
Search Term: " leafy "

  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin Health Darrell Miller 5/24/24
Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important Darrell Miller 8/4/23
The Health Benefits of Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc Darrell Miller 5/18/23
Benefits of Taking Magnesium: Why You Need This Amazing Mineral. Darrell Miller 12/27/22
Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body? Darrell Miller 10/31/22
The Many Health Benefits of Copper Glycinate Darrell Miller 10/25/22
The Importance of Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D for Bone Health Darrell Miller 9/23/22
The Benefits of NOW Calcium & Magnesium Citrate Powder with Vitamin D3 Darrell Miller 9/21/22
The Importance of Collagen for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails Darrell Miller 9/12/22
Vitamins C and D: The Immune System Supplements You Need Darrell Miller 8/2/22
Having trouble seeing at night? try Healthy Night Vision by Terry Naturally Darrell Miller 7/20/22
Antioxidants to Protect Your Body from Non Ionizing Radiation Darrell Miller 7/20/22
The evidence is undeniable: Green leafy vegetables take the prizewhen it comes to protecting eye health Darrell Miller 5/17/19
Shiny hair, stronger nails: Add these 8 biotin-rich foods to yourdiet Darrell Miller 5/9/19
Parsley: An Impressive Herb With Health Benefits Darrell Miller 5/3/19
What is liver cirrhosis? (and is alcohol always the cause of it?) Darrell Miller 5/2/19
Research links folate deficiency to a wide range of diseases Darrell Miller 4/30/19
Men, here's a diet plan for a better memory: leafy greens, darkorange and red vegetables, berries, and a glass of OJ Darrell Miller 4/27/19
Study looks at anti-diabetes properties of a barberry plant nativeto Africa Darrell Miller 4/9/19
What are the best food sources of vitamin K? Darrell Miller 4/2/19
Study shows lutein can boost heart health Darrell Miller 3/27/19
The role of magnesium in maintaining health Darrell Miller 2/6/19
Nutritional benefits that prove moringa really is a "miracle tree" Darrell Miller 1/9/19
Eating more omega-3-rich food may lower inflammation and arthritispain Darrell Miller 1/5/19
What you should be eating to avoid liver disease VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/7/18
Nip it in the bud: Natural remedies that prevent colon cancer VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/10/18
Health Benefits of Vitamin B9 VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/1/18
Vitamin K: The anti-aging supplement you probably havenâ??t heard about Darrell Miller 6/20/18
Cognitive decline may be slowed by leafy greens Darrell Miller 12/29/17
Dandelion Root Benefits vs. Dandelion Greens Benefits Darrell Miller 11/26/17
I Did Not Think That Folic Acid, Something They Only Prescribe To Pregnant Women, Was So Beneficial Darrell Miller 10/17/17
5 tasty foods that help fight inflammation Darrell Miller 9/17/17
12 signs you're not getting enough calcium Darrell Miller 9/14/17
Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods (Dairy Free) | Natural Cures Darrell Miller 8/25/17
Omega-3 fatty acids essential for well-being Darrell Miller 8/18/17
Lutein, the leafy-green nutrient, may help keep your mind young Darrell Miller 8/11/17
What you have to do to live longer Darrell Miller 8/8/17
Lutein, found in leafy greens, may counter cognitive aging Darrell Miller 7/31/17
These foods may help keep the brain young Darrell Miller 6/22/17
Radicchio: The Vitamin K Vegetable that Supports the Heart & Bones (And Kills a Common Parasite!) Darrell Miller 5/15/17
Stop throwing away this weed; it could help lower your cholesterol Darrell Miller 5/8/17
Ease the load on your liver with these 7 foods Darrell Miller 4/23/17
10 Foods your liver loves you to consume Darrell Miller 4/13/17
10 easy ways to detox heavy metals from your body Darrell Miller 3/29/17
7 of the Best Foods to Fight Inflammation Darrell Miller 2/28/17
Can an Apple a Day Keep COPD Away? Darrell Miller 2/27/17
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Important Vitamins For Brain Health Darrell Miller 2/11/17
Bone health: Here's why you should be eating anti-inflammatory foods Darrell Miller 2/3/17
Dietary magnesium tied to lower risk of heart disease and diabetes Darrell Miller 1/12/17
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Relieve the Holiday Stress with Magnesium Darrell Miller 12/25/16
For stress, superfoods are better than comfort foods Darrell Miller 12/22/16
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A number of skin problems can be improved with the right vitamins Darrell Miller 12/6/16
Tips and Tricks To A Healthy Metabolism Darrell Miller 12/3/16
10 superfoods you can include in your daily diet to cut diabetes risk Darrell Miller 12/1/16
Calcium Supplements and the Heart: Clearing Up the Confusion Darrell Miller 11/26/16
Here's How the Food Lobby Affects What We Eat Darrell Miller 11/26/16
Feast on natural food for healthy eyes Darrell Miller 11/15/16
five anti-aging food found in the grocery store Darrell Miller 11/13/16
Natural foods for liver repair and liver cleansing Darrell Miller 11/8/16
How to Build Strong Bones Darrell Miller 11/7/16
How Useful is Silica? Darrell Miller 10/31/16
Toss eggs onto salads to increase Vitamin E absorption, study says Darrell Miller 10/30/16
Fiber, Constipation, and colon health Darrell Miller 9/14/16
Importance of Antioxidants and How Can We Get Them from Various Foods Darrell Miller 12/18/15
A Simple Thing As Taking A Breath Causes Us To Age Darrell Miller 11/22/15
Importance of Magnesium in the body. Darrell Miller 5/8/14
Silica Supplements for Healthy Bones Darrell Miller 4/19/14
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Why Take A Coenzymated B-Complex? Darrell Miller 1/10/14
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The Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin Health

Date: May 24, 2024 04:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin Health

The Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin Health

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, plays an essential role in maintaining overall skin health. This potent nutrient offers numerous benefits, making it a staple ingredient in many skincare products. Below, we explore some of the key advantages of incorporating Vitamin C into your skincare routine.

Promotes Collagen Production

Collagen is a structural protein that maintains the skin's firmness and elasticity. As we age, collagen production declines, leading to signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. Vitamin C is a crucial co-factor in the synthesis of collagen, helping to keep the skin plump and youthful. Regular application of Vitamin C can stimulate collagen production, making the skin look smoother and more resilient.

Accelerates Wound Healing

Vitamin C's role in collagen production also extends to wound healing. This nutrient supports the repair of damaged skin by promoting new tissue growth. Whether dealing with minor cuts, abrasions, or post-surgical wounds, applying Vitamin C can expedite the healing process and reduce the risk of scarring.

Antioxidant Protection

Environmental factors like pollution and UV radiation generate free radicals, molecules that damage skin cells and accelerate aging. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, protecting the skin from oxidative stress. By incorporating Vitamin C into your skincare routine, you can shield your skin from environmental damage and maintain a healthier complexion.

Boosts Immune Function

A robust immune system is vital for overall skin health. Vitamin C bolsters the immune system, making it an essential component of both internal and external treatments. A well-functioning immune system can better fend off skin infections and inflammatory conditions, contributing to clearer, more radiant skin.

Reduces Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation occurs when certain areas of the skin produce excess melanin, resulting in dark spots or patches. Vitamin C can inhibit melanin production, helping to lighten hyperpigmented areas. Over time, consistent use of Vitamin C can promote a more even skin tone, reducing the appearance of age spots, sun spots, and melasma.

Enhances Skin Radiance

One of the most sought-after benefits of Vitamin C is its ability to enhance skin radiance. By improving skin texture and tone, Vitamin C can give your complexion a noticeable glow. Regular use of Vitamin C serums or creams can help achieve a brighter, more luminous look.

Prevents Sagging

Loss of skin elasticity leads to sagging, which is a common sign of aging. By promoting collagen synthesis and offering antioxidant protection, Vitamin C can help maintain the skin's structural integrity. This results in tighter, firmer skin, reducing the likelihood of sagging.

Combats Environmental Damage

Exposure to environmental pollutants can wreak havoc on your skin, causing premature aging and damage. Vitamin C acts as a protective barrier, reducing the detrimental effects of pollutants. Adding Vitamin C to your skincare regimen helps combat environmental damage, ensuring your skin remains healthy and vibrant.

Supports Hydration

Maintaining adequate moisture levels is crucial for healthy skin. Vitamin C can support skin hydration by enhancing the skin barrier function and reducing water loss. This ensures that your skin stays supple and well-moisturized, reducing the risk of dryness and irritation.

Skin Repair and Protection Against Oxidative Stress

Vitamin C not only protects against oxidative stress but also aids in repairing the skin. By promoting cell regeneration and improving skin texture, Vitamin C helps to rejuvenate and restore damaged skin.

Are You Ready to Experience What Vitamin C Can Do?

Ready to experience the transformative benefits of Vitamin C for your skin? Don't wait any longer. Invest in a high-quality Vitamin C serum or cream today and take the first step toward healthier, more radiant skin. Visit our store now to explore our range of Vitamin C products tailored to meet your skincare needs. Enhance your skin's vitality and glow with the power of Vitamin C – your skin will thank you!

Food Sources of Vitamin C

Incorporating Vitamin C into your diet is a great way to boost your skin health from within. Here are some excellent food sources of this essential nutrient:

  • Citrus Fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are well-known for their high Vitamin C content.
  • Strawberries: These delicious berries are not only rich in antioxidants but also pack a substantial amount of Vitamin C.
  • Kiwi: This small, nutrient-dense fruit provides more Vitamin C than an orange per serving.
  • Bell Peppers: Among vegetables, bell peppers are a top source of Vitamin C, especially the red and yellow varieties.
  • Broccoli: This cruciferous vegetable offers a considerable amount of Vitamin C along with other beneficial nutrients.
  • Brussels Sprouts: Another vegetable rich in Vitamin C, Brussels sprouts are a great addition to any meal.
  • Papaya: This tropical fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin C and other beneficial compounds.
  • Tomatoes: Whether fresh, in sauces, or as juice, tomatoes are a versatile source of Vitamin C.
  • Spinach: This leafy green not only provides Vitamin C but also a host of other vitamins and minerals.

Including these foods in your diet can help ensure you receive adequate Vitamin C, supporting both your overall health and your skin's vitality.

Convenience of Taking Vitamin C: Supplements vs. Food Sources

While both food sources and supplements offer ways to meet your daily Vitamin C needs, supplements provide unmatched convenience. Incorporating Vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges, strawberries, and bell peppers into your diet requires careful meal planning and preparation and adds calories to your diet. In contrast, Vitamin C supplements offer a quick and efficient alternative, allowing you to ensure adequate intake regardless of your dietary habits. This convenience makes supplements particularly appealing for busy individuals or those with specific dietary restrictions, enabling them to maintain optimal Vitamin C levels effortlessly.


Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important

Date: August 04, 2023 02:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important

The typical Western diet is largely comprised of processed foods, which are notoriously high in processed table salt. This results in an imbalance in the sodium to potassium ratio, a significant health concern. Sodium is necessary for a variety of bodily functions; however, too much can be detrimental, leading to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Simultaneously, potassium is often neglected, despite its crucial role in muscle function, nerve signaling, and balancing fluids.

The general dietary advice suggests a potassium to sodium intake ratio of 3:1. However, the reality in diets, particularly those in America, often sees this ratio inverted. The excessive sodium consumption is linked to a myriad of health complications, including high blood pressure and heart disease. Conversely, potassium, a mineral that aids in nerve function and muscle control, is consumed in insufficient quantities. This is a troubling trend that underscores the importance of dietary change towards natural, unprocessed foods.

The importance of potassium is often overshadowed by the emphasis on limiting sodium for reducing chronic disease risk factors. Potassium plays an essential role in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels by counteracting the effects of sodium. Furthermore, the mineral is crucial for other functions like heart and muscle cell functioning, nerve transmission, and maintaining fluid balance.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine discovered that individuals with the lowest risk for heart complications or death from any cause were those consuming between four to six grams of sodium per day. This is a fascinating discovery, as this intake is significantly higher than the U.S. daily recommended limits. It suggests a need for a reconsideration of current sodium intake guidelines.

Another consideration to balance the sodium-potassium ratio is the type of salt consumed. Unprocessed, natural salts like sea salt and Himalayan salt contain higher potassium levels compared to standard table salt. These natural salts provide a variety of minerals and trace elements that contribute to our overall health and wellness. It's crucial to note that switching to natural salt should be part of a broader shift towards a diet rich in fresh, unprocessed foods.

Why You Should Focus on Increasing Potassium

While it's beneficial to monitor and moderate sodium intake, it's equally important to shift our focus towards increasing potassium consumption. Potassium-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, bananas, potatoes, and beans, not only contribute to a well-rounded and nutritious diet but also help in maintaining an optimal sodium-potassium balance in the body. A high potassium intake can counteract the effects of sodium, aiding in blood pressure regulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, an elevated potassium level supports various bodily functions, including nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. Thus, prioritizing potassium intake forms a cornerstone for an overall healthier dietary approach. It is recommended that individuals consume 5 grams of potassium daily and potassium to salt ratio should be 2 to 1. To boost potassium intake, one can take a potassium supplement or add the following foods to their diet or both: Watermelon, Orange juice, Boiled red potatoes, Avocado, Bananas, Cantaloupe, Oranges, Coconut water, Tomatoes, Yogurt, Winter squash, and Wild-caught salmon.

Why Low-Salt Advice Can Be Harmful

Contrary to popular belief, adhering to low-salt advice can sometimes pose risks to certain individuals. While it is true that excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and heart problems, sodium still plays a vital role in our bodies. It assists in nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and maintaining the body's fluid balance.

In fact, low sodium levels in the body, a condition known as hyponatremia, can lead to symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue, and in severe cases, coma or even death. Moreover, a low-salt diet may lead to increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance. This can potentially elevate the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Low-salt diets can also exacerbate the risk of certain health conditions. For instance, individuals with conditions like Addison's disease or certain kidney disorders, where the body struggles to maintain a balance of electrolytes, might find a low-salt diet harmful.

Therefore, it is crucial to balance the intake of sodium, considering both the potential risks associated with too much, or too little, sodium. The key is to consume sodium from natural and unprocessed sources, such as Himalayan salt, fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean meats, which also provide a host of other nutrients necessary for overall health. As with most things in nutrition, moderation and balance seem to hold the answer rather than extreme restriction. The RDA - recommended daily allowance of sodium is 3.5 grams. It is advised to consume 3.5 grams of natural salt each day by way of foods or combination of foods plus Himalayan salt to reach that goal.

The Impact of Excessive Salt Intake on Certain Health Conditions

While moderate salt intake is vital for normal physiological functions, its excessive consumption can have detrimental effects, particularly for individuals with certain health conditions. For instance, endocrine disorders, high aldosterone levels, Cushing's syndrome, and elevated cortisol levels can all heighten the body's sensitivity to sodium, making it even more essential to monitor and limit salt intake.

