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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener Darrell Miller 5/31/24
CuraMed by Terry Naturally Darrell Miller 2/14/24
six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals. Darrell Miller 12/6/23
Understanding the Benefits of KAL Brand L-Glutathione SR 500mg Darrell Miller 6/15/23
Did you know that turmeric is just as effective as 14pharmaceutical drugs? Darrell Miller 4/24/19
Double-blind clinical trial validates cinnamon as natural treatmentfor primary dysmenorrhea Darrell Miller 2/18/19
Mountain ginseng found to have immunostimulating, antioxidant,anticancer and anti-aging properties Darrell Miller 2/13/19
Happy news: Curcumin outperforms prozac for reducing symptoms ofdepression Darrell Miller 1/25/19
Delicious remedy: Licorice is a potential treatment forischemia-induced brain damage Darrell Miller 11/20/18
Glutathione holds the key to managing over 100 autoimmune diseasesknown today VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/2/18
Vitamins A, C, E plus magnesium may delay hearing impairmentassociated with age VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/3/18
The miracles of lemon grass Darrell Miller 2/12/18
5 Ways Hemp Can Benefit Your Health Darrell Miller 12/28/17
Health benefits of sea salt Darrell Miller 8/25/17
Is Mushroom Coffee Even Better than Regular Coffee? Darrell Miller 5/19/17
Food NOT Chemo Holds ‘Cure’ For Colon Cancer Darrell Miller 3/17/17
Study Finds Hot Chili Peppers May Extend Life Darrell Miller 3/16/17
Why hydrogen peroxide should be in every home Darrell Miller 11/3/16
Maca Root And Your Health Darrell Miller 9/28/16
The Manuka Honey Miracle: Giving rich benefits for many generations Darrell Miller 9/3/16
Different Types of Royal Jelly Darrell Miller 6/12/14
Improve Your Skin Naturally with Tamanu Oil Darrell Miller 5/18/14
Natural Skin Care Products - Kukui Nut Oil Darrell Miller 5/17/14
Why Is Turbinado A Better Sugar? Darrell Miller 5/4/14
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What are the health benefits of organic Cacao? Darrell Miller 4/24/14
Silica Supplements for Healthy Bones Darrell Miller 4/19/14
D Limonene Solvent - What Is It and How Does It Work Darrell Miller 4/11/14
Goji Berries And Health. Darrell Miller 3/25/14
Does Coral Calcium Alkalize The Body? Darrell Miller 3/19/14
What's So Special About Bentonite Clay? Darrell Miller 3/9/14
The Health Benefits OF Avocado Oil Darrell Miller 3/8/14
Can Celadrin Help Joint Pain? Darrell Miller 3/5/14
Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin? Darrell Miller 2/28/14
Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin? Darrell Miller 2/28/14
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Korean Ginseng Root Extract Darrell Miller 12/14/12
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Can Colostrum Help Promote Healthy Immune Function? Darrell Miller 10/12/11
Potassium: An Overview Darrell Miller 1/14/11
The Good and Bad of an iron supplement Darrell Miller 4/25/10
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Recognizing the Signs: Roadmap to a Healthy Heart Darrell Miller 6/13/05

The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

Date: May 31, 2024 11:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

Stevia, a natural sweetener that has become globally popular in recent years, boasts a rich history spanning centuries. This article delves into the origins and historical significance of stevia, shedding light on its traditional use by indigenous peoples and its evolution into a mainstream alternative to sugar.

The Origins of Stevia

Stevia, scientifically known as Stevia rebaudiana, originates from South America. This small, green plant is part of the Asteraceae family, which also includes daisies and sunflowers. The leaves of the stevia plant contain sweet compounds known as steviol glycosides, which are responsible for its sweetness.

Traditional Use by the Guaraní People

The historical journey of stevia begins with the Guaraní people of Paraguay and Brazil, who have used the plant for over 1,500 years. The Guaraní referred to stevia as "ka'a he'ê," which translates to "sweet herb." They traditionally used stevia leaves to sweeten beverages like yerba maté, a popular herbal tea, and to enhance the flavor of various traditional dishes.

Stevia wasn't just a sweetener for the Guaraní; it also held medicinal importance. The leaves were used to treat a variety of conditions, including burns, stomach issues, and as a general tonic. This dual use of stevia as both a sweetener and a medicinal plant highlights its invaluable role in indigenous culture.

Stevia's Journey to the Modern World

Rediscovery by European Explorers

The modern history of stevia began in the 16th century when European explorers first arrived in South America. Spanish botanist and physician Pedro Jaime Esteve (1500–1556) is often credited with the early European studies on stevia, although the plant was not widely documented until later.

Interest in stevia grew in the early 20th century when it was scientifically studied by Paraguayan chemist Ovidio Rebaudi. Rebaudi analyzed the sweet properties of stevia leaves and confirmed that they were much sweeter than sugar, which caught the attention of the scientific community.

Introduction to Asia and Beyond

In the 1970s, stevia began gaining traction in Japan as the country sought alternatives to artificial sweeteners. Japanese researchers developed methods for extracting and refining steviol glycosides from stevia leaves, making it possible to use stevia as a commercial sweetener. The success of stevia in Japan set the stage for its global acceptance.

Stevia in the Modern Health Movement

Health Benefits and Advantages

Stevia's rise in popularity can be attributed to its myriad of health benefits. Unlike sugar, stevia is calorie-free, making it an attractive option for those managing their weight. Additionally, stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose levels, which is beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those monitoring their carbohydrate intake.

Moreover, steviol glycosides are stable at high temperatures, making stevia a versatile sweetener suitable for cooking and baking. This thermal stability, combined with its natural origin, has positioned stevia as a preferred option for health-conscious consumers.

Regulatory Approval and Global Adoption

The journey of stevia to becoming a global sweetener has involved rigorous scientific scrutiny and regulatory approval. In 2008, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted stevia the status of "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS), which paved the way for its use in a wide range of food and beverage products.

Following the FDA's approval, other countries, including those in the European Union, Canada, and Australia, also approved the use of stevia in food and beverages. Today, stevia is found in everything from soft drinks to baked goods, reflecting its widespread acceptance and global reach.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Overcoming Obstacles

Despite its many advantages, the path to widespread adoption of stevia has not been without challenges. One of the initial hurdles was the aftertaste associated with some of the early stevia extracts. However, advances in extraction and formulation techniques have significantly improved the taste profile of stevia, making it more palatable for consumers.

Another challenge has been ensuring the sustainable cultivation of stevia. As demand grows, it is essential to implement agricultural practices that support environmental sustainability and fair labor conditions for farmers.

Research and Innovation

The future of stevia holds exciting possibilities as ongoing research continues to explore new applications and improvements. Scientists are currently investigating the potential of stevia extracts in providing health benefits beyond sweetness, such as their antioxidant properties and possible roles in managing certain health conditions.

Innovations in biotechnology are also paving the way for the development of new stevia varieties with enhanced sweetness and improved agronomic traits. These advancements could further solidify stevia's position as a key player in the global sweetener market.

In Summary

The history of stevia is a fascinating journey from the rainforests of South America to the shelves of supermarkets around the world. From its traditional use by the Guaraní people to its rediscovery by European explorers and subsequent global adoption, stevia has proven to be a remarkable sweetener with enduring significance. As the modern world continues to prioritize health and wellness, stevia's natural sweetness offers a much-needed alternative to sugar, promising a future where we can enjoy the sweetness of life without compromising our health.

Are You Ready to Make a Sweet Change?

If you've been searching for a healthier way to satisfy your sweet tooth, the journey of stevia offers a compelling reason to make the switch. With its rich history rooted in traditional use by the Guaraní people, and its scientifically-backed benefits recognized globally, stevia stands out as a truly remarkable sweetener. Free from calories and gentle on blood glucose levels, it's an excellent choice for both weight management and diabetes care. Plus, its versatility in cooking and baking means you won't have to compromise on your favorite recipes.

Join the growing number of health-conscious consumers who are choosing stevia for a naturally sweet life. Explore its various forms—from whole leaves to refined steviol glycosides—and incorporate this natural sweetener into your diet today. Embrace the future of sweetening and enjoy the benefits of stevia for yourself and your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Stevia

What is stevia?

Stevia is a natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, which is native to South America. It has been used for centuries by the Guaraní people and is known for being much sweeter than sugar while containing zero calories.

How is stevia used as a sweetener?

Stevia can be used in various forms, including whole leaves, powdered extracts, and liquid concentrates. It is commonly used to sweeten beverages, baked goods, and other foods. Thanks to its stability at high temperatures, stevia can also be used in cooking and baking.

Is stevia safe to consume?

Yes, stevia is considered safe for consumption. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted stevia the status of "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS). It has also been approved for use in many other countries, including those in the European Union, Canada, and Australia.

Can stevia help with weight management?

Stevia can be an effective tool for weight management because it contains no calories. Replacing sugar with stevia in your diet can help reduce overall calorie intake, which may contribute to weight loss or maintenance.

Is stevia suitable for people with diabetes?

Stevia is suitable for people with diabetes as it has a negligible effect on blood glucose levels. This makes it a preferable alternative to sugar for those needing to monitor their carbohydrate intake. However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet.

Does stevia have any side effects?

Stevia is generally well-tolerated and considered safe for most people. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects, such as digestive discomfort, when consuming large amounts. It is advisable to use stevia in moderation.

What does stevia taste like?

Stevia is known to be much sweeter than sugar, and its taste can vary depending on the form used and the specific product. Early versions of stevia extracts were noted for having a slight aftertaste, though modern formulations have significantly improved the taste profile.

How is stevia cultivated?

Stevia is typically grown in subtropical and tropical climates. Sustainable cultivation practices are essential as the demand for stevia increases. These practices include using environmentally friendly agricultural methods and ensuring fair labor conditions for farmers.

Are there any environmental benefits to using stevia?

Stevia has the potential to be more sustainable than traditional sugar crops. It requires less land and water to produce the same level of sweetness, which can reduce the environmental impact associated with sugar cultivation.

Can stevia be used in baking?

Yes, stevia can be used in baking due to its high-temperature stability. However, because it is much sweeter than sugar, recipes may need to be adjusted to account for its intensity. Many commercially available stevia sweeteners come with specific usage guidelines for cooking and baking.

Are there different types of stevia products?

Yes, stevia products come in various forms, including whole leaves, powdered extracts, and liquid concentrates. Some products are blended with other sweeteners or filler ingredients to better mimic the taste and texture of sugar.

How does stevia compare to artificial sweeteners?

Stevia is a natural sweetener, which sets it apart from many artificial sweeteners. It is derived from a plant and does not undergo extensive chemical processing. Many consumers prefer stevia because it is perceived as a more natural and healthier option.

What research is being done on stevia?

Ongoing research on stevia explores its potential health benefits beyond sweetness, such as its antioxidant properties and possible roles in managing certain health conditions. Innovations in biotechnology are also working to develop new stevia varieties with enhanced sweetness and other desirable traits.

Where can I buy stevia?

Stevia products are widely available at VitaNet LLC. Stevia can be found in the baking aisle or the section dedicated to natural and alternative sweeteners.

By understanding the benefits and uses of stevia, you can make an informed decision about incorporating this natural sweetener into your diet. With its rich history, proven health benefits, and versatility, stevia offers a compelling alternative to traditional sugar.


CuraMed by Terry Naturally

Date: February 14, 2024 05:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CuraMed by Terry Naturally

Experience the transformative power of nature with CuraMed by Terry Naturally, a prized elixir that encapsulates the essence of health and vitality. Imagine a single ingredient, BCM-95® Curcumin, with a heritage spanning centuries, now delivered to you in its most potent and absorbing form. Curcumin, derived from the ancient turmeric root, is revered for its remarkable anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to fiercely protect your cells from oxidative stress and damage.

Step into a story where wellness intertwines with tradition, where each capsule of CuraMed holds the secret of age-old wisdom fused with cutting-edge technology. Feel the comfort of knowing that you're nourishing your body with an extract that's up to 700% more bioavailable than standard turmeric, thanks to the unique process that melds curcumin with essential oils to enhance absorption. Like a golden drop of sunshine, each dose is a concentrated beacon of health.

Envision a life where every day is filled with the vigor you desire. CuraMed by Terry Naturally offers that vitality by maintaining a healthy inflammation response in the body, supporting your joints, brain, heart, and immune system. The power of BCM-95® Curcumin is more than just an antioxidant; it's a commitment to your long-term wellbeing, ensuring that with every capsule, you're paving the path to a vibrant life.

Begin a journey where each morning promises a leap towards wellness. With CuraMed's unparalleled potency, imagine fewer pills and yet feeling the invigorating impact of curcumin flooding through your body, like a wave of restorative energy. It's not just about alleviating the pains of today, but about investing in the joys of your tomorrows.

CuraMed by Terry Naturally isn't just a supplement; it's an ally in your quest for a life brimming with health. Embrace the science of nature with a product that stands apart in its commitment to pure, powerful ingredients designed for maximum impact. Let CuraMed be the guardian of your health, guiding you to a life where every day feels like a breath of fresh air, clear mind, and a resilient, thriving body.


six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

Date: December 06, 2023 04:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

If you're looking to stay in the game longer and improve endurance while promoting rapid recovery, we've got you covered! six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

For most of us, life can feel like quite the balancing act. In an ideal world, we would all have ample time throughout the day to dedicate to our health and well-being. However, reality paints a different picture, where 24 hours can seem like an insufficient amount of time to squeeze in work, school, family, and the countless responsibilities that life throws at us. In recent years, the use of supplements for recovery has gained popularity, becoming more common than ever before.

Our bodies face a barrage of daily stresses, including exposure to environmental toxins, electromagnetic pollution, and the strain of intense physical activity. These factors increase our body's demands for antioxidants and essential nutrients that aid in the process of recovery. While consuming antioxidant-rich foods can certainly make a difference, it can be challenging to meet these requirements solely through our diet. That's where a well-rounded supplement regimen can play a crucial role in promoting optimal health and aiding in recovery. Even with our best efforts to exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, and get sufficient sleep, life in the 21st century can be incredibly demanding, depleting our bodies on a cellular level.

For athletes, consistent training is key to reaching desired performance levels. It's important to understand that the muscle recovery and building process primarily occurs between gym sessions. Developing a comprehensive recovery strategy during this crucial window, through the use of supplements, proper nutrition, and adequate rest, can help athletes perform at their best week in and week out. Failing to make the most of this recovery period may result in free radical damage and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To maximize the benefits, it's important to prioritize food as the primary source of vital nutrients, while also recognizing the significant role supplements can play in providing the necessary building blocks for muscle repair due to their rapid absorption rate. However, it's essential to ensure that any chosen supplements are clinically validated, demonstrating efficacy and supported by solid scientific evidence.

In today's fast-paced world, there is a growing demand for quick and convenient solutions to jumpstart the recovery process. Nevertheless, when it comes to choosing supplements, it's important to remember that one size does not fit all. The market offers an overwhelming array of options, often leaving individuals feeling bewildered about which products to select.

Before diving into my recommendations for the top six supplements to aid in recovery, I believe it's crucial to emphasize the significance of cellular renewal and its direct impact on the recovery process. This, in my opinion, serves as the key to achieving a quick and effective recovery.

Oxidation and Free Radical Damage

A fundamental key to staying young and maintaining optimal health is cellular renewal and minimizing the damage to cells over time. We all age, but studies have shown that some individuals age better than others. Have you ever wondered why? Well, recent research has linked oxidative stress to the aging process. So, what exactly is oxidative stress? Allow me to explain in simple terms – oxidation occurs when the body produces by-products commonly known as free radicals. It's almost like a machine rusting, but instead of rust forming on iron, our bodies experience the effects of aging and age-related diseases.

Now, our bodies naturally produce free radicals as part of our daily metabolism, and they can also be produced as a result of environmental pollutants from everyday things like air, water, and even sun exposure. As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to the long-term effects of oxidative stress, which simply means we accumulate too many free radicals and experience increased inflammation at the cellular level.

As interesting as it may sound, the process of oxidation is actually abundant and can be beneficial for our bodies to function properly. But, and this is an important "but," this very process can also cause potential harm. You see, the oxidizing process creates these molecules called free radicals, which are electrically charged. These free radicals interact with our cells, and this interaction can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. For example, our immune system utilizes free radicals to help fight infection. However, when LDL cholesterol (often referred to as bad cholesterol) is oxidized, it can become a concern (cholesterol buildup).

Let's talk about oxidative stress. It occurs when the level of free radicals overwhelms the body's natural antioxidant defense system, resulting in cell damage. As I mentioned earlier, while free radicals serve useful functions in the body, they are highly unstable molecules. If they remain uncontrolled, they have the potential to wreak havoc by causing damage to cells, enzymes, and even our DNA, which ultimately accelerates the aging process. In addition, these free radicals can also contribute to the development of various age-related diseases, including arthritis, cancer, and heart disease

Now, inflammation is triggered by free radical damage, and it is this inflammation that leads to the negative effects of free radicals due to oxidation. The question then becomes, how can we address this in our daily nutritional regimen? The answer lies in the incorporation of antioxidants, which play a vital role in combating oxidative stress and minimizing the damage caused by free radicals in our bodies. You'll be glad to know that there are foods rich in antioxidant content that can help us on this journey. In fact, certain foods contain phytonutrients that, according to many health professionals, hold the potential to unlock the secrets of longevity and overall well-being.

So, my dear friend, let's take a proactive approach, nourish our bodies with antioxidant-rich foods, and strive to minimize the effects of oxidative stress caused by free radicals. It's never too late to make positive choices for our health and age gracefully.

Phytonutrients, also known as health boosters, are substances produced by plants to protect themselves from harmful bacteria and viruses. However, these compounds also offer significant benefits to the human body. Packed with essential nutrients, phytonutrients play an active role in promoting good health. They belong to the antioxidant family, responsible for eliminating harmful free radicals and thus slowing down the aging process. Incorporating a diet rich in high antioxidant foods like fresh fruits and vegetables is crucial as the first line of defense against aging.

While vitamins A, C, and E are commonly known antioxidants, there are other antioxidants available in both food and supplement form. These antioxidant supplements play a vital role in bridging the nutritional gap left by processed foods, lacking the necessary antioxidants and nutrients to combat free radicals effectively.

Let's take a closer look at my top six supplement recommendations, known for their efficacy in fighting oxidative stress and promoting optimal recovery:

Beta Alanine: As an amino acid derivative, Beta Alanine is proven to enhance intramuscular carnosine content, improving the body's ability to buffer hydrogen ions. During exercise, the body accumulates hydrogen ions, contributing to fatigue and lowering pH levels. Beta Alanine supplementation can reduce fatigue, enhance exercise performance, and increase training volume. Whether it's interval training or weightlifting to improve running economy, incorporating beta-alanine can have a positive impact on endurance performance and overall training results.

BCAAs: Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) have become a staple supplement for athletes due to their role in muscle and energy production during exercise. Consisting of three essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine, and valine - BCAAs have been shown to significantly reduce muscle soreness and expedite the recovery process. Supplementing with BCAAs helps prevent muscle breakdown, as the body does not need to rely on its own muscle tissue for energy. Consequently, protein synthesis remains high, supporting muscle growth and repair.

Creatine, a natural molecule found in muscle cells. When engaging in high-intensity workouts like weightlifting, Creatine helps your body produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a vital energy source. This amazing compound improves strength, boosts lean muscle mass, and aids in faster muscle recovery.

Flavonoid Root, a breakthrough extract known for its cardiovascular benefits. This extract is packed with potent antioxidants and acts as a nitric oxide booster, promoting increased endurance during workouts. Studies have shown that it fights against free radical damage and increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood, ensuring optimal cardiovascular health. You can also boost nitric oxide with beet root, and l-citruline.

Speaking of studies, a published research paper in Food and Nutrition Research (April 2016) highlighted the effects of the unique flavonoid root extract on arterial health. The study revealed that after one year of consumption, participants experienced a decrease in artery wall thickness, total cholesterol, LDL levels, and blood pressure. This indicates that the extract may help reduce the risk of oxidation-related cerebral vascular issues and improve overall cardiovascular health

Glutamine. It's the most abundant amino acid in the human body and plays a vital role in muscle recovery and repair. Glutamine aids in preventing muscle soreness, optimizing post-workout recovery, and supporting muscle rebuilding. By facilitating nitrogen transport, regulating acid-base balance, and acting as an antioxidant, Glutamine ensures faster post-workout muscle recovery, giving you the freedom to train harder for better results.

Protein plays a crucial role in replenishing and repairing your muscles after a workout, making it a key nutrient to consume alongside carbohydrates. By opting for a protein shake as a post-workout option, you can efficiently supply amino acids to your muscles, stimulating muscle protein synthesis, enhancing recovery, and promoting growth. It's important, though, to choose a protein shake that contains high-quality ingredients, as prioritizing quality over quantity is key when it comes to protein.

Apart from protein, there are several other supplements that work through various mechanisms to provide natural, broad-spectrum antioxidant and nutrient support, ultimately contributing to optimal health and recovery. Taking preventative measures to protect the health of different body systems is much easier than trying to restore their function after damage has occurred. With this in mind, retailers should suggest a preventive program to their customers, aiming to limit free radical damage and promote recovery. As the adage goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," emphasizing the significance of protecting and preserving one's health.

In conclusion, the role of antioxidants, particularly phytonutrients, in maintaining overall health and combating oxidative stress cannot be overstated. These beneficial compounds not only slow down the aging process, but also enhance the body's ability to recover from physical exertion. Various supplements, including Beta Alanine, BCAAs, Creatine, Flavonoid Root, Glutamine, and Protein, each offer distinct benefits in supporting muscle growth, improving athletic performance, and promoting quicker recovery. The incorporation of these supplements into one's regimen can effectively bridge the nutritional gap left by processed foods. A preventive strategy, emphasizing a diet rich in antioxidants and high-quality supplements, holds the key to optimal health and longevity. As the saying goes, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'.


Understanding the Benefits of KAL Brand L-Glutathione SR 500mg

Date: June 15, 2023 02:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Understanding the Benefits of KAL Brand L-Glutathione SR 500mg

When it comes to maintaining optimal wellness, it's essential to prioritize your immune system and liver health. There are many supplements in the market that claim to boost your health, but Kal L-Glutathione holds a unique position in enhancing overall well-being. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body to fight toxins and protect against oxidative stress.

A Rich Antioxidant: L-Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that effectively fights free radicals in the body. These free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause DNA damage and contribute to the aging process. L-Glutathione's antioxidant properties help to neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative stress, which is critical for maintaining good health.

Supports Liver Function: The liver is responsible for breaking down toxins and eliminating them from the body. L-Glutathione plays a crucial role in liver function by assisting in the detoxification process. It helps to eliminate harmful substances like alcohol, pollutants, and heavy metals, which can damage the liver and cause liver disease.

Enhances Immune System: Our immune system helps to fight off viruses and infections. L-Glutathione has been shown to promote healthy immune system response. It does so by stimulating the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for combating harmful bacteria and viruses.

Sustained-Release Capsule: KAL® L-Glutathione 500mg supplement comes in a sustained-release capsule that slowly releases the supplement in the body. A sustained release formula ensures that the supplement stays active for longer in the body. This slow-release mechanism ensures that the body can absorb the supplement in a gradual manner, thus maximizing effectiveness.

In Summary: L-Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that provides several benefits to the body. It offers excellent support for liver function, enhances the immune system, and promotes overall wellness. Additionally, the sustained-release capsule ensures that the supplement stays active for longer in the body, and the vegetarian capsule makes it suitable for those who follow a plant-based lifestyle. In summary, if you're looking for a supplement that can help you achieve optimal well-being, then KAL® L-Glutathione SR 500mg is the perfect supplement for you.


Did you know that turmeric is just as effective as 14pharmaceutical drugs?

Date: April 24, 2019 01:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Did you know that turmeric is just as effective as 14pharmaceutical drugs?

Turmeric, a spice used in many Indian dishes, contains a high concentration of a substance called curcumin which possesses medical benefits rivaling many pharmaceuticals. Research suggests that turmeric has the potential to replace cholesterol and steroid medications, chemotherapy drugs, and antidepressants. There is even evidence it can be effective in reversing liver damage. Plant-based treatments are now in the process of revolutionizing modern medicine. In the near future, prescriptions for popular drugs such as Lipitor and Prozac could be replaced with prescriptions for Turmeric.

Key Takeaways:

  • Turmeric shows great health benefits that include fighting inflammation, diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers.
  • One current problem is that many over-the-counter turmeric supplements come from poorly-vetted Chinese suppliers and are contaminated with lead and other metals.
  • Turmeric holds promise as a complement to or replacement for a variety of antidepressants, anti inflammatory drugs, and other pharmaceuticals.

"Without a healthy fat/oil, curcumin may pass right through the body and not be absorbed into the small intestine and into the bloodstream, where it is most effective. Coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado are great to consume along with turmeric. Curcumin absorption is also boosted by piperine, the principle component found in black pepper."

Read more:


Double-blind clinical trial validates cinnamon as natural treatmentfor primary dysmenorrhea

Date: February 18, 2019 08:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Double-blind clinical trial validates cinnamon as natural treatmentfor primary dysmenorrhea

According to recent studies by Iranian researchers, cinnamon may be an effective natural remedy for symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea, the painful and sometimes debilitating lower abdominal cramps that some women get in association with their periods. The researchers performed a double-blind, randomized study in which women were given either a placebo or 1000 mg cinnamon capsules during the first three days of their periods. The group that got the cinnamon showed a much higher decrease in their dysmenorrhea symptoms, suggesting that cinnamon holds promise as a form of relief.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers from two research institutions in Iran have found that women who have dysmenorrheal can find cinnamon to be of great relief to them.
  • Primary dysmenorrheal is referred to as the pain that many women experience before or during their menstrual period which pain can be severe or mild.
  • The researchers created two groups and it was found in the treatment group who were given cinnamon that they had greater improvement in treatment than the placebo group.

"The Iranian researchers carried out a randomized, double-blind clinical trial to determine the effect of cinnamon on dysmenorrhea. In conducting the study, they divided their women participants into two groups: a treatment group and a control group."

Read more:


Mountain ginseng found to have immunostimulating, antioxidant,anticancer and anti-aging properties

Date: February 13, 2019 08:00 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Mountain ginseng found to have immunostimulating, antioxidant,anticancer and anti-aging properties

Ginseng is a Chinese medicine, that has been long known for its medicinal properties. It is an expensive and scarce item. This makes it difficult to obtain for people who need it. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem. The Ginseng can be substituted by cultured roots of mountain ginseng. Studies have proven that mountain ginseng is a viable substitute. The general consensus of ginseng still holds, it have some risks as a supplement, but still has many health benefits. The article ends with a message to always consult a professional before taking ginseng as a supplement, just to be safe.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ancient Chinese medicine is known for many treatments that are effective but which processes are unknown and one of them is the root of mountain ginseng.
  • Although the mountain ginseng has several health benefits, many people do not think of it because it is very expensive and very scarce.
  • Some researchers sought out to find out the effectiveness of alternatives to mountain ginseng like the cultured roots of mountain ginseng (CRMG) and its major compound, ginsenoside Re (Re).

"In particular, cultured roots from mountain ginseng tissue have been identified as viable replacements for larger and cheaper production of the highly sought-after ginseng roots."

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Happy news: Curcumin outperforms prozac for reducing symptoms ofdepression

Date: January 25, 2019 10:22 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Happy news: Curcumin outperforms prozac for reducing symptoms ofdepression

Despite the prevalence of depression, drug companies have still failed to come up with a way to address without side effects. The compound curcumin found in the turmeric spice has already been proven popular for it’s health effects but also holds promise in fighting depression. Phytotherapy Research found that it compared well next to Prozac when reducing depression symptoms. Importantly, taking curcumin does not produce the side effects that Prozac creates. To get more of this into your diet, you can purchase organic turmeric root and add to your meals. It is common to add to meats, cereal, granola, eggs, even coffee and tea. With 12.7% of Americans taking antidepressants, using this natural remedy may be a great option.

Key Takeaways:

  • Curcumin is a natural compound found in turmeric spice and is known to be an antidepressant.
  • Curcumin is also known for fighting cancer, helping with memory loss, and even arthritis.
  • One can increase their turmeric intake by adding the ingredient to their meals.

"Lots of people think they either have to live with their negative feelings or accept the possibly deadly side effects that come with antidepressant use, but there are some natural remedies that can be surprisingly effective – and one of the best may prove to be curcumin."

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Delicious remedy: Licorice is a potential treatment forischemia-induced brain damage

Date: November 20, 2018 09:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Delicious remedy: Licorice is a potential treatment forischemia-induced brain damage

Little do people know, there are actually some large medical use cases that are related to licorice. The candy is not the favorite of many people around the world but there are some that really do like to have it on a regular basis. With that being said, it is now being considered as a potential treatment for people who have some brain damage. While the likelihood for success remains to be seen, doctors say early signs are promising.

Key Takeaways:

  • Licorice has been used for all sorts of things since it was brought to Europe from the Middle East. From flavoring food, to sweetening flour and as coloring.
  • Licorice is also used as a potent medicine in China. In fact, it is quoted as such in Chinese pharmacopeia.
  • The purported report that licorice has neuroprotective properties caught the attention of some South Korean researchers who sought to verify if this was really so.

"These days, licorice is best known as a candy flavor, but at the root of that sweetness is an actual root that holds a bevy of medicinal benefits."

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Glutathione holds the key to managing over 100 autoimmune diseasesknown today

Date: November 02, 2018 01:51 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Glutathione holds the key to managing over 100 autoimmune diseasesknown today

There are many people out there that are suffering with some form of disease. For someone who has been healthy all of their life, and never had any issue, this is very foreign to them. They do not know how it feels nor do they understand the amount of work it takes for regular treatments. However, it is important to know that there are some simple fixes to many autoimmune diseases out there in the world today.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are so many diseases out there that someone can catch or be susceptible to.
  • Making sure that you are taking the necessary steps to be illness free is crucial.
  • Though many may not realize, there might be a simple fix to your potential sickness that you have.

"However, scientists have found that one disease-fighting antioxidant, glutathione, could be the key to keeping these types of illnesses under control."

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Vitamins A, C, E plus magnesium may delay hearing impairmentassociated with age

Date: September 03, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Vitamins A, C, E plus magnesium may delay hearing impairmentassociated with age

Vitamins A, C, E plus magnesium may delay hearing impairment associated with age

Many people are told that vitamins are really good for them and the preservation of their health but they do not realize how good they actually are! Vitamins should be an essential part of anyone's diet if they are serious about being healthy. They are great for anyone who is looking to lose weight and to combat potential sicknesses. Overall, many of the things that we are stressed at a young age turn out to be true over time.

Key Takeaways:

  • As you get older, you begin to lose some things like your hearing or your sight.
  • Though people are told from a young age about the benefits of vitamins, few use them.
  • Vitamins are so important for anyone who is trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.

"Three-month-old rats were followed until 14 months of age, with the data indicating that supplementation reduced threshold shifts at the lower and medium frequencies, compared to the control animals. This indicated “an improvement in the auditory thresholds”?, said the researchers."

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The miracles of lemon grass

Date: February 12, 2018 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The miracles of lemon grass

Lemon grass is used in many geographical areas of the world. It holds nutritional values of helping lower cholesterol, helping the body detoxify, treating insomnia, curing fever and helping with respiratory issues. Lemon grass is grown extensively in Fuji and the Fijians themselves use the plant for its flavoring qualities, particularly in tea. It has a very strong aromatic scent and it has the taste of citric and mint. The plant is the source of many essential vitamins and essential minerals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lemon grass contains many vitamins and is healthy, with no harmful side effects.
  • Lemon grass is beneficial to the digestive system and can cleanse.
  • Lemon grass can aid with better breathing and fever reducing.

"LEMON GRASS is a perennial plant that grows abundantly in Fiji and many Fijians plant this herbal lemon scented plant for its tea flavouring qualities."

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5 Ways Hemp Can Benefit Your Health

Date: December 28, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Ways Hemp Can Benefit Your Health

Hemp is starting to make its way back onto the shelf. No longer just a rope, oil or thought of as cannabis, it is now being ingested for its taste and health benefits. Hemp seeds are known to have high amounts of protein as well good fats for your diet. The fats, like essential fatty acids, help you in your diet and promote positive growth. They are also an amazing superfood, on par with kale for nutrients and ability to improve your body.

Key Takeaways:

  • People are starting to find out more about hemp that they can try. They are amazed at the benefits that hemp can have for their health.
  • A small sample of hemp can introduce new users to its advantages. Hemp is a great choice and the product has helped people in the past.
  • The hemp seed may be small, but it ends up being mighty too. Hemp is one of the best options that consumers want to try for themselves.

"Big things really do come in small packages - the idiomatic expression holds much value with this small but mighty seed."

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Health benefits of sea salt

Date: August 25, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health benefits of sea salt

Many people think that sea salt can be a horrible thing for the body but little do we know it can actually help us with a lot of health issues. For instance sea salt can help with losing weight. Many people have tried to use other health methods when they could have just run to the grocery store and picked up a thing of sea salt. Sea salt can also help with inflammation in the respiratory system. However sea salt may also have it's bad's sides but the important thing is that it CAN help us live a healthy lifestyle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Natural, unrefined sea salt can benefit all of us. Sea salt will help you achieve a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.
  • Sea salt is obtained directly through the evaporation of seawater. The darker the sea salt the higher the minerals.
  • Aras River on the southern slope of Mount Duzdag holds the oldest of sea salt.

"In 2006-2011, French archaeologists conducted research in Nakhchivan and concluded that the Duzdag mines are, most likely, the oldest in the world."

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Is Mushroom Coffee Even Better than Regular Coffee?

Date: May 19, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Mushroom Coffee Even Better than Regular Coffee?

