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  Messages 1-71 from 71 matching the search criteria.
Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies Darrell Miller 5/28/24
six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals. Darrell Miller 12/6/23
Benefits of Taking Magnesium: Why You Need This Amazing Mineral. Darrell Miller 12/27/22
The Amazing Heart Health Benefits of Soluble Fiber Darrell Miller 11/10/22
Improve Memory, Learning, Focus, And Muscle Function With Acetyl L-Carnitine Darrell Miller 11/9/22
Support Healthy Gastroinesteinal Tract, Blood Sugar, And Cholesterol With Berberine Darrell Miller 11/8/22
The Power of Zeolite Darrell Miller 11/3/22
All You Need to Know About L-Carnitine Darrell Miller 10/28/22
The Benefits of Collagen Joint Support Powder Darrell Miller 10/26/22
L-Histidine: Support Immunity, Brain Function And Cardiovascular Health Darrell Miller 10/21/22
New Formula by Source Naturals: Wellness N-A-Cetin Immune Protocol Contains The Power of NAC & Quercetin for Immune Support Darrell Miller 10/19/22
New from NOW FOODS, Quercetin supplement Darrell Miller 10/19/22
Are you getting enough fiber daily? Add fiber and essential fatty acids with Flax Seeds each day! Darrell Miller 10/14/22
Support the Cardiovascular System, Promote Health Aging, and Reduce Stress with Resveratrol Darrell Miller 10/13/22
All About Echinacea (Purple Coneflower) Darrell Miller 10/11/22
The Many Benefits of Graviola(Diabetes, Liver, Parasites) Darrell Miller 10/11/22
What is DMAE and Why is it Important? Darrell Miller 10/10/22
Re: Devil's Claw and Inflammation Darrell Miller 10/10/22
Date Sugar - A Raw Food Enthusiast's Delight Darrell Miller 10/8/22
The Benefits of Dairy Digest Complete Darrell Miller 10/7/22
D-Flame - Herbal Support for a Healthy Response to Stress Darrell Miller 10/7/22
D-Flame - Herbal Support for a Healthy Response to Stress Darrell Miller 10/6/22
Collagen for Healthy Joints, Bones and Skin Darrell Miller 10/3/22
The Many Health Benefits of Chia Seeds Darrell Miller 9/28/22
The Importance of Vitamin D-3 Darrell Miller 9/28/22
The Cardiovascular Protection of Celery Seed Extract Darrell Miller 9/27/22
The Importance of Pyruvate and the Citric Acid Cycle in the Body Darrell Miller 9/24/22
The Importance of Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D for Bone Health Darrell Miller 9/23/22
The Truth About Collagen: Can It Really Help You Look Younger and Feel Younger? Darrell Miller 8/3/22
Hawthorn Berry and Heart Health: How the Two are Connected Darrell Miller 4/29/22
Green Tea Extracts: The Best Source of EGCG for Cognitive Health, Cellular Defense, and Mental Well-being Darrell Miller 4/25/22
Vitamin E: A Closer Look at Tocotrienols Darrell Miller 10/21/17
Lutein, found in leafy greens, may counter cognitive aging Darrell Miller 7/31/17
CONFIRMED: Omega-3s boost blood flow to regions of the brain responsible for learning and memory Darrell Miller 6/2/17
Cannabidiol bill for epileptic seizures moves closer to becoming law Darrell Miller 4/14/17
Benjamin Hardy: 8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M. Darrell Miller 3/20/17
Rewires Your Brain and Slashes Anxiety Levels, but Beware Darrell Miller 3/14/17
Is Pineapple Acidic and Can Pineapple Cause Acid Reflux? Darrell Miller 2/27/17
A Closer Look at Vitamin A Darrell Miller 1/7/17
Fight your sickness by making your own DIY all-natural cough syrup Darrell Miller 12/29/16
Replacing carbs with protein? Don't overdo it Darrell Miller 12/17/16
Are your storable foods mostly just reprocessed GMO corn? Darrell Miller 12/8/16
10 Reasons to drink lemon water on an empty stomach Darrell Miller 11/8/16
11 Foods that Help You Sleep Better Darrell Miller 11/4/16
Are You Gaining Weight For No Reason? Check Your Thyroid Darrell Miller 10/31/16
Check Out The Wonder Grain: Amaranth Darrell Miller 2/2/14
Bitter Orange Extract Darrell Miller 11/22/12
Sarsparilla Darrell Miller 7/31/09
Natural Soap Bars Darrell Miller 1/20/09
GrapeSeed Extract Darrell Miller 10/15/08
Fight Histamine With Quercetin Darrell Miller 2/11/08
Is Wild Yam Natures Progesterone? Darrell Miller 11/15/07
Stevia: Sweeten Your Life With Out The Weight Gain Darrell Miller 11/13/07
Staying Healthy Means Keeping Your Blood In The Proper PH Darrell Miller 10/21/07
The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, D-Ribose, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium Darrell Miller 5/18/07
Fight for supplements now—it’s a matter of life and death. Darrell Miller 5/20/06
Night Health: A new approach to improving sleep. Darrell Miller 5/12/06
Best Sugar Balance Svetol (green coffee extract) Darrell Miller 5/5/06
California Proposition 65 (Prop 65) and Progesterone Cream Warnings Darrell Miller 2/17/06
Pomeratrol™ Fact Sheet Darrell Miller 12/19/05
DATE SUGAR Darrell Miller 12/17/05
Organic Life Vitamins Darrell Miller 10/13/05
Take Your Vitamins: Reviewing Scientific Approaches to Selecting Daily Multiple Supplement Darrell Miller 6/21/05
Green Power Darrell Miller 6/14/05
Truth in Labeling Darrell Miller 6/14/05
SPA: Satisfying Personal Attention Darrell Miller 6/14/05
Diabetes Darrell Miller 6/10/05
Maximum Absorption Darrell Miller 6/10/05
Muscle Mass - Reach Your Maximum Muscle Potential Darrell Miller 6/4/05
Mega H- Hydrogen (H-)The Fuel of Life Darrell Miller 6/3/05
Under-Reported (and Underappreciated) Cholesterol control. Darrell Miller 5/12/05

Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Date: May 28, 2024 03:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

In recent years, there's been a significant uptick in the awareness of vitamin and mineral deficiencies across global populations. Micronutrients, though required in minuscule amounts, play a critical role in bodily functions, from metabolism to immunity. Despite advancements in healthcare and education, many individuals are still unaware of their own nutritional gaps, with modern diets contributing significantly to these deficiencies.

Factors Contributing to Micronutrient Deficiencies

Modern Diet Trends

The rise in convenience foods, which are often calorie-dense but nutrient-poor, has significantly impacted nutritional intake. Fast foods, processed meals, and sugary snacks have become staples in many diets, particularly in urban settings. These foods are typically low in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, and magnesium. As people increasingly rely on these quick, palatable options, it often comes at the expense of nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Lifestyle Changes

Another contributing factor to vitamin deficiencies is the shift in lifestyle patterns. Longer work hours, increased screen time, and reduced physical activity mean that individuals spend less time outdoors. This has a particularly detrimental effect on vitamin D levels, which are naturally synthesized when skin is exposed to sunlight. Furthermore, high-stress levels and poor sleep quality can deplete essential nutrients, exacerbating the issue.

Agricultural Practices

Changes in agricultural practices have also had an inadvertent impact on the micronutrient content of food. Soil depletion, the use of chemical fertilizers, and genetically modified crops can lead to lower levels of vitamins and minerals in produce. Consequently, even those who consume fruits and vegetables regularly might not be getting the expected nutrient benefits.

Fast Food and Nutrient Deficiencies

It is becoming increasingly clear that the widespread consumption of fast food plays a significant role in the rise of vitamin deficiencies. Fast food items are often designed to be highly palatable and energy-dense. However, they are typically laden with unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium while lacking essential nutrients. Regularly consuming these foods can lead to an imbalance in diet, where the body might get ample calories but insufficient vitamins and minerals.

For instance, studies have shown that diets high in fast food are linked to lower intakes of vitamins A and C, dietary fiber, calcium, and iron. These deficiencies can trigger a range of health issues, from diminished immune function and poor bone health to increased susceptibility to chronic diseases.

Addressing the Issue: Food-Based Multivitamins

To counteract these dietary deficiencies, many nutrition experts recommend incorporating a food-based multivitamin into daily routines. Unlike synthetic supplements, food-based multivitamins are derived from whole foods and contain a spectrum of vitamins and minerals in their natural forms, which can be more readily absorbed and utilized by the body.

Benefits of Food-Based Multivitamins

  1. Enhanced Absorption: Nutrients from whole foods are often better recognized and absorbed by the body.
  2. Balanced Nutrient Profile: These multivitamins often include a mix of micronutrients that work synergistically to support overall health.
  3. Digestive Support: Many food-based multivitamins contain digestive enzymes and probiotics to support gut health.
  4. Fewer Side Effects: Because they are Closer to their natural state, food-based supplements typically cause fewer gastrointestinal issues compared to synthetic vitamins.

Selecting a High-Quality Multivitamin

When choosing a food-based multivitamin, look for products that:

  • Use organic, non-GMO ingredients.
  • Have minimal additives and fillers.
  • Are transparently sourced.
  • Include a diverse array of vitamins and minerals.
  • Kal Enhanced Energy Food based Multiple is Recommended.

In Summary:

The rise in micronutrient deficiencies is a concerning trend that underscores the importance of balanced nutrition. While modern lifestyles and dietary habits contribute significantly to this issue, there are effective ways to address it. Reducing the intake of nutrient-poor fast foods and incorporating food-based multivitamins can help bridge the gap and support overall nutritional needs. By making informed dietary choices, individuals can foster better health and mitigate the risks associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Take Charge of Your Health Today

Understanding the impact of micronutrient deficiencies on overall health is the first step towards making informed dietary choices. By addressing nutritional gaps and prioritizing whole, nutrient-rich foods, you can significantly improve your well-being. We invite you to explore our range of high-quality, food-based multivitamins designed to complement your daily diet and ensure you receive the essential nutrients your body needs.

Shop Now and Transform Your Health

Don't wait until deficiencies affect your vitality. Visit our online store to find the perfect multivitamin for your lifestyle. Our products are crafted with organic, non-GMO ingredients, and are free from unnecessary additives and fillers. Embrace a healthier you with the power of natural, food-based nutrients.


six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

Date: December 06, 2023 04:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

If you're looking to stay in the game longer and improve endurance while promoting rapid recovery, we've got you covered! six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

For most of us, life can feel like quite the balancing act. In an ideal world, we would all have ample time throughout the day to dedicate to our health and well-being. However, reality paints a different picture, where 24 hours can seem like an insufficient amount of time to squeeze in work, school, family, and the countless responsibilities that life throws at us. In recent years, the use of supplements for recovery has gained popularity, becoming more common than ever before.

Our bodies face a barrage of daily stresses, including exposure to environmental toxins, electromagnetic pollution, and the strain of intense physical activity. These factors increase our body's demands for antioxidants and essential nutrients that aid in the process of recovery. While consuming antioxidant-rich foods can certainly make a difference, it can be challenging to meet these requirements solely through our diet. That's where a well-rounded supplement regimen can play a crucial role in promoting optimal health and aiding in recovery. Even with our best efforts to exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, and get sufficient sleep, life in the 21st century can be incredibly demanding, depleting our bodies on a cellular level.

For athletes, consistent training is key to reaching desired performance levels. It's important to understand that the muscle recovery and building process primarily occurs between gym sessions. Developing a comprehensive recovery strategy during this crucial window, through the use of supplements, proper nutrition, and adequate rest, can help athletes perform at their best week in and week out. Failing to make the most of this recovery period may result in free radical damage and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To maximize the benefits, it's important to prioritize food as the primary source of vital nutrients, while also recognizing the significant role supplements can play in providing the necessary building blocks for muscle repair due to their rapid absorption rate. However, it's essential to ensure that any chosen supplements are clinically validated, demonstrating efficacy and supported by solid scientific evidence.

In today's fast-paced world, there is a growing demand for quick and convenient solutions to jumpstart the recovery process. Nevertheless, when it comes to choosing supplements, it's important to remember that one size does not fit all. The market offers an overwhelming array of options, often leaving individuals feeling bewildered about which products to select.

Before diving into my recommendations for the top six supplements to aid in recovery, I believe it's crucial to emphasize the significance of cellular renewal and its direct impact on the recovery process. This, in my opinion, serves as the key to achieving a quick and effective recovery.

Oxidation and Free Radical Damage

A fundamental key to staying young and maintaining optimal health is cellular renewal and minimizing the damage to cells over time. We all age, but studies have shown that some individuals age better than others. Have you ever wondered why? Well, recent research has linked oxidative stress to the aging process. So, what exactly is oxidative stress? Allow me to explain in simple terms – oxidation occurs when the body produces by-products commonly known as free radicals. It's almost like a machine rusting, but instead of rust forming on iron, our bodies experience the effects of aging and age-related diseases.

Now, our bodies naturally produce free radicals as part of our daily metabolism, and they can also be produced as a result of environmental pollutants from everyday things like air, water, and even sun exposure. As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to the long-term effects of oxidative stress, which simply means we accumulate too many free radicals and experience increased inflammation at the cellular level.

As interesting as it may sound, the process of oxidation is actually abundant and can be beneficial for our bodies to function properly. But, and this is an important "but," this very process can also cause potential harm. You see, the oxidizing process creates these molecules called free radicals, which are electrically charged. These free radicals interact with our cells, and this interaction can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. For example, our immune system utilizes free radicals to help fight infection. However, when LDL cholesterol (often referred to as bad cholesterol) is oxidized, it can become a concern (cholesterol buildup).

Let's talk about oxidative stress. It occurs when the level of free radicals overwhelms the body's natural antioxidant defense system, resulting in cell damage. As I mentioned earlier, while free radicals serve useful functions in the body, they are highly unstable molecules. If they remain uncontrolled, they have the potential to wreak havoc by causing damage to cells, enzymes, and even our DNA, which ultimately accelerates the aging process. In addition, these free radicals can also contribute to the development of various age-related diseases, including arthritis, cancer, and heart disease

Now, inflammation is triggered by free radical damage, and it is this inflammation that leads to the negative effects of free radicals due to oxidation. The question then becomes, how can we address this in our daily nutritional regimen? The answer lies in the incorporation of antioxidants, which play a vital role in combating oxidative stress and minimizing the damage caused by free radicals in our bodies. You'll be glad to know that there are foods rich in antioxidant content that can help us on this journey. In fact, certain foods contain phytonutrients that, according to many health professionals, hold the potential to unlock the secrets of longevity and overall well-being.

So, my dear friend, let's take a proactive approach, nourish our bodies with antioxidant-rich foods, and strive to minimize the effects of oxidative stress caused by free radicals. It's never too late to make positive choices for our health and age gracefully.

Phytonutrients, also known as health boosters, are substances produced by plants to protect themselves from harmful bacteria and viruses. However, these compounds also offer significant benefits to the human body. Packed with essential nutrients, phytonutrients play an active role in promoting good health. They belong to the antioxidant family, responsible for eliminating harmful free radicals and thus slowing down the aging process. Incorporating a diet rich in high antioxidant foods like fresh fruits and vegetables is crucial as the first line of defense against aging.

While vitamins A, C, and E are commonly known antioxidants, there are other antioxidants available in both food and supplement form. These antioxidant supplements play a vital role in bridging the nutritional gap left by processed foods, lacking the necessary antioxidants and nutrients to combat free radicals effectively.

Let's take a Closer look at my top six supplement recommendations, known for their efficacy in fighting oxidative stress and promoting optimal recovery:

Beta Alanine: As an amino acid derivative, Beta Alanine is proven to enhance intramuscular carnosine content, improving the body's ability to buffer hydrogen ions. During exercise, the body accumulates hydrogen ions, contributing to fatigue and lowering pH levels. Beta Alanine supplementation can reduce fatigue, enhance exercise performance, and increase training volume. Whether it's interval training or weightlifting to improve running economy, incorporating beta-alanine can have a positive impact on endurance performance and overall training results.

BCAAs: Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) have become a staple supplement for athletes due to their role in muscle and energy production during exercise. Consisting of three essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine, and valine - BCAAs have been shown to significantly reduce muscle soreness and expedite the recovery process. Supplementing with BCAAs helps prevent muscle breakdown, as the body does not need to rely on its own muscle tissue for energy. Consequently, protein synthesis remains high, supporting muscle growth and repair.

Creatine, a natural molecule found in muscle cells. When engaging in high-intensity workouts like weightlifting, Creatine helps your body produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a vital energy source. This amazing compound improves strength, boosts lean muscle mass, and aids in faster muscle recovery.

Flavonoid Root, a breakthrough extract known for its cardiovascular benefits. This extract is packed with potent antioxidants and acts as a nitric oxide booster, promoting increased endurance during workouts. Studies have shown that it fights against free radical damage and increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood, ensuring optimal cardiovascular health. You can also boost nitric oxide with beet root, and l-citruline.

Speaking of studies, a published research paper in Food and Nutrition Research (April 2016) highlighted the effects of the unique flavonoid root extract on arterial health. The study revealed that after one year of consumption, participants experienced a decrease in artery wall thickness, total cholesterol, LDL levels, and blood pressure. This indicates that the extract may help reduce the risk of oxidation-related cerebral vascular issues and improve overall cardiovascular health

Glutamine. It's the most abundant amino acid in the human body and plays a vital role in muscle recovery and repair. Glutamine aids in preventing muscle soreness, optimizing post-workout recovery, and supporting muscle rebuilding. By facilitating nitrogen transport, regulating acid-base balance, and acting as an antioxidant, Glutamine ensures faster post-workout muscle recovery, giving you the freedom to train harder for better results.

Protein plays a crucial role in replenishing and repairing your muscles after a workout, making it a key nutrient to consume alongside carbohydrates. By opting for a protein shake as a post-workout option, you can efficiently supply amino acids to your muscles, stimulating muscle protein synthesis, enhancing recovery, and promoting growth. It's important, though, to choose a protein shake that contains high-quality ingredients, as prioritizing quality over quantity is key when it comes to protein.

Apart from protein, there are several other supplements that work through various mechanisms to provide natural, broad-spectrum antioxidant and nutrient support, ultimately contributing to optimal health and recovery. Taking preventative measures to protect the health of different body systems is much easier than trying to restore their function after damage has occurred. With this in mind, retailers should suggest a preventive program to their customers, aiming to limit free radical damage and promote recovery. As the adage goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," emphasizing the significance of protecting and preserving one's health.

In conclusion, the role of antioxidants, particularly phytonutrients, in maintaining overall health and combating oxidative stress cannot be overstated. These beneficial compounds not only slow down the aging process, but also enhance the body's ability to recover from physical exertion. Various supplements, including Beta Alanine, BCAAs, Creatine, Flavonoid Root, Glutamine, and Protein, each offer distinct benefits in supporting muscle growth, improving athletic performance, and promoting quicker recovery. The incorporation of these supplements into one's regimen can effectively bridge the nutritional gap left by processed foods. A preventive strategy, emphasizing a diet rich in antioxidants and high-quality supplements, holds the key to optimal health and longevity. As the saying goes, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'.


Benefits of Taking Magnesium: Why You Need This Amazing Mineral.

Date: December 27, 2022 10:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of Taking Magnesium: Why You Need This Amazing Mineral.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that many people overlook, but it’s extremely important for the overall health of your body. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than 68% of U.S. adults don’t meet the recommended daily intake of magnesium, which is 350mgs per day. But why should you care about how much magnesium you’re consuming? Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions and metabolic pathways in the body, so it plays a key role in our overall health and well being. Let’s take a Closer look at the importance of magnesium and why we need to get enough into our bodies every day.

How Magnesium Keeps Us Healthy

Magnesium plays an important role in everything from muscle and nerve function to energy production and blood pressure control. That means if your body doesn't have enough magnesium, you could experience a wide range of symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, depression, anxiety or even headaches. In addition to these uncomfortable symptoms, not getting enough magnesium can also lead to calcification of the cardiovascular system due to calcium deposits in artery walls—a conditionn known as arteriosclerosis—which can increase your risk for heart attack or stroke. So where can we get magnesium?

Food Sources Rich in Magnesium

Fortunately there are plenty of foods that contain high levels of magnesium including dark leafy green vegetables like spinach or kale; nuts and seeds like almonds or pumpkin seeds; legumes like kidney beans or black beans; whole grains like quinoa or brown rice; avocados; bananas; figs; yogurt; dark chocolate; and even coffee! So if you're looking for ways to increase your intake of this essential mineral without having to take supplements every day, try incorporating one (or more!) of these foods into your diet on a regular basis or take a magnesium supplement.

It's can be easy to forget about minerals like magnesium when it comes to our overall health and well-being, we have to keep in mind a well rounded diet is very important because magnesium plays an important role in keeping us healthy! Now that you know how vital this mineral is for our bodies, make sure you're getting enough each day by choosing foods that are rich in magnesium from leafy greens to nuts or by taking a dietary supplement of magnesium. Doing so will help ensure that you remain healthy now and for years to come!


The Amazing Heart Health Benefits of Soluble Fiber

Date: November 10, 2022 11:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Amazing Heart Health Benefits of Soluble Fiber

Most people know that fiber is important for maintaining a healthy digestive system. But did you know that soluble fiber can also have some pretty amazing benefits for your heart? Soluble fiber, which is found in abundance in psyllium seed husks, absorbs water in the intestines and forms a gel-like substance. This helps to reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels, both of which are important for maintaining a healthy heart. Let's take a Closer look at how soluble fiber can benefit your heart health.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

One of the main ways that soluble fiber benefits heart health is by reducing cholesterol levels. According to the American Heart Association, high cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease. When cholesterol builds up in the arteries, it can narrow them and cause them to harden. This puts you at risk for heart attack and stroke. Psyllium husks are especially effective at reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while also increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels. This helps to keep your arteries clear and reduce your risk for heart disease.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Another way that soluble fiber benefits heart health is by regulating blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves and kidneys, and it can also increase your risk for heart disease. By helping to regulate blood sugar levels, soluble fiber can help reduce your risk for developing these problems. Psyllium husks are especially effective at this because they slow down digestion and help food to be absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream. This helps to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels after meals.

If you're looking for a simple way to improve your heart health, then look no further than soluble fiber! Soluble fiber, which is found in psyllium husks, can help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels. This helps to keep your arteries clear and reduce your risk for heart disease. So next time you're at the store, be sure to pick up some psyllium husks so you can start reaping the amazing benefits of soluble fiber!


Improve Memory, Learning, Focus, And Muscle Function With Acetyl L-Carnitine

Date: November 09, 2022 10:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Improve Memory, Learning, Focus, And Muscle Function With Acetyl L-Carnitine

Acetyl L-carnitine is an amino acid that assists in the conversion of choline into acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is necessary for memory, learning, concentration, and muscle movement.* Many people take acetyl L-carnitine supplements to improve cognitive function and support healthy brain aging. Here's a Closer look at the role of acetyl L-carnitine in the body and how it might benefit your health.

How Acetyl L-Carnitine Works

Acetyl L-carnitine is involved in the production of energy in cells. It helps shuttle fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they're burned for fuel. Acetyl L-carnitine also acts as an antioxidant and helps protect cells from damage.

In the brain, acetyl L-carnitine plays a role in the production of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that's required for learning, memory, focus, and muscle movement.* A decline in acetylcholine levels has been linked with age-related cognitive decline and dementia. Supplementing with acetyl L-carnitine might help increase acetylcholine levels and slow age-related cognitive decline.

Acetyl L-carnitine might also help protect nerve cells from damage. This amino acid has been shown to reduce symptoms of nerve pain and improve nerve function in people with diabetic neuropathy and other types of nerve damage.*

Health Benefits of Acetyl L-Carnitine

Acetyl L-carnitine supplements have been shown to offer several health benefits, including:

  • Improving cognitive function in older adults
  • Reducing symptoms of depression
  • Improving symptoms of diabetic neuropathy
  • Improving exercise performance

If you're looking for a supplement to support healthy brain aging or improving cognitive function, acetyl L-carnitine might be worth considering. This amino acid offers several potential health benefits, including reducing symptoms of depression and improving exercise performance. Give it a try today!


Support Healthy Gastroinesteinal Tract, Blood Sugar, And Cholesterol With Berberine

Date: November 08, 2022 05:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Support Healthy Gastroinesteinal Tract, Blood Sugar, And Cholesterol With Berberine

Berberine is a substance that has been shown in clinical studies to support multiple body systems. It is found in the roots, stems, and bark of certain plants and has a long history of traditional use. Berberine supplements are a convenient way to get the benefits of this substance, and they can support gastrointestinal health, healthy blood glucose levels, and healthy blood cholesterol levels.* Let's take a Closer look at the benefits of berberine.

Gastrointestinal Health

Berberine has been shown in human clinical trials to support gastrointestinal health. This is likely due to the fact that it can help regulate the growth of certain bacteria in the gut.* In addition, berberine has been shown to stimulate production of mucus, which can help protect the gut lining.*

Blood Glucose Levels

Several clinical trials have demonstrated that berberine can help support healthy blood glucose levels.* This is likely due to the fact that berberine can help improve insulin sensitivity and decrease insulin resistance.* In addition, berberine can help stimulate production of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), an enzyme important for regulating blood sugar levels.*

Blood Cholesterol Levels

Clinical trials have also demonstrated that berberine supplementation can help support healthy blood cholesterol levels already within the normal range.* This is likely due to the fact that berberine can help decrease low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.*

As you can see, there are many reasons to consider adding a berberine supplement to your daily routine. If you are looking for a convenient way to support gastrointestinal health, healthy blood glucose levels, and healthy blood cholesterol levels,* a berberine supplement may be right for you. As always, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.


The Power of Zeolite

Date: November 03, 2022 03:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Power of Zeolite

Zeolites are incredible minerals with a range of benefits. Zeolite was originally coined in the 18th century by Swedish mineralogist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt. He observed that upon rapidly heating a natural mineral, the stones began to dance about as the water evaporated. He called this material Zeolite, using the Greek words which mean “stone that boils.”

Since then, we have discovered that zeolites have a molecular trap and the ability to selectively sort molecules based primarily on a size exclusion process. This means that zeolites can trap toxins and chemicals and carry them out of the body. Moreover, zeolites cross the blood-brain barrier—meaning they can enter the brain and remove toxins from this sensitive area.

Lets explore the different benefits of zeolite and how this mineral can be used to improve our health. Keep reading to learn more!

The Different Benefits of Zeolite

Zeolitehas a range of benefits for our health, including detoxification, improved digestion, and relief from inflammation. Let’s take a Closer look at each of these benefits in turn:

Detoxification: As we mentioned, one of the primary benefits of zeolite is its ability to remove toxins from the body. Zeolite works by binding to toxins and carrying them out of the body through the digestive system. In this way, it can help to detoxify the liver, kidneys, and other organs.

Improved Digestion: Zeolite can also improve digestion by helping to break down food more effectively. When food is not properly digested, it can lead to a range of gastrointestinal issues like abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and diarrhea. However, by taking zeolite supplements before meals, you can help your body to better absorb nutrients and reduce digestive discomfort.

Relief from Inflammation: Finally, research suggests that zeolite may also be effective in reducing inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection but can sometimes become chronic and lead to conditions like arthritis or Crohn’s disease. By reducing inflammation, zeolite may help to relieve pain and improve overall health.

As you can see, there are many reasons why you should consider adding zeolite supplements to your diet. From improved digestion and toxin removal to reduced inflammation, this incredible mineral offers a host of benefits for our health. So why not give it a try? You may be surprised at just how much it can improve your well-being!


All You Need to Know About L-Carnitine

Date: October 28, 2022 01:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: All You Need to Know About L-Carnitine

L-carnitine is a non-essential amino acid that has a variety of health benefits.* It is found naturally in red meat and other animal products, but the best way to ensure you're getting enough is through supplementation. NOW Foods offers a highly absorbable liquid form of L-carnitine that is vegetarian (non-animal sourced) and clinically tested for purity. Let's take a Closer look at the benefits of L-carnitine and why you should consider adding it to your supplement regimen.

What are the benefits of L-carnitine?

