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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health Darrell Miller 5/31/24
CuraMed by Terry Naturally Darrell Miller 2/14/24
Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin? Darrell Miller 12/7/23
Is Your Skin in Need of Softening and Hydration? Darrell Miller 11/1/22
Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body? Darrell Miller 10/31/22
High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia Darrell Miller 4/29/22
What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body Darrell Miller 4/28/22
You can benefit from adding cod liver oil to your diet Darrell Miller 5/18/19
Marijuana found to lower blood flow to the brain: Study authorssuggest this may increase risk of dementia, but this effect also makes itmedicinally useful for epileptics Darrell Miller 5/10/19
Why magnesium may be the single most important nutrient you need totake for heart health Darrell Miller 4/26/19
CBD Oil: How Can It Help? Darrell Miller 2/18/19
Barley being studied as a potential cure for diabetes Darrell Miller 12/6/18
Why every home should have a Himalayan salt lamp Darrell Miller 12/5/18
A single dose of cannabis extract can alleviate brain abnormalitiesin people suffering from psychosis Darrell Miller 12/1/18
Goji berry extract found to be an effective treatment for twodeadly tropical diseases VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/13/18
Pancreatic Enzymes Benefits for Gut & Immune Health Darrell Miller 7/26/18
Make an INFORMED decision: Everything you need to know about colloidal silver Darrell Miller 6/22/18
Probiotics are the guts' best friends Darrell Miller 5/31/18
If You Eat Black Pepper Everyday, This Is What Happens To Your Body Darrell Miller 5/9/18
Why cannabis oil should be available on the NHS Darrell Miller 11/28/17
8 benefits of eating honey every day Darrell Miller 10/25/17
Contact Dermatitis + How to Soothe Skin Irritation Darrell Miller 10/19/17
Study: Single Dose Of CBD Shown To Reduce Blood Pressure Darrell Miller 8/25/17
They Told Him To Eat Cabbage For A Month Every Day And Watch What Happened!! Darrell Miller 8/23/17
Not all Vitamins are equal – D3 is better than D2, research finds Darrell Miller 7/11/17
Scientists Say: Mitochondrion Darrell Miller 5/27/17
9 Reasons to add Chlorella superfood to your diet Darrell Miller 5/9/17
Fruit Often Mistaken as a Vegetable That Triggers Endorphin Rush and Targets Pain Darrell Miller 5/3/17
Depressed? You may be at risk for this… Darrell Miller 4/18/17
Have you tried the new eco-friendly Health Ranger Dishwasher Detergent? Darrell Miller 4/2/17
How B Vitamins Improve Brain Health, Cognition, Psychiatric Problems and Mood Disorders - ProHealth Darrell Miller 3/30/17
Benjamin Hardy: 8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M. Darrell Miller 3/20/17
Are walnuts the key to fighting prostate cancer? Researchers think so Darrell Miller 3/18/17
Watch ANOTHER Man with Severe Parkinson’s Take Cannabis Oil to Settle his Tremors Darrell Miller 3/16/17
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Eggs Pack A Vitamin Punch Darrell Miller 3/5/17
Eggs Pack A Vitamin Punch Darrell Miller 3/5/17
How You Can Stop Overeating Darrell Miller 3/3/17
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Moderate exercise can boost fertility in men Darrell Miller 12/18/16
Can curcumin Fight Cancer? Darrell Miller 12/15/16
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Microbes in your gut influence age-related macular degeneration Darrell Miller 11/29/16
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The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

Date: May 31, 2024 03:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

With growing awareness of mental health issues, research is increasingly highlighting the connection between vitamins and cognitive function. In recent years, studies have shown that vitamins like B12, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids play a critical role in mental well-being. This article delves into the latest findings and explores how these essential nutrients contribute to a healthier mind.

Vitamin B12: The Brain's Energy Booster

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is crucial for maintaining the health of nerve cells and red blood cells. It is found naturally in animal products, such as meat, fish, and dairy. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, memory loss, and even depression.

Latest Research on B12 and Mental Health

Several studies have examined the link between B12 and mental health. A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals with lower levels of B12 had a higher risk of depression. Similarly, research from the Journal of Neuropsychiatry revealed that elderly patients with B12 deficiencies exhibited more cognitive decline than those with sufficient levels.

How B12 Supports Cognitive Function

B12 plays a vital role in producing neurotransmitters, the chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells. It also helps in maintaining the myelin sheath, a protective layer around nerves that ensures the swift transmission of neural signals. By supporting these functions, B12 contributes to maintaining cognitive clarity and emotional balance.

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight. It can also be obtained from food sources such as fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and eggs. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, but its role in mental health is equally significant.

Latest Research on Vitamin D and Mental Health

A growing body of research has linked Vitamin D deficiency to mental health issues. A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Affective Disorders concluded that individuals with low levels of Vitamin D had a higher incidence of depression. Another study from The Lancet Psychiatry suggested that Vitamin D supplementation improved mood in patients with depression.

How Vitamin D Supports Cognitive Function

Vitamin D receptors are present throughout the brain, indicating that it plays a role in brain function. It helps modulate the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are critical for mood regulation. Adequate levels of Vitamin D can therefore help in maintaining a balanced mood and reducing the risk of mental health disorders.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Mind's Nourishment

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats predominantly found in fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. These fats are crucial for brain health and have been the focus of numerous studies investigating their impact on mental well-being.

Latest Research on Omega-3 and Mental Health

Various studies have highlighted the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for mental health. A study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry reported that Omega-3 supplementation significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety. Similarly, research from the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals with higher Omega-3 levels experienced fewer depressive symptoms.

How Omega-3 Supports Cognitive Function

Omega-3 fatty acids are integral components of cell membranes in the brain. They play a role in neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to form new neural connections. Additionally, Omega-3s help reduce inflammation, which has been linked to mental health disorders. By supporting these processes, Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to robust cognitive function and emotional stability.

Combining Vitamin Intake for Optimal Mental Health

While each vitamin individually supports cognitive function, combining them can enhance their benefits. For instance, a study in the Nutrition Journal found that a combination of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 supplementation improved cognitive performance in older adults more effectively than any single nutrient alone.

Practical Steps for Ensuring Adequate Vitamin Intake

  1. Dietary Choices: Incorporate a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet. Include sources of B12 like meat, fish, and dairy; sources of Vitamin D like fatty fish and fortified products; and sources of Omega-3s like fish and flaxseed.
  2. Supplements: Consider taking supplements if obtaining these vitamins through diet alone proves challenging. VitaNet LLC Carries Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, and Omega-3 along with a large selection of other products.
  3. Sun Exposure: Ensure regular, safe exposure to sunlight to boost Vitamin D levels naturally. Aim for about 15-20 minutes of sunlight several times a week.

Knowledge is Power

Understanding the role of vitamins in mental health underscores the importance of a balanced diet and adequate nutrient intake. Vitamins B12, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids each offer unique benefits that collectively contribute to improved cognitive function and emotional well-being. As research continues to unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that focusing on these essential nutrients is a crucial step toward achieving optimal mental health.

In summary, while mental health is influenced by a myriad of factors, ensuring adequate intake of key vitamins can provide a foundation for better cognitive and emotional outcomes. By adopting healthy dietary habits and considering supplementation when necessary, individuals can take proactive steps to support their mental well-being.


CuraMed by Terry Naturally

Date: February 14, 2024 05:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CuraMed by Terry Naturally

Experience the transformative power of nature with CuraMed by Terry Naturally, a prized elixir that encapsulates the essence of health and vitality. Imagine a single ingredient, BCM-95® Curcumin, with a heritage spanning centuries, now delivered to you in its most potent and absorbing form. Curcumin, derived from the ancient turmeric root, is revered for its remarkable anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to fiercely protect your cells from oxidative stress and damage.

Step into a story where wellness intertwines with tradition, where each capsule of CuraMed holds the secret of age-old wisdom fused with cutting-edge technology. Feel the comfort of knowing that you're nourishing your body with an extract that's up to 700% more bioavailable than standard turmeric, thanks to the unique process that melds curcumin with essential oils to enhance absorption. Like a golden drop of sunshine, each dose is a concentrated beacon of health.

Envision a life where every day is filled with the vigor you desire. CuraMed by Terry Naturally offers that vitality by maintaining a healthy inflammation response in the body, supporting your joints, brain, heart, and immune system. The power of BCM-95® Curcumin is more than just an antioxidant; it's a commitment to your long-term wellbeing, ensuring that with every capsule, you're paving the path to a vibrant life.

Begin a journey where each morning promises a leap towards wellness. With CuraMed's unparalleled potency, imagine fewer pills and yet feeling the invigorating impact of curcumin flooding through your body, like a wave of restorative energy. It's not just about alleviating the pains of today, but about investing in the joys of your tomorrows.

CuraMed by Terry Naturally isn't just a supplement; it's an ally in your quest for a life brimming with health. Embrace the science of nature with a product that stands apart in its commitment to pure, powerful ingredients designed for maximum impact. Let CuraMed be the guardian of your health, guiding you to a life where every day feels like a breath of fresh air, clear mind, and a resilient, thriving body.


Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin?

Date: December 07, 2023 12:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin?

Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin?

Glutathione (GSH), often considered as an amino acid but actually a tripeptide, is an antioxidant primarily synthesized in the liver. Composed of cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, it plays a crucial role in the synthesis and repair of DNA and protein, as well as the synthesis of prostaglandins. With its involvement in various functions like amino acid transport, toxin and carcinogen metabolism, immune system function, prevention of oxidative cell damage, and activation of enzymes, it is undoubtedly the most important tripeptide in the body.

While the benefits of supplementing with glutathione are numerous, two particularly compelling reasons are its positive impact on liver health and beautiful skin, which are the key focus of this article. However, before diving into the specifics of liver health and skin benefits, it's important to review the data on glutathione depletion and absorption.

GSH depletion can occur due to various oxidative stressors such as radiation, v.infections, enviro toxins, household chemicals, heavy metals, surgery, inflammation, burns, septic shock, and dietary deficiencies of GSH precursors and enzyme cofactors. Additionally, research suggests that GSH levels tend to decline with age.

The bioavailability of glutathione as a dietary supplement has encountered challenges in the past. Studies in the 1990s suggested that oral GSH might be inactivated by peptidases in the gut, as the levels of glutathione in the body did not seem to correlate with dietary intake, despite its presence in fruits, vegetables, and meats. Moreover, previous studies showed no significant increase in blood GSH levels when subjects were given high doses of 1,000-3,000 mg. As a result, alternative strategies like supplementation with NAC were used to boost GSH levels.

In 2014, something interesting happened that changed the way we look at the bioavailability of GSH. A groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shed new light on the old research. This study showed that GSH, when taken in its intact form as OPITAC, a yeast-derived glutathione by Kohjin/Mitsubishi, can actually be rapidly transported across intestinal epithelial cells. Once inside, it gets rapidly converted into oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and accumulates in red blood cells and the liver, with only a small presence in plasma. So, although the GSH was indeed absorbed, it didn't show up in blood plasma because it transformed into GSSG and stored in the red blood cells and the liver. The bottom line is, supplementing with GSH is an effective way to boost GSH levels in the body.

This finding was further confirmed in another study that described how OPITAC, as a yeast-derived glutathione by Kohjin/Mitsubishi, is directly absorbed in its electrochemically reduced form in the intestine, then transported in the blood in bound forms, and eventually deposited into the liver in its reduced form.

But here's where it gets even more significant. A six-month randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial involving 54 adults was conducted to investigate the effects of oral GSH supplementation (250 or 1,000 mg/day, as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi) on GSH levels in various parts of the body, including blood, erythrocytes, plasma, lymphocytes, and exfoliated buccal mucosal cells. The results were astounding. After one, three, and six months, GSH levels in blood increased significantly compared to baseline in both dosage groups. At the six-month mark, GSH levels skyrocketed 30-35 percent in erythrocytes, plasma, and lymphocytes, and a mind-boggling 260 percent in buccal cells in the 1,000 mg group (P < 0.05). Even in the low-dose group, GSH levels in blood and erythrocytes increased by 17 and 29 percent, respectively (P < 0.05). This research clearly demonstrates that supplementation with GSH is not only effective for increasing GSH levels in the body but also for maintaining them.

So, to sum it all up, the evidence speaks volumes - supplementing with GSH can have a profound impact on your body's GSH levels, and trust me, that's definitely a good thing!

Liver Health

When it comes to our well-being, the liver is a true superhero. Let's dive into some fascinating details about this essential organ.

Did you know that the liver is not only the largest reservoir of GSH (glutathione) but also a major site of GSH manufacture in the body? Pretty impressive, right? Special cells in the liver work tirelessly to synthesize GSH, which plays a crucial role in detoxification. Speaking of detoxification, the liver is a champion in this field. Its cells have sophisticated mechanisms to break down toxic substances, be it internal or external compounds.

During the detoxification process, the liver attaches or conjugates the toxins to water-soluble substances. This attachment makes the toxic molecules more water-soluble, less harmful, and easier to eliminate via urine or bile. In fact, glutathione conjugation produces water-soluble mercaptates that are excreted via the kidneys, effectively detoxifying acetaminophen and nicotine. Isn't it amazing how this process helps our bodies get rid of harmful substances?

But that's not all. Adequate levels of glutathione are crucial for the elimination of fat-soluble compounds, particularly heavy metals like mercury and lead. What's more, GSH serves as a cofactor for various peroxidase enzymes, aiding in the detoxification of peroxides generated from oxygen radical attacks on biological molecules. It also assists transhydrogenase enzymes in reducing oxidized centers on DNA, proteins, and other biomolecules. Talk about a multitasker!

The practical significance of this liver superhero was demonstrated in a study involving workers exposed to lead. A group of five workers received GSH at 200 mg/day for 30 days, while five others served as the control group. The results were striking. The group receiving GSH showed a significant increase in ALA dehydratase activity (which is inhibited by lead) compared to the control group (p < 0.05). This indicates that GSH could be a valuable solution for treating patients with lead poisoning.

So, let's take a moment to appreciate the remarkable liver and its incredible role in maintaining our health and well-being!

Alcohol Intoxication

Alcohol consumption is widely recognized for its capability to induce hepatic steatosis, also known as fatty liver disease, and disrupt biomembranes due to hepatic lipid peroxidation. This can lead to various lifestyle-related diseases and even hepatic cirrhosis by diminishing hepatic physiological function. Nevertheless, animal studies have shown that hepatic damage caused by alcohol intoxication can be mitigated by glutathione (GSH), a powerful antioxidant found in cells.

To further investigate the impact of GSH supplementation on the effects of alcohol intake, a human crossover comparative study was conducted. The study involved twenty healthy men and women who were grouped into three categories: placebo, 100 mg GSH (as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi), and 30 mg curcumin. The study evaluated laboratory parameters, including breath alcohol concentration at different time intervals (20, 60, 120, and 180 minutes post-alcohol consumption) as measured by an alcohol checker. Additionally, subjective feelings were assessed through a questionnaire. During the study, all participants consumed whiskey in a quantity equal to their body weight multiplied by 1.25 mL, and were instructed to drink the entire sample within 10 minutes.

The results revealed that the breath alcohol concentration in the group supplemented with GSH significantly decreased compared to the placebo and curcumin groups at 20 (p<0.01), 60 (p<0.01), 120 (p<0.05), and 180 (p<0.08) minutes post-consumption. Furthermore, the GSH group reported lower levels of "sleepiness," "headache," and "upset stomach" in the subjective feeling questionnaire. Importantly, the concentration of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), an indicator of alcohol-induced organ damage, was significantly lower in the GSH group after two months compared to the placebo group.

The oral intake of GSH has demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing alcohol consumption-related stress and improving long-term hepatic function. These findings highlight the potential benefits of GSH supplementation in alleviating the detrimental effects of alcohol intoxication on the liver.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition characterized by the build-up of fat in the liver of individuals who consume little or no alcohol. Unfortunately, NAFLD is quite common, affecting nearly one-third of all American adults. Interestingly, it often presents without readily apparent signs or symptoms, sometimes resulting in complications, and can lead to liver inflammation and scarring as the fat accumulates. Additionally, NAFLD is typically associated with conditions such as insulin resistance, central obesity, reduced glucose tolerance, type-2 diabetes, and elevated triglyceride levels.

Recognizing the substantial role glutathione (GSH) plays in phase 2 liver detoxification, a pilot trial was conducted to examine the therapeutic effects of GSH supplementation in patients with NAFLD. The trial included 29 individuals, and the patients were provided with daily oral supplementation of GSH at a dose of 300 mg (in the form of OPITAC glutathione, from Kohjin/Mitsubishi). The patients' clinical parameters were assessed before and after the GSH supplementation, and liver fat and fibrosis were quantified as well. The primary goal of the study was to determine any changes in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. The results indicated a significant decrease in ALT levels following the GSH supplementation. Furthermore, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids, and ferritin levels also showed a reduction. This pilot study provides promising evidence for the potential therapeutic effects of oral glutathione administration, even at practical doses, in patients diagnosed with NAFLD. However, further investigation through large-scale clinical trials is necessary to validate its efficacy.

In summary, NAFLD is a prevalent condition with potential serious consequences, but studies like the aforementioned pilot trial shed light on potential treatment options such as GSH supplementation. The findings demonstrate the need for continued research in order to provide more conclusive evidence and expand our understanding of NAFLD management.

Beautiful Skin

By activating melanocytes in the skin, there is a notable increase in melanin formation, resulting in various blemishes such as freckles, pigmentation, and UV-induced skin spots, commonly known as age spots or liver spots. This is especially prominent after prolonged sun exposure and tanning. Age spots appear when melanin becomes concentrated or "clumped" in areas that have had years of frequent sun exposure. Luckily, there are materials like glutathione that can prevent or improve such pigmentation-related skin conditions.