There are many coffee alternatives out there and more are developed all the time. They're made from different roots, nuts, herbs, etc. One of them is mushroom coffee. This tells you if it is any good. It might be an option for those who can't have real coffee for health reasons. Some can't handle the caffeine found in real coffee. Others just like to try alternatives out of curiosity or to try finding the best tasting coffee.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mushroom coffee can be a tasty and safer alternative to regular coffee. It holds many health benefits.
  • Health benefits include: anticancer, loaded with antioxidants, decreased oxidative stress, boosted liver health, focus without jitters, and it aids in digestive and diabetic health.
  • Although a healthy alternative, it also does come with risk. Anyone with an autoimmune disease needs to exercise caution.

"Prepackaged or instant mushroom coffee is also said to be lower in caffeine and less acidic than regular coffee"

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Food NOT Chemo Holds ‘Cure’ For Colon Cancer

Date: March 17, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Food NOT Chemo holds ‘Cure’ For Colon Cancer

Chemotherapy has long been the chosen therapy for patients suffering from cancer, but if you have colon cancer, perhaps it is not chemo that you should be interested in. Instead, perhaps it is the foods that you are eating that you should consider. How does the food that you eat help with colon cancer?

Key Takeaways:

  • Colon cancer is one of the world’s most prevalent and lethal forms of cancer and is believed to be driven primarily by the Western diet.
  • It has been estimated that one million people around the world are diagnosed with colon cancer, and 500,000 die from it, each year.
  • Given the bleak situation, interest in cancer stem cell targeting therapies of natural origin has increased dramatically in the past few years.

"Colon cancer is one of the world’s most prevalent and lethal forms of cancer and is believed to be driven primarily by the Western diet."




Study Finds Hot Chili Peppers May Extend Life

Date: March 16, 2017 01:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study Finds Hot Chili Peppers May Extend Life

According to a news study published in the journal PLOS One, eating hot chili peppers could extend your life. Analyzing data from more than 16,000 Americans who had been followed for an average of nearly 19 years, the researchers found that hot red chili pepper consumption was associated with a 13 percent lower risk of death.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to a news study published in the journal PLOS One, eating hot chili peppers could extend your life.
  • The study was observational so it doesn’t offer hard proof of cause and effect but it does add to the growing body of evidence which suggests spicy foods may have health benefits that can help people live longer.
  • And previous studies have suggested that it is the capsaicin in the spice which holds the anti-obesity, antioxidant, anti-inflammation, and anti-cancer benefits.

"According to a news study published in the journal PLOS One, eating hot chili peppers could extend your life."




Why hydrogen peroxide should be in every home

Date: November 03, 2016 01:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why hydrogen peroxide should be in every home

David Gutierrez of Natural News presents an article on hydrogen peroxide is so vastly underused in households and has several more applications than just being a disinfectant for small cuts and scraps. He gives you the low down to how hydrogen peroxide can help prevent colds, fight athletes foot, and so on. It can also be put to use for various things around the house. Read the article for all the great tips.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hydrogen peroxide is widely known as a disinfectant for minor cuts and scrapes, but many people don't understand that it works simply by oxidizing microbes to death.
  • Toothaches caused by minor infection can be treated with a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash; the same mouthwash can also remove bad breath.
  • Mixed with baking soda, it makes a great toothpaste.

"Hydrogen peroxide is so safe and effective that our own immune systems actually generate it as the first line of defense against microbes as diverse as bacteria, viruses, yeast and parasites."




Maca Root And Your Health

Date: September 28, 2016 07:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Maca Root And Your Health

Maca, (Lepidium meyenii) also Peruvian herb is a biennial herb indigenous to Andes, Peru. It’s also grown in Brazil and Bolivia. It’s cultivated for its fleshy hypocotyl and tap root which is a root vegetable and a medicinal herb.

Brief history

For over 2000 years, Maca root has been used by the ancient Incan culture for medicinal uses. They highly revered the plant for its legendary ability to offer mental clarity and energy as well as enhancing sex drive.

Today, Maca root is medicinal and health benefits such as:

  •  Hormonal balance to improve menopause and PMS symptoms in women as well as mood and fertility
  •  Improving sperm production, volume, and mobility in men
  •  Reduces enlarged prostates
  •  It’s used as an aphrodisiac to improve sex drive
  •  Increasing bone density especially in women

Maca root and Energy improvement

Maca contains vitamins, fatty acids, proteins, and minerals. These are elements to naturally support energy supporting as well as aid in injury recovery. Those who have used maca root in powder form have testified that it makes them awake, driven and energized. They even prefer it over caffeine as it doesn’t give jitters.

Clinical studies have revealed that maca is useful in maintaining positive energy levels and reducing anxiety and depression. It’s also important in regulating the hypothalamus, which improves the functioning of pituitary glands and thus balancing focus and energy. Researchers believe this is enhanced by balancing blood sugar levels.

Maca root holds many health benefits, if you are over the age of 50, you should be taking maca root daily to help balance hormones and feel better.

Reference URLs




The Manuka Honey Miracle: Giving rich benefits for many generations

Date: September 03, 2016 11:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The Manuka Honey Miracle: Giving rich benefits for many generations

Manuka Honey which is native to the Bees in Manuka Bush in New Zealand has become a leading name in the honey markets.  The chemical and nutritional components bring many benefits and here are some of them:

  1. Improves Sleep
  2. Beauty Treatment and Health Booster
  3. Helps to tackle Allergies and Sinusitis
  4. Sore Throat and Immunity
  5. Gingivitis and Tooth Decay Solution

Manuka Honey holds many more benefits, and is considered medical grade honey.  Each batch is tested and certified to contain activity to fight what ales you.




Different Types of Royal Jelly

Date: June 12, 2014 08:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Different Types of Royal Jelly

What is a royal jelly?

royal jellyRoyal jelly is a gelatin-held substance, which is normally emitted from the cephalic organs of the working drones for the expansion of the ruler honeybee. The hugeness of this white substance for ruler honeybee could be comprehended with a truth that without it, the monarch bumblebee and other working drones will not prosper.

Benefits of royal jelly

The concoction component of illustrious jam is that it is a water-based emulsion of lipids, proteins, sugars and assortments of elements. Further, there are sure parts of it that work against diverse sorts of bacterial executors. It is additionally paramount that the sugar synthesis of bumblebee jam is indistinguishable to those found in glucose and nectar fructose.

The counterfeit detailing of illustrious jam is carried out through distinctive conversion stages, for example, transforming it into different structures like cases, mixture, chewable tablets and fluid. The readiness of the substance is of two sorts, specifically - stop dried and new.

A few producers make offers of crisp jam straightforwardly to clients. In the end, the clients get profits as far as benefitting bumblebee items holding well being profits and sturdiness. Naturally, with such strong item, the expense of purchasing a new one is unreasonable purchase for the clients.

One of the wonderful sorts is stop-dried substance. This is a direct result of the reason that the stop-dried sort holds complete well being support profits alongside providing for your long lifespan of the item. That intends to say, different sorts of it cannot provide for you a life span ensure as stop dried jam provides for you. Those results of diverse sorts of regal jam are effectively perishable and at a certain stage, their possibility lessens continuously in this way, providing for you no wellbeing profits and the items get valuable for you. You ought to realize that it can additionally be stop dried into powder and therefore pressed into containers.


Improve Your Skin Naturally with Tamanu Oil

Date: May 18, 2014 11:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Improve Your Skin Naturally with Tamanu Oil

tamanu plantWhat is a tamanu?

Tamanu oil is originated from Polynesia and prefers a salty and sandy soil, which is why it grows profusely near the sea. According to the native people, the best Tamanu oil comes from trees that grow near the coastal regions, better than those that grow inland.

Benefits of tamanu oil

The Tamanu oil is well known because of its healing properties, which can actually equal or even surpass contemporary skin care products. There are already scientific studies that the oil produce new skin tissues, as well as studies that support the natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-neuralgic, and antioxidant properties. Some of the ailments that Tamanu oil can treat include ringworm, itching, athlete's foot, dermaphytosis of the scalp or beard, burns and wounds. It also has a superb cicatrizing capacity that is far from other substances.

Cicatrization is the term coined for the process of forming new tissue. It is also amazingly effective for healing acne and acne scars, stretch marks, psoriasis, diabetic sores, blisters, sunburn, abrasions, cuts, burns, eczema, insect bites, herpes sores, fissures, and dry or scaly skin. It can even reduce or completely remove age spots!

One of the leading reasons tamanu oil profits skin is because of the oil holding an extent of lipids, including glycolipids, nonpartisan lipids and phospholipids, notwithstanding an exhibit of components not normally connected with different oils, including calophyllolide, that helps stop aggravation, lactone, which performs like an anti-infection, and calophyllic corrosive, which is an extraordinary type of vital unsaturated fat. An alternate segment, coumarin, adds to the mitigating impact of this astounding oil.

Generally, tamanu oil has received as being a germicide, a diuretic, an expectorant, an astringent in addition to a laxative. An alternate of the various tamanu oil ascribes is its ability to help mend skin conditions including sunburn, rankles, players foot, dermatitis, pimple inflammation, dried-out skin, rash, little cuts and bug chomps.

In Europe, now and again called Domba oil, it is been demonstrated to have a 70 to 75 percent rate of achievement in diminishing stiffness and scabies. In the Philippines, it’s utilized as an astringent for hemorrhoids. It is likewise significant on for administering to gout and ringworm. Loads of individuals additionally rub this oil into your skin to help for the torment coming about because of neuralgia; in addition to it can positively help decrease the visual appearance of scars and stretch imprints. It can help to treat diaper rash on a child.

Tamanu oil is normally utilized in numerous diverse skincare items as it is overall ingested by the skin and serves to keep skin feeling delicate. Unlike some other crucial oils, tamanu oil does not desert an oily film once you utilize it, in addition, it will not exacerbate slick skin. Some methods you do not generally need to hold up quite a while so you can get dressed in the wake of utilizing it to help make skin look velvety. Many individuals think about the emanation of this oil as being satisfying, then again it is just a mellow fragrance so it will not clash with any viable aroma you decide to utilize. Against maturing items, some of the time holds tamanu oils, because they are accepted to help recover your skin.



Natural Skin Care Products - Kukui Nut Oil

Date: May 17, 2014 01:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Skin Care Products - Kukui Nut Oil

kukui nut treeWhat is kukui nut tree?

The Kukui Nut tree is a blooming tree that develops all around the tropics and was initially acquainted with Hawaii by right on time Polynesian pilgrims. On Hawaii, the tree immediately flourished is presently a national state symbol. The tree is occasionally alluded to as the Candlenut tree, Candleberry, Indian walnut tree and additionally the varnish tree. A few parts of the tree have the same number of employments, as the tree has been given names. The blossoms and bark are utilized within Hawaii to make the acclaimed Lei wreath and the tree trunk has utilized for 2 centuries now to make customary kayaks.

Generally, kids in Hawaii have been anointed with the kukui nut oil to secure them from the components and, likewise, the oil was found to have critical medicinal properties for skin disturbances, blazes, and wounds. The oil additionally has utilization as the premise for oil candles, henceforth where the names Candlenut and Candleberry are shaped. The scorched kukui nuts can likewise be utilized as the premise for tattoo ink and the oil is additionally utilized broadly as a part of Hawaii as a varnish and wood medications.

kukui productBenefits of kukui nut oil

In the nineteenth century, the tenants of Hawaii uncovered that applying the kukui oil to the skin helped ensure it from the sun and likewise recuperate the harming impacts of the sun, wind and salt water. Current clinical studies have discovered that Kukui Oil holds a few common fixings that give noteworthy characteristic profits to the skin. It gives a wellspring of a-linolenic corrosive, which helps the phone structure of the epidermis layer of the skin. The Kukui nut oil has been discovered to be exceptionally alleviating for gentle sunburn and is likewise demonstrated in giving easing from psoriasis and skin inflammation.

Also alleviating and recuperating, broke and dry skin, the kukui oil saturates, relaxes, and has been utilized for quite a while as a part of Hawaii to help revive dry skin and reduce the appearance of almost negligible differences and wrinkles on the face. At the point when purchasing kukui nut oil skin health management items, search for items that are supplemented with Vitamins A, C and E and remember it that kukui does not give as defensive a sun boundary as cutting edge creams and salves so don't utilize these items for skin assurance, they are more for utilization as an after-sun medicine and lotion.

Other intriguing skin health management items leaving Hawaii are the lip mind demulcents, made up of a compound of Kukui Nut, beeswax, and Mango Butter and arrive in a reach of flavors, for example, sugar stick, coconut or simply unadulterated. A percentage of the unscented emollients can likewise obviously be utilized on dry noses, broke fingernail, skin, and mosquito chomps. At the point when purchasing kukui nut oil items it is fitting to watch that you are purchasing from a trustworthy merchant, ideally one situated in Hawaii who should have the capacity to give some insurance as to the degree of the genuine and nature of the oil.


Why Is Turbinado A Better Sugar?

Date: May 04, 2014 09:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Is Turbinado A Better Sugar?

What is a turbinado sugar

turbinado sugarTurbinado sugar is a sugar stick based, insignificantly refined sugar. It is medium tan in color and has substantial precious stones. It's frequently mixed up for customary tan sugar due to its light tan shade, however it’s made in an alternative manner. Numerous individuals think as of it to be healthier than both white and tan sugars, since it is for the most part less transformed and refined.

Utilization and storage

Formulas that call for turbinado sugar have a tendency to utilize it as a trade for conventional tan sugar. It holds more dampness than customary white or tan sugars, which might be gainful in things like treats or biscuits. Interestingly, one ought not to supplant table sugar with turbinado in formulas that as of recently have a few parts giving dampness, to abstain from making the finished item saturated. It is now and again conceivable to utilize turbinado sugar within formulas like these by lessening the measure of an alternate saturating fixing or utilizing less sugar than is called for, yet it may take some experimentation to get the last item to turn out accurately.

Turbinado sugar is a famous fixing for cinnamon treats and toast, and is normally utilized as a part of graham saltine pie-crusts. Gourmet experts might additionally utilize it on creme caramel, since it melts and caramelizes well. Provided for its higher dampness content, it can solidify if presented to a lot of air. Makers suggest putting away it in a hermetically sealed holder in a cool, dull spot.

Producing turbinado sugar

Turbinado sugar is made by taking the first pressing of juice from sugar stick and gradually warming it to vanish the water out of it. This makes it solidify. To finish the drying process, the precious stones are then spun in turbines or rotators. Conversely, white sugar is regularly substantially all the more vigorously transformed, and is for the most part made white by utilizing a decolorizing channel like bone burn to uproot its characteristic shade. Similarly, much tan sugar is really white sugar with molasses added goes into it to shade it.

Benefits of turbinado sugar

Some accept that turbinado sugar is a healthier elective to different sweeteners on the grounds that it experiences less transforming, along these lines holds a greater amount of the supplements found in sugar stick juice. What's more, its system for handling makes it suitable for vegetarians, since no creature repercussions are utilized. A teaspoon (about 4 grams) holds around a considerable measure of calcium and potassium not with standing an insignificant measure of iron. A measure (250 g) of this sweetener likewise holds magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium.

Comparable Products

Different items like turbinado sugar incorporate demerara and muscovado sugar. Both are foul and daintily transformed, yet demerara is much lighter in color than muscovado, and marginally less sodden. Every one of the three can by and large be substituted for one another in formulas, in spite of the fact that muscovado has a ton of dampness and an exceptionally solid flavor, along these lines can some of the time be utilized as a part of more diminutive adds up to attain the wanted impact. In the event that going the other route, from turbinado/ demerara to muscovado, then cooks need to include a tad bit of molasses to the sugar to make it wet enough.


What are the health benefits of organic Cacao?

Date: April 24, 2014 02:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the health benefits of organic Cacao?

Do you know what Cacao and some of its health benefits are?

What is a cacao

Cacao is a kind of a tropical tree, which is part of the evergreen family that produces chocolate from its seeds in its raw state; that is before both sugar, and fats or some other forms of sweeteners are added to it.

First, some of the benefits for finding the Cacao tree are that the cacao tree is grown under the shade of much bigger and different trees thus having a very profound effect on the Cacao seeds, which instead tends to be more potent and higher in antioxidants. The Cacao tree comes in different species that is Forastero, Trinitario and Caffeine. Cacao is used to describe both the seeds and the tree as well as the pods which holds the actual Cacao seeds/ beans which are also known as nibs. Well, the terms Cocoa and Cacao were often interchangeably used mistakenly to mean a similar thing. However, both the terms are used to differentiate different parts of the process and ingredients where Cocoa refers to the processed and sweetened Cacao.

When the Cacao seeds without the shells are crushed and liquified into what is known as chocolate liquor, a dark chocolate is therefore created. Dark chocolate, which is synonymous with pure chocolate, exhibits a more powerful and a stronger effect of this health enhancing ingredients. The organic Cacao nibs’ offers a real chocolate treat as they are crunchy, flavorful and packed with powerful nutrients and antioxidants as well as natural mood lifters. Cacao in its raw form is regarded as the most potent and provides many benefits as it is packed with lots of nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants, essential minerals, Phenylethylamine and many more. This therefore makes Cacao either to act as multivitamin or to be regarded as super food.

Benefits of cacao

Although the Cacao nibs produces chocolate which when taken in very large quantities may prove to be very dense in calories thus being unhealthy. However, when taken in moderation this product can be highly nutritious while providing numerous health benefits such as intestinal regularity, heart and blood vessels as well as blood sustained sugar levels not to mention lowering of cholesterol, boosting cognitive performance, providing antidepressant benefits, elevating ones mood by boosting ones endorphin's. Cacao also contains poly phenols and more oxidants per cup which when taken offers the body a chance to fight cancer, aging, heart diseases.

Additionally, some of the nutritional and health value that are offered by the Cacao arises from some of the beneficial ingredients such as Theobromine which is a mild stimulant to offer a diuretic effect hence helping to push toxins out of one's body. This helps to enhance one's mood. The Phenylethylamine on the other hand also acts to enhance a person’s mood making one to feel a sense of well being. Cacao increases the level of serotonin that one's brain produces which is a feel good hormone. Other essential minerals that are also found in Cacao include magnesium, Iron, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium while the essential vitamins that one will receive from Cacao are vitamin A,B1,2,3 and C,E as well as the Pantothenic  acid.


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What are the health benefits of organic Cacao?

Date: April 24, 2014 02:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the health benefits of organic Cacao?

cacao plantDo you know what Cacao and some of its health benefits are?

What is a cacao

Cacao is a kind of a tropical tree, which is part of the evergreen family that produces chocolate from its seeds in its raw state; that is before both sugar, and fats or some other forms of sweeteners are added to it.

First, some of the benefits for finding the Cacao tree are that the cacao tree is grown under the shade of much bigger and different trees thus having a very profound effect on the Cacao seeds, which instead tends to be more potent and higher in antioxidants. The Cacao tree comes in different species that is Forastero, Trinitario and Caffeine. Cacao is used to describe both the seeds and the tree as well as the pods which holds the actual Cacao seeds/ beans which are also known as nibs. Well, the terms Cocoa and Cacao were often interchangeably used mistakenly to mean a similar thing. However, both the terms are used to differentiate different parts of the process and ingredients where Cocoa refers to the processed and sweetened Cacao.

When the Cacao seeds without the shells are crushed and liquified into what is known as chocolate liquor, a dark chocolate is therefore created. Dark chocolate, which is synonymous with pure chocolate, exhibits a more powerful and a stronger effect of this health enhancing ingredients. The organic Cacao nibs’ offers a real chocolate treat as they are crunchy, flavorful and packed with powerful nutrients and antioxidants as well as natural mood lifters. Cacao in its raw form is regarded as the most potent and provides many benefits as it is packed with lots of nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants, essential minerals, Phenylethylamine and many more. This therefore makes Cacao either to act as multivitamin or to be regarded as super food.

Benefits of cacao

Although the Cacao nibs produces chocolate which when taken in very large quantities may prove to be very dense in calories thus being unhealthy. However, when taken in moderation this product can be highly nutritious while providing numerous health benefits such as intestinal regularity, heart and blood vessels as well as blood sustained sugar levels not to mention lowering of cholesterol, boosting cognitive performance, providing antidepressant benefits, elevating ones mood by boosting ones endorphin's. Cacao also contains poly phenols and more oxidants per cup which when taken offers the body a chance to fight cancer, aging, heart diseases.

Additionally, some of the nutritional and health value that are offered by the Cacao arises from some of the beneficial ingredients such as Theobromine which is a mild stimulant to offer a diuretic effect hence helping to push toxins out of one's body. This helps to enhance one's mood. The Phenylethylamine on the other hand also acts to enhance a person’s mood making one to feel a sense of well being. Cacao increases the level of serotonin that one's brain produces which is a feel good hormone. Other essential minerals that are also found in Cacao include magnesium, Iron, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium while the essential vitamins that one will receive from Cacao are vitamin A,B1,2,3 and C,E as well as the Pantothenic  acid.


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Silica Supplements for Healthy Bones

Date: April 19, 2014 05:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Silica Supplements for Healthy Bones


bonesFor a long lasting, the part of silica in the body was not known. Right away, it is around the paramount minerals. It can luckily be found in the vast majority of the vegetables and apples and oranges. Analysts have named silica as of late into the class of the most essential minerals for the body. Nutritionists assess that a grown-up might require 20 to 30 mg for every day.

Health benefits of silica

This mineral helps the body to develop the bones, the teeth, the cartilages, the tendons and the hair, giving further safety. Silica additionally gives the skin suppleness and the vascular dividers versatility. An eating regimen rich in silica can avoid osteoporosis, atherosclerosis (thickening of blood vessel dividers), skin wrinkling, diminishing and balding, broken nails and tooth rot. It makes the teeth, the nails and the hair to sparkle. Silica exists in lung tissue, so it is prescribed for the re-mineralization handle in tuberculosis patients. Since it serves to develop bone and cartilage, this mineral must not be absent from the eating methodologies of pregnant women and kids experiencing rickets. Additionally it helps acclimatize phosphorus, which is exceptionally imperative for the cerebrum wellbeing.

Silica sources

Luckily, silica is found in numerous nourishments we consume regularly, and particularly in leafy foods. A percentage of the wealthiest sources are the entire grains, the pieces of fruit and oranges, lemons, grapes, raisins, almonds, peanuts, nuts, grains by and large, cabbage, carrots, squash, green beans, cucumbers, mushrooms, onions, leeks, parsnips, weeds and radishes. From these, the entire grains hold a type of silica, which is not difficult to absorb. Corn shelled and results of it (white bread, for instance) do not hold silica. Besides, all refined or prepared items lose their supplements, including silica. Lager and nectar have additionally a substantial amount of this mineral in their creation. It exists even in water in diverse amounts, depending from on the land zone. Around the creature sustenance sources, fish is the particular case that holds silica. Since the nourishments holding this mineral are such a large number of, we can give our body, for the most part without issues, the everyday necessity. Silica lack is uncommon. It happens in individuals who consistently consume foods grown from the ground and the elderly, because the mineral is more troublesome to absorb with age.

The vicinity of silica in the body is exceptionally imperative. The mineral is fundamental for calcium ingestion especially in the early phases of bone development, additionally for supporting skeletal wellbeing all around life. It is included in framing collagen and that is the reason it is vital for the strength of nails, skin and hair. Silica is additionally important to keep the adaptability of corridors, and assumes a real part in averting cardiovascular illnesses. It animates the insusceptible framework and deferrals the maturing procedure of tissues. The level of this mineral in the body diminishes with age. In this way, more seasoned individuals require a higher admission of silica, contrasted with ones that are more youthful.


D Limonene Solvent - What Is It and How Does It Work

Date: April 11, 2014 10:01 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: D Limonene Solvent - What Is It and How Does It Work

D LimoneneWhat is a D Limonene

D Limonene is the essential part of oil concentrated from citrus skin. It has two essential utilization: as nourishment evaluation D Limonene to add citrus flavor to non-citrus sustenances, and as specialized evaluation D Limonene to include citrus fragrance or citrus cleaning force to a mixture of cleaners. The production of the recent happens when pressed skin is set in a steam extractor, which gathers the ensuing steam and makes an oil layer that buoys on water.

Benefits of limonene

As a consequence of the regular living development, D Limonene use in business items has expanded drastically, especially cleaning results, where it might be utilized as an unadulterated dissolvable or a concentrated dissolvable that could be weakened. D Limonene is important as a supplanting for customary solvents, a number of which transmit Hazardous Air Pollutants (Haps) or exhaust from Volatile Organic Compounds (Vocs). Solvents that are regularly traded with D Limonene dissolvable incorporate methyl ethyl ketone, ch3)2co, toluene, glycol ethers, and various fluorinated and chlorinated solvents. In institutional settings, D Limonene dissolvable is commonly blended with a surfactant, preparing an answer holding 5-15 percent D Limonene.

D-limonene is used to treat indigestion, it is a supplement which is concentrated from orange peel, and can soothe indications of acid reflux for up to 6 months. Numerous reflux sufferers incline toward it on the grounds that you just need to take it each other day for something like 20 days, to get durable easing. This supplement is a citrus compound which works by covering the throat. Along these lines, the throat is secured structure harm coming about because of the barbarous substance of the stomach. Utilizing d-limonene for GERD is likewise accepted to cause faster development of the stomach substance into the small guts, to keep the merciless acids from advertising as much reflux.

The utilization of d-limonene to avoid heartburn might likewise give a shield in the throat and stomach which will ensure them from bacterial contaminations from bacterium, for example, the H. pylori. The H. pylori bacterium has been found to expand the danger of stomach growth in patients. Fruitful studies have been led on the capacity of d-limonene in restraining the development of disease cells since 1997.

Sample of d limonene as a cleaner

From provincial cleaners found at retail chains to modern cleaners that oblige unique requesting, there is no deficiency of results holding D Limonene. Anyhow in the event that you require a modern adaptation of the dissolvable, discovering one that offers the same or better cleaning power as its dangerous partners might be troublesome. One case of a D Limonene dissolvable that helps is VORTEX citrus cleaner and overwhelming obligation degreaser, a natural semi-fluid dissolvable that serves as a parts cleaner and general mechanical cleaner. With a 100 percent natural plan, VORTEX is biodegradable however holds the ability to uproot oil, tar, oil, black-top, and natural saps in one stage. VORTEX's extra profits incorporate no risky materials or recorded solvents, no hurtful exhaust, and no petroleum distillates.


Goji Berries And Health.

Date: March 25, 2014 08:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Goji Berries And Health.

goji berriesWhat is goji berries

The Goji berry is also called the wolfberry. Today, a huge number of individuals have recognized its health profits and are currently taking it to harvest with the greatest characteristics out of it. The tree has grown foods is recognized to hail from Solanaceae family that incorporates tobacco, potato, stew pepper and eggplant. These berries are more well known in China as it is the nation of its root. Its medicinal properties were distinguished long time back and the nation has been utilizing it as a helpful fixing in a large portion of their fabricated solutions.

Characteristics of goji berries

Goji berries are generally red in color and its size fluctuates from 1-2 cms, and holds 10 to 60 seeds in it. These berries have the maturing period from the month of July to October.

Benefits of goji berries

Goji berries are likewise utilized within sustenance things as a result of its solid supplements and are celebrated as a longevity fruit on the grounds that it is profoundly nutritious. They are well referred to for its solid fixings, for example, vitamins and minerals that help in lessening glucose level. It conveys high amassing of calcium, potassium alongside other suitable fixings, for example, zinc, iron, riboflavin, vitamin C, beta carotene, zeaxanthin and selenium. Given the recuperating properties of goji berries, they are known for improving the human invulnerable framework, liver working, and visual perception. It is likewise very convenient in giving alleviation to skin illnesses, for example, aggravation and skin infections. Goji berries are likewise utilized as crude nourishment and additionally handled in type of goji powder, Wanbao tea, and dry goji and Ganoderma tea.

In case you are searching for a master excellence medicine; goji berry items can revive your skin, and make it seem impeccable and wonderful. Goji berry items are utilized within form creams, skin creams and other home grown excellence items. In this way, given the unfathomable utilization of goji berries in solutions, sustenances and magnificence items, it is undoubtedly a suitable products of the soil with an extensive variety of medicinal and mending properties.

The best characteristic of the Goji berry items is that there is no reaction in its normal admission. Utilizing goji berry items day by day as a part of the manifestation of powder and juices can keep you sound and increment your lifespan.

Numerous health specialists and restorative experts have demonstrated the profits of goji berries and have begun prescribing it to their patients. It is viewed as an aggregate health answer for individuals of all age groups.



Does Coral Calcium Alkalize The Body?

Date: March 19, 2014 07:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does Coral Calcium Alkalize The Body?

What is coral calcium

calciumCoral Calcium is a salt of calcium inferred from fossilized coral reefs. Coral Calcium is discovered commonly installed in the dirt in Japan. Coral calcium is made principally out of the shells and skeletons of reef-building coral and tiny ocean life, for example, star sand that occupy the zone.

Benefits of coral calcium

Calcium is a mineral we essentially need to have consistently, to keep our bones, teeth and nails solid, and avoid osteoporosis as we get more established. Notwithstanding upholding solid bones, calcium is fundamental in the sound working of the circulatory and sensory systems. Calcium is likewise crucial for fitting blood thickening. Calcium is 35% of our physique's mineral cosmetics and our first mineral. Incorporate these key minerals to your eating methodology today. What's more not at all like other calcium supplements, coral calcium does have exceptional properties that make it worth determinedly acknowledging as a supplement to your day by day diet.

Calcium is a standout amongst the most critical components in the eating regimen in light of the fact that it is a structural segment of bones, teeth, and delicate tissues and is key in a number of the constitution's metabolic procedures. A dietary inadequacy in the end drains bone stores, rendering the bones frail and inclined to crack. Thus, in the event that you need to get a considerable measure of calcium into your eating regimen, you can additionally devour expanding amounts of these green, verdant vegetables.

The normal American eating regimen of meats, refined grains, and sodas (high in phosphorus) has been reported to help expanded bone loss in grown-ups. Ladies, especially more seasoned ones, necessity to supplement their eating regimens with calcium. Coral calcium is one of the most forcefully and pervasively advertised dietary supplement-son the business sector today.

Don't be deluded by those that attempt to persuade you that Sango Coral Calcium is not advantageous to your health. Out of over 2,500 mixed bags of coral on the planet, just the Sango Coral holds a natural organization indistinguishable to the human skeleton, including calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.

Coral calcium is discriminating to great health, its similar to water and air. Coral Calcium is known as a stunning regular component and is recommended by numerous specialists in numerous nations. Living coral reefs are jeopardized and can't be gathered without huge harm to the biological community, and due to this, coral calcium is collected by crushing over the ground limestone stores that were once some piece of a coral reef.


What's So Special About Bentonite Clay?

Date: March 09, 2014 10:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What's So Special About Bentonite Clay?

bentonite clayWhat is bentonite

Bentonite Clay is mined around Fort Benton, Wyoming, from whence it got its name. Really Bentonite is found in ample supply in the northwest of the United States around Wyoming and Montana. Bentonite has been utilized by Indians and locals for a long time to cure a mixture of maladies by detoxifying the form.

Components of bentonite

Bentonite is really simply regular earth from the beginning. It is 61% silica additionally holds 18% aluminum, and little measures of iron, sodium, and magnesium. It is basic, with a ph of 8.3 to 9.1.

How bentonite works

Bentonite works inside by drawing in a mixed bag of toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract. The Bentonite Clay has a negative charge while the toxins have a tendency to have a positive charge. Along these lines there is the fascination of the toxins to the dirt. When these are assimilated, the figure wipes out the earth and toxins and you are healthier

Health Benefits of Bentonite Colon Cleansing

Taken inside, bentonite mud is idle, importance it is not absorbable but instead passes through the constitution, convey the toxins bound inside it. As per the Canadian Journal of Microbiology, bentonite can retain pathogenic infections in addition to pesticides and herbicides. It additionally assimilates overwhelming metals and different contaminations.

As an interior chemical, bentonite dirt additionally ousts old waste material in the colon. This empowers the figure to better process nourishments to retain and use the supplements. This outcomes in enhanced appearance, expanded vitality and imperativeness, and fewer issues with gas and corrosiveness issues.

Detoxification helps the insusceptible framework. A significant part of the physique's insusceptible framework is controlled towards the digestion systems to battle the ceaseless assault of toxins and sickness creatures. Old waste that collects brings about nourishment truly composting in the digestion tracts obliging altogether expanded vitality from the resistant framework. Occasionally purging the group of the old, fabricated up waste lessens the vitality and invulnerable assets needed.

Guaranteeing Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Arizona State scientists, in a study subsidized by the National Institutes of Health, have tried distinctive dirts from far and wide to study their antibacterial movement. They have found muds from Nevada, Oregon and France that can murder methicillin-safe Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. This is a staph contamination that is anti-toxin safe and conceivably deadly. It is getting to be more basic and of concern to medicinal services suppliers. Bentonite mud may end up being a successful medicine if the discoveries are compelling in human tests.

Clay has additionally been indicated to be compelling in murdering E. coli units that cause nourishment harming. It has additionally been showed to devastate pseudomonas aeruginosa units that causes gastrointestinal and urinary tract contaminations.


The Health Benefits OF Avocado Oil

Date: March 08, 2014 09:02 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits OF Avocado Oil

avocado fruitBenefits of avocado

Avocado oil has a high attention of healthier fats and supplement E, that is a fabulous epidermis lotion. Icy pressed virgin avocado oil, taken consistently, may help decrease levels of cholesterol and ensure against coronary illness.

Clearspring regular Avocado oil is icy pressed from oil-rich green olives and is broadly distinguished for its wellness profits notwithstanding a support to excellence.

