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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor Darrell Miller 5/30/24
Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important Darrell Miller 8/4/23
Is this cruciferous vegetable the key to brain regeneration? Darrell Miller 4/24/19
This deficiency often leads to brain shrinkage, psychosis and Alzheimer Darrell Miller 4/9/19
10 Health Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Darrell Miller 1/21/19
Fish, fish oil may lower your heart attack risk Darrell Miller 1/21/19
Health Benefits of Cinnamon Darrell Miller 1/13/19
Natural remedies to alleviate nasal allergies VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/30/18
Ten powerful anti-inflammatory herbs VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/30/18
4 herbs that can help you treat fever effectively VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/16/18
Fermented turmeric prevents memory loss caused by oxidative stress and inflammation Darrell Miller 7/16/18
The evidence is clear: Hemp slows the progression of ovarian cancer Darrell Miller 7/12/18
The benefits of MCT oil Darrell Miller 7/12/18
CBD oil: the cannabis supplement taking the wellness world by storm Darrell Miller 6/22/18
Vitamin K: The anti-aging supplement you probably havenâ??t heard about Darrell Miller 6/20/18
IN BALANCE — Magnesium: An Essential Mineral for Health Darrell Miller 8/14/17
Inhale Himalayan Pink Salt For These Benefits Darrell Miller 7/24/17
Meals That Promote Weight Loss - Cereals Darrell Miller 7/20/17
3 wonder ways to brighten your teeth Darrell Miller 7/12/17
This Is The Number 1 Food In The World To Prevent Strokes, High Blood Pressure And Cholesterol! Darrell Miller 6/17/17
France is "decriminalizing" cannabis nationwide Darrell Miller 6/11/17
fight cancer with baking soda Darrell Miller 5/16/17
7 Signs That You Might Have Gallstones Darrell Miller 5/9/17
How to know your digestive system is not functioning properly Darrell Miller 5/8/17
TOP 10 ANTI AGING SUPERFOODS!! Darrell Miller 4/11/17
How to Inhale Himalayan Pink Salt to Help Remove Mucus, Bacteria and Toxins from your Lungs Darrell Miller 3/17/17
Red Seaweed: the radiation protection superfood you're not getting enough of Darrell Miller 2/23/17
Anti-inflammatory diet could reduce risk of bone loss in women Darrell Miller 2/2/17
Five Common Diseases Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency Darrell Miller 1/7/17
Well: Are Hydroponic Vegetables as Nutritious as Those Grown in Soil? Darrell Miller 1/1/17
The Sky's Not Falling! Media Misreporting DEA on CBD “Illegality” Darrell Miller 12/23/16
Replace Steel With Copper Utensils At Home To Aid Weight Loss Darrell Miller 12/19/16
Boswellia Reduces 5-LOX Activity Darrell Miller 12/9/16
Maca Root And Your Health Darrell Miller 9/28/16
Chocolate cocoa boosts the functioning of the brain Darrell Miller 9/23/16
Fight worms and fungus with black walnut Darrell Miller 9/6/16
How to Detoxify the Body Darrell Miller 1/27/16
What Exactly Do Friendly Bacteria Do In The Intestinal Tract? Darrell Miller 12/7/15
If You No Energy It May Be Because Of Poor Absorption Darrell Miller 11/6/15
Why Should We Take A Multi-Strain Probiotic? Darrell Miller 9/1/15
Mother Nature’s Best Secret is Grape Seed Extract Darrell Miller 12/25/14
What Are The Benefits Of Carob Powder? Darrell Miller 9/20/14
Peruvian Maca Darrell Miller 9/17/14
Anemia Causes, Prevention And Supplements. Darrell Miller 8/7/14
I eat Good, Do I Need Trace Minerals? Darrell Miller 7/17/14
What are the Benefits of Jiaogulan Darrell Miller 7/10/14
Homeopathic Remedies Darrell Miller 6/30/14
Different Types of Royal Jelly Darrell Miller 6/12/14
Does Broccoli Really Fight Cancer? Darrell Miller 5/27/14
Things to Know Before Using Arnica Cream for Pain Relief or Bruise Treatment Darrell Miller 4/26/14
Can Adrenal Extract Support Adrenal Function? Darrell Miller 4/9/14
The Benefits That We Can Get From Using Collagen Skin Creams Darrell Miller 3/18/14
Can Green Tea And Pomegranate cream Help The Skin? Darrell Miller 3/7/14
Can MSM Work As A Lotion? Darrell Miller 3/5/14
Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin? Darrell Miller 2/28/14
Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin? Darrell Miller 2/28/14
What Is Patchouli Oil? Darrell Miller 2/22/14
Oregano Oil, Can It Help Me? Darrell Miller 2/22/14
Are Pumpkin Seeds Healthy For Men and Women? Darrell Miller 2/4/14
Why Trace Minerals are Vital to Our Body? Darrell Miller 1/22/14
Advantages of taking Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Pills Darrell Miller 1/16/14
Various health Benefits of lecithin Darrell Miller 12/22/13
What Are Some Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements? Darrell Miller 12/10/13
The Health Benefits Of Barley Grass. Darrell Miller 11/28/13
Keeping your body alkalized Darrell Miller 11/10/13
All that you may need to know about antioxidants Darrell Miller 11/5/13
Maitake Mushrooms - Eating your Way to Health Darrell Miller 10/25/13
Hair Growth Vitamins? Darrell Miller 12/20/12
Calcium and magnesium - vital to health Darrell Miller 12/20/12
Benefits of Natural Honey? Darrell Miller 12/19/12
Fulvic Acid Darrell Miller 11/21/12
Biotin and Hair Growth Darrell Miller 11/15/12
What are the Health Benefits of Green Tea? Darrell Miller 6/21/12
What are the Benefits of Cat's Claw? Darrell Miller 5/24/12
What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Honey? Darrell Miller 5/3/12
What is the History and Health Benefits of Pycnogenol? Darrell Miller 3/24/12
What are the Health Benefits of Oligonol? Darrell Miller 3/23/12
Effects of Pumpkin Seed Oil on Prostate Health Darrell Miller 2/7/12
How Does Additional Dietary Fiber Boost Colon Health? Darrell Miller 10/5/11
Support the Adrenal Glands with Natural Vitamins and Feel the Difference Darrell Miller 10/5/11

Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Date: May 30, 2024 12:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Stevia has garnered attention as a natural, calorie-free sweetener that can seamlessly replace sugar in various recipes. Derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, this sweetener is known for its ability to provide a satisfying sweetness without the health drawbacks associated with traditional sugar. In this article, we'll explore creative recipes and practical tips for incorporating stevia into everyday cooking and baking, allowing you to enjoy your favorite dishes without compromising on taste.

Benefits of Using Stevia

Before diving into recipes, it's important to understand why stevia is a fantastic alternative to sugar. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Zero Calories: Unlike sugar, stevia gives you sweetness without adding calories, making it ideal for weight management.
  2. Low Glycemic Index: Stevia doesn't raise blood sugar levels, making it a suitable option for people with diabetes or those watching their carb intake.
  3. Natural Origin: Derived from a plant, stevia offers a more natural sweetening option compared to artificial sweeteners.

Baking with Stevia

Stevia can effectively replace sugar in many baking recipes, but it's essential to remember that it is much sweeter than sugar. Typically, a teaspoon of stevia extract can replace a cup of sugar, but always refer to specific conversion charts provided by stevia product manufacturers.

Stevia-Sweetened Chocolate Chip Cookies


  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon white stevia sweetener (or stevia-sweet chocolate chips) to desired taste.
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup stevia-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, and salt.
  3. In another bowl, cream the butter and brown stevia sweetener until smooth. Beat in the egg and vanilla extract.
  4. Gradually blend in the dry ingredients.
  5. Fold in the chocolate chips.
  6. Drop by spoonful onto a cookie sheet.
  7. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Cool on wire racks.

Cooking with Stevia

Beyond baking, stevia can introduce a hint of sweetness to savory dishes as well. Here are some innovative ways to include stevia in your everyday cooking.

Stevia BBQ Sauce


  • 1 1/2 cups tomato sauce
  • 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon stevia sweetener (Kal Sure Stevia Powder) add to desired sweetness
  • 2 tablespoons molasses
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.
  3. Cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally until sauce thickens.
  4. Use immediately or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.

Drinks and Smoothies

Stevia is also great for sweetening beverages. Whether it’s a refreshing iced tea or a nutritious smoothie, stevia can add the perfect touch of sweetness.

Stevia Lemonade


  • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 4 cups water
  • Stevia sweetener to taste
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices for garnish


  1. In a pitcher, combine lemon juice, water, and stevia sweetener.
  2. Stir well until the stevia dissolves.
  3. Add ice cubes and lemon slices as desired.
  4. Serve chilled.

Tips for Cooking with Stevia

  • Understand Stevia Varieties: Stevia comes in various forms—liquid, granulated, and powdered. Liquid stevia is excellent for beverages, while granulated and powdered forms are better suited for baking.
  • Adjust Recipes Accordingly: Because stevia is so much sweeter than sugar, you may find that you also need to adjust other elements in recipes such as liquids and flour.
  • Watch for Aftertaste: Some people notice a slight aftertaste with stevia. Combining it with other natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup can help balance this out.
  • Experiment and Taste Test: Always taste test when trying out a new stevia-based recipe. This will allow you to fine-tune the sweetness to your preference.

Stevia opens up a world of culinary possibilities, letting you enjoy the sweetness of your favorite recipes without the drawbacks of sugar. From delectable desserts like chocolate chip cookies to savory innovations like homemade BBQ sauce, the versatility of stevia can enhance all your culinary creations. Remember, the key is to experiment and adapt recipes to suit your taste, making stevia a valuable and enjoyable part of your cooking repertoire.


Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important

Date: August 04, 2023 02:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important

The typical Western diet is largely comprised of processed foods, which are notoriously high in processed table salt. This results in an imbalance in the sodium to potassium ratio, a significant health concern. Sodium is necessary for a variety of bodily functions; however, too much can be detrimental, leading to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Simultaneously, potassium is often neglected, despite its crucial role in muscle function, nerve signaling, and balancing fluids.

The general dietary advice suggests a potassium to sodium intake ratio of 3:1. However, the reality in diets, particularly those in America, often sees this ratio inverted. The excessive sodium consumption is linked to a myriad of health complications, including high blood pressure and heart disease. Conversely, potassium, a mineral that aids in nerve function and muscle control, is consumed in insufficient quantities. This is a troubling trend that underscores the importance of dietary change towards natural, unprocessed foods.

The importance of potassium is often overshadowed by the emphasis on limiting sodium for reducing chronic disease risk factors. Potassium plays an essential role in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels by counteracting the effects of sodium. Furthermore, the mineral is crucial for other functions like heart and muscle cell functioning, nerve transmission, and maintaining fluid balance.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine discovered that individuals with the lowest risk for heart complications or death from any cause were those consuming between four to six grams of sodium per day. This is a fascinating discovery, as this intake is significantly higher than the U.S. daily recommended limits. It suggests a need for a reconsideration of current sodium intake guidelines.

Another consideration to balance the sodium-potassium ratio is the type of salt consumed. Unprocessed, natural salts like sea salt and Himalayan salt contain higher potassium levels compared to standard table salt. These natural salts provide a variety of minerals and trace elements that contribute to our overall health and wellness. It's crucial to note that switching to natural salt should be part of a broader shift towards a diet rich in fresh, unprocessed foods.

Why You Should Focus on Increasing Potassium

While it's beneficial to monitor and moderate sodium intake, it's equally important to shift our focus towards increasing potassium consumption. Potassium-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, bananas, potatoes, and beans, not only contribute to a well-rounded and nutritious diet but also help in maintaining an optimal sodium-potassium balance in the body. A high potassium intake can counteract the effects of sodium, aiding in blood pressure regulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, an elevated potassium level supports various bodily functions, including nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. Thus, prioritizing potassium intake forms a cornerstone for an overall healthier dietary approach. It is recommended that individuals consume 5 grams of potassium daily and potassium to salt ratio should be 2 to 1. To boost potassium intake, one can take a potassium supplement or add the following foods to their diet or both: Watermelon, Orange juice, Boiled red potatoes, Avocado, Bananas, Cantaloupe, Oranges, Coconut water, Tomatoes, Yogurt, Winter squash, and Wild-caught salmon.

Why Low-Salt Advice Can Be Harmful

Contrary to popular belief, adhering to low-salt advice can sometimes pose risks to certain individuals. While it is true that excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and heart problems, sodium still plays a vital role in our bodies. It assists in nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and maintaining the body's fluid balance.

In fact, low sodium levels in the body, a condition known as hyponatremia, can lead to symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue, and in severe cases, coma or even death. Moreover, a low-salt diet may lead to increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance. This can potentially elevate the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Low-salt diets can also exacerbate the risk of certain health conditions. For instance, individuals with conditions like Addison's disease or certain kidney disorders, where the body struggles to maintain a balance of electrolytes, might find a low-salt diet harmful.

Therefore, it is crucial to balance the intake of sodium, considering both the potential risks associated with too much, or too little, sodium. The key is to consume sodium from natural and unprocessed sources, such as Himalayan salt, fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean meats, which also provide a host of other nutrients necessary for overall health. As with most things in nutrition, moderation and balance seem to hold the answer rather than extreme restriction. The RDA - recommended daily allowance of sodium is 3.5 grams. It is advised to consume 3.5 grams of natural salt each day by way of foods or combination of foods plus Himalayan salt to reach that goal.

The Impact of Excessive Salt Intake on Certain Health Conditions

While moderate salt intake is vital for normal physiological functions, its excessive consumption can have detrimental effects, particularly for individuals with certain health conditions. For instance, endocrine disorders, high aldosterone levels, Cushing's syndrome, and elevated cortisol levels can all heighten the body's sensitivity to sodium, making it even more essential to monitor and limit salt intake.

Endocrine disorders, which involve imbalances in the body's hormone production, can often lead to increased sodium retention, exacerbating issues of water retention and swelling. Similarly, high aldosterone levels, a hormone that regulates sodium and potassium balance, can cause the body to retain excessive sodium, leading to high blood pressure and potential damage to the cardiovascular system.

Cushing's syndrome, a condition characterized by excessive cortisol production, can lead to a host of symptoms, including high blood pressure and rapid weight gain, both of which can be intensified by high sodium intake. The excessive cortisol found in Cushing's syndrome promotes sodium retention, further elevating the risk for hypertension.

Similarly, elevated cortisol levels, even outside of Cushing's syndrome, can lead to heightened sodium retention, contributing to high blood pressure, fluid retention, and an imbalance of electrolytes. Therefore, individuals with these conditions should be particularly mindful of their sodium intake.

In these scenarios, reducing salt consumption can help mitigate the associated health risks and symptoms. Switching to a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods, and taking conscious steps to limit the use of added table salt can play a crucial role in managing these health conditions. As always, it is essential to seek personalized advice from a healthcare professional, as individual needs may vary.

In summary, while salt is often villainized in the health community, its consumption, especially from natural sources, is vital for maintaining bodily functions like nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. However, excessive or inadequate sodium intake can have adverse health effects, such as hypertension, imbalances in cholesterol and triglycerides, and even hyponatremia in severe cases. Certain health conditions, including endocrine disorders, high aldosterone levels, Cushing's syndrome, and elevated cortisol levels, can also exacerbate these risks, making it crucial for individuals with these conditions to carefully monitor their salt intake. On the other hand, increasing potassium intake can help maintain an optimal sodium-potassium balance, reducing blood pressure and lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In a nutshell, moderation and balance are key in sodium consumption, but the emphasis should be on consuming more potassium-rich foods to ensure your potassium intake is higher than sodium levels which will ensure a healthier dietary approach.


Is this cruciferous vegetable the key to brain regeneration?

Date: April 24, 2019 03:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is this cruciferous vegetable the key to brain regeneration?

Scientists have been researching ways of achieving brain regeneration for decades, but the article suggests that cruciferous vegetables is a method of regenerating the brain. An MIT scientist discovered that the growth of nervous tissue is aided by phyto-substances, which is a nutrient that can be found in common vegetables, like broccoli. A compound found in broccoli also has more positive effects on the body, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Broccoli is helpful for elderly patients that suffer from degenerative diseases.

Key Takeaways:

  • Toxins that are present in the air, water, and food can significantly interfere with one’s ability to learn, remember, and even communicate.
  • It was formerly believed in the past by scientists and considered a settled issue that brain regeneration was not a possibility.
  • Today, it is being observed by scientists that brain regeneration by cruciferous vegetables is possible. Joseph Altman, an MIT scientist, was the first to make this observation in 1960.

"This natural process of brain regeneration is expedited by certain beneficial phyto-nutrients, and hampered by certain toxic elements."

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This deficiency often leads to brain shrinkage, psychosis and Alzheimer

Date: April 09, 2019 10:21 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This deficiency often leads to brain shrinkage, psychosis and Alzheimer

There are serious health consequences associated with being deficient in vitamins B3, B6 and B12, including many with neurological or psychiatric elements. B vitamins are very important to healthy brain function, and can also play a role in whether and how quickly diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s develop. Specifically, being deficient in these vitamins can increase levels of homocysteine, which is associsted with sharply increasing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Getting enough of the most important B vitamins can suppress homocysteine and help keep your brain healthy.

Key Takeaways:

  • A strong nutritional foundation is critical to preventing Alzheimer’s and optimizing overall cognitive function.
  • B vitamins, especially vitamins B3, B6, and B12, all play a role in cellular functioning, energy production, and overall brain health.
  • According to Dr. Michael Greger, high levels of homocysteine indicate a strong risk factor for developing dementia and Alzheimer’s.

"It should come as no surprise that nutrition is a foundational consideration to optimize and maintain cognitive function."

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10 Health Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Date: January 21, 2019 01:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 Health Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acid, which can be found in supplements such as wild salmon oil, salmon itself, avocados, and various nuts has proven to be beneficial in a wide range of body systems.One of the lesser known uses is to aid in the severity and even prevention of mood disorder and mood disorder episodes. It is also very critical for heart and eye health. The most interesting aspect however is how it interacts with the endocrine system, where it aids in metabolic regulation and among other things, insulin intolerance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Omega-3s may have a significant role in prevention and treatment of a wide range mental health issues, including everything from depression to schizophrenia.
  • Omega-3s can benefit cardiac health and mitigate metabolic syndrome by moderating blood sugar, cholesterol, belly fat, blood pressure and other vital elements of health.
  • Omega-3s can also help promote skin, bone and joint health, and also help stave off age-related health problems.

