
Search Term: " grains "

  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies Darrell Miller 5/28/24
Magnesium Glycinate: An In-Depth Guide Darrell Miller 11/4/23
Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important Darrell Miller 8/4/23
The Health Benefits of Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc Darrell Miller 5/18/23
Benefits of Taking Magnesium: Why You Need This Amazing Mineral. Darrell Miller 12/27/22
The Benefits of Zinc Supplements and Why OptiZinc is the best Form! Darrell Miller 11/9/22
The Many Benefits of Chromium Amino Acid Chelate Darrell Miller 11/8/22
Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body? Darrell Miller 10/31/22
Collagen: What is it and why should you care? Darrell Miller 10/29/22
The Benefits of Gluten Digestive Enzymes Darrell Miller 10/11/22
The Importance of Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D for Bone Health Darrell Miller 9/23/22
Are We Headed Towards a Food Shortage in America? : Essential Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein Powders to Maintain Good Health Darrell Miller 5/7/22
Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid Darrell Miller 4/30/22
High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia Darrell Miller 4/29/22
Study shows that a diet full of fiber and whole grains can helplower your risk of disease Darrell Miller 5/6/19
High-Fiber Diet: Can This Lengthen Your Life? Darrell Miller 5/1/19
The role of magnesium in maintaining health Darrell Miller 2/6/19
Peppermint essential oil exhibits powerful antifungal activity Darrell Miller 1/10/19
From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/13/18
Vitamin K2 Steps Into the Spotlight for Bone and Heart Health VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/3/18
Here's Why Eating Oatmeal Every Morning Is Beneficial For YourHealth VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/26/18
Fiber: Nature's Way of Making You Feel Your Best Darrell Miller 5/25/18
Diabetes could lead to dementia: Prevent memory loss and high blood sugar - but how? Darrell Miller 1/31/18
Why hemp seeds from cannabis are a revolutionary superfood ready to save the people and the planet Darrell Miller 12/30/17
Quinn on Nutrition: Understanding our body's microbiota Darrell Miller 11/20/17
Quinoa: The super grain Darrell Miller 11/2/17
What to eat to keep your brain healthy - and help to prevent dementia Darrell Miller 10/27/17
I Did Not Think That Folic Acid, Something They Only Prescribe To Pregnant Women, Was So Beneficial Darrell Miller 10/17/17
The 5 health benefits of eating Millet you never knew Darrell Miller 10/10/17
Increasing Rates of Male Infertility + 5 Natural Remedies Darrell Miller 10/2/17
8 grains that prove wheat is overrated Darrell Miller 10/1/17
Proportions of gut bacteria play a role in weight loss: Study Darrell Miller 9/18/17
Men's Health and Fitness Darrell Miller 7/20/17
Diet Can Slow or Speed Brain Aging Darrell Miller 7/20/17
Meals That Promote Weight Loss - Cereals Darrell Miller 7/20/17
Plant protein found to reduce reproductive health problems in women Darrell Miller 7/8/17
8 of the best sources of fibre Darrell Miller 7/4/17
Hematuria: What Causes Blood in Urine? Darrell Miller 7/2/17
Drink It With A Single Blow And Your Liver Will Look Like The One You Had At 20!! Darrell Miller 6/26/17
MedDiet Protects Against Atherosclerotic Plaque Darrell Miller 6/12/17
What is the science behind anti-inflammation diets? Darrell Miller 6/12/17
5 Awesome Grains to Replace Rice Darrell Miller 5/23/17
Know Your Minerals: Zinc Darrell Miller 5/7/17
How to stop sugar cravings this Easter Darrell Miller 4/14/17
World Health Day: 10 foods that can combat depression Darrell Miller 4/10/17
Foods that lower triglycerides naturally Darrell Miller 4/9/17
Eat better, live longer Darrell Miller 4/1/17
Carbohydrates Are Not Your Enemy During Weight Loss Darrell Miller 3/26/17
Diet Responsible For 45 Percent of All Deaths From Heart Disease and Diabetes Darrell Miller 3/26/17
Medical News Today: Is rice gluten-free? Grains explained Darrell Miller 3/25/17
How to Get More Magnesium in Your Diet Darrell Miller 3/18/17
Is your liver too fat? Time to put it on a diet Darrell Miller 3/12/17
Is your liver too fat? Time to put it on a diet Darrell Miller 3/12/17
7 Essential Vitamins You Need After Age 40 Darrell Miller 3/9/17
7 Essential Vitamins You Need After Age 40 Darrell Miller 3/9/17
The foods that will improve your focus, according to a nutritionist Darrell Miller 3/9/17
Poor diet tied to nearly half of U.S. deaths from heart disease, stroke, diabetes Darrell Miller 3/9/17
Weight loss that works: A true story Darrell Miller 3/5/17
How You Can Stop Overeating Darrell Miller 3/3/17
Yes, whole grains really do help boost your immune system Darrell Miller 2/23/17
Fewer grains and more fruits and vegetables may keep your bones strong Darrell Miller 2/7/17
Is the Mediterranean diet good for kids, too? Darrell Miller 2/5/17
Bone health: Here's why you should be eating anti-inflammatory foods Darrell Miller 2/3/17
Fiber-rich diet could cut colorectal cancer risk, study finds Darrell Miller 2/2/17
Anti-inflammatory diet could reduce risk of bone loss in women Darrell Miller 2/2/17
Simple Clever Ways To Clear Clogged Arteries Research Darrell Miller 1/31/17
Top 6 Foods That Boast Excellent Anti-Inflammatory Properties Darrell Miller 1/29/17
9 Reasons Why You Should Eat Whole Grains Darrell Miller 1/16/17
Soluble corn fiber can improve women's bone health Darrell Miller 1/14/17
Dietary magnesium tied to lower risk of heart disease and diabetes Darrell Miller 1/12/17
Improve your digestion with these healthy food choices Darrell Miller 12/23/16
Balance your body naturally with these alkaline foods Darrell Miller 12/4/16
It's not all in the genes: Clean living can cut heart risks Darrell Miller 12/2/16
Here's How the Food Lobby Affects What We Eat Darrell Miller 11/26/16
America is about to realize just how poisoned conventional food really is ... Lab testing for glyphosate about to go 'viral' Darrell Miller 11/24/16
For an energy boost, do this Darrell Miller 11/19/16
Bringing About a Lifestyle Change Darrell Miller 11/16/16
You Can Repair the Adrenal Glands with the Right Diet Darrell Miller 11/9/16
Improve Your Immune System. Darrell Miller 11/3/16

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Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Date: May 28, 2024 03:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

In recent years, there's been a significant uptick in the awareness of vitamin and mineral deficiencies across global populations. Micronutrients, though required in minuscule amounts, play a critical role in bodily functions, from metabolism to immunity. Despite advancements in healthcare and education, many individuals are still unaware of their own nutritional gaps, with modern diets contributing significantly to these deficiencies.

Factors Contributing to Micronutrient Deficiencies

Modern Diet Trends

The rise in convenience foods, which are often calorie-dense but nutrient-poor, has significantly impacted nutritional intake. Fast foods, processed meals, and sugary snacks have become staples in many diets, particularly in urban settings. These foods are typically low in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, and magnesium. As people increasingly rely on these quick, palatable options, it often comes at the expense of nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Lifestyle Changes

Another contributing factor to vitamin deficiencies is the shift in lifestyle patterns. Longer work hours, increased screen time, and reduced physical activity mean that individuals spend less time outdoors. This has a particularly detrimental effect on vitamin D levels, which are naturally synthesized when skin is exposed to sunlight. Furthermore, high-stress levels and poor sleep quality can deplete essential nutrients, exacerbating the issue.

Agricultural Practices

Changes in agricultural practices have also had an inadvertent impact on the micronutrient content of food. Soil depletion, the use of chemical fertilizers, and genetically modified crops can lead to lower levels of vitamins and minerals in produce. Consequently, even those who consume fruits and vegetables regularly might not be getting the expected nutrient benefits.

Fast Food and Nutrient Deficiencies

It is becoming increasingly clear that the widespread consumption of fast food plays a significant role in the rise of vitamin deficiencies. Fast food items are often designed to be highly palatable and energy-dense. However, they are typically laden with unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium while lacking essential nutrients. Regularly consuming these foods can lead to an imbalance in diet, where the body might get ample calories but insufficient vitamins and minerals.

For instance, studies have shown that diets high in fast food are linked to lower intakes of vitamins A and C, dietary fiber, calcium, and iron. These deficiencies can trigger a range of health issues, from diminished immune function and poor bone health to increased susceptibility to chronic diseases.

Addressing the Issue: Food-Based Multivitamins

To counteract these dietary deficiencies, many nutrition experts recommend incorporating a food-based multivitamin into daily routines. Unlike synthetic supplements, food-based multivitamins are derived from whole foods and contain a spectrum of vitamins and minerals in their natural forms, which can be more readily absorbed and utilized by the body.

Benefits of Food-Based Multivitamins

  1. Enhanced Absorption: Nutrients from whole foods are often better recognized and absorbed by the body.
  2. Balanced Nutrient Profile: These multivitamins often include a mix of micronutrients that work synergistically to support overall health.
  3. Digestive Support: Many food-based multivitamins contain digestive enzymes and probiotics to support gut health.
  4. Fewer Side Effects: Because they are closer to their natural state, food-based supplements typically cause fewer gastrointestinal issues compared to synthetic vitamins.

Selecting a High-Quality Multivitamin

When choosing a food-based multivitamin, look for products that:

  • Use organic, non-GMO ingredients.
  • Have minimal additives and fillers.
  • Are transparently sourced.
  • Include a diverse array of vitamins and minerals.
  • Kal Enhanced Energy Food based Multiple is Recommended.

In Summary:

The rise in micronutrient deficiencies is a concerning trend that underscores the importance of balanced nutrition. While modern lifestyles and dietary habits contribute significantly to this issue, there are effective ways to address it. Reducing the intake of nutrient-poor fast foods and incorporating food-based multivitamins can help bridge the gap and support overall nutritional needs. By making informed dietary choices, individuals can foster better health and mitigate the risks associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Take Charge of Your Health Today

Understanding the impact of micronutrient deficiencies on overall health is the first step towards making informed dietary choices. By addressing nutritional gaps and prioritizing whole, nutrient-rich foods, you can significantly improve your well-being. We invite you to explore our range of high-quality, food-based multivitamins designed to complement your daily diet and ensure you receive the essential nutrients your body needs.

Shop Now and Transform Your Health

Don't wait until deficiencies affect your vitality. Visit our online store to find the perfect multivitamin for your lifestyle. Our products are crafted with organic, non-GMO ingredients, and are free from unnecessary additives and fillers. Embrace a healthier you with the power of natural, food-based nutrients.


Magnesium Glycinate: An In-Depth Guide

Date: November 04, 2023 10:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Magnesium Glycinate: An In-Depth Guide

Magnesium Glycinate: An In-Depth Guide

Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body, playing a crucial role in the regulation of blood pressure and numerous other bodily functions. The shortcoming of this nutrient can be addressed through the consumption of magnesium glycinate, a supplement also known as magnesium diglycinate and magnesium bisglycinate.

Key Roles of Magnesium

  • Regulation of muscle and nerve functions
  • Control of blood sugar levels and blood pressure
  • Aids in the production of protein, bone, and DNA

This article delves into the details of magnesium glycinate, looking at its benefits, potential side effects, the recommended dosage, and more.

Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

The human body needs a significant amount of magnesium for optimal function. Although the best way to obtain nutrients is in their natural form, supplements like magnesium glycinate are available to enhance magnesium intake in individuals with low levels.

Benefits of this supplement include:

  • Helps regulate processes such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and muscle and nerve function
  • Unlike other magnesium forms, magnesium glycinate is less likely to cause side effects like an upset stomach or loose stool.

Precautionary Measures

  • People suffering from kidney issues should consult a doctor before taking magnesium glycinate, as kidney problems can inhibit the excretion of excess magnesium.
  • Before taking supplements, a diagnosis of deficiency should be made, as symptoms often associated with low magnesium levels could be due to another health concern.

Conditions that may Benefit from Magnesium Glycinate

  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Migraine headaches
  • Depression
  • Insomnia

Sources of Magnesium Glycinate

Nutritional sources rich in magnesium include legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, spinach, fortified breakfast cereals, yogurt, milk, and other dairy products.

Recommended Dosage

The amount of magnesium glycinate to be taken can vary. It is advised to consult a doctor before starting a magnesium glycinate regimen.

Potential Side Effects

Magnesium glycinate, like other dietary supplements, can cause side effects such as nausea, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea when taken in large or frequent doses. However, a study from 2013 indicated that magnesium glycinate is less likely to induce diarrhea compared to other magnesium supplements. Extreme doses could lead to magnesium toxicity, resulting in more severe side effects.

Easy Ways to Consume More Magnesium

One effective method of increasing magnesium intake is by incorporating dietary supplements into your daily regime. For instance, Solaray Magnesium Glycinate is a popular supplement that is widely recognized for its efficacy. It is an easily digestible form of magnesium that is gentle on the stomach and less likely to induce diarrhea. Solaray's supplement provides an accessible option for those looking to supplement their diet with magnesium, especially for individuals who might struggle to meet their nutritional requirements through diet alone.


Magnesium glycinate can be a beneficial supplement for individuals with magnesium deficiency. However, caution must be exercised in its consumption, with potential side effects and individual health conditions taken into account. As always, it is best to seek medical advice before starting a new supplement regimen.


Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important

Date: August 04, 2023 02:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important

The typical Western diet is largely comprised of processed foods, which are notoriously high in processed table salt. This results in an imbalance in the sodium to potassium ratio, a significant health concern. Sodium is necessary for a variety of bodily functions; however, too much can be detrimental, leading to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Simultaneously, potassium is often neglected, despite its crucial role in muscle function, nerve signaling, and balancing fluids.