Foul avcado oil is recognized to be a standout amongst the most restorative vegetable oils one can consume. It is a multi-reason oil that could be utilized for culinary purposes suitable for dressings and sauces and singing, because of its high smoke purpose of over 490 degrees. Natural avocado oil is additionally a top notch "transporter" oil for different qualities; avocado bearer oil is perfect for implantation with different herbs. Notwithstanding its suitability as an edible, foul avcado oil is additionally top notch for utilization as a corrective and the repair of harmed skin.avocado bearer oil is fine for making diverse seasoned oils. Despite the fact that fine for people and different primates, natural avocado oil holds a fattening corrosive known as persin, which might be profoundly poisonous to local creatures, especially pooches, felines and stallions.

This offers no issues to your general health or that of your skin, and holds a monounsaturated oil utilized within fragrance based treatment. There is nothing else in avocado oil with the exception of the 30% of oil that the foods grown from the ground holds. You can drink it without it doing you hurt. An engineered proportionate to avocado oil might fill the mark with included chemicals: one or more to enhance skin ingestion, some to protect the oil from oxidation (despite the fact that it holds its own particular cancer prevention agents), emulsifiers and surfactants to help it spread better (an oil?).

Avocado content

Actually avocado oil holds its own particular emulsifier, lecithin, and additionally the cancer prevention agents Vitamin An and Vitamin E that likewise help to administer a young looking skin. These cell reinforcement vitamins annihilate the free radicals that execute your skin cells and make you look more advanced in years. Avocado oil can help you to continue looking more youthful as you develop sequentially more senior. It likewise holds vitamin D that is so paramount in large portions of the natural methodologies inside your skin - it is not called the 'daylight vitamin' to no end.

Cell reinforcements secure you from the impacts of the less than great UV radiation held in solid daylight, the free-radical producing pesticides, activity and modern outflows and tobacco smoke. Without some type of cell reinforcement medicine your skin would quickly wrinkled and develop old as its unit films are burst and annihilated. Vitamins An and E execute off the free radicals that cause this.


Can Celadrin Help Joint Pain?

Date: March 05, 2014 08:08 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Celadrin Help Joint Pain?


In clinical studies, Celadrin cream application has been demonstrated to lessen joint torment in less than 30 minutes. This quite viable, all-common mitigating medication holds a protected mix of specific greasy acids and some menthol's to help reduce torment in the joints, advertise joint flexibility and grease and to help smooth sore muscles.

How can it function?

A long time involving usage in addition to strenuous action can certainly reduce the mobility of your joint parts in addition to deterioration your water that ones your joint parts via pain, ultimately producing osteoarthritis. Celadrin gives remedy in addition to rejuvenation of those joint parts. The item functions by lubricating your mobile walls, so improving your extra padding power involving joint parts in addition to bones. Fat have also been proven to avoid your routine involving redness, making an effort to relieve pain within the joint parts in addition to muscular tissues. When you suffer from muscle mass in addition to joint, Celadrin ointment affords the relief you have to make it through your worktime. Analyzed from prime educational facilities in addition to major medical stores, Celadrin ointment gives relief in order to aching muscular tissues in addition to joint parts.

It provides lubrication in addition to works just like a "cushion" among joint parts in addition to cartilage. Rigid joint parts in addition to pain are generally as a result of bad lubrication. Celadrin Product gives remedy in order to fatigued, aching muscular tissues in addition to joint parts. The majority of people think outcomes inside a half-hour.

Scientifically Efficient Joint pain Pain relief

The results involving human being specialized medical trial offers assist the effectiveness of Celadrin ointment. In a double-blind placebo-controlled trial run released within the Journal involving Rheumatology, forty five participants along with uncomfortable knee joint parts - ingested both Celadrin Mutual Proper care Pain relief or even a placebo ointment to put on topically double every day intended for 1 month. Members have been evaluated on several orthopedic procedures involving development. At the conclusion in the examine, your analysts known that the Celadrin had been a simple yet effective therapy intended for enhancing knee mobility, chance to ascend/descend stairways, chance to surge via seated, go in addition to have a seat, in addition to unilateral sense of balance. No changes have been welcomed in your placebo class. Another examine involving 28 people who have arthritis in the knee additionally revealed major improvements throughout knee function, range of motion in addition to pain decrease in a matter of a single week involving utilizing Celadrin ointment.


Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin?

Date: February 28, 2014 11:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin?

Benefits of coconut  lotion to skin

One of the best lotions for all skin sorts, particularly dry, is coconut oil. It is determined from ready coconut meat and is utilized for cooking and as a grease, frequently for the skin. There may even be a few profits from the ingestion of characteristic coconut oil. Assuming that you are searching for coconut oil salve, there are numerous spots to discover it. You may run into it on the racks of health sustenance or entire nourishment stores. There are numerous online retailers who offer high quality coconut oil. Likewise numerous tanning moisturizers are enhanced with coconut oil. For issue territories like feet and heels, slip on cotton socks in the wake of saturating. Likewise, saturating straightforwardly in the wake of showering while skin is still sodden can help secure dampness.

Characteristic of coconut lotion

There are other characteristic lotions that you may need to think about also. Olive oil cream is getting to be progressively mainstream, as is the utilization of additional virgin olive oil on its own for skin and hair saturating. Olive oil might be utilized in the wake of showering or as a hot oil medicine for dry hair. An alternate top part is shea margarine. Shea spread is determined from shea tree products of the soil prized for its humectant lands, which is the reason you'll discover shea margarine moisturizer, cream and different items.

In some cases you'll discover mixes of different saturating fixings like coconut oil and shea margarine joined together with a cooling element like cucumber. The scent of cucumber is exceptionally invigorating and the lands of this vegetable are extremely cooling. Cucumber moisturizer is extraordinary for sleek skin, feet and hands. You'll discover no lack of cucumber melon fogs and creams as this scent mixture was taken to notable status by the organization Bath and Body meets expectations, producing numerous copycats.

As should be obvious, coconut oil moisturizer is only one of the numerous lotions you can use on dry skin. You may need to utilize a mix that holds all the significant creams, for instance coconut oil, shea margarine, olive oil and different elements like vitamin E. Form spreads produced out of shea spread, cocoa margarine and avocado are perfect for super dry skin. They have a consistency like margarine, are warmed between the palms and connected to the skin for ultra hydration. If you favor salve, cream, or form spread what's essential is that you are normally saturating the skin on your physique to keep it delicate and supple.


Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin?

Date: February 28, 2014 11:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Coconut Butter Lotion Really Help My Dry Skin?

Benefits of coconut  lotion to skin

coconut treeOne of the best lotions for all skin sorts, particularly dry, is coconut oil. It is determined from ready coconut meat and is utilized for cooking and as a grease, frequently for the skin. There may even be a few profits from the ingestion of characteristic coconut oil. Assuming that you are searching for coconut oil salve, there are numerous spots to discover it. You may run into it on the racks of health sustenance or entire nourishment stores. There are numerous online retailers who offer high quality coconut oil. Likewise numerous tanning moisturizers are enhanced with coconut oil. For issue territories like feet and heels, slip on cotton socks in the wake of saturating. Likewise, saturating straightforwardly in the wake of showering while skin is still sodden can help secure dampness.

Characteristic of coconut lotion

There are other characteristic lotions that you may need to think about also. Olive oil cream is getting to be progressively mainstream, as is the utilization of additional virgin olive oil on its own for skin and hair saturating. Olive oil might be utilized in the wake of showering or as a hot oil medicine for dry hair. An alternate top part is shea margarine. Shea spread is determined from shea tree products of the soil prized for its humectant lands, which is the reason you'll discover shea margarine moisturizer, cream and different items.

In some cases you'll discover mixes of different saturating fixings like coconut oil and shea margarine joined together with a cooling element like cucumber. The scent of cucumber is exceptionally invigorating and the lands of this vegetable are extremely cooling. Cucumber moisturizer is extraordinary for sleek skin, feet and hands. You'll discover no lack of cucumber melon fogs and creams as this scent mixture was taken to notable status by the organization Bath and Body meets expectations, producing numerous copycats.

As should be obvious, coconut oil moisturizer is only one of the numerous lotions you can use on dry skin. You may need to utilize a mix that holds all the significant creams, for instance coconut oil, shea margarine, olive oil and different elements like vitamin E. Form spreads produced out of shea spread, cocoa margarine and avocado are perfect for super dry skin. They have a consistency like margarine, are warmed between the palms and connected to the skin for ultra hydration. If you favor salve, cream, or form spread what's essential is that you are normally saturating the skin on your physique to keep it delicate and supple.


What Health Benefits Juniper Berry Oil Posses

Date: February 19, 2014 03:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Health Benefits Juniper Berry Oil Posses

What is juniper berry

juniper berryWith regards to Super foods, berries are right on top of the agenda on the grounds that they are packed with gainful cell reinforcements. One such berry that can help you a great arrangement is the juniper berry oil and through the years, experimental exploration has indicated what a wonder it is.

Organically talking, the juniper berry isn't a real tree grown foods yet the juniper's seed cone. It's viewed as a berry as a result of its scales. The juniper is an evergreen tree and there are obviously 6 types of this tree whose berries are palatable and utilized for a ton of useful purposes.

Juniper berries oil are widely utilized within European cooking, particularly meat based arrangements as it gives one of a kind quality. Gin significant others likewise may be amazed to discover that juniper berries are the essential element in gin. However the juniper berry is eminent for its notoriety as a home grown answer for an unimaginably long rundown of conditions and afflictions.

How it makes a difference

The juniper is truth be told a helpful tree as a large portion of its parts are utilized for a medicinal readiness or the other. In this way, the berries, leaves, bark and even oil determined from the berries and wood are utilized within different ways.

Benefits of juniper berry

Basically a severe berry, the juniper berry holds various unpredictable oils or key oils, strand, vitamin C, flavoring and entire parcel of dynamic fixings that makes it the achievement healer that it is. Note that juniper berries might be taken as teas and the squashed berries could be connected on the skin also for an assortment of sicknesses.

Here is a glance at a portion of the employments of the juniper berry and how it can help us lead healthier lives:

Juniper is recognized to be a herb with the most astounding consequences for kidneys. It is additionally used to cure different urinary tract contaminations and it can uproot uric harsh corrosive from the figure. Juniper makes the kidneys work rapidly and the form transforms more pee, making it a great diuretic additionally.

People confronting water maintenance issues can feel a great deal of alleviation with the juniper berry and its oil due to its diuretic lands.

Oil from the juniper berry has a disinfectant impact and it comes as an extraordinary easing to individuals experiencing urethritis and cystitis.

Suffering from digestive issues? The Berry may very well be your reply as it can help diminish tooting and colic and help processing. It additionally moves issues, for example, bloating, belching and acid reflux. As a digestive help, it is remarkable as it expands the longing, soothes gas and expansions the generation of gastric harsh corrosive.

Juniper berry oil additionally has calming qualities and it is of superb assistance to those experiencing joint inflammation, gout and different conditions, for example, ailment. These joint related ailments happen due to the liquid maintenance around these joints and the juniper berry with its diuretic activity assuages this weight extensively.

Skin afflictions, for example, dandruff, skin inflammation and contender's foot can additionally be treated with topical provision of the juniper berry.

Juniper helps in invigorating the muscle tone and discernibly decreasing the impacts of ageing for generally individuals.

Menstrual spasms are frequently a significant number of the most troublesome parts of a lady's life; however these can additionally be lessened fundamentally with the assistance of the juniper berry. Numerous cultivators even utilize the juniper to enhance the uterus tone and to help the individuals who have moderate or late beginning periods.

Concentrated oils of the juniper are utilized topically for lung clogging and hack while it is additionally pivotal in helping those experiencing respiratory contaminations. The unpredictable oils help in clearing up bronchial entries and disposing of bodily fluid.

It has a high convergence of insulin and aides in mending the pancreas.

Essential oils extricated from juniper berries can help in soothing toothache and making gums stronger. It can additionally be utilized to oversee hair fall.

Finally, the juniper berry is utilized by numerous to thin down and since it even scrubs the poisons from the form, it is an extraordinary general purifier also.

Safety measures

Juniper does have some noteworthy symptoms and its vital that you're attentive to them before you begin utilizing them as any type of medicine.

Avoid the juniper berry oil in the event that you have extreme kidney issues as it can disturb the issue and cause further harm.

If you utilize more than the endorsed sum, chances are that you could experience the ill effects of loose bowels, kidney torment, high circulatory strain, quick pulse and purplish pee.

When taken inside, it can affect the assimilation of iron and different minerals.

Open wounds are best not treated with juniper on the grounds that it can cause inconvenience and swelling.

Juniper causes uterine fits and could prompt brought down ripeness, so ladies who are endeavoring to get pregnant must escape juniper.

Pregnant ladies ought not to utilize juniper as it can cause uterine compressions and reason a premature birth.

Diabetics must be cautious while utilizing juniper as it can raise the levels of glucose in the form.

Juniper when taken in prudent sums and with individuals, who don't have the shown issues as said above, could be a blessing as it furnishes them with a considerable measure of help.


The Health Benefits Of Cypress Oil

Date: February 16, 2014 02:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits Of Cypress Oil

What is cypress

cypress leavesCypress oil is extracted from a plant animal types that is local to the Mediterranean district. The taxonomic name of the plant is Cupressus Sempervirens. It is an enduring bush, which develops to something like 28 meters in tallness and is described by a tapered shape and dim takes off. The oil is concentrated from the twigs and stems of the tree, through a procedure reputed to be steam refining. Cypress oil justifies a wide show of health profits, and has been utilized since time immemorial to treat various sicknesses and health issue. Give us a chance to elucidate some of these profits.

Health Benefits of Cypress Oil

Diuretic – Cypress oil holds diuretic lands, which animate the excretory framework and thusly wipes out the gathered poisons from the form. If not uprooted, these poisons can prompt the onset of life undermining maladies and issue, which turn lethal with time. Cypress oil encourages the sound stream of pee and guarantees that all the advanced poisons in the figure are flushed out of the framework before they make inside confusions.

Circulation – Cypress oil has been discovered to be extremely gainful in controlling and pushing the productivity of the form's circulatory framework. The oil controls haemostatic and styptic lands, which empower the optimal conveyance of supplements all around the figure. The haemostatic lands held in the oil are a characteristic coagulant that accelerates the clotting of blood. The styptic lands avert the constriction of veins for standardized blood flow.

Cosmetic - Cypress oil has regenerative lands and has been discovered to be exceptionally restorative for the skin. It is extremely powerful in mending scars and appalling imprints brought on by pimple inflamation on the face. Its extraordinary astringent lands assistance lessen extreme sleekness in the skin. Skin contaminations, for example, perpetual pimple inflamation, which emerge because of the over emission of oil from the sebaceous organs can in this manner be regulated utilizing Cypress oil.

Pain Relief - Cypress oil is a common pain relieving and is extremely powerful in alleviating ache. The oil is adequately used to assuage constant ache initiated by ailment or osteoarthritis. Its pain relieving lands are upgraded when it is mixed with helichrysum.

Weight Loss – Cypress oil has been found to advertise weight reduction in ladies by lessening the gathering of cellulite in the form. Being a common diuretic, the oil invigorates and increments the recurrence of pee and thus flushes out the overabundance fats from the figure through the pee.

Detoxifier – Cypress oil is a common detoxifier. It disposes of the development of unsafe poisons in the form through discharge and sweat. In spite of the fact that overabundance sweat is destructive for the form, breaking into a sound sweat through activity has dependably been energized by M.d.s and health specialists for the support of great health. Cypress oil invigorates the sweat organs, consequently flushing out the poisons in the form through the pores of our skin.

The range of health profits inferred from Cypress oil had been known since medieval times when the Greeks and Assyrians misused its healing lands to treat an assortment of disquietudes. Today, analysts keep on disentangling its restorative uses and have made noteworthy revelations relating to the enthusiastic and mental health profits got from the use of this wonderful oil.


Please evade Cypress oil throughout pregnancy because of its circulatory and hormonal impacts. When you would like to utilize Cypress oil while you are pregnant please counsel a qualified proficient aromatherapist, as it might be particularly gainful in certain circumstances.

There are numerous modest, manufactured duplicates of sweet-smelling oils, yet these are not proposed for remedial utilization. For best comes about buy the most noteworthy quality oils you can conceivably find. Use confirmed natural fundamental oils, or oils that have been tried and are free from pesticide.


Is Hemp Seed A Good Source Of Omega Oils?

Date: January 31, 2014 06:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Hemp Seed A Good Source Of Omega Oils?

What is hemp seedhemp plant

Exceptional health is the most imperative part of one's life. Individuals who do not consume healthy food are inclined to serious body illnesses, for example, heart ailments, high cholesterol & pulse, diabetes and so on. To forestall these health issues; one must take balanced diet and nutritive dietary substance. As per the nutritionists, hemp seeds are the complete diet and individuals must consume its seeds to stay hale and healthy.

Heath benefits of hemp seed

According to the hemp seeds sustenance facts, they have key vitamins, fats, and minerals that are crucial for a human body. The fatty acids found in them are useful for the health of heart. Other than this, individuals who consume hemp nourishment can pick up a control over fluctuating pulse and avoid cardiovascular ailments. The mixes of fatty acids are useful for patients experiencing joint inflammation.

Hemp is a rich origin of minerals and vitamins

It has a lot of phosphorous, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, and magnesium. Regarding the matter of vitamins, it holds vitamin E, A, D, C, and B-6. Hemp diet furnishes arginine also. The vitamin is used for removing lethal substances, for example, alkali, utilizes this vitamin. It helps in unwinding the veins and subsequently counteracts coronary course infirmity.

Hemp seed protein is not difficult to process.

The protein content in this sort of nourishment is more than what is found in meat, eggs, and other non-veggie lover suppers. These seeds are the best protein item for everyone. By consuming hemp sustenance, you can satisfy protein requirements of your physique framework.

Individuals who are managing stoutness and weight issues can most likely increase profits by expending hemp seeds. Fitness masters have distinguished the favorable circumstances of consuming this sort of nourishment. They say individuals who consume seeds of this harvest in breakfast, lunch, and supper can lose up to thirty pounds of weight in a month. With this, they should likewise polish physical exercises to addition brawny adaptability and quality. Notwithstanding it, stout individuals are suggested to stay far from high-calorie sustenance substance and drinks. By taking after this tracking, one can shed overabundance weight and increase an exceptional form shape.

The individuals who feel tired constantly must have seeds of this marvelous plant. The seeds keep you loaded with vigor throughout the day. Be it children, moms, men or elderly individuals, hemp seeds are handy for all. Because of its aforementioned health profits, individuals call it complete nourishment.


Essential Oils Is Flax Seed

Date: January 30, 2014 05:58 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Essential Oils Is Flax Seed

Flax Seed as an Essential Oil

flaxseed oilA rich source of recuperating mixes, flax seed has been grown for more than 7000 years. Initially grown in Europe, the plant's tan seeds were customarily used to plan salves for aggravated skin and mending slurries for stoppage. Rich in essential oils, or Efas, flax seed oil is utilized to anticipate and treat coronary illness and to assuage a mixture of incendiary issue and hormone-related issues, incorporating fruitlessness.

Flax Seed History

A source of filament for cloth fabric since aged times, the slim flax plant likewise brags a long history as a mending herb. Initially grown in Europe, the plant's tan seeds were customarily used to plan salves for aroused skin and mending slurries for clogging. Today, flax seeds (additionally called linseeds) are best known for the helpful oil that is inferred by pressing them. Rich in essential greasy acids, or Efas, flax seed oil has earned a robust notoriety for treating a reach of afflictions, from coronary illness to lupus.

Benefits of Flax Seed Oil

The essential oils and greasy acids in flaxseed oil are one of its key mending parts. Efas are especially profitable in light of the fact that the form needs them to capacity fittingly, yet can't produce them on its own. Essential greasy acids work all around the form to secure cell layers, keeping them effective at conceding solid substances while excepting harming ones.

One of the Efas in flax seed oil, alpha-linolenic harsh corrosive, is reputed to be an omega-3 greasy harsh corrosive. Like the omega-3s found in fish, it seems to diminish the danger of coronary illness and various different illnesses.

Flax Seed Oil is an Amazing Source of Omega 3:

Just 1 teaspoon holds around the range of 2.5 grams, identical to more than double the sum most individuals get past their eating methodologies. Flax seeds additionally hold omega-6 fattening acids as linoleic harsh corrosive; omega-6s are the same solid fats found in vegetable oils.

Flax seed oil just holds these alpha-linolenic harsh corrosive (Omega 3 oils), and not the strand or lignan segments. Along these lines, flax seed oil gives the Omega 3 profits, for example, lipid-bringing down lands, not the purgative or against growth lands.

Entire flax seeds (not the concentrated oil) are a rich source of lignans (phytoestrogens), substances that seem to emphatically influence hormone-related issues. Lignans might likewise be functional in anticipating certain growths and battling particular microscopic organisms, parasites, and infections, incorporating those that cause mouth blisters and shingles.


Is Egg White Protein A Better Protein?

Date: January 24, 2014 09:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Egg White Protein A Better Protein?

egg whiteEgg White a Protein?

You may have been continually hunting down the best protein supplement so as to go down your quality preparing muscle schedule. Here is an incredible and modest proposal for you “Egg White”. You can consume to the extent that you like. There is no specific threat for your health. On the other hand, recollect simply the egg white and not the entire egg.

Every one holds no less than 4- 6gm of unadulterated protein. You blend each morning in the shaker four egg white's line with half a spoon of cocoa, simply to enhance the taste of it. That is 20- 25gm of unadulterated protein. It is the protein admission sum you get from one bit of a protein rich supplement. Some individuals can't oversee swallowing crude egg whites. It simply won't go down. In the event that that is the situation attempt to heat up the eggs and expend the bubbled egg white. You might prescribe completing this once a day. Specifically, in the wake of getting off the cot is the perfect opportunity to accomplish better ingestion from the muscle units.

All things considered you surely not saying that it ought to be a substitute for protein shakes or amino acids supplements. It is equivalent in protein quality to the protein supplements. Along these lines, take your egg whites in the morning as specified above and keep in mind your protein shakes throughout the day. Take the first segment in the wake of preparing and some place between dinners the second one. That way you will achieve to keep up a steady protein stream into your muscle units.

By digging deeper into the discussion, it makes the white protein a better type of protein than any other protein. Try it as a substitute to your other protein intake for better health of you body.


Benefits of herb chaste berry for women

Date: January 17, 2014 08:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of herb chaste berry for women

chaste berry treePremestrual Syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome impacts over 70% to 90% of ladies before menopause in the US and less for ladies in Southeast Asia in light of their contrast in living style and social structure. The event of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) have more than multiplied in the course of recent years because of the acknowledgement of it as a therapeutic condition that is initiated by bad eating methodology with high in soaked sustenance. Premenstrual syndrome is characterized as flawed capacity of the ovaries identified with the ladies' menstrual cycle, it impacts a ladies' physical and enthusiastic state, and frequently meddles with every day exercises as an aftereffect of hormone change. The syndrome happens one to two prior week’s monthly cycle and after that decays when the period begins. In this article, we will talk about how standing berry tree impacts ladies with PMS.

Chaste Berry

I. Definition Chaste berry tree is an exceptionally significant herb; it has been utilized as drug since old Greek for menstrual issue incorporating absence of ovulation. Today the herb is well known for treating side effects of hormone lopsidedness.

II. How chaste berry tree impacts ladies with premenstrual syndrome it hard to accept that chaste beery tree holds no plant estrogen yet has been adequately utilized within treating premenstrual syndrome due to the accompanying lands

1. Iridoid Chaste beery tree holds iridoid incorporating aucubin and agnuside which are frequently intermediates in the bio combination of alkaloid. It serves to enhance invulnerable framework battling against irritation and serves to avoid muscle spam bringing about decreasing menstrual ache and spasms.

2. Androstenedione is the normal antecedent of male and female sex hormone generated by adrenal organ, chaste berry tree holds androstenedione which not just serves to tie the levels of terrible estrogen additionally equalize the levels of testosterone in the ladies figure bringing about decreasing the male example for some ladies with PMS.

3. Key oil Chaste berry tree holds cineol, pinene, castine and different substances, it serves to unwind the apprehensive framework and muscle that serves to diminish side effects of anxious pressure, for example, tension discouragement, menstrual agony and spasms brought about by over animated uterus muscle. It likewise serves to expand liver capacity for overall health.

4. Alkaloid As and alkaloid, it serves to diminish the manifestations of breast delicacy and bosom ache brought about over preparation of prolaction prior and then afterward ovulation.

5. Progesterone The chaste berry tree serves to repress if the levels of progesterone in the event that it is excessively high or raise the levels of progesterone in the event that it is excessively low, in this way, diminishing the danger of hormone awkwardness between estrogen and progesterone.


What Health Benefits Can Alfalfa Provide?

Date: November 13, 2013 01:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Health Benefits Can Alfalfa Provide?

alfalfaAlfalfa plant commonly used in Asia and India, Alfalfa is an amazing plant that is packed with tons of essential vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin A, D, E and K. C. Millions of people consume alfalfa on a daily basis to take advantages of all the health benefits that it provides. Here are of the most prominent health benefits of alfalfa.

  1. Removes toxins built up in the body - Alfalfa is considered to have detoxification properties, which means by consuming this plant you are helping to remove some of the toxins and chemicals that built up in your body from the foods that you eat and the air that you breathe - this will boost your energy as well as your overall well-being.
  2. Prevents cancer - There is a amino acid in the alfalfa plant called canavanine that has been proved to help reduce ones risk of caner, specially of the colon.
  3. holds diuretic properties - The alfalfa plant is considered to be diuretic properties therefore, it helps to prevent a a variety of kidney disorders, water retention and the occurrence of urinary tact infections.
  4. High in Vitamin K - The fact that alfalfa is so abundant in vitamin K means that it is extremely helpful for those who are suffering from slow clotting blood.
  5. Controls Blood Cholesterol - Not only does alfalfa remove bad cholesterol from the body but it also helps to prevent cholesterol levels from reaching high levels that can harm the body which helps to reduce the risks of heart disease.
  6. Helps Treat Digestive Problems - All kinds of digestive problems such as constipation, nausea, indigestion, stomach ulcers and even gastritis can be treated with the alfalfa plant. It even helps to increase ones appetite.
  7. Relieves Asthma - Those who suffer with asthma find a great deal of comfort by the aroma and consumption the alfalfa plant.

As you can see, the health benefits of alfalfa are plentiful. Incorporating this super plant into your diet is a great way to kick your health into high gear.



Neem Health Properties

Date: December 19, 2012 02:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Neem Health Properties


Neem is a large tree of the mahogany family Meliaceae and is native to both semi-tropical and tropical regions of Asia. The tree is tall and evergreen with a height ranging from 15 to 20 m. It is effective for treating various ailments to an extent of being referred to as Muarubaini within East Africa, meaning ‘a tree of the forty'; due to its capability of treating 40 diseases. Every part of the neem tree is endowed with a capacity to fight infections.

Here are some health benefits of neem.

It has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties which make it a first choice in several households, medicinal, cosmetic and agricultural products.

  • - The active compounds that exist in its finished products and extracts are useful in preparing the traditional and modern medicines.
  • - It is very beneficial to individuals that suffer from different skin conditions such as acne and skin ulcers.
  • - Its astringent properties help in the promotion of wound healing in gashes, minor cuts and bruises.
  • - A combination of neem oil application and carrier oil treats some hair-related problems such as itchy scalp.
  • - Toothpastes plus other products for dental care have neem as one of the ingredients due to its antiseptic properties that keep the gums and teeth healthy.
  • - Neem can strengthen the resistance that a person has toward diseases by boosting the immune system.
  • - It is used in the preparation of medicines for treatment of different diseases like diabetes and arthritis
  • - The herb causes inhibition of the growth of the free radicals which could result in some types of cancer developing within the body.
  • - The neem herb gets incorporated within items such as disinfectants.
  • - Several products intended for skin care like cosmetics contain neem. It is also very popular in virtually all aromatherapy products which help in the restoration of mental health.


Korean Ginseng Root Extract

Date: December 14, 2012 12:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Korean Ginseng Root Extract

Korean ginseng is a perennial herb that has been long renowned for its medicinal properties in curing various health disorders. Extracts of the root of this plant are made by dilution of one part of ginseng root with one part of water and alcohol.

The Korean ginseng root has been a staple ingredient in traditional Chinese medicines for more than 2000 years. This herb was considered a miracle drug by them, and the theory of its beneficial properties has been passed down through the ages. People still recognize the miraculous powers of this root, and use it as a natural antidote for various ailments. The ginseng root is generally, powdered only after six years of its growth and is made available in the form of extracts at stores all over the world. The Korean root is believed to comprise of various phytochemicals which are the main cause of all beneficial properties.

  • Ginsenosides, possessing steroid-like properties, increase the brain activity and act as a stress-buster.
  • Panaxans, have the similar structure as anabolic steroids, and can strengthen and build body muscles.
  • Polysaccharides, with a carbohydrate structure can boost mood, maintain blood sugar levels and promote cardiovascular health.

Benefits of Korean ginseng root extract

General health tonic

Ginseng is classified as an adaptogen, which acts as a complete health tonic. This extract can help the body rebound from fatigue, arising from various kinds of stress. It also aids in improving energy and physical endurance, thereby, contributing to the overall well-being of an individual.

Improves cardiovascular function

- This root extract can prevent organ and tissue prolapse, and improve blood circulation for improved cardiovascular function. It lowers the bad cholesterol levels and increases HDL cholesterol in the human body.

Improves functioning of the nervous system

The plant nutrients found in the herb extract can enhance the cognitive abilities and act as memory boosters. They can cure problems related to poor concentration, memory, insomnia and anxiety.

Diabetes control

The ginseng extract holds great promises for people with type-2 diabetes as it can result in greater glucose and insulin resistance.

Prevents cancer

Ginseng extract has also been proved to act as a preventive remedy for several kinds of cancer.

Immunity support

The extracts of this herb act as a stimulant for boosting the immunity and effectively prevent all kinds of flu and cold.

Korean ginseng root extract has worked miracles on improving the general well-being of a person. The numerous benefits of ginseng extract might seem compelling but it is advisable to exercise caution, as with other herbal supplements. Consult your physician before consuming ginseng to explore probable side-effects with existing medication.


Does CLA Help With Weight Loss?

Date: November 21, 2012 03:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does CLA Help With Weight Loss?

Millions of people are suffering due to obesity. Obesity brings along various diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems, hypertension, joint problems, and much more. It seems everywhere you look, you will finds over weight people. If you are overweight, you already know how difficult it is to lose weight. Wouldn't it be great if you can get some help in this endeavor? Now you can easily increase the amount of weight you can lose by just popping a pill.

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) Benefits

 CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is a good fatty acid that is very important for your body metabolism. When you supplement your diet with significant amount of CLA, it can increase your body metabolism and the rate at which your body burns fat. However, you must keep in mind that these supplements work only when you follow a strict exercise and diet regime. The reason why CLA works is because it has an ability to disrupt the process of fat storage in human body. The storage of fast cells adds pounds to one's weight and within a short time, one becomes obese. 

Stubborn Fat

These fat cells stubbornly holds onto their fat stores and it becomes very difficult to get rid of this abdominal fat. CLA has the ability to move this fast and convert them into muscle cells where they are burned off during exercises. Once fat cells have been destroyed, it prevents the rebound weight gain. All fat calories are directly sent to muscles for being burned away and are not stored as fasts.

In fact, regular intake of CLA can easily maintain a prefect balance between body fast and muscles. However, you must keep in mind that you won't get immediate results by taking CLA supplements. For instance, if you are 60 pounds overweight, then you cannot lose 40 pounds in a month. These supplements can show results when you take them on long term basis and combine it with workouts.

A good CLA supplement can make the difference when you are interested in getting rid of your excess fat. Add this supplement to your diet and follow an exercise routine and within a short time you will notice a considerable difference in the way you look and feel.


What are the health benefits of silica gel?

Date: April 27, 2012 03:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the health benefits of silica gel?

Silica Gel

The inevitable process of aging does exhaust sources of silica in our bodies. This leads to brittle nails, bones, lifeless hair, wrinkles, and dry skin. The skin has collagen underneath which helps to enhance its beauty as well as elasticity. Silica helps provide a young and healthy look to the hair, nails and skin. It is associated with mineral absorption and may be combined with proteins or lipids. Silica can also come soluble in water or in free form. Silica is so important in the process of antibody manufacture and efficient in assisting to convert lymphocyte B into lymphocyte T, making it a very beneficial element for the immune system.

Silica Promotes Collagen Production

Silica quantities in our bodies are typically higher than the quantities of other vital minerals essential for a myriad of metabolic processes. A type of silica known as colloidal silica gel has very tiny microscopic particles of silica suspended in liquid. The gel can be taken in order to provide support to the connective tissues as well as to promote collagen formation in one's skin. Silica gel can also be bought in form of capsules. The gel may be mixed with juice or water.

Health benefits

Silica is a crystalline silicon or quartz and is found in abundant quantities in the crust of the earth. Silica gel is extracted from plants and is important for the bones, skin, cartilage, blood vessels, and tendons. Silica gel is found in very few kinds of foods and the amounts are usually sufficient for the needs of human beings.

Silica gel must be replenished every day since it gets absorbed and then excreted rapidly. The gel is very important as it helps in the accurate absorption of vital minerals in our bodies and provides all healthy attributes for the collagen under the skin. Silica gel supplies proteins and lipids to our bodies and helps make the hair, nails, and skin have a more radiant look.

Silica and osteoporosis

Silica gel also helps to prevent and treat osteoporosis that is caused by aging. Calcium supplements alone cannot fight osteoporosis and have to be combined with silica gel.

Osteoporosis decreases the density and mass of the bones, causing them to be fragile and porous. If one only takes calcium supplements, it may hasten the process of degeneration. Silica gel is very effective for pain relief and retention of the self-repairing abilities of our bodies. The connective tissues degenerate rapidly because they are not able to retain moisture for an extended period of time, thus silica gel works as the glue that holds them together.