Endocrine disorders, which involve imbalances in the body's hormone production, can often lead to increased sodium retention, exacerbating issues of water retention and swelling. Similarly, high aldosterone levels, a hormone that regulates sodium and potassium balance, can cause the body to retain excessive sodium, leading to high blood pressure and potential damage to the cardiovascular system.

Cushing's syndrome, a condition characterized by excessive cortisol production, can lead to a host of symptoms, including high blood pressure and rapid weight gain, both of which can be intensified by high sodium intake. The excessive cortisol found in Cushing's syndrome promotes sodium retention, further elevating the risk for hypertension.

Similarly, elevated cortisol levels, even outside of Cushing's syndrome, can lead to heightened sodium retention, contributing to high blood pressure, fluid retention, and an imbalance of electrolytes. Therefore, individuals with these conditions should be particularly mindful of their sodium intake.

In these scenarios, reducing salt consumption can help mitigate the associated health risks and symptoms. Switching to a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods, and taking conscious steps to limit the use of added table salt can play a crucial role in managing these health conditions. As always, it is essential to seek personalized advice from a healthcare professional, as individual needs may vary.

In summary, while salt is often villainized in the health community, its consumption, especially from natural sources, is vital for maintaining bodily functions like nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. However, excessive or inadequate sodium intake can have adverse health effects, such as hypertension, imbalances in cholesterol and triglycerides, and even hyponatremia in severe cases. Certain health conditions, including endocrine disorders, high aldosterone levels, Cushing's syndrome, and elevated cortisol levels, can also exacerbate these risks, making it crucial for individuals with these conditions to carefully monitor their salt intake. On the other hand, increasing potassium intake can help maintain an optimal sodium-potassium balance, reducing blood pressure and lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In a nutshell, moderation and balance are key in sodium consumption, but the emphasis should be on consuming more potassium-rich foods to ensure your potassium intake is higher than sodium levels which will ensure a healthier dietary approach.


The Health Benefits of Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc

Date: May 18, 2023 05:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits of Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc

Calcium, magnesium, and zinc are vital minerals that play a crucial role in maintaining good health. Each of these minerals are essential for various bodily functions and plays a critical role in promoting overall physical wellbeing. While some may know a few of the benefits of these minerals, it's important to understand how each of them contributes to better health and why they should be included in your diet.

Calcium is an important mineral that is necessary for strong bones and teeth. Without it, the body is likely to suffer from conditions such as osteoporosis, a disease where bones become fragile and brittle. However, calcium is not just important for bone health; it also plays a significant role in nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction, helping to ensure proper functioning of the nervous system and muscular system. Calcium can also help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Magnesium is another important mineral that is often referred to as the forgotten mineral. This is because people tend to focus more on other minerals such as calcium and iron and ignore magnesium. However, magnesium plays a vital role in several bodily functions. It is a component of bones and teeth and participates in numerous enzymatic reactions in the body. Magnesium is intended to provide normal, healthy heart, muscle, nerve, and circulatory function. It can also help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as stroke, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Seventy percent of the population are deficient in magnesium.

Zinc is just as important a mineral as the ones listed above, zinc plays a critical role in overall physical wellbeing. It is involved in over 100 enzymatic reactions in the body, making it an essential mineral. Zinc plays an important role in immune system function, and it is vital for the normal structure of cell membranes. Zinc can also help reduce the risk of developing conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, which can cause vision loss, and can also reduce the chances of suffering from the common cold.

It's important to note that calcium, magnesium, and zinc work synergistically together. For instance, calcium combined with magnesium can help reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Similarly, zinc combined with calcium and vitamin D can help improve bone density and enhance the effectiveness of the immune system. These minerals can be found in several foods such as dairy products, leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. However, it can be challenging to get all the necessary minerals from diet alone, which is why supplements may be necessary.

In Summary, calcium, magnesium, and zinc are essential minerals that play crucial roles in our body. These minerals help the body maintain strong bones and teeth, reducing the risk of developing various conditions such as heart disease and osteoporosis, improving immune system function, and enhancing muscular and nervous system function. Taking a supplement can ensure one is obtaining enough of these important minerals daily. Grab a bottle today and take steps to better your health.


Benefits of Taking Magnesium: Why You Need This Amazing Mineral.

Date: December 27, 2022 10:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of Taking Magnesium: Why You Need This Amazing Mineral.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that many people overlook, but it’s extremely important for the overall health of your body. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than 68% of U.S. adults don’t meet the recommended daily intake of magnesium, which is 350mgs per day. But why should you care about how much magnesium you’re consuming? Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions and metabolic pathways in the body, so it plays a key role in our overall health and well being. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of magnesium and why we need to get enough into our bodies every day.

How Magnesium Keeps Us Healthy

Magnesium plays an important role in everything from muscle and nerve function to energy production and blood pressure control. That means if your body doesn't have enough magnesium, you could experience a wide range of symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, depression, anxiety or even headaches. In addition to these uncomfortable symptoms, not getting enough magnesium can also lead to calcification of the cardiovascular system due to calcium deposits in artery walls—a conditionn known as arteriosclerosis—which can increase your risk for heart attack or stroke. So where can we get magnesium?

Food Sources Rich in Magnesium

Fortunately there are plenty of foods that contain high levels of magnesium including dark leafy green vegetables like spinach or kale; nuts and seeds like almonds or pumpkin seeds; legumes like kidney beans or black beans; whole grains like quinoa or brown rice; avocados; bananas; figs; yogurt; dark chocolate; and even coffee! So if you're looking for ways to increase your intake of this essential mineral without having to take supplements every day, try incorporating one (or more!) of these foods into your diet on a regular basis or take a magnesium supplement.

It's can be easy to forget about minerals like magnesium when it comes to our overall health and well-being, we have to keep in mind a well rounded diet is very important because magnesium plays an important role in keeping us healthy! Now that you know how vital this mineral is for our bodies, make sure you're getting enough each day by choosing foods that are rich in magnesium from leafy greens to nuts or by taking a dietary supplement of magnesium. Doing so will help ensure that you remain healthy now and for years to come!


Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body?

Date: October 31, 2022 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body?

You may not have realized it, but magnesium is an essential mineral for your body. It aids in energy production and metabolism, muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and bone mineralization. Magnesium is also a required cofactor for an estimated 300 enzymes. That means it helps catalyze reactions like fatty acid synthesis, protein synthesis, and glucose metabolism. Not to mention, magnesium status is also important for regulation of calcium balance through its effects on the parathyroid gland. Whew! As you can see, this mineral is pretty important stuff. Read on to learn more about why magnesium is so critical for our health.

Magnesium and Energy Production

One of the most important functions of magnesium is that it helps us produce energy. Every single cell in our bodies need energy to function properly, and magnesium plays a key role in the process of converting the food we eat into that much-needed energy. For example, magnesium is involved in breaking down carbohydrates into glucose which can then be used for energy by the cells.

Magnesium and Muscle Functioning

In addition to helping produce energy, magnesium is also necessary for proper muscle functioning. This mineral helps muscles relax after they contract as well as regulates electrolyte balance in the body. electrolyte imbalance can lead to muscle cramping, spasms, or even irregular heartbeats, so it's crucial that we maintain healthy levels of magnesium to keep our muscles functioning properly.

How to Get More Magnesium

Now that you know all of the important functions that magnesium plays in our bodies, you're probably wondering how you can make sure you're getting enough of this essential mineral. The best way to ensure adequate magnesium intake is through diet since our bodies cannot produce this mineral on their own. Some good dietary sources of magnesium include leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, dairy products, fish, and meat. You can also get your recommended daily intake of magnesium through supplements if you feel like your diet is lacking or if you have a medical condition that requires extra magnesium (such as diabetes).

As you can see, magnesium is an essential mineral with many vital functions in our bodies. from helping produce energy to regulating electrolyte balance, this nutrient plays a big role in keeping us healthy and function properly both physically and mentally. Make sure you are getting enough magnesium in your diet by consuming foods like leafy greens, legumes, whole grains, dairy products ,and nuts or by taking supplements if necessary. Your body will thank you!


The Many Health Benefits of Copper Glycinate

Date: October 25, 2022 04:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Health Benefits of Copper Glycinate

You may not realize it, but copper is essential for many different bodily functions. This trace mineral is involved in energy production, iron metabolism, connective tissue syntheses, and neurotransmitter production. Copper is also critical for bone health, cardiovascular health, lipid metabolism, neurological health, skin health, and free radical protection. Keep reading to learn more about the many health benefits of copper.

Copper and Energy Production

One of the most important roles that copper plays in the body is in energy production. Copper is a key component of mitochondria, which are known as the "powerhouses of the cell." The mitochondria produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the energy currency of the cell. Therefore, without adequate copper levels, your cells would not be able to produce enough ATP for optimal function.

Copper and Iron Metabolism

Another important role of copper is in iron metabolism. Copper is necessary for the absorption and utilization of iron in the body. Iron is a key component of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen around in the blood. Therefore, without adequate copper levels, your body would not be able to properly utilize iron, leading to anemia or other problems.

Copper and Connective Tissue Synthesis

Copper is also necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, two proteins that make up connective tissue. Connective tissue includes things like skin, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Therefore, copper is necessary for healthy skin as well as strong tendons and ligaments.

As you can see, copper plays many vital roles in the body. If you are deficient in copper, you may experience fatigue, anemia, weak bones or connective tissue, problems with lipid metabolism or neurological function, or poor skin health. To ensure that you are getting enough copper in your diet, eat foods like liver, oysters, lobster, dark chocolate, avocados, almonds, mushrooms ,or leafy green vegetables. You can also take a copper supplement if needed.


The Importance of Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D for Bone Health

Date: September 23, 2022 04:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D for Bone Health

Maintaining strong bones is essential for good health throughout our lives. Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D is one of the best ways to keep our bones healthy and prevent problems like osteoporosis. Here's a closer look at the role these important nutrients play in bone health.

Calcium: Calcium is a mineral that is essential for strong bones and teeth. The body needs calcium to maintain proper blood clotting, muscle function, and nerve function. Most of the calcium in our bodies is stored in the bones and teeth, where it provides strength and structure. Calcium is absorbed into the body through the small intestine. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are good sources of calcium.

Magnesium: Magnesium is another mineral that is crucial for bone health. It helps the body absorb calcium and also plays a role in muscle function and energy production. Magnesium is found in leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from the diet. It can be obtained from food sources like egg yolks and fatty fish, or it can be produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D supplements are also available.

In Summary:

Calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are all essential nutrients for maintaining strong bones throughout our lives. Be sure to include plenty of foods rich in these nutrients in your diet to keep your bones healthy!


The Benefits of NOW Calcium & Magnesium Citrate Powder with Vitamin D3

Date: September 21, 2022 11:25 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of NOW Calcium & Magnesium Citrate Powder with Vitamin D3

NOW Calcium & Magnesium Citrate Powder with Vitamin D3 is an optimal bone structure support formula designed by NOW's certified nutritionists.* It contains key nutrients that play essential roles in bone metabolism.* The citrate forms of calcium and magnesium are highly absorbable and support not only strong bones and teeth but muscle and nerve function as well.* Vitamin D3 is included to complement calcium and magnesium and its role in the maintenance of mineral homeostasis and bone structure.*

Why Calcium is Important for Your Bones

Most people are aware that calcium is important for strong bones, but many don’t know why. Calcium is a mineral that works together with phosphorus to build strong bones and teeth. When you don’t have enough calcium, your body will take it from your bones, which can lead to weak bones or osteoporosis. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are good sources of calcium, but you can also get it from dark green leafy vegetables, tofu, almonds, and sardines. If you can’t get enough calcium from food alone, you may need to take a supplement.

The Importance of Magnesium

Magnesium is another mineral that’s critical for bones—in fact, it’s required for the proper absorption of calcium. Magnesium also helps regulate blood pressure, supports immunity, and aids in muscle contraction and relaxation. Good sources of magnesium include dark chocolate, bananas, avocados, almonds, and spinach.

Vitamin D3 for Healthy Bones

Vitamin D3 is a type of vitamin D that your body can more easily absorb. vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus (which help form strong bones), supports immunity, maintains healthy blood pressure levels, and aids in muscle contraction. You can get vitamin D from sunlight exposure (about 15 minutes a day), fatty fish such as tuna or salmon, beef liver or egg yolks. You can also take supplements if you need to.

In Summary:

To maintain strong bones throughout your lifetime, make sure to include NOW Calcium & Magnesium Citrate Powder with Vitamin D3 in your diet!* This optimal bone structure support formula not only contains calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D3—key nutrients that play essential roles in bone metabolism—but it also uses the absorbable citrate forms of calcium and magnesium so you can be sure your body is getting the most out of these minerals.* Supplementing with NOW Calcium & Magnesium Citrate Powder with Vitamin D3 can help support not only strong bones and teeth but also muscle function.*


The Importance of Collagen for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

Date: September 12, 2022 10:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Collagen for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

We all want to look our best, and that starts with having healthy hair, skin, and nails. One of the most important things you can do to maintain these treasures is to make sure you're getting enough collagen.

Collagen is a protein found in the connective tissues of our bodies, and it's responsible for giving our skin its elasticity and firmness. It also strengthens our nails and helps keep our hair shiny and lustrous. In other words, collagen is pretty much essential for anyone who wants to look their best. That's why we've put together this blog post on the importance of collagen for healthy hair, skin, and nails. Keep reading to learn more!

As we mentioned, collagen is a protein found in the connective tissues of our bodies. Specifically, it's found in the dermis, which is the layer of skin below the epidermis (the outermost layer). Collagen provides support to the other cells in the dermis and gives our skin its elasticity. It also helps to prevent sagging and wrinkling.

Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies produce less collagen. This decrease in collagen production leads to many of the telltale signs of aging, such as wrinkles and thinning hair. That's why it's so important to make sure you're getting enough collagen—either through your diet or via supplements. Here are some foods that are rich in collagen:

  • -Bone broth
  • -Fish
  • -Eggs
  • -Citrus fruits
  • -Berries
  • -Red peppers
  • -Garlic
  • -Green leafy vegetables

You can also get collagen through supplementation. For example, you might take a daily collagen supplement in pill form or use a collagen serum on your face or other areas of your skin. No matter how you get it, make sure you're getting enough collagen to keep your hair, skin, and nails looking their best!

As you can see from everything we've talked about above, collagen is essential for anyone who wants to maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails. Make sure you're getting enough by incorporating collagen-rich foods into your diet or using a supplement. Your hair, skin, and nails will thank you!

Now Foods Beef Bone Broth is 70% Collagen, give it at try today.


Vitamins C and D: The Immune System Supplements You Need

Date: August 02, 2022 05:39 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamins C and D: The Immune System Supplements You Need

It's that time of year again. The leaves are changing color, the days are getting shorter, and people are starting to get sick. If you're looking for a way to boost your immune system, you may want to consider taking vitamins C and D. These two essential nutrients have been shown to be beneficial for immune health, and can help keep you healthy during the cold and flu season. Lets discuss the benefits of Vitamins C and D for immunity, as well as how to get them into your diet.

