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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener Darrell Miller 5/31/24
Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction Darrell Miller 5/29/24
Unlocking the Benefits of Green Tea Extract Darrell Miller 8/10/23
The Health Benefits of Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc Darrell Miller 5/18/23
Curamin with VectOmega: The Ultimate Combination for Pain Relief Darrell Miller 11/23/22
How to Know if You Need Long-Lasting Deodorant Protection Darrell Miller 10/29/22
Soothing relief for achy muscles and joints Darrell Miller 10/26/22
The Many Benefits of Horny Goat Weed Darrell Miller 10/25/22
Why Dextrose is Important for Athletes and Bodybuilders Darrell Miller 10/10/22
Comforting Massage Oil is the Perfect Way to Unwind Darrell Miller 10/3/22
7-Keto-DHEA: The Metabolite That Can Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight Darrell Miller 8/19/22
Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid Darrell Miller 4/30/22
No to Pain Pills and Yes to Safe and Effective Curcumin Darrell Miller 9/4/20
Hintonia Latiflora Combined With Key Nutrients for Blood Sugar Control Darrell Miller 8/31/20
Saffron Lift Darrell Miller 5/23/19
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Common vitamins linked to a lower risk of pancreatic cancer Darrell Miller 5/7/19
Protect yourself properly this cold season with oregano oil, plus 6other natural remedies Darrell Miller 4/26/19
Top Benefits of Flaxseed Darrell Miller 4/23/19
CBD Oil & Hemp Oil – Cannabidiol help your health and wellbeing Darrell Miller 2/19/19
Why diabetics should drink more tea and eat more cherries Darrell Miller 2/16/19
Natural remedy for OCD may lie in ashwagandha Darrell Miller 2/11/19
Zinc can protect against oxidative stress when it's taken togetherwith chocolate and tea Darrell Miller 2/8/19
A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking Darrell Miller 1/10/19
Curcumin protects cardiac tissue from combined oxidative stressinduced by diabetes and nicotine Darrell Miller 1/7/19
9 Health Benefits of Glutathione Darrell Miller 1/2/19
Licorice extract is a safe and natural remedy for hyperpigmentation VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/3/18
Natural ways to whiten your teeth VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/11/18
How sleep habits affect weight goals: Survey reveals the ideal sleep schedule for shedding pounds VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/4/18
Pomegranate extract found to help mitigate the effects of a high fat diet; when combined with inulin, it also lowers cholesterol Darrell Miller 1/16/18
Get Rid Of Your Joint Pain In 5 Hours After Drinking This Home Made Liquid!! Darrell Miller 10/6/17
Artichoke extract found to lower high cholesterol and protect the liver from alcohol damage Darrell Miller 9/22/17
Wheat Germ Oil and Fish Oil Combination Benefits In Hemodialysis Patients Darrell Miller 9/8/17
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20 essential oils for muscle pain and how to use them Darrell Miller 7/15/17
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Arginine and Ornithine Supplementation for Enhanced Athletic Performance Darrell Miller 1/19/14
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The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

Date: May 31, 2024 11:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

Stevia, a natural sweetener that has become globally popular in recent years, boasts a rich history spanning centuries. This article delves into the origins and historical significance of stevia, shedding light on its traditional use by indigenous peoples and its evolution into a mainstream alternative to sugar.

The Origins of Stevia

Stevia, scientifically known as Stevia rebaudiana, originates from South America. This small, green plant is part of the Asteraceae family, which also includes daisies and sunflowers. The leaves of the stevia plant contain sweet compounds known as steviol glycosides, which are responsible for its sweetness.

Traditional Use by the Guaraní People

The historical journey of stevia begins with the Guaraní people of Paraguay and Brazil, who have used the plant for over 1,500 years. The Guaraní referred to stevia as "ka'a he'ê," which translates to "sweet herb." They traditionally used stevia leaves to sweeten beverages like yerba maté, a popular herbal tea, and to enhance the flavor of various traditional dishes.

Stevia wasn't just a sweetener for the Guaraní; it also held medicinal importance. The leaves were used to treat a variety of conditions, including burns, stomach issues, and as a general tonic. This dual use of stevia as both a sweetener and a medicinal plant highlights its invaluable role in indigenous culture.

Stevia's Journey to the Modern World

Rediscovery by European Explorers

The modern history of stevia began in the 16th century when European explorers first arrived in South America. Spanish botanist and physician Pedro Jaime Esteve (1500–1556) is often credited with the early European studies on stevia, although the plant was not widely documented until later.

Interest in stevia grew in the early 20th century when it was scientifically studied by Paraguayan chemist Ovidio Rebaudi. Rebaudi analyzed the sweet properties of stevia leaves and confirmed that they were much sweeter than sugar, which caught the attention of the scientific community.

Introduction to Asia and Beyond

In the 1970s, stevia began gaining traction in Japan as the country sought alternatives to artificial sweeteners. Japanese researchers developed methods for extracting and refining steviol glycosides from stevia leaves, making it possible to use stevia as a commercial sweetener. The success of stevia in Japan set the stage for its global acceptance.

Stevia in the Modern Health Movement

Health Benefits and Advantages

Stevia's rise in popularity can be attributed to its myriad of health benefits. Unlike sugar, stevia is calorie-free, making it an attractive option for those managing their weight. Additionally, stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose levels, which is beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those monitoring their carbohydrate intake.

Moreover, steviol glycosides are stable at high temperatures, making stevia a versatile sweetener suitable for cooking and baking. This thermal stability, combined with its natural origin, has positioned stevia as a preferred option for health-conscious consumers.

Regulatory Approval and Global Adoption

The journey of stevia to becoming a global sweetener has involved rigorous scientific scrutiny and regulatory approval. In 2008, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted stevia the status of "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS), which paved the way for its use in a wide range of food and beverage products.

Following the FDA's approval, other countries, including those in the European Union, Canada, and Australia, also approved the use of stevia in food and beverages. Today, stevia is found in everything from soft drinks to baked goods, reflecting its widespread acceptance and global reach.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Overcoming Obstacles

Despite its many advantages, the path to widespread adoption of stevia has not been without challenges. One of the initial hurdles was the aftertaste associated with some of the early stevia extracts. However, advances in extraction and formulation techniques have significantly improved the taste profile of stevia, making it more palatable for consumers.

Another challenge has been ensuring the sustainable cultivation of stevia. As demand grows, it is essential to implement agricultural practices that support environmental sustainability and fair labor conditions for farmers.

Research and Innovation

The future of stevia holds exciting possibilities as ongoing research continues to explore new applications and improvements. Scientists are currently investigating the potential of stevia extracts in providing health benefits beyond sweetness, such as their antioxidant properties and possible roles in managing certain health conditions.

Innovations in biotechnology are also paving the way for the development of new stevia varieties with enhanced sweetness and improved agronomic traits. These advancements could further solidify stevia's position as a key player in the global sweetener market.

In Summary

The history of stevia is a fascinating journey from the rainforests of South America to the shelves of supermarkets around the world. From its traditional use by the Guaraní people to its rediscovery by European explorers and subsequent global adoption, stevia has proven to be a remarkable sweetener with enduring significance. As the modern world continues to prioritize health and wellness, stevia's natural sweetness offers a much-needed alternative to sugar, promising a future where we can enjoy the sweetness of life without compromising our health.

Are You Ready to Make a Sweet Change?

If you've been searching for a healthier way to satisfy your sweet tooth, the journey of stevia offers a compelling reason to make the switch. With its rich history rooted in traditional use by the Guaraní people, and its scientifically-backed benefits recognized globally, stevia stands out as a truly remarkable sweetener. Free from calories and gentle on blood glucose levels, it's an excellent choice for both weight management and diabetes care. Plus, its versatility in cooking and baking means you won't have to compromise on your favorite recipes.

Join the growing number of health-conscious consumers who are choosing stevia for a naturally sweet life. Explore its various forms—from whole leaves to refined steviol glycosides—and incorporate this natural sweetener into your diet today. Embrace the future of sweetening and enjoy the benefits of stevia for yourself and your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Stevia

What is stevia?

Stevia is a natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, which is native to South America. It has been used for centuries by the Guaraní people and is known for being much sweeter than sugar while containing zero calories.

How is stevia used as a sweetener?

Stevia can be used in various forms, including whole leaves, powdered extracts, and liquid concentrates. It is commonly used to sweeten beverages, baked goods, and other foods. Thanks to its stability at high temperatures, stevia can also be used in cooking and baking.

Is stevia safe to consume?

Yes, stevia is considered safe for consumption. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted stevia the status of "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS). It has also been approved for use in many other countries, including those in the European Union, Canada, and Australia.

Can stevia help with weight management?

Stevia can be an effective tool for weight management because it contains no calories. Replacing sugar with stevia in your diet can help reduce overall calorie intake, which may contribute to weight loss or maintenance.

Is stevia suitable for people with diabetes?

Stevia is suitable for people with diabetes as it has a negligible effect on blood glucose levels. This makes it a preferable alternative to sugar for those needing to monitor their carbohydrate intake. However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet.

Does stevia have any side effects?

Stevia is generally well-tolerated and considered safe for most people. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects, such as digestive discomfort, when consuming large amounts. It is advisable to use stevia in moderation.

What does stevia taste like?

Stevia is known to be much sweeter than sugar, and its taste can vary depending on the form used and the specific product. Early versions of stevia extracts were noted for having a slight aftertaste, though modern formulations have significantly improved the taste profile.

How is stevia cultivated?

Stevia is typically grown in subtropical and tropical climates. Sustainable cultivation practices are essential as the demand for stevia increases. These practices include using environmentally friendly agricultural methods and ensuring fair labor conditions for farmers.

Are there any environmental benefits to using stevia?

Stevia has the potential to be more sustainable than traditional sugar crops. It requires less land and water to produce the same level of sweetness, which can reduce the environmental impact associated with sugar cultivation.

Can stevia be used in baking?

Yes, stevia can be used in baking due to its high-temperature stability. However, because it is much sweeter than sugar, recipes may need to be adjusted to account for its intensity. Many commercially available stevia sweeteners come with specific usage guidelines for cooking and baking.

Are there different types of stevia products?

Yes, stevia products come in various forms, including whole leaves, powdered extracts, and liquid concentrates. Some products are blended with other sweeteners or filler ingredients to better mimic the taste and texture of sugar.

How does stevia compare to artificial sweeteners?

Stevia is a natural sweetener, which sets it apart from many artificial sweeteners. It is derived from a plant and does not undergo extensive chemical processing. Many consumers prefer stevia because it is perceived as a more natural and healthier option.

What research is being done on stevia?

Ongoing research on stevia explores its potential health benefits beyond sweetness, such as its antioxidant properties and possible roles in managing certain health conditions. Innovations in biotechnology are also working to develop new stevia varieties with enhanced sweetness and other desirable traits.

Where can I buy stevia?

Stevia products are widely available at VitaNet LLC. Stevia can be found in the baking aisle or the section dedicated to natural and alternative sweeteners.

By understanding the benefits and uses of stevia, you can make an informed decision about incorporating this natural sweetener into your diet. With its rich history, proven health benefits, and versatility, stevia offers a compelling alternative to traditional sugar.


Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Date: May 29, 2024 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Stevia has gained significant popularity as a natural sweetener, but with popularity comes a wave of misconceptions and myths. As consumers become more health-conscious and seek alternatives to sugar, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction regarding Stevia. This article debunks stevia myths with evidence-based info to clarify consumer doubts.

Myth 1: Stevia Is Artificial


One of the most prevalent myths about stevia is that it is artificial. In reality, stevia is a completely natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. The plant has been used for centuries by indigenous people in South America for its sweetening properties. Unlike artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or saccharin, stevia is derived from a natural source and processed to extract its sweet components, known as steviol glycosides.

Myth 2: Stevia Is Harmful


Another common misconception is that stevia is harmful to health. Scientific studies and regulatory organizations have repeatedly confirmed the safety of stevia. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies high-purity stevia extracts as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) for consumption. Furthermore, research indicates that stevia can have health benefits like lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, making it a suitable sweetener for individuals with diabetes and hypertension.

Myth 3: Stevia Tastes Bad


Some people believe that stevia has a bitter aftertaste, which makes it less appealing as a sweetener. While early formulations of stevia extracts indeed presented a noticeable bitter aftertaste, advancements in processing have minimized this issue. Modern high-purity stevia products are often combined with other natural sweeteners or flavor enhancers to improve taste, making them virtually indistinguishable from sugar in many applications.

Myth 4: Stevia Is Only for Diabetics


While it’s true that stevia is an excellent sweetener for individuals managing diabetes due to its zero-calorie and zero-carbohydrate nature, it is not exclusive to them. Anyone looking to reduce sugar consumption or seeking a natural alternative can benefit from using stevia. It is a versatile sweetener that can be used in a variety of foods and beverages, making it suitable for the general population striving for a healthier lifestyle.

Myth 5: All Stevia Products Are the Same


Not all stevia products are created equal. The purity and quality of stevia extracts can vary significantly between products. It's crucial to read labels and choose products that contain high-purity stevia extracts, as some products on the market contain added fillers or lower-grade stevia. By selecting reputable brands and scrutinizing ingredient lists, consumers can ensure they are using high-quality stevia that meets their health standards.

Kal Sure Stevia Extract is one of those high-quality brands that stand out in the market. Known for its commitment to purity and potency, Kal Sure Stevia Extract offers a product that is free from fillers and unnecessary additives. The brand’s stringent quality control measures ensure that each batch contains only high-purity stevia extracts, delivering consistent sweetness without the aftertaste. Consumers can trust Kal Sure Stevia Extract as a safe, reliable, and pleasant-tasting alternative to conventional sugar. When choosing a stevia product, it's essential to opt for a brand like Kal Sure stevia to enjoy the full benefits of this natural sweetener.

Myth 6: Stevia Causes Allergic Reactions


Some believe that consuming stevia can trigger allergies. However, stevia is generally considered hypoallergenic and does not commonly cause allergic reactions. There have been few documented cases of stevia allergies, and these are typically related to individuals with specific sensitivities. For the vast majority of people, stevia is a safe and well-tolerated sweetener, even for those with common food allergies.

Myth 7: Stevia Leads to Weight Gain


The notion that stevia contributes to weight gain is counterintuitive, given its zero-calorie nature. Unlike sugar, which is high in calories and contributes to weight gain, stevia provides sweetness without adding calories. Using stevia instead of sugar can help reduce overall caloric intake, aiding in weight management efforts. Multiple studies have shown that replacing sugar with stevia can be an effective strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Myth 8: Stevia Disrupts Metabolism


Concerns about stevia disrupting metabolism are unfounded. Research indicates that stevia neither affects metabolic rates nor alters insulin sensitivity in a negative manner. On the contrary, stevia has been shown to have a neutral or even beneficial impact on metabolism, particularly for individuals with metabolic disorders like diabetes. It allows for sweetening without the metabolic consequences associated with high sugar consumption.

Myth 9: Stevia Can’t Be Used in Baking


There is a misconception that stevia is unsuitable for baking due to its chemical composition. While it is true that baking with stevia requires some adjustments—since it does not have the same physical properties as sugar—it can still be used effectively. Bakers often use stevia in combination with other ingredients to achieve the desired texture and sweetness. Many recipes and commercial products have successfully incorporated stevia, proving its versatility in baking applications.

Myth 10: Stevia Is Expensive


Consumers sometimes think that switching to stevia will significantly increase their grocery bills. While high-purity stevia products may be more expensive per ounce than sugar, they are much sweeter. A small amount of stevia goes a long way, which means that even a small container can last a long time. In the long run, the cost of stevia can be comparable to or even less than sugar, particularly when considering the health benefits and potential medical cost savings from reduced sugar consumption. Brands like Kal Stevia 3.5 oz contains 1800 servings per container.

Are You Ready to Sweeten Your Life?

It is crucial to approach any information about stevia with a critical eye and rely on evidence-based data rather than myths. Stevia is a natural, safe, and versatile sweetener that offers numerous health benefits without the downsides of sugar and artificial sweeteners. By debunking these common misconceptions, consumers can make informed choices that contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Take the Next Step Towards a Healthier Life

Now is the perfect time to reconsider your sweetening choices and embrace the benefits of stevia. With its proven safety, versatility in cooking, and numerous health advantages, stevia stands out as a superior alternative to traditional sugar and artificial sweeteners. Start exploring reputable brands, like Kal Sure Stevia Extract, and experiment with incorporating stevia into your daily routine. By making this simple switch, you can enhance your overall well-being without compromising on taste. Visit your local grocery store or trusted online retailer to find high-quality stevia products and embark on your journey to a healthier, sweeter life today!


Unlocking the Benefits of Green Tea Extract

Date: August 10, 2023 10:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Unlocking the Benefits of Green Tea Extract

  • Powerful Antioxidant
  • Benefits of these antioxidants in fighting inflammation and chronic diseases
  • The role of bioactive compounds in green tea in improving immune function
  • Promotes Weight Loss
  • Improve Mental Efficiency
  • Green tea extract's impact on the central nervous system
  • How Natures Answer Green Tea Extract can enhance cognitive abilities
  • Promotes Heart Health

With the growing awareness about the health benefits of green tea, it comes as no surprise that it has become a popular health supplement. One potent green tea supplement that has continued to maintain attention is Natures Answer brand Green Tea Extract in an Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract. Packed with powerful antioxidants, this supplement can aid in digestion, weight management, and overall well-being.

Powerful Antioxidant

Antioxidants are substances that inhibit oxidation, a process that can lead to cellular damage. They act as scavengers, helping shield the body from harmful free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can inflict damage to our cells. This is where green tea, and particularly green tea extract, shines. Rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols, green tea plays a significant role in maintaining the body's overall health. Polyphenols, including flavonoids and catechins, are known for their potent antioxidant effects. The most notable catechin in green tea is Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), widely studied for its powerful impact on health. Green tea's antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals, reducing oxidative stress, and subsequently lowering the risk of a host of chronic conditions including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers. Thus, the antioxidants in green tea aren't just important, they're an integral part of a health-conscious lifestyle.

Boost Immune System

Green tea boosts immunity through its potent bioactive compounds, primarily polyphenols like catechins. These compounds exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body. Additionally, they help increase the body's production of detoxifying enzymes, further enhancing the immune system's efficiency. Green tea also contains a type of catechin called Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), renowned for its immune-boosting properties. EGCG aids in the production of T-cells, the body's first line of defense against infections. Furthermore, green tea fosters beneficial gut bacteria, which play a crucial role in maintaining a robust immune system.