Silica And Blood Pressure

Silica gel also helps to control high blood pressure for those at risk. While it lowers blood pressure, it helps promote and maintain the right blood pressure levels in the entire circulatory system. Doing this helps to bring normal circulation to the body.

Silica gel is also recommended for people with various joint pains. From rheumatism and arthritis, silica nutrients replenish cartilage in the joints. After prolonged use, one can freely move their joints without feeling excessive pain or discomfort.


What is Shea Butter Good for?

Date: February 24, 2012 08:12 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is Shea Butter Good for?

Shea butter

Shea butter is an all natural creamy fatty substance with exceptional moisturizing properties. It is made from the nuts of karite or shea tree that grows in the savannah regions of East and West Africa. Shea nuts are cracked, grilled, pound and boiled in water to extract the butter. Africans called it the women's gold because most of young women in Africa make a living in shea butter production.

Shea butter is so rich in antioxidants that it has the ability to heal skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and skin rashes. It gives relief from skin itch and flaking. It is rich in Vitamins A and E that hastens the healing process of such skin diseases. Vitamins A and E are powerful antioxidants that eliminate skin toxicity and shield the skin from irritants. They also prevent the skin from getting damaged. Vitamin A prevents pimples and other skin blemishes. While vitamin E keeps the skin radiantly glowing and repairs damaged skin cells.


She butter is an excellent anti stretch mark cream. The human skin is naturally elastic. However, pregnancy and weight gain cause the skin to rapidly stretched. This process affects collagen production and causes stretch marks. Collagen is glue like substance that firmly holds the cells together to prevent skin to sag. Shea butter aids in increasing collagen production to cope up with rapidly stretching skin during pregnancy and weight gain. This keeps the skin's elasticity and prevents stretch marks. Its ability to increase collagen production erases, if not reduces the appearance of stretch marks and scars. Increased collagen production firms and tones the skin and prevents it from sagging.

Shea butter and Skin Health

Shea butter is an intensive moisturizer for severe dry, flaky, rough and sunburned skin. It softens rough knees and elbows, cracked heel and calloused hands and feet.

Shea butter delays skin aging. As people age, fine lines and wrinkles start to develop. Shea butter deeply moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin thus, prevents wrinkles and early signs of aging. It is easily absorbed by the skin as it penetrates deep into the skin making it more hydrated from the inside. It hastens skin cell regeneration and allows new skin cells to grow. This process peels away old skin, revealing younger looking skin. Skin cell regeneration repairs damaged skin caused by ultra violet rays, radiation, wind and pollution. It also aids in fast healing of wounds, insect bites and burns without leaving scar or marks. It evens out skin tone, removes dark spots and other skin blemishes by continuously renewing skin cells.

Skin Irritations

Shea butter soothes skin from irritation and stress caused by hair removal. Razor shaving, waxing and plucking leave the skin stressed and irritated. They also leave red bumps that lead to roughness and dark spots. The conditioning effect of shea butter calms red bumps and skin irritation when used as shaving cream.

Shea butter and Hair / Scalp

Shea butter works amazingly on hair and scalp, too. Dry scalp causes the it to flake. Shea butter conditions the scalp and hair follicles thus, prevents flaking and dandruf. It brings back hair's lost moisture due to frequent washing, hair styling and blow drying.

Shea butter is an excellent massage cream that treats arthritis, stiff joints and inflamed muscles. It has an anti inflammatory property relaxes swollen and stiff joints and aching muscles. It also relieves nasal congestion and inflammation when applied topically.


Can Colostrum Help Promote Healthy Immune Function?

Date: October 12, 2011 01:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Colostrum Help Promote Healthy Immune Function?

Colostrum Overview

Colostrum, also known as first milk and yes that is not a typo error, I did mean first and not fresh, is a form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals in late pregnancy and as my wife put it is the first milk that comes out of your breasts and as advised by our doctor was the most nutrient rich of all the breast milk she will ever produce. A woman’s breast is the one responsible for producing colostrums and start during pregnancy and continues on through the first days of breastfeeding. This special milk is thick and sticky and is more like yellow in color instead of white of dirty white color as most milk. It also is low in fat but high in carbohydrates, protein and antibodies to help build a foundation of good health for the newborn. So in other words it is the first milk that the mother produces and the first milk that the baby should ingest and must ingest because of the benefits it can bring and this makes calling it the “First Milk” all the more appropriate.

Most of the mammals in the planet will generate colostrum just before giving birth. We all have heard it before, “breast milk is still best for babies”, and this holds that statement to be even more true. The milk from the mom during pregnancy given that the mom is also in good health will be filled with nutrients that will be passed on to the offspring. It is nutrients in its purest form as untainted and unprocessed food will be given to build on the blank slate that the newborn can be considered to be since it still does not have a well built defense against viruses and bacteria which brings me back to the question above.

Promoting Healthy Immune Function With Colostrum

Colostrum contains a whole lot of antibodies and will most definitely help protect the newborn against diseases and will also even aid in building a strong foundation of good health all throughout his life. It also will not be a problem for the newborn’s tiny underdeveloped digestive system as it is designed to be easily digested. It has laxative effects which will help alleviate the movement of waste and any excess impurities in the newborn’s system which in turn can help prevent jaundice which is a very common health issue for newborns. In so many ways it is perfectly designed for your new born it is often referred to as the perfect first food for the baby as only nature can design.

It has nutrients tailored fit for the newborn and has very high concentration of immune factors that it works almost like a vaccine and to add to that it is even 100% safe, tried and tested for thousands of years. The good news is that there are supplemental colostrums available in the market today to mimic those effects to the new born, many studies have shown that colostrums immune factors are four times richer and has shown to be capable of correcting a dysfunctional immune system in adults.

Supplement forms of colostrums are from bovine sources. These sources still offer health benefits to the immune system and digestive tract. You too should take colostrums even as an adult to help boost your health.


Potassium: An Overview

Date: January 14, 2011 03:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Potassium: An Overview

Potassium is what is known as an electrolyte: it is a substance that can conduct electricity and is an essential substance in this respect with regard to almost all organs and structures within your body. Your heart function depends on specific electrical impulses that contract the muscles in a very specific fashion.

Potassium and sodium together are largely responsible for these electrical impulses, and much the same holds true for all of the muscular contractions within your body that control skeletal movements, digestion and breathing. That is how important potassium is - without it there would be no mammalian life.

You can get a good supply of potassium from bananas, fish and meat and also from dairy products. However, deficiencies are possible such as in times of illness, particularly of diarrhea and vomiting, and there are also malabsorption conditions such as Crohn's disease, all of which demand a potassium supplement in order to maintain a proper balance between potassium and other electrolytes.


The Good and Bad of an iron supplement

Date: April 25, 2010 06:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Good and Bad of an iron supplement

iron rock stoneIron holds a crucial role in the physiology of the body. It is a central part of the haemoglobin and myoglobin molecules. Iron is indispensable to the body’s ability to transport gases into and out of the cell. It is necessary in many important enzymes that are involved in energy production, metabolism, and DNA synthesis. Some iron is lost when red blood cells are broken down and excreted in the bile. However, because of iron’s importance, the body is able to conserve iron at all costs, as the kidneys do not eliminate the metal.

The dark side of iron supplementation comes when iron is consumed in amounts that are excessive to the body’s needs. Although unbound iron is more likely to cause oxidative challenges through the generation of free radicals, excessive iron supplementation in any form can cause huge problems for the cell. The overload of iron can cause deterioration of the gut lining, vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal and joint pain, liver damage, loss of weight, and intense fatigue. In children, acute doses as low as 3 grams can cause death. Iron 18mg 100 caps from TWINLAB

About one out of every 250 North Americans suffer from haemochromatosis, which is a genetic defect that is common in a lot of those people of northern European descent. This disorder causes the body to accumulate and abnormally store high levels of iron. Those people with haemochromatosis store twice as much iron as others, which places them at increased risk for iron-related diseases. Symptoms of these diseases generally occur after fifty years of age and often include things ranging from fatigue, abdominal pain, achy joints, impotence, and symptoms that mimic diabetes. IRON 40 MG90 90 ct from Natures Plus

Several studies have produced evidence which suggests that high levels of iron contribute to noticeable increases in the risk for cardiovascular disease. This is likely due to non-haeme iron’s aggressive pro-oxidant nature. Iron levels are one of the strongest biochemical markers for the progression of atherosclerosis, which results from increased oxidation of LDL cholesterol. A study in 1995 conducted on Finnish men found that those who had high body stores of iron also had a substantially increased risk of heart attack. Those men who posses the highest levels of stored iron often showed a levels of risk that was up to three times that of men who possessed the lowest levels of stored iron.

Disorders in iron accumulation contribute to a whole host of other disease states, all of which are degenerative in nature. Studies have shown that chronic iron overload contributes to increased infections, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, and various congenitive dysfunctions. The only way to remove excess iron is through blood letting, unless you are a woman with regular menses. That is why, for men, iron overload can provide quite a problematic issue. Recent research has found Iron 50mg 60ct 50mg from Solaray that long-term supplementation with iron at doses less than 5 mg/day can lead to iron-overload toxicity. Because of this, it is recommended that the upper limit of iron intake be at 5 mg/day when considering a product’s rating. Any product that contains iron at a daily dose greater than this limit is penalized with this rating criterion.

But for those who need iron, it can easily be obtained through a vitamin supplement at your local or internet health food store. Men should avoid iron supplements and products containing iron, but women on the other hand due to monthly blood loss should supplement with iron regularly.



Date: July 29, 2009 04:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Sage

Salvia is the Latin name for sage, meaning healthy. The sage plant was highly revered for its healing benefits in the Mediterranean. It also originated in the Mediterranean. The plant is a perennial herbaceous shrub that can be found growing up to heights of fifty meters. It prefers dry chalky soils in sunny areas, but it will thrive in a rich soil with good drainage. Although it can now be found growing in many areas throughout the world, it should not be confused with the brush sage that grows in the desert areas.

Often, dried sage leaves are used as culinary spices. Sage is, and has been, a staple in many households. Traditionally, it is used to prolong life. It is also used in lotions to help heal sores and other sin ailments. Fresh sage leaves are chewed in order to remedy infections of the mouth and throat. Gargling with sage can also be an effective way to help treat a sore throat. Additionally, sage helps with excessive mucus discharge, nasal drip, sores, and excessive saliva secretions. The herb has antipyretic qualities that have been known to help with fevers, night sweats, and related problems.

This herb is also beneficial for mental exhaustion and for increasing the ability to concentrate. Sage improves memory and has been used on some forms of mental illness. Also, it has been used to treat digestive disorders such as ulcers, nausea, and diarrhea. It is used topically as an antiseptic for sores, and sore gums. The herb is even used as a teeth cleaner or hair tonic.

Sage has been found in clinical studies to contain antioxidant properties. It is thought that the labiatic acid found within is the active constituent. Evidence has shown that there is some antimicrobial activity in this herb as well. Recent research using laboratory animals has found antispasmodic activity in sage extracts. This activity may account for its use as a digestive aid. It should be noted that those people with seizure disorders should only use sage under the supervision of a health-care provider.

The leaves of the sage plant are used to provide alterative, antigalactagogue, antihydrotic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, febrifuge, parasiticide, stimulant, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, and vitamins A, B-complex, and C. Primarily, sage is extremely beneficial in dealing with coughs, diabetes, fevers, gastic disorders, sore gums, indigestion, infection, absent lactation, memory impairments, mental illnesses, mouth sores, nausea, nervous conditions, night sweats, sores, sore throat, and worms.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating snake bits, blood infections, colds, cystitis, diarrhea, dysentery, flu, hair loss, headaches, kidney stones, laryngitis, lung congestion, mucus discharge, nasal drip, palsy, parasites, phlegm, sinus congestion, skin disorders, tonsillitis, ulcers, and yeast infections. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by sage, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.


Bee Pollen

Date: May 20, 2009 12:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is made up of the fine powder that is found in the male seed of a flower blossom. Bees transport this powder and mix it with nectar to create their own form of nourishment. The pollen grains are collected and eaten by the bees, but they are also used to pollinate the flowers. Since the beginning of time, bee pollen and honey have been recognized for their astounding healing benefits. Egyptian records going back thousands of years have references to honey and the potential for healing that it holds. Marathon runners of ancient Greece recognized the value that bee pollen held to increase their strength and endurance. Bee pollen was also revered by European nations and Asian countries for its medicinal value.

Bee pollen is considered to be a complete food due to the fact that it contains every chemical substance that is needed to maintain life. This makes it a great supplement to help build the immune system and provide the body with energy. Recent scientific research has found that bee pollen contains properties which are beneficial to healing, revitalizing, and protecting against radiation therapy. Bee pollen is also a rich source of protein and carbohydrates. This nutrient can not only be used as a food supplement, but also to correct body chemistry and normalize weight.

Scientists at the Institute of Bee Culture in Buressur-Yvette near Paris, in addition to other researchers throughout Europe, have studied the effects of honeybee pollen consumption on human beings. The study concluded that there are exceptional antibiotic properties in bee pollen. It was also found that bee pollen is helpful in treating conditions like chronic fatigue, hay fever, allergies, bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma, colds, balancing the endocrine system, and menopausal symptoms. Additionally, bee pollen can be helpful in treating other conditions such as prostate problems including prostates, infertility, indigestion, constipation, colitis, anemia, high blood pressure, premature aging, depression, and hair loss.

Bee pollen has also been shown to improve one’s concentration and mental function. A study found that a group of students’ mental performance improved drastically when supplementing with bee pollen. This nutrient also reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It does this by preventing plaque buildup in the arteries. This supplement is often used by athletes to increase strength, endurance, and speed.

The pollen of bees is used to provide both alterative and nutritive properties. The primary nutrients found in bee pollen are twenty-one amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, and variable vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals depend on the region that the bee pollen is harvested in. Primarily, bee pollen is extremely beneficial in dealing with aging, allergies, hay fever, loss of appetite, lack of endurance, exhaustion, fatigue, a weak immune system, infection, multiple sclerosis, and pregnancy problems.

Additionally, bee pollen can be extremely helpful in treating asthma, high blood pressure, cancer, depression, hypoglycemia, indigestion, liver diseases, prostate disorders, and radiation. Bee pollen is available in capsules, tablets, and bulk powder forms for easy consumption. Always look for name brands to ensure quality and purity of the bee pollen product you purchase. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by bee pollen, please contact a representative from your local health food store.


Fight Cold Sores And Build Collagen

Date: April 29, 2009 10:18 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Cold Sores And Build Collagen

Lysine is an essential alpha-amino acid, in that it cannot be biosynthesized by the human body, and therefore must be taken in your diet or as a supplement. It is synthesized in plants from aspartic acid, and metabolized in the body to produce acetyl-Coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA).

Before discussing its action on herpes, we shall first have look at how Lysine helps with the formation of collagen. Collagen is a protein that is produced in the body from lysine and proline, another amino acid. In fact the primary role of amino acids in your diet is as building blocks to form the much larger protein molecules.

Collagen is fibrous, and forms the connective tissue such as cartilage, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels and skin. Even the external parts of the ears. It literally holds our skeletons together, and wraps the whole body up in skin, so if we had no collagen we would literally fall apart! Collagen is also used by body cells to form the matrix that the body cells use to attach to each other and is one of the most important types of tissue in your body.

It is so ubiquitous that over 30% of the protein contained in your body is collagen, and it is designed for its structural strength as opposed to its ability to take part in chemical reactions as other proteins are. Lysine and Vitamin C are essential for the maintenance and formation of collagen.

There is not a lot of lysine in collagen - only about 4%, but it is very active in the cross-linking that forms the fibrils of collagen. Fibrils are the hair-like structures formed in a triple helix arrangement by three protein chains twisting round one another. The fibrils are bundled together in a straight line that has amazing tensile strength. The tensile strength of collagen is, weight for weight, stronger than steel!

In order for lysine to take part in this process effectively, some molecules have to be hydroxylated and others oxidized, forming aldehydes. Things can go wrong here, and deficiencies in the metabolic process can lead to some heritable conditions, or diseases of connective tissue. Among these are lathyrism, Cutis-Laxa and the Menkes kinky hair syndrome.

However, lysine is a very versatile amino acid, and not only is it necessary for the biosynthesis of all proteins, but is also heavily involved in the production of enzymes, hormones and antibodies. It is an important component of the calcium absorption process, and also, as previously stated, can be used in the treatment of herpes simplex.

This form of herpes is known commonly as 'cold sores', and is a result of the activity of the herpes virus. Viruses do not reproduce in order to ensure the 'continuation of the species', but replicate. In order to achieve this it requires the help of another amino acid, arginine. This is a common amino acid whose sources include grains, seeds, peanuts, raisins and chocolate.

Lysine and arginine competes for the absorption and entry of tissue cells, and reduces the strength of arginine, so preventing the growth of herpes. For this reason a supplement of lysine can be used to reduce the effects of the herpes simplex virus, and lessen the symptoms of the cold sore.

However, it is not only cold sores but other forms of herpes that lysine can help to relieve. Herpes zoster is a virus that causes shingles. This virus is generated by the reactivation of the dormant varicella-zoster virus left in the tissues after chickenpox. It is a recurrent condition, and lycine can help to reduce recurrences as well as its severity. Apart from being an effective defense against herpes, and forming collagen, the amino acid imparts several other benefits to the human body.

Among these is osteoporosis. L-lysine is involved in calcium absorption in the intestine, and also helps to reduce the loss of calcium in the urine. In osteoporosis we have to try to make every calcium molecule ingested in the diet to be incorporated in the bone structure. L-arginine can work with lysine to enhance the activity of the body cells that produce bone.

Canker sores are often mistaken for cold sores, but they are actually quite different. They are small sores inside the mouth, and appear in the form of very painful ulcers. The cause is unknown, but is believed to be a virus, and lysine appears to help the condition. Although there have been no proper clinical tests carried out on its use as a remedy for canker sores, lysine appears to help, and a supplement is recommended as a treatment by many doctors. It will do no harm, and anybody suffering from these tiny but painful sores will try anything.

Although lysine deficiency is rare, it can occur, particularly amongst those observing a vegetarian macrobiotic diet, and also in athletes who frequently undertake vigorous exercise, especially with too little recovery time. The effects of a deficiency are fatigue, nausea, appetite loss, anemia, slow growth and kidney stones. The latter is likely due to a failure to absorb calcium, that L-lysine promotes, and the formation of calcium oxalate and other insoluble salts in the kidney.

Dietary sources include beans and other legumes, and although it should be available in cereals, baked foods and doughnuts, for example, the carmelization of sugars binds the lysine to the sugar, and so reducing its bioavailability. However, you can also get it in cheese, eggs, tofu and red meats.

If you are taking an arginine supplement, you should consult your physician prior to taking lysine. The reason for this is that lysine and arginine share biochemical pathways, and arginine can reduce the effective concentration of lysine.

However, it has not been tested by the FDA, nor approved, and any use is at your own risk. This risk appears to be very small, although its manufacture is not regulated. However, do not let this bother you: the proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say.

Many have found lysine to be effective with collagen or herpes problems, and a supplement of between 3,000 and 9,000 mg per day is recommended for those with herpes viral infections. It is not recommended for children under two years old. Lysine is available at your local or internet health food store at discount prices. Look for name brands to ensure purity and quality of the product you purchase.

Another Great Cold Sore Remedy is Red Marine Algae!


Turmeric Extract (Curcumin)

Date: February 10, 2009 01:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Turmeric Extract (Curcumin)

Curcumin is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that has the potential to provide far-reaching health benefits. It has been shown to be helpful in rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, diabetic retinopathy, and cancer. All of these diseases share underlying inflammation that curcumin may help to diminish.

If you have ever eaten curry or cooked with the spice turmeric, you’ve consumed curcumin. It is obtained from the roots of Curcuma longa and consists of several curcuminoids. Turmeric is biologically related to ginger. Curcumin works as an antioxidant, boosting levels of glutathione S-transferase, which is one of the body’s principal antioxidants. This antioxidant blocks the formation of prostaglandin E2, which is a compound that promotes inflammation within the body. Curcumin also inhibits two inflammation-promoting enzymes: COX-2 and 5-LOX. Additionally, curcumin is able to prevent mutations to DNA, which is an effect that helps to maintain younger, healthier cells.

A study conducted at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center in Tucson had researchers using a curcumin rich turmeric extract to treat rheumatoid arthritis in laboratory animals. The extract blocked joint inflammation as well as the breakdown of joint cartilage and bone. It did this by inhibiting the genes that are involved in inflammation. Curcumin also holds tremendous promise in preventing cancer, as well as an adjunct treatment. Studies on animals have found that curcumin can protect against colon, intestinal, oral, and skin cancers. Its benefits come from several mechanisms. First of all, it blocks the cell-growth cycle in cancer cells, which eventually leads to destruction. It also reduces free radicals and inflammation, both of which can lead to cancer-causing cell mutations.

Many studies have found that curcumin can protect the liver against a variety of toxic compounds, which is important news for those people who are suffering from liver diseases like hepatitis or cirrhosis. In a recent study, researchers reported that curcumin increased the clearance of creatinine and urea, which are signs of improved kidney function. Additionally, curcumin reduced liver damage from toxic chemicals and excess iron.

Another study found that curcumin has the ability to inhibit the activation and spread of the liver cells that play a role in the development of cirrhosis. Japanese doctors have recently used curcumin, drugs, or placebos to treat 89 patients that have ulcerative colitis. These doctors found that a combination of curcumin and conventional medications resulted in the greatest benefits over six months of treatment. Patients in this study took 1,000 mg of curcumin after breakfast and again after dinner.

Inflammation is the underpinning of all chronic degenerative diseases, making curcumin likely to be beneficial for many different conditions. So far, research has identified curcumin’s benefits for diabetic retinopathy, lung disorders, and skin problems such as psoriasis. A dose of 3.6 g of curcumin reduced PGE2 levels by two-thirds in only one hour. After consuming curcumin daily for one month, PGE2 levels were 57 percent lower than before supplementation began.

Turmeric has been used as a culinary spice for at least 2,000 years. It was listed in an Assyrian herbal in 600 BC, used by ancient Greeks, and widely recommended in Ayurvedic medicine. Native to India and other regions of South Asia, it may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and help maintain mental function. Curcumin is safe in amounts of 500 to 8,000 mg daily, with most supplements providing 500 mg of curcumin.

Turmeric has been proven safe in larger amounts, but is usually limited by taste as a spice. One should look for a standardized supplement that contains at least 90 percent curcumin. Standardized Turmeric can be found at your local or internet health food store.

Buy Turmeric at Vitanet ®, LLC


Very Berry - Antioxidants

Date: December 01, 2008 10:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Very Berry - Antioxidants

It has been suggested that eating berries may be a delicious and great way for a person to protect themselves against heart disease. Blueberries are full of antioxidants, called anthocyanins, which have been shown to keep the memory sharp as you age. Raspberries, on the other hand, contain ellagic acid, which is a compound containing anti-cancer properties. All berries are a great source of fiber for the body, a nutrient that is extremely important for a healthy digestive system.

More so, berries have recently been studied for their effects on heart health. A recent study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate berries on a daily basis had higher levels of HDL cholesterol, which is healthy for the heart, lower blood pressure, and less blood platelet clumping, which is a factor that can help to protect people against dangerous blood clots.

A new study, which tested seventy-two people who had one or more risk factors for heart disease, tested for the effects of eating berries on markers that deal with cardiovascular health. This trial, which lasted eight weeks, had half of the people eating berry mixtures of bilberries, lingon berries, black currants, strawberries, and raspberry and chokeberry juices two times each day. A combination of different berries was used in order to ensure that a large amount of polyphenols were taken in. As a control, the other people were given sugar water, sweetened wheat or rice cereals, or marmalade.

Among those people who had the highest initial blood pressure, systolic blood pressure dropped 7.3 mm Hg in the berry group compared to only 0.2 mm Hg in the control group. Although total cholesterol levels were unchanged, those people who were a part of the berry group had a 5.2 percent increase in protective HDL cholesterol levels. Eating berries also stopped platelet function, which means that it takes longer for blood platelets to clump together and begin forming clots.

Berries are good for you because they contain many beneficial substances such as polyphenols, potassium, vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber. Polyphenols are also found in cocoa, tea, red wine, onions, and other fruits and have attracted a lot of attention recently because of their potential health benefits. Some recent reports have concluded that polyphenols may potentially help to protect against both heart disease and cancer. Although the way that polyphenols work to promote health is not completely understood, it is assumed that it is tied to their antioxidant properties and their ability to enhance the body’s immunity while repairing DNA damage that occurs from smoking and exposure to other toxins.

The findings of these studies are extremely significant because they may be partly responsible for explaining the role it holds in protecting the cardiovascular system. By eating fruits and vegetables a person increases the efficiency and health of their cardiovascular system significantly. Other types of studies have recently been warranted so that they may identify the compounds and mechanisms that are responsible for the effects that have been observed to this date. Berry supplements are also available at your local or internet health food store.



Date: September 09, 2008 10:38 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Kombucha

Kombucha is a mushroom like substance made up of a group of yeasts and bacteria. It is a symbiotic colony of several cultures, which include genus saccharomyces yeast and xylinum bacteria. Used in East Asia as far back as 2,000 years ago, Kombucha was originally used for healing in Japan, China, and Korea, with its use spreading when European trade began. Merchants took the herb to Russia and then to Eastern Europe. Although it is not technically a mushroom, kombucha has many similar healing properties, which makes it often recommended along with other members of the mushroom family.

It is usually placed in a nutrient solution of distilled water, black tea, and sugar. Then, it undergoes complex chemical changes that make it beneficial for human consumption. Kombucha feeds on sugar-producing glucuronic acid, lactic acid, vitamins, amino acids, and some antibiotic solutions. The healing properties that are associated with kombucha are thought to come from the production of glucuronic acid, vitamins B-complex, vitamin C, and lactic acid.

Russian research has found that substances in kombucha tea contain antibiotic properties. These properties prevent the growth and colonization of certain yeasts d bacteria. There is a group of organisms in kombucha that contain usnic acid, which has shown possibilities of being responsible for the antibiotic activity that kombucha provides.

The most important function of kombucha is its ability to detoxify the body, as it is virtually impossible to avoid contact with some forms of toxins on a daily basis. A buildup of these toxins can result in many forms of illness. Keeping the body as clean as possible is essential for health. Kombucha helps us achieve a clean and health state because it works on the entire body to clean toxins from the system. It is also helpful to the support and strengthening of the glandular system. Additionally, it has been found to be useful for conditions including cancer, arthritis, fatigue, constipation, gout, multiple sclerosis, and arteriosclerosis.

Kombucha has been proven to be helpful in a wide variety of conditions. It has a detoxifying affect on the entire body, which allows for it to be beneficial in invigorating the entire body. It does not seem to specifically work for individual diseases, but it does work on cleansing the body as a whole, so that it may more effectively fight disease. Once toxins are eliminated, the body is able to better heal itself.

German research under the supervision of Dr. Valentin Koehler has discovered that kombucha possesses the ability to increase the function of the immune system, as it boosts the levels of interferon. The detoxifying abilities that kombucha holds allows it to help the body in working more effectively in fighting disease keeping one healthier.

Many remedies of great value are offered from the plant kingdom, with medicinal mushrooms turning out to be one of the richest offerings. Mushrooms can help to heal naturally and gently, without the toxic side effects that most synthetic drugs have. The use of mushrooms is beginning to grow thanks to increasing evidence of their healing potential. They stimulate the immune system and aid the body in preventing and healing illness. Kombucha is a mushroom like substance which has been used by eastern healers for thousands of years, and is now making its way into the western world.

Buy Kombucha at Vitanet ®, LLC



Date: August 14, 2008 09:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Antioxidants

Antioxidants are the body’s main defense against free radicals as they work against the substances that create oxidants and the reactive substances that result from oxidation and reduction. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals by supplying the missing electron so that the molecule may be stabilized. There are many different types of antioxidants ranging from dietary antioxidants to those that the body produces itself. The four major antioxidant nutrients are vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium.

Vitamin A, the first vitamin to ever be isolated, is essential for the proper function of the eyes and maintenance of the skin. It is found in the retina of all mammals as well as the liver. Vitamin A works to increase our resistance to infections by keeping all the linings in the body healthy. It is necessary for the health and moisture of the skin and the specialized cells lining the eyes, nose, mouth, throat, lungs, esophagus, stomach intestines, and urinary tract. When these cells don’t have sufficient vitamin A, they thicken and harden, which is extremely detrimental to health and makes us more susceptible to infection. Vitamin A also protects the body from cardiovascular disease and cancer, and is necessary for new cell growth, something that is extremely important in slowing the aging process.

Beta carotene is the best known of the two carotenoids that form vitamin A, being composed of two vitamin A molecules that are split apart by liver enzymes when the body is low in vitamin A. If body levels are sufficient, the enzymes remain inactive and beta carotene does not divide, making it a safe source of vitamin A, without producing the toxic effects that come with high levels of vitamin A itself. If excess beta carotene is consumed it is stored in fat tissue or circulated in the blood. Beta carotene is one of the most powerful antioxidant nutrients as it can prevent free radical formation and inactivate existing free radicals. Once free radicals have been formed, it traps them and breaks the chain reaction that occurs.

Vitamin C holds a crucial role in many body processes that are necessary for life, among these being its role in collagen formation. Collagen is important in the every structure of the body, as it works like glue to bind cells together to form tissues. The integrity of collagen depends on vitamin C. Vitamin C also functions as one of the most powerful free radicals to prevent the damage that contributes to aging and age-related diseases.

It also works against pollution and toxins that damage cells and cause mutations, possibly even reducing some food carcinogens and protecting lung lining fluids against damage by air pollution. Vitamin C is important in the immune system and it also increases immunity to infectious diseases, lowers total cholesterol, enhances the effect of vitamin E, promotes wound healing, growth, tissue repair, and helps with the utilization of iron.

Vitamin E prevents aging by prolonging the useful life of cells found in the body. It also works to protect vitamin C and vitamin A from free radical activity so that they may remain potent. Vitamin E has the ability to stop a free radical chain reaction as it is happening and plays an extremely important role in preventing the per-oxidation of lipids (cholesterol). It protects the cell membrane, which in turn causes it to help protect the body from disease.

Selenium, one of the ten essential trace minerals, can be found in all tissues of the body. It is best known for its antioxidant role and its function in fighting cancer. It protects the liver from damage and works to stop lipid per-oxidation. Selenium is vital in maintaining the elasticity of body tissues and preventing the oxidation of fatty tissue, in turn combating the effects of aging. Selenium causes the skin to be healthier, muscle mass and tone are more easily maintained, and the heart is strengthened. Selenium works along with vitamin E, enhancing the effects of each other. It is important to get our vitamins and minerals on a daily basis to maintain a health happier life.

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Trace Minerals

Date: August 05, 2008 01:13 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Trace Minerals

Unlike macro-minerals such as calcium, which the body needs in gram amounts, trace minerals such as iron, selenium, zinc, silicon, chromium, sulfur, and copper are only needed in milligram or micrograms. However, these small quantities do not reflect the importance of trace minerals, as inadequate intake can have huge effects on the body. Lets discuss a few of these trace minerals.

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide, with 20 to 50 percent of people affected. The average body contains only one teaspoon of iron, but this mineral is crucial in oxygen transportation throughout the bloodstream and into cells. A lack of iron will starve the body of oxygen and energy, which cause the symptoms of iron deficiency to be fatigue, foggy thinking, irritability, headaches, and lethargy.

A lot of athletes have inadequate iron intake, impairing their exercise performance as it decreases hemoglobin levels and the amount of oxygen that is delivered to the muscles while it increases the time that is needed to recover from exercise. Iron is also important in immunity, with optimal iron intake strengthening the immune system and building resistance to colds, infections, and diseases. Even though inadequate intake is a common concern, too much can also cause health problems including stomach and intestinal cramps, nausea, and constipation.

The most important function of selenium is its antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme is invaluable in protecting red blood cells and cell membranes from free radical damage. Selenium works closely with vitamin E, sometimes replacing it in certain situations. Selenium holds an important role in maintaining the immune system and has been shown to reduce the risk of many health problems which include several types of cancer, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain birth defects.

Zinc is a valuable antioxidant that supports many aspects of the immune system. Zinc works in the eyes to protect them against sunlight-related free radicals. Zinc supplements have been found to slow the progression of macular degeneration, but high intakes of zinc and other antioxidants have been shown to lower the risk of developing this eye disease in the first place. This mineral can reduce the severity and duration of the common cold when in lozenge form, if started within 24 hours of the first cold symptom and taken every couple of hours. Taking 50mg of zinc daily or higher amounts for short periods of time is a good idea, but amounts over 150mg daily could cause metallic taste, stomach upset, or impair immune function.

Many modern diets contain extremely low amounts of silicon, especially since food processing removes much of the silicon. Silicon improves the elasticity and suppleness to skin that has been damaged by excessive skin exposure. Silicon is also important in natural bone formation, since deficiencies in silicon lead to bone weakness and sluggish wound health. Bone mineral density can be improved in people with osteoporosis by raising the intake of silicon.

Chromium is important in maintaining blood sugar levels, as well as many other roles in the body. Chromium deficiency impairs the blood sugar-insulin relationship, while chromium supplementation improves insulin response. Studies have shown that supplementing with chromium picolinate improves diabetes management by lowering blood sugar, insulin, cholesterol, or triglyceride levels and reducing the reliance on blood sugar medications. This mineral is also important in the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates.

Finally, Sulfur is needed in the joints to keep the connective tissues within them strong and stable. One source of sulfur, MSM, has been shown to significantly relieve pain and improve use of knee joints in studies. Through all of the above, one can see that trace minerals are extremely important contributors to health, even in small amounts.

