
Search Term: " longeviy "

  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Why Kal Enhanced Energy is the Superior Choice for Health Enthusiasts Darrell Miller 5/22/24
six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals. Darrell Miller 12/6/23
What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body Darrell Miller 4/28/22
Green Tea Extracts: The Best Source of EGCG for Cognitive Health, Cellular Defense, and Mental Well-being Darrell Miller 4/25/22
The 7 Proven Health Benefits of CBD Oil Darrell Miller 5/6/19
How Does Excess Sugar Affect The Brain? Darrell Miller 5/3/19
Rooibos: Why The World Can’t Get Enough Of It Darrell Miller 5/3/19
High-Fiber Diet: Can This Lengthen Your Life? Darrell Miller 5/1/19
8 Great Reasons To Start Eating Okra Darrell Miller 4/29/19
5 Foods To Help You Fight Insomnia Darrell Miller 4/25/19
Are You Getting Enough Healthy Fats? Darrell Miller 4/22/19
Eating chili regularly may make you live longer Darrell Miller 4/4/19
Research proves the healing potential of monk fruit on cancerpatients Darrell Miller 4/4/19
Moringa : The Next Big Superfood? Darrell Miller 4/3/19
Ginkgo biloba shows potential value in the treatment of over 100diseases Darrell Miller 3/7/19
Study suggests spices outperform chemo and radiation for treatingcancer Darrell Miller 3/6/19
High levels of vitamin C can significantly lower your risk ofpremature death, researchers find Darrell Miller 3/6/19
HIV-1 people can boost their immune system with Korean red ginseng Darrell Miller 2/11/19
How medicinal mushrooms keep you strong even if you're constantlystressed Darrell Miller 12/21/18
Vitamin C: The Immune-Boosting, Skin-Supporting Nutrient You ShouldBe Getting Plenty Of Darrell Miller 12/17/18
Gotu Kola is one of the most useful plant remedies found inAyurvedic medicine Darrell Miller 12/8/18
Asparagus: The Cancer-Fighting, Fibrous Superfood Darrell Miller 5/26/18
Inflammation And Its Negative Effect On Our Health Darrell Miller 1/7/18
Vitamin K: Your New Superhero For a Healthy Living Darrell Miller 11/15/17
12 simple longevity habits to live a longer life Darrell Miller 8/12/17
Top 7 Benefits of Green Tea: The No. 1 Anti-Aging Beverage Darrell Miller 6/27/17
7 Reasons Your Gut Wants A Probiotic, Stat Darrell Miller 6/15/17
Animal Study Finds Monounsaturated Fats in Olive Oil May Extend Life Darrell Miller 6/10/17
Vitamin K2 and why form matters! Darrell Miller 6/1/17
How Do Dietary Cholesterol and Sterols Impact Your Cholesterol Levels? Darrell Miller 5/10/17
Having Children Increases Longevity Darrell Miller 3/21/17
B vitamins may have 'protective effect' against air pollution Darrell Miller 3/15/17
Link between dietary restriction, longevity examined Darrell Miller 2/9/17
11 Daily Habits That Can Increase Your Risk Of Dementia Down The Line Darrell Miller 2/6/17
Five of the Top Benefits of Cannabis Oil Darrell Miller 12/30/16
Can a blood test determine whether you'll be alive in 5 years? Darrell Miller 12/11/16
Natural foods for liver repair and liver cleansing Darrell Miller 11/8/16
vitamin d influences longevity by working at genetic level Darrell Miller 11/7/16
Rhodiola an ancient medicinal plant to help you cope with modern life Darrell Miller 9/8/15
What are the Benefits of Jiaogulan Darrell Miller 7/10/14
What Are The Benefits Of Ubiquinol Vs Regular CoQ10? Darrell Miller 5/31/14
EGCG in green tea Darrell Miller 5/10/14
Goji Berries And Health. Darrell Miller 3/25/14
What Are The Health Benefits Of Shatavari Extract? Darrell Miller 11/8/12
Can L-Carnosine Be Used As An Anti-Aging Vitamins? Darrell Miller 4/18/12
How Does N-Acetyl L-Carnitine Help Energy Levels? Darrell Miller 8/3/11
What Does Celery Seed Extract Do for the Body? Darrell Miller 7/26/11
Fight Pain Improve Blood Sugar And Heart Health with OPC Pine Bark Extract Darrell Miller 6/7/11
Royal Jelly As An Anti-Aging Supplement Darrell Miller 2/27/10
Pine Bark Extract Darrell Miller 10/7/09
Ginseng, Its Good For The Body Darrell Miller 10/5/09
Gotu Kola And Memory Darrell Miller 9/15/09
Resveratrol, Longevity, and Aging Darrell Miller 8/4/09
Honey from bee's Darrell Miller 7/1/09
Royal Jelly Darrell Miller 6/23/09
BerryOxidants - Food-Sourced Antioxidant Protection Darrell Miller 4/12/09
Holy Basil Extract Darrell Miller 11/28/08
Hyper-immune Egg Vs Colostrum Darrell Miller 9/23/08
Fiber Darrell Miller 9/12/08
Health Comes From The Honey bee Darrell Miller 8/8/08
Coral Calcium Darrell Miller 5/16/08
Goji Berry Elixir Antioxidant Rich Tonic Darrell Miller 1/26/08
Active Coenzyme Q10 Darrell Miller 7/7/07
Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth Darrell Miller 5/31/07
Extended existence? Darrell Miller 5/28/07
Learn about Bone Health! Darrell Miller 4/20/07
Supplements good for reducing stress and boosting energy! Darrell Miller 3/26/07
How to deal with Stress and Cortisol... Darrell Miller 8/30/06
WasabiCleanse - Potent Liver Detoxification! Darrell Miller 8/3/06
Wasabi Rhizome Cleanse - Supports Phase II Liver Detoxification - Wasabi Health Benefits Darrell Miller 8/1/06
Goji Berry Extract Darrell Miller 2/13/06
Anabol Naturals Metabolic Fat Burners Darrell Miller 1/7/06
Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection Darrell Miller 12/19/05
GliSODin Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection Darrell Miller 12/19/05
7-Keto - Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection Darrell Miller 12/18/05
Vitaberry Plus + Super Fruit Antioxidant Darrell Miller 12/7/05
Omega Man - For Men Interested in Optimal Health Darrell Miller 8/12/05

Why Kal Enhanced Energy is the Superior Choice for Health Enthusiasts

Date: May 22, 2024 01:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Kal Enhanced Energy is the Superior Choice for Health Enthusiasts

Why Kal Enhanced Energy is the Superior Choice for Health Enthusiasts

When it comes to maintaining optimal health, choosing the right dietary supplements can make all the difference. For health enthusiasts aged 30-60, Kal Enhanced Energy provides a unique mix of vital nutrients for overall well-being. With lutein, antioxidant herbs, and a rich variety of super foods, veggies, greens, fruits, and berries, this supplement offers exceptional health benefits.

Kal Enhanced Energy stands out thanks to its wide range of raw ingredients that meet your body's needs. Starting with vitamins and minerals, these are crucial for various bodily functions. The inclusion of whole food multipliers means that these nutrients come from natural sources, enhancing their bioavailability and efficacy.

  • Lutein: Known for its powerful antioxidant properties, lutein plays a crucial role in eye health by filtering harmful high-energy blue wavelengths of light.
  • Antioxidant Herbs: These herbs help neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and promoting longevity.
  • Super Foods: Super foods such as spirulina and chlorella offer a dense concentration of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that support immune function.
  • Veggies and Greens: Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, these plant-based ingredients help maintain digestive health and metabolic function.
  • Super Fruits and Berries: Rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and natural sugars, these ingredients provide an energy boost and support cardiovascular health.

But that's just the beginning. Lutein, a potent antioxidant, supports eye health and shields vision from blue light's harmful effects in our digital age. Antioxidant herbs work synergistically with lutein to combat oxidative stress, helping to reduce inflammation and prevent cellular damage.

Super Foods

Kal Enhanced Energy includes superfoods such as kale, spinach, acai, and blueberries. Also, packed with nutrients to enhance immunity and energy levels.

One of the standout features of this supplement is its inclusion of digestive enzymes. As we age, our bodies produce fewer digestive enzymes, hindering nutrient absorption. Kal Enhanced Energy supplements these enzymes, promoting optimal digestion for maximum nutrient absorption from your food.

Raw Immune boosters

The formula is boosted with raw mushroom complexes, known to enhance immunity and vitality. Mushrooms such as Organic Turkey Tail, Organic Reishi, and Organic Agaricus have adaptogenic properties, aiding the body in managing stress.

Finally, black pepper extract is added to enhance the absorption of all these powerful ingredients. Black pepper, known for boosting bioavailability, helps your body fully utilize nutrients from this superior supplement.


Besides the core benefits from essential nutrients and superfoods mentioned earlier, Kal Enhanced Energy provides other significant advantages:

  • Digestive Enzymes: Support efficient nutrient absorption by enhancing the digestive process, particularly as the body's natural enzyme production decreases with age.
  • Raw Mushroom Complexes: Boost immune function and overall vitality, thanks to the adaptogenic properties of organic mushrooms like Cordyceps, Turkey Tail, Maitake, Reishi, and Agaricus.
  • Black Pepper Extract: Enhances the bioavailability of all ingredients, ensuring optimal nutrient absorption and utilization by the body.

These components form a comprehensive supplement that meets daily nutrition needs and boosts digestive health, immune function, and overall wellbeing.

For health enthusiasts aged 30-60, Kal Enhanced Energy Once Daily provides a convenient way to support overall wellness. Boost your immune system, increase energy levels, and ensure your body gets essential nutrients with this daily supplement.

Ready to take your health to the next level? Experience the benefits of whole foods, super fruits, veggies, berries, and more with Kal Enhanced Energy. Purchase now and fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive!


six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

Date: December 06, 2023 04:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

If you're looking to stay in the game longer and improve endurance while promoting rapid recovery, we've got you covered! six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

For most of us, life can feel like quite the balancing act. In an ideal world, we would all have ample time throughout the day to dedicate to our health and well-being. However, reality paints a different picture, where 24 hours can seem like an insufficient amount of time to squeeze in work, school, family, and the countless responsibilities that life throws at us. In recent years, the use of supplements for recovery has gained popularity, becoming more common than ever before.

Our bodies face a barrage of daily stresses, including exposure to environmental toxins, electromagnetic pollution, and the strain of intense physical activity. These factors increase our body's demands for antioxidants and essential nutrients that aid in the process of recovery. While consuming antioxidant-rich foods can certainly make a difference, it can be challenging to meet these requirements solely through our diet. That's where a well-rounded supplement regimen can play a crucial role in promoting optimal health and aiding in recovery. Even with our best efforts to exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, and get sufficient sleep, life in the 21st century can be incredibly demanding, depleting our bodies on a cellular level.

For athletes, consistent training is key to reaching desired performance levels. It's important to understand that the muscle recovery and building process primarily occurs between gym sessions. Developing a comprehensive recovery strategy during this crucial window, through the use of supplements, proper nutrition, and adequate rest, can help athletes perform at their best week in and week out. Failing to make the most of this recovery period may result in free radical damage and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To maximize the benefits, it's important to prioritize food as the primary source of vital nutrients, while also recognizing the significant role supplements can play in providing the necessary building blocks for muscle repair due to their rapid absorption rate. However, it's essential to ensure that any chosen supplements are clinically validated, demonstrating efficacy and supported by solid scientific evidence.

In today's fast-paced world, there is a growing demand for quick and convenient solutions to jumpstart the recovery process. Nevertheless, when it comes to choosing supplements, it's important to remember that one size does not fit all. The market offers an overwhelming array of options, often leaving individuals feeling bewildered about which products to select.

Before diving into my recommendations for the top six supplements to aid in recovery, I believe it's crucial to emphasize the significance of cellular renewal and its direct impact on the recovery process. This, in my opinion, serves as the key to achieving a quick and effective recovery.

Oxidation and Free Radical Damage

A fundamental key to staying young and maintaining optimal health is cellular renewal and minimizing the damage to cells over time. We all age, but studies have shown that some individuals age better than others. Have you ever wondered why? Well, recent research has linked oxidative stress to the aging process. So, what exactly is oxidative stress? Allow me to explain in simple terms – oxidation occurs when the body produces by-products commonly known as free radicals. It's almost like a machine rusting, but instead of rust forming on iron, our bodies experience the effects of aging and age-related diseases.

Now, our bodies naturally produce free radicals as part of our daily metabolism, and they can also be produced as a result of environmental pollutants from everyday things like air, water, and even sun exposure. As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to the long-term effects of oxidative stress, which simply means we accumulate too many free radicals and experience increased inflammation at the cellular level.

As interesting as it may sound, the process of oxidation is actually abundant and can be beneficial for our bodies to function properly. But, and this is an important "but," this very process can also cause potential harm. You see, the oxidizing process creates these molecules called free radicals, which are electrically charged. These free radicals interact with our cells, and this interaction can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. For example, our immune system utilizes free radicals to help fight infection. However, when LDL cholesterol (often referred to as bad cholesterol) is oxidized, it can become a concern (cholesterol buildup).