"Research says that omega-3 fatty acids can improve one’s health on several levels."

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Fish, fish oil may lower your heart attack risk

Date: January 21, 2019 01:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fish, fish oil may lower your heart attack risk

Omega 3 fatty acid, which can be found in supplements such as wild salmon oil, salmon itself, avocados, and various nuts has proven to be beneficial in a wide range of body systems.One of the lesser known uses is to aid in the severity and even prevention of mood disorder and mood disorder episodes. It is also very critical for heart and eye health. The most interesting aspect however is how it interacts with the endocrine system, where it aids in metabolic regulation and among other things, insulin intolerance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Omega-3s may have a significant role in prevention and treatment of a wide range mental health issues, including everything from depression to schizophrenia.
  • Omega-3s can benefit cardiac health and mitigate metabolic syndrome by moderating blood sugar, cholesterol, belly fat, blood pressure and other vital elements of health.
  • Omega-3s can also help promote skin, bone and joint health, and also help stave off age-related health problems.

"Research says that omega-3 fatty acids can improve one’s health on several levels."

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Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Date: January 13, 2019 04:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is not only a delicious spice that can be added to a variety of dishes, but it also comes naturally equipped with several health benefits. Cinnamon is a natural antioxidant, giving it the ability to prevent against certain metabolic disorders, as well as diseases that are brought on by aging. It is also an anti-inflammatory by how it can aid in the production of nitric oxide, a primary contributor in helping the body combat inflammatory responses.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cinnamon is an aromatic spice that comes from the genus Cinnamomum. The true cinnamon species is known as C. verum.
  • Every part of the cinnamon tree – its roots, leaves, flower, fruits, and bark – have medicinal properties and its constituents are cinnamaldehyde, cinnamate, and cinnamic acid.
  • As a cinnamon tree ages, it assumes a darker color because it now contains more residual resinous elements.

"Cinnamon is known to possess anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial properties."

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Natural remedies to alleviate nasal allergies

Date: October 30, 2018 09:51 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Natural remedies to alleviate nasal allergies

There are so many people out there that really struggle from natural allergies. They wake up some days, and due to the environment around them, they can immediately start coughing and sneezing. They are not sick but they are allergic to the natural environment. It is very bothersome to some people. If you want to get rid of these allergies, then you need to look into some of the natural remedies that are said to help people.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you feel that you are allergic to something, go to a doctor and find out for sure.
  • The people who have no allergies to anything are so lucky in their every day life.
  • There are people who suffer from severe cases of allergies due to the environment at the time.

"Anyone can develop this condition, which can be triggered by animal dander, feathers, plants, pollen, or other environmental elements."

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Ten powerful anti-inflammatory herbs

Date: August 30, 2018 03:38 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Ten powerful anti-inflammatory herbs

Ten powerful anti-inflammatory herbs

Inflammation in the body is a condition which makes itself known in various clear ways. These include swelling, pain and a mobility loss in the region affected. For an intervention to be effective against inflammation, it would need to address all three of these specific areas, generally by affecting the immune system. Fortunately, there are herbs which do indeed address these particular effects of inflammation. Research has shown that there are specific elements in each of the following herbs that are useful for ameliorating inflammation pain and swelling, and thereby improving motility. These herbs include ginger, spirulina, black pepper and curcumin.

Key Takeaways:

  • Inflammation makes itself known in the body by exhibiting the symptoms of swelling, pain and a loss of mobility to the region.
  • Specific ingredients in natural substances, like piperine, found in black pepper, and gingerol, found in ginger, are anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Other substances with anti-inflammatory action include the herb, curcumin, and the blue-green algae, spirulina.

"To be successful in the management of inflammation with herbs, every attempt has to be made to identify and use herbs that not only deal with inflammation per se, but also those herbs that can take care of individual symptoms."

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4 herbs that can help you treat fever effectively

Date: August 16, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: 4 herbs that can help you treat fever effectively

4 herbs that can help you treat fever effectively

Taking paracetamol tablets is the common response to trying to lower a person's high fever, but did you know that there are natural ways to also accomplish this? Even better, these methods do not come with pesky side effects. Tulsi leaves have many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements. Turmeric contains curcumin which offers an antibacterial and anti-viral source. Garlic promotes sweating which allows you to flush toxins from your body. Finally, finger protects a body from bacterial and viral attacks.

Key Takeaways:

  • The anti-oxidants in Tulsi are very effective in stopping infections and inflammation.
  • Tumeric is an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent that even comes in a milk form that you can drink.
  • If you want a way to reduce your fever naturally, try combining ginger slices with honey.

"Paracetamol can treat fever effectively, but know every drug has its side-effects. Instead, try these herbs."

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Fermented turmeric prevents memory loss caused by oxidative stress and inflammation

Date: July 16, 2018 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fermented turmeric prevents memory loss caused by oxidative stress and inflammation

Fermented turmeric prevents memory loss caused by oxidative stress and inflammation

Even without Alzheimer's or dementia, the human brain is apt to experience memory loss over time. Neural cells can die, victims of disease, or inflammation. Simple oxidative stress can be at the bottom of significant loss of cognition.

Study has shown that by boosting a key neurotransmitter, a significant amount of natural damage can be avoided. One specific ingredient with the potential to make this happen has been tested on rodents.

Rodents were injected with an amnesia-creating medication. A percentage of them also received a dose of fermented turmeric, renowned for its anti-inflammatory activity. The mice given the turmeric were proven to be protected against the affects of the amnesia-producing drug.

Key Takeaways:

  • When Tumeric is fermented, it gains probiotic elements which can prevent memory loss.
  • A research group at Keimyung University believes that Tumeric may be used to treat Alzheimer's.
  • Tumeric halts the death of brain cells and it can also increase neurotransmitters.

"Turmeric contains curcumunoids like curcumin, a well-known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that shields neurons from damage."

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The evidence is clear: Hemp slows the progression of ovarian cancer

Date: July 12, 2018 05:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The evidence is clear: Hemp slows the progression of ovarian cancer

The evidence is clear: Hemp slows the progression of ovarian cancer

Researches have discovered that the hemp plant has anti-cancer effects, so you might see it used more often in natural medicinal treatments. In a recent study, hemp extract was discovered to significantly cause a drop in the migration of cancer cells. Furthermore, KY-hemp also slowed down the discharge of interleukin IL-beta, which are chemicals that been linked to the elevation of cancer. Researchers feel that the hemp plant extract is just as effective as cisplatin, a drug used in chemotherapy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers say that the hemp plant has been found to have anti-cancer elements in it.
  • The hemp plant is also just as effective as some chemotherapy drugs.
  • Hemp seeds pack all of the necessary amino and fatty acids.

"New research has shown that the humble hemp plant has anti-cancer effects so profound that it can slow down the progression of ovarian cancer — and can stop cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body, too."

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The benefits of MCT oil

Date: July 12, 2018 10:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The benefits of MCT oil

The benefits of MCT oil

Are you using coconut oil as an acne medicine? Do you know it has antibacterial ingredients. It can help fight other diseases caused by bacteria and fungi, too. The oil has even been used to combat cases of Gonorrhea. Those who consume it have also used it for weight loss and to help them with reducing their cholesterol levels. Some say it can help them get blood levels under control, and it also quite good for energy boosts.

Key Takeaways:

  • MCT oil has strong anti-bacterial elements that can help fight disease.
  • MCT oil can also help a person with weight loss and to lower the blood pressure.
  • In addition to giving your energy a boost, MCT oil helps fight certain brain diseases.

"The antibiotic effects of MCT have also been proven effective against other types of disease-causing bacteria and even fungi."

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CBD oil: the cannabis supplement taking the wellness world by storm

Date: June 22, 2018 08:10 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD oil: the cannabis supplement taking the wellness world by storm

CBD oil: the cannabis supplement taking the wellness world by storm

Cannabis oil, despite having proven medicinal properties, is currently illegal in many parts of the world, because it also has high levels of an intoxicating substance. The same cannot be said for cannabidiol oil, which unlike cannabis, which comes from the marijuana plant, is a derived from hemp.

Cannabidiol oil, or CBD oil, affects neural receptors in a positive way, boosting brain chemicals, like serotonin, but without psychoactive elements. This makes the oil a boon for those suffering from various forms of anxiety, as well as PTSD and panic attacks. CBD oil is anti-inflammatory and it promotes REM sleep, which makes it invaluable for joint-pain relief and insomnia.

CBD oil is generally sold as both a capsule and an oil-specific product. It's recommended that users start with small doses, building up slowly. 6.4 mgs 3x a day is a good amount to enhance overall health. However, to address specific concerns, up to three times that amount many be needed. Again, one should only take such a high dose after taking the time to build up to it in increments.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is one one of hottest remedies right now for a wide variety of issues.
  • Unlike marijuana, CBD oil does not come with mind-altering side effects,
  • Although some users experience dry mouth, decreased blood pressure, and sleepiness, such reactions are rare.

"Cannabidiol (CBD) oil (derived from the stems and leaves of hemp plants) is currently flying off shelves at the moment due to its wide range of purported health benefits that include better sleep and the relief of joint pain, stress and anxiety."

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Vitamin K: The anti-aging supplement you probably havenâ??t heard about

Date: June 20, 2018 04:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin K: The anti-aging supplement you probably havenâ??t heard about

Vitamin K: The anti-aging supplement you probably haven’t heard about

The yen to look younger than our actual years can be seen in the veritable arsenal of age-fighting cosmetics on the retail market. But, the search doesn't end there. The quest extends to supplements and other organic elements. One factor that can be a potent ally in the fight to stay younger looking may be easily overlooked. That element is vitamin K.

It's probable that vitamin K gets overlooked because most people think of vitamin K as the blood-clotting factor, which it is, one type. The fact is there is a second type of the vitamin that works to prevent excessive buildup of calcium in the epidermis. This prevents wrinkles and boosts skin elasticity. Japanese women were the subject of a study wherein this was conclusively shown.

The Japanese population studied consumed a lot of traditional fermented soy beans. Fermented foods are the primary source of the calcium-constraining vitamin, just as leafy greens are the usual food sources of the blood-clotting variant of the vitamin.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin K2 is a water-soluble vitamin found in fermented foods that promotes healthy absorption and distribution of calcium, including preventing too much from building up under the skin.
  • Vitamin K helps promote production of metric GLA protein, which directs calcium into the bones and away from arteries and helps prevent varicose veins.
  • You can find Vitamin K in chicken, egg yolk, butter, cheese and natto, a common Japanese dish of fermented soybeans.

"But epidemiological evidence suggests that diet has more influence on how we look than we realize"

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IN BALANCE — Magnesium: An Essential Mineral for Health

Date: August 14, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: IN BALANCE — Magnesium: An Essential Mineral for Health

Magnesium is an important element. It is found in the body. It's important that you have a good balance of it. The body works best when all of the elements are balanced properly since they do different things. Magnesium can be bought and taken in supplement form for those who don't feel they have enough, but too much can also be a bad thing so be careful not to overdo it. You can always talk to a doctor first to see if you even need to be taking it.

Key Takeaways:

  • An extremely hard-working mineral, magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical functions of the human body.
  • Early signs that the body is depleted of its magnesium stores include, irregular heartbeat, muscle contractions and cramps and loss of energy.
  • Foods that boost magnesium levels include, chard, pumpkin seeds, avocados, black beans and bananas.

"Americans are at risk of magnesium deficiency and it has been estimated that nearly half of the population is deficient."

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Inhale Himalayan Pink Salt For These Benefits

Date: July 24, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Inhale Himalayan Pink Salt For These Benefits

You can inhale some Himalayan pink salt and gain a lot of different benefits. Himalayan salt has anti microbial, anti fungal and antibacterial properties. The United States has been very late to the table when it comes to Himalayan punk salt. Eastern Europe actually saw the many benefits of it over 200 years ago. You can use it as an inhaler. It helps a lot with swollen nasal passages and also hay fever and it eliminates harmful organisms.

Key Takeaways:

  • Himalayan salt is not table salt and has antifungal properties
  • Europe uses it for therapeutic benefits and the US has delayed usage
  • makes breathing easier which can help quiet coughs and can help nasal passages

"This salt contains 84 natural elements and minerals that are already found in your body."


Meals That Promote Weight Loss - Cereals

Date: July 20, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Meals That Promote Weight Loss - Cereals

There are some certain meals that promote weight loss in people. Rice, wheat and barley have been used for many years and across the world. Refined cereals simply go to the blood stream and they can cause imbalance. You will want to eat the best cereal for you. There are good and bad cereals. You will want to get the right combination of health in your cereal to have the best impact on your body and your overall health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Grains used for cereals that are unrefined contained all the nutrition of a complete food.
  • Refined grains used for mass produced cereals can lead to many health problems such as heart disease and cancer.
  • Bran found in cereals is an excellent source of fiber and can prevent many diseases.

"Like all seeds, cereals include all of the elements a brand new plant must develop, so the entire dietary significance is in its core composition."


3 wonder ways to brighten your teeth

Date: July 12, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 3 wonder ways to brighten your teeth

Speaks upon the use of multiple whitening brands telling you to try using natural elements. Like Mixing strawberries, baking soda, and salt making a substance that's like paste which you apply about once or twice a week. Also, surprisingly charcoal is another method, using the dust to rub on your teeth causing the stains to go away. Be careful not to swallow the charcoals. Even the use of tumeric! Yes the cooking material, you can put a little on your teeth every other day literally provoking your teeth to be more white!

Key Takeaways:

  • According some studies charcoal binds with tannis that are stains on your teeth and alter the PH level of your mouth.
  • Baking Soda with salt and starwberries: Mix all three together to make a paste and scrub for almost five minutes at least once or twice a week
  • Turmeric: It might leave yellow orange stains on your hands as you cook but this very same turmeric can actually help you whiten your teeth

"Are you tired of trying the very many toothpastes in the market and still not getting the result? Go natural when it comes to tooth whitening with these all natural products which have natural ingredients."

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This Is The Number 1 Food In The World To Prevent Strokes, High Blood Pressure And Cholesterol!

Date: June 17, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Is The Number 1 Food In The World To Prevent Strokes, High Blood Pressure And Cholesterol!

Dates are a great food that will help lower your risk of heart problems. It contains many nutrients that help with cholesterol and are extremely healthy. Not only that, but they also contain numerous nutrients like iron that help keep your blood regulated. They can aid greatly in heart health and brain health as well as aid in weight goals one might be shooting for in both gaining and losing weight. Adding on benefits to aid with constipation and pregnancy, the video goes in depth about how the date is a little miracle food.

Key Takeaways:

  • stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in the world
  • The fruit is able to expel cholesterol-acid bile in your blood stream
  • this fruit is nutritional rich, it contains multiple essential elements, like potassium, iron to help lower blood pressure

"This food that is not so popular contains high amounts of potassium, fiber, magnesium and vitamin B6."


France is "decriminalizing" cannabis nationwide

Date: June 11, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: France is "decriminalizing" cannabis nationwide

France appears poised to change the way it punishes cannabis users. While it seems France will continue levying fines against citizens found guilty of cannabis use, the prison elements will likely be removed soon. There are several reasons supporters of the change tout in their advocacy for the change. One, cannabis use is widespread among the populace. Two, many citizens feel the government should not mandate what they do or not do with their bodies. Three, cannabis has the potential to provide several medicinal benefits and research into these benefits would be aided by the move to destigmatize its use by removing the criminal aspect. Four, cannabis use has a low potential for abuse. And finally, it has been estimated a cannabis arrest consumed up to six hours of police office and magistrate time. By removing the criminal aspect of cannabis use, it would free the country's law enforcement to pursue other matters of greater risk to the populace.

Read more: France is "decriminalizing" cannabis nationwide


fight cancer with baking soda

Date: May 16, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: fight cancer with baking soda

Baking soda can be used for cancer prevention. Baking soda has natural elements that allow the body to regulate pH levels. Regulating pH levels can help prevent the mutations that may cause cancer to form. Baking soda also has many other properties that can be relied on to detoxify the body. Detoxifying the body can also prevent a host of other ailments that are related to the occurrence of cancer. Few natural substances can be used to prevent cancer like baking soda.

Key Takeaways:

  • Baking soda helps reduce acid reflux in the body which in turn promotes overall health.
  • Cancer cells thrive in high acid. Baking soda reduces the acid level thus slowing the spread of cancer.
  • Healthy blood VB pH levels is key to over all healthy living. Keeping pH right reduces the chances of getting cancer. Baking soda helps reduce acid restoring this balance.

"Many buffering systems equip the human body with the ability to optimize internal functions for as long a period as possible."


7 Signs That You Might Have Gallstones

Date: May 09, 2017 06:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Signs That You Might Have Gallstones

Helina Selemon writes about the troubles that can be created from gallstones, which are crystalized balls of bile and other elements in the body that form in the gallbladder. While many who have gallstones do not have symptoms, there are several people in the general population who have stones and experience acute symptoms, such as pain, nausea, and extreme discomfort. Unfortunately, pain relievers and over-the-counter medicines will not remedy these symptoms and surgery may be the only source of relief. Selemen reviews the symptoms that may indicate that you are suffering from gallstones.

Read more: 7 Signs That You Might Have Gallstones


How to know your digestive system is not functioning properly

Date: May 08, 2017 06:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to know your digestive system is not functioning properly

Bel Marra Health explains how digestive health is one of the most important elements of overall health for human beings. Health connects the health of the digestive system to the overall body through explaining its role in fighting illness. As most of the immune system is housed in our digestive system, a bad gut may equal more sickness. By paying better attention to stomach and digestive systems, you may actually help improve your overall health.

Read more: How to know your digestive system is not functioning properly



Date: April 11, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

There are ways to slow down the aging process and enjoy good health and vitality. One of the key elements are good food and nutrition. You can spend great amounts of money on expensive supplements, but it doesn't help if you are not enjoying a diet with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. There are also certain fruits and vegetables that are known for fighting the aging process and they are right in your grocery store. Watch this video for details on the top 10 anti-aging superfoods you need to be eating.