As we age, our bodies become less efficient at producing carnitine, which can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, heart problems, and brain fog.* Supplementing with L-carnitine has been shown to improve these symptoms by facilitating the transfer of fatty acids into the mitochondria for energy production.* In addition, L-carnitine has also been shown to boost cognitive performance, increase exercise recovery times, and protect against age-related cognitive decline.*

Why choose NOW Foods L-Carnitine Liquid?

NOW Foods L-Carnitine Liquid is a pure, vegetarian (non-animal sourced), clinically tested product. It is also one of the most absorbable forms of carnitine on the market - meaning you'll get all of the benefits with less product. No matter your age or fitness level, adding NOW Foods L-Carnitine Liquid to your supplement regimen is a great way to support overall health and vitality.

In Summary:

L-carnitine is a non-essential amino acid with powerful health benefits that becomes more important as we age.* Supplementing with a pure, clinically tested product like NOW Foods L-Carnitine Liquid is an excellent way to ensure you're getting enough carnitine to support overall health and vitality.* Give it a try today!


The Benefits of Collagen Joint Support Powder

Date: October 26, 2022 12:42 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Collagen Joint Support Powder

As we age, it's not uncommon to start experiencing joint discomfort. This can make even simple everyday activities, such as walking or going up and down stairs, become painful. However, there are things you can do to help support your joints and promote joint comfort. One such product is Collagen Joint Support Powder. Let's take a Closer look at what this product is and how it can help you.

What is Collagen Joint Support Powder?

Collagen Joint Support Powder is a combination of ingredients that help to support the formation and function of healthy joint tissue.* This product uses hydrolyzed collagen that has been enzymatically treated for ease of absorption, as well as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), a biologically active form of sulfur, that serve as building blocks for collagen synthesis.* Glucosamine is included as an essential structural component that is naturally present in bones and joints.* Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated that glucosamine can help to support healthy joint structures and promote joint comfort.*

How Does It Work?

The ingredients in Collagen Joint Support Powder work together to help support the formation and function of healthy joint tissue.* Hydrolyzed collagen has been enzymatically treated for easy absorption and helps to provide the building blocks for collagen synthesis.* MSM is a biologically active form of sulfur that helps to support the structure of collagen.* Glucosamine is an essential structural component that is naturally present in bones and joints and helps to support healthy joint structures.* Clinical studies have shown that glucosamine can help to promote joint comfort.*

What Are the Benefits?

There are many benefits associated with taking Collagen Joint Support Powder. This product can help to support the formation and function of healthy joint tissue,* provide the building blocks for collagen synthesis,* support the structure of collagen,* and promote joint comfort.* Additionally, Collagen Joint Support Powder is easy to take—simply mix it into your favorite beverage once daily. It's also available in an unflavored powder if you prefer not to add it to a beverage.

If you're looking for a way to promote joint health and comfort*, consider trying Collagen Joint Support Powder. This product uses hydrolyzed collagen that has been enzymatically treated for ease of absorption, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), and glucosamine to help support the formation and function of healthy joint tissue,* provide the building blocks for collagen synthesis,* support the structure of collagen,* and promote joint comfort.* Give Collagen Joint Support Powder a try today!


L-Histidine: Support Immunity, Brain Function And Cardiovascular Health

Date: October 21, 2022 12:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: L-Histidine: Support Immunity, Brain Function And Cardiovascular Health

L-Histidine is an essential amino acid that plays a role in a variety of important bodily functions. Histidine is best known for its role in the production of histamine, an important mediator of immune system responses. However, histidine is also critical for normal brain function and for the maintenance of a healthy skin barrier. In addition, histidine plays important roles in muscle function, cardiovascular health, protection against free radicals, and the elimination of heavy metals from the body. Let's take a Closer look at some of these benefits.

The Role of Histamine in the Immune System Response

As we mentioned before, histamine is an important mediator of immune system responses. When your body comes into contact with a foreign invader, such as a virus or bacteria, mast cells release histamine into the bloodstream. This leads to the dilation of blood vessels and increased permeability of capillaries, which allows white blood cells and other immune cells to more easily reach the site of infection. In addition, histamine release triggers sneezing and increased mucus production, which helps to expel foreign invaders from the body.*

Histamine and Brain Function

Histamine is also involved in regulating wakefulness and sleep cycles.* In fact, l-histidine deficiency has been linked to insomnia.* Histamine regulates serotonin levels in the brain and has been shown to improve cognitive function.* Additionally, histamine plays a role in memory formation and has even been shown to protect against age-related cognitive decline.*

L-Histidine and Cardiovascular Health

L-histidine has also been shown to have protective effects on the cardiovascular system.* Histamine promotes vasodilation—the widening of blood vessels—which can help to lower blood pressure.* L-histidine also inhibits platelet aggregation—the clumping together of blood cells—which can help to prevent blood clots from forming.* These effects can help to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.*

As you can see, l-histidine is involved in a variety of important bodily functions. From its role in immunity and brain function to its protective effects on the cardiovascular system, l-histidine is an amino acid that offers many benefits. If you are looking for a way to boost your health and well-being, consider adding l-histidine to your diet!


New Formula by Source Naturals: Wellness N-A-Cetin Immune Protocol Contains The Power of NAC & Quercetin for Immune Support

Date: October 19, 2022 03:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New Formula by Source Naturals: Wellness N-A-Cetin Immune Protocol Contains The Power of NAC & Quercetin for Immune Support

In our quest to discover new immune support strategies, help has come from an unlikely place: NAC & quercetin. Renewed interest has uncovered strong ties to the immune system, which is why Wellness N-A-Cetin™ Immune Protocol offers these ingredients in abundance. Let's take a Closer look at how these two substances can help keep your immune system strong.

The Benefits of NAC

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a well-known antioxidant with many benefits for overall health. It has been linked to a healthy inflammatory response in lung tissue, and studies show that it also supports a healthy inflammatory response. NAC is often taken as a supplement to help improve respiratory health, and it is particularly helpful during times when we are more susceptible to illness.

The Benefits of Quercetin

Quercetin is a substance found in many fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and berries. It is typically known for its seasonal health benefits, but recent studies have shown that it also supports a healthy inflammatory response. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that can help to boost the immune system and protect against cells damage.

This wonderful formula also contains Vitamin C, D-3, Zinc, and Bromelain, which makes for a powerful immune formula.

Vitamin C is one of the most popular immune-boosting ingredients on the market. It's been shown to help fight off colds and other respiratory infections. Vitamin D-3 is another important ingredient for maintaining a healthy immune system. It helps regulate the immune system and has anti-inflammatory properties. Zinc is another vital mineral for keeping the immune system functioning properly. It helps the body create new cells and enzymes, which are needed to fight off infection. Bromelain is an enzyme that helps reduce inflammation and swelling. It's often used as a natural treatment for allergies and sinus infections.

In Summary:

NAC and quercetin found in Source naturals Wellness N-A-Cetin immune protocol are two substances that have many benefits for immune health. They are both powerful antioxidants that can help to boost the immune system and protect against cell damage. If you are looking for a new way to support your immune system, consider adding wellness immune protocol to your daily supplement routine.


New from NOW FOODS, Quercetin supplement

Date: October 19, 2022 10:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New from NOW FOODS, Quercetin supplement

The Many Health Benefits of Quercetin

Quercetin is a nutrient that is found in many plants and foods. It is classified as a flavonoid and is known for its powerful antioxidant properties. Quercetin has been shown to provide numerous health benefits, including supporting a healthy immune system. Let's take a Closer look at quercetin and its many health benefits.

The Health Benefits of Quercetin

As an antioxidant, quercetin scavenges harmful toxins and free radicals from the body. This helps to protect cells and DNA from damage. Free radicals are believed to contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. By reducing the amount of free radicals in the body, quercetin can help to reduce the risk of these chronic diseases.

In addition to its antioxidant properties, quercetin also has anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammation is a normal physiological response that helps to protect the body from infection and injury. However, chronic inflammation can lead to the development of various diseases such as arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and cancers. Quercetin's ability to reduce inflammation makes it a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of these conditions.

Another health benefit of quercetin is its role in supporting a healthy immune system. Quercetin has been shown to increase the production of cytokines, which are proteins that play an important role in immunity. Quercetin has also been shown to improve the function of natural killer cells, which are a type of white blood cell that helps to protect the body from infection. These effects make quercetin an important nutrient for supporting a healthy immune system.

Quercetin is a nutrient that is found in many plants and foods. It is classified as a flavonoid and is known for its powerful antioxidant properties. Quercetin has been shown to provide numerous health benefits, including supporting a healthy immune system, reducing inflammation, and scavenging harmful toxins from the body. These effects make quercetin an important nutrient for overall health and well-being.


Are you getting enough fiber daily? Add fiber and essential fatty acids with Flax Seeds each day!

Date: October 14, 2022 04:31 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are you getting enough fiber daily? Add fiber and essential fatty acids with Flax Seeds each day!

Flax seeds are a versatile and nutritious addition to any diet. These small, brown seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and can be added to a variety of dishes, from cereals and pancakes to meatballs and yogurt. Flax seeds are also a good source of essential fatty acids and fiber. In this blog post, we'll take a Closer look at the nutritional benefits of flax seeds.

The Nutritional Benefits of Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are a versatile and nutritious addition to any diet. These small, brown seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and can be added to a variety of dishes, from cereals and pancakes to meatballs and yogurt. Flax seeds are also a good source of essential fatty acids and fiber. In this blog post, we'll take a Closer look at the nutritional benefits of flax seeds.

Flax seeds are an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber absorbs water and turns into a gel-like substance, which helps slow down digestion. This type of fiber is beneficial for those who suffer from constipation or other digestive disorders. Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, does not dissolve in water. This type of fiber adds bulk to stools and helps food move through the digestive system more quickly. Both types of fiber are important for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Flax seeds are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered "essential" because they cannot be produced by the body; they can only be obtained through diet or supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in brain function and development as well as heart health. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation throughout the body, which is beneficial for those who suffer from conditions like arthritis or Crohn's disease.

Flax seeds are also rich in lignans, which are plant compounds that have estrogenic properties. Lignans may offer protection against breast cancer and other hormone-related cancers. They may also help reduce hot flashes during menopause andosteoporosisby increasing bone density.

In Summary:

Flax seeds are a versatile, nutrient-rich addition to any diet. These small, brown seeds offer numerous health benefits thanks to their high levels of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignans. Adding flax seeds to your diet is an easy way to boost your intake of these important nutrients!


Support the Cardiovascular System, Promote Health Aging, and Reduce Stress with Resveratrol

Date: October 13, 2022 03:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Support the Cardiovascular System, Promote Health Aging, and Reduce Stress with Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a polyphenol naturally found in the skin of red grapes, certain berries, and other plants. This substance has received a lot of attention in recent years due to its many potential health benefits. Here's a Closer look at some of the ways resveratrol may be able to help support your health.

Cardiovascular Support

One of the most well-known potential benefits of resveratrol is its ability to help support healthy cardiovascular function.* This substance has been shown to help promote healthy blood flow, as well as healthy levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.* All of these factors contribute to a healthy heart and circulatory system. If you're looking for a way to help keep your heart healthy, resveratrol may be worth considering.

Anti-Aging Properties

In addition to its cardiovascular benefits, resveratrol is also best known for its cellular anti-aging properties.* This substance has been shown to help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.* Free radical damage is one of the main causes of cellular aging, so resveratrol's ability to protect cells from this type of damage may help slow the aging process. If you're concerned about aging gracefully, resveratrol may be worth adding to your regimen.

Promotes Healthy Stress Response*

Biological stress is a normal part of life, but it's important to maintain a healthy response to it.* When our bodies are constantly in a state of stress, it can lead to serious health problems over time. Fortunately, resveratrol has been shown to promote a healthy stress response.* So if you're looking for a way to help your body better cope with stress, resveratrol may be worth considering.

Resveratrol is a naturally occurring substance with many potential health benefits. These benefits include supporting healthy cardiovascular function, promoting a healthy cellular aging process, and helping the body maintain a healthy response to biological stress.* If you're looking for a way to support your overall health and wellness, resveratrol may be worth considering. Talk to your healthcare provider today to see if adding this substance to your regimen is right for you.


All About Echinacea (Purple Coneflower)

Date: October 11, 2022 03:58 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: All About Echinacea (Purple Coneflower)

Echinacea, also known as purple coneflower, is a beautiful perennial plant that is native to North America and Europe. It was widely used by the Plains Indians for its medicinal properties and is now used by consumers throughout the world. Let's take a Closer look at this amazing plant!

History and Uses of Echinacea

Echinacea has a long history of use, dating back to the Native Americans who first discovered its many medicinal properties. The Plains Indians used it to treat everything from colds and flu to wounds and bites. Today, echinacea is still widely used for its medicinal properties and is taken by millions of people each year in the form of supplements, teas, and ointments.

Health Benefits of Echinacea

Echinacea is most commonly taken to boost the immune system and help fight off colds and flu. However, it also has other health benefits, including reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and stimulating blood circulation. Additionally, some studies have shown that echinacea may help improve cognitive function in people with Alzheimer's disease.

How to Use Echinacea

Echinacea can be taken in many different forms, including supplements, teas, tinctures, and ointments. It is important to follow the directions on the product you are using to ensure you are taking the correct dosage. Generally speaking, echinacea should not be taken for more than eight weeks at a time.

Whether you are looking to boost your immune system or relieve pain, echinacea may be able to help! This versatile plant has a long history of use and continues to be popular today thanks to its many health benefits. Be sure to follow the directions on any product you use so that you do not take more than the recommended dosage.


The Many Benefits of Graviola(Diabetes, Liver, Parasites)

Date: October 11, 2022 11:18 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Benefits of Graviola(Diabetes, Liver, Parasites)

Graviola, also known as soursop, is a small, green fruit that grows in tropical climates. The fruit, leaves, and seeds of graviola have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of conditions. Today, we know that graviola can help control diabetes and blood sugar problems, cleanse the liver, and remove parasites. These functions help in cases where underlying blood sugar imbalances and immune system weakness are persistent problems. Also, numerous studies of Graviola have shown selective cytotoxicities against several lines of cancer cells. Let's take a Closer look at some of the ways graviola can benefit your health.

Graviola and Diabetes

Graviola can be helpful in managing diabetes and blood sugar levels for two reasons. First, graviola helps to increase insulin sensitivity. Second, graviola leaf extract has hypoglycemic properties, which means it can help to lower blood sugar levels. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that rats with diabetes who were given graviola leaf extract had significantly lower blood sugar levels than rats who were not given the extract.

Graviola and the Liver

Graviola can also help to cleanse the liver and protect it from damage. The liver is responsible for filtering toxins out of the body, so it is important to keep it healthy. Graviola helps to keep the liver healthy by reducing inflammation and protecting it from oxidative damage. A study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found that graviola was able to protect the liver from oxidative damage in rats with liver disease.

Graviola and Parasites

In addition to its other benefits, graviola can also help to eliminate parasites from the body. Parasites can cause a wide range of problems including fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, and weight loss. A study published in Phytotherapy Research found that graviola was effective at eliminating parasites in rats infected with the parasite Ascaris suum.

In Summary:

Graviola is a small fruit with a big impact on health. It can help to control diabetes, cleanse the liver, and remove parasites from the body. Additionally, studies have shown that graviola has anti-cancer properties. If you are looking for a natural way to improve your health, Graviola may be worth trying!


What is DMAE and Why is it Important?

Date: October 10, 2022 04:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is DMAE and Why is it Important?

DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) is an amino alcohol that is normally found in minute quantities in the brain. It is generally regarded as a precursor to the essential nutrient choline, which is needed for the brain to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in nerve signal transmission and healthy brain function.*

So what does that mean for you and your health? Let's take a Closer look.

DMAE has been shown to have a positive effect on cognitive function and memory, which is why it's often referred to as "the memory vitamin." In one study, supplemented with DMAE showed significantly improved verbal skills and memory recall compared to those who did not take the supplement. Supplemental DMAE has also been shown to improve focus and reduce mental fatigue.

In addition to its cognitive benefits, DMAE has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Inflammation is linked to a number of chronic diseases, so reducing inflammation can lead to better overall health. The antioxidant effects of DMAE may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

In Summary:

DMAE is a nutrient that is normally found in minute quantities in the brain. It plays a crucial role in cognitive function and memory recall, and has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. If you're looking for a way to improve your cognitive function, memory, focus, or overall health, consider adding DMAE to your diet.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Date: October 10, 2022 01:39 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (

If you're looking for a natural way to support your joints, you may want to consider adding devil's claw to your list of options. This African herb has been used traditionally by tribal peoples for hundreds of years and more recently by Europeans and North Americans. Clinical studies have shown that the naturally occurring compounds in devil's claw may help to support joint comfort.* Let's take a Closer look at why devil's claw is such a popular choice for those looking for joint support.

The active compounds in devil's claw include harpagoside, phytosterols, phenolic acids and flavonoids (kaempferol). These compounds work together to promote a healthy response to typical everyday joint stress.* In other words, they help to keep your joints healthy and comfortable even when faced with daily wear and tear.

One study in particular looked at the effects of devil's claw on knee joint discomfort. After eight weeks of supplementation with devil's claw, participants in the study reported significant improvements in their symptoms compared to those who did not take the herb.* Another small study found similar results, with participants reporting a decrease in pain and stiffness after taking devil's claw for eight weeks.**

In Summary:

If you're looking for a natural way to support your joints, devil's claw may be worth considering. Thanks to its abundance of active compounds, this African herb has been shown to promote a healthy response to typical everyday joint stress.* If you're thinking about giving it a try, be sure to talk to your doctor first to see if it's right for you.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Date Sugar - A Raw Food Enthusiast's Delight

Date: October 08, 2022 10:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Date Sugar - A Raw Food Enthusiast's Delight

For raw food enthusiasts, you can't get much better than date sugar. Unlike typical refined sugar from cane or beets, date sugar is actually finely chopped dry dates. There's no processing whatsoever, so you get an unrefined sweetener that's uniquely suited to certain culinary applications.

In this blog post, we'll take a Closer look at date sugar and some of its key benefits. We'll also explore how to use date sugar in the kitchen to create raw food masterpieces!

The Benefits of Date Sugar

Date sugar is an excellent alternative to refined cane or beet sugar for a number of reasons. First, date sugar is unrefined, meaning that it retains all of the natural nutrients found in dates. These include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Second, because date sugar is made from 100% dried dates, it contains no added sugars or artificial sweeteners. This makes it a great choice for those looking to avoid processed foods. Finally, date sugar has a lower glycemic index than refined sugars, which means it won't cause spikes in blood sugar levels.

How to Use Date Sugar in the Kitchen

Date sugar can be used in any recipe that calls for cane or beet sugar. However, because it is less processed and has a higher moisture content than refined sugars, date sugar is best suited for baked goods such as cakes, cookies, muffins, and quick breads. When using date sugar in place of refined sugars, you may need to make adjustments to your recipe. For instance, you may need to add more liquid to your batter or dough since date sugar will absorb moisture from the ingredients around it.

If you're looking for araw food-friendly alternative to refined cane or beet sugar, date sugar is a great option. This unrefined sweetener is made from 100% dried dates and contains no added sugars or artificial sweeteners. Plus, date sugar has a lower glycemic index than refined sugars—making it a healthier choice overall. So next time you're baking up a batch of raw food goodies, reach for date sugar instead of refined cane or beet sugar—your tastebuds (and waistline!) will thank you!


The Benefits of Dairy Digest Complete

Date: October 07, 2022 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Dairy Digest Complete

Dairy intolerance is a common problem that can be caused by the inability to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk. However, intolerance can also be caused by the proteins and fats inherent in dairy products. Thankfully, there is a comprehensive enzyme blend that can aid in the digestion of dairy products known as Dairy Digest Complete.* This blend of enzymes specifically targets lactose, proteins, and fat for digestion. Let's take a Closer look at the benefits of this helpful product.

What is Dairy Digest Complete?

Dairy Digest Complete is a blend of enzymes that are specifically formulated to aid in the digestion of dairy products. This includes milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt. The enzymes in this blend target lactose, proteins, and fat for easy digestion.*

How Does It Work?

The lactase enzyme in Dairy Digest Complete works to breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose. Glucose is then absorbed into the bloodstream while galactose goes to the liver to be converted into glucose.* Proteases are enzymes that break down proteins into peptides and amino acids. Lipases work to break down fats into glycerol and fatty acids.* This triple action approach helps your body to more easily digest and absorb the nutrients from dairy products.

What Are The Benefits?

There are many benefits to taking Dairy Digest Complete including reduced bloating, gas, and indigestion.* In addition, this enzyme blend can help you to better absorb the calcium found in dairy products.* If you are someone who struggles with intolerance to diary or has difficulty digesting fatty foods, Dairy Digest Complete may be a helpful option for you.*

Dairy intolerance is a common problem that can make it difficult to enjoy many favorite foods. However, Dairy Digest Complete is a comprehensive enzyme blend that can aid in the digestion of dairy products.* This blend of enzymes specifically targets lactose, proteins, and fat for easy digestion. If you are someone who struggles with intolerance to diary or has difficulty digesting fatty foods, Dairy Digest Complete may be a helpful option for you.*

Try it today and see how much easier it is to enjoy your favorite dairy products!*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


D-Flame - Herbal Support for a Healthy Response to Stress

Date: October 07, 2022 10:26 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: D-Flame - Herbal Support for a Healthy Response to Stress

Feeling stressed? You're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to find natural ways to support our bodies in responding to stress. Introducing D-Flame, a carefully crafted blend of herbal extracts that may help to support a healthy response to physiological stress. Read on to learn more about the key ingredients in D-Flame and how they work together to keep your body operating at its best.

The Science Behind D-Flame

D-Flame contains a unique blend of botanical extracts that work together to support the body's natural response to stress. Here's a Closer look at some of the key ingredients in D-Flame and how they contribute to its ability to promote a healthy stress response:

Holy Basil Extract - Holy basil is an ayurvedic herb that has been used for centuries in India for its many purported health benefits. Among these is the ability to help the body adapt to stress by supporting the activity of key stress mediators.

Ursolic Acid - Ursolic acid is a type of triterpenoid compound that is found in a variety of plants. It has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help to protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress.

Turmeric Extract - Turmeric is a well-known spice with powerful antioxidant activity. Its active ingredient, curcumin, has been shown to modulate the activity of enzymes involved in inflammation, helping to keep inflammation levels in check.

Ginger Extract - Ginger has long been used as a natural remedy for digestive issues like nausea and indigestion. It also possesses potent anti-inflammatory activity, which may help to reduce pain and swelling associated with occasional overexertion or injury.

Green Tea Extract - Green tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also contains caffeine, which has been shown to increase alertness and focus while also reducing fatigue.

Boswellin® - Boswellin® is an extract of the herb boswellia serrata that has been shown to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory molecules known as leukotrienes. This action helps to reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Bromelain - Bromelain is an enzyme found naturally in pineapple that possesses powerful anti-inflammatory activity. It works by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, helping to reduce inflammation and pain associated with conditions like joint pain and arthritis.

Baikal Skullcap - Baikal skullcap is an herb native to Southeast Asia that has traditionally been used as a remedy for digestive issues and skin ailments. It also possesses potent anti-inflammatory activity, which makes it ideal for alleviating occasional pain and swelling associated with injury or overexertion.

Resveratrol - Resveratrol is a type of phytonutrient that is found in grapes, berries, and other plant foods. It has strong antioxidant activity and has also been shown to modulate the activity of genes involved in inflammation, making it an effective tool for reducing chronic inflammation throughout the body.*

Berberine - Berberine is a bitter alkaloid compound that is found in a variety of plants including goldenseal, barberry, and Oregon grape root. It has powerful antimicrobial activity against bacteria, viruses, and fungi.* Additionally, berberine has strong anti-inflammatory activity, making it ideal for alleviating occasional pain and swelling associated with injury or overexertion.*

In Summary:

D-Flame is an all-natural blend of botanical extracts that have been traditionally used for centuries to support the body's response to stress.* These herbs work together synergistically to modulate key enzymes and mediators involved in inflammation.* This action helps reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body.* Additionally, these herbs also help protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress.* If you're looking for an herbal supplement to help support your body during times of stress, look no further than D-Flame!*


D-Flame - Herbal Support for a Healthy Response to Stress

Date: October 06, 2022 04:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: D-Flame - Herbal Support for a Healthy Response to Stress

Feeling stressed? You're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to find natural ways to support our bodies in responding to stress. Introducing D-Flame, a carefully crafted blend of herbal extracts that may help to support a healthy response to physiological stress. Read on to learn more about the key ingredients in D-Flame and how they work together to keep your body operating at its best.

The Science Behind D-Flame

D-Flame contains a unique blend of botanical extracts that work together to support the body's natural response to stress. Here's a Closer look at some of the key ingredients in D-Flame and how they contribute to its ability to promote a healthy stress response:

Holy Basil Extract - Holy basil is an ayurvedic herb that has been used for centuries in India for its many purported health benefits. Among these is the ability to help the body adapt to stress by supporting the activity of key stress mediators.

Ursolic Acid - Ursolic acid is a type of triterpenoid compound that is found in a variety of plants. It has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help to protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress.

Turmeric Extract - Turmeric is a well-known spice with powerful antioxidant activity. Its active ingredient, curcumin, has been shown to modulate the activity of enzymes involved in inflammation, helping to keep inflammation levels in check.

Ginger Extract - Ginger has long been used as a natural remedy for digestive issues like nausea and indigestion. It also possesses potent anti-inflammatory activity, which may help to reduce pain and swelling associated with occasional overexertion or injury.

Green Tea Extract - Green tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also contains caffeine, which has been shown to increase alertness and focus while also reducing fatigue.

Boswellin® - Boswellin® is an extract of the herb boswellia serrata that has been shown to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory molecules known as leukotrienes. This action helps to reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Bromelain - Bromelain is an enzyme found naturally in pineapple that possesses powerful anti-inflammatory activity. It works by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, helping to reduce inflammation and pain associated with conditions like joint pain and arthritis.

Baikal Skullcap - Baikal skullcap is an herb native to Southeast Asia that has traditionally been used as a remedy for digestive issues and skin ailments. It also possesses potent anti-inflammatory activity, which makes it ideal for alleviating occasional pain and swelling associated with injury or overexertion.

Resveratrol - Resveratrol is a type of phytonutrient that is found in grapes, berries, and other plant foods. It has strong antioxidant activity and has also been shown to modulate the activity of genes involved in inflammation, making it an effective tool for reducing chronic inflammation throughout the body.*

Berberine - Berberine is a bitter alkaloid compound that is found in a variety of plants including goldenseal, barberry, and Oregon grape root. It has powerful antimicrobial activity against bacteria, viruses, and fungi.* Additionally, berberine has strong anti-inflammatory activity, making it ideal for alleviating occasional pain and swelling associated with injury or overexertion.*

In Summary:

D-Flame is an all-natural blend of botanical extracts that have been traditionally used for centuries to support the body's response to stress.* These herbs work together synergistically to modulate key enzymes and mediators involved in inflammation.* This action helps reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body.* Additionally, these herbs also help protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress.* If you're looking for an herbal supplement to help support your body during times of stress, look no further than D-Flame!*


Collagen for Healthy Joints, Bones and Skin

Date: October 03, 2022 03:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Collagen for Healthy Joints, Bones and Skin

Collagen is a protein that is found in abundance in mammals. It makes up about 30% of the body's protein and is known for its roles in bone, joint and skin health. Studies have shown that hydrolyzed collagen can help to support strong bones, healthy joints and smooth, hydrated skin.* Lets take a Closer look at the benefits of collagen peptides from types 1 and 3 bovine collagen.