The general dietary advice suggests a potassium to sodium intake ratio of 3:1. However, the reality in diets, particularly those in America, often sees this ratio inverted. The excessive sodium consumption is linked to a myriad of health complications, including high blood pressure and heart disease. Conversely, potassium, a mineral that aids in nerve function and muscle control, is consumed in insufficient quantities. This is a troubling trend that underscores the importance of dietary change towards natural, unprocessed foods.

The importance of potassium is often overshadowed by the emphasis on limiting sodium for reducing chronic disease risk factors. Potassium plays an essential role in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels by counteracting the effects of sodium. Furthermore, the mineral is crucial for other functions like heart and muscle cell functioning, nerve transmission, and maintaining fluid balance.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine discovered that individuals with the lowest risk for heart complications or death from any cause were those consuming between four to six grams of sodium per day. This is a fascinating discovery, as this intake is significantly higher than the U.S. daily recommended limits. It suggests a need for a reconsideration of current sodium intake guidelines.

Another consideration to balance the sodium-potassium ratio is the type of salt consumed. Unprocessed, natural salts like sea salt and Himalayan salt contain higher potassium levels compared to standard table salt. These natural salts provide a variety of minerals and trace elements that contribute to our overall health and wellness. It's crucial to note that switching to natural salt should be part of a broader shift towards a diet rich in fresh, unprocessed foods.

Why You Should Focus on Increasing Potassium

While it's beneficial to monitor and moderate sodium intake, it's equally important to shift our focus towards increasing potassium consumption. Potassium-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, bananas, potatoes, and beans, not only contribute to a well-rounded and nutritious diet but also help in maintaining an optimal sodium-potassium balance in the body. A high potassium intake can counteract the effects of sodium, aiding in blood pressure regulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, an elevated potassium level supports various bodily functions, including nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. Thus, prioritizing potassium intake forms a cornerstone for an overall healthier dietary approach. It is recommended that individuals consume 5 grams of potassium daily and potassium to salt ratio should be 2 to 1. To boost potassium intake, one can take a potassium supplement or add the following foods to their diet or both: Watermelon, Orange juice, Boiled red potatoes, Avocado, Bananas, Cantaloupe, Oranges, Coconut water, Tomatoes, Yogurt, Winter squash, and Wild-caught salmon.

Why Low-Salt Advice Can Be Harmful

Contrary to popular belief, adhering to low-salt advice can sometimes pose risks to certain individuals. While it is true that excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and heart problems, sodium still plays a vital role in our bodies. It assists in nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and maintaining the body's fluid balance.

In fact, low sodium levels in the body, a condition known as hyponatremia, can lead to symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue, and in severe cases, coma or even death. Moreover, a low-salt diet may lead to increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance. This can potentially elevate the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Low-salt diets can also exacerbate the risk of certain health conditions. For instance, individuals with conditions like Addison's disease or certain kidney disorders, where the body struggles to maintain a balance of electrolytes, might find a low-salt diet harmful.

Therefore, it is crucial to balance the intake of sodium, considering both the potential risks associated with too much, or too little, sodium. The key is to consume sodium from natural and unprocessed sources, such as Himalayan salt, fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean meats, which also provide a host of other nutrients necessary for overall health. As with most things in nutrition, moderation and balance seem to hold the answer rather than extreme restriction. The RDA - recommended daily allowance of sodium is 3.5 grams. It is advised to consume 3.5 grams of natural salt each day by way of foods or combination of foods plus Himalayan salt to reach that goal.

The Impact of Excessive Salt Intake on Certain Health Conditions

While moderate salt intake is vital for normal physiological functions, its excessive consumption can have detrimental effects, particularly for individuals with certain health conditions. For instance, endocrine disorders, high aldosterone levels, Cushing's syndrome, and elevated cortisol levels can all heighten the body's sensitivity to sodium, making it even more essential to monitor and limit salt intake.

Endocrine disorders, which involve imbalances in the body's hormone production, can often lead to increased sodium retention, exacerbating issues of water retention and swelling. Similarly, high aldosterone levels, a hormone that regulates sodium and potassium balance, can cause the body to retain excessive sodium, leading to high blood pressure and potential damage to the cardiovascular system.

Cushing's syndrome, a condition characterized by excessive cortisol production, can lead to a host of symptoms, including high blood pressure and rapid weight gain, both of which can be intensified by high sodium intake. The excessive cortisol found in Cushing's syndrome promotes sodium retention, further elevating the risk for hypertension.

Similarly, elevated cortisol levels, even outside of Cushing's syndrome, can lead to heightened sodium retention, contributing to high blood pressure, fluid retention, and an imbalance of electrolytes. Therefore, individuals with these conditions should be particularly mindful of their sodium intake.

In these scenarios, reducing salt consumption can help mitigate the associated health risks and symptoms. Switching to a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods, and taking conscious steps to limit the use of added table salt can play a crucial role in managing these health conditions. As always, it is essential to seek personalized advice from a healthcare professional, as individual needs may vary.

In summary, while salt is often villainized in the health community, its consumption, especially from natural sources, is vital for maintaining bodily functions like nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. However, excessive or inadequate sodium intake can have adverse health effects, such as hypertension, imbalances in cholesterol and triglycerides, and even hyponatremia in severe cases. Certain health conditions, including endocrine disorders, high aldosterone levels, Cushing's syndrome, and elevated cortisol levels, can also exacerbate these risks, making it crucial for individuals with these conditions to carefully monitor their salt intake. On the other hand, increasing potassium intake can help maintain an optimal sodium-potassium balance, reducing blood pressure and lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In a nutshell, moderation and balance are key in sodium consumption, but the emphasis should be on consuming more potassium-rich foods to ensure your potassium intake is higher than sodium levels which will ensure a healthier dietary approach.


The Health Benefits of Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc

Date: May 18, 2023 05:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits of Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc

Calcium, magnesium, and zinc are vital minerals that play a crucial role in maintaining good health. Each of these minerals are essential for various bodily functions and plays a critical role in promoting overall physical wellbeing. While some may know a few of the benefits of these minerals, it's important to understand how each of them contributes to better health and why they should be included in your diet.

Calcium is an important mineral that is necessary for strong bones and teeth. Without it, the body is likely to suffer from conditions such as osteoporosis, a disease where bones become fragile and brittle. However, calcium is not just important for bone health; it also plays a significant role in nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction, helping to ensure proper functioning of the nervous system and muscular system. Calcium can also help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Magnesium is another important mineral that is often referred to as the forgotten mineral. This is because people tend to focus more on other minerals such as calcium and iron and ignore magnesium. However, magnesium plays a vital role in several bodily functions. It is a component of bones and teeth and participates in numerous enzymatic reactions in the body. Magnesium is intended to provide normal, healthy heart, muscle, nerve, and circulatory function. It can also help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as stroke, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Seventy percent of the population are deficient in magnesium.

Zinc is just as important a mineral as the ones listed above, zinc plays a critical role in overall physical wellbeing. It is involved in over 100 enzymatic reactions in the body, making it an essential mineral. Zinc plays an important role in immune system function, and it is vital for the normal structure of cell membranes. Zinc can also help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, which can cause vision loss, and can also reduce the chances of suffering from the common cold.

It's important to note that calcium, magnesium, and zinc work synergistically together. For instance, calcium combined with magnesium can help reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Similarly, zinc combined with calcium and vitamin D can help improve bone density and enhance the effectiveness of the immune system. These minerals can be found in several foods such as dairy products, leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. However, it can be challenging to get all the necessary minerals from diet alone, which is why supplements may be necessary.

In Summary, calcium, magnesium, and zinc are essential minerals that play crucial roles in our body. These minerals help the body maintain strong bones and teeth, reducing the risk of developing various conditions such as heart disease and osteoporosis, improving immune system function, and enhancing muscular and nervous system function. Taking a supplement can ensure one is obtaining enough of these important minerals daily. Grab a bottle today and take steps to better your health.


Benefits of Taking Magnesium: Why You Need This Amazing Mineral.

Date: December 27, 2022 10:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of Taking Magnesium: Why You Need This Amazing Mineral.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that many people overlook, but it’s extremely important for the overall health of your body. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than 68% of U.S. adults don’t meet the recommended daily intake of magnesium, which is 350mgs per day. But why should you care about how much magnesium you’re consuming? Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions and metabolic pathways in the body, so it plays a key role in our overall health and well being. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of magnesium and why we need to get enough into our bodies every day.

How Magnesium Keeps Us Healthy

Magnesium plays an important role in everything from muscle and nerve function to energy production and blood pressure control. That means if your body doesn't have enough magnesium, you could experience a wide range of symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, depression, anxiety or even headaches. In addition to these uncomfortable symptoms, not getting enough magnesium can also lead to calcification of the cardiovascular system due to calcium deposits in artery walls—a conditionn known as arteriosclerosis—which can increase your risk for heart attack or stroke. So where can we get magnesium?

Food Sources Rich in Magnesium

Fortunately there are plenty of foods that contain high levels of magnesium including dark leafy green vegetables like spinach or kale; nuts and seeds like almonds or pumpkin seeds; legumes like kidney beans or black beans; whole grains like quinoa or brown rice; avocados; bananas; figs; yogurt; dark chocolate; and even coffee! So if you're looking for ways to increase your intake of this essential mineral without having to take supplements every day, try incorporating one (or more!) of these foods into your diet on a regular basis or take a magnesium supplement.

It's can be easy to forget about minerals like magnesium when it comes to our overall health and well-being, we have to keep in mind a well rounded diet is very important because magnesium plays an important role in keeping us healthy! Now that you know how vital this mineral is for our bodies, make sure you're getting enough each day by choosing foods that are rich in magnesium from leafy greens to nuts or by taking a dietary supplement of magnesium. Doing so will help ensure that you remain healthy now and for years to come!


The Benefits of Zinc Supplements and Why OptiZinc is the best Form!

Date: November 09, 2022 12:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Zinc Supplements and Why OptiZinc is the best Form!

Zinc is an essential mineral that is involved in hundreds of processes in the body, including cell growth and function, immune function, and protein synthesis. While it's possible to get zinc from food sources like oysters, beef, and spinach, many people don't get enough from their diet alone and may benefit from taking zinc supplements. OptiZinc® is a patented 1:1 complex of zinc and methionine, the amino acid that is best absorbed by the body. Studies show that OptiZinc® is absorbed better and retained longer than ordinary zinc supplements tested, and resists binding with dietary fiber and phytate, organic compounds that inhibit zinc absorption.

The Importance of Zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a role in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. It's involved in cell growth and repair, immune function, fertility, and protein synthesis. While most people can get the zinc they need from food sources like oysters, beef, pork, chicken, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fortified cereals, and dairy products, some people may not get enough from their diet alone and may benefit from taking zinc supplements. Zinc deficiency can lead to a host of problems like hair loss, diarrhea, impotence, eye and skin problems, delayed wound healing, depression, taste abnormalities, and reduced sense of smell.

The Best Form of Zinc Is OptiZinc®

OptiZinc® is a patented 1:1 complex of zinc and methionine that has been shown to be absorbed better and retained longer than ordinary zinc supplements. Unlike other forms of zinc supplementation which can bind with dietary fiber and phytate (organic compounds found in plant foods that inhibit zinc absorption), OptiZinc® resists binding with these compounds so that your body can more efficiently absorb the zinc. In addition to being better absorbed by the body, OptiZinc® has also been shown to provide antioxidant protection against free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and lead to inflammation. OptiZinc® has also been shown to support healthy immune function.

If you're looking for a quality zinc supplement to help you meet your daily needs, OptiZinc® is an excellent option. This patented 1:1 complex of zinc and methionine is absorbed better by the body than other forms of zinc supplementation and provides antioxidant protection against free radicals. It's also been shown to support healthy immune function. All in all, OptiZinc® is an effective way to ensure that you're getting enough zinc in your diet.


The Many Benefits of Chromium Amino Acid Chelate

Date: November 08, 2022 11:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Benefits of Chromium Amino Acid Chelate

Though it may not be a household name, chromium is a essential trace mineral with a wide range of benefits. Perhaps most importantly, chromium helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Additionally, chromium supports cholesterol levels already in the normal range, and enhances the effectiveness of insulin. In other words, this essential mineral helps your body to burn glucose for fuel. With so many benefits, it's no wonder that chromium supplements are becoming increasingly popular. Read on to learn more about this essential mineral, and how it can improve your health.

What is Chromium?

As we mentioned above, chromium is a trace element, which means that our bodies require only very small amounts of it in order to function properly. Though we only need small amounts, chromium plays an important role in regulating blood sugar levels and supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

Chromium is found naturally in many foods, such as broccoli, grape juice, whole grains, potatoes, meat, and poultry. However, due to modern-day farming practices and processing methods, the level of chromium in these foods has decreased significantly over the years. This means that even if you're eating a healthy diet, you may not be getting enough chromium. And that's where supplements come in.

Benefits of Chromium Supplements

Chromium supplements are an easy and convenient way to make sure you're getting enough of this essential mineral. Chromium supplements have been shown to improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes, as well as reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with high cholesterol.

Additionally, chromium supplements can help with weight loss by reducing food cravings and increasing feelings of fullness after meals. If you're struggling to lose weight or control your blood sugar levels, adding a chromium supplement to your daily routine may be just what you need.

In Summary:

Chromium is an essential trace element with many important health benefits. If you're not getting enough chromium from your diet, consider taking a supplement. Chromium supplements can help to regulate blood sugar levels and support healthy cholesterol levels. Additionally, they may also help with weight loss by reducing food cravings and increasing feelings of fullness after meals. Talk to your doctor about whether or not achromium supplement is right for you.


Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body?

Date: October 31, 2022 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body?

You may not have realized it, but magnesium is an essential mineral for your body. It aids in energy production and metabolism, muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and bone mineralization. Magnesium is also a required cofactor for an estimated 300 enzymes. That means it helps catalyze reactions like fatty acid synthesis, protein synthesis, and glucose metabolism. Not to mention, magnesium status is also important for regulation of calcium balance through its effects on the parathyroid gland. Whew! As you can see, this mineral is pretty important stuff. Read on to learn more about why magnesium is so critical for our health.