Another aspect to consider is skin pigmentation, wrinkles, and pores. In a study conducted with eight women in their 30s or early 40s, each supplemented with 100 mg/day of GSH (as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi) for two months, their skin conditions were evaluated using the Robo Skin Analyzer. Several parameters were analyzed, including skin brightness, the amount and area of skin pigmentation, number of pores, and number of wrinkles under the eyes. It was observed that all subjects' skin brightness improved when measured on the second day of the study. Additionally, over the course of the two months, both the amount and area of skin pigmentation decreased, leading to an improvement in blemishes and pigmentation. Not only did glutathione exhibit a whitening effect, but it also reduced the number of wrinkles under the eyes and minimized pores.

Furthermore, a randomized, double-blind, two-arm, placebo-controlled study was conducted with 60 otherwise healthy medical students. The purpose was to investigate whether supplementing with 500 mg of glutathione daily for four weeks would affect the skin melanin index compared to a placebo. Melanin indices were measured at six different sites on the body. The results demonstrated that melanin indices consistently decreased at all six sites in subjects who received glutathione after four weeks. The reductions were statistically significant compared to those who received the placebo at two sites: the right side of the face and the sun-exposed left forearm (p = 0.021 and 0.036, respectively). This improvement was likewise reflected in the reduction of UV spots. Importantly, both glutathione and placebo were well-tolerated. In conclusion, oral administration of glutathione leads to a lightening of skin color in the tested subjects.

Skin Lightening

Skin lightening is a process that is of interest to many individuals who seek to achieve a more even and radiant complexion. In recent studies, the use of a lozenge containing GSH 500 mg was explored as a means of skin lightening through an open-label, single-arm trial. The focus of this trial was to evaluate the buccal mucosa as a route for GSH administration and its potential in relation to skin lightening. It is worth noting that substances absorbed through the buccal route have the advantage of entering directly into the systemic circulation, effectively bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

The trial involved thirty Filipino females with Fitzpatrick skin types IV or V who received a daily glutathione-containing lozenge for eight weeks. The results from this trial demonstrated a significant decrease in melanin indices from baseline to endpoint. What is fascinating is that this visible change became evident in as little as two weeks. It is important to highlight that during this trial, there were no recorded serious adverse events, and the laboratory examination findings remained normal. Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that the lozenge containing glutathione was deemed safe and effective in lightening the skin of Filipino women.

In addition to the aforementioned buccal route administration, another interesting approach that emerged from the studies is the topical application of GSH. A double-blind randomized clinical trial35 conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, involved 74 healthy Indonesian women, with an average age of 33.3 ± 5.9 years, to explore the potential benefits of topical GSH. The trial subjects received supervised applications of facial wash twice a day, along with day cream containing sunscreen and night cream. The subjects were divided into three groups based on the active ingredients of the tested products, which included GSH (as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi) at concentrations of 0.1 percent and 0.5 percent, and a control group without GSH.

Throughout the trial, the effects of the tested products on skin color and pigmentation were measured using colorimetry with Chromameter Minolta for L. Compared to the baseline measurements, there were significant increases in lightness (L) detected as early as week 2 for the group using GSH at 0.1 percent concentration. Interestingly, this increase was significantly higher compared to the group using GSH at the higher concentration of 0.5 percent, as well as the group without GSH. It is important to note that hyperpigmented lesions also showed improvement, particularly in the group using GSH at 0.5 percent concentration, which displayed superiority compared to the other groups at week 8. In conclusion, the skin care products containing GSH at 0.1 percent and 0.5 percent concentrations were found to be effective in lightening facial skin.

The findings from these studies shed light on the potential benefits of GSH in achieving skin lightening, either through buccal administration or topical application. It is worth noting that these studies focused on specific populations and more research is necessary to explore its effectiveness and safety across different skin types and ethnicities.

In summary, the administration of Glutathione sublingual clinically studiedglutathione, whether oral, buccal, or topical, has shown promising results in skin lightening and the improvement of complexion. Studies have demonstrated that glutathione not only enhances skin brightness but also reduces hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and minimizes pores. Moreover, its effects have been evident in as little as two weeks, with a sustained impact over longer periods. These benefits were observed across a range of different skin types and ethnicities. However, it is important to highlight that these findings are based on specific populations, and more research needs to be conducted to confirm the consistency of these effects across a broader spectrum of skin types and ethnicities. The studies have also confirmed that the usage of glutathione is well-tolerated with no serious adverse effects reported.


Is Your Skin in Need of Softening and Hydration?

Date: November 01, 2022 05:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Your Skin in Need of Softening and Hydration?

If you're like most people, your skin is your largest organ. And just like the rest of your organs, your skin needs to be taken care of in order to stay healthy. That's why NOW® Solutions 100% Pure Magnesium Chloride Flakes are the perfect bath additive for softening and hydrating your skin.

How Magnesium Chloride Flakes Work

Derived from the ancient Zechstein seabed in the Netherlands, NOW® Solutions 100% Pure Magnesium Chloride Flakes are some of the purest and most potent magnesium flakes on the market today. A single cup of flakes contains approximately 19 grams of elemental magnesium, which is absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream to help improve skin hydration and overall health.

So how exactly do magnesium chloride flakes work? When you add a cup of flakes to bath water, the magnesium is absorbed through your skin and into your bloodstream, where it travels to all parts of your body to help improve hydration. In addition, magnesium chloride flakes have anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe dry, irritated skin.

Why You Should Use Magnesium Chloride Flakes

There are many reasons why you should use magnesium chloride flakes, but here are just a few:

  • - They're an all-natural way to improve skin hydration.
  • - They can help soothe dry, irritated skin.
  • - They're a great way to get your daily dose of magnesium.
  • - They're easy to use—just add a cup of flakes to bath water and enjoy!
  • - They're affordable.

If you're looking for an all-natural way to improve skin hydration and overall health, look no further than NOW® Solutions 100% Pure Magnesium Chloride Flakes. Derived from the ancient Zechstein seabed in the Netherlands, these potent magnesium flakes can be added to bath water or used in foot baths to help improve skin hydration and soothing dry, irritated skin. So why wait? Order a bag of NOW® Solutions 100% Pure Magnesium Chloride Flakes today!


Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body?

Date: October 31, 2022 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Do You Know How Important Magnesium Is For The Body?

You may not have realized it, but magnesium is an essential mineral for your body. It aids in energy production and metabolism, muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and bone mineralization. Magnesium is also a required cofactor for an estimated 300 enzymes. That means it helps catalyze reactions like fatty acid synthesis, protein synthesis, and glucose metabolism. Not to mention, magnesium status is also important for regulation of calcium balance through its effects on the parathyroid gland. Whew! As you can see, this mineral is pretty important stuff. Read on to learn more about why magnesium is so critical for our health.

Magnesium and Energy Production

One of the most important functions of magnesium is that it helps us produce energy. Every single cell in our bodies need energy to function properly, and magnesium plays a key role in the process of converting the food we eat into that much-needed energy. For example, magnesium is involved in breaking down carbohydrates into glucose which can then be used for energy by the cells.

Magnesium and Muscle Functioning

In addition to helping produce energy, magnesium is also necessary for proper muscle functioning. This mineral helps muscles relax after they contract as well as regulates electrolyte balance in the body. electrolyte imbalance can lead to muscle cramping, spasms, or even irregular heartbeats, so it's crucial that we maintain healthy levels of magnesium to keep our muscles functioning properly.

How to Get More Magnesium

Now that you know all of the important functions that magnesium plays in our bodies, you're probably wondering how you can make sure you're getting enough of this essential mineral. The best way to ensure adequate magnesium intake is through diet since our bodies cannot produce this mineral on their own. Some good dietary sources of magnesium include leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, dairy products, fish, and meat. You can also get your recommended daily intake of magnesium through supplements if you feel like your diet is lacking or if you have a medical condition that requires extra magnesium (such as diabetes).

As you can see, magnesium is an essential mineral with many vital functions in our bodies. from helping produce energy to regulating electrolyte balance, this nutrient plays a big role in keeping us healthy and function properly both physically and mentally. Make sure you are getting enough magnesium in your diet by consuming foods like leafy greens, legumes, whole grains, dairy products ,and nuts or by taking supplements if necessary. Your body will thank you!


High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

Date: April 29, 2022 03:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

A high fiber diet may reduce the risk of developing dementia, according to a study published in the journal Neurology. The study found that people who ate the most fiber were 30% less likely to develop dementia than those who ate the least fiber. This is an important discovery, as dementia is becoming increasingly common around the world. There are currently about 47 million people living with dementia, and this number is expected to grow to 135 million by 2050.

What is dementia and what are the symptoms?

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability due to disease or injury. symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, but may include problems with memory, mood, and thinking. People with dementia may have difficulty remembering recent events or familiar faces, and they may become confused about time and place. They may also have trouble completing familiar tasks, such as cooking a meal or getting dressed. As the disease progresses, people with dementia may lose the ability to communicate or take care of themselves. Dementia is not a normal part of aging, and it can affect people of all ages. There is no one test that can diagnose dementia, and doctors often use a combination of medical tests, brain scans, and neurological exams to make a diagnosis. There is no cure for dementia, but there are treatments that can help people manage the symptoms and improve their quality of life.

What causes dementia?

Dementia is a complex neurological disorder with no known underlying cause. While some theories suggest that environmental factors such as exposure to certain toxins or injuries may play a role, the exact mechanisms underlying dementia remain uncertain. Some researchers have proposed that dementia may be related to problems in the functioning of certain proteins in the brain, while others have suggested that chronic inflammation may also be involved. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underlying this debilitating and often devastating illness. Ultimately, identifying the precise causes of dementia will help inform more targeted and effective treatments for this disease, allowing those affected by it to live fuller and healthier lives.

How can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of developing dementia?

A diet rich in fiber has been linked with a reduced risk of developing dementia. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Foods high in fiber are known to promote gut health, and some studies have suggested that gut inflammation may play a role in the development of dementia. In addition, fiber-rich foods tend to be high in antioxidants and other nutrients that have been linked with brain health. For these reasons, increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.

What are some good sources of fiber?

There are many good sources of fiber, including both plant-based and animal-based foods. Psyllium husk, which is made from the soluble fibers found in the seeds of a Mediterranean shrub called Plantago ovata, is a popular option due to its high concentration of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Inulin, meanwhile, is a type of carbohydrate that is naturally found in many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Both psyllium husk and inulin are excellent sources of nutrition that can help promote good digestive health and overall well-being. Other common sources of dietary fiber include whole grains like oats and barley, as well as beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Whether you are looking for plant-based or animal-based sources of fiber, there are plenty of options out there to suit your needs.

How much fiber should you eat each day?

There is no single answer to the question of how much fiber you should eat each day. The amount of fiber that your body needs will depend on a number of factors, including your age, sex, and overall health status. In general, most health experts recommend consuming between 25 and 35 grams of fiber per day. This can typically be achieved by eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of fiber-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Furthermore, it is important to remember that fiber needs can vary depending on your symptoms or underlying condition. So if you are experiencing any gastrointestinal issues or other health concerns, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine the right amount of dietary fiber for your body.

Are there any risks associated with eating a high fiber diet?

While fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with eating too much fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is typically found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When fiber is not broken down by the body, it can bind to other nutrients and substances in the digestive tract and cause them to be eliminated from the body before they are absorbed. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. In addition, consuming large amounts of fiber can also cause bloating and gas.

How can you prevent dementia from developing?

There is no one definitive cause of dementia, but there are a number of risk factors that have been identified as contributing to its development. These can include things like a genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors like drinking and smoking, and certain health conditions. Because these risk factors can vary widely from person to person, there is no one strategy that will prevent dementia in everyone. However, there are some general measures that anyone can take to lower their risk of developing dementia. These might include maintaining healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and avoiding excessive exposure to environmental toxins. Additionally, early diagnosis and treatment for any existing health conditions can also play an important role in reducing the likelihood of dementia. By taking these proactive steps, it is possible to greatly reduce your risk of developing this debilitating condition.

Vitamins and Dementia

Some studies have suggested that certain vitamins may help to prevent dementia. Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid are involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, a substance that has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, and it has been suggested that this may help to slow the progression of dementia.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body combat dementia

Recent studies have suggested that diet may also play a role in the development of dementia. In particular, fruits and vegetables appear to offer some protection against the disease. The antioxidants found in these foods help to fight inflammation and damage to cells, both of which are thought to contribute to the development of dementia. In addition, fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for brain health. Thus, incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.


What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

Date: April 28, 2022 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

If you want to stay healthy, it's important that you know what cellular mitochondria does in the body. Mitochondria are organelles found in the cytoplasm of cells. They are responsible for producing energy for the cell. Without them, the cell would not be able to function properly. We will discuss the role of mitochondria in the body, and how they impact our health.

What are mitochondria and what do they do in the body

Mitochondria are organelles that play an important role in the energy metabolism of cells. Most of the oxygen we breathe is used by mitochondria to convert glucose from the food we eat into ATP, the energy molecule used by our cells. Therefore, mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell. In addition to producing ATP, mitochondria also have other important functions, such as regulating cell growth and death, as well as calcium homeostasis. Mitochondria are unique in that they have their own DNA separate from the DNA in the cell nucleus. This mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mother to child, which is why defects in mitochondrial function can lead to diseases that are inherited in a maternal lineage. Although most of our cells contain only a single nucleus, they may contain hundreds or even thousands of mitochondria. This allows them to produce enough ATP to meet the energy needs of the cell.

How mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to health problems

Mitochondria are integral to many essential physiological processes in the body. Not only do they produce energy for cells, but they also play a key role in maintaining cellular structures and initiating cell division. Therefore, any disruption of normal mitochondrial function can have far-reaching consequences for overall health and well-being. Maladaptive responses to environmental stressors, such as chemical exposure or radiation, are among the most common causes of mitochondrial dysfunction. These stressors result in damage to mitochondrial DNA and can cause problems with cell division and abnormal growth patterns, which can lead to a range of disorders and chronic diseases. For example, mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to conditions like Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Therefore, it is important to understand the role that mitochondria play in maintaining healthy functioning bodies and take proactive steps to prevent or reverse damage from maladaptive responses to environmental stressors.

Mitochondria and Longevity

Mitochondria are specialized organelles found within our cells that perform many critical functions, including generating energy to support cellular processes and maintaining healthy cell function. These organelles are the site of many important chemical reactions, often referred to as oxidative phosphorylation or metabolism. Studies have shown that Proper functioning of these organelles is essential for healthy aging, and may be a key factor in determining how long we live. By promoting mitochondria health and making lifestyle changes that help to promote healthy mitochondria, we can take an important step towards optimizing our longevity potential. This includes eating a nutrient-rich diet with a focus on foods high in antioxidants, managing stress levels through regular exercise and relaxation techniques, and avoiding environmental toxins that can damage mitochondria health. Through such strategies, we can give ourselves the best chance at living a long, full life.

Ways to protect your mitochondria and keep them healthy with PQQ

PQQ, or pyrroloquinoline quinone, is an important molecule for the functioning of mitochondria in the human body. This compound plays a crucial role in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, the fundamental energy currency of biological systems. By driving cellular processes that release energy for metabolic use, PQQ plays a key role in maintaining mitochondrial health and efficiency. Additionally, PQQ has been shown to exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, which help to mitigate the effects of oxidative stress on mitochondria and other critical cells in the body. Overall, PQQ is an essential component of healthy mitochondrial function and a crucial nutrient for energy production and overall metabolic health.

D-ribose, the Mitochondria, and Energy

D-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar that plays an important role in cellular metabolism and energy production. This nutrient is especially important for cells that rely on a lot of energy, such as those found in the heart and muscles. D-ribose helps these cells to generate adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is the main energy currency used by cells to drive chemical reactions. Additionally, research has suggested that d-ribose can help to improve physical endurance and reduce the pain and stiffness associated with exercise, making it an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Also, D-ribose is a simple sugar that plays an important role in the structure and function of mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell. In addition to supplying energy to the cells, mitochondria also help to regulate cell growth and death. D-ribose is essential for the proper function of mitochondria, and it plays a key role in energy production. Studies have shown that D-ribose can help to improve mitochondrial function and reduce fatigue. In addition, D-ribose supplements have been shown to improve exercise performance and increase energy levels. These effects are likely due to the ability of D-ribose to help the body produce more ATP, the energy currency of the cell. For these reasons, D-ribose is an important nutrient for maintaining healthy mitochondria and supporting cellular energy production.

Another important nutrient for the mitochondria is CoQ10

The process of producing energy is called oxidative phosphorylation, and it involves the transfer of electrons from nutrients to oxygen. This reaction creates a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, which is used to generate ATP, the energy currency of the cell. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an important component of this process. It acts as an electron carrier, shuttling electrons between enzymes in the respiratory chain. It also helps to maintain the proton gradient, allowing the mitochondria to continue generating ATP. Without CoQ10, oxidative phosphorylation would grind to a halt, and cells would quickly run out of energy. Consequently, CoQ10 plays a vital role in energy production and cellular metabolism.

The bottom line is that both D-ribose and CoQ10 are important nutrients the body needs to maintain optimal energy levels. If you’re feeling run down, low on energy, or just generally not your best, consider taking a supplement containing these two nutrients. You may be surprised at how much better you feel once you start including them in your diet. What’s stopping you from giving them a try?