As we age, our bodies produce less collagen. This decrease in collagen production can lead to a number of age-related issues such as wrinkles, joint pain and weak bones. Supplementing with collagen peptides can help to offset the decline in natural collagen production.* Collagen peptides are easily absorbed by the body and have been shown to promote joint health, bone density and skin elasticity.*

There are many different types of collagen, but types 1 and 3 bovine collagen are most commonly used for supplements. Type 1 collagen is particularly good for skin health, while type 3 collagen is best for joint health. Both types of collagen are found in our bones, tendons, ligaments and skin. Hydrolyzed collagen from types 1 and 3 bovine sources provides the most benefit for overall bone, joint and skin health.*

Collagen peptides from types 1 and 3 bovine sources are well-known for their roles in supporting bone, joint and skin health. Supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen can help to offset the decline in natural collagen production that occurs as we age.* Collagen peptides are easily absorbed by the body and have been shown to promote joint health, bone density and skin elasticity.* If you're looking for a supplement to support overall bone, joint and skin health, consider hydrolyzed collagen from types 1 and 3 bovine sources.


The Many Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Date: September 28, 2022 02:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

You may be familiar with chia seeds as the little black seeds that grow on the chia pet. But did you know that these same seeds offer a host of health benefits? Chia seeds are an excellent source of essential fatty acids and fiber, and they can be easily incorporated into your diet. Let's take a Closer look at the many health benefits of chia seeds.

Essential Fatty Acids

Chia seeds are a good source of essential fatty acids, including alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is a type of omega-3 fatty acid that is important for heart health. One study found that people who consume a diet high in ALA have a lower risk of heart disease. ALA is also important for cognitive function and brain health. In fact, one study found that people who consume a diet rich in ALA have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.


Chia seeds are also a good source of fiber. Fiber is important for digestive health and can help to prevent constipation. Fiber is also beneficial for blood sugar control and can help to prevent type 2 diabetes. One study found that people who consume a diet high in fiber have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

In Summary:

Chia seeds are an excellent source of essential fatty acids and fiber, two nutrients that are important for overall health. If you're looking for an easy way to improve your diet, consider adding chia seeds to your meals and snacks.


The Importance of Vitamin D-3

Date: September 28, 2022 01:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Vitamin D-3

Vitamin D is a vital nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, two minerals essential for strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D also supports the health of the immune system, heart, and lungs. Despite its many benefits, vitamin D is not found in many foods. As a result, many people rely on supplements to ensure they are getting enough vitamin D.

There are two ways to get vitamin D: through food and supplements, or through exposure to sunlight. Foods that contain vitamin D include fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel; beef liver; cheese; egg yolks; and fortified foods such as milk, orange juice, and cereals. You can also get vitamin D through supplements. Supplements come in two forms: vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).

Vitamin D from Sunlight

The body can also produce vitamin D from exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from the sun trigger vitamin D synthesis in the skin. However, exposure to UVB rays is limited by the use of sunscreen, clothing, glass windows, and time spent indoors. In addition, UVB rays do not penetrate clouds, so weather can also affect vitamin D production. The latitude of a location also affects the amount of UVB radiation that reaches the earth's surface—the Closer a person lives to the equator, the more UVB radiation is available. For example, people living in Boston (latitude 42°N) have access to about one-half the amount of UVB radiation that is available to people living in Miami (latitude 25°N). As a result, people who live in northern locations are at greater risk for vitamin D deficiency because they have less access to UVB radiation year-round.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Although sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, many people do not get enough sunlight exposure to generate sufficient amounts of this important nutrient. In addition, older adults cannot convert as much 7-dehydrocholesterol to vitamin D3 as younger adults because their skin contains less 7-dehydrocholesterol and their kidneys are less efficient at converting 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D. As a result, older adults are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency. African Americans are also at increased risk because melanin reduces skin penetration by UVB radiation. People with darkly pigmented skin may need up to 10 times more sun exposure than people with lightly pigmented skin to generate an equivalent amount of vitamin D3.

In Summary:

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that helps support bone health and immunity. While most people get some amount of vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, many do not get enough. This can put them at risk for deficiency, which can lead to health problems such as osteoporosis and Rickets. Luckily, there are many ways to increase your intake of vitamin D through diet and supplementation so you can experience all the benefits this nutrient has to offer!


The Cardiovascular Protection of Celery Seed Extract

Date: September 27, 2022 04:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Cardiovascular Protection of Celery Seed Extract

You may not think of celery as being particularly special, but this innocuous looking vegetable actually packs a powerful punch. Celery seed extract is loaded with bioactive compounds that offer a wide range of health benefits, including supporting vascular health.* Lets take a Closer look at celery seed extract and all the ways it can support your health.

Celery Seed Extract and Vascular Health

One of the most well-known benefits of celery seed extract is its support for vascular health.* This is thanks to the presence of phthalides in celery seed extract, which help to relax the smooth muscles in your blood vessels.* This relaxation of the smooth muscles increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure.* Additionally, phthalides also help to increase levels of antioxidant enzymes in the body, which further helps to protect vascular health.*

Horse chestnut seed extract has also been shown to support healthy vascular function.* Hawthorn extract is another ingredient in this formula that has been traditionally used to support cardiovascular health.* Hawthorn extract works by helping to increase blood flow and strengthen heart muscle contractions.* It's also rich in antioxidants, making it an ideal addition to a formulation designed to support healthy vascular function.*

Celery Seed Extract and Brain Health

In addition to its effects on the cardiovascular system, celery seed extract has also been shown to offer neuroprotective effects.* This is due in part to the 3-n-butylphthalide (3nB) content of celery seed extract, which has been shown to help protect neurons from damage.* 3nB is also known to increase levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, which can help to improve cognitive function.*

In Summary:

Celery seed extract is a powerful natural compound that offers a wide array of health benefits. From supporting healthy vascular function to protecting brain cells, celery seed extract is an incredibly versatile compound that can benefit many different systems in the body. If you're looking for a natural way to support your health, consider adding a supplement containing celery seed extract to your daily routine.


The Importance of Pyruvate and the Citric Acid Cycle in the Body

Date: September 24, 2022 10:26 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Pyruvate and the Citric Acid Cycle in the Body

Pyruvate is a biochemical compound that’s involved in a number of metabolic processes in the body, including the metabolism of fat, proteins, and carbohydrates, the storage of glycogen, and the production of cellular energy.* Pyruvate is necessary for the citric acid cycle (or Krebs cycle), which is the process through which our cells produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).* ATP is the body’s primary chemical fuel and powers many vital functions, including energy production, muscle contraction, and cellular fuel replenishment.* In short, pyruvate is essential for maintaining a healthy body. Let’s take a Closer look at some of the specific ways in which pyruvate benefits the body.

The Role of Pyruvate in Metabolism

As we mentioned above, pyruvate plays an important role in metabolism—specifically, the metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Pyruvate is involved in three different metabolic pathways: glycolysis (the breakdown of glucose), gluconeogenesis (the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources), and the citric acid cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle).*

The role of pyruvate in metabolism is twofold. First, pyruvate acts as an intermediary molecule in the conversion of glucose to ATP. Second, pyruvate initiates gluconeogenesis—the process by which glucose is synthesized from non-carbohydrate sources—by conversion into oxaloacetate.* This process occurs when there is not enough carbohydrate available for fuel or when additional glucose is needed for glycogen storage.*

The Benefits of Pyruvate Supplements

Pyruvate supplements have become popular in recent years as a weight loss aid.* Pyruvate has been shown to boost metabolism and promote thermogenesis—the process by which our bodies convert food into heat and energy.* In one study, participants who took 2.5 grams of pyruvate per day for six weeks lost significantly more weight and body fat than those who didn’t take pyruvate.* In another study, participants taking 3 grams of pyruvic acid per day for 12 weeks reduced their body fat mass by an average of 3.5 kilograms (7.7 pounds) compared to those taking a placebo.*

In Summary:

Pyruvate is a biochemical compound with a variety of functions in the human body. Most importantly, it plays a role in metabolism—specifically, the metabolism of fat, proteins, and carbohydrates. It also initiates gluconeogenesis—the process by which glucose is synthesized from non-carbohydrate sources—by conversion into oxaloacetate. Additionally, pyruvate has become popular in recent years as a weight loss aid due to its ability to boost metabolism and promote thermogenesis. Supplementing with pyruvic acid can help you lose weight and achieve your desired body composition.


The Importance of Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D for Bone Health

Date: September 23, 2022 04:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D for Bone Health

Maintaining strong bones is essential for good health throughout our lives. Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D is one of the best ways to keep our bones healthy and prevent problems like osteoporosis. Here's a Closer look at the role these important nutrients play in bone health.

Calcium: Calcium is a mineral that is essential for strong bones and teeth. The body needs calcium to maintain proper blood clotting, muscle function, and nerve function. Most of the calcium in our bodies is stored in the bones and teeth, where it provides strength and structure. Calcium is absorbed into the body through the small intestine. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are good sources of calcium.

Magnesium: Magnesium is another mineral that is crucial for bone health. It helps the body absorb calcium and also plays a role in muscle function and energy production. Magnesium is found in leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from the diet. It can be obtained from food sources like egg yolks and fatty fish, or it can be produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D supplements are also available.

In Summary:

Calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are all essential nutrients for maintaining strong bones throughout our lives. Be sure to include plenty of foods rich in these nutrients in your diet to keep your bones healthy!


The Truth About Collagen: Can It Really Help You Look Younger and Feel Younger?

Date: August 03, 2022 04:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Truth About Collagen: Can It Really Help You Look Younger and Feel Younger?

It's no secret that collagen is a hot topic in the beauty world right now. Everyone from celebrities to your average Jane is talking about how they're using collagen to improve their skin health and appearance. But what is collagen, exactly? And can it really help you look younger and feel better? Lets take a Closer look at collagen and its potential benefits for skin health.

What is collagen and what does it do for the body?

The body's collagen production naturally starts to decline at around age 25. Collagen is a protein that helps give skin its strength and elasticity. It can also be found in connective tissues, bones, and cartilage. A lack of collagen can lead to wrinkles, dry skin, and joint pain. Increasing collagen levels can help improve the appearance of skin, reduce the risk of injuries, and improve joint function. There are a number of ways to increase collagen levels in the body, including consuming collagen supplements, using collagen-containing skincare products, and getting regular exposure to UV light.

The benefits of collagen for skin health

Collagen is present in the skin of all mammals and is responsible for providing skin with its youthful appearance. As we age, collagen production decreases, which can lead to wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging. Fortunately, there are many benefits of collagen for skin health that can help counteract the signs of aging.

Some of the key benefits of collagen for skin include increased hydration, improved elasticity, reduced wrinkles and lines, and a more youthful appearance. Collagen supplements can also help improve the appearance of scars and stretch marks. In addition, collagen peptides have been shown to reduce inflammation in the skin.

If you're looking to improve the appearance of your skin, consider adding a collagen supplement to your routine. collagen supplements are available in pill form, powder form, or in a drink mix.

How to increase your intake of collagen

Collagen powder can be added to many drinks, such as smoothies, coffee, or tea. You can also mix it with water to make a collagen drink. Another way to increase your collagen intake is by eating foods that are high in collagen. Some good sources of collagen include bone broth, fish, and chicken. Natures Plus collagen has those sources and more.

The benefits of collagen for skin health are clear, and there are many ways to increase your intake of collagen. If you're looking to improve the appearance of your skin, consider adding a collagen supplement to your routine. collagen supplements are available in pill form, powder form, or in a drink mix. Give it a try today1


Hawthorn Berry and Heart Health: How the Two are Connected

Date: April 29, 2022 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hawthorn Berry and Heart Health: How the Two are Connected

For centuries, Hawthorn Berry has been used to help support heart health. It is one of the most popular herbs for this purpose, and there is a lot of evidence to back up its use. Let's take a Closer look at how Hawthorn Berry can help keep your heart healthy!

The heart and its function

The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body. It plays a central role in circulating blood throughout the body and delivering oxygen and nutrients to our tissues. In fact, without a healthy heart, we would not be able to survive for long. The heart is made up of four different chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The muscle walls of these chambers contract and relax in a coordinated manner to pump blood through the circulatory system. Furthermore, the heart is richly supplied with nerve endings that enable it to respond quickly to any changes that might occur within our bodies. Overall, the heart is an incredibly complex and vital part of our anatomy, one that must always be treated with care and respect.

Hawthorn Berry and heart health

Hawthorn berry is a natural remedy that has long been used to promote heart health. This potent herb contains a variety of nutrients and antioxidants, which work together to lower blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, and prevent the build-up of plaque in the arteries. Plus, hawthorn berry also contains compounds that help to reduce inflammation, both directly within the heart muscles and throughout the rest of the body. Thus, regular consumption of hawthorn berry has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in people with cardiovascular conditions.

How Hawthorn Berry helps the heart?

Hawthorn berry is a small, red fruit that has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments. In recent years, Hawthorn berry has been gaining popularity as a tonic for good heart health. Hawthorn berry contains flavonoids, which are antioxidants that help to protect cells from damage. Flavonoids have been shown to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation. In addition, Hawthorn berry is believed to help relax the smooth muscles around the heart, making it less likely to develop arrhythmias. Hawthorn berry is available in supplements and can also be found in teas and tinctures. Although more research is needed, Hawthorn berry shows promise as a safe and effective way to support good heart health.

Dosage and preparations of Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn berry is most commonly used in the form of a tea, which can be brewed using either fresh or dried berries. When using fresh berries, it is recommended to simmer 2-3 grams of berries in one cup of water for 10-15 minutes. For dried berries, it is recommended to simmer 1-2 grams in one cup of water for the same amount of time. Hawthorn berry can also be taken in capsule form, with a typical dose being 300-500 milligrams three times per day.

Final thoughts on Hawthorn Berry and heart health

At this point, it is clear that Hawthorn Berry is a powerful natural remedy for heart health. Not only has extensive research shown that it can help to protect the cardiovascular system by lowering blood pressure and improving circulation, but it also contains a unique blend of antioxidants and bioactive compounds that have been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory effects. Furthermore, Hawthorn Berry is widely available and generally considered safe when taken in moderate doses; as such, anyone concerned about heart health should consider adding this incredible herb to their diet or supplementation regimen. Ultimately, with its unique therapeutic benefits and low risk of side effects, Hawthorn Berry is one of the best all-around remedies for heart health on the market today.


Green Tea Extracts: The Best Source of EGCG for Cognitive Health, Cellular Defense, and Mental Well-being

Date: April 25, 2022 04:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Tea Extracts: The Best Source of EGCG for Cognitive Health, Cellular Defense, and Mental Well-being

Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and for good reason. It has a delicious flavor and offers a variety of health benefits. One of the most beneficial compounds found in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a catechin polyphenol that has been extensively studied for its positive effects on cognitive health, cellular defense, metabolism, and mental well-being. We will take a Closer look at EGCG and discuss why it is such an important compound for optimal health.

What is EGCG

EGCG is short for epigallocatechin gallate, a type of polyphenol that is found in green tea. In addition to its potential health benefits, EGCG is also a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown that it can help to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. EGCG has also been shown to boost metabolism and reduce inflammation. Furthermore, some research suggests that it may even have cancer-fighting properties. While more studies are needed to confirm these effects, EGCG is a promising compound with a wide range of potential applications.

How does it work in the body

EGCG is a polyphenol compound that is found in high levels in green tea. Polyphenols are a type of phytochemical, which are plant-based chemicals that have a number of health-promoting properties. EGCG is the most abundant polyphenol in green tea, and it is thought to be responsible for many of the health benefits associated with green tea consumption. In the body, EGCG can bind to certain enzymes and proteins, preventing them from performing their normal functions. For example, EGCG has been shown to inhibit the activity of angiogenesis, which is the growth of new blood vessels. This may explain why green tea consumption has been linked with lower rates of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, EGCG has been shown to boost metabolism and promote fat loss. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects in humans. Overall, EGCG appears to be a potent phytochemical with a wide range of potential health benefits. Further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential.

Why is it important for health and longevity

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most active and abundant catechin in tea. It is a polyphenol that has attracted much attention for its potential health benefits, which include cancer prevention, cardiovascular protection, and neuroprotection. EGCG has also been shown to boost metabolism and promote weight loss. In addition, EGCG has been linked with longevity. Studies in both animals and humans have shown that EGCG can increase lifespan and protect against age-related diseases. These findings suggest that EGCG may be an important key to health and longevity.

The benefits of EGCG

  • -EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals
  • -EGCG has been shown to boost metabolism and reduce inflammation
  • -EGCG may even have cancer-fighting properties
  • -EGCG is a potent phytochemical with a wide range of potential health benefits
  • -Further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential
  • -EGCG can increase lifespan and protect against age-related diseases
  • -Incorporating more green tea into your diet or lifestyle may have numerous health benefits.

Below are some FAQs that might help:

Q: How much green tea should I drink per day?

A: It is recommended to drink three to five cups of green tea per day to reap the most benefits.

Q: What are some good ways to add green tea into my diet?

A: You can add green tea to your diet by drinking it as a beverage, taking green tea supplements, or adding matcha powder to smoothies or baking recipes.

Q: What are some of the possible side effects of green tea?

A: Green tea is generally safe for most people, but it can cause digestive issues in some individuals. It is also important to note that green tea contains caffeine, so it should be consumed in moderation if you are sensitive to this stimulant.

Free Radical Damage and Green Tea

Free radicals can damage cells, which can lead to health problems over time. You know that free radicals are bad for you, but what can you do about them?

Green tea with EGCG is a great way to protect yourself from the damaging effects of free radicals. EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage caused by these harmful molecules.


Vitamin E: A Closer Look at Tocotrienols

Date: October 21, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin E: A Closer Look at Tocotrienols

Researchers have made an estimate and guessed that there are 75 trillion cells in the body. Each of those cells is surrounded by a membrane that is bean shaped. This membrane is made up of dense rows of fatty acids. These require protection from lipid peroxidation. Vitamin E is one of the popular antioxidants. Vitamin E is shaped like a tadpole, which is the perfect shape to do this job. There are two forms of Vitamin E.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers estimate that the human body could contain as many as 75 trillion cells. Each of those cells is surrounded by a bean-shaped membrane made up of dense rows
  • Vitamin E comes in the perfect molecular shape to do this job—like a tadpole, with a head and tail, similar to the phospholipids that complement the cell membrane.
  • While alpha-tocopherol research still occurs at a much greater level than tocotrienol research, there has been a downward trend in alpha-tocopherol research alongside an increase in understanding.

"In this study, researchers found that alpha-tocopherol, when co-administered with tocotrienols, reduced tocotrienols’ inhibitory effect on HMGR."

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Lutein, found in leafy greens, may counter cognitive aging

Date: July 31, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lutein, found in leafy greens, may counter cognitive aging

A website that reports on science news has an article summarizing a scientific study about lutein. This is a substance found in leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale. A university study was conducted on subjects in the age 25 to 45 range. The study found that those subjects who had higher levels of lutein were neurologically closer to younger people. The article cited its source and included a link to the study. A photo of an avocado smoothie is included.

Key Takeaways:

  • Spinach and kale can keep you both physically and mentally fit.
  • Lute in, found in green leafy vegetables , is important to get from food sources because it's not naturally found in the body.
  • This study proved lute in helped attention function in older adults but more studies are necessary to assess memory and learning.

"The study, which included 60 adults aged 25 to 45, found that middle-aged participants with higher levels of lutein -- a nutrient found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, as well as avocados and eggs -- had neural responses that were more on par with younger individuals than with their peers."

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CONFIRMED: Omega-3s boost blood flow to regions of the brain responsible for learning and memory

Date: June 02, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CONFIRMED: Omega-3s boost blood flow to regions of the brain responsible for learning and memory

A new study finds an increase in blood flowing to your brain, and it may help to prevent cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's disease is a leading cause of death, causing a downward deterioration of a person ability to live independently as the symptoms become worse. The study shows correlation between omega-3 concentrations in the brain with a lower incidence of brain disease, called neurocognitive disorders. The omega-3 is found to be the cause of increased blood flow to the brain, resulting in a decreased probability of neural degradation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Omega estate are not just good for the heart they are also good for your brain
  • Researchers are still researching omega estate and it's benefits to your overall health
  • Omega 3s is one step closer to helping people with alzheimers

"This study opens the door to the possibility that relatively simple dietary changes could favorably impact cognitive function."

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Cannabidiol bill for epileptic seizures moves closer to becoming law

Date: April 14, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cannabidiol bill for epileptic seizures moves Closer to becoming law

Author Janet Williams writes about a bill in Indianapolis that would further the usage of medical marijuana for use among patients with epilepsy. The article lists the how the votes were cast and which side they favored. The author also makes a point to mention that the medical marijuana would be high CBD product rather than the typical form which contains majority THC, meaning that the medical product would not be for "getting high", but in fact would be medicine for epilepsy treatment with no psychoactive properties.

Key Takeaways:

  • -INDIANAPOLIS — Separate bills to legalize the use of cannabidiol to treat epileptic seizures passed the Indiana House and Senate Thursday.
  • -Our goal has always been to give relief to the desperate parents who don’t seem to see any other way to treat their child, and to give them relief from constant epileptic seizures,
  • -Tomes said that the problem with medical marijuana is that there are too many doors open for abusing it,

"Cannabidiol, or CBD is found in the seeds, stalk, and flowers of cannabis plants like hemp and marijuana. CBD has been found to minimize seizures in epileptic patients and has a negligible level of THC, the compound that creates the “high” feeling in marijuana."

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Benjamin Hardy: 8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.

Date: March 20, 2017 01:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benjamin Hardy: 8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.

Getting out of survival mode should be the top of everyone's list. The way to get out of survival mode is to simply do the things on this list. The first is to get a health amount of sleep - at least 7 hours. Next is to either use prayer or meditation to start the day off in the zone. Performing a hard workout and then consuming a breakfast full of protein is next on the list. A cold shower follows, then reading or listening to something uplifting. And finally, review your life goals and then do something that continues you on the path to completing those goals. Doing all these things before 8am will surely get anyone on the path to feeling better about life.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you want to achieve your dreams, you have to make the time each and every single day to move towards that goal.
  • Start by getting the right amount of sleep, at least seven hours.
  • Start your morning by setting your mind and body towards your goal. Do at least one thing each day that moves you closer to achieving your dreams.

"Sadly, most people’s lives are filled to the brim with the nonessential and trivial."

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Rewires Your Brain and Slashes Anxiety Levels, but Beware

Date: March 14, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Rewires Your Brain and Slashes Anxiety Levels, but Beware

Thedocumentary, Ride the Tiger: A Guide Through the Bipolar Brain, focused on current concepts treatment. Drugs available don't work in all patients and lifestyle changes are recommended when possible. It's recommended that bipolar patients and people suffering from other disorders There has been some positive outcomes from devices using light and magnets to stimulate the brain but a healthy diet, exercise, vitamin supplements and probiotics can address these disorders. Patients have also received benefits through exercise and proper sleep patterns. Doing all this, patients have found they can slowly get off their drug treatment regimens.

Key Takeaways:

  • An estimated 5.1 million Americans have bipolar disorder, which is characterized by unusual and typically dramatic shifts in mood and energy.
  • While medication is typically the first-line of treatment for bipolar and other mental illnesses, they can take up to two months to work and are often frustratingly ineffective.
  • Scientists are also turning to more novel strategies like optogenetics in an effort to control the illness, seeking ways to possibly “preempt, fix or rewire” the patient’s brain back to normal.

""By seeking to understand how the bipolar brain malfunctions, researchers believe they can get Closer to understanding the inner workings of the brain, potentially unlocking treatments for other types of psychiatric problems as well.""




Is Pineapple Acidic and Can Pineapple Cause Acid Reflux?

Date: February 27, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Pineapple Acidic and Can Pineapple Cause Acid Reflux?

If you suffer from acid reflux, you probably go out of your way to avoid overly acidic foods. However, there is much debate on where pineapple lands on the pH spectrum. Pineapple is indeed acidic, but it also contains bromelain, which has been known to fend off acid reflux. It may still cause acid reflux in those more sensitive to acids, but pineapple usually has an alkalizing effect on stomach acids. If you are willing to give it a try, pineapple has some great health benefits that include a low calorie count and moderate levels of essential vitamins and minerals.

Key Takeaways:

  • With all the talk of alkaline and acidic foods, many questions float around about which food fits into what category. Pineapple, for instance, is one of the more debated foods out there.
  • Maybe it’s time to take a Closer look at this tropical fruit and answer some of those questions.
  • Does pineapple have acid? The quick answer is yes. Pineapple is acidic. What does that actually mean? It means that pineapple sits at a certain spot below seven on the pH scale, which measures how acidic or basic a substance is from a range of 0 to 14.

"But for those unaffected by acid reflux, pineapple is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals to keep the body running smoothly."



A Closer Look at Vitamin A

Date: January 07, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Closer Look at Vitamin A

Vitamin A is one nutrient that does not he the attention it deserves. Many people do not get as much as they need, so supplementing may be necessary. It is fat soluble, and it is one of the strongest antioxidants available to the human body. It helps protect many functions of the body.

Key Takeaways:

  • A few of us have even uttered it a few times when making an attempt to persuade relations - or ourselves - to decide on wholesome meals.
  • In any case, consuming a balanced weight loss plan of fruits, greens and protein-filled meals fuels our physique with the nutritional vitamins and minerals it must perform correctly.
  • We will not all the time get every little thing we'd like from our food plan. For a few of us, dietary supplements can supply the precise vitamins our our bodies are poor in.

"Listed here are 5 essential features about vitamin A and why we particularly want it in our day by day food regimen. - See more at: //"



Fight your sickness by making your own DIY all-natural cough syrup

Date: December 29, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight your sickness by making your own DIY all-natural cough syrup

Most people get sick during the winter months although it's not the cold weather that actually makes you sick. People don't go out as much during the winter and are around others more which makes it easier for the bacteria and viruses to spread. Eating healthy, drinking enough filtered water and getting enough exercise are among some of the things you can do to keep your body healthy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Most germs that cause the common cold spread more quickly in cold, dry air.
  • Furthermore, during the winter months, people spend more time indoors and Closer to each other, which makes it easier for the bacteria and viruses to spread.
  • Of course, there are a few things you can do to prevent sickness in the first place. Keeping up your healthy eating habits, boosting your immune system, drinking enough filtered water during the day, washing your hands regularly, eating wholesome foods, and getting an adequate amount of exercise and sleep are all good examples of how to keep your body healthy and clean.

"Most germs that cause the common cold spread more quickly in cold, dry air. Furthermore, during the winter months, people spend more time indoors and Closer to each other, which makes it easier for the bacteria and viruses to spread."




Replacing carbs with protein? Don't overdo it

Date: December 17, 2016 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Replacing carbs with protein? Don't overdo it

Protein has become the dietary supplement that everyone is talking about. With benefits thought to range from building muscle to losing weight, protein powders and bars have become a staple in American society. Specialists are beginning to wonder if getting too much protein in the diet can lead to bad side effects. It is estimated that most American men consume double the daily recommended intake. There are concerns that high protein diets can lead to the development of diabetes and liver disease. They are cautioning people to keep their intake Closer to the recommended dosage.

Key Takeaways:

  • The majority of Americans get more than the recommended daily amounts of protein from food and there are no long-term studies to tell us how much protein is too much.
  • Dietary Guidelines for Americans cautioned that some people should “reduce overall intake of protein foods” and eat more vegetables.
  • Protein has achieved a venerated status in the dietary world for everything from building muscle to preventing weight gain. But can you get too much of a good thing?

"A canned protein drink can contain almost as much protein as a 227g steak, and snack bars or a small bag of protein chips can pack more of the macro-nutrient than a three-egg omelette."



Are your storable foods mostly just reprocessed GMO corn?

Date: December 08, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are your storable foods mostly just reprocessed GMO corn?

Stocking up on non-perishable foods seems like an intelligent concept on the surface. But upon Closer examination, it may prove that they stored food you buy contains genetically-modified organisms and additives that are toxic to your system. Transgenic corn, corn startch and high-fructose corn syrup are widely used in storable foods, but are nto organic products and are derivatives of "Frankencrops." Many popular brands that sell packaged food use these subtances to increae the shelf life of the food, but the presence of these chemicals in concerning.