What are Vitamins C and D, and what do they do for the immune system?

vitamins C and D are essential nutrients that play a vital role in supporting the immune system. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, while vitamin D helps to regulate the body's response to infection. Both vitamins are found in a variety of foods, including citrus fruits, leafy greens, eggs, and fatty fish. In addition, both vitamins can also be taken as supplements. While both vitamins are important for immune system health, vitamin C is particularly critical during times of heightened stress or illness, as it helps to boost the body's production of white blood cells. Vitamin D, on the other hand, is essential for maintaining a healthy balance of inflammation in the body. Without adequate levels of vitamin D, the body may become excessively reactive to foreign invaders, leading to chronic inflammation and a higher risk of infection. Together, vitamins C and D play an important role in keeping the immune system functioning properly.

Are there any side effects associated with taking too much of these vitamins?

Although you can get vitamins C and D through your diet, sometimes it's not enough to boost your immune system. The only way to ensure you're getting enough of these essential vitamins is to supplement your diet with pills or injections. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, and leafy green vegetables. However, your body can't store vitamin C, so you need to consume it on a daily basis. Vitamin D is found in fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified milk. However, most people don't get enough vitamin D from their diet and need to supplement it with pills or injections. Supplementing your diet with vitamins C and D is the only way to ensure you're getting enough of these essential nutrients to boost your immune system.

How can you make sure that you're getting the most out of your vitamins C and D supplements for immune health?

When it comes to vitamins C and D, there are a few things you can do to make sure you're getting the most out of them. First, vitamin C should be taken in divided doses throughout the day. This ensures that your body has a constant supply of the vitamin and can make use of it more efficiently. Second, vitamin D can be taken once per day. Finally, remember to take your vitamins with food. This ensures that your body gets the full benefits of the nutrients and doesn't waste any of them. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that you're getting the most out of your vitamins C and D.

What are some other ways to boost your immune system during the cold and flu season?

While there are many products on the market that claim to boost your immune system, there is no magic pill that can protect you from colds and flu. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to reduce your chances of getting sick. First, make sure you're getting enough sleep. Sleep helps your body to repair and regenerate cells, which is essential for maintaining a strong immune system. Second, eat a healthy diet. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will give your body the nutrients it needs to fight off infection. Finally, try to reduce stress. Stress can weaken your immune system, so it's important to find ways to relax and de-stress. Taking these simple steps will help you stay healthy during cold and flu season.

It's important to get enough vitamins C and D to boost your immune system. You can do this by supplementing your diet with pills, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that you're getting the most out of your vitamins C and D supplements and keep your immune system functioning properly during cold and flu season.


Having trouble seeing at night? try Healthy Night Vision by Terry Naturally

Date: July 20, 2022 04:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Having trouble seeing at night? try Healthy Night Vision by Terry Naturally

Do you have trouble seeing at night? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people around the world have difficulty seeing in low light conditions. Fortunately, there is a natural way to improve night vision. We will discuss Terry Naturally's Healthy Night Vision supplement and how it can help you see better in the dark!

What is Terry Naturally's Healthy Night Vision supplement and what does it do?

Terry Naturally Healthy Night Vision is a dietary supplement that supports vision and focus in low-light conditions. The ingredients in the supplement help to protect the eyes from blue light, support a healthy macula and blood vessels, and protect the lens from occasional strain. Terry Naturally Healthy Night Vision is a safe and effective way to support vision and focus in low-light conditions.

How does the supplement work to improve night vision?

Health night vision provides nutrients the body needs to support healthy eyes when your diet isn't providing the nutrients the eyes need. It is important to have nutrients in your diet that help with vision. Vitamin A, found in foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, and dark leafy greens, is essential for night vision. Zinc, found in oysters, beef, and pumpkin seeds, helps the eye convert light into an electrical signal that can be transmitted to the brain. French grape extract contains antioxidant pigments called anthocyanins, which have been shown to protect the retina from damage. Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids found in kale, spinach, and eggs that help to filter out harmful blue light and protect against age-related macular degeneration. By including these nutrients in your diet, you can help maintain healthy vision.

Who should take the supplement

Anybody struggling with their vision!

If you are having trouble seeing at night, consider taking Terry Naturally's Healthy Night Vision supplement. The ingredients in the supplement help to protect the eyes from blue light, support a healthy macula and blood vessels, and protect the lens from occasional strain. The supplement is safe and effective way to support vision and focus in low-light conditions.


Antioxidants to Protect Your Body from Non Ionizing Radiation

Date: July 20, 2022 03:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Antioxidants to Protect Your Body from Non Ionizing Radiation

Non ionizing radiation is all around us. It comes from many different sources, including our cell phones, laptops, and other electronics. While it is not as dangerous as ionizing radiation, it can still do a lot of damage to our bodies. This damage can lead to health problems down the road. That's why it's important to protect yourself with antioxidants. We will discuss the three best antioxidants to protect your body from non ionizing radiation: vitamin C, NAC, and greens!

What is non ionizing radiation and why should we be concerned about it?

Non-ionizing radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that does not have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules. Despite its relatively low energy, non-ionizing radiation can be harmful to human health. This is because it can cause damage to DNA and other cellular structures. Prolonged exposure to non-ionizing radiation has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, as well as other health effects such as eye damage, skin burns, and interference with the body's natural electrical systems. While the risks associated with non-ionizing radiation are typically lower than those associated with ionizing radiation, it is still important to take steps to reduce exposure when possible. For example, individuals can limit their exposure to non-ionizing radiation by avoiding unnecessary x-rays, using cell phone hands-free devices, and keeping laptops at a distance from the body. By taking these simple precautions, we can help reduce our risk of developing health problems from non-ionizing radiation exposure.

How to protect yourself from non ionizing radiation?

Extended exposure to certain types of non-ionizing radiation can be harmful. For example, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can damage the DNA in cells and lead to skin cancer. Additionally, high levels of microwave radiation can cause thermal injuries, such as burns. To protect yourself from harmful non-ionizing radiation, it is important to limit your exposure and take precautions to reduce your risk. For example, you can avoid prolonged sun exposure by wearing sunscreen and staying in the shade. You can also limit your exposure to microwave radiation by avoiding cell phone use and standing at least three feet away from microwave ovens while they are in use. By taking these simple steps, you can significantly reduce your risk of harm from non-ionizing radiation.

The best antioxidants for protecting your body from non ionizing radiation?

When it comes to protecting your body from non ionizing radiation, vitamins C and E are often thought of as the best antioxidants. However, studies have shown that glutathione (GSH) and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) may be more effective. GSH is a potent antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, and NAC has been shown to increase GSH levels in the body. Both of these nutrients are found in leafy greens, making them an excellent addition to your diet. Green tea is also a good source of antioxidants, and regular consumption has been linked with a reduced risk of cancer. Whether you're exposed to non ionizing radiation on a daily basis or just want to boost your antioxidant intake, adding more greens to your diet is a good place to start.

Other ways to reduce your exposure to non ionizing radiation?

There are a number of ways to reduce your exposure to non ionizing radiation. One is to simply turn off routers and other devices when they are not in use. Another is to move cell phones out of the room where you sleep, or at least keep them on airplane mode during the night. If possible, it is also advisable to avoid using microwave ovens and instead opt for stove-top cooking. Additionally, there are a number of newer devices on the market that emit low levels of radiation, so it is worth doing some research to see if these might be a better option for you. Ultimately, the best way to reduce your exposure to radiation is to be aware of the sources around you and take steps to minimize your exposure.

Non-ionizing radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has been linked to several health risks, including cancer. While the risks associated with non-ionizing radiation are typically lower than those associated with ionizing radiation, it is still important to take steps to reduce exposure when possible. By taking simple precautions, such as avoiding unnecessary x-rays and using cell phone hands-free devices, we can help reduce our risk of developing health problems from non-ionizing radiation exposure. Additionally, there are a number of ways to reduce our exposure to this type of radiation, including turning off routers and other devices when they are not in use, moving cell phones out of the room where we sleep, and avoiding microwave ovens. By being aware of the sources of non-ionizing radiation around us and taking steps to minimize our exposure, we can help protect ourselves from its harmful effects.


The evidence is undeniable: Green leafy vegetables take the prizewhen it comes to protecting eye health

Date: May 17, 2019 04:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The evidence is undeniable: Green leafy vegetables take the prizewhen it comes to protecting eye health

One consequence of glaucoma is vision loss or blindness. It is estimated that leafy green vegetables like kale, broccoli and other vegetables are full of minerals and vitamins that prevent diseases like diabetes and heart disease. The question the author wants to answer is whether these leafy vegetables can help in preventing glaucoma. The conclusion of the author is that there is a link between leafy green vegetables and prevention of glaucoma. In fact, it can help prevent the disease. This conclusion was based on a recent study that was conducted by researchers at the Harvard Medical school. Glaucoma is a eye disease that can affect one’s vision leading to vision loss progressively. The common glaucoma is primary open-angle glaucoma. It leads to vision loss without any symptoms or sign. It is estimated that three million Americans are affected with glaucoma and 120,000 people will lose their sight due to having glaucoma. But why is glaucoma produced? This is due to an imbalance in the drainage of the aqueous humor. The researchers analyzed people’s diet and came to the conclusion that leafy green vegetables should be used as a treatment option.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating more green, leafy vegetables can assist in decreasing the risk of developing glaucoma.
  • A key to why these vegetables are effective is that they help with blood flow near the optic nerve.
  • These vegetables also help with lowering other diseases like those that affect the heart and diabetes.

"The study was published in the Journal of American Medical Association Ophthalmology, and it was conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School."

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Shiny hair, stronger nails: Add these 8 biotin-rich foods to yourdiet

Date: May 09, 2019 05:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Shiny hair, stronger nails: Add these 8 biotin-rich foods to yourdiet

If you are losing hair faster than normal, you could be biotin deficient. Biotin is also known as Vitamin B7 and supports the health and growth of hair and nails. Nuts, sweet potatoes and dark leafy vegetables are all rich in Biotin. Onions also have biotin. The best source of biotin is actually animal liver. If you cannot eat liver, consider eggs instead. Three eggs a day will provide your daily requirement of Biotin without the taste of liver.

Key Takeaways:

  • People who suffer from a deficiency of biotin are in that small group of people who frequently lose their hair more than usual.
  • Certain food groups have been found to contain large quantities of biotin and people who are low in it can take these food to increase their levels.
  • As a person grows older, the minimum level of biotin he needs to have in his body rises and for a typical adult it is 30 micrograms.

"Also known as vitamin B7, biotin supports the healthy growth of hair, skin, and nails."

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Parsley: An Impressive Herb With Health Benefits

Date: May 03, 2019 04:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Parsley: An Impressive Herb With Health Benefits

Parsley isn't just an herb that can be used for garnish on you evening dinner plates. New research is emerging that shows just how many health benefits this thin, leafy herb actually has. Parsley is very rich in vitamins A, K, and C. This means that not only does it boost your immune system and protect you against foreign intruders, but it also helps your eye and bone health as well. Regular consumption of parsley can even reduce acne outbreaks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Data shows that a mere 2 tablespoons of parsley imparts more than 10% of a day's suggested allowance of vitamin A.
  • Singularly important as a clotting factor, vitamin K is so richly abundant in parsley that a few teaspoons covers more than the total amount needed in a day.
  • One study, using rodent subjects, showed that the study participants given parsley experienced superior pancreatic function.

"Aside from its many culinary uses, parsley is highly nutritious and has been shown to have many powerful health benefits (1, 2)."

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What is liver cirrhosis? (and is alcohol always the cause of it?)

Date: May 02, 2019 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is liver cirrhosis? (and is alcohol always the cause of it?)

Cirrhosis is the advanced scarring of liver tissue. When the liver is injured, it will try repair itself, but this can lead to scarring (a.k.a. fibrosis). Advanced levels of scarring is cirrhosis. Excess drinking is a common cause of liver cirrhosis, but it isn't the only cause. A condition known as Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), actually the most common cause of liver disease in the U.S., can also lead to the disease. People who are overweight are at risk for NAFLD, so maintaining healthy weight is one way to prevent cirrhosis. Avoiding excess alcohol consumption is another. Finally, eating plenty of green leafy vegetables can protect the liver from damage.

Key Takeaways:

  • One disease that is scary because of its implications is cirrhosis of the liver and it is usually associated with drinking too much alcohol.
  • Some of the factors that can lead to short-term and long-term liver damage include excessive drinking, risky sexual behavior, and injuries like vehicle crashes.
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is also a factor in liver cirrhosis and it is estimated that a hundred million Americans have NAFLD.

"Each time that the liver is injured — whether by disease, excessive alcohol consumption, or fat cells that become toxins — it will try to repair itself."

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Research links folate deficiency to a wide range of diseases

Date: April 30, 2019 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Research links folate deficiency to a wide range of diseases

Folate is commonly known as vitamin B9 and is found in many fruits and vegetables. Being deficient in folate has been linked to many health complications. Folate deficiency has been found to be associated with incurable DNA problems, such as a lost chromosome. It is also associated with dementia, cancer, and even anemia. However, an abundance of folate in the body can prevent cancer and dementia risk. Foods containing folate include brussels sprouts, tomato juice, peas, bananas, and poultry, so it is important to eat healthy to reduce risk of deficiency.

Key Takeaways:

  • Research has shown that folate, which is vitamin B9 and also known sometimes as folic acid, can be found in green leafy vegetables and many fruits.
  • Some of the diseases that are linked to folate deficiency are age-related dementia, cancer, anemia and mental illness. It is also linked to birth defects in women.
  • Researchers have taken a look at the relationship between folate and fragile X syndrome in order to understand how it is linked to other diseases.

"This is the first study that shows folate deficiency can cause problems with DNA replication and cell division."

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Men, here's a diet plan for a better memory: leafy greens, darkorange and red vegetables, berries, and a glass of OJ

Date: April 27, 2019 10:00 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Men, here's a diet plan for a better memory: leafy greens, darkorange and red vegetables, berries, and a glass of OJ

According to a recent Harvard University study, the optimal diet for men who want to maintain strong cognitive health consists of eating leafy green vegetables, berries, orange and red vegetables, and orange juice. Researcher Changzheng Yuan studied 28,000 men over the course of 20 years, tracking their dietary habits and periodically testing their cognitive skills. The group that consumed the most vegetables, about six servings per day, performed better on thinking skills tests than the group that ate half that. There was also a positive association found between eating fruits and overall brain health.

Key Takeaways:

  • One study, centering on cognition, set out to track nearly 3000 men for two decades.
  • All the study participants were human adult, male professionals in the health field.
  • Every participant was questioned about specific food usage upon their entry and at four year intervals thereafter.

"Yuan noted that participants who ate all these fruits and vegetables at the start of the study – 20 years ago – enjoyed better cognitive and memory skills."