Promotes Weight Loss

Green tea extract works to accelerate weight loss primarily through its active ingredients, one of which is caffeine. Although not as much as coffee, green tea does contain sufficient caffeine that can aid in fat burning and improving exercise performance. More importantly, it is loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins. The most important of these is Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a substance that can boost metabolism. Studies suggest that the combination of EGCG and caffeine in green tea extract can assist in weight loss by helping the body burn more calories, even at rest, and breaking down more fat cells. Additionally, green tea extract is known to increase fat oxidation and improve insulin sensitivity, both beneficial for weight control. While the effects on each individual can vary, when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, green tea extract can indeed support and accelerate weight loss efforts.

Impacts Central Nervous System

Green tea extract is known to have profound effects on the central nervous system, primarily due to the presence of caffeine and an amino acid called L-theanine. Caffeine, a known stimulant, works by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain called Adenosine. This increases the firing of neurons and the concentration of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, leading to improved brain function, mood, vigilance, reaction times, and even memory. On the other hand, L-theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier and has been shown to increase the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which has anti-anxiety effects. It also increases dopamine and the production of alpha waves in the brain. The unique combination of these two compounds in green tea extract is believed to make it an excellent tool for maintaining and enhancing the central nervous system.

Improve Mental Efficiency

Green tea improves mental efficiency through several biological mechanisms. Primarily, it contains caffeine and L-theanine, two compounds known to enhance brain function. Caffeine, a known stimulant, works by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine, which not only increases the firing of neurons but also amplifies the concentration of other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. This results in improved brain function, vigilance, reaction times, memory recall, and mood.

On the other hand, L-theanine is an amino acid that can cross the blood-brain barrier and has psychoactive properties. It promotes relaxation without drowsiness and can work synergistically with caffeine to enhance brain function. Furthermore, L-theanine increases the frequency of alpha waves in the brain, which leads to improved creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Moreover, green tea is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants, particularly Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which has protective effects on neurons, potentially lowering the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Hence, regular consumption of green tea or its extract can significantly improve mental efficiency.

Promotes Heart Health

Natures Answer Green Tea Extract Alcohol-Free Extract can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels, reduce high blood pressure, and prevent blood clot formation that can lead to heart diseases. The polyphenol and catechin compounds in green tea extract are known to promote the health of the heart by reducing inflammation and improving blood vessels' function. Green tea maintains healthy cholesterol levels by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract and aiding in its excretion. This leads to a reduced level of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the bloodstream, while not affecting the levels of HDL (good cholesterol). Green tea extract can also lower blood pressure. The catechins it contains help to dilate blood vessels, improving their function and allowing blood to flow more easily. This can lead to a significant reduction in blood pressure, especially in cases of hypertension.

Furthermore, studies have shown that the antioxidants in green tea can prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a process that contributes to the formation of plaques in arteries and blood clot formation. By preventing this oxidation, green tea extract can reduce the risk of heart diseases and strokes.

Lastly, the anti-inflammatory nature of green tea's antioxidants helps in reducing inflammation in blood vessels, a condition that can contribute to heart disease. By reducing inflammation, blood flow improves, and the risk of heart disease decreases. In this way, green tea actively promotes heart health.

In conclusion, Natures Answer Green Tea Extract is an all-in-one supplement that can enhance your overall health and well-being in various ways. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and weight management properties of this supplement can do wonders for your physical, neurological, and mental health. Incorporating Natures Answer green tea (alcohol free) liquid extract into your daily routine can help you unlock the multiple benefits that this tea has to offer. So, go ahead, give it a try, and reap the benefits of this powerful supplement!


The Health Benefits of Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc

Date: May 18, 2023 05:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits of Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc

Calcium, magnesium, and zinc are vital minerals that play a crucial role in maintaining good health. Each of these minerals are essential for various bodily functions and plays a critical role in promoting overall physical wellbeing. While some may know a few of the benefits of these minerals, it's important to understand how each of them contributes to better health and why they should be included in your diet.

Calcium is an important mineral that is necessary for strong bones and teeth. Without it, the body is likely to suffer from conditions such as osteoporosis, a disease where bones become fragile and brittle. However, calcium is not just important for bone health; it also plays a significant role in nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction, helping to ensure proper functioning of the nervous system and muscular system. Calcium can also help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Magnesium is another important mineral that is often referred to as the forgotten mineral. This is because people tend to focus more on other minerals such as calcium and iron and ignore magnesium. However, magnesium plays a vital role in several bodily functions. It is a component of bones and teeth and participates in numerous enzymatic reactions in the body. Magnesium is intended to provide normal, healthy heart, muscle, nerve, and circulatory function. It can also help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as stroke, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Seventy percent of the population are deficient in magnesium.

Zinc is just as important a mineral as the ones listed above, zinc plays a critical role in overall physical wellbeing. It is involved in over 100 enzymatic reactions in the body, making it an essential mineral. Zinc plays an important role in immune system function, and it is vital for the normal structure of cell membranes. Zinc can also help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, which can cause vision loss, and can also reduce the chances of suffering from the common cold.

It's important to note that calcium, magnesium, and zinc work synergistically together. For instance, calcium combined with magnesium can help reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Similarly, zinc combined with calcium and vitamin D can help improve bone density and enhance the effectiveness of the immune system. These minerals can be found in several foods such as dairy products, leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. However, it can be challenging to get all the necessary minerals from diet alone, which is why supplements may be necessary.

In Summary, calcium, magnesium, and zinc are essential minerals that play crucial roles in our body. These minerals help the body maintain strong bones and teeth, reducing the risk of developing various conditions such as heart disease and osteoporosis, improving immune system function, and enhancing muscular and nervous system function. Taking a supplement can ensure one is obtaining enough of these important minerals daily. Grab a bottle today and take steps to better your health.


Curamin with VectOmega: The Ultimate Combination for Pain Relief

Date: November 23, 2022 04:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curamin with VectOmega: The Ultimate Combination for Pain Relief

If you're living with chronic pain, you know how debilitating it can be. It's hard to focus on anything else when your body is constantly in pain. Fortunately, there are ways to manage the pain and make it more bearable. One of the most effective methods is combining Curamin with Vectomega, a special fish oil that can help bring more pain relief than ever before. Let's take a look at why this combination works so well together.

Curamin is an all-natural supplement made from the root of turmeric, which has been used for centuries for its natural anti-inflammatory properties. When taken regularly, Curamin helps reduce inflammation and pain in your body. That means less stiffness and discomfort throughout the day—and improved mobility.

But while Curamin can help reduce inflammation, it doesn't work as quickly as some people need it to. That's where Vectomega comes in. This special fish oil is processed with an enzyme to extract the omega-3 from fish oil, leaving it in a peptide form that makes it more absorbable and more effective as a pain reliever than regular fish oil supplements. When combined with Curamin, Vectomega helps provide faster relief from inflammation and pain than either one alone would provide—so if you're looking for rapid relief from your chronic pain symptoms, this combination could be just what you need.

Vectomega also offers other benefits beyond pain relief; studies have shown that taking omega-3s can help boost your immune system, reduce cholesterol levels, improve mental clarity and concentration, and even improve skin health by providing essential vitamins and minerals that your skin needs to stay healthy and radiant.

By combining Curamin with Vectomega, you get the best of both worlds—rapid pain relief plus long-term health benefits like improved immunity and skin health. So if you're looking for an all-natural way to manage your chronic pain symptoms without relying on medication or surgery, this combination might be just what you need to get back on track.

Recommended dosages: 3 x Curamin daily, 3 x VectOmega daily. till pain is reduced then you can back down on the VectOmega.

Don't take our word for it, Give it a try today! If you don't feel it helped, We will Pay to Bring the Product back and Refund 100% of the purchase.


How to Know if You Need Long-Lasting Deodorant Protection

Date: October 29, 2022 09:40 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Know if You Need Long-Lasting Deodorant Protection

NOW® Solutions long-lasting deodorant is scientifically formulated, combining the odor-fighting properties of zinc oxide with the floral notes of rose and ylang ylang. It offers amazing protection that you can count on to feel fresh throughout the day. But how do you know if you need long-lasting odor protection? Here are a few telltale signs:

Body odor that persists even after bathing

Intense body odor that causes people to take notice (and not in a good way) Excessive sweating that leads to chafing and discomfort If any of these sound familiar, then NOW® Solutions long-lasting deodorant is right for you. Keep reading to learn more about this product and how it can help you feel your best.

What is NOW® Solutions Long-Lasting Deodorant?

NOW® Solutions long-lasting deodorant is an all-natural, aluminum-free deodorant that uses zinc oxide—a naturally occurring mineral with astringent, antiseptic, and absorbent properties—to help control body odor. Zinc oxide has been used for centuries for its ability to soothe and protect the skin, making it an ideal choice for those with sensitive skin. combined with the floral notes of rose and ylang ylang, NOW® Solutions long-lasting deodorant offers a refreshing scent that will leave you feeling refreshed and confident all day long. And because it's aluminum-free, you can rest assured knowing that NOW® Solutions long-lasting deodorant is safe for your skin.

How Does NOW® SolutionsLong-Lasting Deodorant Work?

The science behind NOW® Solutions long-lasting deodorant is simple but effective. When applied to the skin, zinc oxide creates a barrier that helps to absorb wetness and inhibits the growth of bacteria—the main cause of body odor. At the same time, the natural oils in rose and ylang ylang work to mask any existing body odor while also providing a pleasant scent. Together, these ingredients offer complete protection against body odor—all day long!

Body odor is never fun—for you or those around you. If you're looking for a natural solution that will keep you feeling fresh all day long, look no further than NOW® Solutions long-lasting deodorant. Formulated with zinc oxide and essential oils, NOW® Solutions long - lasting deodorant provides complete protection against body odor without the use of harsh chemicals or aluminum. So why wait? Give NOW® Solutions long - lasting deodorant a try today!


Soothing relief for achy muscles and joints

Date: October 26, 2022 12:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Soothing relief for achy muscles and joints

Feeling sore after a workout? You're not alone. Aching muscles and joints are common, especially if you're new to exercise or you've had a particularly intense session. Thankfully, there's a natural way to soothe your soreness and ease your discomfort. NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream is specially formulated to provide relief for the skin surrounding active joints and muscles. Keep reading to learn more about this product and how it can help you feel your best.

How NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream Works

This product contains glucosamine, a compound normally found in the articular cartilage of joints. Glucosamine is known for its ability to support healthy joint function and ease occasional discomfort associated with exercise or overexertion. The cream also includes boswellia, capsaicin, and natural methyl salicylate. These three active ingredients are combined for their skin care properties and for conditioning the areas around joints and muscles. Boswellia is an Indian herb that has been used for centuries to support healthy inflammation response. Capsaicin is derived from chili peppers and is known for its ability to temporarily relieve minor muscle pain. Methyl salicylate is a naturally occurring organic compound that gives wintergreen its characteristic fragrance and flavor. It's also used topically for its soothing properties.

When applied to the skin, NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream penetrates deeply to deliver its moisture-attracting capabilities directly where you need it most. This product is fast-absorbing, non-greasy, and non-staining, making it ideal for use before or after exercise. It's also free of parabens, propylene glycol, synthetic fragrances, dyes, and phthalates. Plus, it's dermatologist tested and safe for all skin types.

If you're looking for a natural way to relieve occasional muscle pain and discomfort, try NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream. This product contains glucosamine, boswellia, capsaicin, and natural methyl salicylate—all of which are known for their ability to soothe soreness and ease discomfort. The cream is fast-absorbing, non-greasy, and non-staining, making it easy to apply before or after exercise. It's also free of parabens, propylene glycol, synthetic fragrances, dyes, phthalates, making it a good choice for those with sensitive skin. Plus, it's dermatologist tested and safe for all skin types. Give NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream a try today!


The Many Benefits of Horny Goat Weed

Date: October 25, 2022 04:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Benefits of Horny Goat Weed

Herbal remedies have been used to treat a variety of ailments for centuries, and horny goat weed is no exception. This plant has a long history of traditional use in Chinese herbalism, where it is known as yin yang huo. Yin yang huo was thought to "tonify life's gate" - a term used to refer to the "vital energy" in men. Epimedium, the scientific name for horny goat weed, was also used to treat a number of other conditions such as fatigue, memory loss, and pain relief.*

Horny goat weed is still used for many of the same purposes today. NOW® Horny Goat Weed Extract is combined with maca, another herb known for its tonifying properties. This blend can help support libido and vitality in both men and women.* In addition to its traditional uses, horny goat weed has also been shown to provide relief from pain associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Horny goat weed may even help to improve cognitive function in people with Alzheimer's disease.*

How Does It Work?

Horny goat weed gets its name from an unlikely source - goats! According to legend, a shepherd noticed his flock became especially frisky after eating this plant. While there isn't any scientific evidence to support this claim, horny goat weed does contain compounds that may support sexual function. Icariin is the most well-known compound in horny goat weed. This compound has been shown to improve blood flow and relax smooth muscle tissue.*

In addition to its effects on sexual function, horny goat weed may also help to relieve pain. One study showed that icariin was able to reduce inflammation and pain in rats with osteoarthritis.* Another study found that a different compound in horny goat weed, fabranolide, was able to reduce pain and stiffness in rats with rheumatoid arthritis.* The anti-inflammatory properties of horny goat weed may also be beneficial for people with Alzheimer's disease. One study showed that icariin was able to reduce inflammation and improve cognitive function in mice with Alzheimer's disease.*

If you're looking for an herbal remedy with a long history of traditional use, look no further than horny goat weed. This plant has a wide range of potential benefits including improved sexual function, increased libido, improved cognitive function, and pain relief. Horny goat weed is available in supplement form or can be consumed as a tea. However you choose to take it, horny goat weed may be just what you need to feel your best!*


Why Dextrose is Important for Athletes and Bodybuilders

Date: October 10, 2022 02:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Dextrose is Important for Athletes and Bodybuilders

Dextrose, also known as glucose, is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that is the primary source of energy for the body. It is important for athletes because it stimulates the body to drive, not only glucose, but amino acids and other nutrients into cells. This makes energy readily available to working muscles and helps to maintain glycogen stores. In addition, dextrose also helps to make important nutrients, such as creatine and branched-chain aminos, available for use by muscle tissue. From an athletic performance perspective therefore, it can help fuel intense activity, maintain exercise endurance, and support recovery from exercise.

How Dextrose Works

Dextrose enters the bloodstream rapidly after being consumed and raises blood sugar levels quickly.* Insulin is then released by the pancreas in order to shuttle glucose into cells for use or storage.* Glucose is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen; when these stores become depleted during exercise, blood sugar levels fall and fatigue sets in.* Dextrose can help delay this fatigue by replenishing glycogen stores and keeping blood sugar levels elevated.*

Dextrose And Creatine oppose each other hormonally; when insulin levels are elevated via carbohydrate consumption, creatine uptake into muscle cells is inhibited.* Conversely, when blood sugar levels are low (and insulin levels along with them), creatine uptake is enhanced.*Deoxyglucose acts as a transport vehicle for creatine, driving more of it into muscle cells where it can be used for energy production and protein synthesis – two key processes for supporting muscle growth.* Therefore, when combined with creatine, dextrose can further enhance its efficacy.

*BCAAs are essential amino acids that must be obtained through diet since they cannot be produced by the body; of the three BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine, and valine), leucine is the most anabolic.*Leucine seems to work best when consumed with carbohydrates; when carbs and leucine are consumed together they stimulate insulin release – an anabolic hormone that promotes protein synthesis as well as drives amino acids and other nutrients into cells where they can be used or stored for future use..* Therefore, dextrose can help enhance the anabolic effects of leucine consumption.

In Summary:

Dextrose is a simple sugar that has many benefits for athletes. It helps to fuel intense activity, maintain exercise endurance, support recovery from exercise, and delay fatigue. It also helps to make important nutrients like creatine and branched-chain aminos more available for use by muscle tissue. If you are an athlete who wants to perform at your best, make sure you include dextrose in your diet.


Comforting Massage Oil is the Perfect Way to Unwind

Date: October 03, 2022 04:42 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Comforting Massage Oil is the Perfect Way to Unwind

We all know how hectic and stressful life can be. That's why it's important to take some time for yourself every now and then to relax and rejuvenate. One of the best ways to do this is with a soothing massage. And what could make a massage even better? Using a luxurious, nourishing massage oil like Comforting Massage Oil from Naja Naturals!

Comforting Massage Oil is an advanced blend of natural oils specifically formulated for relaxation and skin rejuvenation. Natural essential oils from lavender, chamomile and patchouli are combined with grape seed, apricot and almond oils to provide a full spectrum of emollient properties. The tranquil and calming essence of Comforting Massage Oil is the perfect complement to a therapeutic massage. It can also be used as a daily moisturizer to leave skin feeling silky soft, nourished and rejuvenated.

How to Use Comforting Massage Oil

There are endless ways to use Comforting Massage Oil. Here are just a few of our favorites:

  • Add a few drops to your bathtub for a relaxing, aromatherapy-infused soak.
  • Use it as a daily moisturizer after showering or bathing. Simply apply it to damp skin and let it absorb for a few minutes before getting dressed.
  • Massage it into tired muscles after exercise or a long day at work. Focus on areas that feel especially tight or sore.

Rub it into your cuticles and nails to keep them healthy and hydrated. If you're looking for a way to relax and rejuvenate, look no further than Comforting Massage Oil from Naja Naturals. Made with natural ingredients like lavender, chamomile, grape seed oil, and more, this luxurious oil is perfect for use in massages or as a daily moisturizer. Trust us, your mind and body will thank you!


7-Keto-DHEA: The Metabolite That Can Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight

Date: August 19, 2022 12:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7-Keto-DHEA: The Metabolite That Can Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight

As we age, our bodies produce less and less Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its metabolite 7-Keto-DHEA. This can lead to a decrease in metabolic rate, making it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. That's where 7-KETO® comes in. This unique ingredient has been shown to help with weight maintenance when combined with a healthy diet and exercise routine.* Want to learn more? Read on!

What is DHEA and what does it do?

DHEA is a hormone that is produced naturally in the body. It is responsible for a number of functions, including regulating metabolism and supporting the immune system. DHEA levels decline as we age, which can lead to a number of health problems. supplementing with DHEA has been shown to improve mood, increase strength and stamina, and promote healthy skin and bones. It can also help to boost the immune system and fight the effects of aging. If you are considering taking a DHEA supplement, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider first to ensure that it is right for you. 7-Keto DHEA is a metabolite of DHEA, but the great thing about 7-Keto, it does not convert to pro hormones like estrogen and testosterone, it stays as DHEA in the body.

