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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction Darrell Miller 5/29/24
How Maca Powder can boost your energy levels Darrell Miller 10/31/22
Long-Lasting Deodorant for the Underarms and Feet Darrell Miller 10/29/22
Is your body in need of long-lasting odor protection? Darrell Miller 10/29/22
The Many Benefits of Bilberry Complex Darrell Miller 9/14/22
Could quercetin be the answer to your allergies? Darrell Miller 4/30/22
Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid Darrell Miller 4/30/22
High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia Darrell Miller 4/29/22
<b>N Acetyl Cysteine: A Decades-Old Remedy With Many Uses</b> Darrell Miller 4/27/22
Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism: How to Tell the Difference Darrell Miller 2/20/19
CBD Oil: Health Benefits and Risks Darrell Miller 2/12/19
The common causes of candida overgrowth Darrell Miller 1/22/19
Ribose Energy-Boosting Heart Supporter or Sugar Trap? Darrell Miller 1/9/19
Curcumin protects cardiac tissue from combined oxidative stressinduced by diabetes and nicotine Darrell Miller 1/7/19
9 Health Benefits Of Turmeric Darrell Miller 12/20/18
Nutritionists say you should eat more cinnamon if you're diabetic Darrell Miller 12/20/18
The Cannabis Remedy: Simple Solution For Over 40 Million PeopleSuffering With Anxiety Darrell Miller 11/24/18
Flaxseed is one of the world's most important medicinal foods Darrell Miller 11/15/18
One more reason to take probiotics: They protect against liverdamage VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/27/18
CBD oil: the cannabis supplement taking the wellness world by storm Darrell Miller 6/22/18
What Is CBD Oil Really Used For? Darrell Miller 5/30/18
5 Amazing Neem Face Packs For All Skin Types #ABC Beauty Tips Darrell Miller 4/18/18
Why monk fruit is the best sugar substitute yet discovered Darrell Miller 4/6/18
CBD Oil Is Basically A Superfood Now Darrell Miller 1/22/18
4 Easy Tricks To Remove Pesticides From Your Produce, Naturally Darrell Miller 12/12/17
Scientists call on feds to allow research on CBD for pets Darrell Miller 12/10/17
Vitamin K: Your New Superhero For a Healthy Living Darrell Miller 11/15/17
Prebiotics may help reduce weight and inflammation Darrell Miller 8/14/17
Did our grandparents have it right when it concerns weight loss? Darrell Miller 7/20/17
10 Ways to DETOXIFY your dirty lungs Darrell Miller 7/19/17
Why you should never go gluten-free unless you have an actual allergy or disease Darrell Miller 7/15/17
5 Painful Conditions that CBD Might Help Treat Darrell Miller 7/5/17
5 Health Benefits Of Comfrey Darrell Miller 7/2/17
Seven warning signs your stomach pain is really this HIDDEN disease Darrell Miller 6/7/17
Learning the Health Benefits of Cannabis Darrell Miller 6/3/17
Environment's Effect on Health Darrell Miller 4/27/17
6 Things I Learned About Ulcers Darrell Miller 4/19/17
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Gout Relief? Darrell Miller 4/16/17
Fish Oil Supplements: Are They Good for Cardiovascular Health? Darrell Miller 3/23/17
How To Cure Obesity | Natural Remedies For Obesity Darrell Miller 3/17/17
How to keep an eye out for eating disorders in loved ones Darrell Miller 3/15/17
Hemp is a Wonder Plant Darrell Miller 2/10/17
Best Foods For Healthy Teeth | Best Health And Food Tips Darrell Miller 1/31/17
Health Benefits Of Honey Bath | Health Tips Education Darrell Miller 1/31/17
Health Benefits of Black Tea | Best Health And Food Tips Darrell Miller 1/30/17
Yogurts that ARE good for you and not packed full of sugar Darrell Miller 1/15/17
Protein Can Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels Darrell Miller 1/9/17
Replacing carbs with protein? Don't overdo it Darrell Miller 12/17/16
Texas reports first case of Zika spread by local mosquitoes Darrell Miller 12/9/16
Calcium Supplements and the Heart: Clearing Up the Confusion Darrell Miller 11/26/16
WikiLeaks emails mention aspartame, acknowledging it puts holes in mice brains Darrell Miller 11/23/16
HEALTHY LIVING: If you decide to do a juice cleanse, ease into it Darrell Miller 11/14/16
How to stop sugar from sneaking into your child's diet Darrell Miller 11/12/16
What is Ferrochel And Why Do I Need It? Darrell Miller 8/25/15
Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches? Darrell Miller 11/25/13
All-Natural Red Marine Algae An Effective Cold Sore Treatment Darrell Miller 1/24/13
What Is The Liquid Liver Benefits? Darrell Miller 1/9/13
How Curamin Combats Inflammation Pain Darrell Miller 12/19/12
Xanthan Gum Recipes Darrell Miller 12/18/12
Why Is Capsicum Cayenne Good For The Heart? Darrell Miller 12/27/11
How to Remove Excess Estrogen Naturally From the Body? Darrell Miller 8/30/11
A Healthy Colon Requires Lots Of Fiber Darrell Miller 12/16/10
Herbs For Depression Darrell Miller 12/13/10
Agave Nectar Darrell Miller 4/8/10
Avage Nectar Facts Darrell Miller 4/8/10
Kava Kava Root Darrell Miller 9/5/09
Mugwort Darrell Miller 8/13/09
Natural Sweeteners Vs. Artificial Sweeteners Darrell Miller 4/30/09
Celery Seed Extract Standardized Darrell Miller 10/30/08
Vitamins Herbs And Antioxidants Darrell Miller 10/17/08
Colostrum Darrell Miller 9/3/08
DHA Darrell Miller 7/22/08
Is Saw Palmetto's Safe? Darrell Miller 7/15/08
Are You At Risk And What Can You Do About It? Darrell Miller 4/23/08
Beyond Bran Fiber Darrell Miller 12/25/07
Ubiquinol Darrell Miller 10/24/07
Active Coenzyme Q10 Darrell Miller 7/7/07
Safe Solutions for Chronic Pain Darrell Miller 3/30/07
Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate Darrell Miller 3/28/07
Neurological Health and CoQ10 Darrell Miller 2/25/07

Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Date: May 29, 2024 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Stevia has gained significant popularity as a natural sweetener, but with popularity comes a wave of misconceptions and myths. As consumers become more health-conscious and seek alternatives to sugar, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction regarding Stevia. This article debunks stevia myths with evidence-based info to clarify consumer doubts.

Myth 1: Stevia Is Artificial


One of the most prevalent myths about stevia is that it is artificial. In reality, stevia is a completely natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. The plant has been used for centuries by indigenous people in South America for its sweetening properties. Unlike artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or saccharin, stevia is derived from a natural source and processed to extract its sweet components, known as steviol glycosides.

Myth 2: Stevia Is Harmful


Another common misconception is that stevia is harmful to health. Scientific studies and regulatory organizations have repeatedly confirmed the safety of stevia. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies high-purity stevia extracts as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) for consumption. Furthermore, research indicates that stevia can have health benefits like lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, making it a suitable sweetener for individuals with diabetes and hypertension.

Myth 3: Stevia Tastes Bad


Some people believe that stevia has a bitter aftertaste, which makes it less appealing as a sweetener. While early formulations of stevia extracts indeed presented a noticeable bitter aftertaste, advancements in processing have minimized this issue. Modern high-purity stevia products are often combined with other natural sweeteners or flavor enhancers to improve taste, making them virtually indistinguishable from sugar in many applications.

Myth 4: Stevia Is Only for Diabetics


While it’s true that stevia is an excellent sweetener for individuals managing diabetes due to its zero-calorie and zero-carbohydrate nature, it is not exclusive to them. Anyone looking to reduce sugar consumption or seeking a natural alternative can benefit from using stevia. It is a versatile sweetener that can be used in a variety of foods and beverages, making it suitable for the general population striving for a healthier lifestyle.

Myth 5: All Stevia Products Are the Same


Not all stevia products are created equal. The purity and quality of stevia extracts can vary significantly between products. It's crucial to read labels and choose products that contain high-purity stevia extracts, as some products on the market contain added fillers or lower-grade stevia. By selecting reputable brands and scrutinizing ingredient lists, consumers can ensure they are using high-quality stevia that meets their health standards.

Kal Sure Stevia Extract is one of those high-quality brands that stand out in the market. Known for its commitment to purity and potency, Kal Sure Stevia Extract offers a product that is free from fillers and unnecessary additives. The brand’s stringent quality control measures ensure that each batch contains only high-purity stevia extracts, delivering consistent sweetness without the aftertaste. Consumers can trust Kal Sure Stevia Extract as a safe, reliable, and pleasant-tasting alternative to conventional sugar. When choosing a stevia product, it's essential to opt for a brand like Kal Sure stevia to enjoy the full benefits of this natural sweetener.

Myth 6: Stevia Causes Allergic Reactions


Some believe that consuming stevia can trigger allergies. However, stevia is generally considered hypoallergenic and does not commonly cause allergic reactions. There have been few documented cases of stevia allergies, and these are typically related to individuals with specific sensitivities. For the vast majority of people, stevia is a safe and well-tolerated sweetener, even for those with common food allergies.

Myth 7: Stevia Leads to Weight Gain


The notion that stevia contributes to weight gain is counterintuitive, given its zero-calorie nature. Unlike sugar, which is high in calories and contributes to weight gain, stevia provides sweetness without adding calories. Using stevia instead of sugar can help reduce overall caloric intake, aiding in weight management efforts. Multiple studies have shown that replacing sugar with stevia can be an effective strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Myth 8: Stevia Disrupts Metabolism


concerns about stevia disrupting metabolism are unfounded. Research indicates that stevia neither affects metabolic rates nor alters insulin sensitivity in a negative manner. On the contrary, stevia has been shown to have a neutral or even beneficial impact on metabolism, particularly for individuals with metabolic disorders like diabetes. It allows for sweetening without the metabolic consequences associated with high sugar consumption.

Myth 9: Stevia Can’t Be Used in Baking


There is a misconception that stevia is unsuitable for baking due to its chemical composition. While it is true that baking with stevia requires some adjustments—since it does not have the same physical properties as sugar—it can still be used effectively. Bakers often use stevia in combination with other ingredients to achieve the desired texture and sweetness. Many recipes and commercial products have successfully incorporated stevia, proving its versatility in baking applications.

Myth 10: Stevia Is Expensive


Consumers sometimes think that switching to stevia will significantly increase their grocery bills. While high-purity stevia products may be more expensive per ounce than sugar, they are much sweeter. A small amount of stevia goes a long way, which means that even a small container can last a long time. In the long run, the cost of stevia can be comparable to or even less than sugar, particularly when considering the health benefits and potential medical cost savings from reduced sugar consumption. Brands like Kal Stevia 3.5 oz contains 1800 servings per container.

Are You Ready to Sweeten Your Life?

It is crucial to approach any information about stevia with a critical eye and rely on evidence-based data rather than myths. Stevia is a natural, safe, and versatile sweetener that offers numerous health benefits without the downsides of sugar and artificial sweeteners. By debunking these common misconceptions, consumers can make informed choices that contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Take the Next Step Towards a Healthier Life

Now is the perfect time to reconsider your sweetening choices and embrace the benefits of stevia. With its proven safety, versatility in cooking, and numerous health advantages, stevia stands out as a superior alternative to traditional sugar and artificial sweeteners. Start exploring reputable brands, like Kal Sure Stevia Extract, and experiment with incorporating stevia into your daily routine. By making this simple switch, you can enhance your overall well-being without compromising on taste. Visit your local grocery store or trusted online retailer to find high-quality stevia products and embark on your journey to a healthier, sweeter life today!


How Maca Powder can boost your energy levels

Date: October 31, 2022 04:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Maca Powder can boost your energy levels

You may have seen Maca powder in the grocery store and wondered what it is and what it does. Maca is a root vegetable that is native to Peru and has been used for centuries as a food source and as a general energy tonic. More recent scientific data suggest that "gelatinized" maca may help to support healthy sexual activity and fertility for men. Clinical data indicate that maca does not exert a direct effect on endocrine function. Here are some more potential benefits of consuming maca powder.

Maca Root for improved Energy Levels

Maca Powder is high in several vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin C, Copper, and Iron, which can all contribute to improving energy levels. Vitamin C is a well-known immune system booster, while copper helps the body to produce red blood cells. Iron aids in the transport of oxygen to the cells. All of these nutrients working together can help to improve your overall energy levels.

Maca Root for hormone balance

Maca root is also believed to help with hormone balance due to its high concentration of plant sterols. Plant sterols are known to mimic the action of human hormones in the body. This property of maca root could potentially help with PMS symptoms, menopause symptoms, and even libido. However, more studies need to be done in order to confirm these effects.

Maca Root as an Antioxidant

Another benefit of consuming maca root powder is that it is a rich source of antioxidants. Antioxidants work by scavenging harmful toxins and free radicals from the body. Free radicals have been linked to several chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Therefore, by consuming foods rich in antioxidants, you can help reduce your risk of developing these conditions.

As you can see, there are many potential benefits to including maca root powder in your diet. If you are looking for an energy boost or want to help improve your hormone balance, give maca powder a try! Just be sure to check with your healthcare provider first if you have any concerns or underlying health conditions.


Long-Lasting Deodorant for the Underarms and Feet

Date: October 29, 2022 09:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Long-Lasting Deodorant for the Underarms and Feet

Let's face it, no one likes to be smelly. Whether you're at the gym, at work, or out on a date, you want to make sure that you smell your best. That's why we're excited to introduce our new unscented long-lasting deodorant. Formulated with the odor-fighting properties of zinc oxide, this deodorant offers amazing protection that you can count on to feel fresh throughout the day. So if you're in need of a little extra odor protection, be sure to give our new deodorant a try!

How It Works

Deodorants work by masking or neutralizing the odors associated with sweat. They usually contain a combination of fragrances, alcohols, and other ingredients that work together to cover up body odor. Antiperspirants, on the other hand, work by temporarily blocking the pores and reducing sweat production. This can be helpful for people who tend to sweat a lot or who have particularly sensitive skin.

Most commercial deodorants and antiperspirants contain aluminum chloride, which has been linked to health concerns such as Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer. However, there is no definitive evidence that aluminum chloride causes these conditions. If you're concerned about the aluminum in your deodorant, there are many aluminum-free options available on the market.

Our new unscented long-lasting deodorant is made with zinc oxide, which is a safe and effective alternative to aluminum chloride. Zinc oxide works by absorbing sweat and neutralizing odor-causing bacteria. It also has antiperspirant properties that help reduce sweating. This makes it an ideal choice for people who are looking for long-lasting odor protection.

If you're in need of a little extra odor protection, our new unscented long-lasting deodorant is perfect for you! Made with zinc oxide, it offers superior protection against body odor without the use of aluminum chloride. So if you're looking for an alternative to traditional deodorants and antiperspirants, give our new product a try! You won't be disappointed!


Is your body in need of long-lasting odor protection?

Date: October 29, 2022 09:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is your body in need of long-lasting odor protection?

Underarm and foot odor can be a real problem, especially in the summer months when we are more active and tend to sweat more. NO Solutions long-lasting deodorant is a great option for anyone looking for a natural, long-lasting solution to this problem. Formulated with zinc oxide and essential oils, it provides effective, all-day protection against body odor.

What Causes Underarm and Foot Odor?

Underarm and foot odor are caused by the bacteria that live on our skin. When we sweat, the bacteria break down the sweat into acids, which can cause an unpleasant odor. Antiperspirants work by blocking the pores and preventing sweat from being secreted onto the surface of the skin. However, many antiperspirants contain aluminum, which has been linked to health concerns such as breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

NO Solutions long-lasting deodorant is a great aluminum-free alternative for those looking for effective, natural underarm and foot protection. The zinc oxide works to absorb excess moisture while the essential oils kill bacteria and help to neutralize odors. This unique formula provides long-lasting protection against underarm and foot odor without any of the health concerns associated with aluminum-based antiperspirants.

If you are looking for a natural, long-lasting solution to underarm or foot odor, NOW Solutions long-lasting deodorant is a great option. Formulated with zinc oxide and essential oils, it provides effective protection against body odor without any of the health concerns associated with aluminum-based antiperspirants. Give it a try today!


The Many Benefits of Bilberry Complex

Date: September 14, 2022 11:04 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Benefits of Bilberry Complex

Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) has been used by herbalists for centuries and modern scientific studies have indicated that bilberry possesses powerful free radical scavenging properties. Now, with NOW Bilberry Complex, you can get all the benefits of bilberry in a convenient supplement form. This bilberry supplement is standardized to 25% anthocyanins and is completed with carrot powder and citrus bioflavonoids.

The Benefits of Bilberry Complex

There are many benefits associated with taking bilberry complex supplements. For one, bilberries are rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants can help scavenge harmful free radicals from the body, which can damage cells and lead to various health problems. Additionally, bilberries have also been shown to support healthy vision. In one study, participants who took a daily bilberry supplement for 12 weeks showed improved night vision and reduced eye fatigue. Bilberries are also thought to support cardiovascular health by helping to maintain healthy blood vessels. Overall, bilberry complex is a well-rounded supplement that can offer a variety of health benefits.

Who Can Benefit from Taking Bilberry Complex?

Anyone looking to increase their intake of antioxidants or support healthy vision may benefit from taking bilberry complex supplements. Bilberry complex may also be beneficial for those looking to support cardiovascular health. If you have any specific health concerns, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any new supplements.

In Summary:

Bilberry complex is a powerful antioxidant supplement that can offer a variety of health benefits. If you're looking to increase your intake of antioxidants or support healthy vision, then bilberry complex may be right for you.


Could quercetin be the answer to your allergies?

Date: April 30, 2022 10:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Could quercetin be the answer to your allergies?

It's that time of year again, when the sneezing and sniffling starts. Seasonal allergies can make life miserable for millions of people. But what if there was a natural way to lessen your symptoms? Quercetin, a flavonoid found in many plants, might be the answer.

What are seasonal allergies and what causes them?

Seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis, are a type of inflammation of the nose that occurs when the immune system overreacts to airborne particles such as pollen, dust, or mold spores. The most common symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Seasonal allergies can occur at any time of year, but they are most common in spring and fall. There are a number of different factors that can contribute to seasonal allergies, including genetics, weather patterns, and air pollution. In addition, people who suffer from other conditions such as asthma or eczema are more likely to develop seasonal allergies. treatment for seasonal allergies typically involves avoiding triggers and managing symptoms with medication. In severe cases, allergy shots may be recommended. With proper management, people with seasonal allergies can enjoy symptom-free days.

What is quercetin and where can it be found?

Quercetin is a plant-based flavonoid that has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is found in many fruits and vegetables, including apples, onions, and berries. Quercetin supplements are also available. Studies have shown that quercetin can help to reduce the symptoms of allergies, such as hay fever and seasonal allergies. It does this by inhibiting the release of histamine, which is a chemical that triggers allergy symptoms. In addition, quercetin can help to reduce inflammation and swelling. For these reasons, it is often recommended as a natural treatment for allergies.

How does quercetin work to alleviate allergy symptoms?

Quercetin has a wide range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation and acting as an antioxidant. Quercetin also has the ability to block histamine, which is one of the main molecules involved in allergic reactions. When histamine is released, it causes the symptoms of allergies such as runny nose, watery eyes, and hives. By blocking histamine, quercetin can help to reduce these symptoms. In addition, quercetin can also help to reduce the production of inflammatory molecules such as cytokines. This helps to further reduce the symptoms of allergies and inflammation.

How much quercetin should you take to see results?

So, how much quercetin should you take to see results? Studies on quercetin supplementation have used dosages ranging from 500 mg to 1,000 mg per day to start and go up as needed. Generally, the higher doses are used to treat specific conditions, while the lower doses are more typically used for preventative purposes.

Are there any other natural remedies that can help with allergies?

There is no doubt that allergies can be a real nuisance, causing symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, and skin rashes. While medications such as antihistamines are commonly used to manage these symptoms, there may be other natural remedies that can help as well. For instance, researchers have found that medicinal herbs such as nettle and astragalus may help to reduce inflammation associated with allergies. Additionally, changing your diet to include more antioxidant-rich foods may make you less prone to allergic reactions. Overall, while medications can be an important part of managing allergies, there are many other natural strategies that may be helpful as well. By incorporating a variety of these strategies into your treatment plan, you can hopefully minimize the impact of allergies on your life.

How can you reduce your exposure to allergens in your environment?

Allergens are substances that can trigger an allergic reaction in certain individuals. While different allergies manifest themselves in different ways, the main goal for anyone who is trying to reduce their exposure to allergens is to create a healthier environment for themselves and their loved ones. There are a number of tactics you can use to do this, starting with some simple steps that can be implemented at home. These include installing high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your HVAC system, thoroughly cleaning surfaces and dusting regularly, and eliminating any indoor plants. Other steps involve avoiding exposures outside of the home, such as limiting time spent in dusty places like construction sites or opting to stay indoors on high-pollen days during allergy season. Overall, by making a few small changes to your lifestyle, you can greatly reduce your risk of exposure to allergens and take back control of your health.

Can allergy medication be safely taken while taking quercetin supplements?

Many people experience the unpleasant symptoms of allergies, such as a runny nose, coughing, or itchy eyes. Fortunately, there are many different medications that can help to relieve these symptoms and allow you to live a more comfortable life. However, for some people, allergy medication does not provide adequate relief. In this case, taking quercetin supplements may be an effective alternative. Additionally, some research has suggested that quercetin may actually enhance the effects of allergy medication. So is it safe to take allergy medication while taking quercetin supplements? The answer is yes, but quercetin can affect the way certain medications are absorbed by the body and should never be taken without consulting a medical professional. By doing so, you can safely reap the benefits of both treatments and enjoy a more comfortable life free from pesky allergies.

The quick answer

Allergy sufferers often have to contend with a host of different symptoms, from itchy eyes and a runny nose to sneezing fits and anxiety. While there are a variety of over-the-counter medications available to provide relief, many people are hesitant to take them on a regular basis due to concerns about side effects. Quercetin is a natural compound that has been shown to be effective in reducing allergy symptoms. It is generally considered safe to take quercetin along with other over-the-counter allergy medications. While there is always the potential for interactions between different substances, quercetin and most over-the-counter allergy medications are unlikely to cause any problems when taken together. As always, it is best to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication regimen while consuming natural vitamin and herbal supplements.


Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Date: April 30, 2022 10:02 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Do you suffer from inflammation? If so, you're not alone. Inflammation is a common problem that many people deal with on a daily basis. It can cause pain and discomfort in the body, and it can make everyday activities difficult to perform. Luckily, there are ways to reduce inflammation through diet. We will discuss the foods that you should eat and avoid if you want to reduce inflammation. We will also provide some helpful tips for getting started!

How can you reduce inflammation through diet?

There are many ways to reduce inflammation through diet, but perhaps the most important is cutting out processed foods and sugar. These foods contain inflammatory compounds known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which can aggravate existing inflammation or cause it to develop in the first place. In addition, studies have shown that eating a diet rich in vegetables and lean proteins can help to lower levels of inflammation throughout the body. Choosing whole grains, fruits, and healthy fats like olive oil is also a good way to support a body that is fighting against inflammation. In short, adopting a diet low in sugar and processed foods and high in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can go a long way toward reducing inflammation both now and in the long term.

Supplements to take to reduce inflammation?

Inflammation is a natural and necessary part of our immune response, but if it becomes chronic or extreme, it can cause issues for our overall health. There are many different supplements that have been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and promoting overall good health, including omega-3 fatty acids, Boswellia, pumpkin seeds, and turmeric. These nutrients work by interfering with the production of inflammatory hormones and enzymes, changing the chemical balance within our bodies and helping to reduce swelling and discomfort. Whether taken as a capsule or added to your diet through food sources like fish oil or ginger tea, these supplements can be an excellent way to boost your system's ability to fight inflammation. So if you're looking for ways to reduce inflammation and improve your overall well-being, consider adding these key nutrients to your daily routine.

The most effective anti-inflammatory supplements, Fish oil, Curcumin, and Boswellia!

While there are a number of different anti-inflammatory supplements on the market, some have proven to be more effective than others when it comes to reducing inflammation in the body. Perhaps the most commonly recommended supplement for this purpose is fish oil, which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that has been shown to be especially effective in reducing inflammation. Another popular anti-inflammatory supplement is curcumin, which gives turmeric its signature yellow color and is thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, another powerful anti-inflammatory agent is derived from the resin of Boswellia trees called Boswellia extract. All of these compounds have been shown to reduce inflammation in various scientific studies and can therefore be considered among the most effective anti- inflammatory supplements available today.

Tips for getting started on a anti-inflammatory diet?

When trying to get started on an anti-inflammatory diet, there are a few key strategies that can help make the process more successful. First, it is important to stock your pantry and fridge with plenty of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and reduce refined sugar intake as much as possible. These nutrient-dense foods are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that help to reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Another key strategy to keep in mind when starting an anti-inflammatory diet is the use of supplements such as curcumin and CBD. These powerful compounds are believed to have anti-inflammatory effects in the body, helping to curb inflammation at its source vs. simply masking symptoms with painkillers or steroids. You can incorporate these supplements into your diet by taking them as pills or liquids or by incorporating them into your cooking through recipes like curried chicken or infused coconut oil tinctures.