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Study looks at anti-diabetes properties of a barberry plant nativeto Africa

Date: April 09, 2019 10:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study looks at anti-diabetes properties of a barberry plant nativeto Africa

Type 2 diabetes is a major health concern, but the drugs healthcare professionals currently turn to are expensive and have negative side effects. As an alternative, researchers in Kenya have found that the spiny evergreen shrub Berberis holstii has anti-diabetic properties. It is traditionally used as a medicine against a wide variety of ailments. The researchers found that, in rats, the plant could reduce blood glucose level. Berberis holstii isn't the only alternative substance that has anti-diabetic properties, other plants/foods include fatty fish, leafy greens, cinnamon, eggs, chia seeds, and turmeric.

Key Takeaways:

  • To treat type 2 diabetes that is a public health concern around the world, doctors often turn to conventional drugs with adverse effects and which are expensive.
  • The Belberis holstii plant which researches in Kenya discovered can be used for treating diabetes is indigenous to Africa and has been used to treat diseases like malaria.
  • The study found that the root extract of the plant reduced blood glucose in the bloodstream of the rats being studied by about 30 percent.

"This spice reduces hemoglobin A1c, a marker of long-term blood sugar levels. It is also known to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels."

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What are the best food sources of vitamin K?

Date: April 02, 2019 02:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the best food sources of vitamin K?

Vitamins, Minerals and Health, oh my! In recent years, the usage of more uncommon vitamins has been promptly on display. Have you ever wondered just exactly what Vitamin K does? Look no further. Zoey Sky has outlined what this particular vitamin does, why it is important for you and gives a few brief warnings on when not to take this. Along with these helpful tips, she has provided a few foods in which Vitamin K is most prevalent, their vitamin count and additional vitamins they may contain.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin K is a popular vitamin because it not only helps build and maintain healthy bones, it also aids in blood clotting.
  • Although green leafy vegetables are the highest food sources of vitamin K, other natural sources include blueberries, edamame, and soybeans.
  • It is advised that one should always consult a healthcare provider before increasing his or her intake of Vitamin K-rich foods.

"Following a healthy diet offers many benefits, such as improved overall physical and mental well-being."

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Study shows lutein can boost heart health

Date: March 27, 2019 02:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study shows lutein can boost heart health

Many people consume lutein, either as a supplement in in vegetables containing lutein, because it can provide protection from diseases of the eye. A recent study has shown that lutein can protect the heart as well. Researchers found some correlation between higher levels of lutein in the bloodstream and a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a medical term for a group of conditions including abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, and high triglycerides. Lutein, a carotenoid, is found in dark, leafy green vegetables.

Key Takeaways:

  • Carrot and kale contain the carotenoid lutein that is useful for good eye health. But it has been shown that this compound is also good for the heart.
  • Lutein, a carotenoid, can both help protect the eyes and improve eye health, while reducing the risk of developing both cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
  • To carry out their study, the scientists first concentrated on current research on lutein. They gathered 4,377 studies that were narrowed down to 71 most relevant studies.

"Dr. Elizabeth Leermakers decided to look into “lutein’s positive effects against inflammation and oxidative stresses in the eyes,” and together with a team of researchers, she searched for links between the presence of lutein (or a lack of the carotenoid) and diseases caused by stressors like heart attack, metabolic syndrome, and stroke."

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The role of magnesium in maintaining health

Date: February 06, 2019 02:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The role of magnesium in maintaining health

Magnesium is a very important mineral to our bodies and helps with our overall health, more specifically in the muscles and bones. It also helps many enzymes run smoothly within the body and is very important in turning food into energy. However, many people are unaware of the importance of magnesium and suffer from this deficiency. With the deficiency, producing energy cells becomes harder making the relaxation and contraction of muscles more difficult. Consuming foods like nuts, dark chocolate, legumes, grains, leafy vegetables, and even skim milk.

Key Takeaways:

  • Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral found in the human body. Because of its crucial role in preventing diseases, it is often referred to as the “Master Mineral”.
  • Magnesium is important for the smooth functioning of numerous enzymes in the body that are important for regulation of the system.
  • Magnesium is a vital link in keeping illnesses at a distance from the body. Some of the illnesses it prevents are asthma, diabetes, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

"Magnesium, as one is aware, is a highly important mineral, as it contributes to fortifying human health, especially bones and muscles."

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Nutritional benefits that prove moringa really is a "miracle tree"

Date: January 09, 2019 09:15 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Nutritional benefits that prove moringa really is a "miracle tree"

Known as the miracle tree, the moringa plant has many health benefits derived from its pods, leaves, and seeds. Moringa is grown in northern India and is commonly used by natives in cooking. The seeds of the moringa are rich in both antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, making it very beneficial for those with ulcerative colitis and other GI conditions. Moringa seeds have also been shown to decrease blood sugar levels, making it the perfect superfood for diabetics or those at-risk. Furthermore, moringa seeds can help decrease one’s risk of developing breast, colon, and liver cancers by suppressing the spread of cancer cells.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many bitter foods like Moringa, dark leafy vegetables, bitter gourds, and dark chocolate, have proven themselves to be superfoods. But of them all, Moringa is the least popular.
  • Moringa in fact is termed a “miracle tree” due to the fact that all of its parts including the leaves, pods, and seeds, have health benefits.
  • Originally from India and now spread to Asia and Africa, the plant can be used for biodiesel production, manufacturing of beauty products, and water filtration.

"Moringa is a good source of healthy monounsaturated fats that lower bad cholesterol and consequently reduce the risk of heart disease. Previous studies have also shown that moringa seeds protect heart cells from damage induced by oxidative stress and excessive inflammation."

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Eating more omega-3-rich food may lower inflammation and arthritispain

Date: January 05, 2019 11:15 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eating more omega-3-rich food may lower inflammation and arthritispain

Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are showing promise in the reduction of inflammation and arthritic pain. A study was done where 167 adults who suffered from knee pain were given blood tests in order to evaluate where their levels of omega-3 fatty acids were. Those who had less omega-3 compared to omega-6 were the participants that had the most bothersome symptoms. Omega-6 differs from omega-3 in the fact that these polyunsaturated fatty acids are detrimental to health due to inflammatory responses that they induce.

Key Takeaways:

  • 167 individuals with knee arthritis were assessed for this study and their omega-6 fatty acid ratios were compared to their omega-3 fatty acids.
  • According to the results, individuals with more ratios of omega-6 fatty acids in their blood than omega-3 fatty acids were prone to knee arthritis pain and worse knee function.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids contains compounds that are anti-inflammatory so foods rich in this fatty acid like eggs, salmon, and green leafy vegetables, should be taken regularly.

"Making simple dietary changes can greatly improve your health. Eating more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fewer foods high in omega-6 fatty acids can reduce inflammation and arthritis pain, according to a study published in the Clinical Journal of Pain."

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CBD can reduce inflammation and works in a different way than Omega-3 fish oil.


What you should be eating to avoid liver disease

Date: November 07, 2018 10:51 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: What you should be eating to avoid liver disease

Adding the right foods to the menu may be one of the easiest ways to protect your good health from the devastating effects of liver diseases. Pineapple, garlic, dark leafy greens, broccoli, and blueberries are a few of the good-for-you foods that should be a part of your diet if you want to be at your bestand lower the risks of liver disease becoming a concern that you must deal with on a daily basis.

Key Takeaways:

  • Blueberries have mega-anti-inflammatory properties, in part due to a high flavanoid content.
  • Blueberries are also high in anthocyanins, which are another very potent anti-inflammatory.
  • Dark green veggies, like chard, are packed with nutrients and are highly supportive of liver health.

"The liver, which is the largest organ in the body, plays various important roles in the metabolic processes of the body, including filtering toxins from the blood and converting food to energy."

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Nip it in the bud: Natural remedies that prevent colon cancer

Date: October 10, 2018 03:26 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Nip it in the bud: Natural remedies that prevent colon cancer

Nip it in the bud: Natural remedies that prevent colon cancer

Having natural remedies is something that we have all heard about. The older people in our life all praise the remedies that come from the old timers. It is something that is ingrained in them as it has worked for many years. A lot of remedies are something that resides in the mental capacity of someones brain. People need to believe that something is working. If they believe this, then they will feel much better no matter the circumstance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Colon cancer death in the U.S is increasing but many persons do not know that it can be prevented through healthy diet changes.
  • Some ways to prevent colon cancer is to eat more fiber and fresh vegetables, detox and to also eat fiber-rich foods at the right time.
  • Eating of green leafy vegetables like cabbage can do a lot of good to the gut. It keeps the gut healthy and reduces risk of colon cancer.

"One of the ways to prevent the development of colon cancer is to cleanse your colon at least once a year. This can be done by undergoing liquid fast for three days. Within these three days, you can only drink fresh juices or other liquids to stimulate the decomposition of damaged tissues and deposits in the colon."

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Health Benefits of Vitamin B9

Date: September 01, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Health Benefits of Vitamin B9

Health Benefits of Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9, which naturally occurs in food as folate and is artificially added to food in the form of folic acid, is a crucial and versatile nutrient. Natural dietary sources include green, leafy vegetables, liver and mushrooms, but many other foods can be fortified with Vitamin B9 in the form of folic acid. Vitamin B9 plays an important role in cardiac health, mood, production of red blood cells and other bodily processes. It is also very important during pregnancy, when a deficiency can harm both mother and baby.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pregnant women have an increased need for folate in order to prevent abnormalities in both the mother and the baby.
  • Folate deficiency is linked to low levels of serotonin, which in turn can cause depression.
  • Folate reduces homocysteine, which is associated with the development of diabetes.

"Vitamin B9 is a member of the B-vitamin family and is essential for amino acid metabolism, cellular homeostasis, DNA methylation and neurotransmitter synthesis."

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Vitamin K: The anti-aging supplement you probably havenâ??t heard about

Date: June 20, 2018 04:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin K: The anti-aging supplement you probably havenâ??t heard about

Vitamin K: The anti-aging supplement you probably haven’t heard about

The yen to look younger than our actual years can be seen in the veritable arsenal of age-fighting cosmetics on the retail market. But, the search doesn't end there. The quest extends to supplements and other organic elements. One factor that can be a potent ally in the fight to stay younger looking may be easily overlooked. That element is vitamin K.

It's probable that vitamin K gets overlooked because most people think of vitamin K as the blood-clotting factor, which it is, one type. The fact is there is a second type of the vitamin that works to prevent excessive buildup of calcium in the epidermis. This prevents wrinkles and boosts skin elasticity. Japanese women were the subject of a study wherein this was conclusively shown.

The Japanese population studied consumed a lot of traditional fermented soy beans. Fermented foods are the primary source of the calcium-constraining vitamin, just as leafy greens are the usual food sources of the blood-clotting variant of the vitamin.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin K2 is a water-soluble vitamin found in fermented foods that promotes healthy absorption and distribution of calcium, including preventing too much from building up under the skin.
  • Vitamin K helps promote production of metric GLA protein, which directs calcium into the bones and away from arteries and helps prevent varicose veins.
  • You can find Vitamin K in chicken, egg yolk, butter, cheese and natto, a common Japanese dish of fermented soybeans.

"But epidemiological evidence suggests that diet has more influence on how we look than we realize"

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Cognitive decline may be slowed by leafy greens

Date: December 29, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cognitive decline may be slowed by leafy greens

New research out of Chicago's Rush University Medical Center have shown positive links between a daily serving of green, leafy vegetables and a cognitive function. This functional slip may even be slowed by eleven years due to green, leafy vegetables. The study lasted almost five years, and helped demonstrate this hypothesis. Most importantly, none of the participants showed signs of dementia before the study, so their cognitive function was still high before the study even if the average age was 81.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating just 1 serving of leafy green vegetables a day can help preserve memory and thinking skills.
  • The study was conducted over 4.7 years with participants aged 81 years old with no dementia
  • Although all participants had a decline in brain functioning, those who ate the most leafy vegetables saw the least decline-0.05 standardized units slower than participants who ate less greens

"According to a new study conducted by Chicago's Rush University Medical Center, just one serving of leafy green vegetables per day could help preserve memory and thinking skills as we get older."

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Dandelion Root Benefits vs. Dandelion Greens Benefits

Date: November 26, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Dandelion Root Benefits vs. Dandelion Greens Benefits

Dandelions have a bad reputation as weeds and pest plants. In fact, dandelions have been considered healing greens in many ancient cultures. Both root and leaves are edible and contain healing properties. They contain high levels of vitamin A and other nutrients and are used as diuretics and pain relievers. You can cook greens like any leafy vegetable and the root can be baked or roasted and used as a coffee drink. Dandelion is also common as a tea.

Key Takeaways:

  • Though typically thought of as nothing more than a weed, dandelions can be eaten and used for medicine.
  • Dandelion roots have various benefits, including possible cancer-fighting properties.
  • Dandelion greens can protect the liver and aid in weight loss.

"Both the root and the greens of the dandelion are high in nutrients and commonly used as both natural remedies and versatile ingredients."

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I Did Not Think That Folic Acid, Something They Only Prescribe To Pregnant Women, Was So Beneficial

Date: October 17, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: I Did Not Think That Folic Acid, Something They Only Prescribe To Pregnant Women, Was So Beneficial

It has been a common practice that folic acid is highly recommended by the doctors to pregnant women. However, the application of folic acid should not be limited to the pregnant women, and everyone could benefit from taking folic acid. One could obtain folic acid from legumes, grain, fruits, whole grain, vegetables with dark or green leaves, meat of poultry and pork, liver, etc. The Vitamin B9 could help generate red blood cell, DNA, tissue growth, new cells, body break down, reduce suffering from heart disease, etc.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin B9 helps keep cells healthy and aids in the process that cells regenerate and maintain themselves in the body.
  • Legumes, grains, citrus fruits, meats, seafood, dark and leafy veggies are good sources to get Vitamin B9 from.
  • Vitamin B9 is essential to keep your red blood cells healthy and aids in your DNA production.

"Vitamin B9 plays a role in the synthesis of blood cells such as platelets, leukocytes, and erythrocytes."


5 tasty foods that help fight inflammation

Date: September 17, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 tasty foods that help fight inflammation

Knowledge about our body is crucial, in living a healthy and well balance lifestyle. Inflammation is an important term in which many people are not knowledgeable of. Inflammation acts as the body's first responder. It is the response of the immune system to stress. In this article the author mentions foods that can fight of anti-inflammation in the body so you don't experience stress. One of the foods that were mention was foods that are fermented and probiotic, as well as dark leafy greens to name a couple.

Read more: 5 tasty foods that help fight inflammation


12 signs you're not getting enough calcium

Date: September 14, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 12 signs you're not getting enough calcium

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and is essential for many of our important body functions. The problem is, most of us are not getting enough of it in our diets. Calcium deficiency can lead to many problems including heart disease and obesity. Here are some signs that you are deficient in calcium. These signs range from broken bones to altered mental states. If you suspect that you were not getting enough calcium you may want to check out this list to see if you have any of the signs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Calcium deficiency is linked to more than just brittle bones and tooth decay. It affects the health of your heart, nervous system and weight, too.
  • Not sleeping well? Depressed? Can't lose weight? Try increasing your calcium intake because lower calcium could be the culprit.
  • You can dramatically increase your calcium intake by avoiding alcohol and by eating leafy greens, nuts, legumes, and tofu.