Let's talk about oxidative stress. It occurs when the level of free radicals overwhelms the body's natural antioxidant defense system, resulting in cell damage. As I mentioned earlier, while free radicals serve useful functions in the body, they are highly unstable molecules. If they remain uncontrolled, they have the potential to wreak havoc by causing damage to cells, enzymes, and even our DNA, which ultimately accelerates the aging process. In addition, these free radicals can also contribute to the development of various age-related diseases, including arthritis, cancer, and heart disease

Now, inflammation is triggered by free radical damage, and it is this inflammation that leads to the negative effects of free radicals due to oxidation. The question then becomes, how can we address this in our daily nutritional regimen? The answer lies in the incorporation of antioxidants, which play a vital role in combating oxidative stress and minimizing the damage caused by free radicals in our bodies. You'll be glad to know that there are foods rich in antioxidant content that can help us on this journey. In fact, certain foods contain phytonutrients that, according to many health professionals, hold the potential to unlock the secrets of longevity and overall well-being.

So, my dear friend, let's take a proactive approach, nourish our bodies with antioxidant-rich foods, and strive to minimize the effects of oxidative stress caused by free radicals. It's never too late to make positive choices for our health and age gracefully.

Phytonutrients, also known as health boosters, are substances produced by plants to protect themselves from harmful bacteria and viruses. However, these compounds also offer significant benefits to the human body. Packed with essential nutrients, phytonutrients play an active role in promoting good health. They belong to the antioxidant family, responsible for eliminating harmful free radicals and thus slowing down the aging process. Incorporating a diet rich in high antioxidant foods like fresh fruits and vegetables is crucial as the first line of defense against aging.

While vitamins A, C, and E are commonly known antioxidants, there are other antioxidants available in both food and supplement form. These antioxidant supplements play a vital role in bridging the nutritional gap left by processed foods, lacking the necessary antioxidants and nutrients to combat free radicals effectively.

Let's take a closer look at my top six supplement recommendations, known for their efficacy in fighting oxidative stress and promoting optimal recovery:

Beta Alanine: As an amino acid derivative, Beta Alanine is proven to enhance intramuscular carnosine content, improving the body's ability to buffer hydrogen ions. During exercise, the body accumulates hydrogen ions, contributing to fatigue and lowering pH levels. Beta Alanine supplementation can reduce fatigue, enhance exercise performance, and increase training volume. Whether it's interval training or weightlifting to improve running economy, incorporating beta-alanine can have a positive impact on endurance performance and overall training results.

BCAAs: Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) have become a staple supplement for athletes due to their role in muscle and energy production during exercise. Consisting of three essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine, and valine - BCAAs have been shown to significantly reduce muscle soreness and expedite the recovery process. Supplementing with BCAAs helps prevent muscle breakdown, as the body does not need to rely on its own muscle tissue for energy. Consequently, protein synthesis remains high, supporting muscle growth and repair.

Creatine, a natural molecule found in muscle cells. When engaging in high-intensity workouts like weightlifting, Creatine helps your body produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a vital energy source. This amazing compound improves strength, boosts lean muscle mass, and aids in faster muscle recovery.

Flavonoid Root, a breakthrough extract known for its cardiovascular benefits. This extract is packed with potent antioxidants and acts as a nitric oxide booster, promoting increased endurance during workouts. Studies have shown that it fights against free radical damage and increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood, ensuring optimal cardiovascular health. You can also boost nitric oxide with beet root, and l-citruline.

Speaking of studies, a published research paper in Food and Nutrition Research (April 2016) highlighted the effects of the unique flavonoid root extract on arterial health. The study revealed that after one year of consumption, participants experienced a decrease in artery wall thickness, total cholesterol, LDL levels, and blood pressure. This indicates that the extract may help reduce the risk of oxidation-related cerebral vascular issues and improve overall cardiovascular health

Glutamine. It's the most abundant amino acid in the human body and plays a vital role in muscle recovery and repair. Glutamine aids in preventing muscle soreness, optimizing post-workout recovery, and supporting muscle rebuilding. By facilitating nitrogen transport, regulating acid-base balance, and acting as an antioxidant, Glutamine ensures faster post-workout muscle recovery, giving you the freedom to train harder for better results.

Protein plays a crucial role in replenishing and repairing your muscles after a workout, making it a key nutrient to consume alongside carbohydrates. By opting for a protein shake as a post-workout option, you can efficiently supply amino acids to your muscles, stimulating muscle protein synthesis, enhancing recovery, and promoting growth. It's important, though, to choose a protein shake that contains high-quality ingredients, as prioritizing quality over quantity is key when it comes to protein.

Apart from protein, there are several other supplements that work through various mechanisms to provide natural, broad-spectrum antioxidant and nutrient support, ultimately contributing to optimal health and recovery. Taking preventative measures to protect the health of different body systems is much easier than trying to restore their function after damage has occurred. With this in mind, retailers should suggest a preventive program to their customers, aiming to limit free radical damage and promote recovery. As the adage goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," emphasizing the significance of protecting and preserving one's health.

In conclusion, the role of antioxidants, particularly phytonutrients, in maintaining overall health and combating oxidative stress cannot be overstated. These beneficial compounds not only slow down the aging process, but also enhance the body's ability to recover from physical exertion. Various supplements, including Beta Alanine, BCAAs, Creatine, Flavonoid Root, Glutamine, and Protein, each offer distinct benefits in supporting muscle growth, improving athletic performance, and promoting quicker recovery. The incorporation of these supplements into one's regimen can effectively bridge the nutritional gap left by processed foods. A preventive strategy, emphasizing a diet rich in antioxidants and high-quality supplements, holds the key to optimal health and longevity. As the saying goes, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'.


What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

Date: April 28, 2022 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

If you want to stay healthy, it's important that you know what cellular mitochondria does in the body. Mitochondria are organelles found in the cytoplasm of cells. They are responsible for producing energy for the cell. Without them, the cell would not be able to function properly. We will discuss the role of mitochondria in the body, and how they impact our health.

What are mitochondria and what do they do in the body

Mitochondria are organelles that play an important role in the energy metabolism of cells. Most of the oxygen we breathe is used by mitochondria to convert glucose from the food we eat into ATP, the energy molecule used by our cells. Therefore, mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell. In addition to producing ATP, mitochondria also have other important functions, such as regulating cell growth and death, as well as calcium homeostasis. Mitochondria are unique in that they have their own DNA separate from the DNA in the cell nucleus. This mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mother to child, which is why defects in mitochondrial function can lead to diseases that are inherited in a maternal lineage. Although most of our cells contain only a single nucleus, they may contain hundreds or even thousands of mitochondria. This allows them to produce enough ATP to meet the energy needs of the cell.

How mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to health problems

Mitochondria are integral to many essential physiological processes in the body. Not only do they produce energy for cells, but they also play a key role in maintaining cellular structures and initiating cell division. Therefore, any disruption of normal mitochondrial function can have far-reaching consequences for overall health and well-being. Maladaptive responses to environmental stressors, such as chemical exposure or radiation, are among the most common causes of mitochondrial dysfunction. These stressors result in damage to mitochondrial DNA and can cause problems with cell division and abnormal growth patterns, which can lead to a range of disorders and chronic diseases. For example, mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to conditions like Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Therefore, it is important to understand the role that mitochondria play in maintaining healthy functioning bodies and take proactive steps to prevent or reverse damage from maladaptive responses to environmental stressors.

Mitochondria and Longevity

Mitochondria are specialized organelles found within our cells that perform many critical functions, including generating energy to support cellular processes and maintaining healthy cell function. These organelles are the site of many important chemical reactions, often referred to as oxidative phosphorylation or metabolism. Studies have shown that Proper functioning of these organelles is essential for healthy aging, and may be a key factor in determining how long we live. By promoting mitochondria health and making lifestyle changes that help to promote healthy mitochondria, we can take an important step towards optimizing our longevity potential. This includes eating a nutrient-rich diet with a focus on foods high in antioxidants, managing stress levels through regular exercise and relaxation techniques, and avoiding environmental toxins that can damage mitochondria health. Through such strategies, we can give ourselves the best chance at living a long, full life.

Ways to protect your mitochondria and keep them healthy with PQQ

PQQ, or pyrroloquinoline quinone, is an important molecule for the functioning of mitochondria in the human body. This compound plays a crucial role in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, the fundamental energy currency of biological systems. By driving cellular processes that release energy for metabolic use, PQQ plays a key role in maintaining mitochondrial health and efficiency. Additionally, PQQ has been shown to exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, which help to mitigate the effects of oxidative stress on mitochondria and other critical cells in the body. Overall, PQQ is an essential component of healthy mitochondrial function and a crucial nutrient for energy production and overall metabolic health.

D-ribose, the Mitochondria, and Energy

D-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar that plays an important role in cellular metabolism and energy production. This nutrient is especially important for cells that rely on a lot of energy, such as those found in the heart and muscles. D-ribose helps these cells to generate adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is the main energy currency used by cells to drive chemical reactions. Additionally, research has suggested that d-ribose can help to improve physical endurance and reduce the pain and stiffness associated with exercise, making it an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Also, D-ribose is a simple sugar that plays an important role in the structure and function of mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell. In addition to supplying energy to the cells, mitochondria also help to regulate cell growth and death. D-ribose is essential for the proper function of mitochondria, and it plays a key role in energy production. Studies have shown that D-ribose can help to improve mitochondrial function and reduce fatigue. In addition, D-ribose supplements have been shown to improve exercise performance and increase energy levels. These effects are likely due to the ability of D-ribose to help the body produce more ATP, the energy currency of the cell. For these reasons, D-ribose is an important nutrient for maintaining healthy mitochondria and supporting cellular energy production.

Another important nutrient for the mitochondria is CoQ10

The process of producing energy is called oxidative phosphorylation, and it involves the transfer of electrons from nutrients to oxygen. This reaction creates a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, which is used to generate ATP, the energy currency of the cell. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an important component of this process. It acts as an electron carrier, shuttling electrons between enzymes in the respiratory chain. It also helps to maintain the proton gradient, allowing the mitochondria to continue generating ATP. Without CoQ10, oxidative phosphorylation would grind to a halt, and cells would quickly run out of energy. Consequently, CoQ10 plays a vital role in energy production and cellular metabolism.

The bottom line is that both D-ribose and CoQ10 are important nutrients the body needs to maintain optimal energy levels. If you’re feeling run down, low on energy, or just generally not your best, consider taking a supplement containing these two nutrients. You may be surprised at how much better you feel once you start including them in your diet. What’s stopping you from giving them a try?


Green Tea Extracts: The Best Source of EGCG for Cognitive Health, Cellular Defense, and Mental Well-being

Date: April 25, 2022 04:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Tea Extracts: The Best Source of EGCG for Cognitive Health, Cellular Defense, and Mental Well-being

Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and for good reason. It has a delicious flavor and offers a variety of health benefits. One of the most beneficial compounds found in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a catechin polyphenol that has been extensively studied for its positive effects on cognitive health, cellular defense, metabolism, and mental well-being. We will take a closer look at EGCG and discuss why it is such an important compound for optimal health.

What is EGCG

EGCG is short for epigallocatechin gallate, a type of polyphenol that is found in green tea. In addition to its potential health benefits, EGCG is also a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown that it can help to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. EGCG has also been shown to boost metabolism and reduce inflammation. Furthermore, some research suggests that it may even have cancer-fighting properties. While more studies are needed to confirm these effects, EGCG is a promising compound with a wide range of potential applications.

How does it work in the body

EGCG is a polyphenol compound that is found in high levels in green tea. Polyphenols are a type of phytochemical, which are plant-based chemicals that have a number of health-promoting properties. EGCG is the most abundant polyphenol in green tea, and it is thought to be responsible for many of the health benefits associated with green tea consumption. In the body, EGCG can bind to certain enzymes and proteins, preventing them from performing their normal functions. For example, EGCG has been shown to inhibit the activity of angiogenesis, which is the growth of new blood vessels. This may explain why green tea consumption has been linked with lower rates of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, EGCG has been shown to boost metabolism and promote fat loss. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects in humans. Overall, EGCG appears to be a potent phytochemical with a wide range of potential health benefits. Further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential.

Why is it important for health and longevity

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most active and abundant catechin in tea. It is a polyphenol that has attracted much attention for its potential health benefits, which include cancer prevention, cardiovascular protection, and neuroprotection. EGCG has also been shown to boost metabolism and promote weight loss. In addition, EGCG has been linked with longevity. Studies in both animals and humans have shown that EGCG can increase lifespan and protect against age-related diseases. These findings suggest that EGCG may be an important key to health and longevity.