Key Takeaways:

  • many people are preparing in advance by stocking up on storable food supplies to back end any potential hiccups in the supply chain. But it's important to remember that not all storable food is the same, and that much of it is actually loaded with things you probably wouldn't want to feed your families – things like genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and toxic food additives.
  • If you're someone who's already purchased storable food, you might want to take a Closer look at the ingredients list to determine whether or not you've made the right choice. If you haven't yet purchased storable food but are interested in doing so, there are excellent options like Numanna Organic Survival Food that are both free of these offending ingredients and surprisingly healthy and nutritious.
  • Wise Food Storage brands itself as having the highest quality survival food on the market. But a quick look at the ingredients lists for the products contained in its "1 Month Emergency Supply of Food and Drinks" reveals much of the same

"not all storable food is the same, and that much of it is actually loaded with things you probably wouldn't want to feed your families"




10 Reasons to drink lemon water on an empty stomach

Date: November 08, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 Reasons to drink lemon water on an empty stomach

Lemon water is a nutrient powerhouse that some celebrities swear by. It is thought that lemon water ingested right away in the morning not only hydrates your body, but it also provides essential vitamins that help jumpstart your day. Everything from the enzymes to the antioxidants present in lemons does a great job of boosting most systems in the body to start the day off right. This simple drink can help detoxify the skin and curb hunger, while also providing some energy and bolstering the immune system.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to some health advocates, drinking lemon water on an empty stomach takes you one step Closer to optimal health.
  • While low in calories, lemons are loaded with health-promoting essential nutrients, including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber.
  • Vitamin C plays a major role in our immune system, and lemons are loaded with it. A strong and healthy immune system will help you keep bacterial and viral infections at bay.

"According to some health advocates, drinking lemon water on an empty stomach takes you one step Closer to optimal health."




11 Foods that Help You Sleep Better

Date: November 04, 2016 04:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 11 Foods that Help You Sleep Better

Did you know that there are some foods that actually help you sleep better? If you are like most people, sleep is a very expensive luxury to come by now a days but with these eleven foods you can help sleep better. These foods are rich in both magnesium and in tryptophan which can help promote not only sleeping quicker but also a more restful sleep. To learn more, please take a Closer look into this article.

Key Takeaways:

  • Try eating foods high in magnesium, say researchers at Edinburgh and Cambridge Universities.
  • Dark chocolate is a great source of magnesium, as are a multitude of other foods we've highlighted below.
  • Magnesium regulates circadian rhythms, so you get sounder, more satisfying sleep.

"Magnesium regulates circadian rhythms, so you get sounder, more satisfying sleep. Dark chocolate is a great source of magnesium, as are a multitude of other foods we've highlighted below."




Are You Gaining Weight For No Reason? Check Your Thyroid

Date: October 31, 2016 11:47 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Are You Gaining Weight For No Reason? Check Your Thyroid

The human body is an extremely complex system of checks and balances that's held in a very delicate state of equilibrium. It's hard to understand at times but with the patience of science, we can usually get to the bottom of whichever mysteries our bodies will present us with.

One of the mysteries that some people might find themselves faced with at some point in their lives is that of gaining weight for no reason. Diets and exercise will seem not to work. A possible culprit might be found in a small organ known as the thyroid gland. Let’s have a Closer look at it and how it may be affecting your metabolism and weight.

How the Thyroid Gland Works

The thyroid is the largest gland in your endocrine system of glands and is located right in the middle of your neck just below the Adam’s apple in men. Endocrine glands refer to glands that secrete hormones in the human body. The thyroid gland produces the hormones Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine, which are referred to as the thyroid hormones. These hormones play a significant role in your energy regulation and metabolism functions by prompting almost every cell in your body to increase its activity. This is essentially what your metabolic rate is. There are three basic categories of problems that can occur in your thyroid gland, as follow:

  • Hypothyroidism or Underactivity – too little thyroid hormones produced
  • Hyperthyroidism or Overactivity – too much thyroid hormones produced
  • Growths – include benign cysts and nodules as well as cancers of the thyroid gland

The Thyroid Gland and Weight Gain

When too little thyroid hormone is being produced in a patient, their metabolic rate will slow down, meaning that the body’s cell will not be burning up calories at their optimum rate. This will lead to these unspent calories being deposited throughout the body in the form of fat. The person affected might find themselves suddenly gaining weight without any apparent changes in their lifestyle or eating habits. This is also why dieting and exercise may not have the desired effect on the patient.

The symptoms of an underactive thyroid can be very vague because the hormone acts throughout the body but should you find yourself experiencing some of these, consider testing specifically for hypothyroidism:

  • General weakness
  • Cold intolerance
  • Heightened cholesterol levels
  • Fatigue
  • Sleepiness
  • Constipation
  • Mood swings
  • Forgetfulness
  • Heavy menses
  • Coarse, dry hair and skin
  • Weight gain
  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Depression and/or irritability
  • Muscle cramps and aches
  • Swelling in legs (edema)
  • Blurred vision
  • Hoarse voice and sore throat
  • Hair loss (on head and/or body)


Check Out The Wonder Grain: Amaranth

Date: February 02, 2014 07:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Check Out The Wonder Grain: Amaranth

The wonder of amaranth

amaranth plantThe wonder grain Amaranth has been known to humans for centuries. It was heralded as a staple in the diets of pre Columbian-Aztecs who heralded the plant is granting them special powers. Unfortunately, when the Spanish Conquistadors arrived in the region, they outlawed the crop and went to great lengths to push its existence far from common knowledge. It has only resurfaced on the market in recent decades.

Amaranth plant

A broad and bushy plant, amaranth can grow to around six feet in height. It sports a bright and colorful flower head which contains an immense amount of seeds. It is not uncommon for a single plant to produce seed quantities around the 60,000 mark. The seeds are typically used in the creation of amaranth cereal or flour.

The plant itself is not technically a grain, belonging instead to the same plant family as beets, spinach and quinoa. This classification is the reason it offers nutritional benefits that are Closer to those offered by darker, greener plants with more foliage rather than those of true grains. Amaranth plays host to a myriad of different nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. One amino acid in particular, lysine, which is generally present in fairly low levels in other grains, appears in a noticeably higher concentration here. Compared to wheat, Amaranth also carries four times as much calcium and double the content of iron and magnesium. It also boasts an exceptionally high level of protein.

Uses of amaranth

This miracle plant can be prepared with a wide variety of techniques. It can be simmered to produce a consistency not unlike porridge. It can also be mixed with other grains to create a dish that resembles rice. Traditionalists can also toss the grains in a skillet to be cooked like popcorn, producing a crunchy, almost nutty experience. While still not yet immensely popular and therefor sometimes harder to find, amaranth can be an excellent addition to any healthy diet.


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Bitter Orange Extract

Date: November 22, 2012 10:46 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bitter Orange Extract


Indigenous to the Meditteranean region today, but brought to their shores by Arab tradesmen in 1200 , bitter orange or citrus aurantium was highly popular among herbalists all over the southern parts of Europe is mainly France, Greece, Spain and Italy. A botanical species commonly termed as seville orange and bigarade orange, this bitter citrus fruit is known for its oil extract, flavoring and use in the perfume industry.

However , the ancient Chinese used it for treating dyspepsia , abdominal distention and diarrhea. These uses also drew from its roots in ancient Greek experiments in aromatherapy, phyto-therapy and cosmetology. Its arrival in America can be credited to the Spaniards and the Portuguese who for very long had been using the fruit for its medical component. Bitter orange trees grew in abundance in the states of Florida, Louisiana and California way back in the middle of the nineteenth century.There have been numerous pharmacological indicators in the study of C aurantium actions and it has been termed as an anti spasmodic, anti fungal , anti bacterial, anti-inflammatory, sedative, tranquilizer and also a vascular stimulant.

Studies, Benefits

Recent studies about its effect on cancer cells is underway. A Closer Look At Its Health Benefits Bitter orange peel, flower and seed are known to have varying effects on the human body and its studies date back centuries. Quite simply it has the ability to squeeze blood vessels, affect the heart rate and also change the level of metabolism. A Closer look at its components would help focus on their particular impact on health.

  • * A Source Of Flavonoids: Useful in indications such as inflammations and bacterial or fungal infections.
  • * Intense source of Vitamin C which is an immunity booster. Drinking its juice, which is rather bitter, does help in aiding digestive health, ridding the body of waste and in cases of gastrointestinal constrictions.
  • * Regulation of fat cells in the blood and lowering of sugar levels in diabetics.
  • *Blood purification by aiding the function of liver, kidney, bladder and the gall bladder; its use as a detoxifying agent has been proved beyond doubt.
  • *Bitter orange peel powder is known to improve appetite by toning the intestines while on the other hand it is known to act as an appetite suppressant.
  • * Treating of shock and Insomnia-the tincture made with its peel is useful in thee symptoms as well as to cure chronic headache and bodyache.
  • *Presence of synephrine which is an active compound in bitter orange is a stimulant in body activities.

It results in faster metabolism, increase in heart rate by affecting the adrenaline system, and in turn aid in weight loss. What needs to be seen is whether this metabolism booster is in any way a retardant with any other medication that you may be taking.

Many have reverted to bitter orange extracts to tackle their weight problem after the ban on ephedra by the US drug administration . what is needed is prudence as most consider bitter orange as a health supplement forgetting its rather potent effect on the body .



Date: July 31, 2009 12:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Sarsparilla

Sarsaparilla can be found natively growing in the Pacific regions of Mexico, along the coast to Peru. The root is commonly used to make root beer. The sarsaparilla plant is mostly a find. It can primarily be found in Mexico, Central America and South America. The root of the plant is the most valued portion. It has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, much like ginseng or licorice root. Sarsaparilla root is very bitter. Because of this, it was a common practice for pharmacists to distill the useful chemicals from this herb and mix them with sugar water. From this, a very popular beverage called sarsaparilla was born. This was years before other chemists would invent other medicinal drinks like the original Pepsi and 7-Up.

The sarsaparilla plant was most definitely used as a medicinal tonic, but it was often served as a sweetened beverage. Some formulas substituted sarsaparilla root with a combination of birch oil and sassafras, which is a treat that is found in the western United States. Some believe that the informal name of the drink, sasparilla, indicates the use of sassafras extract, while others say the name is a corruption of the original sarsaparilla. Unfortunately, the modern beverage is Closer to a birch oil/sassafras mixture than the more bitter sarsaparilla extract. The roots of the sarsaparilla plant can be purchased in certain grocery or health food stores. The beverage called sarsaparilla is a little more difficult to find. Smaller bottling companies may produce a version for local consumption, but that national interest in root beer, sarsaparilla’s cousin, has made it much harder to come by.

Often, sarsaparilla is used in glandular balance formulas. This is because components in sarsaparilla help with the production of testosterone and progesterone. The herb also stimulates the metabolism, aids digestion, and improves the appetite. It has been used to help with gas and edema, along with other related conditions. Additionally, studies have shown that this herb contains diuretic activity and also increased the elimination of chlorides and uric acid. Sarsaparilla is beneficial for many skin ailments. Among these are psoriasis, eczema, and leprosy. This has been found to be true in various studies. The herb also works as an anti-inflammatory by increasing circulation to rheumatic joints. It also helps to relieve arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. This herb also stimulates breathing when congestion occurs. It even helps to purify the blood.

The root of the sarsaparilla plant are used to provide alterative, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, aromatic, blood purifier, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, and stimulant properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are copper, iodine, iron, manganese, silicon, sodium, vitamins A, B-complex, and C, and zinc. Primarily, sarsaparilla is extremely beneficial in treating joint aches and pains, arthritis, blood impurities, eczema, gas, glandular problems, hormone imbalance, inflammation, psoriasis, skin diseases, and syphilis.

Additionally, the herb is very helpful in dealing with age spots, appetite loss, cods, congestion, edema, sore eyes, fevers, gout, impotence, leprosy, menopausal symptoms, metabolism disorders, skin parasites, chronic rheumatism, ringworms, primary tuberculosis, and sores. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen to prevent prescription drug interaction. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by sarsaparilla, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.

Sarsaparilla root is available in capsule and tablet forms at your local or internet health food store. It is recommended that you look for name brands like Solaray, Natures Way, and Natures Plus to ensure quality and purity of the product you purchase.


Natural Soap Bars

Date: January 20, 2009 09:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Soap Bars

With the earth-friendly topic being on so many people’s minds lately, consumers are realizing that using natural personal care products is a simple way to start with a greener lifestyle. Consumer demands for natural personal care products has actually experienced double digit growth consistently for the past few years, with this trend not expected to slow. At the same time, non-natural personal care is typically seeing less than a five percent growth.

Natural is currently one of the fastest growing subcategories of personal care, with a large crossover clientele emerging and many mass, grocery, and drug stores are now offering natural products. Success has moved natural ingredients into mainstream brands, opened doors to food, drug, and mass merchant distribution, and driven major consumer brands to enter the market. Larger mass market companies are now realizing the extreme growth potential and profitability of the natural market as compared to the traditional personal care market.

Manufactures have been trying many different things in the soap market including making soaps for sensitive skin, using fair trade ingredients, and discovering new ways to make creamier and more moisturizing soaps. Consumers are looking for their natural personal care products to have the same easy use and performance level of chemical-based personal care products. There is also an increase in interest in using food-based ingredients, as it is appealing on a consumer level due to the familiarity, because if you can eat it, it must be safe.

Fragrance-free and sensitive-sin products are also on the rise, with thirty percent of the population reporting some sensitivity to fragrance, while more than eighty percent report that exposure to fragrances is bothersome, with many synthetic fragrances containing phthalates, which are linked to birth defects and health-related issues. However, the consumer must know that there is actually a difference between unscented and fragrance-free. Unscented products mask the odor of the actual formula with a fragrance, which leaves the potential for skin irritation and allergic reactions.

The Natural Products Association recently launched a Natural Care Product Seal and Standard so that consumers could more easily identify products with truly natural ingredients. Adhering to these requirements can prove difficult for manufactures of natural soaps. Soaps and creams present several challenges to formulators who are seeking to avoid chemicals and synthetic materials. Soaps made according to the above standards will cleanse skin and hair, although they may have an appearance and texture that was different than many consumers are use to. These soaps may be thin, create minimal foam, and may have a shorter shelf life than other natural products that are made according to alternative ingredient standards.

Although bar soaps are staple products year round, liquid soaps are currently gaining popularity, as bar soaps are often drying to the skin and have a high pH. Liquid soaps, on the other hand, have a pH Closer to that of skin and also have the ability to moisturize. The market should see an increase in liquid soaps in the future, as the population ages and skin is drier and needs more moisture, leaving the moisturizing abilities of liquid soaps to meet these needs.


GrapeSeed Extract

Date: October 15, 2008 09:46 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: GrapeSeed Extract

It is possible to fight off aging with grape seed extract due largely to the antioxidant effect of the phytochemicals contained within the seed of the grape. The seed is rarely absorbed by your body because it is so difficult for your digestive juices to break down; significantly more difficult than the skin or the pulp. So what is specific about the seed that makes it so useful as a source of antioxidants? That shall be discuss shortly, but for now let's discuss the causes of aging, and how antioxidants can help to keep them at bay.

To fight off aging you have to understand what causes it, and the take steps to avoid these causes. It is fairly obvious that all causes of aging cannot be circumvented, but there are things that can be done to keep some of them at bay. Here, we are specifically concerned with the aging of your skin, which is the most visible form of aging. The first aspect of aging to understand is that there are two types: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic Aging

Intrinsic aging is natural aging, and is largely genetic. Starting when you are fairly young, normally in the early to mid 20s, intrinsic aging is typified by wrinkling, hair loss or graying of the hair, hollowing of cheeks and other areas where the fat underneath the skin that normally contributes to your physical appearance is lost, and also bone loss that causes your skin to sag due a gradual loss of the structure that sculpts your physical appearance.

The age at which this occurs, and its speed is determined by your genes; although the process generally begins around the mid 20s, the speed with which it progresses is genetically controlled.

Extrinsic Aging

This is where grape seed extract can help. Extrinsic aging is not genetic, but environmental. Ten majority of this type of aging is due to exposure to the damaging UV light of the sun, which cause the typical 'leathery' look of the skin of people raised in areas such locations as the hotter parts of Australia and the USA, without the benefit of the native skin pigmentation that filters out these harmful ultra-violet rays.

Other factors that can cause the same degradation of your skin cells are smoking, the way you sleep and gravity. The sun generates free radicals (more on these later) that can destroy skin cells, cause freckles, leathery skin and a blotched complexion and also skin cancer. Smokers are more likely to develop leathery and wrinkled skin than non-smokers, and as the elasticity of your skin reduces, gravity cause jowls to develop and also a more pronounced lower lip.

Even your sleeping position can make you appear to age quicker, particularly using the same sleeping position on your pillow each night that cause what are known as sleep lines, that are really wrinkles that are difficult, if not impossible to remove. However, one of the most relevant factors is pollution, and the effects of car emissions, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, paint fumes and 1001 other forms of chemical pollution that produce free radicals.

Where grape seed extract is involved in fighting off aging is in extrinsic aging is by destroying the free radicals. All substances, from the air to the oceans, are formed of atoms that contain electrons. Stable molecules contain an even number of electrons, or what are known as 'electron pairs'. When a molecule loses one electron it is known as a free radical, whose prime purpose in its very short life is to steal an electron from the nearest molecule. This 'short' lifetime can as long as a day or as short as thousandth of a second: it depends on is size and the degree of steric hindrance to the reaction with the spare electron.

Now that the reasons for aging and the nature of free radicals are better understood it is easier for you understand why grape seed extract can help to fight aging caused by the effects of free radicals on your skin.

Grape seed is a waste product of the wine industry. You cannot make wine from grape seeds, so they are removed from the final product by filtration or sedimentation. It contains a large number of phytonutrients, the most important being polyphenols in the form of flavanoids, lipids and carbohydrates. It also contains proteins that don't have much of an effect on aging. Flavonoids (also spelled flavanoids) are powerful antioxidants that destroy free radicals; they are twenty times as powerful as Vitamin E and over fifty times more powerful an antioxidant than Vitamin C.

Both of these vitamins are regarded as strong antioxidants in their own right, which is an indication of how good grape seed extract is at killing free radicals. It's like a combination of Harry Callahan, Paul Kersey, John McClane and the whole of the Magnificent Seven after the scavengers in your body cells. They succeed, and do it in spades!

Not only do the ingredients of grape seed extract kill off free radicals with the efficiency of a Delta Task Force, but are also anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti just about anything else you can think of. However, let's have an even Closer look and find out exactly what polyphenols are present in this so-called wonder juice.

Procyanadin was originally named Vitamin P in 1936 by its discoverer, Prof. Jacques Masquelier, and is believed to bond with collagen to protect you from premature aging by retaining and even improving the elasticity of your skin. An added benefit is that it also improves the elasticity of your blood vessels, and so helps to fight off the effects of high blood pressure and places less strain on your heart. The overall effect on your face is to practically give you a chemical face lift and also provide protection from the damaging effect of the UV component of sunlight through its lethal attitude towards the free radicals that UV radiation generates.

Another component of grape seed extract particularly that of muscadine grapes is resveratrol; a phytoalexin that has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can also fight off the effects of aging. Phytoalexins are antibiotics produced by plants that are under attack, and, in addition to helping you age slower, confers other benefits to your body including helping your brain to carry out its work more efficiently.

All in all, grape seed extract confers many benefits to your health and is also believed to possess powerful anti-cancer properties. However, it is for its ability to fight off aging that most people use it as a supplement, and in this respect it has been found to be extremely effective. Any antioxidant is of benefit to your body, but grape seed extract is of particular benefit due its high antioxidant potency.

Buy Grape Seed Extract


Fight Histamine With Quercetin

Date: February 11, 2008 03:48 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Histamine With Quercetin

Quercetin is one of the more powerful of the body’s antioxidants, and it can also be used to reduce the rate of histamine release by the body normally initiated by contact with an allergenic substance (for which your immune system has designed an antigen). We shall examine the biochemical mechanism which this is achieved, but first let’s have a Closer look at quercetin and what it actually is.

Quercetin is what is known as a phytochemical, which is simply the scientific name for a chemical that is naturally produced by plants. Other phytochemicals include vitamin C and omega 3 fatty acids, so the term is very broad ranging for any substance that is produced by plants. It is commonly known as a flavanol, one of a family of compounds known as flavonoids that give color to plants.

It is a very active flavonoid, with very powerful antioxidant properties, in addition to acting as an anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory. Histamine is an amine released as part of the body’s immune response to allergenics, and quercetin inhibits its manufacture and release. This amine is an irritant and can itself cause inflammation and the other symptoms associated with allergies such as runny and itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, sneezing and itchy spots. Quercetin can be used to alleviate these symptoms by blocking the manufacture in the body of the histamine that causes them.

It demonstrates other anti-inflammatory properties such as alleviating the symptoms of arthritis, and also helps to destroy free radicals in the body through its strong antioxidant properties, but before we discuss how it does this we shall have a Closer look at the mechanisms used in its effect in inhibiting histamine.

Calmodulin is a protein that is used to transport calcium ions, Ca++, across the membranes of certain cells in the body, and by doing so it helps to mediate a number of biochemical processes within the body, among them the immune response and inflammation. It should not be thought these are always unwelcome responses: on the contrary, they are the body’s way of reacting to foreign bodies and preventing more serious conditions from developing.

However, there are instances where the body can become sensitized to certain substances and overreact to their presence leading to conditions such as hay fever or, considerably more serious, asthma. These are just two of the undesirable manifestations of the human immune system that we would be better without. What quercetin does is to prevent calmodulin from properly binding to certain enzymic proteins and so suppress the effect of these proteins. Among these are the enzymes that control the secretion of histamine from mast cells.

Mast cells are found mainly in areas prone to injury and at the interface between internal tissues and outside world, such as the nose, mouth, lungs, eyes, blood vessels and feet. They contain granules rich in histamine that degranulate and released the histamine when the immune system detects foreign bodies such as pollen grains and dust mites, especially when the body has created antigens against them.

Quercetin suppresses the release of histamine from the granules in the mast cells by preventing the degranulation. The release of the histamine is not completely halted, but its effects are reduced and quercetin is used in the treatment of asthma where it is believed to help reduce the symptoms by reducing histamine-induced swelling in the airways.

A similar application of this flavonoid is in reducing the inflammatory response to arthritis, the main cause of the swelling of this painful condition. Your skin can also be affected by inflammation that is partially controllable by quercetin. Collagen and fibronectin biosynthesis is increased that help to maintain not only healthy joints, but also to speed up the healing of wounds and repair damaged nerves. It is also believed that quercetin can hold back the effects of aging on the skin, and slow down the formation of wrinkles.

There are other applications of this versatile flavanol, including its effect on acute prostatitis where it reduces oxidative stress and the accompanying inflammation of the prostate gland. In fact, it is believed to have positive effect on many conditions caused by free radical oxidation and excessive reaction by the immune system causing inflammation. Apart from the allergies and arthritis previously referred to, quercetin is believed to have been effectively used in the treatment of gout, macular degeneration and heart disease, and it can also help to prevent the oxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL) responsible for transporting cholesterol to where it is needed to repair major blood vessels.

When these lipoproteins become oxidized by free radicals then the cholesterol associated with them tends to be excessively deposited in the arteries it is meant to be repairing, and lead to atherosclerosis. This condition can lead to heart failure or to strokes if the blood vessels are in the brain.

Studies have indicated that the flavonoid might help to prevent certain cancers by preventing the nutrition of some types of cancerous cells, effectively killing them. Due to its phytoestrogen properties, quercetin can be used to bind to the sites in cancerous cells that are receptive to estrogen and so prevent their growth. Many types of cancerous cells need estrogen for their growth and proliferation, and phytoestrogens mimic the effect of this hormone. However, these are laboratory studies, and more work is required.

More certain is the effect of quercetin on heart disease due largely to the aforementioned control of cholesterol deposition in your arteries, but also through its ability to strengthen the capillaries. However, when all things are considered, it is in the properties of this non-allergenic bioflavonoid to fight histamine release that it finds it’s most popular and effective use.

So what is the best way to take quercetin? Like most bioflavonoids, it is available naturally in the majority of plant foods. Particularly rich sources are broccoli, red onions, red apple skins, black tea, red wine, red and purple berries and almost all dark green leafy vegetables.

However, the name of the game these days is to take measured doses, and while you should continue to eat these foods, you can also receive controlled doses by use of supplements. From 200 to 500 milligrams thrice daily is a good average dose, depending on the severity of your immune reaction or allergy. Bromelain is believed to improve its absorption in the gut, and quercetin is frequently provided with bromelain, which itself is also a good treatment for allergies and excessive response of your immune system to irritation.

Bromelain is an enzyme, generally extracted from pineapple, and treatments higher than the above doses of quercetin with or without bromelain are available online, although like any natural remedy you should inform your own physician of the dosage you are taking.

There is no better non-allergenic bioflavonoid to fight histamine and its potentially unpleasant effects on your body than quercetin.

Buy Quercetin at Vitanet ®, LLC


Is Wild Yam Natures Progesterone?

Date: November 15, 2007 07:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Wild Yam Natures Progesterone?

Dioscorea villosa, commonly known as wild yam, is a tuberous vine native to North America and parts of Central America. It was used by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations for pain relief and birth control and has also been given the names colic root and rheumatism root, demonstrating this early use of the plant. However, whether it is nature’s progesterone or not is another question that requires close analysis.

These Central American civilizations, of course, did not understand the reason why they were effective. Some of the symptoms treated can be caused by the menopause, and the wild yam is believed to contain natural forms of progesterone that can alleviate some of the adverse effects of the menopause on the body. Like most plants, they also likely act as anti-inflammatories, so relieving the pain of rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Like any natural remedy, wild yam had its adherents and its detractors, though in recent years the plant has been used as the raw material for the production of cortisone and a form of progesterone: or at least so it is claimed, so let’s have a Closer look at these claims and determine whether or not wild yam is indeed nature’s progesterone.

The human body uses organic compounds called hormones to regulate many of the chemical activities of the body. The hormones catalyze the chemical reactions and changes needed for the proper functioning of our bodies. Hormones are produced in small chemical factories dotted throughout our body called glands. Each gland is devoted to producing a specific hormone, or a range of them, and each hormone is designed for a specific purpose.

Each has an associated hormone ‘receptor’ at their targeted destination that fits the hormone like a jigsaw piece. When it turns up, the hormone attaches to the receptor and the reaction proceeds. That might be the initiation of energy production in cells, the activation of certain genes or even the stimulation of hair growth by the follicles or of the libido and the natural desire to procreate.

Hormones are manufactured from only three constituents: proteins, amino acids and cholesterol, and the steroidal sex hormones are created from cholesterol. Therefore, don’t reduce your cholesterol level too much!

Prior to puberty, all of the sex hormones are manufactured by the adrenal glands, and after puberty by the ovaries in women and the testes in men. Progesterone is produced initially, and is then used as the building block for all the other sex hormones (hence the prefix ‘pro’). In women these are the estrogens and in males the androgens. Progesterone is made from the start of the menstrual cycle, and after day 12 they have reached a high enough level to halt ovulation. Progesterone levels continue to rise for about 8 days, and then if fertilization has not occurred, the progesterone levels trigger menstruation, and the lining of the womb is detached and expelled.

During certain phases of the menstrual cycle, the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone drop off, although the exact reason for the many and varied symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) are still unknown to a large extend. There appear to be several contributing factors, though estrogen and progesterone certainly appear to be two of the major ones. We shall concentrate here on the progesterone factor because that is what wild yam is claimed to address.

Although the main function of progesterone is to generate estrogen and testosterone, to restore the libido after menstruation, and maintain the integrity of the lining of the uterus and aid in gestation, it has many other purposes such as in thermogenesis (burning of body fats), protection against osteoporosis and is also believed to have a natural anti-depressant action. These are all supported by the symptoms that appear when the body is low in progesterone levels: depression, sudden increase in body fat, mood swings, loss of sex drive and a susceptibility to weak bones if the deficiency is long-term.

In other words, women that usually suffer from PMS, also generally suffer low progesterone levels. It is believed in some quarters that a progesterone deficiency causes an excess of estrogen that leads to these symptoms in addition to heart disease. No one really knows for sure, but a deficiency of progesterone seems to be the determining factor.

Women with menstrual problems continue to be issued with prescribed synthetic progesterone even though they do not have the same effect as natural progesterone. They can also lead to some unpleasant side effects such as fluid retention, strokes, jaundice, blood clots and depression: some of the symptoms it is intended to alleviate. Some take borage or evening primrose oil for the GLA that helps some of the effects, but this is taken to counter the over-production of the hormone prolactin in some women prior to menstruation, not a deficiency of progesterone.