Key Takeaways:

  • Anti-aging foods can help counteract the aging process. You can check out the best foods on the video.
  • Blueberries have antioxidants that help you clean up free radicals.
  • Older people experience reduced brain function. Omega-3-fatty-acids protect protect skin, eyes, heart, joints and brain.

"Anti-aging foods can help counteract the aging process. Check out our list of the best 10 anti-aging foods and start to eat healthier today."


How to Inhale Himalayan Pink Salt to Help Remove Mucus, Bacteria and Toxins from your Lungs

Date: March 17, 2017 01:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Inhale Himalayan Pink Salt to Help Remove Mucus, Bacteria and Toxins from your Lungs

There’s a lot of information on the internet about the benefits of Himalayan salt. Many people don’t realize that unlike table salt, Himalayan salt contains the same 84 natural elements and minerals that are found in the human body, minerals which contribute to your overall health and vitality. Its minerals are in an ionic state, which means that they are tiny enough for our cells to absorb easily.

Key Takeaways:

  • Himalayan salt contains the same 84 natural elements and minerals that are found in the human body, minerals which contribute to your overall health and vitality.
  • Its minerals are in an ionic state, which means that they are tiny enough for our cells to absorb easily.
  • Although it’s relatively new to the United States, salt rooms have been used for therapeutic purposes in Eastern Europe for more than 200 years.

"Many people don’t realize that unlike table salt, Himalayan salt contains the same 84 natural elements and minerals that are found in the human body, minerals which contribute to your overall health and vitality."




Red Seaweed: the radiation protection superfood you're not getting enough of

Date: February 23, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Red Seaweed: the radiation protection superfood you're not getting enough of

Seaweed is a common ingredient in Japanese cuisine. However, for the average American this mystical, slimy, spinach-like vegetable is something they only know from sushi rolls or miso soup. Many may not even know it is edible, let alone know how to prepare a meal with it. While it may not look very appetizing to you, this green, red, or brown sea vegetable is high in essential nutrients and packs a variety of health benefits including cancer prevention and protection from radiation or oxidative stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • Seaweed is a common ingredient in Japanese cuisine. However, for the average American this mystical, slimy, spinach-like vegetable is something they only know from sushi rolls or miso soup.
  • While it may not look very appetizing to you, this green, red, or brown sea vegetable is high in essential nutrients and packs a variety of health benefits including cancer prevention and protection from radiation or oxidative stress.
  • Red seaweed is a rich source of protein and various antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and other beneficial compounds not found in any other food. Iodine is one of those nutrients that’s hard to come by. Iodine is essential to a proper working thyroid gland.

"Red seaweed is a rich source of protein and various antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and other beneficial compounds not found in any other food."




Anti-inflammatory diet could reduce risk of bone loss in women

Date: February 02, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Anti-inflammatory diet could reduce risk of bone loss in women

Women listen up that anti-inflammatory diet that is high in vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains could boost your bone health and prevent fractures. Researchers examined data from the landmark Women’s Health Initiative to compare levels of inflammatory elements in the diet to bone mineral density and fractures and found new associations between food and bone health. Suggesting your diets and health could impact your bones.

Key Takeaways:

  • Anti-inflammatory diets – which tend to be high in vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains – could boost bone health and prevent fractures in some women, a new study suggests.
  • Researchers examined data from the landmark Women’s Health Initiative to compare levels of inflammatory elements in the diet to bone mineral density and fractures and found new associations between food and bone health.
  • The study, led by Tonya Orchard, an assistant professor of human nutrition at The Ohio State University, appears in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.

"Women with the least-inflammatory diets had lower bone mineral density overall at the start of the study, but lost less bone than their high-inflammation peers, the researchers found."



Five Common Diseases Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency

Date: January 07, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Five Common Diseases Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency

By now, most people know that vitamin D is essential for good bone health. What many people don’t know, however, is that this nutrient plays a major role in preventing many more common illnesses. Influenza and asthma are more common during winter months because we get less vitamin D. Arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer have also been linked to be more prevalent when there is a vitamin D deficiency.

Key Takeaways:

  • The risk of influenza is the highest during the winter season because the exposure to sun and ultraviolet B rays is low.
  • For this reason, the amount of vitamin D in the body is reduced.
  • The studies point out that vitamin D strengthens and boosts the immune system and prevents colds and flu.

"When there is a deficiency of vitamin D in your body, you are at risk of some bone abnormalities."



Well: Are Hydroponic Vegetables as Nutritious as Those Grown in Soil?

Date: January 01, 2017 10:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Well: Are Hydroponic Vegetables as Nutritious as Those Grown in Soil?

What kind of solution the vegetables are grown in makes a difference in how nutritious they are. Hydroponics has come a long way also in growing vegetables just as nutritious as those grown in soil. Plants traditionally get nutrients from soil. Plants get nutrients from a solution with hydroponics instead of soil.

Key Takeaways:

  • This article contends that vegetables grown hydroponically (in a special solution instead of in soil) can be just as nutritious, if not more, than those grown the traditional way in soil.
  • Plants make their own vitamins, so vitamin levels tend to be similar in both growing methods, and you can add minerals and other elements to the solution to make up for any that might be missing.
  • Nutrient content varies anyway for produce in general, regardless of the growing method, and besides, all vegetables are healthy if you eat a lot of them!

"The bottom line is it depends on the nutrient solution the vegetables are grown in, but hydroponically grown vegetables can be just as nutritious as those grown in soil."




The Sky's Not Falling! Media Misreporting DEA on CBD “Illegality”

Date: December 23, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Sky's Not Falling! Media Misreporting DEA on CBD “Illegality”

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) recently created a new code for tracking of cannabis extracts, independent of the code that tracks cannabis itself. This minor tweak to their paperwork unfortunately set off an internet scare, with multiple news sources stating that the new code effectively reversed cannabis and hemp legality when dealing with extracts rather than plants. That was not the case: the DEA has made clear that their coding system has no legal implications, and those statements have been confirmed by industry and legal experts.

Key Takeaways:

  • The media has been on fire following the DEA's “Establishment of a New Drug Code for Marihuana Extract” announcement on December 14th.
  • Unfortunately, most of the media outlets have been misreporting the story.
  • Read on to learn the new facts!

"Later, in a follow-up phone interview Baer reiterated to The Cannabist that the move allows the DEA to more accurately track elements such as scientific and medical studies, as researchers use the codes to identify which substance they’re examining."



Replace Steel With Copper Utensils At Home To Aid Weight Loss

Date: December 19, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Replace Steel With Copper Utensils At Home To Aid Weight Loss

All your utensils in your kitchen may be steel, but new research shows it may be time to replace them with cooper. Cooper utensils provides a whole host of healthy benefits while maybe aiding in weight loss. New research shows that the more cooper present the easier it is for a body to break down fat.

Key Takeaways:

  • There has been increase in sale of copper water bottles lately. However, copper pots should not be stored in fridge and should be consumed at room temperature, say experts.
  • According to Dr. Copper, a popular copper water bottle manufacturing company, Copper is one of a relatively small group of metallic elements which are essential to human health.
  • These elements, along with amino and fatty acids as well as vitamins, are required for normal metabolic processes. However, as the body cannot synthesize copper, the human diet must supply regular amounts for absorption.

"Copper also helps cleanse and detox your stomach."



Boswellia Reduces 5-LOX Activity

Date: December 09, 2016 01:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Boswellia Reduces 5-LOX Activity

Do you tend to suffer from allergic reactions and inflammatory diseases which come as a result of chemicals which are naturally secreted inside the nucleus of the body cells? Well, certain chemicals, such as 5-lipoxygenase is such a reagent inside the blood and it can lead to things such as inflammation in the leukotrienes and other cancer-promoting conditions of the human body. This can even lead to other kinds of discomforts such as joint pains and aches, lung infections and infections of the intestinal tract. As such, it is very important that its activity as well as the impact on the person is reduced. Luckily, there is a solution for that and this comes in the form of Boswellia.

Acting to counteract the effects of 5-LOX, Boswellia otherwise known as Indian frankincense has got a powerful impact on the said chemical which is responsible for the allergic reactions and inflammation of the body cells in the first place. As a result, these reactions are reduced thus promoting a healthy state of being. It is said to be the best natural fighter against the killer cancer and since it comes in an easy to assimilate form, it can get into the body system quickly thus acting to fight reactions just in the nick of time. 

It is truly important to live a healthy life which is free from all kinds of infections and allergies which can develop into further complications for the person. When you have a powerful drug to help with fighting such reactions within your body, you will notice that your body becomes progressively powerful and thus makes you able to withstand certain elements whose imbalances in the body might lead to inflammation. With Boswellia, you are able to become stronger against diseases naturally and you will also observe a gradual progression to a healthier, happier, more wholesome individual.


Maca Root And Your Health

Date: September 28, 2016 07:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Maca Root And Your Health

Maca, (Lepidium meyenii) also Peruvian herb is a biennial herb indigenous to Andes, Peru. It’s also grown in Brazil and Bolivia. It’s cultivated for its fleshy hypocotyl and tap root which is a root vegetable and a medicinal herb.

Brief history

For over 2000 years, Maca root has been used by the ancient Incan culture for medicinal uses. They highly revered the plant for its legendary ability to offer mental clarity and energy as well as enhancing sex drive.

Today, Maca root is medicinal and health benefits such as:

  •  Hormonal balance to improve menopause and PMS symptoms in women as well as mood and fertility
  •  Improving sperm production, volume, and mobility in men
  •  Reduces enlarged prostates
  •  It’s used as an aphrodisiac to improve sex drive
  •  Increasing bone density especially in women

Maca root and Energy improvement

Maca contains vitamins, fatty acids, proteins, and minerals. These are elements to naturally support energy supporting as well as aid in injury recovery. Those who have used maca root in powder form have testified that it makes them awake, driven and energized. They even prefer it over caffeine as it doesn’t give jitters.

Clinical studies have revealed that maca is useful in maintaining positive energy levels and reducing anxiety and depression. It’s also important in regulating the hypothalamus, which improves the functioning of pituitary glands and thus balancing focus and energy. Researchers believe this is enhanced by balancing blood sugar levels.

Maca root holds many health benefits, if you are over the age of 50, you should be taking maca root daily to help balance hormones and feel better.

Reference URLs




Chocolate cocoa boosts the functioning of the brain

Date: September 23, 2016 01:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Chocolate cocoa boosts the functioning of the brain

Eating chocolates has always been associated to certain misconceptions such as weight gain and a rise in cholesterol levels. A recent published scientific study has proven that chocolate has various health benefits. Does eating chocolate make us smarter? Yes! This article will show the relationship of chocolate and cognitive activities in our body.

How does chocolate make you smarter?

Chocolate is a product of cocoa. Flavonoid a phytonutrient present in the cocoa induces the production of protein in neurons known as Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF acts on some neurons of the central nervous system. It helps support existing neurons and encourages growth neurons. In the brain, BDNF functions in the active cortex, basal forebrain, and hippocampus. These areas are vital to higher thinking, learning, and memory. BDNF boosts the activity in these areas hence aiding in acquiring and consolidation of memory and its storage.

Flavonoids in the chocolate also help in blood flow. More blood flow to the brain, results to improved brain functions.

Chocolates contain antioxidants. These are compounds which slow down the damaging effects of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are byproducts of oxygen use in the body. They cannot be avoided and are responsible for damaging body cells. In the brain, they cause memory loss. Antioxidants in the chocolate step in to reverse the harmful effect of these radicals and hence improve cognitive skills.

Flavonoids and antioxidants are the main elements in chocolates that improve the brain function. Therefore, people who eat chocolates are smarter.





Fight worms and fungus with black walnut

Date: September 06, 2016 02:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Fight worms and fungus with black walnut

Black walnuts are an astounding super food with numerous health advantages. With research and modern science, some nutritional elements have been discovered in black walnuts which make them efficient for multiple conditions.

Health Benefits

     These nuts contain an antifungal property which helps in treating ringworm, athlete foot including other fungal skin infections. The walnut powder can be smeared on the affected areas of the skin:

  •  Helps in treating other skin diseases such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis
  •  Treatment of cold sores, warts, and herpes
  •  It helps in reducing or stopping excessive sweating; they are thought to have an impact on overactive sweat glands and lessen the quantity of sweat produced.
  •  If you have sore throats, sores in the mouth and tonsillitis, gargle a mixture of black walnut extract and water to treat it.

Black walnut and Digestion:

     Black walnut hull tones and heals irritated intestines and recover the surrounding of the digestive track for efficient absorption and excretion.

     According to studies, cytotoxic compounds known as juglone have been found to be in black walnuts, and it contains an anti-cancer property which leads to the death of cancer cells.

     Black walnut extract aids in treatment of Candida yeast found in the body digestive system.

    Black walnut hulls, harvested green, are a renowned to lead in the prescription of pinworms, hookworms, tapeworms and other parasites in the intestines.

Refer to: //


How to Detoxify the Body

Date: January 27, 2016 08:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How to Detoxify the Body

Free radicals are elements in the body that attacks healthy cells, resulting to cellular and tissue damage. When this happens, mild conditions such as weight gain to serious illnesses such as cancer may occur. The production of more and more free radicals intensifies due to several factors. Pollution, the food you eat, different kinds of chemicals found in the environment and the daily stress you go through are all factors that contribute to the increase of free radicals. Thus, detoxification should be a must for everybody.

Detox means cleansing the body of toxins and harmful elements. The importance of detoxification has intensified as years go by. The modern world has not only offered outstanding innovations but many deadly diseases. The many benefits of detox can help counter these unhealthy occurrences.

What are some of the Benefits of Detoxifying the Body?

  • Energy boosts

This is among the exciting benefits one can get from detoxification. Just like a clean house or a clean car engine, you would feel a heightened vitality as harmful elements are flushed out of your system. This boosts in energy will help you accomplish daily tasks and even go to the gym after work.

  • Healthier organs

Detoxification cleanses essential organs such as the liver, kidneys and colon. These organs are crucial in the body’s waste management system. Buildup of toxins in the body can slow down the work that they do. Overtime, when the stress is too much to bear, these organs may experience fatigue, disrupting their function. Diseases associated with abnormally functioning liver and kidneys can become serious medical conditions. Therefore, proper care and management is important.

  • Weight loss

Weight loss can just be a bonus when you choose to detox. Because you are choosing to live healthily, you can rid yourself of excessive calories, salt, sugar and other unhealthy foods that compromises your detoxification process. Also, as you continue with a good cleansing regimen, your organs will be able to function well, improving your metabolism.

How Can You Detoxify?

The “father of plants”, Alfalfa, is gaining popularity in the field of detox. Alfalfa has roots that can reach 20 to 30ft down the ground. For this unique characteristic, minerals and essential vitamins are rich in Alfalfa. Traditionally, the herb’s parts from its leaves to the seeds are used as medicine. It is a good source of minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorous and Zinc, as well as vitamins A, C and E.


Alfalfa, as early as the 6th century, has been beneficial for its role in treating many health issues such as kidney problems, arthritis, cardiovascular disorders, digestive problems and auto-immune illnesses. Today, more and more health problems are being addressed by the use of Alfalfa. Detoxification using the herb also became popular due to its natural ability to eliminate excess fluid and toxins in the body. Aside from this, its vitamins and mineral properties are useful for people who are trying to lose weight.

Detoxification should be a healthy process. Make sure to make it as one by using the right detox ingredient.







What Exactly Do Friendly Bacteria Do In The Intestinal Tract?

Date: December 07, 2015 01:04 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Exactly Do Friendly Bacteria Do In The Intestinal Tract?

Contrary to the popular belief that all bacteria are bad for your health, there are friendly bacteria that are very beneficial to your health. The friendly bacteria are mainly found in the colon, which is also known as the large intestine. The small intestine also has friendly bacteria. The first section of the intestine, the esophagus and the stomach are mostly bacteria-free due to the deterrent effect caused by the strong stomach acid as well as the high level of digestive enzymes in this areas.

The friendly bacteria that are found in the intestinal tract are very important to the human digestive system. They are responsible for producing enzymes that digest polysaccharides in plant cell walls. Some of the plant materials that you eat on a daily basis contribute to the fiber in your diet. The fiber is very important for a healthy colon. The enzymes that are released by the friendly bacteria usually make sure that most of the nutritional value of the plant materials that you eat does not go to waste.

Digestive System

Some bacteria in the intestinal tract usually make vitamin K, which is necessary for the formation of new bone and blood clotting. They also make the vitamins from the B group. These types of vitamins are very difficult to get from the food that you eat every day. Attempts of humans to manufacture them have not been fruitful so far. The beneficial bacteria are also very helpful in stimulating the immune system and maintaining optimum pH. They may also help in digesting or breaking down hormones that are not required anymore, drugs, and environmental substances that carry the risk of causing cancer.

Friendly bacteria also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract. When an ideal pH of the colon is maintained (which should be between 6.7 and 6.9), the growth of harmful bacteria such as shigella which causes diarrhea, salmonella which causes food poisoning, and e.coli which can cause kidney failure and intestinal disease is inhibited. The beneficial bacteria also produce volatile fatty acid which works together with other acids in the intestinal tract to suppress the survival of yeast (candida) and fungus.

Normalizing bowel movements is another function that the friendly bacteria play in the intestinal tract. They do this by decreasing the time that waste products usually take to move through the digestive system. They also aid in correcting diarrhea and stopping constipation. Good bacteria also stimulate the formation of antibodies that protect your body against infectious diseases. They make your immunity strong.

Another important thing that good bacteria do in the digestive system is removing toxic elements. They deactivate various organisms that are in food or produced by other organisms. This is mainly done by a bacterium called Lactobacillus acidophilus. The friendly bacteria are also instruments in reducing cholesterol, improving fat digestion by providing mobile acids, and protecting against cancer.

Gas problems are also eliminated by the good bacteria. They also sweeten your breath, which would be a foul-smelling waste if bad bacteria take over the intestinal tract. Production of lactase enzyme is another thing that good bacteria do. This enzyme is necessary for digesting milk and milk products when they get to the digestive system. Without it, allergies will be a sure thing.


If You No Energy It May Be Because Of Poor Absorption

Date: November 06, 2015 11:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: If You No Energy It May Be Because Of Poor Absorption

The human body is a miracle designed differently. At conception, our cells are encoded with a genetic blueprint and if kept clean with all nutrients provided, the cells will perform perfectly. Current research shows that our bodies are engineered for up to 120 years but our lifespan nowadays wind up to 60's to 70's only. This is a result of poor maintenance of the body. When one starts to get older, the more damage accumulates in the cells and speeds the aging process. But we can never escape aging.