The benefits of EGCG

  • -EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals
  • -EGCG has been shown to boost metabolism and reduce inflammation
  • -EGCG may even have cancer-fighting properties
  • -EGCG is a potent phytochemical with a wide range of potential health benefits
  • -Further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential
  • -EGCG can increase lifespan and protect against age-related diseases
  • -Incorporating more green tea into your diet or lifestyle may have numerous health benefits.

Below are some FAQs that might help:

Q: How much green tea should I drink per day?

A: It is recommended to drink three to five cups of green tea per day to reap the most benefits.

Q: What are some good ways to add green tea into my diet?

A: You can add green tea to your diet by drinking it as a beverage, taking green tea supplements, or adding matcha powder to smoothies or baking recipes.

Q: What are some of the possible side effects of green tea?

A: Green tea is generally safe for most people, but it can cause digestive issues in some individuals. It is also important to note that green tea contains caffeine, so it should be consumed in moderation if you are sensitive to this stimulant.

Free Radical Damage and Green Tea

Free radicals can damage cells, which can lead to health problems over time. You know that free radicals are bad for you, but what can you do about them?

Green tea with EGCG is a great way to protect yourself from the damaging effects of free radicals. EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage caused by these harmful molecules.


The 7 Proven Health Benefits of CBD Oil

Date: May 06, 2019 03:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The 7 Proven Health Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD oil has come into the spotlight recently with some amazing health benefits, so much so it is set to be sold in major retail pharmacy's such as CVS inthe very near future. CBD has many uses in the field of medicine, particularly as an over the counter remedy that if needed of long term, is safer than many of the current produces that are used as pain relievers, or that reduce anxiety and depression. One of the incredible things it does is to relieve cancer treatment symptoms, such as nausea and pain. It has also shown to improve neurological health and to stabilize blood sugars for those with diabetes.

Key Takeaways:

  • There has been a huge spike of interest in CBD oil in recent years and as this continues to grow many persons are interested in its benefits.
  • Until recently THC in marijuana received most of the attention due to its psychoactive properties but CBD in marijuana has garnered much interest.
  • Pain relief is among the top reasons that many people are paying attention to CBD oil because it has been shown that it can inhibit neural pain transmission.

"Although the use of medical marijuana is still a politically and emotionally charged topic, research shows that there may be huge benefits of the CBD oil."

Read more:


How Does Excess Sugar Affect The Brain?

Date: May 03, 2019 04:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Excess Sugar Affect The Brain?

Excess sugar intake is unambiguously harmful to the body and the brain. In addition to widely understood risks like diabetes and obesity, elevated blood sugar can produce anxiety and interfere with emotions and mood. Eating too much sugar can also impact your brain’s reward-response system in ways that make you hungrier and more prone to overeating. High blood sugar can also constrict blood vessels, contributing to impaired cognitive functioning. Eating more fresh fruit as a substitute for added sugar and DRINKING more water can help reduce sugar levels in the brain.

Key Takeaways:

  • Too much sugar can be addictive to the brain and cause chemical imbalances.
  • Having too much sugar in the system can impair cognitive skills and processes
  • High glucose levels can damage the circulatory system both in the brain and thorough the body

"Excess sugar intake does damages our bodies in more ways than one."

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Rooibos: Why The World Can’t Get Enough Of It

Date: May 03, 2019 04:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Rooibos: Why The World Can’t Get Enough Of It

South Africa’s rooibos tea is taking the world by storm, and now the South African Rooibos Council is making a multimillion rand investment into research into rooibos’ health benefits. Rooibos is caffeine-free and rich in antioxidants, including a compound called aspalathin which may help to moderate blood sugar and combat insulin resistance. Rooibos tea may help ease digestive problems and improve heart health as well. Rooibos may help to control your weight in multiple ways, including improved appetite regulation and preventing fat cell accumulation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rooibos tea provides a caffeine-free alternative for tea drinkers to enjoy.
  • Rooibos tea has many health benefits such as lowering cholesterol and cancer risk.
  • The red tea contains 50% more antioxidants than those found in green tea.

"Native to South Africa, rooibos tea has developed a large following due to the plethora of benefits that it can provide."

Read more:


High-Fiber Diet: Can This Lengthen Your Life?

Date: May 01, 2019 09:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High-Fiber Diet: Can This Lengthen Your Life?

Fiber is very important to our heart and digestive health. Recent New Zealand research showed that people with low fiber diets had significantly higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer than people who get plenty of it from whole grains, fruit and vegetables. Separately, American research indicates that a high fiber diet may enhance the growth of beneficial strains of gut bacteria while helping to fight inflammation. This is important because chronic inflammation is a key component of most chronic health conditions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Having a lot of fiber in the diet was one of the first things kids were taught along with drinking a lot of water and taking lots of vegetables.
  • Having a lot of fiber in the diet is good for the body because it is vital for healthy digestion and colon health.
  • Our mothers were right. Recent research has shown that having a lot of fiber in the diet can be associated with longevity.

"A report shows that curcumin helps the body manage inflammation and anti-ageing (known as inflammaging) and Ascencao says the powerful turmeric extract, Bio-Curcumin, has shown to help deliver significant amounts of bio-active curcumin into the body, assisting this process."

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8 Great Reasons To Start Eating Okra

Date: April 29, 2019 05:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 8 Great Reasons To Start Eating Okra

Okra is a popular vegetable found in both African and Asian foods. Okra is used in both soups and stews because of its ability to thicken those meals. Okra is also a great source of fiber, antioxidants, folic acid, calcium, and also vitamins B and C. The antioxidants found in okra can fight off free radicals, which increase the chances to get cancer. The fiber in okra can help maintain a healthy digestive system and can also protect your heart.

Key Takeaways:

  • Okra is a vegetable that is high in fiber and is often used as a thickener in stews and soups.
  • High in vitamins B and C, okra has strong anti-cancer properties due to its high anti-oxidant content.
  • Okra contains the protein collagen, which can give the skin a more supple and youthful appearance.

"The antioxidants found in okra can fight off free radicals and thus reduce the risk of cancer. In fact, lectins (a form of protein) taken from the vegetable were found to have lowered the growth of breast cancer cells by over 50% (1)."

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5 Foods To Help You Fight Insomnia

Date: April 25, 2019 04:48 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Foods To Help You Fight Insomnia

Insomnia, which is a chronic lack of sleep, achieved because the insomniac can't seem to enter a state of sleeping, or because the sufferer can't sustain the state once achieved, is a debilitating problem for many. While there exist pharmaceutical interventions for insomnia, there are also more natural ways to combat the problem, specifically food choices that may help. Tryptophan is the hormone that releases the relaxing chemical serotinin, that helps sleep arrive. Hummus has natural tryptophan. Kiwi has specific phtyochemicals and antioxidants that also promote sleep. Healthy carbs tend to make us sleep, which is why corn is a good sleep-promoter. Milk is another healthy carrier of tryptophan. Chewing on basil might help too as it eases mental woes and soothes troubled digestion.

Key Takeaways:

  • A word that can be used to describe insomnia in this our era is habitual sleeplessness and this phenomenon is on the rise.
  • Insomnia when it becomes habitual causes restlessness and anxiety. At night, even though one is exhausted, sleep does not come and one gets fidgety and the mind blurry.
  • Insomnia has treatment or remedies to cure the condition which involves medication, therapies, and soothing products, but sometimes these remedies do not work.

"The sugar level in candies is capable of upsetting your blood sugar levels which leads to the interruption of your sleep. You might sleep well immediately after eating them but after some time, you will wake up irritable. Corn is a healthy carb you should incorporate in your diet."

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Are You Getting Enough Healthy Fats?

Date: April 22, 2019 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are You Getting Enough Healthy Fats?

If you have been trying to remove all fat from your diet, you've been making a mistake. The human body needs fat to function. You just need to make sure you are getting the right fats. When it comes to your health, unsaturated fats are beneficial, trans fats are detrimental, and the jury is still out on saturated fats. Failure to consume enough healthy fats can lead to cognitive fatigue, dry skin, joint pain and other ailments. To ensure your body gets enough good fat, fill your diet with seeds, fruits, nuts and fatty fish.

Key Takeaways:

  • Beneficial fats should be a regular part of your daily diet for both heart and brain health.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are the perfect brain food and have been shown to prevent ADHD and enhance cognitive function.
  • Healthy fats have been shown to help alleviate joint pain, support good vision, and improve anxiety and mood swings.

"Your skin is what you eat and good skin always starts from the inside. Aside from collagen and elastin, healthy fats also help to keep your skin moisturized and supple. As our skin cells are surrounded by them, low levels of fats in the body can lead to dry, flaky and irritated skin (4)."

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Eating chili regularly may make you live longer

Date: April 04, 2019 09:24 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eating chili regularly may make you live longer

The health benefits of spices have long been of interest to scholars. Recently, scientists have discovered that consuming chili has a variety of health benefits, the most important being longevity. In a follow-up of a Chinese study, the University of Vermont discovered that those in their study who ate chili peppers lived longer than those who did not. The researchers attributed these significant results to a compound called capsaicin, which gives the chili pepper its notorious spice. Capsaicin is thought to reduce the risk of heart disease and improve blood flow. While these results are still under investigation, one should still consider adding more spice to their foods to reap their nutritional benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Peppers and spices are not only for eating, but are key to many traditional medicines.
  • Capsaicin, which determines the spiciness of a pepper, reduces cardiovascular disease and kills bad bacteria.
  • Antioxidants are a key component of peppers and spices, and play a big role in being helpful to our bodies.

"They made the same discovery as the Chinese research team from five years ago: People who ate chili peppers lived longer lives."

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Research proves the healing potential of monk fruit on cancerpatients

Date: April 04, 2019 09:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Research proves the healing potential of monk fruit on cancerpatients

Monk fruit, which is already widely used as both an ingredient for traditional Chinese medicine and as a substitute for sugar, may also have beneficial properties for fighting cancer. Researchers from the Beijing University of Agriculture conducted studies of a monk fruit compound called mogroside V, and found that it can prevent the growth of pancreatic cancer cells, or even trigger them to die. Mogroside V is also a powerful antioxidant. Monk fruit may also provide health benefits by reducing how much processed sugar people eat.

Key Takeaways:

  • One of the stalwarts of traditional Chinese medicine is the monk fruit and these old fruit is finding therapeutic uses in our modern times.
  • In the West, the fruit is used as a replacement for processed sugar as a sweetener because it is healthier.
  • In China, the monk fruit is revered as a longevity fruit that extends people’s lifespan and is the first fruit to be prescribed when there is an ailment.

"Mogroside V was used to treat several models of pancreatic cancer. It was shown to trigger death in cancer cells and prevent them from developing or spreading any further. Chinese researchers theorized that the plant-based compound disrupted the STAT3 signaling pathway that cancer cells used for communication."

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Moringa : The Next Big Superfood?

Date: April 03, 2019 03:31 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Moringa : The Next Big Superfood?

Moringa trees are native to India and produce edible, highly nutritious pods, seeds and leaves, while also improving soil and water. Moringa is a hardy plant that can grow in many different climates. Studies suggest that compounds in moringa may help boost heart health and slow the growth of cancer cells. Moringa may also help moderate blood sugar, and is also good for skin and hair. At the very least, moringa — available as a tea, oil or food — is full of vitamins, minerals and calcium.

Key Takeaways:

  • The protein in moringa oleifera may help prevent cancer growth while lowering bad cholesterol.
  • Skin and hair cells can be strengthened by the antioxidants found in Moringa oleifera.
  • Moringa oleifera is also healthy for the environment by assisting with making soil more fertile and can act as a water filter.

"While the seeds are often roasted and consumed like nuts, the leaves actually contain more nutrients."

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Ginkgo biloba shows potential value in the treatment of over 100diseases

Date: March 07, 2019 09:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginkgo biloba shows potential value in the treatment of over 100diseases

If you want to protect yourself against more than 100 different common diseases, there is one herb that should be a part of your daily life and that is Ginkgo Biloba. Studies have been conducted and the results prove that it is worth your time and effort in more ways than one because it has the ability to ward off migraines, ADD, and dozens upon dozens of other conditions that affect so many people today.

Key Takeaways:

  • The gingko biloba tree is called a “living fossil” due to the fact that it has no close living relatives and can be traced to the dinosaur age.
  • The gingko biloba tree can be used for longevity because the tree can live for up to 1,000 years and also, it can be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.
  • An analysis of the tree extract using 21 trials found that the tree can help those with mild cognitive impairment to improve their thinking.

"The ginkgo biloba tree might not give off the most pleasant smell, but hiding beneath its rancid odor is the power to heal more than 100 different diseases."

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Study suggests spices outperform chemo and radiation for treatingcancer

Date: March 06, 2019 05:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study suggests spices outperform chemo and radiation for treatingcancer

While turmeric is a commonly known spice, especially in South Asia, it is also known for its health benefits. Turmeric has been found to be a safe treatment for a variety of conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic illnesses. Turmeric has been proven in many studies to be more effective in treating cancer than traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation. Unlike chemo or radiation, turmeric has the ability to fight cancer for a long period of time. While this data still needs to be investigated, many are hopeful that in the future, turmeric will contribute to the fight against cancer and big pharmaceutical companies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Turmeric is a common spice that is useful in worldly cuisines, but is also known for its health benefits.
  • Turmeric can help alleviate symptoms of diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and other inflammatory diseases.
  • Many studies have proven that turmeric can improve longevity and fight against cancers in a more efficient manner than chemotherapy or radiation.