The latest for calmness, relaxation, and to fight inflammation is CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, has become increasingly popular in recent years as a natural solution for relieving stress, promoting relaxation, and managing inflammation in the body. Unlike THC, which is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis, CBD does not produce any high or altered state of consciousness. Instead, its many benefits are achieved through interactions with various receptors throughout the body, modulating mood and regulating pain response. As more and more people turn to CBD to achieve a sense of calm and well-being without depending on traditional pharmaceuticals, this powerful compound continues to gain widespread attention as a promising treatment option for everyday health issues. So if you're looking for a natural way to feel more mellow and at peace with yourself and your environment, consider giving CBD a try! With proven effects on everything from chronic pain management to improved sleep quality, this powerful all-natural remedy has something to offer everyone. Whether you're ready to give CBD a try for yourself or just curious about its many potential benefits, there's never been a better time than now to learn more about this exciting new approach to health and wellness.

Inflammation is one of the most common health concerns today, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. While diet and lifestyle can be major contributing factors like white sugar, there are also a number of dietary supplements that can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Curcumin, fish oil, and CBD are some of the most popular supplements for managing inflammation. These substances work by targeting key pathways involved in inflammatory responses, helping to prevent or reduce swelling and pain. They can be taken on their own or combined with other anti-inflammatory compounds for maximum effectiveness. Ultimately, whether you are trying to manage chronic illness or simply boost your overall health, using supplements such as curcumin, fish oil, and cbd can be a great way to go about it. So if you're looking for more tools to manage inflammation in your diet, these are certainly worth trying out.

Whatever methods you choose, remember that making small changes over time will be much more effective than trying to overhaul your lifestyle all at once. With a little patience and persistence, you can start down the path toward better health today! Let dietary supplements assist you in your goal to reduce inflammation each day for a life time!


High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

Date: April 29, 2022 03:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

A high fiber diet may reduce the risk of developing dementia, according to a study published in the journal Neurology. The study found that people who ate the most fiber were 30% less likely to develop dementia than those who ate the least fiber. This is an important discovery, as dementia is becoming increasingly common around the world. There are currently about 47 million people living with dementia, and this number is expected to grow to 135 million by 2050.

What is dementia and what are the symptoms?

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability due to disease or injury. symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, but may include problems with memory, mood, and thinking. People with dementia may have difficulty remembering recent events or familiar faces, and they may become confused about time and place. They may also have trouble completing familiar tasks, such as cooking a meal or getting dressed. As the disease progresses, people with dementia may lose the ability to communicate or take care of themselves. Dementia is not a normal part of aging, and it can affect people of all ages. There is no one test that can diagnose dementia, and doctors often use a combination of medical tests, brain scans, and neurological exams to make a diagnosis. There is no cure for dementia, but there are treatments that can help people manage the symptoms and improve their quality of life.

What causes dementia?

Dementia is a complex neurological disorder with no known underlying cause. While some theories suggest that environmental factors such as exposure to certain toxins or injuries may play a role, the exact mechanisms underlying dementia remain uncertain. Some researchers have proposed that dementia may be related to problems in the functioning of certain proteins in the brain, while others have suggested that chronic inflammation may also be involved. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underlying this debilitating and often devastating illness. Ultimately, identifying the precise causes of dementia will help inform more targeted and effective treatments for this disease, allowing those affected by it to live fuller and healthier lives.

How can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of developing dementia?

A diet rich in fiber has been linked with a reduced risk of developing dementia. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Foods high in fiber are known to promote gut health, and some studies have suggested that gut inflammation may play a role in the development of dementia. In addition, fiber-rich foods tend to be high in antioxidants and other nutrients that have been linked with brain health. For these reasons, increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.

What are some good sources of fiber?

There are many good sources of fiber, including both plant-based and animal-based foods. Psyllium husk, which is made from the soluble fibers found in the seeds of a Mediterranean shrub called Plantago ovata, is a popular option due to its high concentration of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Inulin, meanwhile, is a type of carbohydrate that is naturally found in many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Both psyllium husk and inulin are excellent sources of nutrition that can help promote good digestive health and overall well-being. Other common sources of dietary fiber include whole grains like oats and barley, as well as beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Whether you are looking for plant-based or animal-based sources of fiber, there are plenty of options out there to suit your needs.

How much fiber should you eat each day?

There is no single answer to the question of how much fiber you should eat each day. The amount of fiber that your body needs will depend on a number of factors, including your age, sex, and overall health status. In general, most health experts recommend consuming between 25 and 35 grams of fiber per day. This can typically be achieved by eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of fiber-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Furthermore, it is important to remember that fiber needs can vary depending on your symptoms or underlying condition. So if you are experiencing any gastrointestinal issues or other health concerns, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine the right amount of dietary fiber for your body.

Are there any risks associated with eating a high fiber diet?

While fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with eating too much fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is typically found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When fiber is not broken down by the body, it can bind to other nutrients and substances in the digestive tract and cause them to be eliminated from the body before they are absorbed. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. In addition, consuming large amounts of fiber can also cause bloating and gas.

How can you prevent dementia from developing?

There is no one definitive cause of dementia, but there are a number of risk factors that have been identified as contributing to its development. These can include things like a genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors like drinking and smoking, and certain health conditions. Because these risk factors can vary widely from person to person, there is no one strategy that will prevent dementia in everyone. However, there are some general measures that anyone can take to lower their risk of developing dementia. These might include maintaining healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and avoiding excessive exposure to environmental toxins. Additionally, early diagnosis and treatment for any existing health conditions can also play an important role in reducing the likelihood of dementia. By taking these proactive steps, it is possible to greatly reduce your risk of developing this debilitating condition.

Vitamins and Dementia

Some studies have suggested that certain vitamins may help to prevent dementia. Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid are involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, a substance that has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, and it has been suggested that this may help to slow the progression of dementia.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body combat dementia

Recent studies have suggested that diet may also play a role in the development of dementia. In particular, fruits and vegetables appear to offer some protection against the disease. The antioxidants found in these foods help to fight inflammation and damage to cells, both of which are thought to contribute to the development of dementia. In addition, fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for brain health. Thus, incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.


N Acetyl Cysteine: A Decades-Old Remedy With Many Uses

Date: April 27, 2022 11:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: N Acetyl Cysteine: A Decades-Old Remedy With Many Uses

Did you know that N Acetyl Cysteine has been around for decades? This powerful supplement was first discovered in the 1950s and has been used as a remedy for many health issues since then. We will discuss the many benefits of N Acetyl Cysteine and how you can start using it to improve your health!

Glutathione and aging

As we age, our natural levels of glutathione tend to decline. This is a major cause of many of the negative effects associated with the aging process, including reduced energy and slower recovery times after illness or injury. Fortunately, there are steps that we can take to increase our levels of glutathione, thus slowing down the aging process and keeping us feeling young and vibrant for longer. Some of these steps include eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, engaging in regular physical activity to improve circulation, and reducing stress levels through relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation. With these strategies in place, we can help to keep our bodies strong, boost our energy levels, and stay young well into old age. Fortunately, there is a supplement that could help, it is called N Acetyl Cysteine, this substance is a precursor to Glutathione and has been shown to boost glutathione levels.

What is N Acetyl Cysteine and what are its benefits?

N acetyl cysteine has been used as a supplement for many years, and its popularity is likely due to the many benefits it offers. The main function of this compound is to promote the production of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that protects our bodies from oxidative stress and harmful free radicals. In addition, n acetyl cysteine has been shown to help reduce symptoms of certain mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression. Furthermore, studies have found that n acetyl cysteine may lower blood pressure and improve heart health by increasing blood flow and improving blood vessel function. Overall, it is clear that n acetyl cysteine has been an effective nutrient for many years and continues to be widely used by those looking for an easy way to support their health.

How can you start using N Acetyl Cysteine to improve your health?

N acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a powerful antioxidant that can help to protect cells from damage. It has been shown to be particularly effective in guarding against liver damage, and is often used as a treatment for hepatitis C. NAC can also help to improve lung function and relieve respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and asthma. In addition, NAC has been shown to boost levels of glutathione, which is a key molecule involved in detoxification. As a result, NAC can help to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and pollutants. NAC is available in supplement form, and can be taken orally or intravenously. It is generally well tolerated, with mild side effects such as nausea and vomiting occasionally reported. When taking NAC supplements, it is important to start with a lower dose and increase gradually as tolerated. Those with pre-existing medical conditions should always speak to their doctor before taking any new supplement. Overall, NAC is a safe and effective way to improve your health and protect your cells from damage.

What is the recommended daily dosage for N Acetyl Cysteine per day?

The standard recommended dosage for N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is 600 mg per day. However, some studies have used dosages as high as 2,400 mg per day. The most common side effect of NAC is nausea, which can be minimized by taking the supplement with food. NAC is also sometimes used as a treatment for chronic bronchitis, and the recommended dosage for this condition is 1,200 mg per day. When used for this purpose, NAC is typically taken in divided doses of 600 mg twice per day. There is currently no consensus on the optimal dosage of NAC for any particular condition, and further research is needed to determine the ideal dosage for different applications. In acute circumstances, one might need 4000mg to 6000mgs daily in divided dosages, always work your way up to higher dosages as needed.

What are some of the most common uses for this supplement?

There are many different uses for NAC, or N-acetyl cysteine. This potent antioxidant supplement has been found to be effective in addressing a wide range of health concerns, including asthma and COPD, chronic sinusitis, liver disease, and particularly serious conditions such as cancer. Additionally, NAC has been shown to provide support for the immune system in general and may also serve as a detoxifying agent by helping to eliminate waste products like heavy metals from the body. Overall, there are numerous benefits to using NAC as part of a well-balanced diet. Whether you are looking to improve your respiratory health or strengthen your immune system, this versatile supplement can help you achieve your goals.

NAC composition

NAC, or N-acetyl cysteine, is a complex compound that is composed of various amino acids, including glutamate, glycine, and cysteine. These specific amino acids all play important roles in the function of NAC and affect its many beneficial properties. For example, glutamate increases metabolism and energy levels, while glycine promotes tissue healing and regeneration. Cysteine, on the other hand, facilitates the transport of oxygen and serves as a natural antioxidant. When taken together, these different components work synergistically to promote overall health and wellbeing by supporting key physiological processes such as digestion and immune response. Whether taken as a supplement or consumed through food sources like eggs and milk products, NAC is a versatile substance that is vital to many aspects of our daily health and well-being.

NAC and liver health

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is a compound that has numerous benefits for liver health. Studies have shown that NAC can help to protect the liver from damage caused by alcohol and other toxins. It does this by helping to replenish levels of glutathione, a key antioxidant that helps to detoxify the liver. NAC also helps to reduce inflammation and improve blood flow to the liver. As a result, it can be an effective treatment for both acute and chronic Liver diseases. In addition, NAC has been shown to improve the overall health of people with Liver cirrhosis. Consequently, N-Acetyl-Cysteine is a compound that has many benefits for liver health and should be considered as part of any comprehensive treatment plan.

NAC, its sulfur content, and mucus elimination

NAC, or N-acetyl cysteine, is a sulfur-containing amino acid that plays an important role in mucus production and elimination. The sulfur content of NAC helps to thin mucus and make it less sticky, making it easier to clear from the lungs. In addition, NAC helps to break down mucus and remove it from the body. As a result, NAC is often used as a supplement to treat respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). NAC is typically taken in the form of capsules or tablets, and the recommended dose depends on the individual. However, side effects are rare and generally mild, making NAC a safe and effective option for those seeking to improve their respiratory health.

N Acetyl Cysteine may lower blood pressure

One of these is its ability to lower blood pressure. A review of several studies found that N-acetyl cysteine was effective at reducing blood pressure in people with hypertension. In one study, participants who took N-acetyl cysteine had an average reduction in systolic blood pressure of 9.5 mmHg, compared to those who took a placebo. Other studies have shown similar results, suggesting that N-acetyl cysteine may be an effective treatment for high blood pressure. While more research is needed to confirm these findings, N-acetyl cysteine may offer a safe and natural way to lower blood pressure.

N Acetyl Cysteine may help blood clots - thrombosis

Blood clots are a necessary part of the body's natural healing process. They help to stop bleeding by sealing off damaged blood vessels. However, sometimes blood clots can form in healthy blood vessels, causing a potentially deadly condition called thrombosis. N Acetyl Cysteine is a compound that helps to break up blood clots and prevent thrombosis. It works by preventing the formation of a protein that is essential for clotting. In addition, N Acetyl Cysteine helps to improve the flexibility of blood vessels, making them less likely to rupture. As a result, this compound may help to reduce the risk of thrombosis and improve overall cardiovascular health.


Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism: How to Tell the Difference

Date: February 20, 2019 01:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism: How to Tell the Difference

The thyroid, a small gland at the base of the neck, receives TSH from the pituitary gland. This relationship, whether too active or not active enough, causes many adverse side effects. Too much TSH (hyperthyroidism) can cause: weight loss, cardiovascular irregularities, nervousness, and etc. Too little TSH (hypothyroidism) causes symptoms like: depression, impaired memory, hoarseness, fatigue, weight gain, etc. Currently, no cure exists for either of these conditions, other than individual specific diets targeted at raising or lower TSH levels. As always, one should consult a doctor and get proper blood work done before making any major life changes.

Key Takeaways:

  • The American Thyroid Association asserts that more than 12% of U.S. citizens will experience a thyroid problem.
  • Moreover, an approximately 20 million individuals are currently undergoing thyroid issues, with less than half of those affected even aware that their concerns are thyroid-related.
  • The hallmark of hyperthyroidism is the production of too much thyroid hormone, which an show itself symptom-wise through unplanned weight loss and a significantly elevated pulse.

"Thyroid problems can affect anyone of any age from infancy to the latest years of life."

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CBD Oil: Health Benefits and Risks

Date: February 12, 2019 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD Oil: Health Benefits and Risks

CBD is currently being touted as a new treatment for a range of health concerns. However, we do not yet fully understand its long term effects. CBD has been shown to effectively treat epilepsy and have some success as an anti-inflammatory medicine. CBD is not considered to be addictive according to the WHO. It also does not have the intoxicating effects that THC has. However, some people do experience side effects including sleepiness, fatigue, and diarrhea.

Key Takeaways:

  • Interest in CBD oil for treating a wide range of neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders is growing, but its therapeutic effects are ill understood.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD) is one ingredient among the 85 active cannabinoids found in Cannabis sativa. It can be taken via inhalation, orally, or as a spray to the cheek.
  • CBD has lots of useful health benefits for the body due to its ability to interact with lots of cannabinoid receptors in the body.

"CBD oil is thought to have potential benefits for the treatment and management of a wide variety of disorders due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antipsychotic, analgesic, and muscle relaxing effects, among others."

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The common causes of candida overgrowth

Date: January 22, 2019 04:39 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The common causes of candida overgrowth

Candida albicans is a form of yeast that is present in small colonies across the human body. Unfortunately, when these clusters grow to an abnormal size, the heightened populations can cause some serious health concerns such as mouth ulcers, gastrointestinal issues, and even psychological symptoms. Researchers are now finding links between the overgrowth of Candida albicans and potential triggers such as: fermented foods like pickles, contraceptives, the overuse of antibiotics, and several other contributing factors.

Key Takeaways:

  • Candida albicans is common in the human body but common signs of candidiasis or candida overgrowth include bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, flatulence, and joint pain.
  • Contraceptives or birth control pills, and intrauterine devices can kill good bacteria and encourage the growth of yeast in the human body.
  • Although fermented foods like kimchi, pickles and sauerkraut, are good for the gut bacteria, they can also encourage candida overgrowth so it is wise to eliminate them.

"However, when candida populations swell into an overgrowth, you can develop severe health problems."

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Ribose Energy-Boosting Heart Supporter or Sugar Trap?

Date: January 09, 2019 09:15 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ribose Energy-Boosting Heart Supporter or Sugar Trap?

Ribose is a natural energy-boosting chemical that our bodies produce in order to provide our cells with the appropriate energy levels. It has been shown to support heart health by regenerating the necessary energy levels that can be depleted by cardiovascular disease. Ribose has also shown to help patients who are suffering from left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. Other advantages of ribose include: improved skin health, better workouts due to the energy increase, and aiding in the treatment of fibromyalgia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ribose is also known as D-ribose. It is naturally created by our bodies and provides sufficient energy to the body cells.
  • The sources for D-ribose include plant and animal sources. Sometimes, it can also be obtained as a supplement.
  • D-ribose is unlike every other sugar which can increase blood sugar. People are warned that D-ribose can even lower blood sugar.

"In fact, scientific studies show that D-ribose may help a number of serious health concerns, including heart diseases, fibromyalgia symptoms and chronic fatigue syndrome."

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Curcumin protects cardiac tissue from combined oxidative stressinduced by diabetes and nicotine

Date: January 07, 2019 03:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin protects cardiac tissue from combined oxidative stressinduced by diabetes and nicotine

Patients who are diabetic or engage in tobacco smoking can unfortunately face health concerns in regards to oxidative stress that impacts their cardiovascular function. A lot of this oxidative stress is referred to as hyperglycemia-induced, and it is shown to be less prevalent when curcumin is consumed. In one particular study, the administration of the curcumin actually prevented the oxidative stress due to diabetes and tobacco smoking altogether. This could show great promise for those struggling with insulin levels and tobacco addiction.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is well known that diabetes and smoking both cause oxidative stress, and that they are the main factors to consider when there are cardiovascular diseases.
  • To understand the effects of curcumin, researchers from the King Saud University in Saudi Arabia had to give nicotine to diabetic rats to study oxidative stress on them.
  • It was found that oxidative stress was increased in these rats due to the increased production of nitric oxide.

"Research has found that curcumin can protect cardiac tissues from the combined oxidative stress induced by diabetes and nicotine."

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9 Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Date: December 20, 2018 08:01 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 9 Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Turmeric has numerous health benefits. One such benefit is it has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of curcumin. Therefore, it is no surprise that it helps joint health. The presence of curcumin can also be linked to promoting healthy ageing. It also can help regulate cholesterol levels and supports cardiovascular health. Turmeric can also be linked to helping people lose weight. There are also studies that it can support brain function including improving your memory.

Key Takeaways:

  • Several health concerns such as Alzheimer’s have inflammation as its root cause and turmeric can cure them due to its having curcumin, an anti-inflammatory compound.
  • Because turmeric can prevent inflammation this makes it ideal for regulating blood cholesterol. The main culprits behind rise in blood cholesterol are inflammation and high blood sugar levels.
  • Turmeric saves as a protective herb, protecting the heart from heart disease and improves the lining of the blood vessels as well.

"Turmeric is a spice that has served mankind since ancient times. The herb is now being increasingly used in the form of a supplement as well."

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Nutritionists say you should eat more cinnamon if you're diabetic

Date: December 20, 2018 08:01 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Nutritionists say you should eat more cinnamon if you're diabetic

For people who are suffering from diabetes, it is a really hard thing. There are a lot of people out there that are naive to what it actually means to be diabetic. These people do not have it easy at all and over time, it only gets harder. The process becomes more routine but it does not get any less taxing on the body. Also, cinnamon is something that is recommended by nutritionists for people who are diabetic.

Key Takeaways:

  • One of the greatest concerns about diabetes is that the medications presently used have adverse side effects and the costs in terms of money and lost productivity is high.
  • With the increasing emphasis on plants for scientific research, many useful benefits of plants for medicinal purposes are being understood better than before.
  • Some studies have recognized the relationship between curing diabetes in humans and rats with the cinnamon plant but none has understood its antioxidant properties.

"Now that the holidays are fast approaching, the smell of cinnamon will fill the air once again. This spice, commonly added to baked goods, is well loved around the world because of its delicious taste. In a recent study, a group of Malaysian researchers from the Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology (AIMST) University has found more reasons for people to enjoy foods with this spice."

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The Cannabis Remedy: Simple Solution For Over 40 Million PeopleSuffering With Anxiety

Date: November 24, 2018 11:13 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Cannabis Remedy: Simple Solution For Over 40 Million PeopleSuffering With Anxiety

Anxiety is a very prevalent condition, both in the U.S. and worldwide. In fact the National Institutes of Health concur that as much as 33% of the world's population has suffered, or well suffer from some type of anxiety. Besides mentally specific symptoms, such as worry, fretting, inability to focus, nervousness and fearfulness, the condition can create physical symptoms as well, such as clenching, sweating, dizziness, accelerated breathing, pulse and raised blood pressure. At it's worst, anxiety can induce a full-blown panic attack, depersonalization and even a certainty that one is dying. Obviously anxiety is a potentially critical condition, with the ability to disrupt life, even in small ways. As it worsens, anxiety can make it difficult to impossible for sufferers to work or socialize effectively. Though triggers vary, most people are visited by anxiety due to one of three big concerns, namely fears that center around finances, safety, or health. One poll conducted by the American Psychiatric Association concluded that keeping the family safe and bill-paying were huge anxiety triggers that resonated with more than 60% of respondents. The positive news is that many people can experience mitigation, if not complete surcease of these symptoms by using cannabis, which is expected to keep growing as an industry. THC which is the psychoactive component in cannabis, that which makes it illegal if it gets past .3%, is minimal to almost nil in hemp, which is related to, but not the same as marijuana. The THC amount will vary in cannabis products. There is hemp oil, hemp seed oil and CBD oil, which is made from the entire plant, flowers and all, so it may have a bit more THC. Oil products can be taken topically, or sublingually, even smoked. By acting on receptors in the central nervous symptom, the constituents of the oil act to mitigate the symptoms of anxiety. Even beyond pain relief these products have been shown to have efficacy for symptoms of epilepsy, pain and impaired cognition.

Key Takeaways:

  • The National Institute of Health estimates as much as a third of the world suffers from anxiety.
  • Anxiety has the ability to disrupt life, even making it impossible for people to function at work, home or in social capacities.
  • Although anxiety takes many forms, the big three trigger issues for most people revolve around, health, finances and safety.

"The good news is, there are ways to cope, even ways to alleviate anxiety and its symptoms using natural and drug-free solutions."

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Flaxseed is one of the world's most important medicinal foods

Date: November 15, 2018 09:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Flaxseed is one of the world's most important medicinal foods

Flaxseed is available in an oil and in liquid form and can be consumed through many different means. Considering that it is a food that has been labeled a 'superfood' and one that has considerable medicinal properties, it is worth adding to your diet. Flaxseed is loaded with fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and many other good-for-you ingredients that help you ward-off cancer, high cholesterol, and other health concerns that have a negative impact on your life.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are so many different foods out there that are proven to be good medicines.
  • Doctors are relying on some of these more natural remedies for relieving the discomfort of some patients.
  • Understanding all of the nutritional facts within certain foods is a big step towards having a great diet.

"Flaxseed is the latest of many superfoods that can provide a bounty of nutritional value while improving your overall health."

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One more reason to take probiotics: They protect against liverdamage

Date: September 27, 2018 08:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: One more reason to take probiotics: They protect against liverdamage

One more reason to take probiotics: They protect against liver damage

For those people who drink a ton of alcohol, you are doing a lot of damage to your liver! People do not realize the huge importance that your liver has for your body. Basically, your liver is the filter for all things that go in and out of your body. Therefore, it needs to work really well. As a result, if you are a bit worried, then you should definitely take probiotics as a way to protect yourself.

Key Takeaways:

  • Protecting your liver should be one of your main concerns if you drink a lot.
  • Being able to be real with yourself and tell yourself you have a problem is so useful.
  • The bottom line is that you are the only one who can take care of yourself at a high level.

"Probiotics are known for supporting a healthy gastrointestinal tract and promoting good digestion, but new research has shown that these friendly microbes can benefit more than just your gut."

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CBD oil: the cannabis supplement taking the wellness world by storm

Date: June 22, 2018 08:10 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD oil: the cannabis supplement taking the wellness world by storm

CBD oil: the cannabis supplement taking the wellness world by storm

Cannabis oil, despite having proven medicinal properties, is currently illegal in many parts of the world, because it also has high levels of an intoxicating substance. The same cannot be said for cannabidiol oil, which unlike cannabis, which comes from the marijuana plant, is a derived from hemp.

Cannabidiol oil, or CBD oil, affects neural receptors in a positive way, boosting brain chemicals, like serotonin, but without psychoactive elements. This makes the oil a boon for those suffering from various forms of anxiety, as well as PTSD and panic attacks. CBD oil is anti-inflammatory and it promotes REM sleep, which makes it invaluable for joint-pain relief and insomnia.

CBD oil is generally sold as both a capsule and an oil-specific product. It's recommended that users start with small doses, building up slowly. 6.4 mgs 3x a day is a good amount to enhance overall health. However, to address specific concerns, up to three times that amount many be needed. Again, one should only take such a high dose after taking the time to build up to it in increments.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is one one of hottest remedies right now for a wide variety of issues.
  • Unlike marijuana, CBD oil does not come with mind-altering side effects,
  • Although some users experience dry mouth, decreased blood pressure, and sleepiness, such reactions are rare.

