only two foods with large amounts of anandamide are (famously expensive) black truffles and chocolate, especially cacao powder and nibs, which are less processed. Several other foods, including black pepper, olive oil, grapes, broccoli, spinach and others can also raise your anandamide levels.

Key Takeaways:

  • Anandamide stimulates the same pleasure receptors that the main cannabinoid in marijuana does.
  • Endocannabinoids can shield the mind against major depression and PTSD.
  • A lack of sufficient endocannabinoids may play a significant role in diseases like Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis.

"The “bliss molecule” is a natural neurotransmitter and endocannabinoid that creates a sense of happiness, an article on Be Brain Fit stated."

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Anxious Pets? Hereâ??s How Hemp Can Help

Date: July 26, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Anxious Pets? Hereâ??s How Hemp Can Help

Anxious Pets? Here’s How Hemp Can Help

Separation anxiety is a real concern for pets and their owners. When dogs, for example, are left alone and unhappy they can act out in a number of negative ways, which can include urinating and defecating, chewing and scratching and trying to escape. While behavior modification can at times ease the symptoms, owners are looking into a way to alleviate the sense of anxiety their pets fel with CBD oil, which is a compound available through the hemp plant. The oil affects the neurotransmitters in the brain, also boosting the feel-good hormone serotonin. In this way the dog's anxiety may be alleviated. And, it may be a good choice, as study has shown 75% of pet-owners using CBD felt that it was an effective choice for their pet. Because hemp-based products are low in THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana, they are a better and usually legal choice. Regardless, it is always wise to seek out a veterinarian's advice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some pets when forced to do without their primary caregivers go through a condition called separation anxiety.
  • This can manifest in numerous negative ways, such as soiling and scratching and chewing and exit-seeking.
  • Data suggests that nearly half of the pet-owners that have tried CBD oil to help with this condition feel that it has had a positive effect.

"CBD is a compound found in both marijuana and its close cousin hemp. Unlike THC, which is responsible for marijuana’s psychoactive effect, CBD is not mind-altering or toxic."

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Fermented turmeric prevents memory loss caused by oxidative stress and inflammation

Date: July 16, 2018 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fermented turmeric prevents memory loss caused by oxidative stress and inflammation

Fermented turmeric prevents memory loss caused by oxidative stress and inflammation

Even without Alzheimer's or dementia, the human brain is apt to experience memory loss over time. Neural cells can die, victims of disease, or inflammation. Simple oxidative stress can be at the bottom of significant loss of cognition.

Study has shown that by boosting a key neurotransmitter, a significant amount of natural damage can be avoided. One specific ingredient with the potential to make this happen has been tested on rodents.

Rodents were injected with an amnesia-creating medication. A percentage of them also received a dose of fermented turmeric, renowned for its anti-inflammatory activity. The mice given the turmeric were proven to be protected against the affects of the amnesia-producing drug.

Key Takeaways:

  • When Tumeric is fermented, it gains probiotic elements which can prevent memory loss.
  • A research group at Keimyung University believes that Tumeric may be used to treat Alzheimer's.
  • Tumeric halts the death of brain cells and it can also increase neurotransmitters.

"Turmeric contains curcumunoids like curcumin, a well-known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that shields neurons from damage."

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Treating ADHD naturally: The science says Omega-3s make a difference

Date: October 15, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Treating ADHD naturally: The science says Omega-3s make a difference

Science is figuring out how ADHD can be treated without a strong medication. The key is Omega-3s. This is good news since many parents don't want to put their children on these medications because they an alter a child's modd. They are very powerful. Omega-3s can be found in fish and other foods, though. They are natural and safe. There are also supplements which contain them. It will not be hard to get them into your child's diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers at Kings College London found n-3 PUFAs are an option for treating ADHD.
  • Neurotransmitters need n-3 PUFAs to function correctly, but children and teens with ADHD have lower levels of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • The body does not create Omega-3 fatty acids, so they are obtained through food.

"From the seven clinical tests, they discovered that omega-3 fatty acids improved the clinical symptoms of ADHD, such as inattention and hyperactivity, according to reports made by the parents of the observed children."

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10 Reasons You should Be Taking curamed daily!

Date: September 05, 2017 12:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 Reasons You should Be Taking curamed daily!

  • Healthy Inflammation Response†: Supports healthy inflammation response throughout the body.*†
  • Cellular Health: Supports cellular health and protects DNA and RNA from oxidative stress.*
  • Mood: Supports healthy levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, key neurotransmitters for optimal mental health.*
  • Kidney Support: Supports healthy kidney function.*
  • Joint Health: Curcumin maintains flexibility and comfort in joints while supporting cartilage structure.*
  • Brain Health: Helps maintain focus and concentration while protecting brain cells from oxidative stress.*
  • Intestinal Health: Supports bowel motility and the gut mucosal lining.*
  • Liver Detoxification: Promotes healthy levels of the body’s own detoxifiers, such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase.*
  • Cardiovascular Health: Supports heart function and healthy cholesterol balance.*
  • Antioxidant Protection: Powerfully protects the body from oxidative stress.*

Order Today! Call 1-800-877-8702


Top 7 Foods That Boost Serotonin

Date: September 01, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top 7 Foods That Boost Serotonin

Serotonin helps regulate body temperature, mood, sleeping patterns and aids in digestion, among other benefits. It's common for those that have low levels of serotonin to experience depression and many antidepressant medications raise serotonin levels to combat depression. If you want to raise your serotonin levels naturally(or tryptophan a serotonin precursor), without the side effects involved with prescription medications, you may want to try adding these foods to your diet. They include frits, vegetable, eggs, meats and even chocolate

Key Takeaways:

  • Serotonin, also known as 5-HT, is a neurotransmitter released by the pineal gland of the brain.
  • Foods that boost serotonin include: kiwi, dark chocolate, seeds, nuts and vitamin D-rich foods
  • Some foods contain tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin, but these are only effective when consumed with a high-carb, low-protein diet

"Serotonin plays an important role in controlling our circadian rhythms - our body’s internal clock."

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The most important vitamins for beautiful hair and strong nails

Date: August 19, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The most important vitamins for beautiful hair and strong nails

If you want your hairs and nails at their best, there is a special vitamin that you should take. This vitamin has all the right stuff inside that keep your hair and nails looking their very best. Healthy, strong nails and gorgeous locks of hair aren't always easy to attain on your own, but once you add these vitamins to your dietary needs, that is all going to change and you will soon have the look that you want.

Key Takeaways:

  • Niacin, also known as Vitamin B3, helps improve pregnancy outcomes and is believed to help prevent miscarriages and reduce the risk of birth defects
  • Vitamin b2 promotes lip health and people deficient in Vitamin b2 are likely to have dry, chapped lips
  • Vitamin b12 is found naturally in the liver, but otherwise all other B vitamins must be proactively taken as a supplement because the body does not produce them on its own

"For example, vitamin B6 can help the body produce neurotransmitters (chemicals in the brain, which exchanges information between the brain and the body) like serotonin. It helps the body to fight depression, stress and anxiety condition."

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Microbiome – Gut health discoveries revealed

Date: June 29, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Microbiome – Gut health discoveries revealed

The microtome, bacteria found in our digestive tracts, are responsible for maintaining our health and well being. Gut flora are responsible for secreting neurotransmitters that regulate ability to sleep, appetite and mood. Maintaining a good diet keeps the good gut microbes healthy and thriving. You want to avoid heavy carbohydrate diets that feed bad bacteria and focus on fermented, probiotic rich foods instead. Dr. Charles Gant, an expert on nutrition and the microbome has recorded a show on this topic which is available for free through a link provided.

Key Takeaways:

  • 80 percent of our neurotransmitters are produced by gut flora
  • A proper diet and probiotics can help to keep gut flora healthy
  • 70 percent of the immune system is in the gut

"there are way more bacterial cells than human cells in the human body"

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Why You Need Choline And How To Get It

Date: June 12, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why You Need Choline And How To Get It

choline, a vital, vitamin-like nutrient, is overestimated in its importance. involved in the metabolic process, the transport of lipids, and synthesis of neurotransmitters, just to name a few. both low levels and high levels of choline have negative health risks. a recent study found that choline is also vital to bone health in humans. low levels of choline have been linked to low bone density.Choline deficiency was found to be common in middle aged men and older women. The body can synthesize some choline on its own, but most of your choline comes from your diet, so make sure you eat choline risk foods and get your daily dose of bone building nutrients!

Key Takeaways:

  • Choline has been found to be an essential nutrient, necessary for bone health and metabolism health.
  • Choline has pros and cons. Low intake may cause fatty liver, and possible muscle damage. High choline intake may lower blood pressure, cause digestive problems, and sweating.
  • A study of 14,000 patients revealed low choline intake of an average of 160 mg per day. A good portion of these subjects had low bone mineral density. Choline can help to build bone health.

"They discovered that the average choline intake was significantly lower than the daily recommended intake — 255 mg/d for women and 259 mg/d for men aged 46–49 years, and for older adults 71-74 years, the intake was 265 mg/d for women and 258 mg/d for men."

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Vitamin D and folic acid can help deal with depression

Date: January 08, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin D and folic acid can help deal with depression

Vitamin D and folic acid are two natural chemicals that affect neurotransmitter function, and low levels of either can contribute to depression. Vitamin D is normally produced by the skin when hit by sunlight, so can run short during the winter. Low iron levels can also affect brain function by limiting the blood's ability to supply the brain with oxygen. Fortunately, levels of all these substances can be boosted through nutrient-rich foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin D is produced when the skin is exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays.
  • In regions where sunshine is limited in winter, more people tend to suffer from depression.
  • The theory that a shortage of vitamin D is related to depression is widely supported.

"Vitamin D is produced when the skin is exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays. In regions where sunshine is limited in winter, more people tend to suffer from depression."



7 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Must Add to Your Diet

Date: December 29, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Must Add to Your Diet

Describes the various benefits of foods that can help people reduce inflammation in their bodies. Anti-inflammatory foods can reduce the amount of potentially harmful free radicals in your body. Has a list of some of the top foods that people can add to their diet and improve their overall health.

Key Takeaways:

  • One of the most powerful ways to combat inflammation is to fortify your diet with anti-inflammatory foods that can balance it out in your body. Certain
  • Certain enzymes present in walnuts inhibit production of neurotransmitters that cause pain and swelling.
  • Our body has a natural defense mechanism that fights anything unrecognizable that enters it such as microbes, viruses or chemicals.

"One of the most powerful ways to combat inflammation is to fortify your diet with anti-inflammatory foods that can balance it out in your body."



Health Check: what makes it so hard to quit drugs?

Date: December 17, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Check: what makes it so hard to quit drugs?

The brain becomes primed to repeat drug taking over and over without actually thinking about it. When the dopamine system is damaged in that part of the brain, it makes it much harder to think through consequences and make considered decisions, so drug use becomes more automated. The wiring of the dopamine reward system makes it compelling to use drugs, and the damage to the system makes self-regulation more difficult. The brain and body adapt over time to taking drugs and react when the alcohol or other drugs leave the system.

Key Takeaways:

  • Alcohol and other drugs eventually make their way into the brain via the bloodstream and Once there, they affect how messages are sent through the brain.
  • Every drug affects different neurotransmitter pathways in different ways. Some affect more than one neurotransmitter.
  • When large amounts of dopamine are released, the brain has trouble keeping up production and can temporarily run out of dopamine.

"Every drug affects different neurotransmitter pathways in different ways. Some affect more than one neurotransmitter. But most drugs impact the dopamine system in some way."



How Glutathione Reduces Effects Of Parkinson's Disease

Date: December 10, 2016 02:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How Glutathione Reduces Effects Of Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Disease is an incurable chronic and movement disorder that results from the death of neuron cells of the substantia nigra area of the brain. The symptoms associated with this disease worsen as one ages.When the neurons die, they release a chemical called dopamine that is a neurotransmitter that relays messages to movement and coordination centers of the brain. As one ages, the dopamine level produced decreases making it hard for transmission of messages to this part of the brain responsible for movement and coordination. This makes the patient unable to control movement of body parts.

Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease:

  • The patient experience tremors in the hands,legs,face and jaws.
  • Stiffness of the trunk and the limbs as well
  • Slow movement in the patients
  • Lack of controlled and stable balance

How To Reduce Effects Of Parkinson's Disease:

PD currently has no cure. However, doctors do surgeries and other medical procedures on affected parts of the brain to reduce effects of this disease. Researchers worldwide agree that there could be a breakthrough in the treatment of this chronic disease with the administration of glutathione (GSH) to patients. The supplement works in the following ways:

Our bodies naturally produce glutathione which is an antioxidant. Its production however reduces progressively as one ages. Its main role is to fight free radicals which may build up to cause oxidative stress. Patients should thus take the glutathione supplement daily to help them fight this oxidative stress which causes PD.