"Glioblastoma is an aggressive, fast-growing form of brain cancer which is usually treated with chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. These overpriced conventional treatments, however, have shown little to no effect in keeping cancer away. In contrary, they may be making it worse."

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High levels of vitamin C can significantly lower your risk ofpremature death, researchers find

Date: March 06, 2019 01:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High levels of vitamin C can significantly lower your risk ofpremature death, researchers find

Exactly 473 men and 475 women have been studied in order to see if high levels of vitamin C can help lower the risk of facing a premature death. Although several people did meet an early demise due to heart disease and other common ailments, it was shown that the individuals who were in the top 25 percentile when it comes to their vitamin C levels had a much lower risk in reaching an early death.

Key Takeaways:

  • A 16-year study of almost 1000 Chinese men and women found that those with the highest Vitamin C plasma concentrations were less likely to have died of any cause during the study.
  • Vitamin C’s benefits probably result from its ability to suppress oxidative stress and the resulting inflammation.
  • Kiwis, papayas, chili peppers, red bell peppers, mangos, kale and pineapple are all rich sources of Vitamin C.

"Proper nutrition can be incredibly powerful when it comes to preventing disease and protecting your health, so take a look at your typical diet and try to find new ways to incorporate vitamin C-rich foods to give your longevity a boost."

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HIV-1 people can boost their immune system with Korean red ginseng

Date: February 11, 2019 11:11 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: HIV-1 people can boost their immune system with Korean red ginseng

Korean red ginseng may have critically important for people infected by HIV. HIV, which weakens the immune system by targeting T helper cells, can be controlled by antiretrovirals, but these can grow less effective over time. Patients who consumed Korean red ginseng had slower annual loss of T helper cells, and these patients had a longer survival duration as a result. Dosage levels had no real impact, but taking Korean red ginseng for longer periods of time enhanced the benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Korean red ginseng, which is also called Panax ginseng, has a long history of use as a supplement for longevity.
  • HIV targets the the body's T cells, causing an ongoing drop in the supply, which ultimately weakens and destabilizes the immune system.
  • Research revealed that HIV-infected study subjects given Panax ginseng experienced a smaller loss of T helper cells.

"The herb displays anti-inflammatory activity and helps manage the immune system. It also contains saponins that exert adjuvant actions against inflammatory disease."

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How medicinal mushrooms keep you strong even if you're constantlystressed

Date: December 21, 2018 02:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How medicinal mushrooms keep you strong even if you're constantlystressed

Mushrooms have long been associated with alternative medicine. The Chinese led the way to mushroom use for treatment of infertility, cancer, and PTSD. Nowadays, people are also turning to mushrooms to help keep bodies healthy during stressful times. Medicinal mushrooms can also regulate cortisol levels. When people have difficulty falling asleep the reishi mushroom can help with that. Chaga can help reduce inflammation. The lion’s mane mushroom can help lift cognitive function during moments of stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mushrooms have a long history of use in medicine that dates back to the Chinese who used it as treatment for post-traumatic stress, cancer, and infertility.
  • Stress in individuals can make them unable to fall asleep and this inability can increase to more stress so the circle continues. Reishi mushroom is effective against this.
  • Reishi mushroom contains nutrients like Calcium and Magnesium, and also antioxidants that help to improve spiritual potency, well being and longevity.

"Something that all medicinal mushrooms have in common is that they possess adaptogenic properties, which primarily involves regulating cortisol levels."

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Vitamin C: The Immune-Boosting, Skin-Supporting Nutrient You ShouldBe Getting Plenty Of

Date: December 17, 2018 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin C: The Immune-Boosting, Skin-Supporting Nutrient You ShouldBe Getting Plenty Of

No nutrient is quiet as important as Vitamin C. It's a power-packed immune-boosting powerhouse that is found in oranges and other citrus fruits, and many other foods. When the body gets an adequate supply of Vitamin C, it thrives in more ways than one and you will look and feel your best. So while there are many nutrients that your body needs, it is important to put special emphasis on vitamin C and the positive attributes it can bring into your life.

Key Takeaways:

  • As we enter the cold and flu season, Vitamin C is indispensable. It is an immune booster and contains lots of antioxidants that are beneficial to the body.
  • Vitamin C works with a good number of regulatory enzymes as a potent antioxidant and cofactor. It also kills off bad bugs.
  • To counteract the cell damage that getting old is associated with, people are asked to take Vitamin C for better health and longevity in old age.

"A very interesting study from last month demonstrated that in diabetes-induced rats who showed depression-like behavior, giving vitamin C helped with the depression, especially if blood sugar and insulin levels were also regulated."

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Gotu Kola is one of the most useful plant remedies found inAyurvedic medicine

Date: December 08, 2018 11:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Gotu Kola is one of the most useful plant remedies found inAyurvedic medicine

Plant remedies around world are getting more and more attention. People are realizing that there is a very high use case for these things and it is being accepted around the world. Gotu Kola is a planet remedy that is common due to its usefulness for various different things that are found in people. At the end of the day, not all plant remedies will work for everyone. However, if you find one that does work for you, it can work wonders.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are a lot of natural remedies that are getting some hype today as they work for some people.
  • For individuals who have problems with their skim, plant remedies have been proven to help combat them.
  • Understanding how to take care of your own unique body is very important in life and Gotu Kola has proven to work for some people.

"Psychoactive substances target the brain and nervous system, resulting to an altered mental state. This psychoactive property is the reason why Gotu Kola is traditionally used for enhancing memory, longevity and cognition. In addition to these, Gotu Kola has also been used to treat skin conditions, including leprosy, lupus, varicose ulcers, eczema, psoriasis."

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Asparagus: The Cancer-Fighting, Fibrous Superfood

Date: May 26, 2018 05:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Asparagus: The Cancer-Fighting, Fibrous Superfood

Asparagus: The Cancer-Fighting, Fibrous Superfood

Asparagus does more than just help promote digestive health. It also is known for containing something called rutin, which is a flavonoid that has the ability to help reduce the risk of blood clots. Studies with rats have also shown that consumption of asparagus over a ten week time span can result in more regulated blood pressure in those who are suffering from hypertensive symptoms. Asparagus also contains glutathione, which is known for boosting the human immune system.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fiber is known for helping cardiovascular health in humans, so the fiber content in asparagus can contribute to heart health.
  • Asparagus is high in folate levels which is essential in helping fetuses thrive while in-utero.
  • Asparagus is also high in potassium levels which can help regulate blood pressure.

"Asparagus is a low-calorie vegetable rich in antioxidants, minerals and anti-inflammatory properties. Asparagus also contains rutin – a flavonoid that helps to treat haemorrhoids and prevent blood clots."

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Inflammation And Its Negative Effect On Our Health

Date: January 07, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Inflammation And Its Negative Effect On Our Health

Chronic low-grade inflammation is something that we can experience but many of us don't think about. It is a condition where when our immune system detects a threat in our bodies and substances are released. When they are released and the condition is not cured the substances remain elevated and we then can get chronic inflammation. This can lead to an array of conditions including: cancer, depression, and bone disease, and many more. There are many symptoms of chronic low-grade inflammation and also a holistic way to treat it with functional medicine. Holistically, we can treat by finding the cause and treating that rather than suppressing the symptoms of conventional medicine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chronic inflammation is the key holder to heart disease, diabetes and obesity just to name a few.
  • Chronic low-grade inflammation also is the culprit to lack of exercise, fibromyalgia and anger problems
  • Chronic low-grade inflammation is nothing to speak little about, and needs to be more in the public eye, maybe soon PSAs.

"By reducing the pro-inflammatory aspects of our lifestyle, we will remain youthful and live better for longer."

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Vitamin K: Your New Superhero For a Healthy Living

Date: November 15, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin K: Your New Superhero For a Healthy Living

Vitamin K is the latest of the vitamins being better understood in the body. The latest research indicates it's good for a variety of health concerns and even in age prevention. Vitamin K supports dental health, strong bones which are correlated with smooth skin, and even heart health. Although relatively new to mainstream media, vitamin K plays a vital role in the body. It is found in animal products, in high quantities in dairy and also in fermented and cultured food. Keep eating healthy to keep up your vitamin K.

Key Takeaways:

  • K2 is important for bone health, dental health, cardiovascular and brain health, as well as helping the immune system, and helping with growth and development.
  • K2 may help prevent prostate cancer and has also been found to alleviate menstrual cramps and help with proper calcium processing in women.
  • K2 deficiency in diets can be fought by eating fermented foods like sauerkraut and kambucha, and by consuming animal products like organic liver and chickens breast.

"K2 is vital for calcium regulation in the body, building strong bones and breaking down unwanted calcification."

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12 simple longevity habits to live a longer life

Date: August 12, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 12 simple longevity habits to live a longer life

There are 12 very simple longevity habits that will help you live a much longer life. One of the longevity habits is exercise. Regular exercise is very important and will help you live a much longer life. The type of exercise does play a role in this. The intense exercises tend to be the better ones. Running is another activity that leads to longevity. For every hour that you run hard, you add an additional seven hours to your life.

Read more: 12 simple longevity habits to live a longer life


Top 7 Benefits of Green Tea: The No. 1 Anti-Aging Beverage

Date: June 27, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top 7 Benefits of Green Tea: The No. 1 Anti-Aging Beverage

There are numerous benefits to drinking green tea. It is consumed more than any other drink after water. Green tea is extremely beneficial and has more antioxidants than any other tea on the market. It fights heart disease, diabetes, it can help with weight loss, and most importantly it can help elders with their memories and bone density. The article lists all the benefits that green tea has, along with it's rich history, and most importantly how to steep and drink the tea.

Key Takeaways:

  • Green tea is high in antioxidants and has many benefits to use.
  • Green Tea is thought to be an anti aging compound. In Japan where Green Tea is used daily, the population has a higher longevity rate.
  • Green Tea has been used for thousands of years in some cultures.

"According to dozens of studies, regularly drinking green tea may reduce your risk of developing heart disease or Alzheimer’s, help you maintain better bone mineral density, ward off eye diseases that affect vision in older age, prevent strokes, and even extend your life."

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7 Reasons Your Gut Wants A Probiotic, Stat

Date: June 15, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Reasons Your Gut Wants A Probiotic, Stat

Having a healthy microbome keeps you healthy and promotes longevity. Taking probiotics is the first step in maintaining a healthy gut. When you are on probiotics you will notice positive changes. You mood will be elevated, your immune system gets stronger and you will become less constipated. You can prevent a leaky gut and have a good balance of gut bacteria while preventing fungus infections. You also get an added bonus of healthy glowing skin.

Read more: 7 Reasons Your Gut Wants A Probiotic, Stat


Animal Study Finds Monounsaturated Fats in Olive Oil May Extend Life

Date: June 10, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Animal Study Finds Monounsaturated Fats in Olive Oil May Extend Life

A recent genetic study on metabolic changes has discovered an unexpected finding: accumulation of monounsaturated fats may lengthen one's lifespan. Though the study was conducted among roundworms rather than humans, it is interesting to note since researchers previously thought that decreased caloric intake would increase longevity. Rather, it appears that this particular build-up of fat and calories can be beneficial. The researchers discovered this by blocking certain DNA-modifying proteins to increase lifespan among worms, and then noted that these worms displayed higher levels of monounsaturated fatty acids.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers found that feeding roundworms the monounsaturated fat in olive oil prolonged their lifespan and this effect could also extend to people.
  • While the monounsaturated fat extended life, it also caused an unexpected result in that the roundworms gained weight, indicating to researchers that a certain type of fat buildup could be healthful.
  • While there is no definitive answer yet as to why why monounsaturated fat buildup appears to extend life, this does provide more evidence that the fat in extra virgin olive oil is most healthful.

"Prior research shows the type of fat consumed has a much greater influence on health than the quantity, and the recent experiment builds upon what is known on the topic."

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Vitamin K2 and why form matters!

Date: June 01, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin K2 and why form matters!

Many people are living to a much higher age than before. Because of this there is reason to take supplements and have a good balanced diet. This is great, but many are lacking in the vitamin K2. This vitamin is very important because it helps the circulatory system as well as aids bones. To work best it is advised that it should be taken with calcium and vitamin D because these work best together as a team.

Key Takeaways:

  • One important key is that K2 is beneficial to anyone looking take care of their bone and circulatory health.
  • Another huge takeaway is that this vitamin is increasing the longevity of the recipient's life.
  • How it works is a big takeaway. This drug works by ensuring that calcium is deposited specifically into the bones, rather than blood vessels.

"K2 is beneficial to anyone who wants to help take care of their bone and circulatory health and help protect these systems for future years."