"Calcium is needed for the mineralisation of bones to keep them strong, so low calcium levels increase the likelihood of broken bones, and osteoporosis in later life."

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Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods (Dairy Free) | Natural Cures

Date: August 25, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods (Dairy Free) | Natural Cures

Calcium is a vital ingredient that we must consume to maintain proper bone and teeth health, among other things. Calcium isn’t just important for growing kids, either. In fact, it might even be more important for adults, as bone tissue begins to deteriorate as we grow into old age. Calcium helps to fight off diseases like osteoporosis, which make bones brittle and fragile. Luckily, calcium is found in a number of places besides just dairy milk, so people who are dairy-free do not need to worry. Some alternative options to milk include almonds, kale, oranges, white beans, and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • Calcium is vital to maintaining healthy teeth, bones, muscles, blood coagulation and the nervous system which is why it is important to track our consuption, especially after the age of 40
  • Though dairy products are the first thing we think of when trying to consume calcium & prevent osteoporosis, keep in mind that there are MANY other food options that are rich in calcium besides dairy
  • A variety of fruits, leafy vegetables, legumes (beans), seeds and even sardines can provide the necessary amounts of calcium, while making sure that you balance your diet with magnesium

"There are several plants that can provide the necessary amount of calcium that our bodies need."



Date: August 24, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Several different medicines may carry a negative impact according to this piece from India's Mumbai Mirror. These medicines are intended to help those with such ailments as diabetes, acidity problems and arthritis, among others. A series of relevant fixes are also offered for the problems that could potentially be caused by these medicines. These fixes mainly involve suggestions to eat particular kinds of healthy food alternatives, including dairy, leafy vegetables, fish, sweet potatoes, eggs and many more. A doctor is also quoted to ensure that not all readers should be concerned about potential problems with these medicines.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many medications used to treat serious conditions can cause depletion of nutrients over time
  • Certain diabetic medications can cause Vitamin B12 deficiencies which can be remedied by consuming foods such as eggs, dairy, and poultry
  • It's important to talk to your doctor about a supplementation plan in order to get the right amount in your body over time

"However, many of these drugs can interfere with the availability of nutrients in your body, warns Mahesh Jayaraman, medical researcher, therapist, health advisor and co-founder of health platform Sepalika, “either because they impair the body’s ability to effectively absorb nutrients from food, or cause it to unintentionally excrete certain nutrients.”"

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Omega-3 fatty acids essential for well-being

Date: August 18, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3 fatty acids essential for well-being

Are you getting enough fat in your diet? Most people would probably think ew, no. Fat makes you fat. right? WRONG! Certain fats are essential to your diet and well being, namely omega 3 and 6. These fats are so important. There have been over 300000 studies done to show just how important these fats are. They have shown to help prevent blod clots, improve the immune system, promote cell growth, and aid in brain growth and development. The best way to get these nutrients is thru grass fed meat, leafy greens and flax seeds. Eat your fats!

Key Takeaways:

  • Medical science is once again discussing Omega-3 fatty acids. They might just be essential for well being among people.
  • The Omega-3 fatty acids affect receptors found in cell membranes. It will improve the performance of those membranes among participants.
  • Fats may be classified as healthy or unhealthy for everyday people. Omega fatty acids are a healthy choice that anyone can make.

"Research suggests omega-3s decrease the risk of developing diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity."

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Lutein, the leafy-green nutrient, may help keep your mind young

Date: August 11, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lutein, the leafy-green nutrient, may help keep your mind young

There is always greatness found inside leafy greens. Adding them to your diet could very well provide the nutrients that you need to stay healthy. Lutein is the nutrient that you gain from eating those leafy greens. It has a great taste and provides an enormous number of benefits to the health. One of those benefits is keeping your mind young. Here's what you should know about this leafy green that you should be eating regularly.

Key Takeaways:

  • To get the benefits of the brain-boosting carotenoid, load up on lutein-rich foods when you start to hit middle age.
  • Countless studies have shown that the plant compounds and fiber can provide myriad health benefits—from a reduced risk of heart disease to a lower chance of obesity.
  • Aim for getting at least three cups of the dark, leafy greens like kale, chard, collards, and mustard greens every week—and make make eggs, peas, broccoli, zucchini, and avocados in your diet

"key ingredient in foods like kale and spinach can keep your brain performing like a younger person’s"

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What you have to do to live longer

Date: August 08, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What you have to do to live longer

Today's medicine provides a multitude of different theories and options when it comes to one's health. A more simplistic approach is to bring things back to basics - that means eating healthy. Green leafy vegetables provide enzymes that counter inflammation. Consuming fish can fight against heart attacks. Ginger and cinnamon have been linked to fighting cancer and boosting metabolism respectively as well. Other simple things to do include exercising daily and getting the correct sleep.

Read more: What you have to do to live longer


Lutein, found in leafy greens, may counter cognitive aging

Date: July 31, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lutein, found in leafy greens, may counter cognitive aging

A website that reports on science news has an article summarizing a scientific study about lutein. This is a substance found in leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale. A university study was conducted on subjects in the age 25 to 45 range. The study found that those subjects who had higher levels of lutein were neurologically closer to younger people. The article cited its source and included a link to the study. A photo of an avocado smoothie is included.

Key Takeaways:

  • Spinach and kale can keep you both physically and mentally fit.
  • Lute in, found in green leafy vegetables , is important to get from food sources because it's not naturally found in the body.
  • This study proved lute in helped attention function in older adults but more studies are necessary to assess memory and learning.

"The study, which included 60 adults aged 25 to 45, found that middle-aged participants with higher levels of lutein -- a nutrient found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, as well as avocados and eggs -- had neural responses that were more on par with younger individuals than with their peers."

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These foods may help keep the brain young

Date: June 22, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: These foods may help keep the brain young

Blueberries, leafy greens, and healthy fats from fish and nuts are some of the foods that may be beneficial to brain health, experts say. Exercise that speeds up your heart rate and breathing keeps your heart and blood better cardiovascular fitness to a sharper brain is providing new clues about this heart-mind connection. Any mentally stimulating activity should help to build up your brain. Good nutrition can help your mind as well as your body.You probably know that regular exercise offers a wealth of benefits for your body, like staving off excess weight and chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes.

Read more: These foods may help keep the brain young


Radicchio: The Vitamin K Vegetable that Supports the Heart & Bones (And Kills a Common Parasite!)

Date: May 15, 2017 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Radicchio: The Vitamin K Vegetable that Supports the Heart & Bones (And Kills a Common Parasite!)

Many people have not heard of radicchio, and if they have, they don't really know what it is, let alone use it for their own consumption. Radicchio is a leafy vegetable that can be used in many salads or other recipes. It has a somewhat spicy radish flavor. It has many health benefits including fighting cancer cells, creating stronger bones and being good for the heart. It is also loaded with antioxidants and actually gets rid of some parasites. So load up and fun tasty ways to use this helpful vegetable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Radicchio is a low-calorie, high-nutrient red leafy vegetable related to chicory with numerous health benefits.
  • Radicchio fights cancer cell growth, contributes to bone health, has anti-parasitic properties, and is heart-healthy.
  • Radicchio has a bitter taste and goes well with sweet or salty flavors, served raw in cold dishes, or cooked in warm dishes.

"Radicchio also contains a large amount of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are specifically known as the antioxidants responsible for keeping your eyes healthy."

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Stop throwing away this weed; it could help lower your cholesterol

Date: May 08, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Stop throwing away this weed; it could help lower your cholesterol

Round up the Purslane! Turns out this formally thought of pesky weed is rich in several antioxidants and carotene along with minerals that are great for skin health and the fleshy leaf contain the highest amounts of omega fatty acids of any leafy green plant. But it doesn't stop there. It also helps with the glycemic index in diabetics, which is critical for blood sugar controls and weight lose in people with diabetes type 2.

Key Takeaways:

  • It seems that Purslane could be used as a form of supplement in many ways with i containing the highest levels of omega-3.
  • Another takeaway would be how common this plant is and little to none know what it looks like nor what has with in.
  • Last takeaway is that pursplane how proven in a few studies to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

"With its astonishing medicinal profile, it might prove useful to grow your own purslane."

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Ease the load on your liver with these 7 foods

Date: April 23, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ease the load on your liver with these 7 foods

Fatty liver disease can be caused by too much alcohol intake or an unhealthy lifestyle and diet. There are some foods that can help heal a fatty liver. Allison, found in garlic can detox your liver. Turmeric can decrease inflammation and is detoxifying. Dark leafy greens contain sulfur which contributes to a healthy liver. Green tea can decrease fat accumulation in the body and liver. Broccoli neutralizes liver toxins. Pineapples can reduce inflammation and reduce digestive stress on the liver. Blueberries are full of protective antioxidants and can fight lover cancer cells. Nutrient supplements and water are also a must for liver health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Having an unhealthy diet can be very damaging to a persons liver.
  • Garlic is known for its antioxidants and even anti-fungal properties.
  • Some foods to help with a persons liver include; blueberries, broccoli, pineapple, and even green tea.

"Liver problems like nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), liver fibrosis, and alcoholic liver disease are often caused by poor lifestyle choices. That’s why making positive changes to your diet is a huge step towards improved liver health. According to, these are some of the best foods and herbs for maintaining a healthy and happy liver."

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10 Foods your liver loves you to consume

Date: April 13, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 Foods your liver loves you to consume

The liver has an important role in keeping us healthy and filtering our systems. An unhealthy liver can lead to many diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer and cardiovascular disease. There are many foods that help the liver function well and guard against disease. These include dark leafy vegetables, broccoli, garlic, walnuts, blueberries, turmeric, pineapple, green tea and avocados. Fresh vegetables and fruits of any kind are beneficial as is limiting alcohol intake and being careful to stay away from toxins.

Key Takeaways:

  • -Dark, leafy vegetables – Dark leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and collard greens are packed with antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamin C, and carotenoids that are essential in maintaining a healt
  • -Broccoli – Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts help inhibit fat uptake and increase lipid output
  • -Garlic contains antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties that are essential for liver health

"Adopting healthy lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, lower alcohol intake and less exposure to toxins may help promote liver health. Avoiding foods that are high in fat, sugar and preservatives do your liver a huge favor."

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10 easy ways to detox heavy metals from your body

Date: March 29, 2017 11:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 easy ways to detox heavy metals from your body

There are ways to rid your body of toxins and heavy metals that are natural and easy to incorporate into your daily life. Juices and cleanses work but sometimes there are unpleasant side effects. Diet, exercise, sleep, saunas and deep breathing are some things you can do on your own to remove toxins and heavy metals from your system. Acupuncture and chelation also work. There are natural foods that will give the same benefits as intravenous chelation, such as dark green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and fermented foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • Detoxing is very healthy for your body. However, some methods have unwanted side effects.
  • There are ways to properly detoxify without the use of juices and cleanses.
  • Proper diet with superfoods and exercise is key to detoxing your body. Dry brushing, massages, and acupuncture are also good ways.

"Full detox, cleanses, and juicing all help rid the body of heavy metals and other toxins."

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Date: March 16, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Just two unsaturated fats are basic to people, omega-3, and omega-6. The previous two are long-chain unsaturated fats, and the last is a short-chain unsaturated fat. So as to receive the rewards of omega-6 unsaturated fats, we require enough omega-3 to counterbalance the fiery way of the previous. While the correct proportion fluctuates among studies and research, anthropological confirmation uncovers that the advancement of the human eating regimen has constantly rotated around a balanced proportion, yet the flow Western eating regimen is a massively unbalanced 16:1, favoring omega-6 unsaturated fats. What's more, in spite of the fact that vegetables are not incredible wellsprings of either unsaturated fats, most dim verdant greens and different vegetables like cauliflower, specifically, do help with the proportion, as they by and large contain no omega-6s.

Key Takeaways:

  • Both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential to stay healthy and must be consumed in our diet.
  • An ideal diet would contain an equal amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
  • Seafood, nuts, legumes, and green leafy vegetables all contain fatty acids in healthy ratios.

"Only two fatty acids are essential to humans, omega-3 and omega-6. They come with unparalleled health benefits, and they are essential in that we require them in order to stay healthy."

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7 of the Best Foods to Fight Inflammation

Date: February 28, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 of the Best Foods to Fight Inflammation

Research has shown that inflammation is to blame for a majority of health issues. Inflammation, in turn, is closely related to the foods that we consume in our diets. Highly acidic foods and those with lots of sugar can throw off our body’s balance, which uses inflammation as a way to fight for normality. If you want to end the cycle of inflammation and health problems, try eating more fresh vegetables and avoiding overly processed foods. Make your diet high in leafy greens, turmeric, fish oils, nuts, and coconut oil, and you will see fewer health problems.

Key Takeaways:

  • Our bodies need a very specific pH balance to function and maintain homeostasis.
  • Consuming highly acidic foods on a regular basis can cause chronic symptom of inflammation.
  • The ideal diets should be 80 percent alkaline foods and 20 percent acidic foods. Add these 7 most anti-inflammatory foods in your diets.

"Our bodies need a very specific pH balance to function and maintain homeostasis."



Can an Apple a Day Keep COPD Away?

Date: February 27, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can an Apple a Day Keep COPD Away?

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is good for everyone and may even help current and former smokers avoid chronic lung disease, a new investigation reveals. Apples, pears, green leafy vegetables and peppers appear to offer protection against COPD, said researchers led by Joanna Kaluza, of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Poland.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is good for everyone -- and may even help current and former smokers avoid chronic lung disease
  • regardless of smoking history those who ate five or more servings of certain fruits and vegetables a day were 35 percent less likely to develop COPD
  • not all fruits and veggies were deemed protective

"Smoking is the main risk factor for COPD."




Spinach Smoothie

Date: February 19, 2017 10:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Spinach Smoothie

Are you maybe not getting enough vegetables and leafy greens in your diet? Do you just want to eat a healthier, more balanced and nutritious diet overall? Then the Spinach Smoothie video from ABC Health is great place for you to start your journey to that healthier lifestyle you have always been dreaming of.

Key Takeaways:

  • You can use any seasonal fruits.
  • start with flax seed, honey, spinach, milk, and ice.
  • it is refreshing and will give you energy!

"This smoothie is refreshing and it gives you a great energy that will last the whole day."


Important Vitamins For Brain Health

Date: February 11, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Important Vitamins For Brain Health

Every part of the body has nutrients that it needs to survive. The brain is one organ that we need to function properly to avoid irreversible damage. If you find yourself feeling a little sluggish, you may need to supplement certain vitamins and minerals to get you back to where you belong. Vitamins E, B, and C are essential to the brain because they maintain healthy function of neurons, promote the production of hormones, and help boost the immune system to fight off cognitive disorders. Vitamins B6, B12, and D also provide needed aid to the brain.