Glutathione also supports mitochondria. This ensures consistent energy production in mitochondria. This energy is useful in the fight of PD. Glutathione makes the brain effectively use dopamine and detoxifies the body. This ensures that heavy metals which may attack the brain are regularly removed from the body. Numerous studies are however still underway to determine how this supplement can be used effectively. Glutathione should not be taken orally as it is broken down in the gut before it can be used in the brain cells.


Inositol is a vital nutrient for your body that could prevent and heal cancer

Date: December 05, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Inositol is a vital nutrient for your body that could prevent and heal cancer

Many shamans, medicine men, and just plain old grandmothers have used food to heal the body. In the new millennium scientist have been able to look into many different ways of healing. Inositol may be that rare substance found within us and in Mother Nature that could hold the keys to our survival of terminal diseases. Scientist have been able to identify this substance in many foods from legumes to fruits. As long as we can locate these items in nature, there may be hope for a healthier future.

Key Takeaways:

  • a nutrient that is one of several little-known chemo-protective natural substances that have been discovered.
  • This nutrient is said to have positive effects on the brain's neurotransmitters and fat conversion, but in addition to that, it has been steadily showing promise as a fantastic nutrient for preventing a number of different cancers, including both lung and colon cancer.
  • many interested in the substance is that it is effective in maintaining proper brain health by assisting in the healthy function of neurotransmitters, while helping generate a feeling of calm.

"That's why it is promising that researchers are examining the health benefits of inositol, a nutrient that is one of several little-known chemo-protective natural substances that have been discovered."




Support Healthy Circulation and Arterial Function with Benfotiamine!

Date: November 21, 2016 10:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Support Healthy Circulation and Arterial Function with Benfotiamine!

Benfotiamine is a derivative nutrient of thiamine (vitamin B1). Usually, many people suffering from peripheral neuropathy lack this crucial nutrient. Thiamine, Vitamin B1, is highly required for the nervous system to keep functioning properly. Maintaining adequate levels of Thiamine through diet alone is hard. Benfotiamine works to nourish the nerves and reverse the effects of peripheral neuropathy. It helps to support blood circulation, enhance arterial function and healthy blood vessels.

Increases blood circulation and vessel health

Benfotiamine helps to increase the rate of blood flow, especially for those patients suffering from low blood circulation. It is also required for the health of the nervous system and is required for the biosynthesis of a number of cell constituents, including certain neurotransmitters. Just like Vitamin B1, Benfotiamine demonstrated itself as a miracle worker when somebody suffering severely from beriberi got on his feet within hours after being injected with the nutrient. Since then, it has been performing the same "miracle" without fail.

Benfotiamine also assists mental health, particularly warding off depression while facilitating memory functions and learning. It's deficiency will no doubt bring back the dreaded beriberi, while minor deficiencies will be manifested in the human body as extreme fatigue, irritability, constipation, edema and an enlarged liver. Forgetfulness, gastrointestinal disturbances, heart changes, irritability, and breathing difficulties are also common symptoms.

Promotes arterial function

Benfotiamine has been proven to improve the structural integrity of the veins and the entire circulatory system. Usually, people with varicose veins have an increased tendency to develop fibrin deposits in the tissue surrounding the affected veins. This causes the skin to become hard and lumpy. There is a decreased ability to break down fibrin, a compound involved in clot formation, thus an increased risk of the formation of a thrombus which may potentially cause life-threatening complications. Benfotiamine nutrient helps to promote fibrin breakdown hence promote the functioning of the arteries while enhancing the flood of blood.


Curcumin Helps Alleviate Depression

Date: October 26, 2016 08:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Curcumin Helps Alleviate Depression

Curcumin is a phenolic acid that can be sourced from the cooking spice turmeric. It acts as a powerful antioxidant in humans and protects the body's cells from dangerous free radicals (harmful by-products that are released into the cells during oxygen related reactions). Provisional studies suggest that it may also have many more health benefits. There is also some evidence that curcumin or turmeric may help alleviate the symptoms of certain skin diseases, viral infections, diabetes, colitis, stomach ulcers, and high cholesterol. Once again, the ancient herbal remedy is being celebrated as a modern wonder drug. But perhaps the most promising results have been seen in the use of curcumin to treat depression.


Curcumin vs. Prozac

If there's one thing Big Pharma fears more than anything else it's competition from the outside. Because herbal medicines have far fewer and less serious side effects than prescription pills, they would be the logical choice - if only they worked as well. Well, there is now irrefutable, ironclad scientific evidence that an herbal remedy is every bit as effective at treating depression as one of the most popular prescription antidepressants.

When researchers with the Department of Pharmacology of Government Medical College in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India conducted a controlled clinical study comparing the effects of curcumin and Prozac, they didn't expect to make national, even global news. Although the popular herbal remedy is widely used in India, curcumin had never been subjected to rigorous scientific testing for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). The most serious and chronic form of the disease, major or clinical depression affects about 3 percent of population at any given time. The idea that a chemical compound from a popular native spice could compete with Prozac seemed far- fetched to those conducting the study. But after 60 patients diagnosed with MDD were randomly administered curcumin, fluoxetine (Prozac), and a combination of the two, the results spoke for themselves.

With the help of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, 17-item version (HAM-D17), researchers determined that curcumin was just as effective as Prozac at treating serious depression. Because the study utilized the latest research tools and followed strict testing guidelines, it became the first published report that indicated the efficacy of turmeric or curcumin in the treatment of depression. What the report did not take into account, however, were the serious side effects those who take Prozac endure; the most serious of which include anxiety, seizures, racing heartbeat, trouble sleeping, and suicidal ideation.

How Curcumin Treats Depression

Shortly after the results of the aforementioned study made news, researchers started looking for answers. It was not enough for Western scientists to know that curcumin is effective in the treatment depression, they also had to know how. As you might imagine, the how has proved more challenging than the if. This is not at all surprising, since curcumin has diverse biological properties that are difficult to study separately. So, while the mechanism of action is poorly understood, the effects of curcumin intake are well documented, particularly with regard to neurotransmitters.

As their name implies, neurotransmitters send messages to the billions of neurons in the human brain. Some of these neurotransmitters are responsible for regulating brain functions such as mood, memory, appetite, and sleep. Known as "feel-good" neurotransmitters because they help maintain mood balance, dopamine and serotonin play a role in depression. How do we know? For starters, studies have confirmed that people who suffer from clinical depression have consistently low levels of both neurotransmitters.

Once again, we aren't sure how curcumin extract works its magic, but testing has shown that those who take it have higher serotonin and dopamine levels. That fact alone might account for the improved mood those that take the dietary supplement have consistently reported. Although researchers will undoubtedly get to the bottom of this ancient mystery, it enough for most patients to know that curcumin is a safe and effective treatment option.

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MSG: Here is why you should stay far away from it.

Date: September 20, 2016 03:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: MSG: Here is why you should stay far away from it.

MSG is a neurotransmitter that stimulates nerves, which makes food that would normally be bland taste great. Because MSG is often used to compensate for low-sodium or low-fat contents, many food manufacturers try to downplay its toxicity in order to promote their products as healthy. As a result, people who believe they are buying healthy foods are actually putting their health at risk by consuming large amounts of MSG.

The following are the health risks of MSG:

  • It may lead to brain damage, Brain swelling, and allergies.
  • It can also lead to eye inflammations and Hypoglycemia.
  • It can cause type 2 diabetes to the users.
  • It may lead to nausea, Dizziness and Memory loss.
  • It may lead to brain tumors, Brain cell death, Speech problems, and Strokes.
  • It may lead to diarrhea, Cancer, Alzheimer's disease and continuous headaches

MSG is widely used in the food industry, which makes finding MSG-free foods a challenge. It is often hidden on ingredient lists under different names to mislead consumers.

If you are experiencing inflammation issues, take Curcumin to eliminate all forms of inflammation.

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How Huperzine Helps With Memory

Date: July 30, 2015 04:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How Huperzine Helps With Memory

Memory refers to the process by which information is encoded, stored and retrieved when required.  Encoding makes information from the outside world to be sensed in form of physical and chemical stimuli.  In the first stage, information has to be changed in order to be put into the encoding process.  Storage is the process by which the information is maintained over duration of time.  The third of final stage is the retrieval process where the information stored is returned back to the consciousness.


One of the major problems that many people undergo is memory loss.  This is a condition in which a person cannot recall information or events that they would be able to remember in normal circumstances.  One of the most effective ways to help improve memory is by taking Huperzine.  This is a drug that has proven to help boost memory and learning.

Here are some of the ways on how Huperzine help with memory:

1. Boost the level of acetylcholine

Acetylcholine is a very important transmitter in the brain responsible for carrying out several functions including those associated to memory and cognition. It is released into the space between two cells, where it then stimulates nerve impulses from one cell to the other. When acetylcholine fails to work effectively, several types of brain dysfunction occurs. A shortage of acetylcholine is known to be the common cause of memory loss, decreased intelligence and learning ability. Huperzine helps in reducing the breakdown of acetylcholine and boost the duration and strength of nerve impulse. It makes the neurotransmitter more available leading to better memory and improved overall brain functioning.

2. Protection against free radicals

Huperzine offers protection against free radicals that are known to be the major cause of modern diseases. It decreases the activity of heightened free radical activity in the brain. This goes a long way in reducing the risk of having memory loss. It has also proved to be effective in helping adolescents improve their learning abilities and memories.



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Does Camu Camu Fruit Have Healing Properties?

Date: April 02, 2014 09:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does Camu Camu Fruit Have Healing Properties?

What is a camu camu

Inside a rainforest you will discover these types of bushes of which increase within the Rain forest avalanche. The actual fruit obtain from canoes as well as watercraft after that eaten fresh, dried or made into centred fruit juice. Some other part of these berries may be used as well as ingested in various means.

Camu Camu contents and benefits

The actual Camu Camu fruit boosts the manufacturing involving serotonin, the hormone that makes your senses beneficial. The higher level of vitamin G involving any vegetable that helps to improve your entire metabolic rate. There may be exploration evidence of which implies that the fruit features anti-oxidative as well as anti-inflammatory. In addition, it functions as anti-aging method. The actual large antioxidant part of this Camu Camu berry makes a strong compound with healthier skin care solutions. You will discover scientific studies that it has an anti cancer properties. The actual Camu will be adapted straight into makeup as well as healthy skin care because hugely rejuvenative talents.

On the list of crucial ingredients for you to locate a wholesome life is having the necessary every day level of Nutritional G. Nutritional G is surely an ascorbic p, is normal water-soluble as well as has a critical role inside our each day eating plan. Contrary to almost all mammals, people are not able to by natural means develop Nutritional G consequently, we should acquire the idea inside our eating plan. The actual role of which Nutritional G does eat the body is always to synthesize collagen, and that is a significant structural component of tendons, ligaments, arteries and, as well as navicular bone. Nutritional G is significant since it helps to merge this ingredient component of this neurotransmitter, norepinphrine. Neurotransmitters usually are crucial for you to mind perform. Among other items additionally, it is related to help with our blood cholesterol levels plus the regularity involving gall stones. The word antioxidant goes in conjunction having Nutritional G. Antioxidants are critical within defending one's body coming from harmful free of charge radicals.

The actual deficit involving Nutritional G in every day eating plan have been recognized for countless years for you to result in this generally dangerous illness involving scurvy. Any insufficient Nutritional G is even related to heart conditions. Nutritional G deficit in addition has been assigned to, cerebrovascular event, most cancers, cataracts, and in many cases guide toxicity.

Final thoughts, include the ability from the Camu Camu fresh fruits antioxidant potency for you to fight free of charge radicals as well as re-balance these physiques systems. Combined with the berries, Camu  Camu is easily transforming into a recognized super fruit, which includes many reasons as well as prices regarding man well being.



Supplements That Can Improve Focus

Date: March 23, 2014 07:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Supplements That Can Improve Focus

bacopa plantAbout focus

A focused mind is one that is able to concentrate on a particular issue and think about it, discuss it or deal with it and pay special attention to that subject. This explains why people have different focus abilities as brought about by their varying environments and capabilities. Enhanced minds quickly grasp ideas as opposed to low minded ones. A determined mind therefore understands and interpret facts more readily in an effective way, and this is why it is important for individuals to to be focused at school. However, there are instances where learners have limited focus abilities, but this can be improved by use of focus supplements. The following are the supplements that can be used to boost an individual's focus levels.