How can 7-KETO® help with weight maintenance?

7-KETO-DHEA is a hormone that is produced in the body naturally. It helps to maintain lean body mass and promote thermogenesis, which is the production of heat in the body. 7-KETO also helps to boost metabolism and support a healthy weight. In addition, 7-KETO has been shown to provide some protection against age-related weight gain. Studies have shown that 7-KETO can help to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass in both men and women. Furthermore, 7-KETO has been shown to help improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. As a result, 7-KETO may be an effective tool for maintaining a healthy weight.

Who should take 7-Keto-DHEA supplements and how much should they take per day?

Generally, 25mg - 100mg per day is sufficient for men and women.


Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Date: April 30, 2022 10:02 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Do you suffer from inflammation? If so, you're not alone. Inflammation is a common problem that many people deal with on a daily basis. It can cause pain and discomfort in the body, and it can make everyday activities difficult to perform. Luckily, there are ways to reduce inflammation through diet. We will discuss the foods that you should eat and avoid if you want to reduce inflammation. We will also provide some helpful tips for getting started!

How can you reduce inflammation through diet?

There are many ways to reduce inflammation through diet, but perhaps the most important is cutting out processed foods and sugar. These foods contain inflammatory compounds known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which can aggravate existing inflammation or cause it to develop in the first place. In addition, studies have shown that eating a diet rich in vegetables and lean proteins can help to lower levels of inflammation throughout the body. Choosing whole grains, fruits, and healthy fats like olive oil is also a good way to support a body that is fighting against inflammation. In short, adopting a diet low in sugar and processed foods and high in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can go a long way toward reducing inflammation both now and in the long term.

Supplements to take to reduce inflammation?

Inflammation is a natural and necessary part of our immune response, but if it becomes chronic or extreme, it can cause issues for our overall health. There are many different supplements that have been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and promoting overall good health, including omega-3 fatty acids, Boswellia, pumpkin seeds, and turmeric. These nutrients work by interfering with the production of inflammatory hormones and enzymes, changing the chemical balance within our bodies and helping to reduce swelling and discomfort. Whether taken as a capsule or added to your diet through food sources like fish oil or ginger tea, these supplements can be an excellent way to boost your system's ability to fight inflammation. So if you're looking for ways to reduce inflammation and improve your overall well-being, consider adding these key nutrients to your daily routine.

The most effective anti-inflammatory supplements, Fish oil, Curcumin, and Boswellia!

While there are a number of different anti-inflammatory supplements on the market, some have proven to be more effective than others when it comes to reducing inflammation in the body. Perhaps the most commonly recommended supplement for this purpose is fish oil, which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that has been shown to be especially effective in reducing inflammation. Another popular anti-inflammatory supplement is curcumin, which gives turmeric its signature yellow color and is thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, another powerful anti-inflammatory agent is derived from the resin of Boswellia trees called Boswellia extract. All of these compounds have been shown to reduce inflammation in various scientific studies and can therefore be considered among the most effective anti- inflammatory supplements available today.

Tips for getting started on a anti-inflammatory diet?

When trying to get started on an anti-inflammatory diet, there are a few key strategies that can help make the process more successful. First, it is important to stock your pantry and fridge with plenty of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and reduce refined sugar intake as much as possible. These nutrient-dense foods are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that help to reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Another key strategy to keep in mind when starting an anti-inflammatory diet is the use of supplements such as curcumin and CBD. These powerful compounds are believed to have anti-inflammatory effects in the body, helping to curb inflammation at its source vs. simply masking symptoms with painkillers or steroids. You can incorporate these supplements into your diet by taking them as pills or liquids or by incorporating them into your cooking through recipes like curried chicken or infused coconut oil tinctures.

The latest for calmness, relaxation, and to fight inflammation is CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, has become increasingly popular in recent years as a natural solution for relieving stress, promoting relaxation, and managing inflammation in the body. Unlike THC, which is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis, CBD does not produce any high or altered state of consciousness. Instead, its many benefits are achieved through interactions with various receptors throughout the body, modulating mood and regulating pain response. As more and more people turn to CBD to achieve a sense of calm and well-being without depending on traditional pharmaceuticals, this powerful compound continues to gain widespread attention as a promising treatment option for everyday health issues. So if you're looking for a natural way to feel more mellow and at peace with yourself and your environment, consider giving CBD a try! With proven effects on everything from chronic pain management to improved sleep quality, this powerful all-natural remedy has something to offer everyone. Whether you're ready to give CBD a try for yourself or just curious about its many potential benefits, there's never been a better time than now to learn more about this exciting new approach to health and wellness.

Inflammation is one of the most common health concerns today, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. While diet and lifestyle can be major contributing factors like white sugar, there are also a number of dietary supplements that can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Curcumin, fish oil, and CBD are some of the most popular supplements for managing inflammation. These substances work by targeting key pathways involved in inflammatory responses, helping to prevent or reduce swelling and pain. They can be taken on their own or combined with other anti-inflammatory compounds for maximum effectiveness. Ultimately, whether you are trying to manage chronic illness or simply boost your overall health, using supplements such as curcumin, fish oil, and cbd can be a great way to go about it. So if you're looking for more tools to manage inflammation in your diet, these are certainly worth trying out.

Whatever methods you choose, remember that making small changes over time will be much more effective than trying to overhaul your lifestyle all at once. With a little patience and persistence, you can start down the path toward better health today! Let dietary supplements assist you in your goal to reduce inflammation each day for a life time!


No to Pain Pills and Yes to Safe and Effective Curcumin

Date: September 04, 2020 11:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: No to Pain Pills and Yes to Safe and Effective Curcumin

Many people turn to over the counter (OTC) drugs when they experience pain, the common ones are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, better known as NSAIDS. The problem with NSAIDS these drugs reduce an enzyme associated with pain called COX-1 and COX-2. There are a lot of hidden dangers behind prescription and OTC pain killers. Some of the most common ones consumed are Ibuprofen an d Acetaminophen.

Ibuprofen: a popular OTC pain reliever can cause stomach pain, nausea, gastric bleeding, ulcers, confusion, hypertension, increased heart attack and stroke. Also, swelling, rapid weight gain, reduced urination, which is a sign of kidney dysfunction, kidney failure, fever, sore throat, headache, rash, bruising, tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, neck stiffness, chills, light sensitivity, and seizures.

Acetaminophen: also known as Tylenol, is classified as an NSAID, but is also unsafe. The number one cause of liver failure in the United States is caused by acetaminophen next to alcohol consumption. If combined with alcohol, the damage to the liver is increased significantly. It also depletes glutathione, an important antioxidant needed by the liver to protect and detoxify the body. Over use of this OTC drug can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal tenderness, and it can interfere with blood clotting, weaken kidney function, and with severe over dose can cause death.

The alternative: Curcumin is a safe and effective pain reliever

Curcumin is a compound from Turmeric Root, unstandardized turmeric powder contains only two to three percent curcumin. It is important to get a standardized curcumin so that you can get a therapeutic response from consuming this herb. Not all curcumin is the same, look for a brand that blends turmeric essential oil with curcumin to enhance the absorption of the product because the product is hard to absorb.

Curcumin is one of the worlds best studied herbs, it works by reducing a COX-2 response to inflammation the same target as many prescription and OTC drugs that cause organ damage and side effects. Fortunately, Curcumin can target the same in a safe and natural way with no side effects. It can prevent a wide spectrum of inflammatory and oxidative damage, relieve chronic pain as effective and much more safely than drugs like NSAIDs.

Taking OTC or prescription pain relieving drugs are not a long term solution for pain. With the side effects associated with common pain relievers, one should only take them as a last resort and consider using a safer alternative that is as effective to relieving pain. Terry Naturally offers BCM-95 a patented curcumin that is blended with turmeric essential oils, BCM-95 has been the subject of many clinical studies demonstrating its effectiveness in relieving pain. We at VitaNet offer free shipping on any product in Terry’s brand. If you are struggling with pain, consider trying Terry Naturally to help relieve pain safely.


Hintonia Latiflora Combined With Key Nutrients for Blood Sugar Control

Date: August 31, 2020 12:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hintonia Latiflora combined With Key Nutrients for Blood Sugar Control

Type 2 diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate. With certain life style changes, exercise, along with Sucontral D, one can reduce blood sugar.

Hintonia latiflora combined with key nutrients for blood sugar control can:

  • Lower A1c levels by 10%
  • Improve fasting and postprandial blood sugar by 23% and 24% respectively.
  • Balance total cholesterol and reduce triglyceride levels
  • Prevent hypoglycemia - undesirable drops in blood sugar
  • Reduce or eliminate the need for medication in nearly half the patients

The CDC reports that 84 million Americans have pre diabetes which is higher than normal blood sugar levels but not yet considered type 2 diabetes. It is said there is an additional 30 million type 2 diabetes and roughly 24% do not know they have high blood sugar levels.

Hintonia has been clinically studied in Europe for decades, 60 years to be exact, clinically studied to help bot pre- and type 2 diabetes. By the end of these studies, participants in the studies experienced an average of 10.4% improvement in their A1C, and 23.3% improvement in their fasting glucose levels and 24.9% on their postprandial glucose levels. This is quite significant indeed.

In conclusion, the clinical studies proved Hintonia improved blood glucose levels. out of 114 patients 45 were able to reduce their medication and 10 were able to eliminate their medication all together.

Reference:Hintonia concentrate for the dietary treatment of increased blood sugar values: Results of a multicentric, prospective, non-interventional study with a defined dry concentrate of Hintonia latiflora. Schmidt M, Hladikova M Naturheilpraxis, Feb. 2014 (Translated).


Saffron Lift

Date: May 23, 2019 03:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Saffron Lift

Mood and emotional health can dramatically impact quality of life. Through the years, I have met many people who are looking for a healthy way to support peace of mind, a sense of happiness, or emotional balance in their lives.* When I learned about the ways standardized saffron can boost mood, I decided to combine it with BCM-95 curcumin, which has 4 published human studies demonstrating significant support for mood and emotional balance. The unique combination of these two ingredients provides elevated levels of benefits that are unmatched by either herb alone. You too can truly feel the difference this product can make!*

The Powerful, clinical strength botanicals in Saffron Lift provides outstanding mood support!*

  • Saffron EP15 is standardized for clinically studied levels of compounds and works along unique pathways to support emotional balance and peace of mind.* It also has an impact on "emotional eating," and may reduce snacking between meals.
  • BCM-95 (Curcugreen) curcumin is standardized for a full spectrum of curcuminoids and is combined with turmeric essential oil with ar-turmerone for enhanced absorption and blood retention.

Not only will Saffron Life effectively life mood, it will also promote overall health and well-being in those that consume it regularly.


What are the best clove substitutes?

Date: May 09, 2019 04:31 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the best clove substitutes?

Cloves are a spice that can be added to soups, stews and other dishes to add flavor. However, if a recipe calls for cloves and you do not have any on hand there are other substitutes that you can use. Allspice is an easy substitute because both spices come from the same family. Cardamom is another substitute but does not taste quite as sweet. Use cardamom in conjunction with cinnamon as a substitute for clove, but use less than the cardamom than cloves.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cloves have found much uses by humans. They are not only used in soups and stews, but also used to treat conditions like cancer, diabetes, or obesity.
  • When tasted, cloves taste bitter and some people describe the flavor as being hot. Cloves also have a strong, pungent, and sweet aroma.
  • Allspice can be used as a substitute for cloves because they belong to the same family and it is called allspice due to the combined smell of other spices.

"Allspice can be used to treat bloating, cramping, diarrhea, excessive flatulence, nausea, and vomiting."

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Common vitamins linked to a lower risk of pancreatic cancer

Date: May 07, 2019 04:31 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Common vitamins linked to a lower risk of pancreatic cancer

While pancreatic cancer is a terribly dangerous disease, a vitamin supplement regime may be able to mitigate some of the risk of developing it. A Chinese study that looked at health data from over 1.2 million people discovered a clear correlation between higher intake of vitamins and lower risk of pancreatic cancer. Specifically, the researchers believe that the vitamins, through a variety of different mechanisms, induce apoptosis in cancer cells. This demonstrates that a healthy diet combined with supplements can greatly reduce your cancer risk.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nearly 40 percent of Americans are expected to have cancer in their lifetime but there is some good news on the natural home front.
  • The good news is that taking vitamins can reduce the risk to pancreatic cancer which accounts for about seven percent of all cancer diagnosis.
  • Ying Liu and his colleagues conducted the research on cancer and vitamins, and it involved about 1,214,995 subjects with pancreatic cancer being about 8,740.

"Fortunately, there are lifestyle changes that can dramatically reduce the risk of falling victim to pancreatic cancer, including a vitamin (and mineral) regimen."

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Protect yourself properly this cold season with oregano oil, plus 6other natural remedies

Date: April 26, 2019 03:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Protect yourself properly this cold season with oregano oil, plus 6other natural remedies

CDC statistics indicate that most adults will get hit by the common cold at least a few times a year, but the antimicrobial properties of oregano oil may be able to help reduce your symptoms. A 2011 study, for example, found that an oregano oil throat spray could help control many cold symptoms. When combined with an overall healthy lifestyle, oregano oil can give your immune system an important boost. Ginger, probiotics, drinking herbal tea with honey and staying hydrated can also help.

Key Takeaways:

  • The U.S Centers for disease Control estimates that among adults the possibility of catching a cold is about 2 to 3 times per year.
  • Many persons, including adults and children, catch colds several times because they are generally uninformed about how to naturally prevent and treat bacterial and viral infections.
  • It has been scientifically proven that oregano is a natural remedy for alleviating cold and flu symptoms, and it can also help you prevent a cold in the first place.

"Be sure to look for a high quality oregano oil supplement (such as wild P73 oregano oil, which stands for “polyphenol 73%” and indicates a medicinal grade quality). To use, mix 3 to 10 drops of oregano oil in a tablespoon of water, swish it around your mouth for 30 seconds, then swallow."

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Top Benefits of Flaxseed

Date: April 23, 2019 01:56 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top Benefits of Flaxseed

Flaxseed isn't just advantageous to your health through its main components of lignans, but it is also naturally contains several vitamins and nutrients that are essential for us to thrive. Consuming flaxseed on a consistent basis will also provide you with supplementation of magnesium, vitamin B, K, and C, as well as iron. With all of these attributes combined with its other naturally healing properties, flaxseed has the potential to help the human in body in several ways, including protecting against bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Key Takeaways:

  • Flax seed has become more popular as a dietary supplement in the last few years.
  • Studies have shown that flax seed acts against obesity in mice.
  • If you decide to incorporate flaxseed in your diet, start with small amounts, as there may be side effects.

"Animal research has demonstrated the addition of flaxseed to a high-fat diet protected mice against obesity,3 supporting previous research showing lignans in flaxseed were associated with a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes in women."

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CBD Oil & Hemp Oil – Cannabidiol help your health and wellbeing

Date: February 19, 2019 05:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD Oil & Hemp Oil – Cannabidiol help your health and wellbeing

CBD Oil and Hemp Oil are much safer than alcohol and each of them bring a magnitude of health benefits to the user. When they're combined together, the effects are absolutely stunning. CBD and hemp oil can be the key to your good health and well-being. These properties, derived from the cannabinoid plant, can reduce pain, reduce anxiety and improve symptoms of depression, help glaucoma patients, and so much more. It is easy to say that this is a life changing health solution.

Key Takeaways:

  • A compound that can be extracted from the cannabis plant is CBD and CBD is used in medicine for several health issues.
  • CBD is not only used in healing several health issues but it is also used as a compound in creams and shampoos.
  • CBD oil is in high demand in the world today because it is used for curing depression and depression is affecting a lot of youths.

"The best part of using is that this compound is non – psychoactive, i.e., the intake of this compound will not affect any high sensations."

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Why diabetics should drink more tea and eat more cherries

Date: February 16, 2019 08:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why diabetics should drink more tea and eat more cherries

If you are a diabetic, you should consider drinking more tea and eating more cherries. A recent study done by Brazilian researchers says that both of these can improve diabetes. Tea is a natural antidiabetic treatment used for some time because it boosts the immune system, improves blood flow, and even reduces the risk of cancer. they tested two groups, giving one natural extracts and the other treatments similar to acarbose or miglitol. Phenolic compounds, chlorophyll, and carotenoids appeared to be higher in participants that received the natural extracts.

Key Takeaways:

  • The statistic for diabetes is very worrisome. It affects 387 million people worldwide who are impacted by high sugar in their blood stream.
  • Alpha-glucosidase, an enzyme used in breaking down carbohydrates to glucose, has had a great impact on diabetics, and drugs to mitigate these effects are now available.
  • Recently, because many people are afraid that western medicines have side effects, they are opting more for natural remedies against diabetes.

"This study, published in the journal Pharmacognosy Research, was based on in vitro assays that determined the ability of combined extracts from the two to act as an antioxidant and to inhibit alpha-glucosidase activity."

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Natural remedy for OCD may lie in ashwagandha

Date: February 11, 2019 11:11 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural remedy for OCD may lie in ashwagandha

Physicians typically prescribe patients mainstream pharmaceutical drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a way to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but new research is showing that another effective route may be available. Ashwagandha roots can be put into a powdered extract that can be combined with lactose in order to treat symptoms of OCD. A six week trial proved that after 30mg of ashwagandha each day, patients who suffered from anxiety noticed that their symptoms improved at the end of the trial.

Key Takeaways:

  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition that impels hideous thoughts in the sufferer in which he or she is compelled to act on immediately.
  • The pharmaceutical drugs for treating OCD are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors but they fail to work sometimes and only provide minimal enhancement.
  • Traditional ayurvedic medicine though has solutions in form of herbs for the treatment of problems connected to the nervous system.

"Patients may finally get their obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) under proper control thanks to an ancient Indian herbal remedy."

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Zinc can protect against oxidative stress when it's taken togetherwith chocolate and tea

Date: February 08, 2019 03:48 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Zinc can protect against oxidative stress when it's taken togetherwith chocolate and tea

As human cells burn energy in their processes, they give off "exhaust", if you will(cellular expiration), which can cause damage to components of the cell and surroundings. One of the byproducts in this respiration is superoxide, which may have a role in the aging process and other degenerative problems. However, there may be a metal that may help without hurting: zinc. And, some reseachers say, taking zinc with items such as chocolate or wine may enhance the process zinc has in breaking down the superoxide.

Key Takeaways:

  • Oxidative stress which is linked to aging and a low life expectancy can be prevented by taking zinc which activates an organic molecule preventing it.
  • Superoxide causes oxidative stress and it is a byproduct of the human respiratory process in the cells. This compound damages the body’s biomolecules.
  • For zinc to be effective, it has to be taken with a component which is a hydroquinone group found in polyphenols and can be obtained from chocolates.