Wild yam does not cause these symptoms, and is claimed by many to be very effective in alleviating the symptoms of PMS. The problem with the artificial forms of progesterone is that the liver’s job is to destroy foreign hormones, and send them to the digestive tract for expulsion. Natural hormones are not affected in this way, even if they come from a non-human source.

The chemical diosgenin in wild yam is very similar in structure to progesterone, and is believed to be the active principle. It is claimed that it can be used to produce not only progesterone but also other related hormones. However, some medical authorities and practitioners dispute this claim, and there is still a question as to how wild yam works. Because it does work, many people swear by it and claim that they could not live without it.

This is especially true of those that suffer from the more severe effects of PMS, and since wild yam does not work for everybody, it could be connected with the severity of the condition and the symptoms. Whichever is true, there appears to be little doubt in the eyes of those that use it as a cream that wild yam is indeed nature’s progesterone.

Natures Progesterone


Stevia: Sweeten Your Life With Out The Weight Gain

Date: November 13, 2007 02:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Stevia: Sweeten Your Life With Out The Weight Gain

It is possible to sweeten your life with stevia, and without any weight gain, since it as exceptionally sweet herb. In fact it is member of the sunflower family, and is native to parts of South and Central America where it has been used as a sweetener since time immemorial. Also known as sugarleaf, it is a commercial crop, and is available as a dietary supplement.

Extracts of stevia have been found to be up to 300 times as sweet as cane sugar, although does not metabolize in the body to glucose. In fact it is thought to enhance the glucose tolerance of some diabetics, and can be used by people suffering from that condition as a natural sweetener, thus dispensing with the need for artificial sweeteners.

It is also useful for those on diets, especially carbohydrate controlled diets, and any other sweet-toothed person wanting to lose weight and still enjoy their favorite drink or desert. Many recipes have been published using stevia for the preparation of delicious sweets. So why is stevia so sweet and what other uses does it have?

Basically the sweet taste comes from glycosides, which are molecules in which a sugar is bonded to another molecule. The two main glycosides in stevia are called stevioside and rebaudioside. These are formed through glucose combined with the diterpene steviol in different ways, though some minor glycosides also contain rhamnose. Although they contain glucose, the glucose is not released into the bloodstream during digestion and the subsequent biochemistry.

Japan began the cultivation of the plant in the 1970s rather than produce artificial sweeteners that were suspected carcinogens (saccharin and cyclamate). Japan is now the world’s biggest consumer of stevia, even being used in the Japanese Coca Cola plants. Around 40% of Japan’s total sweetener volume is stevia. However, apart from its use as a natural alternative sweetener to sugar, stevia has specific properties, already alluded to, that renders it of particular attraction to certain groups of people, and we shall now take a Closer look at these.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that is essential to regulate the glucose content of the blood. It stimulates the cells of the body to take in blood glucose and convert it to glycogen that can be used for energy. Without insulin the blood sugars would increase in concentration without regulation leading to very serious health issues that would eventually result in death.

Diabetes is a condition in which the body either does not produce sufficient insulin, does not use the insulin it produces properly, or produces no insulin at all. Hence, a sweetener that did not exacerbate this situation by being eventually metabolized to glucose, as most sugars are in the body, would be of great benefit to diabetics. This is exactly what stevia is. It is a very powerful sweetener, 250 – 300 times sweeter to the taste-buds than sucrose, normal table sugar, and it does not metabolize to glucose. It is heaven-sent sweetener for diabetics that have a sweet tooth.

It is very safe for them and has been consumed for centuries without any side effects. In fact, studies have indicated that stevia might even regulate the pancreas and help to stabilize the levels of blood glucose in the body, rendering it an effective and safe supplement for those suffering from hypoglycemia (excess blood sugar), diabetes and candidiasis, a yeast infection that thrives on sugar.

Apart from that, stevia is also popular with those who are on a calorie controlled diet – or any other diet for that matter, since an excessive sugar intake invariably leads eventually to weight increase. The 21st century western diet is drowning in sugar, with up to 10 spoonfuls of sugar in every small bottle of cola. There is sugar in cookies, hot dogs, bread, soy sauce, ketchup, cans of beans and peas, and even sugar in cigarettes, though that is the least of the health worries there!

For the first time in history, there are now more overweight and obese people in the world than hungry people, yet the sugar corporations claim that there is no scientific proof that sugar leads to weight increase. Worldwide, diabetes kills 6 people every minute, and obesity caused by the consumption of too much sugar leads to Type II diabetes. It had been shown that fructose is a major player in that corn syrup (fructose) is contained in many soft drinks and foods.

One of the major problems with refined sugars is that they contain nothing but pure carbohydrate. All the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients have been removed, so that when they are consumed, your body has to provide these nutrients needed to metabolize the sugar to glucose and then to energy. Humans cannot live on sugar alone, and in fact you are better drinking water than corn syrup or cane sugar solutions since at least water does not make demands on your existing nutrient store.

It was noted in 1929 by Sir Frederick Banting, one of those scientists credited with the discovery of insulin, that there was a significantly large proportion of diabetes among the sugar plantation owners that ate large quantities of refined sugar, whereas there was none detected in the cane harvesters who were able to chew on only the raw cane. The raw cane contains the minerals and vitamins needed to metabolize the sucrose.

Stevia is a potential answer to this problem, and it is such an obvious one that there are a lot of politics regarding its use. The big USA sugar corporations will undoubtedly be opposed to it, and the FDA has refused to allow its use as a food additive, only as a dietary supplement, yet its use in Japan has been very successful. It is also used throughout East Asia, including China, Korea and Taiwan, and also in South America, Israel and some areas of the Caribbean. It is available as a green powder in its crude form, and also brownish syrup redolent of licorice, but also as a more refined white powder that is likely best used as weak solution due to its sweetness.

It is totally free of calories; this may come as a surprise to many since it tastes so sweet. It is an excellent sweetener for children’s drinks since it does not cause cavities: unlike sugar it is not degraded by bacteria to produce the corrosive acid that eats into the enamel. It does not metabolize to a burst of energy that is practically addictive, since that generally then leads to tiredness and the need for more sugar to make up for it.

Stevia does not cause diabetes in any form, is not a food for yeast and it is beneficial to the pancreas. In short, it is a completely safe food supplement that has been used for centuries without ill effect, and if you want to prevent yourself from adding weight and protect against the possibility of Type II diabetes in particular, then stevia should be your sweetener of choice.

Natural Sweeteners


Staying Healthy Means Keeping Your Blood In The Proper PH

Date: October 21, 2007 07:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Staying Healthy Means Keeping Your Blood In The Proper PH

The blood should be electrolytically neutral, or very slightly alkaline. The proper pH for blood should be 7 or just above it, and many claim that it should be 7.35. In fact the truth is that your blood pH should be between 7.2 and 7.6. Outside these limits and you could have serious health problems, with your brain particularly being affected.

For those who have forgotten their school chemistry, pH is a measurement of the level of acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. Anything over 7 is said to be alkaline, and below 7 is acidic. Where the pH has to be maintained at a certain level, a material called a buffer is used that counteracts the effects of other acids and alkalis to maintain the desired pH range. Buffers are very common in nature, as would be expected of life forms that depend upon water and aqueous solutions for their survival. Blood is an aqueous solution containing plasma, blood cells, nutrients and various other ingredients in both solution and dispersed solid form.

The human body possesses a very effective pH maintenance system that depends on various buffers, the kidneys and the lungs. Lets have a Closer look at buffers and how they work. pH is, in fact, a measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. The way a buffer works is to absorb or release H+ ions to keep the hydrogen ion concentration at a specific level. If there are too many H+ ions present in the blood, and it becomes too acidic, then the buffer will mop up the excess. If there are too few, and the blood becomes too alkaline, then the buffer will release more hydrogen ions into the blood. In this way the pH is maintained at the limits mentioned above.

Buffers in the human body include some forms of protein, phosphates and also hemoglobin. However, if the pH variations are more than just occasional, the buffers have a limited capability, and a more permanent solution is needed. If the blood is continually becoming too acidic, the bicarbonate ion is used to clear them up. Just as bicarbonate of soda is used to clear up excess acidity in your stomach that causes indigestion, so it can be used to clear up excess acidity in the blood. But how do we get the bicarbonate into the blood?

When the lungs inhale oxygen, they then exhale carbon dioxide. The bicarbonate ion, also called the hydrogen carbonate ion, is formed in the blood by dissolved carbon dioxide. The faster we breathe the more carbon dioxide we exhale and the less is left in the blood to form bicarbonate. The slower we breathe, the more carbon dioxide is available in the blood for bicarbonate. Thus, when our blood acidity increases we breathe slower, and when it decreases we breathe faster since less carbon dioxide is needed in the blood to form bicarbonate to neutralize the acid.

The kidneys also help to regulate the pH of the blood, although the biochemistry involved is fairly complex, and will not be covered here. It is enough to state that the body has a number of routes by which it can control the pH of the blood.

Current thinking is that alkaline and acidic foods should be balanced in your diet in order to place less of a strain on the body’s pH control systems. Since the blood pH must be slightly alkaline, then it might make sense to eat a slightly alkaline diet. However, it is not the actual food that matters, but what happens when the food is digested. Hence, orange juice is classed as an alkaline food even though it is high in citric acid and itself has a low pH. The same is true of lemons. They taste very sour, yet the result after digestion is alkaline. It is the end result that counts. After all, the stomach acid is very strong and very highly acidic, and eating slightly alkaline foods is not going to alter that. The digestive juices have to be highly acidic to break down the organic matter.

It had been calculated that a mix of around d 75% alkaline and 25% acidic food is a good combination of the two types to provide approximately the desired blood pH. Among the common acidic foods are meat, fish, poultry, plums, grains, eggs, wine, cheese and offal. The alkaline foods are most fruits and vegetables, orange and lemon juice, melons, potatoes and chocolate. Hence, it is possible to eat beef and chicken, and have the odd glass of wine so long as we eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. There is nothing at all unusual with that diet, and it underlines the importance of eating a healthy balanced diet. While more greens and whole foods are definitely healthier for you, you should not eat exclusively an alkaline diet.

If your blood pH is on the high side of the limit, then you can eat a bit more meat or fish, and if on the low side eat a more vegetarian style diet. It is important, however, that you eat healthily, irrespective of whether you are eating alkaline or acidic foods. Through history, the human race has adopted a more acidic diet than the ancient hunter gatherers. Grains are a relatively recent invention, introduced after the invention of stone tools to mill them, and dairy products are also relatively recent in terms of the whole of human history. Even the consumption of meat only began after mankind learned first how to trap and then developed tools to enable them to kill their prey.

Human biochemistry, then, has developed from a predominantly vegetarian diet. However, protein is still very important, and while protein intake is necessary, should comprise no more than 20% - 25% of your total food intake. The rest should comprise of mainly fruits and vegetables, with whole rather than refined or processes foods predominating. Sugar was not eaten in quantity until the industrial revolution.

Measuring the pH of your blood is easy to do. It is simply a matter of using pH paper strips and checking the color change with your blood. They are available at most pharmacies and health food stores. If your pH level varies from 7.4 or 7.5, then you should change your diet accordingly. Higher than this, then eat more acidic foods, and if lower you should eat more alkaline food. It is simple equation, and the changes you will have to make to your diet will be minimal. Some of these changes can be made by the use of supplements that are carefully balanced to maintain your blood in the proper pH.

Buy alkaline Supplements at Vitanet, LLC ®


The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, D-Ribose, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium

Date: May 18, 2007 01:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, D-Ribose, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium

The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine,

D-Ribose, Magnesium


The “Awesome Foursome” of Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, D-Ribose, and magnesium helps our hearts metabolize energy more efficiently and protects them from the stress of cardiovascular disease. This powerful combination of nutrients goes directly to the basic biochemistry of cellular energy metabolism. Now let’s take a Closer look at how Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, D-Ribose, and magnesium work in synergy to promote cardiovascular health.


Coenzyme Q10:

Energy Recycling through the Electron Transport Chain

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the mitochondrial membrane, mitochondrial DNA, and cell walls from free-radical attack. But its most important function in the body is its central role in energy metabolism.

Most – about 90 percent – of the ATP used by cells is recycled as food (fuel) and oxidized in the mitochondria. Fatty acids, carbohydrates, and, occasionally, proteins are carried across the mitochondrial membrane and enter the Krebs’ cycle, moving from step to step and spinning off electrons. These electrons are then handed off to the electron transport chain, where, in the presence of oxygen, the energy from the electrons is captured as a phosphate group is added to ADP to form ATP. This recycling of ATP is called oxidative phosphorylation, and the by-products of these pathways are CO2 and water.

In this fashion, Coenzyme Q10 acts as a gatekeeper of electrons, making sure they are carried to just the right place to pass on their life-giving energy.

What is critical, however, is the simple fact that without Coenzyme Q10 the electron transport chain would totally break down. And since the electron transport chain is (by far!) the largest contributor to cellular energy turnover, its loss would be catastrophic. It is also important to know that there has to be an excess of Coenzyme Q10 in the mitochondria to be maximally effective. Having just enough isn’t sufficient to do the job properly, and having a deficiency seriously affects the mitochondria’s ability to supply the cell with energy.

Cellular stress can cause Coenzyme Q10 deficiency, which places a severe strain on Coenzyme Q10 availability. People with heart disease, hypertension, gingival disease, Parkinson’s disease, and the other disorders we’ve discussed are known to be deficient in Coenzyme Q10. Whether these deficiencies are the cause or the effect of these varied medical problems, the end result is that they sap the life out of their mitochondria and reduce their energy supplies. You see, Coenzyme Q10 cannot function properly if electrons are not coming out of the Krebs’ cycle, and the Krebs’ cycle won’t work without the fuel that’s transported into the mitochondria by L-Carnitine.



Transporting the Cellular Energy Fuel

Fatty acids are the preferred energy fuel for hearts and most other cells in the body. L-Carnitine facilitates the beta oxidation of fatty acids as energy fuel. And since fatty acids are the preferred fuel for energy recycling in cells, this action is critical to cell and tissue function. Unfortunately, L-carnitine is deficient in people with heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, lipid metabolic disorders, mitochondrial disorders, and many other disease syndromes we reviewed earlier. This L-carnitine deficiency disrupts the normal metabolism of fatty acids, reducing available energy supplies and leading to the accumulation of toxic by-products of fatty acid metabolism. L-carnitine supplementation revives fatty acid metabolism and restore normal mitochondrial function. But even this powerful improvement in cellular energy metabolism cannot up for the energy drain that comes from the loss of energy substrates caused by low oxygen delivery to the tissue. Only D-Ribose can do that.



Rebuilding the Cellular Energy Pool

As long as cells and tissues have plenty of oxygen, the pool of energy substrates in the cell remains high. And as long as there is enough L-carnitine and Coenzyme Q10 available, the process of energy utilization and supply can proceed unimpeded. However, the cellular supply of oxygen can be restricted by acute or chronic heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, any number of skeletal – or neuromuscular diseases, or even high-intensity exercise.

When cells are deprived of oxygen the mitochondrial energy turnover becomes inefficient. Remember, oxygen is required to let the oxidative pathway of energy recycling work properly. If the mitochondria are not able to recycle energy efficiently, cellular energy supply cannot keep pace with demand. But the cell has a continuing need for energy so it will use all its ATP stores and then break down the by-product, adenosine diphosphate (ADP), to pull the remaining energy out of this compound as well. What’s left is adenosine menophosphate (AMP). Since a growing concentration of AMP is incompatible with sustained cellular function it’s quickly broken apart and the by-products are washed out of the cell. The net result of this process is a depletion of the cellular pool of energy substrates. When the by-products of AMP catabolism are washed out of the cell, they are lost forever. It takes a long time to replace these lost energy substrates even if the cell is fully perfused with oxygen again.

Ribose is the only compound used by the body to refill this energy pool.  Every cell in the body has the capacity to make ribose, but hearts, muscles, and most other tissues lack the metabolic machinery to make ribose quickly when the cells are stressed by oxygen depletion or metabolic insufficiency.  Ribose is made naturally in the cells from glucose.  In stressed cells, however, glucose is preferentially metabolized for the energy turnover and is not available for ribose synthesis.  So when energy pools are drained from stressed cells, the cells must first wait for the slow process of ribose synthesis before they can begin to replace their lost energy stores.

    Acute ischemia, like that which takes place during a heart attack, heart surgery, or angioplasty, drains the cell of energy.  Even when oxygenated blood flow returns, refilling the energy pool may take ten or more days.  But when oxygen deprivation is chronic, or when energy metabolism is disrupted by disease, there may be so much continual strain on the energy supply that the pool can ever refill without the assistance of supplemental ribose.  Conditions like ischemic heart disease or congestive heart failure fall into this category.  In these situations, supplementing the tissue with exogenous ribose is the only way the cell can keep up with the energy drain.



Switching on the Energy Enzymes

Magnesium is an essential mineral that's critical for energy requiring processes, in protein synthesis, membrane integrity, nervous tissue conduction, neuromuscular excitation, muscle contraction, hormone secretion, maintenance of vascular tone, and in intermediary metabolism.  Deficiency may lead to changes in neuromuscular, cardiovascular, immune, and hormonal function; Impaired energy metabolism; and reduced capacity for physical work.  Magnesium deficiency is now considered to contribute to many diseases, and the role for magnesium as a therapeutic agent is expanding.

    Magnesium deficiency reduces the activity of important enzymes used in energy metabolism.  Unless we have adequate levels of magnesium in our cells, the cellular processes of energy metabolism cannot function.  Small changes in magnesium levels can have a substantial effect on heart and blood vessel function.  While magnesium is found in most foods - particularly vegetables - deficiencies are increasing.  Softened water and a trend toward lower vegetable consumption are the culprits contributing to these rising deficiencies.


Supporting the Links in The Energy Cycle Chain – the Synergy

Clearly, each membrane of the “Awesome Foursome” is fundamental to cellular energy metabolism in its own right. Each plays a unique and vital role in supplying the heart with the energy it needs to preserve its contractile force. Each is independently effective in helping hearts work through the stress of disease. And while each contributes immeasurable to the energy health of the cell, in combination they are unbeatable. Allow me to reiterate the step-by-step, complicated cellular processes involved to be sure that you really understand the rationale for using these nutrients.

The cell needs a large, sustained, and healthy pool of energy to fuel all its metabolic functions. Contraction, relaxation, maintenance of cellular ion balance, and synthesis of macromolecules, like proteins, all require a high energy charge to carry their reactions to completion. The energy pool must be preserved, or these fundamental cellular functions will become inefficient or will cease to operate altogether. To keep the pool vibrant and healthy, the cell needs ribose. But even with supplemental ribose, the cell needs the efficient turnover of its energy stores to balance ongoing energy utilization with supply. That’s where CoQ10 and L-carnitine come into play.

The converse is also true. Even if the cell is fully charged with energy, cellular energy supply will not keep pace with demand if the mitochondria are not functioning properly. CoQ10 and L-carnitine work to keep mitochondrial operations running at peak efficiency, and one side cannot work effectively without the other. Even though CoQ10 and L-carnitine can make the energy turnover mechanisms work more efficiently, they cannot increase the cell’s chemical driving force, and their action will be only partially effective. Ribose on the other hand, can keep the energy pool supplied with substrate, but the value of energy pool repletion cannot be fully realized if the substrate cannot be maximally utilized and recycled. Ribose fills the tank; CoQ10 an L-carnitine help the engine run properly.

Magnesium is the glue that holds energy metabolism together. By turning on the enzymes that drive the metabolic reactions, magnesium allows it all to happen.

These four nutrients must be utilized by cardiologists and other physicians as they treat patients day-to-day. On my own journey, using Coenzymes Q10 for two decades, L-carnitine for more than ten years, D-Ribose for two years, and magnesium equally as long, I’ve seen this “Awesome Foursome” reduce suffering and improve the quality of life for thousands of patients.

The future of nutrition in conventional medicine is very bright, although the integration of nutritional supplements has been a slow and, at times, lonely process.

L-carnitine and Coenzyme Q10 are finally gaining the recognition they deserve. D-Ribose is emerging as a new player in the complex understanding of metabolic cardiology, and doctors are beginning to discuss the important role of magnesium deficiency in heart patients. As a practicing cardiologist for over thirty years, I see metabolic cardiology as the future for the treatment of heart disease and other complex disease conditions, as well.

Protect the Heart with D-Ribose, Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium at Vitanet ®, LLC


Fight for supplements now—it’s a matter of life and death.

Date: May 20, 2006 01:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight for supplements now—it’s a matter of life and death.

More than 100,000 people a year die from obesity. More than 100,000 people a year die from synthetic drugs’ side effects. These staggering numbers are a direct result of food and drugs. Isn’t there a governmental agency that monitors our food and drugs? Oh yes—it’s called the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Judging by the numbers, the FDA needs to immediately start improving the quality of our food supply and imposing stricter safety regulations on the pharmaceutical industry. It’s a matter of life and death.

The mortality numbers associated with obesity and drugs are conservative, the tip of a massive iceberg. All signs indicate that the US, like the Titanic, is on a course for a disastrous collision with an unhealthy food supply and increasingly ubiquitous drugs. At the helm is the FDA, navigating like a dangerously distracted captain. The iceberg looms but instead of steering away, captain FDA scrutinizes a harmless ice cube in his glass—the nutritional supplement industry.

As the Iceberg draws Closer, the captain is joined by his crew: Senators Dick Durbin, Tom Harkin and Orrin Hatch. Oblivious to the threat they gather around the captain’s ice cube: “this ice cube could be dangerous. How can we minimize the treat? Ice cubes should probably be controlled by the FDA. Let’s draft legislation that treats this ice cube like a iceberg, just in case.” Meanwhile, we are about to crash full speed into the real danger.

Headed for Disaster

This analogy reflects reality: Durbin, Harkin, and Hatch are drafting non-causal Adverse Event Reporting (AER) legislation that could destroy our health freedom. Under AER, supplements will be associated with adverse events like heart attacks and strokes—even if they had nothing to do with, and did not cause, those events. Treating safe, natural supplements as if they are drugs makes about as much sense as treating an ice cube like an iceberg.

While these senators target natural supplements, American citizens continue to die at alarming rates because of deadly pharmaceutical drugs and an unhealthy food supply. Where are the priorities of these misguided senators and the FDA? Dietary supplements are part of the solution to this problem, helping to support health and ensure proper nutrition.

AER is a health emergency! Durbin’s legislation could be introduced any day now. We the people, the passengers on this poorly navigated ship , must mutiny, storm the helm, fight against non-causal AER and steer towards health freedom.

We must Take Control!

If we want safe, beneficial nutritional supplements, we must exercise democratic power of the people. AER is poised to implementation. We must rise up together and tell our elected officials that we demand the right to take vitamins! Send Fax today, and send another fax tomorrow to make your voice heard! Fax vitamin adversary Senator Dick Durbin at 202-228-0400, and let him know you will never vote for an enemy of health freedom. Fax key vitamin players in Congress, Senators Tom Harkin at 202-224-9369 and Orrin at 202-224-6331. Let these senators know that their support of non-causal AER will forever tarnish their legacies. Fax Senator Michael Enzi, Chairman of the senate Subcommittee on health, Education, Labor and Pensions, at 202-228-0359. Tell Senator Enzi in no uncertain terms that dietary supplements help keep you and your family healthy, and it is your right to take them.

Visit // and use revolutionary technology to enable visitors to rapidly and easily compose letters and faxes to Congress. For health, freedom and liberty, join the NHA.


Night Health: A new approach to improving sleep.

Date: May 12, 2006 05:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Night Health: A new approach to improving sleep.

Our night health, including the quality of our sleep and dreams, may be the most critical overlooked factor contributing to both emotional and physical illness in modern times. For millions, night is a time of growing frustration and deepening struggle with insomnia as well as compromised and insufficient sleep. Mounting data has confirmed that sleep problems are strongly associated with virtually all major illnesses ranging from cardiovascular disease to diabetes, infections and cancer, and obesity to depression.

Night health refers to a new approach to sleep and dreams that integrates complementary and alternative medicine with effective conventional perspectives. It is essentially a comprehensive body-mind approach to sleep. The first in a series of articles introducing the concept of night health, this article begins with a Closer look at the limitations of the simulated sleep offered by sleeping pills. It then examines the basic alternative of supplemented sleep: the place of natural sleep-supporting supplements. Finally, it offers suggestions for increasing the utilization of such alternatives by supplementing supplements with essential information, education and guidance offered by a new and unique software program and the first book about integrative sleep health.

Simulated Sleep

As the public becomes increasingly aware of the health ramifications of sleep disturbances, more and more people are turning to sleeping pills. In fact, according to the IMS Health research, about 42 million prescriptions for sleeping pills were filled last year in the U.S. This represents a nearly 60 percent increase over the past five years alone. Some projections anticipate that the current $2.7 billion in annual sleeping pill sales will more than triple by 2010.

But instead of solving the problem, sleeping pills often make sleep problems worse. Sleeping pills commonly result in dependence. They can alter normal sleep architecture, cause amnesia and residual daytime “hangovers,” and they often result in rebound insomnias when discontinued. Some sleep specialists argue that sleeping pill use is further associated with significant increases in mortality. Given the sense of desperation that can accompany insomnia, even such very serious concerns have not prevented sales of sleeping pills from skyrocketing in recent years.

We are currently witnessing an unprecedented advertising campaign on the part of the pharmaceutical industry designed to convince the public that sleep medications are indeed a safe and effective strategy for addressing sleep problems. Despite clever and seductive advertising, however, it remains highly questionable whether sleeping pills can truly offer us sleep. I believe it is more accurate to say that they result in a kind of artificial or simulated sleep. Compared to natural slumber, sleeping pills cause a chemical knockout. Unfortunately, so many people have slept poorly for so long, they have forgotten what it is like to experience truly restorative, deep and refreshing natural slumber. Instead, many people now hold a naïve, limited sense of healthful sleep, confusing it with being knocked out. And sleeping pills satisfy that very naïve notion of sleep.

Supplementing sleep

Rather than artificially simulating sleep with chemical knockouts, sleep-promoting supplements such as melatonin, valerian, and other botanicals support that body’s own sleep-facilitating mechanisms more naturally. Such products work in greater harmony with nature and, unlike conventional drugs, they do not stimulate sleep, they supplement sleep. I think of natural supplements inviting us to sleep. The very potency of many natural products lies in their very gentleness, which works cooperatively with both body and mind to induce healthful sleep.

I believe that the potential benefits and markets for such supplements remain largely untapped. Consumers’ expectations that sleep aids should knock them out rather than gently assist them in letting go into sleep must be addressed through targeted education and information campaigns. Consumers also need to learn how to use alternative sleep supplements in the context of a healthy sleep lifestyle or positive night health.

Supplementing supplements

As helpful as they can be in promoting night health, sleep supplements alone will not do the trick. In fact, I believe many people get discouraged and discount the potentially positive benefits of sleep supplements after using them without proper guidance and understanding. Sleep supplements work best when they are geared to work synergistically as a part of a larger night health promotion program.

The availability of a wide range of over-the-counter health supplements offers an important freedom in healthcare choices. But with increased freedom comes increased responsibility. Consumers need to become significantly more informed. Particularly with regard to night health, such supplements need to be personalized and prescriptive. When it comes to sleep health, one size does not fit all. Whether we choose melatonin or valerian or a specific blend depends upon who we are and exactly what we need. By prescriptive I do not mean ordered by a physician, but specifically tailored to the needs of the individual.

Because of a significant shortage of health care professionals knowledgeable about sleep and the alarming trend towards increased use of sleeping pills, I have assisted in the development of a unique software program that provides sleep solutions that are both personalized and prescriptive. After more than a decade in development, the sleep advisor—an expert software system that thoroughly evaluates and provides personalized comprehensive recommendations for improving sleep—is now available.

More recently, I completed the first truly integrative book on night health. Healing night: the science and spirit of sleeping, dreaming, and awakening offers a new, comprehensive perspective on night health that complements the sleep advisors high pragmatic approach. Together, healing night and the sleep advisor offers essential supplements to sleep supplements.