Magnesium and Energy Production

One of the most important functions of magnesium is that it helps us produce energy. Every single cell in our bodies need energy to function properly, and magnesium plays a key role in the process of converting the food we eat into that much-needed energy. For example, magnesium is involved in breaking down carbohydrates into glucose which can then be used for energy by the cells.

Magnesium and Muscle Functioning

In addition to helping produce energy, magnesium is also necessary for proper muscle functioning. This mineral helps muscles relax after they contract as well as regulates electrolyte balance in the body. electrolyte imbalance can lead to muscle cramping, spasms, or even irregular heartbeats, so it's crucial that we maintain healthy levels of magnesium to keep our muscles functioning properly.

How to Get More Magnesium

Now that you know all of the important functions that magnesium plays in our bodies, you're probably wondering how you can make sure you're getting enough of this essential mineral. The best way to ensure adequate magnesium intake is through diet since our bodies cannot produce this mineral on their own. Some good dietary sources of magnesium include leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, dairy products, fish, and meat. You can also get your recommended daily intake of magnesium through supplements if you feel like your diet is lacking or if you have a medical condition that requires extra magnesium (such as diabetes).

As you can see, magnesium is an essential mineral with many vital functions in our bodies. from helping produce energy to regulating electrolyte balance, this nutrient plays a big role in keeping us healthy and function properly both physically and mentally. Make sure you are getting enough magnesium in your diet by consuming foods like leafy greens, legumes, whole grains, dairy products ,and nuts or by taking supplements if necessary. Your body will thank you!


Collagen: What is it and why should you care?

Date: October 29, 2022 02:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Collagen: What is it and why should you care?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, and it's one of the major building blocks of skin, hair, nails, bones, and joints. As we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen, which can lead to some unpleasant side effects. That's why it's important to get collagen in your diet, especially as you get older. Here's what you need to know about collagen and how to get more of it in your diet.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein that is produced by our bodies. It's made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. There are 28 different types of collagen, but 90% of the collagen in our bodies is type I, II, or III. Collagen provides structure and support for our tissues and organs. It also helps with wound healing and plays a role in protecting our cells from damage.

Why do we need collagen?

As we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen. This can lead to wrinkles, joint pain, bone loss, muscle weakness, and other unwanted side effects. Getting enough collagen in your diet can help keep your skin looking young and healthy, reduce joint pain, improve bone density, increase muscle mass, and more. That's why it's so important to make sure you're getting enough collagen as you age.

One good source of collagen is bone broth powder. Bone broth powder is made from the bones and connective tissues of animals. It's a rich source of protein and other nutrients like calcium and magnesium. Bone broth powder can be mixed into soups or smoothies, or used as a base for cooking grains or vegetables. You can also find collagen supplements at most health food stores. These supplements are usually made from fish or bovine sources.

In Summary:

Collagen is an important protein that our bodies need for proper function. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, which can lead to some unpleasant side effects like wrinkles, joint pain, and muscle weakness. Getting enough collagen in your diet is crucial for maintaining a healthy body as you age. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get more collagen in your diet. Bone broth powder is one good source of collagen; it's rich in protein and other nutrients like calcium and magnesium. You can also find collagen supplements at most health food stores. Making sure you're getting enough collagen in your diet will help you stay healthy well into your golden years!


The Benefits of Gluten Digestive Enzymes

Date: October 11, 2022 11:24 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Gluten Digestive Enzymes

For many people, gluten can be a difficult protein to digest. Gluten is found in cereal grains like wheat, rye, and barley and can cause digestive discomfort for some people. That's where Gluten Digest comes in. Gluten Digest is a comprehensive enzyme blend that helps promote the complete digestion of cereal grains.* DPP IV (Dipeptidyl peptidase IV) is a unique enzyme that helps break down the proline bonds found in cereal grain proteins.* Gluten Digest also includes proteases and amylases that help break down other protein and carbohydrate components that are commonly found in these foods.* If you're looking for a product that can help you digest gluten more easily, Gluten Digest is a great option.

How Gluten Digest Works

Gluten is a protein that is found in cereal grains like wheat, rye, and barley. For some people, gluten can be difficult to digest and can cause digestive discomfort. That's where Gluten Digest comes in. Gluten Digest is a comprehensive enzyme blend that helps promote the complete digestion of cereal grains.* DPP IV (Dipeptidyl peptidase IV) is a unique enzyme that helps break down the proline bonds found in cereal grain proteins.* Gluten Digest also includes proteases and amylases that help break down other protein and carbohydrate components that are commonly found in these foods.* If you're looking for a product that can help you digest gluten more easily, Gluten Digest is a great option.

The Benefits of Using Gluten Digest

There are many benefits to using Gluten Digest. First, it can help you digest gluten more easily.* Second, it includes proteases and amylases that help break down other protein and carbohydrate components that are commonly found in these foods.* Third, it's easy to use; simply take one or two capsules with each meal containing gluten. fourth, it's affordable; a bottle of 60 capsules typically retails for less than $30. If you're looking for an easy-to-use and affordable way to improve your digestion of gluten, Gluten Digest is a great option.

In Summary:

Gluten can be difficult for some people to digest. If you're looking for an easy-to-use and affordable way to improve your digestion of gluten, Gluten Digest is a great option. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


The Importance of Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D for Bone Health

Date: September 23, 2022 04:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D for Bone Health

Maintaining strong bones is essential for good health throughout our lives. Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D is one of the best ways to keep our bones healthy and prevent problems like osteoporosis. Here's a closer look at the role these important nutrients play in bone health.

Calcium: Calcium is a mineral that is essential for strong bones and teeth. The body needs calcium to maintain proper blood clotting, muscle function, and nerve function. Most of the calcium in our bodies is stored in the bones and teeth, where it provides strength and structure. Calcium is absorbed into the body through the small intestine. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are good sources of calcium.

Magnesium: Magnesium is another mineral that is crucial for bone health. It helps the body absorb calcium and also plays a role in muscle function and energy production. Magnesium is found in leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from the diet. It can be obtained from food sources like egg yolks and fatty fish, or it can be produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D supplements are also available.

In Summary:

Calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are all essential nutrients for maintaining strong bones throughout our lives. Be sure to include plenty of foods rich in these nutrients in your diet to keep your bones healthy!


Are We Headed Towards a Food Shortage in America? : Essential Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein Powders to Maintain Good Health

Date: May 07, 2022 09:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are We Headed Towards a Food Shortage in America? : Essential Vitamins, Minerals, and Protein Powders to Maintain Good Health

It's no secret that food prices are on the rise. What may come as a surprise to some, is that we could be headed towards a food shortage in America. There are many factors that play into this, including drought, pests, and disease. The bottom line is that if you want to be prepared for the worst, you need to have a stockpile of essential vitamins, minerals, and protein powders. We will discuss why it is so important to have these supplements, and how they can help you maintain good health even in times of crisis!

What is a food shortage, and why are we headed towards one in America?

A food shortage is a period of time where there is not enough food to meet the demand of the people within a certain region. This can be caused by a number of factors, including natural disasters, war, and economic downturns. In America, we are currently facing a perfect storm of conditions that could lead to widespread food shortages in the coming years. Climate change is resulting in more extreme weather patterns that damage crops, while at the same time, the population is continuing to grow. In addition, many Americans are struggling with financial instability, which makes it difficult to afford healthy food. As a result, we are heading towards a time where there may not be enough food to go around. It is important for everyone to be aware of this issue and take steps to reduce their impact on the problem. One way to do this is to reduce food waste, which will help to stretch our limited resources further. We can also support local farmers and producers who are working hard to ensure that everyone has enough to eat. By taking action now, we can help to prevent a future food shortage from becoming a reality.

The importance of having essential vitamins, minerals, and protein powders

It is essential for the body to have vitamins, minerals, and protein to survive. The body needs these essential nutrients to function properly. Vitamins help the body to produce energy, regulate metabolism, and maintain healthy tissues. Minerals are needed for the proper development and function of the skeletal system and muscles. Protein powders provide the building blocks for the growth and repair of tissues. Without these essential nutrients, the body would not be able to perform its basic functions. As a result, it is essential that people get enough of these nutrients through their diet or supplements.

The benefits of taking supplements during a food shortage

One of the most common questions people ask during a food shortage is whether or not they should take supplements. While there are benefits to taking supplements, it's important to understand that they should never be used as a replacement for real food. Instead, supplements should be viewed as a way to fill in the gaps when you're not getting all the nutrients you need from your diet. For example, if you're not getting enough vitamin C from the fruits and vegetables you're eating, taking a supplement can help ensure that your body gets the Vitamin C it needs. While supplements can't take the place of a healthy diet, they can be a helpful way to make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs during a food shortage.

How to store your supplements for long-term use

Supplements are an important part of many people's health regimens. If you want to make sure your supplements last as long as possible, there are a few things you need to do. First, always store your supplements in a cool, dry place. Heat and humidity can cause vitamins and minerals to break down, so avoid storing them in the bathroom or kitchen. Second, keep them out of direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light can also degrade vitamins and minerals, so it's best to keep supplements in a dark closet or cabinet. Finally, make sure the bottles are tightly sealed. Exposure to air can cause supplements to lose their potency, so it's important to keep them well-protected. Supplements generally have expiration dates of 2 - 3 years out, and are still good beyond the best used by date on the bottom of the bottles.

FAQs about food shortages and supplements

Q: What are the causes of food shortages?

A: Food shortages can be caused by a variety of factors, including natural disasters, war, economic instability, war and climate change.

Q: What are the effects of food shortages?

A: The effects of food shortages can be devastating. People may go hungry or face malnutrition, which can lead to health problems and death. Children are often the most affected by food shortages, as they need adequate nutrition to grow and develop properly. Families may also lose their livelihoods if they can't afford to buy food, which can result in poverty and homelessness

Q: What can I do to prevent a food shortage?

A: There are a number of things people can do to prevent a food shortage. Some of the most important include:

  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Becoming more self-sufficient by growing your own food or raising your own livestock
  • Conserving food by using leftovers, buying in bulk, and freezing food
  • Donating food to local food banks or pantries

Q: What should I do if there is a food shortage?

A: If there is a food shortage, the best thing to do is to stay calm and ration the food you have. Try to eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein. Don't forget to include essential vitamins and minerals in your diet. You can also try growing your own food or raising your own livestock, If you have to. Store up Food if you see empty shelves at the grocery store.

Q: Are supplements necessary during a food shortage?

A: While supplements can't take the place of a healthy diet, they can be a helpful way to make sure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs during a food shortage.

Q: How can I store my supplements for long-term use?

A: There are a few things you need to do to keep your supplements safe and effective for long-term use. First, always store them in a cool, dry place. Heat and humidity can cause vitamins and minerals to break down, so avoid storing them in the bathroom or kitchen. Second, keep them out of direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light can also degrade vitamins and minerals, so it's best to keep supplements in a dark closet or cabinet. Finally, make sure the bottles are tightly sealed. Exposure to air can cause supplements to lose their potency, so it's important to keep them well-protected. Supplements generally have expiration dates of two to three years out, and are still good beyond the expiration date.


Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Date: April 30, 2022 10:02 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Do you suffer from inflammation? If so, you're not alone. Inflammation is a common problem that many people deal with on a daily basis. It can cause pain and discomfort in the body, and it can make everyday activities difficult to perform. Luckily, there are ways to reduce inflammation through diet. We will discuss the foods that you should eat and avoid if you want to reduce inflammation. We will also provide some helpful tips for getting started!

How can you reduce inflammation through diet?

There are many ways to reduce inflammation through diet, but perhaps the most important is cutting out processed foods and sugar. These foods contain inflammatory compounds known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which can aggravate existing inflammation or cause it to develop in the first place. In addition, studies have shown that eating a diet rich in vegetables and lean proteins can help to lower levels of inflammation throughout the body. Choosing whole grains, fruits, and healthy fats like olive oil is also a good way to support a body that is fighting against inflammation. In short, adopting a diet low in sugar and processed foods and high in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can go a long way toward reducing inflammation both now and in the long term.

Supplements to take to reduce inflammation?

Inflammation is a natural and necessary part of our immune response, but if it becomes chronic or extreme, it can cause issues for our overall health. There are many different supplements that have been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and promoting overall good health, including omega-3 fatty acids, Boswellia, pumpkin seeds, and turmeric. These nutrients work by interfering with the production of inflammatory hormones and enzymes, changing the chemical balance within our bodies and helping to reduce swelling and discomfort. Whether taken as a capsule or added to your diet through food sources like fish oil or ginger tea, these supplements can be an excellent way to boost your system's ability to fight inflammation. So if you're looking for ways to reduce inflammation and improve your overall well-being, consider adding these key nutrients to your daily routine.

The most effective anti-inflammatory supplements, Fish oil, Curcumin, and Boswellia!

While there are a number of different anti-inflammatory supplements on the market, some have proven to be more effective than others when it comes to reducing inflammation in the body. Perhaps the most commonly recommended supplement for this purpose is fish oil, which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that has been shown to be especially effective in reducing inflammation. Another popular anti-inflammatory supplement is curcumin, which gives turmeric its signature yellow color and is thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, another powerful anti-inflammatory agent is derived from the resin of Boswellia trees called Boswellia extract. All of these compounds have been shown to reduce inflammation in various scientific studies and can therefore be considered among the most effective anti- inflammatory supplements available today.

Tips for getting started on a anti-inflammatory diet?

When trying to get started on an anti-inflammatory diet, there are a few key strategies that can help make the process more successful. First, it is important to stock your pantry and fridge with plenty of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and reduce refined sugar intake as much as possible. These nutrient-dense foods are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that help to reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Another key strategy to keep in mind when starting an anti-inflammatory diet is the use of supplements such as curcumin and CBD. These powerful compounds are believed to have anti-inflammatory effects in the body, helping to curb inflammation at its source vs. simply masking symptoms with painkillers or steroids. You can incorporate these supplements into your diet by taking them as pills or liquids or by incorporating them into your cooking through recipes like curried chicken or infused coconut oil tinctures.