Trace Minerals

Buy Trace Minerals at Vitanet ®, LLC


B Vitamin Complex

Date: June 23, 2008 03:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: B Vitamin Complex

The vitamin B supplement you take is a mixture of nutrients that, although they share the same vitamin letter, are in fact distinctly different chemical entities. The reason that they share the same reference letter of the alphabet is that they are all essential water soluble vitamins (Vitamin C being the only other), they frequently work in synergy with each other and they often come from common sources and have similar properties in the body. They were therefore at one time believed to be just the one chemical entity.

They are essential in that they must form part of our diet because our bodies cannot manufacture these substances from others, and although most share common biochemical and health functions, there is no health function that requires all of them, and none of them can be totally replaced by another.

The B-Vitamin complex that you take can consist of as many as eight different B vitamins, each of which is essential for a healthy body and at one time it was believed that this mixture was only one single vitamin. That is why they are collectively known as vitamin B and were subsequently allocated numbers: it was only later that the individual components were discovered.

These eight are vitamin B-1 (thiamine), vitamin B-2 (riboflavin), vitamin B-3 (niacin), vitamin B-5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B-12 (cobalamins), biotin and folic acid (folate). They are found in yeast, liver, tuna, bananas and rice among other sources, and, as with all vitamins, without them life would not be possible. Not all vitamins are found in each of these food sources, and vitamin B-12, for example, is available in nutritional quantities only from animal sources.

Knowing what they are is all very well, but what does your body do with the B vitamin supplement that you take? Before considering that, the reason that a regular supply is important is because of their water solubility. This is a useful property for a vitamin to possess, because it means that they can easily be transported by the body fluids to the tissues where they are needed. The downside, however, is that they are consequently also easily flushed from the body, and your body cannot store any of the B vitamins.

You therefore must have a regular dietary source that can be augmented through supplementation. This is particularly desirable in alcoholics, those on diets to lose weight and vegans who are advised to take a regular vitamin B-12 supplement.

A lack of vitamin B will make you feel tired and lack energy because they play a big part in your body’s metabolism of blood glucose into energy. They also help to maintain a healthy immune system, keep your nervous system in tip-top condition and maintain good healthy skin, hair and muscles. The B complex is also very important in maintaining healthy blood and liver, and each and every component of the mixture has a specific part to play, both on individually and by interaction with others in the B complex.

Rather than examining what your body does with the supplement as a whole, let’s have a look at each component, and what your body does with that. Taking them one at a time, thiamine (B1) helps you to burn carbohydrates to generate energy. It is highly water soluble and must be taken daily. In the form of thiamine pyrophosphate it plays a key part in the metabolism of carbohydrates to energy, and also in the metabolism of certain amino acids. If you rely heavily on a high carbohydrate diet, you will need a good regular supplement of thiamine to be able to convert them to energy.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) also plays a part in fat and carbohydrate metabolism and the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the molecule of energy. It plays a significant part in the health of your skin and a deficiency is associated with mouth ulcers, cracked lips, flaky skin and bloodshot watery eyes. It also activates vitamin B6 and folic acid, one of the cases where the B vitamins work together synergistically.

Vitamin B3, or niacin, is well known to women as a component of some shampoos, and helps to promote health hair. However, this vitamin also takes part in the process of energy creation within your body, and helps to maintain a good muscle tone within the digestive tract. It is also used as a supplement for the treatment of diseases related to high levels of LDL cholesterol and is useful for the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Pantothenic acid is also found as a component of shampoos, so no prizes for guessing one of its functions. Vitamin B-5 plays a significant part in the energy-producing Krebs Cycle, or Citric Acid Cycle, that is used by every cell in your body to generate energy just where it is needed. It is also needed to synthesize acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter needed for good brain function and it helps to reduce stress. Pantothenic acid is also closely involved in the production of cholesterol in your liver: cholesterol is not all bad, and is needed by your body to produce some of the steroid hormones and also vitamin D.

Amino acids are the small units that are used to biosynthesize proteins and ultimately the genes and DNA that determine who you are. The major factor involved in processing these amino acids is Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), one of the lesser known of the vitamin B complex. It synthesizes and breaks up different amino acids to produce a variety of other compounds, such as the hormones serotonin, melatonin and dopamine.

Deficiencies in these hormones can be very serious, Parkinson’s disease believed to be connected with a dopamine deficiency for example, and other disorders include kidney stones, anemia and many skin complaints. Although deficiency of vitamin B6 is rare, it can occur in alcoholics and those with chronic kidney problems. It is believed that many diets are deficient, however, and a good vitamin B supplement would ensure that this did not occur.

Vitamin B-12 is one where deficiency can occur, particularly in alcoholics and vegans. It is available in sufficient quantities only from meat sources, and a supplement is indicated in anyone with a low meat intake in their diet. It is used by your body for the replication of DNA and to allow the normal activity of your body cells. It also helps to control homocysteine levels in conjunction with vitamin B6 and folic acid: homocysteine is a high-risk amino acid associated with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease that can lead to Alzheimer’s disease, heart attacks and strokes.

The seventh, biotin (sometimes referred to as vitamin B7) also takes part in the metabolism of energy, but deficiencies have not been known, and the final known member of the B vitamin complex is folic acid. This is essential for cell growth and the synthesis of RNA and DNA in the body. RNA (Ribonucleic acid) is responsible for the synthesis of proteins in your body, and the well known Deoxy-ribonucleic acid (DNA) holds the genetic information of your body. Folic acid is therefore essential in the growing fetus, and any other cellular system that rapidly regenerates such as blood cells and the various cells of the immune system.

Without folic acid your body would be more susceptible to bacterial and viral attack, and less able to protect you from foreign invaders into your body tissues. Although deficiency is not common, folic acid is present in fresh food only and degrades when stored at room temperature and when cooked. A supplement is therefore advisable during pregnancy to help to prevent neural tube defects.

It is evident that the Vitamin B complex plays many parts in the chemistry of your body, and that a supplement can be of benefit in assuring that there are no deficiencies. A good B complex can be found at your local or internet health food store.

Buy a B-Complex at Vitanet ®, LLC


Curcumin, Curcuminoids, and Curamin

Date: April 30, 2008 10:40 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin, Curcuminoids, and Curamin

Curcumin, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, possesses many potentially far-reaching health benefits. After many studies preformed on humans, animals, and in-vitro, it has been found that curcumin may be helpful in rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, diabetic retinopathy, and cancer. All of these previously listed diseases share an underlying inflammation, which can be diminished by curcumin.

If you have ever eaten curry or cooked with the spice turmeric, you’ve consumed curcumin. Curcumin, which consists of several curcuminoids, is the active constituent of turmeric, which is used in curry. Turmeric is biologically related to ginger. Curcumin works as an antioxidant by boosting levels of glutathione S-transferase, which is one of the body’s main antioxidants. It also blocks the formation of the prostaglandin E2, which is compound that promotes inflammation within the body. Curcumin also inhibits the activity of nuclear factor kappa beta, which is another substance that is involved in inflammation. Additionally, it reduces the activity of COX-2 and 5-LOX, which are two more inflammation-promoting enzymes. Lastly, curcumin prevents mutations that can result in DNA, which helps to maintain healthier, younger cells.

Curcumin taken as a supplement can help with any conditions and diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, liver and kidney protection, ulcerative colitis, and other inflammatory diseases. A study using a curcumin-rich turmeric extract done at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center in Tucson, treated rheumatoid arthritis in laboratory animals. The results showed that this extract blocked joint inflammation as well as the breakdown of joint cartilage and bone by inhibiting the genes that are involved in inflammation. Curcumin also holds a great amount of promise in preventing cancer and also as an adjunct treatment.

Animal studies have shown that curcumin can protect against colon, intestinal, oral, and skin cancers as its benefits come from several mechanisms. First of all, it blocks the cell-growth cycle in cancer cells, which leads to cell destruction. Additionally, it reduces free radicals by its antioxidant properties, which can lead to cancer-causing cell mutations. Studies have also found that curcumin can protect the liver from a variety of toxic compounds. One recent study left researchers reporting that curcumin increased the clearance of creatinine and urea, which are signs of improved kidney function. It also reduced liver damage from toxic chemicals and excess iron.

Japanese doctors have recently used curcumin to treat patients with ulcerative colitis. A combination of curcumin and conventional medications has led to the best benefits over six months of treatment. Since inflammation is the root of all chronic degenerative diseases, curcumin is likely to be beneficial for many different conditions. So far, research has identified curcumin’s benefits for diabetic retinopathy, lung disorders, and skin problems including psoriasis.

Turmeric, which is the source of curcumin, has been used as a culinary spice for the past 2,000 years, was used by ancient Greeks, and is now a widely recommended Ayurvedic medicine. It is native to India and other regions of South Asia. By eating a lot of curry, which is rich in curcumin, you may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and help to maintain mental function. One study proved that people who often ate curry had half the risk of becoming mentally impaired. By eating curry on occasion, the risk of mental decline can be reduced by a little more than a third. Curcumin can be safely taken in amounts from 500 to 8,000 mg daily. Look for a standardized supplement containing at least 90 percent curcumin.


L-Carnitine For Health And Wellness

Date: April 16, 2008 03:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: L-Carnitine For Health And Wellness

Research continues to mount evidence that l-carnitine can help boost energy and quality of life. Carnitine comes from the Latin word for flesh: caro or carnis. L-carnitine was discovered and isolated from meat in the early 1900s. At that time, scientists thought that l-carnitine played a role in muscle function; this was many years before technology would advance so that this theory could be proved. Today, we know that this amino acid is found mostly in tissue of the body that requires lots of energy such as the heart, skeletal muscles, and liver.

L-carnitine is considered a non-essential amino acid since the body manufactures it from l-methionine and l-lysine. Depending on one’s diet, the body manufactures most of, not all, the l-carnitine it needs every day. There are circumstances where a rare genetic disease can cause the body to not manufacture its own l-carnitine resulting in a deficiency which can cause secondary diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, chronic renal failure, diabetes, heart failure or Alzheimer’s disease. Some medications can cause a deficiency as well, check with your doctor about prescriptions.

The primary energy source for the body is long-chain fatty acids. L-carnitine plays an essential role in energy production process. This amino acid transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria, where it is used to produce energy for each cell in the body. l-carnitine then removes the “acyl” group by products out of the mitochondria as they accumulate. Both the transporting in and out of the cells mitochondria is vital for continued muscle function to occur.

Researchers suggest that the limiting factor in high intensity exercise is from the availability of l-carnitine in the muscle tissue. Studies conducted with this amino acid suggest that athletes experience improved performance when supplementing with l-carnitine by reducing post exercise lactate acid levels and improving recovery from exercise stress.

Some research suggests that l-carnitine can help chronic fatigue individuals by shuttling long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria where the body manufactures energy. The bulk of this research was done on chronic fatigue patients who consumed 2 grams per day of l-carnitine. Additional research was performed on individuals over 100 years of age and the results were these individuals experiences increase physical endurance and improved cognitive activity.

L-carnitine can help cardiovascular conditions including angina, congestive heart failure, and peripheral artery disease. Recent studies showed male fertility improvement when l-carnitine was consumed on a regular basis. Men participating had better sperm motility which increases the changes of one reaching an egg and improving the odds of fertilization.

Research also demonstrated that 1 gram of this amino acid daily over three months can help one reduce weight by improving fat metabolism. This holds consistent with the findings that l-carnitine transports long-chain fatty acids (fat) into cellular mitochondria so it can be burned as energy. With a good diet and exercise plan, reports suggest that even more weight loss can be achieved.

Safety is of particular concern when adding extra supplements to one’s diet such as l-carnitine. Good news, l-carnitine is very safe at 1 – 3 grams each day, even higher doses are safe with no side effects. With the mounting evidence on the benefits of l-carnitine consumption, what is stopping you from adding l-carnitine today to your supplement diet to improve health and wellness?

Vitanet ®, LLC


Msm Is Good For More Thank Just Joint Health

Date: March 27, 2008 11:07 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Msm Is Good For More Thank Just Joint Health

When asked to think of essential minerals, sulfur is probably not the first item that comes to your mind. But organic forms of this element shine brightly within every cell. No type of sulfur shines more brightly than methylsulfonylmethane, which is commonly known as MSM. MSM helps to form a vital connective tissue component and is best known as a joint supplement. However, skin is made of the same basic stuff, a strong protein called collagen, so it isn’t surprising that MSM also provides cosmetic benefits.

Collagen, which is a mesh of protein fibers that supports all the other skin cells, is what actually holds the skin together. These fibers are extremely flexible, yet very tough, with collagen actually having a greater tensile strength than steel. There are different varieties of collagen: type I through type XII. One of the main reasons that a child’s skin is so soft and smooth is that it is filled with type III collagen, which is the kind found in fast-growing tissue. As the child ages, this type is replaced with the tougher type I collagen. However, as the skin continues to age, the amount of collagen in the body begins to decline, causing wrinkles, discoloration, and other signs of skin aging.

The protein that is found within collagen is actually loaded with sulfur, which explains why MSM has been shown to restore a softer look to those people who use it. Users of MSM report that hair grows faster and thicker with the use of MSM and nails are also stronger. Some practitioners even found that scleroderma, which is a condition marked by thick, hard skin, actually is improved by the use of MSM.

Joints also contain collagen and MSM delivers sulfur to these tissues, which is what made it a great supplement in the first place. Among people ages 40 to 76 with arthritic knees, MSM improved the symptoms of pain and physical function. MSM is even more effective when taken in conjunction with other joint aids including glucosamine and chondroitin. One study showed that glucosamine and MSM reduced pain and swelling more quickly when they were taken together than when taken separately.

MSM also seems to help ease pain by directly stopping pain signals as they travel along the nerves. This ability has led to its use in treating conditions like back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and tendonitis. Along with younger looking skin, MSM users have reported another use: reductions in allergy miseries. Scientists have discovered that MSM seems to block histamine, which is the chemical that is responsible for allergic reactions, from reaching tissues such as the mucous membranes lining the nose.

Results from studies have been promising, as seasonal allergy sufferers report significant symptom relief and increased energy levels. For pain relief, fewer allergy attacks, and softer smoother skin, MSM is the best choice to provide your body with a healthy boost of sulfur. More information about MSM and its abilities can be found at your local health food store.

Buy MSM at Vitanet ®, LLC


Support Healthy Joint Function With Discount Vitamins

Date: November 22, 2007 11:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Support Healthy Joint Function With Discount Vitamins

The joints are very important to your mobility and it is essential that you support health joint function with discount vitamins. The reason for discounted vitamins is that there is no need for you to pay more than you have to, and good healthy bones and joints need a good supply of several vitamins, minerals and other substances to remain healthy throughout your lifetime.

Vitamins C and D, and calcium and magnesium are the more common supplements that help to promote joint health, but glucosamine, chondroitin and gelatine also play a large part. Although the strength of the bone is important, it is disorders of the connective tissue that are mostly responsible for joint problems. Connective tissue holds the joint together and prevents excessive friction between bones.

Arthritis in both its forms – osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis – is characterized by a reduction in the cartilage tissue that provides a lining between the bones that make up the joint. As the cartilage becomes worn or its structure destroyed, the bones are exposed to each other and this causes the frictional damage that is osteoarthritis. With rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, the connective tissue and cartilage are attacked by the body’s immune system, causing inflammation. The reason for this is still unknown, but the inflammation leads to swelling of the joint and severe pain.

Both of these conditions can be helped by the use of glucosamine, a natural substance produced by the body to form cartilage and stimulate the formation of connective tissue. Normally taken in the form of the sulfate, glucosamine reduces arthritic pain, and over time can start to rebuild the lost cartilage. It is best taken in conjunction with chondroitin sulfate which is a substance also contained in cartilage and connective tissue.

A discount vitamin supplement containing glucosamine and chondroitin can help to avoid these conditions from occurring. Rheumatoid arthritis also responds well to anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. Much of the damage to the joint tissues can be caused by the action of free radicals that are aggressively destructive molecules created by the effects of pollution such as smoking, pesticides, heavy metals, alcohol and they are also produced by many of the processes occurring inside our bodies. The immune system itself creates free radicals to use as a weapon against invaders.

A free radical is a molecule that has lost an electron, especially an oxygenated molecule. The objective of such a molecule is to get back its electron, and it will do that by oxidizing any molecules it comes across: oxidation is the removal of an electron from a substance. Oxidation can destroy cell molecules which is why the aging process occurs through the destruction of body cells through the effect of oxidation by free radicals. They can also destroy the synovial fluid that lubricates the joints.

The molecules that can prevent this are caused antioxidants, and include some of the well known vitamins such as A, C and E, and also other substances such as Coenzyme Q10, fatty acids such as those in Omega 3 fish oils, beta carotene and the minerals zinc and copper are also effective at reducing the inflammation cause by free radical oxidation. These vitamins and minerals will not reduce the pain in your joints, but will relieve other symptoms such as the inflammation, and help the joint to recover.

Vitamin D is another that can help to cause arthritis and joint problems if you are deficient in it. Vitamin D deficiency is not uncommon, especially in those who live in northern climates where they do not get much sunlight. This vitamin helps to build cartilage and to maintain healthy bone density. Vitamin D is found in oily fish and eggs, but the majority of people suffer a deficiency, if only slight in many cases. Discount vitamin supplements containing all of these vitamins and minerals will help to maintain healthy joints. Vitamin A is available naturally from eggs yolks, oily fish and dairy products, and most people know that vitamin C is obtained from fresh fruit and vegetables, especially the highly colored foods that are also rich in other antioxidants such as anthocyanins and carotenoids.

Rich sources of vitamin E include nuts, seeds, vegetable oils and wheat germ. Taking Omega 3 oil supplements will not prevent arthritis, but will help to relieve the inflammation and hence the pain. However, in spite of all of this, the only vitamin that has been extensively tested on patients suffering from osteoarthritis has been vitamin E. It has been established that significant improvements in the condition of patients were achieved by administering from 400-600 International Units (I.U.) of vitamin E daily for two weeks.

Another substance that is a component of connective tissue and that can be taken to help rebuild what is lost in joint disease is hyaluronic acid. This chemical is found all over the body, and involved in the structure of many types of connective tissue, including the joints, the vitreous humor of the eyes and heart valves. In the joints it is rich in the synovial fluid that lubricates the joints, and also found in cartilage.

Although hyaluronic acid is contained in chicken soup, it is obtained mainly from rooster combs, then treated to reduce its molecular size so that it can be absorbed. Anybody allergic to chicken should seek their doctor’s advice on taking hyaluronic acid as a supplement.

It is highly recommended that a vitamin supplement be taken by anybody suffering from any form of arthritis or joint disease, but it is glucosamine that appears the best treatment for long term success. Glucosamine is a very large molecule, and it is difficult to get it to the site of the problem. To get to the joint, the molecule has to pass through the capillaries, and very few glucosamine molecules can actually achieve that.

That is why the doses are so large, so that even if only a small percentage gets to the joint then that is enough to help rebuild cartilage. The antioxidants help to destroy the root cause of many forms of joint disease: the free radicals and anti-inflammatories can help relieve pain. However glucosamine and chondroitin not only relieve the pain, but also continue to work over time to repair the joint tissues. As with most supplements the body can only absorb so much glucosamine, only consume 500mg at a time but take it two to three times each day for best results.

Glucosamine is often provided in conjunction with MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) that is a natural form of dietary sulfur. Sulfur is believed to be essential for healthy soft connective tissues, tendons and so on. Calcium, too, is a useful supplement to take since it help to recover the bone density, but keep in mind that vitamin D is essential for the uptake of calcium, so a vitamin D supplement will be required along with the calcium. Although calcium will not in itself help joint disease, it will help to main a good bone density that is more capable of withstanding the stresses of a reducing cartilage density.

There is therefore quite a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and other substances that can help to support healthy joint function, and also to help repair joint damage, and discount vitamins are the best way to tackle the problem of maintaining a good intake of those that are most effective, namely, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, vitamins A, C, D and E, and supplemental MSM, hyaluronic acid and calcium.

You do not need them all, but only testing will enable you to decide which work for you. You should also contact your physician before taking discount vitamin supplements if you have any other medical problems.

Discount Vitamin Store


The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, D-Ribose, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium

Date: May 18, 2007 01:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, D-Ribose, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium

The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine,

D-Ribose, Magnesium


The “Awesome Foursome” of Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, D-Ribose, and magnesium helps our hearts metabolize energy more efficiently and protects them from the stress of cardiovascular disease. This powerful combination of nutrients goes directly to the basic biochemistry of cellular energy metabolism. Now let’s take a closer look at how Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, D-Ribose, and magnesium work in synergy to promote cardiovascular health.


Coenzyme Q10:

Energy Recycling through the Electron Transport Chain

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the mitochondrial membrane, mitochondrial DNA, and cell walls from free-radical attack. But its most important function in the body is its central role in energy metabolism.

Most – about 90 percent – of the ATP used by cells is recycled as food (fuel) and oxidized in the mitochondria. Fatty acids, carbohydrates, and, occasionally, proteins are carried across the mitochondrial membrane and enter the Krebs’ cycle, moving from step to step and spinning off electrons. These electrons are then handed off to the electron transport chain, where, in the presence of oxygen, the energy from the electrons is captured as a phosphate group is added to ADP to form ATP. This recycling of ATP is called oxidative phosphorylation, and the by-products of these pathways are CO2 and water.

In this fashion, Coenzyme Q10 acts as a gatekeeper of electrons, making sure they are carried to just the right place to pass on their life-giving energy.

What is critical, however, is the simple fact that without Coenzyme Q10 the electron transport chain would totally break down. And since the electron transport chain is (by far!) the largest contributor to cellular energy turnover, its loss would be catastrophic. It is also important to know that there has to be an excess of Coenzyme Q10 in the mitochondria to be maximally effective. Having just enough isn’t sufficient to do the job properly, and having a deficiency seriously affects the mitochondria’s ability to supply the cell with energy.

Cellular stress can cause Coenzyme Q10 deficiency, which places a severe strain on Coenzyme Q10 availability. People with heart disease, hypertension, gingival disease, Parkinson’s disease, and the other disorders we’ve discussed are known to be deficient in Coenzyme Q10. Whether these deficiencies are the cause or the effect of these varied medical problems, the end result is that they sap the life out of their mitochondria and reduce their energy supplies. You see, Coenzyme Q10 cannot function properly if electrons are not coming out of the Krebs’ cycle, and the Krebs’ cycle won’t work without the fuel that’s transported into the mitochondria by L-Carnitine.



Transporting the Cellular Energy Fuel

Fatty acids are the preferred energy fuel for hearts and most other cells in the body. L-Carnitine facilitates the beta oxidation of fatty acids as energy fuel. And since fatty acids are the preferred fuel for energy recycling in cells, this action is critical to cell and tissue function. Unfortunately, L-carnitine is deficient in people with heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, lipid metabolic disorders, mitochondrial disorders, and many other disease syndromes we reviewed earlier. This L-carnitine deficiency disrupts the normal metabolism of fatty acids, reducing available energy supplies and leading to the accumulation of toxic by-products of fatty acid metabolism. L-carnitine supplementation revives fatty acid metabolism and restore normal mitochondrial function. But even this powerful improvement in cellular energy metabolism cannot up for the energy drain that comes from the loss of energy substrates caused by low oxygen delivery to the tissue. Only D-Ribose can do that.



Rebuilding the Cellular Energy Pool

As long as cells and tissues have plenty of oxygen, the pool of energy substrates in the cell remains high. And as long as there is enough L-carnitine and Coenzyme Q10 available, the process of energy utilization and supply can proceed unimpeded. However, the cellular supply of oxygen can be restricted by acute or chronic heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, any number of skeletal – or neuromuscular diseases, or even high-intensity exercise.

When cells are deprived of oxygen the mitochondrial energy turnover becomes inefficient. Remember, oxygen is required to let the oxidative pathway of energy recycling work properly. If the mitochondria are not able to recycle energy efficiently, cellular energy supply cannot keep pace with demand. But the cell has a continuing need for energy so it will use all its ATP stores and then break down the by-product, adenosine diphosphate (ADP), to pull the remaining energy out of this compound as well. What’s left is adenosine menophosphate (AMP). Since a growing concentration of AMP is incompatible with sustained cellular function it’s quickly broken apart and the by-products are washed out of the cell. The net result of this process is a depletion of the cellular pool of energy substrates. When the by-products of AMP catabolism are washed out of the cell, they are lost forever. It takes a long time to replace these lost energy substrates even if the cell is fully perfused with oxygen again.

Ribose is the only compound used by the body to refill this energy pool.  Every cell in the body has the capacity to make ribose, but hearts, muscles, and most other tissues lack the metabolic machinery to make ribose quickly when the cells are stressed by oxygen depletion or metabolic insufficiency.  Ribose is made naturally in the cells from glucose.  In stressed cells, however, glucose is preferentially metabolized for the energy turnover and is not available for ribose synthesis.  So when energy pools are drained from stressed cells, the cells must first wait for the slow process of ribose synthesis before they can begin to replace their lost energy stores.

    Acute ischemia, like that which takes place during a heart attack, heart surgery, or angioplasty, drains the cell of energy.  Even when oxygenated blood flow returns, refilling the energy pool may take ten or more days.  But when oxygen deprivation is chronic, or when energy metabolism is disrupted by disease, there may be so much continual strain on the energy supply that the pool can ever refill without the assistance of supplemental ribose.  Conditions like ischemic heart disease or congestive heart failure fall into this category.  In these situations, supplementing the tissue with exogenous ribose is the only way the cell can keep up with the energy drain.



Switching on the Energy Enzymes

Magnesium is an essential mineral that's critical for energy requiring processes, in protein synthesis, membrane integrity, nervous tissue conduction, neuromuscular excitation, muscle contraction, hormone secretion, maintenance of vascular tone, and in intermediary metabolism.  Deficiency may lead to changes in neuromuscular, cardiovascular, immune, and hormonal function; Impaired energy metabolism; and reduced capacity for physical work.  Magnesium deficiency is now considered to contribute to many diseases, and the role for magnesium as a therapeutic agent is expanding.

    Magnesium deficiency reduces the activity of important enzymes used in energy metabolism.  Unless we have adequate levels of magnesium in our cells, the cellular processes of energy metabolism cannot function.  Small changes in magnesium levels can have a substantial effect on heart and blood vessel function.  While magnesium is found in most foods - particularly vegetables - deficiencies are increasing.  Softened water and a trend toward lower vegetable consumption are the culprits contributing to these rising deficiencies.


Supporting the Links in The Energy Cycle Chain – the Synergy

Clearly, each membrane of the “Awesome Foursome” is fundamental to cellular energy metabolism in its own right. Each plays a unique and vital role in supplying the heart with the energy it needs to preserve its contractile force. Each is independently effective in helping hearts work through the stress of disease. And while each contributes immeasurable to the energy health of the cell, in combination they are unbeatable. Allow me to reiterate the step-by-step, complicated cellular processes involved to be sure that you really understand the rationale for using these nutrients.

The cell needs a large, sustained, and healthy pool of energy to fuel all its metabolic functions. Contraction, relaxation, maintenance of cellular ion balance, and synthesis of macromolecules, like proteins, all require a high energy charge to carry their reactions to completion. The energy pool must be preserved, or these fundamental cellular functions will become inefficient or will cease to operate altogether. To keep the pool vibrant and healthy, the cell needs ribose. But even with supplemental ribose, the cell needs the efficient turnover of its energy stores to balance ongoing energy utilization with supply. That’s where CoQ10 and L-carnitine come into play.

The converse is also true. Even if the cell is fully charged with energy, cellular energy supply will not keep pace with demand if the mitochondria are not functioning properly. CoQ10 and L-carnitine work to keep mitochondrial operations running at peak efficiency, and one side cannot work effectively without the other. Even though CoQ10 and L-carnitine can make the energy turnover mechanisms work more efficiently, they cannot increase the cell’s chemical driving force, and their action will be only partially effective. Ribose on the other hand, can keep the energy pool supplied with substrate, but the value of energy pool repletion cannot be fully realized if the substrate cannot be maximally utilized and recycled. Ribose fills the tank; CoQ10 an L-carnitine help the engine run properly.

Magnesium is the glue that holds energy metabolism together. By turning on the enzymes that drive the metabolic reactions, magnesium allows it all to happen.

These four nutrients must be utilized by cardiologists and other physicians as they treat patients day-to-day. On my own journey, using Coenzymes Q10 for two decades, L-carnitine for more than ten years, D-Ribose for two years, and magnesium equally as long, I’ve seen this “Awesome Foursome” reduce suffering and improve the quality of life for thousands of patients.

The future of nutrition in conventional medicine is very bright, although the integration of nutritional supplements has been a slow and, at times, lonely process.

L-carnitine and Coenzyme Q10 are finally gaining the recognition they deserve. D-Ribose is emerging as a new player in the complex understanding of metabolic cardiology, and doctors are beginning to discuss the important role of magnesium deficiency in heart patients. As a practicing cardiologist for over thirty years, I see metabolic cardiology as the future for the treatment of heart disease and other complex disease conditions, as well.

Protect the Heart with D-Ribose, Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium at Vitanet ®, LLC


Lower Cholesterol Naturally!

Date: October 06, 2006 09:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lower Cholesterol Naturally!

Because of organizations like the American Heart Association (AHA), we’ve learned a lot about cholesterol and how it affects our health. Thanks to these educational organizations, we know that high cholesterol levels can increase our risk for heart attacks and strokes and, by lowering these levels, we reduce these risks as well as keep our hearts and blood vessels healthy. We also know that our cholesterol levels can be improved through exercise, diet, and weight loss.

Although we’ve learned a lot through these educational organizations, there are still a few misconceptions about cholesterol. One of these being that not all cholesterol is harmful. There are both “good” and “bad” forms of cholesterol and a good balance between the two is what is needed for a healthy heart. Because so much emphasis is placed on lowering “bad” cholesterol levels, not enough attention is paid to the benefit of raising “good” cholesterol levels (HDL). Research states that raising HDL levels can provide even greater protection against cardiovascular disease than just simply lowering “bad” cholesterol levels. By raising HDL levels by simply 1%, the risk of heart disease can be lowered by 2% in men and 3% in women. Many studies have shown that low HDL cholesterol levels are an independent risk factor in heart disease. This is extremely important because we’ve learned that despite efforts to change a person’s diet and exercise habits, some people’s cholesterol levels are still unhealthy.

Prescription drugs to lower cholesterol are now available and have been proven by multiple studies to be very successful. The statins’ effectiveness in reducing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol has produced highly significant reductions in heart attacks and strokes. Although these medications do lower cholesterol levels, their side effects must be considered. Statin drugs can cause liver irritation, reduce CoQ10 levels in the body, are associated with myopathy, and are even linked to a rare and sometimes fatal condition called rhabdomyolysis. These drugs also have a relatively small effect on good (HDL) cholesterol levels. Thankfully, there are safe and effective solutions available that can help you manage your cholesterol levels naturally. However, first we must review what we know about cholesterol and heart disease.

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance needed to help digest fats, strengthen cell membranes, make hormones and insulate nerves. Although it is found in every cell of the body, cholesterol is mainly made in the liver, as well as cells lining the small intestine. Even though our bodies make all the cholesterol we need, we also get cholesterol from the foods we eat, such as egg yolks and organ meats. All foods from animal sources contain cholesterol, while plant derived food, including peanut butter and avocado, contains no cholesterol at all.

Cholesterol is important to many functions of the body. However, too much cholesterol in the bloodstream is extremely dangerous. After blood cholesterol reaches high levels, it builds up on the artery walls, and thus increasing the risk for blood clots, heart attack, and stroke. If the cholesterol clogs any of the coronary arteries, the heart’s supply of oxygen and nutrients will diminish, resulting in coronary heart disease, angina, or even heart attack.

Because cholesterol and other fats can’t dissolve in the blood and thereby can’t travel on their own, they have to be transported to and from the cells by lipoproteins. The two major lipoproteins are low density lipoproteins (LDL or “bad cholesterol) and high density lipoproteins (HDL or “good cholesterol”) LDLs carry cholesterol throughout the body to the cells and cause artherosclerosis by clogging up our arteries with fat. On the other hand, HDL prevents the fat buildup by carrying it away from the arteries and to the liver where it can be eliminated. Although high levels of LDL are associated with cardiovascular disease, high HDL can drastically reduce your risk of heart disease. As a result, the AHA has established three guidelines to keep your heart healthy: HDL levels about 40 for men and above 50 for women, LDL levels between 100 and 159, and a total cholesterol (HDL and LDL) of under 200.

Triglycerides are fats used as fuel by the body and a source for metabolism. These levels can fluctuate easily but increased levels are almost always a sign of too much carbohydrate and sugar intake. High amounts of triglycerides make the blood less capable of transporting oxygen and are another factor for cardiovascular disease. Thankfully, the HDL and LDL blend mentioned earlier can safely and effectively lower triglyceride levels.

It has been shown that high levels of HDL cholesterol are inversely related to coronary artery disease risk. However, what people do not know is that there are different subtypes of HDl, including HDL-2 and HDL-3. HDL-3 is produced by the liver and intestines and is responsible for scooping up free cholesterol from the blood vessel walls. The cholesterol carried by HDL-3 is chemically modified, forming a larger-sized subtype, known as HDL-2, or “mature HDL.” HDL-2 transports cholesterol to the liver for processing and elimination, and its molecules are then recirculated in the blood stream. Research has shown that HDL-2 provides more heart-protection because it moves the cholesterol away from arterial walls, and holds a greater number of receptor sites which allows it to carry a larger amount of cholesterol to the liver.

Although many prescription medications have been developed to lower bad cholesterol, there are very few medications that target good cholesterol. Therefore, patients with naturally low HDL cholesterol, who can not alter these levels through diet and exercise, have limited medical options to reduce their risk of heart disease. Multiple nutrients have been clinically shown to favorably alter good cholesterol levels including: vitamins C, E, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, magnesium and selenium, with protein-building amino acids, powerful antioxidants such as coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, N-acetyle cysteine, and policosanol, and extracts of hawthorn, garlic, grape seed, and soy isoflavones. Although this HDL-boosting combination does not result in a significant reduction in LDL, antioxidants found in this formulation can help stabilize LDL and prevent build up in the arterial wall.