You can benefit from adding cod liver oil to your diet

Date: May 18, 2019 10:42 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: You can benefit from adding cod liver oil to your diet

Cod liver oil has many health benefits that one can take advantage of. Some of them are that it can alleviate the symptoms of gastric ulcer, can improve eye health, can help to reduce the pain from arthritis, and improve the condition of anxiety or depression. It can also strengthen the bones. Many doctors when recommending a supplement to a patient will almost always include fish oil in the list. This is because fish oil contains lots of omega-3 fatty acids that are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Fish oil has also been found to lower the risk to dementia, and heart disease, along with other chronic health problems. Many fish oil are taken from fish that live near the surface of the sea but cod liver oil are taken from the cod fish that lives in the depth of the ocean. This oil contains high amount of vitamin A and D. One needs only take a single teaspoon to have the recommended daily allowance which is 900 milligrams of DHA, EPA, and other omega-3 fatty acids. It is recommended by the authors that one gets his supply of cod liver oil from reputable sources to prevent contamination.

Key Takeaways:

  • Due to the numerous benefits of fish oil, health care providers almost always include it in their recommended list of health supplements.
  • There are lots of omega-3 fatty acids that can be found in fish oil and this helps to prevent dementia, heart disease, and other chronic health problems.
  • Many of the fish oils that are found in the market are taken from fish that swims mostly near the surface of the sea.

"This highly beneficial fish oil can alleviate the symptoms of gastric ulcers, support eye health, relieve pain from arthritis, strengthen the bones, and improve anxiety or depression."

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Marijuana found to lower blood flow to the brain: Study authorssuggest this may increase risk of dementia, but this effect also makes itmedicinally useful for epileptics

Date: May 10, 2019 02:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Marijuana found to lower blood flow to the brain: Study authorssuggest this may increase risk of dementia, but this effect also makes itmedicinally useful for epileptics

Scientific literature on how marijuana works on the body is rapidly expanding. Right now, there are a plethora of studies on how marijuana works on the human brain. Some studies have shown that it can be effective in treating disorders of the brain like epilepsy. Recent tests show that marijuana can increase the risk of dementia because it restricts the flow of blood to the brain. These brain areas are essential for memory development. The area most affected is the hippocampus which can result in Alzheimer’s if prolonged. The researchers for the study used single photo emission computed tomography (SPECT) to measure blood flow to the brain after taking marijuana and they reported that there were very low and abnormal blood flow levels observed. This is when compared with persons who did not take marijuana. 982 patients were selected from a wide variety of data sources that was available to the researchers concerning persons who previously used or were still using marijuana. The results of the study showed that persons taking marijuana were at a risk of dementia due to the low blood flow to their hippocampus.

Key Takeaways:

  • The author notes that the studies regarding the effect of marijuana is increasing and this is particularly so regarding its effect on the brain.
  • Some recent tests show that it can increase the risk of dementia when marijuana is taken because it reduces the blood flow to the brain.
  • When the researchers used single photon emission computer tomography to analyze blood flow to the brain they observed abnormally low flow to the brain with users of marijuana.

"Users were analyzed using a brain SPECT and by conducting mental concentration tests against a sample of 100 people who had not used marijuana to determine whether there were significant differences that arose between users and non-users of cannabis."

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Why magnesium may be the single most important nutrient you need totake for heart health

Date: April 26, 2019 10:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why magnesium may be the single most important nutrient you need totake for heart health

Magnesium deficiency, which afflicts close to 50 percent of the U.S. population, can have a profoundly negative impact on your health. Failure to consume enough magnesium can increase insulin resistance and create a higher risk of cardiac disease. A Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) study found that magnesium-deficient people had substantially higher levels of harmful C-Reactive Proteins — associated with inflammation and heightened risk of heart disease— present in their blood. A second MUSC study confirmed this association while also noting that magnesium supplements could help reduce the health impacts of not getting enough magnesium from dietary sources.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been discovered that the most vital nutrient for supporting cardiovascular health is magnesium but many American adults are lacking in it.
  • When magnesium is found in your body at low levels, you can build up insulin resistance which brings up the possibility of type 2 diabetes.
  • A real connection between magnesium deficiency and a protein, C-reactive protein (CRP) have been found and C-reactive protein can trigger acute inflammations.

"If you do not have enough magnesium in your body, you can become more prone to various diseases and disorders."

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CBD Oil: How Can It Help?

Date: February 18, 2019 08:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD Oil: How Can It Help?

CBD oil is becoming more mainstream in our stores as a medicine. It is known for pain management and to treat anxiety/depression. CBD has been shown to be effective at treating disorders such as anxiety and depression. It is also shown to help with related conditions such as PTSD and insomnia. CBD oil is also an effective pain medication. It reacts with neurotransmitters to help lower perceived pain. This also could treat arthritis or multiple sclerosis.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD oil is now popular because it is related to helping many who are suffering gain relief from pains and anxiety.
  • When doctors are prescribing treatment for anxiety and depression, they often prescribe psychological courses such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), or prescribe drugs.
  • CBD is better than many prescribed drugs which have side effects and symptoms because it has no side effect and has been proven to be more effective.

"These debilitating conditions have the potential to wreak havoc on the lives of sufferers, and the World Health Organisation counts depression as the single most significant contributor to disability worldwide, with anxiety disorders following closely behind in sixth place."

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Barley being studied as a potential cure for diabetes

Date: December 06, 2018 10:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Barley being studied as a potential cure for diabetes

Diabetic people really struggle to deal with the upkeep of their everyday lives. It is something that it common in the world today but for the individuals who have never had diabetes, they do not know how hard it is. Every single day requires hard work and upkeep and it is a process that can get a bit grueling. However, there is more hope coming out of medicinal circles as barley is being touted as a potential cure.

Key Takeaways:

  • Diabetes is very common in the world today but it is something that is really hard to manage.
  • The people who suffer from diabetes are ones that know how tedious it can be to maintain the level of commitment for the treatment.
  • Now, barley is getting some fan fare in the diabetic world as it may be a cure for it in the future.

"This is especially helpful since crops with antidiabetic potential can easily be incorporated into a person’s diet. Barley is a cereal grain that is widely consumed worldwide because of its high nutritional content and its many health benefits, which potentially includes antidiabetic activity."

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Why every home should have a Himalayan salt lamp

Date: December 05, 2018 02:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why every home should have a Himalayan salt lamp

The Himalayan people were a very hard working people that lived a very unique lifestyle. To this day, people from this region are very unique and they rely a lot on natural resources. If you visit the region in the modern world today, you will see all the practical things that they have. They are actually really creative for a people that others consider to be stuck in time! Every home should have one of these Himalayan salt lamps in it!

Key Takeaways:

  • Every single home should have its own little flair depending on what the owners like.
  • Having some kind of Himalaya outlook in your home can be very nice and set a good ambiance.
  • The people of the Himalaya were a hard working and very loyal people and left behind some cool inventions.

"Himalayan salt lamps are made from pink salt crystals, which are mined from the edge of the Himalayan Mountains. Their color range from light pink to pink with an orange color, depending on the mineral concentration."

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A single dose of cannabis extract can alleviate brain abnormalitiesin people suffering from psychosis

Date: December 01, 2018 01:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A single dose of cannabis extract can alleviate brain abnormalitiesin people suffering from psychosis

For people that suffer from psychosis, a study has show that a single dose of cannabis extract could help alleviate abnormalities in the brain. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in marijuana and according to a study published in the Jama Psychiatry, it has been successful in helping individuals. Sixteen participants received a single dose of CBD, the following seventeen received a placebo. MRI results shows that the brain activity in the three areas where psychosis is found, were reduced greatly with the CBD extract.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are so many people out there that are suffering from mental health issues.
  • Again, cannabis is being mentioned as a great alternative for doctors to use for people who suffer from psychosis.
  • Not everyone will react to cannabis in the same manner but it is worth the try.

"These results provide first evidence on how cannabidiol can directly influence the brain to reduce psychotic symptoms."

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Goji berry extract found to be an effective treatment for twodeadly tropical diseases

Date: October 13, 2018 11:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Goji berry extract found to be an effective treatment for twodeadly tropical diseases

Goji berry extract found to be an effective treatment for two deadly tropical diseases

According to a study by two Welsh universities, Goji berries are an effective remedy for fascioliasis and schistosomiasis. It turns out that goji berries contain a compound that is active in fighting the parasites that cause these two life-threatening tropical diseases. Approximately 17 million people around the globe carry fascioliasis infections. And it’s estimated that 600 million people carry schistosomiasis, which is a deadly parasitic illness similar to malaria. Researchers are hopeful that a drug can be developed using a compound in goji berries, which are also beneficial for eye, liver, and kidney health.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to a recently published Welsh study, goji berries contain a compound that is effective in treating two parasitic tropical diseases, fascioliasis and schistosomiasis.
  • Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease similar to malaria that claims up to 300,000 lives per year.
  • Researchers are hopeful that a safe and effective drug can be developed using a compound in goji berries to treat these two diseases.

"Schistosomiasis is spread by a waterborne parasite, while fascioliasis is spread by a foodborne parasite. Both of the diseases are treated with a single drug that’s widely administered to the population where the diseases are widespread."

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Pancreatic Enzymes Benefits for Gut & Immune Health

Date: July 26, 2018 01:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pancreatic Enzymes Benefits for Gut & Immune Health

Pancreatic Enzymes Benefits for Gut & Immune Health

The pancreas is responsible for excreting two primary forms of natural secretions throughout the body: enzymes used for digestion and bicarbonate enzymes. Digestive enzymes are naturally used to promote optimal digestion, and bicarbonate enzymes have a neutralizing effect. The pancreas has the ability to perform some quite interesting tasks with the help of these secretions, such as breaking down complex proteins into single-form amino acids in order to help the digestion of proteins to be much more easily accomplished.

Key Takeaways:

  • The two forms of enzymes that the pancreas excretes are: digestive enzymes and bicarbonate enzymes.
  • Digestive enzymes from the pancreas help break down complex proteins into simple amino acids.
  • The pancreas is also responsible for secreting hormones such as glucagon and insulin.

"Digestion and assimilation of nutrients is a complex process that occurs over several hours, starting from the moment that you place food into your mouth."

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Make an INFORMED decision: Everything you need to know about colloidal silver

Date: June 22, 2018 05:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Make an INFORMED decision: Everything you need to know about colloidal silver

Make an INFORMED decision: Everything you need to know about colloidal silver

There is a rich history that goes back for centuries, associating the use of colloidal silver with the treatment of wounds and various illnesses. Today, the FDA does not acknowledge the use of colloidal silver as medicinal, calling assertions by practitioners and users as "unfounded."

Nonetheless, many practitioners and users have found the substance to be of high value, particularly in the treatment of wounds, burns, cuts and infections. Colloidal silver is deemed to be both antiseptic and antimicrobial. Neither is colloidal silver associated with any serious side effects, save one. Unfortunately, the 'one' is a doozy and responsible for much of the foot-dragging, when it comes to accepting colloidal silver.

It seems that it is possible to have the skin turn blue, a condition called, "argyria," with the taking in of too much colloidal silver. However, although the condition is real and not reversible, it is also highly unlikely, considering the normal dose users ingest of colloidal silver is one teaspoon and that dose would have to go up to 48 teaspoons every day, for an entire year to possibly have enough in the system to develop argyria.

Key Takeaways:

  • Colloidal silver has a long, rich history as a treatment for wounds, burns, cuts, sprains and infections.
  • Colloidal silver's benefits, which have been observed by both practitioners and users, are undoubtedly the result of its being both antiseptic and antimicrobial.
  • The normal recommended dose used by those that ingest colloidal silver is one single teaspoon, which is far to small an amount to develop argyria, a rare side effect.

"There are are a number of misconceptions about colloidal silver being spread around as “truth,” while the facts regarding its uses and benefits are being obscured — as is the case for so many alternative treatments these days."

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Probiotics are the guts' best friends

Date: May 31, 2018 09:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Probiotics are the guts' best friends

Probiotics are the guts' best friends

Probiotics are important not only for digestive health, but also a person's overall health as well. Benefits of probiotics include relief from symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, but can also extend to other parts of the body, such as helping the body better ingest vitamins and minerals. Maintaining a healthy diet can help make sure the body maintains the necessary probiotics; however, some foods are better for consuming probiotics than others. Foods such as yogurt and miso are some of the best sources of probiotics. As part of a healthy lifestyle, reduce stress, eat healthy, and use antibiotics only when necessary to keep the gut a healthy home for probiotics.

Key Takeaways:

  • Probiotics assist the human gut by creating an acid environment, suitable for the absorption of minerals.
  • They can slow down chronic hypersensitivity to various ingestible items, thereby assisting with autoimmune conditions and regulating inflammation.
  • These helpful strains of bacteria also secrete substances that aid in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic substances in the gut.

"Research has shown that either single-strain or multi-strain probiotic or prebiotic supplements can reduce palpitations, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance and discomfort."

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If You Eat Black Pepper Everyday, This Is What Happens To Your Body

Date: May 09, 2018 01:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: If You Eat Black Pepper Everyday, This Is What Happens To Your Body

If you eat just one black pepper every single day, then something will happen to your body. Black pepper is one of the best seasonings and has a great taste. It is very popular in the world as well. It is very helpful to your body. Black pepper is used to cook and it is also used in many different home remedies. Black pepper is great if you would like to lose weight. It helps to improve your metabolism.


Why cannabis oil should be available on the NHS

Date: November 28, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why cannabis oil should be available on the NHS

An article in an online English newspaper argues that cannabis oil should be made readily available for patients. The writer states that cannabis and hemp plants have a substance, Cannabidiol (CBD), which does not get a person high, but can be used to treat pain. He states that CBD is legal and is used by as many as 25,000 people in the UK. The author argues that further development of this product as an alternative to opioids is hindered by the perception of cannabis as dangerous.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD oil is non-addictive and can treat chronic pain as well as insomnia
  • More research could create data needed to promote cannabis as an alternative to opioids but the government is reluctant to fund this research
  • Cannabis received some bad and false press in the 1930s and people are still affected by the outdated claims made about cannabis causing harm

"Cannabis is a plant that has been used effectively for thousands of years, causes no physical dependency, and has never been shown to cause a single fatality."

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8 benefits of eating honey every day

Date: October 25, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 8 benefits of eating honey every day

There are 8 amazing benefits of eating honey every single day. Honey has a lot of different health benefits. Honey will be a great aid in weight loss and it will also give you clearer skin and a much healthier heart. It will lower your cholesterol level as well. Honey does not have any cholesterol at all. Honey is a very amazing antioxidant. If you eat it regularly, then it will cleanse your body of various toxins.

Key Takeaways:

  • Honey is naturally good for the arteries of your heart and helps with blood flow
  • The natural cleansing antioxidants found in honey can help promote healthier looking skin
  • Honey is a fantastic way to keep your digestive track clean, due to its natural antiseptics

"Honey is an excellent antioxidant, which means its regular consumption will cleanse your body of various toxins."

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Contact Dermatitis + How to Soothe Skin Irritation

Date: October 19, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Contact Dermatitis + How to Soothe Skin Irritation

When an irritant, or something that we have a sensitivity to touches our skin, we can get a very itchy and blistery rash. Most people will contract some form of this sometime in their life. It usually resolves itself without medical intervention. If it persists for a month, then it may need medical intervention. There are around 15 million people affected by this issue every single year. Thankfully, this issue is not something that can spread.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fortunately, for the nearly 15 million people in the United States affected each year, natural contact dermatitis treatments can help to relieve the symptoms
  • One of the things that puzzles researchers is that there seems to be evidence that repeated exposure to certain compounds can increase the risk of the immune system
  • While unsightly and uncomfortable, this skin condition is not contagious. It often heals within two to four weeks with effective home remedies. Plus reoccurrences can often be limited by avoiding the

"Contact dermatitis is responsible for 95 percent of occupational skin diseases and one of the most common reasons to see a dermatologist."

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Study: Single Dose Of CBD Shown To Reduce Blood Pressure

Date: August 25, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study: single Dose Of CBD Shown To Reduce Blood Pressure

A recent study conducted at the University of Nottingham in England has shown that a single dose of Cannabidiol can effectively lower blood pressure for individuals that are suffering from high blood pressure. This is great news, considering Cannabidiol is a non-addictive, natural medication. It is also an amazing breakthrough because this means that it can treat many other cardiovascular disorders, not just hypertension. Cannabidiol is believed to be a neuroprotectant that can help prevent cardiovascular disease and stroke, in addition to lowering an elevated heart rate.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD may help prevent cardiovascular disease, specifically by lowering systolic blood pressure.
  • Patients who received one oral dose had an average of 5-7 mmHg drop in systolic blood pressure.
  • CBD may help reduce cardiovascular risk in other ways- like being a vasodilator and protecting neurons that regulate heartbeat.

"Nearly 75 million adults in the United States suffer from hypertension, or high blood pressure. That means around 32 percent of the population is at an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. It’s very promising that CBD has the possibility of reducing and preventing certain cardiovascular disorders."

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They Told Him To Eat Cabbage For A Month Every Day And Watch What Happened!!

Date: August 23, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: They Told Him To Eat Cabbage For A Month Every Day And Watch What Happened!!

One person was told to eat cabbage every single day and the transformation was amazing. He started to feel something strange in his joints. Nature provides us for many things that we can eat and gain nourishment. If you keep eating cabbage, then you will get all of the benefits. It has very high Vitamin C benefits, which allows it to replace citrus fruits. It helps to prevent and treat diabetes as well. It helps with your cardiovascular health too.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nature gives us many important foods that help us stay healthy, including cabbage.
  • Cabbage is high in vitamin C and can replace the amount in citrus fruit, which may help prevent sickness.
  • Cabbage helps to treat many chronic conditions as well as regulate digestive, thyroid, urinary, blood, and pain issues.

"Cabbage also greatly accelerates the metabolism making it the ideal food to treat any type of digestive disease especially in women."