The latest for calmness, relaxation, and to fight inflammation is CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, has become increasingly popular in recent years as a natural solution for relieving stress, promoting relaxation, and managing inflammation in the body. Unlike THC, which is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis, CBD does not produce any high or altered state of consciousness. Instead, its many benefits are achieved through interactions with various receptors throughout the body, modulating mood and regulating pain response. As more and more people turn to CBD to achieve a sense of calm and well-being without depending on traditional pharmaceuticals, this powerful compound continues to gain widespread attention as a promising treatment option for everyday health issues. So if you're looking for a natural way to feel more mellow and at peace with yourself and your environment, consider giving CBD a try! With proven effects on everything from chronic pain management to improved sleep quality, this powerful all-natural remedy has something to offer everyone. Whether you're ready to give CBD a try for yourself or just curious about its many potential benefits, there's never been a better time than now to learn more about this exciting new approach to health and wellness.

Inflammation is one of the most common health concerns today, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. While diet and lifestyle can be major contributing factors like white sugar, there are also a number of dietary supplements that can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Curcumin, fish oil, and CBD are some of the most popular supplements for managing inflammation. These substances work by targeting key pathways involved in inflammatory responses, helping to prevent or reduce swelling and pain. They can be taken on their own or combined with other anti-inflammatory compounds for maximum effectiveness. Ultimately, whether you are trying to manage chronic illness or simply boost your overall health, using supplements such as curcumin, fish oil, and cbd can be a great way to go about it. So if you're looking for more tools to manage inflammation in your diet, these are certainly worth trying out.

Whatever methods you choose, remember that making small changes over time will be much more effective than trying to overhaul your lifestyle all at once. With a little patience and persistence, you can start down the path toward better health today! Let dietary supplements assist you in your goal to reduce inflammation each day for a life time!


High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

Date: April 29, 2022 03:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

A high fiber diet may reduce the risk of developing dementia, according to a study published in the journal Neurology. The study found that people who ate the most fiber were 30% less likely to develop dementia than those who ate the least fiber. This is an important discovery, as dementia is becoming increasingly common around the world. There are currently about 47 million people living with dementia, and this number is expected to grow to 135 million by 2050.

What is dementia and what are the symptoms?

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability due to disease or injury. symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, but may include problems with memory, mood, and thinking. People with dementia may have difficulty remembering recent events or familiar faces, and they may become confused about time and place. They may also have trouble completing familiar tasks, such as cooking a meal or getting dressed. As the disease progresses, people with dementia may lose the ability to communicate or take care of themselves. Dementia is not a normal part of aging, and it can affect people of all ages. There is no one test that can diagnose dementia, and doctors often use a combination of medical tests, brain scans, and neurological exams to make a diagnosis. There is no cure for dementia, but there are treatments that can help people manage the symptoms and improve their quality of life.

What causes dementia?

Dementia is a complex neurological disorder with no known underlying cause. While some theories suggest that environmental factors such as exposure to certain toxins or injuries may play a role, the exact mechanisms underlying dementia remain uncertain. Some researchers have proposed that dementia may be related to problems in the functioning of certain proteins in the brain, while others have suggested that chronic inflammation may also be involved. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underlying this debilitating and often devastating illness. Ultimately, identifying the precise causes of dementia will help inform more targeted and effective treatments for this disease, allowing those affected by it to live fuller and healthier lives.

How can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of developing dementia?

A diet rich in fiber has been linked with a reduced risk of developing dementia. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Foods high in fiber are known to promote gut health, and some studies have suggested that gut inflammation may play a role in the development of dementia. In addition, fiber-rich foods tend to be high in antioxidants and other nutrients that have been linked with brain health. For these reasons, increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.

What are some good sources of fiber?

There are many good sources of fiber, including both plant-based and animal-based foods. Psyllium husk, which is made from the soluble fibers found in the seeds of a Mediterranean shrub called Plantago ovata, is a popular option due to its high concentration of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Inulin, meanwhile, is a type of carbohydrate that is naturally found in many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Both psyllium husk and inulin are excellent sources of nutrition that can help promote good digestive health and overall well-being. Other common sources of dietary fiber include whole grains like oats and barley, as well as beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Whether you are looking for plant-based or animal-based sources of fiber, there are plenty of options out there to suit your needs.

How much fiber should you eat each day?

There is no single answer to the question of how much fiber you should eat each day. The amount of fiber that your body needs will depend on a number of factors, including your age, sex, and overall health status. In general, most health experts recommend consuming between 25 and 35 grams of fiber per day. This can typically be achieved by eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of fiber-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Furthermore, it is important to remember that fiber needs can vary depending on your symptoms or underlying condition. So if you are experiencing any gastrointestinal issues or other health concerns, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine the right amount of dietary fiber for your body.

Are there any risks associated with eating a high fiber diet?

While fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with eating too much fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is typically found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When fiber is not broken down by the body, it can bind to other nutrients and substances in the digestive tract and cause them to be eliminated from the body before they are absorbed. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. In addition, consuming large amounts of fiber can also cause bloating and gas.

How can you prevent dementia from developing?

There is no one definitive cause of dementia, but there are a number of risk factors that have been identified as contributing to its development. These can include things like a genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors like drinking and smoking, and certain health conditions. Because these risk factors can vary widely from person to person, there is no one strategy that will prevent dementia in everyone. However, there are some general measures that anyone can take to lower their risk of developing dementia. These might include maintaining healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and avoiding excessive exposure to environmental toxins. Additionally, early diagnosis and treatment for any existing health conditions can also play an important role in reducing the likelihood of dementia. By taking these proactive steps, it is possible to greatly reduce your risk of developing this debilitating condition.

Vitamins and Dementia

Some studies have suggested that certain vitamins may help to prevent dementia. Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid are involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, a substance that has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, and it has been suggested that this may help to slow the progression of dementia.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body combat dementia

Recent studies have suggested that diet may also play a role in the development of dementia. In particular, fruits and vegetables appear to offer some protection against the disease. The antioxidants found in these foods help to fight inflammation and damage to cells, both of which are thought to contribute to the development of dementia. In addition, fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for brain health. Thus, incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.


Study shows that a diet full of fiber and whole grains can helplower your risk of disease

Date: May 06, 2019 03:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study shows that a diet full of fiber and whole grains can helplower your risk of disease

As everyone knows, fiber is an important part of the diet of what we consume. The more whole healthy grains we eat, the better off we are. Fiber first acts like a broom through the body system. It helps to keep our colons and cardiovascular system functioning and debris free. This is critical to avoid events such as colon cancer, heart attacks and strokes. Grains also are a rich source of vitamins and minerals one cannot get from meat of vegetation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Research on fiber consumption and risk to non-communicable disease was commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) and published in the Lancet.
  • The researchers carried out the study over a period of 40 years and it included 4,635 adult persons that amounted to 135 million-person years.
  • Some of the diseases that were focused on were coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease and stroke, as well as the incidence of type 2 diabetes.

"New research adds another benefit of fiber and whole grain consumption: They may lower the risk of non-communicable diseases."

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High-Fiber Diet: Can This Lengthen Your Life?

Date: May 01, 2019 09:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High-Fiber Diet: Can This Lengthen Your Life?

Fiber is very important to our heart and digestive health. Recent New Zealand research showed that people with low fiber diets had significantly higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer than people who get plenty of it from whole grains, fruit and vegetables. Separately, American research indicates that a high fiber diet may enhance the growth of beneficial strains of gut bacteria while helping to fight inflammation. This is important because chronic inflammation is a key component of most chronic health conditions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Having a lot of fiber in the diet was one of the first things kids were taught along with drinking a lot of water and taking lots of vegetables.
  • Having a lot of fiber in the diet is good for the body because it is vital for healthy digestion and colon health.
  • Our mothers were right. Recent research has shown that having a lot of fiber in the diet can be associated with longevity.

"A report shows that curcumin helps the body manage inflammation and anti-ageing (known as inflammaging) and Ascencao says the powerful turmeric extract, Bio-Curcumin, has shown to help deliver significant amounts of bio-active curcumin into the body, assisting this process."

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The role of magnesium in maintaining health

Date: February 06, 2019 02:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The role of magnesium in maintaining health

Magnesium is a very important mineral to our bodies and helps with our overall health, more specifically in the muscles and bones. It also helps many enzymes run smoothly within the body and is very important in turning food into energy. However, many people are unaware of the importance of magnesium and suffer from this deficiency. With the deficiency, producing energy cells becomes harder making the relaxation and contraction of muscles more difficult. Consuming foods like nuts, dark chocolate, legumes, grains, leafy vegetables, and even skim milk.

Key Takeaways:

  • Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral found in the human body. Because of its crucial role in preventing diseases, it is often referred to as the “Master Mineral”.
  • Magnesium is important for the smooth functioning of numerous enzymes in the body that are important for regulation of the system.
  • Magnesium is a vital link in keeping illnesses at a distance from the body. Some of the illnesses it prevents are asthma, diabetes, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

"Magnesium, as one is aware, is a highly important mineral, as it contributes to fortifying human health, especially bones and muscles."

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Peppermint essential oil exhibits powerful antifungal activity

Date: January 10, 2019 08:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Peppermint essential oil exhibits powerful antifungal activity

Researchers in India had a problem: fungi in grains that are stored in bulk where making people sick. grains once coated with industrial chemicals to prevent this dangerous fungi from forming prevented the food borne illness, but posed a separate threat to human and animal health in their own right. They decided to try peppermint oil, which possesses anti microbial, anti fungus, and anti oxidative properties to coat the grains for storage as a natural and healthy alternative and have had stellar results in not only repelling the fungi, but vermin as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • The fungi, Fusarium Sporotrichoides, causes the blight that ravages important cereal crops in storage like barley, maize, oats, rice, and wheat.
  • When these blight attacks cereals, they cause the cereals to produce a metabolic product that is toxic to animals and humans.
  • Although synthetic chemicals are used to protect these cereals from contamination by the blight, it has been shown that these chemicals are just as toxic to humans.

"Indian researchers believe the essential oil of the plant can serve as a natural fungicide for Fusarium head blight."

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From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders

Date: November 13, 2018 08:51 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders

Living at maximum wellness constitutes more than having a disease-free body, where all the parts are doing what they should. Mental health is also a key component to overall health. From PMS symptoms all the way to psychotic episodes, more than 40 million U.S. citizens suffer from a mental problem yearly. Although treating these potentially life-clouding conditions with pharmaceutical grade interventions is the norm, these interventions are not without the possibility of potentially hazardous side effects. A B vitamin, inositol is present in the human brain in large amounts. Scientists are considering whether significant supplementation of the vitamin might be a way to treat an array of mental conditions naturally and without side effects. The vitamin has already been shown to have positive effect in some mental conditions, which makes sense, as significant neural transmissions depend on the use of the vitamin. Moreover, it's also been shown that individuals with lesser amounts of the mood-regulating chemicals, serotonin and dopamine, have lower levels of inositol. Although more research needs to happen in some instances, there is promising research to suggest that elevating inositol levels could prove efficacious for an array of mental conditions, including panic attacks, bipolar mood disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and depression.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientists have been using inositol to treat people who suffer from mental illnesses and shown to be effective.
  • Studies have shown that people with metal illnesses have less inositol in their brains.
  • If considering increasing inositol, certain foods like beans, whole grains, citrus fruits and nuts contain significant amounts of inositol.

"In fact, other major neurotransmitters depend on inositol to relay messages, making it a key component in a lot of chemical systems in a person’s brain, including the ability to handle stress, learning and cognition, mood, productivity, sleep, and addiction."

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Vitamin K2 Steps Into the Spotlight for Bone and Heart Health

Date: November 03, 2018 02:51 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Vitamin K2 Steps Into the Spotlight for Bone and Heart Health

There are a lot of different ways in which you can ensure that you stay whole and healthy. As a human, that should be your ultimate goal. If you are not healthy, or if you have major body parts that do not function as you wish, then you will see a massive issue. Vitamins are a good source of minerals for everyone. Now, the vitamin K2 is getting more limelight as people are saying it is very healthy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin K2 is bacterial based and can be found in dairy, fermented foods, and meats.
  • Vitamin K has a stellar reputation for strengthening bones and K12 lures calcium to the bone matrix.
  • Women with a high Vitamin K2 intake were also found to be free of cardiovascular disease.

"As agricultural practices have shifted animals away from grassy pastures toward grains, K2 levels have decreased."

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Here's Why Eating Oatmeal Every Morning Is Beneficial For YourHealth

Date: August 26, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Here's Why Eating Oatmeal Every Morning Is Beneficial For YourHealth

Here's Why Eating Oatmeal Every Morning Is Beneficial For Your Health

Oatmeal can be very beneficial to one's health, so including it in every day meals is ideal. Oats are very nutritious containing lots of carbs and fivers. Oats help to lower blood sugar levels and may help some to lose weight. Because of its high fiber, it helps with constipation as well. Oats are full of magnesium, which is important for enzymes and the production of energy. It also relaxes blood vessels which decrease the chance of stroke or heart attack.

Key Takeaways:

  • Oats have the ability to assist eaters in the areas of weight loss, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and maintaining optimal cardiac health.
  • Oats are a versatile food, that can be consumed in a variety of ways, including as a breakfast cereal, as bars, muffins, cookies and other baked items.
  • Oats are a healthy source of magnesium, which relaxes blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and can also prevent heart attacks while elevating energy levels.

"We all know oats are among the healthiest grains on earth. They are a gluten-free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins."

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Fiber: Nature's Way of Making You Feel Your Best

Date: May 25, 2018 09:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fiber: Nature's Way of Making You Feel Your Best

Fiber: Nature's Way of Making You Feel Your Best

Humans are supposed to consume at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber each day, but unfortunately, only five percent of us actually fall within the recommended ratio. It is irrational for us to think that we can acquire the appropriate amount of fiber in foods alone, due to most of our diets simply not containing high-fiber foods. You can follow steps such as only using whole grains, and making sure your veggies are green, but some people find the most success in adding a chewable fiber supplement to their diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • While fiber is beneficial because it supports a healthy digestive and immune system, only half of Americans get the daily fiber that they need.
  • Even if you eat healthy, it is still challenging to squeeze the recommended 25 to 30 grams of fiber into your diet every day.
  • Fiber Choice is a chewable supplement comprised of inulin, which is a natural form of fiber found in fruits and vegetables.