Key Takeaways:

  • The brain acquires nutrients like all other organs of the body. A balance diet contains fibers, vitamins, minerals and proteins etc. the balance diet is necessary to maintain the normal functions of the brain. Vitamins play a basic role in the improvement of your memory and in the functioning of the brain.
  • Vitamin E contains high quantity of antioxidants like gamma tocopherol and tocopherol. These antioxidants are effective against many disorders of the brain. Whole grain flour, cruciferous and leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin E.
  • Vitamin C is essential component for the production of the neurons. It helps you to improve the memory. It also protects against the degeneration of the brain that is related to the age. Thus it is effective against dementia.

"Vitamins play a basic role in the improvement of your memory and in the functioning of the brain."



Bone health: Here's why you should be eating anti-inflammatory foods

Date: February 03, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bone health: Here's why you should be eating anti-inflammatory foods

If you have chronic inflammation from leading an unhealthy lifestyle adopting an anti-inflammatory diet can help. New research is suggesting that regularly eating vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains, could boost bone health and prevent fractures in women. Foods that fight this inflammation include green leafy vegetables - such as spinach, kale, and collards - nuts, fatty fish, olive oil, fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet is can help counter some of the chronic inflammation that results from leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • New research suggests that regularly eating vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains, could boost bone health and prevent fractures in women.
  • The results showed women with healthier diets did not lose bone as quickly as those with high-inflammation diets, and this is important because after menopause women see a drastic loss in bone density that contributes to fractures.

"It's a natural part of healing, but chronic inflammation could have a negative impact on your body and your health."



Dietary magnesium tied to lower risk of heart disease and diabetes

Date: January 12, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Dietary magnesium tied to lower risk of heart disease and diabetes

Recently there has been a tie shown between dietary magnesium and a lowered risk of heart disease and diabetes in general. The increase in magnesium intake was shown to be associated with a nineteen percent reduction with the risk of diabetes in general. An increase with the intake in magnesium also showed a ten percent reduction in the odds of death from various causes during the study itself.

Key Takeaways:

  • A diet rich in magnesium – found in foods like leafy greens, fish, nuts and whole grains – may help lower the risk of chronic health problems like heart disease and diabetes, a research review suggests.
  • Compared with people who had the lowest levels of magnesium in their diets, people who got the most magnesium were 10 percent less likely to develop heart disease, 12 percent less likely to have a stroke and 26 percent less likely to develop diabetes.
  • The study findings suggest that increased consumption of magnesium-rich foods may have health benefits, the authors conclude.

"When researchers looked at the effect of increasing dietary magnesium by 100 milligrams a day, they didn’t find a statically meaningful impact on the total risk of cardiovascular disease or coronary heart disease."




Want to be smarter and have a better memory? Eat foods rich in this

Date: December 30, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Want to be smarter and have a better memory? Eat foods rich in this

According to a study by the University of Illinois, eating foods rich in lutein like many leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, for example, will help promote a healthy aging brain. The study did not specify the amount of lutein that is needed for ultimate brain protection and only concluded that more levels of the vitamin meant a better chance at brain health preservation. If your brain health is poor, Collingridge says it could lead to other serious neurological conditions like developmental disorders right through to dementia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Research also shows that lutein accumulates in the grey matter of brain regions known to underlie the preservation of cognitive function in healthy brain again.
  • The University of Illinois study looked at 122 healthy people between the ages of 65 and 75. They were asked to solve problems and answer questions on a standard test of crystallized intelligence.
  • The study did not specify the amount of lutein that is needed for ultimate brain protection and only concluded that more levels of the vitamin meant a better chance at brain health preservation.

"Smoking can cause illnesses that contribute to memory loss, including stroke and hypertension. Smoking also constricts the blood vessels to the brain, depriving it of oxygen and possibly harming neurons."



Relieve the Holiday Stress with Magnesium

Date: December 25, 2016 05:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Relieve the Holiday Stress with Magnesium

The holiday season is meant for having quality time with friends and family, going on an adventure, taking time off work and so on. However, it can also be very stressful given the many guests to entertain, tight budget to stick to, preparing family meals, the shopping craze and so much more. It is important to gain control in this period of the year since too much stress can lead to depression alongside other physical and psychological issues. Fortunately, we have magnesium, the original chill pill, to get you back into the holiday cheer.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a huge role in cell functioning and relaxation. It has been used in hospitals to treat a myriad of complications including anxiety, irritability, muscle cramps and headaches. Magnesium accounts for over 250 enzyme reactions in our bodies and regulates the secretion of stress hormones. It is basically the fuel that your body runs on and hence its deficiency will lead to undesirable symptoms like brain fog, anxiety, aggression and fatigue among others. Modern farming and lifestyle changes have led to rather low levels of magnesium in our bodies as compared to decades ago. Magnesium will particularly be used up in greater quantities by your body during periods of extreme stress like this holiday season. This will usually translate in poor stress management, thus the more reason you should take some magnesium.

Some of the magnesium-rich foods include parsley, avocado, bananas, kelp, leafy greens like spinach, soy beans, brown rice, cashews and almond. In addition to providing this crucial mineral these foods also pack other nutritional benefits. Alternatively, you can also take a magnesium supplement like magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide to help rid some of that holiday stress. Lastly, taking baths in Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is also a great stress reliever plus it works wonders in treating colds, detoxifying the body, relieving back pain and sore muscles.

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For stress, superfoods are better than comfort foods

Date: December 22, 2016 06:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: For stress, superfoods are better than comfort foods

There is probably no person in this world that hasn’t been under stress at some time in their life. Different people have different responses to stress. Things such as exercising are actually good for the body, whereas eating comfort foods can be very harmful. If you must munch on something when under stress, try instead to eat superfoods such as broccoli, leafy greens, nuts, oily fish, and fermented foods. Anything with high amounts of vitamin C will do, since it has been found that the supplement prevents spikes in cortisol. Sugary or caffeine-filled foods can have the opposite effect.

Key Takeaways:

  • The top superfoods that are recommended to munch on when feeling anxious are kale, broccoli, leafy greens, celery, nuts, oily fish like salmon, fermented foods like kimchi, herbs and spices, and organic berries high in vitamin C.
  • In animal studies, vitamin C fed to rats who were undergoing stress both prevented an increase in cortisol levels and ... known signs of physical and/or emotional stress like losing body weight.
  • Animals that didn't receive the vitamin C had three times the level of cortisol in their bodies,

"Many of these 'superfoods' also work to boost glutathione in the body: an amino acid in charge of detoxification. So superfoods nourish and detoxify, and in this way, they combat stress."




For stress, superfoods are better than comfort foods

Date: December 22, 2016 06:39 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: For stress, superfoods are better than comfort foods

There is probably no person in this world that hasn’t been under stress at some time in their life. Different people have different responses to stress. Things such as exercising are actually good for the body, whereas eating comfort foods can be very harmful. If you must munch on something when under stress, try instead to eat superfoods such as broccoli, leafy greens, nuts, oily fish, and fermented foods. Anything with high amounts of vitamin C will do, since it has been found that the supplement prevents spikes in cortisol. Sugary or caffeine-filled foods can have the opposite effect.

Key Takeaways:

  • The top superfoods that are recommended to munch on when feeling anxious are kale, broccoli, leafy greens, celery, nuts, oily fish like salmon, fermented foods like kimchi, herbs and spices, and organic berries high in vitamin C.
  • In animal studies, vitamin C fed to rats who were undergoing stress both prevented an increase in cortisol levels and ... known signs of physical and/or emotional stress like losing body weight.
  • Animals that didn't receive the vitamin C had three times the level of cortisol in their bodies,

"Many of these 'superfoods' also work to boost glutathione in the body: an amino acid in charge of detoxification. So superfoods nourish and detoxify, and in this way, they combat stress."




Reverse osteoporosis naturally for strong and healthy bones

Date: December 10, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Reverse osteoporosis naturally for strong and healthy bones

Want to know how to keep your bones healthy and avoid osteoporosis? You should! There are three lifestyle changes you can make to avoid and even reverse osteoporosis naturally: eat foods that support your bones, use specific natural remedies, avoid these common things, and exercise. It's never too late to begin protecting your bones!

Key Takeaways:

  • Bones, like the rest of our body parts, are living material. They’re in a constant state of remodeling, breaking down and building up.
  • We know that for women, post-menopause, estrogen levels take a nosedive and bone loss speeds up. Estrogen plays a role in laying down healthy new bone in the body.
  • Foods good for your bones are broccoli, leafy green vegetables (can you ever get enough kale?), tofu, almonds, beans, and sesame seeds.

"Dairy, like cheese and ice cream in particular, is acidic, whereas your body is better off with food with a more alkaline pH. When you eat a lot of dairy, your body pulls calcium from your bones to try to neutralize the acidity."



Best Vitamins and Minerals for Hair Growth

Date: December 09, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Best Vitamins and Minerals for Hair Growth

For healthy hair growth, be sure you are getting enough vitamin C, B vitamins such as Biotin (also known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H) and Niacin (Vitamin B3). Foods such as sweet red peppers, guavas and dark green leafy kale contain very high amounts of Vitamin C. Foods such as the dark leafy green Swiss chard, carrots, and nuts including almonds and walnuts, are all naturally high in Vitamin B7. Niacin (Vitamin B3) is found in fish such as tuna and salmon, poultry (chicken and turkey), roasted peanuts and mushrooms.

Key Takeaways:

  • Without enough vitamin B-12, your energy levels will suffer; bone health can be negatively affected if calcium levels are inadequate; your immune system can’t be strong without adequate selenium.
  • Adequate vitamin D is important for preventing hair loss, especially in women. In one study, females who experienced female pattern hair loss also had low levels of vitamin D.
  • Vitamin A deficiency accompanies a host of serious health consequences. Though rare, this deficiency also leads to dry hair, which is one of the first indications that you’re not getting enough vitamin A.

"Everything your body does is fueled by nutrition. Without enough vitamin B-12, your energy levels will suffer; bone health can be negatively affected if calcium levels are inadequate;"



A number of skin problems can be improved with the right vitamins

Date: December 06, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A number of skin problems can be improved with the right vitamins

Skin problems are not only unsightly, they can really disturb your mental peace. Did you know that many a time just an improved nutrient intake will fix many skin problems? Make sure you are getting your daily requirement of vitamins A, B, C, E and K. No need to stockpile pills – natural vegetables and fruits are a great source for all these vitamins.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamins are the key to having healthy skin, as they are for any other vital organ. Deficiencies in essential vitamins can, of course, lead to issues with the skin, including acne and other conditions.
  • Vitamin A deficiency can cause skin to appear dull and become flaky. It can even contribute to psoriasis and pimple-formation. Some good sources of vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, raw milk and dark, leafy greens.
  • Vitamin C deficient skin is more susceptible to the effects of aging, such as wrinkling or the development of hyper-pigmented areas.

"Vitamins are the key to having healthy skin, as they are for any other vital organ. Deficiencies in essential vitamins can, of course, lead to issues with the skin, including acne and other conditions. While all vitamins are important, some are more important to healthy skin."



Tips and Tricks To A Healthy Metabolism

Date: December 03, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Tips and Tricks To A Healthy Metabolism

There is no quick fix when it comes to getting our bodies in shape. There are, however, ways to help your body increase its metabolism in order to make the job easier. The best things we can do for our bodies is to drink copious amounts of water, eat blueberries, eat green leafy vegetables, eat almonds, and drink tea daily. All of these things stimulate our metabolism to burn off calories and slim our figure.

Key Takeaways:

  • The simplest and most effective way to raise your metabolic rate is simply by drinking water and staying hydrated as water speeds up the flush and flow of your body.
  • Almonds are a filling snack that will keep you satisfied for longer, therefore helping to sustain your energy and metabolic rate.
  • Drink green tea in the morning or during the day to help speed up your metabolism.

"The simplest and most effective way to raise your metabolic rate is simply by drinking water and staying hydrated as water speeds up the flush and flow of your body."



10 superfoods you can include in your daily diet to cut diabetes risk

Date: December 01, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 superfoods you can include in your daily diet to cut diabetes risk

Include these nutrition superstars in your diabetes diet to lower blood sugar, burn fat, reduce inflammation, and gain more health benefits. Chocolate is rich in flavonoids, broccoli is an anti-diabetes superhero and Spinach is one of many leafy greens that have been shown to drop the risk of developing diabetes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Diabetes is a chronic lifestyle disorder. The probability of developing it not only depends on genetic factors but is also influenced by environmental components.
  • Include high fiber content and slow calorie-burning carbohydrates in your diet.
  • Keeping a tab on your food habits and to control diabetes does not necessarily mean that you need to live in deprivation. Only some adjustments and moderation in food intake is required.

"Eating right and maintaining a healthy body weight is the most important step towards controlling diabetes."



Calcium Supplements and the Heart: Clearing Up the Confusion

Date: November 26, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Calcium Supplements and the Heart: Clearing Up the Confusion

The Institute of Medicine has recommended 1000-1200 mg of calcium daily for most adults, and the tolerable upper intake level has been set at 2000-2500 mg of calcium daily. Even a recent observational study from the MESA cohort suggested an association between calcium supplements and coronary artery calcium, but it is important to note that in observational studies, the association does not prove causation. In the large-scale Women's Health Initiative calcium and vitamin D trial, we found no association between calcium and vitamin D supplementation and coronary artery calcium measured at the end of the 7-year trial.

Key Takeaways:

  • We know that both calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone health, but concerns have been raised from selected reports in recent years about heart risk.
  • There are other reasons that there could be an association, such as overlapping risk factors for osteoporosis and heart disease, including smoking and lack of exercise.
  • There are many dietary sources of calcium, including dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), fatty fish with bones (such as sardines), fortified beverages, and leafy greens.

"We know that both calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone health, but concerns have been raised from selected reports in recent years about heart risk."



Here's How the Food Lobby Affects What We Eat

Date: November 26, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's How the Food Lobby Affects What We Eat

Most people believe that fresh fruits and vegetables are the best choice for healthy food. Recent conferences with dieticians have been focusing more on prepackaged food as a healthy choice. Large companies at the conferences, such as Nabisco and PepsiCo, are trying to market their brands in a more healthy light. Many of these companies that are known for their less- healthy and high sugar products are trying to change the consumers’ views of them.

Key Takeaways:

  • "Newtons are made with real fruit and whole grains. True or false?" a Nabisco representative asks onlookers, who are among 10,000 attendees at a conference where dietitians can earn credits for continuing education.
  • While the influence of food corporations on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and its 75,000 members has come under greater scrutiny, some see growing sensitivity to ethical and conflict-of-interest issues.
  • The academy noted that sessions sponsored by companies or industry groups were distinct from regular educational sessions because they required a $10 donation from session attendees to the academy's foundation, which provides scholarships and research grants. The sponsored sessions still count toward continuing education credits, which are required to maintain licenses.

"Among the hundreds of exhibits, many focused on items like beans, eggs, strawberries and leafy greens."




Feast on natural food for healthy eyes

Date: November 15, 2016 05:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Feast on natural food for healthy eyes

There are lots of natural foods that may help keep your eyesight in tip top condition. Eggs, green leafy vegetables, some fruits, nuts and beans all contain antioxidants and components that fight disease and protect the eyes from damage as we age. Some meats, like pork. Oysters and some fish may also help with eye health.