This formula combines essential vitamins and minerals, at levels recommended by the American Heart Association. It contains amino acids, antioxidants, and botanicals that have all been used safely for years. No serious adverse effects have been found following supplementation and the combination is safe to use with statin drugs.

Plant sterols, found in nuts, vegetable oils, corn, and rice are structurally similar to cholesterol and are able to block its absorption. Each day the liver receives about 800 mg of cholesterol from intestinal absorption through receptor sites. After entering these channels, the cholesterol is absorbed into the bloodstream. Since plant sterols look similar to cholesterol, they fit perfectly into these receptor sites and block the absorption, which allows the cholesterol to remain in our intestines where it can eventually be excreted. A large amount of plant sterols reduces the amount of cholesterol transported from the intestinal tract to the liver. This cholesterol reduction causes a decrease in LDL levels.

Even if a person does not have high cholesterol levels, reducing bad and raising good cholesterol greatly reduces their risk for ever developing chronic heart disease. Due to side effects, physicians do not normally prescribe statin drugs to people without actual heart disease of high LDL cholesterol levels. Instead, they recommend dietary changes. The HDL-boosting combination and LDL-lowering pantethine and plant sterols blend can effectively help people with heart disease, uncontrolled cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels, or people who just want to improve their heart health.

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7-Syndrom Healing and 5-HTP

Date: June 07, 2006 03:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7-Syndrom Healing and 5-HTP

Boomer Breakthrough – Keeping in the Game

If there is not thing boomers need to manage, its chronic stress. That’s because of its deleterious effects, which include accelerated aging and altered brain function. This month boomer breakthroughs will focus on 5-hydroxytryptophan or 5-htp, one of the most versatile and powerful anti-aging remedies. For starters, 5-htp is a more powerful antioxidant than either vitamin C or melatonin. This it deserves a place in ones daily vitamin regimen based on this fact alone. However, the better-known attribute of 5-htp is its stabilizing effects on the brain and nerves.

Mood, Anxiety and Depression

Chronic stress can lead to mood swings, anxiety, depression, poor memory, and reduced cognitive functions. Last month we recommended the Adaptogenic herbs Ashwagandha and Rhodiola as therapy for smoothing out periods of intense stress such as looming deadlines. For longer term stress supplementation with 5-htp is a better choice. That’s because extended periods of stress reduce brain levels of serotonin. Supplemental 5-htp is produced from the African plant Griffonia Simplicifolia and has over 30 years of safety and effectiveness in clinical use.

How do you know if you have low levels of serotonin? Persistent anxiety is one key and insomnia is another. 5-htp, an intermediary metabolite of serotonin, has proven to be clinically effective in reducing these disorders. Weight gain and eating disorders also appear to be associated with low serotonin levels.

Serotonin the Antiaging Neurotransmitter

Serotonin, one of three major neurotransmitters, has a calming effect and helps keep emotions in check. It has been extremely helpful in lessening panic attacks, various phobias, suppressing appetite, and reducing aggression, anxiety, and pain sensation. And, it may be more effective in relieving mild depression than antidepressants. In a 1991 Swiss study, the effectiveness of 5-htp in alleviating depression was compared to a conventional antidepressant, fluvoxamine (Luvox). Patients were divided into two groups and given either 100mg 5-htp or 150mg of fluvoxamine three times a day for six weeks. At the end of the test period, the 36 5-htp patients showed a greater percentage of improvement than the 33 fluvoxamine patients.

Other studies have compared 5-htp with antidepressants such as chloripramine and imipramine. 5-htp was at least as effective if not more so than the conventional drugs. Moreover, 5-htp has no reported side effects, although some patients have experienced mild nausea when they first take 5-htp. If this happens, merely back off and reduce the daily dose to 50mg and gradually increase it over a four-day period.

5-htp has an advantage over its precursor amino acid L-Tryptophan (LT). it is more readily absorbed than LT and is immune to meals without reducing its effectiveness. 5-htp, unlike LT, is not shunted into niacin, melatonin, picolonic acid and other amino acids. Seventy percent of oral 5-htp ends up in the bloodstream, crosses into the brain and is directly converted into serotonin.

It’s best not to combine 5-htp with antidepressant medications, although there have been no reports of adverse events. Suggested doses is 100mg 3 times a day or 200 to 200 mg taken at bedtime for insomnia.

Pain, Per-menopause and PMS

5-htp has additional benefits for boomers. It reduces hot flashes and is an effective anti-pain remedy. The concern over use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has led to interest in safe and effective methods of reducing hot flashes. Come anti-depressants (Prozac, ect.) have been effective in alleviating hot flashes in women with breast cancer or at risk of the disease. Increasing serotonin is the proposed mechanism by which this occurs. Serotonin in turn resets the brain’s heat regulating system. 5-htp is effective at raising serotonin levels, is free of side effects, and is an effective substitute for anti-depressants.

Additionally, 5-htp has been clinically useful in reducing premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) symptoms such as sadness, hopelessness, self-deprecation, tension, anxiety, emotional instability, tearfulness, anger and irritability.

Migraine and fibromyalgia share a common root in serotonin and adrenal hormone (Cortisol) receptor function. Serotonin plays a role in maintaining pain thresholds, vascular constriction/dilation and maintenance of restorative sleep. It is also thought to disrupt pain signals and induce the activity of endorphins, the brains natural painkiller.

Italian researchers report in two clinical trials involving patients with fibromyalgia, that 5-htp (100mg 3X/day) significantly reduced fibromyalgia symptoms. These include a number of tender points, subjective pain severity, morning stiffness, sleep patterns, and anxiety.

Now offers 5-htp in three convenient doses; 50mg for starters, 100mg for maintenance, and 200mg plus 250mg tyrosine, Niacinamide and vitamin B-6 to stabilize adrenal function and help control minor pain.

Adapted from 7-syndrome healing: Supplement essentials for Body and Mind by Marcia Zimmerman and Jayson Kroner, 2006, Nutrition Solution Publications.

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A Testosterone Breakthrough to Restore Health and Youth

Date: May 29, 2006 07:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Testosterone Breakthrough to Restore Health and Youth

There is a powerful new performance-enhancing ingredient clinically proven in humans. Its called LJ100 Tongkat Ali. Four years ago no one in the United States had heard of Tongkat Ali. Today the herb is becoming increasingly well-known as an athletic performance enhancer, overall youth-promoting agent, and libido builder.

Tongkat Ali is the popular folk name for Eurycoma Longifolia, a medium sized, slender rain forest tree. The name Tongkat Ali means Ali’s walking stick and the plant is native to Malaysia, lower burma, Thailand and Indonesia. Tongkat Ali enjoys a history of use that dates back to the 1700’s, and today there is a growing body of serious science that corroborates its traditional uses, specifically for the patented and proprietary brand LJ100 Tongkat Ali standardized extract containing 28% bioactive glycopeptides.

LJ100 Tongkat Ali

LJ100 is a proprietary, patented ingredient, and has become recognized as the premier brand of Eurycoma Longifolia for supplements that build and tone muscles, boost energy levels, decrease body fat, slow the aging process, and increase libido for health-conscious consumers. LJ100 has undergone an exclusive, patented extraction process to capture the most potent, biologically active compounds. SourceOne Global Partners, headquarters in Chicago, holds the exclusive distribution rights to market and sell LJ100 Tongkat Ali in dietary supplements.

ATP and Lean Muscle

In studies, LJ100 Tongkat Ali extract greatly increases ATP production. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the basic unit of energy in the body, responsible for keeping us alive and going. By increasing ATP, overall energy and vitality are increased. Most people seek more energy and LJ100 Tongkat Ali provides it, without hyper stimulation, jittery nerves or insomnia. Promoting human energy production is a valuable health benefit by itself to make LJ100 Tongkat Ali an enduring botanical superstar. People want energy more than just about any other functional attribute.

Endocrinologists have known for a long time that testosterone increases the body’s ratio of lean muscle mass to fat. In both animals and humans, LJ100 Tongkat Ali increases muscle mass. In a study of men, half the subjects ingested LJ100 and half did not. In an eight-week physical training program the men who consumed LJ100 experienced greater gains in muscle mass and strength than those that did not. This demonstrates the powerful anabolic properties of Tongkat Ali. Instead of turning to the use of dangerous and potentially lethal steroids, it is recommended that more athletes opt for Tongkat Ali. In Malaysia, many professional field hockey players use LJ100 Tongkat Ali as an androgen and swear to its performance-enhancing effects. According to Chris Kilham, ethno botanist, author and lecturer, in a recent article in Physical Magazine,. “LJ100 Tongkat Ali has potential to revolutionize the sport nutrition category.”

Maintaining Normal cortisol / Testosterone Ratios

LJ100 is clinically proven to enhance weight loss and maintain high energy levels by maintaining normal levels of cortisol and testosterone during weight loss. More particularly, LJ100 studies have shown it to help maintain normal (low) cortisol and normal (high) testosterone levels during the stress of weight loss. This hormonal control provides energy to a person in a weight loss phase while simultaneously helping them lose weight. As a result, effective doses of LJ100 help prevent the body from seeking to gain weight by storing fat and increasing appetite. LJ100 can help stop the “yo-yo” diet effect where a dieter’s initial weight loss of a few pounds sends the body into catabolic state, leading to binge eating and fat storage.

LJ100’s Testosterone Breakthrough

LJ100 Tongkat Ali root contains numerous beneficial compounds, including potent protective antioxidants which inhibit cellular aging. What excites many people about LJ100 Tongkat Ali is that the root significantly boosts libido in men and women by increasing testosterone. Agents identified as glycoproteins are now proven to be the libido boosting ingredients in the plant.

Increasing testosterone is the key factor is the key factor in increasing libido. Testosterone is the most important of the male sex hormones, known as androgens, produced in the gonads. Testosterone plays a key role in the development and maturity of male sex organs. The hormone promotes secondary sex characteristics, including appearance of facial hair, enlargement of the larynx (producing a deeper voice), sexual desire and sexual behavior. Testosterone also stimulates metabolism, promotes lipolysis (Burning of fat), increases the formation of red blood cells and accelerates muscle growth.

Testosterone doesn’t stay with us from age 30 or so, blood levels of this hormone decline at a rate of about 2 percent per year. By age 50, the level is around 55 percent. As testosterone decreases, muscle tone, energy and sex drive all begin to decline. But testosterone is not just for men. The same decline in testosterone occurs in women, though the amounts involved are lower. In both sexes, sex drive, function, fat metabolism and energy decline into middle age.

One of the questions that many health researchers have pondered is what if you could boost your testosterone levels to more youthful levels? With LJ100 Tongkat Ali extract you can. And that makes LJ100 are true fountain of youth.

LJ100 Tongkat Ali “is the Greatest”

Don’t be fooled by wannabes. Only LJ100 delivers efficacy, standardization and supporting scientific research. When compared against lesser quality products, research showed LJ100 to increase serum testosterone levels 100% after two weeks, while some other products showed only an 8% improvement in serum testosterone level. Ali is the greatest only if it is LJ100 TongKat Ali.

Dr. Zheng-Xian Liu, PhD, has more than 18 years of experience in the Nutraceutical business and more than 34 years of experience in R & D. he received a doctorate of biochemistry and nutrition at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He was an NIH post-doctorate research fellow at Duke University Medical Center, specializing in free radical biochemistry, and a Pratt research fellow in nutrition. He also served as a member of the editorial board of journal of Advancement in Medicine and has published more than 60 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Buy TongKat Ali (LJ100) at Vitanet


Dr. Verghese, M.D. Liver Detoxifier & Regenerator Fact Sheet

Date: December 07, 2005 12:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Dr. Verghese, M.D. Liver Detoxifier & Regenerator Fact Sheet

Dr. Verghese, M.D. Liver Detoxifier & Regenerator Fact Sheet Neil E. Levin, CCN, DANLA 02/10/05

LIKELY USERS: People with exposure to toxins that stimulate liver activity; People with exposure to infections that may have damaged liver tissue

KEY INGREDIENT (S): Milk Thistle extract (Silymarin), Glutathione, NAC, Bupleurum extract, Grape Seed Extract, Dandelion Root extract, Artichoke Leaf, Schisandra and about a dozen additional herbs, along with synergistic ingredients

MAIN PRODUCT FEATURES: This formula was developed by a physician based on his clinical experience.

Artichoke leaf has antioxidant properties and restores healthy growth to liver cells.

Bupleurum may promote normal cell growth, immune function and is a staple of Chinese liver formulas. Dandelion Root may serve as a natural down-regulator of inflammatory chemicals in the body. NAC supports liver Glutathionestores (antioxidant, detoxifier, heavy metal chelator). Schisandra protects liver cells from toxins and may help to regenerate damaged cells. Milk thistle’s antioxidant Silymarin improves liver function tests and protects liver cells against oxidative damage. It also protects liver cells by blocking and removing toxins from the liver. Silymarin aids in regenerating injured liver cells and blocks fibrosis.

OTHER IMPORTANT ISSUES: Samuel Verghese, M.D. (AM), Ph.D., BCIA-EEG, DAAPM, holds a degree in Alternative Medicine and specializes in Nutritional, Ayurvedic and other Alternative Health Solutions. He is certified as a BCIA-EEG Associate Fellow.

AMOUNT TO USE: Three or more capsules a day, preferably with meals.

COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS: Antioxidants (supports liver detoxification), Alpha Lipoic Acid, EGCg Green Tea Extract, Astragalus, medicinal mushrooms (shiitake, reishi), SAM-e (may improve bile flow and promotes methylation to detoxify chemicals), TMG, lecithin, thymus glandular extract, Cordyceps.

AVOID: acetaminophen, alcohol, iron supplements (also red meat, fortified flour)

CAUTIONS: This formula should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers children or those with liver problems unless recommended under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Please notify your physician about your supplement use if you are using any drugs! Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


1. Salmi HA, Sarna S. Effect of silymarin on chemical, functional and morphological alterations of the liver. A double-blind controlled study. Scand J Gastroenterol 1982;17:517–21.
2. Feher J, Deak G, Muzes G, et al. Liver-protective action of silymarin therapy in chronic alcoholic liver diseases. Orv Hetil 1989;130:2723–7 [in Hungarian].
3. Muzes G, Deak G, Lang I, et al. Effect of silymarin (Legalon) therapy on the antioxidant defense mechanism and lipid peroxidation in alcoholic liver disease (double blind protocol.) Orv Hetil 1990:131:863–6 [in Hungarian].
4. Velussi M, Cernigoi AM, De Monte A, et al. Long-term (12 months) treatment with an anti-oxidant drug (silymarin) is effective on hyperinsulinemia, exogenous insulin need and malondialdehyde levels in cirrhotic diabetic patients. J Hepatol 1997;26:871–9.
5. Lieber CS. Nutrition in liver disorders. In: Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M, Ross AC (eds). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 9th ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1999, 1179–80.
6. Rodriguez-Moreno F, Gonzalez-Reimers E, Santolaria-Fernandez F, et al. Zinc, copper, manganese, and iron in chronic alcoholic liver disease. Alcohol 1997;14:39–44.
7. Gibbs K, Walshe JM. Studies with radioactive copper (64 Cu and 67 Cu); the incorporation of radioactive copper into caeruloplasmin in Wilson’s disease and in primary biliary cirrhosis. Clin Sci 1971;41:189–202.
8. Lieber CS. Nutrition in liver disorders. In: Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M, Ross AC (eds). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 9th ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1999:1179–80.
9. Halsted CH. Alcohol: medical and nutritional effects. In Ziegler EE, Filer LJ (eds). Present Knowledge in Nutrition, 7th ed. ILSI Press, Washington, DC, 1996, 553.
10. Blum AL, Doelle W, Kortum K, et al. Treatment of acute viral hepatitis with (+)-cyanidanol-3. Lancet 1977;2:1153–5.
11. Suzuki H, Yamamoto S, Hirayama C, et al. Cianidanol therapy for HBs-antigen-positive chronic hepatitis: a multicentre, double-blind study. Liver 1986;6:35–44.
12. Tang W, Eisenbrand G. Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1992. (Astragalus)
13. Hobbs, C. Medicinal Mushrooms. Santa Cruz, CA: Botanica Press, 1995, 96–107.
14. Harada T, Kanetaka T, Suzuki H, Suzuki K. Therapeutic effect of LEM (extract of cultured Lentinus edodes mycelia) against HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B. Gastroenterol Int 1988;1(suppl 1):abstract 719. 15. Kelly GS. Clinical applications of N-acetylcysteine. Altern Med Rev. Apr1998;3(2):114-27.
16. Montanini S, et al. Use of acetylcysteine as the life-saving antidote in Amanita phalloides (death cap) poisoning. Case report on 11 patients. Arzneimittelforschung. Dec1999;49(12):1044-7.
17. Buckley NA, et al. Oral or intravenous N-acetylcysteine: which is the treatment of choice for acetaminophen (paracetamol) poisoning? J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 1999;37(6):759-67. 18. Girardi G, Elias MM. Effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine in protecting against mercuric chloride-induced nephrotoxicity. Toxicology. Apr1991;67(2):155-64.
19. Berkson MB. Alpha-Lipoic Acid (Thioctic Acid): My Experience With This Outstanding Therapeutic Agent. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. 1998;13(1):44-48.
20. Breithaupt-Grogler K, et al. Dose-proportionality of oral thioctic acid--coincidence of assessments via pooled plasma and individual data. Eur J Pharm Sci. Apr1999;8(1):57-65.
21. Gebhardt R. Antioxidative and Protective Properties of Extracts from Leaves of the Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) Against Hydroperoxide-induced Oxidative Stress in Cultured Rat Hepatocytes. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. Jun1997;144(2):279-86.
22. Adzet T, et al. Hepatoprotective Activity of Polyphenolic Compounds From Cynara scolymus Against CCl4 Toxicity in Isolated Rat Hepatocytes. J Nat Prod. Jul1987;50(4):612-17.
23. Gebhardt R. Antioxidative and protective properties of extracts from leaves of the artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) against hydroperoxide-induced oxidative stress in cultured rat hepatocytes. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. Jun1997;144(2):279-86.
24. Khadzhai I, et al. Effect of Artichoke Extracts on the Liver. Farmakol Toksikol. Nov1971;34(6):685-87.
25. Newall CA, et al. Herbal Medicine: A Guide for Health-Care Professionals. Cambridge: Pharmaceutical Press; 1996:36-37.
27. Newall CA, et al. Herbal Medicines: A Guide for Health Care Professionals. London: The Pharmaceutical Press;1996:96-97.
28. Bradley PR, ed. British Herbal Compendium. Vol.1. Bournemouth: British Herbal Medicine Association;1992:73-74.
29. Newall CA, et al. Herbal Medicines: A Guide for Health Care Professionals. London: The Pharmaceutical Press;1996:96-97.

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Green Tea

Date: November 05, 2005 03:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Tea

The Benefits of Green Tea.

Around the globe, tea holds an exalted place among beverages. As a matter of fact, next to water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. Green tea is on of the richest natural sources of antioxidants. Most of the published health research on Green tea has been in regard to preventing disease, such as certain types of cancer, but other health benefits from green tea have been studied in test tube, human and animal trials with many positive results. Green tea is loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. As chemists investigate how Green Tea works its medicinal magic, they have zeroed in on a family of antioxidants known as catechins. Catechins are members of the flavonoids family and are naturally occurring in a number of plant-derived foods. Some of the catechins in Green tea are more powerful then a number of familiar antioxidants.



Date: July 11, 2005 09:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (


It is important to know the area where you will be going to determine plants that will be available in case they are needed and access to emergency help if necessary. The herbal first aid kit is meant to be used for minor conditions that may occur while traveling. Any serious condition should be seen by a health care professional. Gathering herbs along the trail can be fun as well as useful. Simple plant remedies can be brought along in the first aid kit. Major injuries require immediate medical attention by a professional. Minor problems can often be taken care of with simple herbal remedies. Supplies can be obtained from the local health food store or by collecting plants locally.

Along with the herbs, a few supplies should be part of the kit available at the local drugstore or market.

1. scissors
2. thermometer
3. band aids of all sizes
4. gauze
5. tweezers
6. blister kit
7. needle
8. moleskin for blisters
9. adhesive tape
10. first aid instruction manual
11. herbal first aid manual

ALOE VERA: Aloe is great for minor skin abrasions, burns and as a natural laxative. It is excellent to soothe and repair damage from a sunburn. Aloe can be applied to stings and bites to soothe and heal.

TEA TREE OIL: Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and contains many antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It helps to speed the healing process and is excellent to apply externally on wounds to promote healing and prevent infection. It is also a natural bug repellent and can soothe and promote healing after bites and stings.

ECHINACEA: One of the most often used herbs, echinacea is useful for pre venting infection by stimulating the immune function. It can be found in herbal salve preparations and applied directly to the wound. A salve can also be applied to skin irritations from contact with poison ivy or oak. LAVENDER: Lavender is a natural bug repellent and can be applied topically to bites and stings.

GINGER: Ginger root is excellent for an upset stomach. It is effective when used to combat motion and altitude sickness. Studies have found ginger to be just as effective when treating motion sickness due to riding in the car, boating or flying in and airplane, as over the counter remedies which often have side effects such as drowsiness. Ginger can be made into a tea or taken in capsule form. ARNICA: Arnica can be applied externally to areas of bruising and swelling, but not to broken skin. It can help to reduce inflammation.

PLANTAIN: A poultice of plantain can help reduce inflammation when applied to the affected area. It can also help with bites, stings, scratches and cuts. GARLIC: Along with being a natural antibiotic to help prevent infection, garlic also helps to keep mosquitoes away. They don’t seem to like the scent of garlic. Capsules or pills should be taken internally.

CAYENNE (CAPSICUM): This is effective for both internal and external bleeding. Externally, apply pressure and raise affected area. Sprinkle cayenne powder over the wound. MINT: Mint leaves, often found growing in the wild, can be made into a tea to help with digestion and calm the nerves. Some members of the mint family include peppermint, spearmint, catnip and horsemint.

FEVERFEW: This daisy like plant found growing in the wild, can help with migraine headaches and inflammation.

Chew the leaves, make into a tea or take in capsule form. Some have developed mouth irritations from chewing the leaves.

Tea Tree Oil Fights Staph Infection

There is much concern regarding the overuse of antibiotics leading to drug resistant strains of bacteria. Some forms of bacteria are difficult to control as they change form. Tea tree oil holds promise as an effective treatment for inactivating Staphylococcus aureus.

A study reported in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, (1995; 35: 421-45), and lead by Dr. C. F. Carson, researched tea tree oil at the University of Western Australia. The results were significant. Tea tree oil successfully inactivated the staph bacteria which was resistant to methicillin, a salt of penicillin. It is a versatile substance with a broad spectrum of capabilities. It is generally used topically.

Blueberries for Health

Blueberries are packed full of nutritional value. A study published in the Food and Nutrition Re s e a rch Br i e f s , January, 1997, found that two-thirds of a cup of blueberries had more antioxidants than the recommended daily amounts of vitamins E and C. Blueberries were followed by Concord grape juice, strawberries, kale and spinach in their antioxidant content.

Antioxidants are an important part of optimal health. They protect the body from free radical damage which can lead to a variety of conditions such as aging, cancer, heart disease and other diseases. Adding blueberries could aid in p rotecting the body and strengthening the immune response.

Worldwide Concern About Antibiotic Overuse

A recent report called for doctors throughout the world to be careful in administering antibiotics needlessly. Overuse of antibiotics has lead to germ mutations resistant and untreatable with current antibiotics. Pediatricians in the United States have received a brochure from the American Academy of Pediatrics urging them to take precautions before prescribing. Antibiotics are not always the answer as they do not work on viral infections which cause the common cold, sore throats and some ear infections. Staphylococcus aureus is one example of an antibiotic resistant strain. Over 90 percent of this staph strain are resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics. And other bacteria are also developing a resistance to antibiotic therapy. Save antibiotics for conditions that require their use.

Aloe Vera, Woodland Health Series

Aloe vera is one of the most widely used plants for medicinal purposes. It has been used for over 4,000 year for its therapeutic benefits. Aloe Vera, a pamphlet written by Deanne Tenney, offers valuable information and up to date research on the aloe vera plant.

The benefits of the aloe plant are truly amazing. It has been used to treat burns, radiation burns, skin disorders, wounds, scratches, sunburn, dermatitis, constipation, digestion, ulcer, kidney stones, bacterial and viral infections, and to relieve pain. It is widely used for skin disorders, but its benefits go far beyond the skin.

As a natural home remedy, there are few plants more valuable than the aloe. It is a simple and easy way to treat minor injuries. The plant contains antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, anesthetic and tissue healing properties. The Aloe Vera pamphlet offers historical as well as modern uses for this ancient plant. Aloe Vera is available through Woodland Publishing.

Tea Tree Oil, Woodland Health Series

Tea tree oil is derived from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia, a shrub-like tree found in Australia. It contains significant medicinal value and beneficial properties. Another pamphlet in the Woodland Publishing Health Series, Tea Tree Oil offers historical uses as well as current scientific information.

The essential oil of the tea tree leaves is one of the most powerful essential oils. It is used extensively in Australia, and popularity is growing throughout the world. It contains antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties helping to prevent and heal infection.

Tea tree oil has been used successfully for many conditions such as athlete’s foot, acne, burns, warts, vaginal yeast infections, ringworm, skin rashes, herpes, cold sores, canker sores, insect bites and in preventing infection to name a few. Tea tree oil is a natural alternative that can be used effectively for extended periods of time without.

Vitanet ®


Hyaluronic Joint Complex - w/Glucosa, Chondr, & MSM - The Next Generation in Joint Formula

Date: June 29, 2005 11:45 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hyaluronic Joint Complex - w/Glucosa, Chondr, & MSM - The Next Generation in Joint Formula

Hyaluronic Joint Complex™ with Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM The Next Generation in Joint Formulas

Every movement you make requires your joints to help your body flex, bend and twist into that next position. But with time and use, your joints can begin to break down, resulting in discomfort. Source Naturals understands how difficult it is to live with joint discomfort. That’s why we developed HYALURONIC JOINT COMPLEX. This powerful formula combines the most popular, scientifically researched ingredients for joint health—hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM. Together, these ingredients promote joint, tendon and ligament flexibility and easy joint movement. Joints are cushions made of flexible and protective cartilage—containing outer layers that surround a lubricating fluid. It is this design of your joint and other connective tissues that gives your body structure, height and the ability to move without damaging the bones and muscles that hold you up. HYALURONIC JOINT COMPLEX provides the key nutrients needed to support this complex structure.

BioCell Collagen II®—Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide chain found throughout the body. It is a major component of joint tissue that helps to hold lubricating moisture in joints and cartilage, affecting their resilience, elasticity, and strength. BioCell Collagen II® is a patented hyaluronic acid, which has undergone an absorption enhancing hydrolyzation process that yields low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, and Collagen Type II peptides, unlike other preparations that have not been hydrolized. The low weight allows these compounds to deliver greater support for your joints.

Glucosamine—An Amino Sugar

Glucosamine is an amino sugar—a molecule made from an amino acid and a simple sugar. Amino sugars are the basis of virtually all connective tissues and lubricating fluids in the body. Just as amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, amino sugars are the building blocks of giant molecules called glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s), also known as proteoglycans and mucopolysaccharides. GAG’s are large, spongy, water-holding molecules that form the glue that holds us together. This substance is found in all connective tissue and mucous membranes. Numerous double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have examined the positive effects of oral administration of 1,500 mg of glucosamine sulfate-the amount in one daily use of HYALURONIC JOINT COMPLEX. To ensure optimal absorption, this formula contains glucosamine sulfate, N-acetyl glucosamine and glucosamine HCl.

Chondroitin Sulfate

Chondroitin sulfate is the most abundant GAG in the body. Its main role is in keeping cartilage fluid and elastic. It is found naturally in the body, where it is one of the critical compounds that makes up connective tissue. Connective tissue is responsible for building and supporting cartilage found in the joints and elsewhere.

Dietary Sulfur for Joint Lubrication

Both glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate provide an additional source of sulfur, a mineral that is important for healthy connective tissue. HYALURONIC JOINT COMPLEX also features MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, a naturally occurring form of organic sulfur found in body fluids and tissue, cow’s milk, plants and most natural foods. Sulfur may promote joint flexibility due to its role in supporting joint lubrication and movement. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluated the effects of MSM with promising results.

Supporting Ingredients for Joint Health:

Manganese Ascorbate and Vitamin C Manganese is involved in the production of a wide variety of enzymes. These enzymes influence such biological processes as the production of collagen and the metabolism of protein and cholesterol. Manganese is also necessary for the growth and maintenance of tissues, cartilage and bones.

The manganese ascorbate used in this formula also provides 55% vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for the production and stability of collagen, the major protein in cartilage and connective tissue. It also protects cells from harmful free radicals.

Innovative natural products, such as HYALURONIC JOINT COMPLEX, are an integral part of the Wellness Revolution. Taking personal responsibility for your health is at the heart of this revolution. Your local health food outlet is your source for nutritional education and advanced natural products. Source Naturals is pleased to partner with these outlets to bring you HYALURONIC JOINT COMPLEX—the next generation in joint formulas.

Altman, RD. 2003. Status of hyaluronan supplementation therapy in osteoarthritis. Curr Rheumatol Rep, Feb; 5(1) 7-14. Abstract only. Lawrence, R. MD, PhD. MSM Research. Accessed February 2005. Available at Braham, R. et al. 2003. The effect of glucosamine supplementation on people experiencing regular knee pain. Br. J. Sports Med. 37:45-49. Biocell Collagen II® is registered a trademark of Biocell Technology LLC, Anaheim, California USA (US patents 6,025,327; 6,323,319; 6,780,841 - other US and foreign patents pending).

Vitanet ®


CHITOSAN: The Fiber that Binds Fat

Date: June 25, 2005 07:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CHITOSAN: The Fiber that Binds Fat


Chitosan is a natural product that inhibits fat absorption. It has the potential to revolutionize the process of losing weight and by so doing, reduce the incidence of some of the most devastating Western diseases we face today. Chitosan is indigestable and non-absorbable. Fats bound to chitosan become nonabsorbable thereby negating their caloric value. Chitosan-bound fat leaves the intestinal tract having never entered the bloodstream. Chitosan is remarkable in that it has the abilty to absorb an average of 4 to 5 times its weight in fat.60

The same features that allow chitosan to bind fats endow it with many other valuable properties that work to promote health and prevent disease. Chitosan is a remarkable substance whose time has come.

Chitosan: A Brief History

Chitin, the precursor to Chitosan, was first discovered in mushrooms by the French professor Henri Braconnot in 1811.61 In the 1820’s chitin was also isolated from insects.62 Chitin is an extremely long chain of N-acetyl-D-glucoseamine

a) Chitosan full structure
b) Abbreviated Chitosan structure
c) Fanciful "crab oligomer" Chitosan structure showing functional claw

glucoseamine units. Chitin is the most abundant natural fiber next to cellulose and is similar to cellulose in many respects. The most abundant source of chitin is in the shells of shellfish such as crab and shrimp. The worldwide shellfish harvest is estimated to be able to supply 50,000 tons of chitin annually.63 The harvest in the United States alone could produce over 15,000 tons of chitin each year.64

Chitin has a wide range of uses but that is the subject of another book. Chitosan was discovered in 1859 by Professor C. Rouget.65 It is made by cooking chitin in alkali, much like the process for making natural soaps. After it

• Waste Water Purification • Stabilizing Oil Spills • Stabilizing Fats in Food Preparation • Antibacterial Protection for Seeds • Flavor Stabilizer • Stabilizes Perishable Fruits/Vegetables • Ion Exchange Media • Bacterial Immobilizer • Cosmetic and Shampoo Additive • Tableting Excipient • Absorbant for Heavy Metal Removal
Table 5. Industrial Uses of Chitosan 66-75

• Absorbs and Binds Fat • Promotes Weight Loss • Reduces LDL Cholesterol • Boosts HDL Cholesterol • Promotes Wound Healing • Antibacterial/Anticandida/Antiviral • Acts as Antacid • Inhibits the Formation of Plaque/Tooth Decay • Helps Control Blood Pressure • Helps Dental Restoration/Recovery • Helps to Speed Bone Repair • Improves Calcium Absorption • Reduces Levels of Uric Acid
Table 6. Health and Nutrition Uses of Chitosan 60,66,77-107

is cooked the links of the chitosan chain are made up of glucosamine units. Each glucosamine unit contains a free amino group. These groups can take on a positive charge which gives chitosan its amazing properties. The stucture of chitosan is represented schematically in Figure 2. Research on the uses of chitin and Chitosan flourished in the 1930s and early 1940s but the rise of synthetic fibers, like the rise of synthetic medicines, overshadowed the interest in natural products. Interest in natural products, including chitin and chitosan, gained a resurgence in the 1970s and has continued to expand ever since. Uses of Chit osan Some of Chitosan's major uses—both Industrial and Health and Nutritional—are listed in Tables 5 and 6.

Water Purification

Chitosan has been used for about three decades in water purification processes. 67 When chitosan is spread over oil spills it holds the oil mass together making it easier to clean up the spill. Water purification plants throughout the world use chitosan to remove oils, grease, heavy metals, and fine particulate matter that cause turbidity in waste water streams.