"Cannabidiol (CBD) oil (derived from the stems and leaves of hemp plants) is currently flying off shelves at the moment due to its wide range of purported health benefits that include better sleep and the relief of joint pain, stress and anxiety."

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What Is CBD Oil Really Used For?

Date: May 30, 2018 05:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is CBD Oil Really Used For?

What Is CBD Oil Really Used For?

CBD is a non-psychoactive substance found in hemp and cannabis plants. CBD oil is the most commonly used form of cannabidol and the most widely studied. People use CBD oil for a range of health issues, including pain, addiction, and mental health problems. Others claim that CBD oil can decrease seizures, improve sleep, and reduce anxiety. More research on CBD oil is definitely needed to determine which conditions it can really help and what dosages are optimal. The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a warning against CBD use in children due to concerns around healthy brain development.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD may afford users relief from mental complaints, such as anxiety, comparable to the relief available from pharmaceutical treatments.
  • Clinical trials show that the oil may be a viable treatment modality for those suffering from addiction.
  • Those with difficulty sleeping may find relief with the use of CBD oil.

"CBD, or cannabidol, is one of the non-psychoactive components found in the cannabis or hemp plant."

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5 Amazing Neem Face Packs For All Skin Types #ABC Beauty Tips

Date: April 18, 2018 01:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Amazing Neem Face Packs For All Skin Types #ABC Beauty Tips

Neem offers a plethora of benefits for the skin. It doesn't matter the skin type, neem can make a considerable difference. Mixing Neem with a few different ingredients, like basil leaves, mint leaves, and honey, can alleviate many skin concerns that men and women experience, like acne, dry skin, and aging skin. Making a Neem face mask is a simple task that leads to great results and making your own is something that you should do right away.


Why monk fruit is the best sugar substitute yet discovered

Date: April 06, 2018 05:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why monk fruit is the best sugar substitute yet discovered

Why monk fruit is the best sugar substitute yet discovered

More and more scientific research has shown the negative health impacts attributable to sugar consumption. But, as humans, we're naturally attracted to sweet foods. What are we to do? Synthetic sweeteners have their own problems. Fortunately, there is a natural solution. Monkfruit, native to East Asia, has natural sweeteners which are orders of magnitude sweeter than cane sugar, yet contain almost no calories. Try monkfruit extract out next time you need to add some sweetness without the health impacts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Study after study has shown the negative health impacts of consuming processed sugar.
  • However, humans just can't get enough of different sweet foods in their diets.
  • As a compromise, try monk fruit - a natural low-calorie sweetener that's been used in East Asia for centuries.

"Good news – the monk fruit, also known as “luo han guo,” answers the bell on resolving all these concerns with artificial and natural sweeteners."

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CBD Oil Is Basically A Superfood Now

Date: January 22, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD Oil Is Basically A Superfood Now

CBD oil is not your parents marijuana. Unlike the "weed" known to many of yesterday, the oil extracted does not have the euphoric "high" composition of its counterpart, THC, in fact in researching it has been found to assist with many medical problems such as: sleep disorders, inflammation, pain and anxiety. Many are adding this, now called "super food" to coffee, food, cocktails and smoothies in hopes to find ways of promoting better health. If not technically illegal, then wake up to some in your coffee and enjoy its effects, naturally.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD, cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring oil that helps with pain relief, sleep, inflammation, anxiety and among other health issues.
  • New age, superfood concerned people enjoy taking CBD as an oil in their food or in capsule form about three to four times a day.
  • This CBD oil is new, not illegal, and is becoming popular to eat for health concerns.

"Unlike THC, CBD does not have a psychoactive effect (meaning it won't make you giggle uncontrollably and contemplate the unknown for two hours)."

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4 Easy Tricks To Remove Pesticides From Your Produce, Naturally

Date: December 12, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 4 Easy Tricks To Remove Pesticides From Your Produce, Naturally

Pesticides are needed to keep pests off of produce when it is growing, but ingesting these pesticides can be harmful to the health! Rather than risk your good health while trying to eat right, you can remove the pesticides from the produce quickly and easily, eliminating any worries. It is rather simple to remove pesticides off of your produce. Use one of these four tricks and pesticides on your produce is the least of your concerns.

Key Takeaways:

  • even after making it to the supermarket dangerous pesticides are often still on produce.
  • the toxicity from pesticides can cause damage to the brain and central nervous system.
  • water with apple cider vinegar mixed in can clean and remove dangerous pesticides.

"But the vast majority of Americans have no real concept of just how toxic most fruits and vegetables really are."

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Scientists call on feds to allow research on CBD for pets

Date: December 10, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Scientists call on feds to allow research on CBD for pets

Veterinarians, researchers and pet owners are looking to loosen federal regulations on the use of marijuana products to help treat sick animals. Medical issues in dogs, such as epilepsy, arthritis, anxiety, loss of appetite and inflammation could potentially by helped by marijuana-based drugs and extracts.

Some people are already using marijuana extracts on their animals, such as those containing CBD, which is an element of marijuana that is not psychoactive. However, such extracts continue to be listed as Schedule 1 drugs by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration, even when they contain little or no THC. THC is the active component in marijuana that causes intoxication.

The Food and Drug Administration has warned that marijuana products for pets sold in animal hospitals or online pet stores are illegal, since such drugs are unapproved. The FDA has suggested it will pursue legal action against those in violation of the law.

However, the policy-making body of the American Veterinary Medical Association, in conjunction with two group councils, is considering making a recommendation to the DEA for marijuana to be declassified as a Schedule 1 drug in order to enable research for both animal and human medical purposes. Declassification could also help prevent pet owners from accidentally overmedicating their animals in the absence of proper guidance from a medical professional.

In September, Republican senator Orrin Hatch of Utah introduced a bill that would facilitate research on use of marijuana-based medications, concurring that the drug is over-regulated, although he continues to oppose recreational use of the drug,.

Some veterinarians note that without sufficient evidence, it remains unsafe to use marijuana products on animals, with concerns about potential toxicity.

Yet researchers are continuing to wait for clearance to proceed on various relevant studies, such as use of marijuana for dogs with osteoarthritis, pruritis and epilepsy. Some research on use of products with CBD has been stopped until federal approval is granted. Gaining approval has been difficult due to government requirements, which continue to be an obstacle to moving forward.

Key Takeaways:

  • people using drugs to reduce pain on their pets. Oils and powders banned.
  • D.C standing in the way of the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes.
  • FDA making marijuana a schedule 1 drug...hence illegal. You can be arrested for using it.

"The concern our membership has is worry about people extrapolating their own dosages, looking to medicate their pets outside the realm of the medical professional"

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Vitamin K: Your New Superhero For a Healthy Living

Date: November 15, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin K: Your New Superhero For a Healthy Living

Vitamin K is the latest of the vitamins being better understood in the body. The latest research indicates it's good for a variety of health concerns and even in age prevention. Vitamin K supports dental health, strong bones which are correlated with smooth skin, and even heart health. Although relatively new to mainstream media, vitamin K plays a vital role in the body. It is found in animal products, in high quantities in dairy and also in fermented and cultured food. Keep eating healthy to keep up your vitamin K.

Key Takeaways:

  • K2 is important for bone health, dental health, cardiovascular and brain health, as well as helping the immune system, and helping with growth and development.
  • K2 may help prevent prostate cancer and has also been found to alleviate menstrual cramps and help with proper calcium processing in women.
  • K2 deficiency in diets can be fought by eating fermented foods like sauerkraut and kambucha, and by consuming animal products like organic liver and chickens breast.

"K2 is vital for calcium regulation in the body, building strong bones and breaking down unwanted calcification."

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Prebiotics may help reduce weight and inflammation

Date: August 14, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Prebiotics may help reduce weight and inflammation

Prebiotics will not only help to reduce weight, but it will help in reducing inflammation as well. Some natural prebiotic ingredients can add some health benefits to ice cream and yogurt and dairy beverages. People are a lot more health conscious now than they used to be. They are more careful as to what they put into their bodies. There are different concerns for food formulators. They wonder about things like the cost and the regulatory status.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although many people are aware about probiotics, there are few that know about the benefits of prebiotics.
  • Prebiotics help you lose weight by assisting in the consumption of glucose.
  • Acacia gum and chicory root are two sources that need to be better understood and introduced more heavily in the the American diet.

"Studies in lean and obese mice suggested that gut microbiota influence the efficiency of caloric harvest from the diet as well as energy storage and utilization."

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Did our grandparents have it right when it concerns weight loss?

Date: July 20, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Did our grandparents have it right when it concerns weight loss?

There are always new fads where weight loss is concerned. Everyone wants to find new things to try. They want things to be more modern. Maybe this is not the right outlook, though. Maybe they should look at what their grandparents did because things seemed to be easier then, though there were fads back then too. The fads weren't as easy to find, though. Sometimes looking at previous generations can help us solve health and other problems.

Key Takeaways:

  • How much, how frequently and portions of food can help in how you lose weight.
  • The old theories on how to lose weight no longer work, here is the new technique.
  • Here are a few tips on how to lose weight when it comes to food consumption.

"Research also shows timing and frequency of meals effected weight loss. One big meal and two smaller meals with no snacking works the best."

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10 Ways to DETOXIFY your dirty lungs

Date: July 19, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 Ways to DETOXIFY your dirty lungs

There is no doubt that smoking tobacco damages your lungs, however, there are many other innocuous ways in which your lungs may become exposed to harmful toxins. Lungs carry the oxygen needed for your body, they should be clean! If you want them to remain healthy, you need to detoxify them! These ten ways to detoxify your lungs will improve your life style and will expand and extend your relationship with fresh, clean, life giving air!

Key Takeaways:

  • World Health Organization said that COPD, asthma and other lung diseases are the most common lung disease in the world.
  • More than three million people die from COPD with most of the fatalities coming from low/middle income countries.
  • There are many ways to help your lungs from quitting smoking, to taking a hot shower.

"Chronic respiratory diseases are among the world’s top medical concerns that affect just about everybody, from little children to the elderly."

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Why you should never go gluten-free unless you have an actual allergy or disease

Date: July 15, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why you should never go gluten-free unless you have an actual allergy or disease

People who go gluten-free may feel better because, to avoid the protein, they end up cutting out desserts and junk foods, thus losing weight. You can eat a healthy diet without gluten, but you have to be very knowledgeable. Symptoms of gluten sensitivity are very similar to those of celiac disease and wheat allergy, often including digestive issues, emotional concerns, and joint and muscle pain. people on a gluten-free diet are more likely to increase their intake of essential nutrients, especially if they replace breads and other flour products with whole foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • The complex carbohydrates provided by wheat and grain are an essential part of your diet that shouldn't be ignored.
  • The benefits from eating gluten can't be substituted in pill form. Problems will persist.
  • "Gluten free" has come to incorrectly be synonymous with "Healthy", which is not true.

"When you're on a gluten-free diet, your body is at high-risk for inflammation, which the doctor says can slow your metabolism down and actually make you gain weight."

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5 Painful Conditions that CBD Might Help Treat

Date: July 05, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Painful Conditions that CBD Might Help Treat

CBD is being hailed by doctors, scientists, and other medical experts around the world because it has such immaculate powers that it alleviates many health concerns small and large. You might be surprised to learn some of the ailments that are easily treated with CBD, but nonetheless excited to know that you can treat these issues with this exciting product. Here are five of the many things that CBD can benefit when it comes to your health.

Key Takeaways:

  • A combination of CBD and THC treatments can deactivate the gene that causes cancer to spread.
  • In studies, mice with a similar to Multiple Sclerosis conditions, showed improved movement when injected with CBD.
  • CBD is an anti-inflammatory and can provide relief to patients suffering from arthritis caused by joint inflammation.

"Generally, studies have shown that CBD is an effective analgesic. This makes it an effective pain reliever among patients with different pain-related conditions such as cancer."

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5 Health Benefits Of Comfrey

Date: July 02, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Health Benefits Of Comfrey

Comfrey, a weed common to the waters edges in Europe, has long been used as a medicinal plant. Since the Medieval period, this plant has been used as a natural remedy for a number of ailments. It has proven to be beneficial in a number areas related to healing of skin ailments, with boosts to the immune system and improved relief of inflammation. Though Comfrey does have some serious problems with toxicity due to alkaloid content. Usage of Comfrey can be done safely with positive effects.

Key Takeaways:

  • Comfrey is an herb that has been used in alternative medicine since the Middle Ages to treat hundreds of thousands of different conditions.
  • Research has shown that comfrey is generally safe as a treatment, and concerns over comfrey containing toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids that could damage internal organs were unfounded and exaggerated.
  • Comfrey has a large variety of health benefits, including treating skin problems, healing bones and joints, boosting immunity, and fighting inflammation.

"Researchers found that “a highly significantly and clinically relevantly faster initial reduction of wound size…was found.” They found that patients’ wounds took on average three days less to heal completely than the control group, and that there were no adverse effects or intolerability issues. It doesn’t get much better than that, folks!"

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Seven warning signs your stomach pain is really this HIDDEN disease

Date: June 07, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Seven warning signs your stomach pain is really this HIDDEN disease

Many minor stomach concerns are nothing to to be concerned about. However, there are some symptoms you should never ignore as they can be signs of a serious illness that needs to be address. If you have any of the following symptoms: Mouth ulcers, anemia, loss of weight without trying, cramping, persistent diarrhea, a general feeling of unwellness or fatigue, you should make an appointment with your physician to assess you stomach pain. It is most likely nothing to worry about, but even IBD or Crohn's disease should be taken seriously and be managed by a physician.

Read more: Seven warning signs your stomach pain is really this HIDDEN disease


Learning the Health Benefits of Cannabis

Date: June 03, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Learning the Health Benefits of Cannabis

The cannabis debate continues to rage. Many feel it should be legalized because it can do a lot of good for the body. It is already being used medicinally in many areas. It's legal in some and illegal in others. This discusses some of the health benefits people are seeing when they use cannabis in its many forms. If you have never considered it you should check this out and you should also consider the different forms like oil, vapor and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many states are legalizing cannabis for recreational and medical use, but the federal government has not legalized it.
  • Greater use of the non-psychoactive parts of cannabis is being held up by concerns over the intoxicating properties of cannabis
  • Federal drug laws and different enforcement standards in different jurisdiction is impeding effective use of cannabis to treat people

"Most medical marijuana states stipulate the product has to be grown and produced and sold and consumed within that state."

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Environment's Effect on Health

Date: April 27, 2017 10:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Environment's Effect on Health

The environment can take a toll on a persons health. It can disturb a persons well being and cause health concerns. The World Health Organization defines environment, as it relates to health, as "all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person and all the related behaviors." The pollutants in the environment can contribute to heart disease and stroke. Some of the most dangerous pollutants are carbon monoxide, nitrates, sulfur dioxide, lead, and secondhand tobacco smoke. Things that you can do to limit your output of pollutants would be to walk to places instead of driving when possible, not buy bottled water and instead use a reusable one. You could also use fewer chemicals in household cleaning.

Read more: Environment's Effect on Health


6 Things I Learned About Ulcers

Date: April 19, 2017 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 Things I Learned About Ulcers

Are you keen on ulcers? Many people are not, and that is a mistake that could very well be costly. An ulcer is a health concern that you shouldn't play around with. It can cause a great deal of pain, but that is just the first of many concerns. There are so many things to learn about ulcers, but the six facts listed here are among the most important that everyone out there should know.

Key Takeaways:

  • In 1980s people thought stomach ulcers were related to stress and food; however, truthfully, it was related to Helicobacter pylori. It went to winning a Nobel Prize.
  • Certain foods may cause indigestion and heartburns with people that suffer from stomach ulcers. Sometimes it is hard for people to know what to eat.
  • People that eat less will make ulcer pains worse because without any food in the stomach, the ulcer is being covered by stomach ulcer all the time.

"My ulcer turned out to be “idiopathic,” which is a fancy way of saying that doctors have no idea why it happened."

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How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Gout Relief?

Date: April 16, 2017 12:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Gout Relief?

Apple cider vinegar is quickly gaining a reputation as a very healthy tonic that can address a wide variety of health concerns. It aids in detoxification, digestion, and has very potent antibacterial properties. Apple cider vinegar also can help people who suffer from gout because it cleanses the body and aids in healthy circulation of the blood which is vital in addressing gout. Read this article for more details on how apple cider vinegar provides gout relief.

Key Takeaways:

  • -Apple cider vinegar also purifies the blood and promotes healthy blood circulation. This consequently disbands the crystal accumulation of uric acid. Furthermore, nutrients like potassium, iron, mang
  • -The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar work for gout, as well as in other inflammatory cases
  • -unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains the “mother,” which are strands of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria that work better and more effectively on ailments than filtered apple cider vinegar

"Apple cider vinegar also purifies the blood and promotes healthy blood circulation."

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Fish Oil Supplements: Are They Good for Cardiovascular Health?

Date: March 23, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fish Oil Supplements: Are They Good for Cardiovascular Health?

Conventional wisdom has long been that fish oil supplements are very beneficial for heart health. In fact, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends fish oil for heart patients. However, there is some disagreement about the effectiveness and safety of fish oil. Read this article and discover 3 reasons why some data may be flawed regarding this supplement along with concerns regarding safety of some fish oil. In the end, eating fish may be more heart-healthy.

Key Takeaways:

  • While the American Heart Association recommends heart patients consume fish oil tablets, one MD is not so sure.
  • While some studies seem to show that Omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil are good for heart patients, some doctors see flaws in the structure of the studies.
  • Since the FDA does not regulate fish oil pills, one doctor suggests it could be more beneficial to just eat more fish.

"Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which, when consumed by eating fatty fish, can cause blood vessel relaxation, reduced blood clotting, reduced inflammation and possibly stabilization of heart rhythm."

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How To Cure Obesity | Natural Remedies For Obesity

Date: March 17, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How To Cure Obesity | Natural Remedies For Obesity

Would you believe that more than 1/3 of all adults in the US suffer from obesity? With this condition comes an influx of health concerns and problems, from an increased risk of heart disease to breathing problems like COPD. But now, if you are one of the people suffering from obesity, you can fight back. There are many natural remedies that may very well help you lose weight and reduce the problems that come with obesity. What can you do?

Key Takeaways:

  • Some foods, such as lemon and garlic, are said to encourage the body to get rid of fat.
  • Chewing on a garlic clove then following up with a glass of water, mixed with lemon juice, in the am. on an empty stomach, should help eliminate belly fat.
  • The process should continue daily for about a month to achieve best results.

"There are many ways for obesity to be treated naturally, you do not have to turn to drugs or surgeries."


How to keep an eye out for eating disorders in loved ones

Date: March 15, 2017 04:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to keep an eye out for eating disorders in loved ones

It can be very hard to determine if someone you know has an eating disorder. It may not be able to be noticeable with obvious signs, sometimes its the things you least expect. As much as you want to look out for your loved ones when it comes to an eating disorder, they are going to be as discrete as they can be. This s why this article presents a list of things one should to watch out for eating disorders, that way if you see certain signs you will know what to do.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you notice signs of an eating disorder, raise your concerns with that person when you have enough time and space to have a good conversation
  • Individuals who struggle with eating disorders feel a lot of shame about their illness
  • You don't want to ignore it, but if you try to push too much, it can lead to more control issues

"Hundreds of South Africans have eating disorders, but it can be difficult for family and friends to detect these problems in loved ones, a doctor warns."

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Hemp is a Wonder Plant

Date: February 10, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hemp is a Wonder Plant

Hemp is a really amazing plant. Energy drinks are a huge industry, but most of them are very unhealthy and even illegal to be sold to minors. The government of the United States has outlawed a crop that was cultivated for 10000 years. However, there has been an easing on the restrictions from both the state and federal levels recently.

Key Takeaways:

  • Energy drinks are a multi-billion dollar industry while at the same time one of the most criticized. Energy drinks are thought of as poison by many with politicians and healthcare professionals alike trying to eliminate the industry.
  • Bills have been passed in the EU and the US to ban sales to minors. I’m not sure why. The only thing that ought to scare is the sugar content. That doesn’t change the fact there are growing health concerns, warranted or not.
  • With the power food hemp, its products have ingredients everyone can read and understand right away: carbonated water, beet sugar, citric acid, guarana extract, caffeine, ginseng extract, and natural flavor. Most importantly, it doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup.

"As cannabis continues to legalize, hemp is a wonder plant with never ever benefits, and it will continue to integrate in consumer products like RMHB."



Best Foods For Healthy Teeth | Best Health And Food Tips

Date: January 31, 2017 06:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Best Foods For Healthy Teeth | Best Health And Food Tips

Water is the best thing to drink for your teeth. Water keeps the gums hydrated and also keeps the teeth healthy. Tea is another thing that is good for the health of your teeth. There are so many different things that benefit your teeth. Even a little bit of cheese is good for your teeth. Nuts are another good thing for teeth.

Key Takeaways:

  • The information on this channel is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care.You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems.
  • Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child's condition.
  • Great Going Sanjana.... God Bless You With More n More :)

"You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems.Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child's condition."


Health Benefits Of Honey Bath | Health Tips Education

Date: January 31, 2017 10:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Benefits Of Honey Bath | Health Tips Education

Honey contains antioxidants and has natural antibacterial qualities, so taking honey baths may help to prevent oxidative damage, treat acne, and potentially treat small skin wounds or mild skin infections. Additionally, honey is moisturizing without being oily, so taking honey baths or using honey as a facial cleanser instead of soap may help to treat and prevent dry skin, and possibly even prevent premature aging.

Key Takeaways:

  • The information on this channel is designed for educational purposes only.
  • It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care.You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems.
  • Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child's condition.

"You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems.Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child's condition."


Health Benefits of Black Tea | Best Health And Food Tips

Date: January 30, 2017 10:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Benefits of Black Tea | Best Health And Food Tips

We have known for a while that tea is better for us than some other beverage options. However, are some teas better than others? There is evidence to suggest that black tea has a better ability to improve immunity, reduce stress, and improve digestion. The polyphenols in tea are also quite effective at getting rid of bacteria in the mouth and maintaining good oral hygiene. Black tea also has more antioxidants than other forms, making it better at fighting illness and cardiovascular issues. Many of us drink it for the energy boost, but there are so many other benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Black tea is a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, green and white teas.
  • Black tea is generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized teas. All four types are made from leaves of the shrub (or small tree) Camellia sinensis.
  • You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems.Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child's condition.

"Black tea is a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, green and white teas. Black tea is generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized teas."


Yogurts that ARE good for you and not packed full of sugar

Date: January 15, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Yogurts that ARE good for you and not packed full of sugar

Are you one of many that are trying to watch their weight? Eating your favorite low calorie yogurt? Well watch out because some of your favorite yogurts could contain a high amount of sugar! The public health of England was drawing concerns about some yogurt brands containing high amounts of sugar.

Key Takeaways:

  • Public Health England recently raised concerns about the huge amounts of sugar in some of our favourite flavoured yoghurt brands.
  • Whole-milk yoghurts (made with goat or cow's milk) tend to be more nutritious than those made with skimmed and semi-skimmed milk.
  • Natural yoghurt without any sweetening and served with fresh fruit is the healthiest option.

"Public Health England recently raised concerns about the huge amounts of sugar in some of our favourite flavoured yoghurt brands."



Protein Can Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Date: January 09, 2017 08:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Protein Can Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Many people suffer from blood sugar level inconsistencies. A condition known as hypoglycemia is caused when your blood sugar (glucose) drops, resulting in a range of symptoms. Many people with diabetes suffer from hypoglycemia, and the common solution is thought by many to be a sweet treat. However, this can often exacerbate the problem. More often the solution is to give the person some foods which contain protein.

How protein can stabilize blood sugar levels

In much the same way that dietary fiber works, eating a source of high-quality protein along with your meals and snacks can have a beneficial effect on your body's blood sugar levels. Adding some protein to your meal would help to provide the amino acids for tissue repair and recovery while also ensuring you stay satisfied for several hours after eating or consuming the meal.

By choosing the right combination of protein and carbohydrates to eat, you can control the amount of glucose in your bloodstream by slowing the process of digestion. This slowing down prevents a blood sugar spike as a result of overdosing on carbohydrates. However, this doesn't mean that you can just eat foods with protein to your content. Your body can only assimilate so much protein in a single sitting, so you need to be able to ration your intake. Too much protein included in your diet can have severe side effects like intestinal wind, bad breath, and indigestion and there are also long-term health concerns concerning a diet that's too rich in protein.

Though many people might find it challenging to manage, diabetes is not a friendly condition you should just live with. Indeed, with simple changes in your life, you can reap great benefits such as weight reduction and lower both your blood sugar levels as well. Include foods rich in protein in your daily diet and the results will be amazing.

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Replacing carbs with protein? Don't overdo it

Date: December 17, 2016 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Replacing carbs with protein? Don't overdo it

Protein has become the dietary supplement that everyone is talking about. With benefits thought to range from building muscle to losing weight, protein powders and bars have become a staple in American society. Specialists are beginning to wonder if getting too much protein in the diet can lead to bad side effects. It is estimated that most American men consume double the daily recommended intake. There are concerns that high protein diets can lead to the development of diabetes and liver disease. They are cautioning people to keep their intake closer to the recommended dosage.

