

How vitamins help lower blood pressure naturally

old message How vitamins help lower blood pressure naturally Darrell Miller 12/08/13


Date: December 08, 2013 11:20 PM
Subject: How vitamins help lower blood pressure naturally

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure can be described as the force of blood as it goes through or pumps in your blood vessels while circulating throughout your body. Those who have narrow arteries normally have a higher blood pressure, because the blood needs to be pumped much harder through their smaller passage-ways. Generally, high blood-pressure is usually caused by too much exercise or stress, but there are some people who may have chronic high blood-pressure. High blood-pressure symptoms can include; headaches, dizziness, and sometimes even nosebleeds. There are situations when there are no any symptoms and you won't know you've any problem until you get a stroke or have a heart attack, and this is why it's important for you to get your blood pressure checked regularly.

Below are some vitamins one can use to naturally lower their blood pressure:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat soluble which works primarily in body fat tissues. It prevents the LDL cholesterol and also prevents the build up of any plaque on your body's arteries. It can at times be quite toxic if you take too much of it, the recommended amount is only up to 5,000-IUs a day.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C will help in lowering and controlling your body's blood pressure in many ways. It will reduce the generation of all free radicals which can damage the artery walls. It will also help in fixing any damaged blood arteries, and will help elevate the levels of the HDL-cholesterol. If you happen to suffer from high blood-pressure, you should take a minimum of about 2,500-milligrams of vitamin-C every day. Vitamin C rich-foods can include; Oranges, red bell peppers, grape fruit,spinach, and tomatoes.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E will reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease and will also lower your blood pressure. Vitamin E will help protect your arteries from all effects of the LDL cholesterol. It's the most active anti-oxidant in the body. It's recommended you take up to 800 international units (IUs) of all natural vitamin E every day if you have a high blood pressure and want to lower it.


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