Fat Binding/ Weight Loss

Like some plant fibers, chitosan is not digestible; therefore it has no caloric value. No matter how much chitosan you ingest, its calorie count remains at

Dietary Fiber % Fat Excreted Dietary Fiber %Fat Excreted Chitosan 50.8 + 21.6 Carrageen 9.6 + 1.9 Kapok 8.3 + 1.1 Sodium Alginate 8.1 + 2.2 Pectin 7.4 + 1.9 Locust Bean 6.0 + 1.8 Guar 6.0 + 1.7 Konjak 5.2 + 0.6 Cellulose 5.1 + 2.1 Karaya 4.9 + 1.5 Acacia 4.6 + 0.9 Furcellaran 4.4 + 0.9 Chitin 4.3 + 1.0 Agar 2.8 + 0.4
TABLE 7. Effects of Dietary Fibers on Fecal Lipid Excretion 109,110

fibers, chitosan’s unique properties give it the ability to significantly bind fat, acting like a “fat sponge” in the digestive tract. Table 7 shows a comparison of chitosan and other natural fibers and their ability to inhibit fat absorption. Under optimal conditions, Chitosan can bind an average of 4 to 5 times its weight with all the lipid aggregates tested.60 (NOTE: This assessment was made without the addition of ascorbic acid which potentiates this action even further.77 Studies in Helsinki have shown that individuals taking chitosan lost an average of 8 percent of their body weight in a 4-week period.76 Chitosan has increased oil-holding capacity over other fibers.108 Among the abundant natural fibers, chitosan is unique. This uniqueness is a result of chitosan’s amino groups which make it an acid absorbing (basic) fiber. Most natural fibers are neutral or acidic. Table 7 summarizes the in vivo effects in animals of various fibers on fecal lipid excretion. As can be seen from the results listed, ingestion of chitosan resulted in 5-10 times more fat excretion than any other fiber tested. D-Glucosamine, the building block of chitosan, is not able to increase fecal fat excretion. This is due to the fact that glucosamine is about 97 percent absorbed while chitosan is nonabsorbable. Fats bound to glucosamine would likely be readily absorbed along with the glucosamine. Chitosan, on the other hand, is not absorbed and therefore fats bound to chitosan can not be absorbed.

Cholesterol Control

Chitosan has the very unique ability to lower LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) while boosting HDL cholesterol (the good kind).78 Laboratory tests performed on rats showed that “chitosan depresses serum and liver cholesterol levels in cholesterol- fed rats without affecting performance, organ weight or the nature of the feces.”79 Japanese researchers have concluded that Chitosan “appears to be an effective hypocholesterolemic agent.”80 In other words, it can effectively lower blood serum cholesterol levels with no apparent side effects. A study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that Chitosan is as effective in mammals as cholestryramine (a cholesterol lowering drug) in controlling blood serum cholesterol without the deleterious side effects typical of cholestryramine. 81 Chitosan decreased blood cholesterol levels by 66.2 percent.82 It effectively lowered cholesterol absorption more than guar gum or cellulose.83 Laboratory test results indicated that a 7.5% chitosan formula maintained adequate cholesterol levels in rats, despite a dramatic increase in the intake of cholesterol. 84



Date: June 25, 2005 07:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Catuaba

According to natives of the Amazon, when Tupan, the most powerful of all the Gods, decided to create man and woman and an environment in which they could t hrive, he assembled the other gods and goddesses and sought t heir assist ance. Jaci, the goddess of the moon, offered her help to Tupan. “I will teach the people how to grow seeds for food.

While many beneficial plants are steeped in myth and legend, few are as widely known and consumed among the natives of the Amazon river basin as catuaba, Erthyroxylum catuaba.

Revered as an enhancer of both libido and sexual potency, catuaba is a tree which grows widely across the northern Amazon.This most famous of all reputed aphrodisiac Amazonian plants is the subject of numerous indigenous songs,and the harvesting of catuaba bark (the part used for sexual enhancement) has become big business throughout Brazil.

In January of this year, I and two others went on a mission to the Brazilian Amazon to investigate catuaba as it is harvested and used by the indigenous people of that region. We possessed complementary skills.

My work involves researching and photographing indigenous native uses of plants around the world.My wife Shahannah, whose previous career as a marine mammal researcher put her on the ocean for three years, was our videographer.The third member, Bernie Peixoto, was born and raised in that region, speaks ten native languages fluently, and also holds a Ph.D in anthropology.We were a small, but capable group.

Entering Brazil through Manaus, we made contact with Antonio Matas,the most famous herbalist in that area.Antonio described to us numerous instances in which the use of catuaba had resulted in renewed sexual potency in men, and revived or enhanced libido in both men and women.Antonio also introduced us to a man named Sivao,the primary dealer of catuaba in the entire sprawling Manaus region. From Sivao we learned that catuaba was increasing in popularity every month, and had become one of the most sought after and widely used beneficial plants in northern Brazil, due to its ef fectiveness.

After our meetings in Manaus,we headed down the Amazon river where we stayed with Ipixuna and Crinicoru Indians in floating houses right on the river itself.

With the guidance of an outdoorsman named Geronimo and a fisherman named Jose’,we hiked into the forest,saw catuaba trees growing, and witnessed the harvesting and sale of the bark.In addition,we were led to two elderly women shamans,who described to us the sex-enhancing and restorative virtues of catuaba.

While space doesn’t permit an explanation of all that we saw and learned, we discovered during the course of our travels that while catuaba is used by almost all middle-aged men,it is also popular among couples of all ages for its enhancement of libido. More often than not,catuaba is used with muira puama. We asked repeatedly why this was so,and each time we were told that the combination of the two plants results in significantly greater sexual enhancement than can be obtained by using either herb by itself. Most of the people with whom we spoke use catuaba personally, and they expressed great enthusiasm for catuaba’s sex-enhancing properties. Throughout history, people have sought to enhance their libido and improve sexual potency. Catuaba,a common tree growing widely across the Amazon river basin,has centuries of safe,effective use as a sex-enhancer.As more people become aware of the botanical treasures of the rainforest,catuaba is destined to become popular and widely used in this culture as well. The views expressed in this article are those of the author only, and have not been approved or endorsed by Nutraceutical Corporation or any of its subsidaries or affiliates.

Vitanet ®


Anti-Aging Nutrients

Date: June 18, 2005 09:07 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Anti-Aging Nutrients

Anti-Aging Nutrients by Edward C. Wallace, DC, ND Energy Times, February 3, 2000

What's the big deal about trying to live longer? As you grow older (and the American population grows older alongside you) you may want to postpone the inevitable. Few wish to hasten "the journey from which no traveler returns." But as we approach that final bon voyage, chances are we desire clear sailing-aging without disability and with a peaceful, easy feeling.

How Do We Age?

Science has long puzzled about what causes the wrinkles, pains and deterioration of aging. In the search for causes, two basic theories have won over the most proponents: The first holds that cells are programmed with biological clocks that predetermine how many times they can reproduce before becoming non-functional. This theory has been largely formulated by the researcher Leonard Hayflick, MD.

The second basic theory, introduced by Denham Harman, MD, PhD, in the mid 1950s, holds that cells eventually break down due to attack by caustic molecules called free radicals that cause oxidative stress.

Programmed Cell Theory

In the early '60s, Dr. Hayflick observed that human fibroblasts (cells from connective tissue) in the laboratory refused to divide more than about 50 times. Dr. Hayflick also found that even if he froze the fibroblasts after 20 divisions, they would remember that they only had 30 divisions left after thawing.

Fifty cell divisions have been called the "Hayflick limit." Based on this research, scientists theorize that cells maintain a genetic clock that winds down as old age ensues. Many researchers believe the hypothalamus gland is the force behind our aging clocks, signaling the pituitary gland to release hormones that cause aging.

Free Radical/Oxidative Stress Theory

The other popular theory of aging pictures the human body as a cellular battlefield where attackers called free radicals damage our cells and tissues, making them age. In this scenario, a process called oxidation is the chief aging villain. On a microscopic level, oxidation generally entails molecules or atoms losing electrons. (Gaining electrons is called reduction.) The molecules or atoms that take these electrons are oxidizing agents.

Free radicals are substances that can exist with missing electrons, making them readily able to donate or accept electrons and damage structures in cells. As such, they are highly reactive, binding with and destroying important cellular compounds. Most of the free radicals in your body are made during metabolic processes. More are added from the food you eat and environmental pollution. Most of these free radicals contain oxygen molecules. As each cell makes energy in little structures called mitochondria, free radicals result. These oxidant by-products can damage DNA, proteins and lipids (fats). Consequently, toxic by-products of lipid peroxidation may cause cancer, inhibit enzyme activity and produce mutations in genetic material that make you age faster.

DNA Repair Theory

Free radical damage to DNA can cause cells to mutate or die. Your body makes enzymes that can repair this damage and slow aging. But, over time, the amount of damage overwhelms the body's ability to fix things. As cells grow older, their ability to patch up DNA diminishes and the rate of damage proceeds faster than repair. The result: We age and eventually die.

What Can We Do?

The free radical theory of aging suggests that taking antioxidants (compounds known to prevent free radical damage) in our food or as supplements may slow aging.

In the publication Age (18 [51] 1995: 62), it was reported that "aging appears to be caused by free radicals initiated by the mitochondria at an increasing rate with age. Superoxide and hydrogen peroxide radicals formed by the mitochondria during normal metabolism are major risk factors for disease and death after about the age of 28 in developed countries. Antioxidants from the diet lower the production of free radicals without impairing essential reactions to maintain body function."

Antioxidant Protection

Common dietary antioxidants include: vitamins E and C, carotenes, sulphur containing amino acids, co-enzyme Q10 and flavonoids (a group of plant compounds or pigments responsible for the color in fruits and flowers). In addition, melatonin, DHEA and the amino acid compound glutathione may also prove of benefit.

Glutathione along with the enzyme glutathione peroxidase are an essential part of free radical "quenching." (Quenching means changing free radicals into benign substances no longer capable of harm.) Deficiencies may suggest a decreased capacity to maintain detoxification and metabolic reactions in which glutathione plays a role, resulting in increased free radical stress and/or lipid peroxidation. Drinking too many alcoholic beverages can result in glutathione deficiency.

In a study in which 39 healthy men and 130 healthy women between the ages of 20 and 94 were evaluated for glutathione levels, the older subjects had significantly decreased levels (especially in the 60 to 79-year-old group). The authors felt that physical health and longevity were closely related to glutathione levels (Jrnl Lab & Clin Sci 120(5), Nov. 1992: 720-725). Poor nutrition and/or deficiencies in essential micronutrients and many prescription medications may contribute significantly to detoxification capacity in an aged individual. All of these circumstances are common in the elderly.

Eating a poor diet that contains too many processed foods without many fruits and vegetables can compromise your body's ability to detoxify pollutants, toxins and other harmful compounds. That can set off metabolic processes capable of fomenting large increases in free radical stress that can accelerate aging. Unfortunately, even in a country as prosperous as our own, nutrient deficiencies are frequent, especially in older citizens.

Nutrition Deficiencies

A study that looked at what elderly people consumed compared their reported intake with the 1989 Recommended Dietary Amount (RDA) and 1980 RDA: One of four people consumed only two-thirds of the RDA for calories and 60% consumed less than two-thirds of the RDA for vitamin D. As for other nutrients, 50% were found to have inadequate zinc levels (less than two-thirds of the RDA), 31% lacked calcium, 27% were short of vitamin B6, 25% didn't get enough magnesium, 7% missed out on folate and 6% ate less than two-thirds of the requirement for vitamin C (Nutrition Reviews (II), September 1995: S9-S15).

When researchers examine what everyone in the U.S. eats, they find that only 9% of Americans consume the recommended five servings of fruits and/or vegetables per day (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sept 1993).

A diet high in fruits and vegetables is naturally high in antioxidant compounds and is believed to help you live longer. Unfortunately, if you buy your produce in the supermarket, those fruits and vegetables may also be rich in pesticide and herbicide residues (Consumer Reports, March 1999). Obviously, organic produce lacks these residues. But, in any case, research continues to indicate that a diet low in meats and animal fat and high in vegetables protects against antioxidant damage.

Longevity Diets

A six-year study of 182 people over age 70 in rural Greek villages found that those following their traditional diet of olive oil, whole grain breads, fresh fruits and vegetables and wine were less likely to die during the study than those who consumed more red meat and saturated fat. The most important foods in lowering the risk of early death included fruits, vegetables, legumes (peas and beans), nuts, dairy products and cereals (BMJ 311, 1995: 1457-1460).

Another article in Epidemiology highlights the evidence that eating a vegetarian diet increases your chances of living longer. Included in this survey is a recent country-wide study of diet and health in China, showing that the traditional near vegetarian diet of 10% to 15% of calories coming from dietary fat reduced the chances of heart disease, diabetes and many types of cancers (Epidemiology 3[5], 1992: 389-391).

Staying Alive

Staying skinny and limiting what you eat may also increase longevity. Scientific studies have previously shown that being overweight can theoretically curtail your life, increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other life-shortening conditions. Animal studies have also shown that restricting food can slow diseases associated with aging. Researchers believe that cutting calories helps your immune system stay younger by reducing the formation of substances that are called proinflammatory cytokines.

Specifically reducing your intake of fatty foods may decrease your chance of coming down with autoimmune diseases. Researchers think omega-6 fatty acid vegetable oils (like corn oil) may increase free radical formation and decrease levels of antioxidant enzyme messenger RNA in addition to other effects (Nutrition Reviews 53[4], 1995: S72-S79). Another study found that cutting calories lowers the levels of oxidative stress and damage, retards age-associated changes and extends maximum life span in mammals (Science 273, July 5, 1996: 59-63).

In yet another study, it was shown that caloric restriction early in the life of lab animals increased their life span by a whopping 40% (Australian Family Physician 23[7], July 1994: 1297-1305). Today's modern higher-fat, low-fiber diet with substantial sugar consumption represents everything the longevity researchers say you shouldn't eat.

Longevity and Exercise

Exercise may slow aging. When researchers looked at the exercise habits of 17,000 men, average age of 46, they found that those who took part in vigorous activity lived longer.

Exercise can improve both cardiac and metabolic functions within the body, while also decreasing heart disease risk. Even modest exercise has been shown to improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels (JAMA 273[15], April 19, 1995: 1179-1184). In a study of how exercise affects your chances of living longer, 9,773 men underwent preventive medicine examinations on two different occasions. When the researchers looked at who lived longest, they found the highest death rate was in men who were unfit during both physical exams.

The Treadmill of Life

The lowest death rate was in the men who worked out and were in good shape. The researchers concluded that for each minute increase in how long a man could keep treading on a treadmill (between the first and second exam) there was a corresponding 7.9% decrease in the risk of dying (JAMA 273 [14], April 12, 1995: 1093-1098).

Since exercise can increase oxygen consumption up to 10 times, boosting the rate of production of free radicals, researchers believe that older individuals need more antioxidant nutrients to protect them. In a paper published in Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (1997), researchers stated that if you regularly exercise in your golden years, you should take more antioxidant vitamins to compensate for this risk.

Longevity Supplementation

Melatonin is not often thought of as an antioxidant, but, instead, as a sleep aid. Melatonin, however, is an effective and efficient free radical scavenger and may help stave off the effects of aging. Melatonin protects against what are called hydroxyl free radicals. Research shows that older people's lack of melatonin may make them more susceptible to oxidative stress. In one study, researchers felt that new therapies aimed at stimulating melatonin synthesis may eventually lead to therapies for the prevention of diseases related to premature aging (Aging and Clinical Experimental Research 7[5], 1995: 338-339). Melatonin was shown to provide antioxidant protection in several ways.

Toning Down Enzymes

Melatonin can ease the effects of enzymes that generate free radicals, enhance the production of glutathione peroxidase (an antioxidant) and defuse the caustic action of free radicals that contain hydroxyls. In several studies, DHEA supplementation has been shown to potentially revive immune function in older adults (Exp. Opin. Invest. Drugs 4[2], 1995: 147-154).

In a study of 138 persons older than 85 years compared to 64 persons 20 to 40 years of age, scientists found that the younger people had four times as much DHEA in their bodies.

The researchers believe that our bodies make less and less DHEA as we get older. The authors of this study raise the possibility that declining DHEA may be partly to blame for our biological clocks running down (New York Academy of Sciences 1994: 543-552).

Vitamins E & C

A growing body of research also supports the benefits of taking vitamins E and C to hold off the effects of getting old. Researchers writing in Free Radicals and Aging (1992: 411-418) point out that as you get older your body is home to more and more free radical reactions that may lead to degenerative diseases like heart disease and arthritis. Research has found that in older people with exercise-induced oxidative stress, taking vitamin E every day may significantly fight off free radicals. (To investigate this effect, scientists measured waste products in urine that result from free radical reactions.) Their conclusion: Dietary antioxidants such as vitamin E may be beneficial.

Chronological Age Vs.Biological Age

Vitamin C also looks to scientists like a good anti-aging bet. Research in the Journal of Advancement in Medicine, (7[1], Spring 1994: 31-41) showed that folks consuming larger amounts of vitamin C were less likely to experience clinical problems at all ages. Those taking in less than 100 mg of vitamin C per day also suffered the most problems.

In this research, individuals over 50 years of age who daily consumed the largest amount of vitamin C were as healthy or healthier than the 40 year olds who were taking the least amount of vitamin C.

Similar Relationship

A similar relationship appears to exist for vitamin E and serum cholesterol levels. In a study of 360 physicians and their spouses, researchers found that people in their 50s who consumed more vitamin E had lower cholesterol than those in their 30s who were taking less.

And the longevity beat goes on: In a study evaluating environmental tobacco smoke and oxidative stress, researchers divided 103 people into three groups. Researchers blew smoke at 37 of these folks without protection while 30 of them got to breathe tobacco smoke but took antioxidant supplementation. Another 36 of them merely had to read magazines from doctors' offices. The results: After 60 days of supplementation the antioxidant folks had a 62% reduction in evidence of oxidative damage to their DNA. Cholesterol levels dropped and so did antioxidant enzyme activities. The researchers concluded that taking antioxidants provided a modicum of protection against environmental poisons.

The range of antioxidant nutrients used in this study included: beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and selenium as well as copper (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 7, November 1998: 981-988).


When you mention carotene or carotenoids, most people think of the beta carotene that makes carrots orange. But more than 600 carotenoids are present in colorful vegetables and many of these misunderstood substances are more potent antioxidants than beta-carotene.

Carotenoids have been shown to destroy oxygen free radicals in lipids (fats), help protect our cells from the sun's ultra violet radiation and enhance our natural immune response (J. Nutr 119[1], Jan. 1989: 112-115).

Some evidence seems to show that how much carotenoids you (and other mammals) have in your cells may be the predominant factor in determining life span (Proc Natl Acad Sci 82 [4], 1985: 798-802). Therefore, a diet rich in carotenoids (leafy green vegetables, carrots, yams, sweet potatoes, squash, citrus fruits and tomatoes) along with supplementation seems to be just what the fountain of youth ordered.


Flavonoids, a group of antioxidant plant pigments, seem to be able to protect specific organs. For instance, the flavonoids in milk thistle (Silybum marianum) have been used for ages for liver problems. Bilberry has been found protective for the eye and hawthorn for the heart and circulatory system.

Numerous studies have shown the many beneficial effects of flavonoids with perhaps the best known being the ability of anthocyanidins in wine and grape seed extract to help protect your blood vessels and capillaries from oxidative damage (Phytotherapy 42, 1986: 11-14; Am J Clin Nutr 61, 1995: 549-54).

Flavonoids are found in vegetables and such fruits as blackberries, blueberries, cherries and grapes. A diet rich in these foods helps ensure an adequate intake of these important nutrient compounds.

Amino Acid Health

Methionine and cysteine are sulphur containing amino acids (protein building blocks), both of which are essential in maintaining levels of glutathione, a substance that plays a major role in quelling free radicals. Studies have found that as we age, the level of these important amino acids in our bodies decreases. (NEJM 312 [1], 1985: 159-68). As it has been shown that adding cysteine to the diet of test animals can increase their life expectancy considerably, researchers believe these amino acids can help us live longer too.

Attitude & Behavior

Get more sleep! A recent study showed that men who habitually napped were less likely to have a heart attack. The men in this research who regularly napped for at least 30 minutes per day had about a 30% reduction in heart problems while those who napped for a full hour had a 50% reduction compared to non nappers. Naps of longer duration did not seem to increase the benefit. In the same research, investigators also found that spending time with a pet or merely contemplating nature could also improve cardiac health. Sensuality, optimism and altruism also appeared to have health benefits (Family Practice News, December 15, 1998: 14-15).

In another study, this one in American Psychologist, researchers from the University of California found that people who are self-indulgent, pampered and achieve by running roughshod over the competition are less likely to outlive their healthy peers. Being egocentric, impulsive, undependable and tough-minded were predictors of poor physical health and a shorter life. So loosen up and be nice to your fellow humans! (U.C. Davis Magazine, Fall 1995: 14).

Longevity at Last

While no one has suggested that taking supplements, eating vegetables or exercising can, as of yet, extend the human life span past the generally recognized limit of about 120 years, researchers believe they can improve your odds of longer life. And by staying healthier, your old age will be more enjoyable, too.

Vitanet ®


Green Power

Date: June 14, 2005 06:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Power

Green Power

by Charles Scott Energy Times, January 4, 2005

If you want to stave off infections, aging-even liver cancer-get your fill of chlorophyll, a vital nutrient in plants.

The green in plants possesses unique powers. Green landscapes soothe the soul. A verdant expanse of green vegetation offers comfort, peace and ecological consolation. What makes some plants, including vegetables, green: Chlorophyll, a substance that is also a crucial nutrient for better health.

Chlorophyll is a special chemical that consists of molecules which enable plants to collect sunlight. In a complex molecular process, vegetation then uses chlorophyll to harness the power from the sun's rays and build carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. Those carbohydrates form the basic nutritional building blocks that we and other animals need to survive and thrive.

Besides enabling the creation of carbohydrates, research shows that chlorophyll itself can help lower our risk of diseases like cancer. A recent study in China demonstrates that daily supplements of a chemical derived from chlorophyll can protect DNA, the genetic material in cells. When DNA is damaged and malfunctions, cells may reproduce wildly and become cancerous tumors. The latest experiments, performed by scientists affiliated with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Oregon State University (OSU), show that chlorophyll and its chemical relatives may insulate DNA from unhealthy changes linked to aflatoxin, a fungus that often contaminates corn, peanuts and soybeans. In China, liver cancer associated with aflatoxin is a widespread problem.

" In the area of China in which we did our study about one in 10 adults die from liver cancer, and it's the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide," says George Bailey, PhD, a professor of environmental and molecular toxicology at OSU. "The findings of this research could be enormously important to many areas of China, Southeast Asia and Africa, where aflatoxin-related liver cancer is a real concern. Many of these deaths might be preventable with supplements that cost pennies a day."

This research looked at about 180 people in Qidong, China. When people in the study were given supplements containing chlorophyll derivatives, they had less than half the DNA damage of people who didn't take supplements.

According to the scientists, chlorophyll and similar substances may act as interceptor molecules, blocking the absorption of carcinogens. As John Groopman, professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, observes, the supplements these people took "...can effectively reduce aflatoxin levels, which should reduce the risk of liver cancer."

Closer to home, other researchers point out that chlorophyll-rich vegetarian foods may help protect us from carcinogens in the typical American diet.

If you've ever enjoyed a hunk of grilled meat, you've consumed substances scientists call heterocyclic amines, which are contained in the charred part of meat cooked on a grill. Studies have shown that these tasty tidbits can increase your risk of breast and other types of cancer. (Your risk from charred meat greatly increases if you are also a smoker.) However, if you eat a food like spirulina, a blue-green algae high in antioxidants that also contains plenty of chlorophyll, its protective substances can bind with these carcinogens within your digestive tract and keep them from being absorbed.

Green Keeps You Younger

While we always hear that eating more fruits and vegetables enhances our health, new research shows that eating green foods adds extra power to an anti-aging program.

Two experiments at the University of South Florida Center for Aging and Brain Repair, published in the Journal of Neurobiology (7/15/02), show that spirulina and other greens can help shield the brain from the antioxidant damage that accumulates as one ages and may help reverse declines in learning and memory.

The first study found that a diet rich in spinach helped lab animals stay smart as they grew older. Spinach's benefits, according to the researchers, are due to its rich antioxidant content, which can counteract free radicals (caustic molecules) created in the body during normal metabolism and increased by exposure to environmental pollutants, sunlight and radiation. When free radicals attack, cell walls and other cellular structures are compromised and DNA can malfunction. A lifetime of free-radical damage can slow your thinking and may be one of the causes of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, says Dr. Paula Bickford, lead author on the project.

The second study found that the protective effect of green plants may be linked to their ability to reverse age-related accumulations of potentially harmful inflammatory substances in the brain. In this research, spirulina improved neuron function, lowered inflammation in the brain and reduced levels of chemicals linked to oxidative damage. In fact, spirulina didn't just slow the deterioration of neurotransmitter interactions caused by aging, it actually improved their function.

" Not all foods are created equal," says Dr. Bickford. "Cucumbers taste good and have lots of fiber. But unlike spirulina and apples, they are not rich in phytochemicals that have antioxidant or anti-inflammatory effects in the brain."

Green Immunity

Aside from assisting brain function, spirulina also seems able to help pump up the immune system. Researchers at the University of California at Davis found that adding spirulina to cultured immune system cells significantly increases the production of infection-fighting cells called cytokines.

A number of previous laboratory studies have found that spirulina can balance immune response: While easing allergic reactions, this powerful green food also was found to enhance the ability of immune cells called macrophages to both destroy bacteria and eliminate cancerous cells.

" We found that nutrient-rich spirulina is a potent inducer of interferon-g (13.6-fold increase) and a moderate stimulator of both interleukin-4 and interleukin-1b (3.3-fold increase)," notes Eric Gershwin, professor at UC Davis. "Together, increases in these cytokines suggest that spirulina is a strong proponent for protecting against intracellular pathogens and parasites, and can potentially increase the expression of agents that stimulate inflammation, which also helps to protect the body against infectious and potentially harmful micro-organisms."

What this means for you: Spirulina holds the potential to help the body protect itself against battalions of infectious invaders. " People have used foods like yogurt and spirulina throughout history," says Judy van de Water, PhD, associate professor at UC Davis. "Through research, we are learning exactly how these foods improve immune system function and how they are a beneficial addition to our diet."

Throughout the history of life on earth, the healthy development of animal and human life has depended on green plants. Today, as our environment deteriorates and our bodies are under attack from an increasingly polluted world, we need those health-boosting greens more than ever.

Vitanet ®


Good Hydration

Date: June 14, 2005 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Good Hydration

Good Hydration by Lisa James Energy Times, June 17, 2004

Ah summertime, and the living is lovely: ocean fragrances wafting on a summer wind, the summer sun warming the body and relaxing the mind.

But all that sun and wind can dry your summer skin, making it uncomfortable and parched-looking. Moisture counteracts the discomforts that summer elements can bring, allowing your fresh, dewy look to shine through. Knowing how to hydrate your skin is the key.

Skin Structure

Skin consists of three layers, each with a different function:

  • • The deepest layer, the subcutaneous tissue, contains the fat cells that help hold in body heat and protect the vital organs, and that serve as an energy reserve.
  • • The middle layer, or dermis, is the thickest of the three layers. It is rich in nerve endings, blood vessels, sweat glands and hair follicles. The dermis also holds the oil glands that keep the skin properly lubricated and impervious to water. Two proteins, collagen and elastin, found in the dermis support the skin's top layer and provide shape, tone and flexibility.
  • • The topmost skin layer, the epidermis, protects the body against the outside world. It contains melanocytes, pigment-bearing cells that determine skin color and help guard against sun damage. The epidermis is also equipped with immune cells that guard the body against foreign substances. The epidermis is further divided into five separate sublayers. Cells are formed at the basal cell layer on the bottom; they then push their way upward until they reach the surface, called the stratum corneum, in a process that takes roughly 28 days. As the skin cells mature, they produce a tough protein called keratin, which also forms the structure of hair and nails.

    Natural Moisturizers

    Do you have dry skin? How well your skin holds moisture depends on the arrangement of cells within the stratum corneum. Fat contained in this layer, as well as natural moisturizing factor (made by the epidermis), also keeps skin moist. Unfortunately, as you age, the amount of natural moisturizing factor produced by your skin decreases.

    Skin Care 101

    Obviously, anything that affects the all-important epidermis can dry out your skin-sun and wind both rob skin of moisture. For starters, just say no to tobacco. Smoking tightens the skin's abundant blood vessels; this reduces the flow of oxygen and nutrients, creating dryness. Smoking also breaks down elastin, the protein that gives skin its flexibility. The next step is to add water from within. " It takes at least six to eight cups of pure water each day to keep the skin and body well hydrated," notes Jeanette Jacknin, MD, board-certified dermatologist and author of Smart Medicine for Your Skin (Avery/Penguin).

    Bathtime Tips

    At the same time, be careful about how you bathe your skin. Bathing or showering for too long, or using water that's too hot, can actually cause your skin to lose moisture for two reasons. First, prolonged bathing washes away the oils that help lock moisture in; second, it encourages your skin's own moisture to evaporate after you dry yourself off.

    Before you shower or bathe, Dr. Jacknin recommends using a dry, soft-bristled brush to increase skin circulation and gently remove dead cells. Brushing in small circles, gradually move up your legs and arms, always moving towards the heart. When you do get into the tub or shower, don't scrub your skin and don't use harsh cleaning agents. Instead, go for natural cleansers that feature such skin-friendly ingredients as glycerin.

    Feed Your Inner Skin

    As your body's largest organ, your skin depends on the nutrients in your diet. You have to feed your skin well if you expect it to stand up to wind and sun. " Eat fish, rolled oats and ground flaxseeds frequently," recommends Dr. Jacknin. "These foods are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help the skin retain moisture." Include other healthy oils, such as safflower and olive oil, in your meals. Supplemental omega-3s, in the form of flaxseed or fish oils, can also help.

    Supplemental Skin

    Various vitamins help make your skin happy and healthy. Skin growth and repair requires vitamin A, while natural vitamin E provides antioxidant protection and vitamin C promotes creation of collagen, which provides skin with its structure.

    The B vitamins are essential to keeping dryness at bay; without them, the skin can crack, peel and redden. Choline, a member of the B family that helps with fat transportation within the body, is available as lecithin. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is another skin-friendly nutrient. MSM provides sulfur, which the body needs to create healthy skin proteins. It also fights inflammation and encourages better blood flow.

    Slake Your Skin's Thirst

    A good moisturizer can help arid skin return to soft freshness. To get the most out of moisturizers, use them consistently, and start at a young age. " [M]ost people start to benefit from [moisturizers] in their twenties [when] their skin begins to dry with age," state Charles Inlander and Janet Worsley Norwood in Skin: Head-to-Toe Tips for Health and Beauty (Walker and Company). "Moisturizers boost skin health by preventing water loss from the skin."

    The same antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamin C and natural vitamin E, you feed your skin from within also abound in natural moisturizers, as do an impressive variety of herbal essences and essential oils. Aloe vera, used to treat burns for centuries, helps ease inflammation, as does chamomile. Fresh-smelling lavender oil helps soothe insect bites and minor wounds. Jasmine and peppermint offset excessive oil production.

    Moisturizers: Timing and Type

    The ideal time to moisturize is right after a bath or shower, since that's when evaporation promotes water loss; for best results, apply while your skin is still slightly damp. But bathtime isn't the only time to consider your skin's moisture needs. Carry some moisturizer with you so you can use it every time you wash your hands, especially if you're prone to cracked cuticles and split fingertips.

    Match your moisturizer to your skin type. If your skin tends to oiliness, use a water-based product; otherwise, an oil-based formulation -jojoba oil and shea butter are good choices-is fine. (Oily skin may first need a gentle astringent like lemon peel or cucumber to remove dirt and excess oil.)

    Also pay careful attention to the type of moisturizer you use. Lotions are easy to apply, but may not stay on your skin as readily as creams, which may be a better choice for your face, feet and hands. By all means, enjoy the summer sun. Just make sure your skin enjoys the summer, too, by staying hydrated and happy.

    Vitanet ®

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    Power Meals - Shakes, smoothies and bars help make getting good nutrition easy.

    Date: June 14, 2005 08:28 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Power Meals - Shakes, smoothies and bars help make getting good nutrition easy.

    Power Meals

    by Phyllis D. Light, RH Energy Times, March 12, 2004

    Choices, choices, choices: For convenience, nutrition and either low-calorie or low-carb dieting, you now have an enviable range of choices. Shakes, smoothies and bars help make getting good nutrition easy.

    Whatever your inclination, drinks and bars offer a shortcut to daily nutrition without cooking. And whether you use them as meal replacements, diet aids or healthy snacks, these power meals fill you up without filling you out.

    That's the main reason these items have grown in popularity in natural food stores among the nutritionally knowledgeable searching for healthier alternatives to fast food.

    No matter how hectic your day, you have no excuses anymore for missing your daily required antioxidants and minerals. Either select a bar suited to your taste, or put your blender or food processor to work in creating drinks that use fresh fruits and veggies, yogurt, low-fat milk or ice and protein powders for maximum nutritional output.

    Quality note: always be sure to use organic foods for the best nutritional content, flavor and taste.

    Powerful Nutrition

    Prepared protein shake mixes and bars are ideal for losing weight, expanding personal energy or building muscle. Protein mixes are available in an assortment of flavors that are generally high in amino acids (protein building blocks) and low in carbohydrates. Of course if you are on a low-carb diet, forsake putting fruits and vegetables in your shakes; these items are too high in carbohydrates.

    What's more, bars not only provide a wealth of different tastes, but different bars are also tailored to different needs-whether you're seeking to lose weight, gain muscle or replace a meal, there's a bar out there just for you.

    If you use power shakes as meal replacements and you are on a low-carbohydrate diet, make sure the drink supplies plenty of protein and few carbohydrates. If you use either shakes or bars to replace one or more meals during the day, take a fiber supplement in addition. Fiber, which contains no calories, helps speed food through your digestive tract and may lower your risk of heart disease and cancer (Lancet 5/2/03).