Supplement that can help improve focus

Phosphatidyl Serine improves the mood and short term memory of an individual, thereby enhancing retention of a human's mind. This supplement lowers the chances of cognitive dysfunction development. It contains cellulose, magnesium stearate, cellulose capsule and silica, as the main ingredients. The capsule dosage can be taken three times every day.

DMAE is also known as dimethylethanolamine and it increase acetylcholine levels which is a vital neurotransmitter of the brain. This helps to reduce the neuronal excitation in calming the under firing, to generate an average calming impact in the mind, thereby boosting focus levels.

L-Tyrosine is another supplement that can be used to improve a person's focus abilities. This is associated with generating amino acids that are responsible for enhancement of drive, motivation and alertness in the body. Acetyl-l-tyrosine is an ingredient that helps to maintain cognitive duty while in distress. Tyrosine crosses the blood brain barrier, hence making it an outstanding nutrient for the health of the brain. Tyrosine also generates a hormone called thyroid, that increases focus.

Bacopa is a persistent creeping herb supplement that has been used for a long time to improve memory, and generally cognitive performance. It contains ingredients that reduces oxidation stress, namely; polyphenol and sulfhydryl compounds. The recommended dosage is 150 mg of bacopa every day.


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Is Cocoa Butter Good For The Skin? Why?

Date: March 06, 2014 03:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Cocoa Butter Good For The Skin? Why?

Cocoa butter

cocoa plantDoubtlessly, there are few preferred healthy skin items over cocoa butter and some few that likewise makes you feel great deductively notwithstanding feeling extraordinary because of the way your skin looks so great, but Cocoa butter is good solid skin reinforcement, and for additional data on characteristic healthy skin items with a great experimental foundation. Therefore it is good for the skin.

Reasons to why cocoa butter is good for your skin:

Powdered cocoa butter contains a lot of diverse antioxidants which behave synergistically presenting a massive bothersome resistant to the cost-free radicals which eliminate your skin layer cells along with lead to quick getting older. Therefore, therefore, is it doesn't suitable natural skin care solution.

Let's have a look at which record again. Precisely why your 'ideal' natural skin care solution? In order to solution which question, we need to have a look at precisely what antioxidants tend to be, along with precisely what hot cocoa butter can perform them, along with after that the reason why it is advisable than additional natural skin care merchandise on the market.

Totally free radicals tend to be small substances kinds in the body's fat burning capacity while vitality is generated coming from blood sugar in the mitochondria of each and every cell phone within your body. Fortunately they are shaped simply by experience of toxins including pesticides, along with particularly the several poisonous pieces of cigarette light up. Cigars along with water lines tend to be believe it or not harmful than tobacco, along with filtration system guidelines make not any difference towards the production connected with cost-free radicals.

What exactly that they do is always to eliminate cells, when they're pores and skin cells you continue to grow older. Your skin layer wrinkles along with dries up, and you begin to take on the style connected with an individual many years over the age of you're. These people try this by way of a procedure often known as oxidation, along with antioxidants can certainly keep the idea. These people reduce the effects of your cost-free radicals, and forestall your skin layer cells coming from getting ruined.

Contents of cocoa

Powdered cocoa butter contains several different antioxidants that can eliminate away from numerous diverse cost-free radicals along with superoxides, as well as hydrogen peroxide. Vitamin e is really a powerful antioxidant -- your strongest of all the so-called antioxidant vitamin supplements in fact, and will quickly eliminate away from hydrogen peroxide along with any oxidizing agent. Others tend to be vitamin supplements A new along with G, however they can not strategy the potency of vitamin E.

Furthermore, it contains phytochemicals (posh title pertaining to place chemicals) including flavanoids which might be also powerful antioxidants. Polyphenols are very effective in neutralizing cost-free radicals, and the hot chocolate mass polyphenols tend to be in particular successful. In fact, hot chocolate butter boasts a greater antioxidant awareness and then possibly blueberries as well as other so-called superfoods.

In order that hot cocoa butter to work, it will email numerous of the pores and skin cells as is possible, that involves do away with the idea properly directly into your skin layer. The epidermis is incredibly absorbent all of which will eliminate cost-free radicals in the reduced absolute depths of the pores and skin as soon as they're created, along with ahead of they are able to do injury.

It is clinically demonstrated which hot chocolate butter will certainly keep pores and skin degradation a result of the harmful consequences from the UV light in the rays of the sun -- UV rays builds cost-free radicals which are very effective in doing damage to pores and skin. Merely go through the influence connected with sunburn! However, there is additional in order to hot chocolate butter than which.

It contains a substantial percentage connected with vitamins as well as lime scale, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper along with metal, all of which come in a highly bioavailable style which make them far better which business vitamins. Not just that, though. Furthermore, it contains tryptophan, involved in the development connected with serotonin, your 'feel good' neurotransmitter, and also dopamine along with phenylethylamine, many beneficial materials. It is a mental faculties food as well as food to your pores and skin.


The benefit of Amino Acid L-Tyrosin for our brains

Date: January 21, 2014 09:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The benefit of Amino Acid L-Tyrosin for our brains


L-Tyrosine is a nonessential amino acid because it can be made from phenylalanine, the another amino acid by our body. But from some researchers the body cannot make tyrosine from phenylalanine if stressed. In otherhand, L-Tyrosine is definitely present in many kinds of foods, such as milk, meats, eggs, nuts, cheese, bananas, beans and some seafood like fish.

Benefits of L-Tyrosine

By using this food stuff can increased the amount of L-Tyrosine in our body. And Also L-Tyrosine can we get from some suplement. L-Tyrosine has benefits for our brains. L-Tyrosine need for creating the neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. It can called stress hormone. This compounds that transmit chemical signals in our brains. The neurotransmitters that was produced by L-Tyrosine have effect significant for your mood, memory, concentration, focus and alertness. The neurotransmitter dopamine can affects the incentive mechanism in our brain which indicates it involved in feeling of happiness. Dopamine is also helps we keep motivated and handle problem that can make streesed. But too much stress can make our dopamine level decreased. It can make our brain less active and weak. The neurotransmitter epinephrine ability to increases our energy, heart rate and breathing. It because epinephrine produces oxygen with rich blood that travels to our brain. Moreover the neurotransmitter epinephrine can boosting our memory, enhance cognitive performance, polishing our senses and reducing pain level of sensitivity. And the third compound of neurotransmitters is norepinephrine. It can helps increase our concentrate and to develop new memories. Norepinephrine is also travels through our blood and can stimulate our brains. The effect of our body does not produce enough neurotransmitters, we will become depressed, fatigued, confused and also develop memory loss. So if you want to enhance your memories and don’t let your body has less L-tyrosine to products stressed hormone that you need. Food supplements have shown good results in improving the amount L-tyrosine in our body.


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amino peptide

Date: January 18, 2014 06:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: amino peptide

What is Amino Peptide

amino acidA amino peptide is basically a little protein which is made up of amino acids. Peptides are animated at quite little dosages, are greatly particular and have a quite great wellbeing profile when utilized physiologically - that is, to support or change a living being's physical methods. When we dismember a percentage of the peptide marks above, we can start to separate around them. The utilization of "amino" in amino-polypeptide is a spot excess since all peptides are made of amino acids. The "poly" just implies this is a peptide of a few amino acids. A "hexapeptide" is a chain of precisely six (hexa) amino acids; a pentatpeptide is a chain of five (penta). One scientist working with a palmitoylated five-amino-harsh corrosive chain peptide named it "palmitoyl pentapeptide", while an alternate scientist examining the same atomcalled it "palmitoyloligopeptide". This is a honest to goodness, however less particular, name since "oligo" implies "few". Along these lines the disarray develops.


The expression "neuropeptide" is a smidge more accommodating in that it really portrays the capacity of the peptide. Neuropeptides about as neuromodulators, neurotransmitters, neurohormones, and hormones. Research into neuropeptides has blasted in later a long time to the degree that there is an investigative diary named

Understanding Neuropeptides

Neuropeptides whose point is the quick distribution of unique research and survey articles, managing the structure, circulation, activities and capacities of peptides in the focal and fringe anxious frameworks. What is energizing about neuropeptides is their energy and scope. Different neurotransmitters transmit focal anxious framework motions in one bearing and along a way from A to B.

Neuropeptides transmit omnidirectionally outward and can even immediate transmissions in converse. As neuromodulators, they can initiate and deactivate different neurotransmitters. The deductive personality boggles at the potential. The names of a percentage of the neuropeptides may be natural and help you to comprehend the potential of opening the privileged insights of these peptide particles. Neuropeptides are aggregated into families dependent upon similitudes in their amino harsh corrosive successions. There are the Tachykinins; the Insulins; the Somatostatins; the Gastrins, for example, cholecystokinin used to diagnose gallbladder and pancreatic issues; and the Opioids, for example, enkephalins - the figure's sedatives or painkillers.


What Is GABA And Why Is It Important For The Brain

Date: December 21, 2013 01:22 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is GABA And Why Is It Important For The Brain

brainWhat is GABA

The human brains need various supplements to make it work better. One such supplement is the gamma aminobutyric acid, abbreviated as GABA. It is the second most important neurotransmitter for the brain. The neurotransmitters allow synapses that transfer information to gray matter in human. This amino acid gives human an inhibiting experience thus making one calm. This makes it possible for one to have a feeling of well being and tranquility.

GABA on Human Body

GABA is useful in the human body because it acts as neurotransmitters. This means you are protected from nerve impulses. This neurotransmitter cools the brain. Research has shown that it helps to increase alpha wave production. This is related to the feeling of relaxation we have in brains.

For the brain to work, it must receive impulses smoothly. Human who lack GABA get affected by receiving impulses in spurts. Spurt makes the brain get arrhythmia. This contributes your emotional well being.

For the brain to work well, it has to be free from various conditions. Some of these conditions come because GABA is not present. Insufficiency leads to one showing symptoms of anxiety, irritability, and constant headaches, getting hypertension, palpitations, epilepsy, low sex drives and heart disorders.

GABA on Insomnia

With enough GABA, it is known to prevent the feeling of insomnia. This comes when neurons firing decreases to make one have a restful sleep. The calming effect helps an individual’s brain to have elevated moods which is an important part for reducing blood pressure. To enable an individual have more concentrations when working, they need to have increased levels of GABA.

Ideally, the brain changes as we become old. With enough concentration of GABA in bodies, we actually slow the aging effects. This helps to trigger and stimulate pituitary glands that give human beings their growing hormone, the HGH. Aging causes HGH to slow down thus leading to degenerative diseases and wrinkles.


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Can DMAE Help Memory And Mood?

Date: December 19, 2013 07:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can DMAE Help Memory And Mood?


Do you ever feel like you are experiencing lapses in memory or you have a low general mood? There is evidence that DMAE might be able to help with both memory and mood. DMAE occurs naturally in the human brain. When we take supplemental amounts of the compound, brain function effects can be seen.

DMAE as a Supplement

It is thought that the supplement works by increasing the speed of the brain's turnover and synthesis of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter plays a strong role in maintaining general mental ability. It also works at supporting a stable, healthy memory in older adults. It is also believed that DMAE might work by stopping choline metabolism. This allows the free choline to gather in the blood, go into the brain, and stimulate the cholinergic receptors.

A French double-blind study was performed to measure how much of an impact the supplement DMAE has on both mood and vigilance. Four of the subjects were categorized as having anxiety, and four other subjects were the controls. They were each given 1200mg of DMAE over the course of 5 days. These subjects were measured daily for their EEG and convergence of the inter hemispheres of the brain. In the case of the four subjects that were given the supplement, progressive sync of the two brain hemispheres was found. This is correlated with increased neuromotor control, increased verbal memory, improvement in behavioral tasks, as well as better control of anxiety.

Another use for DMAE worth mentioning is its affects on learning deficiencies like ADD or hyperkinesia. Many doctors prescribe amphetamines for conditions like this, but DMAE has also proven useful. According to studies, hyperactivity and irritability decrease, and scholastic ability improves from supplementing with DMAE.

In addition to improving these conditions there is evidence that DMAE can improve life span, IQ, and motor mechanisms. It is very important to take the correct dosage of DMAE. I would start with taking 200-400mg first, and work your way up from there.