"A study published in the journal Nature Chemistry suggests that the nutritional benefits of zinc can be bolstered when combined with a natural compound found in chocolate and tea."

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A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking

Date: January 10, 2019 05:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking

Both diabetes and routine engagement in tobacco smoking can raise the risk of cardiovascular damage due to a rise in oxidative stress. While curcumin isn't proven to completely diminish the amount of oxidative stress that is caused as a result of diabetic and tobacco consumption symptoms, it does greatly decrease the amount of oxidative stress that is experienced by each individual which naturally results in the heart being less vulnerable. It is also known to specifically reduce the amount of hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been reported that taking curcumin supplements can protect a person from risk to cardiovascular diseases that is caused by diabetes and smoking.
  • This study was conducted at the Kind Saud University in Saudi Arabia. The researchers studied the oxidative stress caused by diabetes and smoking and curcumin’s effects on them.
  • The researchers found that administering nicotine to rats induced oxidative stress in the rats and also increased triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein.

"For the study, the researchers administered nicotine to diabetic rats to determine the effect of the combined oxidative stress of diabetes and nicotine."

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Curcumin protects cardiac tissue from combined oxidative stressinduced by diabetes and nicotine

Date: January 07, 2019 03:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin protects cardiac tissue from combined oxidative stressinduced by diabetes and nicotine

Patients who are diabetic or engage in tobacco smoking can unfortunately face health concerns in regards to oxidative stress that impacts their cardiovascular function. A lot of this oxidative stress is referred to as hyperglycemia-induced, and it is shown to be less prevalent when curcumin is consumed. In one particular study, the administration of the curcumin actually prevented the oxidative stress due to diabetes and tobacco smoking altogether. This could show great promise for those struggling with insulin levels and tobacco addiction.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is well known that diabetes and smoking both cause oxidative stress, and that they are the main factors to consider when there are cardiovascular diseases.
  • To understand the effects of curcumin, researchers from the King Saud University in Saudi Arabia had to give nicotine to diabetic rats to study oxidative stress on them.
  • It was found that oxidative stress was increased in these rats due to the increased production of nitric oxide.

"Research has found that curcumin can protect cardiac tissues from the combined oxidative stress induced by diabetes and nicotine."

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9 Health Benefits of Glutathione

Date: January 02, 2019 05:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 9 Health Benefits of Glutathione

Glutathione is made of 3 combined amino acids and is found in alol cells of the body. Its function as an antioxidant is to protect the body cells and tissues from harm posed by free radicals.But it also serves to function as a protective agent in critical body systems, such as the liver, protecting against fatty liver disease, colitis, the endocrine system as it relates to insulin function. One can uptake their intake of this critical protein through supplements or simply by eating foods rich in this complex: broccoli, spinach, garlic, onions, chicken, fish and brown rice to name a few.

Key Takeaways:

  • Glutathione is a nutrient that is present in every cell in the body. It acts by preventing free radicals from doing damage to the cells and tissues.
  • Glutathione is also found to act by protecting the liver from a disease known as fatty liver disease when it is not connected to alcohol.
  • The author found that the claims that glutathione can be used to treat autism spectrum disorders is true.

"The nutrient, glutathione, is touted by many people as one of the greatest nutritional supplements for preventing countless health conditions, from autism to weight loss and even cancer."

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Licorice extract is a safe and natural remedy for hyperpigmentation

Date: November 03, 2018 02:51 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Licorice extract is a safe and natural remedy for hyperpigmentation

What happens when a person has too much melanin? Their nails and skin darkens considerable in a condition called hyperpigmentation. The good news is that you can treat the condition naturally with licorice extract which is made by mixing ten parts of distilled water mixed with a part of extract. Put the mixture on a towel and use it as a compress for about ten to fifteen minutes twice a day. Moisturize your skin afterward with lotion so it doesn't dry out.

Key Takeaways:

  • High amounts of melanin can lead to hyperpigmentation, which is a darkening of nails and skin.
  • The good news is that licorice extract has been found to be a great natural cure for hyperpigmentation.
  • Licorice can also be used to treat skin, respiratory and gastrointestinal problems.

"Licorice extract is often combined with different citrus fruits to make an effective skin brightener."

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Natural ways to whiten your teeth

Date: September 11, 2018 08:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Natural ways to whiten your teeth

Natural ways to whiten your teeth

If you are considering whitening your teeth, there are many natural ways you can accomplish this without resorting to chemically based products. Swishing around edible oil in your mouth 2 to 3 times a day can help. Baking soda is another trusted stain remover when combined with water and made into a paste.Rubbing tumeric on your gums and teeth can also provide good results. Finally, apple cider vinegar works well to topple plaque and to keep your teeth white.

Key Takeaways:

  • White teeth can improve your appearance significantly, and you don't need chemicals to do so.
  • Make a paste out of baking power and apply regularly to remove teeth stains
  • You can also use apple cider vinegar or turmeric over a longer period of time to see improvements in teeth health

"Fortunately, you don’t always have to visit a dentist or rely on chemicals to get pearly whites!"

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How sleep habits affect weight goals: Survey reveals the ideal sleep schedule for shedding pounds

Date: August 04, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: How sleep habits affect weight goals: Survey reveals the ideal sleep schedule for shedding pounds

How sleep habits affect weight goals: Survey reveals the ideal sleep schedule for shedding pounds

A study of 1000 Brits found that people who get less than seven hours of sleep in an average night have noticeably more erratic eating patterns than their better-rested compatriots. People who got less than seven hours of sleep were more likely to break their diets, snack between meals and drink more alcohol. By contrast, people with consistently good sleep patterns found it easier to lose weight by dieting and had more regular, routine eating schedules. Scientists generally recommend going to bed around 10 PM to maximize your restorative REM sleep.

Key Takeaways:

  • Following a healthy sleeping pattern, combined with healthy eating habits, can help you lose weight.
  • People who sleep less than seven hours every night tend to show the most erratic eating habits.
  • Three-fourths of dieters in a study found it easier to lose weight if they were getting enough sleep.

"Millions of adults are missing out on sleep, which leads to unhealthy lifestyle habits – such as excessive eating – in turn leading to a plethora of adverse health effects."

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Pomegranate extract found to help mitigate the effects of a high fat diet; when combined with inulin, it also lowers cholesterol

Date: January 16, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pomegranate extract found to help mitigate the effects of a high fat diet; when combined with inulin, it also lowers cholesterol

Pomegranate has long been regarded as a wonderful fruit with many benefits. Now the extract of Pomegranate is found to help minimize a high fat diet. The extract can also lower cholesterol in the body for patients. That shows a lot of promise for individuals concerned with their health. Initial research is promising and could help people adapt to their health condition. Get to know more about pomegranate extract and what it could do for people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pomegranate and Inulin together are much stronger in lowering cholesterol than they are separately. Although, they both do help to lower cholesterol separately, with lesser effects than when combined
  • Pomegranate and Inulin supplementation is a healthy alternative to statins, which come with many side effects.
  • Along with lowering cholesterol, Pomegranates includes Vitamin C, along with many other vitamins. They also protect against inflammation in the body.

"Sometimes the sum is greater than its parts, and scientists have found this to be the case when it comes to the cholesterol-lowering effects of pomegranate and inulin."

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Get Rid Of Your Joint Pain In 5 Hours After Drinking This Home Made Liquid!!

Date: October 06, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Get Rid Of Your Joint Pain In 5 Hours After Drinking This Home Made Liquid!!

Joint pain is hard for many. It hurts and makes it hard to get things done. This drink can help, though, and if you suffer from joint pain you could notice how much better it is to have it lessened. There are medications for this but not everyone wants to take those. Some people are allergic to them or just don't like the ingredients. This drink will seem safter to those people so they might be willing to try it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lemon peel combined with olive oil and eucalyptus can relieve joint pain
  • Lemon peel though doesn't taste very good has 10 x more vitamin C than the liquid and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Soaking bandages in this liquid and then applying them to sore joints will relieve pain instantly.

"its high concentration of nutrients will help eliminate pain and inflamation almost immediately"


Artichoke extract found to lower high cholesterol and protect the liver from alcohol damage

Date: September 22, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Artichoke extract found to lower high cholesterol and protect the liver from alcohol damage

Pharmaceutical companies are constantly coming up with more and more medications to treat all kinds of issues and the doctors have no problems prescribing these pills. It is no wonder that due to side effects and cost people are looking for a more natural way to care common ailments. A recent study out of China has shown that an extract from the nutrient rich artichoke can actually lower cholesterol and help reverse liver damage caused by alcohol. Read here about this safe alternative to prescribed medication.

Key Takeaways:

  • More and more people are looking for natural solutions for conditions that are typically treated with pharmaceuticals, which often have negative side effects.
  • According to a study published in Nutrition and Liver Disease, artichoke extract can decrease high cholesterol levels and protect the liver from alcohol-induced injury.
  • Artichoke extract, combined with a healthy diet, has the potential to help some people stay off risky statins and safely control their cholesterol.

"In a Chinese study published by the journal Nutrition and Liver Disease, artichoke extract was shown to significantly prevent elevated levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides while reducing the inflammatory infiltration, degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes in the liver, indicating a powerful effect against acute alcohol-induced liver injury."

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Wheat Germ Oil and Fish Oil Combination Benefits In Hemodialysis Patients

Date: September 08, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Wheat Germ Oil and Fish Oil Combination Benefits In Hemodialysis Patients

A recent study has shown that giving fish oil and wheat germ oil to hemodialysis patient maintains healthy blood calcium levels. The study used a placebo control group and it was a double blind study. This is a positive finding for those concerned about mineral bonus when they are on hemodialysis. The study however was also hoping to find that these omega fatty acid supplements would also affect other minerals as well as information in the system of these patients. They did not receive the results they were looking for and further research may be necessary.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chronic kidney disease, which can lead to end-stage renal disease, generally leaves the patient with the options of only hemodialysis or transplantation.
  • Pathological changes in renal tissue start with oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions as well as changes in the metabolism of several substances, including calcium.
  • A combination of two nutritive oils, specifically wheat germ and fish, could have beneficial effects on serum calcium levels in ESRD patients, thereby helping those on hemodialysis.

"A recent randomized, placebo-controlled trial published in International Urology and Nephrology, examined the impact of combined supplementation of fish oil (FO) with wheat germ oil (WGO) on mineral-bone and inflammatory markers in HD patients."

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My Cardiologist Unclogged My Arteries And Removed The High Blood Pressure With Just 4 Tablespoons

Date: August 17, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: My Cardiologist Unclogged My Arteries And Removed The High Blood Pressure With Just 4 Tablespoons

The mixture of lemon, garlic and ginger can have immense results on the body, especially clogged arteries! Garlic is an antibacterial and antiseptic meaning it can be used to cleanse the body of harsh bacteria. When mixed into the remedy it's health benefits intensify. Ginger is known for being an efficient antioxidant and eliminating inflammation of the body. The last ingredient lemon is high in vitamin c with a high alkaline level (it is acidic). Combining these three ingredients is 0art of an old German recipe for unclogging arteries.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lemon, garlic, and ginger are very good for individual help. But if combined its even better.
  • A lot of people are going back to natural remedies for medicine.
  • All of the ingredients help unclog arteries when combined in a blender and consumed.

"Start taking this syrup and you will feel like new"


Top 3 Skin Care Secrets || How to Use Baking Soda To Whiten Skin

Date: August 01, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top 3 Skin Care Secrets || How to Use Baking Soda To Whiten Skin

Natural remedies are always best and that includes beauty treatments for facial skin. Baking soda is a refreshing mask ingredient that can be used to cleanse and brighten the face. As a wash it can slough off dead skin cells and encourage new cell growth. Other ways to use it are in combination with natural ingredients. A fruit mix combined with baking soda can be applied as a mask. Strawberries and lemon help moisturize and also exfoliate. Masks can be used weekly to prepare skin for moisturizer and your beauty routine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Baking soda works as an effective ingredient in homemade skincare treatments, as it has exfoliating properties that leave skin fresh and glowing
  • You can make a homemade treatment easily by just mixing two tablespoons of baking soda with water until a somewhat thick paste is formed
  • Once you’ve made your baking soda paste, you just need to gently apply the mixture to the desired spots of skin and wait two minutes before rinsing with water

"Baking Soda is alkaline in nature and thus balances the pH levels of your skin to make it glow with radiance"


Home remedies for Gastric - Acidity | Health Tips 2017

Date: July 16, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Home remedies for Gastric - Acidity | Health Tips 2017

There are some home remedies for gastric acidity. Stomach gas is due to a bad mixture of many different things. One of the remedies is to get a glass of water and mix it with a couple other things. Currum seeds and some black salt will help out a lot. It relieves gas instantly. Turmeric powder and salt is another good mixture. You want to make sure to have the right amount in the mixture.

Key Takeaways:

  • One specific home remedy for gastric acidity specifies the use of currum seeds and black salt, mixed in water.
  • Other useful variations include water mixed with lemon juice and water mixed with apple cider vinegar.
  • Baking soda and lemon juice combined is another variant meant to dispel excess gastric acid.

"Ginger tea is the best remedy for uncomfortable gas pain."


20 essential oils for muscle pain and how to use them

Date: July 15, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 20 essential oils for muscle pain and how to use them

There are 20 essential oils for muscle pain and how to use them. Getting aches and pains in your muscles is a fact of life. The more we use our muscles, the more tired we get. As we age, this gets worse and worse. Aging also poses problems for our movement. That makes arthritis symptoms more likely to develop. Lavender is one of the essential oils for muscle pain. It helps out quite a bit. Rosemary is another one.

Key Takeaways:

  • Instead of over-the-counter pharmaceutical treatments for muscle pain, essential oils can be considered as an alternative.
  • While too potent to use on the skin directly, mixing an essential oil with a carrier oil, such as vegetable oil, and then massaging on to the skin is a good method for application.
  • Different essential oils can be combined in various potency levels to produce maximum benefit.

"Getting muscle aches and pains is a fact of life. The more we use our muscles, the more tired and fatigued they get, and unfortunately as we age this occurs more frequently and recovery takes longer."

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Drink It With A Single Blow And Your Liver Will Look Like The One You Had At 20!!

Date: June 26, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Drink It With A Single Blow And Your Liver Will Look Like The One You Had At 20!!

The liver is the organ that suffers most from a poor diet, which is the organ that does most of the work in cleaning the bodies blood. By boiling a handful of peppermint in two liters of water, letting stand, and then straining, it can be combined with the juice from a lemon, orange, and a half tablespoon of lemon zest to create a drink that will cleanse the body and liver. If the taste is too acidic a teaspoon of honey can be added. This cleanse should be taken for a week at a cup per day. It is also recommended that the person taking this cleanse take care of their body by avoiding tobacco and alcohol while drinking two liters of water a day and eating carrots, nuts, and foods rich in fiber as well as whole grains. They should also get about eight hours of sleep to maintain a healthy system.

Key Takeaways:

  • This is a natural drink that will keep your liver clean, which improves the quality of one's blood and helps with the disposal of toxic waste.
  • This drink uses peppermint, lemon juice, orange juice, lemon zest, and water.
  • Taking care of your liver also calls for drinking at least two liters of water daily, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, eating fiber rich foods, and get a good 8 hours of sleep every night.

"While people are becoming more interested in feeling good, it is also true that we are still interested in seeing each other well."


Cannabis, combined with chemotherapy, effectively destroys cancer cells

Date: June 09, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cannabis, combined with chemotherapy, effectively destroys cancer cells

Researchers in England have found that combining cannabis usage with chemotherapy improves the treatment's effectiveness against leukemia. The inclusion of the cannabis allows for lower dosages of chemotherapy to be used, limited the harsh effects of the treatment.

Researchers have found that application sequence is critical for effectiveness. the active chemicals from the cannabis should be administered after the chemotherapy treatment for best results.

While they stress the need for more testing before such treatment can become commonplace, it represents and exciting development on the cancer treatment front.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cannabinoids compounds can combine with chemotherapy compounds after the treatment has been administered
  • Because of their successful combination, lower doses of chemotherapy can be used, reducing the harm on other aspects of the patient's body
  • Celebrities such as Olivia Newton-John, are planning to try this treatment

"Scientists say the order the treatments are administered is crucial. Using cannabinoids after chemotherapy killed off blood cancer cells more rapidly."

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Turmeric (Curcumin),The Healing Root.

Date: June 06, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Turmeric (Curcumin),The Healing Root.

A staple of Ayruvedic medicine, practiced in India, besides being a flavoring agent and useful for coloring fabrics, Turmeric is a highly nourishing herb, specifically a rhizome, with antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties, to name a few. Hormonal imbalance, obesity and hypertension are a few other areas that can benefit from Turmeric use. Easy to incorporate into the diet, even small amounts are beneficial. A traditional golden milk, make with coconut milk, is tasty and provides many nutrients. Turmeric is an inexpensive way to boost your health every day and even makes a beautiful addition to the garden, should you decide to grow it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tumeric has been revered in Asia for thousands of years for its health benefits and is starting to make its way west
  • Growing tumeric requires a distinct kind of environment, but there are ways to construct that environment
  • Tumeric, coconut oil, and black pepper can be combined for a drink that is better than coffee's tastes and is much healthier

"it has only been recently that people throughout the rest of world have discovered the many uses turmeric has for health and well being and as a tasty addition to culinary delights. This little root can help our bodies in miraculous ways and also healing our pets."

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Keto Diet for Women: Benefits, Food List & Tips to Overcome Side Effects

Date: June 06, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Keto Diet for Women: Benefits, Food List & Tips to Overcome Side Effects

While existing somewhat below the radar, the ketogenic, or keto diet, has been around for almost a hundred years. In a nutshell, it requires the follower to get three fourths of their diet from healthy fat sources, a radical shift from the high carb diet prevalent today. Notable as a good way to shed pounds and avoid complications of aging, such as insulin resistance and neurological impairment, the diet’s statistical backup has so far centered mainly around rodents and male humans. Anecdotal evidence does suggest, however, that the diet is beneficial for women undergoing perimenopause and menopause. One practitioner, in particular, advocates combining a keto diet with an alkaline diet, to avoid some of the discomfort users have when undergoing the radical shift in intake. A more alkaline pH is good for the body. So, the combination is a win/win.

Key Takeaways:

  • An alkaline ketogenic diet combined with intermittent fasting has health benefits for women.
  • The combination diet promotes anti-aging, better sleep,and normalizing blood sugar while reaching and maintaining healthy weight.
  • Combining the alkaline with the ketogenic leads to diminished side effects from eating mainly low carb foods.