    And remember: powders and bars should also be low in sugars and saturated fats. The weight-loss benefit: If you drink high-protein shakes or eat bars that taste good and leave you feeling satisfied, you'll have a better chance of sticking to your diet long enough to lose a significant amount of weight.

    Drink to Lose

    Research into weight loss has established protein shakes and bars as reliable diet aids. A study of 100 dieters between the age of 35 and 65 found that people who drank a daily soy protein shake lost more than 14 pounds each in three months (Eur J Clin Nutr 2003; 57:514). And in a study reported in the Journal of American Dietetic Association (3/01), folks who had a protein shake in place of one daily meal lost almost twice as much weight over 12 weeks than those who ate their regular food with the same amount of calories.

    Drinking your breakfast in the form of a protein shake can both increase your metabolism and help curb your appetite for the rest of the day.

    Researchers at Harvard University found that metabolism rose faster after eating a high-protein breakfast and that blood-sugar levels stayed high for about six hours after the meal (AHA Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and and Prevention, 3/6/03). In comparison, when a sugary breakfast is consumed, blood-sugar levels rise quickly but fall rapidly, causing fatigue, tiredness and sleepiness.

    Protein shakes are especially effective when you are on a weight-loss plateau, trying to lose those last few tenacious pounds. (But shakes, smoothies and bars should not be your only meals of the day. Eat at least one low-calorie meal daily to supply nutrients that may not be in your shakes or bars.)

    Smoothie Operator

    Made with fruits and vegetables, smoothies are a tasty way of getting extra amounts of nutrients and soluble fiber. Using low-fat milk, yogurt, buttermilk or kefir, plus ice, creates a tempting and wholesome blend that lights up the taste buds. Powdered mixes can be used for added protein.

    Fruits and vegetables in your smoothies not only fill you up on relatively few calories, but they boost your energy and supply plenty of bioflavonoids (healthy, natural chemicals from plants), antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

    The fiber in smoothies can help reduce cholesterol, relieve constipation and aid in the prevention of high blood pressure. For reduced calories and added heart health benefits, low-fat or no-fat milk products can be used in place of cream or regular milk in most recipes. For the best taste sensation, combine sour and sweet fruits together.

    Adding raw fruits and vegetables to smoothies provides natural enzymes that help with digestion and act as catalysts in hundreds of chemical reactions throughout the body. (You can also take enzymes in supplemental form.) Enzymes are not present in cooked foods since the heat of cooking destroys them.

    Nutrition for Kids

    If you have trouble getting your children to eat their fruits and vegetables, try giving them smoothies. Children can't resist these naturally sweet and healthy creations.

    According to Sally Fallon, author of Nourishing Traditions (New Trends Publishing), smoothies should be "high in quality, contain healthy fats, be naturally sweet, and contain fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables."

    Fallon also believes children should consume what are called lacto-fermented foods, including yogurt and kefir, which are aged to contain the kinds of friendly bacteria that normally live within our digestive tracts. For kids, Fallon also encourages the use of cream or cultured milk to ensure adequate fat and calcium, so important for the development of growing bodies.

    Smoothies are an interactive drink as far as children are concerned, since they love to help blend them. For extra nutrition power, add nutritional yeast, nut butters or ground flaxseeds. These supply additional vitamins and minerals, along with healthy fats. You can also add silken tofu to bump up the protein content. If your child is lactose intolerant, try mixing smoothies with rice milk, soy milk or juice.

    Bars Designed With A Woman's Needs in Mind

    The modern woman is a multitasking wonder, constantly juggling work and home responsibilities. So it's no wonder that bars aimed at women are among the most popular bars there are. Many women, in eyeing the bathroom scale, shortchange themselves of the nutrients they need. That's why a woman's bar needs to provide minerals like calcium, a bone-building necessity.

    Women also need to ensure that a bar contains enough of the B vitamins, particularly folate. This is especially true if a woman is pregnant, or wants to be: Folate is crucial in helping to prevent neural tube birth defects.

    Folate also teams up with two other B vitamins, B6 and B12, to control homocysteine. This protein metabolism byproduct, when present in excessive amounts, is associated with heart disease.

    Another popular ingredient in women's bars is soy, which has been duly recognized for its heart benefits. Studies also indicate that soy may help keep bones strong. (Not to mention the fact that the moisture soy holds helps make a bar's texture that much more appealing!)

    The Protein Game

    If you are unsure about how much protein you need each day, you are not alone. Are you getting too much, not enough, or just enough? Most people need between 45 and 60 grams of protein daily, and most protein shakes contain about 14 and 20 grams of protein per serving (check your labels). No matter what your nutritional needs are, you may find an answer in a smoothie, shake or bar. When it comes to power nutrition, tasting is believing!

    Vitanet ®

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    Best Bread ...

    Date: June 13, 2005 07:30 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Best Bread ...

    Best Breads by Jane Lane Energy Times, December 9, 1999

    Few of us can resist the seductions of freshly baked bread, warm and fragrant, poised on the edge of a steaming bowl of soup or painted with an aromatic swath of rosemary scented oil. Even those of us from the most culinary challenged households can recall the pleasures of the simple plump white dinner roll or flaky biscuit piled in a basket on the dinner table.

    Bread has blossomed from sideshow status beside the dinner plate to a full-scale mealtime headliner, a scrumptious star enriched by nutritious grains, herbs, fruits and vegetables.

    Contemporary cooks build meals around crunchy cornbread or chewy focaccia, presenting soups or salads as satisfying counterpoints. Want to jump into the bread baking basket or hone your skills? Two top vegetarian chefs shared with Energy Times their passion for bread and their expertise in baking. See if you don't find that ardor contagious.

    Nancy Lazarus is a chef at the famed Moosewood Restaurant in Ithaca, New York, established in 1973 to serve up natural fare with a homecooked, vegetarian emphasis. The bill of fare changes daily at Moosewood, but there's one constant: a cup or bowl of soup, a salad and a thick slice of bread. Some loyal customers have ordered the daily special for 20 years.

    That's why bread occupies a cherished spot at Moosewood. Nancy Lazarus tells why and offers some of Moosewood's favorite bread recipes: "Cooking is like art; baking is like science; bread is like magic. No matter how much science you apply, you'll never have complete control: It'll do its own thing on some level, which is part of its charm, if you're charmed by that sort of thing. Breads come out differently depending on heat and humidity, the heat of the oven; yeast is a variable that can be slower or faster acting.

    "There are bread machines, of course, and they work. But they're not as satisfying as the real thing, the kneading, which can be almost therapeutic, and the control over the ingredients to your own specifications.

    "Bread is not that difficult. Know your own oven, to begin: Good insulation is important and how the heat travels around inside. Convection ovens are a wonderful thing.

    "There are difficult breads we recommend you buy at a good bakery: baguettes, Italian, French and Cuban that are crusty outside and soft inside.

    "But focaccia is easy. It's a yeasted bread that's better to make at home than buy because it's so fresh and you can control the toppings. It only requires one slow and one quick rising but you have to be there for a while.

    "Then there are quick breads that use baking soda or powder, like cornbread. If you want a good meal at home and can make only one thing, make a quick bread. They're satisfying and delicious warm from the oven; and the aroma of bread fills the house. A corn bread with tomato soup for supper is a nurturing meal good for vegans.

    "Popovers are fast and simple, a middle American 50s treat, but you do need a hot oven and 45 minutes. Also easy to make: sweet breads- carrot, banana, zucchini-and biscuits.

    "To reduce the fat in denser quickbreads and cakes, use applesauce. It gives body and moistness.

    "The number of wheat-sensitive people is rising dramatically. A theory I think makes sense is that in the last 30 years the varieties of wheat grown has been reduced to 1 or 2 that are more easily cultivated and harvested with the machinery available. People are overloaded with one type of wheat.

    "Gluten is the offending substance in wheat and some oats; try rice, tapioca and potato flours, which are denser and more fine and don't produce a good crust. Improve the crust by baking in a preheated cast iron skillet.

    "Also investigate chickpea flour. You don't make a loaf of bread with it- use it for flatbreads like papadam, which is in Indian cookbooks. And it's good for batter for vegetables.

    "Spelt is the closest to wheat flour in consistency but some people can be sensitive to it.

    "Visit a natural food store to check out the flours. The mills sometimes print handouts with recipes and a lot of those are real good, especially for what works with their flour. Or you may run into a baker who will whet your appetite with ideas and recipes.

    "Bread is the supreme comfort food. It can speak to us, and reassure us. The magic of bread and how it varies: There's something appealing in that. In today's world, food is predictable, and that's reassuring to some people. At Moosewood, things are always different, and that's good."

    Claire Criscuolo puts an intensely personal spin on the eclectically ethnic style of cooking at her esteemed vegetarian restaurant, Claire's Corner Copia. That 25-year-old institution in New Haven, Connecticut, reflects her zest for the freshest ingredients, robust flavors and inspired combinations. Claire, a teacher and advocate for healthful cuisine, pours her passion into her breadmaking as well:

    "Healthy bread is like anything else-it has healthy ingredients. We use the best organic unbleached flour and yeast, pure vanilla, whole eggs (not dried and powdered), whole milk and organic sour cream. You want to use good, fresh ingredients. It's the essence of healthy cooking. "I tell my staff, 'Don't use your soup pot as a garbage pail. Bread is the same. If the ingredients aren't at their freshest for serving, then they aren't right for other uses in the kitchen.

    "Our bread is very important at Claire's. We make a country white and a honey wheat in a pinwheel loaf-400 a day-and challah for the morning French toast with sauteed bananas or as buns for veggie burgers. "It's not practical to bake bread every day. We let our bread rise several times, punching it down again and again. For the home cook, it's time consuming. Even I'm happy to buy a good loaf of bread. "But anybody can bake bread. Combine flour, water and yeast and watch it grow! It's delights all your senses. And it a gratifies and satisfies. I was kneading it all by hand until we got up to 12 loaves a day.

    "I love a good oatmeal molasses bread; a whole wheat bread with walnuts, rosemary and finely chopped sweet onion sauteed in olive oil for a roasted vegetable sandwich; or an anadama bread with split pea soup.

    "Bread is part of a meal. It requires time and effort, but I can't think of many things worthwhile that don't."

    Vitanet ®

    Solaray - Ultimate Nutrition - Actipet Pet supplements - Action Labs - Sunny Greens - Thompson nutritional - Natural Sport - Veg Life Vegan Line - Premier One - NaturalMax - Kal


    Ocean Treasures - For centuries, people have flocked to the sea....

    Date: June 13, 2005 10:11 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Ocean Treasures - For centuries, people have flocked to the sea....

    Ocean Treasures by Chrystle Fiedler Energy Times, January 3, 2004

    For centuries, people have flocked to the sea to take advantage of its healing and restorative powers.

    "The ocean is alive with energy and abundant sea life," says Susie Galvez, owner of Face Works Day Spa in Richmond, Virginia and author of Hello Beautiful (MQ Publications). "It's an abundant source. Sea products are rich in minerals like magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc, all of which are known for their deeply cleansing and antibiotic properties. When we think of the sea, we think of health, invigoration, the feeling of being alive and yet peacefully calm."

    "To the ancient Greeks, the image of Aphrodite rising out of the sea was beautiful because of the nutrients that the sea plants had given her," says Linda Page, ND, in Healthy Healing (Healthy Healing Publications). Today, sea plants still provide beauty benefits. "They have a complete spectrum of chelated minerals, which makes them easier to absorb, that add lustre and shine to your hair and eyes and improve skin texture and tone."

    Thalassotherapy (seawater treatment) includes using salts, mud, foliage, sand and water from the sea to stimulate, hydrate and nourish the skin, making it smoother, firmer and more resilient.

    "Using sea products in treatments is both restorative and detoxifying," says Galvez. "Now with modern technology, you don't have to live anywhere near the sea to take advantage of the wonderful health and wellness benefits. Your sea retreat source can be as close as your health food store."

    Seaweed's Beauty Benefits

    "Pollution, stress, fatigue and bad eating habits all affect the body," says Anne Mok, LaC, a certified Chinese herbalist and co-owner of Cornerstone Healing in Brooklyn, New York. This leads to vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can result in broken capillaries, loss of firmness, skin lesions, dry scaliness and more.

    The good news, Mok says, is since seaweed is packed with easy-to-absorb proteins, vitamins, minerals and lipids, it can protect against environmental pollution and ward off aging by nourishing and moisturizing the skin. "The seawater in seaweed is similar to human plasma, so it's an ideal way to get the nutritive benefits from the sea, vitamins A, C and E, and the minerals zinc, selenium and magnesium we need through the process of osmosis. Seaweed cleanses, tones and soothes the skin and regenerates body tissues, offering a new vitality and helping to maintain a youthful appearance. It also improves circulation, which has a positive effect on local fatty overloads and helps maintain the tone of the tissue." No wonder seaweed is used to firm the skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite!

    Seaweed captures all the richness from the sea. "There is no genetic manipulation, fertilizer or pesticides, just the sea, light and the tides," says Mok. "[S]eaweed is ten times richer in trace elements than land plants."

    Beauty aids from the sea include:

    * Kelp (laminaria), a large leafy brown algae, grows along cold climate coastlines and can bring a healthy glow to skin. "Kelp powder has exfoliating properties that make it a great addition to a facial mask," Galvez adds. "It increases blood circulation and stimulates lymph production to eliminate toxins. It's also a mineral-rich body scrub for removing surface impurities."

    * Crushed algae is often used in seaweed masks.

    * Carrageenan, a gel extracted from Irish sea moss, is commonly used as a cosmetic thickening agent. "It's a great moisturizer that holds nutrients and water in," says Mok.

    * Bladderwrack (fucus), a brown seaweed, is often used in cellulite-reducing creams to eliminate excess fluid from the skin.

    A Seaweed Beauty Routine

    Incorporating the benefits of seaweed into your beauty routine is easy. You can "purchase dehydrated seaweed at a natural food store to make your bath a mini-ocean," says Janice Cox, author of Natural Beauty at Home (Henry Holt & Co). "Fill the tub to the point that you're covered when you lie down," says Dr. Page. "The idea is to make your body sweat, to open your pores, release toxins and take in the sea nutrient benefits by osmosis. Boost the effect with a few drops of aromatherapy bath oils like rosemary and lavender. It'll help hold the heat in and improve your cleansing program." Rinse off and "you'll feel your skin tighten, due to the high iodine content of the seaweed," says Cox. "Your skin should also feel softer and firmer."

    Seaweed and algae body wraps are ideal ways to beautify the skin, rid your body of toxins and boost well-being and health. "It starts a program of detoxification very rapidly," says Dr. Page, who has also written Detoxification: All You Need to Know (Healthy Healing Publications). "It's amazing how it encourages weight loss and cellulite reduction." "Seaweed wraps are the most effective cellulite treatments," says Mok. "Seaweed and seaweed mud, especially, stimulate the cells to improve cellular activity and increase the efficiency of lymphatic fluid, which helps break down toxic deposits that can result in cellulite.

    "It's excellent conditioning for the skin and leaves it soft and glowing," says Claudia Spagnolo, spa director for the DeFranco Spagnolo Salon and Day Spa in Great Neck, New York.

    Revitalize With Sea Salts

    Sea salts contain minerals-such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine-that have a delightfully rejuvenating and revitalizing effect on skin.

    "Sea salts enhance the youthful healthy glow of the skin," says Spagnolo. "It creates a deep pore cleansing from shoulder to toe, removing rough, dry skin, helping to purify and slough off dead skin cells. It's great for an all-over exfoliation, and leaves the skin smooth and refreshed."

    "Sea salt has wonderful drawing properties, promoting the removal of toxins from the skin," says Galvez, author of Ooh La La Effortless Beauty (MQ Publications). "It's high in mineral content and nourishes the body."

    Sea salt also "guards against moisture loss, so it's ideal for dry skin and helps prevent aging," says Mok. In addition, it can be used to treat acne, eczema and psoriasis. Often done before a massage in spas, a "salt glow," which uses a vigorous scrub of coarse sea salts mixed with essential oils, rejuvenates and revitalizes the skin. Sea salt is also readily available at health food stores so you can do the same at home.

    Mineral-rich Dead Sea salts pack a salinity of 32%. "When bathing with Dead Sea salt you don't even need to use soap because the minerals remove redundant fat and dirt," says Mok. Dead Sea minerals are often used in shampoos, conditioners and shower gels. "Galvez adds, "Dead Sea mud mineral and vitamin content is very close to that of humans, and therefore treatments using the mud penetrate deeply."

    Ah! Home Spa

    It's easy to turn your bathroom into an oasis of calm and create a private spa to call your own.

    For a sea cure bath, mix together half a pound of sea salt and a pound of baking soda, add to a warm water bath and soak until the water has cooled, says Mok. "It's excellent for soothing itchy and dry skin and helps detoxify by pulling out toxic waste from the pores." Aromatherapy oils, like lavender, make your soak in the tub even more relaxing and luxurious. "It's a great way to de-stress after a long day at work."

    A seaweed wrap can release water retention and leave legs looking their sleekest, notes Mok. "Just soak legs in a bath of warm water and Epsom salts for 5 minutes, then pat dry. Apply a seaweed mask and wrap legs with plastic wrap and a warm towel. Relax for 15 minutes. Remove towel and plastic wrap and rinse."

    You can also try a sea salt rub by mixing two cups of kosher salt with one cup of olive oil until it forms a thick paste. (Be careful: the oil is slippery.) "While in the tub or shower, massage it into your skin using long strokes toward the heart, starting with your feet," says Galvez. Rinse off with warm water, use a soft washcloth to remove any residue, pat dry and apply moisturizer. "Your skin will be silky smooth and wonderfully hydrated." To create a spa environment at home, details make all the difference. "Think of your favorite beach get-a-way and go with an ocean theme," says Cox. "Include something for each of the senses." For example, put on a CD that has nature sounds. To capture the color of the water, use sea-colored towels. For scent, light candles that produce the scents of flowering plants (such as plumeria or citrus). Add "ocean" fragrance beads. When taking a bath, "use shells to scoop out sea salts or dehydrated sea weed and put them around the tub as decoration," says Cox. Smooth on a moisturizer with a sea-scented lotion when you finish your spa treatment.

    When you make an at-home sea spa experience a regular part of your routine, you reap a bounty of beauty and health benefits. "In just 20 minutes you can have a mini-vacation," says Galvez. "It's cleansing and relaxing."

    Then you will be ready to dive back into reality with renewed zest.

    Vitanet ®

    Solaray - Ultimate Nutrition - Actipet Pet supplements - Action Labs - Sunny Greens - Thompson nutritional - Natural Sport - Veg Life Vegan Line - Premier One - NaturalMax - Kal


    Recognizing the Signs: Roadmap to a Healthy Heart

    Date: June 13, 2005 10:06 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Recognizing the Signs: Roadmap to a Healthy Heart

    Recognizing the Signs: Roadmap to a Healthy Heart by Louis McKinley Energy Times, January 2, 2004

    From time immemorial, people have tuned into life's lessons that come from the heart. Sadly, times are changing: If you're like most inhabitants of today's harried world, you may be too distracted to detect important clues about your cardiovascular circumstances.

    And while heart lessons may be more complicated than simply connecting the physiological dots, understanding those heart messages are imperative for improving and maintaining your heart health.

    Every cell in your body relies on heart-powered blood flow to keep it supplied with nutrients, oxygen, hormones and other natural chemicals necessary for survival. Without that supply of life-giving substances, few cells in the body-including those within the heart itself-can survive very long.

    And just as damage to a major roadway can cause mayhem with traffic patterns, damage to blood vessels and the heart can wreak a lumpy cardiovascular havoc that blocks the passage of blood and endangers your heart's well-being.

    Your Heart Disease Chances

    Within the last ten years, scientific research performed by investigators around the world has focused on the specific factors that most strongly influence your chances of developing heart disease and suffering either a heart attack or a stroke.

    While much of your risk depends on your genetic inheritance and family history, several factors that determine your heart health are within your control.

    The most important factors you can do something about include:

    * Smoking: free radicals generated by burning tobacco causes significant damage to blood vessels and other cells

    * Lack of exercise: the human body is designed for consistent, moderate physical activity; without exercise, the body slacks off in creating antioxidant protection for arteries

    * Diabetes: when excess blood sugar persists, physiological processes begin that endanger the heart and arteries

    * Cholesterol: when oxidized (a chemical process that has been compared to a kind of internal rusting), cholesterol can form artery-blocking plaque; antioxidant nutrients like vitamin C and natural vitamin E may help the body limit this process

    * High blood pressure: excessive pressure within the blood vessels raises the risk of damage to the heart and arteries; a program of weight loss and exercise can help control blood pressure

    * Being overweight: the extra body fat carried around your middle is linked to a greater risk of heart problems

    Heart Attack Signs

    Do you think you know what a heart attack feels like? Well, if you think it feels like a dramatic pain somewhere in your chest that knocks you to the floor, you're probably wrong. "Most heart attacks do not look at all like what one of my colleagues calls the 'Hollywood' attack-the heart attack you see on television or in the movies," warns Julie Zerwic, MD, professor of surgical nursing who has studied what happens when people develop heart disease and suffer damage to their hearts.

    "The symptoms [of heart problems] are not necessarily dramatic. People don't fall down on the floor. They don't always experience a knife-like, very sharp pain. In fact, many people describe the sensation as heaviness and tightness in the chest rather than pain," she says. And, if you're a woman experiencing a heart attack, you may not even feel discomfort specifically in your chest. Instead you may experience a severe shortness of breath. The apparent ambiguity of the discomforts caused by a heart attack lead many people to either ignore them or take hours to realize they need to go to the emergency room at the hospital.

    Consequently, much fewer than half of all individuals undergoing a heart attack actually go to a hospital within an hour of the start of the attack. That delay can be a fatal mistake.

    "Timing is absolutely critical," laments Dr. Zerwic. "If treatment starts within a hour after the onset of symptoms, drugs that reestablish blood flow through the blocked coronary artery can reduce mortality by as much as 50%. That number drops to 23% if treatment begins three hours later. The goal is to introduce therapy within two hours."

    However, in Dr. Zerwic's research, only 35% of non-Hispanic whites go to the hospital within an hour of the start of a heart attack. And among African-Americans, the number of people going to the hospital right away drops to a frighteningly low 13%.

    Often, people will lie down or use a heating pad to relieve the tightness they feel in the chest," says Dr. Zerwic. "They may take some medicine and wait to see if that works. All these steps postpone needed treatment."

    Signs of a possible heart attack include:

    * Chest discomfort: Heart attacks most frequently cause discomfort in the center of the chest that can either go away after a couple of minutes (and come back) or persist. The discomfort may feel like strong pressure, fullness or pain.

    * Upper body discomfort: An attack may set off pain or discomfort in either or both arms, and/or the back, neck, jaw or stomach.

    * Shortness of breath: Chest discomfort is frequently accompanied by shortness of breath. But it's important to note that shortness of breath can take place even in the absence of chest discomfort.

    * Other signs: You can also break out in a cold sweat, or feel nauseated or light-headed.

    A Woman's Sleep Signs

    If you are a woman who suddenly experiences a marked increase in insomnia and puzzling, intense fatigue, you may be in danger of an imminent heart attack.

    In an attempt to understand how women's symptoms of heart problems differ from those of men, researchers talked to more than 500 women in Arkansas, North Carolina and Ohio who had suffered heart attacks. (Technically, what they had experienced is referred to as acute myocardial infarction.)

    They found that chest pain prior to a heart attack was only reported by about 30% of the women surveyed.

    More common were unusual fatigue, sleep disturbances and shortness of breath (Circulation Rapid Access, 11/3/01).

    "Since women reported experiencing early warning signs more than a month prior to the heart attack, this [fatigue and sleep problems] could allow time to treat these symptoms and to possibly delay or prevent the heart attack," says researcher Jean C. McSweeney, PhD, RN, nursing professor at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock. In Dr. McSweeney's study, more than nine out of ten women who had heart attacks reported that they had had new, disturbing physical problems more than a month before they had infarctions.

    Almost three in four suffered from unusual fatigue, about half had sleep disturbances, while two in five found themselves short of breath.

    Other common signs included indigestion and anxiety.

    "Women need to be educated that the appearance of new symptoms may be associated with heart disease and that they need to seek medical care to determine the cause of the symptoms, especially if they have known cardiovascular risks such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, overweight or a family history of heart diseases," says Dr. McSweeney.

    Dr. McSweeney warns that, until now, little has been known about signs that women are having heart trouble or heart attacks. The fact that most of Western medicine's past attention has been on heart problems in men has obscured the warning signs in women. As part of Dr. McSweeney's studies, she and her fellow researchers have discovered that more than 40% of all women who suffer a heart attack never feel any chest discomfort before or during the attack.

    "Lack of significant chest pain may be a major reason why women have more unrecognized heart attacks than men or are mistakenly diagnosed and discharged from emergency departments," she notes. "Many clinicians still consider chest pain as the primary symptom of a heart attack."

    Vitamins for Diabetes and Heart Disease

    Having diabetes significantly raises your chance of heart disease, which means that keeping your blood sugar levels under control can reduce your chances of suffering a heart attack.

    Today, 17 million Americans have diabetes and, as the country's population in general gains weight and fails to exercise, the number of people suffering this problem continues to grow.

    The first line of defense against diabetes consists of exercise and weight control. All you have to do is take a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day to drop your chances of diabetes (American Journal of Epidemiology 10/1/03).

    "We have found that men and women who incorporate activity into their lifestyles are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who are sedentary. This finding holds no matter what their initial weight," said Andrea Kriska, PhD, professor of epidemiology at University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health.

    To help your body fight the development of diabetes, researchers also recommend vitamin C and natural vitamin E.

    Researchers working with lab animals at the University of California at Irvine have found that these antioxidant vitamins can help insulin (the hormone-like substance secreted by the pancreas) reduce harmful blood sugar. In addition, these vitamins shrink the chances of organ damage that can be caused by diabetes (Kidney International 1/03).

    In this investigation, these vitamins also helped reduce blood pressure, another risk factor that raises heart disease risk.

    "Blood pressure was lowered to normal, and free radicals were not in sufficient numbers to degrade the sugars, proteins and nitric oxide," notes Nick Vaziri, MD, professor of medicine at the University of California. "We think this shows that a diet rich in antioxidants may help diabetics prevent the devastating cardiovascular, kidney, neurological and other damage that are common complications of diabetes."

    Free Radical Blues

    Dr. Vaziri and his group of researchers found that untreated diabetes raised blood pressure and increased the production of free radicals, caustic molecules that can damage arteries and the heart. Free radicals can change blood sugar and other proteins into harmful substances, boosting tissue and heart destruction.

    In Dr. Vaziri's work with lab animals, he found that treating diabetes with insulin lowered blood pressure and helped keep sugar and protein from changing into dangerous chemicals, but allowed the free radicals to subvert nitric oxide, a chemical the body uses to protect itself from free radicals.

    In this investigation, adding vitamins C and E to insulin insulated the body's sugars, proteins and nitric oxide from oxidative assault. This produces a double advantage: Lowering the risk of heart disease and other damage to the body from diabetes.

    Maitake, an Oriental mushroom that has been shown to have many health benefits, can also be useful for people with diabetes who are trying to avoid cardiovascular complications. Laboratory studies in Japan demonstrate that maitake may help lower blood pressure while reducing cholesterol (Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 1997; 20(7):781-5). In producing these effects, the mushroom may also help the body reduce blood sugar levels and decrease the risk of tissue damage.

    No Smoking!

    Tobacco smoke is one of the most notorious causes of heart problems. In the same way a hard frost exerts a death grip on a highway, the smoke from cigarettes can freeze up arteries and hamper their proper function. A healthy artery must stay flexible to comfortably allow adequate circulation.

    But "...when blood vessels are exposed to cigarette smoke it causes the vessels to behave like a rigid pipe rather than a flexible tube, thus the vessels can't dilate in response to increased blood flow," says David J. Bouchier-Hayes, MD, professor of surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, who has studied the deleterious effects of tobacco.

    This rigidity is called endothelial dysfunction. When arteries are rigid, blockages gum up vessels, clots and other impediments to blood flow appear, and your risk of heart attack and stroke increases (Circulation 2001 Nov 27; 104(22):2673).

    This condition can also cause chest pain (angina) similar to that caused by a heart attack, and should be evaluated by a knowledgeable health practitioner.

    Although all experts recommend you stop smoking to lower your heart disease risk, some studies have found that Pycnogenol(r), a pine bark extract that helps the body fight inflammation, may ease some of smoking's ill effects.

    In a study of platelets, special cells in the blood that can form dangerous blood clots, researchers found that Pycnogenol(r) discouraged platelets from sticking together (American Society for Biochemical and Molecular Biology 5/19/98). By keeping platelets flowing freely, this supplement may alleviate some of the heart-threatening clots that tobacco smoke can cause.

    In Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional therapy from India, an herb called guggul has also been used to lower the risk of blockages in arteries. This herb, derived from the resin of the mukul tree, has been shown to reduce cholesterol by about 25%. People taking this herb have also reduced their triglycerides (harmful blood fats) by the same amount (Journal Postgraduate Medicine 1991 37(3):132).

    The Female Version of Heart Disease

  • Medical experts who have examined heart disease in men and women have found some striking differences.
  • For one thing, women often don't suffer from the crushing chest pain that for most people characterizes a heart attack; instead, many women experience back pain, sweating, extreme fatigue, lightheadedness, anxiety or indigestion, signs that can be easily misread as digestive troubles, menopausal symptoms or indicators of aging.

    The genders also differ in how heart disease poses a threat. While men seem most endangered by the buildup of blockages in arteries, women apparently are more at risk from endothelial dysfunction. But more study needs to be done since, in many cases, researchers have been unable to pin down the precise mechanism that causes many women to die of heart disease.

    Scientists have found that the number of women in their 30s and 40s who are dying from sudden cardiac arrest is growing much faster than the number of men of the same age who die of this cause. But research by the Oregon Health & Sciences University and Jesse E. Edwards Cardiovascular Registry in St. Paul, Minnesota, shows that while doctors can pinpoint the coronary blockages that kill men, they can't find specific blockages in half of the female fatalities they have studied (American Heart Journal 10/03).

    "This was an unexpected finding. However, the study underscores the need to focus on what is causing these younger women to die unexpectedly because the number of deaths continues to increase," says Sumeet Chugh, MD, a medical professor at Oregon.

    Since the failure of arteries to relax probably contributes to heart disease in many women, eating red berries, or consuming supplements from berries such as chokeberry, bilberry or elderberry, may be important in lowering women's heart disease risk. These fruits help arteries expand and allow blood to flow freely.

    Red berries are rich sources of flavonoids, polyphenols and anthocynanins. The anthocyanins are strong antioxidants that give the berries their color. Research at the Indiana University School of Medicine have found that these chemicals can interact with nitrous oxide, a chemical produced by the body, to relax blood vessels (Experimental Biology conference 5/20/02).

    Working Out

    As researchers work to devise lifestyle roadmaps that can steer you around the perils of heart disease, they are finding that exercise is a key path to avoiding cardiovascular complications.

    A 17-year study of about 10,000 Americans found that those who exercised and kept their weight down (or took weight off and kept it off) experienced a significantly lower risk of heart problems (Preventive Medicine 11/03).

    "The fact is that those who both exercised more and ate more nevertheless had low cardiovascular mortality," says Jing Fang, MD, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York. Burning calories in physical activity may be the secret to reducing heart disease risk and living longer, she says.

    Dr. Fang's research used information collected from the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 1975 and then computed how much people exercised, how their body mass indices varied and which of these folks died of heart disease during the next two decades.

    In the study, more than 1,500 people died of heart disease. Those who worked out and consumed more calories cut their risk of heart disease death in half.

    Exercise Is Essential

    "Subjects with the lowest caloric intake, least physical activity, and who were overweight or obese had significantly higher cardiovascular mortality rates than those with high caloric intake, most physical activity, and normal weight," Dr. Fang notes. The individuals in the study who were overweight and didn't exercise had a bigger risk of heart disease even if they tried (and succeeded) at eating less.

    "This suggests that heart disease outcome was not determined by a single factor, but rather by a compound of behavioral, socioeconomic, genetic and clinical characteristics," according to Dr. Fang.

    According to researchers, if your job requires a great deal of physical activity, your health will be better if you get another job. Exercise on the job not only doesn't decrease your risk of heart disease, it may actually raise it. The reason: On-the-job activity is linked to heart-endangering increases in job stress.

    Research into this subject, performed at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, found that while recreational exercise slowed hardening of the arteries, workers who had to exert themselves during the workday had arteries that were blocked at a younger age (American Journal of Medicine 7/03).

    In this study, researchers examined about 500 middle-aged employees as part of what is called the Los Angeles Atherosclerosis Study.

    "We found that atherosclerosis progressed significantly faster in people with greater stress, and people who were under more stress also were the ones who exercised more in their jobs," says James Dwyer, PhD, professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School. According to Dr. Dwyer, "This suggests that the apparent harmful effect of physical activity at work on atherosclerosis-and heart disease risk-may be due to the tendency of high-activity jobs to be more stressful in modern workplaces.

    "It appears from our findings that the psychological stresses associated with physically active jobs overcomes any biological benefit of the activity itself."

    Playful Workouts

    On the other hand, the scientists found that heart disease drops dramatically among those who exercise the most in their spare time. In the study, people who vigorously worked out at least three times a week had the lowest risk. But even those who just took walks enjoyed better heart health than people whose most strenuous activity was working the TV remote. Dr. Dwyer says, "These results are important because they demonstrate the very substantial and almost immediate-within one or two years-cardiovascular benefit of greater physical activity."

    Lowering your risk of heart disease is substantially up to you. Listen to what your heart tells you it needs; then, exercise your right to fetch some cardiovascular necessities.

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