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The Facts About Herb Dopa Mucuna

Date: December 15, 2013 05:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Facts About Herb Dopa Mucuna

What is Herb Dopa Mucuna?

dopa mucunaDopa Mucuna has become used as an aphrodisiac. Which is still used to raise and help libido in both women and men. However it's an alternative treatment peculiarity now is extremely popular used as it provides potential and valuable results in managing Parkinson along with conditions. Pots include seeds called velvet beans or mucuna beans, these are glowing brown or black. Dopa Mucuna is generally be able to recover soil fertility and decrease weed infestation. In society medicine seeds can be used healing different conditions and disease. Mucuna beans have been used as a coffee alternate (ground and roasted) in Brazil, Central America, and other countries.

The primary acts of the plant are following :
  1. It is L-Dopa option - anti-Parkinson, and increase testosterone 
  2. It is aphrodisiac - can boosts libido, erectile dysfunction, and great for impotency
  3. It is a muscle mass builder which is used to induce growth of hormone - androgenic or anabolic 
  4. It is reduces pain and lessens spasms – antispasmodic or analgesic 
  5. It is reduces blood pressure and also blood sugar ( hypotensive ) 
How its supplies L-Dopa?

You've surely would not heard about L-Dopa, except if you are associated with somebody who carries body builder or Parkinson's disease, you might not be familiar with about it. L-Dopa is a precursor to dopamine. The seeds of Mucuna bean is rich in lipids, protein, ash, dietary fiber, minerals, and carbohydrates. Moreover they are very high in sterols, alkaloids, and saponins. Mucuna seeds (along with the seeds of every Mucuna varieties) include high level of L-dopa is an immediate precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

How does it works?

Low dopamine ranges are related to psychosis, addiction, schizophrenia, depression, and Attention Deficit Disorder. Because dopamine itself is unable to move the blood-brain barrier, it is transferred in a precursor condition is an outline that causes the brain to generate dopamine. L-Dopa is simply like a precursor. L-Dopa is located to work in improving concentrate, relieving depressive disorders, and managing Parkinson's Disease.


5-HTP and how it can help promote natural sleep patterns.

Date: November 27, 2013 07:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5-HTP and how it can help promote natural sleep patterns.

What is 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)?

Valerian root5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is a substance derived from Griffonia simplicifolia’s seed pods. In the human body, 5-hydroxytryptophan is an immediate nutrient precursor to neurotransmitter serotonin. This implies that 5-HTP directly converts into serotonin in human brain. Serotonin plays very many essential functions such as; a role in appetite, learning, sleep, memory, temperature regulation, cardiovascular function, endocrine regulation, sexual behavior, mood and muscle contraction.

Serotonin deficiency

The production of serotonin declines with age, however it’s also important to note that, at any age serotonin production can be further compromised by stress. Low serotonin levels are commonly manifested by insomnia, depressed mood and anxiety.

Good sleep.

It is known that insomnia is an age-related condition. Sleep disorders are associated with very significant psychological, medical and social disturbances. Sleep deprivation can cause depression, stress and anxiety, it can also lead to fatigue, impairment of memory, immune function and mood. Nutritional supplements that contain 5-HTP, choline, melatonin and valerian root helps one to get a good sleep hence alleviating these problems. Recent research has indicated that increased serotonin levels can assist individuals suffering from chronic sleep disturbances restore healthy sleep patterns.

Pathways of serotonin

One of the metabolic pathways of serotonin leads to melatonin a hormone widely acknowledged for being responsible for the sleep-wake cycle. By increasing serotonin’s level with 5-HTP, you are also increasing the melatonin levels. Melatonin is also known to improve the immune function and assist improve immunodepressions that are stress-induced.

Valerian root

Valerian root is a Eurasian herb that has been for long known for enhancing sleep. Valerian helps one to fall asleep and also improves the quality of sleep thus allowing one to wake up feeling refreshed. A study showed that people who used valerian were more active and alert .


Choline is a nutrient precursor to neurotransmitter acetylcholine, that assists to protect your sound sleep so that you are not woken up by every little murmur or cleak.Supplementing the diet with these natural substances will assist eradicate or diminish sleep disturbances and also assist reestablish healthy sleep patterns.




How Does Chlorella Improve Your Health?

Date: November 04, 2013 05:06 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Chlorella Improve Your Health?

 chorellaWhat is Chlorella

Chlorella is made by two cycle periods that determine the total cell size and length. A timer usually runs through the G1 phase and it leads to the cell attainment prior to S phase without further growth requirement. The cycle is consistent with increments of size control. It multiplies rapidly through photosynthesis and requires only three basic conditions to reproduce namely; water, carbon dioxide and sunlight. There are various health benefits of chlorella including;


Chlorella is rich in various types of vitamins including; A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. It provides the nutrients as a whole food bundle that is way superior than manufactured formula.


Chlorella is rich in magnesium that helps in improving blood sugar levels, mental health and heart health. It also contains other rich minerals including; iron, potassium and calcium.

Amino Acids

Chlorella is a rich protein source and it also contains important amino acids. The amino acids are used by the body for rebuilding neurotransmitters and lean tissues.


Chlorella is very effective in binding with toxic chemicals and heavy metals. The toxins are removed from the body hence bringing a positive health impact.


Chlorella increases the body energy. It is also very effective in elevating moods and it is way stronger than taking super food.


Chlorella has amazing cancer-fighting abilities due its rich natural carotenoids that prevent oxidation. It also has the ability to nourish the system.


Chlollera helps to improve blood sugar levels and insulin over time. It can also improve insulin resistance and diabetes.

Heart Disease

Chlollera offers protection against heart disease by improving LDL cholesterol and triglyceride. It also has strong antioxidant properties.


Chlollera has unique properties that can lower body fat. It can also improve insulin sensitivity and aid fat metabolism.



The Role of Glycine in Collagen and Its Remarkable Health Benefits

Date: March 17, 2013 08:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Glycine in Collagen and Its Remarkable Health Benefits

Collagen is basically made up of several amino acids and one of which is glycine. This particular amino acid accounts 1/3 of the entire composition of collagen. It can be found in the third position in the sequence of the amino acids. One of the fundamental roles of this amino acid is that it reduces the water solubility of collagen by a hundred folds. Contrary to the fact that it's considered as a non-essential amino acid, glycine has many health benefits aside from being a part of the collagen synthesis. The details below present some of the most essential information that you ought to know about this collagen component. Here they are:

Glycine Synthesizes Normal DNA and RNA

DNA and RNA are genetic materials necessary for the proper cellular formation and function. Glycine prevents the breakdown of the muscle tissues by increasing the body's creatine levels which is a compound that builds muscle mass. High concentration of this amino acid can also be found in the skin and connective tissues in the body and it keeps them flexible and firm. Without glycine, the body won't be able to repair damaged tissues.

Glycine Keeps the Central Nervous System Healthy

Studies had shown that this amino acid is an inhibitor of the neurotransmitters that can cause seizures, hyperactivity and bipolar depression. As a matter of fact, it can be converted into serine which is a neurotransmitter beneficial in the treatment of schizophrenia. Researchers found out that schizophrenic patients exhibited significant improvements after adding glycine with their anti-psychotic medication. It was also found out that it improves memory. Glycine Promotes Proper Function of the

Digestive System

This amino acid is known to induce bile acid production which is used to digest fats. It is also often included in most over-the-counter gastric antacid agents to prevent and treat acid reflux. Glycine Provides Glucose Specifically, this non-essential amino acid is also considered as glucogenic amino acid. That simply means that it provides glucose in the body. One of its benefits includes regulation of blood sugar levels, so it can be helpful in treating symptoms manifested by low energy and fatigue.

Glycine May Help With Cancer

Preliminary studies considered this amino acid as another breakthrough in cancer treatment. Results suggested that it can prevent the development of cancerous cells as it acts as an inhibitor of angiogenesis which is a process in which tumors, benign or malignant, develop their own blood supply.

Sources of Glycine

High-quality protein foods such as white meat from fish and chicken, beans, legumes, eggs and milk are known to be the main sources of this amino acid. Glycine supplements are also available in tablet or powder forms and can also be one of the components of many amino acid supplements. Except for some people complaining about having stomach upset and dizziness after taking glycine supplements, there are no other noted adversarial or severe side effects of glycine. If taken properly, such supplementation is extremely safe.

Who Should Not Take Glycine?

Those individuals suffering from kidney and liver diseases should never take glycine. Pregnant women should never take as well. People taking antispatic medication are not allowed also since there could be interference between the drugs and glycine. It's always best to consult a doctor first before taking such supplement.

Those are all the most notable benefits of glycine. The point here is that it is not just a mere part of a collagen but it also has a number of health benefits.


What Are The Health Benefits Of Magnesium Glycinate?

Date: March 12, 2013 11:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Magnesium Glycinate?

Magnesium Glycinate is derived from the attachment of magnesium to glycine. The health benefits of Magnesium glycinate are many. Naturally, the body needs magnesium to function properly. If the magnesium levels in our blood are less than normal, it is necessary to take magnesium glycinate supplement. When the amount of magnesium in the human body is very low, it may lead to various ailments. Likewise, excessive intake of this nutrient may lead to fatigue, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea etc.

Let us consider some of the health benefits of this supplement:

Prevent High blood pressure Medical Experts believe that consuming a large amount of this supplement can help prevent or reduce the effect of high blood pressure. Individuals who are already suffering from high blood pressure can take this supplement to reduce hypertension.

Increase Levels of HDL

HDL stands for good cholesterol. This supplement can also help reduce levels of bad cholesterol and increase levels of good cholesterol.

Improve Sleep Quality

People who have low levels of magnesium may find it difficult to sleep. If you are yet to achieve a more restful sleep, perhaps you can take this supplement. Those who are struggling with restless leg syndrome may also find this supplement helpful.

Mood enhancer

Magnesium glycinate supplement can help balance your mood swings. According to the author of "Healing Depression Naturally" Lewis Harrison, magnesium has the ability to regulate neurotransmitter receptor sites. Harrison emphasizes on the use of magnesium glycinate as a good treatment for depression. He stated that magnesium glycinate helps to remove mercury from the body, which can lead to emotional stability. However, this claim is based on anecdotal evidence and not clinical studies. Notwithstanding, some persons have achieved success using this supplement to treat depression. Therefore, if you are struggling with fatigue, sleeplessness, depression, high blood pressure and high bad cholesterol levels, then this supplement is for you.


What Are The Health Benefits Of Inositol Crystals?

Date: December 28, 2012 10:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Inositol Crystals?

The first isolation of inositol was made by Scherer in the year 1849 who was a renowned Biochemist at the time. Since its discovery, wide spread research has been conducted with successful isolation of inositol and its derivatives in both plants and animals. The physiological functions have been confirmed to differ with respect to the structural form of the inositol, with cis-inositol, myo-inositol, neo-inositol and allo-inositol being some of the inositol's stereoisomers commonly isolated.

Our Need for Inositol

The human body particularly requires inositol and its derivatives in many physiological processes. It is a major messenger molecule that is used in calcium mediated cell signaling which affects motor function, action of hormones such aldosterone and affects the functioning of some of the neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin. Inositol derivatives are also involved in lipid metabolism which helps control the amount of LDP (Bad cholesterol) in the body.

Additionally, some of the researches indicate that inositol derivatives are actively involved in suppressing oncogenesis which significantly reduces the risk of suffering from breast and prostate cancers. The human body can produce some of the inositol variants from glucose metabolism but obtaining plant derived inositols is also worthwhile.

Food Sources Of Inositol

Plant products such as red beans, bran and other cereals contain good levels of inositol although the chelating effect of the inositol by calcium and magnesium ions limits its uptake in the gut. For this reason, use of supplement Crystal Inositols is regarded as the best way to obtain dietary inositol. A majority of the crystal inositols available in the market are chemically combined with other compounds such as Niacin which highly increase their absorption in the intestines. Dissolving these crystals in juices is also highly recommended as it is a better way of taking the supplements since a wide range of other drinks especially the ones that contain caffeine affects the uptake of inositol negatively.


Dangers of Rhodiola Rosea? First Lets Look at The Benefits

Date: December 20, 2012 08:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Dangers of Rhodiola Rosea? First Lets Look at The Benefits

Rhodiola rosea also referred to as golden root or roseroot grows in the extremely cold parts of the world. Although there are over 200 different species of roseroot rhodiola rosea is the popularly specie due to its health benefits. It is currently widely used in Asia and Europe to treat several health conditions.