Key Takeaways:

  • After 27 hours of surgery, twin boys Anias and Jadon McDonald began a new life apart on Friday
  • The round-the-clock operation at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx began Thursday morning and ended Friday
  • He was taken on an elevator to the pediatric intensive care unit on the 10th floor, where he was reunited with his parents

"So, there is more to eye nutrition beyond carrots."



five anti-aging food found in the grocery store

Date: November 13, 2016 06:46 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: five anti-aging food found in the grocery store

The choices we make at meal time affect how we age. By choosing healthy options, some of the common symptoms of old age can be reversed, removed, or masked. Many vitamins and nutrients prevent diseases that are mostly diagnosed during old age and maintain a healthy body. Eating correctly is essential to preserving our youth.

Key Takeaways:

  • One of the keys to aging gracefully and healthfully is eating healthy food.
  • Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin C, zinc, and beta-carotene which can help protect your eyesight from macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the elderly.
  • Fiber can lower your chances of developing type 2 diabetes and can keep your blood vessels in peak condition.

"Tomatoes, eggplants, blueberries, blackberries, and other colorful fruits are packed with antioxidants. These help combat free radicals that damage healthy cells and suppress the immune system."




Natural foods for liver repair and liver cleansing

Date: November 08, 2016 05:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural foods for liver repair and liver cleansing

The human liver is a fat-burning organ and is designed to cleanse toxins and dead cells from the body. Even if you don’t drink alcohol, you could be at risk to contract liver-related diseases including fatty liver, hepatitis, and autoimmune disorders. For optimal liver function and overall longevity, be sure to consume foods that support the liver’s ability to cleanse toxins from the body. These include garlic, leafy greens, avocados, and apples, to name a few. Conversely, avoid substances that are bad for the liver such as antibiotic-fed meats, artificial sweeteners, and salty foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your liver is the major fat-burning organ in your body
  • In addition to all its wonderful capabilities, your liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself
  • oward the end of the 1900s, there has been an emerging epidemic of liver disease that is quite startling

"Sulfur is required to increase enzyme activity that boosts liver cleansing."



How to Build Strong Bones

Date: November 07, 2016 02:31 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How to Build Strong Bones

You often heard your mother keep saying it when you were younger; also you hear your doctor say it even now "If you don't drink your milk, your bones will get weak."

Weak bones, joint pains due to lack of calcium and other vitamin deficiencies are fast becoming common. If you are amongst those who suffers from either, it is important that besides your weekly visit to your chiropractor, you also chalk out a healthy diet that is essentially good for your bones. There are plenty of bone-building foods that contribute to stronger bones, lesser joint pains and healthier bodies.

Foods Essential for the Bones

  • Nuts- Most nuts, particularly walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids that help in reducing bone breakdown. Brazil nuts are an excellent source of magnesium, much needed for bone formation and strengthening. Peanuts and almonds are packed with potassium and are an excellent source of protein which helps keep the bones strong.
  • Milk- Milk and most dairy products like cheese and yogurt are excellent sources of calcium. Everybody knows the role calcium plays in building strong bones, teeth, and nails. Thus at least 2 cups of milk and milk products must be consumed daily to get the body's required calcium content.
  • Seeds- Almost all seeds like flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and even sesame seeds are extremely rich in nutrients and vitamins, specifically the bone-building mineral magnesium.
  • leafy Vegetables- Vitamin K cuts calcium loss in urine, and its deficiency is known to increase the risk of hip fractures. leafy green vegetables contain Vitamin K, Calcium, and Magnesium which are crucial to bone development.
  • Eggs- The yolk of an egg can give you about 6 % of the Vitamin D required by your body. Whole eggs are thus considered very good for bones. They are also high in protein.
  • Soy Milk- Lactose intolerance is common amongst Americans and soy milk is thus an excellent option for all those looking to get their dose of calcium but allergic to milk. Tofu is another food rich in calcium that can be consumed for better bone mass.
  • Fish- Salmon, Sardines, and Tuna are all excellent food to consume for bone building and strengthening. These fish contain extremely high levels of vitamin D and also omega 3 fatty acids essential for health and constant bone formation.

Multivitamins and calcium supplements will provide only so much of the required vitamin content of your body; moreover, they are expensive and not always natural. Finally, they are medicines that should be avoided.

Bones are made up of live cells that break down and build up every day and to assist and speed up this process, particularly of formation, ample amount of bone-building foods must be consumed. Most foods that contain Vitamin D and K or are rich in Calcium and Magnesium are perfect for strong, healthy bones and a painless lifestyle

So now you understand the natural method to build strong bones by retaining your calcium through a diet high in vegetables content and vegetables and then some more vegetables!

Related Products



How Useful is Silica?

Date: October 31, 2016 01:22 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How Useful is Silica?

Lots of people presume that their hair loss and skin wrinkling is just since they are aging. As we age, we often likewise soak up less of the nutrients from our meals, making our nutritional choices and supplements more essential. Silica is a mineral that becomes even more important to our wellness as we age, adding to a more vibrant look (by supporting collagen advancement) as well as ensuring the wellness of our skin and hair. Because of these and various other functions, we need to be looking at getting silica into our diet, or supplementing it, to make sure that we are getting enough.

Silica is a trace mineral-- you don't require a lot of it to be healthy. However, it's critical to the development of bones and joints, nails, skin and-- critically-- hair. Silica helps hair to grow both thicker and stronger. People report excellent outcomes with silica supplementation for some kinds of baldness. In the absence of various other wellness conditions that impact hair loss, people supplementing with bio-available silica may discover that hair will fall out less and look healthier. You might even experience better regrowth of hair.

The method with silica is to obtain it in your body in a kind that is "bio-available." Some inorganic kinds of silica could not be appropriately used. Preferably, you'll be getting silica in its colloidal kind, which is polymerized silicic acid. Some supplements will have this type of silica in a water-based gel, which can be taken orally.

You can likewise discover silica in your diet plan: however, you'll have to focus on certain plant foods to make sure that you are getting it. Excellent digestion is likewise vital. Vegetable sources of silica need orthosilicic acid to by hydrolyzed in the tummy so that it can be soaked up.

When absorbed by the body, silica (in its bio-available kind) contributes directly to the framework of the hair, guaranteeing better quality and stronger hair. You could eat meals that will provide even more silica to your body, in addition to taking supplements. Consider adding the natural teas horsetail or oat-straw to your daily beverages. You can likewise eat foods such as soybeans, wheat bran, brown rice and leafy vegetables to increase your silica. Where feasible, eat the least processed and a lot of healthy sources of these meals, and consume them in combination with various other minerals that help your body use silica, consisting of magnesium, potassium, and calcium.



Toss eggs onto salads to increase Vitamin E absorption, study says

Date: October 30, 2016 07:49 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Toss eggs onto salads to increase Vitamin E absorption, study says

A new study from the Journal of Nutrition has encouraged salad eaters to eat a few eggs with their leafy greens. Eating eggs with salad has been evidenced to increase the absorption of essential vitamins, like A and E, as well as other antioxidants. The study was funded by the Egg Council.

Key Takeaways:

  • "Now consumers can easily improve their diets by adding eggs to a salad that boasts a variety of colorful vegetables."
  • Vitamin E, which is absorbed along with dietary fats, is often found in oils, seeds and nuts
  • Eggs, a nutrient-rich food containing essential amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and B vitamins, also contain a small amount of Vitamin E.

"Vitamin E is the second-most under-consumed nutrient in the average American diet, which is problematic because this fat-soluble nutrient has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties"


Fiber, Constipation, and colon health

Date: September 14, 2016 02:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Fiber, Constipation, and colon health

Constipation occurs because of the lack of fluids in the stomach and  intestinal tract. Dietary fiber helps the digested food retain water and aid in the movement of waste though the intestinal tract. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble fiber. Both of these are available in high fiber foods such as whole meal bread and in dietary supplement form.

How it works

Since constipation is a dry hard stool clog in the upper small or large intestines, adding fiber and water will eliminate constipation completely.

Insoluble fiber

This fiber does not dissolve even in the digestive juices. However, it is important in adding to the weight (bulk) of digestive waste. With this bulkiness, the fecal matter will retain more water and pass smoothly through the intestines.

Soluble fiber

Constipation is caused by inadequate fluids in the lumen. Both soluble  and insoluble fiber helps in retaining as much fluids as possible into the fecal matter. With this, movements are easy due to the lubrication aspect of the stool.

Fiber sources

  •  Whole grain products
  •  leafy vegetables
  •  Fruits and nuts- citrus, and all types of nuts
  •  Leguminous plants
  • Psyllium husk fiber power and pills

If you suffer from constipation, add more fiber to your diet as well as drink an additional 6 x 12oz glasses of water each day.  This will eliminate constipation. 



Importance of Antioxidants and How Can We Get Them from Various Foods

Date: December 18, 2015 04:29 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Importance of Antioxidants and How Can We Get Them from Various Foods

Antioxidants, also known as anti-oxidation agents, are nutrients that help reduce the harmful effects of oxidants in the body. We all know that our body cells need oxygen for energy and growth. As our body cells use oxygen to create energy and sustain life, free radicals are released in the process as a byproduct. Antioxidants help combat the damage caused by oxidation.

If you have ever left a slice of apple in open air, you must have seen that after some time the flesh of the fruit turns brown. This is a result of oxidation. However, if you apply a little lemon juice on the slice, and then leave it in open air, the apple slice will remain white. This is because of the antioxidant present in lemon juice. Similarly, the antioxidants present in the food we consume do the same thing, neutralizes the free radicals, and thus keeps our cells protected. Studies have proven that people who consume antioxidant-rich food are at lower risk of developing many diseases, including cancer. Thus, it is very important for you to include these important nutrients in your everyday diet.

Foods Rich in Antioxidants

These important nutrients exist in many foods, and you can easily get them through a well-balanced diet. Nutrients having antioxidant benefits include vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, beta-carotene, and manganese. A large group of phytochemicals also works as antioxidants.

  • Vitamin C

One of the richest sources of vitamin C is sweet red peppers, and one single cup of these peppers can provide you 190 mg or 200 percent of your required daily intake. You can enjoy 100 percent of your daily intake from a single cup of green peppers, orange juice, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. One cup serving of cauliflower, cantaloupe, tomatoes, grapefruit, blackberries, and raspberries offers 32 percent of women’s and 25 percent of men’s suggested daily intake.

  • Vitamin E

The richest source of vitamin E includes hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pinto beans, peanuts, and vegetable oils like canola, corn, and safflower oil. 1 cup of cooked beans, 1-tablespoon vegetable oil and a one-ounce serving of seeds and nuts, offers 2 – 7 mg of vitamin E. These make 13 to 47 percent of your suggested daily intake. Certain vitamin C rich foods also fulfill 10 percent of your daily-required intake of vitamin E including blackberries, raspberries, broccoli, tomatoes, and sweet peppers.

  • Phytochemicals

Phytochemical antioxidants like carotenoids, resveratrol, and flavonoids can easily be identified because of the pigments they offer to the vegetables and fruits, like orange, red, yellow, purple and blue colors. Purple and dark blue fruits include blackberries, blueberries and grapes, and these are rich in resveratrol. Carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, oranges, and red peppers are rich in carotenoids, which offer them a shade of red, orange, and yellow. Dark greens, particularly leafy greens, are rich sources of antioxidants, but the presence of green chlorophyll hides the other colors.

  • Other sources

Dark chocolates are rich in flavonoids, but to enjoy the benefits you need to opt for those that have cacao solids. Milk chocolates and white chocolates do not offer flavonoids. Wine, tea, and coffee are also sources of flavonoids. You can find selenium in beans, nuts, and animal products like milk, beef, pork, chicken, and fish. The best sources of manganese are nuts, pineapple, beans, sweet potatoes, and brown rice.








A Simple Thing As Taking A Breath Causes Us To Age

Date: November 22, 2015 05:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: A Simple Thing As Taking A Breath Causes Us To Age

We are often told that stress level accelerates the process of aging. But, is there any kind of scientific evidence to prove this perception? Some of the results of scientific studies have already suggested that, oxidative stress has a negative impact on both physical and emotional health.

Breathing oxygen leads to the formation of ROS or reactive oxygen species within the body, which is essential for the cellular signaling process. Aerobic metabolism results in the generation of small amounts of ROS and free radicals. This is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. But, there is a specific reason for which the ROS carry negative connotations. Whenever our body’s antioxidant defense mechanism malfunctions, the balance between oxidant and antioxidant gets spoiled. The circulative level of ROS moves out of control and causes a disturbance in the redox signaling and control and further damages the macromolecules, cells and tissues. The DNA damage response is a hierarchical procedure.

It has been widely recognized that, oxidative stress is one of the primary factors, which makes the aging process faster.

Best Anti-Aging Diet

What you eat has a great impact on how you are feeling and how you are aging. If you eat right, it will contribute to a great extent to keep your skin young and healthy. Antioxidants help stop unstable molecules from damaging healthy cells. You will get antioxidants in colorful fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, blueberries, leafy greens, dark red tomatoes, etc. So, your goal is to consume at least half plates of fruits and vegetables in each of your meals.

Vitamin C, zinc and beta carotene are three main antioxidants, which protects the eyes from macular degeneration and poor vision. Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, mustard greens, spinach and collard are great sources of these nutrients. Foods like oranges, corns and pepper also help to keep your eye healthy. Vitamin C is also beneficial for the skin. Some studies have also suggested that, daily consumption of yellow and green vegetables helps lessen the wrinkles of the skin.

Resveratrol is another powerful antioxidant, which is highly present in grapes and red wine. It not only lowers the aging process, but, also lowers the chances of cancer and heart disease. Studies have also revealed that, nuts are rich sources of unsaturated fats. They are also great sources of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals like antioxidants. Thus, it helps to keep the skin healthy and young.

Beans and lentils are great sources of fiber and plant-based protein. They are very beneficial for protecting you from early aging. So, you can easily consume them instead of red meat, which have saturated fat and are not great for your heart.

Dairy products like low-fat milk, yogurt, etc. are also great options for slowing down your aging process. If you do not eat dairy, you can replace them with soya milk, almond milk or cereals.

Try out these antioxidant rich foods and stay young for many years to come. Antioxidant Supplements are also available in the market.







Importance of Magnesium in the body.

Date: May 08, 2014 08:48 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Importance of Magnesium in the body.

magnesium foodsImportance of magnesium

Magnesium is an important element that is essential for hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. Its functions is to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, regulates blood glucose levels and aids the production of energy and protein, helps bones remain strong, supports a healthy immune system and lastly, keeps the heart beat steady.

Cause of lack in magnesium

Lack of magnesium causes many diseases. Substantial magnesium deficiencies have led to deaths caused by coronary diseases, diabetes, cancer and strokes. On the other hand mild magnesium deficiency causes nervousness, mental depression, increased sensitivity to noise, confusion, insomnia, twitching and trembling and apprehension.