"The "fiber gap" exists for two reasons: people think fiber supplements are primarily for maintaining a regular digestive system, and traditional forms of fiber supplements on the market, such as powder or capsules, are inconvenient to take."

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Diabetes could lead to dementia: Prevent memory loss and high blood sugar - but how?

Date: January 31, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Diabetes could lead to dementia: Prevent memory loss and high blood sugar - but how?

Taking control of your diet, specifically your blood sugar, has been known for a long time as a key to long term health. It can help regular your chance for stroke, heart disease and diabetes, but regulating your blood sugar may also help with stopping dementia according to recent research. Focusing on what you take in will be key as you get older. Stick with whole grains and vegetables, and stay away from heavy starches and sugars to help your body maintain itself long into life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Watching what we eat and avoiding smoking are two ways to help our brain stay healthy as we age.
  • Use of the natural components of CuraLin may be one way to regulate sugar levels in the body.
  • Eating some protein with every meal is another nutritious way to prevent sugar binges and keep glucose levels steady.

"DIABETES patients in old age are more likely to suffer from long-term deterioration in their memory and thinking skills than those who have normal blood sugar levels, according to a new study."

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Why hemp seeds from cannabis are a revolutionary superfood ready to save the people and the planet

Date: December 30, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why hemp seeds from cannabis are a revolutionary superfood ready to save the people and the planet

Hemp seeds come from cannabis. This means they are sort of controversial. They're very healthy, though. They contain many healthy fats and nutrients. They are considered a super food and would be a good addition to any diet. You could grind them and add them so you didn't detect them if you don't like the taste. You can get hemp powder already which is ground seeds. You can add these to smoothies and any other dish you want.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hemp seeds are much easier to digest than soy or other grains.
  • Hemp seeds have a perfect balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6.
  • Hemp seeds are packed full of essential nutrients and amino acids.

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Quinn on Nutrition: Understanding our body's microbiota

Date: November 20, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Quinn on Nutrition: Understanding our body's microbiota

Microbiota is the medical term used to describe the countless bacteria, viruses and fungi swimming around on our bodies. There are good guys named Probiotics in this microscopic world. They are our hero in this story. There is a never ending battle going on right now inside of our bodies. We are continually under attack from bad bacteria and viruses. If the bad guys outnumber our hero, then we get sick. It is of vital importance that we send in reinforcements to ensure our hero has the force it needs to protect us. That means we have to eat foods high in probiotics or take a daily probiotic supplement. Our hero also needs to eat. Probiotics thrive on dietary fiber that is found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods. Following a healthy diverse diet keeps our probiotic hero happy. Thus keeping us healthy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Microbiota are the bacteria, viruses and fungi that inhabit our body.
  • Probiotics are the good guys that fight off the bad microbiota in a never ending battle in our bodies.
  • Eating a healthy diverse diet that is high in probiotics is key to staying healthy.

"Eat moderate amounts of a variety of foods, especially plant foods high in fiber. Exercise. And manage stress. That's the formula for health."

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Quinoa: The super grain

Date: November 02, 2017 09:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Quinoa: The super grain

One of the most beneficial whole grain foods you can consume is Quinoa, which is also known as the super grain. It has multiple health benefits including lowering the risk of diabetes and decreasing your cholesterol. In addition it also aids in weight loss, hair loss prevention and improving your skin from the inside out. You will get the most benefits from Quinoa by consuming at least 50 grams of the this whole grain per day.

Key Takeaways:

  • Quinoa is a very old grain which has long been known for its healthy properties.
  • Quinoa has a positive effect on wrinkles, weight, heart and even diabetes.
  • Quinoa is packed with many macro and micro nutrients which may be the cause of its therapeutic effects.

"Grains like quinoa have long been touted for their healthy heart promoting properties."

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What to eat to keep your brain healthy - and help to prevent dementia

Date: October 27, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What to eat to keep your brain healthy - and help to prevent dementia

Even though the science is still uncertain, the following tips can help prevent dementia in old age. Eat a health and mixed diet composed of natural fruits and vegetables, grains and nuts, fish, oils, and dairy produce. Choose low-sugar carbs. Eat a healthy amount of both plant and animal proteins. Use five key ingredients in your food when possible: quinoa, oils like extra virgin olive oil, spices like turmeric and coriander, canned fish, and walnuts. Exercise regularly.

Key Takeaways:

  • To supply the brain with proper fuel prepare to eat both protein and carbohydrates at every meal.
  • You don't have to know about nutrition to add antioxidants to your diet, just eat a variety of bright color foods.
  • Changes in diet is one of the easiest ways to help keep our brain healthy.

"Embrace local, seasonal foods, and combine them with colourful foods, brain-supporting oils and healthy proteins."

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I Did Not Think That Folic Acid, Something They Only Prescribe To Pregnant Women, Was So Beneficial

Date: October 17, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: I Did Not Think That Folic Acid, Something They Only Prescribe To Pregnant Women, Was So Beneficial

It has been a common practice that folic acid is highly recommended by the doctors to pregnant women. However, the application of folic acid should not be limited to the pregnant women, and everyone could benefit from taking folic acid. One could obtain folic acid from legumes, grain, fruits, whole grain, vegetables with dark or green leaves, meat of poultry and pork, liver, etc. The Vitamin B9 could help generate red blood cell, DNA, tissue growth, new cells, body break down, reduce suffering from heart disease, etc.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin B9 helps keep cells healthy and aids in the process that cells regenerate and maintain themselves in the body.
  • Legumes, grains, citrus fruits, meats, seafood, dark and leafy veggies are good sources to get Vitamin B9 from.
  • Vitamin B9 is essential to keep your red blood cells healthy and aids in your DNA production.

"Vitamin B9 plays a role in the synthesis of blood cells such as platelets, leukocytes, and erythrocytes."


The 5 health benefits of eating Millet you never knew

Date: October 10, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The 5 health benefits of eating Millet you never knew

Millet is a crop that is native to Africa and Asia, and is considered a primary source of both carbs and proteins for inhabitants close to where it is grown. Millet is garnering attention from scientists because it is almost impervious to insects and diseases, lending important components to the plant's potential positive impact of benefitting the health of those who ingest it. Millet has five main benefits, including anticancer attributes, it may play a pivotal role in stopping type 2 diabetes, it has a positive impact on the cardiovascular system, it may aid in partially lowering cholesterol, and finally, millet aids in positively impacting bowel health and movements.

Key Takeaways:

  • Millet, as a potential staple crop, is beginning to draw attention from Western scientists due to its many health and agricultural benefits.
  • Millet requires less water to grow than most grains and is naturally disease resistant. It's also highly nutritious.
  • Replacing or supplementing wheat with millet may inhibit cancer growth and lower cholesterol. It may also have health benefits for people with cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

"The nutritional value of Millet is also what is making this crop more attractive for western nations."

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Increasing Rates of Male Infertility + 5 Natural Remedies

Date: October 02, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Increasing Rates of Male Infertility + 5 Natural Remedies

In the last 40 years sperm counts have dropped by 50 percent among men in North America, Australia, Europe and New Zealand. In North America male infertility is currently 4 to 6 percent, accounting for about one third of cases of couples failing to conceive. Successful treatment of male infertility depends on the root cause. However, there are certain lifestyle changes that can positively affect fertility. These include not smoking, reducing stress, and improving diet by avoiding such things as high-fat processed meats, refined sugars and grains, and caffeine and alcohol.

Key Takeaways:

  • The percentage of male infertility in North America is around 4-6%.
  • Smoking is a key contributor to lower sperm count which and can cause infertility.
  • Stress and obesity can also be contributors and lead to infertility.

"While there are a number of male infertility causes, ranging from hormone imbalances and certain medications to infections and chromosome defects, we’re going to focus on environmental and lifestyle factors today."

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8 grains that prove wheat is overrated

Date: October 01, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 8 grains that prove wheat is overrated

Wheat is good for you but it is overrated, since so many other grains are great for you. When you get the grains that your body needs, it makes it easy to be at your best day in and day out and nothing is more important. There's eight grains in particular that are of special interest to anyone that wants to live their life to the fullest and be healthy. The list of grains is here for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Food producers have been focused on white flour products because that is what the consumer has wanted.
  • Lately the Ancient Grains are making a comeback and people are willing to try using alternatives to white flour.
  • Many Ancient Grains contain gluten, although Buckwheat, Sorghum and Teff are gluten free and once again are in demand.

"Teff has been touted as the new supergrain... it’s gluten-free, easily digestible and has a low glycemic index."

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Proportions of gut bacteria play a role in weight loss: Study

Date: September 18, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Proportions of gut bacteria play a role in weight loss: Study

The proportions of gut bacteria that you have play a role in your weight loss. Losing weight is something that many people want to achieve in life. Once we get rid of bad eating habits and we eat healthy and exercise as well, then we are on a good path and will lose a lot of weight. There is new research out that shows how our gut microbiota play a big role in our weight loss and nutrition.

Key Takeaways:

  • To lose weight, experts usually recommend a diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; but for some, gut bacteria may be preventing them from achieving their weight loss goal.
  • According to a weight loss study, individuals with a high ratio of Prevotella to Bacteroides bacteria, lost more weight following the Nordic Diet than those on a typical Danish diet.
  • This research suggests that bacteria levels in your gut can be analyzed via stool samples in order to tailor a weight loss and nutrition plan specifically for you.

"New research suggests that gut microbiota play an important role in your nutrition and the development of obesity."

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Men's Health and Fitness

Date: July 20, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Men's Health and Fitness

Men's health can be maintained by following a healthy diet consisting of grains, vegetables, fruits, and calcium rich foods . Proper quantities consumed are important for maintaining a healthy diet or even promoting weight loss. The major categories of the food pyramid are described with visual representation of each category. The correct portion size is a key factor in maintaining a healthy diet. It is important for men to stay away from high calorie foods and those containing high sugar content and artificial flavors.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber
  • Meats should be lean with no visible fat and skin should be removed from chicken
  • Use herbs to add flavor and season foods and cut down the amount of salt

"whole grains contain added fiber to help lower your blood cholesterol and help you feel full."


Diet Can Slow or Speed Brain Aging

Date: July 20, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Diet Can Slow or Speed Brain Aging

Your brain is always going to age but you can control it to some extent. You can never stop it but can slow it down if you want to. You can also speed it up which is bad for you. Diet is the key to this. What you eat does affect parts of your body. It's important to eat the things your brain needs. This talks about that so you can plan a good diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Mediterranean-type diet may slow Alzheimer's or dementia
  • A Mediterranean-type diet is high in fish, vegetables and whole grains
  • Certain types of diets may also cause inflammation, which is damaging to the brain

"In the recent study, Gu and colleagues at CUMC found that increased levels of inflammatory biomarkers were associated with more brain atrophy."

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Meals That Promote Weight Loss - Cereals

Date: July 20, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Meals That Promote Weight Loss - Cereals

There are some certain meals that promote weight loss in people. Rice, wheat and barley have been used for many years and across the world. Refined cereals simply go to the blood stream and they can cause imbalance. You will want to eat the best cereal for you. There are good and bad cereals. You will want to get the right combination of health in your cereal to have the best impact on your body and your overall health.

Key Takeaways:

  • grains used for cereals that are unrefined contained all the nutrition of a complete food.
  • Refined grains used for mass produced cereals can lead to many health problems such as heart disease and cancer.
  • Bran found in cereals is an excellent source of fiber and can prevent many diseases.

"Like all seeds, cereals include all of the elements a brand new plant must develop, so the entire dietary significance is in its core composition."


Plant protein found to reduce reproductive health problems in women

Date: July 08, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Plant protein found to reduce reproductive health problems in women

Proteins are the building blocks of life. Every cell in the human body contains protein. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important for growth and development in children, teens, and pregnant women. Amino acids are found in animal sources such as meats, milk, fish, and eggs. They are also found in plant sources such as soy, beans, legumes, nut butters, and some grains (such as wheat germ and quinoa). You do not need to eat animal products to get all the protein you need in your diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vegetable proteins may stop early menopause according to researchers of the University of Massachusetts.
  • Between 5% and 10% of American women will experience early menopause.
  • Women who get their protein primarily from red meat have an increased chance of early menopause by 12%.

"Researchers of the study found that women whose daily calorie intake consisted of 6.5 percent of vegetable protein lowered their risk of experiencing early menopause by 16 percent, compared to women whose daily intake of vegetable protein amounted to only four percent of calories."

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8 of the best sources of fibre

Date: July 04, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 8 of the best sources of fibre

It is no secret that our daily dose of fibre is essential in allowing us to maintain a healthy and happy digestive track, but where can we find the most fibre rich foods on the market? vegetables such as sweet potatoes are a great source of fibre, and so are grains such as wheat and brown rice. Allowing yourself the proper amount of fibre each day will promote a healthy digestive system, and with so many fibre rich foods available, it won't be hard to consume!

Key Takeaways:

  • It is important for bodily health to include a sufficient amount of fibre in your diet, as fibre helps to regulate the body’s bowel movements among other things.
  • Lentils and legumes, sweet potatoes, and fruits are all excellent sources of fibre. Just be sure to go for the real thing and avoid over processed sugary or salty foods.
  • Grains also are great sources of fibre. Start eating more wholegrain cereals and breads as well as wheat biscuits and wholemeal pastas to boost your daily fibre intake.

"If you’re still traumatised by the joyless, gluggy brown pasta your flatmate used to eat at university, take heart: wholemeal pasta has improved out of sight."

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Hematuria: What Causes Blood in Urine?

Date: July 02, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hematuria: What Causes Blood in Urine?