Improves Depression and Mood

According to a study in the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry Rhodiola rosea extracts helps improve mood as well as lifts depression. It is also known to help improve sleep, lower moodiness as well as lift mild to moderate depression. It is known to help relieve fatigue on the patients suffering from stress associated fatigue. It not only decreases fatigue it increases mental performance particularly concentration and reduces cortisol production in people suffering from fatigue syndrome. It is therefore important to note that supplementation with rhodiola rosea robustly cancels out physiological and behavioral changes induced by persistent exposure to gentle stressors.

Functions as an Adaptogen

It is also a known adaptogen meaning that it helps in strengthening your endocrine and immune nervous system, thus improves your ability to defend against internal and external stress. It works a little different from other adaptogens such as ginseng, it works on neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine which are associated with several illnesses such as seasonal affective disorders and fibromyalgia. It helps you to withstand stress as well as stress related diseases such as lowered immunity and hypertension. It has also been noted to increase the ability to exercise, reduces lactate levels as well as skeletal muscle damage mainly after vigorous exercise.


It is advisable that you consult your doctor before you start taking any rhodiola rosea supplement. Despite its numerous health benefits it has several negative side effects especially if high doses are consumed. The dangers include irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and dizziness. Pregnant women, breast feeding mothers and people suffering from manic depressive and bipolar disorders should not take rhodiola.

This Herb is considered generally safe for most individuals with many mood boosting properties.


Can our health benefit from supplmenting choline?

Date: November 18, 2012 11:01 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can our health benefit from supplmenting choline?


Choline, discovered in 1864 by the German chemist, Adolph Strecker, is an essential nutrient, usually grouped under the vitamin B family. While the human body does synthesize small amounts of choline, dietary consumption is a must in order to maintain a healthy body. Deficiency of choline can lead to a number of serious health issues including neurological problems, insomnia, accumulation of fat in the liver, damage to the kidneys and also cardiovascular disease. There are a range of important functions that choline performs in the body.

Some of the key health benefits of choline are:

Maintenance of brain health: The neurotransmitter or the messenger molecule, acetylcholine, that transmits signals from the brain to the muscles and various organs in the body such as the liver, heart, lungs etc, is synthesized using choline. Thus, it plays a very important role in memory and muscle control. Research also suggests that choline has a calming effect on the brain and helps reduce panic and anxiety attacks.

Maintenance of cell membranes: The integrity and flexibility of cell membranes depends on the presence of satisfactory amounts of choline thus making it a prerequisite for appropriate cell metabolism.

Maintenance of Liver health: Choline is responsible for preventing the accumulation of cholesterol and fat deposits in the liver hence preventing hepatosteatosis, a condition more commonly known as fatty liver.

Anti inflammatory benefits: Studies have revealed that inflammatory markers such as Interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, Homocysteine, etc., which are associated with various illnesses such as Diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Cardiovascular disease, Osteoporosis and also various cancers, show reduced levels if adequate amounts of choline are consumed in the diet. 

Food Sources

Apart from those stated above there are many more health benefits of choline and hence it is very important to consume foods that are rich in this nutrient. In addition to seafood and meat, foods that have high choline content include, Dairy and poultry products like Skim milk and Egg yolk, peanut butter; Vegetables such as Cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, Asparagus, Green beans and Fruits like Bananas and Oranges. Soybeans, due to their high lecithin content, are also a fantastic source of choline. Seeds like flax seed, sesame seeds and grains like corn, barley and oats are also rich in choline content.

Maintenance of adequate levels of choline is imperative in order to maintain optimal health. It is therefore very important to have periodic health checkups so that any deficiencies are identified and addressed as soon as possible.


glycine: a healthy amino acid

Date: November 15, 2012 07:56 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: glycine: a healthy amino acid

For those who have heard about glycine and wonder about its health benefits, they should first of all know that it's a proteinogenic amino acid with its name being a combination from the words glycogen and glucose. This is not an essential amino acid for the body, because it can be obtained from other sources.

Nutritional Role

Many studies have been performed around glycine and the results show that it can be easily used in order to reduce the psychotic symptoms associated with schizophrenia and at the same time it can also be used to reduce symptoms that are associated with BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Health benefits

It seems that glycine also has many benefits in nutrition and they are as following:

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia
  • Mental health
  • Digestion
  • Nervous system
  • Energy metabolism


Glycine is similar with many other amino acids and one of those similarities is in the fact that it has a great importance for the nervous system, more specifically in what regards understanding and memory. Due to the fact that glycine work as a neurotransmitter, it has been successfully used in many treatments for hyperactivity, epilepsy and bipolar depression. Not only that, but it also supplies the human body with creatine which is vital for having healthy developing muscles.

More to that, it also helps with maintaining a healthy prostate and with healing damaged skin. On the other hand, it seems that its uses are much broader and deeper, down to even helping out the body with detoxifying the liver and eventually helping with the calcium absorption process.

Where is it found?

People can easily get glycine from foods like seeds, soya, gelatin, dairy and fish products, but also meat. In some cases, it's used as a sweetener and also in food supplements and protein drinks. Lastly, unless the individual needs this amino acid specifically, there is no need to actually get it, as the body can produce it unless for some reason the body mechanism that produces it is blocked.  Then supplementation is essential to good health and wellness.


st johns wort and depression

Date: October 10, 2012 12:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: st johns wort and depression

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort, also scientifically known as hypericum perforatum, or Klamath Weed, is a herb with yellow flowers. It has numerous composition of strong compounds like hypericin and hyperforin thathave shown evidence of antibacterial, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and antioxidant properties.

St John Wort can be used to treat mild session of anxiety depression and mood swings, the hyperforin chemical found in it, elevates the level of the neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin) that relay information in between cell and play a vital role in the nervous system. The herb has the ability to inhibit chemical associated with anxiety and depression and thus induce a sense of wellbeing and help moderate depression, anxiety, mood swings, chronic fatigue and low energy level.

Other benefit of the St John Wort is that it can help treat hangover and alcoholism; it also helps prevent the risk of getting Parkinson disease. It antibiotic and anti-viral properties can help treat congested sinus or a chronic cough its antibacterial and analgesic propertied help to treat wounds and burn.


Health benefits of GABA

Date: October 07, 2012 05:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health benefits of GABA

Gaba - Gamma-Amino butyric Acid

GABA derived from its chemical name, Gamma-Amino butyric Acid is an amino acid and a neurotransmitter. This acid is produced by the body and is responsible for transmitting information from one cell to another. Scientist claims that GABA supplements can increase the GABA level in the body and thus consequently can be used as a treatment for anxiety, depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), post menstrual syndrome and hypertension.

Though GABA deficiency is rare, depletion of GABA level in the body can occur due to toxins in the environment and other external stressors which may result to the above mentioned disorders.

Other benefit of the GABA in human nutrition apart from the curative effect is, it help people to control their weight, it also relieves pain and injuries ,help one to increase exercise tolerance, also It induces a sense of relaxation thereby reducing stress, increase memory and cognitive function and help reducing insomnia , and it is a good supplement for people with convulsive disorders.


The Health benefits of P-5-P

Date: July 20, 2012 07:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health benefits of P-5-P

P-5-P or Pyridoxal-5-phosphate

P-5-P or the most commonly called Pyridoxal-5-phosphate is known to be the most active form of the Vitamin B6. This is known to be converted from organic compounds pyridoxal, pyridoxine and pyridoxamine. The Vitamin P-5-P is a coenzyme which support several other enzymes in the body which play a important role in biosynthesis. This also makes optimum use of the vitamin B6 by improving the body metabolism and many other biological process as well. The vitamin B6 traditionally comes in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride which the body finds difficult to synthesize in its existing state. Hence, this pyridoxine hydrochloride is processed and is formed as Pyridoxal-5-phosphate to help the body to use the vitamin B6 effectively.

There are a lot of benefits of the vitamin P-5-P

Let us have a look at some of them.

Pyridoxal-5-phosphate uses the information from the genes ad helps to produce proteins.P-5-P is also helpful in the formation of hemoglobin, histamine and neurotransmitters and is also helpful in the metabolism of amino acids, fats and glucose.Pyridoxal-5-phosphate also helps in the conversion of dopa which is a useful substance used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Dopa is converted to dopamine which is a neurotransmitter which is produced in the brain and is released by the hypothalamus.

Food Source

The P5P is also helpful in the utilization of the food sources for the formation of energy and also helps in the easy release of glycogen which is the stored energy.P5P also converts glutamate into GABA which is gamma amino butyric acid which is again a neurotransmitter which is known to be found in the mammals. This is found in their central nervous system.The Pyridoxal-5-phosphate also helpful in the process of decarboxylation which is the conversion of histidine to histamine.

This also converts SAM-e to propylamine which is known to be a precursor of polyamines.The Vitamin P5P is also responsible to lower the homocystenie levels which are caused by the intake of high amounts of methionine.The Vitamin Pyridoxal-5-phosphate helps in the treatment of irregular heartbeat , which is a condition termed as arrhythmia.This plays a important role in the treatment of myocardial infections. This prevents the blood platelets from sticking to each other which usually causes blood clots.The enzymes produced by the Pyridoxal-5-phosphate also helps in the formation of different kinds of amino acid reactions which keeps the carbon ions stable. This process is very important in the metabolism of the cells.The P5P also helps in the metabolism of the amino acids.

Here it helps in converting methionine to cysteine and also converts tryptophan to niacin.Pyridoxal-5-phosphate also plays a vital role in the formation of glucose. This process is known as gluconeogenesis.This also acts a important co-enzyme in the process of glycogenolysis which happens in the liver and muscles and this is known to be a reaction which occurs due to presence of glycogen.The P5P also helps in the formation of antibodies and also assists in the process of hemoglobin synthesis as well.

To keep it simpler, the vitamin P5P performs many functions which is very beneficial to the whole human body. The P5P deficiency can also happen in many individuals and even such symptoms are hard to identify. Any person suffering from the P5P deficiency will have symptoms like muscle weakness, irritability or depression. Consulting a physician and taking necessary supplements will help to overcome the P5P deficiency.


Getting Sleep the Natural Way - What Are Some Natural Remedies For Sleep?

Date: July 04, 2012 08:13 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Getting Sleep the Natural Way - What Are Some Natural Remedies For Sleep?


Sleep is a vital part of everyone's life, and without it things can really start to go wrong. It is a proven fact that people who do not get the proper amount of sleep are less healthy then people who sleep properly. There are a lot of ways to get sleep, but many people do not want to take a sleeping pill prescribed by a doctor, or something over the counter. For those that want to get a good night's sleep, but do not want to go buy some harsh drug there are options. Here is a list of some natural ways for someone to catch up on their sleep.


This is an herbal supplement that has been used as a way to cure insomnia for a very long time. Valerian is available in any herbal shop and usually comes in a liquid form. All you need to do is add a few drops to water and drink it right before you go to bed. What makes valerian effective is that the ingredient GABA, which is a neurotransmitter that helps ease the body and make it nice and calm. The best thing about valerian is that it is not addicting and people wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.


Unlike Valerian, melatonin is not anherb, it is a hormone that is found in the body naturally. In the brain there is a gland called the pineal, and it is this little gland that produces melatonin. The debate is out about how effective melatonin is, and people with certain conditions like depression, or auto immune problems should be careful when taking it since this is a hormone associated with the brain.


Ever heard of chamomile tea? Known for its ability to fight bacteria, chamomile is also known as a way to help people fall asleep by calming their body down and causing it to relax. Chamomile tea is also good for the digestion.


Another herbal remedy, kava is known to be good for anxiety. People who take kava as a remedy for anxiety have reported that they tend to sleep better as well.


Every Thanksgiving holiday, people find themselves getting sleepy after they eat and end up taking a post-meal nap. Is it because they ate too much? Well, yes and no. The size of the meal does not matter, but the fact they ate turkey does. Turkey is loaded with tryptophan, though there are supplements also available that contain it. Just be aware that no everyone who eats turkey or takes the pills gets sleepy, some people are immune to the effects of tryptophan.

Everyone needs to sleep if they want to function in their everyday lives. When sleep does not come easy, people tend to turn to the natural world for help. There are a number of remedies available to help a person fall asleep including valerian, melatonin, chamomile, and kava. Before taking any of these remedies or others, please do your research and make sure you get your good night's sleep and nothing more.


How does 5-HTP Help the Brain?

Date: May 28, 2012 08:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How does 5-HTP Help the Brain?