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How Do Dietary Cholesterol and Sterols Impact Your Cholesterol Levels?

Date: May 10, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Do Dietary Cholesterol and Sterols Impact Your Cholesterol Levels?

The Medical News Bulletin addresses the issue of cholesterol and its impact on the body. Many of the cholesterol levels in the human body can be attributed to the diet habits a person has on a daily basis, as well as plat sterols. As many people already know, cholesterol levels can be significant indicators of overall cardiac health among adults and controlling it seems to be key in longevity. According to the author of the article, the use of plant sterols assist greatly in reducing cholesterol levels.

Key Takeaways:

  • Certain plant sterols can help lower cholesterol for a healthier body.
  • Cholesterol absorption and synthesis can be differentiated in patients under certain circumstances.
  • cholesterol absorption or synthesis is not affected by the type or amount of food eaten.

"A new research study by Canadian scientists revealed that variations in cholesterol absorption and synthesis at an inter-individual level have a significant influence on plasma lipid levels in healthy individuals."

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Having Children Increases Longevity

Date: March 21, 2017 06:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Having Children Increases Longevity

A study of over one million Swedish men and women found that those who raised children could expect to have a longer lifespan than their childless counterparts. Researchers posited that the increased longevity may be caused by a number of factors including the consumption of healthier foods and engagement in pro-social activities as compared to their childless counterparts. In addition, as individuals aged, those with children also tended to have a greater network of socialization and physical / logistical support than those without. This additional support slowed the physical decline of adults in their senior years, especially amongst men.

Read more: Having Children Increases Longevity


B vitamins may have 'protective effect' against air pollution

Date: March 15, 2017 06:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: B vitamins may have 'protective effect' against air pollution

The article discusses a recent study which suggests that high dosage of vitamin B may provide protection against the negatives of air pollution. This study was done on a small scale, and there are plans to attempt to replicate this affect in larger cities with more air pollution.A large portion of the population lives in a city with significant environmental pollution. If this study is proven true on a larger and more significant scale it may be lead to a decrease in the health affects from pollution in major cities

Read more: B vitamins may have 'protective effect' against air pollution


Link between dietary restriction, longevity examined

Date: February 09, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Link between dietary restriction, longevity examined

The link between dietary restriction and longevity has been examined. Research has been done and shows that cutting back on calories can actually expand the life span of roundworms. This is important because it shows that we can enhance our health and not have to put huge dietary restrictions on ourselves.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientists at the MDI Biological Laboratory have published research which improves the understanding of the mechanisms by which the lifespan of roundworms can be lengthened by cutting back on calories.
  • In a paper recently published in the journal “Aging Cell,” MDI Biological Laboratory scientist Aric Rogers shed light on an important genetic pathway underlying this process, raising the possibility that therapies can be developed that prolong the healthy years.
  • The identification of a mechanism underlying the protective effect of dietary restriction could lead to therapies for age-related diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, that are associated with diminished cellular quality control.

"The life-prolonging effects of dietary restriction, or calorie restriction, occur in just about every animal tested."



11 Daily Habits That Can Increase Your Risk Of Dementia Down The Line

Date: February 06, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 11 Daily Habits That Can Increase Your Risk Of Dementia Down The Line

There are many horrible ailments in life, but getting dementia is one of the worse. One of the worst things that can take over a person life can be avoided. There are things like sleeping enough, not stressing and making sure you do not lose anything on a consistent basis. Watch for these signs, and you may be able to avoid dementia.

Key Takeaways:

  • 11 Daily Habits That Can Increase Your Risk Of Dementia Down The Line.
  • By acting at a young age, you'll set yourself up for greater longevity and brain function.
  • There are certain daily habits that increase risk of dementia that you can easily break out of and replace with healthier habits that will keep your noggin' strong and well.

"If you're drinking most nights of the week, and you're having more than one glass a night (over 7 drinks per week, or too large of pours), it could damage your brain down the road."



Five of the Top Benefits of Cannabis Oil

Date: December 30, 2016 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Five of the Top Benefits of Cannabis Oil

Cannabis Oil, the first thing that comes to mind when you think about this is not the health benefits. In reality this is one of the healthies items you can but, it is almost health in a bottle. It reduces stress, protects you heart, and a lot of other benefits. Read on for more.

Key Takeaways:

  • If good health came in a bottle, it’d fly off the shelves. People would elbow, cut, and push each other out of the way to get their hands on longevity.
  • Because there’s no doubt about it: health is a bestseller.But, while it has yet to be manufactured, packaged, and sent to the local Target, the idea of a bottle of wellness isn’t all that preposterous. At least not when it comes to cannabis oil.
  • Cannabis oil is derived from marijuana; it’s the concentrated, distilled form of the plant after the plant material has been stripped away with solvent.

"People would elbow, cut, and push each other out of the way to get their hands on longevity. Because there’s no doubt about it: health is a bestseller."



Can a blood test determine whether you'll be alive in 5 years?

Date: December 11, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can a blood test determine whether you'll be alive in 5 years?

If you could find out your approximate age of death, would you want to do so? Soon to be available in the U.K , the test measures the length of telomeres, a DNA structure which controls the longevity of dividing cells. The shorter the telomere, the faster you are aging. A very specific blood test can determine telomere length and, based on the length can use an algorithm to assess longevity based on current lifestyle.

Key Takeaways:

  • New research published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal this week, examined the association between three types of inflammatory biomarkers and the five-year mortality of more than 6,500 people.
  • The biomarkers in question are called interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP) and alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP). They all measure inflammation in the body and their levels can be determined through blood tests.
  • The latest study determined that increased levels of all three biomarkers were associated, to some degree, with an increased risk of dying within five years of the blood test. It also concluded that CRP and IL-6 biomarkers were better predictors of death than AGP.

"There is growing evidence that a simple blood test could determine your risk of dying in five years."



Natural foods for liver repair and liver cleansing

Date: November 08, 2016 05:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural foods for liver repair and liver cleansing

The human liver is a fat-burning organ and is designed to cleanse toxins and dead cells from the body. Even if you don’t drink alcohol, you could be at risk to contract liver-related diseases including fatty liver, hepatitis, and autoimmune disorders. For optimal liver function and overall longevity, be sure to consume foods that support the liver’s ability to cleanse toxins from the body. These include garlic, leafy greens, avocados, and apples, to name a few. Conversely, avoid substances that are bad for the liver such as antibiotic-fed meats, artificial sweeteners, and salty foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your liver is the major fat-burning organ in your body
  • In addition to all its wonderful capabilities, your liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself
  • oward the end of the 1900s, there has been an emerging epidemic of liver disease that is quite startling

"Sulfur is required to increase enzyme activity that boosts liver cleansing."



vitamin d influences longevity by working at genetic level

Date: November 07, 2016 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: vitamin d influences longevity by working at genetic level

We know that constant badgering from our doctors saying that Vitamin D or any of the recommended vitamins are important to take but did you know that taking Vitamin D may help produce longevity in your life by working at the genetic level? A new study in worms shows that Vitamin D suppressed protein insolubility and prevented the toxicity.

Key Takeaways:

  • In the normal aging process, protein homeostasis is disturbed resulting in the accumulation of toxic insoluble protein aggregates.
  • A new study in nematode worms, shows that vitamin D suppressed protein insolubility in the worm and prevented the toxicity.
  • Vitamin D works through genes that are known to influence longevity and impacts processes associated with many human age-related diseases.

"Excess vitamin D can raise blood levels of calcium which leads to vascular and tissue calcification, with subsequent damage to the heart, blood vessels and kidneys."




Rhodiola an ancient medicinal plant to help you cope with modern life

Date: September 08, 2015 09:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Rhodiola an ancient medicinal plant to help you cope with modern life

The plant Rhodiola Rosea, most commonly known as Rose Root, and also by the names Golden Root, King's Crown, Lignum Rhodium,Racine Dorée or Rodia Riza, is recognized throughout the world for its many proprieties and has been used since antiquity to treat and prevent a number of conditions - it has even been featured in De Materia Medica written by the ancient physician Dioscorides.  This Scandinavian herb, is native to the arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and even Alaska.


It is an adaptogen, a substance that can normalize bodily functions and augment resistance to physical, chemical and environmental stress. It is also neuroprotective, thus, promoting longevity. There has been evidences of its use as a medicinal plant, under many names, in both Greek and Chinese medicine, but there are also accounts of its use by other past populations like the Vikings.

Rhodiola has been used to promote vitality both physical and psychological, since it can reduce fatigue and exhaustion, and conversely increase stamina, strength and mental capacity.

Nowadays, it has been used to improve daily life: for increasing sexual performance and hearing, to treat depression and to counter, aging and certain heart disorders. It is also used by athletes to reduce recovery time after long workouts.  There are even some that use the rhodiola plant to prevent against common colds.

However, since there hasn't been long term studies on humans, there isn't of yet confirmation of some of the benefits of this medicinal plant. While there isn't reliable information pertaining to side effects, pregnant and lactating women should consult their physicians prior to taking rhodiola or avoid it for the duration of the pregnancy and breastfeeding.






What are the Benefits of Jiaogulan

Date: July 10, 2014 08:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the Benefits of Jiaogulan

What is a jiaogulan

JiaogulanJiaogulan is also known as Gynostemma pentaphyllum is an adaptogenic herb and the vine from the Cucurbitacea family of plants that grows naturally in Asia, and most specifically in China, Japan as well as in Korea. This plant is related to plants such as the watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber as well as to the gourds. Praised in China as xiancao, the Jiaogulan herb is an incredibly useful life giving plant, the herb of immortality with a powerful adaptogenic capabilities and antioxidant properties. Its adaptogenic capability is derived from its components and substances that aids in revitalization thus bringing the whole body back into balance.

Benefits of jiaogulan

Generally, this plant offers numerous health related benefits with minimal side effects. To Begin with its adaptogenic capabilities, not only helps the body to resist the effects of a stressful conditions, but it also promotes the condition known as homeostasis which helps the body to achieve a state of balance through by regulating various and numerous internal body process. To be more specific, the Jiaogulan herb has adaptogen properties that address both the excess output and the deficiency in the body immune and the endocrine systems. Basically, the adaptogens and the saponins in this plant not only aids the body to regulate itself, which is indeed a key factor in the prevention of diseases and defects such as diabetes, stroke, insomnia, cancer, heart attack, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hormonal imbalance as well as prevention of the high blood pressure, aiding in the proper function of the cardiovascular as well as helping to regulate the cholesterol level in the body among many more.

Additionally, Jiaogulan has some collective chemical compounds known as gypenosides.These gypenosides compounds offer protection against free radical elements and thus against oxidative stress within the brain, which are known to be the main trigger of the Parkinson disease. Their antioxidant capability improves immunity, reduces the effects of aging and speeds the rate of muscle recovery. This herb also has the capability to release nitric oxide, which helps to relax the body blood vessels, its antioxidant compounds ensures you leave free of the radical compound hence your longevity. If you need to build your body mass, muscles,your strength as well as to reduce fatigue, then this herb will be so suitable for you. Finally, the the Gynostemma also has important minerals, vitamins,amino acid and traces of minerals, which of course is generally essential to the body.


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What Are The Benefits Of Ubiquinol Vs Regular CoQ10?

Date: May 31, 2014 06:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Benefits Of Ubiquinol Vs Regular CoQ10?

fruits and vegetables Nutritional Supplement

In modern society, nutritional supplements have become a common method to improve health. A wide range of specific needs determines the use of different supplements, but there are a few that will work in just about everyone and improve their health.

What is a CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10, commonly abbreviated to CoQ10, is one of those universally effective supplements. This vitamin-like substance offers far-reaching benefits for the human body. It has a crucial role in the body's energy maintenance and it's an extremely powerful antioxidant. This substance is naturally produced by the body, but as we get older, the organism's ability to synthesize CoQ10 weakens progressively. It is, therefore, recommended that people initiate a regular intake of CoQ10 somewhere at the adult or even young adult life stage. This is a commonly prescribed supplement for old people owing to its longevity and energy inducing benefits, but it's especially critical for those who are medicated with statin drugs because these are known to reduce CoQ10 levels in the organism. Elite athletes can also benefit from this substance to achieve higher peak power levels.

CoQ10 supplement is available in two forms: fully oxidized (Ubiquinone) and fully reduced (Ubiquinol).

What is an Ubiquinol

Ubiquinol is the most efficient way to take advantage of this supplement because it's the fully reduced form of CoQ10 that our body actually absorbs and uses. The consumption of Ubiquinone requires our body to firstly metabolize and convert it into Ubiquinol. This process limits the speed and efficiency of CoQ10 absorption, requiring larger quantities to be consumed for similar health effects, not to mention that the metabolism has a tendency to worsen with age. Ubiquinone is more widely available and is cheaper, though.

It is usually recommended for people around the age of 35 - 40, to start taking Ubiquinol instead of Ubiquinone. This is when the efficiency of Ubiquinol eventually compensates its higher price tag over Ubiquinone. Turning the ingestion of CoQ10 supplement into a habit is one of the best ways to potentiate a long and healthy life.