Rubin R Naiman is a psychologist and clinical assistant professor of medicine at the university of Arizona’s health sciences center. He is also the sleep and dream specialist for dr. Andrew weil;s world renowned program in integrative medicine. Currently he serves as the sleep specialist at Miraval Resort, and is in private practice in Tuscon, AZ.

The above article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat a particular illness. The reader is encouraged to seek the advice of a holistically competent licensed professional health care provider. The information in this article has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Rubin R. Naiman, PhD
Integrative Sleep and Dream Psychology
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Program in Integrative Medicine
University of Arizona
Sleep and Dream Specialist
Miraval Resort
Tucson, Arizona

Sleep better at Vitanet


Best Sugar Balance Svetol (green coffee extract)

Date: May 05, 2006 06:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Best Sugar Balance Svetol (green coffee extract)


Best Sugar Balance featuring Svetol® Svetol® is an extract of green coffee obtained by the use of a traditional patented extraction process from the beans of the species Coffea canephora robusta Pierre. This species is particularly rich in the constituent known as chlorogenic acid. Svetol® green coffee extract contains less than 2% caffeine. The extract is standardized to contain between 45-50% chlorogenic acids.

In vitro (test tube) and in vivo research suggests that chlorogenic acids present in coffee may have the ability to regulate blood sugar concentrations after meals by acting on the intestinal absorption of glucose and improving the body's glucose tolerance. Clinical evidence also suggests that Svetol® green coffee extract may help to maintain a healthy blood sugar level when used as a part of the diet.*


Maintains healthy blood sugar levels when used as a part of the diet*


Chlorogenic acid is the major polyphenol compound found in Svetol® green coffee bean extract. In vitro and animal studies have been conducted to determine the potential actions of this polyphenol. Studies report that chlorogenic acid and related compounds have significant antioxidant potential and are responsible for the high reported antioxidant benefit of green coffee. Several studies suggest that consumption of coffee in the diet is one factor that is correlated to the maintenance of healthy neural function and healthy aging. Coffee has also been shown in vitro to suppress the production of various free radicals. The chlorogenic acid content of coffee has been determined to be a major factor in the free radical quenching properties of coffee. A study was conducted to assess the activity of coffee extracts against the production of hydroxyl radicals in an in vitro system. It was found that coffee extracts possessed significant suppressive activity against hydroxyl radicals. Of the compounds assumed to be responsible for this effect, the researchers concluded that the chlorogenic acids played a major role with some contributions from other compounds found in the extract. This compound may also strongly contribute to any potential neuroprotective effects seen with coffee consumption.1

Two further studies highlight a possible mechanism by which chlorogenic acid mediates its antioxidant activity. In one study, the FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) assay was used to measure and compare the iron-reducing capacity of chlorogenic acid and caffeine. It was shown that the chlorogenic acid content of the samples tested was highly correlated with iron-reducing activity in this assay. Moreover, lighter roasted coffee samples (Closer in nature to green coffee) had the highest iron-reducing activity. Caffeine did not influence the iron-reducing activity of the coffee samples.2 Iron compounds are known to mediate the production of radicals and often serve as catalysts for their production in the body. A second study shows that chlorogenic acid can bind to and Chelate certain iron compounds, preventing them from catalyzing radical-producing reactions. In this way, chlorogenic acid acts as a powerful antioxidant.3

Chlorogenic acid and related compounds have a dual effect on the production and suppression of free radicals. In the case of the hydroxyl radical, studies outlined previously suggest that chlorogenic acid suppresses the production of the radical due to its ability to chelate iron compounds, while other studies suggest that chlorogenic acid has direct scavenging effects on the hydroxyl radical.4 Dietary intake of this potent polyphenol may confer multiple benefits to human health.

Several studies further suggest that chlorogenic acid in coffee can have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels when consumed as a part of the diet. A recent study assessed the effects of coffee and tea consumption on glucose tolerance in middle-aged Japanese men. In this study, the relationship between daily intakes of green tea or coffee and glucose tolerance status was measured by the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). More than 3,400 men participated in the study in which fasting glucose was measured before and 2 hours after administration of an oral glucose load. A self-administered questionnaire was used to establish daily levels of dietary coffee and green tea consumption over the past year. The results showed that those individuals who consumed the highest levels of coffee per day had lower fasting glucose levels (by 1.5%) and lower post-test glucose concentrations (4.3% lower) than those who did not consume coffee Chlorogenic acid and related compounds have a dual effect on the production and suppression of free radicals. In the case of the hydroxyl radical, studies outlined previously suggest that chlorogenic acid suppresses the production of the radical due to its ability to chelate iron compounds, while other studies suggest that chlorogenic acid has direct scavenging effects on the hydroxyl radical.4 Dietary intake of this potent polyphenol may confer multiple benefits to human health.

Several studies further suggest that chlorogenic acid in coffee can have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels when consumed as a part of the diet. A recent study assessed the effects of coffee and tea consumption on glucose tolerance in middle-aged Japanese men. In this study, the relationship between daily intakes of green tea or coffee and glucose tolerance status was measured by the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).

More than 3,400 men participated in the study in which fasting glucose was measured before and 2 hours after administration of an oral glucose load. A self-administered questionnaire was used to establish daily levels of dietary coffee and green tea consumption over the past year.

The results showed that those individuals who consumed the highest levels of coffee per day had lower fasting glucose levels (by 1.5%) and lower post-test glucose concentrations (4.3% lower) than those who did not consume coffee on a daily basis. In this study, green tea consumption was not associated with any benefits on glucose concentrations.5

It is likely that the chlorogenic acid found in coffee plays a role in supporting healthy glucose metabolism, whereas the role of caffeine is not clear, with some reports suggesting an adverse effect on sugar metabolism.

A second study further confirms an effect of chlorogenic acid at inhibiting the absorption of glucose from the diet. This effect occurs in the small intestine. In this study, nine healthy fasted volunteers consumed 25 grams of glucose in 400 ml of water (the control group), caffeinated coffee, or decaffeinated coffee. Frequent blood samples were taken over the next 3 hours. It was found that glucose and insulin concentrations were higher 30 minutes after the consumption of caffeinated coffee than with either decaffeinated coffee or control (water).While caffeine has specific biological effects on raising glucose levels and impacting insulin profiles, chlorogenic acid was shown to have an antagonistic effect on glucose transport. Previous studies have also shown that chlorogenic acid significantly delays glucose uptake from the small intestine.6


Svetol® is a unique extract of Coffea canephora robusta green coffee beans containing between 45 and 50% chlorogenic acids with less than 2% total caffeine concentration. As outlined above, many studies highlight the potential benefits of coffee compounds, including chlorogenic acid, for providing protection against free radicals and promoting healthy glucose metabolism. A number of other potential benefits have been discovered for these compounds. Svetol® has also been the subject of preliminary clinical studies that have shown exciting results.

In a pilot study, the effect of Svetol® on sugar concentrations after meals was evaluated in 15 individuals. In the same trial, the longer-term effects of Svetol® on weight management were also evaluated. Blood sugar concentrations were measured on two separate occasions. Patients were administered an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in which they consumed a standard amount of sugar and had their blood sugar levels measured 1 hour after sugar intake. The first measurement was made on day 1 prior to taking Svetol® and the second OGTT was performed on day 2, after beginning the Svetol® regimen in which one tablet (200 mg per tablet) was administered 3 times during the day. Patients were fasted for at least 8 hours prior to the testing. The results showed that Svetol® was able to reduce blood sugar concentrations in 60% of the subjects. The mean reduction of blood sugar concentration in these individuals was 50%. The treatment was continued following the same regimen for 6 weeks to assess the impact of Svetol® on weight. The average weight loss of the participants was 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) over the treatment period. 7

Based on the studies mentioned above and other related research on the ingredients in Svetol®, scientists have proposed two mechanisms of action whereby Svetol® may influence the metabolism and processing of glucose. The first mechanism seems to be an inhibitory action on glucose absorption from the diet. Svetol® may affect the uptake of glucose in the small intestine by modulating factors needed for sugar absorption.

The second mechanism relates to possible effects of Svetol® in the liver's ability to produce glucose. Chlorogenic acids have been shown in vitro and in animal studies to modulate the effects of certain enzymes in the liver that catalyze the production of glucose. By having this dual effect on sugar absorption and sugar production, Svetol® is an effective product for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels when used as a part of the diet.*


Svetol® is a natural food extract from green coffee beans containing a standardized amount of chlorogenic acid. Studies have shown that chlorogenic acid (up to 500 mg/kg/day) given to pregnant rats from the 5th through 12th day of gestation caused no maternal or fetal mortality and no adverse effects on the nervous system. Chlorogenic acids have also been shown to be non-mutagenic in tests on bacteria such as the Ames test. The LD50 of chlorogenic acids has been determined to be higher than 2500 mg/kg body weight. Svetol® is also extremely low in caffeine, with less than 2% caffeine contained in the extract, and is not expected to have any of caffeine's stimulant effects. Svetol® is extremely safe with no adverse effects having been reported while taking Svetol® at the recommended dosage.7

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Scientific References

1) Daglia M, Racchi M, Papetti A, Lanni C, Govoni S,Gazzani G. In vitro and ex vivo antihydroxyl radical activity of green and roasted coffee. J Agric Food Chem.2004 Mar 24;52(6):1700-4.

2) Moreira DP, Monteiro MC, Ribeiro-Alves M, Donangelo CM, Trugo LC. Contribution of chlorogenic acids to the iron-reducing activity of coffee beverages. J Agric Food Chem. 2005 Mar 9;53(5):1399-402.

3) Kono Y, Kashine S,Yoneyama T, Sakamoto Y, Matsui Y, Shibata H. Iron chelation by chlorogenic acid as a natural antioxidant. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 1998 Jan;62(1):22-7.

4) Zang LY, Cosma G, Gardner H, Castranova V, Vallyathan V. Effect of chlorogenic acid on hydroxyl radical. Mol Cell Biochem. 2003 May;247(1-2):205-10.

5) Yamaji T, Mizoue T, Tabata S, Ogawa S, Yamaguchi K, Shimizu E, Mineshita M, Kono S. Coffee consumption and glucose tolerance status in middle-aged Japanese men.Diabetologia. 2004 Dec;47(12):2145-51. Epub 2004 Dec 15.

6) Johnston KL, Clifford MN, Morgan LM. Coffee acutely modifies gastrointestinal hormone secretion and glucose tolerance in humans: glycemic effects of chlorogenic acid and caffeine. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Oct;78(4):728-33.

7) Berkem.Text on Svetol®.Gardonne, France: November 2005. Best Sugar Balance Svetol Green Coffee Extract

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California Proposition 65 (Prop 65) and Progesterone Cream Warnings

Date: February 17, 2006 06:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: California Proposition 65 (Prop 65) and Progesterone Cream Warnings

Scientific Safety Information on Progesterone

California Proposition 65 (Prop 65) and Progesterone Cream Warnings Amy Kosowski, M.S., LDN

Prop 65: What is it?

Proposition 65, the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 , was enacted as a ballot initiative in the state of California in November of 1986. The Proposition was intended by its authors to protect California citizens and the State's drinking water sources from chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and to inform citizens about exposures to such chemicals 1.

Proposition 65 requires the Governor to publish, at least annually, a list of chemicals “known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity .” Progesterone, as well as other human hormones, appear on this list 1. Set forth below is the information that formed the bases for the addition of progesterone to the Prop 65 list by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (“OEHHA”).

Prop 65 and Progesterone - Perspective

In August of 2004, OEHHA published a document stating the rationale for the addition of Progesterone to the Prop 65 list 2. This document is a review of human, animal, and in vitro studies that used progesterone, synthetic progestins, and other progestagens (progesterone-like compounds). Experimental data from the use of all of these compounds were mixed together, along with data from studies using other steroid hormone derivatives (mainly synthetic estrogens) and many different methods of administration.

Although this review covered the existing scientific literature on progesterone and its many derivative compounds, there are many problems with the type of data analysis that was employed.

First, progesterone is endogenous to humans and necessary for bone and reproductive health while progestins and other synthetic progestagens are not. Progestins and progestagens are similar in molecular structure to progesterone, but when they bind to progesterone receptors, their effects are usually much stronger and more likely to cause abnormal physiologic responses 3, 4. Furthermore, the majority of the studies concerning the health effects of these progesterone derivatives involved combinations with synthetic estrogens 2-4.

There were very few studies mentioned in the 2004 document that used exclusively bio-identical progesterone (the kind found normally produced by humans as well as that used in progesterone creams), and those studies that did were at supra-physiologic doses (very high). The doses of progesterone ranged from 10-1000 times the dose usually recommended by manufacturers of progesterone creams 2, although in a few cases, the doses were Closer to the recommended dosages.

The route of administration of progesterone is also at issue. All of the studies cited in the OEHHA document used either oral, injected, or suppository forms of hormones; none was conducted using transdermal creams. This is an important consideration because hormones absorbed through the skin are metabolized differently than hormones that are administered via other routes 5, 6.

Putting it Together

While the OEHHA Prop 65 reference document on progesterone 2 is a broad survey of the published scientific literature examining the potential effects of the pharmaceutical use of progesterone and its synthetic derivatives, it is not clear at all that these effects would be seen with the use of low-dose progesterone creams.

The OEHHA Prop 65 progesterone document evaluates a broad range of information regarding progesterone and synthetic materials that are not natural progesterone. The conclusion reached was not challenged, and it is on that basis that progesterone creams now carry the Prop 65 warning.


1 California OEHHA Web Site: // .

2 Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Section, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency (2004) Evidence on the developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Progesterone.

3 Campagnoli C, Abba C, Ambroggio S, Peris C (2005) Pregnancy, progesterone and progestin in relation to breast cancer risk. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 97(5):441-450.

4 Campagnoli C , Clavel-Chapelon F , Kaaks R , Peris C , Berrino F (2005) Progestins and progesterone in hormone replacement therapy and the risk of breast cancer. Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2005 96(2):95-108.

5 de Lignieres B, Dennerstein L, Backstrom T (1995) Influence of route of administration on progesterone metabolism. Maturitas 21:251-257.

6 Gompel A, et al. (2000) Progestins were also proapoptotic in normal as well as in hormone-dependent breast cancer cells. Steroids 65(10-11):593-598.

7 Bu SZ ( 1997) Progesterone induces apoptosis and up-regulation of p53 expression in human ovarian carcinoma cell lines. Cancer 79(10):1944-50.


Pomeratrol™ Fact Sheet

Date: December 19, 2005 09:09 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pomeratrol™ Fact Sheet

Pomeratrol™ Fact Sheet

Neil E. Levin, CCN, DANLA 9/28/04

USER: Those needing antioxidant protection; People with a family history of cell growth abnormalities; Anyone concerned with aging

KEY INGREDIENT(S): Pomegranate fruit standardized extract 200 mg. (Punica granatum) containing 80% total polyphenols, including 40% Ellagic acid, Resveratrol (100% trans-resveratrol) 20 mg. from a blend of Japanese knotweed root extract (Polygonum cuspidatum) and grape skin extract (Vitis vinifera)

POTENTIAL BENEFITS: Ellagic acid is a polyphenol compound found in raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates, and other fruit. It has been shown to normalize cell death of abnormal cells, a process called apoptosis. This enhances the body’s cell growth control system by providing an important plant substance. It may bind to DNA to prevent damage to this all-important genetic material. This is a key step in preventing cell damage that leads to signs of aging.

The American Cancer Society says that research in animal and laboratory models has found that ellagic acid inhibits the abnormal growth of certain cells. Research at Ohio State University indicates that berries typically contain a few milligrams per ounce of ellagic acid, the actual level varying quite a bit from variables such as species, variety and growing conditions.

Resveratrol is an antioxidant compound that is a phytoestrogen, or plant estrogen, which is protective of hormone-mediated cells in the body. Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant if stabilized. If not stable, it may quickly metabolize out of the body. This compound is believed responsible for some of the beneficial effects of moderate red wine drinking on the cardiovascular system. Resveratrol is also considered to be beneficial to smokers’ lung tissue if it is stabilized to last long enough in the system to be transported there. Resveratrol is also an inhibitor of the COX-2 inflammatory enzyme and encourages cell death (apoptosis) of abnormally growing cells. In insect experiments resveratrol even repaired DNA, leading to a longer life for healthy cells even as it helped get rid of unhealthy cells. Again, this ability to protect cells and help the body rid itself of abnormal cells is a key factor in preventing signs of aging. One liter of red wine contains between 1.5 and 3 mg. of resveratrol.

OTHER IMPORTANT ISSUES: Resveratrol is a difficult substance to stabilize. Because of the difference between resveratrol produced in the oxygen-poor environment in red wine and the form of resveratrol in unstabilized supplements, it has long been thought that resveratrol supplements were not very effective in comparison with wine. Knowing the importance of how a resveratrol supplement is metabolized, Now’s scientific staff has recently developed a special technique of stabilizing this compound in order to have an antioxidant effect Closer to drinking a good glass of wine. While both trans and cis forms of resveratrol are naturally occurring, most of the recorded health benefits are attributed to the trans form. Now’s Pomeratrol provides trans-resveratrol.

DOSE: One capsule per day. Resveratrol has been used safely in studies at doses equivalent to 500 mg./day.

COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS: Other antioxidants and plant compounds: Vitamin C, pycnogenol, grape seed extract, and alpha lipoic acid.

CAUTIONS: Pregnant and lactating women and people using prescription drugs should consult their physician before taking any dietary supplement. There are some indications that resveratrol is a mild anticoagulant ("blood thinner"), and it also may help keep blood vessels to remain open and flexible. Caution should be used by those on blood-thinning drugs. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Date: December 17, 2005 10:40 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (


Date Sugar - Of the many alternatives to table sugar, the pleasant tasting extract of dehydrated dates may be one of the most natural and nutrient dense. While it can be used for a plethora of applications, the most common are in cereals, oatmeal, baked goods, beverages and puddings. In fact, date sugar bares a Closer resemblance to food than it does to a sweetener. Nutritionally, it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of this natural sweetener is that it contain significant amounts of fiber. Best of all, date sugar is the closest in sweetness to the table sugar many have grown accustomed to.

Buy Date Sugar at Vitanet ®


Organic Life Vitamins

Date: October 13, 2005 11:09 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Organic Life Vitamins

Peter Gillham has formulated a key nutritional step toward obtaining outstanding health and vitality—Organic Life Vitamins. This is a complete liquid multi-vitamin and mineral with some exciting pluses you won’t find elsewhere .


Liquids absorb better. Organic Life Vitamins has been designed for maximum absorption, thereby allowing your body to assimilate vital life-giving nutrients in just minutes!

Another benefit of this liquid formulation—with its delicious berry taste—is that you don’t have to purchase and take numerous pills and capsules in ord e r to give your body what it needs. And, unlike pills, Organic Life Vitamins contains no binders and fillers.


Nutritional supplements range from A to Zinc with a lot of specialized products addressing specific conditions in between.

Our belief is that good health doesn’t have to be complicated or something for which you need five graduate degrees in various disciplines in order to understand.

Organic Life Vitamins is a power-packed premium formulation that supplies the body with the essential nutrients it requires—missing as a result of deficient diets and the stresses of today’s busy lifestyles. It’s that simple.


Organic Life Vitamins is a complete multi-vitamin— but it is more than that. Along with 16 key vitamins, Organic Life Vitamins supplies a full range of amino acids, vital minerals and 72 trace minerals (which work in combination with Natural Calm or our Cal- Mag products).

A word about trace minerals. These are crucial to good health, a high energy level and nutrient assimil ation. They also affect the functioning of hormones and enzymes and help protect against toxic reactions and heavy metal poisoning.

All of the premium nutrition in Organic Life Vitamins is combined in a base of organic Noni juice concentrate (a story in itself), and organic whole leaf Aloe Vera juice (a well-known immune booster and, like Noni juice, another nutritional “Swiss Army Knife” with many health benefits).


Let’s take a Closer look at the vitamins in Organic Life Vitamins and what they do: Vitamin A— p romotes good eyesight, healthy skin, shiny, healthy hair, a strong immune function and more.

Vitamin B complex—O rganic Life Vitamins contains 11 essential B vitamins! The B vitamins are necessary for everything from energy and sleep to a full head of hair!

Vitamin C—necessary for a strong immune system, strong bones and healthy skin. Vitamin D—necessary for the proper formation of bones and helps calcium to absorb properly.

Organic Life Vitamins

Formulated for your lifestyle

Vitamin E—necessary for supplying oxygen to the brain, creating hormones, healthy skin, proper muscular function and more .

Vitamin K—supports natural blood clotting.


Now let’s look at the minerals. O rganic Life Vitamins contains Selenium, Zinc, C h romium, MSM (organic sulfur), and a full spectru m of trace minerals. These minerals are essential for keeping off unwanted pounds, for a sharp mind, and for maintaining a strong immune system.

Amino Acids

An exciting plus that comes as part of Organic Life Vitamins is the inclusion of amino acids. Amino acids are the “building blocks” of the body. Besides building cells and repairing tissue, they form antibodies to combat invading bacteria and viruses; they are part of the enzyme and hormonal systems; they build nucleoproteins (RNA and DNA); they carry oxygen throughout the body and participate in muscle activity.

Organic Life Vitamins is the only liquid multi-vitamin that contains 20 different amino acids to help bring you to a whole new level of health.

Vitanet ®


Take Your Vitamins: Reviewing Scientific Approaches to Selecting Daily Multiple Supplement

Date: June 21, 2005 05:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Take Your Vitamins: Reviewing Scientific Approaches to Selecting Daily Multiple Supplement

Take Your Vitamins: Reviewing Scientific Approaches to Selecting Daily Multiple Supplements

By Adina Licht, MS

Adina Licht, M.S. is a Nutritional Scientist and Science Writer who works as a Marketing Specialist for Source Naturals. She has a B.A. in Environmental Science from UC Berkeley, an M.S. in Nutrition and Food Science from San Jose State University, and training in Technical Communication from Cal State Hayward. Her work has appeared in publications such as Advances in Packaging and Development, Health Supplement Retailer and Delicious Living.

Americans Need More Nutrients

The U. S. population is drastically malnourished. According to the latest A. C. Nielsen survey, only 12% of Americans claim to eat the 5 recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day (Warner, 2004). And approximately 1/3 of the calories that people do consume are from nutrient-poor foods such as alcohol and soda (Yang, 2004). This combination has led to a population that consumes too few nutrients, which according to an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Fletcher, 2002) puts people at risk for long-term health concerns. With Americans eating fewer healthy foods, taking a daily multiple is one way for people to increase their intake of nutrients. But the search for what defines a good multiple can be confusing, even to health care professionals.

The Confusing U.S. Government Standards

Scientists first recognized the need for vitamins in the early 1900s (Levenstein, 1993). But setting U. S. government standards for vitamins and minerals didn't start until healthy soldiers were needed to fight World War II. And when a committee of scientists was asked to determine the levels of nutrients needed to maintain good health they could only agree on "recommended allowances" to prevent deficiency with a wide margin of safety. In 1941, these allowances became the first Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for the nation (Levenstein, 1993). In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) used latest RDAs to set the new Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) standards, which included Adequate Intakes (AIs) for when there was insufficient evidence to determine an RDA, and Upper Intake Levels (ULs) as the safe daily upper limit. To simplify the information, food labels express nutrient information as a percentage of the Daily Value (DV), which includes RDA values for a healthy adult who consumes 2000 calories per day (Whitney, 2002). However, these values do not include AIs or ULs and many individuals need different levels of nutrients than these.

Confusing Standards equals Confusing Recommendations

The RDAs and subsequent DRIs are the basis of the nutrient standards for at least 40 different nations and many professional health organizations. Currently, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) recommends that people who cannot reach the DRIs through diet take a multiple with nutrient levels that do not exceed the RDAs (JADA, 2001). And in 2002, the American Medical Association (AMA) published a paper that included a recommendation for all adults to take RDA levels of vitamin supplements in their Journal of the American Medical Association (Fletcher, 2002). Despite the benefits of having guidelines, most people only hear about the RDAs and DVs, which may be too low for preventing deficiencies while the ULs and AIs, which can be much more beneficial are rarely discussed. For example, the Daily Value of Vitamin E to prevent deficiency is 30 IU while the daily Upper Intake Limit is 1,467 IU. But, according to the ADA, as many as 75% of cardiologists recommend vitamin E to their patients to promote heart health, usually at a dosage of 400 IU (ADA, 2001; Meydani, 2004; & Whitney, 1998). And the Daily Value for Vitamin C is 60 mg while the daily Upper Intake Limit is 2000 mg, but in clinical studies it took 500 mg per day to help maintain healthy blood pressure (Whitney, 1998, & Hendler, 2001).

Alternative Recommendations

Lyle MacWilliam is a biochemist and former health advisor to the Canadian Ministry of Health, who decided to research, analyze and publish the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements. In this book, the individually published recommendations from seven nutrition experts (Phyllis Balch, CNC, Dr. Michael Colgan, Ph.D., Dr. Earl Mindell, Ph.D., Dr. Michael Murray, N.D., Dr. Richard Passwater, Ph.D., Dr. Ray Strand, M.D., and Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D.) were combined to create an ultimate blended standard of recommended median intakes for 39 nutrients to promote health. Those nutrients include vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and other supplements, that span 14 different health categories and are much Closer to the Upper Intake Limit government standards. The guide also includes information about recommended forms, safety, purity and quality (MacWilliam, 2003). One of the most profound differences between MacWilliam?s compiled recommendations and the DRIs is the difference in the number of supplements: 39 vs. 26 respectively. The Comparative Guide standard includes additional nutrients, including many more antioxidants, based on decades of clinical research about their benefits. For example, the fat-soluble antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 that your body manufactures less of as you age is included. So is the fat and water-soluble antioxidant alpha lipoic acid that helps recycle other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E (Hendler, 2001).

Top Ranked Multiples for Optimal Health

In the latter half of MacWilliam's book he uses this ultimate blended standard to rank and compare 500 manufactured multiples. Of the five top-ranked multiples, only the Source Naturals multiples, Life Force and Élan Vitàl, are widely available at natural product stores and health outlets. And the new and improved Life Force formulation now rates higher than any of the products evaluated in the current edition of this guide (MacWilliam, 2004; & Mac-William, 2003). The ingredients that can be found in today's multiple supplements can vary greatly. But multiple choices don't have to lead to confusion. Health professionals, such as Lyle MacWilliam, understand the importance of remaining curious, evaluating the available research, and conferring with other scientists to determine the nutrients that support optimal health.


American Dietetic Association. 2001. Vitamin E: Disease Prevention for your Good Health. American Dietetic Association Website. Available at: Public/Other/index_nfs1001.cfm Fletcher, R. H., & Fairfield, K. M. 2002. Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults. JAMA. (23)287:3116-3129. Hendler, S. S., et al. 2001. PDR for Nutritional Supplements. Thomson Healthcare: Montvale. Pages 11-12, 17-21, 60-62, 103, 416-421, 486-498. JADA (Journal of the American Dietetic Association) 2001. Vitamin and mineral supplementation. J AM Diet Assoc.101: 115 Available at: Public/NutritionInformation/92_8343.cfm Levenstein, H. 1993. Paradox of Plenty: A Social History of Eating in Modern America. Oxford University Press: New York. Pages 13-15, 64-67. MacWilliam, L, et al. 2003. Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements. Northern Dimensions Publishing: Vernon. Pages 62-70. MacWilliam, L. 2004. Comparative Guide Individual Assessment of New Life Force Formulation. Warner, J. 2004. Few Follow '5 a Day' Fruit and Vegetable Rule. WebMD website. Available at: ent/Article/93/102158.htm Whitney, N. W., & Rolfes, S. R. (1998). Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition, 5th ed. Page 358. Whitney, E. N., & Rolfes, S. R. 2002. Understanding Nutrition. 9th ed. Wadsworth Thomson Learning: Belmont. Pages A, B, Y, 13-20, 55-56, 307, 331, 335-341, 401. Yang, S. 2004. Nearly one-third of the calories in the US diet come from junk food, researcher finds.