Key Takeaways:

  • The majority of Americans get more than the recommended daily amounts of protein from food and there are no long-term studies to tell us how much protein is too much.
  • Dietary Guidelines for Americans cautioned that some people should “reduce overall intake of protein foods” and eat more vegetables.
  • Protein has achieved a venerated status in the dietary world for everything from building muscle to preventing weight gain. But can you get too much of a good thing?

"A canned protein drink can contain almost as much protein as a 227g steak, and snack bars or a small bag of protein chips can pack more of the macro-nutrient than a three-egg omelette."



Texas reports first case of Zika spread by local mosquitoes

Date: December 09, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Texas reports first case of Zika spread by local mosquitoes

The Zika virus has become one of the biggest concerns in the United States lately. Texas recently became the second state in the country to report a locally spread case of the virus. To date, Florida has had 238 cases of Zika virus infection, and they have been battling against mosquitoes since summer 2016. The Zika virus can be hard to detect due to 80 percent of those infected being symptom-free. It is mostly dangerous for pregnant women, since it can cause birth defects.

Key Takeaways:

  • Texas is the 2nd state in the US that has a local transmission of the zika virus
  • The woman lives near the Mexico boarder and is not pregnant
  • Only the Aedes mosquito can transmit the Zika virus, and Texas is one of several states in the US that has this mosquito

"Texas health officials on Monday reported the state's first case of Zika likely spread by local mosquitoes, making Texas the second state within the continental United States to report local transmission of the virus that has been linked to birth defects."



Calcium Supplements and the Heart: Clearing Up the Confusion

Date: November 26, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Calcium Supplements and the Heart: Clearing Up the Confusion

The Institute of Medicine has recommended 1000-1200 mg of calcium daily for most adults, and the tolerable upper intake level has been set at 2000-2500 mg of calcium daily. Even a recent observational study from the MESA cohort suggested an association between calcium supplements and coronary artery calcium, but it is important to note that in observational studies, the association does not prove causation. In the large-scale Women's Health Initiative calcium and vitamin D trial, we found no association between calcium and vitamin D supplementation and coronary artery calcium measured at the end of the 7-year trial.

Key Takeaways:

  • We know that both calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone health, but concerns have been raised from selected reports in recent years about heart risk.
  • There are other reasons that there could be an association, such as overlapping risk factors for osteoporosis and heart disease, including smoking and lack of exercise.
  • There are many dietary sources of calcium, including dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese), fatty fish with bones (such as sardines), fortified beverages, and leafy greens.

"We know that both calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone health, but concerns have been raised from selected reports in recent years about heart risk."



WikiLeaks emails mention aspartame, acknowledging it puts holes in mice brains

Date: November 23, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: WikiLeaks emails mention aspartame, acknowledging it puts holes in mice brains

Aspartame is bad for us and has been for some time. There are many negative effects of aspartame recorded over the last 20 plus years. People still have done nothing to get rid of this horrible thing because it makes things appear to be better for you. People are just ignoring scientific evidience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Aspartame is a substance that has been relentlessly scrutinized by the natural health community, and yet also receives an astonishing amount of praise from many mainstream medical practitioners. It's heralded as a safe alternative to sugar.
  • Unfortunately, the history of how aspartame came to be a societal mainstay is not a sweet one. Before becoming legal, aspartame was banned twice by the FDA. According to The Daily Health Post, in 1977, aspartame triggered the first criminal investigation of a manufacturer to ever be launched by the agency.
  • Emails belonging to John Podesta that were released by WikiLeaks, didn't just provide a broader view of establishment corruption; they also uncovered concerns about NutraSweet, which is primarily comprised of aspartame.

"Unfortunately, the history of how aspartame came to be a societal mainstay is not a sweet one."




HEALTHY LIVING: If you decide to do a juice cleanse, ease into it

Date: November 14, 2016 09:49 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: HEALTHY LIVING: If you decide to do a juice cleanse, ease into it

Considering a juice cleanse? While there are many opinions on whether or not a juice cleanse is beneficial for your health, most people who have done one are happy with their results. If you choose to do a cleanse, it will go much smoother if you follow a few quick tips for the days leading up to your cleanse.

Key Takeaways:

  • My friend Suzie is always asking me for advice about different diet and weight loss trends, and yesterday mentioned she’s about to start a one-week juice cleanse.
  • She wanted to know if I thought they worked, if I had concerns and if I recommend detoxing.
  • In short, a juice cleanse is a full body detox program where you eat nothing and drink only pressed fruit and vegetable juice for a set period of time.

"Basically, juicing, if done correctly, can be an effective way to improve nutrient intake, energy, focus and even lose a few pounds."



How to stop sugar from sneaking into your child's diet

Date: November 12, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to stop sugar from sneaking into your child's diet

No matter how careful you are, sugary can easily slip into your child's diet, resulting in added weight, cavities, and other health concerns. But, you can stop this from happening but you must take charge now to make a difference. Take a look at this article and learn what you can do to stop sugar from sneaking in.

Key Takeaways:

  • There's also been an increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adolescents; that's a cluster of conditions, including increased blood pressure and excess fat around the waist, that can increase diabetes and heart disease risk.
  • Thin people get metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes, too. Obesity increases the risk, but sugar is an independent risk factor apart from calories or obesity.
  • Despite the consequences, health professionals agree that parents shouldn't deprive their child of sweets.

""Sugar doesn't cause disease just because of its calories. Sugar causes disease because it's sugar," Lustig said. "Thin people get metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes, too. Obesity increases the risk, but sugar is an independent risk factor apart from calories or obesity.""




What is Ferrochel And Why Do I Need It?

Date: August 25, 2015 07:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What is Ferrochel And Why Do I Need It?

Ferrochel is a powerful iron supplement, which is considered safer for use by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, infants, and teenagers.  It does not cause nausea and gastric upset like other options.  Iron is a vital mineral in the human body.  The mineral promotes cognitive development, cardiovascular health, and immune function.  Some people do not get adequate amounts of this mineral from their diet, making supplementation necessary.

The human body finds it difficult to absorb minerals such as iron through the intestines.  But this is not a concern with ferrochel.  This supplement has a chelated structure that makes it easy for the iron to go through your intestinal wall. Its structure also reduces the risk of taking in more than you need. Your body will absorb about 90% of the ferrochel if you are iron deficient and only take in what is required if you have no deficiency.

Ferrochel is not associated with any gastrointestinal problems.  Nausea and constipation are two of the most common side effects for people who use iron supplements.  This can be particularly distressing if you are pregnant.

It has no taste, making it easy for individuals who are prone to nausea and vomiting to use the supplement. You need ferrochel if you find other products nauseating.

Research has demonstrated that the supplement is more effective when compared to other products even when it is used in lower doses.  This is because it is chelated, making it easier for the body to take it in.

It is a great choice if you are concerned about blocking absorption of other nutrients when you supplement iron. Your body will still be able to absorb vitamin C and E and calcium when you use ferrochel.  You should use this supplement if you have had an allergic reaction to any other iron supplement. It can be used by at any age without side effect concerns.





Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches?

Date: November 25, 2013 06:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches?

What is Butterbur?

butterburButterbur is a plant found in the daisy asteraceae and is in genus petasites. They are also known as sweet coltsfoot. They are mainly found in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere in areas such as riverbanks, ditches and marshes it’s also found in Europe, Asia and North America. The plant was mainly used by Native Americans as a remedy for inflammation, coughs, asthma allergies and headaches. For many years its leaves and roots have been used as an important medicinal herb. In recent research, researchers have found out that extracts of butterbur contains an active ingredient that can be used to prevent migraines and also act as an antispasmodic supporting chronic cough or asthma.

What are the Benefits of Butterbur?

The plant contains two very active chemicals namely petasin and isopetasin. This chemicals are believed to be beneficial in treating headaches, the highest concentration of this chemicals mainly occurs in roots. Root extracts of the plant have been discovered to be very effective in the reduction of frequency and severity of migraines. Migraines are caused by rapid change in the blood flow to the head, they are characterized by episodes of headaches, sensitivity to light and sound and nausea. Treatment includes pain relievers and other medication that affect the openness of the blood vessels. Medication can help ease the pain as a short term measure but in the long run the may cause more headaches as a result of a condition known as medication overuse headaches. These resultant headaches are more difficult to treat than migraines; these medicines may also lead to other problems for people with other chronic illness.

Butterbur root extracts presumably contains isopetasin and/or petasin that are effective in relieving and preventing migraine, since the compound prevents blood vessel inflammation, although it’s said to have gastrointestinal side effects. From research it was discovered that petasin contains anti-spasmodic properties which helps in reducing spasms in vascular walls and smooth muscles. It also contains a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that prevents the synthesis of leukotrienes that is the pro-inflammatory agent in the blood vessel walls. Isopetasin also contains an anti-inflammatory by modulating prostaglandin metabolism. The two together have an antispasmodic effect on vascular walls.


According to a survey carried out in Germany where two hundred and two people who had migraines attacks three months prior to the survey and those who had stopped medication three months before were randomly assigned to receive 75mg of butterbur extract twice a day, the other group was assigned 50 mg or placebo. The results were recorded and it was discovered that people using a higher dosage of butterbur experienced a greater reduction in the frequency in migraines.

Other Treatment of Butterbur

Other than being used in migraine treatment butterbur have several other uses and benefits such as allergy relief without antihistamine side effects, while antihistamines have advance side effects such as fuzzy head and fatigue, when butterbur was used no side effects were evident. Butterbur extracts are also used to treat asthma; this is as a result of anti-inflammatory properties combined with bronchodilating properties.


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All-Natural Red Marine Algae An Effective Cold Sore Treatment

Date: January 24, 2013 03:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: All-Natural Red Marine Algae An Effective Cold Sore Treatment

Can Red Marine Algae Help With Cold Sores? Lets Find out!

While a permanent solution for cold sores is not currently known, it has been realized for some time now that red marine algae topical ointments and oral supplements can both help prevent and reduce the number of and severity of your outbreaks. This treatment ensures safety as a priority considering it is an all-natural proper food that is used in a variety of different items. It directly aids the body's first line of defense, or neutrophils, against those pesky cold sores.

The active components in red marine algae are sulfated polysaccharides, which help with immune system response and the increased production of lymphocytes within the thymus. T-cells and antibodies are stimulated, causing the launch of an attack against the virus.

There are two primary sulfated polysaccharides, fucoidan and carrageenan, that help stop the outbreak and replication of cold sores. Carrageenan is often used as a topical application, and fucoidan has a specific focus geared towards limiting replication of the virus.

The two strains of the algae that are effective in fighting against cold sores are Gigartina and Dumontacea, meaning not all red algae are the same when battling this virus. It is common knowledge that there are many triggers that contribute to herpes outbreaks.

Cold Sore Triggers:

While you still should avoid as many triggers as possible, red marine algae is a significant factor in reducing the effectiveness of particular triggers. Some of these triggers include chocolate, nuts, coffee, alcohol and more.

When learning about taking a new supplement, one of the main concerns you might have is the side effects. However, this all-natural algae supplement has absolutely no known side effects.

This helps put your mind at ease.

Did you know that this specific algae has also been used traditionally for dealing with urinary infections, asthma, boils, ulcers and more? With this supplement containing so many immune-supporting qualities, it is definitely a safe bet for formulating a much stronger plan against cold sores.


What Is The Liquid Liver Benefits?

Date: January 09, 2013 12:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is The Liquid Liver Benefits?

Enemia And Iron

Anemia is a condition that many people suffer from. In some cases, the anemia may be treated easily, since the person can have a mild case. Providing the body with the extra iron can often help those that have been diagnosed with anemia to avoid some of the common problems that appear. Some of these problems may consist of headaches, low energy levels, problems with their nervous system and consuming a variety of different weird substances like dirt and chalk. 

Low Iron

In fact, there is a long list of issues and concerns associated with this condition, since low iron can affect people in many different ways. This is one of the main reasons why some health and medical professional recommend and advocate taking liquid liver on a daily basis. With liquid liver, each individual can benefit substantially when they take this supplement to support their body's needs and requirements. For instance, when the iron in their body is low, they may experience low levels of energy throughout their day. They may also become tired and weak in their body when they are trying to work or play.

However, when they take liquid liver on a regular basis, they can benefit in many different ways. Energy Level Increases. When an individual takes this supplement, they can experience an increase in their energy. Which means, they can get more of their daily tasks done without becoming tired and drained. No uncomfortable gas problems. Another benefit to taking liquid liver is avoiding the uncomfortable side effects that come from most non-home iron products.

Easier on digestive system then iron

This is because the liquid liver is easier on the person's digestive system. Lower cholesterol. One of the side effects of various iron supplements is elevated levels of cholesterol. However, when an individual takes liquid liver, they can easily benefit with lower cholesterol levels. Hence, the person can get the b12 and iron that their body's need without having to experience other unnecessary problems and conditions.


How Curamin Combats Inflammation Pain

Date: December 19, 2012 12:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Curamin Combats Inflammation Pain

Fact: You can manage pain with natural remedies!ep-10220

Study has revealed the sad fact that four out of every five Americans perceive that pain is a natural inevitable part associated with old age. Athletes on the other hand believe that severe pain is essential for physical fitness. Many people again, think that there are certain disorders that ignite pain and you can do less or nothing to relieve the ache.

In fact, 28% of America's population believes that there is no solution that can eliminate their personal pain concerns. In the contrary, Curamin by EuroPharma is a highly effective herbal remedy that combines four powerful and clinically proven ingredients, into a single award-winning product that offers an ultimate level of pain relief.

Here is a look into how Curamin relieves inflammation pain.

#Curamin's Ingredients The secret behind Curamin's power is blending the best of the best. These ingredients are well known for their fast action in relieving pain associated with inflammation especially in the bones and joints. Here are the four main ingredients used in the formulation of this unprecedented pain reliever.

*DLPA (DL-phenylalanine) This is a double part amino acid (D phenylalanine & L phenylalanine) that impedes the breakdown of the enkephalin compound, also known as the positive mood enhancer. In addition to that, DLPA converts the L phenylalanine into tyrosine so as to enhance the secretion of two brain chemicals; norepinephrine and dopamine, which ease pain and dissolve inflammation.

*Boswellia Boswellia serrata, also known as Indian frankincense is an anti-inflammatory herb used in the Curamin formula. The boswellic acids prevent the hyperactivity of an enzyme called lipoxygenase, which is often associated with inflammation. This way, it effectively combats inflammation pain.

*Nattokinase This natural ingredient is extracted for a Japanese fermented cheese known as natto, hence its name. The production of this beneficial enzyme can be attributed to a certain bacterium called Bacillus natto. Its benefits in relieving pain come through its action of breaking down clots, promoting the circulation of blood. Thickened blood can intensify pain, and by promoting blood circulation, all other Curamin ingredients are well distributed to every single part of the body.

*Curcumin This powerful, natural compound derived from turmeric requires no detailed introduction. It promotes the body's natural ability to combat inflammation and also contains anti-oxidant properties that are very useful in preventing tissue damage. Its functionality in pain relieving is behind its effectiveness in cutting off pathways that lead to inflammation. Numerous studies have also depicted its ability to promote cognitive-enhancing as well as anti-depressant benefits by igniting neuro-protective brain functions and moderating pain neuro-transmitters.

#How Curamin Relieves Pain

This proprietary formula combats inflammation pain by promoting the body's defense mechanism. In addition to that, it features curcumin BCM-95 which has an enhanced oral bioavailability and is highly soluble, thus availing a full spectrum or curcuminoids that fight pain in a flash. Additionally, the amino acids and Boswellia used in the formulation of Curamin helps the body to absorb the pain alienating ingredients quickly, which earns Curamin its well deserved fast-acting characteristic.

Curcumin BCM-95 has extended blood retention; one among the many attributes that makes Curamin stronger than other plain curcumin products. We cannot forget to mention the fact that Curamin is associated to no known side effects. It combats all types of pain ranging from occasional back pain to chronic pain caused by arthritis. So, next time pain becomes a problem, grab a bottle of Curamin and make your life a whole lot easier.


Xanthan Gum Recipes

Date: December 18, 2012 11:29 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Xanthan Gum Recipes

Natural Healthy Thickener

Anyone who has wielded a ladle knows exactly what it means to get the right consistency in sauces and soups. Generally a flour, either cornstarch or arrowroot powder based additive, which is carbohydrate rich, make our soups and sauces thick, using conventional cooking methods. However, with growing concerns over carb -rich diets being linked to obesity and the recurring need for thickening required in cooking, has necessitated a switch without compromising on health.

Synthetic thickeners are not recommended though sometimes used commercially . Xanthun gum is a naturally derived form of a thickener made through the fermentation of glucose or sucrose using the harmless bacteria Xanthomonas campestris. Marketed from the 1960's, this harmless bacteria forms one of the most useful thickening agents that has been used commercially in the food industry. It has been used as an anti-settling agent, thickener and emulsifier for ice creams, smoothies, gums and confectioneries and even as a binding agent in creams ,lotions as well as other cosmetics including lipsticks.

Xanthan Gum Powder-Here are some benefits that one could look forward to:

  • * Go gluten free-Reduce your fear of gluten by substituting flour with xanthan gum in breads, cakes and pasta. Those who suffer from gluten allergy may use this natural substitute in their diet in place of flour.
  • *Provides all your dairy based products with a creamy texture, it does not deprive you of the pleasure of a dessert .
  • * Acts as a perfect binding agent in gluten- free and even egg -free cooking.
  • *It does not alter the color or flavor of the food.
  • *Xanthan gum is known to have skin hydrating properties and thus manages to find its way into some of the most popular and commonly sold cosmetics. Being hypoallergenic and non acidic, one could find it in liquid soaps, lotions, creams, shower gels, and shampoos.
  • * Because of its ability to coagulate and form a gel, it works wonderfully in the human digestive system to cleanse the colon with absolutely no harmful effects if taken within a certain limit. All therapeutic usage however requires the careful instructions of a therapist.
  • *Rich in fiber-Every teaspoon of xanthan gum powder has 7 grams of fiber which also explains its digestive cleansing action that in some cases may cause bloating.

This polysaccharide needs to be used in small quantities thus it is not only affordable but can get easily amalgamated into home cooked food recipes with absolute ease ending up providing the most mouth watering of recipes the respite from censure .


Why Is Capsicum Cayenne Good For The Heart?

Date: December 27, 2011 07:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Is Capsicum Cayenne Good For The Heart?

Cayenne and Heart Health

The heart is something that is vital to any one of us and that is a fact. Recent numbers have revealed that over a million Americans die each year of a heart attack. So all the more reason for us to be careful with our hearts, make sure we keep it in good health and make sure we do everything we can to keep it working like it should because I am pretty sure that you do not want to be part of that next million next year.

Heart Health

Our heart is one of those organs in the body that truly plays an integral role and the none functioning of it will cause your expiration in just a matter of minutes unlike other organs when damaged there is still a possibility for you to survive it, but no, not the heart, once you are done, you are done and that is why its health should be one of our main concerns. The heart’s main function is to supply blood to other parts of the body and it is literally our pumping station. It does not stop at any time in our entire life, I am sure no one will contend with that. So I feel that it is our obligation to find out how we can keep the heart healthy. Well, the usual will always be there like exercise and proper diet but if you want to look at other ways aside from that and aside from medication then the way to go is the natural way and what can be more natural than supplementing with something which is derived from an everyday vegetable like peppers.


This refers to the wide variety of tropical pepper plants and as such is also known by other names like cayenne pepper, chilli pepper, red pepper, paprika, Hungarian pepper and Mexican pepper. It is unclear as to what exactly is its geographical origin but it is commonly agreed upon that it is a native of tropical regions such as China, Philippines, Tonga, Samoa, Iraq, Haiti, Hawaii and Mexico. One of its benefits is its ability to regulate blood circulation and alter temperature regulation because of the substance found in it which is known as capsaicin. Its seed has been proven in various studies to have antibiotic properties and if applied topically can even desensitize nerves and can be used as an anesthetic. When used as a liniment it is able to help with the stimulation of circulation as well and aid in the removal of waste (detox) products therefore allowing an increase in nutrient flow to the different tissues in the body which is why it is effective in relieving muscle spasms, bursitis and shingles.

Good for the Heart

One of the reasons why it is good for the heart is because it has the ability to stimulate blood vessels dilation and help relieve chronic congestions which in turn will improve blood circulation. It also has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels and increase metabolism which are both vital to maintaining heart health.


How to Remove Excess Estrogen Naturally From the Body?

Date: August 30, 2011 10:00 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Remove Excess Estrogen Naturally From the Body?

Estrogen is an important reproductive hormone in the body that helps maintain female traits as well as reproductive organs and functions. Estrogen is found in both men and women but is predominantly found on women and lesser in men. Although estrogen is natural, excess amounts prove to be problematic and frequently does have its negative effects on men as well as women.

Research shows that excess estrogen may be the reason of excess fat in our body. It seems that no matter what we do, it just won’t come off and seems to be resistant from diet and exercise. Stubborn fat, as what others call it. Excess estrogen leads to larger deposits of adipose tissue or fat tissues in the body. For men, the problematic areas are the chest and stomach, which also leads to formation of firm breast tissues, a condition called gynecomastia. The stomach, upper thighs, lower buttocks and the back of the upper arms are the problematic areas for women.

In women, excessive amount of estrogen seems to pose health concerns too. Most women complain of hot flashes and unpredictable bleeding during menstrual cycle, aside from the irrational feeling it creates. Increased level of the less favorable type of estrogen in the body are also believed to contribute to higher risk of certain types cancers such as breast cancer. Lifestyle and diet modification contribute greatly to lowering the excess level of estrogen in the body.

Proper diet significantly can help in restoring the estrogen level in one’s body back to normal. Adding more soy – based products in the diet or supplements of the like can effectively lower the amount of estrogen in the body. Phytoestrogens, predominantly genistein and daidzein are found in soy products which can help to naturally get rid of excess natural estrogen in the body. Also, add more fiber in your diet. Fiber helps in removing excess estrogen by binding, and thus removing excess hormones. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains pack a lot of fiber. Western diet also shows an imbalance of omega-3/omega-6 fatty acids, in which omega-6 is predominantly abundant, which provides too much estrogen producing chemicals. So, increased intake of fish, which is high in omega-3, can help in reducing estrogen levels. Sugar also raises estrogen levels and also negatively affects your body in many other ways. So cut down on sugar. Also, reduce alcohol intake since breast cancer is higher in people who have higher intake of alcohol due to the increase of hormones it causes.

Regular and proper exercise can also help in lowering estrogen levels in the body. Regular exercise releases endorphins, a natural hormone which helps to regulate estrogen-to-testosterone-balance. Getting enough sleep is also another efficient way. Estrogen levels are also affected by one’s sleep cycle. The ability of your body to redress hormone levels in the body is greatly affected when you get enough sleep.

There is also a home test kit available that determines the level of estrogen in your body. A urine sample is required and then is sent to a medical laboratory. Customized supplements can be recommended if it is determined that your estrogen levels are too high.


A Healthy Colon Requires Lots Of Fiber

Date: December 16, 2010 02:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Healthy Colon Requires Lots Of Fiber

Psyllium Husk Fiber

Nowadays, because of the kind of lifestyle that people have, there is an evident rise of different medical condition which concerns the colon. What comprises our diet will surely affect our health. Hence, those who engage in a diet that contains very low amount of fiber and nutrients will eventually grasp health problems most especially in the digestive system. However, because of the new discoveries in this present world we live in, there is less need for us to fret because there are already a variety of remedy that promises you relief from such feared medical conditions. psyllium fiber plant

Psyllium is one of the many agents being incorporated in many edible products nowadays. It can be found in almost all breakfast cereals mainly because of its unfathomable health benefits that help the individual to have a more effective digestive process. Psyllium came from a native plant in Iran known as Plantago psyllium. Its seeds contains liberal amounts of glycosides and mucilages that is now being used in many food industries to give the products they are selling a texture that is more appealing to the majority of consumers.

Not only for its textural benefits, but most especially for the health faculties it contributes to the health of every consumer. Psyllium husk is an abundant source of water soluble fiber, similar to the kind of fiber present in oats and barley but in more abundant amounts. It has been found out that in every 100 grams of psyllium could give the consumer 71 grams off essential soluble fiber that helps you to attain better metabolism and colon function.

It is definitely good and beneficial for our colon because it does not break down as it enter and passes through the gastrointestinal tract, it increases fecal mass and loosen stool hence (when adequate water is consumed along with it), you can achieve a cleaner colon free from constipation and other digestive problems as well. Psyllium’s health benefits are not only hearsays but are being acknowledge by Food and Drug Administration of the United States of America. FDA also affirmed that psyllium fiber combined with a low-fat diet can help in maintaining blood cholesterol levels within normal values for it contains liberal amount of soluble fiber that prevents the absorption of blood cholesterol and bile acids from the intestinal tract.

NOW - PSYLLIUM HUSK 500mg  200 CAPS 1Needless to say, psyllium is indeed a gift to the human race. But it alone could not solve all the health problems that we have, hence it is advisable to engage in healthy lifestyle, coupled with proper diet, enough sleep and adequate exercise. Our health is very fragile that is why with all our might we should protect it. We only have one body and one lifetime to live. For us to savor it fully, we should engage in a lifestyle that could not bring any detrimental effect into our health. Let us learn how to identify the components of the food that we eat and make sure that psyllium is one of those.