EGCG in green tea

Date: May 10, 2014 07:38 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: EGCG in green tea

Green tea benefits

green tea leavesGreen tea is made from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis, which is recognized for its health benefits. The nonfermented product is obtained by leaf desiccation that contains potent, polyphenolic antioxidants, with a flavanolic structure referred to as green- tea catechins, including epigallocat-echin-gallate (EGCG). Studies have shown that drinking EGCG prevents carcinogenesis in rodent organs. Studies have shown it had a significant chemoprotective effect against DMBA-induced mammary tumorigenesis in rats. Human breast cancer cell proliferation inhibition by green tea appeared mediated in part by (CKI). Mutagenesis was inhibited at concentration levels equivalent to human daily consumption.

Using human umbilical vein endothelial cells, it was demonstrated that green tea extracts reduced expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptors forms-like tyrosine kinase and fetal liver kinase. Kinase insert domain containing receptor. Because of the antiangiogenic property of its extracts, they have therapeutic potential in preventing the development of new microvascular networks (angiogenesis) needed for tumor growth. It was also found that green- tea polyphenols inhibited angiogenesis by reducing vascularization of chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) by an angiogenin-like protein isolated from goat serum.

EGCG effectively inhibited bladder-tumor implantation growth in rats, pointing to its potential as an intravesical chemotherapeutic agent. Inhibition of platelet function is a factor in reducing the risk of coronary artery disease. EGCG was reported to inhibit platelet aggregation, by possibly involving inhibition of cytoplasmic calcium increase. EGCG was proven to be the most effective in reducing thrombin-induced aggregation of washed human platelets. The ability of green- tea catechins to inhibit adenovirus infection and adenain, the human adenovirus 2 endopeptidase, was reported. EGCG proved the most potent inhibitor of four green-tea catechins tested. The viral protease adenain appeared to be the target of EGCG, so it is possible that all adenoviruses are sensitive to its action.

The Chinese have known about medicinal qualities of green tea since ancient times, treating everything from headaches to depression.

The three "Es"

  1. enjoyment (soothing)
  2. energy (caffeine)
  3. essential health benefits (antioxidants)

Provides support for a healthy weight loss program, gives the energy needed to maintain an active lifestyle, health, and longevity. The appetite suppressor, Vanadium, reduces calorie intake. Thermogenesis, or fat metabolism, is increased, because of the EGCG/caffeine combination, therefore burning fat.

EGCG fights free radicals. Fatty acids and lipids in the brain are susceptible to the effects of free radical perodixation. Much of the aging of the brain is attributed to perodixation. The EGCG helps to keep us young, alert, and able. Researchers have found that EGCG has inhibited tumor growth in both skin and gastrointestinal tracts. EGCG may fermented be able to obliterate cancer cells, without harming neighboring tissues.



Goji Berries And Health.

Date: March 25, 2014 08:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Goji Berries And Health.

goji berriesWhat is goji berries

The Goji berry is also called the wolfberry. Today, a huge number of individuals have recognized its health profits and are currently taking it to harvest with the greatest characteristics out of it. The tree has grown foods is recognized to hail from Solanaceae family that incorporates tobacco, potato, stew pepper and eggplant. These berries are more well known in China as it is the nation of its root. Its medicinal properties were distinguished long time back and the nation has been utilizing it as a helpful fixing in a large portion of their fabricated solutions.

Characteristics of goji berries

Goji berries are generally red in color and its size fluctuates from 1-2 cms, and holds 10 to 60 seeds in it. These berries have the maturing period from the month of July to October.

Benefits of goji berries

Goji berries are likewise utilized within sustenance things as a result of its solid supplements and are celebrated as a longevity fruit on the grounds that it is profoundly nutritious. They are well referred to for its solid fixings, for example, vitamins and minerals that help in lessening glucose level. It conveys high amassing of calcium, potassium alongside other suitable fixings, for example, zinc, iron, riboflavin, vitamin C, beta carotene, zeaxanthin and selenium. Given the recuperating properties of goji berries, they are known for improving the human invulnerable framework, liver working, and visual perception. It is likewise very convenient in giving alleviation to skin illnesses, for example, aggravation and skin infections. Goji berries are likewise utilized as crude nourishment and additionally handled in type of goji powder, Wanbao tea, and dry goji and Ganoderma tea.

In case you are searching for a master excellence medicine; goji berry items can revive your skin, and make it seem impeccable and wonderful. Goji berry items are utilized within form creams, skin creams and other home grown excellence items. In this way, given the unfathomable utilization of goji berries in solutions, sustenances and magnificence items, it is undoubtedly a suitable products of the soil with an extensive variety of medicinal and mending properties.

The best characteristic of the Goji berry items is that there is no reaction in its normal admission. Utilizing goji berry items day by day as a part of the manifestation of powder and juices can keep you sound and increment your lifespan.

Numerous health specialists and restorative experts have demonstrated the profits of goji berries and have begun prescribing it to their patients. It is viewed as an aggregate health answer for individuals of all age groups.




Date: January 28, 2014 08:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (

almond nutsBenefits of Almond

Almond is considered one of the earliest domesticated tree, the tree produce the drupe consisting of a hard shell and with a seed inside. The seed is grind to make the almond flour, which is used to make different kind of recipes, almond flour, is nutritious and also high in protein, low sugar and carbohydrates. Unlike other domestically used flour, almond flour is delicious in terms of taste.

Regular and daily use of Almond flour is good for the health; here are health benefits of almond flour;

Protects Arteries

When using Almond flour, reduces the chances and reduces the risk of heart disease, the flavonoids in the almond skin works with vitamin E which act as antioxidant, where it protect the arty walls from damages.

Weight Loss

Almonds is low in sugars and carbohydrates which are responsible to generate body fat, the almond provide healthy fats, just enough that is required by the body. Using the almond flour at least 2 times per week will help in balancing the body fat thus aid in weight loss.

Energy Nutrients

Almond is naturally low on cholesterol, but contain a limited amount of carbohydrates, which is a good source of fiber, certain amount of almond contain enough calories, protein, that are capable to give you energy to go all day long.

Brain and nervous system function

Almond flour contain L-carnitine and riboflavin nutrient, this nutrients help boost brain activities and stimulate the nervous system, they are also responsible in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. If used often the almond increase longevity and intellectual levels.

Rich in vitamin

The Almond flour is the best source of Vitamins; it contains vitamin E and vitamin B, and niacin, this vitamins support immune system and serves to protect cells against damage.

Alkalize the body

The almond flour has few protein that are able to form alkaline, this is a good course meal when you are low in alkaline, with low alkaline the body may be at risk of Osteoporosis, unhealthy weight gain and poor immune system. Almond reduce the rise in blood sugar and insulin after almond meal, the healthy benefit a lot beyond measure, if feed to the young ones, it help build strong teeth and bones.


What Are The Health Benefits Of Shatavari Extract?

Date: November 08, 2012 07:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Shatavari Extract?

In the United States, over 130,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer each year. Cancer attacks the regeneration of cells as well as existing cells. And this is why Shatavari extract is an excellent healthy choice.

Shatavari is a Ayurvedic Rasayanas. That means it has rejuvenative abilities in our cells. This means it should not only be thought of as an herb for cure but also one for better health and longevity. It is settled in science that Shatavari helps in cell rejuvenation. Shatavari Extract because it is taken internally for the benefits of organs

What makes Shatavari extract good for both men and women is that it can help rejuvenate an inflamed liver, treat heartburn, acidity, ulcers, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Rejuvenation is the key to what makes the Ayurvedic herb Shatavari Extract so beneficial. This wonderful ancient term rasayanas literally means to bring juvenation to our cells.

Experience the rejuvenating powers of shataviri today!


Can L-Carnosine Be Used As An Anti-Aging Vitamins?

Date: April 18, 2012 07:31 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can L-Carnosine Be Used As An Anti-Aging Vitamins?

Carnosine And Your Health

Carnosine has gained widespread popularity as an anti-aging compound despite some skeptical voices in the scientific community. Many studies lend credence to its value for treating the signs of aging and its antioxidant properties are well researched. Carnosine is also widely used as a supplement to prevent complications from diabetes such as nerve and kidney damage. This article will discuss the details of what it is, what it seems to do in the body and how it may be able to help people restore a more youthful state of health.

Discovered in Russia more than a century ago, Carnosine is an amino acid and is found primarily in muscle, skeletal and nervous tissue (including the brain). As such the primary dietary sources are animal products such as fish, poultry and red meat. It is common for vegetarians to become deficient in it, making them ideal users of carnosine supplements.


There is a gradual decline in carnosine levels as we age, which lends credence to the claims of its anti-aging properties. The most clearly established property of carnosine is its ability to act as an anti-glycation agent. Glycation is a process the body goes through to release energy from sugar but which ends up producing harmful substances. Carnosine can neutralize some of these already formed substances and also prevent the process from forming new ones. Some researchers believe glycation may be the key behind the benefits of caloric restriction, making carnosine the long awaited magic pill that can mimic its effect as a longevity treatment without the deprivation of restricting food intake.

Antioxidant Properties

In addition to carnosine's anti-glycation effect, it also has antioxidant properties. The oxidation process which the body goes through naturally produces the well known "free radicals" which slowly damage the cells and are thought to play an important role in the aging process. Carnosine can neutralize this protecting the cells. This also has a beneficial effect at keeping the telomeres from shortening, which is thought to be the main cause of the aging process. Telomeres are the buffers at the ends of DNA code that protect the code from being corrupted, so when the telomeres become shorter there is less protection and a greater chance of things going wrong. This makes carnosine's protective benefits of great importance in the fight against aging.

Carnosine Protects The Cells From Damage Like Radiation

Studies show that carnosine can protect the cells from radiation damage, which is particularly useful for cancer patients who have to undergo radiological treatment. It also promotes the healing of wounds and protects cell membranes. Some studies demonstrate that it can literaly repair old cells and make them younger. As it binds easily to toxic metals, turning them into powerful antioxidants, it is very effective at protecting the body from their harmful impact.

Some of the most promising uses of carnosine are for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer, the signs of aging in the skin, cataract, nerve and kidney damage and heart disease. The recommendation for use as a supplement is 500 miligrams, though the body can deal safely with much larger doses. Give Carnosine a try today and experience the difference yourself.


How Does N-Acetyl L-Carnitine Help Energy Levels?

Date: August 03, 2011 11:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does N-Acetyl L-Carnitine Help Energy Levels?

N-Acetyl L-Carnitine And Cellular Health

N-Acetyl L-Carnitine refers to the ester form of the organic compound carnitine. It has been linked to many different health benefits largely owing to the fact that it is quite ubiquitous at the cellular level. It plays an important role in keeping cells in prime working condition as derivatives of this compound protect cells from oxidative stress as well as contribute to reactions responsible for energy production.

Increases Cellular Energy

The biochemical energy that powers cellular activities comes in the form of adenosine triphosphate. All types of tissues in the human body are capable of manufacturing this chemical compound, the reason why it is often called the molecular unit of currency. The human diet provides the biological precursors of cellular energy, but adenosine triphosphate is obtained from the sugar glucose more often than not.

Cells make use of N-acetyl L-carnitine in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate. Research has shown that the presence of acetylated carnitine appears to modulate the metabolic processes leading to the manufacture of cellular energy. In recent years, endurance athletes and body builders have relied on supplements that contain this compound to boost their energy levels. Human trials support its safety.

Aids Healthy Metabolism

Glucose is the principal precursor of chemical energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate. Complex carbohydrates are digested to simple sugars such as glucose, which enters the circulation. Insulin is a hormone that induces the uptake of glucose by cells, which convert glucose to usable energy. Studies have observed that N-acetyl L-carnitine improves the activity of insulin and consumption of glucose.

It is a well established fact that carnitine is involved in the breakdown of fats, waxes, and sterols, and their consequent utilization in the production of cellular energy. For this reason, N-acetyl L-carnitine is marketed as a nutritional supplement that promotes fat loss and aids weight loss. Human trials have noted that regular intake upregulates the conversion of fats and other lipids to adenosine triphosphate.

Prevents Oxidative Stress

Lysine and methionine are amino acids that act as immediate precursors of carnitine, which the body synthesizes on a regular basis to support a number of physiological functions. In particular, carnitine plays a major role in supplying cells with a steady supply of chemical energy during intense physical exertion. At the same time, they protect the cells from the harmful effects of reactive oxygen species.

N-acetyl L-carnitine is a very good source of carnitine as it is widely believed to be more bioavailable than L-carnitine. It adds to the number of carnitine in cells, boosts energy levels, and combats free radicals and other reactive oxygen species. Free radicals are natural by-products of energy production, and thus carnitine produces a twofold effect. It promotes cellular longevity and raises chemical energy.


What Does Celery Seed Extract Do for the Body?

Date: July 26, 2011 01:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Does Celery Seed Extract Do for the Body?