"Fasting is a key aspect of a healthy diet and has many anti-aging effects."

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Pairing curcumin with turmeric essential oils offers better protection from ulcerative colitis, study finds

Date: May 10, 2017 06:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pairing curcumin with turmeric essential oils offers better protection from ulcerative colitis, study finds

There have been many studies on the effectiveness of essential oils since they're so popular now. People swear by them to help with all sorts of things. Turmeric is a popular one. It is sort of a go to oil. People say it helps with a whole list of things. One of these is apparently ulcertive colitis. There is a study supporting this. The Turmeric oil should be combined with curcumin for the best results.

Read more: Pairing curcumin with turmeric essential oils offers better protection from ulcerative colitis, study finds


Should You Mix Turmeric And Weed For Pain Management?

Date: May 06, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Should You Mix Turmeric And Weed For Pain Management?

An alternative health blog has a feature touting the benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD), which is found in cannabis. The writer states that CBD has been found to be effective in fighting chronic pain and reducing inflammation. The writer notes that CBD is classified as a Schedule One drug and may not be available legally in some states. CBD is available in states that have legalized medical marijuana. She recommends mixing CBD with turmeric. Other good mixing items include coconut oil, raw honey, and ginger root.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD oil can be combined with a number of natural foods to treat chronic pain and inflammation.
  • CBD oil is legally available in Britain but in the US it can only be purchased in states where medical marijuana is offered.
  • Chronic pain sufferers can make something called "golden milk," which is a combination of CBD oil, coconut oil, ginger root, raw honey, black pepper, and turmeric.

"The importance of natural remedies (like our yummy golden milk) cannot be overstated."

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Date: April 08, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Have Pineapple And Turmeric Beverage TO PREVENT CANCER, BEAT INFLAMMATION AND COLD TOO!

When people are sick they would rather prevent going to the doctor every chance they get because it cost money. Therefore, people always try to come up with home remedies to cure their cold. The video listed shows how pineapple, lemon, ginger and turmeric can all be combined as a beverage to help get rid of inflammation. It even mentions how the juice can help prevent cancer. It then begins to list how each ingredient plays a vital part in the helping get rid of the common cold, inflammation and cancer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lemon, ginger, turmeric and pineapple are all very effective foods in fighting cancer and inflammation.
  • Black pepper and coconut oil are very important ingredients that help the body absorb the nutrients in these anti-cancer foods.
  • This video has a great recipe for a smoothie using all these powerful ingredients.

"Lemon, ginger, turmeric and pineapple are the four most potent natural foods which fight inflammation and tumors."


When A Colon Cleanse May be Right For You

Date: April 06, 2017 09:15 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: When A Colon Cleanse May be Right For You

Colon cleanses are natural detoxification methods used to increase intestinal health and relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome or constipation. Colon cleansing techniques include the use of laxatives, enemas, or colonic hydrotherapy. Laxatives are large doses of magnesium used to induce a bowel movement while an enema is the act of flushing the colon with water that is inserted through the rectum. Colonic hydrotherapy is a more powerful and professionally administered method of cleansing dehydrated waste from the colon using water.

Key Takeaways:

  • Colonic hydrotherapy can be done regularly (seasonally or monthly). People often combined it with fasting diets.
  • A colon cleanse can remove harmful toxins from your body and help bowel movements.
  • The health of your digestive tract is directly related to your overall health.

"There are typically three approaches for performing a colon cleanse; taking laxatives, performing an enema, or undergoing colonics. These three methods all offer different benefits and advantages, though all are best done in conjunction with a gut-nourishing diet rich in healthy fats and bacteria."

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Drink This EVERY Morning You Will Feel 10 Years Younger Turmeric amazing

Date: March 20, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Drink This EVERY Morning You Will Feel 10 Years Younger Turmeric amazing

Natural herbs and even some fruits and vegetables contain known and unknown compounds which will not only help to keep you healthy, but may even help control and slow the process of aging. Among the many plants which can help slow aging is Turmeric. Turmeric contains compounds which help to rejuvenate the skin and help to keep the entire body healthy, Turmeric is used in many anti aging formulations. Using Turmeric combined with Black Pepper, helps with absorption of the valuable compounds in Turmeric. There is a recipe for a Turmeric tonic known as Golden Milk. Anyone interested in using Turmeric for anti aging should learn where to purchase, or learn to make, Golden Milk!

Key Takeaways:

  • Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory agent with strong antioxidant capabilities.
  • One Japanese population, where Turmeric is a regular dietary component, reports far more of the population uniformly reaching a healthy old age than the norm.
  • Turmeric powder, milled pepper, almond milk and honey are components of a drink, called Golden Milk, which can assists the body in combating the signs of aging.

"Aging is a natural process and you cannot prevent it, but you can do all that is needed to age healthy."


It's not all in the genes: Clean living can cut heart risks

Date: December 02, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: It's not all in the genes: Clean living can cut heart risks

Moderate physical activity lowers your chances of getting a heart attack by 30% to 50%. If you stick to a healthy diet you could lower your odds of getting heart disease by 25%. Fill your plate with different kinds of fruits, veggies, whole grains, fish, and lean meats. Stay away from processed or prepared foods that often are high in salt and filled with preservatives.

Key Takeaways:

  • A large study finds that people with the most inherited risk cut their chances of having a heart attack or other heart problems in half if they didn't smoke, ate well, exercised and stayed slim.
  • The study was discussed Sunday at an American Heart Association conference in New Orleans and published online in the New England Journal of Medicine.
  • Researchers combined information on more than 55,000 people in four studies around the world. One included imaging to check for plaque building up in heart arteries.

"The study was discussed Sunday at an American Heart Association conference in New Orleans and published online in the New England Journal of Medicine."



Scientists explore how nutrition may feed mental health

Date: December 01, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Scientists explore how nutrition may feed mental health

Most people know that fruits, vegetables, and fresh ingredients are much healthier than overly processed foods. They also know that exercise helps keep their bodies in balance. However, a lot of people don’t know just how important these things really are to our bodies. With a large surge in the number of people who suffer from depression and other mental illnesses, it has never been more important to balance our diets and exercise. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats keep our bodies fueled and our cognitive functions sharp. So, put away the fatty junk food and go for a walk.

Key Takeaways:

  • Good nutrition has long been viewed as a cornerstone of physical health, but research is increasingly showing diet's effect on mental health, as well.
  • Decades of research have shown the importance of proper nutrition in preventing and treating the ill effects of inflammation and stress, physiological processes that are intimately linked with mental health.
  • The article highlights the importance of examining the combined effects of nutritional and other lifestyle factors on mental health outcomes.

"Decades of research have shown the importance of proper nutrition in preventing and treating the ill effects of inflammation and stress, physiological processes that are intimately linked with mental health."



Healthy living linked to higher brain function, delay of dementia

Date: November 27, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Healthy living linked to higher brain function, delay of dementia

According to a recent study by York University, fruits, vegetables, and regular exercise have more to do with our well-being than we think. Researchers discovered that people who were normal weight or overweight, but not obese, and ate healthy had much higher cognitive function. The diet high in essential minerals and nutrients helped maintain and increase cognitive function in adults.

Key Takeaways:

  • It's tempting to dip into the leftover Halloween treats, but new research out of York University has found eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, combined with regular exercise, leads to better cognitive functioning for younger and older adults, and may delay the onset of dementia.
  • What they found was that for those who are normal weight or overweight, but not obese, eating more than 10 servings of fruit and vegetable daily was linked to better cognitive functioning.
  • Higher levels of physical activity were linked to the relationship between higher daily fruit and vegetable consumption and better cognitive performance.

"It’s tempting to dip into the leftover Halloween treats, but new research has found that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, combined with regular exercise, leads to better cognitive functioning for younger and older adults, and may delay the onset of dementia."



Cholesterol levels and heart disease risk may be lowered by eating oats: Study

Date: November 22, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cholesterol levels and heart disease risk may be lowered by eating oats: Study

A recent study has shown that oats may have more benefits than just being healthy. The amount of fiber in oats not only helps keep the body regular, it also has been linked to lower cholesterol levels. This food item is easily combined with other health food options, such as fruits and nuts. This makes it a very healthy option for multiple reasons.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating oats may lower your cholesterol levels and decrease your risk of heart disease.
  • The recommended intake for average adults is 25 grams of fiber, but many Americans only take in about 15 grams.
  • Getting in oat fiber throughout your day isn’t difficult. Start with oat meal cereal for breakfast and add oat bran to other meals like casseroles or soups.

"Oats are a great source of soluble fiber which is what gives oats the beneficial properties. Previous studies found that swapping out white bread with bread containing oats was a successful strategy for lowering LDL cholesterol."



What Are the Health Benefits of Borage?

Date: September 13, 2016 09:27 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Are the Health Benefits of Borage?

Borage or Borago officinalis also known as Starflower is a beautiful blue flower that can be found in the wilderness of the Mediterranea.You can recognize it after the edible flowers that have a cucumber taste.

Health benefits:

1.Very good source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)

Borage oil extracted from seeds is a strong inflammatory remedy. If you suffer from obesity, eczema, alcoholism, PMS or high blood pressure this oil can help reduce inflammation.

2.Important source of nutrients

If you decide to take borage as a herbal supplement you have to know it contains high amounts of iron and vitamin C.

3.Great cooking ingredient

Borage is a very strong tasting ingredient and a low calorie one, also. If added while cooking, can change the flavor, so be careful to add just a few sprinkles over.

4.Wonderful calming effects

combined with Echinacea can be great as a tea. Borage can "calm down" your adrenal glands and make you feel relaxed.

Most people consume borage oil for its GLA content, GLA regulates hormones and can be converted into anti-inflammatory compounds in the body. 




Inflammation Pain Got You Down? EPA Fish Oil Can Help

Date: October 12, 2015 12:55 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Inflammation Pain Got You Down? EPA Fish Oil Can Help

There's absolutely no doubt as to whether fish oil contains anti-inflammatory benefits. The main question is how one can tap into these benefits. How fish oil helps in inflammation pain is well understood. Basically, fish oil contains EPA and DHA which are Omega 3 fatty acids. Our body cannot make these essential fats on its own, and it's therefore important to have them in included in the diet just like other minerals and vitamins.

Effects of Inflammation Pain
There are many case studies that have been published to demonstrate the anti-inflammatory activity of EPA-rich fish oil. Inflammation is generally a response that our body uses to respond to any tissue injury or infections. These inflammatory processes have recently been understood as the underlying causes of many diseases of the modern world including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's disease, degenerative disc disease and many more.

Fish oil has shown to have potential benefits to all these diseases, but the main question is how one substance could help so many different conditions. However, fish oil contains essential omega 3 fats that benefit a wide variety of health conditions, either related or caused by inflammation.

How EPA helps inflammation

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) is an omega 3 fatty acid present in fish oil and is used by the body as a building block for manufacturing a group of chemicals with anti-inflammatory effects. This simply means that EPA acts as the fuel for the ability of our body to make its own anti-inflammatory chemicals. Scientists and nutritionists have shown that our modern diet is deficient in these omega 3 fatty acids. They also suggest that this may serve as an explanation of the current epidemic of inflammatory pain related illnesses that are being experienced in most western countries.

EPA fish oil dosage

In order to achieve significant anti-inflammatory effects, you must take a large daily dose of EPA-rich fish oils. One study has shown that patients suffering from disabling pain are able to achieve a significant pain relief that could not be helped by prescriptive pain medications, after taking high doses of fish oil for a prolonged period of time. In this study, all the patients had suffered severe disabling pain that could not be relieved through prescriptive pain medications. The pain was caused by something different in each of the cases.

One of the patients had second and third-degree burns over large parts of his body and was still experiencing pain despite taking morphine. Another patient had suffered a disc herniation in his neck. In all these cases, patients experienced significant relief after taking high doses of EPA fish oils and were able to return to their normal daily living. The fish oil daily dosage included 3200 mg to 7000 mg of EPA and DHA combined.

Assessing your need for omega 3

The expected results from taking fish oil largely depend on your current intake of omega 3 fats. If your body is currently depleted on omega 3 fats, it will certainly take much longer before it reaches the optimal levels of omega 3 and to achieve the full benefits of EPA. To determine your current omega 3 status, a simple blood test can measure your Omega-Index.






5 Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Date: September 12, 2015 03:27 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: 5 Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

For centuries vinegar has been used for various household and cooking purposes. The most popular vinegar in the natural health community is the apple cider vinegar.  Apple cider vinegar is made from fermenting apple cider which is a juice that is extracted for the pulp of pureed apples. Apple cider vinegar contains acid and bacteria that have vast array of health benefits. Below are health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar

1. Improved digestion.

Apple cider vinegar contains an alkalizing substance that aids in digestion. This is very beneficial to people who do not produce enough hydrochloric acid in their stomach. However, in order for apple cider vinegar to be effective it needs to be taken before consuming any food. Besides aiding in digestion, apple cider vinegar is also used to help cure diarrhea and constipation. It contain pectin which is a soluble fiber that help to ease constipation.

2. Aids in weight loss.

Scientific result that was conducted by an independent institution found out that apple cider vinegar can help in weight loss. The acid and bacteria contained in this supplement can help to speed up your metabolism thus aiding in weight loss.

3. Provides relief for diabetes patients.

Apple cider vinegar has shown to help provide relief for patients suffering from diabetes. Scientific studies has shown that apple cider vinegar contain natural components that helps to slow and control the rise in blood sugar especially after meals. When combined with other diabetic diet, apple cider vinegar can help manage the symptoms of diabetes.

4. It brightens the skin.

If you are suffering from skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis, apple vinegar is the perfect supplement for you. It helps to reduce inflammation, a factor that helps to brighten the skin.

5. It removes stains from teeth.

Apple cider vinegar helps to remove stain from teeth. All that you need to do is to rub apple cider vinegar, leave for a while then rinse your mouth with water.




What Is the Malibu Miracle Weight Loss Program?

Date: August 21, 2015 08:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Is the Malibu Miracle Weight Loss Program?

If you want to shed some pounds quickly and easily, then Malibu Miracle weight loss program is what you need. The exotic berry Malibu Miracle formula produces amazing noticeable results that will get you slimming sooner than you thought.  Malibu Miracle contains a blend of highly effective and concentrated blend of succulent fruits including Gogi, Noni, Mangosteen, Pomegranate and Acai.  With this, you can have a wholesome nutrition that will support your body cleansing as well as experience an exhilarated state of well-being.  Malibu Miracle juice is delicious and is charged with metabolism-supporting botanicals which include L-Carnitine, Super Citimax, Green Tea, Red wine, prebiotic fructooligosaccharides and Grape seed extract.

How Does The Malibu Miracle Weight Loss Program Work?

The Malibu Miracle formula contains oxygen-enhanced revitalized water that has vitality-enhancing, rehydrating and energizing properties that work naturally.  That way, you can experience superior hydration, cellular health as well as an improved body health.  However, when managing your weight, don’t expect miracles to happen from nowhere.  It will take your hard work, determination, healthy diet and exercise program for you to realize the desired results.  Malibu Miracle only serves as a supplement for a comprehensive diet and exercise program.  Malibu Miracle’s line has cutting-edge formulas that will produce lightning-fast results for better living.  It is amazing how you can be on your way to an improved body size and shape in as little as 48 hours.  The products contain exotic natural ingredients that are combined with the latest advancements in weight nutrition. In addition to that, the Malibu Miracle juice is incredibly sweet so you have every reason to buy one for your weight loss program.

Where Malibu Miracle 48-hour juice didn’t do better, the Exotic Oxyjuice introduced Ultra Malibu Miracle.  The breakthrough juice fast program comes in 6,000 mg each of real antioxidant-rich red super fruit juices ranging from Mangosteen, Noni, Goji, Pomegranate and Acai. These combination of juices kick-start the rapid weight loss in your body and also deliver nutrients which catalyze cascading full-body cleansing. On top of that, the Ultra Malibu Miracle contains Slendesta - a potato protein extract with ultimate appetite control properties- which helps you feel full and completely satisfied all day long.

All other competing juice fasting products can’t match Malibu Miracle and Ultra Malibu’s ability to deliver excellent results. These two products work great in suppressing appetite, providing anti-oxidant protection, supplying health-supporting nutrients and cutting weight within the shortest time. All that is contained in the lusciously delicious and mixed-berry juice concentrates.

Does Malibu Miracle Have Any Side Effects?

Malibu Miracle contains no artificial colors nor sweeteners. All the ingredients are naturally sourced and so you should expect minimal or no side effects while on your weight loss program. It is always advisable that during juice fasting diet, you abstain from food, alcohol, caffeine and smoking. Juice fasting is not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers or people with medical conditions or those that are on medication of any kind.

As with all diets, results might vary with each individual. It also depends on how much you exercise so you need to balance things out to get the desired results. However, it is important to remember that juice fasting for consecutive 48-hour periods is not recommended.


L-Leucine as an essential Amino Acid

Date: May 31, 2014 06:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: L-Leucine as an essential Amino Acid

amino acidIntroduction

L-Leucine is a a-amino acid with the chemical formulae HO2CCH(NH2)CH2CH(CH3)2. It is a hydrophopic amino acid to its aliphatic isobutyl side chain. L-Leucine is an essential amino acid since the human body can’t synthesize it, and it therefore must be ingested.

What is an essential amino acid

These are the amino acids that can’t be synthesized by the body of the organism hence it must be supplied in the diet. These amino acids is important not because they are important than others, but simply because the body can’t synthesize them.

Phenylalanine, L- Leucine, Valine, Tryptophan, Threonine, meyhionine, iso - Leucine, lysine and histidine are some of amino acids regarded as essential for humans beings.

The main difference between essential and non-essential amino acids is somehow since some proteins can be synthesized from others. The sulfur containing amino acids such as L-Leucine may sometimes be referred to as an essential amino acid.

Effects of L-Leucine deficiency

Majority of amino acids are important in the human diet. An experiment carried out by William Cummings Rose showed that lack of L-Leucine results to symptoms of exhaustion, nervousness and dizziness. Results further showed that these symptoms were encountered to lesser extent whenever human subjects were deprived of an essential amino acid.

In plants and other micro-organisms, L-Leucine is synthesized from pruvic acid by several enzymes. These enzymes include:

· a-Isopropylmalate synthase

· L-Leucineaminotransferase

· a-Isopropylmalate isomerase

· Acetolactate synthase

· Acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase

· Dihydroxyacid dehydratase

Importance of L- Leucine

L-Leucine is used by the adipose tissue, liver and the muscle. In muscle tissue and adipose L-Leucine is used in the formation of sterols. Ironically the combined usage of L-Leucine in the muscle and adipose is seven times greater than its use in the liver.