Vitanet ®


Green Power

Date: June 14, 2005 06:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Power

Green Power

by Charles Scott Energy Times, January 4, 2005

If you want to stave off infections, aging-even liver cancer-get your fill of chlorophyll, a vital nutrient in plants.

The green in plants possesses unique powers. Green landscapes soothe the soul. A verdant expanse of green vegetation offers comfort, peace and ecological consolation. What makes some plants, including vegetables, green: Chlorophyll, a substance that is also a crucial nutrient for better health.

Chlorophyll is a special chemical that consists of molecules which enable plants to collect sunlight. In a complex molecular process, vegetation then uses chlorophyll to harness the power from the sun's rays and build carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. Those carbohydrates form the basic nutritional building blocks that we and other animals need to survive and thrive.

Besides enabling the creation of carbohydrates, research shows that chlorophyll itself can help lower our risk of diseases like cancer. A recent study in China demonstrates that daily supplements of a chemical derived from chlorophyll can protect DNA, the genetic material in cells. When DNA is damaged and malfunctions, cells may reproduce wildly and become cancerous tumors. The latest experiments, performed by scientists affiliated with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Oregon State University (OSU), show that chlorophyll and its chemical relatives may insulate DNA from unhealthy changes linked to aflatoxin, a fungus that often contaminates corn, peanuts and soybeans. In China, liver cancer associated with aflatoxin is a widespread problem.

" In the area of China in which we did our study about one in 10 adults die from liver cancer, and it's the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide," says George Bailey, PhD, a professor of environmental and molecular toxicology at OSU. "The findings of this research could be enormously important to many areas of China, Southeast Asia and Africa, where aflatoxin-related liver cancer is a real concern. Many of these deaths might be preventable with supplements that cost pennies a day."

This research looked at about 180 people in Qidong, China. When people in the study were given supplements containing chlorophyll derivatives, they had less than half the DNA damage of people who didn't take supplements.

According to the scientists, chlorophyll and similar substances may act as interceptor molecules, blocking the absorption of carcinogens. As John Groopman, professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, observes, the supplements these people took "...can effectively reduce aflatoxin levels, which should reduce the risk of liver cancer."

Closer to home, other researchers point out that chlorophyll-rich vegetarian foods may help protect us from carcinogens in the typical American diet.

If you've ever enjoyed a hunk of grilled meat, you've consumed substances scientists call heterocyclic amines, which are contained in the charred part of meat cooked on a grill. Studies have shown that these tasty tidbits can increase your risk of breast and other types of cancer. (Your risk from charred meat greatly increases if you are also a smoker.) However, if you eat a food like spirulina, a blue-green algae high in antioxidants that also contains plenty of chlorophyll, its protective substances can bind with these carcinogens within your digestive tract and keep them from being absorbed.

Green Keeps You Younger

While we always hear that eating more fruits and vegetables enhances our health, new research shows that eating green foods adds extra power to an anti-aging program.

Two experiments at the University of South Florida Center for Aging and Brain Repair, published in the Journal of Neurobiology (7/15/02), show that spirulina and other greens can help shield the brain from the antioxidant damage that accumulates as one ages and may help reverse declines in learning and memory.

The first study found that a diet rich in spinach helped lab animals stay smart as they grew older. Spinach's benefits, according to the researchers, are due to its rich antioxidant content, which can counteract free radicals (caustic molecules) created in the body during normal metabolism and increased by exposure to environmental pollutants, sunlight and radiation. When free radicals attack, cell walls and other cellular structures are compromised and DNA can malfunction. A lifetime of free-radical damage can slow your thinking and may be one of the causes of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, says Dr. Paula Bickford, lead author on the project.

The second study found that the protective effect of green plants may be linked to their ability to reverse age-related accumulations of potentially harmful inflammatory substances in the brain. In this research, spirulina improved neuron function, lowered inflammation in the brain and reduced levels of chemicals linked to oxidative damage. In fact, spirulina didn't just slow the deterioration of neurotransmitter interactions caused by aging, it actually improved their function.

" Not all foods are created equal," says Dr. Bickford. "Cucumbers taste good and have lots of fiber. But unlike spirulina and apples, they are not rich in phytochemicals that have antioxidant or anti-inflammatory effects in the brain."

Green Immunity

Aside from assisting brain function, spirulina also seems able to help pump up the immune system. Researchers at the University of California at Davis found that adding spirulina to cultured immune system cells significantly increases the production of infection-fighting cells called cytokines.

A number of previous laboratory studies have found that spirulina can balance immune response: While easing allergic reactions, this powerful green food also was found to enhance the ability of immune cells called macrophages to both destroy bacteria and eliminate cancerous cells.

" We found that nutrient-rich spirulina is a potent inducer of interferon-g (13.6-fold increase) and a moderate stimulator of both interleukin-4 and interleukin-1b (3.3-fold increase)," notes Eric Gershwin, professor at UC Davis. "Together, increases in these cytokines suggest that spirulina is a strong proponent for protecting against intracellular pathogens and parasites, and can potentially increase the expression of agents that stimulate inflammation, which also helps to protect the body against infectious and potentially harmful micro-organisms."

What this means for you: Spirulina holds the potential to help the body protect itself against battalions of infectious invaders. " People have used foods like yogurt and spirulina throughout history," says Judy van de Water, PhD, associate professor at UC Davis. "Through research, we are learning exactly how these foods improve immune system function and how they are a beneficial addition to our diet."

Throughout the history of life on earth, the healthy development of animal and human life has depended on green plants. Today, as our environment deteriorates and our bodies are under attack from an increasingly polluted world, we need those health-boosting greens more than ever.

Vitanet ®


Truth in Labeling

Date: June 14, 2005 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Truth in Labeling

Truth in Labeling by Diane Stanton Energy Times, June 14, 2004

Do you or don't you read food labels when you shop? If you don't, you're missing out on a prime source of information about your meals. If you want control of your health, focus on package labels and pick your foods carefully.

The large print on food labels focus on what are called macronutrients: carbohydrates, fat and protein. Some of the smaller categories convey information about vitamins, fiber, and minerals, as well as the totals of fat and saturated fat contained in food. So, you have no excuse for claiming ignorance about your diet: the truth is in the labels.

Food labels can be confusing to the uninitiated. Go into a big food store and you can be faced with what seems to be a forest of food information: more than 15,000 labels. Add to that fact that every year more than 30,000 new food products can be introduced to the marketplace, and what you're faced with is a jungle of food labels.

That overwhelming wealth of food label information doesn't mean you should throw up your hands in dismay and give up reading and deciphering labels. You should arm yourself against that sea of labels with knowledge and, by understanding them, end your confusion and build your health.

Label History

A hundred years or so ago, food labels were only required to list the name of the food contained inside the package. The contents, quality and processes used to make the food were often a mystery. Little or no disclosure to consumers was made about how their food was created.

By the early 1920s, the federal government, via the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), began requiring food companies to list the net weight of food on labels as well as the names and addresses of food processors and distributors. Finally, by the 1970s, listing basic nutritional information was mandated in a uniform way so that shoppers could have some basis for comparing foods. Then, in 1990, the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act made major alterations to the kinds of labels that had to be included on food packages.

The FDA and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) required significant changes to food labels that were supposed to make it easier for consumers to eat healthier diets. The labels requirements of 1994 included five major changes:

  • • The nutrition information on the label had to be printed in larger, more legible type.
  • • This condensed information had to be on the back or side of food packaging and titled as "Nutrition Facts." This type of information is also shown in grocery stores near the fresh food displays of fish, fruits and vegetables.
  • • The label had to include a column of information tagged as the "% Daily Value," designed to help consumers understand how the food could fit into a healthy diet.
  • • Each label had to include information about fat, cholesterol, fiber, sugar, calories from fat, and other information relevant to designing a healthy diet.
  • • The computed serving sizes were supposed to be more realistic and reflect the amount of food people actually eat at one sitting.

    Label Questions

    Consumer questions regarding food labels have led researchers to look into ways to help shoppers comprehend what food labels tell them. These studies are designed to help consumers match up their nutrition requirements with the foods they buy.

    For instance, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, scientists have devised a label tool called See It, Do It, Teach It to help people improve their diets through comprehension of food label information. " One of the goals of the project was to help...teenaged girls and menopausal women understand how they can get the daily requirement for calcium into their diet in order to help prevent osteoporosis," says Karen Chapman-Novakofski, PhD, associate professor and nutritionist in the school's College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.

    According to the See It, Do It, Teach It program, you should think of food labels as consisting of two sections:

  • • Food items you should limit: total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and, if you're eating a low-carb diet, total carbohydrates
  • • What you may need to increase: vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron

    " Much more attention has been paid to what people should limit rather than the nutrients needed. The average consumer doesn't know, for instance, how much vitamin A 10% of the Daily Value is, or how much calcium 25% of the Daily Value is," Dr. Chapman-Novakofski says.

    Upping Calcium Intake

    In their eight-week study of people's calcium consumption (Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 4/04), the University of Illinois research team found that people didn't know how much calcium was in the food they ate.

    After the initial part of the study, in which participants were shown how to look for calcium on labels, "the post-test revealed that the participants significantly increased their calcium intake to 821 mg per day, up from 372 mg per day," notes Dr. Chapman-Novakofski.

    " That's a lot Closer to the daily requirements of 1,200 mg per day for men and women over 50, 1,000 mg for men and women aged 19 through 50 and 1,300 mg per day for [youths aged] 9 to [18] years," she adds.

    Parts of the Label

    The first item at the top of a nutrition food label tells you the portion size that the label measures. An important point to remember: these sizes are determined individually by each manufacturer. Consequently, all of the other values on the label are measured per portion.

    So, if you are comparing foods made by two different companies that employ very different portion sizes in their nutritional calculations, your label comparisons may be complicated.

    Another fact to be aware of: the listed portion size may be an odd division of the food within the container and not reflect a common-sense division. For instance, some food packages are labeled as containing 2.5 portions.

    And, to make things even more interesting, small boxes of candy that you might think contain barely enough for one helping may be labeled by the manufacturer as having two or more portions. As a result, if you eat the whole box, you often have to at least double the number of indicated calories, etc. to figure out the nutrients and calories you are consuming.

    The section of the label that notes calories, calories from fat and percent daily values is listed under the portion size. Here you are told how many calories you consume when you devour one portion and how many of those calories are derived from fat.

    This label focus on fat originated when consumers and dietitians were very concerned about Americans' fat consumption and hadn't yet switched their focus to carbohydrate consumption as a prevalent dietary health priority.

    Also included on the label: the daily value percentages aimed at showing you how much out of a total day's intake of various nutrients a portion bestows upon you.

    These percentage numbers are based on a theoretical analysis of a diet that contains 2,000 or 2,500 calories a day. (A notation at the bottom of the label tells you whether the calculation is based on 2,000 or 2,500.)

    Carb Facts

    If you've been eating a low-carb diet (or are planning this type of diet), the section of the label that lists carbohydrates may be especially useful. Under this heading, the label lists the totals for fiber and sugar.

    No matter what diet you are on, dietary fiber is desirable, since it represents indigestible carbohydrates that both pass through you without conveying any calories and keep beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract healthy.

    Most people want to limit their sugar totals, however, since this nutrient may raise your risk of being overweight and, when you eat a lot of it, may contribute to immune problems.

    Interestingly enough, when food chemists compute what is in food, they perform lab tests known as assays to distinguish its ingredients. (The manner in which these tests are performed are very strictly regulated by the FDA.)

    In fact, just about every nutrient listed on a food label is determined by laboratory test except for the carbohydrate content: the amount of water, fat, crude protein and ash are determined this way. But the total carbs are computed by simply subtracting the total of the other ingredients from the total amount of food, a kind of process of elimination.

    So while fat and protein are measured with precise lab tests, carbohydrate totals are figured by the leftovers. (The water and ash, by the way, are not usually listed on food labels.)

    Within the general carbohydrate group, are several categories of carbohydrates that produce very different effects in your body. These categories can be divided into sugar, sugar alcohols, dietary fiber and a collection of various chemicals that include organic acids, flavonoids, gums, lignans and others.

    According to the FDA, the food label only has to list the total carbs, sugar and dietary fiber. But some food companies now list things like sugar alcohols.

    Blood Sugar Effects

    Not all of these types of carbohydrates behave the same way in your body. For example, when your body digests table sugar, it turns immediately into blood sugar. So sugar and most other carbohydrate is what we call "digestible carbohydrate." Other carbs, such as sugar alcohol or glycerine, can be digested but do not turn to blood sugar. Still others, such as dietary fiber, are indigestible and pass through your body without impacting your blood sugar level.

    To date, the FDA has not focused on these important biochemical differences and treats all carbohydrates alike. This means that when you look at a food label, you do not see a number for the carbs that impact your blood sugar level. To do so, simply subtract the number of grams of fiber from the total number of carbohydrate grams.

    Net Carbs

    Recently, the phrases "low carb," "net carb" and "impact carbs" have begun to appear on food labels. These are not defined by the FDA; they were put on labels by by companies to help consumers pick out foods that are acceptable on low-carb diets. To arrive at the total of net carbs, food companies subtract the total amount of fiber and sugar alcohol from the total carbohydrates.

    Fiber Calculations

    Since the body cannot digest fiber, this nutrient (which is still important for good health) is not calculated into the total amount of carbohydrates. As for sugar alcohols, while-technically speaking-these are carbs and they do have calories, they have little effect on blood sugar and usually are not counted in total carbohydrates.

    According to the American Dietetic Association, people with diabetes who are managing their blood sugars using the carbohydrate counting method should "count half of the grams of sugar alcohol as carbohydrates since half of the sugar alcohol on average is digested.

    " Fiber is not digested, however. If the serving of food has more then 5 grams of fiber one should subtract the grams of fiber from the total carbohydrate grams." As you can see, when it comes to food, as in most things, knowledge is power. If you want power over your health, you need power over the food you eat. The road to that power is by reading food labels. What's in the food you're eating every day may surprise you.

    Vitanet ®

    Solaray - Ultimate Nutrition - Actipet Pet supplements - Action Labs - Sunny Greens - Thompson nutritional - Natural Sport - Veg Life Vegan Line - Premier One - NaturalMax - Kal


    SPA: Satisfying Personal Attention

    Date: June 14, 2005 10:32 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: SPA: Satisfying Personal Attention

    SPA: Satisfying Personal Attention by Sylvia Whitefeather Energy Times, October 12, 2004

    Feeling stressed out? Looking for some time to relax and cool off, but just too busy to get away? Give yourself a spa treatment at home.

    Creating your own home spa experience is easy and the benefits are many. With some common household items and a few essential oils, you can luxuriate in your own special spa experience while recharging and renewing mind, body and spirit. Indulge with a few close friends for a unique, shared experience.

    Aromatherapy Adventures

    Using concentrated plant oils derived from flowers and plants, aromatherapy offers an ancient healing art that has gained newfound respect in the modern world. Aroma chemicals transfer quickly into the body, and researchers are finding unique ways to employ this ancient technique, including medical applications.

    Studies find that lemon balm or lavender oil reduces behavioral problems in older people with dementia (BMJ 2002; 325:1312-3). Rosemary has been found to improve memory and enhance mental functioning (Int J Neurosci 2003 Jan; 113(1):15-38).

    Only a drop or two of an essential oil is needed to receive their unique healing benefits. (Always dilute essential oils; never use or apply them directly to your skin without watering them down.) Essential oils can help you relax, rejuvenate, improve your memory and increase your energy.

    Some essential oils are reputed to reduce pain, kill bacteria, speed healing of injuries and help fight inflammation and infection (Natl Meeting, Amer Chem Soc, 8/02).

    Bathing Beauties

    When you feel like you're ready to spa, take the phone off the hook, unplug the TV and set aside a special, unbothered time and day for your at-home spa experience. Next, turn your bathroom into your special place. Light fragrant candles, put on your favorite soft music and fill the tub.

    When running the water you should select a water temperature that fits the effect you desire, according to Valerie Gennari Cooksley, RN, author of Healing Home Spa (Penguin). Water temperature that approximates your normal body temperature produces a sedative effect. On the other hand, hotter water-that which hovers around 100 degrees-induces sweating and helps cleanse and detoxify. In any case, limit your time in hot water to about 20 minutes. If you use cold water, only stay immersed for a few short minutes to rejuvenate and close the skin's pores.

    Try adding about 10 drops of either lavender or ylang-ylang oil to a warm bath to aid in relaxation and to release tight muscles. Don't rush; soak for at least 20 minutes and let the fragrant water vaporize your cares. Dry off with a fluffy towel and wrap yourself in your favorite bathrobe.

    Other bath enhancers you can add to your soak include oatmeal to soften the skin, seaweed for deep cleansing, Epsom salts to relieve aches, and baking soda to alkalize the body. Herbal sachets can be made by placing dried herbs in a muslin bag and dropping the bag into the water to release fragrances and healing chemicals.

    Fantastic Facial

    The facial is a standard spa procedure. Hold your face over a steaming bowl of hot water that contains lemon juice or a few drops of lemon essential oil for about 15 minutes. Use a towel over your head to hold in the steam.

    When your face is well moisturized, apply a facial mask. On dry skin, use either puréed, ripe avocado or a mask of honey and kelp. If your face is oily, apply either puréed, ripe bananas or a mask of peppermint oil and honey. If you are not sure of your skin type or have mixed skin, green clay can be used for a balanced facial. Green clay is rich in minerals while being antiseptic and healing, notes Valerie Ann Worwood, author of The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy (New World Library). With the addition of warm water, it creates an instant facial mask. (You can also use prepared facial masks; ask about them at your health food store.)

    To apply the mask, begin at the forehead using upward strokes. Go easy around the eyes. Afterwards, put cucumber slices over your eyes and relax. Keep the mask on for about 15 minutes. Wash your face with warm water and then apply a moisturizer. Your skin should feel supple and look radiant.

    Pleasant Pampering

    Worwood recommends a few drops of rosemary oil and one tablespoon of baking soda in a basin of warm water to soothe your feet. Soaking your feet for about ten minutes softens the skin and nourishes the nails. After drying off, combine one-half cup sea salt with one-half cup of cooking oil, preferably olive, canola or sesame. Gently massage into each foot to stimulate reflex points and remove dead skin. Rinse and pat dry. Finish with a pedicure.

    This salt scrub can be used on any part of the body to eliminate toxins, increase circulation, improve lymphatic movement and cleanse the pores. A popular European treatment, it is especially helpful for parts of the body that store water, such as the tummy and thighs. Rinse completely after the scrub and apply moisturizer to dry areas.

    Since hands can age quickly, Worwood suggests using oils of rose, sandalwood and geranium for dry or neglected hands. You can also mix one-half cup of sugar with one-half cup cooking oil and a few drops of one of the above essential oils. Massage into each hand to moisturize and pamper your overworked hands. Rinse and apply your favorite lotion to seal in moisture. A gentle manicure adds the finishing touch.

    Healthy Hair

    Your special spa day wouldn't be complete without pampering your hair. Noted dermatologist David Bank, MD, suggests looking for shampoos that contain such gentle cleansers as avocado, borage oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil and wheat germ oil. Your shampoo should also contain moisturizing substances, such as aloe vera, to help give your locks shine and bounce.

    Check your hair's condition. Oily hair-that which feels greasy within a day of washing-responds best to frequent washing with minimal conditioning. A bad case of the frizzy tangles is a sign of dry hair, which needs a moisturizer-rich shampoo.

    Revive From the Inside With Green Drinks

    During your spa day, sip green drinks. Green drinks made from aquatic plants such as spirulina, seaweed and kelp contain needed minerals to nourish skin, hair and nails; these plants have been used for centuries to promote health and longevity. In addition to being high in minerals, they are also low in fat, high in fiber and rich in protein.

    The marine vegetables found in green drinks help detoxify the body, support the lymphatic system, alkalize the blood and tissues, and support a healthy thyroid. Many natural food stores carry green drink powders that can be added to juice or water. Sipping on a green drink can enhance the cleansing action of your home spa treatment, balance blood sugar levels and maintain your energy level during the day.

    Throughout your home spa experience, drinking spring water with a touch of lemon or lime can facilitate the elimination of toxins and keep you hydrated. Indulge in plenty of high-fiber fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed sugars and high-fat foods. Eating lightly allows your body to eliminate toxins from the inside out while you work on the outside.

    As Valerie Cooksley says, "...sound health occurs when the mind, body and spirit are in perfect harmony and balance." A home spa experience takes you a step Closer to that harmony.

    Vitanet ®

    Solaray - Ultimate Nutrition - Actipet Pet supplements - Action Labs - Sunny Greens - Thompson nutritional - Natural Sport - Veg Life Vegan Line - Premier One - NaturalMax - Kal



    Date: June 10, 2005 09:37 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Diabetes

    Diabetes by , February 5, 2002

    Lack of exercise and being overweight boosts your chances of developing diabetes. So, as America's epidemic of obesity grows, the number of people afflicted with the condition called type II diabetes is expected to soar. If you follow the typical US pattern of not getting enough exercise while indulging in a diet of too many calories from cookies, cakes, fast food and saturated fat as your waistline gradually expands, your chances of encountering this health menace grow every day. According to the most recent estimate by health researchers, "more than half of all US adults are considered overweight or obese"(JAMA, 10/27/99).

    Those same researchers, who examined the health history and weights of more than 16,000 Americans, confirmed a fact well-understood by health practitioners who understand the chemistry of blood sugar: being overweight greatly increases your chances of not only diabetes but also high blood pressure, gall bladder disease, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol and arthritis. (If you suffer or think you suffer from diabetes, or any of these conditions, consult a knowledgeable health practitioner.)

    Insulin Insurrection

    While Type I diabetes is a relatively infrequent disease that often strikes kids, Type II diabetes is a much more widespread (and increasing) health problem experienced by 9 out of 10 adults with what is now called adult-onset diabetes.

    The popular image of someone with diabetes is, ironically, often of someone who is suffering with Type I. In simplistic terms, Type I diabetes occurs when your pancreas stops producing insulin, a hormone-like substance that, among its several tasks, helps deliver sugar from the bloodstream into the body's cells. When your body is functioning normally, insulin helps steady blood sugar levels and keeps tissues fed with nutrients.

    People with Type I diabetes often have to inject themselves with insulin. Otherwise, a lack of insulin causes dangerously increased blood sugar levels, cellular damage to blood vessels and nerves plus a high risk of heart attack, blindness, kidney failure and serious damage to your extremities that may, in the long-term, lead to amputation.

    Insulin Resistance

    On the other hand, someone beginning to suffer Type II diabetes usually has plenty of insulin being produced by the pancreas, but may be insulin resistant: for a variety of physiological reasons, the hormone is unable to do its job. That allows blood glucose to reach levels where it can wreak metabolic havoc.

    When you gain weight, drastically increase the amount of your bodyfat and lead a sedentary, couch potato existence without engaging in very much exercise, you boost your risk of becoming insulin resistant. Consequently you also boost the chances of eventually suffering Type II diabetes.

    However, a consistent exercise program (and losing weight) can alleviate or moderate some of the blood sugar problems brought on by diabetes or insulin resistance. When you exercise, your working muscles may take in more glucose from the bloodstream and stabilize your blood sugar level. That is one reason physical exercise helps to modify your body's response to blood sugar. (Of course, if you have diabetes or have not exercised in a long time, be sure to consult your health practitioner before engaging in strenuous physical activity.)

    Supplemental Help

    One of the most useful supplements employed to help control diabetes is chromium, a mineral that plays an integral role in the body's metabolism of sugar.

    In the Natural Health Bible, Steven Bratman, MD, and David Kroll, PhD, discuss a study in China of 180 people with Type II diabetes. In that study, those who took chromium enjoyed better blood sugar levels than the people who took no supplements (Diabetes 46(11): 1786-1791, 1997). In addition, a double-blind study of chromium found that the supplement could reduce the necessary oral medication by more than half in many cases (Harefuah 125(5-6): 142-145, 1993). In this study, women seemed to benefit from chromium more than men.

    Relief with Alpha Lipoic Acid

    Alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant nutrient, helps defend nerve cells against painful damage-a condition called neuropathy-that can result from diabetes. Consequently, in Germany, doctors have been prescribing lipoic acid to people with diabetes for more than two decades.

    According to Dr. Bratman and Dr. Kroll, studies show that lipoic acid may be particularly helpful when taken with gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a fatty acid found in evening primrose oil and borage oil. Studies of GLA have found that this fat can soothe numbness and pain and slow nerve injuries (Diabetes Care 16(1):8-15, 1993).

    Taken together, GLA and lipoic acid may synergistically improve nerve function (Diabetologia 41(4): 390-399, 1998). Blood sugar control may also improve.

    Healthy Mouth

    Two signs that you may be suffering diabetes are excessive thirst and a dry mouth. This missing liquid, especially in the mouth when the flow of saliva slows, can lead to a lack of lactoferrin, a naturally-occurring protein that fights infection in the mouth by binding iron (Jrnl of Diab Comp 7, 57-62).

    Lactoferrin's iron-binding ability destroys harmful micro-organisms like bacteria. In addition, lactoferrin stimulates the body's production of a substance called secretory IgA, which keeps disease-causing organisms out of the body and helps stabilize blood sugar (colostrum also produces this effect).

    Spice Health

    Fenugreek, a spice, has had long use as a medicine and food ingredient in the Middle East and Asia. And now modern science has begun to accumulate evidence supporting its traditional use: Several studies have shown that this seed can benefit blood sugar levels and keep blood cholesterol down.

    In laboratory animals, researchers found that fenugreek kept blood sugar levels under control and also increased HDL (good cholesterol) while dropping triglycerides, blood fats that increase the risk of heart disease (Eur Jrnl Clin Nut 44 (1990):301-306).

    Fortuitously, studies on people have supported fenugreek's benefits. In people with Type I diabetes, studies show that fasting blood sugar levels were reduced and glucose tolerance tests (measures of how well the body handles sugar) were Closer to normal (Eur Jrnl Clin Nut 42 (1988):51-54). Bilberry for Eye Health

    Retinopathy, eye damage resulting from diabetes, is a serious complication of this disease and can cause blindness. Bilberry, a botanical that has been used as a folk treatment for eye health for centuries, may be able to lower the risk of this kind of vision destruction.

    Bilberry, a dark berry that grows in Europe, has been shown in a collection of laboratory tests to hold down blood sugar levels (Quart Jrnl Cr Drug Res 17(1979):139-196). Bilberry has traditionally been used to protect eyesight.

    According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine (Prima), natural substances called flavonoids, found in bilberry, "have been shown to increase intracellular vitamin C levels, decrease the leakiness and breakage of small blood vessels, prevent easy bruising and exert potent antioxidant effects."

    Apparently, the body uses these flavonoids to protect the eyes' blood vessels and to keep the retina (central part of the eye crucial to preserving sight) functioning normally (Arch Med Int 37 (1985):29-35). Consequently, bilberry has been used by health practitioners in France to treat diabetic retinopathy ever since the 1940s.

    Diabetes Research

    As medical researchers look more closely into how insulin functions throughout the body, much more light will be thrown on how supplemental nutrients and your diet interact to promote the healthiest blood sugar levels.

    But, today, what we already know about how the body functions can help you: a low-fat, high fiber diet, moderate, consistent exercise and healthy doses of insulin-friendly supplements may help keep your blood sugar under control.

    And keep those pounds from accumulating around your waist. That way, you can keep from singing that nasty old, down and dirty, blood sugar, syncopated ragtime blues.

    Vitanet ®


    Maximum Absorption

    Date: June 10, 2005 03:24 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Maximum Absorption

    Maximum Absorption

    by Henry Wolfe Energy Times, July 11, 2003

    Nutrients do you no good if you don't absorb them. Eating the right stuff and taking the right nutrients can still be wrong if they never make it out of your digestive tract and into your bloodstream.

    For instance, dietary supplements usually should be taken along with food. The presence of food in the digestive tract aids the absorption of nutrients. As a general rule, if you take dietary supplements on an empty stomach, most of their contents will probably pass through you and never escape your intestinal tract before they are eventually eliminated. This is particularly true for the fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D and E. By consuming fatty foods when you take these supplements, you enable your body to absorb a large amount of these valuable substances.