Aging is controlled by two factors which are heredity and the internal and external elements that results to our way of living. These external and internal factors can be the kind of food we eat, quality of air we breathe and also the amount of stress that accumulate in our bodies. Consumption of excess alcohol, smoking, oxidized fats and chemicals in food speeds the aging process.

Oil is one of the causes of absorption issues in the colon. Example, cooking meat creates a substance called hetero cyclic amines which cause colon cancer. Poor elimination and toxic buildup are said to be a result of premature aging. Poor digestion and absorption drives the aging bodies to nutrients they need. The solution to slow down aging is to eat food that are nutrients-dense and low-calories.

The absorption of food by the colon is determined with what we eat. The best diet for the colon is a natural diet which is easily digested by our bodies. The more you take man-made ingredients, the more you make it difficult for food to digest. This means when the food will be passed to the colon from the small intestine what will remain to the colon will not be digested hence making it difficult for the colon.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth suggests that the best diet for a healthy colon in the absorption of food is fiber and water. Fiber means adding more plant based food on the diet. These include eating more vegetables, whole grains, fruits and nuts. Fiber helps retain water and roughage in the body making your stool softer for easy passage to the colon. Another way is that you can conduct a colon cleanse. This removes old fecal matter and helps the colon to function more. Diatomaceous Earth is good for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and good for the skin hair and bones. When taking diatomaceous earth make sure you take a lot of water because it dries you off. Drinking water not only provides moisture to your body but also helps to remove out toxins. Avoid drinking drinks with sugar especially those that got high fructose corn syrup. The colon is the most important part of the waste treatment. The more we take care of our bodies the more energy we will have. To restore our health we need good diet and a good colon that will help our bodies function.




Why Should We Take A Multi-Strain Probiotic?

Date: September 01, 2015 08:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Why Should We Take A Multi-Strain Probiotic?

Most people taking a probiotic supplement or drink do so for the purpose of supporting digestive health.  Probiotics increase the colonization of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and limit the proliferation of pathogenic or disease-causing bacteria.  A healthy intestinal microflora is believed to not only enhance digestion, but also promote general health and boost immunity.


Probiotics Offer More than Digestive Health Support

Probiotics offer medical advantages that go past the extent of supporting digestive wellbeing.  Recent studies demonstrate that particular strains of probiotics may be utilized to treat particular conditions.  Here's a rundown of advantages of taking probiotics supplement or drink:

  • An all around adjusted intestinal microflora may help direct solid cholesterol levels.
  • Probiotics, as a major aspect of a general solid eating routine, may help bolster safe framework and moderate diseases. Probiotics may fortify certain safe cells. This could help anticipate stomach and respiratory diseases in youngsters and also skin infections.
  • The utilization of probiotics in uro-vaginal diseases is very much bolstered by clinical trials and research.
  • Probiotics may be utilized to advance oral wellbeing averting tooth rot, especially in kids. In spite of the fact that this idea is moderately new, experimental backing shows probiotics treatment may hold a future in oral health.
  • Probiotics might likewise be recommended to treat conditions that have confounded traditional science, for example, Crohn's ailment, crabby inside disorder (IBS), lactose bigotry, certain sensitivities and skin infections.

Blend of Probiotics with Other Ingredients

Products that contain probiotics and a blend of different fixings are picking up prevalence since they offer more extensive advantages for wellbeing.

  • Probiotics with Prebiotics15

The symbiotic blend of probiotics with prebiotics multiplies the development of solid microflora. Prebiotics are insoluble fiber, for example, Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin, which achieve the colon in a genuinely undigested state. It is in the colon that probiotics feast upon prebiotics through a maturation prepare that happens in the colon. Amid this procedure, by-items called transient unsaturated fats (SFA) are delivered. SFAs help to keep up fundamental elements of the body and produce certain B vitamins.

  • Probiotics with Enzymes16

Probiotics can be consolidated with proteins that help separate sustenance substances into easier structures to improve supplement absorption. 

  • Probiotics with Multi-Vitamins17

Consolidating probiotics with a multi-vitamin is famous yet stances challenges in assembling because of the touchy way of probiotics. Probiotics are delicate to light, dampness, heat, oxygen.

How Probiotics Manufacturers Can Provide Retailers with Reliable Probiotics Supplements

The greatest test that probiotics producers face is keeping the microorganisms alive amid the mixing procedure while guaranteeing strength amid timeframe of realistic usability.  At the point when joined with different fixings that are similarly touchy, for example, proteins, compelling consideration ought to be taken to guarantee that the assembling and bundling procedure happen in a dry situation. Any dampness may initiate the proteins and wreck the probiotics.


Microencapsulation is a genuinely late innovation that guarantees the survival of probiotics amid surrounding so as to assemble and stockpiling it with an external covering. Microencapsulating shields probiotics from ecological defilement and forestalls unplanned blending of probiotics with different fixings in the recipe that may bargain its solidness.

Guaranteeing the Right Strain and Count

The wellbeing presenting advantages of probiotics are strain-particular. Diverse strains have particular capacities in the body and not all strains are valuable to wellbeing. Probiotic formulators must be knowledgeable in probiotic strains and the utilization of proper strains for the sought condition-particular capacities. Slight variety in the hereditary profile of strains could create undesirable results.


Mother Nature’s Best Secret is Grape Seed Extract

Date: December 25, 2014 08:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Mother Nature’s Best Secret is Grape Seed Extract

Grape fruit

Benefits of Grape Seed

French Grape Seed Extract Helps the Heart and Arteries:

Grape seed extract is a powerful antioxidant, the benefits resemble a type of fountain of youth that invigorated individuals and improved cardiovascular health and improved weakened collagen levels. Research indicated that individuals who resided in France and consumed red wine enjoyed a longer lifespan due to consuming wine that possessed a high content of a type of flavonoid called proanthocyanidin.

Scientists discovered that grape seed extract worked its magic at the gene level in cells, activating triglycerides metabolism, reducing inflammation and improved cholesterol levels. Scientific papers also indicated that grape seed extract properties appeared to stop and or reduce plaque deposits in arteries.

By refining the content of a red grape down to an extract, the high flavonoid pranthocyanidin content provides enormous benefits.

French Grape Seed Extract and Blood Sugar:

High blood sugar damages the heart and hardens it resulting in heart attacks and heart disease. Researches uncovered a secret of grape seed extract; it activated a blocker at the gene level stopping the body from heart hardening. Turning on this element at the cellular level deep inside of the mitochondrial DNA of a human being has assisted diabetic cardiomyopathy. French grape seed extract has an amazing impact on the body with blood sugar levels.

French Grape Seed Extract Boosts Immune Function:

Germ managing elements have been identified inside of grape seed extract; it is a powerful anti-candida, reducing harmful bacteria keeping it in a healthy balance. People that are overweight who take the extract find that they reduce their calorie intake naturally. Persons who suffer with Alzheimer’s disease, if they are given the extract improve and maintain a higher mental function. This extract is excellent for all parts of your body, boosting the immune function at all levels.


What Are The Benefits Of Carob Powder?

Date: September 20, 2014 02:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Benefits Of Carob Powder?

carob plantWhat is nourishment?

Nourishment is something that is inescapable for the supporting of life. Like air, water and asylum nourishment is likewise a fundamental necessity in our everyday life. In his occupied life, men have overlooked the criticalness of having solid nourishment. A man is approaching each part of his existence without any difficulty and has a state of mind that cares towards everything without exception. Engineering has progressed a great deal in the most recent decades, so do our dietary patterns. Bread has changed into burger; new chicken into KFC and god comprehends what else. There are wellbeing supplements, which help to keep up an adjusted eating methodology and stay solid.

What is Carob?

Have you ever become aware of carob? Then again, carob extricates. It is a nourishing supplement readied from carob plant and some different elements. It is a plant, which was first found in western Asia and the eastern piece of the Mediterranean area. Beetle bean gum is the name of the gum got from the carob seeds. They additionally find their application in natural pharmaceutical. The carob plants powdered units are dried and are then could be utilized as an element within natural solution.

Typically, carob is utilized as a thickener and is utilized in the production of sustenance, pharmaceuticals, beautifiers and a few pints. Because of its focal points carob has picked up much notoriety are late years. A percentage of the preferences of the carob that is the purpose behind its colossal prevalence are: they are low fat, low calorie and are a low perk option for chocolate. It is likewise utilized as the stimulant that we can discover in chocolates. Carob is acquired as carob powder and carob chips.

Some bad result about carob

There are a few myths about the carob, for example, carob contains cocaine and consequently it could be utilized as an option. The fact of the matter is the carob contains a few measures of the bromine not perk. The point of interest of carob is that it does not result in heart palpitations if expended in a little sum.

Benefits of carob

Dr. Subside D'adamo had formed carob Extract that has numerous profits. Carob concentrate could be utilized to keep glucose levels up. The carob concentrate is initially a mixture of 4 synergistic parts and it will help for keeping up solid intestinal vegetation and it will hinder dysbiotic bacterial over development.

Carob concentrate could be said as a low calorie, nutritious nourishment for everybody. It is assessed that the carob concentrate contains just 11 calorie for every teaspoon. Different elements contained in the carob concentrate are nectar and glycerin.

Here are 11 great profits of adding Carob to your eating methodology.

 1- Contains Gallic Acid, which is utilized as an antibacterial, antiviral, against hypersensitive disinfectant.

 2- Very high in Vitamin E

 3- High in Calcium and Phosphorus

 4- Caffeine substitute if utilized as an espresso substitute

 5- Lowers Cholesterol

 6- Non-Dairy substitute

 7- High in Protein

 8- Treats Diarrhea

 9- High in Potassium

 10- High in Calcium

 11- Aids the Liver

 Mending the Liver Using Carob

A considerable measure of the studies have been on the liver, and exactly how paramount they are to our bodies and great wellbeing. Our livers are in charge of so much that we completely must get to be more mindful of how to keep it solid. Our livers break down all our nourishments, scrubs the poisons in our bodies, forms the majority of our tangible data, and is our high temperature heater. It is the main organ in the body that can recover.

Our livers are greatly ill used in our public, and adding Carob to your eating methodology can assume a paramount part in serving to recuperate our livers. Having a solid liver is key to recuperating whatever remains of our bodies, I profoundly suggest any individual looking to mend themselves and have a healthier lifestyle, to first concentrate on mending their liver.

Now is the ideal time that we need to begin contemplating our nourishment propensities. In the event that you wish for a solid longer life, change your eating regimen. There are numerous nourishment things that are solid and wonderful in the meantime, so dear companion begins minding your well being, at last cash is not everything.


Peruvian Maca

Date: September 17, 2014 05:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Peruvian Maca

maca rootWhat is a Maca Root?

Maca Root is one of the roots and tuber harvests of higher protein content. Until late years, this nutritious base of the Andes was little or nothing known for the lion's share of the individuals thereof, Peru (aside from the tenants of the Andes) and obviously overlooked by whatever is left of the world.

Maca (otherwise called Peruvian Maca or Maca Andina) has an astonishing quality to develop to remarkable statures: from 3800 to 4800 meters high in the most cold Andes mountains, where temperatures are amazing, from exceptional hotness morning to ice on the night, frigid winds, snow and persevering high power of daylight. In this antagonistic region, where there is little oxygen, there is uncommon vegetation develop just potatoes and maca sharp. There are no trees, no plants, just a couple of centimeters tall.

This tuber, irrelevant part of the tuberous root size and state of a typical radish, is effectively dried under the sun and keeps up its nutritious qualities, with elevated amounts of iron, for a few years stockpiling. It is brilliant nourishment and Incas additionally utilized it for its richness improving activity and its impact on sexual conduct.

There have been various effective studies on the action manure Peruvian maca creatures and people. In 1980, researchers from Germany and North America who were doing investigations of the herbs in Peru, rekindled enthusiasm toward its momentum Maca, naming it "the lost products of the Incas."
A percentage of the elements that have been recognized: amino acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, follow components and auxiliary metabolites.

Maca - History:

Anthropological confirmation has been found in the development of maca in Peru since 1600 BC. The Incas considered Maca as a blessing from the divine beings. They additionally develop maca as nourishment, Lamac - developed in the Andes utilized for religious services and custom moves. Spanish accounts report that amid the victory of Peru, creatures brought from Spain not play ordinarily as of right now, the locals cautioned the vanquishers who nourished their creatures with maca, with what they got the levels of typical generation.

Concerning the stretcher, Father Cobo, amid the pilgrim time, he said: "Maca develops in the most rough and frosty of the good countries where there are chances to develop any plant sustenance."

Maca - Morphology and plant science

Maca is a biennial plant statures conduct, being pollinated toward oneself, cleistogamous, with a five-month conceptive stage and with a blossom that keeps going two roots.

Maca Root: Roots have shades extending from light yellow to dark through the tan, purple, and so on with sizes of 3-6 cm. transverse measurement of 4-7 cm. longitudinal, in the same way as a radish (reversed cone). The root is first in the improvement of items. There is no true distinction in taste or substance organization as the color of the root.

Stem: Short, subtle, in the same way as a carrot or radish.

Leaves: rosette, made with flanges sheath, petiole length with the top leveled. Limbo compound, has a length of 6 to 9 cm; the basal and cauline pinnatifid are somewhat lessened.

Inflorescence:  group compound and infrequently basic. The blooms structure bunches, are helper bisexual, actinomorphic, green light and little, white pre-flowering calyx and corolla with 4 free petals somewhat bent at the peak.

Soil grown foods: units somewhat amagrinado. With a solitary seed in each one cell, ovoid, yellowish-red, 1-2 mm. wide.

Maca – Cultivation

Cultivola Maca is developed fundamentally for its tuberous root is naturally known as hipocolito (eg radish, turnip). The maca plant has the astonishing quality to develop to unprecedented statures (from 3800 to 4800 meters) in the unfriendly Puna Peruvian where temperatures are great: the serious high temperature of the morning to the sub zero frost of the night.

The puna is a pleasant yet great condition in this environmental locale is uncommon vegetation, just potatoes become astringent and maca. The air contains little oxygen, the sun is amazingly exceptional and extremely solid winds, it is consequently that no trees and plants have just a couple of centimeters tall.
Maca planting is carried out from September to December. The seeds are scattered in the fields to be reaped in 6 to 8 months. After Recolta the roots to dry in the sun for 2 months, amid which they lose 75% of its unique weight. This moderate drying methodology causes the maca change of taste: an intense hot taste with a caramel flavor. The dried root could be put away for 4 years without losing its properties.


Anemia Causes, Prevention And Supplements.

Date: August 07, 2014 05:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Anemia Causes, Prevention And Supplements.

foord for anemiaWhat is an anemia?

Anemia is the most widely recognized issue of the blood. It is a condition in which the blood is: inadequate in red platelets or lacking in hemoglobin. Both of these conditions can result in an absence of oxygen to be conveyed to all parts of the body. Bringing about symptoms, for example, weakness, frosty hands, loss of voracity, whiteness and shortcoming. Below are illustration of causes of anemia, prevention measures and iron supplements that can help.

Causes of anemia

Causes include loss blood, unreasonable destruction of red platelets or inadequate creation of red platelets.

Insufficient creation of red platelets is the most widely recognized class of pallor, and poor sustenance is the most well-known reason. The most successive sorts of supplement inadequate sickness are those identified with an insufficiency of iron, folic corrosive (vitamin B9), copper or vitamin B12.

Iron insufficiency pallor is frequently seen in babies more youthful than two years of age, adolescent young ladies, pregnant ladies and the elderly. This kind of weakness incorporate elements connected with poor dietary admission of iron, an expanded requirement for iron, diminished iron assimilation, blood misfortune or a consolidation of these circumstances.

Folic corrosive is the most as often as possible discovered vitamin lack on earth. The gatherings of individuals well on the way to have folic corrosive insufficiency are dipsomaniacs, individuals with mal-ingestion conditions or perpetual loose bowels and pregnant ladies. A folic corrosive insufficiency can likewise cause despondency, the runs and a swollen, red tongue.

Copper inadequacy is exceptional, be that as it may, it can happen in individuals who take a zinc supplement without expanding their copper admission in light of the fact that zinc can meddle with copper ingestion.

anemia symptomsHow to prevent anemia?

To avoid you have to consume overall adjusted dinners including iron rich nourishment. In the event that you have weakness, keep away from refreshments and sustenance holding juice, it meddles with the body's capacity to ingest iron. Maintain a strategic distance from tannins, they additionally hinder iron ingestion and nourishment high in oxalic acids; which incorporate almonds, asparagus, beans, beets, cashews, chocolate, kale and rhubarb.

While most instances of pallor are created by straightforward nourishment lacks, it can additionally be an indication of a more genuine restorative issue. The best way to get a clear judgment of sickness is to get a blood test. In the event that you think you have iron deficiency, don't start a supplement program until you have a finding from your doctor.


Iron - helps avert iron insufficiency weakness. Take 30 milligrams fumarate, gluconate or succinate press twice a day between dinners. In the event that this reasons stomach trouble, switch to 30 milligrams with suppers three times each day.

Folic corrosive (vitamin B9) - aides anticipate iron deficiency brought about by folic corrosive inadequacy. Take 800 to 1,200 micrograms three times every day.

Vitamin B12 - aides anticipate vitamin B12 inadequacy pallor. Take 2,000 micrograms sublingual (set under the tongue) three times every day for 30 days, then 1,000 micrograms methylcobalamin (the dynamic type of B12) once a day, in addition to folic corrosive.

Vitamin C - helps the body assimilate iron. Studies have demonstrated that you can almost twofold your ingestion of iron from plant sources by devouring vitamin C with the iron. Take 1,000 milligrams 3 times each day with dinners.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic corrosive) - assists with the creation of red platelets. Take 100 milligrams every day.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - assists with the creation of red platelets. Take 50 milligrams 3 times each day.


I eat Good, Do I Need Trace Minerals?

Date: July 17, 2014 08:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: I eat Good, Do I Need Trace Minerals?

trace mineralsMinerals

A few carbs, a slice of bacon or two, a glass of milk and later a bottle of mixed tropical fruit juice. Sounds like quite a balanced meal. A good meal most definitely doesn’t lack the chemical elements or minerals that are in abundance in the human body. These major elements in order of profusion are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chlorine and magnesium. But are these the only minerals we require?