5-HTP is the abbreviation of 5-Hydroxytryptophan, an amino acid that converts tryptophan into serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps with the regulation of sleep, mood and appetite, and it is found in the stomach or the CNS. 5-HTP is mainly obtained from animal products especially red meats and eggs. Fish and dairy products are also rich in this amino acid. Vegetarians get this compound from pumpkin seeds, oats, potatoes, peanuts and dried dates. Due to its ability to regulate the amount of serotonin and melatonin in your body, 5-HTP regulates the functioning of your brain.

The following are the health benefits of this compound:

It fixes anxiety

Anxiety and panic disorders are some of the most popular mental disorders that can be cured using 5-HTP. These two illnesses occur when your body experiences a deficiency of serotonin. Therefore, taking supplements of this amino acid reduces your chances of developing any or both of these conditions.

It treats insomnia

Insomnia is a problem that affects the quality of your sleep. Sleep is normally regulated by your brain. Every night, your brain releases receptors that lead to the five stages of a sleep cycle. If your brain fails to release the appropriate receptors, you cannot enjoy a complete sleep cycle. In addition, Melatonin is the hormone that induces sleep and therefore its absence leads to poor sleep quality. The production of sufficient melatonin therefore boosts the quality of your sleep and helps with the treatment of insomnia.

It helps relieve the symptoms of depression

Your mood is controlled by the neurotransmitter serotonin. The absence of this neurotransmitter leads to the development of a depressed mood. However, the availability of 5-HTP in your body leads to the production of sufficient serotonin thus restoring your happiness.

It also treats eating disorders especially among young children Your brain controls your levels of appetite. Serotonin is specifically in charge of this function, and therefore its deficiency in your body leads to a disruption in your appetite mechanism. Most people who have this problem often tend to eat lots of sweet foods that are rich in empty calories, high carb and junk food. This often leads to obesity and overweight. However, taking 5-HTP supplements restores your appetite mechanism thus protecting you from eating disorders and subsequent complications such as obesity.

It is a natural pain killer

5-HTP enhances the production of endorphins, thus helping your body overcome pain and migraines. Chronic headache is often associated with low levels of serotonin, and this can be reversed by taking sufficient 5-HTP. Serotonin has a calming and soothing effect on the central nervous system, and therefore the sufficient release of this neurotransmitter helps ease pain on the head.

5-HTP helps relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by chronic pains and aches that can be relieved by taking sufficient supply of 5-HTP. This is because this amino acid helps with the secretion of serotonin, which helps ease such pains and aches.

It is therefore important for you to ensure that you have sufficient supply of 5-HTP in order to enhance the functioning of your brain.


How Does GABA Help Brain Function?

Date: May 16, 2012 08:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does GABA Help Brain Function?

Gamma Amino Butyric Acid, GABA, is a neurotransmitter found in central nervous system. It has an inhibitory action on nerve transmission and helps in regulating brain activity and function.

Healthy functioning of brain is important to achieve optimal health. In today's fast paced lifestyle, work related stress and anxiety have taken a toll on man's health. Mental stress and anxiety can cause havoc on the internal systems of the body. According to American Psychological Association, stress can affect the physical as well as mental health of a person. It impairs the brain's ability to block certain toxins and can lead to certain aging conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Stress can affect brain's normal functioning and affect intellectual abilities and memory. GABA helps in calming the stress and thereby enhancing the functioning capacity of the brain. Let us understand how does GABA help in brain function?

Role of GABA in cerebral cortex:

The nervous system comprises of neurons, brain, spinal cord and neurotransmitters. The role of neurotransmitters is to transmit nerve signals from one neuron to another or from neuron to muscle or gland cell. The most abundant neurotransmitters in cerebral cortex, Glutamate and GABA, have opposite action on the neuron cells.

Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter, which results in neuron fires and sends an electrical impulse down its length. On the other hand, GABA, made from glutamate, has inhibitory action on the nerve cells and does not allow the electrical impulse to pass through the neuron. In case of deficiency of GABA, nerve cells will fire too often and too easily, resulting in wide number of anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, seizure disorders, headaches and other cognitive impairment disorders. Hence, GABA helps in stopping the transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to another and thereby regulating brain activity. It has a calming effect on the brain.

Once the activity in the brain is regulated and cognitive abilities are restored by GABA, the person can think better and perform better. This natural tranquilizer allows your brain to function more efficiently. Studies have related many higher brain functions such as visual recognition and language comprehension with declining levels of GABA with advancing age. This results in easy firing of neurons by stimulus, slowing down processing of information in brain.

Health benefits of GABA:

According to studies, GABA plays an important role in healthy functioning of mind and body. It helps in:

1. Treating conditions like depression, anxiety, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and epilepsy. The result is due to the calming effect of GABA on brain activity. It helps in clear thinking and better reasoning.

2. Preventing age related conditions such as cardiovascular disorder, diabetes and cancer.

3. Inducing a sense of relaxation by providing tranquilizing effect. GABA increases dopamine hormone in the body and gives a sense of euphoria. You remain happy and of course this has a positive effect on sexual system.

4. Relieving pain.

5. Promoting body building and losing extra fat.

GABA can be purchased as a supplement in the form of pill, capsule or powder form. It is a natural alternative for relieving stress and improving brain function.


What Are The Health Benefits Of DMAE?

Date: April 26, 2012 12:57 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of DMAE?


Dimethylaminoethanol or DMAE is anorganic compound that is metabolically produced by the adrenal glands, testes and the brain in small quantities. It is converted into testosterone, estrogen and cortisone by the body. It is a known fact that the liver processes DMAE into choline, but the molecule thus produced is charged and cannot break the blood-brain barrier. Studies have shown that DMAE methylated in the brain acts as the precursor for the manufacture of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in the conduction of signals in the brain as well as the nervous system.

DMAE also stimulates phosphatidylcholine, a crucial part of cell membranes. However, the DMAE naturally produced by the body is sufficient only to maintain healthy brain and functions. It will not improve their functions. Though DMAE is found in fish such as salmon, anchovies, and sardines, supplementation in the pill form is important because of the practical difficulties having these foods in the right form and quantity on a daily basis to derive the benefits. DMAE supplements for oral consumption are through stores that sell health foods and groceries.

Daily consumption of DMAE in the supplement form provides a number of benefits to the body. Some of the benefits are as follows:

It helps prevent as well as treat cardiovascular problems and boost the body's immune system because of its strong antioxidant properties.It protects cells from the harmful effects of free-radicals by helping them retain the nutrients that are essential and expelling waste.As a precursor in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, it supports the functioning of the brain in a number of ways. It increases a person's attention span, relieves behavioral problems and hyperactivity or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is also helpful in treating memory lapses and Alzheimer's disease.

It helps stop production of arachidonic acid which is responsible for wrinkling and aging of skin. Topical creams containing DMAE help tighten skin and reduce wrinkles and fine lines.It is found to be effective in burning fat because of its involvement in the production of acetylcholine. It increases the metabolism in the body because of its thermogenic effect.It can be beneficial as an anti-inflammatory as well.It can reduce the amount of sleep required for a person by up to one hour.It can safely be used as a substitute for anabolic steroids.


Research studies have shown that consumption of 200 to 500 mg of DMAE on a daily basis is helpful in improving health. However, it is important to start with a low dosage of DMAE and then gradually increase the dosage level to the optimum level. Higher dosage can cause headaches, insomnia and muscle tension. People suffering from conditions such as schizophrenia, mental depression and epilepsy should not have DMAE supplements. Pregnant and lactating women also should not have DMAE.

Summarizing, consumption of recommended amounts of DMAE is believed to be safe. Side effects due to consumption of DMAE are rare and not generally serious. However, it is important to use high-quality supplements in order to increase DMAE levels in the body and reap the benefits.


How Does Phosphatidyl Serine Improve Your Health?

Date: April 17, 2012 07:22 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Phosphatidyl Serine Improve Your Health?

Health Benefits Of Phosphatidyl Serine

Phosphatidyl serine is phospholipid that is vital to your brain functioning. The phospholipid are molecules containing both fatty acids and amino acids found in every cell in the body. Phodphatidyl Serine supplements are plant extracts that has been proven safe and effective therapeutic substance in remedying memory disorders as well as in enhancing higher brain functions. Clinical trials have shown that this vitamin supplement do strengthen your memory, increase mental acuity, increase concentration, boosts learning, enhances attention and vigilance. In addition, Phodphatidyl serine relieves depression while improving your mood and inhibits increases in cortisol induced by exercise and stress.

The supplement works by enabling your brain cells to metabolize glucose and releases it to bind with neurotransmitters which hence support learning, memory and other cognitive functions. Phodphatidyl serine enhances the cells communication in the brain through increasing the number of membrane receptor sites. It is also important to note that this natural supplement modulates the fluidity of the cell membranes which are essential in supporting the ability of brain cells to send and receive chemical communications.

Health Benefits

Another health benefit associated with Phodphatidyl serine is its ability to restore the supply and output of acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylcholine is an essential transmitter to memory and is associated in reversing aging. Further, it increases the availability of endogenous chlorine used for de novo synthesis and production. Patients diagnosed with clinical depression that have ben put under the treatment of Phodphatidyl serine have registered a remarkable improvement with their symptoms. This follows from the fact that the supplement stimulates the production of dopamine by the brain. A deficit in dopamine in the brain has also been associated with attention deficit disorder and hence the natural supplement of Phodphatidyl serine has demonstrated to be an effective remedy for the disorder.

Weight Training

Research indicates that athletes involved in weight training, endurance running and cycling can reduce muscle soreness when they use Phodphatidyl serine. The athletes on this supplement have also been reported to undergo speed recovery during their rigorous training sessions. Other benefits of the supplement include; testicular function, formation of bone matrix, heart beat coordination, cell repair and removal by the immune system and secretion of hormones by the adrenal glands.


It is vital to note that phodphatidyl serine is present in almost every cell in our body and the membrane proteins it activates are important in all these cells. However, our bodies cannot produce enough amounts of it when under stress, when there is a deficit in necessary enzymes and metabolic cofactors, and when aged. Stress increases the demands for phospatidylserine thus depleting the available levels in the cells. On the other hand, aging not only increases the brain's requirement for phosphatidylserine but also leads to inefficiency in the digestive and metabolic functions of the body. This makes it difficult for aged people to acquire enough of it from the diet and thus it is recommended that aged people should use phosphatidyl serine supplements.

Modern diets with low fat and low cholesterol levels have been shown to be lacking in phodphotidyl serine to levels of up to 150 mg per day. A vegetarian diet on the other hand may have a deficit of up to 250 mg per day. This deficit in supply of Phodphatidyl serine in the diet leads to impairment of your brain's ability to form, store, process and even remember. It is vital hence to consider taking vitamin supplements with phosphatidyl serine to cater for the deficit which may be detrimental to your health.


What Is L-Carnosine And What Does It Do?

Date: March 30, 2012 08:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is L-Carnosine And What Does It Do?

What Is L-Carnosine

L-Carnosine is basically a combination of 2 vital amino acids-L-histidine and beta-alanine. It is naturally present in the body, mainly in the muscle, and in many animals too. Carnosine can be broken down easily into the two amino acids, but it is good to know that these amino acids work much better when combined to form L-Carnosine. L-Carnosine has the remarkable ability to revitalize, that is, to make older cells younger and lengthen their life cycle. This compound is commercially available and is the only one that has the rare and distinctive ability to rejuvenate cells.

What does L-Carnosine do?

In simple language, L-carnosine is able to transform itself into so many compounds with each performing or enhancing a number of crucial body functions such as:

May bind to dangerous metal compounds to make them inactive.

Turning the resultant metal compound/carnosine into useful antioxidants which in turn can be anti-ulcer agents

Protecting and stabilizing cell membranes, keeping cells safe from dangerous free radicals

Protecting healthy cells from damage caused by radiation

Fighting allergies

Enhances blood flow to the brain

Acts like a neurotransmitter, helping messages move from one nerve to the other. This helps fight dementia, as in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, and boost memory.

Blocks guanylate cyclase activation, an enzyme associated with cancer, migraine, asthma, and septic shock.

Special derivatives of carnosine can help get rid of the accumulation of sugar compounds and abnormal protein in the eye. A variety of these compounds may cause glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.

Carnosine works like a catalyst to boost the work of so many other compounds and nutrients.

Benefits of using L-carnosine

Although L-carnosine benefits haven't been extensively researched, according to initial studies it may help in:

Dealing with complications related to cataracts, diabetes, neuropathy, and kidney failure.