Hematuria is the term for having blood present in your urine. it can be caused by urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and more. Often, it is not serious, but it can be a sign of a serious problem. You should see a doctor but there are things you can do to treat the root problem. It can also be caused by a variety of things. Any person can have to deal with this issue in their lifetime regardless of age or gender.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are two main types of hematuria: microscopic (small amount of blood in the urine) and macroscopic (blood loss can be seen with the naked eye).
  • Anyone can get hematuria, but older men, women, and athletes, have a higher risk. So do people with a family history, a recent infection, or those taking certain medications.
  • There are natural treatments depending on the cause. Cranberry juice for UTIs, pumpkin seed oil for enlarged prostate, sprouted grains for kidney stones, frankincense oil for bladder cancer.

"Blood in the urine can originate at any point along the urinary tract from the kidneys to the urethra"

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Drink It With A Single Blow And Your Liver Will Look Like The One You Had At 20!!

Date: June 26, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Drink It With A Single Blow And Your Liver Will Look Like The One You Had At 20!!

The liver is the organ that suffers most from a poor diet, which is the organ that does most of the work in cleaning the bodies blood. By boiling a handful of peppermint in two liters of water, letting stand, and then straining, it can be combined with the juice from a lemon, orange, and a half tablespoon of lemon zest to create a drink that will cleanse the body and liver. If the taste is too acidic a teaspoon of honey can be added. This cleanse should be taken for a week at a cup per day. It is also recommended that the person taking this cleanse take care of their body by avoiding tobacco and alcohol while drinking two liters of water a day and eating carrots, nuts, and foods rich in fiber as well as whole grains. They should also get about eight hours of sleep to maintain a healthy system.

Key Takeaways:

  • This is a natural drink that will keep your liver clean, which improves the quality of one's blood and helps with the disposal of toxic waste.
  • This drink uses peppermint, lemon juice, orange juice, lemon zest, and water.
  • Taking care of your liver also calls for drinking at least two liters of water daily, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, eating fiber rich foods, and get a good 8 hours of sleep every night.

"While people are becoming more interested in feeling good, it is also true that we are still interested in seeing each other well."


MedDiet Protects Against Atherosclerotic Plaque

Date: June 12, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: MedDiet Protects Against Atherosclerotic Plaque

A new health trend called the Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) involves eating a nearly exclusive combination of fruits, vegetables, grains, and other natural foods, with most fat coming from olive oil. According to a new study, following this diet may decrease one's risk of developing atherosclerotic plaque. Atherosclerotic plaque involves blockage in the arteries, contributing to cardiovascular disease. In the study, participants who adhered most closely to the diet showed decreased plaque levels compared to those who failed to adhere, though the difference was not statistically significant.

Read more: MedDiet Protects Against Atherosclerotic Plaque


What is the science behind anti-inflammation diets?

Date: June 12, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is the science behind anti-inflammation diets?

Inflammatory bowl disease is a common factor that is affecting many people and their livelihood. This article briefly outlines the condition and identified specific ways in which inflammatory bowl syndrome affects people. For instance identifying food that cause and release pathogens in the body. Rather than turn to conventional pharmaceutical drugs and medication, people can shift their diets to effectively overcome inflammatory bowl syndrome. In this article, the Mediterranean diet is listed as a great diet alternative There are several tips like adding more whole grains, adding vitamin K, omega 3 fatty acids, and many more to reduce inflammatory bowel syndrome.

Read more: What is the science behind anti-inflammation diets?


5 Awesome Grains to Replace Rice

Date: May 23, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Awesome grains to Replace Rice

Nobody can contend against quinoa, not once they read the dietary name on the bundle. Quinoa is, by a wide margin, the most advantageous of the grains. It's additionally ridiculous costly. Try not to stress, it doesn't taste as freaky as it sounds, You'll no doubt discover it in the Middle East or the Mediterranean. Grain is a standout amongst the most one of a kind of the grains to supplant rice. It's chewier than alternate grains, which gives it a consistency practically like pasta.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating more farro will do wonders for your muscles, bones, nerves, and metabolism.
  • Barley is one of the most unique of the grains to replace rice.
  • Amaranth isn't going to be as useful for your cooking, but it's definitely a grain that you can use a lot more of.

"Quinoa is one of the only grains to contain all nine amino acids essential for muscle-building, making it one of the best grains for athletes and active people to eat."

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Know Your Minerals: Zinc

Date: May 07, 2017 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Know Your Minerals: Zinc

Zinc is a trace mineral that has great benefits. Zinc can help with eye health as well as skin health. It also helps the bodies enzymes function properly, as well as sexual and immune health. If your body is not getting enough zinc you may show signs of bad nail, hair, and skin quality. In which case you may want to test for zinc deficiency. You can buy home kits that are not very expensive. If you do find a deficiency of zinc, you can supplement it into your diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Zinc deficiency can have several harmful effects on the body such as dull sense of taste and smell.
  • Zinc testing is easy and there is no need to go to the doctors as it can be done at home.
  • Whole grains and flours are the best sources of zinc.

"Zinc is quite the heavy hitter when it comes to minerals."

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How to stop sugar cravings this Easter

Date: April 14, 2017 06:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to stop sugar cravings this Easter

Easter is a time when it is easy to be tempted by sugar. A craving for sugar is the body needed something that releases dopamine in the body. To avoid sugar cravings, there are a few tips you can take: 1. Eat small meals and snacks spread throughout the day; 2. Drink 6-8 glasses of water each day; 3. Avoid processed foods; 4. Distract yourself from the cravings by doing something fund; 5. Avoid white carbohydrates and instead focus on eating wholegrains; and 6. Try a natural food supplement to curb your appetite and get rid of cravings.

Read more: How to stop sugar cravings this Easter


World Health Day: 10 foods that can combat depression

Date: April 10, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: World Health Day: 10 foods that can combat depression

Certain foods are known to combat depression and affect one's personal state of mind. Berries high in vitamin C and antioxidants, different types of apples, walnuts, fatty fish (such as tuna, salmon, bluefish, and mackerel), carbohydrate and fiber rich whole grains, dark chocolate, various types of mushrooms, eggs, low fat cheese, and coconut are all food that are known to help treat the symptoms of depression due to various chemicals and substances inherently present in the foods listed.

Read more: World Health Day: 10 foods that can combat depression


Foods that lower triglycerides naturally

Date: April 09, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Foods that lower triglycerides naturally

Eating in abundance sums adds to this issue also, as when you take in a bigger number of calories than you require, the body changes those calories into triglycerides, getting put away as fat. Omega-3 unsaturated fats found in fish can help bring down triglyceride levels Fish rich in omega-3 are a portion of the best sustenances that lower triglycerides and cholesterol. Entire grains additionally give some protein and are for the most part low in soaked fat, cholesterol, and aggregate fat. In a perfect world, they ought to substitute nourishments that are high in immersed fat, cholesterol, and aggregate fat.

Read more: Foods that lower triglycerides naturally


Eat better, live longer

Date: April 01, 2017 09:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eat better, live longer

Eating better can help prevent premature cardiovascular deaths, according to a recent study. Improving your diet means limiting unhealthy items like salt and trans fat. Eating more nuts, vegetables, seeds, and whole grains also improve your health. Dietary factors can lead to an increase in Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. Possibly the easiest way to fix this is to impose a tax on unhealthy foods because it is a lifestyle change. As a last resort a diet such as The Mediterranean Diet or Choose My Plate may help make healthier choices.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wanting the Taxing of Unhealthy Foods to make for a healthier oppertunity
  • The concern is that there is an Epidemic of Obesity in our country
  • They are suggesting a new way to improve the situation with these options

"The pervasiveness of unhealthy diets and the epidemic of obesity in this country have led to the suggestion that we should approach this as a public health problem that might be improved by taxing unhealthy foods and subsidizing healthier options."

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Carbohydrates Are Not Your Enemy During Weight Loss

Date: March 26, 2017 02:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Carbohydrates Are Not Your Enemy During Weight Loss

Nutritionist Kimberly Gomer wants people to know that eating carbs while dieting is not bad for you. Carbohydrates are necessary to fuel your diet, the best ones come from potatoes, rice and oatmeal. Carbohydrates fuel your exercise and your brain by creating energy, this is especially important for runners. They also have nutrients and vitamins essential for overall health. Eating healthy carbohydrates to achieve and maintain a healthy weight is a better choice than fueling with protein bars that are often high in sugar.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is a diet myth that carbohydrates are bad for you.
  • Healthy foods and diet is key to weight loss without hunger.
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates. Good carbohydrates are healthy and are present in foods such as potatoes, brown rice, and oatmeal.

"Eating a plant-based diet including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free dairy/calcium-rich foods, plant protein and small amounts of lean meats is the key for health."

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Diet Responsible For 45 Percent of All Deaths From Heart Disease and Diabetes

Date: March 26, 2017 01:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Diet Responsible For 45 Percent of All Deaths From Heart Disease and Diabetes

Heart disease and diabetes are two deadly conditions that you do not want to experience, yet the likelihood that you will are great, especially if you are not maintaining the best lifestyle. One of the worst things that you can do to impede on your health is consuming the wrong foods. In particular one diet is responsible for nearly half of all deaths from these two conditions. Do you want to know more about the diet and its contributions to these conditions?

Key Takeaways:

  • Our poor diet is not only unhealthy but can also kill us.
  • Sodium, processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, and red meats lead to diabetes and cardiometabolic diseases, and eventually death.
  • In order to stay healthy, add more nut, fruits, vegetables, seafood omega-3 fats, and whole grains to your diet.

"Data published in the March 7 issue of JAMA indicated that the highest number of cardiometabolic deaths were associated with too much sodium and processed meat, and not enough nuts and seeds, seafood omega-3 fats, vegetable, and fruit, compared with optimal consumption levels."

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Medical News Today: Is rice gluten-free? Grains explained

Date: March 25, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Medical News Today: Is rice gluten-free? grains explained

Plain rice is gluten free naturally and is a good source of some nutrients and carbohydrates. People that are on a gluten free diet should always check labeling to make sure that gluten hasn't been added to a rice mixture. Rice does contain arsenic but it is mostly non toxic. People on gluten free diets have plenty of grains to choose from although many of these can only be found in health food stores. Persons with celiac disease must be careful to not eat gluten in any form.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rice, itself, is gluten free, but,often do have gluten due to contamination or use of other spices.
  • There are many other grains which are gluten free, that can help contribute to a balanced diet for those seeking a gluten free lifestyle.
  • Rice is a good alternative to gluten containing grains, but you can not get sufficient nutrients from rice alone

"Arsenic may cause health problems in people who eat significant amounts of rice and rice-based products daily."

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How to Get More Magnesium in Your Diet

Date: March 18, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Get More Magnesium in Your Diet

Consuming healthful levels of magnesium has been linked to disease prevention, reducing the risks of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. While it is estimated that many Americans are magnesium deficient, supplementation with magnesium is discouraged without advice from a health care provider. Fortunately, a balanced diet is enough to meet the average healthy individual’s magnesium needs. Quinoa and pumpkin seeds are examples of food high in magnesium. For a more decadent dose, try a serving of a high percentage dark chocolate.

Key Takeaways:

  • Half of Americans are at nutritional risk from low Magnesium intake, a problem that is worse with older citizens, who have a less varied diet.
  • Nuts, grains and legumes are easy ways to get the essential nutrient from foods.
  • Food sources are best, because supplements can inhibit drugs and potentially have adverse reactions.

"However, digestive disorders such as Crohn’s disease or celiac disease can affect the ability to absorb magnesium, and people who have type 2 diabetes or take diuretics may lose more magnesium than normal through their urine."

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Is your liver too fat? Time to put it on a diet

Date: March 12, 2017 02:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is your liver too fat? Time to put it on a diet

A fatty liver can increase your risk of cirrhosis and keep your liver from doing it's job. A fatty liver can be caused by poor diet that includes a high amount of fat. Other causes are linked to obesity, diabetes and high blood cholesterol. Diet and exercise can prevent fatty liver disease, including restricting refined grains and lowering refined sugar intake. Avoiding alcohol and increasing your intake of antioxidant rich foods will also help reduce and fight NAFLD. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is also becoming prevalent in children as well. One study found that most children with NAFLD had a higher intake of fructose sugar than with out. Although fresh fruit and vegetables contain fructose, it is also found in many children's foods made with high fructose corn sugar, such as fruit drinks, soda and candy. By eliminating some of these unhealthy snacks and drinks, not only will you decrease your risk for NAFLD but also decrease your risk of obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes.

Key Takeaways:

  • See!kingly the live gives you problems if you drink or not
  • Having nAFD is very common in Canada and western countries
  • One cause of NAFLD is obesity and that already has many issues singularly

"It begins with its mildest form, simple fatty liver, an accumulation of fat in liver cells that, by itself, usually doesn't lead to liver damage."

Read more:


Is your liver too fat? Time to put it on a diet

Date: March 12, 2017 01:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is your liver too fat? Time to put it on a diet

A fatty liver can increase your risk of cirrhosis and keep your liver from doing it's job. A fatty liver can be caused by poor diet that includes a high amount of fat. Other causes are linked to obesity, diabetes and high blood cholesterol. Diet and exercise can prevent fatty liver disease, including restricting refined grains and lowering refined sugar intake. Avoiding alcohol and increasing your intake of antioxidant rich foods will also help reduce and fight NAFLD. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is also becoming prevalent in children as well. One study found that most children with NAFLD had a higher intake of fructose sugar than with out. Although fresh fruit and vegetables contain fructose, it is also found in many children's foods made with high fructose corn sugar, such as fruit drinks, soda and candy. By eliminating some of these unhealthy snacks and drinks, not only will you decrease your risk for NAFLD but also decrease your risk of obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes.

Key Takeaways:

  • See!kingly the live gives you problems if you drink or not
  • Having nAFD is very common in Canada and western countries
  • One cause of NAFLD is obesity and that already has many issues singularly

"It begins with its mildest form, simple fatty liver, an accumulation of fat in liver cells that, by itself, usually doesn't lead to liver damage."