Not all Vitamins are equal – D3 is better than D2, research finds

Date: July 11, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Not all Vitamins are equal – D3 is better than D2, research finds

Not every single vitamin is created equal. The vitamin known as D3 turns out to be better than D2 and research can back this up. Researchers took a look at the health benefits of of veggie containing Vitamin D2 and D3, that is provided by animals. Research done from the University of Surrey found that D3 is 2 times better for you than D2. Vitamin D is very important for our bodies and not to be underestimated.

Key Takeaways:

  • Health authorities are being urged to change their advance on vitamin D after new research found animal sources such as eggs and oily fish are much better for you than vegetable sources
  • Those who consume D3 through fish, eggs or vitamin D3 containing supplements are twice as more likely to raise their vitamin D status
  • Researchers examined the vitamin D levels of 335 South Asian and white European women over two consecutive winter periods, a time when the nutrient is known to be lacking in the body

"Research from the University of Surrey found that D3 is twice as good for you as D2."

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Scientists Say: Mitochondrion

Date: May 27, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Scientists Say: Mitochondrion

Mitochondria are crucial parts of cells, performing the integral function of glucose to ATP conversion, which provides energy for the function of the entire cell. They are found in the majority of cells, and they uniquely possess DNA, making them more complex than most other cellular structures. One theory behind mitochondrial DNA is that mitochondria originated from a living bacteria that lived with cells, and eventually joined together as a single unit. Mitochondria are an important identifying aspect of a cell, and are commonly regarded as a cell's most significant cellular structure.

Read more: Scientists Say: Mitochondrion


9 Reasons to add Chlorella superfood to your diet

Date: May 09, 2017 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 9 Reasons to add Chlorella superfood to your diet

Many overlook the importance of establishing and maintaining a healthy diet. Foods such as chlorella can have dramatically positive benefits on those who include it as part of their daily meals. Chlorella is a form of green alga that has a wealth of nutrients, binds heavy metals, supercharges the immune system, improves cholesterol, keeps blood pressure on track, provides a number of additional benefits as well. Thus, adding this superfood may give you the boost that you have been missing!

Key Takeaways:

  • Chlorella is full of nutrients and is mostly protein and contains 9 essential amino acids.
  • Chlorella does a lot for the body including removing metals in the body.
  • Using chlorella also lowers blood sugar as well as ease respiratory illnesses.

"Like spirulina, chlorella is a green alga with a host of health benefits. Though it has been around forever, this single-celled alga remained well hidden in freshwater ponds in the Far East until the end of the 19th century."

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Fruit Often Mistaken as a Vegetable That Triggers Endorphin Rush and Targets Pain

Date: May 03, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fruit Often Mistaken as a Vegetable That Triggers Endorphin Rush and Targets Pain

A self professed health nut writes in her blog about peppers, which she states are actually fruits that are mistakenly called vegetables. She describes the various types of peppers, such as bell, banana, and chili. Chili peppers are spicy, with the Mexican habaneros being the hottest. She states the hotness comes from capsaicin. She saids capsaicin can be helpful in reducing pain and even fighting breast cancer. The writer goes on to write how to grow both bell and chili peppers.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are a lot of different types of peppers, from sweet to really hot.
  • You can eat sweet and mild-tasting bell peppers raw for a snack, grill, put in casseroles and fix many different ways.
  • Red and Yellow peppers have higher carotenoid content than green peppers.

"There are many different types of peppers, from sweet to flaming hot, making more than one variety useful in a single dish, adding complexity to the flavors."

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Depressed? You may be at risk for this…

Date: April 18, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Depressed? You may be at risk for this…

Depression affects millions of people every single year. While more women are apt to experience depression, men are also at risk for the condition. When you are depressed, the condition causes a number of life altering affects and health consequences important to know. Here are a few of the things that might occur if you are depressed, giving you even more reason for you to get the help that you need as quickly as possible.

Read more: Depressed? You may be at risk for this…


Have you tried the new eco-friendly Health Ranger Dishwasher Detergent?

Date: April 02, 2017 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Have you tried the new eco-friendly Health Ranger Dishwasher Detergent?

Most dish washing detergent contains chemicals that are potentially hazardous to humans. New eco-friendly dish washer detergent are safe and actually work better than normal dish washer detergent. A single box of the detergent has more than conventional commercial brands found in most stores. Health Ranger Eco-Friendly Dishwasher Detergent is cheaper than the more dangerous non green product. Most dishwasher detergent contain 1,4-dioxane a contaminate that doesn't have to be listed. The worst detergents have many parts per million of 1,4-dioxane inside.

Key Takeaways:

  • Health Ranger Select Dishwasher Detergent Powder cleaning power comes from a mix of Sodium percarbonate, sodium carbonate, sodium citrate, protease, and lauryl polyglucoside.
  • Most dishwasher detergents contain 1,4-dioxane, which is a synthetic petrochemical carcinogen.
  • The Health Ranger Dishwasher Detergent contains no harmful chemicals as well as no fillers, chlorine or perfumes.

"There’s a new product line at the Health Ranger Store, and it’s carefully formulated to protect the environment:"

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How B Vitamins Improve Brain Health, Cognition, Psychiatric Problems and Mood Disorders - ProHealth

Date: March 30, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How B Vitamins Improve Brain Health, Cognition, Psychiatric Problems and Mood Disorders - ProHealth

Vitamin B supplements are great for many areas of your health. If you're not currently using one of the supplements, what are you waiting for? When you begin using a Vitamin B supplement, these great benefits to your health are yours to enjoy, and they're all pretty nice. Vitamin B can improve your brain health, mood disorders, cognition, and so much more. This is one supplement that is worth taking every single day. Isn't your life worth it?

Read more: How B Vitamins Improve Brain Health, Cognition, Psychiatric Problems and Mood Disorders - ProHealth


Benjamin Hardy: 8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.

Date: March 20, 2017 01:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benjamin Hardy: 8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.

Getting out of survival mode should be the top of everyone's list. The way to get out of survival mode is to simply do the things on this list. The first is to get a health amount of sleep - at least 7 hours. Next is to either use prayer or meditation to start the day off in the zone. Performing a hard workout and then consuming a breakfast full of protein is next on the list. A cold shower follows, then reading or listening to something uplifting. And finally, review your life goals and then do something that continues you on the path to completing those goals. Doing all these things before 8am will surely get anyone on the path to feeling better about life.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you want to achieve your dreams, you have to make the time each and every single day to move towards that goal.
  • Start by getting the right amount of sleep, at least seven hours.
  • Start your morning by setting your mind and body towards your goal. Do at least one thing each day that moves you closer to achieving your dreams.

"Sadly, most people’s lives are filled to the brim with the nonessential and trivial."

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Are walnuts the key to fighting prostate cancer? Researchers think so

Date: March 18, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are walnuts the key to fighting prostate cancer? Researchers think so

Prostate cancer is diagnosed in over a hundred thousand men each year. Researchers are seeking answers to questions about the role of diet in promoting and preventing this disease. A recent study looked at the impact of walnuts fed to mice. Some studies have suggested walnut consumption shrunk tumors in mice. Researchers have since wondered whether a specific component of walnuts was responsible for this result. Further study suggests a synergetic effect is responsible rather than a single component. These trials present intriguing new paths for research in human subjects.

Key Takeaways:

  • Walnuts are helpful in fighting prostate cancer, but you may need to eat the whole nut.
  • It has already been established that diet influences prostate cancer.
  • Omega 3's are nice, but by themselves won't prevent prostate cancer.

"It’s becoming increasingly clear in nutrition that it’s never going to be just one thing; it’s always a combination."

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Watch ANOTHER Man with Severe Parkinson’s Take Cannabis Oil to Settle his Tremors

Date: March 16, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Watch ANOTHER Man with Severe Parkinson’s Take Cannabis Oil to Settle his Tremors

In considering whether cannabinoids are a suitable therapy for Parkinson's symptoms, the potential benefits must be weighed against the possible side effects. Used in moderation, cannabinoids appear to be relatively well tolerated. Even so, a review of clinical trials involving cannabinoids showed that nearly seven percent of participants discontinued them due to issues such as nausea, dizziness, weakness, mood and behavioral changes, hallucinations and impairment of cognitive (memory/thinking) abilities.

[video mp4="//"]

Key Takeaways:

  • Marijuana has important medicinal benefits.
  • Marijuana is not harmful
  • Marijuana can help millions of people

"His used just a single drop and his hands afterwards were rock steady and the Dyskinesia left."


Cops block Kansas farmers' hemp bonanza

Date: March 12, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cops block Kansas farmers' hemp bonanza

Since other states are allowed to use hemp for farming, Kansas farmers feel they should be allowed to as well but that is not the case. Since hemp is closely related to marijuana, the police officers in Kansas feel that should be illegal as well. Plus, who is to say they are only going to use it for agricultural reasons. However, if it can be allowed in one state for farming it should be allowed in the others and should only have repercussions if it is abused.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kansas farmers are struggling and want to add another crop
  • Kansas law enforcement wants to fight this because they cannot tell the difference between hempand marijuana
  • Since law enforcement is not budging, Kansas farmers are missing out

"You could smoke a bale of industrial hemp and never want a single Dorito."

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Eggs Pack A Vitamin Punch

Date: March 05, 2017 11:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eggs Pack A Vitamin Punch

Eggs are a good full of vitamin A. one of every of nature’s superfoods. Eggs are an incredible supply of choline and in addition include excessive quantities of biotin, Vitamin B12, and different essential minerals. Eggs are additionally a strong supply of protein particularly when one considers that a single egg packs fewer than 80 energy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eggs are an incredible supply of choline and in addition include excessive quantities of biotin, Vitamin B12, and different essential minerals
  • Eggs are additionally a strong supply of protein — particularly when one considers that a single egg packs fewer than 80 energy
  • If you need to appear and feel youthful longer, contemplate the advantages of biotin. This coenzyme helps with the metabolism of fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids — serving to to transform proteins, carbohydrates, and fat into power.

"Enter eggs, one in every of nature’s superfoods. Eggs are an incredible supply of choline and in addition include excessive quantities of biotin, Vitamin B12, and different essential minerals."



Eggs Pack A Vitamin Punch

Date: March 05, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eggs Pack A Vitamin Punch

Eggs are a good full of vitamin A. one of every of nature’s superfoods. Eggs are an incredible supply of choline and in addition include excessive quantities of biotin, Vitamin B12, and different essential minerals. Eggs are additionally a strong supply of protein particularly when one considers that a single egg packs fewer than 80 energy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eggs are an incredible supply of choline and in addition include excessive quantities of biotin, Vitamin B12, and different essential minerals
  • Eggs are additionally a strong supply of protein — particularly when one considers that a single egg packs fewer than 80 energy
  • If you need to appear and feel youthful longer, contemplate the advantages of biotin. This coenzyme helps with the metabolism of fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids — serving to to transform proteins, carbohydrates, and fat into power.

"Enter eggs, one in every of nature’s superfoods. Eggs are an incredible supply of choline and in addition include excessive quantities of biotin, Vitamin B12, and different essential minerals."



How You Can Stop Overeating

Date: March 03, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How You Can Stop Overeating

Overeating is a major problem in America and the obesity rate is rising. Several things you can do to prevent obesity or lose some pounds is eat healthier for a start. Cut out the processed food and the sugar. Try eating more fruits, vegetables and low cal snacks as well as plenty of water. Track what you are eating and why.

Key Takeaways:

  • Overeating is the major cause of the obesity epidemic in America for the last 3 decades.
  • Our first inclination is to just starve ourselves. But this ends up backfiring because we go into a deprivation mode. This makes us overeat and in the end, you gain even more weight.
  • The single most important action to take to stop overeating is to eat healthier. This means to stop eating processed foods and eating more vegetables, nuts, whole grains and lean meats like chicken or fish.

"The single most important action to take to stop overeating is to eat healthier. This means to stop eating processed foods and eating more vegetables, nuts, whole grains and lean meats like chicken or fish."



Fruit and veg: For a longer life eat 10 a day

Date: February 27, 2017 05:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fruit and veg: For a longer life eat 10 a day

If you want to be at your very best health, you need to eat fruits and vegetables every single day. But, how many of each should you eat each day to maintain the best health? Wonder no more because the information that you need to stay healthy is here before you!

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating more fruit and vegetables a day can lower cancer risk and heart disease.
  • Eating more fruit and vegetables should gently be eased into your diet.
  • Five portions of fruit and vegetables a day are recommended but ten portions are better

"Sugar seems to have become public enemy number one in the past few years."




How to grow garlic from a single clove

Date: February 24, 2017 11:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to grow garlic from a single clove

There is a way to grow garlic from a single clove. Garlic has been used for various purposes since ancient times. It was once described as being a cure for many different medical conditions. Over the years, science has actually backed up many of his claims. It can help to lower your cholesterol and also lower your blood pressure.

Key Takeaways:

  • While garlic is one of the world’s most potent foods, the Chinese bulbs are covered with harmful chemicals to prevent sprouting, kill insects and whiten the bulbs for a more appealing look.
  • While there are many garlic varieties to choose from, Natural Living Ideas recommends starting with Elephant garlic, which produces a mild-flavored bulb that even kids can stomach. On the other hand, if you live in a colder climate, hard neck types are the way to go.
  • When the leaves appear withered and pale, it’s time to harvest the bulbs. Loosen the soil, gently pull them out with a digging fork, wash them with water, and let them dry in the sun.

"While the optimal planting time to produce beautiful, large bulbs is fall, just after the first frost has passed, cloves can also be planted in late winter or early spring."




Well: Are Fat Cells Forever?

Date: February 18, 2017 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Well: Are Fat Cells Forever?

People may wonder if fat cells are forever. The number of fat cells one person has seems to be able to go in only one direction and it is up. The fat cell number rises a lot in childhood and then stabilizes as an adult. This does not imply that they are stagnant though. The size of single fat cells is variable.

Well: Are Fat Cells Forever?


What are health benefits of parsley?

Date: February 05, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are health benefits of parsley?

Parsley has a lot of health benefits it turns out. Parsley is used all over the planet because of how helpful it us. There are so many different things that parsley does for our system. The parley plant is very rich in minerals and nutrients. Every single part of parsley is good for the human body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Parsley is widely used in traditional medicine on the whole planet. It helps to get rid of many diseases. This plant is extremely rich in nutrients and minerals. What are health benefits of parsley? Are there any secrets we did not know? Continue reading to get all the essential information on this issue.
  • All parts of parsley are beneficial for a human body. They are actively used for maintaining health and restoring its functioning.
  • Health benefits of parsley are in its biologically active compounds and minerals. All parts of this plant are rich in bioflavonoids and pectin. A large number of essential oils causes spicy aroma of this plant.

"Parsley chlorophyll cleanses the blood, normalizes blood sugar, and tones the blood vessels."



Positive Data for Cannabis Chewing Gum to be Used in Upcoming IBS Trial

Date: January 19, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Positive Data for Cannabis Chewing Gum to be Used in Upcoming IBS Trial

There is a new cannabis chewing gum that just received positive pharmacokinetic data results. The gum is called CanChew Plus, is non habit forming, and is apparently available in all 50 states. It will come in a 30mg dose, which has been proven to be the most effective dosage amount.

Key Takeaways:

  • CanChew Plus is a non-habit forming, hemp-derived CBD functional chewing gum that is available in all 50 states.
  • The single-dose study for 10 mg and 30 mg of CBD determined the concentration of CBD in the blood after chewing CanChew Plus Gum for 30 minutes in healthy participants.
  • “These results show that excellent bioavailability for CBD may be achieved via our proprietary chewing gum delivery system, so that patients suffering from IBS may have symptomatic relief using an easy-to-use solution."

"Currently, AXIM is gearing up for a clinical trial to prove the efficacy of CBD for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome."



Protein Can Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Date: January 09, 2017 08:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Protein Can Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Many people suffer from blood sugar level inconsistencies. A condition known as hypoglycemia is caused when your blood sugar (glucose) drops, resulting in a range of symptoms. Many people with diabetes suffer from hypoglycemia, and the common solution is thought by many to be a sweet treat. However, this can often exacerbate the problem. More often the solution is to give the person some foods which contain protein.

How protein can stabilize blood sugar levels

In much the same way that dietary fiber works, eating a source of high-quality protein along with your meals and snacks can have a beneficial effect on your body's blood sugar levels. Adding some protein to your meal would help to provide the amino acids for tissue repair and recovery while also ensuring you stay satisfied for several hours after eating or consuming the meal.

By choosing the right combination of protein and carbohydrates to eat, you can control the amount of glucose in your bloodstream by slowing the process of digestion. This slowing down prevents a blood sugar spike as a result of overdosing on carbohydrates. However, this doesn't mean that you can just eat foods with protein to your content. Your body can only assimilate so much protein in a single sitting, so you need to be able to ration your intake. Too much protein included in your diet can have severe side effects like intestinal wind, bad breath, and indigestion and there are also long-term health concerns concerning a diet that's too rich in protein.

Though many people might find it challenging to manage, diabetes is not a friendly condition you should just live with. Indeed, with simple changes in your life, you can reap great benefits such as weight reduction and lower both your blood sugar levels as well. Include foods rich in protein in your daily diet and the results will be amazing.

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These Are the Drugs That Cause the Most Overdose Deaths

Date: January 02, 2017 08:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: These Are the Drugs That Cause the Most Overdose Deaths

A new report has shown that the number of deaths caused by an overdose of Fentanyl has doubled in a single year. The Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings and guidelines to combat the rising epidemic that has effected more than 1.9 million people since 2013. While Heroin is the most dangerous and addictive drug, causing over 10,000 deaths per year, Fentanyl is on the rise.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating a balanced diet is a healthy choice, especially a mix of plant and animal based foods
  • Avoid high energy density foods as they do not provide a variety of nutrients a
  • the environment where one eats may have more influence on how food is digested than one might guess, so calm and peaceful is best

"Drug overdoses killed 50,000 Americans last year."