Keeping your colon clean with plenty of fiber can boost your health and wellness and help you live a long time.

What is stopping you from adding psyllium husk fiber to your diet?


Herbs For Depression

Date: December 13, 2010 12:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Herbs For Depression

Fight Depression with Natural Herbs

depression getting you down

Before discussing treating depression with natural herbs we should first consider depression itself: what is it and what causes people to become depressed? Psychiatrists and psychologists will suggest a number of definitions although most experts agree that there are two forms of depression.

Causes of Depression

Exogenous depression comes about as a result of external factors such as bereavement, heavy debt, job loss, etc, while endogenous depression comes from within and is believed to be due to biochemical problems, including food allergies, hormonal changes, thyroid problems, nutritional deficiencies, particularly Vitamin B deficiency, and addictions. There are many other reasons for people becoming depressed, some of which can be established by the particular symptoms of the individual.

In many cases of depression the external factors are often easier to treat than those due to internal factors. Many exogenous causes of depression such as bereavement are alleviated through time, while causes such as job loss and debt can be resolved once the cause has been rectified: thus, if the patient is no longer in debt or is re-employed, the depression tends to disappear with the cause.

Symptoms of Depression

Depression is not diagnosed from a single symptom, but from a number of symptoms that can point to a person being clinically depressed and requiring treatment. Among the symptoms of depression are:

Prolonged periods of sadness or despair
Feelings of pessimism for the future
Feeling generally tired and lethargic
Overeating with resultant weight gain or under-eating with resultant weight loss
Either insomnia or hypersomnia
Disinterest in family or work
Feeling of guilt, worthlessness and low self-esteem
Inability to concentrate
Hyperactivity or general inactivity
Suicidal thoughts

Forms of Depression

Many normal people can suffer one or two of the above systems, and would not be diagnosed as depressed because of it. We can all get mood swings, feel a bit worthless now and again or be unable to concentrate or focus at times, but that does not mean we are clinically depressed.

Depression would not be diagnosed in a patient with just one of these symptoms but five or more likely would be. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders deem the patient suffering clinical depression if displaying 5 or more of the bottom 8 symptoms above for a month or more. This is believed to be the case with around 17 million Americans so it is a significant problem.

Manic depression is otherwise known as bipolar disorder, where patients have large mood swings from high and extreme hyperactivity and excitability to very low deeply depressive moods and is a clinical condition generally treated using drugs.

Treatment of Depression With Natural Herbs

The usual treatments are drugs that often have undesirable side effects; so many people are trying natural remedies instead. There are a number of herbs that can be used to treat depression, one of the most familiar being St. John's Wort. However, there are others, and here is a synopsis of each.

St. John's Wort

st johns wort picsSt. John's wort (hypericum perforatum) is likely the best known herbal treatment for depression. In fact, in Germany it is prescribed by doctors to children and adolescents for the treatment of mild depression and is available over the counter in many countries.

However, it can also be used in cases of severe depression, and a report in the Cochrane Database Review[8(4)] by K. Linde, M.M. Berner and L. Kriston in 2008 stated that of 29 separate tests carried out on a total of over 5,000 patients, the conclusion was that St. John's wort extracts were at least as good in treating severe depression with 5 times lower side-effects as tricyclic antidepressants and twice lower than the new selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI).

It should be stated, however, that one trial on 340 subjects indicated no improvement over a placebo. However, the anti-depressive drug sertraline (Zoloft) was also shown to be no better than the placebo in this test, so some doubts must lie regarding its accuracy. Of all the herbal treatments, St. John's wort has had most testing carried out and it seems to be effective in treating mild to severe depression although not all experts are yet agreed.

Kava Kava Root

kava kava root picsKava kava can be used to treat depression and anxiety, largely due its content of kavalactones that are believed to increase the amount of a number of neurotransmitters in the blood, including the feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin. Kava kava root is mildly intoxicating, having much the same effect as alcohol, and can also reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

However, it is doubtful if its effects are permanent and so it may be less of a depression cure as a short-medium term treatment. Its effects are also variable on different people, some describing it as making them feel relaxed and 'dreamy', while others find it therapeutic and making them feel better in themselves.

Kava kava should not be taken without your doctor knowing about because there have been concerns about its effect on the liver if taken in excess. A European-wide ban was lifted about two years ago after testing found the risks of taking it to be very low. It has been used for centuries as an intoxicating drink on islands such as Fiji.

Passion Flower

passion flower picsPassion flower has been used for centuries to treat anxiety, stress and depression, its active ingredients believed to be maltol and ethylmaltol that help to increase the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is one of the brain's key neurotransmitters and has been described by some as the brain's own 'Valium' supply.

Through the intervention of GABA, passion flower extract helps in reducing anxiety levels and makes you feel a lot calmer. If you suffer forms of depression that make you hyper or excitable, passion flower will help to reduce this and also helps to cure insomnia. It is a component of many natural sleeping pills.

These are just three natural substances that can be used to treat depression. However, you must inform your doctor or physician if you decide to take them since they may interfere with or change the effect of any antidepressant drug you are currently taking.

Call today for natural remedies for depression


Agave Nectar

Date: April 08, 2010 04:31 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Agave Nectar

Agave Nectar Light Certified Organic 17 oz from NOWComments by Craig Gerbore, CEO of Madhava:

Reading through the attack articles and blogs that have surfaced recently one could think that using agave is bad for one's health. These claims are utterly false and misleading. They are extreme views drawn from extreme examples and applied way out of context. They are propagandizing and clearly designed to frighten, not educate. All of the fears and concerns associated with the overconsumption of sugars and calories in general have been unfairly cast on agave.

What is a "healthy" sweetener? One that you use moderately and sensibly.

Health concerns related to fructose and caloric sweeteners are all dependant on the overconsumption of them. All foods have calories and it is the overall consumption of calories that lead to obesity and related issues, not any one food source.

Agave's caloric value is comparable to the other sweeteners in the category. Due to its greater sweetness though, less agave is used compared to the others, so agave actually can reduce caloric consumption per serving. This is due to a higher fructose content. The higher content does not mean higher consumption though, due to the smaller portion used. But, it is not the single serving that matters, it is the number of servings which lead to the overconsumption issues which may result in health concerns.Agave Nectar Amber Certified Organic 17 oz from NOW

As a reference point, 9-10 teaspoon servings of agave would be the approximate caloric equivalent of one 16 oz soft drink. With this perspective, is agave really being overconsumed as a choice of sweetener for home use?

Every single health issue which the attackers have tried to associate with agave is really the result of a caloric overconsumption issue. There are no documented issues with normal, moderate consumption of agave or sweeteners in general as part of our everyday diet. For reasons unknown, some have attempted to isolate agave from the real world and real world conditions with the goal of inhibiting agave's use. They play on people's fears, reference false information and fail to address health issues in any meaningful way.

The purpose of this article is to debunk the controversial misinformation surrounding agave. All information debunking the myths and misinformation is based on current science and facts. It is our goal to provide you with useful information so that you can make your personal nutritional choices in a well-informed, science-based manner.

The Agave Controversy: Exposing the fraudulent article by Rami Nagel

By Dr. Susan Kleiner, PhD, RD, FACN, CNS, FISSN

And Craig Gerbore, CEO Madhava

The controversy about agave syrup was manufactured by the publication of a single article on the internet, which has been reproduced and adapted for virtually every other article produced on the internet and other media venues. That article, written by Rami Nagel and published on, was highly biased and full of inaccuracies, half-truths and misinformation about agave. Since the article has been the sole source of nearly all other popular articles in public media, we want to set the record straight with science-based, reliable information to offer a more balanced resource to those interested in learning more about agave syrup. Organic Blue Agave Nectar 16 Liq from FunFresh Foods Who is the author, Rami Nagel?

According to the description on the website, Rami Nagel is a "citizen journalist". This means that Mr. Nagel is self-employed, and not employed as an in-house journalist by the website. He wrote and published the article without any editorial or content oversight, and the editor of the website, Mike Adams, makes it clear that the article was not checked for incorrect or inaccurate information or facts. The introduction to the article, written by Mr. Adams, states that readers had written to comment that Mr. Nagel's resources were biased with conflicts of interest due to their financial interests in competing sweeteners, such as brown rice syrup. So even the website editor himself states that the article is not fact-checked, and it is biased and unbalanced.

Who is Russ Bianchi?

The sole resource interviewed for the article is Russ Bianchi, identified by the author as Managing Director and CEO of Adept Solutions, Inc. Mr. Bianchi has clear conflict of interest ties to the sweetener industry. We have documentation of the fact that Mr Bianchi had plans to market a product named Replace. It was to be touted as a low calorie alternative sweetener composed of natural and artificial ingredients! Mr Bianchi was prevented from marketing this sweetener as the result of a lawsuit against him by the owner of the formula.

Mr Bianchi is quoted by Nagel extensively and exclusively. Many, if not all, of his statements are blatantly false or misrepresentations of fact. He is clearly propagandizing against agave nectar.

Was anyone else interviewed for this article?

Yes. Craig Gerbore, president and owner of Madhava Agave Syrup, was extensively interviewed by the author but no parts of that interview were included in the article. Organic Maple Agave Nectar 16 Liq from FunFresh Foods

It is important to note that neither Mr Nagel or Mr Bianchi have not made themselves available for questions on their statements since the articles appearance. They remain out of sight and have entirely avoided the controversy their statements created.

What is agave nectar?

The opening line of this paragraph in the article by Mr. Nagel states:

"The principal constituent of the agave is starch, such as what is found in corn or rice."

This is absolutely false. There is no starch in agave. The source of carbohydrate in agave syrup is inulin, a polysaccharide made up primarily of strings of fructose units. Starch is a polysaccharide made up of strings of glucose molecules. They are significantly different, and this difference is why agave syrup is naturally sweet.

The very basis of the argument presented by Mr. Nagel is false.

The Process

The agave plant is a succulent, similar to a cactus. The agave sweetener comes from both the Salmiana agave plant and the agave Tequilana (Blue Agave) which are both organically farmed in Mexico and certified organic by USDA approved certifiers. As the salmiana plant grows it produces a stalk called the "quiote" and when this is removed, a natural liquid called "aquamiel". The liquid is collected from the plant, while Blue agave pinons are harvested and shredded to remove the similar juice. Either can be naturally processed thermally or by enzymes into agave nectar.

The juice of the plant is not naturally sweet. The string of connected fructose units that makes up the major proportion of inulin does not have a sweet taste, but when the fructose units are separated (the process is called hydrolysis) by the addition of an enzyme, similar to digestion, or thermally for most blue agave, the syrup becomes quite sweet. That is the entire processing chain for agave nectar. There are no additives, other ingredients or chemicals in Madhava agave nectar. It is absolutely pure and organic and GMO free.

? Mr. Nagel claims that agave syrup is a "refined corn fructose" similar to high fructose corn syrup. This is absolutely false. There is no relationship between agave syrup and high fructose corn syrup in any way, including the source of the product, or the manufacturing process.

? Mr. Nagel refers to a "confidential FDA letter" from Mr. Martin Stutsman, claiming that agave is fraudulently labeled. We contacted Mr. Stutsman at the United States Food and Drug Administration, and his response made it clear that there was never a "confidential FDA letter". He did publish a public letter referenced in an FDA document as "FDA letter from Martin Stutsman to Dr. Eric

Wilhelmsen (Wilhelmsen Consulting), May 8, 2000", regarding evaporated cane juice, a topic wholly unrelated to agave syrup.

? He continued in his response to us that the paragraph in Mr. Nagel's article inaccurately reflected the substance of his comments in the document.

This link will take you to the original document in which the letter was referenced (reference #2):


In fact, Mr. Nagel fabricated the entire story of the letter. Mr. Stutsman is a lawyer, not a doctor. The quotes were completely taken out of context from the document, and the quotes never referred to agave syrup at any time. Nagel goes on to further misrepresent Mr. Stutsman's intent in the published document by weaving in other inaccurate information that is thoroughly unrelated to the original document. Mr Bianchi's subsequent statements on labeling issues are false and without merit.

Mr. Nagel is clearly caught red-handed. He has misrepresented the words of a government official, lied about the facts, and twisted the information to achieve his own agenda. This strategy is repeated throughout the article.

? Mr. Nagel continues his deceptive writing by referring to a quote by the late Dr. Varro Tyler in his book, The Honest Herbal. The first line of the paragraph is a direct quote from the book. Nothing else in that paragraph remotely resembles anything else found in Dr. Tyler's book. Mr. Nagel is trying to claim that agave syrup contains large quantities of saponins, and that they can be harmful to health. Here is the debunking of that paragraph:

1. Dr. Tyler does not include the variety of agave plant used for agave syrup.

2. The entire discussion is about the use of the sword-shaped leaves and the stem. Agave syrup is produced from the natural liquid in the plant. The saponins are isolated from the leaves of the plant.

3. There is no documented evidence to suggest agave syrup contains worrisome levels of saponins and the entire rest of the discussion about health dangers is fabricated and false.


People are going to continue to consume sweet food and drink. There are only three categories of choice to sweeten food. Those are artificial sweeteners, stevia, or caloric sweeteners from natural sources, sugars.

Most people will not choose artificial. Many will not choose stevia. That only leaves the category of sugars. In this group, agave is a good choice due to its organic quality, ease of

use, neutral flavor, low glycemic index and the fact that less is used to equal the sweetness of the others in the category.

The sweeteners in this category are composed of three primary sugars used to sweeten foods: glucose, fructose and sucrose. These sugars belong to a class of compounds known as carbohydrates. "Saccharide" is a term that denotes sugar, or substances derived from sugar. Monosaccharides are simple or single sugars; disaccharides are derived from two joined monosaccharides and when they are hydrolyzed, or separated, they yield two molecules of simple sugar. Strings of more than two sugar molecules are called polysaccharides. This category includes compounds such as starches, cellulose and inulin.

Glucose and fructose are monosaccharides. Glucose and fructose are found abundantly in nature in fruits and plants. Sucrose is the disaccharide formed by the joining of glucose and fructose, also known as table sugar. When comparing their relative sweetness, glucose is the least sweet tasting, sucrose is next, and fructose is the sweetest of the three sugars, measured as 1.4 times sweeter than table sugar. Because it is so sweet, people typically use less fructose when sweetening foods compared to sucrose.

? In the article by Mr. Nagel he states , "fructose is not what is found in fruit. Commonly, fructose is compared with its opposite and truly naturally occurring sweetener, known as ‘levulose' (made by nature)..."

Another fabrication. In fact, levulose is just another name for fructose. There are various nomenclatures used in the scientific naming of compounds. Fructose and levulose are exactly the same thing; the names are interchangeable. It is no different than if you called your father, "dad", and your sibling called your father, "father". He would still be the exact same person. Fructose and levulose are different names for the exact same thing: a sugar found in nature.

Mr. Bianchi also is quoted to say that the body does not recognize the fructose in agave. This is another false piece of propaganda which demonstrates just how far he is reaching. If this were true, it would have no impact on us. He immediately contradicts himself with the claims of detrimental effects caused by the overconsumption of fructose.

Using Sugars

Sugars can be compared to each other in their ability to raise blood sugar levels by using the Glycemic Index. The scale is set from zero to 100, where low numbers do not have much impact on blood sugar levels, and high numbers raise blood sugar levels quickly. Fructose is very low on the scale. Because agave syrup is high in fructose, it has a rating of 32 or lower. Honey, which has a higher proportion of glucose to fructose, has a Glycemic Index of 58. Sucrose has a Glycemic Index of 68, and glucose, serving as the index standard, is 100.

All sugars, whether fructose, glucose, sucrose or others, contribute 4 calories per gram to our total diet. 1 teaspoon of sugar = 4 grams = 16 calories

In addition to calories, sugars sweeten our foods offering a desirable taste and adding enjoyment and pleasure to our dining. During cooking and baking, sugars allow for browning and the unique consistencies of syrups, candies, frostings and frozen desserts. The varieties of sugars, such as crystallized table sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, molasses, honey and agave nectar, among others, contribute different properties and flavors to foods.

When you add your own sugar to foods you are in control of how much sugar you use. Most people would never add as much sugar as do the food manufacturers. Moderate amounts of sugar can certainly be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet for an active individual. Natural sugars are easily metabolized and utilized by the body, offering a very efficient source of fuel for physical and mental activity.

Of course, sugars should be used in moderation in the diet. This can control calories and help create a diet that is dense in nutrients.

Impact of sugar on health and disease

? The remainder of Mr. Nagel's article works to link agave syrup with the increased incidence of obesity, diabetes, metabolic disease, and the general rise of morbidity and mortality in the population. This is an overconsumption issue involving far more than the occasional use of agave. Here are the facts:

• Rats that are fed a high fructose diet become obese and will develop the chronic diseases associated with obesity: insulin resistance, diabetes and metabolic disease.

• No one should eat a diet that reflects this type of experimental diet.

• Too much sugar in the diet, whether from fructose, glucose or sucrose, can be unhealthy. Diets high in sugar promote tooth decay and periodontal disease; create an overabundance of calories and a deficit of nutrients. This scenario typically leads to weight gain and the development of chronic disease.

• Active individuals can include a moderate amount of added sugar in their diet without negative health consequences. When calorie intake is balanced with physical activity, sugar serves as an efficient source of fuel for muscles, the brain and the central nervous system.

• According to the World Health Organization (2003), individuals can healthfully include 10% of their daily calories from added sugars. This translates into 200 calories for a 2000 calorie diet, or 12½ teaspoons of added sugar daily. Clearly, one can safely add a couple of teaspoons of sweetener to a cup of tea or coffee, or have a little sweetened food without worrying about their risk of developing disease.

• Agave syrup, which is sweeter than other sugars and low on the Glycemic Index scale, is a good choice to include as one of the added sugars in your diet because you will use less sugar (and therefore fewer calories) and minimally raise blood sugar levels.

Just a teaspoon of agave: the healthy use of sweeteners in your diet

We all want to live healthier and longer lives. Diet and nutrition plays a key role, impacting our health and our ability to perform physically and mentally now and into the future. Food offers us not only sustenance, but also pleasure and enjoyment. Food is present in so many parts of our lives: at celebrations, business events, family events, religious and spiritual occasions, sports outings, the focus of our family meals, intimate dinners, and sometimes just the excuse to socialize.

Sweet foods make us feel good. Sugar allows for the elevation of serotonin in our brains, the "feel good" neurotransmitter that elevates mood, helps us focus, and in the evening, helps us relax and sleep.

Sugar is a source of energy for our muscles, brain and central nervous system. Without sugar our bodies will not function at peak capacity.

Too much sugar, however, is not good. In small amounts sugar energizes us, but in large doses, repeated throughout the day, day in and day out, sugar puts stress on the body. The extra calories can lead to weight gain and obesity, which in time can lead to chronic disease. In the short term, high sugar intakes can lead to a nutritionally deficient diet and a sense of being on an emotional roller coaster.

So be selective about your use of sugars and use them in moderation in your diet. Just like all foods, a variety will enhance the nutritional content of your diet and the flavor and tastes that you can enjoy. Since sugars come in different forms and have different flavors, they can be used most effectively in specific foods and beverages. For instance, agave syrup is liquid and less viscous than honey, making it easy to mix into cold liquids like iced tea and coffee, and is great to add to cold unsweetened cereals for a little sweet taste. Agave's mild flavor allows chefs and bakers to sweeten foods lightly, without overpowering the taste of the dish.

Pay attention to how much sugar is added to your diet every day. Read labels so that you know when sugar is added to manufactured foods. Keep the consumption of added sugars in your diet to no more than 10% of your total daily calorie intake so that you have plenty of room for nutrient dense foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, protein-rich foods, nuts, seeds and healthy oils.

Remember that nutrition is a science based on facts. We are making great advances in our understanding of the science of foods and nutrition. Beware of people with hidden agendas using fear tactics to influence your choices. Don't take their opinion at face value. What are their credentials? What conflicts of interest do they have? If they do not disclose conflicts, then assume that they are manipulating the truth.

Most of all enjoy food. Think about what you need to eat to promote whole health. Don't overindulge, but don't deprive yourself of the bounty of wonderful tastes, either. Use celebrations as occasions to enjoy your favorite foods and try new ones. A teaspoon or two of sugar easily fits into the diet of an active, healthy person. Agave syrup offers an organic low-glycemic choice for those looking for that option.

Resources for this article:

Charley H. Food Science, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1982.

Figlewicz DP et al. Effect of moderate intake of sweeteners on metabolic health in the rat. Physiology and Behavior 98:618-624, 2009

Johnson RK et al. Dietary sugars intake and cardiovascular health: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, 2009

Tyler VE. The Honest Herbal, Third Edition. Pharmaceutical Products Press, New York, NY, 1993.


Avage Nectar Facts

Date: April 08, 2010 04:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Avage Nectar Facts

First of all let me preface by saying thank you very much for contacting Madhava Honey with your concern. Madhava has been in business for over 36 years and one of our four fundamental core values is and always will be to provide the Highest Quality product that exceeds the industry standard. Our other three core values are providing a product with the highest respect to the environment and health of the consumer, supporting community development via living wages and sustainable development of local economies, and finally providing a fair guaranteed price for our suppliers. Thirty six years ago Madhava was founded on "sustainable" practices and we take negative misleading attacks on our products very seriously. Madhava will try to respond to all the issues in question along with providing a little bit of background information on the source of the attacks. Finally at Madhava we believe in full transparency and please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you feel any questions or concerns have not been addressed. Thank you very much.

A. What constitutes Madhava's Agave Nectar?

There are 3 main components of our Agave Nectar. It is naturally composed primarily of the simple sugars fructose, glucose (dextrose), and water. Madhava’s Agave is Certified Organic and is Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Free.

B. How is Madhava's Agave Nectar produced?

The Agave plant is truly a remarkable plant! It grows in the harshest environments with little water and no upkeep is needed. It is naturally found in Western Mexico making it a non-evasive plant to the area regarding its growth and harvest. It requires no pesticides or fertilizers and is actually a cornerstone to its ecosystem. The Agave plant is truly a sustainably grown/harvested crop.

The Agave plant is grown for 6-8 years, then before turning to seed, it is then harvested by hand. Jimadores or Agave harvesters go to the selected fields and remove the "Pina" or heart of the Agave plant, by cutting off the long spiny "leaves" and unearthing it from the soil. It is all done by hand thus reducing the carbon footprint during harvesting. The Pinas are then loaded to a truck which takes them back to the harvesting facility.

There are two methods of making the Agave Nectar from the juice of the plant. One uses a natural non-GMO enzyme and the second uses thermal hydrolysis. Both processes achieve the same goal; which is to separate the naturally occurring Fructans, which are complex sugar molecules into their simple sugar components fructose and glucose.

The actual process of hydrolysis of agave, either thermal or enzymatic, is unlike the process of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), which creates fructose out of the glucose made from the milled starch of corn. Agave Nectar simply separates Fructans or Inulin, a complex naturally occurring sugar, into Fructose and Glucose.

C. Moderation vs. Overconsumption

It is certainly true that overconsumption of any one or a combination of sugars can have detrimental effects, but this is not in a vacuum, it involves lifestyles, other food choices and other conditions. Overconsumption of any food or beverage will have ramifications. Sweeteners are ingredients which are added to foods in relatively small quantity to make them more palatable. In others, sugars can make up a large portion of the caloric value. These foods are easy to identify and avoid as necessary. People do not consume sweeteners as a solitary food in mass quantity. They are just part of the choices people make and consumption can be controlled, each of us chooses what we eat and how much. There are no health issues with moderate consumption of sweeteners; every negative circulating is relative to the overall consumption of one's diet.


Kava Kava Root

Date: September 05, 2009 12:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Kava Kava Root

Kava is an ancient crop of the western Pacific. The word kava refers to both the plant and the beverage that is produced from its roots. Kava is a tranquilizer that is primarily consumed to relax the body without disrupting mental clarity. The active ingredients found in this herb kavalactones. Kava extract is marketed as an herbal medicine in some parts of the Western world, fighting against stress, insomnia, and anxiety. It has been concluded that this herb is more effective than a placebo at treating short-term social anxiety. Safety concerns have been raised over liver toxicity, but research indicates that this may be largely due to use of stems and leaves in supplements, which were not indigenously used.

Kava is used by many island communities in the Pacific in their ceremonial drinks as a mild sedative and relaxant. Among these include Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. This herb was used to relax the body and mind and to promote restful sleep. Kava is considered to be an important herb for pain relief. It is also helpful for insomnia and nervous conditions.

This herb is recommended to be used as a strong muscle relaxant. It is considered to be one of the most powerful of all of the herbal muscle relaxants. Kava is used as an analgesic sedative, for rheumatism, for insomnia, and to relax the body.

Studies have determined that kava contains anticonvulsant and muscle-relaxing properties. This may be extremely helpful to those people who have stress-related muscle tension or seizures. Those individuals who drink kava often relate the effects to a sense of tranquility and sociability. The herb helps to achieve a feeling of well-being and relaxation. Kava seems to have an advantage over other drugs that are prescribed for anxiety and insomnia because it does not seem to lose effectiveness over time. A variety of studies have shown that there is a significant benefit for individuals who are suffering from anxiety. This is extremely promising for those individuals who require long-term therapy for anxiety disorders. Kava is not addictive and is free of associated complications. This is different from many of the medications that are routinely prescribed.