Trace minerals

While the above are the main ones, there are other minerals that are essential to good health but are required in very small quantities. These minerals include iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, iodine, bromine and selenium; collectively known as trace minerals. Though in small amounts, they are crucial for immune system function, metabolism and antioxidant protection. A number of health complications such as senility, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and depression have been linked to trace mineral deficiency.

Despite society having more nutritious than ever before, the quality of food has declined as seen in the dwindling quantities of these trace elements in our diet. This can be mainly attributed to lack of these nutrients in the soil due to years of erosion and aggressive farming embraced by farmers in order to meet the demands of the population. Soils have become depleted, resulting in deficiency of trace elements in our meals. So much for modern practices working against mankind.

All is not lost though. There are supplements readily available to tackle this need and come recommended for preventing and managing a number of conditions. They can be taken to address ailments such as Osteoporosis, a disease that causes weakening of bones. Copper, iron, magnesium zinc and manganese help increase bone mass and density and reverse such bone deterioration. Iron also happens to be important in making blood components. The benefits of these supplements can therefore not be underestimated.


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What are the Benefits of Jiaogulan

Date: July 10, 2014 08:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the Benefits of Jiaogulan

What is a jiaogulan

JiaogulanJiaogulan is also known as Gynostemma pentaphyllum is an adaptogenic herb and the vine from the Cucurbitacea family of plants that grows naturally in Asia, and most specifically in China, Japan as well as in Korea. This plant is related to plants such as the watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber as well as to the gourds. Praised in China as xiancao, the Jiaogulan herb is an incredibly useful life giving plant, the herb of immortality with a powerful adaptogenic capabilities and antioxidant properties. Its adaptogenic capability is derived from its components and substances that aids in revitalization thus bringing the whole body back into balance.

Benefits of jiaogulan

Generally, this plant offers numerous health related benefits with minimal side effects. To Begin with its adaptogenic capabilities, not only helps the body to resist the effects of a stressful conditions, but it also promotes the condition known as homeostasis which helps the body to achieve a state of balance through by regulating various and numerous internal body process. To be more specific, the Jiaogulan herb has adaptogen properties that address both the excess output and the deficiency in the body immune and the endocrine systems. Basically, the adaptogens and the saponins in this plant not only aids the body to regulate itself, which is indeed a key factor in the prevention of diseases and defects such as diabetes, stroke, insomnia, cancer, heart attack, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hormonal imbalance as well as prevention of the high blood pressure, aiding in the proper function of the cardiovascular as well as helping to regulate the cholesterol level in the body among many more.

Additionally, Jiaogulan has some collective chemical compounds known as gypenosides.These gypenosides compounds offer protection against free radical elements and thus against oxidative stress within the brain, which are known to be the main trigger of the Parkinson disease. Their antioxidant capability improves immunity, reduces the effects of aging and speeds the rate of muscle recovery. This herb also has the capability to release nitric oxide, which helps to relax the body blood vessels, its antioxidant compounds ensures you leave free of the radical compound hence your longevity. If you need to build your body mass, muscles,your strength as well as to reduce fatigue, then this herb will be so suitable for you. Finally, the the Gynostemma also has important minerals, vitamins,amino acid and traces of minerals, which of course is generally essential to the body.


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Homeopathic Remedies

Date: June 30, 2014 09:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies

The utilization of homeopathic remedies is an option to tried and true therapeutic medicine. A moderately new limb of solution, it utilizes a comprehensive methodology for treating side effects of a condition. Homeopathic remedies are developing in prominence, generally on the grounds that tried and true therapeutic medicine has been frequently unsuccessful the root issue of a condition, not simply side effects.

Homeopathy- -the act of homeopathic drug -was initially utilized by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Germany in the eighteenth century. It utilizes the antiquated idea of "like cures like," an idea that is much the same as that of inoculation. Its reason is that if a substantial amount of a substance causes, manifestations in a sound individual, then a little measure of that same substance will cure an individual experiencing those indications.


The speculations about exactly how homeopathic remedies function are backed by real clinical trials and in practice. Professionals who use homeopathic remedies accept that that the human body is always striving to achieve a state of regularity. It responds to transform it deciphers as "fixable." Homeopathic remedies work by utilizing a little weakened measure of a substance to fortify the body's recuperating systems. The conviction is that this will trigger the invulnerable framework to assault the illness and the body will come back to an ordinary, sound condition.


Homeopathic meds are accessible over the counter, however an assessment by a confirmed homeopathy specialist is prescribed before curing toward oneself. Throughout a homeopathic assessment, side effects of an infection are deliberately watched and reported, alongside insights about the general conduct of the patient. Insights about the persistent's preferences and aversions, general demeanor and identity characteristics are contemplated. A homeopath utilizes these perceptions to guide the patient in picking the best cure and dose for his specific condition.


There is no genuine experimental confirmation that medication with homeopathic remedies is powerful. On the other hand, the therapeutic group recognizes that it is conceivable that some of these remedies may be useful and it is for the most part concurred that they are totally protected. Homeopathy is still an extremely youthful extension of the drug. Extra experimental study is required to keep in mind the end goal to accommodate clashing convictions concerning its adequacy.

Why use Homeopathics?

Homeopathy is the second most broadly utilized arrangement of pharmaceutical as a part of the world. Its development in ubiquity in the United States has been around 25 to 50 percent a year all through the most recent decade.

This achievement is powered by a few elements:

• Homeopathy is greatly powerful. At the point when the right cure is taken, results might be fast, finish and lasting.

• Homeopathy is totally protected. Indeed infants and pregnant ladies can utilize Homeopathy without the risk of symptoms. Homeopathic remedies can likewise be taken nearby other pharmaceutical without delivering unwanted reactions.

• Homeopathy is common. Homeopathic remedies are ordinarily focused around characteristic fixings.

• Homeopathy works in concordance with your insusceptible framework, dissimilar to some customary meds which stifle the invulnerable framework.

• Homeopathic remedies are not addictive - once alleviation is felt, you ought to quit taking them. On the off chance that no alleviation is felt, you are likely taking the wrong homeopathic cure.

• Homeopathy is comprehensive. It treats all the side effects as one, which in reasonable terms implies that it addresses the reason, not the indications. This frequently implies that side effects handled with Homeopathy don't repeat.

• Homeopathic remedies are sheltered items that create no reactions. The doses are so little and weakened that they are totally safe. Additionally, some feel that the significant serenity connected with utilizing regular substances helps a general feeling of prosperity that helps help the resistant framework and empowers the body to heal itself.


Different Types of Royal Jelly

Date: June 12, 2014 08:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Different Types of Royal Jelly

What is a royal jelly?

royal jellyRoyal jelly is a gelatin-held substance, which is normally emitted from the cephalic organs of the working drones for the expansion of the ruler honeybee. The hugeness of this white substance for ruler honeybee could be comprehended with a truth that without it, the monarch bumblebee and other working drones will not prosper.

Benefits of royal jelly

The concoction component of illustrious jam is that it is a water-based emulsion of lipids, proteins, sugars and assortments of elements. Further, there are sure parts of it that work against diverse sorts of bacterial executors. It is additionally paramount that the sugar synthesis of bumblebee jam is indistinguishable to those found in glucose and nectar fructose.

The counterfeit detailing of illustrious jam is carried out through distinctive conversion stages, for example, transforming it into different structures like cases, mixture, chewable tablets and fluid. The readiness of the substance is of two sorts, specifically - stop dried and new.

A few producers make offers of crisp jam straightforwardly to clients. In the end, the clients get profits as far as benefitting bumblebee items holding well being profits and sturdiness. Naturally, with such strong item, the expense of purchasing a new one is unreasonable purchase for the clients.

One of the wonderful sorts is stop-dried substance. This is a direct result of the reason that the stop-dried sort holds complete well being support profits alongside providing for your long lifespan of the item. That intends to say, different sorts of it cannot provide for you a life span ensure as stop dried jam provides for you. Those results of diverse sorts of regal jam are effectively perishable and at a certain stage, their possibility lessens continuously in this way, providing for you no wellbeing profits and the items get valuable for you. You ought to realize that it can additionally be stop dried into powder and therefore pressed into containers.


Does Broccoli Really Fight Cancer?

Date: May 27, 2014 05:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does Broccoli Really Fight Cancer?

broccoli plantWhat is a broccoli?

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli is known to have numerous health benefits within the body. In addition, many studies have proved that broccoli has another element known as sulforaphane that has cancer-fighting properties.

Benefits of broccoli

A recent study by the Oregon State University, suggested that sulforaphane is a powerful antioxidant in broccoli and many other cruciferous vegetables do have the power and the ability to kill cancer cells, thus leaving the prostate cells unaffected.

Sulforaphane is also another potent antioxidant that has the ability to inhibit HDAC enzymes known as histone deacetylase and play a vital role in suppressing tumor-like genes thus making a perfect solution to cancer treatment. HDAC in Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli is known to have numerous health benefits within the body. In addition, many studies have proved that broccoli has another element known as sulforaphane that has cancer-fighting properties.

A recent study by the Oregon State University, suggested that sulforaphane is a powerful antioxidant in broccoli and many other cruciferous vegetables do have the power and the ability to kill cancer cells, thus leaving the prostate cells unaffected.

Sulforaphane is also another potent antioxidant that has the ability to inhibit HDAC enzymes known as histone deacetylase and play a vital role in suppressing tumor-like genes thus making a perfect solution to cancer treatment. HDAC inhibition is another very promising cancer treatment and many researchers have found that it is associated with broccoli. Cancer is often characterized by the inappropriate cell growth, however, HDAC inhibitors has the ability of restoring cells to normalcy in terms of function and thus the most effective cure of cancer.

Other studies have also demonstrated the cancer-fighting ability of the cruciferous vegetables. In the year 2009, Victoria Kirsh., of Toronto Cancer Care Ontario and her team discovered that eating vegetables and fruits in general was associated with the decreased prostate cancer risk, making it one of the best ways of enhancing health. This remarkable compound in broccoli is among the strongest anti-cancer elements in the body.

It is important to recall that you cook your broccoli in the best way possible since this will preserve the elements that helps in fighting cancer. In addition, Broccoli has myrosinase that helps in the formation of sulforaphane. You need to remember that Myrosinase is an element that can be destroyed through overcooking the broccoli. You should only steam it for 2 to 4 minutes. In conclusion, the above information should convince on the incredible ability to cure the cancer cells that are found within the body.



Things to Know Before Using Arnica Cream for Pain Relief or Bruise Treatment

Date: April 26, 2014 09:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Things to Know Before Using Arnica Cream for Pain Relief or Bruise Treatment

arnica plantArnica medicinal qualities

The medicinal qualities of Arnica, or scientifically Arnica Montana, are known since long. This is a plant indigenous to Northern Europe. This herbal medicine is widely used as pain reliever. Rich in antioxidants. Arnica contains high amount of flavonoids such as carotenoids, tannins and inulin. It helps to alleviate pains of arthritis, bruises and injuries in short period of time. Since it has some dominant side effects, it is recommended that arnica should be taken under prescription of medics. However, arnica cream is available for common usage.

Healing qualities of arnica ointment:

  • Arnica creams contain extract of Arnica in a proportion making it a herbal remedy for muscle pain and injuries.
  • Bruise Treatment, it is often suggested by the medics that when you get a bruise or minor injury apply arnica on that place as soon as possible. The active ingredients and essential oil of arnica prevents swelling and discoloration from bruise and hurt. The root extract of arnica, Thymol can repair the clogged circulatory channels facilitating the distribution of trapped blood and fluids from muscles, tissues and joints.
  • Anti-Inflammatory treatment, a recent study by the U.S. National Library of Medicine reveals that arnica ointment gives relief to pains generated from inflammation or irritation. This is possible because of the radical-scavenging capabilities? of Quercetin, which is the prime antioxidant contained in Arnica Montana. Helenanin is another pain reliever antioxidant in arnica that can deactivate the elements that is  responsible for inflammation.
  • Muscle Pain Reliever, according to the University of Maine Medical Centers list of pain relievers Arnica is a proven and tested topical ointment for muscle pain and strains. The palliative properties of essential oil in Arnica hold up with the nerve receptors to reduce the pain. Arnica as a topical cream is widely used by Americans for the treatment of rheumatic disorders and pain associated with various other ˜musculoskeletal (related to muscle and skeleton) condition.

Uses of Arnica

  • It can be directly applied on the skin in the form of cream or ointment.
  • Those who have bad breath or cavity can dilute a few drops of arnica in lukewarm water and use it as mouth wash. Similarly it is also helpful for sore throat and gum infection.

Things to Consider

  • Unlike other medicines Arnica is not approved by the FDA. Like most natural or herbal medicines arnica-based medicines are not covered by health insurance.
  • As a natural anti-inflammatory treatment arnica cream are easily available in any herbal medicine store and organic product retail shops. You can even purchase it through internet.
  • Be careful of applying arnica without prescription. Over use of arnica cream on skin can cause eczema.
  • It can be dangerous for people suffering from chronic liver disease or kidney problems. Nausea and vomiting are two side effects of arnica overdose. It is not recommended for pregnant women.
    Arnica ointments are for external use only. Applying it on open wound is strictly prohibited as Helenanin, one of the active ingredients can be toxic.
  • Not just cream or ointment nowadays arnica is available in various forms such as lotion and gel. But you need to consult with your doctor before using arnica in order to play it safe.



Can Adrenal Extract Support Adrenal Function?

Date: April 09, 2014 11:47 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Adrenal Extract Support Adrenal Function?

adrenal functionEffects low adrenal to body

As the adrenal organs affect all body forms, a diminishing in their capacity might be seen practically anywhere. The standard first side effect of LAF is regularly weariness. Individuals experiencing issues getting up in the morning or have spurts of exhaustion at diverse times of the day. Frequently, the following side effect is an inclination of shortcoming, discombobulating or expanded heart rate when climbing from a sitting position to standing. In the event that the issue is not tended to, additional manifestations take after:

Cause of low adrenal level

With adrenal weariness, your body does not process enough cortisol to keep glucose levels consistent as you experience your normal 8-10 hour when we rest. As glucose levels begin to drop throughout the center of the night, ordinarily your adrenal organs discharge cortisol to help push glucose levels move down. These hormones are Central Nervous System stimulants and will wake you up. This is the reason you may appear to get up, wide up and about.

It is critical to take a gander at all the elements that help adrenal weakness and hyperactive action. A sleep deprivation prescription will never alter the center issue in this case. The very situation recently portrayed to you is exceptionally normal. There are numerous variables that must be viewed as including circadian musicality of cortisol discharge, lifestyle components, passionate anxiety, and sustenance sensitivities, in addition to everything else. There is nobody size fits all medication for this syndrome however you can have triumph and overcome you’re a sleeping disorder in the event that you discover a specialist who takes a thorough, all common, huge picture methodology, to this advanced disease called Adrenal Stress Syndrome .

Types of adrenal stress syndrome

Temperament swings: When the cerebrum isn't getting enough sugar, it doesn't work appropriately. A way the cerebrum builds the breakdown fat into sugar is by creating a solid feeling, for example, indignation or great misery. An individual typically feels better a short time later, in the same way that they will be less passionate in the wake of consuming.

Desires of desserts: As the adrenal organs tell the pancreas what amount of insulin is required to process in a dinner, when the adrenal organs are not working accurately, they don't correctly correspond with the pancreas, so a lot of insulin has a tendency to sent by the pancreas for anything consumed subsequently glucose levels drop rapidly after supper; this causes the starch longings.

Mental burdens: Anything that causes mental or enthusiastic misery will fortify the adrenal organs to transform substances to help with the impacts of the anxiety (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and serotonin). Delayed mental anxiety, for example, needing to meet a due date, last test of the years, being in an oppressive relationship, and so forth will result in the adrenal organs to need to capacity without enough breaks.


The Benefits That We Can Get From Using Collagen Skin Creams

Date: March 18, 2014 10:49 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits That We Can Get From Using Collagen Skin Creams

Skin cream

It is safe to say that you are starting to perceive scarcely discernible differences all over? Assuming that yes then now is the right time to act now before it gets most noticeably awful. It's fortunate that a couple of against maturing medications offer to improve the look of your face, neck and hands. One of the numerous options will be collagen skin cream. Might it be able to generate a change to your health or it is simply a plain trick?

What is collagen

Do you know what collagen is? And in addition what it can do on your epidermis? Adequately, it is one of the fundamental proteins and one of imperative establishments of your skin to help keep lines and different indications of maturing endlessly. More level levels of collagen and elastin are normally significant reasons setting off your skin to look wrinkled and listing.

As you develop more established, your physique won't produce as much of those two solid proteins like when you were adolescent. The skin drops flexibility, lists, and additionally becomes scarce making progressively more terrific facial lines. So in the event that you need to keep those things from happening, you have to raise collagen and elastin re-development goes by utilizing the best collagen skin creams.

Collagen skin creams that capacity ought to likewise hold an element called pragmatic keratin. Creams that have this element when connected topically can without much of a stretch pervade profoundly in your skin to energize your singular collagen and elastin to assemble once more.

Benefits of collagen

Observe that collagen skin creams ought to be clear of man-made additives notwithstanding included scents, essentially on the grounds that these are several purposes for touchy response. So rather than these fixings, it must have regular elements and cancer prevention agents like immaculate vitamin e which is an amazing fixing and it is helpful to skin's health. Numerous organizations dodge common kind essentially on the grounds that it takes more.

So recollect that the best creams to help collagen levels ought to be free of lethal aggravations alongside allergens. It ought not have an update that states like "end utilization if reactions show" don't buy that. There are a great deal more extraordinary items accessible available. There is no compelling reason to take a gander at extra hazard.

Collagen skin cream isn't simply a trick or trend, for it is a compelling system for minimizing barely recognizable differences, wrinkles and different indications of maturing. Unquestionably the best and also sheltered method for boosting your cow-like collagen is utilizing a collagen skin cream with common parts loaded with age turning around profits.


Can Green Tea And Pomegranate cream Help The Skin?

Date: March 07, 2014 03:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Green Tea And Pomegranate cream Help The Skin?