Read more:


7 Essential Vitamins You Need After Age 40

Date: March 09, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Essential Vitamins You Need After Age 40

Think of the nutrients and vitamins as an army that battles age-related ailments. The best way to build the army is to ear well-rounded and healthy diet. It is especially important to eat well around the age of 40 as that is when the rules begin to change, according to the manager of wellness pragmas at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, K. Kirkpatrick. She says that the body is probably not working the same way around the age of 40 as it was at 20.

Key Takeaways:

  • Think of the nutrients and vitamins as an army that battles age-related ailments. The best way to build the army is to ear well-rounded and healthy diet. It is especially important to eat well around the age of 40 as that is when the rules begin to change.
  • When a person turns 40, the vitamin B12 should be on the radar. It is important for normal brain and blood function, says Kirkpatrick. Children and younger adults get their B12 from food like eggs, dairy, fish and chicken but as the body ages this vitamin is more poorly absorbed.
  • Lack of vitamin D is linked to colorectal and breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart disease and diabetes. This vitamin is important for the absorption of calcium in the body. Great sources are the cereals, grains and fortified dairy.

"Lack of vitamin D is linked to colorectal and breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart disease and diabetes."



7 Essential Vitamins You Need After Age 40

Date: March 09, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Essential Vitamins You Need After Age 40

Think of the nutrients and vitamins as an army that battles age-related ailments. The best way to build the army is to ear well-rounded and healthy diet. It is especially important to eat well around the age of 40 as that is when the rules begin to change, according to the manager of wellness pragmas at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, K. Kirkpatrick. She says that the body is probably not working the same way around the age of 40 as it was at 20.

Key Takeaways:

  • Think of the nutrients and vitamins as an army that battles age-related ailments. The best way to build the army is to ear well-rounded and healthy diet. It is especially important to eat well around the age of 40 as that is when the rules begin to change.
  • When a person turns 40, the vitamin B12 should be on the radar. It is important for normal brain and blood function, says Kirkpatrick. Children and younger adults get their B12 from food like eggs, dairy, fish and chicken but as the body ages this vitamin is more poorly absorbed.
  • Lack of vitamin D is linked to colorectal and breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart disease and diabetes. This vitamin is important for the absorption of calcium in the body. Great sources are the cereals, grains and fortified dairy.

"Lack of vitamin D is linked to colorectal and breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart disease and diabetes."



The foods that will improve your focus, according to a nutritionist

Date: March 09, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The foods that will improve your focus, according to a nutritionist

It takes a lot of energy to think. In fact the average adult brain uses a whopping 20 per cent of your daily calories, which is much more than any other organ in the body. It’s preferred source of fuel is glucose, which comes from carbohydrate-rich foods like wholegrains, including rye, oats, and brown rice. These foods are high in fibre making them slower digesting, which ensures a steady supply of energy to your brain keeping you mentally alert throughout the day.

Key Takeaways:

  • Want a long, happy, successful life? A good place to start is by feeding your brain (literally).
  • Walnuts, wholegrains, B vitamins, berries, oily fish and pumpkin seeds are among the best foods for brain health.
  • These foods have nutrients that have been tied to everything from staying alert to protecting against dementia.

"Having abundant energy, increased concentration and sharp memory are important for a successful career, as well as a long healthy life. But it’s easier said than done, right?"



Poor diet tied to nearly half of U.S. deaths from heart disease, stroke, diabetes

Date: March 09, 2017 05:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Poor diet tied to nearly half of U.S. deaths from heart disease, stroke, diabetes

Ensuring that diets include the right amount of certain foods may help the U.S. cut deaths from heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes by almost half, suggests a new study. About 45 percent of deaths from those causes in 2012 could be blamed on people eating too much or too little of 10 types of foods, researchers found.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ensuring that diets include the right amount of certain foods may help the U.S. cut deaths from heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes by almost half, suggests a new study.
  • About 45 percent of deaths from those causes in 2012 could be blamed on people eating too much or too little of 10 types of foods, researchers found.
  • Micha and colleagues identified 10 dietary components tied to heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes: sodium, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, unprocessed red meats, processed meats, polyunsaturated fats like soybean or corn oils, seafood omega-3 fats and sugar-sweetened beverages.

"The good news is that we now understand more about which foods would help prevent Americans from dying prematurely from cardiometabolic diseases."




Weight loss that works: A true story

Date: March 05, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Weight loss that works: A true story

Sometimes there is no better inspiration for weight loss than hearing another person's story. Anyone who's ever struggled with their weight understands firsthand how you really feel. They want to provide you with as much help as they can. This is onesuch story. If you want to lose weight, perhaps you've now found the secret.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many people struggle with being overweight, or even obese. It’s a common topic at office visits.
  • As a doctor, I know that excess weight is associated with potentially serious health conditions — high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol — not to mention sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, and back and knee problems, among other things.
  • Whether a patient is at risk for medical problems due to being overweight, or if it’s a personal health goal, then it’s my job to provide counseling.

"Esteemed Yale physician and nutrition expert David Katz examined over 58 popular diets and found that the most successful in terms of both weight loss and nutrition consist of “real food.” By that he means plants, whole grains, nuts and seeds, as well as meat (ideally, from animals that ate plants)."




How You Can Stop Overeating

Date: March 03, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How You Can Stop Overeating

Overeating is a major problem in America and the obesity rate is rising. Several things you can do to prevent obesity or lose some pounds is eat healthier for a start. Cut out the processed food and the sugar. Try eating more fruits, vegetables and low cal snacks as well as plenty of water. Track what you are eating and why.

Key Takeaways:

  • Overeating is the major cause of the obesity epidemic in America for the last 3 decades.
  • Our first inclination is to just starve ourselves. But this ends up backfiring because we go into a deprivation mode. This makes us overeat and in the end, you gain even more weight.
  • The single most important action to take to stop overeating is to eat healthier. This means to stop eating processed foods and eating more vegetables, nuts, whole grains and lean meats like chicken or fish.

"The single most important action to take to stop overeating is to eat healthier. This means to stop eating processed foods and eating more vegetables, nuts, whole grains and lean meats like chicken or fish."



Yes, whole grains really do help boost your immune system

Date: February 23, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Yes, whole grains really do help boost your immune system

Whole grains are often the healthiest choice and now the scientists behind a new study on whole grains say there could be another reason to dig in. Whole grains are not only full of vitamins and fibre, but they also contain a substance known as benzoxazinoids or BX. Eating more whole grains rich in BX may help to boost our immune systems, say the scientists.

Key Takeaways:

  • We need certain types of bacteria in our stomachs and intestines to maintain optimum health.
  • Whole grain in our diets helps to increase the "good" bacteria.
  • Men's Fitness has prepared a diet guide to help you shift whole grains into your diet.

"Simply eating whole grains can affect the populations of bacteria living in our gastrointestinal tract."





Date: February 14, 2017 10:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

When you have arthritis, your body is in an inflammatory state. What you eat may not only increase inflammation, it can also set you up for other chronic conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes. There are 8 food ingredients that may trigger more inflammation in your body, and most come from high fat and sugar content.

Key Takeaways:

  • joint pain is a wide-spread complaint, encompassing all ages and genders, and has many causes, including arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, wounds and more
  • Some foods that can aggravate joint pain are dairy foods, alcoholic beverages, red meat, sugar and sweeteners, MSG, refined flour, grains and more.
  • The above foods and others aggravate joint pain by creating, or aggravating, inflammation, disrupting fluid levels in the body, interfering with the absorption of nutrients and promoting excess weight.

"Fat can make the pain of arthritis much worse."


Fewer grains and more fruits and vegetables may keep your bones strong

Date: February 07, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fewer grains and more fruits and vegetables may keep your bones strong

It is a well known fact that vegetables and fruits and fresh food are much healthier than a heavy grain diet. What most people do not understand is that eating less grain can also mean stronger bones. Along with being healthier it is possible to save your bones with less grain in your diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • 92 percent of LEMTRADA patience had an infusion reaction.
  • We get 500 more calories from grains than we did in the 1970's.
  • We eat 40 percent more grain than we did in the 1970's and need to eat less.

"The outlook for bone health isn't all doom and gloom, fortunately. In 2015, Dawson-Hughes and her team found that certain dietary supplements may counteract the effects of acid on bone. Their study, published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, involved 244 women and men over age 50. Half were given daily supplements of potassium bicarbonate (a potent alkali), the rest a placebo."



Is the Mediterranean diet good for kids, too?

Date: February 05, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is the Mediterranean diet good for kids, too?

Putting kids on a diet can be dangerous for them because kids have certain needs. They are still growing and need the proper fuel to do that. This talks about this and about the Mediterranean diet in particular. Before putting kids on any type of diet ask a doctor and do your own research so you don't hurt them.

Key Takeaways:

  • The easy-to-follow Mediterranean diet involves eating mostly vegetables, fruits, legumes, unrefined grains, olive oil and fish.
  • Though the diet also includes skim or low-fat dairy products, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children consume whole milk until age 2, Johnson said.
  • Nuts are also included in the Mediterranean diet, but the academy considers whole nuts to be a high-risk food for choking and recommends caution for children under age 4, Johnson said. And, though the Mediterranean diet includes a modest amount of wine, alcohol is illegal to consume until age 21 in the United States.

"The easy-to-follow Mediterranean diet involves eating mostly vegetables, fruits, legumes, unrefined grains, olive oil and fish."




Bone health: Here's why you should be eating anti-inflammatory foods

Date: February 03, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bone health: Here's why you should be eating anti-inflammatory foods

If you have chronic inflammation from leading an unhealthy lifestyle adopting an anti-inflammatory diet can help. New research is suggesting that regularly eating vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains, could boost bone health and prevent fractures in women. Foods that fight this inflammation include green leafy vegetables - such as spinach, kale, and collards - nuts, fatty fish, olive oil, fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet is can help counter some of the chronic inflammation that results from leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • New research suggests that regularly eating vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains, could boost bone health and prevent fractures in women.
  • The results showed women with healthier diets did not lose bone as quickly as those with high-inflammation diets, and this is important because after menopause women see a drastic loss in bone density that contributes to fractures.

"It's a natural part of healing, but chronic inflammation could have a negative impact on your body and your health."



Fiber-rich diet could cut colorectal cancer risk, study finds

Date: February 02, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fiber-rich diet could cut colorectal cancer risk, study finds

No one likes to talk about cancer, it is a very touchy subject for most people. However, Harvard has been conducting a study for the last 30 years and the study says if you have a rich whole-grain cereal and protein diet you have a lower risk of getting Colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is the second most deadly form and the third most common of the disease. Every little bit helps when it comes to our health, especially when trying to prevent such life changing diseases.

Key Takeaways:

  • Doctor Raaj Mehta and colleagues from Harvard Medical School (USA) suggest that a diet rich in fiber and whole grains could influence the risk of developing colorectal cancer linked to a strain of gut bacteria called Fusobacterium nucleatum.
  • Fusobacterium nucleatum is an inflammatory bacterium that is thought to play a role in colorectal cancer by blocking the immune response triggered to combat tumor cells in the colon.
  • However, the behavior of tumors not containing Fusobacterium nucleatum was unchanged and the risk of developing colorectal cancer not containing the bacterium was not reduced.

"Colorectal cancer is the second most deadly form of cancer and the third most common form of the disease."



Anti-inflammatory diet could reduce risk of bone loss in women

Date: February 02, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Anti-inflammatory diet could reduce risk of bone loss in women

Women listen up that anti-inflammatory diet that is high in vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains could boost your bone health and prevent fractures. Researchers examined data from the landmark Women’s Health Initiative to compare levels of inflammatory elements in the diet to bone mineral density and fractures and found new associations between food and bone health. Suggesting your diets and health could impact your bones.

Key Takeaways:

  • Anti-inflammatory diets – which tend to be high in vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains – could boost bone health and prevent fractures in some women, a new study suggests.
  • Researchers examined data from the landmark Women’s Health Initiative to compare levels of inflammatory elements in the diet to bone mineral density and fractures and found new associations between food and bone health.
  • The study, led by Tonya Orchard, an assistant professor of human nutrition at The Ohio State University, appears in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.

"Women with the least-inflammatory diets had lower bone mineral density overall at the start of the study, but lost less bone than their high-inflammation peers, the researchers found."



Simple Clever Ways To Clear Clogged Arteries Research

Date: January 31, 2017 04:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Simple Clever Ways To Clear Clogged Arteries Research

7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally ... to prevent and in some casesreverse the #1 cause of death in the modern world? Statistically, atherosclerosis (the progressiveclogging of the arteries) is the #1 killer on the planet. ... Here is the peer-reviewed, publishedresearch proving the fact:. 21 Foods That Naturally Unclog Arteries - Natural Living Ideas


Key Takeaways:

  • Turmeric. Turmeric is another spice that can help treat clogged arteries and make your heart healthy and more functional. ... Cayenne Pepper.
  • One of the best vegetables for clearing arteries, asparagus is full of fiber and ...Studies have shown that the daily consumption of avocado result in
  • earn how to naturally reverse hardened arteries. ... Many studies show that the damage caused by high blood sugar — from eating too much sugar and grains — scars the insides of the arteries

"There are natural ways to help treat clogged arteries and make your heart healthy and more functional."


Top 6 Foods That Boast Excellent Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Date: January 29, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top 6 Foods That Boast Excellent Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Inflammation can be a good sign when there is a cut or infection. It means the body is working to fight against whatever is attacking your body. However, inflammation that occurs for too long or frequently can cause more damage to you than the problems it fights against. If you want to avoid chronic inflammation that can slowly destroy your body, you should make sure to consume anti-inflammatory foods that help prevent it. Orange juice, virgin olive oil, blueberries, whole grains, cruciferous vegetables, and tomatoes have all been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Key Takeaways:

  • When you cut yourself and the whole area turns red and puffy, that's your immune system working to fight off any bacteria or viruses. In fact, inflammation is a good sign. It is part of the body's defines mechanism that aids in healing.
  • Recent trends have emphasized on the benefits of green juices. It is also however important to also remember the many benefits of orange juice, especially in fighting inflammation.
  • Virgin Olive Oil is a staple food in Mediterranean diet. This oil is an excellent addition to your favourite food while you benefit with its anti-inflammatory action.