L-Leucine is also used in stimulation of the muscle protein synthesis. In dietary , L-Leucine is used in to slow down the degradation of muscle tissue by increasing the synthesis of muscle proteins in aged rats however this does not work in elderly men. L-Leucine helps you lose weight and spare muscle when dieting.

However L-Leucine can’t be associated as the main reason in muscular growth for the entire populatin. L-Leucine activates the mammalian target that regulates the growth cells in rats.

Negative effects of L- Leucine

L-Leucine cause neurologic complications which may be fatal if not control in time.

Studies also show that over activity of the liver is caused by taking L-Leucine supplement, excess L-Leucine may also cause pellagra, whose symptoms include dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia and eventually death.


Does Camu Camu Fruit Have Healing Properties?

Date: April 02, 2014 09:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does Camu Camu Fruit Have Healing Properties?

What is a camu camu

Inside a rainforest you will discover these types of bushes of which increase within the Rain forest avalanche. The actual fruit obtain from canoes as well as watercraft after that eaten fresh, dried or made into centred fruit juice. Some other part of these berries may be used as well as ingested in various means.

Camu Camu contents and benefits

The actual Camu Camu fruit boosts the manufacturing involving serotonin, the hormone that makes your senses beneficial. The higher level of vitamin G involving any vegetable that helps to improve your entire metabolic rate. There may be exploration evidence of which implies that the fruit features anti-oxidative as well as anti-inflammatory. In addition, it functions as anti-aging method. The actual large antioxidant part of this Camu Camu berry makes a strong compound with healthier skin care solutions. You will discover scientific studies that it has an anti cancer properties. The actual Camu will be adapted straight into makeup as well as healthy skin care because hugely rejuvenative talents.

On the list of crucial ingredients for you to locate a wholesome life is having the necessary every day level of Nutritional G. Nutritional G is surely an ascorbic p, is normal water-soluble as well as has a critical role inside our each day eating plan. Contrary to almost all mammals, people are not able to by natural means develop Nutritional G consequently, we should acquire the idea inside our eating plan. The actual role of which Nutritional G does eat the body is always to synthesize collagen, and that is a significant structural component of tendons, ligaments, arteries and, as well as navicular bone. Nutritional G is significant since it helps to merge this ingredient component of this neurotransmitter, norepinphrine. Neurotransmitters usually are crucial for you to mind perform. Among other items additionally, it is related to help with our blood cholesterol levels plus the regularity involving gall stones. The word antioxidant goes in conjunction having Nutritional G. Antioxidants are critical within defending one's body coming from harmful free of charge radicals.

The actual deficit involving Nutritional G in every day eating plan have been recognized for countless years for you to result in this generally dangerous illness involving scurvy. Any insufficient Nutritional G is even related to heart conditions. Nutritional G deficit in addition has been assigned to, cerebrovascular event, most cancers, cataracts, and in many cases guide toxicity.

Final thoughts, include the ability from the Camu Camu fresh fruits antioxidant potency for you to fight free of charge radicals as well as re-balance these physiques systems. combined with the berries, Camu  Camu is easily transforming into a recognized super fruit, which includes many reasons as well as prices regarding man well being.



Facts about Curamin and its working formula.

Date: March 30, 2014 01:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Facts about Curamin and its working formula.

Benefits of curcumin

curcumin powderIt is very normal to experience pain and inflammations however, curamin is the answer to any pain problem. What is curamin? It can be described as a blend of all-natural components comprising of curcumin, Boswellia, curcuminoids, nattokinase and DLPA (dl-phenylalanine). Curcumin has been researched and found to have a broad healing platform, that is, anti cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti bacterial and anti-fungal. During post-surgery, it has been proven to ease inflammation and in addition to that, reducing inflammation and swelling in arthritic conditions. Nattokinase is nutrient element in curamin which is an enzyme. The enzyme functions in that it helps breakdown blood clots as they can be painful and moreso, helps in relieving blood pressure.

Inflammations should be well taken care of as research says that, the pains are responsible for all kinds of serious sicknesses such as cancer and painful conditions such as arthritis. The enzyme nattokinase, is very important in relieving inflammations by enhancing circulation in the body thus allowing compounds such as boswellia, pain killer endorphins and curcumin to get to the areas where they are needed most. In addition,it enhances balance of fibrinogen in the body which is associated with muscle damage. Curamin also contains a component by the name DLPA which works in an interconnected mode and furthermore improving moods. Boswellia is termed as a traditional herb which relieves pain by reducing inflammation.
How does curamin work? Through the unique combination of the several components the product comes up with mechanisms that support the anti-inflammatory response within the body. Inflammatory compounds within the the body are inhibited by a combined formula of boswellia and curcumin. Nattokinase is responsible for increased circulation so as to transport beneficial components to areas of need. DLPA is responsible for that positive mood to ensure quick recovery.

Recommended dosage

Two capsules, two times a day is the most appropriate dosage to clients. The manufacturer warns that eight capsules should not be exceeded in 24 hours.


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Benefits of Sea Mineral Salts

Date: March 19, 2014 08:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of Sea Mineral Salts

Sea salt

sea saltIndividuals who wish to tone their skin, purge their brain, and unwind their figures ought to do what antiquated marvels like Cleopatra and the Queen of Sheba did: they utilized the salts from the mineral-rich Sea in Israel, which are known for their therapeutic and corrective profits.

We have heard a considerable measure about Dead Sea minerals and salts of late. Numerous individuals are thinking about whether these items are simply the most recent trend, or assuming that they truly work and will give genuine health profits. The minerals from these items are demonstrated to give numerous crucial recuperating properties.

This is actually the cause all of us make use of as well as adore these items in order to this degree;

1. Dead Sea minerals relieve and cure several skin diseases

This particular book sea may be well-known with regard to a large number of many years because of its recouping qualities. Nefertiti had been considered to be very enamored using the attribute health spa. This retains twenty one mineral deposits, including], Magnesium, Bromine, as well as Potassium. 12 of those are simply within absolutely no additional sea or even ocean. These types of mineral deposits tend to be exactly what help to make Lifeless Ocean Items therefore book. Victims associated with pores and skin illnesses, for instance, Psoriasis, Eczema, Vitiligo, as well as Morgellons, which wash within Lifeless Ocean bath salts on the constant as well as increased idea make money from meanwhile alleviation as well as complete healing.

2. Lifeless Ocean mineral deposits provide alleviation with regard to arthritis discomfort

People going through any kind of combined irritation perform revenue greatly in the nutrient wealthy Lifeless Ocean Items. Lifeless Ocean darkish dirt (residue) will wonders in order to simpleness the actual the throbbing painfulness associated with important joints as well as muscle tissue, especially if the actual dirt is actually fairly heated up prior to supply it may be extremely gainful.

3. Detoxifies as well as purifies

Since the dirt out of this sea (residue) dries in your pores and skin this fastidiously hauls away just about all toxins as well as polluting affects out of your skin pores. This imbues the skin along with mineral deposits, starts upward skin pores as well as bestows the skin having a higher convergance associated with dietary supplements essential with regard to seem pores and skin.

4. Generally calming

Bromide fixation is actually 50 occasions greater than within like a relatable stage salts. This particular provides a frequently calming effect. Taking a shower using the nutrient wealthy facial cleanser, making use of the shape lotions along with other determine or even face medicines along with Lifeless Ocean Mineral deposits will give you for you personally the characteristically free sensation.

5. Enhances blood circulation

By showering in the Dead Sea and utilizing the mud it has been demonstrated to enhance blood circulation and even enhance blood weight.

In the event that you were to swim in the Sea of Israel, you might glide effectively on account of the high convergance of salt. The Minerals have been clinically demonstrated to expand our physique's circulation; it can likewise help our skin in keeping up its regular dampness. Specialists have observed that it can mend psoriasis, skin inflammation, pimple inflamation and even wrinkles. It likewise helps in recuperating illnesses. A 20 moment shower will draw poisons out of your physique. Numerous shower salts are presently sold available, not every one of them are from true Dead Sea. The point when purchasing your shower salts, read the name precisely. Never forget that if the name does not define that it is from the "Dead Sea" then you won't harvest the profits of the minerals.


Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health?

Date: February 20, 2014 05:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health?

What is lime

lime fruitLime, a green citrus fruit resembling lemons, is believed to have originated in Eastern Malaysia. While it is more popular as a citrusy, sweet, and oftentimes sour pulp and juice, lime oil can also be used to improve one's health.

Here are some of the health benefits of lime oil:


Lime's acidity and natural flavonoids help increase the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach and naturally aid the body's digestion process, preventing uncomfortable bloating and wind. The high amount of acids in the fruit help clear the excretory system of toxins, promoting better bowel movement and relieving constipation. Lime oil can be consumed directly or be combined with a juice. Mix lime oil with a pinch of salt to make a good and natural purgative minus all the side effects.

Skin Aging

Lime contains a high amount of Vitamin C and antioxidants that help maintain a healthy and fair complexion. Taking a few drops of lime oil a day helps remove toxins from the body and aid in the rejuvenation and repair of the tissues and cells. Many women also apply lime oil to their skin and faces to treat and reduce pimples, acne, blackheads, and scars. Some women mix lime oil with water, milk, or other essential oils to whiten their skin and reduce their skin's oil production for a clearer and greaseless complexion. It also has antiseptic properties and can help remedy and relieve eczema when mixed with olive or almond oil.

Protects Against Diseases

Lime has a soluble fiber that can decrease bad cholesterol in the body and decrease inflamed blood vessel that can cause a heart complication. The citric acid of lime breaks away uric acid, a waste product that can cause inflammation and pain while urinating. It also aids in relieving arthritis due to excessive uric acid in the system. Just like other citrusy fruits extracted to essential oil, it is also effective in treating and relieving colds, sore throat, coughing, and other flu infections. Diffusing lime oil and inhaling its aromatic scent can also immediately relieve vertigo, nausea, and congestion.


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Arginine and Ornithine Supplementation for Enhanced Athletic Performance

Date: January 19, 2014 07:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Arginine and Ornithine Supplementation for Enhanced Athletic Performance

Arginine and ornithine

Arginine and ornithine are two amino acids that are incorporated in protein that is found in many dietary sources, such as meat, egg whites, soy or fish. Although these two amino acids can be supplied to your muscles from food sources, several research studies have examined the benefits of arginine and ornithine supplements. Fitness researchers found positive and promising results in terms of muscular growth, endurance and fatigue prevention. These supplements are especially known and popular among bodybuilders and other types of strength athletes, as it has been clearly demonstrated that they improve athletic ability on a biochemical level.

Arginine Intake is Associated With a More Intense Production of Human Growth Hormone

Arginine is an amino acid that is able to exert a potent stimulation of the pituitary gland following intense workout routines. The pituitary gland is a small region in the human brain that is able to manufacture a hormone that is the most powerful accelerator of muscle and bone growth, which is the Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Several medical tests and research trials examined the effects of supplemental arginine intake on the HGH levels after bodybuilding or strength exercise aimed to increasing muscle size and strength. The results reveal that additional arginine intake through supplements results in a better HGH response to exercise, which stimulates muscle development through an accelerated protein synthesis in muscle fibers.

Ornithine Intake Results in Fatigue Prevention in Athletes

Ornithine is also a popular amino acid supplement among athletes because it allows for a more efficient energy production and utilization in muscle fibers. Moreover, arginine and ornithine taken together stimulate the faster elimination of toxic waste from the muscles, especially nitrogen removal. The combined benefits of arginine and ornithine supplementation for athletes and sports enthusiasts consists in their capacity to induce a better HGH response for muscle fiber growth and prevention of fatigue during strenuous physical exercise.


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How Do You Reduce Arthritis Naturally?

Date: December 05, 2013 02:29 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Do You Reduce Arthritis Naturally?

What is Arthritisginger

Arthritis is a complex family of disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system of humans. It manifests in 100 different diseases or conditions and it affect two-thirds of people who are under the age of 65. It affects both the old and the young. The common forms of arthritis are Osteoarthritis (OA), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Juvenile Arthritis (JA). Exercise remains a valuable tool in the fight against the disease, especially when it’s combined with the appropriate diet and diet supplements. Other than the preventive tactics of avoiding joint injury, arthritis victims can still find help naturally by using glucosamine and hyaluronic acid in foods and plant extracts.

Symptoms of Arthritis

The main symptoms of the disease include difficulty in moving joints as well as swollen joints that may lead to severe problems when movement is forced. The disease also causes eye, skin and other organ disorders but not on all patients.


Glucosamine plays a key role in forming connective tissues. It helps people cope with discomfort and mobility problems that arise out of stiff joints. It works by fortifying the protective cushioning between bones. It does not directly improve the bone function, but it leads to better coping with old age and thus delays the onset of joint diseases like arthritis.

Benefits of Glucosamine

Glucosamine works closely with hyaluronic acid to rebuild and support tissues in joints. The hyaluronic acid hydrates and lubricates the joint tissues because of its excellent water trapping and retaining properties. This helps to enhance the body’s ability to absorb shock.

Natural way to deal with Arthritis

A natural way to deal with this disease is to consume foods and extracts that are rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Some of these foods include methylsulfonylmethane, ginger, turmeric and boswellia. Unlike over the counter prescriptions, boswellia is able to impede inflammation and relieve discomfort by reducing the swelling of joints for those who have arthritis. The other foods like ginger and turmeric are also helpful because they have no serious side effects and they work just as well as boswellia.


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What Are The Health Benefits Of The Herb Motherwort?

Date: November 29, 2013 10:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of The Herb Motherwort?

What is Motherwort Herb

motherswortMotherwort is a herb known for its properties of calming the nerves and relaxing the heart by reducing the harmful effects of stress. It is mostly used by women, but also works for men who have heart and nervous system maladies that relate to stress. It’s scientific name is “Leonurus cardiaca” and its native location is Europe and Asia. The common name comes from the fact that is has been prescribed to pregnant stressed women throughout history as a cardio tonic and nervine tonic. It strengthens and gladdens the heart thus transforming user from dull and bitter moods to relaxed, comfortable and happy ones.

Benefits of Motherwort Herb

The herb includes tincture that elevates a persons mood and acts as a sedative. As a result, the user gets better sleep on using heavy doses and a good energy balance when using small doses spread out through the day. When combined with linden flower and ginger tinctures it also helps to tackle postpartum depression. By acting as a galactagogue, it promotes the flow of mother’s milk and it also helps soothe the uterine before and after giving birth. For those who are not pregnant, consumption of motherwort leads to better menstrual flow as a result of the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Women with cramps, nervousness and digestive disturbances during PMS benefit most from the consumption of this herb as tea or in other forms.

As a cardio tonic, it is injected so that it can halt the clotting of blood as results to a better blood flow. Improved blood flow in the body is good for prevention of other diseases and health risks such as heart attacks and stroke. People with thyroid disease and hypoglycemia or low blood sugar tend to develop heart palpitations, but this is greatly reduced by the use of motherwort. Lastly, other useful uses of motherwort herb include the relieving of lung problems such as asthma and bronchitis.


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Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches?

Date: November 25, 2013 06:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches?

What is Butterbur?

butterburButterbur is a plant found in the daisy asteraceae and is in genus petasites. They are also known as sweet coltsfoot. They are mainly found in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere in areas such as riverbanks, ditches and marshes it’s also found in Europe, Asia and North America. The plant was mainly used by Native Americans as a remedy for inflammation, coughs, asthma allergies and headaches. For many years its leaves and roots have been used as an important medicinal herb. In recent research, researchers have found out that extracts of butterbur contains an active ingredient that can be used to prevent migraines and also act as an antispasmodic supporting chronic cough or asthma.

What are the Benefits of Butterbur?

The plant contains two very active chemicals namely petasin and isopetasin. This chemicals are believed to be beneficial in treating headaches, the highest concentration of this chemicals mainly occurs in roots. Root extracts of the plant have been discovered to be very effective in the reduction of frequency and severity of migraines. Migraines are caused by rapid change in the blood flow to the head, they are characterized by episodes of headaches, sensitivity to light and sound and nausea. Treatment includes pain relievers and other medication that affect the openness of the blood vessels. Medication can help ease the pain as a short term measure but in the long run the may cause more headaches as a result of a condition known as medication overuse headaches. These resultant headaches are more difficult to treat than migraines; these medicines may also lead to other problems for people with other chronic illness.

Butterbur root extracts presumably contains isopetasin and/or petasin that are effective in relieving and preventing migraine, since the compound prevents blood vessel inflammation, although it’s said to have gastrointestinal side effects. From research it was discovered that petasin contains anti-spasmodic properties which helps in reducing spasms in vascular walls and smooth muscles. It also contains a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that prevents the synthesis of leukotrienes that is the pro-inflammatory agent in the blood vessel walls. Isopetasin also contains an anti-inflammatory by modulating prostaglandin metabolism. The two together have an antispasmodic effect on vascular walls.


According to a survey carried out in Germany where two hundred and two people who had migraines attacks three months prior to the survey and those who had stopped medication three months before were randomly assigned to receive 75mg of butterbur extract twice a day, the other group was assigned 50 mg or placebo. The results were recorded and it was discovered that people using a higher dosage of butterbur experienced a greater reduction in the frequency in migraines.

Other Treatment of Butterbur

Other than being used in migraine treatment butterbur have several other uses and benefits such as allergy relief without antihistamine side effects, while antihistamines have advance side effects such as fuzzy head and fatigue, when butterbur was used no side effects were evident. Butterbur extracts are also used to treat asthma; this is as a result of anti-inflammatory properties combined with bronchodilating properties.


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Discover the Wonders of Essential Oils

Date: November 15, 2013 11:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Discover the Wonders of Essential Oils

What are the Source of Essential Oil

Essential OilsEssential oils obtained from plants are important in helping you stay healthy and in good mood. These oils are extracted from various parts of plants that include flowers, leaves, stem and roots. Water and steam distillation is the popular method of oil extraction employed to deduce the essence of natural plants.

What are the Benefits of Essential Oil

Natural plants are the main source of these volatile essential oils. Hence, the extracts are safe to your health with high therapeutic effects for aromatherapy. For maximum benefits, they are combined with smooth carrier oils such as grape seed oil to provide physical, emotional and psychological therapy essential for the body. Their ability to purify the air makes them a favorite diffuse when vaporized and diffused in the air. Most of volatile oils have antiviral and antibacterial properties. As a result, they inhibit pathogens and microbes when they come into contact with them, completely neutralizing them leaving the air off disease causing microorganisms.