Moderate exercise can boost fertility in men

Date: December 18, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Moderate exercise can boost fertility in men

For all the men out there that don't think its possible to increase their sperm count and fertility, this study will prove you wrong. According to recent research, moderate exercise can very much help out in the struggle to maintain fertility even for men who might be increasing a bit in age.

Key Takeaways:

  • As reported by Medical News Today, an estimated one in three couples encounters conception difficulties because of poor semen quality.
  • A new study, published in the journal Reproduction, has found that moderate yet continuous and regular exercise may be the key to solving fertility problems in men.
  • After only a single week, sperm count, shape and concentration went back to the pre-training levels; sperm motility dropped back after 30 days.

"Sperm samples were evaluated before, during and after the exercise period, and were compared with the results from the control group, who did not exercise. While all exercising men showed improvements in their semen quality – probably because of weight loss – moderate but continuous training, which included running on a treadmill for 25 to 30 minutes three to four days per week, showed the best results regarding semen quality."




Can curcumin Fight Cancer?

Date: December 15, 2016 02:40 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Can curcumin Fight Cancer?

Curcumin is a bright yellow liquid that is produced by some plants, and some people were led to believe that it has the properties to cure cancer which has been found to be entirely false. Although the research has not been abandoned altogether, it has so far led to nothing, and this means that it can not under any circumstance help fight cancer. Some patients have been found to consume up to eight grams in a single day for three to four months; there were still no changes. Although a research scientist had published that there was chance of the plant, form the ginger family to it curing cancer, but now the report has been retracted and deemed fraudulent and misleading by the original publisher.

It is in this light that the many cancer patients that had seen it as a means of escaping that deadly disease now finds themselves whether they were in the first place despite taking curcumin in large amounts. Some of these patients have reported diarrhea as well as mild headaches although the studies showed no signs of any form of toxicity from the curcumin. This well designed clinical research has shown that there is no relationship between it and the curing of cancer.

In human subjects, however, it was found that it reduces the C - reactive protein significantly. There was no relationship established between the dose and response, though. This is not good news for any cancer patients out there, but it does shed a lot of light on this subject and eliminates the need for the patients to keep on doing something that is not helping them. It is imperative to find alternative means to curing cancer, but this is not the way as it is not going to help with much. So, the answer is that Curcumin does not in any way help your body fight cancer.

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Are we thinking about depression all wrong?

Date: November 30, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are we thinking about depression all wrong?

Depression has become an open topic all across the world. More people than ever are open to discussing their depression and seeking help. We have all been led to believe that depression is a chemical imbalance that occurs in our brain. But what if this was misleading and their are other possible reason why a person becomes depressed. A research study has been conducted to find out how inflammation has an effect on our body and could it be responsible for more than just aches and pains.

Key Takeaways:

  • The concept that depression is a serotonin problem is increasingly being called into question.
  • The Marketing of a Myth, which concluded, 'The lowered serotonin theory [of depression] took root in the public domain rather than in psychopharmacology...a piece of biobabble
  • “In six decades, not a single study has proven that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain,”

"One in ten of us will experience depression at some point. Just what causes this highly debilitating disease, and the best way to treat it remains controversial"



Microbes in your gut influence age-related macular degeneration

Date: November 29, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Microbes in your gut influence age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration affects over 10 million people in North America. A study performed in Montreal has recently discovered that bacteria in our guts may be the culprit behind a specific form of the disease called blinding wet age-related macular degeneration. The bacteria cause inflammation that leads to deposits of fat debris in the back of the eyes and destruction of nerve cells. It is suggested that diets with high fat intake alter the stomach bacteria and make it possible for this scenario to occur.

Key Takeaways:

  • Current treatments becomes less effective with time. It is therefore important to find new ways to prevent the onset of this debilitating disease.
  • While many studies on the genetics of AMD have identified several genes that predispose to AMD, no single gene can account for development of the disease.
  • Epidemiological data suggests that in men, overall abdominal obesity is the second most important environmental risk factor, after smoking, for progression to late-stage blinding AMD.

"Among the series of experiments conducted as part of this study, the group performed fecal transfers from mice receiving regular fat diets, compared to those receiving a high fat diet, and found a significant amelioration of wet AMD"



Sugar: What Kinds to Eat and When

Date: November 08, 2016 07:09 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Sugar: What Kinds to Eat and When

You’ve made the decision to cut out sugars, but what does that mean now? Once we were told to focus on simple versus complex sugars, but today the question is whether the sugar you are eating is unrefined or processed. Unrefined sugars from whole foods still hold onto many of their other benefits, while processed foods have been stripped of their natural nutrients and turned into empty calories.

Key Takeaways:

  • All sugars are carbohydrates, known as "simple" carbs, since they're composed of just one sugar molecule.
  • For instance, one gram of a cracker will contain four calories, but one gram of an orange contains about 0.2 calories, because the bulk of its weight is water and fiber.
  • Although sugar is lower in total calories per gram than fat, it contributes mightily to a fatty frame.

"The label on a can of Pepsi reads 41 grams of carbs and 41 grams of sugar. This means that every single carbohydrate comes from sugar. The label on a package of plain oatmeal will read 18 grams of carbs and only one gram of sugar."




Improve Your Immune System.

Date: November 03, 2016 10:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Improve Your Immune System.

Our bodies have a defense mechanism called immune system designed to protect us against unknown invaders that attack our body. Immune system is a system of biological structures and processes guarding us against illness. It identifies a wide array of foreign agents such as viruses, parasitic worms, bacteria, microbes, toxins that invade our body and differentiates them from healthy tissues.

The immune system is complex, intricate and interesting. Things like fevers, hives, and inflammation can all be understood with the working of immune system. Generally, immune system does an amazing job defending us against disease. The problem starts when it fails. This happens when a germ invades our body successfully and makes us sick or causes a fever. To decrease the rate of such incidents it is important for us to make our immune system stronger.

Our immune system also brings to exhaust from years of defending so improving the immune system is extremely essential to stay away from diseases. This can be done by adapting lifestyle that supports the immune system. One person gets sick more or less often than the another person living the same life, or we see that when two people cross the same sick person one sometimes catch the flu while the other doesn't. This happens because all immune systems are not the same. One person can have a better immune system than the other. Working our body in a way to have an improved immune system can really help. The good news is there are many ways one can improve immune system.

Many factors participate in improving an immune system. Since immune system is a system and not a single unit, it is not very simple to improve immune system. Proper function of this system requires balance and harmony. First step to a stronger immune system is selecting a healthy lifestyle. Improving your diet, consuming certain vitamins and supplements, and making other lifestyle changes such as saying no to smoking, or getting enough sleep, etc can play a large role in this factor.

A number of steps that can be taken to improve an immune system are adjusting to a high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in saturated fat diet. Maintaining a healthy weight, controlling your blood pressure, exercise and increased activity levels can also help in this matter. Other life style changes that can help you improve your system are quitting smoking, avoiding polluted areas, consuming moderate levels of alcohol, and getting sufficient sleep.

Take simple steps like washing your hands more frequently, or cooking meat thoroughly, avoiding encounter with sick people to avoid infection such as. Getting a regular medical screening also helps in staying away from diseases.

Some products available over the counter are known to improve immune system. Even though, few of these products are not trustworthy several of these supplements have known to improve immune systems drastically. They enhance immune cells in the body resulting in a better performing immune system.


Boost Immunity With Source Naturals Wellness Formula

Date: October 06, 2016 05:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Boost Immunity With Source Naturals Wellness Formula

Trust the number one formula: Source Naturals Wellness Formula

Combining over 30 vitamins and time-tested herbs, this powerhouse formula goes beyond single-action products to provide comprehensive support to the multiple systems important to immune health.

Wellness Formula gives your body antioxidant defense, respiratory, and immune system support.  That's why Wellness Formula continues to win awards year after year.  Millions of people trust Source Naturals Wellness Formula. 

You Should Too!


Eye Inflammation and one Herb To Prevent It!

Date: September 20, 2016 11:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Eye Inflammation and one Herb To Prevent It!

What is eye inflammation?

Inflammation is a process by which bodies react against infection, injury or irritation. Inflammation may occur due to quite harmless substances such as dust or even pollen grains. Body's immune system can also react against its own tissues to cause an autoimmune reaction. Inflammation of the eye occurs in response to irritation, injury, autoimmune disorders, or allergies. An inflamed eye often appears red, watery and in most cases, painful. Such eye inflammation affects all ages and lasts from a few minutes to months and years depending on the causative agent or other underlying disease conditions. It can affect one eye or both the eyes.

What are the signs and symptoms of an inflamed eye?

Inflammation of eyes can affect the surrounding soft tissues such as eyelids. The primary signs of inflammation include redness of the eye, swelling, increased warmth in the affected eye and excessive tearing. Other symptoms are causal in nature. These include-

Bruising: It is mainly observed on the eyelids. Bruising usually stems from an eye trauma/injury.

Increased Sensitivity: The affected eye has an increased sensitivity to bright light (photophobic). Other visual changes that may be noticed are blurred vision or loss of vision.

Pus Discharge: There is increased pus discharge in the affected eye. It is noticeable in the morning with the stickiness of the eyelids.

Bulging of Eyes: Bulging or protruding of the eye signifies swelling of the eyes.

Watery Eyes: Affected areas secrete excessive tears due to irritation.

Dryness: Depending on the underlying diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome, dryness of mucous membrane occurs. Dry eyes tend to become itchy and gritty.

Other prominent symptoms include general body swelling (edema), respiratory problems or change in level of consciousness, which indicate a serious problem and it is advisable to visit a physician.

What are the causes of eye inflammation?

Eye inflammation is a response to infections, allergies, injury to the eye, or autoimmune diseases. Some of the common causes of eye inflammation include:

Allergic reaction: Many individuals develop allergic reactions to substances which are not compatible with their body. Reaction to environmental allergens such as dust and pollen grains is the most common cause of irritation of the eye which leads to inflammation. Other common allergic substances include drugs, some foods, and insect bites such as bee sting.

Infections: Eye inflammation due to infections is common in people with low hygiene standards. Cleaning eyes twice a day, in the morning and before sleep at night, is advised to prevent infections. Women who use mascara are advised to wash their make-up before sleeping to prevent its adverse reaction with eyes.

Traumatic Injury: The eye is prone to injuries due to its exposure to the environment. Common injuries that cause eye inflammation include blunt trauma, corneal abrasion, irritants such as chemicals, orbital fractures or insect bites.

Autoimmune diseases: Inflammation of the eye could be a manifestation of an underlying autoimmune disease. In such a case, the body might develop inflammatory response towards tissues of the eyes. Some of the common diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, Behcet's syndrome (cause ulcers and abrasions), and Sjogren's syndrome (cause dryness of mucous membranes causing itchiness).

Contact lenses: People who use contact lenses are at a higher risk of getting an inflamed eye. Contact lenses should be kept clean to avoid importation of irritant substances and infections into the eye.

How is an inflamed eye treated?

In many cases inflammation of the eye does not need treatment as it lasts for a few minutes. In case the inflammation exceeds four days, there is a need to see the doctor to determine any underlying causes.

Inflammation of the eyes can be relieved in the following ways:

  1. Clean the eyelids in the morning and evening.
  2. Rub gently from outside to inside with a wet cotton swab.
  3. Lay a warm wet cloth on the eyes. This relieves the symptoms of the inflamed eye.
  4. Avoid wearing contact lenses as they can worsen the symptoms of eye inflammation.
  5. Visit the doctor for comprehensive treatment. The doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation while evaluating any underlying diseases.

The one single most important herb anybody can take to reduce inflammation, in the eye as well as systemic inflammation is "curcumin."  Curcumin is the most powerful substance discovered so far in nature which naturally lowers inflammation with zero side effects.  If you have followed the above list of ways to help reduce inflammation and you still struggle with eye inflammation,  consider taking curcumin daily to eliminate inflammation throughout the body!

For more information visit: //


One plants broad based attack against cancer

Date: August 16, 2016 02:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: One plants broad based attack against cancer

There are a multitude of ways cancer cells can form,  lets look at a few ways and discuss them.

Epigenetics: A process that controls the behavior of genes.  Dietary and lifestyle choices can alter the way our genes work. Exposure to toxins can cause protective genes to goto sleep and allow destructive genes to awaken all due to the way we eat and live.  When this happens, disease can start.

Apoptosis: known as the programed life cycle of cells.  this natural cycle can be interrupted and when this happens, the cell does not die as intended, old and genetically damaged cells form tumors.

Angiogenesis: damaged cancer cells need nutrients and oxygen to survive.  Some cancers are able to form their own network of blood vessels.

Cancer Stem Cells: these are super cancer cells that can remain dormant for years which eventually activate and causes cancer to recur.

Cancer is a very complex disease, todays anti-cancer drugs are designed to address only one single pathway or gene with in cancer cells.  Since cancer is a complex network of hundreds of genes and pathways, conventional drugs are very unlikely to be effective in the end. 

Since a large majority of the drugs are designed around natural plants and their function, it would stand to reason that taking the natural plant would not only be effective but have zero side effects. 

Fortunately, we have a plant that has been validated by thousands of scientific studies.  This plant compound is called curcumin. 

  • Curcumin has shown positive results for virtually every disease it has been research and studied.
  • Curcumin is a strong anti-inflammatory plant and is also a strong antioxidant actually the highest of any food gram for gram.
  • Curcumin's anti-cancer properties make it unique and make it the ideal plant compound to conquer literally every type of cancer and many other chronic diseases.
  • Curcumin attacks cancer from many directions known as multi-targeting, making it more effective than drugs that are currently being used.
  • Preventative treatment is also preferable.  A healthy diet and lifestyle are scientifically proven to prevent and reduce cancer.  Curcumin should be one plant compound everybody should be consuming to prevent cancer and many other disease.
  • Curcumin can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine to further boost healing in individuals who suffer from various diseases.

If you are somebody you know is suffering from cancer, you should seriously consider taking curcumin or telling family members about this wonderful plant compound.


Importance of Antioxidants and How Can We Get Them from Various Foods

Date: December 18, 2015 04:29 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Importance of Antioxidants and How Can We Get Them from Various Foods

Antioxidants, also known as anti-oxidation agents, are nutrients that help reduce the harmful effects of oxidants in the body. We all know that our body cells need oxygen for energy and growth. As our body cells use oxygen to create energy and sustain life, free radicals are released in the process as a byproduct. Antioxidants help combat the damage caused by oxidation.

If you have ever left a slice of apple in open air, you must have seen that after some time the flesh of the fruit turns brown. This is a result of oxidation. However, if you apply a little lemon juice on the slice, and then leave it in open air, the apple slice will remain white. This is because of the antioxidant present in lemon juice. Similarly, the antioxidants present in the food we consume do the same thing, neutralizes the free radicals, and thus keeps our cells protected. Studies have proven that people who consume antioxidant-rich food are at lower risk of developing many diseases, including cancer. Thus, it is very important for you to include these important nutrients in your everyday diet.

Foods Rich in Antioxidants

These important nutrients exist in many foods, and you can easily get them through a well-balanced diet. Nutrients having antioxidant benefits include vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, beta-carotene, and manganese. A large group of phytochemicals also works as antioxidants.

  • Vitamin C

One of the richest sources of vitamin C is sweet red peppers, and one single cup of these peppers can provide you 190 mg or 200 percent of your required daily intake. You can enjoy 100 percent of your daily intake from a single cup of green peppers, orange juice, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. One cup serving of cauliflower, cantaloupe, tomatoes, grapefruit, blackberries, and raspberries offers 32 percent of women’s and 25 percent of men’s suggested daily intake.

  • Vitamin E

The richest source of vitamin E includes hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pinto beans, peanuts, and vegetable oils like canola, corn, and safflower oil. 1 cup of cooked beans, 1-tablespoon vegetable oil and a one-ounce serving of seeds and nuts, offers 2 – 7 mg of vitamin E. These make 13 to 47 percent of your suggested daily intake. Certain vitamin C rich foods also fulfill 10 percent of your daily-required intake of vitamin E including blackberries, raspberries, broccoli, tomatoes, and sweet peppers.

  • Phytochemicals

Phytochemical antioxidants like carotenoids, resveratrol, and flavonoids can easily be identified because of the pigments they offer to the vegetables and fruits, like orange, red, yellow, purple and blue colors. Purple and dark blue fruits include blackberries, blueberries and grapes, and these are rich in resveratrol. Carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, oranges, and red peppers are rich in carotenoids, which offer them a shade of red, orange, and yellow. Dark greens, particularly leafy greens, are rich sources of antioxidants, but the presence of green chlorophyll hides the other colors.

  • Other sources

Dark chocolates are rich in flavonoids, but to enjoy the benefits you need to opt for those that have cacao solids. Milk chocolates and white chocolates do not offer flavonoids. Wine, tea, and coffee are also sources of flavonoids. You can find selenium in beans, nuts, and animal products like milk, beef, pork, chicken, and fish. The best sources of manganese are nuts, pineapple, beans, sweet potatoes, and brown rice.








Reduce Caloric Intake with Xylitol

Date: December 01, 2015 01:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Reduce Caloric Intake with Xylitol

Xylitol is a natural sweetener which was discovered long back in 1891 but since 1960s it is used as a good alternative for refined sugar to sweeten a number of edible products. It reduces caloric intake and the chances of cavities in your dental line. But before discussing the benefits of this alternative sweetener you should know the harms of white sugar on your health which compelled people to adopt it as an effective alternative.