What is pomegranate

pomegranate fruitPomegranate seed cream takes care of your skin from the outside and within. Pomegranate seed oil takes a shot at the outside to minimize the presence of lines and indications of maturing; inside, pomegranate seed oil is a dietary supplement rich in sound dietary fats and omega-3's. Regularly, an eating methodology rich in sound fats, vitamins, and hostile to oxidants gives skin the building squares it needs to look brilliant and adolescent.

The pomegranate has been in development for thousands of years. There is confirmation to help asserts that it has been in development since 3000 BC. And it has not gone unnoticed. The pomegranate appears in the Bible, in Egyptian tombs, and in eastern and western centerpieces.

Pomegranate on skin

Pomegranate seed cream animates the handling of collagen and the multiplication of skin units. Collagen is a vital structural protein that is available in the connective tissues of skin cells. As collagen breaks down, skin begins to look thin and dry and scarce differences show up. Utilizing pomegranate seed oil as a major aspect of a saturating routine helps to modify collagen and fortifies skin units to process firm, young skin.

green tea leavesWhat is green tea

Green tea oil has numerous utilization, one of them being a skin mind item that offers some stunning profits, especially to tired, slack skin. You are dependably best to utilize characteristic items on your skin, on the grounds that large portions of the produced substance elements in advanced business skin mind planning can accomplish more mischief than great.

Numerous individuals wonder why characteristic items ought to be superior to uncommonly planned business synthetics that you can discover in your neighborhood store or drug store. One reason is that numerous business items hold savage chemicals, for example, surfactants and additives that can become scarce your skin and uproot its regular defensive oils. Green tea oil does neither of these things, yet delicately soothes tired skin without irritating the offset of your regular skin oils.

Many synthetics hold cleansers that are utilized as a part of cleaning up fluids and washing powders: might you rub cleaning up fluid into your face? Might you purify your physique with cleanser powder? Obviously not, however this is adequately what you are doing when you utilize some of these business "skin mind" items. And that is without actually saying the additives yet.


Can MSM Work As A Lotion?

Date: March 05, 2014 09:11 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can MSM Work As A Lotion?

What is MSM

msmMSM, or methyl-sulfonyl-methane, is the first sheltered, regular, symptom free solution for some sorts of torment and incendiary conditions. MSM is otherwise called Organic Sulfur. Sulfur is needed for our physique to capacity appropriately. Without enough sulfur in our framework our physique's unit capacities get languid. Defectively working units permit poison development. We all distinguish poison development manifestations, for example, muscle and joint torment and general emotions of weakness.

Benefits of MSM lotion

Applying this lotion permits you to gather MSM in the territories where you need the most profits. MSM Lotion gives alleviating quick alleviation for sore hands, elbows, hips and knees for a long time. The MSM lotion is perfect for skin health management and upkeep carrying non-abrasiveness and flexibility to your skin health management needs.

MSM in a topical lotion serves to takes out the irritation of carpal tunnel, breaks down scar tissue, surface spots, anticipate rankling and uproot the ache from a severe singeing. These are just a couple of the numerous prizes of utilizing Rich's MSM lotion.

Use MSM Lotion consistently to carry speedy help for terrible hands and joints. This quite brilliant lotion is hand made in little bunches to present you a 99.99% unadulterated MSM (17% result) Aloe Vera, Calendula, Jojoba and Tea Tree oil in a satisfying non-oily lotion.

MSM lotion is made of all characteristic items:

  1. sunflower oil,
  2. aloe vera,
  3. jojoba,
  4. calendula,
  5. vitamins A,b5 and
  6. 17 % MSM.

Sunflower oils, aloe vera and jojoba mollify and saturate your skin for about three hours without leaving an oily film. Calendula and tea tree oil execute parasite that creates around fingernails and additionally players foot.

This fine mix of elements takes the sting out of rashes and bug nibbles, even relieves outer surface yeast contaminations.

Utilizing Rich and Pure msm lotion helps pack MSM in spots where the form needs uncommon consideration.

When you have attempted msm lotions you will concur that they are the best lotions.


Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin?

Date: February 28, 2014 11:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin?

Benefits of coconut  lotion to skin

One of the best lotions for all skin sorts, particularly dry, is coconut oil. It is determined from ready coconut meat and is utilized for cooking and as a grease, frequently for the skin. There may even be a few profits from the ingestion of characteristic coconut oil. Assuming that you are searching for coconut oil salve, there are numerous spots to discover it. You may run into it on the racks of health sustenance or entire nourishment stores. There are numerous online retailers who offer high quality coconut oil. Likewise numerous tanning moisturizers are enhanced with coconut oil. For issue territories like feet and heels, slip on cotton socks in the wake of saturating. Likewise, saturating straightforwardly in the wake of showering while skin is still sodden can help secure dampness.

Characteristic of coconut lotion

There are other characteristic lotions that you may need to think about also. Olive oil cream is getting to be progressively mainstream, as is the utilization of additional virgin olive oil on its own for skin and hair saturating. Olive oil might be utilized in the wake of showering or as a hot oil medicine for dry hair. An alternate top part is shea margarine. Shea spread is determined from shea tree products of the soil prized for its humectant lands, which is the reason you'll discover shea margarine moisturizer, cream and different items.

In some cases you'll discover mixes of different saturating fixings like coconut oil and shea margarine joined together with a cooling element like cucumber. The scent of cucumber is exceptionally invigorating and the lands of this vegetable are extremely cooling. Cucumber moisturizer is extraordinary for sleek skin, feet and hands. You'll discover no lack of cucumber melon fogs and creams as this scent mixture was taken to notable status by the organization Bath and Body meets expectations, producing numerous copycats.

As should be obvious, coconut oil moisturizer is only one of the numerous lotions you can use on dry skin. You may need to utilize a mix that holds all the significant creams, for instance coconut oil, shea margarine, olive oil and different elements like vitamin E. Form spreads produced out of shea spread, cocoa margarine and avocado are perfect for super dry skin. They have a consistency like margarine, are warmed between the palms and connected to the skin for ultra hydration. If you favor salve, cream, or form spread what's essential is that you are normally saturating the skin on your physique to keep it delicate and supple.


Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin?

Date: February 28, 2014 11:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin?

Benefits of coconut  lotion to skin

coconut treeOne of the best lotions for all skin sorts, particularly dry, is coconut oil. It is determined from ready coconut meat and is utilized for cooking and as a grease, frequently for the skin. There may even be a few profits from the ingestion of characteristic coconut oil. Assuming that you are searching for coconut oil salve, there are numerous spots to discover it. You may run into it on the racks of health sustenance or entire nourishment stores. There are numerous online retailers who offer high quality coconut oil. Likewise numerous tanning moisturizers are enhanced with coconut oil. For issue territories like feet and heels, slip on cotton socks in the wake of saturating. Likewise, saturating straightforwardly in the wake of showering while skin is still sodden can help secure dampness.

Characteristic of coconut lotion

There are other characteristic lotions that you may need to think about also. Olive oil cream is getting to be progressively mainstream, as is the utilization of additional virgin olive oil on its own for skin and hair saturating. Olive oil might be utilized in the wake of showering or as a hot oil medicine for dry hair. An alternate top part is shea margarine. Shea spread is determined from shea tree products of the soil prized for its humectant lands, which is the reason you'll discover shea margarine moisturizer, cream and different items.

In some cases you'll discover mixes of different saturating fixings like coconut oil and shea margarine joined together with a cooling element like cucumber. The scent of cucumber is exceptionally invigorating and the lands of this vegetable are extremely cooling. Cucumber moisturizer is extraordinary for sleek skin, feet and hands. You'll discover no lack of cucumber melon fogs and creams as this scent mixture was taken to notable status by the organization Bath and Body meets expectations, producing numerous copycats.

As should be obvious, coconut oil moisturizer is only one of the numerous lotions you can use on dry skin. You may need to utilize a mix that holds all the significant creams, for instance coconut oil, shea margarine, olive oil and different elements like vitamin E. Form spreads produced out of shea spread, cocoa margarine and avocado are perfect for super dry skin. They have a consistency like margarine, are warmed between the palms and connected to the skin for ultra hydration. If you favor salve, cream, or form spread what's essential is that you are normally saturating the skin on your physique to keep it delicate and supple.


What Is Patchouli Oil?

Date: February 22, 2014 08:12 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Patchouli Oil?

What is patchouli

patchouli plantPatchouli oil is normally distilled from the flowers and leaves of a plant known as Patchouli, a bushy herb which is native in Asian. It is famous for its beautiful scent and has been used in perfumes for centuries. It is recently used as an alternative herbal medication for chronic diseases as well as an insect repellent.

Health benefits of patchouli

Patchouli oil offers several health benefits including treating digestive conditions such as diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, prevention of wrinkles, speeding healing of wounds and disappearance of bruises, fighting infection and healing snake bites. Elements of patchouli oil are found in many beauty and skin care products. Patchouli oil is very ornamental in preventing anxiety as well as a wide variety of allergies. It is used in herbal curing of hypertension, haemorrhoids, fluid retention and weight reduction. It is one of the major ingredients for treatment of depression.

When patchouli oil is applied undiluted on the skin, it can improve the skin condition by smoothening sagging and chapped skin. It clears dandruffs on the head and deals with skin undesirable conditions such as acne, dermatitis and eczema. The oil is also used to reduce stress in therapeutic and aroma therapeutic healing. It contains several desirable properties including being anti- inflammatory, antifungal, relaxant, stimulant and insecticidal, a digestive aid, diuretic, tonic, decongestant, deodorant, anti-infectious, antiseptic, antimicrobial and antitoxic. It is one of the most widely used products in medicine development.

Patchouli oil is naturally sweet and attractive to use. It offers an inspiring scent that feels very sweet. Its influence is known to relax both the body and the mind. It has been used in spiritual healing for hundreds of years. It is used to align the heart chakra with the sacral and root chakras. In meditational healing, it helps people release insecurities, obsessions, and jealousness while enhancing one’s desire for a satisfying and fuller life.


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Oregano Oil, Can It Help Me?

Date: February 22, 2014 07:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Oregano Oil, Can It Help Me?

Oregano contents

oregano plantOregano oil contains powerful chemical substances that are responsible for its diverse medical applications. It contains a powerful combination of phytochemicals, flavonoids, and phenols that cannot be subdued by drug-resistant disease causing microorganisms. In addition, oregano oil is packed with considerable amounts of minerals, trace elements, and vitamins that make the body stronger and resistant to many diseases.

Benefits of oregano

Generally, oregano plant grows in harsh environments- conditions, which make it a good remedy for many stubborn health problems. To be precise, oregano plant grows in harsh environments in Portugal, Turkey, and Greece, where the soil is rich in minerals. The leaves of the oregano plant are crushed and distilled to get the oil, which is used for the following medical purposes.

Oregano oil is very effective in treating respiratory medical conditions such as pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, cold, and coughs. In most of the cases, antibiotics sold and bought in the drug stores are always not effective in getting rid of the viral cells that are mainly responsible for the majority of respiratory diseases. However, with oregano oil, it only takes a few drops to get rid of the viral cells from the respiratory tract.

Oregano oil is very important in the treatment of skin infections such as acne, ringworms, eczema, and skin rashes. The oil contains antiseptic chemicals that have the ability to get rid of all the bacterial microorganisms, which are responsible for various skin infections. In addition, the oil prevents the bacteria on the skin from multiplying and increasing in population.

Oregano oil is also used in the treatment of arthritis and herpes. The oil has an exceptional ability to fight and eliminate viral components in the body. As a result, it is used in fighting, killing, and eliminating Herpes Simplex Virus, which is responsible for herpes. Its anti-inflammatory qualities make it a good solution to arthritis and any other related problems.




Are Pumpkin Seeds Healthy For Men and Women?

Date: February 04, 2014 06:45 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are Pumpkin Seeds Healthy For Men and Women?

Pumpkin seed

pumpkin seedPumpkin seeds have been gaining traction around health circles in recent months and all for the right reasons. These greenish flat-shelled seeds that pumpkin lovers have been throwing away for years have been proven through tests to contain a whole lot of nutrients.

These nutrients include: 

1. magnesium
2. manganese
3. zinc
4. protein
5. iron 
6. copper
7. phosphorus
8. Vitamin E & K

According to pumpkin seeds are among the top 10 best foods that go uneaten.As you can see, these seeds are packed with nutrients vital for improved health in men and women These wonder seeds can be consumed in a manners of ways including raw, roasted, shelled or unshelled.One can also purchase them or prepare at home from a pumpkin. Either way they are bound to improve your health as follows:

Anti-diabetes effects:

According to, tests showed improved insulin regulation helping reduce prevalence of diabetes thanks to the various unique protein types in pumpkin seeds

Prevents certain forms of cancer:

Pumpkin seeds are rich in omega 3 fats that help prevent BPH - Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy a condition where the prostrate gland becomes enlarged.They also contain cancer-fighting compounds known as cucurbitacins that kill cancer cells.According to , recent research has shown that eating pumpkin seeds lowered risk of breast cancer in post menopausal women by 23%.

Induces sleep:

Pumpkin seeds contain tryptotophan that converts various amino-acids to serotonin which is known to improve sleep and lower depression


Thanks to the zinc, manganese and various types of Vitamin E, pumpkin seeds are also great anti-oxidants for the body for both men and women of all ages.

Improve blood flow:

According to, pumpkin seeds improve blood flow in the body by thinning blood due to its vitamin E elements and also helps in blood clotting and bone development due to vitamin K.

Other health benefits include:

1. Rich in magnesium which aids in heart-related ailments
2. Rich source of fiber
3. Have anti-inflammatory compounds that help fight athritis.
4. Reduce risk of osteoporosis due to their zinc elements

And there you have it, next time you're preparing that pumpkin be sure not to throw away the pumpkin seeds.


Why Trace Minerals are Vital to Our Body?

Date: January 22, 2014 10:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Trace Minerals are Vital to Our Body?

Minerals in our body

minerals foodMajority, if not all of the non-organic elements or minerals are present in the human body. Some are vital in our diet and can be derived from the food that we eat. Minerals are categorized into macro/major minerals and the micro/trace minerals.

An introduction to trace minerals

Trace minerals are also essential to our body but only required in minimal amounts such as selenium, copper, iodine, chromium, manganese, fluoride, cobalt and molybdenum. Even though it is difficult to induce a dietary deficit of these minerals, most of them are considered lethal if taken in unnecessary amounts. It simply means that it is important for individuals who are taking supplements to be well aware of the amount of these elements that they are taking, especially if taken for an extended period.

What benefits can be gained?

These minerals serve as catalysts for different biological functions that occur in the body such as transmission of messages in our nervous system or muscle response. Always remember that these minerals are vital factors for good health, particularly with the development of blood cells and bones.

Chromium is responsible for the storage of starch and sugar as well as a vital factor for the maintenance of normal metabolism. As for copper, it is also considered as an essential requirement since it helps in strengthening the bones and blood vessels. This mineral is readily found in some meats and sea food products. Iodine is a vital mineral since it has a role in the production of thyroxine hormone that ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. This mineral is present in iodized salt and sea food. Fluoride is responsible for strengthening your bones and teeth. Lastly, zinc helps keep the immune system strong. It is present in lamb, chicken, pork and sea food.

Overall, trace minerals are vital for the proper functioning of our body. Just make sure that only the required amount is taken in, especially individuals who are taking supplements.


Advantages of taking Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Pills

Date: January 16, 2014 06:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Advantages of taking Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Pills

Multiple Vitamin and Mineral pills

fruits and vegetablesMultiple vitamins, also known as multivitamins are dietary supplements containing vitamins and dietary minerals, among other important elements. These supplements often are in the form of capsules, tablets, injections and syrup. They are normally provided in conjunction with dietary minerals. The minerals provided by these supplements fulfill various roles in the body. Research findings have indicated that taking multiple vitamins does not protect you from diabetics, heart attacks, cancer, among other lifestyle diseases. Nonetheless, some categories of people like malnourished people and people with an increased chance of macular deterioration. Overally, the benefits of taking a multivitamin daily exceed the probable risks associated with them.

Reasons for taking these pills

Enhancing nutrient intake

For people who cannot get the recommended nutrient amounts, these people are urged to take supplements so as to boost their diet. Processed and inorganically grown food have been depleted of their vitamins and essential minerals. It is for this reason that it is suggested to take multivitamins and minerals daily to supplement your dietary intake. People essentially take dietary supplements to back up their food intake.

Improving your health and suppression of recurrent diseases

Specific supplements can be very helpful for individuals with particular diseases. Increasing your daily dose of vitamins and minerals is likely to slow down loss of vision. Studies have also indicated that taking multivitamins lowers the risk of developing growth in the large intestines. The folate in multivitamins is thought to be responsible for this protection.

Do you really have to take these pills?

In as much as multivitamins cannot take the place of real food, it is imperative to get extra vitamins and nutrients for people taking incomplete diets. One advantage of these supplements is that they offer higher nutrient returns with low calories unlike regular food. They are also recommended for pregnant, breastfeeding and post-menopausal women.

As the old adage goes; your health is in your hands, start taking nutritional supplements today to enjoy the advantages a balanced diet has to offer.


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Various health Benefits of lecithin

Date: December 22, 2013 04:45 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Various health Benefits of lecithin

lecithinWhat is Lecithin

When we talk about fat, most of us presume that this is not good for health and we should avoid all kind of fat to heave a healthy life. However, this is not true because fat substances are essential for healthy body and Lecithin is one of those important fat substances that make sure your body remains healthy and protected from a variety of problems.

Talking about the Lecithin it is a specific fat that is commonly known phospholipids that is available in every cell of human body. This phospholipid is responsible for maintenance of cell membrane structure and if Lecithin goes below the required amount, then cell membrane may not perform properly and it may not protect or nourish the cell.

Benefits of Lecithin

If we talk about all the benefits of Lecithin, we can make a long list of all the benefits of this particular fat substance. However, improvement in brain function, healthy weight loss, reducing of cholesterol level, increasing of liver health, and prevention of various diseases are few of the most important benefits of Lecithin.

In order to improve the function of brain Lecithin break down the phosphatidylcholine into choline that is well known for prevention of memory loss. Talking about the weight loss effect, it emulsifies the fat in a very natural way that makes it a healthy weight loss solution as well. Other than this it also help the blood stream to absorb the nutrients from body that give extra energy to body and a person can do more exercise so he can reduce the weight and can get into shape.In addition to this it can detoxify all the harmful elements as well from your body that give extra strength to your liver and you get a better and healthy body along with a strong and healthy liver.