    But there is at least one exception to this rule: Amino acid supplements (protein building blocks) should usually be taken on an empty stomach. Otherwise the other amino acids present in your meal may interfere with your use of these nutrients and counteract the benefits of the supplements.

    The Standardization of Herbs

    Taking herbs presents different challenges than consuming dietary supplements. While the chemical structures of nutrients in supplements are usually precisely identified, the active ingredients in herbs is usually a mixture of chemicals. Often, too, researchers disagree on exactly which active ingredients in herbs produce the health benefits linked to these botanicals.

    But in an effort to derive the most from these substances, many experts recommend what are called standardized forms.

    Standardized herbal supplements are formulas that have been created to insure they contain consistent and reliable amounts of certain beneficial chemicals that scientists have identified in these plants.

    In the creation of these supplements, experts determine the standardized chemicals that are most likely the basis of the herbs' effectiveness.

    By standardizing certain of the supplements' ingredients, therefore, standardized herbs limit the variation among batches of the product. You can rely on the fact that every purchase will contain the same amount of ingredients taken from the original plant. According to Michael Janson, MD, author of Dr. Janson's New Vitamin Revolution (Penguin/Avery), "Although herbs have a long history of use for medicinal purposes, it is only recently that they have been analyzed to reveal their most active components. These active chemicals are commonly present in very variable amounts in herbs, depending on where and how they are grown, soil quality, when they are harvested, the amount of rain and sun, and other factors.

    "Standardized herbs have guaranteed specific amounts of the known, active herbal components, as well as the other factors that might be of help but are not as well studied" (

    Herbalists who specialize in using entire plants in their practices can recommend non-standardized preparations that you can often use.

    In general, that kind of herbal use is more effective when you secure expert advice. If you lack access to an experienced herbalist and you're choosing botanicals on your own, standardized preparations are easier to take.

    Absorption From the Gut

    Most of the nutrients you take in are absorbed through the walls of your digestive tract. This most often takes place in the small intestine.

    What to watch out for: Fast food, fast living and long work hours afflicts our digestion and can disrupt proper absorption. You have to be relaxed to properly absorb the nutrients in your food and supplements.

    Consequently, the occasions for meals should be relaxed and enjoyable moments. Set aside enough time to appreciate, taste and thoroughly chew your food. Adequate digestion and absorption begin in your mouth.

    Another way to increase nutrient absorption is with the use of digestive enzymes. Since the digestive tract depends on the enzymatic breakdown of food that reduces nutrients to absorbable form, taking enzymes can help your intestines make better use of nutrients as they pass through the digestive tract. Normally, enzymes are present in raw food, like uncooked fruits and vegetables. Since most of our food is eaten after it is heated, a process that breaks down enzymes, not many enzymes are present in today's diet. Therefore, taking supplemental enzymes may increase absorption.

    Beyond Stress

    Beyond everyday stress, a variety of problems can make absorption go astray, allowing important nutrients to escape and permitting unwanted substances to enter the body. For instance, a significant digestive malfunction that many experts have focused on in recent years is a condition that has come to be called "leaky gut."

    As Anil Minocha, MD, director of digestive diseases at the Mississippi Medical Center and author of Natural Stomach Care (Avery), points out, "In a healthy individual, the wall of the intestinal tract is designed to absorb food molecules and prevent harmful microorganisms and toxic materials from passing out through the bowel wall and into the bloodstream. "In today's heavily polluted environment, the gastrointestinal tract of even the healthiest individual is called on to process an overwhelmingly large flow of septic and infectious materials."

    Because of these digestion destroyers, as we take in a startlingly large amount of viruses, bacteria, toxic chemicals, fungi and processed foods, our digestive systems are often overwhelmed and are rendered unable to perform their tasks correctly. This constant assault on the stomach and intestines takes a serious toll. A frequent product of this process is the digestive walls' loss of their crucial ability to keep out unwanted toxins and organisms as they become, in Dr. Minocha's words, "loosened and inflamed." As a result, instead of keeping out harmful substances and absorbing helpful nutrients, spaces open up that begin to allow in "bulky, partially digested food particles, toxic substances and infectious microbes."

    According to Dr. Minocha, the first signs of this absorption problem can include complaints such as allergic reactions, skin problems, joint pain, digestive difficulties, nausea, fatigue and lack of energy.

    To improve your digestive absorption, Dr. Minocha recommends a six-part program that includes these steps:

    * Detoxification by means of fasting and avoiding harmful items like sugar, over-processed foods, coffee and alcohol

    * Taking herbs that can help the digestive tract heal, recover and repair itself; these include garlic, ginger and milk thistle

    * Replenishing the beneficial bacteria of the digestive tract by eating yogurt

    * Keeping track of your daily diet and eliminating foods that cause allergies and other reactions

    * Consuming more fruits and vegetables while eating a high-fiber, mostly vegetarian diet

    * Developing consistent, healthy lifestyle habits; these include not smoking, cutting the size of your meals and eating in moderation, exercising several times a week and controlling stress

    Young and Old Digestion

    The nutrients in your diet can also beneficially influence the state of your digestive system and its ability to distinguish among substances that are supposed to gain entrance to your body and those that should be kept out. Since aging can further compromise the discriminatory ability of your gut, Dr. Minocha also recommends a steady diet of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables plus supplements to keep your digestive tract functioning at full capacity as you grow older.

    Among the nutrients he recommends:

    * Coenzyme Q10: By middle age, your body makes less of this powerful antioxidant that helps cells generate energy in the mitochondria (structures within cells that may decrease with age).

    Dr. Minocha notes that research demonstrates CoQ10 may be able to help people with diabetes control harmful metabolic byproducts that appear in their bloodstreams.

    * Natural Lycopene: This antioxidant, responsible for the red of both tomatoes and watermelon, has been shown to lower the risk of both heart disease and prostate cancer. As an antioxidant, natural lycopene also helps protect the digestive tract.

    Absorption of the proper nutrients may be the key to health for many people. By paying Closer attention to the well-being of your digestive tract and practicing lifestyle habits that promote maximum absorption, you may be able to substantially improve your nutrition and your health.

    VitaNet ®
    VitaNet ® Staff


    Muscle Mass - Reach Your Maximum Muscle Potential

    Date: June 04, 2005 09:49 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Muscle Mass - Reach Your Maximum Muscle Potential

    The serious athletes of today know how much it takes to fulfill their competitive goals: careful training, a strong will, and also the right kind of nutrition. Sports science now makes available key nutrients which help assure that strenuous workout regimes will show results. Results that are both nutritionally sound and dramatically visible, without the need for dangerous steroids or chemicals. MUSCLE MASS™ is such a state-of-the-art sports science formula.

    THE PURPOSE OF MUSCLE MASS ™ is to help translate distant goals for greater strength and power into quicker, awesome reality. It is the premier formula combining all essential nutrients known to maximize muscle development and optimize strength.

  • • Gamma Oryzanol: This safe, natural rice bran extract, heavily researched in Japan since the 1950s, is rightfully winning raves among athletes who have discovered its startling developmental properties.
  • • Ornithine: Celebrated by the Life Extension and Eat to Win books, this free-form amino acid also has noticeable building effects, and in addition, adds tone and definition to the results.
  • • Lipotropic Factors: Helping to turn excess fats into energy quickly are LCarnitine, L-Methionine, Choline, and Inositol.
  • • Branched Chain Amino Acids: L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine protect muscles during stressful exertion by providing extra nitrogen and energy.
  • • Special Herbs: Chosen from both the American and Chinese herbal traditions for their building and energizing qualities are Saw Palmetto, Ginseng, and others.
  • • Co-Nutrients: For the oxygenating, transporting and catalyzing contributions are included Glycine, B-5, B-6, Betaine, and Licorice Root.

    In sum, all these balanced, cutting-edge factors combine to assist you in meeting the challenges you’ve set for your body. Power, endurance, strength, tone, and the winner’s circle are now Closer.

    VitaNet ®
    VitaNet ® Staff


    Mega H- Hydrogen (H-)The Fuel of Life

    Date: June 03, 2005 05:00 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Mega H- Hydrogen (H-)The Fuel of Life

    Our universe is composed of millions of compounds, all derived from just 106 atoms. Of these elements, hydrogen is the first and most fundamental.

    Hydrogen is also the most abundant element, comprising 90% of all atoms in the cosmos. In our sun and stars, hydrogen nuclei fuse to produce helium, the second element. This generates the enormous energy that powers life on earth. And just as hydrogen fuels the sun, so, in the human body, it is the essential factor in the electrochemical process that produces ATP, the energy molecule. Virtually all the millions of biochemical processes that occur every second of our lives are powered by ATP. These facts are well established. But they are so basic that, until now, they have been overlooked in the world of nutritional science. It took the dedicated research of Dr. Patrick Flanagan to harness the power of active hydrogen for health and human development.

    Introducing a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of nutritional science: MEGA H-™ Active Hydrogen (H-), the Fuel of Life.

    The Creation of Mega H-

    For 30 years Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s life work has been to discover the health and longevity secrets of the Hunza people of the Himalayas. It is believed a much greater percentage of people there live past the age of 100, with far less of the diseases that ravage the West. The locals claimed that their secret was the cloudy, mineral-rich water that rushes down from the Himalayan glaciers. In studying the properties of this Hunza water, Dr. Flanagan found that silica crystals dissolved in the water were able to hold negatively charged hydrogen ions (H-). These compounds are technically called silica hydrides. This makes Hunza water a power source, filled with the same active H- that powers the human body.

    Typically hydrogen has one positively charged proton in the nucleus and one negatively charged electron orbiting the nucleus. The two opposite charges balance each other, resulting in no charge. Active hydrogen, on the other hand, contains two electrons orbiting the nucleus, creating a negative charge. It is this active hydrogen in its charged form that the body needs to carry out its crucial functions. Dr. Flanagan has recreated this silica hydride compound as MEGA H-™.

    Cellular Energy: ATP, Hydrogen and Mega H-™

    ATP, adenosine triphosphate, is composed of three phosphates. The breaking of the bond between the second and third phosphates releases the energy to power virtually all cellular processes. Amazingly, we all generate enough metabolic energy to produce our own body weight in ATP every day just to function! Every second, each of our approximately 50 trillion cells consumes and regenerates 10 million molecules of ATP.

    This massive energy generation (ATP production) is the fundamental core function of every human cell. Without it, basic activities such as cellular repair, and protein, enzyme, hormone and neurotransmitter synthesis would not occur. DNA repair and cell reproduction would cease. Thoughts, feelings, communication, and our ability to experience the world through our senses and change it through our actions would stop. The negative implication of poor energy generation for our health and vitality levels is significant. Many factors such as aging, poor nutrition and pollution can impede this critical energy generation. Negatively charged electrons from hydrogen are the source of the energy needed to generate this staggering amount of ATP. This energy production takes place in the mitochondria of the cells at the final stage of the Krebs Cycle, called the electron transport chain. Typically, the hydrogen comes from the breakdown of carbohydrates from food, which yields hydrogen as well as carbon and oxygen. But MEGA H-™ is an alternative, electron- rich source of hydrogen to power energy generation. In fact, MEGA H-™ has been shown to double the production of ATP and NADH, according to in vitro studies. (NADH is the coenzyme form of vitamin B-3, niacin, that carries hydrogen to the production site of ATP.) If this alone was all that MEGA H-™ could accomplish, it would be the most significant nutritional compound yet discovered. But its properties go far beyond energy generation. It is the body’s most efficient and effective antioxidant. MEGA H-™ also increases cellular hydration and the uptake of nutrients into each cell by lowering the surface tension of water (making water “wetter”). And it can improve athletic performance by lowering lactic acid levels after strenuous workouts.

    Aging and Antioxidant Defense

    Energy Decline: As we age, there is a decrease in our bodies’ ability to generate cellular energy—and oxidative damage may be a primary factor. Many scientists now accept the theory of aging first proposed by noted scientist Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D., who argued that “aging changes are induced by free radical reactions, largely initiated by the mitochondria … the rate of damage to the mitochondria determines our life span.” Why is this? While oxygen is necessary for human life, the very act of breathing generates free radicals. Our mitochondria— tiny energy production plants—are the chief source of oxidants produced in our bodies. It is believed these oxidants damage the mitochondria in which they are produced, including the inner mitochondrial membrane, which is the site of ATP production. This would seriously impair the ability of mitochondria to meet cellular energy demands. The result: signs of normal aging such as impaired memory, hearing, vision and stamina.

    DNA Damage: Oxidants also can damage the cell’s DNA. Hydroxyl radicals cause DNA strands to break; if breaks occur in both strands of DNA, the cell cannot repair the damage and will die. Normally, the body has mechanisms to correct or remove damaged cells. However, as we age and cellular energy production declines, the ability to correct these errors is significantly reduced. Left unrepaired, DNA errors may be passed on when cells divide. Over time, these errors can silently accumulate, leading to cellular changes that go unnoticed until body system imbalances become evident.

    World’s Most Elemental Antioxidant

    MEGA H-™ may be the world’s most powerful antioxidant. It is possible to measure the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) of any compound. This rating, which measures the number of electrons present in relation to protons, ranges from (plus) +1,200 to (minus) -800 millivolts; the stronger an antioxidant is, the Closer its ORP would be to -800. The more positive the ORP reading, the fewer the number of available electrons from active hydrogen. In chemistry, active hydrogen is defined as hydrogen with an extra electron, also known as the hydrogen anion, negative hydrogen or H-. The strongest natural antioxidants up until now, such as grape seed and green tea, have ORP’s of -100. But Mega H-™ has an ORP of -778 millivolts, as compared to distilled water, making it the most potent natural antioxidant available today. What’s more, MEGA H-™ is in a class by itself, compared to other antioxidants, due to its electrochemical structure. Free radi-cals—unstable molecules that are missing one or more electrons—damage cells by taking electrons from healthy molecules to balance themselves. When other antioxidants donate electrons to quench free radicals, they in turn become reactive free radicals and require electrons from other antioxidants to become stable. The new antioxidant also requires an electron to return to stability. This process continues, resulting in an inefficient and energy-consuming free radical cascade. But MEGA H-™’s negatively charged hydrogen molecule possesses two electrons instead of the typical one. This extra electron can be donated without generating the inefficient free radical cascade. Dr. Flanagan’s profound contribution was his discovery of a method for stabilizing and delivering negatively charged hydrogen (H-). Unlike taking other antioxidants, supplementing with MEGA H-™ provides a net gain of free radical-quenching electrons into the system.

    Additional Health Benefits

    MEGA H-™ has been the subject of additional positive research: Increases Cellular Hydration: Water is important to cells, interstitial fluids (surrounding joints, muscles and organs), and the matrix of blood. As the body’s primary fluid, water serves as a solvent for nutrients. Since water is used to carry nutrients into the cell, it is theorized that increased cellular hydration also increases the bioavailability of nutrients. Water also eliminates toxins and waste products from the body. From energy production to joint lubrication, all our systems depend on water. It has been theorized that aging results in cell dehydration. A study done by Gary Osborn and H. Salinas, M.D. of the Texas Institute of Functional Medicines suggests that silica hydride supplements like MEGA H-™ increase intracellular, extracellular and total body water levels. It is theorized they work by decreasing water’s surface tension, which allows water and nutrients to more easily enter cells and become available for use by the body. Assists In Exercise Recovery: During strenuous exercise, the oxygen supply to muscle cells is insufficient to meet energy demands. Muscle cells then turn to anaerobic respiration to continue to generate energy. This creates lactic acid, which diffuses into the blood, causing muscle fatigue, soreness and loss of endurance. A placebo-controlled study on six healthy males showed that blood lactate levels significantly decreased after exercise when silica hydride supplements were taken for one week before an exercise trial.

    The Scientist Behind Mega H-™

    This revolutionary approach to nutrition and health is the brain child of Dr. Patrick Flanagan. Dr. Flanagan was a child prodigy with an intense interest in electronics, biochemistry and physics. At the age of 12, he invented a guided missile and atom bomb detector. This technology was subsequently adopted for use by the U.S. government. At 14 he developed the Neurophone®. This device transmits acoustic information to the brain by means of radio waves into the skin, bypassing the eighth cranial nerve, and may allow some deaf people to hear. By the age of 18, he was named one of the Top Ten most promising young scientists in America by Life Magazine. Dr. Flanagan’s work with MEGA H-™ has its roots in his collaboration with Dr. Henri Coanda, a respected scientist who died in 1972. Dr. Coanda passed along his investigation into Hunza water to Dr. Flanagan. MEGA H- is the culmination of decades of research to bring the energizing and anti-aging benefits of active hydrogen (H-) to the world.

    Mega H-™

    Hydrogen (H-)The Fuel of Life

  • • The first active hydrogen supplement (H-), a rich source of electrons.
  • • Electrons from H- are a source of energy to generate the body’s staggering amounts of ATP (energy molecule).
  • • MEGA H-™ doubles cellular ATP and NADH in vitro.
  • • Theorized to be the most potent antioxidant in vitro.
  • • May decrease lactic acid levels after exercise.
  • • May increase cellular hydration.

    MEGA H-™ is the first supplement available in the natural foods industry to provide a large reservoir of freely available electrons to power the body’s diverse energy functions.

    VitaNet ®
    VitaNet ® Staff


    Under-Reported (and Underappreciated) Cholesterol control.

    Date: May 12, 2005 10:00 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Under-Reported (and Underappreciated) Cholesterol control.

    Under-Reported (and Underappreciated) Solutions for Cholesterol and Triglyceride Control

    by Richard Conant, L.Ac., C.N.

    Fat and human existence are inseparable. Setting aside the fear and loathing over fat in the body that pervades our culture, we understand that fat is our friend. We cannot live without fat.

    The human body contains many different kinds of fats and fat-like molecules. Collectively known as "lipids" these fatty substances include fatty acids, lipoproteins, phospholipids, glycolipids, triglycerides, steroid hormones and the infamous, dreaded cholesterol.

    Lipids (fats) are found everywhere in the body, performing a variety of vital functions. The brain is a fat-rich organ. Brain neurons and all other nerve cells are protected by a myelin sheath, made largely out of fatty material. Cell membranes consist almost entirely of phospholipids (lipids that contain phosphorus) arranged in a sandwich-like double layer embedded with proteins. Sex hormones are lipids, belonging to the group of complex lipid molecules known as "steroids." Vitamin D is a lipid.

    The body stores and transports fatty acids in the form of triglycerides. A triglyceride contains three fatty acid molecules, which have a chain-like structure, linked to glycerol. (There are also mono- and di-glycerides, which have one and two fatty acid chains, respectively, attached to glycerol.)

    Like many other things necessary to life, fat is a two-edged sword. Fat insulates us from the cold, cushions and protects our vital organs and serves as a storehouse for energy. Yet, when present in excess to the point of obesity, fat threatens health, happiness, self-esteem, social standing and longevity. The same is true of other lipids, most notably triglycerides and cholesterol. Transported throughout the body in the bloodstream, these essential lipids become a health liability when the blood contains too much of them.

    Keeping fat in it its proper place, not eliminating or drastically reducing it, is the goal we should seek. In the blood, lipids must be maintained at healthy levels and ratios. When they are, an important foundation of good health is established.

    How do we keep the blood lipids we need——triglycerides and the various forms of cholesterol——balanced at healthy levels? Diet and exercise are indispensable, these basics must come first. Along with the recommended dietary practices, a number of nutritional approaches offer help for maintaining healthy blood lipids. We will now give several of these a Closer look.


    In 1990, an herb used for centuries in the Far East was introduced to U.S. consumers. This herb, called "gum guggul," is proving to be one of the most effective natural cholesterol-lowering agents ever discovered. It also brings triglycerides down and raises HDL, the "good" cholesterol. The changes are substantial; gum guggul single-handedly normalizes the entire blood lipid profile, even in people with high starting levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

    Gum guggul, also called simply "guggul," is a gummy resin tapped from the Commiphora tree. A cousin of myrrh gum, guggul has been used by Ayurvedic herbalists of India for at least 3,000 years; texts dating from around 1,000 B.C. mention the herb. Guggul was traditionally given for rheumatism and poor health caused by excess consumption of fatty foods. One ancient Sanskrit text describes in detail what happens in the body when blood fats are out of balance, due to sedentary lifestyle and overeating. The name of this condition has been translated as "coating and obstruction of channels."

    Intrigued by the obvious similarity between "coating and obstruction of channels" and arteries clogged by fatty plaque, Indian researchers initiated a series of experimental and clinical studies in the 1960's to see if gum guggul would lower excess blood lipids.1 Both human and animal studies consistently showed cholesterol and triglyceride reductions.

    Detailed pharmacological studies showed that guggul's lipid-lowering effects are produced by compounds in the resin called "guggulsterones."2 An Indian pharmaceutical firm then patented a standardized extract of gum guggul under the trade name "Gugulipid." The product contains a uniform 2.5 percent guggulsterones, which is higher than guggul resin in its natural state.

    Because Gugulipid guarantees the necessary intake of guggulsterones needed for blood fat reduction, it has become the product used in clinical research. Phase I efficacy safety trials and Phase II efficacy trials have yielded more positive data.3,4,5 Most of the studies on gum guggul have used relatively small numbers of subjects; this tends to make mainstream medical scientists reluctant about natural remedies. A large, well-publicized double-blind Gugulipid trial on 400 to 500 people would go a long way toward giving this herb the credibility it deserves.


    Another effective natural solution for blood fat control that should be better known is a relative of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). Pantethine is the active form of pantothenic acid in the body. Pantethine forms CoA, an essential co-enzyme for utilization of fat. CoA transports "active acetate," an important byproduct of fat metabolism that provides fuel for generating cellular energy. By promoting the burning of fats for energy, pantethine helps keep triglyceride levels down.6 Pantethine also helps regulate cholesterol production, by facilitating the conversion of fat into other lipid-based molecules needed in the body.6

    Japanese researchers began studying the effect of pantethine on blood fats nearly twenty years ago. They reported their promising results at the Seventh International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism, held in Milan, Italy in 1980.7 Few in the medical or scientific communities took notice. Italian researchers followed up with several small clinical trials that confirmed the preliminary reports.6,8,9 An excellent cholesterol and triglyceride lowering agent that is safe and free of side-effects, pantethine remains, for the most part, ignored by mainstream science, although its usage is growing in alternative medicine circles. Pantethine it will no doubt prove to be one of the most important supplements for maintaining healthy blood fat levels.


    When taken in high enough doses, niacin (vitamin B3) substantially lowers cholesterol. This has been known to medical science for many years.10 studies on niacin as a cholesterol-lowering agent go back to the 1950's. There was a fair amount of initial enthusiasm for niacin because it improves, unlike most lipid-lowering drugs, all parameters of the blood lipid profile. Niacin reduces total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. It also raises HDL cholesterol quite well. Interest in niacin has faded, in part because the necessary dose, 1200 milligrams a day or more, can cause flushing and gastrointestinal disturbances. Very high doses may be harmful to the liver if taken for too long.

    There is a solution to the side-effect problem with niacin which, again, has failed to gain widespread attention. Inositol hexanicotinate is a flush-free form of niacin composed of six niacin molecules bonded to one molecule of inositol, another B-complex nutrient. Absorbed as an intact structure, inositol hexanicotinate is metabolized slowly, releasing free niacin into the bloodstream over a period of hours following ingestion.11 Inositol hexanicotinate has all the benefits of niacin for controlling blood fats. The flushing effect of ordinary niacin, which metabolizes much more rapidly, does not occur. Taking as much as four grams per day has not been reported to raise liver enzymes or cause other side-effects, but prudence dictates that people with liver problems should avoid very high doses of inositol hexanicotinate, or any form of niacin.12


    We often think of vitamin E as synonymous with d-alpha tocopherol. Vitamin E is actually a whole family of compounds that includes various tocopherols and a group of lesser known but highly beneficial substances called "tocotrienols." All have vitamin E activity. Tocotrienols are similar in chemical structure to tocopherols, but they have important differences which give them unique and highly beneficial properties for human health.

    Vitamin E is one of the most recognized antioxidants, nutrients that deactivate potentially toxic byproducts of oxygen metabolism known as free radicals. Vitamin E neutralizes peroxides, which result from the free radical oxidation of lipids, making it a key antioxidant in cell membranes. While d-alpha tocopherol has generally been regarded as the form of vitamin E with the strongest antioxidant activity, tocotrienols are even stronger.

    The tocotrienol story is another example of a natural product slow to gain recognition. A Univeristy of California research team discovered that d-alpha tocotrienol is over six times more effective than d-alpha tocopherol at protecting cell membranes against free radical damage.13 In the presence of vitamin C, which recycles vitamin E-like compounds, its antioxidant activity is 40 to 60 times higher than d-alpha tocopherol. This study was published in 1991. Its safe to say few cardiac physicians know about tocotrienols, and we have yet to see 60 Minutes do a piece on "the powerful new form of vitamin E."

    It would be a tremendous service to public health if they did, because the benefits of tocotrienols go far beyond their stellar antioxidant ability. Tocotrienols also lower total cholesterol and LDL, by impressive percentages. In one double-blind controlled study, tocotrienols reduced total cholesterol by 16 percent and LDL by 21 percent after twelve weeks. Another study recorded drops of 15 to 22 percent in total cholesterol along with 10 to 20 percent decreases in LDL levels.14 Now appearing on health food store shelves, tocotrienols are a health-protecting nutrients whose long overdue time has come. Derived from food oils such as palm oil and rice bran oil, tocotrienols have the same lack of toxicity as ordinary vitamin E.


    1. Satyavati, G. Gugulipid: a promising hypolipidaemic agent from gum guggul (Commiphora wightii). Economic and Medicinal Plant Research 1991;5:47-82.

    2. Dev, S. A modern look at an age-old Ayurvedic drug—guggulu. Science Age July 1987:13-18.

    3. Nityanand, S., Srivastava, J.S., Asthana, O.P. Clinical trials with gugulipid. J. Ass. Physicians of India 1989;37(5):323-28.

    4. Agarwal, R.C. et. al. Clinical trial of gugulipid—a new hypolipidemic agent of plant origin in primary hyperlipidemia. Indian J Med Res 1986;84:626-34.

    5. 'Gugulipid' Drugs of the Future 1988;13(7):618-619.

    6. Maggi, G.C., Donati, C., Criscuoli, G. Pantethine: A physiological lipomodulating agent, in the treatment of hyperlipidemias. Current Therapeutic Research 1982;32(3):380-86.

    7. Kimura, S., Furukawa, Y., Wakasugi, J. Effects of pantethine on the serum lipoprotiens in rats fed a high cholesterol diet (Abstract) Seventh International Symposium on Drugs Affecting Lipid Metabolism, Milan, Italy, 1980.

    8. Arsenio, L. Bodria, P. Effectiveness of long-term treatment with pantethine in patients with dyslipidemia. Clinical Therapeutics 1986;8(5):537-45.

    9. Avogaro, P. Bittolo Bon, G. Fusello, M. Effect of pantethine on lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins in man. Current Therapeutic Research 1983;33(3):488-93.

    10. Crouse, J.R. New developments in the use of niacin for treatment of hyperlipidemia: new considerations in the use of an old drug. Coronary Artery Disease 1996;7(4):321-26.

    11. Welsh, A.L. Ede, M. Inositol hexanicotinate for improved nicotinic acid therapy. International Record of Food Medicine 1961;174(1):9-15.

    12. "Inositol hexaniacinate" (Monograph). Alternative Medicine Review 1998;3(3):222-3.

    13. Serbinova, E., et. al. Free radical recycling and intramembrane mobility in the antioxidant properties of alpha-tocopherol and alpha tocotrienol. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 1991;10:263-275.

    14. Qureshi, N. Qureshi, A.A. Tocotrienols: Novel Hypercholesterolemic Agents with Antioxidant Properties. in 'Vitamin E in Health and Disease' Lester Packer and Jürgen Fuchs, Editors. 1993; New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.

    Control Cholesterol with the following Supplements

  • Policosanol -- Reduces Production of Cholesterol by the Liver
  • Red Yeast Rice -- Reduces production of cholesterol like pharmaceutical Statins on the market today
  • Sytrinol -- Lowers Cholesterol by reducing production of cholesterol in the body like Statins on the market today
  • Fiber -- Helps elimate waste and reduce cholesterol

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