Sources of magnesium are from foods we eat

  • Dark green, leafy vegetables
  • Fruits or vegetables e.g. bananas, dried apricots avocados
  • Whole grains e.g. brown rice, millet
  • Nuts e.g. almonds and cashews
  • Peas and beans
  • Soy products e.g. soy flour

Symptoms indicating lack of magnesium are: sleepiness, muscle weakness and hyperexcitablity.

Magnesium works in the brain miraculously as remarked by many scientists through researches. Magnesium L-Threonate has the capability to cross into the brain and boost magnesium levels. Magnesium L-Threonate boosts magnesium levels in the brain in that, it maintains a state of healthy sustained action. Through maintaining this healthy homeostasis, mental demands in the brain can respond well and perform cognitive responsibilities with less stress and fatigue.

The blood-brain barrier is a diffusion barrier, which impedes influx of most compounds from blood to brain. It is composed of high-density cells that prevent passage of substances from the blood stream, but in a more action than the endothelial cells in the capillaries do in other parts of the body. Due the reasons, why most magnesium supplements do not cross blood barrier magnesium Threonte was introduced. Threonate is a vitamin C metabolite that acts as a carrier to help magnesium to penetrate into the brain.


  2. //blog.lef.orh/2012/01/brain-helath-magnesium-theonate.html
  3. //



Silica Supplements for Healthy Bones

Date: April 19, 2014 05:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Silica Supplements for Healthy Bones


bonesFor a long lasting, the part of silica in the body was not known. Right away, it is around the paramount minerals. It can luckily be found in the vast majority of the vegetables and apples and oranges. Analysts have named silica as of late into the class of the most essential minerals for the body. Nutritionists assess that a grown-up might require 20 to 30 mg for every day.

Health benefits of silica

This mineral helps the body to develop the bones, the teeth, the cartilages, the tendons and the hair, giving further safety. Silica additionally gives the skin suppleness and the vascular dividers versatility. An eating regimen rich in silica can avoid osteoporosis, atherosclerosis (thickening of blood vessel dividers), skin wrinkling, diminishing and balding, broken nails and tooth rot. It makes the teeth, the nails and the hair to sparkle. Silica exists in lung tissue, so it is prescribed for the re-mineralization handle in tuberculosis patients. Since it serves to develop bone and cartilage, this mineral must not be absent from the eating methodologies of pregnant women and kids experiencing rickets. Additionally it helps acclimatize phosphorus, which is exceptionally imperative for the cerebrum wellbeing.

Silica sources

Luckily, silica is found in numerous nourishments we consume regularly, and particularly in leafy foods. A percentage of the wealthiest sources are the entire grains, the pieces of fruit and oranges, lemons, grapes, raisins, almonds, peanuts, nuts, grains by and large, cabbage, carrots, squash, green beans, cucumbers, mushrooms, onions, leeks, parsnips, weeds and radishes. From these, the entire grains hold a type of silica, which is not difficult to absorb. Corn shelled and results of it (white bread, for instance) do not hold silica. Besides, all refined or prepared items lose their supplements, including silica. Lager and nectar have additionally a substantial amount of this mineral in their creation. It exists even in water in diverse amounts, depending from on the land zone. Around the creature sustenance sources, fish is the particular case that holds silica. Since the nourishments holding this mineral are such a large number of, we can give our body, for the most part without issues, the everyday necessity. Silica lack is uncommon. It happens in individuals who consistently consume foods grown from the ground and the elderly, because the mineral is more troublesome to absorb with age.

The vicinity of silica in the body is exceptionally imperative. The mineral is fundamental for calcium ingestion especially in the early phases of bone development, additionally for supporting skeletal wellbeing all around life. It is included in framing collagen and that is the reason it is vital for the strength of nails, skin and hair. Silica is additionally important to keep the adaptability of corridors, and assumes a real part in averting cardiovascular illnesses. It animates the insusceptible framework and deferrals the maturing procedure of tissues. The level of this mineral in the body diminishes with age. In this way, more seasoned individuals require a higher admission of silica, contrasted with ones that are more youthful.


Importance of Chlorophyll in human Body

Date: March 22, 2014 08:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Importance of Chlorophyll in human Body

ChlorophyllWhat Does Chlorophyll Do For The Body?

Chlorophyll is a green molecule found in plants and plays major roles in human body. It is ingested in its raw form while eating vegetables.

Its role in human body

Despite of being vital molecule in plants; it also plays a vital role in human body in that; it acts as a blood cleanser, blood builder and also an oxygen booster. It does this by delivering energy transfusion in the bloodstream thereby restocking and increasing red blood cell count.

Disease prevention roles

The chlorophyll provides alkaline environment in human body in addition to being an oxygenator therefore helping our bodies fight off disease causing bacteria.

Detoxification roles

Chlorophyll helps the body to cleanse itself of toxic substances. In larger perspective it is linked with cancer prevention through its cleansing roles. By helping the body to detoxify itself; it plays a major role in removing the impurities that may lead to development of cancer in human body.

It is also known to be a source of amino acids which are important part of human health. It also plays a part in promoting quick rejuvenation of human cells. It also improves liver functions by extracting the blood impurities. It is also a high regulator of calcium. This helps in building ions in the blood. It is also known for its effects of reversing protein deficient anemia which is common in children in low developed countries.

Where can it be found?

It is usually found in green plants though in different levels. It gets to human body through consumption of these green plants especially the leafy part. The highest chlorophyll containing plant is the wheatgrass. To obtain it you have to juice the plant and for detoxification it may require regular juicing. It is the only component in a plant that has so many benefits to human body.




Why Take A Coenzymated B-Complex?

Date: January 10, 2014 05:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Take A Coenzymated B-Complex?

Why Take A Coenzymated B-Complex?

vitamin b complexVitamin B can normally be found in fruits and vegetables, people can get Vitamin B complex from eating green leafy vegetables, eggs, citrus fruits, nuts, kidney beans, bananas as well as chicken.

However, not everyone has the time to have a balance meal.

Vitamin B deficiency

When the body suffers from Vitamin B deficiency a person can suffer depression symptoms like anxiety and constant fatigue. It can also lead to other health problems like heart diseases and premenstrual syndrome as well as skin problems.

There are some individuals who are taking in B vitamins, but some are not able to make use of it due to problems with the way it is processed by the body.

Coenzymated B-Complex

Because of this Coenzymated B-Complex was developed. If a person’s body is unable to convert the B vitamins into usable form, then there is a need to use a coenzymate product of B vitamins.

Coenzymated sublingual B vitamins can be purchased singly or as a complex, not all forms of Vitamin B are in the coenzymate form, some are in their pure form from vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 including Folate.

While this form of supplement provides a lot of benefits for the body, this is harder to find than other B vitamins, there are only a few websites who is selling coenzyme products.

Before taking in any vitamin supplements

There is a need to consult a doctor. While it is undeniable that Vitamin B supplements are beneficial for the body, there are also potential side effects.

B vitamin supplements need to be taken according to doctor’s prescription in order to avoid skin problems and increase in sugar blood levels.

Who should take B vitamin supplements?

Coenzymated B-Complex should be taken by people who are suffering from anemia, loss of appetite, people who are experiencing frequent abdominal pain, hair loss and those who have eczema.

There is a need to ask a doctor with regards to the kind of B vitamin supplement that should be taken; vitamins should be taken only if recommended by doctors.

Overdose of vitamins can lead to kidney problems, and for this reason people have to avoid self-medication.


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Date: October 22, 2013 11:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: LUTEIN


Lutein is referred to as an antioxidant carotenoid which is simply a pigmented nutrient that is. How does Lutein helps the eyes. Lutein is responsible for the yellow colours found in fruits and vegetables. It is present in high quantities in leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, corn, orange juice, grapes, broccoli and yellow carrots and is dark in colour. Lutein is obtained by animals either directly or indirectly from plants and employed by them as an antioxidant and also for absorption of blue light. Each and every individual was born with a certain amount of lutein in your eye but it is not produced in the body.

Where is lutein found in the body

The region of the retina responsible for central vision is called the macula. This area is sensitive to blue light and upon exposure to too much light can cause damage to the eyes. Lutein helps to protect this damage by filtering blue light before it can cause damage to the macula.

Also it is evident that lutein in food protects against cataracts as well as macular degeneration that are the common eye disorders. Lutein together with another carotenoid called zeaxanthin form the yellow pigment found in the retina and absorbs blue light that is a harmful component of the sunlight. Lutein is also may help protect carotid arteries found on the neck from clogging which is an indication of atherosclerosis that is a disease that leads to heart attacks.


If you do not eat properly, the amount of lutein in the eyes may deplete as you age. Your body doesn’t make lutein therefore it is recommended that you replace this through eating fruits and vegetables that are good sources of lutein. You can also get zeaxanthin in oranges, orange bell peppers, honeydew melon and also corn. Lutein and zeaxanthin works together and can also be found in egg yolks. Therefore to maintain that good vision always eat lots of fruits and vegetables and they will boost your vision.


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What Are The Health Benefits Of Quercetin?

Date: April 18, 2013 07:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Quercetin?

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found in grains, leafy greens, vegetables and fruits, and has proven beneficial in the recent years. Plants often generate this flavonol to preserve vitamins and guard themselves against cell injury, bacteria and parasites. Onions, red wine, tea and apple skins are particularly rich in quercetin, which can render several health benefits. Most of these benefits can be attributed to the antioxidant properties of quercetin.

Here are the health benefits of quercetin.

Heart Disease: The antioxidant properties of quercetin can reduce the risks of plaque development in the arteries, which is also referred to as atherosclerosis. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties can also prevent damage associated with LDL cholesterol; one of the major causes of heart disease. Since this antioxidant is naturally found in fruits and vegetables, regular intake of quercetin will help in enhancing heart strength. Hypertension or blood pressure can also be controlled with adequate consumption of quercetin.

Protection against Allergies: The anti-inflammatory properties of quercetin have proven quite effective against many allergic reactions like allergic cough, hay fever, hives and asthma among others. It achieves this by inhibiting the production of histamine and other related inflammatory mediators. Therefore, it can reduce the risks of getting infected with various allergic conditions and help in speeding up recovery from these allergies.

Possible Cancer Protection: Just like most antioxidants, quercetin has cancer inhibiting properties. The antioxidant properties of quercetin shield the cells against free radicals by reducing their growth and neutralizing their negative effects in the body. Some in-vitro studies have proven that it can control cancer cells development and may reduce the chances of contracting prostate, colon, ovarian and breast cancer. It can also help people suffering from chronic interstitial and prostatitis cystitis because it acts as an effective mast cell inhibitor.

Cataracts: Quercetin can block the type of sugar which triggers the development of cataracts on your eye. Smokers or those who expose their eyes to excessive UV rays without wearing protective glasses may consider quercetin intake to reduce the risks of cataract formation. Improve Arthritis: Just like most anti-inflammatory drugs, quercetin can help people suffering from arthritis. It is believed that quercetin can reduce the pain and swelling that affects joints due to arthritis. According to some studies, change of diet from the normal western diet to a diet that focuses on vegetables and fruits with high quercetin can alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

Athletic Ability: Some studies show that consumption of quercetin twice every day enhances oxygen capacity and endurance in active women and men. The athletic ability improvement is attributed to the positive effect of quercetin on the cell energy processors, mitochondria. This effect coupled with the antioxidant properties of quercetin can boost the immune system and might lead to general health improvement.

Other Heath Benefits: Some studies show that quercetin acts as a neutrotoxin hence can help in getting rid of neurological diseases. Since quercetin can help in free radicals control, it can also offer skin care benefits. It can also boost your immune system.


Molybdenum Trace Mineral

Date: November 16, 2012 08:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Molybdenum Trace Mineral


Molybdenum is one of the important trace mineral found in plant and animal tissues. This mineral was discovered by Carl Welhelm in 1778. Many chemical processes of the body are governed by this mineral in an excellent way. This is a significant mineral being needed for the enzyme reaction of the body.

Food Sources

This mineral element is rich in many vegetables such as green leafy vegetables, peas and legumes, beans and cereal grains, black beans have this element in good form. Walnuts and Lentils are also good sources of Molybdenum. Milk, almonds, peanuts, chestnuts, eggs, and tomatoes have this trace mineral in abundance. Potato and cauliflower have this trace element in good form. Yogurt, liver and carrots are other rich sources of Molybdenum. These food sources are needed for the human life to meet the basic needs of the life activities. 

Important mineral

Molybdenum is an important mineral for protein synthesis of body. The iron mobilization is also carried by this mineral in the body. The metabolic activities of the body are not possible without this mineral. The persons who have anemia are advised to consume the food sources rich in Molybdenum. The fat and carbohydrate metabolism is also governed by this mineral.

Sufficient amount of the mineral prevents pre mature aging. It is believed that this mineral prevents cancer in humans. Gastroesophageal cancer is prevented by this mineral in an exact way and hence it is necessary to maintain the health. The problem of asthma is also controlled by molybdenum. The asthma condition is improved by this mineral if taken in enough quantities. Gum problems, mouth problems, especially vtooth decay issue is prevented by this mineral. Even sexual impotence issue among humans is largely controlled by molybdenum. This trace element has abundant detoxifying effects on the body by the formation of aldehyde oxidase.

One in eight people are deficient in trace minerals.  Make sure you are getting trace minerals daily to sustain and maintain good health.


Amla Fruit Extract

Date: November 08, 2012 05:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Amla Fruit Extract

Amla fruit is a plum size fruit that grows from a small, strong, lemon scented leafy bush usually referred to as gooseberry fruit or Amalaki. amla extract is a good natural source of heat stable form of vitamin C which is not easily broken by heat as well as Proteins,fiber and other minerals like antioxidant chemicals such as Quercetin, Gallic ,Ellargic acids and Corilagin.These particular minerals and chemical components are usually beneficial to human health matters as they proves to be antioxidants, therefore able to neutralize the cell damaging free radicals and to ensure the elimination of heart problems,cancer and reduction in the ageing process not to mention the death of body cells.

Amla contains ascorbic acid or Vitamin c in abundance where this mineral is quite beneficial to the body mainly when taken raw. These particular mineral of vitamin c offers to reduce the colds, acting as natural histamine and to boost the immunity system of the body.On the other hand amla is used as a herbal medicine for digestive problems,remedies for cardiac issues,to strengthen immune system as well as to improve an individuals eyesight.

The amla extract consists of a complex make up that contains mineral rich amino acids, a balm proven to be helpful as a natural hair conditioner giving the hair stronger hair follicles and scalp reducing greying,breakages and on the other hand it has antiseptic and astringent properties to tone the scalp and prevent scalp infections as well as to enrich the colour through pigment production resulting in rich thicker and healthier hair.

Other benefits of amla fruit extract is its anti-inflammatory effect a property that prevails against the hay fever that causes the inflammation of the eyes and nose and on the other hand reducing inflammatory caused by joint pain and arthritis as well.When one eats this high fiber content amla fruit it would help him or her to have control of the his bowel movements and hence ease constipation whereas blocking aldose reluctase hence preventing cataract in diabetics on the other hand amla which can effectively act as sedatives reduces stress,improving a persons sleep as well as to relax the muscle.


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