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What Are Some Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements?

Date: December 10, 2013 02:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are Some Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements?

What Are Some Natural Cholesterol Lowering Supplements?

cholesterolCholesterol is a lipid, or a fat, which is produced by the liver. Though many know it not, cholesterol is essential for the normal function of the body. Amazingly, each and every cell of the body contains cholesterol in its outer layer. This lipid serves several critical functions. Most importantly, cholesterol aids in building and maintaining cell membranes. The compound also determines which elements can pass through a cell membrane and which cannot; put differently, it determines cell permeability. The compound is also essential in the production of sex hormones, including androgens and estrogens.


Like most other chemical elements found in the body, cholesterol is only helpful if it is available in the right proportions. Low or high levels of cholesterol are harmful. However, high cholesterol levels can cause the most devastating effects on health. It is of great importance, to control cholesterol levels in the body. Failure to do this, you are at risk of developing several health complications. Some of these include atherosclerosis, a condition where arteries become extremely narrow to allow proper circulation; heart attack, caused by clogged arteries; stroke, caused by blood clots that prevent arteries or veins from transporting blood to the brain; and angina, a condition that develops when the heart muscles do not get enough blood.

About Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol levels can always be brought to optimal levels by behavior and lifestyle change. This may include avoiding foods saturated in fats, quitting smoking and drinking, and exercising. There are also supplements that are quite effective in restoring cholesterol levels to the optimal levels. Some of the popular and effective supplements include red yeast rice, niacin, and guggul. Others are fish oil and green tea extracts. Though different from the outlook, all cholesterol supplements achieve their objective in a similar or closely related ways. Most importantly, the supplements are useful in raising HDL (high density lipo-protein also called good cholesterol) levels while at the same time lowering triglycerides (another class of fats found in the blood stream).

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The Health Benefits Of Barley Grass.

Date: November 28, 2013 04:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits Of Barley Grass.

What is Barley

barley grassBarley are grains whose grass is used to extract juice that have nutritional supplements, producing abundance of minerals including vitamins to the body. At the point of maturity, grass barley has very essential nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, amino acids and other body mineral supplements. These abundant nutritional elements play a crucial role for optimum health conditions both in children and adults.

Benefits of Barley

The supplements found from grass of mature barley contains significant portion of dietary fiber. This presence of fiber in ant diet plays huge importance in the digestion process and proper absorption of nutrients in the process. In addition fiber prevents any intestinal complication such as colon cancer.

Barley grass acts as a source of protein for our bodies. Proteins play a major role in cell development and their maintenance, leading to the growth of tissues and muscles. This contributes to the overall functioning of all the body organs.

Antioxidant presence in barley grass provides protection and elimination of harmful free radicals in the blood system. These toxic elements can lead to development of infections like cancer, in deficiency of such antioxidants.

Grass from barley has of fair amounts of potassium and calcium. These mineral supplements can be lost from an illness or a heavy exercise, hence the need for replenishment. Calcium- enriched barley grass helps to add these essential electrolytes for optimum body functioning.

Barley grass contains high organic sodium contents, which dissolves calcium deposits in the joints and replenish organic sodium found in the stomach lining. This aids the digestion process by improving hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. People with arthritis conditions can use barley grass juice due to its high content of organic sodium present.

Finally, users of barley grass find it very useful in aiding weight loss, healing of ulcers, correction of blood sugar problems and mostly as a general tonic.


Keeping your body alkalized

Date: November 10, 2013 09:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Keeping your body alkalized

alkalineAbout is Alkaline

Keeping Your Body Alkalized is a term used commonly to refer to maintaining acid-alkaline balance. With the right PH balance, your body will always be in good health. In order to enjoy optimum health, your body needs to have an equal amount of both acidic elements and basic (alkaline) elements.

What Are the Benefits of Alkaline?

There is the mostly asked question- Can You Fight Disease by Keeping Your Body Alkalized? The answer is yes. Basically, PH has its main impact on the body enzymes. Enzymes can only function properly if the level of PH is right, otherwise, the body will be too weak to protect itself from diseases. In some worst scenarios, if the enzyme activity cannot take place anymore, a condition called acute acidosis, then one may be faced by a critical medical condition. If not handled immediately, the situation might lead to death.

Having excess of either can bring devastating impacts. For example, if your body has large volumes of acidity, then you might suffer from serious fatigue, arthritis or eczema. For you to eliminate such a condition, you need to consider one of the following diet tips or lifestyles to alleviate your overall health and maintain your body alkalized.

  • Eat diets rich in alkaline foods — fruits such as bananas, grapes, and apples boost on alkaline nutrients hence lowering acidic levels in your body.
  • Increase vegetable consumption — basically, most vegetables are alkaline foods. You should include peppers, mushrooms and onions in your diet.
  • Reduce intake of acid forming foods — most food stuffs are composed of acidifying elements such as proteins, sugars and cereals. Other common acidifying stimulants that should be avoided include tobacco, coffee and alcohol. All these lead to acidification of the body compounds.
  • Drink - an average of 1.5 liters of alkaline water. It will help in flushing out all the toxic components in your body as well as neutralizing acidity in the blood to keep it alkaline.
  • Exercises — such as aerobic activities are alkaline inducing. Ensure that you go for walks, jogging and other exercises to keep your body healthy.




All that you may need to know about antioxidants

Date: November 05, 2013 10:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: All that you may need to know about antioxidants

 antioxidant foodsAll that you may need to know about antioxidants

Oxidants are elements whose main role is to protect your cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals, on their part, are molecules that may be produced by the body when it breaks down food. These molecules may also be produced when your body is exposed to environmental factors like tobacco smoking and radiation. It is worth noting that free radicals have the ability of wrecking damage to cells and causing such diseases as cancers and heart complications. Over the years, studies have consistently revealed that diets high in antioxidants are essential in preventing diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular diseases.

Main Source of Antioxidant

The main source of antioxidants is fruits and vegetables. Amazingly, all foods rich in antioxidants are high in fiber, low fat, and are also excellent sources of important vitamins and minerals. It is also important to add that fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants have bright colors, including purple, yellow, red and orange.

Type of Antioxidant

The five main types of antioxidants are beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, Zinc, and selenium. Others are lucopene and lutein. Beta-carotene (and other carotenoids), can be derived from a long list of fruits and vegetables. Some of these are asparagus, apricot, broccoli, water melon, sweet potato, kale, mango, turnip and peaches.

Vitamin C, as a major and critical antioxidant, can be obtained from kiwi, broccoli, honeydew, kale, orange, papaya, nectarines, strawberries, and snow peas among others.

Vitamin E, another major vitamin antioxidant, can be derived from spinach, red peppers, sunflower seeds, papaya, pumpkin and carrots among others.

Zinc and selenium are other antioxidants that are essential in maintaining overall body health and boosting the immune system. Common sources of zinc include red meat, poultry, oysters, dairy products, and whole grain foods. Selenium, on the other hand, can be obtained from foods such as tuna, nuts, whole grains, and beef.

Fact About Antioxidant

The most important fact to realize is that popular sources of antioxidants are fruits and vegetables. Where possible, these foods should be eaten raw or steamed. Boiling will do more harm than good.


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Maitake Mushrooms - Eating your Way to Health

Date: October 25, 2013 07:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Maitake Mushrooms - Eating your Way to Health


In a world full of processed drugs and foods, the possibilities of getting a viable natural remedy for an ailment have decreased exponentially. As the society as a whole becomes more concerned with the safety and nutritional value of the foods they eat, the need for a food that kills more than two birds with a single stone is one that cannot be outdueled. Currently, one of the best foods of choice out there is the Maitake mushroom.

Where is maitake mushroom came from

The Maitake is an edible mushroom native to the northeastern Japan Mountains. This mushroom contains the maitake D-fraction, a compound that exists in our bodies in a form referred to as beta-glucan. Since this component plays a vital role in maintaining the body’s homeostatic levels and hindering the development of some detrimental medical conditions, increasing its concentrations in our bodies increases our chances of living a longer and healthier life.

Components of maitake

Research has proven that the active component in the Maitake mushroom inhibits the growth of cancerous cells. It also boosts our immune system by stimulating the production of neutrophils, T-cells and white blood cells. This is achieved by the catalytic effect of the polysaccharide fibers it contains hence increasing the rate at which your immunity system regenerates and how strong it can stand in time of an infection.

Benefits of maitake mushroom

Other uses of the maitake extract include treating high blood sugar levels, combating hypertension, accelerating weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels in the body and supplying us with the trace elements our bodies need to function optimally.

Even though most of these research results are from tests that have not yet been rigorously verified on human beings to prove their effectiveness, there is nothing to be afraid of since eating this mushroom will leave you with no negative side effects.

Currently, we can reap of this mushroom’s healing and health boost powers by either directly eating it or by taking the maitake D-fraction as a dietary supplement. The last option is more viable to people who do not have access to the mushroom in its original form.


Hair Growth Vitamins?

Date: December 20, 2012 08:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hair Growth Vitamins?

Keep your hair from falling out

Hair and beauty is a trendy industry, which doesn't have any fall back and recession. For a little better hair treatment, you might have to double or triple your budget. So, people living upon a non-stretchable financial background often look for remedies those can be taken in home. Hair fall can be due to shortage of few vitamins too. Few of the vitamins those have active effect upon hair fall are discussed below.

Role of several vitamins in hair growth:

B vitamins help in maintaining the surface of the hair strands and can be taken by eating beans and eggs. Biotin promotes hair growth whereas Vitamin A aids to the immune system so that hair strands stay healthy and less prone to brittleness. Vitamin C helps enhances blood circulation to the hair follicles and scalp making the hair roots stronger. It is found in fruits in adequate amount. Vitamin E helps in oxygen uptake to the scalp, nourishing the follicles.

About Hair Force by KAL:

Hair Force by KAL has the exact proportion of ingredients required for healthy hair. In addition to the above mentioned vitamins it has many useful macro and micro elements like zinc, copper, manganese, silica, inositol, L-methionine, choline, MSM, iron etc.

These are the basic structural components of the biological composition of hair. Vitamin B ingredients like riboflavin, niacin and folic acid control the brittleness of the hair strands. How does Hair Force by KAL work? The minerals and elements provide support to the molecular structure as they are the core building parts of those bio-molecules.

Vitamins keep all desired enzymes and blood circulation to the scalp steady. Few of them also help in tightening the hair follicles. Hair fall is mostly caused by hair brittleness. If all the medicines are taken with time and regular care of the scalp is taken, its guaranteed that significant change in hair fall will appear soon.


Calcium and magnesium - vital to health

Date: December 20, 2012 02:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Calcium and magnesium - vital to health

Calcium and magnesium are two essential minerals for the body, bringing serious damage if there is a deficiency. Calcium is essential for maintaining bone strength in the body, but also for the functioning of nerve and muscle cells.

Bones perform several roles in the body, but most of us are interested in the preservation of acid-base balance (pH). When the pH of the blood is too acidic , bone alkaline elements released (alkali salts) to neutralize acids. This leads to loss of bone mass (and calcium), while rapidly releasing toxins and heavy metals stored in bone if there are metals and toxins present.

Most of us know that calcium is found in dairy products. True, but the information is not complete. You should know that of all dairy products, yogurt offers the most calcium, about 200 mg in a cup. But if you want the most bioavailable calcium, ie one that is most easily absorbed and can be used fully by the body, then you need to take calcium citrate.

If the food based calcium intake is not optimal and extremely diverse, then you need calcium-based vitamin supplement products. Calcium supplements may be consumed with meals for maximum digestion and absorption. But even if you take dietary supplements, diet should not remain poor, continue to get adequate amounts of calcium from food sources.

Magnesium has an important role in the efficient functioning of the nervous system, muscular system and  enzyme processes in the body. It is necessary for calcium absorption. The ratio of the two minerals is especially important. An adult daily needs for bone health by around 1,500 mg of calcium and 1000 mg of magnesium. Bones are living tissues that rebuild constantly. A healthy diet, exercise, enough sleep (at least 8 hours) and keeping well hydrated with water helps strengthen bones. Calcium and magnesium, combined doubles benefits to our body, especially if they are of citrate in origin. 

Cal-Mag Citrate Why?

Studies have shown that calcium and magnesium citrate is the easiest form to digest with minimal stomach acids. This make it work great for older individuals who have low stomach acids or who are on proton pump inhibitors. 


Benefits of Natural Honey?

Date: December 19, 2012 03:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of Natural Honey?

Raw And Natural Honey

Raw honey is one of the oldest sweetening agents known to mankind. This substance is laden with lots of substances that have proven useful to humans from time immemorial. In fact, many cultures and civilizations have used this substance with a great deal of success which underscores its importance even in modern times. Without wasting much time, we shall delve straight into some of the most fascinating health benefits of natural honey.

While many people know that honey is basically a sweetening agent, few of them know that honey good for the skin. Ancient Greeks pioneered the use of honey as skin mask. Honey can be combined effectively with oils and aloe vera to produce fantastic skin masks. The resulting mixture can be used to cure a great deal of skin problems from acne scars, blemishes, and dark spots on the skin.

Honey is also laden with nutrients and elements that nourish and moisten the skin leaving you with a soft texture and young looks. Honey is packed with powerful amino acids and enzymes that revitalize the skin.

So, instead of going for expensive creams and moisturizers, why not tap the power of raw honey?

Did you also know that raw honey is a powerful antibacterial agent? Scientists believe that pure honey can cleanse pores and eliminate microbes leaving you with a natural looking and healthy skin. Besides that, natural honey can act as an effective sunblock. It has antioxidant properties that can shield the skin from the effects of harmful ultraviolet rays.

Moving away from the skin, natural honey is also a great remedy for ulcers and abdominal problems. Honey has agents that attack bacteria while strengthening the stomach linings at the same time. Natural honey can also be used as remedies for moles and cough and chest problems.

Certainly, there is a whole lot more you can do with raw home. This underscores the fact that natural honey is a powerful substance with multiple purposes.


Fulvic Acid

Date: November 21, 2012 03:58 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid is derived from humeric substances that are components of decomposing plants and animal material. It is available over the counter and is famous for its ability to cure various ailments. Fulvic acid gives soil its brown color and is extracted from humeric substances using sodium hydroxide.

Health Benefits of Fulvic Acid

  • Fulvic acid has antioxidant properties that remove free radicals from the body
  • It removes toxins from the body that could build up and cause diseases
  • It enhances vitamins and mineral absorption in the body.
  • Taking fulvic acid will help the body maximize its absorption of nutrients from food
  • Fulvic acid is used to dress wounds as a topical dressing
  • It contains anti-viral elements that help in healing shingles and ringworms

In cases of poisoning caused by poison ivy and oak, fulvic acid can be used to neutralize the poison effects. Fulvic acid is derived from the soil and provides the body with the nutrients it needs to maintain good health.


Biotin and Hair Growth

Date: November 15, 2012 07:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Biotin and Hair Growth


Plenty of people have problems with thinning or hair that's falling off and in the long run, it can really affect them psychologically. The good news though is that no one will ever have to consider any surgical procedures in order to fix this problem if the hair loss is severe, because there are many natural solutions which can help hair grow back. One of these elements is called Biotin and those who will take it will never have to worry about their hair falling off again.

Learning more about Biotin

Biotin provides the human body with the require nutrients and vitamins required in order to allow hair to grow fast and strong. It also helps with boosting the metabolism with proteins, carbohydrates and fats which are required for a strong and thick hair. The fact is that biotin is also known under another name and that is Vitamin H and it helps protect the body against brittle hair follicles and dryness which can affect the natural growth of hair. Not only that, but biotin also increases the hair cortex and the elasticity of the hair follicles in order to help with preventing some of the damage and breakage which stops the natural growth of hair.

If people will decide to take biotin in set amounts, they will not only manage to thicken their hair, but at the same time give the appearance that they have more hair. Even though there are no known side effects, everyone should follow the recommendations on the bottle when taking it.

How much to take?

This is something that depends on each individual.  Most of the times, people will be told that their daily dose of biotin depends on their weight, height and age. Follow the directions on the bottle. This vitamin must be taken daily for best results.


What are the Health Benefits of Green Tea?

Date: June 21, 2012 08:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the Health Benefits of Green Tea?

Benefits of green Tea

Green tea health benefits are not hidden from the world anymore. Antioxidants are one of the most beneficial properties of Green tea. This medicinal property alone can solve several health complications. A powerful antioxidant, which is found in green tea, is known as catechin. Medical experts say that among several types of catechin, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) is the most effective one and green tea is a huge source of this type of antioxidant.

How Green Tea Helps to Achieve a Sound Health?

Being an immense source of various healing and beneficial properties, this tea is capable of providing numbers of health benefits. Below mentioned points can be referred to get a clear understanding about the efficiency of green tea.

Anti-bacterial Benefits

Catechin has a sterilizing effect on the body. After consulting various research reports it was found that catechin helped to fights off the bad bacteria of the body. The report also showed that it encouraged the growth of the good bacteria, which exist in almost every human body. Therefore, it can be said that catechin helps to prevent viral infections like flu and cold by building a strong immune system.

Decreases the Probability of Heart Diseases

The antioxidant property of this tea is a perfect solution for lowering the risk of heart diseases. It is a well-proved fact that catechin in green tea helps to reduce level of cholesterol, stress and blood pressure. As a result, the overall health of the heart and the cardiovascular system improves. Anti-aging Effect

Nowadays, almost everybody knows that antioxidants are highly efficient for destroying the free radicals, which are responsible for body's degeneration process. So, by killing and reducing the numbers of these harmful elements, this tea helps to stay young for a comparatively longer period of time.

It Lowers the Risk of Cancer

Free radicals are also the same complex substances, which damage the healthy cells of the human body and brain. Antioxidants in green tea help to protect the healthy cells and reduce the chances of certain types of cancer by destroying the free radicals.

Quickens Weight Loss Process

It can also help to accelerate the weight loss procedure. The basic idea behind weight loss is restricting the intake of fatty foods and an increasing the rate of metabolism. During medical trials, researchers observed that this tea helped to increase the metabolic rate, which ensured a speedy fat reduction. It was possible as the body was able to burn the excess fat quickly. So, it can be said that green tea can really reduce the extra bulges, if a person accompanies the consumption of green tea with healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Anti-diabetic Effect

The alkaline nature of this tea helps to lower the level of glucose in blood. But, it should be consumed without sugar to get that benefit. The anti-oxidizing and astringent nature of the ingredients of green tea improves the functions of pancreas, which in turn ensures better insulin emission and absorption of sugar. The overall effect helps to keep diabetes away.