"Virgin Olive Oil is a staple food in Mediterranean diet."



9 Reasons Why You Should Eat Whole Grains

Date: January 16, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 9 Reasons Why You Should Eat Whole grains

Some modern diets would lead you to believe that eating grains is detrimental to your health. While refined grains can lead to issues such as obesity, whole grains have a wide range of health benefits, including lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke. In this article, we list nine health benefits of eating whole grains and give you advice on incorporating them into your diet. Who says healthy can’t be delicious?

Key Takeaways:

  • grains are the seeds of grass-like plants called cereals. Some of the most common varieties are corn, rice and wheat.
  • Some seeds of non-grass plants or pseudocereals, are also considered whole grains. These include buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth.
  • grains can be rolled, crushed or cracked, but as long as these three parts are still present in their original proportion, they're considered whole grains.

"grains can be rolled, crushed or cracked, but as long as these three parts are still present in their original proportion, they're considered whole grains."



Soluble corn fiber can improve women's bone health

Date: January 14, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Soluble corn fiber can improve women's bone health

A recent new research study has found that daily intake of soluble corn fiber can significantly improve women's bone fiber overall. The reason for this is because the research found that once fiber passes through the gut, the soluble corn fiber is broken down into some short chain fatty acids which then assist in bone health maintenance.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to new research daily soluble corn fiber supplementation significantly helps build and retain calcium in bone for women in their teens and post menopause.
  • Evidence suggests that SCF has many of the same health benefits associated with intact dietary fiber found in grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruit.
  • Weaver says that while SCF can help people better utilize calcium for bone health, this finding does not mean the recommendation to drink milk and follow a well-balanced diet should be ignored.

"According to new research daily soluble corn fiber supplementation significantly helps build and retain calcium in bone for women in their teens and post menopause."



Dietary magnesium tied to lower risk of heart disease and diabetes

Date: January 12, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Dietary magnesium tied to lower risk of heart disease and diabetes

Recently there has been a tie shown between dietary magnesium and a lowered risk of heart disease and diabetes in general. The increase in magnesium intake was shown to be associated with a nineteen percent reduction with the risk of diabetes in general. An increase with the intake in magnesium also showed a ten percent reduction in the odds of death from various causes during the study itself.

Key Takeaways:

  • A diet rich in magnesium – found in foods like leafy greens, fish, nuts and whole grains – may help lower the risk of chronic health problems like heart disease and diabetes, a research review suggests.
  • Compared with people who had the lowest levels of magnesium in their diets, people who got the most magnesium were 10 percent less likely to develop heart disease, 12 percent less likely to have a stroke and 26 percent less likely to develop diabetes.
  • The study findings suggest that increased consumption of magnesium-rich foods may have health benefits, the authors conclude.

"When researchers looked at the effect of increasing dietary magnesium by 100 milligrams a day, they didn’t find a statically meaningful impact on the total risk of cardiovascular disease or coronary heart disease."




Improve your digestion with these healthy food choices

Date: December 23, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Improve your digestion with these healthy food choices

We all love food, but when it comes to our digestive health, we should be careful of what we eat. Certain foods can have a negative effect on the digestive system, causing problems like indigestion. There are certain foods that we should eat to help us take care of digestive system. These foods include liver, foods rich in fiber (like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables), probiotic foods like yogurt, and lean meats. Drinking plenty of water also helps your digestive system.

Key Takeaways:

  • "Ang sarap kumain." It’s a statement that almost anyone will quickly agree to.
  • But while enjoying food is not bad, it’s the kind of food you eat that you should be more careful about.
  • To better help you with your digestion, make sure to include this list of foods in your diet.

"To help multiply probiotics in your digestive system, eat fermented foods such as yogurt and fermented vegetables like kimchi. - See more at: //"



Balance your body naturally with these alkaline foods

Date: December 04, 2016 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Balance your body naturally with these alkaline foods

According to the alkaline diet theory, an acidic environment in the body lets toxins build up – and that can cause disease and ill health. So the idea is to avoid foods that have an acidic effect on the body like dairy, meat, refined grains, caffeine, alcohol and refined sugar. The bulk of food, the theory suggests, should be alkaline foods like flax, spinach, cabbage, olive oil and melons.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chemically acidic foods like lemons could actually have an alkaline effect on the human body as it lowers your internal pH.
  • While some of the healthier acidic foods do not need to be avoided entirely, they should only make up about one fifth of your overall dietary intake.
  • The bulk of your diet should be made up of alkaline foods. The good news is that a lot of foods fall into this category.

"The bulk of your diet should be made up of alkaline foods. The good news is that a lot of foods fall into this category"




It's not all in the genes: Clean living can cut heart risks

Date: December 02, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: It's not all in the genes: Clean living can cut heart risks

Moderate physical activity lowers your chances of getting a heart attack by 30% to 50%. If you stick to a healthy diet you could lower your odds of getting heart disease by 25%. Fill your plate with different kinds of fruits, veggies, whole grains, fish, and lean meats. Stay away from processed or prepared foods that often are high in salt and filled with preservatives.

Key Takeaways:

  • A large study finds that people with the most inherited risk cut their chances of having a heart attack or other heart problems in half if they didn't smoke, ate well, exercised and stayed slim.
  • The study was discussed Sunday at an American Heart Association conference in New Orleans and published online in the New England Journal of Medicine.
  • Researchers combined information on more than 55,000 people in four studies around the world. One included imaging to check for plaque building up in heart arteries.

"The study was discussed Sunday at an American Heart Association conference in New Orleans and published online in the New England Journal of Medicine."



Here's How the Food Lobby Affects What We Eat

Date: November 26, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's How the Food Lobby Affects What We Eat

Most people believe that fresh fruits and vegetables are the best choice for healthy food. Recent conferences with dieticians have been focusing more on prepackaged food as a healthy choice. Large companies at the conferences, such as Nabisco and PepsiCo, are trying to market their brands in a more healthy light. Many of these companies that are known for their less- healthy and high sugar products are trying to change the consumers’ views of them.

Key Takeaways:

  • "Newtons are made with real fruit and whole grains. True or false?" a Nabisco representative asks onlookers, who are among 10,000 attendees at a conference where dietitians can earn credits for continuing education.
  • While the influence of food corporations on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and its 75,000 members has come under greater scrutiny, some see growing sensitivity to ethical and conflict-of-interest issues.
  • The academy noted that sessions sponsored by companies or industry groups were distinct from regular educational sessions because they required a $10 donation from session attendees to the academy's foundation, which provides scholarships and research grants. The sponsored sessions still count toward continuing education credits, which are required to maintain licenses.

"Among the hundreds of exhibits, many focused on items like beans, eggs, strawberries and leafy greens."




America is about to realize just how poisoned conventional food really is ... Lab testing for glyphosate about to go 'viral'

Date: November 24, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: America is about to realize just how poisoned conventional food really is ... Lab testing for glyphosate about to go 'viral'

Do you ever really stop to think about what goes in your food and what you're putting in your body? Chances are that you probably don't, although there's a small minority of Americans that seems to. "America is about to realize just how poisoned conventional food really is ... Lab testing for glyphosate about to go 'viral'" talks about what's wrong with the food the average American eats, and how science has found a means to prove this.

Key Takeaways:

  • Our grandparentss food wasn't doused with chemical insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and other forms of pesticide that cause cancer, depression, central nervous system disorders, anxiety and dementia. Today, most grains and sugarcane get sprayed with disturbing amounts of glyphosate herbicide.
  • Good news! Anresco Laboratories in San Francisco just launched their own unique detection system for final food products that reveals even low levels of glyphosate residue, and they're testing soil samples from all around the world! Want food transparency? You got it.
  • First, buy certified organic food, grow your own food without chemicals, or buy from local farmers' markets and ask lots of questions of them. Second, look into buying a high quality water filtration system for your home. It's much cheaper in the long run than buying bottled water.

"There is no safe level that can be consumed, even though it's regularly found in American food and water."




For an energy boost, do this

Date: November 19, 2016 12:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: For an energy boost, do this

We have all felt the 2 o’ clock energy slump. What can we do to prevent it? Most people think that loading up on caffeine during the day to keep them awake is the answer. In reality, this can create a never-ending cycle that is bad for us. The best things we can do are eat a balanced diet rich in calcium and B vitamins and get the right amount and quality of sleep. Just eating healthier is not enough, however. It is also best to eat smaller, more frequent meals to keep us powered throughout the day.

Key Takeaways:

  • An energy-optimal meal or snack includes a mix of high-quality carbohydrates for energy with some lean protein and healthy fat for staying power.
  • Pick slow-digesting carbohydrates (“slow carbs”) like whole grains, whole fruits, vegetables or beans for a steadier supply of energy.
  • It’s not just what you eat, but how often you eat that matters. Eating every three to five hours also supports steady energy by encouraging gentle rises in blood sugar (the body’s energy source) instead of a few large spikes.

"An energy-optimal meal or snack includes a mix of high-quality carbohydrates for energy with some lean protein and healthy fat for staying power."



Bringing About a Lifestyle Change

Date: November 16, 2016 03:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bringing About a Lifestyle Change

When losing weight it is important to do so gradually. By making small changes, and eating better, weight loss goals can be achieved! When making changes to your diet, start by limiting your fat intake. Also, decrease sugar consumption and increase your fiber intake. Try to eat foods that mostly come from a plant source.

Key Takeaways:

  • In bringing about a lifestyle change, we are going to break old, well-established and often conditioned habits and put in their place better eating habits
  • Clients need to create their own eating plan to suit their lifestyle, medical history, fitness goals and food preferences.
  • most foods come from plant sources such as grains, beans, vegetables and fruits

"My role is to help people to successfully take control of their weight and ultimately take control and responsibility of their health."



You Can Repair the Adrenal Glands with the Right Diet

Date: November 09, 2016 01:32 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: You Can Repair the Adrenal Glands with the Right Diet

Bored with trips to the doctor or naturopath and the costs involved as you attempt to restore the functionality of your adrenal glands? If yes, then embrace an adrenal-supportive diet plan. Apart from reducing the costs you incur to treat adrenal fatigue; you will enjoy several other benefits that come with eating right. Basically you will have to take nutritious whole foods, eat at the right time, and avoid foods that you have intolerances to. Apart from the above, you will have to reduce stressing your mind and body, eliminate toxins and embrace positive thinking at all times. The details below will give you a proper guide towards your recovery.

The Adrenal Fatigue Diet

Since the problem is already here, you have to start by removing toxins and hard-to-digest foods from your diet (embrace a Paleo or Primal diet). This means you have to eliminate legumes, grains, vegetable oils, caffeine, microwaved and processed foods, and refined sugar.

After that, take foods that help replenish the energy of your adrenal glands. They include avocado, olives, Cruciferous vegetables, coconut, Fatty fish, turkey and chicken, seeds (like flax, chia and pumpkin), seaweed and kelp, Himalayan or Celtic sea salt, nuts (like almonds and walnuts), and food fats. These foods have low sugar levels, they are nutrient-dense, and contain healthy fiber and fat.

Taking the Required Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Supplements

Remember that if these supplements are taken in their whole-food form, the symptoms of your adrenal insufficiency could greatly be improved. The supplements to take include Holy basil, Vitamin B5, fish oil (DHA/EPA), Ashwagandha, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin B12. Where your adrenal fatigue is severe, get an experienced doctor to prescribe the correct levels of Pregnenolone, DHEA, Progesterone, B6, Licorice Extract, and L-tyrosine

Once you follow the above and embrace good lifestyle changes to promote your recovery you will now have a solution to the full recovery of your adrenal glands. Good lifestyle in this case, means you sleep regularly or about 8-10 hours a night, exercise, rest whenever you feel tired, reduce relational and work stress, laugh and have time to relax. Also, always ensure that you are eating regularly. You can now live a happy and fulfilling life with your adrenal glands working perfectly.


Improve Your Immune System.

Date: November 03, 2016 10:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Improve Your Immune System.

Our bodies have a defense mechanism called immune system designed to protect us against unknown invaders that attack our body. Immune system is a system of biological structures and processes guarding us against illness. It identifies a wide array of foreign agents such as viruses, parasitic worms, bacteria, microbes, toxins that invade our body and differentiates them from healthy tissues.

The immune system is complex, intricate and interesting. Things like fevers, hives, and inflammation can all be understood with the working of immune system. Generally, immune system does an amazing job defending us against disease. The problem starts when it fails. This happens when a germ invades our body successfully and makes us sick or causes a fever. To decrease the rate of such incidents it is important for us to make our immune system stronger.

Our immune system also brings to exhaust from years of defending so improving the immune system is extremely essential to stay away from diseases. This can be done by adapting lifestyle that supports the immune system. One person gets sick more or less often than the another person living the same life, or we see that when two people cross the same sick person one sometimes catch the flu while the other doesn't. This happens because all immune systems are not the same. One person can have a better immune system than the other. Working our body in a way to have an improved immune system can really help. The good news is there are many ways one can improve immune system.

Many factors participate in improving an immune system. Since immune system is a system and not a single unit, it is not very simple to improve immune system. Proper function of this system requires balance and harmony. First step to a stronger immune system is selecting a healthy lifestyle. Improving your diet, consuming certain vitamins and supplements, and making other lifestyle changes such as saying no to smoking, or getting enough sleep, etc can play a large role in this factor.

A number of steps that can be taken to improve an immune system are adjusting to a high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat diet. Maintaining a healthy weight, controlling your blood pressure, exercise and increased activity levels can also help in this matter. Other life style changes that can help you improve your system are quitting smoking, avoiding polluted areas, consuming moderate levels of alcohol, and getting sufficient sleep.

Take simple steps like washing your hands more frequently, or cooking meat thoroughly, avoiding encounter with sick people to avoid infection such as. Getting a regular medical screening also helps in staying away from diseases.

Some products available over the counter are known to improve immune system. Even though, few of these products are not trustworthy several of these supplements have known to improve immune systems drastically. They enhance immune cells in the body resulting in a better performing immune system.


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