Harmful Effects of Refined Sugar on your Health

Sugar is a kind of drug that contains additive chemicals but no nutritional value. Most of the people use it in their day-to-day life due to its addictive properties. According to various health experts white sugar affects your brain like cocaine. In fact, the added sugar in your day-to-day diet can be the single item that is most unhealthy for you. Most people eat it as they are ignorant about the harmful effects of white sugar on their health. It has been proven that white sugar can;

  • Cause fluctuation in the effect of blood sugar
  • Increase the risk of diabetes, heart problems and obesity
  • Interfere in the functioning of your immune system
  • Cause deficiency of chromium that regulates your blood sugar
  • Speeds up aging
  • Cause decay your teeth
  • Cause gum problems which can cause heart disease
  • Affect the cognition and behavior of the children
  • Increase stress
  • Replace important nutrients.

After realising the harmful effects of white sugar on their health many people have started to adopt alternative sweeteners like Xylitol etc. to replace white sugar and protect their health from its ill effects.

What is Xylitol?

Xylitol is a natural product which is produced by human body in normal metabolic conditions and is also found in various vegetables and fruits like fibrous vegetation, hard wood trees and birch etc. It is produced commercially from these fruits and vegetation plants due to the quantity of sucrose and sweetness it provides without giving unpleasant aftertaste and increasing calories. When you eat Xylitol it gives cooling sensation in your mouth.

How it replaces sugar effectively?

Xylitol has been approved to be used in various oral health and pharmaceutical products like cough syrups, lozenges, chewable pediatric multivitamins, mouthwashes and toothpastes etc. It is also permitted to use in various food items like hard candies, chewing gums and gum drops etc.

Benefits of Xylitol as alternative sweetener

Xylitol is good in taste without any unpleasant flavour. It can be used in same quantity as in sweetness it is equal to sugar. Helps in reducing the chances of cavities in your teeth and reduces the formation of plaque in your teeth. Xylitol also helps in repairing damaged enamel of your teeth by increasing the flow of saliva. It provides 2.4 calories per gram which is about 1/3 of the calories provided by same amount of white sugar.

Most of the healthcare providers advice it as a useful alternative to sugar to their diabetic patients. Thus, Xylitol can be used as an effective alternative to white sugar to reduce the chances of a number of health problems caused by the later one.























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Liquid Calcium Citrate - An Overview of What to Discover

Date: August 01, 2014 05:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Liquid Calcium Citrate - An Overview of What to Discover

calcium foodsCalcium

While calcium is quite effective in conditions of improving health, it is valued very little without the addition of magnesium. Calcium in liquid type is much, much more potent than that of the tablet selection.

Absorption of calcium

Due to the fact liquid calcium is drinking water centered, it is virtually a single hundred % to be absorbed by the body. The reality of the subject is that much less than twenty five % of tablet based calcium is absorbed by the body.

Protein prosperous meals like meat cause calcium to be wasted via the urine. Calcium that is obtained from foods and the capsule type of calcium are badly absorbed. This suggests that most individuals are finding a lot significantly less calcium than they would like to believe is the scenario. As liquid ionic calcium is water primarily based, it is absorbed instantly. This ensures the physique the appropriate quantity of calcium.

It is extremely hard to get the optimum calcium needed for the entire body. This helps make it even far more motive for 1 to take calcium in liquid format relatively than tablet format.

calcium absorptionBenefits of liquid calcium

The digestive process rewards immensely from liquid calcium magnesium. It is excellent for the relief of constipation, indigestion and heartburn. It gains the digestive procedure in other strategies as well and for greatest outcomes, it ought to be taken right after eating.

The production of milk in lactating females is enhanced by the ingestion of calcium. Contractions through labor are also facilitated by calcium. Other advantages are that nerve impulses are regulated and taking calcium enables the clotting of blood.

Calcium deficiency

It is a properly-recognized truth that insufficient quantities of calcium trigger osteoporosis. Calcium deficiency has dire penalties for little ones as it can lead to rickets in kids. Far more important in adults, it causes softening of the bony tissue. This is acknowledged as osteomalacia.

It has been even more reported that the substantial blood pressure and cancer of the colon have also been attributed to insufficient quantities of calcium.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency

An individual can detect a lack of calcium in the body by the presence of tingling and or numbness all around the mouth and the fingertips. Calcium deficient persons will also knowledge painful aches and muscle spasms.

Lack of calcium can be a contributing aspect to currently being obese. It can also retard the method of losing extra fat. It has been uncovered that when a single eats also very little the human body stores all it can, as it does not know when following it will be fed. The identical course of action comes about when the body is starved of calcium.

There is a hormone in the entire body known as calcitriol. This has the power to constrict the arteries. Calcium regulates this hormone. Because of this approach, people today with high blood pressure will notice a drop in the blood strain when ingesting optimum ranges of calcium. Taking calcium also safeguards the nervous technique and the heart.

The system is equipped to create vitamins, but the same are not able to be stated about minerals. For top rated-degree overall health, the entire body involves satisfactory if not abundant amounts of food grade minerals, mainly calcium.


A Guide About beet roots.

Date: April 17, 2014 10:47 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Guide About beet roots.

beetrootHistory of beet

Beets are certainly historical. Originally, the sweet reddish beetroot that majority of people think of to be a "beet" today had not been cultivated till era involving historical Rome. By the exact nineteenth century, however, the natural sweetness of beets had become appreciated and beets grew to become used as a method to obtain sugar.

Health improvements about beet root base.

a) Lower Blood Pressure

Drinking beet juice can assist to lower blood pressure. One study discovered which drinking a single wine glass concerning beet juice minimal systolic blood pressure by simply typically 4-5 items.

b). Enhance Ones Stamina

If you choose a boost to let it become through your current subsequent training, beet juice may again prove valuable. Those who consumed beet liquid before exercise had an opportunity to exercise for approximately aid 16 pct longer. 4 The leading benefit is thought to also be connected with nitrates turning in nitric oxide, which can slow up the oxygen charge connected with low-intensity exercise and moreover enhance tolerance in order to high-intensity determine.

c) Anti-Cancer Qualities

The powerful phytonutrients that supply beets their strong crimson color can assist to ward off melanoma. Research has found which beetroot remove reduced multi-organ tumor formations in lots of different animal designs when administered in water, for instance, while beetroot extract is normally being studied for easy use within treating human pancreatic, bust line, and prostate varieties of cancer.

d) Rich inside Valuable Nutrients and Bedding

Beets are excessive throughout immune-boosting nutritional C, dietary linens, and essential minerals for instance potassium (essential intended for healthful nerve along with muscle function) along with manganese (which is useful for your bones, liver, kidneys, and in addition pancreas). Beets in addition support the vitamin foliate, which helps slow from the risk of beginning complications.



Is Spirutein A Good Meal Replacement?

Date: March 21, 2014 02:18 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Spirutein A Good Meal Replacement?

What is spirutein

spiruteinSpirutein protein shakes are dinner swaps and protein supplements intended to help you meet your nutritional needs. The shakes are accessible in different flavors extending from espresso to berry, and you can buy them in single-serving bundles, in substantial holders or as canned shakes. While protein shakes can supplement your eating methodology or supplant dinners to lessen calories for weight reduction, they ought not reinstate adhering to a good diet.

Benefits of spirutein

Spirutein provides "green nourishment" for the reason that a portion from the health supplement put into the actual shakes tend to be through spirulina and also the eco-friendly tone, chlorophyll, that is recognized to provide unequalled nutritional revenue. In addition, Spiru-tein proteins lives in a mixture of grain, pea as well as soy meats. Flavorings, mineral deposits, nutritional vitamins, psyllium, guar chewing gum as well as oat feed may similarly appear within the smoothies, depending on the actual taste. The activity blend similarly provides house developed dietary supplements, for instance, Korean ginseng as well as ashwagandha. The actual combination of fixings can make Spiru-tein to some higher degree the supper than the health supplement. Presuming you don't put it to use in order to displace the banquet, you might notice that you'll placed on pounds instead of get healthy. Spiru-tein Activity provides 260 calories from fat for each 64-g details associated with proteins; eighty of these calories from fat tend to be through body fat.

What spirutein can do

If you're trying to reduce your own caloric entrance, the actual caloric high quality from the tremble provides sufficient calories from fat in order to displace the dinner. Be cautious associated with such as too much additional fixings, for instance, items from the dirt, crazy distribute or even yogurt, about the reasons these increment the actual calories from fat. The actual Blueberries as well as Lotion Spiru-tein provides 110 calories from fat with no body fat, therefore when you employ this in order to displace the dinner, you will have to consist of celery as well as grapefruits, yogurt or even whole milk in order to increase the actual caloric really worth. You can similarly choose to eat the vegetables as well as drink the actual healthy smoothie basic.

Numerous specialists reports that despite the fact that weight reduction shakes can help calorie counters lose the same measure of weight as low-calorie health food nuts, calorie counters who essentially drink shakes don't take in healthier propensities and have a higher danger of putting on back weight in the wake of completing the eating methodology. Calorie counters accompanying a low-calorie eating regimen have a tendency to have enduring weight reduction on the grounds that they for the most part consume uniquely in contrast to before. To counteract weight pick up, you ought to adjust your calorie consumption with your calorie yield. Decrease your parcels, pick lessened fat forms, and expansion your activity for long haul weight reduction.


Can Celadrin Help Joint Pain?

Date: March 05, 2014 08:08 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Celadrin Help Joint Pain?


In clinical studies, Celadrin cream application has been demonstrated to lessen joint torment in less than 30 minutes. This quite viable, all-common mitigating medication holds a protected mix of specific greasy acids and some menthol's to help reduce torment in the joints, advertise joint flexibility and grease and to help smooth sore muscles.

How can it function?

A long time involving usage in addition to strenuous action can certainly reduce the mobility of your joint parts in addition to deterioration your water that ones your joint parts via pain, ultimately producing osteoarthritis. Celadrin gives remedy in addition to rejuvenation of those joint parts. The item functions by lubricating your mobile walls, so improving your extra padding power involving joint parts in addition to bones. Fat have also been proven to avoid your routine involving redness, making an effort to relieve pain within the joint parts in addition to muscular tissues. When you suffer from muscle mass in addition to joint, Celadrin ointment affords the relief you have to make it through your worktime. Analyzed from prime educational facilities in addition to major medical stores, Celadrin ointment gives relief in order to aching muscular tissues in addition to joint parts.

It provides lubrication in addition to works just like a "cushion" among joint parts in addition to cartilage. Rigid joint parts in addition to pain are generally as a result of bad lubrication. Celadrin Product gives remedy in order to fatigued, aching muscular tissues in addition to joint parts. The majority of people think outcomes inside a half-hour.

Scientifically Efficient Joint pain Pain relief

The results involving human being specialized medical trial offers assist the effectiveness of Celadrin ointment. In a double-blind placebo-controlled trial run released within the Journal involving Rheumatology, forty five participants along with uncomfortable knee joint parts - ingested both Celadrin Mutual Proper care Pain relief or even a placebo ointment to put on topically double every day intended for 1 month. Members have been evaluated on several orthopedic procedures involving development. At the conclusion in the examine, your analysts known that the Celadrin had been a simple yet effective therapy intended for enhancing knee mobility, chance to ascend/descend stairways, chance to surge via seated, go in addition to have a seat, in addition to unilateral sense of balance. No changes have been welcomed in your placebo class. Another examine involving 28 people who have arthritis in the knee additionally revealed major improvements throughout knee function, range of motion in addition to pain decrease in a matter of a single week involving utilizing Celadrin ointment.


Myrrh oil health benefits

Date: February 21, 2014 05:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Myrrh oil health benefits

Know what Myrrh essential oil is

myrrh resinAs you have probably read somewhere else, Myrrh oil is an aromatic resin that comes from trees belonging to the genus commiphora. It has a unique sweet and smoky aroma. Myrrha, hirabol myrrh and bola are other alternative names that people use frequently when referring to myrrh oil. Known to contain cadinene, cuminaldehyde, a-pinene, acetic acid, m-cresol, eugenol and formic acid, this pale yellow oil has been the source of debate due to its many benefits which go back to the time of ancient Egyptians.

Why take myrrh oil?

Modern scientific research has found evidence suggesting that myrrh has a wide range of uses that are beneficial to boost the health condition of an individual. Myrrh is an amazing extract that can be used in aromatherapy to effectively treat colds, coughs, insomnia and sore throat. In the digestive system, the oil is widely used for indigestion and ulcers treatment. Women and young girls find it necessary to increase their menstrual flow using normal remedies but have failed. However, this sap-like oil does not only increase the menstrual flow but it also relieve painful periods and ease difficult labor in childbirth.

For all medical dental infections, the oil is included when mixing a mouthwash. On the skin, it has great success when wiping out bedsores, boils, cracked skin, skin ulcers, athlete's foot and eczema. As a matter of fact, it is sometimes used as an ingredient in many skincare products, creams and lotions.

Myrrh is also purported to treat certain cancers and tumors. The extract from Commiphora trees is highly effective against the gynecologic cancer cells. When used as an anti-oxidant, amazing results are achieved in protecting against lead induced hepatotoxicity.

When can you start taking myrrh resin?

It is recommended to take myrrh essential oil three times in a day or as needed. Pregnant and nursing women should start using it after consulting a qualified practitioner. It can be used as a dietary supplement for children when they reach the age of six years.


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The Health Benefits Of Brazil Nuts

Date: February 03, 2014 07:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits Of Brazil Nuts

Brazil nut nutritional content

brazil nut fruitIf you are interested in improving your health, one of the most effective ways of doing it would be through increasing your intake of Brazil nuts. Most people don’t realize this, but these types of nuts have very high nutritional value and are beneficial for all kinds of people. They have a very high calorie count, which makes them one of the healthiest sources of energy you can find. It is estimated that 100 grams of Brazil nuts provide around 650 calories of energy. They also contain a high concentration of vitamin E, which is important in maintaining the integrity of human cells and is also a potent antioxidant. Selenium levels are also high in Brazil nuts, with 100g of the nuts having around 2000 micrograms of the element. This is more than enough for a single day. This trace element is a potent anti-oxidant, and has been shown to be very effective in protecting against diseases such as cirrhosis, some types of cancer and coronary artery disease.

Brazil nut minerals

One of the most remarkable things about these types of nuts is that they are gluten free. This means that they can safely be used by people who happen to have gluten sensitivity. Other minerals that are rich in the Brazil nuts include copper, manganese, potassium and phosphorus.

Benefits of brazil nut

Eating such nuts on a regular basis is therefore a good idea, since it exposes one to all the above. The good thing about them is that they don’t cost much, so you can benefit from all the above without having to spend a lot of money on them. When you consider the fact that they offer all the benefits above but without costing much, it’s easy to see that they are actually very good value for money. Including them in your diet, irrespective of your physiological status, is therefore a good idea.


Check Out The Wonder Grain: Amaranth

Date: February 02, 2014 07:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Check Out The Wonder Grain: Amaranth

The wonder of amaranth

amaranth plantThe wonder grain Amaranth has been known to humans for centuries. It was heralded as a staple in the diets of pre Columbian-Aztecs who heralded the plant is granting them special powers. Unfortunately, when the Spanish Conquistadors arrived in the region, they outlawed the crop and went to great lengths to push its existence far from common knowledge. It has only resurfaced on the market in recent decades.

Amaranth plant

A broad and bushy plant, amaranth can grow to around six feet in height. It sports a bright and colorful flower head which contains an immense amount of seeds. It is not uncommon for a single plant to produce seed quantities around the 60,000 mark. The seeds are typically used in the creation of amaranth cereal or flour.

The plant itself is not technically a grain, belonging instead to the same plant family as beets, spinach and quinoa. This classification is the reason it offers nutritional benefits that are closer to those offered by darker, greener plants with more foliage rather than those of true grains. Amaranth plays host to a myriad of different nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. One amino acid in particular, lysine, which is generally present in fairly low levels in other grains, appears in a noticeably higher concentration here. Compared to wheat, Amaranth also carries four times as much calcium and double the content of iron and magnesium. It also boasts an exceptionally high level of protein.

Uses of amaranth

This miracle plant can be prepared with a wide variety of techniques. It can be simmered to produce a consistency not unlike porridge. It can also be mixed with other grains to create a dish that resembles rice. Traditionalists can also toss the grains in a skillet to be cooked like popcorn, producing a crunchy, almost nutty experience. While still not yet immensely popular and therefor sometimes harder to find, amaranth can be an excellent addition to any healthy diet.


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What IS NADH And Why Would I Want To Take It Daily?

Date: January 10, 2014 05:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What IS NADH And Why Would I Want To Take It Daily?

What IS NADH And Why Would I Want To Take It Daily?

nadh supplementNADH is a chemical that is naturally created in the body and plays the role of generating energy, NADH stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide with hydrogen.

But there are some individuals who have a lesser production of this chemical and because of that medicine providers have created NADH supplements.

What are the uses of NADH?

NADH supplements are effective for providing focus, improved concentration, and mental clarity as well as upgraded memory skills.

For this reason some people are taking it daily, people who have Alzheimer’s, for example are given this drug.

Not only that people also use NADH to improve their energy production, athletes use it to increase their endurance, while others are using this supplement to cure their chronic fatigue.

Other uses of NADH

Will include treatment for blood pressure, it can also reduce cholesterol.

Some clinical studies have revealed that is also effective for curing signs of depression as well as Parkinson disease. It is also recommended for people suffering from liver and hormone problems, it works by strengthening the immune system.

Individuals who have AIDS and are currently taking a drug called zidovudine or AZT also use NADH to combat the side effects of the drug.

While it is used for complex problems, other people just simply use it to relieve symptoms of jet lag.

Why do some people prefer to use NADH supplements?

NADH is said to be safer than other supplements in the market, it is also safer to use compared with carbonated drinks and energy drinks. It provides extra energy for people to use it, it helps people become alert.