It may also help in slowing down aging in skin, minimizing wrinkles as well as breakdown of elasticity in skin.

It can help to prevent joint inflammation, atherosclerosis, and formation of cataract.

Carnosine has been known to prevent and reduce cell damage occasioned by beta amyloid-the substance found in Alzheimer's patent's brain.

Additionally, carnosine appears able to help get rid of the helicobacter pylori bacterium, the organism associated with stomach cancer and peptic cancer. Therefore, it can significantly help protect and heal both peptic and gastric ulcers.

Other possible L-carnosine benefits

Increase muscle endurance and strength

Improves heart function

Speeds healing of wound

A powerful antioxidant that can deal with even the worst free radicals

Reduces inflammation and boosts immunity

It helps pull out or chelate some heavy metals from your body

May help autistic children

Act as anti-cancer agent in the body

Stabilizes cell membranes and slows down lipid peroxidation to protect the process of aging of the brain

L-carnosine can help in preventing or even treating age-related conditions like:

Cell aging/cellular senescence

Neurological degeneration

Cross-linking of eye lens

Build up of damaged proteins

Brain circulatory deficit

Muscle atrophy

Cross-linking of collagen in the skin

DNA chromosome damage

LDL cholesterol oxidation

Formation of AGEs i.e. advanced glycation end-products.

What is stopping you from taking L-Carnosine today?


What Are The Health Benefits Of Rhodiola Rosea?

Date: February 26, 2012 07:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Rhodiola Rosea?

Rhodiola Rosea:

Rhodiola rosea is medicinal herb that has many beneficial health effects on humans. It grows in the cold regions of the world like Europe, Central Asia and Arctic region. The phytochemicals present in this medicinal plant are good antioxidants and they are quercetin, chlorogenic acid, gallic acid and proanthocyanidins. It also consists of essential polyphenols namely rosiridin, rhodioniside and rhodiolin in the extracts of Rhodiola. These substances are the active ingredients of this herb and helps in improving the overall health of the body. The extracts of this plant can be taken in the form of tea, pills or liquid form and must be taken after prescription by medicinal health expert.

Some of the health benefits of Rhodiola rosea plant are explained as follows

Stabilize the Nervous system: This nature gifted herb is very helpful to stabilize the levels of neurotransmitters in our brain and thereby increase the levels of tryptophan, dopamine and norenephrine in our body naturally. Thereby, improve the neuro-chemical reactions inside the body.A Good Anti-oxidant: It acts as a good antioxidant and also protects our nervous system. It helps to overcome the damage caused to nervous system by eliminating the free radicals present in our body.

Treat Depression: It is known though a scientific research that Rhodiola rosea gave good results to treat mild and moderate depression on people of age group from 18 years to 70 years. The prescribed dosage to get the complete health benefit is 340 mg to 680 mg per day. SHR-5, the extract of this plant enhances the mental performance and also helps the person to concentrate on healthier subjects. This medicinal herb can also be used along with other anti-depressant drugs as it has the synergistic effect. Regular intake of the plant's extract according to the prescribed dosage by expert doctor reduced the symptoms of fatigue and helped them improve their concentration power. This herb is being used in cold counties like Scandinavia and Russia to overcome the stressful life and chill climate. Improves the Overall Health: This medicinal herb is known to enhance the immune system of a person and also improve the overall health. It helps in preventing the side-effects of stress and improve the physical activity, enhance the mood, appetite, estrus cycle, reduce fatigue etc.

It also helps to overcome stress, anxiety, anemia, hormonal imbalance cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders of a person. It is also known to decrease the time needed for recovery after any strenuous muscular activity.

Treat Insomnia: It is also being used to treat Insomnia and has given good results. Sleeplessness can be cured effectively with this herb without any side effects. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not take this medicinal herb as it has some side effects on them.

Always consult your medicinal health expert before taking the extracts of this herb and take the correct dosage.It is known to maintain creatine phosphate at high levels and this is especially useful for athletes to maintain their stamina levels. Rhodiola rosea is also used to overcome the side effects of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.


What Are the Health Benefits of Phosphatidyl Serine

Date: February 21, 2012 07:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are the Health Benefits of Phosphatidyl Serine

Phosphatidyl Serine

Phosphatidyl Serine is a phospholipid produced by the brain that brings about a number of beneficial effects to the human body. It is found in every cell of the body but it is abundantly available in the brain. Though it is manufactured naturally in the brain, this type of fat can also be derived from meat, vegetables, dairy products and supplements. In fact, lots of Phosphatidyl Serine supplements are offered on the market today because of its helpful benefits to the human body. So what are the health benefits of Phosphatidyl Serine?

Basically, Phosphatidyl Serine is a powerful nutrient that improves the cardiovascular and overall fitness and boosts the cognitive function of an individual. It increases one's mental clarity, focus, concentration and alertness. Phosphatidyl Serine is actually considered as ‘brain food' that nourishes and enhances the functions of the brain even at an old age. Intake of Phosphatidyl Serine can significantly reduce the individual's risk of suffering from life threatening diseases. In fact, clinical studies show that Phosphatidyl Serine contains powerful components that prevent an individual from developing hypertension and treat atherosclerosis.

Phosphatidyl Serine and Memory

Phosphatidyl Serine is also proven to be effective in boosting the cognitive function of the user. Studies show that the phospholipid can significantly enhance the focus and concentration of an individual. Furthermore, it improves one's learning abilities and helps in alleviating the symptoms of age-related memory loss. This type of fat regulates the production and release of neurotransmitters in the brain. Phosphatidyl Serine is also effective in preventing the development of dementia and treating it.

The Brain

Studies show that production of Phosphatidyl Serine in the brain decreases with age. This results to the increased occurrence of age-related memory problems as one gets older. Phosphatidyl Serine is even effective in treating the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease that is mainly triggered by a disruption in the normal functioning in the part of the brain that controls memory, thought and language. Intake of 300g of Phosphatidyl Serine daily for two months can reduce the symptoms of the debilitating condition.

Some studies revealed that Phosphatidyl Serine has the ultimate capacity to boost the health of the cell membranes and lower the level of stress hormone in the body. This substance is also believed to be effective in reducing the impact of stress to an individual. Phosphatidyl Serine combats exercise-induced stress by reducing the level of cortisol produced by the adrenal glands during stressful situations.


A clinical study in 1990 shows that intake of Phosphatidyl Serine can significantly reduce the symptoms of depression in elderly women. Researchers claimed that depression is mainly triggered by chemical imbalances in the brain or a stressful event such as accidents and death of a spouse, children and relatives. By mitigating the impact of stress, Phosphatidyl Serine prevents the occurrence of the debilitating symptoms of depression.

Phosphatidyl Serine is also beneficial in building muscles during workout and endurance trainings. It dramatically increases the recovery time of the muscle builders between workouts. It reduces muscle soreness during workouts and increases the physical performance of an individual.


Some researchers claim that Phosphatidyl Serine can help children who have been diagnosed with ADHD. Furthermore, the substance is believed to be effective in regulating the mood of the user.


Chaste Berry a Women Herb

Date: February 08, 2012 11:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Chaste Berry a Women Herb

Other names of Chaste Berry- Monk's pepper, Chaste-tree Berry

Chaste Berry is the fruit found on Chaste tree which is botanically known as Vitex. Chaste tree is a decidous tree that grows in a well-drained, acidic soil in full sun. Vitus agnus castus or Chaste Berry is a native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia but now is grown throughout the world. The tree belongs to Verbanaceae family and can grow to a height of 22 feet. It was traditionally used by men in ancient Greece and Rome to reduce sexual desire, treat menstrual disorders and other hormonal problems and as an anti-microbial agent against infections. It is also known as 'Women's Herb' as it regulates hormonal imbalances and promotes women reproductive health. Aside from its medicinal use, it was used as a peppery condiment. Some of the constituents included in Chaste Berry fruit are flavonoids (casticin, orientin, isovitexin, kaemferol), glycosides (aucubin and agnuside) and essential oils (linalol, sabinene, pinene and limonene). These phytohormone compounds help in regulating the female hormones production and normalising testosterone and progesterone activity.

Effects of Chaste Berry:

ChasteBerry controls and regulates overall female reproductive system.

1. It helps to manage Pre-Menstrual Syndrome: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome is associated with several uncomfortable symptoms, ranging from mood swings to fatigue and hot flushes. Chaste Berry is known to be rich in progesterone that helps to ease out the disturbing symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.

2. It helps to normalize menstrual irregulaties: Imbalance in prolactin levels in the body can lead to various complications in women such as amenorrhoea (absence of periods), breast tenderness and reduced milk production in lactating mothers. Chaste Berry balances natural production of prolactin hormone in the body and effectively treats menstrual irregularities and other symptoms such as tenderness of breast and reduced milk secretion.

3. It treats menopausal discomforts: Some women experience dicomfort and other menopausal symptoms that affect their daily routine life. The hormone regulating properties of Chaste Berry help in easing menopausal symptoms such as mood swings and hot flushes and several other physical symptoms associated with hormone deficiency during menopause.

4. It improves overall female reproductive health: Chasteberry has been found to be effective in treating fibroid cysts especially of smooth muscle. It also reduces heavy bleeding associated with perimenopause.

5. It helps in treating Hormonal acne: Hormonal acne are due to imbalance in androgen hormone levels. Increased androgen levels in the body leads to excessive sebum production that causes acne. This wonder herb regulates the androgen levels in the body and thereby helps in treating moderate and light acne. Another way in which this herb prevents acne formation is its anti-bacterial property. The bioactive essential oils present in Chasteberry have anti-bacterial properties that prevent the survival of bacteria. Chaste Berry contains linoleic fatty acid which is responsible for regulating sebum production.

Chaste berry modulates the hormone prolactin with the neurotransmitter dopamine. The active ingredients such as polyphenols in the herb indirectly affects hormones and neurotransmitters and regulate the hormones.

Chaste berry herb is a safe and natural treatment for many women related problems.


What does GABA Do in the Brain?

Date: November 02, 2011 07:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What does GABA Do in the Brain?


GABA or Gamma Amino Butyric Acid is a neurotransmitter of the brain. It is considered to be the main inhibitory brain chemical among mammals. In ordinary terms, it significantly regulates the firing of impulses by the neurons. This chemical is naturally produced by the brain and generally acts as a balancer together with other neurotransmitters. This neurotransmitter has a key role in the regulation of nerve excitability all throughout the nervous system. It effectively maintains the equilibrium of the body and the brain in excitation status. Chemically speaking, GABA is classified as an amino acid. However, GABA is not a building block of protein like the other amino acids. This is the reason why in the medical field, GABA is rarely considered as an amino acid.

Moreover, GABA is the prime brain chemical responsible for the regulation of muscle tone among humans. In a disorder called Spastic Diplegia, the absorption of GABA into the muscles is weakened because of damage nervous tissues and cells. This would significantly lead to hypertonic muscles in which the muscles will experience spasms and can not anymore recognize and process the neurotransmitter GABA. On the other hand, GABA in insects acts as both inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitter.

The Brain

As mentioned above, GABA is an inhibitory neurochemical. It functions at the inhibitory synapses of the brain by attaching to receptor sites in the plasma membrane of both pre – and post – synaptic nerves. Once GABA has bind with the receptor sites, it will cause the ion channels to open and permit either the entry of chloride ion which has a negative charge or exit of potassium ion which has a positive charge. Potassium is the main electrolyte inside the cell. This opening of ion channels will then cause the cell to be either hyperpolarized or re – polarized.

During brain development, GABA also plays a significant role. It significantly controls the proliferation of brain progenitor cells and development of synapses as well as the differentiation and maturation of neurites. Furthermore, GABA is also responsible for the growth and development of embryonic and nerve stem cells. It also activates GABA receptors which lead to the halting of cell cycling in the S – phase. As a result, this will limit the growth of cell thus preventing abnormal growth and even malignancies.

If GABA is in inadequate level, muscle tone is disturbed making it always tensed and the mind will keep on working and working because there is no brain chemical to stop it. Therefore, GABA must be importantly maintained within normal limits.

GABA is naturally produced by nerve cells. However, GABA supplement is now available so that adequate amount of such brain chemical will be administered to the body as needed. GABA supplements can enhance the sleep onset and quality. It can also provide a relaxing feeling and reduce stress and muscle over – activity. Other theories also state that it can regulate mood and behavior thus promoting the total well – being of the person. Ongoing studies are being conducted to show more evidence on GABA’s effect with Human Growth Hormones.