Celery seed extract is obtained from the fruits of celery. Powdered celery seeds are historically noted as a natural analgesic, and have been in use as a pain reliever throughout the ages. Modern science has found out that celery seeds are a good source of vitamins and minerals as well as phytochemicals that display pharmacological activity. In addition, it exhibits diuretic and hepatoprotective properties.

Suppresses Pain Chemicals

Traditionally, the seeds are picked from the flowers, powdered, and made into tinctures. Herbalists have long prescribed celery seed extract for the treatment of rheumatism. Several historical sources cited that its use provides relief to sufferers of joint pain and muscle spasms. Laboratory studies have shown that it naturally contains organic compounds capable of blocking the release of pain chemicals.

Alleviates Skin Disorders

Psoralen refers to a group of chemical compounds that increase ultraviolet absorbance. As such, it is a major component of PUVA, a form of therapeutic remedy in use today. This therapy has been reported to effectively cure medical conditions of the skin, such as psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo. Celery seed extract is a source of bergapten, a type of psoralen that has been utilized to treat psoriasis in particular.

Normalizes Blood Pressure

People suffering from hypertension are likely to benefit from celery seed extract. As the subject of much research in recent years, celery seeds have been observed to lower high blood pressure and bring about normal blood flow. While its exact mechanisms of action remain under investigation, initial studies yielded very desirable results, spurring more researchers to look into its medicinal potential.

Promotes Liver Function

Many food and drug products are precursors to metabolites that inflict direct damage to liver cells. The liver as an organ becomes increasingly ineffective in containing the damage as we age. There is a growing body of scientific literature devoted to the hepatoprotective properties of celery seed extract, which raises the capacity of the liver to defend against harmful metabolites and promote liver function.

Reduces High Cholesterol

The phytochemical content of celery seed extract is especially good for the cardiovascular system. In addition to its effects on blood pressure, it appears to alter the quality of lipids in the blood. It is now posited that it interferes with the utilization of fatty acids in the synthesis of cholesterol, lipoproteins, and triglycerides. By so doing, it lowers cholesterol in the blood and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

Counters Oxidative Stress

Celery seed extract contains bioflavonoids, which are a class of polyphenolic phytochemicals. These compounds have been extensively studied in the past few decades due to their antioxidant activity. Regular consumptions of foods high in polyphenols have been documented to counter radical damage during oxidative stress, protect body tissues from disease activity, and promote cellular longevity.


Fight Pain Improve Blood Sugar And Heart Health with OPC Pine Bark Extract

Date: June 07, 2011 11:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Pain Improve Blood Sugar And Heart Health with OPC Pine Bark Extract

How Does OPC Pine Bark Boost Your Health?

OPC pine bark has become increasingly popular in the supplement industry due to obvious reasons. It is one of the best antioxidant formulas available today. There has been so much research involved in its development, and the studies that followed have published largely positive results. In the past few years it has received a lot of good press, which has significantly contributed to its commercial success.

OPC stands for oligomeric proanthocyanidin, a class of flavonoids. OPC has been in use as a nutritional supplement since the 1980s. To this day, it remains an important source of polyphenolic antioxidants. Moreover, it has been linked to a diverse variety of health benefits, and laboratory studies concerning its effects on human health are well publicized. Pine bark extracts are one of its best known sources.

Promotes Heart Health

OPC pine bark has long been associated with heart health. For one, it has shown to help lower lipid levels in the blood, including cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoproteins. It interferes with the productions of bad cholesterol into the blood and protects the blood vessels from lipid peroxidation.

In addition, it facilitates normal flow of blood and combats chronic venous insufficiency. It contributes to the upkeep of blood vessel walls and keeps the veins and arteries in prime working condition. By so doing, it promotes proper circulation to the deepest reaches of the body and back to the heart.

Improves Kidney Function

OPC pine bark is particularly good for the kidney as it appears to improve renal function, especially in the context of metabolic syndrome. Central obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus, and high blood pressure are all symptoms of metabolic syndrome, which takes its toll on the kidneys.

Kidney problems have been observed in people with elevated levels of albumin in the urine. When filters of the kidney are damaged, proteins from the blood such as albumin leak into the urine. OPC pine bark restores health to the capillaries in the kidneys that filters waste materials from the blood.

Counteracts Pain Chemicals

Sufferers of joint pain are likely to benefit from OPC pine bark. Joint pain is often tied to osteoarthritis, the most common form arthritis. It is often accompanied by stiffness and reduced mobility. OPC pine bark has been used as a therapeutic treatment for osteoarthritis and other causes of joint pain.

There is good evidence that OPC pine bark is effective in counteracting pain chemicals and relieving inflammatory pain. In several randomized, double blind, placebo controlled studies, regular intake of OPC improved joint pain and stiffness, reduced reliance on analgesics, enhanced physical function.

Prevents Oxidative Stress

OPC pine bark is free radical scavenger, first and foremost. It is arguably the most researched plant polyphenol largely owing to its potent antioxidant capacity. As an antioxidant, it prevents radical damage from progressing to oxidative stress and promotes cellular longevity.

OPC Pine bark may also help manage blood sugar. What is stopping you from taking OPC pine back daily?


Royal Jelly As An Anti-Aging Supplement

Date: February 27, 2010 11:45 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Royal Jelly As An Anti-Aging Supplement

Royal Jelly in Honey from Premier OneRoyal jelly is considered to be the treasure of the beehive. It has the ability to promote longevity by helping to maintain healthy, beauty, and youth. This natural food is extremely potent and highly nutritional. Royal jelly is an incredibly rich, creamy, opalescent white liquid. It is produced by the worker bees specifically for the nourishment and cultivation of the queen bee. This fantastic material converts a common honeybee into a queen bee, extending the bee’s lifetime from six weeks to five years. This substance is full of natural hormones and B-vitamins. Additionally, it contains a variety of seventeen amino acids. Eight of these amino acids are essential. Royal jelly is particularly rich in cystine, lysine, and arginine and is also composed of 16.1 percent aspartic acid, which is crucial for proper tissue growth and regeneration.

Gelatin is another component of royal jelly and one of the primary precursors of collagen. It is a potent anti-aging compound that helps to keep the youthful, while supporting the organs, glands, and muscular systems. It contains vital fatty acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorus compounds, and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is essential in order to properly transmit nerve impulses. It is also important for the proper functioning of the endocrine system. An insufficient amount of acetylcholine often leads to a susceptibility to a variety of nerve disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.Royal Jelly 500mg 30ct from Premier One

Royal jelly has many properties. Among which include: antibacterial, antiviral, antibiotic, tonic, nutritive, and anti-aging. It is very beneficial to the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, integumentary, nervous, reproductive, cellular, skeletal, hepatic, and respiratory systems.

Although aging is inevitable, the process can be slowed significantly with supplements. Researchers in Argentina have been working to document the ability of royal jelly to both slow down tissue deterioration and even reverse it. For example, the story of Noel Johnson should be noted, as he experienced of rebirth of health at age eighty. In 1964, at age sixty-five he was refused life insurance because of a weak and damaged heart. At this point he was also cautioned to restrict his physical activity in order to prevent death. In 1989, at age ninety, Johnson discussed the book he wrote, The Living Proof… I Have Found the Fountain of Youth, which claims that his use of bee products, along with a solid nutritional program, is responsible for changing his life. Despite the additional exercise and diet changes, Johnson attributes most of his vitality to the bee products he used. He claims that he discovered bee’s gift at age seventy, as the foods restored his manhood, brought him to full vigor and sexual potency, and continue to nourish every cell in his body. Johnson claims to be improving in every way without spending any money on medicine.

Royal jelly has been found to help with many conditions. Some of these include menopause, impotence, infertility, chronic fatigue, skin blemishes, wrinkles, immune system problems, viral and bacterial infections, endocrine disorders, hormonal balance, cardiovascular disease, weight control, inflammation, liver ailments, cancer, arthritis, memory, depression, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, asthma, and mental exhaustion.

In order to obtain the best results when using this, or any bee product, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by royal jelly, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions. Always buy Name brands like Premier One Royal Jelly to ensure quality and purity of the product you purchase.



Pine Bark Extract

Date: October 07, 2009 11:25 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pine Bark Extract

Pine Bark PictureMany Native American tribes relied on the bark of pine trees for its ability to treat a number of disorders. The Annedda pine was called the “tree of life” due to its marvelous healing benefits. Jacques Cartier, a noted explorer in 1535, wrote in his diaries about the early medicinal uses for pine tree bark. Cartier and his crew came down with scurvy after being caught in the bitter snows of Quebec and living on hard biscuits and cured meat. Multiple men died before Quebec Indians approached them and made a tea from the bark of a pine tree. After drinking the tea and applying poultices to their wounds, they were soon healed. The miraculous recovery is actually a result of the vitamin C and bioflavonoids in the bark. A French professor discovered Cartier’s account and became intrigued with studying pine tree bark. He isolated a certain kind of proanthocyanidin flavonoids from the extract and later found it to have antioxidant attributes.

Pine bark extract has become an important herbal remedy due to its antioxidant power. It is responsible for binding with collagen fibers and helping to restore elasticity in the skin. It also protects the body from free-radical damage, which prevents excess and premature wrinkles. Pine tree bark also protects capillaries from free-radical damage that can cause phlebitis, varicose veins, and bruising. Those people who are suffering from skin conditions like psoriasis can also be benefited from pine bark extract. Along with being an antioxidant, pine bark is a natural anti-inflammatory. It helps heal joint pain that is associated with things such as arthritis and sports injuries. This herb helps to control and prevent edema and bursitis. Pine Bark Picture Pine bark extract also helps with eyesight. It is responsible for reducing the risk of and treating diabetic retinopathy. Multiple studies have concluded that it is beneficial in improving night vision. One study even found marked improvement in visual performance in the proanthocyanidin group over a placebo group.

Additionally, pine bark extract may also help in inhibiting cellular mutations like tumors. Reports have found that this herb can help to prevent cellular deterioration in breast tumors and cardiovascular disease. There is also evidence that this herb possesses antiulcer properties that may help prevent the formation of undesirable chemicals in the stomach.

Pine bark can also benefit other conditions with its proanthocyanidin therapy. Among these are autoimmune disorders such as lupus, neural problems such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, and vascular problems like heart disease, atherosclerosis, and stokes. Pine bark extract can also treat common complaints such as insomnia, flu, and even the common cold. This herb is very helpful in improving memory, longevity, and the prostate.

Additionally, its stimulant properties are responsible for decreasing the production of histamines in allergic reactions like hay fever. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by pine bark extract, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.


Ginseng, Its Good For The Body

Date: October 05, 2009 11:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginseng, Its Good For The Body

Ginseng, one of the oldest and most beneficial herbs in the world, is probably the most popular herb used in traditional medicine. It was rated the highest and most potent of herbs in Shen-Nung’’s Pharmacopoeia in AD 206-220. People in northern China began using ginseng thousands of years ago. Early herbalists recognized the shape of ginseng as resembling a human figure, feeling this was a sign that the root was important for healing the entire body. Often, ginseng is referred to as the “man root” and is often the subject of many legends and fold history. The Chinese revered the ginseng root so highly that they even fought wars over the land used for growing this herb.

There are many different types of the ginseng plant that are grown throughout the world and used for traditional medicine. All of the most common species of plants known as ginseng have similar reactions in the body. Ginseng has often been referred to as an adaptogen herb, helping to normalize and adjust the body. This herb also restores and regulates natural immune response. Ginseng helps produce adjustments as needed in the body without side effects or harm. This herb has been used to help normalize blood pressure. This adaptogen helps to modify the effects of the environmental and internal stresses from various sources like chemical pollutants, radiation, some poisons, weather, temperature changes, poor diet and exercise, and emotional stress. Used for many ailments, ginseng is thought of as a universal cure-all, promoting longevity in general.

A great variety of studies have been done in many countries to determine the effectiveness of ginseng. In some instances, incomplete results have occurred. However, there have been enough credible studies done to now determine that high-quality ginseng plants do contain active constituents that are very beneficial to the body. Research has even shown that the roots are effective against bronchitis and heart disease.

There has been a lot of interest in the alleged aphrodisiac effects of ginseng. Often marketed as a sexual stimulant, the results of most studies have been inconclusive. Ginseng does increase the sperm count. For thousands of years, ginseng has been used to strengthen the male reproductive system. It is highly recommended alone or in combinations for both male and female health.

Ginseng contains at least thirteen known triterpenoid saponins, which are referred to as ginsenosides. These are thought to be the most important active constituents. Many other minor components have been isolated as well. The age, location, species, and curing method of each plant effects the composition. Some of the plants tend toward stimulating and warming effects, while others have relaxing and cooling effects.