This is perfect for individuals who want to maintain increase their day-to-day energy level. single mothers have reported satisfaction over this drug, with only 10 mg of this supplement they are already given extra energy to take care of their kids.

NADH also works as a way for people to regain youth and vitality, the extra energy produced in the body inspires people to do more.


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Together Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM Fight The Battle Against Joint Pain

Date: December 18, 2013 03:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Together Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM Fight The Battle Against Joint Pain

What Do Glucosamine / Chondroitin / MSM Have In Common?

In today's cultural, there seems to be a remedy for almost any ailment. If you have a headache then just take two acetaminophen every four to six hours. Maybe you have broken your arm and can recall the pain medication that was prescribed by your doctor. Unfortunately, as far as science is concerned,not a single treatment works 100% of the time. There is always some sort of relapse period during which, if an individual forgets to take their medicine the pain will return.

How Does Glucosamine Fit Into The Picture

Hundreds of individuals suffer from some sort of joint pain that is found in the knee, hip, or shoulder area. The chance is high that you are one of those people who have been diagnosed witharthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, or bursitis. Most likely, you have also been written a prescription from your doctor for anything from a muscle relaxer to an anti-inflammatory. Be aware of the fact that these medicines will reduce pain and swelling but only for a short period of time. What happens when the pain relapses and you cannot take anymore? Perhaps, you should consider a nutrional supplement that will help your body fight from within.

What About Chondroitin

By itself, glucosamine lubricates the connective tissues of the body. Although, glucosamine cannot work without another natural compound called chondroitin. The body uses glucosamine to produce chrondroitin which is an example of a glycosaminoglycan. Better known as chondroitin sulfate, it must mix with other proteins in the body to create proteoglycans which are found in all connective tissues.

Why Does MSM Sound So Similar

Just like glucosamine and chondroitin , also known as methyl sulfonyl methane , MSM is known to help aid in the fight against osteoarthritis and joint pain. It is naturally found in humans and in certain plants and animals. Usually MSM is paired with glucosamine and chondroitin in a pill or capsule form.


Boost Energy With CoQ10 And L-Carnitine

Date: November 21, 2013 08:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Boost Energy With CoQ10 And L-Carnitine

CoQ10 and L-Carnatine

 L-CarnatineCoQ10 and L-Carnitine offer double protection for the heart and the brain in just a single tablet. You obtain all benefits for your heart at 100% from CoQ10, while L-Carnitine supports your memory, learning ability, and focus. The exclusive combination of CoenzymeQ10 and L-Carnitine encloses an absorbable, water soluble capsule of CoQ10 and L-Carnitine, which is important for proper usage.

Why are CoQ10 and L-Carnitine Supportive in Energy Boost?

CoQ10 Energy Boost

CoQ10 is a vital nutritional element found in all body cells, in particular the mitochondria, in which most energy is generated. The major function of this coenzyme is to assist in the process of oxygen and food conversion into energy. As people grow older their ability to naturally, to produce this coenzyme decays.

At the same time as Coenzyme Q10 is taking part in the production of energy in each cell of your body, it is considered be remarkably imperative for the high energy requirements of the heart. The heart needs vast energy amounts, because it is the hardest worker in your entire body. Coenzyme Q10 seems to be indispensable for this process. It offers you sufficient antioxidant provision, protecting the body cells from damage of the free radicals, and proffering a dynamic function of the immune system.

L-Carnitine Energy Boost

L-Carnitine transports indispensable fat acids into the same organ where CoQ10 plays its major function - the mitochondria. There, with the help of L-Carnitine, all fatty acids are turned into energy. However, the beneficial function of L-Carnitine does not end here. In addition, it also supports the transportation of toxins outside the body. You can think of the problems that might occur if these vital body processes are not fully operational. At the same time however, the major impact of L-Carnitine over the body is directed towards the brain:
  • Cognitive function and concentration support
  • Cell membrane health support
  • Improves clarity and happiness
Encouraging the overall health of your brain, while offering your heart supreme support, the combination of CoQ10 and L-Carnitine is the best solution for you, in terms of:
  • Supporting your heart's energy needs
  • Providing essential nutrition for all cells of the body
  • Delivering powerful antioxidants, which protect your body
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Astaxanthin Protects The Eye And More!

Date: November 13, 2013 02:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Astaxanthin Protects The Eye And More!

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that is commonly found in the marine environment. It is naturally found in salmon, krill, trout, crayfish, shrimp, crustaceans and yeast. It is the chemical that is responsible for the red color in cooked shellfish and salmon meat. The algae Haematoccus has the richest natural source of astaxanthin.

Astaxanthin can also be produced synthetically, but due to the synthetic product consisting of different steriosmers it is not preferred to be used in some cases.

Unlike beta-carotene it has two more oxygenated groups on each of its ring structure, these additional functional groups make it a highly potent antioxidant and give it a configuration that is more polar than that of other carotenoids. Vitamin E has been known as the strongest antioxidant both in topical use in cosmetics and in internal use, but research has shown that astaxanthin has a greater antioxidant strength than Vitamin E. For example in the quenching of singlet oxygen it has an antioxidant strength five hundred times stronger than Vitamin E.

Unlike many other antioxidants it has the ability of crossing the blood-brain barrier and enter into the eyes, brain and central nervous system (CNS). Most diseases of the CNS and eye are caused by increased generation of free radicals or by a decrease in the ability to remove free radicals from the body. Some of the diseases that are caused by problems with inflammation and oxidation include Glaucoma, Cataracts, and Huntington’s disease. These can be prevented by taking astaxanthin.

It has anti-inflammatory properties that are related to its strong antioxidants properties. It suppresses some of the inflammatory mediators such as, prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2), tumor necrosis factor –alpha (TNF-a), and nitric oxide. Unlike other anti-inflammatory drugs like acetaminophen that can damage the liver and aspirin that may cause stomach bleeding, astaxanthin doesn’t have any side effects.

In people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome it has the ability of reducing pain. Studies have shown that it is able to reduce pain in rheumatoid arthritis by 40% after 8 weeks of continuous use.

It prevents Ultra Violet induces oxidative stress of the skin and prevents the photo aging of the skin. It prevents UV induced formation of wrinkles and collagen degradation in the skin. It may be applied on the skin or taken orally.

In people participating in sports it eliminates the soreness of joints after exercise, and reduces the pain caused by inflammation. This enables athletes to train harder and as a result increase their endurance, skill, and strength. This is through its ant-inflammatory and ant-oxidant effects in the mitochondria (energy producing organelle).

It strengthens the immune system, research by scientists has shown that it causes increase in production of T cells, stimulates the proliferation of lymphocytes, amplify the cytotoxicity of natural killer cells, decrease damage of DNA, and increases significantly delayed type hypersensitivity syndrome.

It prevents heart disease and reduces the risk of people already suffering from heart disease form getting a stroke or heart attack. It improves the blood lipid profiles by increasing HDL (high density lipoprotein) and decreasing LDL (low density lipoprotein).

The liver main function of the liver and kidney is the detoxification and removal of harmful substances in the body. These activities lead to the formation of free radicals. Astaxanthin being a strong antioxidant helps by destroying these free radicals hence it eliminates their oxidative effects.

As a result of its immune benefits Astaxanthin also has anti-tumor properties and as a result it prevents the development of cancer. Its prevention of cancer is also caused by its antioxidant properties and by it regulating gene expression.


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Diffrent Health Benefits of Brewers Yeast

Date: November 04, 2013 07:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Diffrent Health Benefits of Brewers Yeast

Health Benefits of Brewer's Yeast

yeastBrewers yeast is not only one of the most important ingredient of beer making but it's a very healthy dietary supplement as well that has so many health benefits as well including controlling of blood sugar, controlling of cholesterol, increment of energy level, nourishment to skin & hair, and it also increase the breast milk supply in women’s.

What is Brewer's Yeast

If we talk about the production of brewers yeast it is a byproduct of beer and it also get developed by a single cell fungus that is popularly known as “Saccharomyces cerevisiae”. Other than this, manufacturers also add a variety of nutritional supplement in it including chromium, vitamins and other minerals that makes it a healthy dietary supplement.

Brewer's Yeast Content

Since, brewers yeast contains a good amount of chromium, vitamin B complex, selenium and protein that makes it a very healthy food. Its B complex contain different Vitamins including B1 or thiamine, B3 that is also known as niacin, B2 also known as riboflavin, B6 known as pyridoxine, B5 or pantothenic acid, B9 known as Folic Acid, and Vitamin H that is also known as Vitamin B7 or biotin.

All these vitamins work effectively on your digestive system and simplify the breaking of fats, carbohydrates and protein that gives a good amount of energy to body. Other than this, it also improves your nervous system and gives strength to muscles of your digestive system for enhancing your digestive system. In addition to this, it also keeps your hair, muscles, skin, mouth, eyes and liver in healthy condition.

Understanding Brewer's Yeast

Although brewers yeast is highly beneficial health supplement but consume also need to understand that this supplement does not contain Vitamin B12 so they need to take it from some other source else they may experience deficiency of Vitamin B12. In addition to this, if consume have any kind of health issue they need to consult with their doctor before taking it to avoid any health problem.


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Cranberry The Best Solution For Bladder And Urinary Tract Problems

Date: October 26, 2013 11:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cranberry The Best Solution For Bladder And Urinary Tract Problems

What is cranberry 

cranberry fruitCranberries are among the healthiest and most nutritious fruits in the world today. They are small red berries commonly grown in Canada, Europe and the United States of America because of the nature of the climate in these regions that support the cultivation of these berries. Cranberry is loaded is rich in antioxidants and other essential nutrients required by the body. The following are the many health benefits of cranberries.

Helps in the treatment of urinary tract diseases

Cranberry juice is known for its healing properties as far as urinary tract and bladder infections are concerned. This juice contains proanthocyanidins that prevent bacteria from sticking to the uterine walls and the walls of the bladder. For effectiveness you are advised to drink a single glass of this juice on a daily basis.

Effective in dealing with kidney and bladder problems

Cranberry is rich in citric acid among other nutrients that can help in preventing kidney stones the cause of many kidney problems including kidney failure. It is also helpful in treating bladder problems.

Boosts your immune system

Cranberries are very rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants that are responsible for boosting your immune system. Antioxidants are very essential in the removal of harmful toxins from the body. This means that you will have a very strong immune system that will help in fighting of other diseases.

Enhances mental health

Studies show that cranberries are also important when it comes to mental health. This is because they have the ability to boost your moods, suppress anxiety and deal with depression. On top of that cranberry juice helps in improving your memory. It is therefore recommended that you include a glass of this juice in your diet.

Helps in fighting cancer

A recent study shows that cranberry extracts can help in fighting breast cancer by preventing the cancer cells from spreading or the growth of tumors. For a healthy body you are encouraged to drink a glass or two of the juice made from cranberry.

In summary, if you have bladder infections or urinary tract problems simply drink a glass of cranberry juice or simply eat the fruits and you will no longer experience these problems.


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Maitake Mushrooms - Eating your Way to Health

Date: October 25, 2013 07:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Maitake Mushrooms - Eating your Way to Health


In a world full of processed drugs and foods, the possibilities of getting a viable natural remedy for an ailment have decreased exponentially. As the society as a whole becomes more concerned with the safety and nutritional value of the foods they eat, the need for a food that kills more than two birds with a single stone is one that cannot be outdueled. Currently, one of the best foods of choice out there is the Maitake mushroom.

Where is maitake mushroom came from

The Maitake is an edible mushroom native to the northeastern Japan Mountains. This mushroom contains the maitake D-fraction, a compound that exists in our bodies in a form referred to as beta-glucan. Since this component plays a vital role in maintaining the body’s homeostatic levels and hindering the development of some detrimental medical conditions, increasing its concentrations in our bodies increases our chances of living a longer and healthier life.

Components of maitake

Research has proven that the active component in the Maitake mushroom inhibits the growth of cancerous cells. It also boosts our immune system by stimulating the production of neutrophils, T-cells and white blood cells. This is achieved by the catalytic effect of the polysaccharide fibers it contains hence increasing the rate at which your immunity system regenerates and how strong it can stand in time of an infection.

Benefits of maitake mushroom

Other uses of the maitake extract include treating high blood sugar levels, combating hypertension, accelerating weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels in the body and supplying us with the trace elements our bodies need to function optimally.

Even though most of these research results are from tests that have not yet been rigorously verified on human beings to prove their effectiveness, there is nothing to be afraid of since eating this mushroom will leave you with no negative side effects.

Currently, we can reap of this mushroom’s healing and health boost powers by either directly eating it or by taking the maitake D-fraction as a dietary supplement. The last option is more viable to people who do not have access to the mushroom in its original form.


CoQ10: What You Ought to Know about This Substance?

Date: March 26, 2013 12:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CoQ10: What You Ought to Know about This Substance?

Coenzyme Q10 or simply CoQ10 is a substance naturally present not only in a human's body but as well as with the other mammals. It plays a vital role in the production of energy. Back in the year 1957, Dr. Frederick Crane successfully used the mitochondria from the cells of a beef heart in order to locate Coenzyme Q10. But the truth of the matter is that, the substance is also present in human mitochondria. Basically, this substance has antioxidant properties which are highly beneficial in protecting the body against the free radicals present in the environment. Below are some relevant details you ought to know about this substance.

Here they are:

CoQ10 in Kreb's Cycle

There are a number of chemicals that the body needs to induce metabolism and one of those chemicals is CoQ10. The Kerb's Cycle is the body's mechanism to convert certain enzymes into energy. In order to achieve that, the body needs CoQ10 to facilitate the conversion of the enzymes in energy production. CoQ10 is fundamental in the Kerb's Cycle as it supports the electron transport chain in which the oxidative phosphorylation of the ADP (adenosine diphosphate) into ATP (andenosine triphosphate) needs electrons that are exactly delivered where they must be. Without CoQ10, the entire Kerb's Cycle process would certainly fail. The mitochondria of every power cells synthesize CoQ10 so the substance is present in almost all the body parts. However, the heart consumes the most CoQ10 for the reason that it has the most number of mitochondria and it keeps on working even while the body is at rest.

CoQ10 Deficiency

If the Kerb's Cycle fails due to CoQ10 deficiency, the person will feel exhausted and weak. But aside from that, there are other conditions that are often associated with the deficiency such as cardiovascular related diseases, Parkinson's disease and gum disease. Conversely, it doesn't necessarily mean that those diseases are brought about by CoQ10 deficiency.

CoQ10 Dietary Sources

The main sources of CoQ10 include fish oil, whole grains and organ meats. With a balance diet, people can get sufficient amount of coenzyme Q10.

CoQ10 Supplements

Aging is an inevitable process and it can affect the synthesis of CoQ10. As humans grow older, the production of the coenzyme Q10 gradually decreases. It was mentioned earlier some of the foods that are incredibly beneficial in maintaining ample amount of CoQ10 in the body. But people who do not really include those foods in their diet should not worry for there are now food supplements that contain CoQ10.  Some medications like cholesterol meds can prevent the body from using CoQ10, this is when it is essential for one to take a supplement.

Fortunately, with the advent of medical researches and innovative technology in drug manufacturing, CoQ10 can now be ingested into one single tablet, soft gel capsule, hard shell capsule or an oral spray. CoQ10 is a fat-soluble substance so taking it along with foods is highly encouraged.

Who Takes CoQ10 Supplement?

Children under 18 years old are not allowed to take CoQ10 supplements unless prescribed by the doctor. For adults at the age of 19 or older, the recommended dosage in 30 - 600 mg daily. Higher dosage may be taken for special conditions.

Humans need energy in order to carry out all the tasks. Therefore, CoQ10 must be taken daily, whether from foods or supplements, so the body has the energy to move.

Have you had your CoQ10 Today?


Benefits Of A Super Fruit Juice Blend

Date: March 12, 2013 03:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits Of A Super Fruit Juice Blend

We've all heard about super fruits, but not all fruits qualify as a super fruit. Those fruits that are deemed to be "super" aren't necessarily considered to be the best fruits, as a super fruit must be packed with fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and basically all sorts or phyto-nutrients as well. The nutrients that are in super fruits have shown to help you live a much longer and healthier life, as they will prevent all sorts of illnesses. There are many fruits that are so high in sugar, causing them to no longer be the greatest choice when looking in your fruit stand.

Benefits Of A Super Fruit Juice Blend

One of the main benefits to drinking super fruit juice blends would have to be the fact that they store your entire body with all sorts of vitamins and minerals. By simply drinking a super fruit juice once a day, you will be able to detox your body and fasten your metabolism all at the same time. Making a super fruit blend is also very easy and simple as long as you have the right blender or juicer.

Top Super Fruits

To Add In Your Juices

Although there are many types of fruits that are said to be super fruits, it doesn't mean all are really super fruits. Some of the best fruits that are truly "SUPER" are moringa oleifera, acai, goji, mangosteen, noni, nopal, and maqui juice. All of these fruits are hi in antioxidants, low in sugar, and are also packed with so many nutrients. These super fruits are also considered to help prevent all sorts of conditions like cardiovascular disease, heart disease, diabetes, and so on. When you store your body with the right nutrients, you will certainly be able to live a much healthier life. However, since the fruits are very beneficial to the body on their own, they become a lot more healthier when you combine them together.

Why The Combination Of These Super Fruits Are Highly Beneficial

The main reason why these fruits are best to be combined together is because since they all offer individual benefits, combining them will allow you to attain all their health benefits in a single drink. Super fruits are proven to help reduce the chances of infection, enhance vision, minimize inflammation, lower blood clots, enhance digestion, and regulate bowel system. There have even been claims stating that some of the fruits above can help cure certain cancers and diseases as well.