What Essential Oil to use When Relaxing

Essential oils set the mood and promote relaxation. We all respond emotionally to scents. Most of these aromatherapy oils tend to be stimulating or promote relaxation. For example, citrusy smell is likely to stimulate while lavender relaxes. We also commonly associate jasmine with romance and the fragrance of roses with love. Oils from chamomile, patchouli, lavender, and clary sage are essential aromatherapy oils best known for reducing depression and stress.

When Having Nasal Problem 

Oils clear nasal passages and ease symptoms. Rosemary, peppermint and eucalyptus are popular essential oils best for alleviating respiratory congestion. They also reduce inflammation in your nasal passage when inhaled therefore relieving symptoms. Although they may not completely resolve your health problem, they can be used as palliatives during spells of illness and disease.

How to Improve Skin Health

Essential oils improve your skin health. They are readily absorbed by the human skin making them ideal for body massage. Studies show that, after just 20 minutes of a full-body massage with 2 percent dilution of lavender oil, its relaxing chemical constituents can be detected in the blood thus providing instant relief. With just few drops of essential oils, you too will soon be knocking on heavens doors.




Facts about Astaxanthin

Date: October 22, 2013 10:47 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Facts about Astaxanthin


 Astaxanthin is said to be a carotenoid which belongs to larger class of phytochemicals which is known as terpenes. It is built up of five carbon precursors. It is a metabolite of canthaxanthin and zeazanthin which contains both ketone and hydroxyl fuctional groups. Astaxanthin is a lipid-soluble pigment and is colorful. The color of it is due to the extended chain of conjugated double bonds which is also responsible for the astaxanthin’s antioxidant function. It is found in feathers of some birds, yeast, trout, shrimp, crustaceans, crayfish, krill, salmon and micro algae. The red color of cooked shellfish and red color of salmon is due to the presence of astaxanthin.

How Astaxanthin Helps the Eyes?

When astaxanthin is combined with omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E then it helps the eyes to recover the watery condition and it lubricates it too. It helps the eyes to absorb Vitamin E by which it then nurtures and feeds the choroid and optical nerve which is behind the retina. This is the place where the blood vessel enters in to and leaves and this is the place where communication between retina and brain are established. The macula is protected by astaxanthin by its antioxidant activity and it also helps in eliminating the free radicals. It helps in reducing the risk of cataracts and AMD. It also helps in preventing the eyestrain and it also decreases its effects. The inflammation in the muscles of the eyes is decreased by it and it also improves the blood flow of the eyes.

Health Benefits of Astaxanthin

It is considered as a strongest natural antioxidant which crosses the brain-blood barrier and protects the nervous system and brain, works in every part of skin, organs and body, crosses the retinal-blood barrier and thus protect the eyes and it reaches inside and out of every part of the cell. It also helps in repairing the injured tissue.


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What is Monk Fruit And Why Is It Healthy?

Date: July 24, 2013 10:24 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is Monk Fruit And Why Is It Healthy?


Monk fruit also known as luo han guo is a green melon cultivated in central Asia. It has been cultivated for many years by the Buddhist monks. The fruit contains an intensely sweet compound known as mogroside. It is a healthy, natural alternative to sugars and artificial sweeteners. The fruit is extracted in order to get mogroside which is many times sweeter than sugar. Monk fruit is crushed, combined with water, filtered and spray-dried to produce a sweet-zero-calorie powder known as fruit-sweetness. This sugar is used in several foods and beverages.

Health benefits

Ancient Chinese and Buddhist used monk fruit as treatment for various ailments, such as constipation, sunstroke and coughing. Modern research shows that mogroside can be used to treat diabetes since it contains a low glycemic index and can stimulate insulin secretion. In china, monk fruit was also used for many years to treat obesity and diabetes. The fruit contains antioxidants with anti- inflammatory benefits.

British Journal of Nutrition reported that use of monk fruit by animals showed a reduction in lipid peroxidation or cell damage as well as urinary albumin levels. This shows that it protects kidneys from diabetic damage.

Monk fruit strengthens the immune system, digestive tract, respiratory system as well as glands. This fruit is capable of eliminating and defending people against various health-related issues. The fruit reduces cholesterol, triglycerides and improve liver function. Furthermore, it increases good cholesterol while protecting the liver. It prevents cholesterol oxidization (due to its antioxidant potential) this results to reduced risk of heart diseases and strokes.

Monk fruit extract has an antihistamine effect. The extract tends to counter an allergic response by soothing the mast cells that produces chemicals such as histamine. This chemical is related to both allergies and asthma. It is considered one of the best non-sugar sweeteners. It is combined with supplements used to promote and maintain a healthy weight.


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Benefits Of A Super Fruit Juice Blend

Date: March 12, 2013 03:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits Of A Super Fruit Juice Blend

We've all heard about super fruits, but not all fruits qualify as a super fruit. Those fruits that are deemed to be "super" aren't necessarily considered to be the best fruits, as a super fruit must be packed with fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and basically all sorts or phyto-nutrients as well. The nutrients that are in super fruits have shown to help you live a much longer and healthier life, as they will prevent all sorts of illnesses. There are many fruits that are so high in sugar, causing them to no longer be the greatest choice when looking in your fruit stand.

Benefits Of A Super Fruit Juice Blend

One of the main benefits to drinking super fruit juice blends would have to be the fact that they store your entire body with all sorts of vitamins and minerals. By simply drinking a super fruit juice once a day, you will be able to detox your body and fasten your metabolism all at the same time. Making a super fruit blend is also very easy and simple as long as you have the right blender or juicer.

Top Super Fruits

To Add In Your Juices

Although there are many types of fruits that are said to be super fruits, it doesn't mean all are really super fruits. Some of the best fruits that are truly "SUPER" are moringa oleifera, acai, goji, mangosteen, noni, nopal, and maqui juice. All of these fruits are hi in antioxidants, low in sugar, and are also packed with so many nutrients. These super fruits are also considered to help prevent all sorts of conditions like cardiovascular disease, heart disease, diabetes, and so on. When you store your body with the right nutrients, you will certainly be able to live a much healthier life. However, since the fruits are very beneficial to the body on their own, they become a lot more healthier when you combine them together.

Why The Combination Of These Super Fruits Are Highly Beneficial

The main reason why these fruits are best to be combined together is because since they all offer individual benefits, combining them will allow you to attain all their health benefits in a single drink. Super fruits are proven to help reduce the chances of infection, enhance vision, minimize inflammation, lower blood clots, enhance digestion, and regulate bowel system. There have even been claims stating that some of the fruits above can help cure certain cancers and diseases as well.

Plus, some of these fruits contain anti-microbial properties which could help prevent intestinal issues allowing it to reduce cancer.

If you want to receive the right amount of nutrients in your body daily, then you must consider to start drinking a super fruit drink daily. When you start to store your body with all the needed super fruits, you will then start to live a much healthier life. The benefits of super fruits cannot be attained with regular fruits because they don't really offer the same nutrients of a true super fruit.


Can Vitamin D-3 Improve Your Health?

Date: February 28, 2013 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Vitamin D-3 Improve Your Health?

Vitamin D-3 or cholecalciferol, an active form of D vitamin, plays a huge role in bone remodeling and normal calcium balance. Sunlight is responsible for the conversion of cholesterol to vitamin D on the skin but when exposure to sunlight do not always synthesize sufficient amounts, this D vitamin can be obtained from various sources.

The recommended daily dose of this vitamin is 1000 IU for adults or more if there is a deficiency. As mentioned, insufficient amount of such vitamin from sunlight can be supplemented by various sources such as the following: - Fatty fishes like salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna - Dairy products, such as milk, soy milk, yogurt and cheese - Grains - Other food products like egg, beef liver and orange juice Insufficient amount of this vitamin can also be supplemented through the consumption of multivitamins, which can provide approximately 400 IU of vitamin D-3. However, take note that higher doses, such as the ones with up to 50,000 IU, require a prescription from your doctor.  You can find D-3 in dosages as high as 10,000IU at a health food store.

Health Benefits of Vitamin D-3

This type of vitamin D can definitely improve one's health with all the benefits it can provide. This fat-soluble vitamin is responsible for the proper absorption of calcium in the body, thus making it essential for the bones. Insufficient amount of this essential vitamin in the body can result to brittle bones and other health problems. On the other hand, sufficient amount of this essential vitamin can provide you lots of health benefits, such as the following:

- Bone Health: as mentioned, this fat-soluble vitamin facilitates the proper absorption of calcium from foods and the reabsorption of essential minerals by the kidneys. Apart from that, it also boosts the absorption of phosphorous, which is also essential for the health of the bones and prevents various diseases, such as rickets and osteomalacia.

- Immune System: this vitamin is also beneficial for the body's immune system. According to various studies conducted, it can also help prevent autoimmune disorders from developing and is useful in treating inflammatory diseases.

- Neuromuscular System: vitamin D-3 can enhance the functions of the neuromuscular system, as well as protect the body against muscle weakness due to the process of aging.

- Weight Loss: if combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, this can also help promote weight loss. It helps assimilate foods properly and regulates the levels of blood sugar.

- Skin: this fat-soluble vitamin is also beneficial for the skin, as it contains natural anti-inflammatory properties. It helps control various inflammatory diseases, such as psoriasis, speeds up the healing process of wounds, alleviate skin lesions due to photodermatitis and lichen planus, reduce itching and rejuvenates the skin.

- Depression: the connection between depression and this D vitamin is still unclear. However, a certain study has shown that this insufficient amount of this essential vitamin in the body can increase the risk of depression in men and women. It can also result to hyperparathyroidism where depression is the most prevalent system.

Apart from all these, vitamin D-3 and its supplements can provide the body with lots of other health benefits. It can regulate blood pressure and protect the body against cardiovascular diseases, as well as from various types of cancers.

Have you had your vitamin D-3 today?


What Are The Health Benefits Of Inositol Crystals?

Date: December 28, 2012 10:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Inositol Crystals?

The first isolation of inositol was made by Scherer in the year 1849 who was a renowned Biochemist at the time. Since its discovery, wide spread research has been conducted with successful isolation of inositol and its derivatives in both plants and animals. The physiological functions have been confirmed to differ with respect to the structural form of the inositol, with cis-inositol, myo-inositol, neo-inositol and allo-inositol being some of the inositol's stereoisomers commonly isolated.

Our Need for Inositol

The human body particularly requires inositol and its derivatives in many physiological processes. It is a major messenger molecule that is used in calcium mediated cell signaling which affects motor function, action of hormones such aldosterone and affects the functioning of some of the neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin. Inositol derivatives are also involved in lipid metabolism which helps control the amount of LDP (Bad cholesterol) in the body.

Additionally, some of the researches indicate that inositol derivatives are actively involved in suppressing oncogenesis which significantly reduces the risk of suffering from breast and prostate cancers. The human body can produce some of the inositol variants from glucose metabolism but obtaining plant derived inositols is also worthwhile.

Food Sources Of Inositol

Plant products such as red beans, bran and other cereals contain good levels of inositol although the chelating effect of the inositol by calcium and magnesium ions limits its uptake in the gut. For this reason, use of supplement Crystal Inositols is regarded as the best way to obtain dietary inositol. A majority of the crystal inositols available in the market are chemically combined with other compounds such as Niacin which highly increase their absorption in the intestines. Dissolving these crystals in juices is also highly recommended as it is a better way of taking the supplements since a wide range of other drinks especially the ones that contain caffeine affects the uptake of inositol negatively.


Benefits of Calcium and Magnesium

Date: December 27, 2012 01:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of Calcium and Magnesium

Two important nutrients that are common deficiencies in the diet are calcium and magnesium. Calcium is an important mineral for bone density, blood clotting, muscle contractions, and many other smaller mechanisms essential for human life. Magnesium has similar actions to calcium in the body. It is also found in the bones and is important also for protein synthesis and as a co-factor in the body's essential enzymatic reactions. These two nutrients work together and are commonly seen combined in multivitamins and other supplements.

Calcium and magnesium are important nutrients for every person, but especially for women and children who are still growing. Maintaining an adequate intake of these two nutrients can be challenging, especially if a person is lactose intolerant. This is why many people turn to dietary supplements. It's fairly common to see calcium and magnesium in the same supplement and for anyone who is concerned about their dietary intake, supplements can be a good idea.

While these two nutrients are essential for bone density and overall health, many people who take supplements may not be taking the right kind. Some types of magnesium and calcium supplements cannot be absorbed by the body and will instead pass through the digestive system without entering the bloodstream.

Why Asporotates?

Most health professionals recommend calcium and magnesium asporotates. This is a unique mixture of calcium and magnesium with aspartic and citric acid as well as a whey protein concentrate that contains orotic acid. The acids in the supplement work to break down the calcium and magnesium partially, contributing to a higher digestion and absorption rate in the body.

These are some of the health benefits of these two nutrients and why it is so important to maintain adequate stores of them in the body. If taking a supplement, be sure to take calcium and magnesium asporotates in order to absorb these nutrients.


Benefits of wild yam to women

Date: December 21, 2012 11:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of wild yam to women

Wild yam which is also known as Dioscorea villosa has been used for a very long time to help women deal with various health issues especially those associated with menstrual cycles. There are various forms in which this herb can be taken for example capsules and creams. Wild yam is so popular among women due to the progesterone properties that it carries. This herb contains an ingredient diosgenin which is converted in the body to produce progesterone.

Progesterone plays a very crucial role in a woman's body. Some of the roles include;

This hormone is known to produce mucus which protects the vaginal area from infections. When there are higher levels of progesterone in the blood, women will experience a spike in their libido. Supplementing with progesterone is mostly beneficial after menopause when most women experience reduced intimate desires. Progesterone plays a major role during menstruation. It prepares the endothelium for fertilization. If fertilization does not happen, the levels of progesterone will fall down resulting in menstrual periods.

Wild yam can help easy PMS

Women who experience painful cramps after menstruation could really benefit from progesterone supplements. With its antispasmotic properties, the progesterone may help to relax the muscles hence reducing the amount of pain experienced. Progesterone may also help to ease labor pains.

Wild Yam Is A Natural Progesterone

Women who are undergoing menopause may also want to use wild yam. This herb helps to restore hormonal balance thus ensuring that a woman does not face the usual hot flashes and sweating at night. Having hormonal imbalances could really deny you the comfort in life. Hormones such as progesterone which are very crucial for a woman's body processes should always be checked. Progesterone supplements are most appropriate when you are experiencing progesterone deficit. Wild yam supplement comes in the form of capsules or creams. If it comes combined with other ingredients, ensure that all the ingredients are safe for your body.


Calcium and magnesium - vital to health

Date: December 20, 2012 02:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Calcium and magnesium - vital to health

Calcium and magnesium are two essential minerals for the body, bringing serious damage if there is a deficiency. Calcium is essential for maintaining bone strength in the body, but also for the functioning of nerve and muscle cells.

Bones perform several roles in the body, but most of us are interested in the preservation of acid-base balance (pH). When the pH of the blood is too acidic , bone alkaline elements released (alkali salts) to neutralize acids. This leads to loss of bone mass (and calcium), while rapidly releasing toxins and heavy metals stored in bone if there are metals and toxins present.

Most of us know that calcium is found in dairy products. True, but the information is not complete. You should know that of all dairy products, yogurt offers the most calcium, about 200 mg in a cup. But if you want the most bioavailable calcium, ie one that is most easily absorbed and can be used fully by the body, then you need to take calcium citrate.

If the food based calcium intake is not optimal and extremely diverse, then you need calcium-based vitamin supplement products. Calcium supplements may be consumed with meals for maximum digestion and absorption. But even if you take dietary supplements, diet should not remain poor, continue to get adequate amounts of calcium from food sources.

Magnesium has an important role in the efficient functioning of the nervous system, muscular system and  enzyme processes in the body. It is necessary for calcium absorption. The ratio of the two minerals is especially important. An adult daily needs for bone health by around 1,500 mg of calcium and 1000 mg of magnesium. Bones are living tissues that rebuild constantly. A healthy diet, exercise, enough sleep (at least 8 hours) and keeping well hydrated with water helps strengthen bones. Calcium and magnesium, combined doubles benefits to our body, especially if they are of citrate in origin. 

Cal-Mag Citrate Why?

Studies have shown that calcium and magnesium citrate is the easiest form to digest with minimal stomach acids. This make it work great for older individuals who have low stomach acids or who are on proton pump inhibitors. 


Benefits of Natural Honey?

Date: December 19, 2012 03:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of Natural Honey?

Raw And Natural Honey

Raw honey is one of the oldest sweetening agents known to mankind. This substance is laden with lots of substances that have proven useful to humans from time immemorial. In fact, many cultures and civilizations have used this substance with a great deal of success which underscores its importance even in modern times. Without wasting much time, we shall delve straight into some of the most fascinating health benefits of natural honey.

While many people know that honey is basically a sweetening agent, few of them know that honey good for the skin. Ancient Greeks pioneered the use of honey as skin mask. Honey can be combined effectively with oils and aloe vera to produce fantastic skin masks. The resulting mixture can be used to cure a great deal of skin problems from acne scars, blemishes, and dark spots on the skin.

Honey is also laden with nutrients and elements that nourish and moisten the skin leaving you with a soft texture and young looks. Honey is packed with powerful amino acids and enzymes that revitalize the skin.

So, instead of going for expensive creams and moisturizers, why not tap the power of raw honey?

Did you also know that raw honey is a powerful antibacterial agent? Scientists believe that pure honey can cleanse pores and eliminate microbes leaving you with a natural looking and healthy skin. Besides that, natural honey can act as an effective sunblock. It has antioxidant properties that can shield the skin from the effects of harmful ultraviolet rays.

Moving away from the skin, natural honey is also a great remedy for ulcers and abdominal problems. Honey has agents that attack bacteria while strengthening the stomach linings at the same time. Natural honey can also be used as remedies for moles and cough and chest problems.

Certainly, there is a whole lot more you can do with raw home. This underscores the fact that natural honey is a powerful substance with multiple purposes.


Health Benefits Of Chamomile

Date: December 03, 2012 07:56 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Benefits Of Chamomile

It is believed that ancient Egypt saw Chamomile as an effective cure for most illnesses. In the modern world too, this golden herb retains its healing properties and is used for treating many a disease and discomforts of the body. Most commonly, German chamomile blossoms are infused to prepare 'Chamomile tea' which is a fragrant concoction full of medicinal properties. The tea can be combined with honey to enhance the taste.

Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea Chamomile tea, supposedly, helps to bring about restful sleep. It is thus of great value for people suffering from insomnia and other sleep-related disorders. Due to its soothing and relaxing effects, it is generally taken before a person goes to bed. Since time immemorial, Chamomile has been considered a remedy for stomach ailments. Known to soothe gastric and bowel related problems, the herb is a blessing for people with stomach aches.

All in all, Chamomile helps facilitate the complete digestion process by promoting bowel movement. For women facing menstrual cramps and nausea every month, Chamomile tea comes as a welcome relief. Research indicates that regular consumption of Chamomile tea increases the level of glycine in the body. Glycine is a compound that controls muscular spasms, thus it tends to calm menstrual cramps. A healthy cup of golden chamomile tea has also been found to combat the morning sickness of pregnancy. However nothing has been proven till now to this effect. Some studies suggest that this wonder herb accelerates the wound healing process too.

Many researchers are of the belief that age-old Egyptians and Greeks used Chamomile flowers on wounds to speed up their healing time. Though there is no established evidence as such regarding this subject, history stands witness to the magical healing properties of Chamomile in more ways than one. Diabetes patients are also in for some good news concerning Chamomile tea. Many ongoing studies and surveys conducted worldwide are hinting at Chamomile playing a role in diabetes management.

Consumed regularly in the form of tea, the herb may arrest complications arising out of diabetes and may also prevent hyperglycemia. What's more, the golden herbal tea prepared from chamomile is caffeine-free and will not be addictive in any way. However, it is always a good idea to take professional advice before going all-out for Chamomile. Some people may display allergic reactions to the herb and suffer side-effects.

Therefore, it is best to try the herb first in small amounts before one decides to include chamomile tea in the daily routine of life. Besides its therapeutic uses, chamomile is being increasingly used as an ingredient in cosmetic products and is being considered a good friend of the skin. Since Chamomile is known to be a stress-buster, a cup of chamomile tea after a hectic work day might just prove to be the right beverage to save the evening. With its sedative, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and benefits, Chamomile is sure to become more popular by the day. Used wisely, the golden herb is no less than gold itself.


Niacin And Niacinamide?

Date: November 18, 2012 10:32 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Niacin And Niacinamide?

Niacin Vs Niacinamide


Niacin also known as nicotinic acid is an organic compound and it is one of the essential human nutrients. Niacin deficiency can result to pellagra. It is also used for reducing cardiovascular issues. A chemist called Hugo Weidel first described niacin in 1873 in his studies of nicotine in the oxidation of nicotine using nitric acid. The name niacin was derived from nicotinic acid + vitamin.


Niacinamide is also known as nicotinamide or nicotinic acid amide. It is the amide of niacin. Niacianamide is part of B-vitamin and it is water soluble. Niacinamide is derived from niacin. These two are components of B3-vitamin and they are often used as supplements interchangeably. However, there are some critical differences between these two vitamin B3 components. Niacinamide is derived from niacin and the body is able to convert niacin into niacinamide.

Niacinamide can also be made by our body from an amino acid known as trytophan which is usually present in animal foods. A chemical compound known as an amide is what makes niacinamide. Amide is defined by a nitrogen atom which is combined with a carbonyl group or C=O. Therefore, the main distinction between these two components is that niacinamide is a derivative of niacin.

Different Pharmacological Properties

Although the two are used interchangeably, they have different pharmacological properties. Their physical effects on the body also differ and people who are sensitive to their effects may prefer to use one over the other. Their usefulness in treating different conditions for instance high cholesterol, circulatory problem and osteoarthritis can also differ. Because of the pharmacological properties difference in niacin and niacinamide, different people can have different physical reactions when they take one as opposed to the other.

High niacin doses can cause flushing a condition that causes blood vessels to widen. This makes the capillaries under the skin to expand to allow more blood to flow making the skin to become red and itchy. Niacinamide does not have the effect of skin flushing and that is why it is preferred over niacin in the treatment of pellagra, a condition that results due to lack of vitamin B3. The only affect that niacinamide may cause is excessive sweating.

Niacin And Cholesterol

Niacin on the other hand it is preferred in the treatment of high cholesterol levels while niacinamide is not preferred in this treatment. This is because since niacinamide is a derivative of niacin, the cholesterol lowering properties in niacinamide are inhibited. Niacin is also preferred in treating circulatory problems because of its effects on the blood vessels and the role it plays in lowering high cholesterol levels hence preventing hardening of the arteries.

This in addition reduces the risk of heart attacks. On the other hand, Niacinamide may also be preferred for treating osteoarthritis and diabetes. The two can be used in treating physical and emotional stress. Either niacin or niacinamide may be used for treating anxiety and depression. For these two components of Vitamin B3 to be effective, doctors recommend that they ought to be taken in combination with Vitamin B1, B2 and C.


Health benefits of triphala

Date: August 07, 2012 08:22 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health benefits of triphala


Owing to the unhealthy food habits that people follow, there is hardly anyone who does not suffer from stomach problems like acidity, constipation, pain in abdomen and loss in appetite. These ailments can lead to various other problems like fatigue, hypertension, poor eyesight, skin ailments and headache. If you have tried various antibiotics, medicines and diets without getting any desired relief, it is time you try out triphala. It is an Indian mixture of herbs which can bring about great positive changes. Triphala is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘three fruits'. Triphala contains Bibhitaki (Terminalia belliricia), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). It is important for you to know the benefits that each of these ingredients offer.

Bibhitaki (Terminalia belliricia)Bibhitaki is an internal cleanser, which helps remove harmful toxins, and gets your body rid of excess fats. It purifies your blood and helps control hemorrhage.It strengthens the hair roots and also improves hair texture and color. It is anti bacterial and anti viral in nature. It improves eyesight and betters voice quality.

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)It is an antioxidant and helps your body get rid of harmful toxins.Amlaki is very rich in vitamin C which is helpful in building immunity. It nourishes and strengthens respiratory tract and lungs by removing mucous out of the lungs.It increases fertility in both females and males and also helps maintain a good reproductive health by regulating menstrual cycle. It offers a healthy glow to the skin by working as detox, which helps in formation of fresh tissues.

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)Haritaki has five rasas or tastes, which are salty, sour, bitter, pungent and sweet. It strengthens the sensory organs and stimulates the functioning of the digestive system.It is a great cure against anemia, piles, gallstone and diarrhea. It is helps fight cough, asthma, headache and fever. It helps regulate blood pressure and prevents heart diseases.

These three herbs when combined form a great drug, the benefits of which are mentioned below.

Benefits for heart

It helps maintain cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart problems. It limits the formation of low density lipoprotein in the body and helps in the formation of high density lipoprotein. It regularizes the heart rate and is thus beneficial for heart patients. It helps generate red blood cells and is thus helpful for anemia patients.

Benefits for stomach

It acts as a natural appetizer and helps in proper digestion thus benefiting the digestive systemIt helps evacuate the bowel and throws harmful toxins out of the body.It relives your body of harmful gases thus curing acidity,It is helpful in curing stomach ulcers. It acts as an internal cleanser for the body.

Benefits for skin and eyes

It controls the amount of external radicals in the blood, which helps reduce skin disorders and infections. It improves blood quality and thus benefits the skin.Its antioxidant property helps delay aging. It improves eyesight by strengthening the muscles around the eyes. It helps cure eye problems like glaucoma, cataracts and conjunctivitis.It can be used to wash eyes to get rid of redness.

For weight loss

Triphala is very helpful in treating obesity. Since it helps in proper functioning of the digestive system, it helps reduce body fat.It secretes bile juices which is beneficial for the liver and is needed for burning fats. By reducing excessive water content of tissues it helps in weight loss.It also cuts down hunger pangs.

Triphala has endless health benefits to offer, no wonder, more and more people are opting for the same.


Flaxseed oil benefits

Date: July 09, 2012 08:32 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Flaxseed oil benefits

Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is extracted from the flax plant which is native to Europe. The flaxseed plant has the botanical name of Linum Usitsissimum and also goes by the name linseed plant. The flax plant is an annual plant which grows to a height of around 1.2 meters. It has glaucous green leaves and normally produces pale blue flowers with five petals. The seeds from this plant are normally brown in color and are contained in a round capsule, these seeds are the ones normally used to produce flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil has also very many health benefits associated with it.

Flaxseed oil extraction

Oil has to be first extracted from the flax plant before it can be used. The oil is usually obtained from the flax seed through a certain physical and chemical processes that are usually aimed at increasing its purity.

The normal procedure is usually to mechanically cold press the seeds so as to produce the oil. Solvent extraction usually follows up if the oil required is to have a high level of purity. The oil obtained is normally clear to yellowish color depending on the level of purity.

Components of flaxseed oil

Linseed oil or flaxseed oil is triglyceride in nature like many other types of essential oils. The main components of the oil include: Omega 3 fatty acid this acid is very essential to the body but has to be obtained from external sources since the body cannot make it. Omega 9 or oleic fatty acid, Omega 6 fatty acid or linoleic acid, Vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant for the body system.

The combined effect of these compounds usually provides the body with a lot of health benefits. The health benefits associated with linseed oil have been known for thousands of years and there is documented cases of its use amongst the ancient Romans.

Some of the benefits associated with linseed oil include Cardiovascular well being.

This is one of the most important health benefits associated with the use of this kid of oil. Omega 3 or alpha-linoleic fatty acid is the compound which is attributed to a healthy heart and cardiovascular well being of an individual. This fatty acid acts as a lubricating cushion and hence helps to counteract the stresses the body might undergo. It also has anti inflammatory properties.

It is also important in maintaining the rigidity of cell membranes and also lowers the amount of harmful cholesterol within the body.


The omega 3 that is contained in flaxseed oil has got anti inflammatory properties that makes it an effective tool against arthritis as it reduces the inflammation of joints.

Reduces risk of cancer

Vitamin E contained within flaxseed oil has got anti-oxidant properties which make sit effective against the occurrence of cancer. Omega 3 has also got anticancer propertiesHealthy skin The compounds that make up flaxseed oil are very effective in the elimination of eczema and acne. Therefore, the use of cosmetic products which have linseed oil incorporated in them can go a long way in ensuring that an individual has a young and beautiful skin.

Increases calcium absorption

Research has shown that linseed oil increases calcium absorption within the body. This is very important for women who are in the post- menopausal period as their bone density normally drops during this period and they require increased calcium intake. Linseed oil has also instrumental in burning calories and also increases the body's metabolic rate. It is therefore recommended that an individual should incorporate this oil into h9is or her diet.


Raspberry ketone for weight loss

Date: June 11, 2012 08:21 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Raspberry ketone for weight loss

Raspberry ketones

Raspberry ketones are natural compounds that are found in raspberry plants and that are able to regulate metabolism in the same manner as synephrine and capsaicin since they are chemically similar. Ketones are also responsible for the pleasant smell of raspberries and they are also used as a flavoring ingredient for processed food. Various studies have shown that these ketones are also extremely potent fat burners and this is the main reason why they are highly marketed as being an effective solution for weight loss.

It was scientifically proven that people who choose to live a healthy lifestyle and who also watch their weight can have a significant benefit from using raspberry ketone supplements. Most people can lose a considerable amount of weight by using these supplements and it works with any type of diet. It also works extremely well and burns fat even more effective when it is combined with a high protein diet that is low on fat. This is basically one of the main reasons why this supplement is so high in demand nowadays.

Weight Loss

Whenever raspberry ketone is used as a supplement the core temperature of the body is significantly raised. Therefore the metabolism rate will also be increased and it will cause the body to burn fat and calories much faster, making this compound very popular and effective when it comes to weight loss. In addition, these ketones will also make the overall fat that the body is absorbing from a regular diet to be reduced. In fact, a study conducted on rats in Japan reveals that this compound is extremely effective in fat loss after it prevented fat from accumulating in their tissues. This is a strong evidence that proves how effective for boosting metabolism and burning fat this supplement really is. Although no study was documented on humans, there are various positive feedbacks from users that prove to be effective and free of any side effects as well.

Due to the raspberry ketone effectiveness, most nutritionists and dietitians are also recommending to eat a few raspberries along with meals. People who went for a healthy diet and also consumed raspberries on a regular basis have experienced positive weight loss results. This fruit is also very delicious and is rich in fiber so it is a good addition to any meal. Raspberry ketones are also known for several other health benefits such as maintain the level of fat and cholesterol in the body. Also, by consuming this compound you can also maintain your blood pressure levels in normal range, therefore these ketones are also good for maintaining the overall health for the cardiovascular system.

So basically all these healthy and beneficial properties make raspberries a very healthy fruit. They also contain anti-oxidants which are most needed for combating the harmful free-radicals present in the body. Since it would take many pounds of actual raspberries in order to get any significant results, supplements based on this compound are the perfect choice in order to get the recommended dosage (usually around 100-300mg).


What are the health benefits of silica gel?

Date: April 27, 2012 03:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the health benefits of silica gel?

Silica Gel

The inevitable process of aging does exhaust sources of silica in our bodies. This leads to brittle nails, bones, lifeless hair, wrinkles, and dry skin. The skin has collagen underneath which helps to enhance its beauty as well as elasticity. Silica helps provide a young and healthy look to the hair, nails and skin. It is associated with mineral absorption and may be combined with proteins or lipids. Silica can also come soluble in water or in free form. Silica is so important in the process of antibody manufacture and efficient in assisting to convert lymphocyte B into lymphocyte T, making it a very beneficial element for the immune system.

Silica Promotes Collagen Production

Silica quantities in our bodies are typically higher than the quantities of other vital minerals essential for a myriad of metabolic processes. A type of silica known as colloidal silica gel has very tiny microscopic particles of silica suspended in liquid. The gel can be taken in order to provide support to the connective tissues as well as to promote collagen formation in one's skin. Silica gel can also be bought in form of capsules. The gel may be mixed with juice or water.

Health benefits

Silica is a crystalline silicon or quartz and is found in abundant quantities in the crust of the earth. Silica gel is extracted from plants and is important for the bones, skin, cartilage, blood vessels, and tendons. Silica gel is found in very few kinds of foods and the amounts are usually sufficient for the needs of human beings.

Silica gel must be replenished every day since it gets absorbed and then excreted rapidly. The gel is very important as it helps in the accurate absorption of vital minerals in our bodies and provides all healthy attributes for the collagen under the skin. Silica gel supplies proteins and lipids to our bodies and helps make the hair, nails, and skin have a more radiant look.

Silica and osteoporosis

Silica gel also helps to prevent and treat osteoporosis that is caused by aging. Calcium supplements alone cannot fight osteoporosis and have to be combined with silica gel.

Osteoporosis decreases the density and mass of the bones, causing them to be fragile and porous. If one only takes calcium supplements, it may hasten the process of degeneration. Silica gel is very effective for pain relief and retention of the self-repairing abilities of our bodies. The connective tissues degenerate rapidly because they are not able to retain moisture for an extended period of time, thus silica gel works as the glue that holds them together.

Silica And Blood Pressure

Silica gel also helps to control high blood pressure for those at risk. While it lowers blood pressure, it helps promote and maintain the right blood pressure levels in the entire circulatory system. Doing this helps to bring normal circulation to the body.

Silica gel is also recommended for people with various joint pains. From rheumatism and arthritis, silica nutrients replenish cartilage in the joints. After prolonged use, one can freely move their joints without feeling excessive pain or discomfort.


What Can Turmeric Do For My Health?

Date: April 02, 2012 10:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Can Turmeric Do For My Health?

There are a lot of natural food items and spices which in addition to providing a nice flavour to the food also provide a lot of health benefits. One such famous spice is ‘turmeric'. It is of common use in Indian, Chinese and other Asian countries' cuisines. Many health benefits of turmeric are still being researched; however, here are listed its few known benefits.

# Turmeric's health benefits against cancer:

- Turmeric has powerful anti-oxidant properties and therefore is useful against cancer treatments of many kinds. - Researches have shown that turmeric can prevent breast cancer to spread in lungs. - Turmeric is useful to intensify the effects of the drug ‘paclitaxel' which is taken to cure breast cancer and to prevent the side effects of this drug. - In many cases, turmeric also prevents metastases to develop in many different types of cancer. - The combined effect of cauliflower and turmeric prevents prostate cancer. It also helps to inhibit the growth of existing prostate cancer cells. - Benefits of turmeric for pancreatic cancer are still being studied. - It has also been shown that turmeric is effective to stop the growth of blood vessels in tumours.

# Benefits for skin:

- Assists in healing wounds and repairing damaged skin conditions. - Helps to fight skin infections and inflammations. - It has good antibacterial properties and can be applied on wounds as a disinfectant. - It helps to fight skin inflammation conditions like psoriasis. - Turmeric mixed with honey is a good skin bleaching agent. - Turmeric paste is also good to reduce sun tan from the skin. - Mixing turmeric in face packs can help cure acne to some degree. - Turmeric mixed with curd if applied daily on the abdomen of pregnant ladies can help in preventing pregnancy stretch marks. - Application of turmeric paste for skin burns is a good remedy for it. - Regularly washing face with turmeric can help a person get rid of excessive facial hair.

# Benefits for the nervous system:

- It helps to slow down the effects of Alzheimer's disease. - It acts as a natural painkiller. - It is also used as an ingredient in medicines against depression. - It also has anti-platelet abilities, and therefore is promising for protection against heart attacks, blood arteries and vein clogs etc.

# Other health benefits of turmeric:

- Because of its inflammatory properties, turmeric is known to be useful in the treatment of arthritis, muscle pain, ligament pains etc. - Aids in fat management by increasing the metabolism rate in an individual. - Helps in detoxifying liver. It also helps protect the liver from the damaging effects of various toxins like that of alcohol. - Turmeric mixed in warm water when consumed can help in the conditions of diarrhoea. - It's consumption also helps to relieve menstrual pains.

# Dosage of turmeric:

Turmeric should form a part of one's daily diet and should ideally form part of various dishes which are consumed daily. An adult can safely consume one to three grams of turmeric powder daily. To be consumed as a supplement, it can be taken as pills available in health stores.

# Things to keep in mind before consuming turmeric:

- Consume turmeric in moderation as excess of anything is bad. - Consult your physician before beginning to consume any supplements. - Those who have congestive heart disease should refrain from consuming it. - Those having obstructive jaundice, extreme liver disorders, blood clotting issues, and painful gallstones should not take turmeric. In general, if you have any troubling health condition or if you are on medication, then you should consult your physician before consuming it. - Pregnant women, nursing mothers and women with fertility issues should also consult their physician before consuming turmeric.

Turmeric is a wonder-food, to help you fight against many health conditions. It is easily available and is easy to consume. Make sure to give it due consideration to be included in your daily diet for a healthy life.


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