After the overall discussion it can be concluded that a careful and supervised intake of green tea can help to alleviate several health complications.


What are the Benefits of Cat's Claw?

Date: May 24, 2012 07:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the Benefits of Cat's Claw?

Cat's Claw

Cat's Claw is a supplement that helps people suffering from certain diseases and/or other physical conditions. It is found in the Amazon and is named for the thorny portions of the leaves on the plant. The medication is extracted from the root bark to help achieve healing of an ailing body.

Benefits of taking Cat's Claw Supplements

Digestion- Cat's Claw helps keep the digestive tract on course, easing the pain involved with constipation. It will help assure that a bowel movement occurs on a regular basis. Doctors suggest that a person should have at least one bowel movement per day. If that is not the case, Cat's Claw can help solve the problem.

Arthritis- Arthritic patients often find relief in Cat's Claw supplements. It helps reduce the swelling involved with the disease, making day to day life easier for the patient. Arthritis is one of the most painful medical conditions that a person can contract. There is no cure for it, but Cat's Claw can help patients maintain a more normal lifestyle.

Cancer- Cancer is a deadly disease that can put fear into the bravest of people. Cat's Claw may be able to help in slowing the progression of the disease though. Studies have shown that the ingredients in Cat's Claw deter further cancer cell growth. Studies are still being conducted on this root medicine to determine if it has other effects on cancer as well.

Healing- Cat's claw helps in the process of healing wounds. There are several forms of the drug, including tincture (liquid) form. It can be used much like alcohol is used for wounds to keep it from becoming infected. Cat's Claw speeds up the healing process to avoid a more lengthy recovery.

Ulcers- Cat's Claw helps heal ulcers, a very painful medical condition that attacks the lining of the stomach. Ulcers are a chronic condition that cannot be reversed. The symptoms can be reduced using Cat's Claw in the proper manner.

High Blood Pressure- High blood pressure can lead to heart attacks and/or strokes. Keeping the blood pressure at a normal level is essential to prevent these deadly medical conditions from occurring. Cat's Claw helps reduce high blood pressure so that it heart attacks and strokes do not continue to threaten patients.

HIV­- HIV is the onset of another deadly disease; AIDS. It has led to the death of thousands of people who have contracted it. Researchers are still looking for the cure for the disease. Until they find it, Cat's Claw can help reduce the risk of contracting full-blown AIDS. Cat's claw will not reverse HIV, but it will help those suffering from it have a greater chance of survival. Essentially, Cat's Claw helps slow down the progression of HIV.

Cat's Claw has far too many benefits to overlook. It comes in several forms including tincture, capsule, tablet or herb form. The form taken should be in conjunction with the health issue the patient would like to address. The healing elements of the natural medicine mimic those of the aloe plant, but with many more benefits to help boost greater health.


What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Honey?

Date: May 03, 2012 11:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Honey?

Raw Unrefined Honey

Raw honey does not only taste sweet but also has numerous health benefits. It is one of Mother Nature's best gift to us and has been used for its natural healing powers since ancient time. The goodness with it is that it has retained its natural properties, excellent flavor and health benefits.

Raw honey is much better than processed honey. Processed honey normally undergoes many heating processes that destroy the critical enzymes. It might appear clean and clear on the outside but it really has no much benefits as compared to the raw unrefined honey. The ultra filtration that processed honey goes through to make it look fine normally removes an important aspect of raw honey; pollen. With no further argument we can boldly complain that raw honey reigns supreme over processed ones. The following are some of the health benefits that can be harvested from consuming it.

It provides a natural healing solution for allergies.

You can eliminate all kinds of allergies by eating raw honey. Honey contains anti-inflamatory, anti-allergenicand expectorant elements which reinforce the immune system in the most effective manner ever known to man. That's part of the reason why it's recommendable to take honey with lemon and hot water when having a cold.

It is the healer of most skin problems.

Raw honey heals and mends skin affected by harmful chemicals. It is applied to rashes,acne and burns with would be regarded as a thin layer of baking soda to reduce the sticky effect. it is also used as a natural moisturizer or use it for treating their scalp with by mixing it with olive oil. It is also a perfect remedy for bleeding gums and canker sores. It aids in the digestive process.

Raw honey is a kind of inverted sugar that doesn't cause bacteria or ferment in the stomach. Hence it isn't absorbed easily. Its extremely good enzyme content helps in the digestive process. For many years raw honey has been used as a remedy for gall bladder disease,intestinal ulcers as well as a natural laxative.

It contains anti-cancer properties.

Studies done show that raw honey has both the capability as well as ability to prevent and inhibit cancerous diseases. It can also aid in the chemotherapy treatment for cancer patients.

As a sleep aid.

Raw honey is full of vitamins, minerals, calcium, zinc, manganese, potassium, chromium and selenium. All these minerals are needed in the sleep formation processes and to fight insomnia. If you are sleep-deprived, take two teaspoons right before bedtime and experience the magic of this wonderful product made by bees.

It is a natural energy booster.

The sugars found in raw honey are a perfect source of energy, revitalizing the body especially after a workout session.

Now that you know why raw honey is good for you, why not opt for it instead of the processed and refined ones? The next step to take is replacing it with sugar for your cup of coffee and baking needs. It is a natural sweetener that will not only sweeten your beverages and cakes, but also make you healthier.


What is the History and Health Benefits of Pycnogenol?

Date: March 24, 2012 07:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is the History and Health Benefits of Pycnogenol?

What Are The Health Benefits Of Pycnogenol?

Pycnogenol is a name of a product which is prepared from a tree French Pine also known as French Maritime Pine. Pycnogenol is a trademark name sold as a nutritional supplement. This supplement is mainly used for asthma and a condition known as chronic venus insufficiency. It is a water extract of the bark of the French Pine found in the coastal south west of France. Pycnogenol contains unique flavonoid compounds in high concentration. These compounds at such high levels of concentration have proven to be useful and beneficial on inflammation, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, aging and healing of wounds.

History and Discovery of Pycnogenol:

Pycnogenol is a very powerful antioxidant made from a combination of natural antioxidants and phytonutrients. Since it is biologically made it is technically a bioflavonoid. A French scientist by the name Professor Masquelier gave the name Pycnogenol which is a scientific name for the oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) as well as other bioflavonoids. Pycnogenol is an extract from the French Maritime Pine and grape seed extract. Professor Masquelier along with a Swiss broker Horphag made attempts to commercialize Pycnogenol. Horphag without the consent of Masquelier registered the name Pycnogenol as a patent in the year 1990 which came under the ownership of Horphag in the United States. This caused severe legal disputes in the US. Horphag made huge profits from the intellectual property of Masquelier. This wonderful antioxidant was discovered by Jacques Cartier in 1953. In his books Cartier mentioned about the benefits of pine and how it cured and healed chronic diseases. Professor Masquelier discovered Cartier's book and recognized the benefits of these medicines which were rich in bioflavonoids.

Health Benefits of Pycnogenol:

Pycnogenol is a very powerful antioxidant which helps in regulating certain types of acids that gets absorbed in the human body through chemicals and free radicals. Antioxidants help in improving heart health and prevent cancer. Brain diseases like Alzheimer's can also be prevented with the use of Pycnogenol. It prevents the body from absorbing the toxic elements which are responsible for the development of brain diseases. It works as a good preventive tool. Pycnogenol also helps people who suffer from heart disease, which is a very common disease worldwide. It reduces swelling due to heart disease and helps in regulating the blood pressure. Pycnogenol also assists in reducing blood sugar levels in type ll diabetes, administered along with the anti-diabetes drugs.

Fight Inflammation

The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of Pycnogenol are beneficial in treating asthma. It also improved the tolerance to chemotherapy in cancer patients. Pycnogenol works well as an anti aging product along with Vitamin E, and reduces wrinkles.

Pycnogenol is available in the market in different supplement formulas containing about 20mg to 100mg of Pycnogenol. It is the most extensively researched product and has also passed a number of safety tests. Tests have proved that consuming Pycnogenol at higher dosage for longer periods is safe though there are a few minor side effects. These side effects are gastro intestinal discomfort, nausea, dizziness and headaches. If consumed with certain drugs it can cause major side effects due to drug interactions. Pycnogenol is a great antioxidant supplement which helps in protecting and healing the body from harmful chemicals. Before taking Pycnogenol daily as a supplement it is recommended to consult physicians who can advice on the ideal dosages.


What are the Health Benefits of Oligonol?

Date: March 23, 2012 08:12 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the Health Benefits of Oligonol?


Oligonol is one of the few existing products in the market that has helped so many people so when one is asked what are the health benefits of Oligonol it's guaranteed that they won't fall short of words to say. This health supplement has anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties that help you achieve the best possible state of wellbeing. The following are some of the health benefits that you can get from using this natural supplement;

Improves blood circulation:Oligonol helps in improving blood circulation because it contains anti-oxidant elements that help in enhancing blood flow to the vital organs of the body.

Helps boost immunity: this health supplement fights against infectious bacteria and its agents and this is because it contains the lychee fruit which is a good source of vitamin C.

Helps reduce fatigue: in the research to find out what are the health benefits of Oligonol it was found that it helps speed up the body's recovery from fatigue after a period of physical exercises.

High energy levels: Helps increase energy levels in the body due to the fact that it helps facilitate the body's metabolic processes which in turn improves digestion.

Protects the body against cardiovascular diseases: when medical practitioners did a research on what are the health benefits of Oligonol, they found out that it contains minerals that include copper and potassium. These two minerals come from the lychee fruit. Potassium helps control a body's blood pressure and heart rate and for this reason protecting it from against diseases like strokes. On the other hand, Copper is important for the production of red blood cells in the human body. These blood cells are used to deliver oxygen to the body organs, tissues and muscles and without them the body would fail to function.

Reduces calorie levels and visceral fat production: use of oligonol health supplements helps reduce heart diseases risk that are brought about by visceral fat. Oligonol also contains elements that are rich in dietary fiber content and this helps control excess body weight.

Boosts memory: when asked what are the health benefits of Oligonol persons who had previously used the health supplement said it helped them remember stuff more easily than they did before they started using it.

Reduces stress levels: use of oligonol has proven to reduce peoples stress levels and it has been used as a remedy for depression as an added point to the research on what are the health benefits of Oligonol.

Inhibits production of influenza virus: previous studies gave sufficient proof that oligonol inhibits the production of the influenza virus by blocking the attachment of the virus to the body cells.

Improves skin: oligonol helps improve the skin appearance by reducing wrinkles and helping get rid of freckles on people's faces.

In addition, the oligonol health supplement is safe. This is because it is made from pure natural ingredients, and has no negative interactions therefore it can be used by all who would like to find out what are the health benefits of Oligonol and in turn benefit from it.


Effects of Pumpkin Seed Oil on Prostate Health

Date: February 07, 2012 11:46 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Effects of Pumpkin Seed Oil on Prostate Health

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin seed oil is getting a lot of attention nowadays because of its healing and therapeutic effects to the human body. Pumpkin seeds actually contain a number of valuable nutrients and microelements that enhances the health being of the users. Pumpkin seeds are actually rich sources of phytonutrients, carotenoids, antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, phytosterols and essential fatty acids that bring about a number of beneficial effects to the human body.

Pumpkin seed oil is known for its anti-parasitic, anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, the oil is known for its capacity to lower the cholesterol level of an individual and optimize kidney function. The oil is even used to treat skin irritations and minor skin infections. In fact, pumpkin seed oil is used to achieve a healthier and smoother skin. The oil is even capable of improving sexual health, treating minor depression and provide ample amount of energy to the user.

Pumpkin seed oil actually contains ample amount of antioxidants such as Vitamins A, E and C that help the body fight against damaging free radicals. The oil also contains significant amounts of Vitamins B1, B2 and B6. The oil is fortified with adequate amount of Vitamin Kand D, magnesium, omega 6, omega 3, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium and trace minerals.

Pumpkin seed oil is a rich source of omega 6, omega 9, zinc and carotenoids that significantly reduce the risk of developing prostate problems in the future. The zinc content of pumpkin seed oil makes this natural product effective in treating prostate enlargement. Zinc is an essential mineral that shrinks any inflammation or enlargement of the organs or tissues. Pumpkin seed oil actually contains a number of potent elements that inhibit androgen receptors which can trigger the multiplication of cancerous prostate cells.

Pumpkin seed oil was initially used to treat prostate problems and infertility. A number of scientific studies revealed that pumpkin seed oil contains essential elements that increases the libido and optimizes bladder and prostate functions.

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy is one of the most common prostate problems of men who are over 50 years old. The condition is mainly characterized by the inflammation of the prostate gland. High levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body can trigger the onset of prostate problems. DHT is known for its capacity to promote the multiplication of cells in the prostate which leads lead to the enlargement of the gland.

Pumpkin seed oil is believed to be efficient in protecting the prostate against the damaging effects of DHT. Pumpkin seed oil contains huge quantities of phytosterol beta-sitosterol that prevents the conversion of hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which converts testosterone to DHT. In effect, the level of DHT in the body is managed at an optimum level. Pumpkin seed oil also contains Delta-7-sterine that acts as DHT blocker and prevents the damaging effects of DHT on the cell. Delta-7-sterine also aids in preventing the multiplication of cancerous prostate cells in the body. Inhibiting the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase can lead help the prostate shrink back to its normal size because of a controlled production of DHT in the body.


How Does Additional Dietary Fiber Boost Colon Health?

Date: October 05, 2011 04:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Additional Dietary Fiber Boost Colon Health?

Properly functioning Colon Is A Healthy Body

Colon health and fiber is intertwined and inseparable. Fiber is very essential and necessary to keep your colon healthy and well functioning. Therefore, if you want your colon to work properly, adequate intake of fiber rich foods should be ensured all the time because if not, several problems specifically those that involves the digestive tract would occur.

The colon as most of us already know is one of the most vital organs for digestion. You could not live without your colon hence, it is truly necessary to maintain life. Through your colon, waste and toxins from the foods that you ate will be flushed out from your body because one of its chief functions is to get rid of the body’s waste products.

When your colon is sound and healthy, the evacuation of body waste and toxins would be on a regular basis. You can determine if your colon is functioning well if your bowel movement is one to two times per day. Through this bowel pattern, build up of waste and toxins in the gastro-intestinal tract would be prevented.

Regular bowel movement and elimination of waste is highly important to prevent the blood from absorbing detrimental elements from the colon because ones these toxins are being absorbed by the blood, it will reach the liver and kidneys which will add up to their work load thus, would lead to exhaustion and organ damage.

For us to prevent vital organ damage, fiber rich foods should be constantly incorporated in your meals. Fiber prevents and relieves constipation and for you to grasp the health advantages that it offers; you have to consume enough fruits and vegetables. Because of fiber’s importance it is very essential to discuss the two categories of fiber:

Insoluble Fiber

This particular kind of fiber is mostly found in nuts, vegetables, and whole-wheat flour. Insoluble fiber is highly beneficial in retaining water therefore making it a very effectual laxative. Insoluble fiber also aids in the formation of waste or feces.

Soluble Fiber

This specific fiber is most of the time broken down by bacteria. It resembles a gel like form that is very effective in the evacuation of waste in the colon. Soluble fiber also helps in keeping the walls of the colon healthy and well functioning. You can grasp the benefits of soluble fiber by eating apples, carrots, oats, and barley.

Because of the kind of lifestyle and diet that the people are engaging in right now, there is a great need to reiterate that fiber should always be included in your meals. Fiber increases the bulk and softens stools hence, it would be easier to evacuate. Another significant benefit of fiber is the promotion of colon health as well as preventing disease conditions such as hemorrhoids and diverticular disease (presence of small pouches in the colon). In addition, healthy colon could also facilitate safe weight loss thus you will feel hunger less often.


Support the Adrenal Glands with Natural Vitamins and Feel the Difference

Date: October 05, 2011 03:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Support the Adrenal Glands with Natural Vitamins and Feel the Difference

Your Adrenal Glands, Energy Levels, And How You feel

Our body is a very complex system that needs to be well taken care of through adequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals. Living healthy and right will allow you to reap and experience a better and more comfortable life in the future.

The adrenal glands are one of the most important glands in the body. It can be found on top of your kidneys; however, these two glands that you have in your body are actually different from one another. The center of the gland also known as the adrenaline manufactures epinephrine and is governed by the autonomic nervous system. These vital glands perform special functions that are very essential for life and health. Any alteration in condition would surely have corresponding effects in the body.

For us to keep our adrenal glands healthy, it is very necessary to consume foods that are rich with the following:

Vitamin B-Complex

B vitamins can help restore the adrenal glands when they are over worked from the stresses of life.

Vitamin C

It is inevitable that vitamin C is one of the most useful vitamins for the body because of its capacity to strengthen the immune system hence, keeping you away from the threats of diseases and body disequilibrium. To be more specific, vitamin C is very crucial for adrenal function. The highest concentrations of vitamin C can be found in the brain tissues and in the adrenal glands because the secretion of the vitamin is at its peak during stress. To help your immune function, it is advisable that you will take 500 to 1000 mg of the said vitamin per day.

Pantothenic acid

For optimal adrenal function, it is advisable to take about 100 to 150 mg of pantothenic acid daily because this vitamin B is noted to support and enhance adrenal function as well as correct adrenal deficiency.


Has the innate capacity to prevent adrenal hormones breakdown therefore maintaining optimal levels. Another vital function of licorice is its power to cure indigestion.


If you want to lessen the discomforts that you will feel during low blood sugar episodes, it is advisable for you to consume and take natural remedies and supplementation that are rich with chromium. The Adrenal Stress End has enough chromium content which is highly beneficial for the success of an enzymatic therapy. Experts would recommend taking one to two capsules per day for you to grasp its full effects.

To sum up everything, it is very important to take and engage in measures that could help us achieve optimum level of wellness because if not we will surely suffer from the consequences of being sick brought about by a disequilibrium in the body. Since we all know how important our adrenal glands are and the distinct function that it do for the body, we should do our very best to keep it healthy and well functioning. Vitamin C, licorice, Pantothenic acid, and chromium are just few of the important elements that you should provide your adrenal glands. Taking these would make you feel better and secured.


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