Kava also provides benefits as an analgesic for pain relief. The chewed leaves of this herb cause numbness in the mouth. This anesthetic activity is similar to cocaine and it lasts longer than benzocaine.

The root of the kava plant is used to provide alterative, analgesic, anesthetic, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, and sedative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium and magnesium. Primarily, kava is extremely beneficial in dealing with insomnia and nervousness.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating anxiety, asthma, bronchitis, fatigue, pain, rheumatism, uterine infections, vaginitis, and venereal diseases. It is important to consult your health care provider before taking this herb so that you do not have any adverse reactions to medication which is associated with this herb. In order to obtain more information on the many beneficial effects provided by kava, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.



Date: August 13, 2009 12:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Mugwort

The mugwort plant is one of several species in the genus Artemisia. In Northern America, this plant is considered to be an invasive weed. The plant is very common and can be found growing on nitrogenous soils, like weedy uncultivated areas such as waste places and roadsides. The mugwort plant is a tall herbaceous perennial plant that grows from one to two meters tall and has a woody root. The leaves, which are between five to twenty centimeters in length, are dark green, pinnate, with dense hairs on the underside. The stem has a red-purplish tinge. The flowers are rather small with many yellow or dark red petals. This plant can be found flowering from July to September.

The mugwort plant is native to Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. Sometimes, it is referred to as the felon herb, St John’s plant, chrysanthemum weed, and wild wormwood. The plant’s root has a history of medicinal use. Mugwort was used in the ancient world as a treatment for fatigue and to guard travelers from evil sprits and wild animals. Roman soldiers are said to have placed mugwort in their sandals to keep their feet energized. One could curb fatigue by chewing mugwort leaves. Sometimes, mugwort is confused with wormwood.

Mugwort is popular in witchcraft. It is said to promote lucid dreaming and astral travel. Smoking or eating mugwort before going to sleep is supposed to make dreams much more intense. It also helps the dreamer to remember them upon waking. This herb contains wormwood oil, thujone, flavonoids, triterpenes, and coumarin derivatives. Thujone is toxic. For this reasons, expectant mothers should avoid consuming large amounts of mugwort. Due to toxicity concerns, the plant is recommended less often now.

In traditional Chinese medicine, mugwort still has a role in an aged, pulverized, and recompounded form. In this form, it is used to correct breech birth presentation. Additionally, mugwort can cause uterine contractions, so it has been used to induce abortion.

The leaves of the mugwort plant have been recommended for colic, diarrhea, constipation, stomach cramps, weak digestion, worm infestation, and persistent vomiting. This herb has also been used to stimulate the secretion of bile and gastric juices. It has also been used as a laxative, liver tonic, and sedative. Mugwort promotes circulation. Additionally, it helps with hysteria, epilepsy, convulsions in children, and menstrual problems. This herb has been used as a tonic to boost energy and strength. It has been used, combined with other ingredients, for neuroses, neurasthenia, depression, hypochondria, irritability, restlessness, insomnia, and anxiety.

In summary, the root and leaves of the mugwort plant are used to provide abortifacient and anthelminthic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are lipophilic flavonoids and sesquiterpene lactones. Primarily, mugwort is extremely beneficial in treating anxiety, colic, constipation, depression, diarrhea, digestion, epilepsy, hysteria, insomnia, menstrual problems, vomiting, and worms. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by mugwort, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.


Natural Sweeteners Vs. Artificial Sweeteners

Date: April 30, 2009 10:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Sweeteners Vs. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are food additives intended to replace the sweetness of sugar without the calorie intake. There are also natural sweeteners that can replace sugar, so which should you choose? Natural sweeteners such as sugar, honey and grape juice are well known, although there are also the less well known, but much more effective, sucanat and stevia.

Sucanat is dried unrefined cane sugar, and unlike refined sugar retains the molasses. Stevia, on the other hand, is a shrub, native to Paraguay, the leaf of which contains a non-sucrose sweetener, 300 times the sweetness of sugar, and which is not absorbed by the body. It is a sweetener pure and simple, with no proven health issues. It is also Japan's most popular sugar substitute.

Artificial sweeteners have been known for many years, the first and best known being benzoic sulfanide, known to you as saccharin. The health risks of saccharin have been the subject of debate for over 100 years and have yet to be resolved. Studies had shown it to cause cancer in rats, and it was placed on a list of known or suspected carcinogens.

It has been banned for use in the USA, but that was lifted by the FDA in 1991, and in 2000 saccharin has no longer required a health warning label. The issue appears to have been resolved by rats metabolizing saccharin in a way not possible in humans. However, many are still suspicious of it, and if you don't trust a food additive then do not voluntarily consume it.

The top two artificial sweeteners in the USA are sucralose and aspartame. Sucralose, discovered in the UK in 1976, is the less emotive of the two, and is chemically the chlorocarbon trichlorogalactosucrose, produced by chlorination of sucrose and 600 times as sweet. It should be stressed that a chlorocarbon is totally different to a chlorinated hydrocarbon. It is generally considered safe to use, although it is very slow rate of degradation in waste water has raised concerns that concentrations could increase with increasing popularity of the sweetener.

According to' Sweet Deception', the book states sucralose to be discovered during the search for an insecticide, and is produced when sugar is treated with acetic anhydride, hydrogen chloride and trityl chloride among others in the presence of toluene, MIBK and dimethyl formamide among other solvents. Although marketed as coming from a natural source, it is anything but natural.

Aspartame was developed by G.D. Searle, and its approval by the FDA has been a matter of concern for many years. Promoted by Donald Rumsfeld, then CEO of Searle, he "called in his markers" to have the substance approved, which was not one of the more glorious moments in America's history.

It is used in over 6,000 products, most household names, yet was based on "inconclusive and incompetent science" according to detractors. In 1981, on the day of his inauguration, Ronald Regan suspended the powers of the FDA on aspartame, and then a month later appointed a new FDA head, Arthur Hayes, who immediately licensed the substance. Donald Rumsfeld was on President Regan's team.

There is a strong body of evidence that aspartame is toxic to humans, although the official evidence has discredit such studies. Recent evidence that linked aspartame to cancer has been stated as irrelevant to humans. In spite of the concerns, the substance has been approved, not only in the USA but also by the European Union. This might call into question the relevance of studies to humans, but many still believe that commercial considerations are behind these decisions.

In fact, an extensive study carried out by the Italian European Ramazzini Foundation, showed that aspartame can cause a significant increase in cancers and leukemias in rats at well below the doses allowed by the EU or the US. This substance required further study by bodies with no vested interest in the outcome.

Those that believe so point to the stevia situation. This natural sweetener is banned for use as a food additive in the EU, and cannot be sold as sweetener due to the FDA not recognizing it as such. It has also been banned in Hong Kong, even though it is the sweetener of choice in Japan, with no apparent side-effects becoming endemic in that country. The USA might not approve stevia as a sweetener, but it is considering lifting its ban on cyclamate.

Cyclamate was banned by the FDA due to tests on rats indicating a possibly carcinogenic effect, but no more positive than those on aspartame. Cyclamate is permitted in Canada, where saccharin is not, and also in the UK, but not throughout the EU.

It is obvious, then, looking at the various claims and counter-claims, and the conflicting legislation between civilized countries, that the artificial sweetener industry is wrought with uncertainty. In the past, it is almost certain that commercial considerations have come before the health of the nation, and that does not engender confidence.

In fact, the only sane approach to take at this time would be to avoid artificial sweeteners altogether, and stay natural. That is not to claim that natural products are safe to eat - far from it! Many of the most virulent poisons are natural, but the well-used natural sweeteners appear to be safer at this time than any of those artificially manufactured.

There might be objections to this where diabetes is concerned, and Canada, while banning saccharin for normal use, still allows it for use by diabetics. This is the one of the two major bodies that promotes the use of artificial sweeteners: the diabetic lobby and the weight loss lobby.

It is difficult to question the obesity and weight problem that America has while at the same time arguing against the use of artificial sweeteners. However, don't forget that stevia is widely used in Japan with no reported health problems, and stevia is a natural sweetener that is permitted for use as a food additive, and that is not absorbed by the body.

However, there is also a recent 2005 study that has indicated that diet drinks containing artificial sweeteners might fool your body into believing that the sweet taste is promising energy, and when it doesn't materialize, you feel hungry and eat more. This has been supported by animal studies.

These have shown convincingly that the sensation of sweetness induces the production of insulin with resulting hypoglycemia because there is no actual increase in blood sugar. This induces increased food intake. This has been proved with rats, and also proved was the fact that the natural response of eating less at the next meal, after sugary food, was gradually diminished in animals fed non-calorific sweeteners.

The choice is yours, but it would seem advisable to stick to natural sweeteners for the time being, at least until the studies carried out are in concurrence as opposed to offering conflicting results depending upon who is doing the testing.

Buy Natural Sweeteners at Vitanet ®, LLC


Celery Seed Extract Standardized

Date: October 30, 2008 05:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Celery Seed Extract Standardized

Despite being relatively unknown within western medicine, Celery (apium graveolens) has been cultivated as food and used to promote good health for thousands of years throughout the world. In its earliest applications, Mediterranean and Ayurvedic practitioners relied on celery to address a wide range of health concerns, including respiratory challenges, fatigue, and physical distress. Some of the most recent scientific studies, however, have identified a number of potentially beneficial active compounds in Celery, including volatile oils, flavonoids, coumarins, and linoleic acid. One of the most significant and promising is 3nB (3-n-butylphthalide), the compound that gives celery its distinctive taste and aroma. The celery seed extract used in this formula is standardized 85% total phthalides calculated as 3nB. Studies have shown that 3nB appears to help support a normal inflammatory response and blood pressure within the healthy range. Additionally, research has suggested that 3nB may be able to increase cranial blood flow.

Celery Circulation is an innovative circulatory support formula designed to encourage a balanced inflammatory response while increasing blood flow through its vasodilatation properties. For enhanced support, it includes standardized extracts from horse chestnut (minimum 20% total triterpene glycosides) and hawthorn (minimum 1.8% Vitexin).


Vitamins Herbs And Antioxidants

Date: October 17, 2008 09:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamins Herbs And Antioxidants

Grilling meat over an open fire is something our ancestors have been doing for thousands of years. But people today who are indulging in chicken and cheeseburgers face a lot of concerns that our ancestors never even dreamed of. These include air pollutants and cancer-causing compounds. Research has proven that grilling meats creates two types of compounds that can lead to cancer. More so, both briquettes and lump charcoal spew hydrocarbons and soot particles as they burn, which encourage global warming contribute to many health problems. However, the majority of us cannot resist barbeque. So instead of dodging barbequed food, learn to grill without the guilt and fewer health risks.

Barbeque emissions are well below those from motor vehicles and the industry in rank, but its environmental effects are just as harmful given that burning charcoal contributes to smog and global warming. Lump charcoal is actually made from charred wood, which is a factor in deforestation. It can be compared to fuels that we use in furnaces and water heaters, such as oil, gas, and wood. Like these other fuels, charcoal produces soot when it is burned. These particles in soot are air pollutants and microscopic solids which are inhaled and deposited in the lungs. Particle pollution is associated with asthma, strokes, heart attacks, lung cancer, and reduced life expectancy. Once animal fat drips onto the flame of a charcoal or gas grill, carcinogenic compounds rise with the smoke and are deposited on the meat. Other harmful chemicals are then formed on the food as it continues to char. The more time the meat spends on the grill, the more harmful chemicals that are created. These compounds do not form on vegetables, as it is a reaction with animal-based foods that generates the harmful effects. However, any food that is over-charred contains other types of cancer-causing substances.

Grilling is a method of cooking that adds to the formation and deposit of cancer-causing substances on meat, as both substances deposited are undesirable and carcinogenic. The high heat of grill cooking produces more harmful chemicals than oven roasting or baking a lower temperature, but beef and chicken must both be cooked at temperatures high enough to destroy E. coli and other harmful bugs.

Because cancer risk is influenced much more by long-term patterns than occasional patterns, the goal is to have a diet that balances calories you take in with calories you put out, and to eat a diet containing many fruits and vegetables. Grilling less meat and more vegetables can reduce pollution on many levels. Also, vegetarian sources of protein, such as veggie burgers, contain few or no harmful chemicals when grilled. So for those summer days when a barbecue is irresistible, be sure to use natural charcoal, which is made from environmentally friendly wood sources and low-emission plant wastes.

Thankfully, all natural charcoals are chemical-free. In order to minimize cancerous compounds on the grill, cook at lower temperatures and flip meat every one to two minutes. Marinating meat or precooking it in a microwave for two minutes will also reduce hazardous compounds and carcinogenic compounds can be reduced by grilling lower-fat meats with fewer fat drippings.

By simply limiting the animal protein portion and making vegetables and grains a larger part of the meal, you can minimize the carcinogens and maximize your intake of cancer-protective vitamins and natural compounds. For most eliminating meat is undesirable, so supplementing with herbs and vitamins that help boost the immune system and act as antioxidants such as grape seed extract, vitamin c, and bioflavonoids can help the body fight off those nasty carcinogens produced from grilling.

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Date: September 03, 2008 09:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Colostrum

Over the past several decades there have been many shifts in the research that concerns the immune system of the body. Recent discoveries have found that colostrum carries agents that can positively affect immune function in humans.

An impressive body of research has found that colostrum is responsible for the first transmission of immune signals in a newborn, which are valuable in shaping the knowledge of the newborn’s defense systems. When an infant is born, the immune system is somewhat naive to the various invaders that try to break down its defense systems and take over the body.

Since colostrum is the first food that the body traditionally takes in, the information that the mother has collected over her life of how to fight microbial invaders, cancerous cells, and other toxins effectively is immediately transferred to her newborn. At a time when the infant is vulnerable to thousands of invaders, nature provides a way to help the infant in the process of building his or her immune system in a quick and effective way. Colostrum is an essential part to this complex and timely process.

As soon as an infant is born, it is generally fed, with the first portion of fluid that comes from the mother being colostrum. It was thought by experts for decades that colostrum contained only vital nutrients in a nutritional sense, but many now believe that breast-feeding a child is much more beneficial than simply bottle-feeding a child with formula. It has now been discovered that colostrum is much more than a nutrient-rich fluid, it is a combination of immune agents.

This mix of nutrients contains agents that are not species-specific in their function, so they do not produce an allergic reaction when introduced to a foreign species. Some of the more prominent and devastating conditions that could be effectively prevented by the use of colostrum and its properties include viral and bacterial infections, parasitic infections, autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, fungal infections, tissue damage, as well as many others.

The body uses an assortment of processes, mechanisms, and agents in order to defend itself. All of these make up what is known as the immune system. The body uses three interrelated functions making its defense mechanism effective. First, it recognizes foreign agents within the body, followed by enlisting a variety of cells and molecules to eliminate or neutralize the invader. Last, the body is able to remember the exact foreign substance so that next time it comes around; it can deal with it quickly and effectively.

If the invading organism is able to get through the physical barriers of the skin and mucous membranes in the nose and throat, there are several immune barriers that are ready to defend the body including the body’s temperature, hydrochloric acid found in the stomach, and interferon. Hydrochloric acid, along with the low pH of the stomach, defeats a large majority of viruses that make it past the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

Interferon is derived from the virus of infected cells and binds and neutralizes nearby virus cells. If there is enough interferons present, this substance can neutralize large quantities of invading viruses. Colostrum helps the body manufacture interferons that can fight viruses and protect the body for a lifetime.

Buy Colostrum at Vitanet ®, LLC



Date: July 22, 2008 01:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: DHA

DHA is a fatty acid that is essential for many body processes and structures. Fatty acids are the building blocks that create lipids, which are important nutrients that make up 25 to 45 percent of total body energy for most of those who are living in industrialized countries. The majority of dietary fatty acids are made from dairy products, meat, margarine, and vegetable oils.

Lipids are important because they store and transport energy from one part of the body to another and they also insulate and mechanically protect certain parts of the body. Any fat that is eaten is converted by the body into fatty acids, where it is then burned for energy, stored, or synthesized into other acids which are called prostaglandins. Some fatty acids are also vital structural components of cell membranes. DHA is part of a special class of highly concentrated, long-chained, polyunsaturated fatty acids called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are looked at as one of the most fundamental molecules in the structure and activity of the membranes of all cells. They have a huge influence on the production of cellular regulatory compounds which are known as eicosanoids. They also are highly specialized in their function in neurological tissues, especially the retina of the eye. It is also very likely that omega-3s have specific and beneficial effects on the heart muscle, while they also influence the production of substances that control immune responses.

Fatty acids are short-chained, medium-chained, or long chained. Short-chain fatty acids are water-soluble and absorbed directly from the intestine into the bloodstream. They are generally used for immediate energy and can be found most abundantly in dairy products. Long-chained fatty acids are more emphasized when it comes to health concerns as they are stored in cell membranes and have a huge affect on membrane protein function. Their behavior in tissue membrane is what makes them greatly influential in health.

Besides the length of the chain, fatty acids are also described by their saturation. Saturation means how many hydrogen atoms the fatty acid carries. Fatty acids that carry as many hydrogen atoms as they can are called saturated fatty acids, while those that lose a pair of hydrogen atoms become unsaturated. This loss of hydrogen atoms creates a double bond between the two carbon atoms on either side of the missing hydrogen atoms. Those fatty acids that have one double bond are called monounsaturated fatty acids, while those with two or more double bonds are called polyunsaturated fatty acids. Most omega-3 fatty acids are highly unsaturated and have five or more double bonds.

EPA and alpha-linolenic acid are most commonly found in plant sources. DHA and EPA are made in phytoplankton, which is consumed by fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. The above reason is why these two essential fatty acids are found mainly in the aquatic food chain. LNA and EPA cannot substitute for DHA in all metabolic functions, even though DHA and EPA are more able to cover for each other in certain metabolic functions. It has been found that LNA is less effective than EPA which is less effective than DHA in enriching tissues, meaning that food sources such as vegetables and seed oils are not as good of sources than sea foods or other foods that are enriched with DHA and EPA. DHA in itself provides most of the health benefits displayed in research, to take essential oils that contain no DHA would limit the health benefits discussed above and from other sources. Have you had your DHA today?

Buy DHA at Vitanet ®, LLC


Is Saw Palmetto's Safe?

Date: July 15, 2008 06:58 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Saw Palmetto's Safe?

Saw palmetto, a small palm tree which is found in Florida and South Carolina, produces berries which contain many beneficial compounds. Florida is the biggest producer of saw palmetto. Small patches of this herb can be found from the southeast coastline of South Carolina and southeastern Georgia to southern Mississippi. But it does not grow naturally in Texas, Mexico, or the Caribbean. It grows in every Florida County, but much of its production is found in South Florida.

Supplements that contain saw palmetto are extremely effective in treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH), one of the most common health conditions in older men, with half of all men aged 40-60 and more than 90 percent of men over 80 having BPH. BPH is caused by the conversion of estrogen to a very potent form of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Saw palmetto berry extract has been found to relive the symptoms of BPH by furthering the production of DHT. With the use of saw palmetto extract, it has been found that most men achieve some relief of symptoms within the first 30 days.

Additionally, saw palmetto is an herb that is commonly used to treat benign prostate enlargement, is rich in phytosterols, especially beta-sitosterol. Also, saw palmetto is very effective for excess testosterone, as it promotes testosterone excretion. Native Americans use the fruit for food, but it is also used in the treatment of a variety of urinary and reproductive system problems. Similarly, the Mayans drank it as a tonic, while the Seminoles used the berries both as an expectorant and as an antiseptic.

Recent concerns over the safety of saw palmetto supplements for prostate health have emerged and may be unfounded. A new study reported that there were no adverse effects from the supplementation of saw palmetto. The randomized clinical trial, Saw palmetto for Treatment of Enlarged Prostates (STEP) study, recruited two hundred and twenty-five men, all of which had moderate-to-severe symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Each of these men was assigned to receive either 320 milligrams per day of a saw palmetto supplement or a placebo.

This study lasted one year. After the study, researchers concluded that there were no significant differences between the groups when it came to suffering from at least one serious adverse event. 5.4 percent of men in the saw palmetto group had one serious adverse event as compared to 9.7 percent in the placebo group. There were also no significant differences that were observed when it came to non-serious symptomatic adverse events, as 34.8 percent of men in the saw palmetto group experienced such an event, compared to 30.1 percent in the placebo group.

The study was welcomed by Daniel Fabricant, PhD., vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs for the industry association of the Natural Products Association. Dr. Fabricant said that he agreed with the authors of the study and that the results are reassuring, saying that he believe the study supports the viewpoint that those people with experience in botanicals have held for an extended amount of time in that when they are used responsibly and the amounts and concentrations are supported by clinical literature, botanicals are extremely safe and effective.

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Are You At Risk And What Can You Do About It?

Date: April 23, 2008 04:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are You At Risk And What Can You Do About It?

Did you know there are Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) that can have an endocrine disrupting ability? Meaning, these chemicals can have an estrogen like and anti-androgen effect on the body, disrupting the normal function of our endocrine system which can cause all sorts of health issues.

Back in the industrial boom directly following world war II these chemicals were widely used in plastics, cosmetics, personal care products, cleaning agents, clothing, household furnishings, and decorations, food and water, fertilizers, and pesticides and fungicides. These chemicals are being banned by the government but are not gone all together yet.

Endocrine disruptor chemicals are fat soluble which means when consumed they are stored by the body in our fat stores. This makes these chemicals a persistent pain in the butt for a very long time since fat soluble substances tend to be stored and slowly released; some claim the release can be years and years down the road.

These types of toxins can easily leach into water including juices and can vaporize into the air that we breathe in to our lungs. Once ingested, these chemicals can lead to reproductive, developmental, behavioral, neurological, endocrine, and immunologic adverse health effects that can last a lifetime.

Those men and women who want to have children may discover that one of both at have reproductive impairments due to POPs. Symptoms of toxicity are male infertility, gynecological problems, and accelerated puberty, developmental abnormalities of the reproductive tract, premature delivery, behavioral problems, abnormal thyroid function, cancer and heart disease. In cases of children, signs of toxicity are leukemia when fetal exposure is experienced.

The wide spread use of phthalates in industrial and consumer products has raised a lot of concerns. Phthalates are what keep plastics flexible. Dibutyl phthalate is used in PVC piping (in new homes the piping that supply water to faucets), various varnishes and lacquers, safety glass, nail polishes, paper coatings, dental materials, pharmaceuticals, children’s toys, and plastic food wrap. The heating of plastic containers either by microwave or a hot cup of tea can easily leach these phthalate’s in to food or drink exposing humans to high amounts of this toxin.

Also, Parabens are high on the watch list for those health minded. Parabens are a group of synthetic chemicals used as a preservative in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. The most common parabens are methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben. These three are used as a bacteriocidal and fungicidal agent in many products we use every day. The FDA does not require approval of cosmetic ingredients before they reach the market place so cosmetic manufactures are free to use what ever they want in their products.

Parabens have been shown to have a mild estrogenic affect on the body, and are in practically all personal care products on the market today. If you are applying a name brand cosmetic onto your skin daily, take a look at the label to see if Parabens are used.

For those looking to stay away form all the above listed toxins look for products packaged in glass, PETE or HDPE bottles and containers. Look for packets lined with saran, and can linings made of polyolefins. Use biodegradable household cleaning agents and avoid sprays and insecticides. Cleaning supplies are not required to list ingredients so it is always buyer beware unless the label states it is free from PCBs, Parabens, and POPs.

Finally, when buying furniture avoid furniture that contains flame retardant PBDEs and limit children to the exposure of such furniture. Exposure to PBDEs can lead to some of the above listed symptoms and cause health problems. Staying healthy is a tough task with all the environmental toxins we face. By buying organic foods and avoid the above listed chemicals one can live longer and maintain better health over a lifetime.


Beyond Bran Fiber

Date: December 25, 2007 08:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Beyond Bran Fiber

At one point in time, when you went to the health food store you usually only had choice of wheat bran, which is a good source of the insoluble fiber that helps your digestive system stay on track, or oat bran, which contains the soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol. Although both of these bran’s are still popular, as they have good reason to be, remaining excellent sources of dietary fiber, these days store shelves are gathering more and more fiber supplements ranging from encapsulated forms to powders and specialized to deal with a variety of health concerns.

Insoluble fiber has the ability to draw water into the intestines, preventing constipation and keeping waste matter from decaying within the body. However, it is the many types of soluble fiber that science has recently started investigating for health benefits. Part of soluble fiber’s value is closely related to its mechanical action, as it forms a thick gel within the digestive track that moves slowly to stop sugar from entering the body too quickly, therefore, helping to keep glucose levels down and carrying some fat and sugar out of the body completely. Additionally, when soluble fibers gel up it helps to reduce blood level cholesterol by trapping bile preventing the bile from doing its action (breaking down fats in the digestive tract so the body can absorb it). Unlike insoluble fiber, soluble fiber undergoes fermentation inside the colon to produce fatty acids that do a little bit of everything, including: helping the body digest food, protecting against polyps, stimulating immunity, increasing mineral absorption, and helping to keep cholesterol and glucose levels in check.