Grape Seed or Pine Bark Extract, Which Is Best?

Date: October 27, 2011 07:26 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Grape Seed or Pine Bark Extract, Which Is Best?

Pine Bark Vs Grape Seed Extract

Pine Bark Extract and Grape Seed Extract are two well known products that are effectual in combating ADD. Pycnogenol however, is more expensive since it is a patented form of pine bark extract that is being sold in many health stores world-wide. The potent properties of both Pycnogenol and Grape Seed Extract are their proanthocyanidins or flavan-3-ols contents that are normally found in fruits and vegetables. The reason why these chemicals are beneficial is their capacity in aiding vitamin C to work better for the brain. Vitamin C is essential for the production of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine (neurotransmitters involved in ADD). Vitamin C is also useful in providing the body with antioxidants that can help fight free radicals that are very injurious for your health and may lead to a dreadful disease such as cancer. In addition, another role of vitamin C in the body is its capacity to aid the body in chelating detrimental toxic heavy metals by flushing them out from the body.

Pine Bark Extract and Grape Seed Extract are also effective natural anti-histamines anti-inflammatory agents and immune boosters. Both extracts are also proven to be influential in terms of regulating enzymes that have significant effects in metabolism. Since the extracts are able to inhibit the breakdown of dopamine and norepinephrine, then it will also lead to a faster reuptake of dopamine.

Active Ingredients

Proanthocyanidins has been the subject of interest by many researchers in the scientific investigations that they have conducted because of its promising effects that could treat various venous conditions. The compound has been proven to be effectual in strengthening the walls of your capillaries, arteries and veins hence, is very useful in protecting you from ailments that involves the mentioned vital body parts.

The benefits of Pine Bark and Grape Seed are already published in many health magazines worldwide as well as in many TV shows like the 60 minutes. The antioxidant content of the extracts derived from Pine Bark and Grape Fruit contains liberal amounts of antioxidants that also acts as an antimugenic agent hence, could prevent DNA mutation. Since the extracts have such innate capability of inhibiting the mutation of DNA, it can be a cure to many chronic degenerative diseases that are caused by environmental mutagens.

Another benefit of OPCs is its relevant effects on peripheral venous insufficiency. This specific problem in the legs causes so much pain and discomfort which could also lead to disability. With OPC, relevant improvement in the condition could be noted as evidenced by a decrease in the pain felt, edema and cramps.

Comparing both extracts in terms of efficacy is so difficult to determine because Pine Bark Extract and Grape Seed Extract has similar components that are all beneficial to one’s health. The compounds that both extracts have are very useful to one’s health therefore comparing the two would be rootless considering all the health benefits that both extracts could offer.


What Are The Organic Compounds That Provide Our Brains With Their Basic Fuels?

Date: October 12, 2011 01:58 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Organic Compounds That Provide Our Brains With Their Basic Fuels?


Brain health and nutrition has shown vast growth in interest in terms of research the past years and correctly so because the brain is a very important part of the body. This is something in my point of view that could never be replaced. Other organs like the heart, liver or kidneys can be transplanted or who knows in the far and distant future that it may even be replaceable. Well, I guess that may be just the sci-fi geek in me talking but seriously though, with the complexity in which the brain is made I do not think there will be any possibility even in the wildest of imaginations that humanity will be able to figure out a way to replace the brain.

The irony in all of this though is with human beings pushing the boundaries of their minds and manifesting the results through technological advancements all the more are we needing to protect our brains because life has become more complex. Things that were supposed to make life easier for us now seems to do the exact opposite and each technological advancement causes more and more Americans to have less and less time to devote to making sure they get the right nutrition through the right food preparation so the brain will have all the nutrients it needs. So with this we should look at how we can help augment our efforts in trying to keep our brain functioning healthily in a natural way.

Brain Health and Organic Compounds

There is a wide variety of organic compounds out there and too many of them to mention in this article in fact. Basically, organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon however not all are considered organic but that is irrelevant to what we are trying to achieve right now. So for brain health, the first organic compound that has proven to be very important is the vitamin family of rich antioxidant properties like Vitamin C and E as a couple of examples. Increasing antioxidant levels in the body through these vitamins is a very good way to reduce the risk of diseases and allow better protection for our brain against oxidative stress.

Not only that, it will also allow better health for our nerves and neurons which plays a big role in brain functions. Another example of a potent antioxidant to promote brain health is DHA and ALA or Alpha Lipoic Acid because it is able to get into the brain much easier compared to other antioxidants and fight free radicals there. Carnitine and choline are also essential contributors in modulating brain health as they are precursors to the production of acetylcholine which is an important neurotransmitter to aid in efficient neurological functions. And lastly but certainly not the least, ATP or adenosine triphosphate is also very important to brain function as this compound supplies energy to virtually all the cells in the body and any bodily processes that require energy to function efficiently needs ATP and that includes our entire nervous system.

Keeping your brain healthy is important especially since Alzheimer’s is an ever growing problem in the United States. Keeping your brain healthy with DHA, ALA, and vitamins is the right step for anybody who wants to take preventive measures and protect the brain.


Can Alpha GPC Really Help With Memory And Growth ?

Date: September 29, 2011 11:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Alpha GPC Really Help With Memory And Growth ?

What Are The Benefits Of Alpha GPC?

L-Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine, or abbreviated as Alpha GPC, is a natural compound which is choline in nature. It is considered to be an acetylcholine precursor which is now being studied as a treatment for the degenerative disease called Alzheimer’s disease. This chemical compound also has a parasympathomimetic property and is widely used as a nutritional supplement for enhancing memory and concentration. The other name of Alpha GPC is Choline Alfoscerate. Alpha GPC has the capacity to rapidly transport choline to the central nervous system by passing through the blood - brain barrier. Alpha GPC can be extracted from highly distilled soy phospholipids such as lecithin. Inside the body, this chemical compound can be found in high quantity in neuronal membranes. Some of its benefits are:

1. IMPROVES ACETYLCHOLINE LEVEL. As mentioned earlier, Alpha GPC can cross the blood – brain barrier. Once inside the brain, it positively influences brain activity by enhancing the production of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter which is responsible for improving the individual’s learning process. Acetylcholine acts on both the peripheral and central nervous system. In the former, this neurotransmitter functions as the main neurotransmitter in the autonomic nervous system. It is also involved in the contraction of body muscles. In the latter, acetylcholine acts as an anti – excitatory chemical in the cholinergic system.

2. MEMBRANE COMPONENT. Another health benefit of Alpha GPC is that it can effectively protect nerve cells thus improving the transmission of impulse. Aside from maintaining the integrity of the nerves and nerve cells, Alpha GPC also serves as a precursor of the phospholipids found on membranes.

3. INCREASE HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE. Studies on Alpha GPC have revealed that it can relatively influence the action of the body’s Growth Hormone – Releasing Hormone (GHrH), thus improving the release of growth hormones. In addition, it can also enhance the effects of human growth hormone especially among young individuals.

4. A MODALITY FOR DEMENTIA. Alpha GPC has been long studied for the treatment of senile dementia. Initial result of such studies revealed that patients supplemented with Alpha GPC showed improvement but on a smaller extent. Further studies are still being conducted so that efficacy and safety as well as the appropriate dosage will be determined.

5. INFLUENCES GABA. Studies reveal that Alpha GPC significantly increase the synthesis and release of Gamma Amino – Butyric Acid or GABA. Increased synthesis of GABA is also potentiated by atropine. GABA is considered as the principal inhibitory brain chemical among mammals. It has a significant role in controlling neuronal excitation all over the nervous system. Like acetylcholine, GABA is also one of the primary responsible chemicals for the control of muscle tone.

Alpha GPC is formulated as supplement. It is available in 300 to 1,200 milligram oral supplements. Though it is generally safe, it is important that you should consult your doctor first before using this supplement. This would significantly avoid the occurrence of adverse effects and drug interactions. Appropriate dosage will also be determined by your doctor. Remember, any medication or supplement varies from person to person on its therapeutic and adverse effects.


Can Royal Jelly boost Metabolism?

Date: September 21, 2011 12:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Royal Jelly boost Metabolism?


The metabolism is becoming more and more well known in any community all across America as something to look at when we are talking about health and wellness as this is the source of all calorie burning and at the end of the day will help you lose weight. This is, in so many ways the bottom line, losing weight will make you and keep you healthy. In these times of a fast paced life where anyone and everyone is so busy to even worry about how much calories they eat versus how much they need, a need for alternative solutions aside from just working out and making sure that more calories are burnt than eaten is needed and the scientific community acknowledges that need as proven by the tons of research done regarding weight loss and embraced by the manufacturers as they are more than willing to provide us with what we need. So through all these studies, the logic of looking at the metabolism and how to boost it all seems natural and this is why.


The word metabolism is taken from the greek language and basically means change or transformation. In simple terms metabolism is defined as the amount of energy or calories your body burns at a given period of time. Whatever we are doing, no matter if we are active or at rest we are burning energy and if compared to a car, it’s like burning fuel and the car can be turned off but us on the other hand could not. Even when sleeping we are still essentially burning up fuel, just the very fact our brain still works and we are breathing while we are asleep is already a sign that we are burning energy.

Now where it will interest us in terms of energy and overall strength is that metabolism is based on a person’s body composition and fat tends to need less energy to maintain itself as it is not an active tissue compared to having lean muscle because it continually needs more and more calories to maintain itself therefore more muscle means faster metabolic rate. Now this is where we go back to the fact that we need help when it comes boosting metabolism aside from just increasing muscle, because that is so much harder than supplementing with something all natural like Royal Jelly.

Royal Jelly and Energy Boost

Royal jelly is an animal product and derived solely from honey bees secretions. Its main function in terms of affecting the metabolism comes from its unique combination of compounds that will aid the enhancement of energy production in the cells. This combination is composed of amino acids, trace minerals, monosaccharides and enzymes that have bioactive properties. Among the vitamins that it will provide naturally is the vitamin b-complex. This family of vitamins is well known for its muscle tissue building and energy boosting attributes. Another way that researches feel is a way it increases energy is through promoting overall well being since royal jelly has been related to increased production of several neurotransmitters in the body like serotonin and dopamine.


Can The Herb Passion Flower Help Pain?

Date: September 08, 2011 11:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can The Herb Passion Flower Help Pain?


Passion Flower or passion vines are a part of the family of flowering plants that in terms of species are about 500 types. Mostly they are vines however there are also some that are shrubs and even a few species are herbaceous or is part of the herb family. Have you heard of passion fruit? They come from the same family in a way it basically is the flower of the plant that the passion fruit comes from. In terms of uses the ancient Aztecs has long used the passionflower as a form of sedative and in more severe cases a pain reliever. In the modern world there are many herbalists who still use it the same way and recommend it to be a potent sedative or antispasmodic agent. Passionflower gets its potency in its calming properties, it is able to initiate a calming effect for muscles and alleviates tension.

Furthermore, it is able to do so by not affecting respiratory activity and mental health functions unlike many of the synthetic pharmaceutical drugs available today for use of sedation. There are many Americans suffering from chronic pain and other symptoms that involve incessant pain in the muscles and other parts of the body. Many of us look towards medication for some relief however the side effects are enormous. Because in the same way that this medication can alleviate pain it also hinders many of our nervous system functions and the most important of which is brain functions. Side effects can range from being groggy to lack of mental alertness.

How passion flower works

Passionflower has a long history dating back to the ancient worlds to have uses against anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, epilepsy, and other conditions of hyperactivity because of its calming properties and this is in a general sense however let us try to look into how it is able to have these properties and how it translates to bodily functions. The key so far to its potency is its affects on muscle tension and mental conflicts. This is the same reason why a lot of medication in the market today has some sort of derivative of passionflower. It has been part of many nerve disorder treatments to aid in further relief of anxiety and even has shown signs of being helpful towards blood pressure regulation and aid in relief of heart palpitations.

Although it has been shown not be as strong as most drugs when it is not processed and just left as close to its natural form as possible it also does not have the same side effects and prevents addiction as well unlike most medications. The main way that it is able to play a big role in any efficient sedation process to relieve pain is because it has the ability to lessen neurotransmitter production or even as some research suggests block it all together through increasing GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) production which is a neurotransmitter inhibitor. Additionally it also has potent phytochemicals that studies have to shown to inhibit prostaglandin which is a chemical responsible for letting us feel pain. Therefore, passion flower could be used as a pain remedy!

Grab some passion flower today and feel the difference.


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