Plus, some of these fruits contain anti-microbial properties which could help prevent intestinal issues allowing it to reduce cancer.

If you want to receive the right amount of nutrients in your body daily, then you must consider to start drinking a super fruit drink daily. When you start to store your body with all the needed super fruits, you will then start to live a much healthier life. The benefits of super fruits cannot be attained with regular fruits because they don't really offer the same nutrients of a true super fruit.


Top Three Health Benefits of Mangosteen

Date: January 24, 2013 03:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top Three Health Benefits of Mangosteen

Mangosteen, botanically referred to as Garcinia Mangostana, is a topical fruit that finds its roots in Southwest Asia. The shape and size of this fruit is akin to that of a tangerine and it has a think rind. Additionally, mangosteen is sweet and has creamy white flesh. This fruit is well known for its powerful characteristics that can be attributed to its three nutrient contents; xanthones, flavonoids and fiber. Here is a look into a few benefits that you can avail by including mangosteen into your diet. Read on.

#Benefits of Mangosteen


Xantone is basically a polyphenol that only exists in plants. This polyphenol is the cause of a variety of hues in plants but more importantly, it has antioxidant properties that promote healthy body functions. The most notable benefit offered by xanthones is its ability to neutralize free radicals and prevent cell damage. Numerous health experts are of the opinion that xanthones can help the body to combat harmful fungal invasions.


Just like xanthones, flavonoids are also found in the rind of the fruit. They enhance other antioxidants, especially those that promote the immune system. In addition to that, these flavonoids exhibit anti-inflammatory characteristics as they prevent the reaction between certain body enzymes and free radicals. Such a reaction can cause inflammation which is undoubtedly a leading cause of lymphatic diseases.


A single serving of mangosteen contains 5.1 g of fiber (dietary). Fiber aids in digestion and helps in promoting bowel movement. As such, it helps in eliminating bacteria that may have hitched camp in the colon and thus minimizing the risk of colon cancer. Proper bowel movement can soften your stool and eliminate constipation. Again, fiber helps in moderating the blood sugar level.

There are other numerous benefits of mangosteen including its ability to relieve anxiety, stress and depression, combating allergies and protecting the brain and nervous system. However, all these benefits boil down to the aforementioned nutrient content. So, you can incorporate mangosteen into your diet and avail a host of health benefits.


What Are A List Of Detox Foods?

Date: January 03, 2013 12:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are A List Of Detox Foods?

A quick search online will undoubtedly result in you managing to come across a list of detox foods that various experts claim will help you to just cleanse your body of various toxins in an entirely natural way. There are clearly a number of health benefits associated with doing this, but prior to starting you do need to have a firm understanding as to which foods or herbs are the best and indeed some of these will now be discussed below.

Eating practices

First on the list is fruit in general and you should look at eating several pieces every single day in order to really get the benefit from them. The reason why they are so good is due to the amount of liquid that is contained within them and this helps the body to flush out those toxins and when you combine this with the number of vitamins, fiber, antioxidants and nutrients, then you get a powerful food that can do you a lot of good.


Another food group that deserves to be on a list are your greens and the reason why the likes of spinach, kale, and chard are so good is thanks to the amount of chlorophyll that is contained within them. Chlorophyll is great as it boosts your digestive system, but more than that it has been shown to help your liver to detox itself and this is key since the liver plays a central role in your system due to it filtering waste and toxins and processing them correctly. You will also find that chlorophyll helps your body to clear out various environmental toxins that we breathe in on a daily basis and this alone can really improve your body.

One type of food that deserves to be mentioned on its own is garlic and you should certainly look at eating more of it on a regular basis due to the positive effects it has on your body. It is so important because it entices your liver into producing more of the correct enzymes that will lead to your body being able to detoxify itself and in particular to help remove those toxins from the digestive system, so do add it to your recipes as much as you can and you will certainly benefit from doing so. 

Raw Vegetables:

Other types of foods that you may wish to consider include some raw vegetables and you may wish to juice them and have them that way rather than simply eating them. The main ones to look at include:

  • onion
  • carrots
  • cabbage
  • beet
  • asparagus
  • kale

As with other things listed above they work by helping your liver to deal with the various toxins in your system. These vegetables are also good because of their naturally high levels of things such as glutathione and sulphur, so consider just eating them as nature intended to really benefit from doing so.

Finally, you should also consider using more herbs if you wish to detox and there are several that should play a key role due to their various properties. Two that you will have heard of are ginger and turmeric and they will tackle your immune system and your digestion process and by balancing them out it helps your body when it comes to getting rid of the toxins.

Others that should be included are gymnena due to it being good for your blood sugar levels, neem due to it helping to purify your blood, guduchi as it will cleanse your liver, and mangistha as this will boost your lymphatic system and since this is linked to your immune system you are going to need to have both working perfectly if you want your body to cleanse itself.

What has been attempted here is to point you in the direction of certain types of foods that can help you to detox rather than simply listing one after the other. You are advised to try to include as many as possible when going through the detox process and by doing so you will feel the benefit that comes from removing those toxins from your system and enjoy the increase in health and energy that comes with it.


What Is Candida And How Do You Fight It?

Date: December 27, 2012 03:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Candida And How Do You Fight It?

Candida - or even more correctly known as Candida albicans - is now generally acknowledged as the specific kind of microscopic yeast which causes yeast infection or even thrush in humans -- known as Candidiasis.

Candida is a single cell living organism that grows into hives of many cells and can be observed physically at this stage when it infects body areas as white patches or clusters. This is how you might see it in the vagina, the throat or in the intestinal tract when a micro-camera is sent inside to investigate! Normally Candida's growth is stalled by other small micro-organisms known as good bacteria.

The Good Bacteria

The good bacteria do not have a tendency to cause any adverse symptoms in the body, and their actions really provide the body with many benefits. Acidophilus and bifidus are considered good bacteria. Normally, lower levels of Candida are good for the body and is not particularly a difficulty; in some respects it even provides some specific benefits to the body. Candida acts as a type of natural waste digester and ferments waste sugar in the body. But the problem actually starts when its growth goes beyond control.

What causes candida? - Answer: Anti-biotics

Antibiotics are one of the commonest causes that lead to candida condition. Antibiotics, while they might help cure infection in the body, disturb the balance of bacteria in the body by killing both good and the bad bacteria.

Weakened Immunological systems

Candida is generally kept under control naturally by your immunological system and good bacteria. Nonetheless when you are sick, it can grow out of control and induce infection and other problems.

Unhealthy Diet

Candida feeds on sugar. If you have got a diet loaded within junk food and sugary treats you are providing it with a feeding ground. An unhealthy diet also weakens your immune system.

Combating The issue

A good diet is the easiest way to prevent this problem. Steer clear of foods high in sugar as well as foods that have starchy carbs. After you shower, sweat or swim, ensure that you dry out any susceptible areas. Regular diaper changes also help stop Candida infections in babies. If you think that you may be suffering with candidiasis, visit your doctor first for the kind of diagnosis that is required. They'll likely prescribe a good anti-fungal medication. This treatment typically works well for an occasional yeast-related infection.

However, if you suffer from protracted infections then consider treating the core issue instead of the signs and symptoms of the disease. Frequent Candida infections are likely to occur due to an imbalance associated with bacteria, too much sugar in your body or a weakened immunity system. If you can prevent Candida overgrowth in your body you'll be able to avoid the infections associated with it. Some of the finest natural remedies for candida Shark liver It's a well known fact that shark liver oil can do wonders for the body with regards to improving the condition of the defense mechanisms.

This is important for sufferers of Candida since the best weapon everybody has against Candida running crazy in our bodies is our own immune system. Grape seed extract Another popular natural cure for Candida is grape fruit seed extract. Grapefruit extract can work as an anti-fungal solution that can help raise the body's pH to a degree where it is too acidic for the Candida to reside. Helping to restore the body's pH level back to healthy levels is a useful way of treating Candida.

Garlic pills Garlic pills are another common, all-natural way to deal with Candida. It's assumed that garlic can restrain the growth associated with Candida in the body since it does have some anti-microbial properties. Tea tree oils Studies have showed that tea tree oil is capable of destabilizing the cell walls of the yeast, making them easier for the body's immune response to kill them off. Because Candida is a comparatively new condition and is still so arguable, there's actually is no medical opinion accept antibiotics which cause the condition our best option is to treat it herbally. The best choice for any person looking to treat their Candida is to consult with a doctor, or at the least a qualified dietitian about the treatment they should follow.

You can also try the following natural remedies:


Melatonin Overdose

Date: December 27, 2012 01:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Melatonin Overdose

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant/hormone secreted by a small endocrine gland in the human brain. The hormone is responsible for sleep-wake cycle modulation and fine tuning of your body's "internal clock". In other words: when it gets dark, your pineal gland increases melatonin production, which induces drowsiness and makes you sleepy. When light conditions change (e.g. daytime), your body decreases melatonin production. If you expose yourself to an intense source of light during the night, or keep spending time in a dark environment during the day, you can confuse your body and disrupt melatonin production.

The hormone was also observed to affect the production and the discharge rate of female sex hormones.

As one gets older, his pineal gland produces less and less melatonin, which leads to a conclusion that melatonin is age dependent (children have the highest concentration of melatonin). The fact that our body produces melatonin to "sedate" itself when the sun goes down, implied that the hormone could be used to help people suffering from sleeping disorders, desynchronosis (jet lag) or similar conditions.

This served as a basis to study and use positive health effects of the hormone. Melatonin is not a miracle-cure, but it CAN improve the sleep quality of insomniacs, women in menopause, benzodiazepine (valium) withdrawal patients and people who suffer from ADHD. Melatonin also improves the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic agents in breast cancer treatments and increases the chance of survival in prostate cancer patients.

If you are a healthy middle-aged person, your body will produce between 5-25 micrograms of melatonin per night (80 times less than a single melatonin capsule). This is a good indicator of recommended dosage. In fact, you should start with 0.1 - 03 mg per night, an hour before bedtime. If that doesn't help, you may increase the dosage up to 10mg a day. However, do not exceed 10 mg per night before consulting your doctor, as that may cause an overdose.

Anything above 10 mg is risky without a professional guidance . If you consider the fact that you can overdose even with a sufficient amount of vitamins, melatonin is not an exception, and should be used with caution. Typical overdose symptoms include drowsiness, upset stomach, headache, confusion, lethargy, psychotic thinking, tremors, seizures and liver issues. If you experience multiple symptoms at the same time, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.



Date: December 27, 2012 11:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Vitamin B complex is food a supplement that is soluble in water and fundamental in growth, development and cell metabolism. B complex is a group of the B vitamin compounds including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, B12 (cobalamins), biotin (B7) and folic acid (B9). The distinction of the B complex into numbers arose because initially it was thought to be a single nutrient existing in specific food types only but further research discovered the existence of different compounds in the nutrient. All compounds of the B complex have distinct structures and perform different roles in the body. They play an important role in enzyme activities more so in chemical reactions that lead to production of energy in the body. They are mostly found in plant and animal food sources and also as supplement tablets.

Vitamin B compounds have numerous health benefits each one with a different function.

  • Vitamins B1 and B2 aid in the proper functioning of the nerves, muscles and heart. B1 boosts the immune system giving the body strength during times of stress through energy production.
  • B3 is important in the regulation of the digestive and nervous systems.
  • Pantothenic acid and cobalamins aid in normal growth and while B7 and folic acid are important in hormone production and DNA maintenance respectively.

The different individual health benefits of the compounds are as follows:

  • · Prevention of kidney diseases especially in individuals with type 2 diabetes
  • · Prevention of migraines
  • · Lowering of body cholesterol levels
  • · Protection against heart diseases and alleviation of nausea especially during pregnancy
  • · B9 specifically helps in prevention of different types of cancer such as breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer and reduction in the risk of occurrence of birth defects in unborn babies
  • · Research has also show that B12 lowers cervical cancer in women.

It is due to these benefits that medical practitioners encourage use of diets rich in vitamin b compounds or intake of the compounds in dietary supplement form as tablets


A brief description of ultra enzymes by Natures Plus

Date: December 21, 2012 04:07 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A brief description of ultra enzymes by Natures Plus

In our daily lifestyle we have to consume fast food on a regular basis, simply because it saves time for us and also they are cost-efficient to some extent. Well, you should be acquainted with the fact that these fast foods are the prime reason for severe digestive disorders which may appear by consuming excessive fast foods. This may occur when the digestive enzymes of the human body fails to perform their actions on these junk food items. 

We Need Enzymes

To enhance the efficiency of the enzymes in our body, some digestive supplements may prove to be quite beneficial for us. These supplements aids us in fetching the desired results of having a proper health by eliminating all the digestive problems from our body. Ultra enzymes are clinically tested and the results have confirmed that these dietary supplements have a number of health benefits and can produce effective results when consumed on a daily basis. 

Processed foods

When food is cooked, most of the vital enzymes and essential vitamins are lost in the process and it becomes tough for the human body to digest these foods. Ultra enzymes by Nature Plus is a dietary supplement which can deliver appropriate results by giving support to the digestive system of the human body. It is the best available digestive aid which has the capability to prevent the digestive disorders from reoccurring in the human body.

Ultra Enzyme Ingredients:

The components and supplementary facts which are used to describe the efficiency of this particular product includes amylase, lipase, glutamic acid HCl, acidophilus, papain, cellulase, protease, pancreatin 4x, pepsin-NF, malt diastase, hemicellulase and ox bile. All the components are mixed in the appropriate proportions and served in a single and cost-effective unit, which will surely tailor all the requirements of the dieters and also for those people who are going through digestive disorders. Thus, it can be concluded that the ultra enzymes by natures plus is the ultimate remedy for digestive disorders and can help the human body by increasing the rate of absorption and break down of nutrients in your intestinal tract.


How Curamin Combats Inflammation Pain

Date: December 19, 2012 12:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Curamin Combats Inflammation Pain

Fact: You can manage pain with natural remedies!ep-10220

Study has revealed the sad fact that four out of every five Americans perceive that pain is a natural inevitable part associated with old age. Athletes on the other hand believe that severe pain is essential for physical fitness. Many people again, think that there are certain disorders that ignite pain and you can do less or nothing to relieve the ache.

In fact, 28% of America's population believes that there is no solution that can eliminate their personal pain concerns. In the contrary, Curamin by EuroPharma is a highly effective herbal remedy that combines four powerful and clinically proven ingredients, into a single award-winning product that offers an ultimate level of pain relief.

Here is a look into how Curamin relieves inflammation pain.

#Curamin's Ingredients The secret behind Curamin's power is blending the best of the best. These ingredients are well known for their fast action in relieving pain associated with inflammation especially in the bones and joints. Here are the four main ingredients used in the formulation of this unprecedented pain reliever.

*DLPA (DL-phenylalanine) This is a double part amino acid (D phenylalanine & L phenylalanine) that impedes the breakdown of the enkephalin compound, also known as the positive mood enhancer. In addition to that, DLPA converts the L phenylalanine into tyrosine so as to enhance the secretion of two brain chemicals; norepinephrine and dopamine, which ease pain and dissolve inflammation.

*Boswellia Boswellia serrata, also known as Indian frankincense is an anti-inflammatory herb used in the Curamin formula. The boswellic acids prevent the hyperactivity of an enzyme called lipoxygenase, which is often associated with inflammation. This way, it effectively combats inflammation pain.

*Nattokinase This natural ingredient is extracted for a Japanese fermented cheese known as natto, hence its name. The production of this beneficial enzyme can be attributed to a certain bacterium called Bacillus natto. Its benefits in relieving pain come through its action of breaking down clots, promoting the circulation of blood. Thickened blood can intensify pain, and by promoting blood circulation, all other Curamin ingredients are well distributed to every single part of the body.

*Curcumin This powerful, natural compound derived from turmeric requires no detailed introduction. It promotes the body's natural ability to combat inflammation and also contains anti-oxidant properties that are very useful in preventing tissue damage. Its functionality in pain relieving is behind its effectiveness in cutting off pathways that lead to inflammation. Numerous studies have also depicted its ability to promote cognitive-enhancing as well as anti-depressant benefits by igniting neuro-protective brain functions and moderating pain neuro-transmitters.

#How Curamin Relieves Pain

This proprietary formula combats inflammation pain by promoting the body's defense mechanism. In addition to that, it features curcumin BCM-95 which has an enhanced oral bioavailability and is highly soluble, thus availing a full spectrum or curcuminoids that fight pain in a flash. Additionally, the amino acids and Boswellia used in the formulation of Curamin helps the body to absorb the pain alienating ingredients quickly, which earns Curamin its well deserved fast-acting characteristic.

Curcumin BCM-95 has extended blood retention; one among the many attributes that makes Curamin stronger than other plain curcumin products. We cannot forget to mention the fact that Curamin is associated to no known side effects. It combats all types of pain ranging from occasional back pain to chronic pain caused by arthritis. So, next time pain becomes a problem, grab a bottle of Curamin and make your life a whole lot easier.


Vitamin B-12 Energy Boost?

Date: October 13, 2012 07:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin B-12 Energy Boost?

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is among the most useful of all vitamins, because it is important to every single part of the body. In particular, it plays a vital role in producing energy, which it achieves by speeding up the body's metabolism. It also encourages red blood cells to be produced, something which is important in maintaining good circulation, as well as helping the body to maintain its levels of the iron it needs for healthy blood. This in turn gives a boost to energy.


Other tasks accomplished by vitamin B-12, which can be found either in animal-based foods or in dietary supplements, include helping nerve cells to develop. This is necessary for both the brain and the central nervous system to operate properly. Vitamin B-12 also plays a role in keeping blood sugar levels at their correct level, by balancing the levels of the chemical homo-cysteine found in the blood. This, again, boosts energy and prevents feelings of fatigue.


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