Soluble fiber is getting large amounts of research reviews. One study concluded that people who ate the least fiber are 63% more likely to have high levels of CRP (C-reactive protein). CRP is an inflammation marker that is associated with cardiovascular risk. Another study proved that flax seed improved glucose control. Another fiber source, psyllium, has been shown to bring relief to people with Chron’s disease, an inflammatory intestinal disorder.

Flax seed and psyllium are two of the best known types of soluble fiber available, but there are other types that aren’t as well known. Others including arabinogalactan (AG) have been shown to have a special affinity for natural killer cells. Beta-glucans are another form of fiber that can help boost immunity. Lignans, which are found in flax, have been shown to cause lower breast-cancer rates. Fenugreek is a spice that is rich in galactomannan, a heart-healthy fiber. Some fiber formulations pair up different kinds of fiber with complementary herbs. An example of this is Garcinia cambogia and Gymnema sylvestre, which can be used for glucose control; or astragalus, Echinacea, olive leaf, and shiitake to assist the immune system. Some supplements even provide natural enzymes which help prevent bloating.

It is, of course, important to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet. However, thanks to supplementation that is designed specifically for certain health concerns, it has become much easier to find the additional fiber that is needed by your body, no matter what kind of fiber that is. A large selection of fiber bran supplements can be found at your local or internet health food store.

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Date: October 24, 2007 11:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ubiquinol


Ubiquinol has powerful antioxidant actions in target cells *


Although ubiquinone (oxidized coenzyme Q10) and ubiquinol (reduced coenzyme Q10) are kept at a constant ratio within the body, the majority of the total coenzyme Q10 pool is made up of ubiquinol.  In fact, when ubiquinone is taken orally, much of it appears to be rapidly converted into ubiquinol. 1,4 Ubiquinol functions as a potent antioxidant in humans, including in low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) where it protects them from oxidative damage.1,4,5 The coenzyme Q10 molecule can be found in all membranes throughout cells.6 It appears to works in conjunction with both vitamin E and vitamin C to provide antioxidant actions throughout the body.7


Coenzyme Q10 supports mitochondria to enhance cellular energy production*


Coenzyme Q10, with its widespread distribution throughout the body, plays a crucial role in mitochondrial physiology as a critical member of the electron transport chain. This transport chain, which is part of cellular respiration, leads to the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), our body’s primary energy source.  Levels of this key nutrient may decline as a healthy person ages.7,8  Animal studies have found that supplementation can restore normal levels in certain tissues 6, and human studies suggest that supplementing with this enzyme may have increased benefits when a person has depleted levels. 7


Coenzyme Q10 supports healthy heart functioning*


Concentrations of coenzyme Q10 are understandably high in the heart as these muscle cells require high levels of energy to constantly function optimally. A number of studies (both animal and human) strongly suggest that coenzyme Q10 supplementation is supportive for healthy heart functioning and for maintaining cardiovascular system health.7,9


Ubiquinol has been studied for safety and bioavailability in humans*


A recently published single-blind placebo-controlled study in healthy subjects found no safety concerns in people who took Kaneka’s QH ubiquinol supplement orally at doses of up to 300 milligrams daily for up to four weeks.4 Single oral doses of either 150 milligrams or 300 milligrams were given to fifteen healthy men and women, and standard laboratory testing (including hematology, blood chemistry, and urinalysis) as well as physical examination and electrocariography (EKG) results showed no clinically significant changes when tested two days after supplementation as compared to before the taking the supplement. In addition to the single dose study, 80 healthy volunteers were given either placebo, 90, 150 or 300 milligrams of ubiquinol each day for four weeks, and again no clinically significant differences were seen in any of the testing parameters after two and four weeks of supplementation, nor were there differences two weeks after discontinuation of the supplement.  By monitoring levels in the blood, the authors found that ubiquinol was well absorbed.4


Studies in several animals also reveal no concern of toxicity in doses of ubiquinol up to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight for up to thirteen weeks.4 When compared to humans, this dose level is enormously higher than the recommended doses.  Supplementation with ubiquinol appeared to be safe at even higher levels (up to 600 milligrams per kilogram body weight) in a study using a different animal. In vitro assays additionally found no safety concerns for the use of ubiquinol, as it was found to be non-mutagenic and did not cause damage to chromosomes in cells.



Suggested Adult Use: Take one softgel daily with food, or as directed by a nutritionally informed physician.


Scientific References

1.    Mohr, D., V.W. Bowry, and R. Stocker, Dietary supplementation with coenzyme Q10 results in increased levels of ubiquinol-10 within circulating lipoproteins and increased resistance of human low-density lipoprotein to the initiation of lipid peroxidation. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1992. 1126(3): p. 247-54.


2.    Weber, C., et al., Effect of dietary coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant in human plasma. Mol Aspects Med, 1994. 15 Suppl: p. s97-102.


3.    Okamoto, T., et al., Human serum ubiquinol-10 levels and relationship to serum lipids. Int J Vitam Nutr Res, 1989. 59(3): p. 288-92.


4.    Hosoe, K., et al., Study on safety and bioavailability of ubiquinol (Kaneka QH) after single and 4-week multiple oral administration to healthy volunteers. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 2007. 47(1): p. 19-28.


5.    Stocker, R., V.W. Bowry, and B. Frei, Ubiquinol-10 protects human low density lipoprotein more efficiently against lipid peroxidation than does alpha-tocopherol. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1991. 88(5): p. 1646-50.


6.    Crane, F.L., Biochemical functions of Coenzyme Q10. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2001. 20(6): p. 591-598.


7.    Jones, K., et al., Coenzyme Q-10 and cardiovascular health. Alternative therapies, 2004. 10(1): p. 22-31.


8.    Schulz, C., et al., Comparison of the relative bioavailability of different coenzyme Q10 formulations with a novel solubilizate (Solu Q10). Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2006. 57(7-8): p. 546-55.


9.    Coenzyme Q10. Monograph. Altern Med Rev, 2007. 12(2): p. 159-68.


Buy Ubiquinol at VitaNet, LLC ®


Active Coenzyme Q10

Date: July 07, 2007 01:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Active Coenzyme Q10

Active CoQ10


The benefits of Coenzyme Q10 have become increasingly well-known. This important nutrient has been shown in clinical trials to improve heart function, reduce the side effects of certain drugs used to treat cancer, and slow the progression of serious brain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. Now research has opened a new chapter in the CoQ10 story, highlighting the benefits of ubiquinol, the active form of CoQ10, to increase energy and stamina, and reduce some of he physical signs of aging.

In this issue of Ask the Doctor we will review the benefits of Coenzyme Q10, and discuss the differences between CoQ10 and its active form –ubiquinol.


Q. What is CoQ10?

A. CoQ10 is a natural, fat-soluble nutrient present in virtually all cells. CoQ10 also is known as ubiquinone. That’s because CoQ10 is ubiquitious and exists everywhere there is life. CoQ10 is vital to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. ATP is the energy-rich compound used for all processes requiring energy in the body. Although CoQ10 is produced by the body and exists in some limited dietary sources, these levels may be insufficient to meet the body’s requirements. CoQ10 levels diminish with age and as a result of dietary inadequacies and various disease states. Also, some drugs, especially a group of cholesterol lowering prescription drugs known as “statins,” (Pravachol, Zocor, Lipitor, etc.) significantly reduce CoQ10 levels in the body.


Q. What is ubiquinol? Is it the same or different from CoQ10?

A. Ubiquinol and CoQ10 are very closely related. Ubiquinone, or CoQ10, is the oxidized form of the molecule. This means it has to be converted to a non-oxidized form before it can perform its work. Ubiquinol is the active form of this nutrient. Our bodies convert CoQ10 to ubiquinol – which is the form needed to produce cellular energy. Until recently, it was not possible to use ubiquinol as a supplement because it is very unstable outside the human body. But research has now found a way to keep this molecule stable so it can be successfully taken in supplement form.


Q. If CoQ10 gets converted to ubiquinol anyway, can’t I just take CoQ10?

A. While it is true that our bodies can convert CoQ10 to ubiquinol, it isn’t true that we all do this equally well. In fact, as we age, our ability to convert CoQ10 to ubiquinol declines. And some people even have a gene that makes them less effective at this conversion than the majority of the population. IN fact, several common health issues have been associated with less than optimal ratios of CoQ10 to QH. For healthy people the ideal ratio is approximately 97% Ubiquinol to 3% CoQ10. But in people with diabetes, for example, the ratios have been found to range from 43% ubiquinol to 47% CoQ10 in mild diabetes, to only 24% ubiquinol to 76% CoQ10 in severe diabetes. These numbers are for men; the numbers for women vary by 2 to 5 percentage points.

So for older folks, the 30-50% of people who have the gene that impairs CoQ10 conversion, or for people who have serious health concerns, supplementing with ubiquinol instead of CoQ10 might be the smart choice.


Q. What are the health benefits of CoQ10 and Ubiquinol?

A. There have been many studies showing that CoQ10 is beneficial in treating and preventing heart disease and conditions such as high blood pressure atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), angina, and congestive heart failure (CHF). It’s been shown that heart attacks tend to occur when CoQ10 levels are low in the body. Exciting new research has found that CoQ10 in a unique delivery system supplementation may slow the progression of symptoms associated with neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, ALS, Huntington’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, CoQ10 is beneficial for diabetes, immune dysfunction, cancer, periodontal disease, prostate cancer, and neurological disease. While the research on ubiquinol is still very new, it is reasonable to expect that its benefits will be equal to or perhaps even better than CoQ10, because it is the more active form.


Q. Why is CoQ10 especially important for preventing and treating heart disease, and for neurological diseases like Parkinson’s disease?

A. The heart and brain are some of the most metabolically active tissues in the body. Both require large amounts of uninterrupted energy, which means these tissues also need increased amounts of ubiquinol. Research has shown that many people with heart of brain diseases have serum CoQ10 levels that are lower than those of healthy people. Correcting such deficiencies often can produce significant results. However, these diseases become more common as we age – right at the time our ability to convert CoQ10 to its active form, ubiquinol, declines.


Q. How might ubiquinol be important for the heart?

A. Heart Health: A study on patients admitted to the hospital with an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) found that CoQ10 can provide rapid protective effects in patients with a heart attack if administered within three days of the onset of symptoms. Seventy-three patients received CoQ10 (120 mg/d). The study’s control group consisted of 71 similarly matched patients with acute AMI. After treatment, angina pectoris (severe chest pain signifying interrupted blood flow to the heart), total arrhythmias (dangerously irregular heartbeats), and poor function in the left ventricle (the essential chamber of the heart) were significantly reduced in the CoQ10 group compared to the placebo group. Total deaths due to sudden cardiac failure and nonfatal heart attacks also were significantly reduced in the CoQ10 group compared with the placebo group.

In another study, CoQ10 was studied in 109 patients with high blood pressure (hypertension). The patients were given varying doses of supplemental CoQ10 with the goal of attaining a certain blood level (greater than 2.0 mcg/l). Most patients were on medications to treat hypertension. Half the patients were able to stop taking some or all of their prescription drugs at an average of 4.4 months after starting CoQ10. The 9.4% of patients who had echocardiograms, performed both before and during treatment, experienced a highly significant improvement in heart wall thickness and function. This improvement was directly attributed to CoQ10 supplementation.

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a debilitating disease that affects 5 million people in the U.S. It causes edema, difficult breathing, and impaired circulation. In another study, CoQ10 restored healthy heart function in CHF patients. Patients received 100 mg of CoQ10 or a placebo twice daily for 12 weeks. Before and after the treatment period, the investigators introduced a catheter into the right ventricle of patients’ hearts to determine the degree of CHF damage to the heart muscle. The patients’ heart muscles at rest and work improved significantly. The researchers concluded CHF patients would greatly benefit from adjunctive CoQ10 treatment. Since ubiquinol is the active form of CoQ10, it may be able to overcome the hurdles to providing maximum impact, most importantly, age and genetic related inefficiencies in converting CoQ10 to active CoQ10 (Ubiquinol).


And Neurological Health?: A study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health showed that supplementing with CoQ10 in a unique delivery system was associated with a slowing of the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Participants were divided into 4 groups and their physical skills (coordination, walking, etc) and mental skills were evaluated. Each group then received 300 mg, 600 mg, or 1200 mg of a special form of chewable CoQ10, or a placebo. The researchers evaluated the participants after 1, 4,8, 12, and 16 months of treatment. Each participant was again scored on motor, mental, and activities of daily living skills.

The results of the study showed that the people who took the highest dosage of CoQ10-1200 mg-experienced the least decline in their physical abilities. The results were so encouraging that the researchers will be continuing with new studies, suing higher dosages to see if the results can get even better.

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a devastating and degenerative inherited disease that is always fatal. In fact, no other medication, drug, or nutritional supplement has ever been shown to cause a decline in the progression of this terrible disease. A study compared CoQ10 against remacemide (an investigational HD drug made by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals), in 347 HD patients who were in the early stages of the disease. Remacemide blocks glutamate, the neurotransmitter scientists think may cause the death of brain cells that occurs in Huntington’s disease. While remacemide had no effect on the progression of HD, CoQ10 showed a trend toward slowing the disease by an average of 15%. This meant the HD group taking CoQ10 was able to handle every day activities of life a little longer than the patients taking remacemide or a placebo. They also were able to focus their attention better, were less depressed, and less irritable.

The 15% slowing of decline can result in about one more year of independence of HD patients. Needless to say, the gift of an additional year of health in the lives of HD patients is incredibly significant.

Because of these impressive results, researchers are hopeful that supplemental CoQ10 will have beneficial effects for people with other neurological diseases such as ALS and Alzheimer’s disease, too. Studies are under way to confirm these effects.

Using the active form of CoQ10 helps to assure that, regardless of age or illness, the CoQ10 can have the greatest impact.


Q. What have been the results of research studies with Ubiquinol?

A. One of the most interesting effects of Ubiquinol that has been reported so far is its ability to slow the physical signs of aging. In laboratory studies, administration of stable ubiquinol to mice forestalled the changes associated with aging – rounded spine, patchy fur and irritated eyes. While the mice who received ubiquinol did not necessarily live longer than the mice that didn’t, they lived better. But it is important to note that these mice were bred to die at a young age. Human studies are needed to determined true impact on longevity.

Additionally, supplemental, stable ubiquinol has been shown to increase physical energy and stamina. In an animal study, the length of time rats were able to run on a treadmill before getting tired was measured. The same rats were then given ubiquinol and the treadmill test was repeated. The length of time the rats were able to run before tiring increased 150 times.


Q. How can one supplement have applications for neurological diseases, heart health, and even the immune system?

A. Supplements often have more than one function, especially when it’s a substance like CoQ10, which is present in all parts of the body. All nucleated cells (most cells other than red blood cells) have mitochondria and all cells require energy to function. CoQ10 is vital to ATP production. Thus, CoQ10 has applications not only in neurological (neurons or nervous system cells) and cardiac health (myocardium or heart tissue), but also for the immune system.


Q. Should I take CoQ10 or ubiquinol? How much should I take?

A. While everyone can benefit from CoQ10 or ubiquinol supplementation, it appears that ubiquinol should be the first choice for older adults, people with known genetic inefficiencies in converting CoQ10 to ubiquinol, and for people with serious heart disease or neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, who are otherwise supplementing with high levels of CoQ10. For people in overall good health, a high quality CoQ10 supplement with proven absorption is a good choice.

Take 200 to 300 mg of CoQ10 or 100 mg ubiquinol daily, depending on your health history. The safety of both forms has been tested, and no significant side effects reported. Occasional mild stomach upset may occur. Taking your CoQ10 or ubiquinol with meals usually alleviates this rare effect.


CoQ10 is not the only answer to the complex issues of heart disease, neurological diseases, or immune dysfunction; however, research indicates that it’s a bigger piece of the puzzle than physicians and scientists ever imagines. The more we study this naturally occurring compound, the more benefits we find. And with this new ability to provide CoQ10 in its active form, ubiquinol, for the first time, even greater benefits may be derived.


Safe Solutions for Chronic Pain

Date: March 30, 2007 12:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Safe Solutions for Chronic Pain

Safe Solutions for Chronic Pain


One of the biggest challenged in healthcare today is the problem of pain. There are simply too many people living each and every day with ongoing, unremitting chronic pain. And there are far too many healthcare providers who – for a variety of reasons – are failing to adequately address this serious problem.

Recently, 368 doctors who routinely care for patients with chronic pain agreed to take part in a unique study. The doctors were surveyed about the pain medicines hey prescribe, what kind of treatment goals they hope to achieve, and how they felt about their ability to help their patients. They were also presented with four chronic pain vignettes or mock case studies and asked to select the best treatment for each scenario from multiple choice answers.

Sadly, many doctors chose the worst treatment options in the case studies. The medications they reported using in their practices did not reflect current pain treatment standards. They tended to set low treatment goals 0 instead of aiming for a least a 75% reduction of pain for their patients, they settled for 10% to 20% reductions. And many of the doctors admitted they lacked confidence in their ability to relieve their patients’ pain and suffering.

Adding to the challenge are the almost daily news announcements about dangerous side effects in certain pain medications. Synthetic prescription COX-2 inhibitors, once hailed as the safest of drugs, have been linked to heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and intestinal bleeding. The over-the counter (OTC) drugs aspirin and ibuprofen kill over 16,000 people each year. And acetaminophen, the most widely used pain reducer in the United States is the leading cause of drug-induced liver failure.

As a doctor specializing in chronic pain disorders, I know that optimal pain management can be a real challenge. However, I also know:

-You do not have to live in chronic pain.

-Your chronic pain, no matter what the cause, can be reduced, and usually


-Chronic pain can be relived both effectively and safely with powerful all-natural


Q. What is chronic pain?

A. Sudden, or acute, pain occurs when pain signals immediately fire in your nervous system alerting you to an injury, like a broken ankle, or an illness, such as appendicitis. Once the injury heals or the illness is cured, the transmission of pain signals stop.

Ongoing – or chronic pain – is much different. Chronic pain persists. Pain signals keep firing in the nervous system for weeks, months, even years. There may have been an initial injury, such as sprained back muscles, or an initial illness, such as a serious infection. There might be an ongoing cause of pain, such as arthritis, cancer, or fibromyalgia. Chronic pain also occurs without any past injury or evidence of body damage.

The most common kinds of chronic pain are headache, low back pain, cancer pain, arthritis pain, and neurogenic pain (pain resulting from damage to nerves or to the nervous system itself). While chronic pain differs in its origin and where it occurs, it is generally your body’s way of saying that something urgently needs attention, and will not o away unless its underlying causes are addressed.

These causes can usually be determined if you remember the acronym “SHIN”. This stands for Sleep, Hormonal deficiencies, Infections/Inflammation/Impingement, and Nutritional deficiencies. When these are treated, pain often resolves.

Q. Why is it so hard to effectively reduce chronic pain?

A. Unfortunately, many physicians’ entire education in pain management consists of “giving nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs (pronounced en-sayds), COX-2 inhibitors, or acetaminophen and considering narcotics if the patient has cancer.

Some NSAIDs, like aspirin and ibuprofen, are available over-the-counter, while others, like the synthetic COX-2 inhibitors are only available with a doctor’s prescription. These mediations are usually inadequate and often toxic when used for chronic pain. And they do not address the problem(s) that the pain is trying to alert you to.

Q. What exactly are COX-2 inhibitors?

A. COX-2 inhibitors do pretty much what their name implies – they inhibit a natural enzyme in our body called the clclooxygenase-2, or COX-2, enzyme. There are two COX enzymes – COX-1 and COX-2 and both complete several actions in our bodies. One very important action that both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes share is the speeding up of our body’s production of prostaglandins. These hormone-like substances are made by the cells of the body and have several important functions.

Some of the most powerful prostaglandins cause inflammation, pain, and fever when we are sick or injured. Prostaglandins also protect the lining of the stomach from the damaging effects of acid. Other prostaglandins make sure our platelets (important blood cells) make blood clots when needed. Still others help our kidneys get rid of unwanted salt and water. And researchers have just recently recognized the importance of still another prostaglandin that protects our heart and blood vessels.

The NSAIDs reduce pain by reducing prostaglandin production by blocking or inhibiting the COX enzymes. In theory – less prostaglandins, less pain and welling seems reasonable. But if you really stop and think about it, it’s pretty easy to understand why this method of pain relief might result in significant consequences.

Pain and inflammation are often needed for healing. And just as needed is the protection of our stomach lining, blood clotting ability, assisting kidney function, and keeping our blood vessels healthy. And scientists are beginning to understand if you interfere with one natural response, you may be disrupting the body’s ability to prevent extremes and imbalances.

That’s why using aspirin and ibuprofen can result in stomach ulcers, kidney problems, and internal bleeding. And that’s why using synthetic COX-2 inhibitors can result in high blood pressure, blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes.

Q. Why are we just now learning about the dangers of COX-2 inhibitors and other NSAIDs?

A. That’s a good question!

Many people over the age of 65 have chronic pain conditions and are frequent users of OTC and prescription NSAIDs. This age group also experiences heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease in greater numbers. So, if a 70 year old woman who’s been using Celebrex for the past two years for arthritis in her knees suddenly has a heart attack one morning, it would not be entirely unexpected.

For the past five or six years, researchers have been studying the possibility that NSAIDs may prevent certain cancers, Alzheimer’s disease, and other health problems. The ongoing, close scrutiny of large group of people taking these medications by scientists who were conducting these studies has resulted in the discovery of these dangers.

Q. What kind of natural compounds relieve chronic pain?

A. There are many – glucosamine, Omega-3 fatty acids, the B vitamins – the list goes on and on. Instead of disrupting normal bodily responses, these natural compounds work in harmony with our body to eliminate chronic pain. Three very powerful and very effective all natural plant compound pain and inflammation relievers are Sweet Cherry, Boswellia serrata, and White Willow Bark.

For many years there have been anecdotal or personal reports that claimed eating Sweet Cherries, specifically Prunus avium, wipes out back pain, arthritis, and gout. While anecdotal reports generally don’t account for much in the world of science, he sheer numbers of testimonials proclaiming the Sweet Cherry’s amazing ability to reduce pain made researchers sit up and take notice.

When Sweet Cherries were examined in the lab, it was easy for scientists to understand how this natural fruit is able to relieve pain. It seems Sweet Cherry’s bright red color is the key. Like many deeply colored fruits, Sweet Cherries are full of flavonoids called anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins.

These powerful plant compounds scavenge and destroy altered oxygen compounds called free radicals. Many degenerative, chronic diseases have been associated with the tissue damage caused by free radicals, including arthritis, heart disease, peripheral artery disease, and cancer. Cherry fruit extract is a natural anti-inflammatory compound, making it an excellent treatment for arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other chronic pain and inflammation diseases.

A pain relieving plant compound that comes from the bark of a tree, Boswellia serrata has been used by Indian healers for hundreds of years to reduce painful inflammation. When 20th century researchers looked at extracts of Boswellia Gum Resin in the laboratory they discovered the presence of powerful plant compounds, called boswellic acids.

Researchers found Boswellic Acids reduce inflammation in several ways. They open constricted blood vessels, improving blood flow to joints. They balance levels of leukotrienes – specific chemicals in the body that cause inflammation. And Boswellic Acids block two inflammatory chemicals that increase in asthma and inflammation of the colon. In addition to being helpful in treating these 2 illnesses, Boswellia has also been clinically studied and found to be quite effective in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis without any evidence of ulcers or stomach irritation.

Another bark extract, White Willow Bark is one of the oldest and most effective pain relievers. For over 2,000 years extracts from the bark of the White Willow tree have been used to ease aches and pains and reduce fevers. It is the original source of aspirin, but when used as the entire plant medicine, White Willow Bark is much safer than aspirin and quite effective.

White Willow Bark’s active ingredient is salicin and the combination of other compounds in the bark significantly enhances its pain killing power. In two large clinical trials of patients with chronic low back pain. White Willow Bark was found to be not only safer and much more effective than standard prescription therapies, it was also 40 percent more cost effective.

Salicylic acid from White Willow Bark lowers the body’s levels of prostaglandins, easing both acute and chronic pain. White Willow Bark reduces the pain and swelling of arthritis, headache, back and neck pain, muscle aches, and menstrual cramps. But, unlike aspirin, it doesn’t cause stomach bleeding or other known adverse effects.

Q. Do Sweet Cherry, Boswellic Acids, and White Willow Bark work on many kinds of chronic pain?

A. They do indeed. Because they reduce both pain and inflammation by a broad combination of actions, these natural extracts have been proven to be excellent against arthritis, back pain, and pain from inflammatory intestinal diseases (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), and would be expected to be helpful in most kinds of pain.

Sweet Cherry, Boswellic Acids, and White Willow Bark relieve inflammation without causing stomach irritation, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, blood clots, heart attacks, or strokes. That’s because these natural pain killers don’t disrupt the balance of enzymes or interfere with the body’s ability to prevent extremes and imbalances.

However, as with any pain therapy, Sweet Cherry, Boswellic Acids, and White Willow Bark work best when they are used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to relieve the most common underlying causes of chronic pain or SHIN.

