

4 Best Ear Oil That Will Help Improve Hearing And Reduce Ringing.

old message 4 Best Ear Oil That Will Help Improve Hearing And Reduce Ringing. Darrell Miller 03/12/14


Date: March 12, 2014 08:03 PM
Subject: 4 Best Ear Oil That Will Help Improve Hearing And Reduce Ringing.

Ear ringing

earEar ringing is a clinical problem that affects 1 out of 5 people. It is also known as tinnitus and it can be a symptom of condition such as ear injury, hearing loss and circulatory disorder. There are many causes of this condition which can aggravate to completely hear loss.

Causes of ear ringing

There are many causes of hear ringing, causes varies from one person to another. Some of the causes includes.

Inner cell damage, this causes ear drum to echo sound even after the sound has been sent to the brain. This irritates ear and causes ear ringing.

Other ear problems including ear diseases are among the major causes ear ringing.

Treatment of ear ringing

There are many possible treatment of this condition including drugs and allopathic treatments such as removing ear wax, finding any possible vascular disorders and treating them. You can also change medication you are on which may be the cause of Tinnitus. Though drugs themselves cannot cure Tinnitus, they may help reduce the severity of the symptoms.

Changing lifestyle can also treat ear ringing and improve earing and ease ringing, for example, stress can exacerbate ear ringing. Reducing alcohol is another effective method to beat tinnitus, alcohol dilates blood vessels causing forceful blood flow to the inner ear.

While those methods though effective, they cannot cure ear ringing, one of the method that has been proved to be efficient is use of essential oil.

The aroma of essential oil enters the nose and stimulates the olfactory nerves. This then sends signals to the Limbic system (the control mechanism in the brain for memory and emotions). This sets in series of neuro-chemical impulses and response mechanisms that generate a natural healing response.

Many essential oils contain healing properties. They assist in natural, are anti- inflammatory, pain relief, anxiety, reduce stress and assist the endocrine system in improving hearing and reducing ringing.

The best oil to arrest ear ringing are;

  1. Cypress.
  2. Juniper.
  3. Lavender and Helichrysum.


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