In addition, although these excellent natural remedies can often offer quick pain relief, natural remedies for severe chronic pains work best when they are given at maximum allowed doses and given 6 weeks to show their full effectiveness in combination with treating the pain’s underlying causes. The best chronic pain relief results when doctors and patients work together to meet the goals of treatment.

Some important last notes: Many causes of chronic pain are serious and life threatening. Everyone who is living with chronic pain must consult their doctor or other healthcare practitioner to determine the reason for their ongoing discomfort. In other words – make sure you know why you are having chronic pain and what’s causing the pain you want to relieve.

There are some types of chronic pain that only respond to opioids, or narcotic pain relievers. Morphine sulfate is an excellent pain medication and is used to relieve surgical pain, the pain of heart attacks, and pain from serious injuries. Morphine is also the very best drug for chronic cancer pain and non-malignant chronic pain. While many people fear opioids, these powerful pain killers can dramatically improve quality of life. If you are suffering with chronic cancer pain and you are hesitant to use morphine or another opioid, I urge you to discuss your concerns with your doctor other healthcare provider. No one with cancer should live with untreated or under-treated pain.



Even chronic pain can often be eliminated when SHIN is in combination with powerfully effective natural pain relievers. But, because some people may need to take pain relievers the rest of their lives, the medications they use must be safe as well as effective. The very safest come from natural plant compounds that have been studied for their ability to relieve chronic pain. You can become pain free and Sweet Cherries, Boswellic Acids, and White Willow Bark can help.

Let Vitanet Help Relieve Chronic Pain with Natural Supplements


Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate

Date: March 28, 2007 11:10 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate

Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate

Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis in the U.S., according to the Arthritis Foundation. One-third of all American adults have X-ray evidence of osteoarthritis of the hand, foot, knee, or hip. Osteoarthritis is responsible for more than 7 million physician visits per year and is second only to cardiovascular disease as the cause of chronic disability in adults. As Baby Boomers age, the number of people suffering from osteoarthritis is expected to rapidly increase in the next 10 years.

While osteoarthritis research ahs led to the development of promising new prescription and over-the-counter medications aimed at reducing pain, none has created the excitement of glucosamine sulfate (GS), which actually addresses the underlying joint destruction.

Q. What is osteoarthritis?

A. Osteoarthritis is a complex, metabolic disorder of the cartilage and bones of certain joints. However, to fully understand how osteoarthritis develops, we need to understand how joints work.

A joint is formed when two or more bones are brought together and held in place by muscles and tendons. Some joints have very little range of movement, such as the joints of the ribs, while others have much more range of movement. Hips, knees, elbows, writs, and thumbs are termed synovial joints, and have the greatest range of movement and mobility of human joints. To allow such mobility, synovial joints have a unique structure.

The bones that form synovial joints are covered with cartilage. Tough fibrous tissue encloses the area between the bone ends and is called the joint capsule. The joint cavity within the capsule is lined with an inner membrane, called synovial membrane. The membrane secretes synovial fluid, a thick, slippery fluid that fills the small space around and between the two bones. This fluid contains many substances that lubricate the joint and ease movement.

The cartilage of synovial joints serves two very important functions. First, it provides a remarkably smooth weight-bearing surface; synovial joints move easily. Secondly, synovial cartilage serves as a shock absorber, providing a soft, flexible foundation. Healthy cartilage absorbs the force of the energy, transmits the load to the bone, and distributes the mechanical stress created by joint movement.

Synovial joints function under almost continual mechanical stress. A joint’s ability to withstand or resist this stress is a reflection of its health. When the mechanical stress is too great or the joint’s ability to resist this stress is compromised, physical changes occur in the cartilage covering the bones.

Cartilage is a tough, elastic tissue, comprised mostly of water, collagen, and complex proteins called proteoglycans. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage starts to weaken, becomes frayed, and eventually breaks down. This exposes the bones of the joint, which then rub together. A gritty feeling and grinding sound may occur when an osteoarthritic joint is bent and flexed. As osteoarthritis progresses, bits of bone and cartilage often break off and float inside the joint space. The bones may enlarge, causing the joint to lose its normal shape. Tiny bone spurs may grow on the joints’ sides and edges. These physical changes in the diseased joint are responsible for progressive damage and continual pain.

People with osteoarthritis most frequently describe their pain as deep and aching. The pain not only is felt in the affected joint but may also be present in the surrounding and supporting muscles. Joint inflammation also may occur, increasing the already considerable discomfort. Joint stiffness is another unfortunate component of osteoarthritis. Exercising the joint most often results in increased pain; however, stiffness tends to follow periods of inactivity. Humid weather often makes all osteoarthritis symptoms worse. As the disease progresses, the pain may occur even when the joint is at rest, creating sleepless nights and miserable days.

Q. What causes osteoarthritis?

A. Osteoarthritis’ exact cause remains unknown. Researchers know aging doesn’t appear to cause osteoarthritis. Cartilage in people with the disease show many destructive changes not seen in older persons without the disease. However, certain conditions do seem to trigger osteoarthritis or make it worse.

Some families seem to have a lot of osteoarthritis, pointing to a genetic factor. This is most commonly seen in people who have osteoarthritis of the hands. Repeated trauma can contribute to osteoarthritis, too. Athletes, extremely active people, and individuals who have physically demanding jobs often develop the disease. Persons who have certain bone disorders are more prone to osteoarthritis due to the continuous, uneven stress in their hips and knees.

Obesity also is a risk factor for the disease. In overweight women, osteoarthritis of the knee is fairly common. Excess pounds also may have a direct metabolic effect on cartilage beyond the effects of increased joint stress. Obese people also often have m ore dense bones. Research has shown dense bones may provide less shock-absorbing function than thinner bones, allowing more direct trauma to the cartilage.

Q. Can osteoarthritis be prevented?

A. While there is currently no sure way to prevent osteoarthritis or slow its progression, some lifestyle changes may reduce or delay symptoms. The Arthritis Foundation states that maintaining a healthy weight, losing weight if needed, and regular exercise are effective osteoarthritis prevention measures.

Optimal calcium intake in younger years is vital to ensure a healthy aging skeletal system. Vitamins A, C, D, and E have been studied for their role in osteoarthritis prevention. These vitamins also have shown benefit in individuals who have osteoarthritis.

Q. What treatments are available for osteoarthritis?

A. The goal of treatment is to reduce or relieve pain, maintain or improve movement, and minimize any potential permanent disability. Typically, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs (pronounced “n-sayds”) such as aspirin and ibuprofen are used for pain and inflammation relief. These medications are effective in treating only the pain of osteoarthritis.

These medications have many side effects, some of which are serious. NSAID-induced gastrointestinal complications cause more than 100,000 hospitalizations and nearly 16,500 deaths annually in the U.S. Aspirin can cause an extremely annoying and continual ringing in the ears. NSAIDs frequently cause damage to the stomach lining, which can produce uncomfortable heartburn and abdominal pain. Continued NSAID use may lead to the development of stomach ulcers. NSAID-related ulcers can perforate the stomach lining and cause life-threatening bleeding. Most NSAIDs also interfere with blood clotting and may cause kidney damage. When older persons take NSAIDs, dizziness, drowsiness, memory loss, and decreased attention span may occur.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol and similar medications) is similar to aspirin and other NSAIDs in its pain-relief abilities. However, acetaminophen doesn’t reduce inflammation. And while acetaminophen doesn’t have the same side effects of aspirin and other NSAIDs, if large doses are taken, liver damage can occur.

Newer medications called COX-2 inhibitors provide both pain relief and reduce inflammation without the many side effects of acetaminophen, aspirin, and other NSAIDs. More recent research has indicated that, in certain situations. COX02 inhibitors also can cause stomach lining damage and bleeding. While aspirin, NSAIDs, and COX-2 inhibitors may reduce osteoarthritis pain, they do nothing to stop or slow down cartilage deterioration. In other words, these medications have no effect on the disease itself.

That is why many believe glucosamine sulfate (GS) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) are preferable to pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications in osteoarthritis treatment: they actually improve synovial joint health. And they do this without potentially life-threatening side effects.

Q. How do GS and CS work?

A. GS improves the health of joints affected by osteoarthritis. This supplement is so effective that even physicians who mostly rely on conventional medications routinely recommend it to their patients with osteoarthritis. In fact, GS is so good at treating osteoarthritis, many physicians use it for their own osteoarthritis joints.

There is even more good news. When glucosamine sulfate is combined with low-molecular weight CS, even greater benefits can be achieved. GS and CS are naturally occurring compounds found in human joints. The right GS/CS combination actually reverses damage in joints affected by osteoarthritis, in turn significantly reducing pain and stiffness.

Glucosamine occurs naturally in the body and is found in synovial fluid. Glucosamine is a basic building block for proteoglycans, is a basic building block for proteoglycans, one of the important compounds of synovial cartilage. It also is required for the formation of lubricants and protective agents for the joints.

In Europe, GS and CS have been used to treat osteoarthritis for more than 10 years. While persons with arthritis felt much better when they took GS and CS, no one really knew how these compounds worked. When European and American researchers first started to study glucosamine, they discovered GS can reduce synovial joint inflammation. This explains why people felt better after taking it.

Q. What has additional study of GS and CS revealed?

A. As the scientific study of GS progressed, researchers determined it can stimulate the growth of cartilage cells, inhibit proteoglycans breakdown, and rebuild cartilage damaged from osteoarthritis. In other words, GS does not simply make persons with osteoarthritis feel better; GS actually makes persons with osteoarthritis get better.

GS is the form of glucosamine used in research. It’s the sulfate salt of glucosamine and breaks down into glucosamine and sulfate ions in the body. The sulfate part of GS plays an important role in proteoglycans synthesis.

CS also provides cartilage strength and resilience. CS is an important component of the cartilage proteoglycans of synovial joints. Because CS helps the production of proteoglycans, researchers believe CS works in a similar nature to GS.

Q. Couldn’t GS and CS be taken on their own? Is there any benefit in taking them together?

A. Research has discovered GS and CS act synergistically (work well together) in improving joint health. Several studies have investigated this action and it’s recommended that GS and CD be taken together. However, there may be times when your healthcare practitioner may recommend using one or the other, but not both GS and CS together. Please follow their recommendations to obtain the best results for your own unique health concerns. Low-molecular weight chondroitin sulfate (CS) is the preferred CS form, and the form that has shown the most promise in studies.

Q. Why is it important to take low-molecular weight CS?

A. When CS was first studied, it was given to six healthy volunteers, six patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and six patients with osteoarthritis. Researchers then measured the levels of CS in all study subjects. They found no evidence of CS in any of the subjects. This single study led many physicians and scientists to believe CS can’t be absorbed, and was not an effective natural treatment.

However, several other studies in healthy volunteers have reported CS can be absorbed. The distinct difference for these findings is thought to be associated with the types of CS used in the studies. Some forms are much more absorbable that others. This was demonstrated in a recent study using CS with lower molecular weight. A higher absorption is observed for low-molecular weight CS.

This means CS products with a low molecular weight may be better absorbed, allowing the CS to get into the bloodstream and the synovial fluid of joints where it’s needed.

Q. Are there other supplements that can help osteoarthritis?

A. Several vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and natural supplements have benefits for individuals with osteoarthritis. Proteolytic enzymes effectively offer relief of the pain, stiffness, and swelling of osteoarthritis.

Folic acid and vitamin B can reduce the number of tender joints and increase joint mobility. Vitamins C, D, and E not only may prevent osteoarthritis, but inhibit the disease’s progression. Niacinamide improves joint function, range of motion, and muscle strength. Clinical studies using the herb Boswellia serrata have yielded good results in osteoarthritis.

Application of ointments on osteoarthritic joints may be helpful in reducing pain and stiffness. Menthol-based preparations can provide soothing relief to painful joints. Capsaicin ointments and gel made for cayenne pepper also are very beneficial. When applied to the skin, capsaicin first stimulates, then blocks, nerve fibers that transmit pain messages. Capsaicin depletes nerve fibers of a neurotransmitter called substance P. This neurotransmitter transmits pain messages and activates inflammation in osteoarthritis. Capsaicin ointment is very effective in relieving osteoarthritis pain in many individuals.

Q. Is there anything else I can do for joint pain and stiffness?

A. When osteoarthritis occurs in the hands, use of a paraffin dip can be very comforting. A licensed health care practitioner can provide information about how to safely use paraffin dips at home.

Exercise is an excellent way to keep joints mobile, decrease pain, and increase body strength, too. Water aerobics also can reduce the pressure and stress on joints.

The Arthritis Foundation strongly suggests making movement an integral part of your life. When you’re in less pain and have more energy, more range-of-motion, and a better outlook on life, you’ll reduce stress and be a much healthier person despite your osteoarthritis.

One important last thought

When we don’t feel well, we sometimes have a tendency to self-diagnose. If you haven’t been evaluated by a licensed health care practitioner for your joint pain and stiffness, you need to do so. These symptoms may be caused by other illnesses and may require much different treatment. Only licensed health care practitioner can provide a certain diagnosis of osteoarthritis.


Osteoarthritis may be a part of life for many of us as we age; however, constant pain and stiffness need not be. GS combined with absorbable CS can actually improve damage in joints affected by osteoarthritis and significantly reduce pain and stiffness. And it can be an empowering way to improve your health.

Buy Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate at Vitanet ®, LLC


Neurological Health and CoQ10

Date: February 25, 2007 12:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Neurological Health and CoQ10

Between 1946 and 1965, 78 million Americans were born, creating the largest number of children in U.S. history. This Baby Boom generation has greatly influenced the makeup of American society and undoubtedly w ill continue to do so. Thanks to good nutrition and health care, Baby Boomers are aging well and have an excellent life expectancy. For the first time in history, we have more people turning 60 every day, and record numbers of adults reaching their seventh decade. As a result, neurological diseases associated with aging, such as Parkinson’s disease, are becoming major health care concerns. The good news is CoQ10 has applications for neurological diseases, in addition to its better known use for cardiovascular diseases.

Q. What is CoQ10?

A. CoQ10 is a natural, fat-soluble nutrient present in virtually all cells. CoQ10 also is known as ubiquinone (existing everywhere there is human life). CoQ10 is vital to the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy-rich compound used for all energy-requiring processes in the body.

Q. Isn’t CoQ10 a supplement for heart health?

A. Yes, it is. Because the heart requires lots of ATP to meet its high energy needs, CoQ10’s function in heart health is well understood. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated that when individuals with heart disease take CoQ10, their symptoms improve, sometimes quite dramatically. Supplemental CoQ10 improves the heart’s pumping ability, improves blood circulation, increases tolerance to exercise, and improves the heart’s muscle tone. CoQ10 also is a powerful antioxidant and protects heart tissue from free-radical damage.

Q. How does CoQ10 affect brain health?

A. CoQ10 works in the brain the same way it works elsewhere in the body: it’s essential to ATP production. Nearly all human cells contain tiny structures called mitochondria. Mitochondria are referred to as cell powerhouses because they produce cellular energy. Depending on what each cell’s job is. There can be several thousand mitochondria in one cell. If a cell needs a lot of energy, it will have more mitochondria. This explains why heart cells contain so many mitochondria; the continual pumping of blood requires continual ATP production.

The brain also requires huge amounts of uninterrupted energy to regulate, integrate, and coordinate ongoing nervous system transmissions. To meet this need, ATP production within the mitochondria of brain cells is vital. Since CoQ10 exerts such a powerful influence on heart cells in ATP production, it was a natural progression for scientists to wonder how it affects brain cells. Brain and nervous system research led to the conclusion that the same intracellular principles apply. CoQ10 is produced in the body to assist in ATP production. Without it, ATP cannot be produced.

The most important discovery regarding CoQ10 and the brain is that CoQ10, when formulated with certain ingredients, can cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain’s mitochondria. If large amounts of CoQ10 can get into the brain cell’s mitochondria, its ability to make ATP is greatly enhanced.

Q. What is the blood-brain barrier and why is it important?

A. The blood-brain barrier is a unique anatomical structure. The cells that make up the blood vessels that provide blood to the brain are extremely close together. This greatly restricts what can leave the bloodstream and enter the brain. While the blood-brain barrier protects the brain and spinal cord from potentially toxic substances, it also can be a significant obstacle to therapy of central nervous system disorders. Only substances with certain solubilities or those that have a transport system can cross the blood-brain barrier to a significant degree.

Obtaining optimal absorption of CoQ10 is difficult. The CoQ10 molecule is large and inflexible. The easiest and least expensive way to increase absorption levels is with the use of harsh solvents such as propylene glycol. However, at higher doses, these types of chemicals are considered dangerous (neurotoxic) to the person with a serious neurodegenerative disease. It is more difficult, as well as more expensive (considering raw materials, research, and proper manufacturing methods) to promote absorption with less harmful alternatives. However, reputable companies ensure that their products are safe for all their customers. Look for CoQ10 products formulated with vitamin E and other safe ingredients such as Micosolle.

Nearly all CoQ10 supplements enter the bloodstream. But, only CoQ10 supplements with special formulations have been scientifically shown to enter the mitochondria and cross the blood-brain barrier.

Q. If CoQ10 is made in the body, why take supplements?

A. While CoQ10 is synthesized in the body, these levels may be insufficient to meet the body’s requirements. Researchers have discovered CoQ10 levels diminish with age and as a result of dietary inadequacies and various disease states. They also have determined some medications significantly reduce CoQ10 levels in the body.

Although CoQ10 exists in some dietary sources, it may not be realistic to obtain CoQ10 through food alone. For example, it would take approximately 3 pounds of sardines, 7 pounds of beef, or 8 pounds of peanuts to equal 100 mg of supplemental CoQ10.

Q. How does CoQ10 help people with Parkinson’s disease?

A. CoQ10 seems to have several beneficial actions in the illness. Researchers have looked at mitochondria in brain cells and determined people with Parkinson’s disease have reduced activity of Complex I in the electron transport chain. Recent research has proposed the reduced activity of Complex I interferes with the brain-signaling chemical dopamine. Stored and newly synthesized dopamine is depleted. The dopamine depletion causes nerve cell degeneration.

A recent clinical study involved 80 patients with Parkinson’s disease (both men and women). The researchers first evaluated all the participants to establish scores for basic motor skills (measuring the ability to control physical movements such as walking), mental status (whether the person was depressed or experiencing memory loss) and the activities of daily living (whether the person was experiencing difficulty with handwriting, dressing themselves, using utensils such as knives and forks, and so on). This scale is known as the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). This process is known as establishing “baseline values,” that is, the condition of the patient before receiving any treatment.

Participants were divided into 4 groups. Each group received either 300 mg, 600 mg, or 1200 mg of the special form of CoQ10, or a placebo. The researchers observed the participants for 16 months.

The results of the study showed that all the participants who received CoQ10 had smaller declines in function compared to the placebo group, but the smallest decline was experienced by the group taking the highest amount of the special form of CoQ10.

The most significant results were noted specifically in the activities of daily living scores by the people taking 1200 mg of CoQ10 daily. These people retained better ability to feed and dress themselves, speak, walk, and bathe or shower by themselves. They maintained greater independence for a longer time. Parkinson’s disease, as with other neurodegenerative diseases, robs the sufferer of their ability to control the movements of their own body and care for themselves. Supplementation with CoQ10, while not a cure, is the first intervention that showed a slowing in the progressive deterioration of the function associated with this disease.

Q. What were the results of clinical research on Huntington’s Disease?

A. A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study respected type of study, was conducted at the University of Rochester. All of the 347 Huntington’s disease (HD) patients were experiencing some HD symptoms, but were still in the early stages of the disease. The patients (who did not know which drug they were receiving) were randomly assigned to four different treatment groups: 25 percent received Remacemide, 25 percent received CoQ10, 25 percent received both, and 25 percent received a placebo, or sugar pill. The researchers, who also did not know which patients got which drug, watched and recorded their progress for two and one-half years. Remacemide is a new drug made by Astra Seneca that blocks the neurotransmitter glutamate in the brain, that has long been suspected of contributing to the death of brain cells in Huntington’s disease.

Unfortunately, in the CARE-HD study, Remacemide had no effect on the progression of the disease in patients in the early stages. However, the individuals who received 600 mg of CoQ10 per day experienced some slowing of the disease progression. They were able to manage daily activities, such as meal preparation, housekeeping tasks, and personal care longer than those not on CoQ10. They were also able to focus their attention better and were less depressed and irritable. The portion of the studied patients receiving 600 mg of CoQ10 per day experienced a 15 percent decline in the progression of HD. According to the researchers conducting the study, a 15 percent decline in the progression of HD would roughly translate into approximately one more year of independence for patients. This is the very first study from more than a dozen Huntington’s disease patient trails that showed any modification of the course of the illness.

Of note, the effects of the CoQ10 had not abated at the end of the research study. That is, the benefit of using CoQ10, 600 mg per day, was still increasing; this suggests that the longer a patient supplements with CoQ10, the greater the decline in the progression of HD. The next phase of the CARE-HD research will test a higher dose of CoQ10 (1200 mg or more per day), with more patients (over 1000), for a longer period of time (approximately 5 years). This study should improve our understanding of the optimal dose and the total achievable decline in the progression of HD. The CoQ10 product used in the CARE-HD study was designated an Orphan Drug by the FDA. The product utilizes a proprietary, patent-pending delivery mechanism, which is proven to be safe and tolerable at high doses for people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, substantially improving brain tissue levels of CoQ10.

Q. What other diseases could benefit from CoQ10 supplementation?

A. Studies show CoQ10 levels are greatly reduced in Alzheimer’s patients. Mitochondrial abnormalities also are noted; however, research has yet to determine how or why this occurs. Some scientists believe damage to mitochondria is an early feature of the disease. Free-radical damage also is a feature of Alzheimer’s.

In a study of 27 Alzheimer’s patients, subjects were given 60 mg of CoQ10, 150 mg of iron, and 180 mg of vitamin B6 daily. Each patient’s mitochondria activity was effectively activated. All patients continued to experience gradual decline. However, researchers believed that with this combination, the progression was much slower and allowed the patients to experience 1 to 2 years of extended good health.

ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) is a progressive, fatal, neurological disease. It occurs when the nerve cells in the brain that control voluntary movement gradually degenerate. Investigation of CoQ10 in individuals with ALS is just beginning. Researchers at the Eleanor and Lou Gehrig ALS Center at Columbia University recently conducted a small clinical pilot trial of CoQ10 in ALS. The study was an open label study, which meant that everyone enrolled received CoQ10, 400 mg three times per day. Of the 16 patients originally enrolled, nine patients completed the study. Six of these nine patients experienced some benefits. The patients declined from 0 – 25 percent in functional scores, 6 percent in strength, and 10 percent in breathing ability. These scores reflect a positive trend compared to the 50 percent decline that is seen in the natural history of ALS over the same period of time (5 to 9 months). Citing the need to conduct more studies of the effectiveness of CoQ10 for people with ALS is rapidly and efficiently as possible to get answers to patients and clinicians, another clinical trial is currently underway at the Gehrig ALS Center. This is a pilot study to determine if CoQ10 has short-term effects on motor nerves in the brain using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). The researchers are going to try to “see” if CoQ10 can change the chemical sin the brain’s upper motor nerves of people with ALS, an important next step of the investigation.

Q. Can taking CoQ10 prevent neurodegenerative disease?

A. To date, there have been no studies or research examining whether CoQ10 can prevent these diseases.

Alzheimer’s disease prevention is being clinically investigated. Researchers have determined that people who take certain anti-inflammatory medications seem less likely to develop the illness. A large, multi-centered trial is studying this connection.

Q. How much CoQ10 should I take?

A. Depending on your family history of neurological disease and your disease experience, studies show benefits at doses of 100 to 200 mg of CoQ10 daily. Some studies used doses of up to 1,200 mg per day.

CoQ10’s safety has been evaluated. To date, no toxicities have been reported. Mild stomach upset may occur. Taking CoQ10 with meals usually alleviates this rare effect.

Q. What should I look for in a CoQ10 supplement?

A. Use products which have a strong clinical research track record, supported by product-specific research from reputable institutions, and have been proven to be safe, tolerable and effective in treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. The CoQ10 product you choose should be proven to: be absorbed, enter the blood stream, cross the blood brain barrier and increase mitochondrial levels of CoQ10. If the product you are considering does not have evidence to support these points, keep looking. Once you have found a candidate, examine the product’s safety and efficacy record for neurodegenerative diseases- if the product has not been proven to be safe and effective, keep looking. Good products exist; however, caveat emptor.


CoQ10 supplementation for people with neurodegenerative diseases is supported by contemporary clinical research. CoQ10 is certainly not the only answer to the complex issues of management and treatment of these types of diseases. However, research indicates that it is a bigger piece of the puzzle than physicians and scientists ever imagined. As we continue to study this naturally occurring compound, we are finding more and more benefits to the body.

All CoQ10 is not created equal. For safety and overall effectiveness, use a CoQ10 product that is supported by product-specific research from reputable institution, which is proven to be safe, tolerable and effective at high doses; deviating from this set of criteria may do more harm than good for people with these serious illnesses. Choose clinically tested products from a well-respected company and increase the potential to achieve and maintain brain and neurological health.

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