The root of the ginseng plant is used to provide adaptogen, alterative, aphrodisiac, stimulant, and stomachic properties. Primarily, ginseng is extremely beneficial in dealing with age spots, appetite loss, asthma, high blood pressure, and depression, lack of endurance, fatigue, fevers, hemorrhage, hormone imbalance, sexual stimulation, and stress.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating aging, anemia, bleeding, blood diseases, bronchitis, and cancer, lack of concentration, gastric disorders, indigestion, inflammation, impotence, insomnia, liver disorders, and lung disorders. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by ginseng, please contact a representative from your local health food store.


Gotu Kola And Memory

Date: September 15, 2009 04:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Gotu Kola And Memory

For centuries, gotu kola has been used in India and the islands of the Indian Ocean as a tonic and medicinal remedy. The herb was thought to increase longevity and improve energy. It was used in ancient days to treat leprosy, calm nerves, increase mental and physical power, stimulate and rejuvenate the brain, prevent nervous disorders, and avoid mental fatigue and senility.

This herb is considered to be one of the best herbal tonics, which is a substance that works to put the body into balance. A tonic makes sure that everything is working properly, while an herbal tonic helps to promote an optimum state in the body systems. This herb is responsible for gradually building the nervous system as a nervous system tonic. Gotu kola has been used for many different maladies, which include nervous disorders, deficient mental function, memory problems, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. The herb works by cleansing and purifying the blood by neutralizing acids and helping the body defend itself against toxins.

Research has found that an ingredient in gotu kola, known as asiaticoside, is responsible for speeding the healing of wounds. This ingredient is considered a blood cleanser and is also effective for diseases of the lungs. The herb stimulates the capillaries and helps to improve brain function, varicose veins, and hypertension.

Gotu kola is often used to increase mental function and performance. A variety of studies have confirmed this herb’s ability to improve brain function. It is often prescribed in Europe and India for this purpose. Studies done in India have found the water extract of fresh leaves helps to improve memory and learning. Additionally, it was found to help overcome the negative effects that are associated with stress and fatigue.

Additional clinical trials in India have found that gotu kola is able to help increase the IQ and mental ability of mentally retarded children. The children that were involved in this study showed improved mental capacity and behavior. This herb was given to children in combination with capsicum and ginseng. This improved behavior and mental capacity can help individuals who have mental and learning disabilities to achieve a higher quality of life.

In ancient times, gotu kola was used to heal wounds and soothe cases of leprosy. One of the first studies done on this herb was with cases of leprosy. The asiaticoside content found in gotu kola has been used for years in Europe and the Far East to cure leprosy and tuberculosis. Recent studies on this herb center more on its healing ability. Gotu kola seems to be able to accelerate the healing of wounds and skin diseases. Additionally, it has been shown to be beneficial in helping repair tissue after surgery and trauma. The herb has the ability to strengthen veins and repair connective tissue, while nourishing the motor neurons.

The entire gotu kola plant is used to provide alterative, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, blood purifier, diuretic, and nervine properties. The primary nutrients in this herb are catechol, epicatechol, magnesium, theobromine, and vitamin K. Primarily, gotu kola is extremely helpful in dealing with aging, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, poor circulation, fatigue, heart problems, hypoglycemia, leprosy, memory loss, mental problems, nervousness, and senility.

Additionally, this herb is beneficial in treating blood impurities, depression, dysentery, fevers, headaches, insomnia, liver ailments, menopausal symptoms, pituitary problems, psoriasis, rheumatism, schizophrenia, thyroid problems, tonsillitis, effects of toxins, tuberculosis, varicose veins, lack of vitality, and wounds. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by gotu kola, please contact a representative from your local health food store.


Resveratrol, Longevity, and Aging

Date: August 04, 2009 01:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Resveratrol, Longevity, and Aging

Today growing older means more than settling into a comfortable armchair with the TV remote. Healthy aging means staying active and vigorous long into old age - not aging gracefully. An now intervention in the aging process - once regarded as fantasy - is within reach due to advances in nutritional science. One of the most exciting discoveries is resveratrol, a protective compound produced by grapes and other plants in response to environmental stress.

Stonger and more potent formulas are becoming available every day resveratrol included. One company Source Naturals has now produced a resveratrol product featuring 200 mg of pure resveratrol from traditional Chinese herb Hu Zhang (one of the richest sources) and from red wine extract.

A recent study at the Harvard Medical School reported that resveratrol triggers genes in mice that support longevity and metabolic balance. By stimulating SIRT I genes, it mimics the healthy aging benefits of caloric restriction. Resveratrol addresses the metabolic inflammation so prevalent in today’s society by inhibiting NF kappa-B and COX-2 enzymes. And it provides antioxidant protection to the cardiovascular and immune system. In fact, of the dozens of SystemiCare metabolic systems indentified by Source Naturals as necessary for optimal health, resveratrol positively affects five: cells/DNA; inflammation response; antioxidant defense; circulation; and immunity.

Have you given resveratrol a try? Staying healthy and living longer is appealing to all individuals who are climbing the age ladder.


Honey from bee's

Date: July 01, 2009 12:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Honey from bee's

Bees make honey out of the nectar that they sip from flower blossoms. A long and tedious process is necessary to transform nectar into the thick, golden substance that we call honey. Like each product that is produced by the honeybee, care and a number of steps are essential in order to create this beehive food, with honey being no exception. This sweet, nutritious edible substance is a viscous fluid that is exclusively created by the honeybee. Even the most sophisticated modern techniques have failed to synthetically manufacture honey. Like royal jelly, propolis, and bee pollen, honey is only available from Mother Nature. It is a precious and coveted substance that has fascinated and pleased cultures throughout time.

The ancient Greeks called honey one of nature’s most precious gifts, while the Assyrians, Chinese, and Romans routinely prescribed it for its medicinal value. Numerous biblical references refer to the “Honeycomb” and the “Land of Milk and Honey,” as well as the “Enlightenment” that comes from eating honey. Hippocrates recorded that a honey drink cures phlegm and calms down a cough. He was one of the first known advocates for using Honey and Vinegar for fevers and other ailments. All of ancient cultures believed that the use of honey each and every day would insure health and longevity. All kinds of wines and foods were routinely mixed with honey, causing them to be viewed by all peoples as a treasure which the gods provided for health.

Of all the ancient cultures, Egyptians prized honey enough to use it as a form of money. Hieroglyphics often refer to honey as the universal healer and jars of honey were routinely placed in tombs of the dead. Because of its superior preservative properties, honey used to be an integral part of the formula that was used in the mummification process. Throughout all of history, honey has been used to treat open wounds and fight infection. Unfortunately, the advent of refined sugar caused honey to take a back seat to other more popular sweeteners. Thankfully, today honey is experiencing resurgence, as it was once an often overlooked beehive food that is full of nutritive and medicinal value.

When a bee lands on a flower, it sucks a tiny amount of nectar to its honey sac. It is within this sac that the transformation of nectar to honey begins. The nectar is mixed with acid secretions to eventually form the coveted honey that we consume. Substantial amounts of nectar are necessary to produce significant amounts of honey, making flying the distance of up to three miles necessary to obtain the amounts of nectar that is needed to fill the sac. Once the sac is full, the honeybee returns to the hive, where a receiving bee takes the nectar and continues the process, changing, enriching, and concentrating the nectar. Following this, the receiving bee drops the mixture into the empty cells of the honeycomb.

In order to produce a single pound of honey, bees must provide the hive with over 70,000 loads of nectar. A healthy beehive can produce about 300 pounds of honey each season. The health benefits of honey have now been captured by manufactures like Premier one and Montana big sky. Natural honey is available in liquid form at your local or internet health food store. Look for name brands to ensure quality and purity of the product you purchase.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Honey is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.

Fine Honey Products from Premier one are available at VitaNet ®, LLC Health Food Stores.


Royal Jelly

Date: June 23, 2009 11:02 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is an incredibly rich, creamy, opalescent, white liquid that is synthesized by the worker bees exclusively for the nourishment and cultivation of the queen bee. It is considered the most precious gift of the hive, as it extends the longevity of a bee’s life from six weeks to five years. is incomparable in its ability to enhance both physical and mental performance. Put in a simple manner, royal jelly promotes longevity by helping to maintain health, beauty, and youth.

It is extremely potent, highly nutritional, and very natural. Royal jelly is extremely difficult for scientists to completely breakdown its components or synthesize its compounds. No matter how Royal Jelly is studied, certain components of the substance still seem to mystify even the most brilliant scientists. Because of this, duplicating what is thought to be the exact chemistry of royal jelly does not duplicate its effects in the human body. This means that only honeybees can make royal jelly.

Royal jelly is rich in proteins and B-complex vitamins, especially pantothenic acid, which is often associated with reversing some of the major effects of aging. Although the chemical makeup of royal jelly may vary slightly according to the location it is found in, the United States Department of Agriculture has analyzed one gram of royal jelly and found in to contain vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, inositol, folic acid, and vitamin C. Royal jelly also contains vital fatty acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorus compounds, and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is responsible for the proper transmission of nerve impulses and the proper functioning of the endocrine system. A lack of acetylcholine in the body can make us susceptible to a number of nerve disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Royal jelly can be purchased in a pure jelly-like material that must be kept frozen or refrigerated. It is also available in capsules, tablets, soft gels, and in honey chewable. Royal jelly is at its ideal best when it is combined with other natural beehive products and complementary botanicals. Because royal jelly spoils very easy, much research has been done on the ability to preserve this key nutrient. One good way to present and preserve royal jelly is within its natural medium of pure honey. By taking freeze-dried varieties of royal jelly, one can also obtain their supplemental dose. A capsulated, freeze-dried variety is an excellent and convenient way to ingest royal jelly.

It is necessary to purchase quality bee products in order to obtain the potent and pure varieties of any type of bee food or by-product. It should be noted that a relatively small percentage of the population can experience a laxative effect from royal jelly or bee pollen. Additionally, allergic reactions can happen. However, they are quite rare. Some of these allergies are due to poor quality pollen, as it has been gathered from commercially sprayed flowers or improperly cleaned, dried, or stored. Anyway taking bee products should begin slowly, in small amounts to be sure that an allergic reaction will not occur.

Natural bee pollen and royal jelly can be found at VitaNet ®, LLC health food store. Always purchase name brands to ensure that you receive a high quality and pure product.

Vitanet ®, LLC


BerryOxidants - Food-Sourced Antioxidant Protection

Date: April 12, 2009 11:07 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: BerryOxidants - Food-Sourced Antioxidant Protection

BerryOxidants - Food-Sourced Antioxidant Protection

  • A power-packed antioxidant complex featuring standardized extracts from fruits, especially berries, as well as herbs and spices.
  • This synergistic formula combines more than 30 plant-derived free radical fighters with a full 500 mg per tablet of the antioxidant vitamin C.
  • Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of antioxidant vitamins may reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. However, the FDA has determined that this evidence is limited and not conclusive.
  • Addresses six of the 12 SystemiCare™ body systems identified by Source Naturals as necessary for your optimal health: Liver/Detox (which may support longevity), Antioxidant Defense, Immunity, Circulation, Inflammation Response, and Structure/Connective Tissue.

2 tablets contain:

Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 1,000 mg

Grape Seed Extract (Proanthodyn™) 150 mg

Green Tea Leaf Ext (95% polyphenols, 150 mg 35% ECGC)

Turmeric Rhizome Ext (95% curcumin) 150 mg

Polygonum cuspidatum Root Ex 100 mg (8% total resveratrols)

Bromelain 100 mg

Quercetin 100 mg

Ginkgo Leaf Extract (50:1) 60 mg

24% Flavoneglycosides

Silymarin (from milk thistle seed ext) 60 mg

Hawthorn Berry Extract (4:1) 50 mg

Rosemary Leaf Extract (5:1) 50 mg

Citrus Bioflavonoids 50 mg

Lecithin 50 mg

Grape Skin Extract (20% polyphenols) 50 mg

Astragalus Root Extract (10:1) 50 mg

Cabbage Floret & Stem 50 mg

Cranberry Fruit Ext (90% solids) 50 mg

Sweet Cherry Fruit Ext (10:1) 50 mg

Holy Basil Leaf Ext (2% ursolic acid) 50 mg

Olive Leaf Ext (15% oleuropein) 40 mg

Rutin 40 mg

Lycium Fruit Extract (4:1) 40 mg

Strawberry Fruit 40 mg

Açai Fruit Juice Powder 40 mg

Organic Amla Fruit 40 mg

Pomegranate Seed Ext (40% elagitannins) 20 mg

European Elder Berry Ext (5% flavones) 20 mg

Mangosteen Fruit Rind Extract 20 mg (standardized to 95% flavonoids & 40% mangostins)

Raspberry Leaf Ext (40% elagitannins) 10 mg

White Mulberry Fruit Ext (10:1) 10 mg

Blueberry Leaf Ext (20% chlorogenic acid) 10 mg

Bilberry Fruit Ext (25% anthocyanidins) 5 mg


Holy Basil Extract

Date: November 28, 2008 10:04 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Holy Basil Extract

It has been proposed that holy basil extract can help you cope with stress, and an investigation into the active components of the plant does indicate that there could be a scientific basis behind this use of it. This is in line with most traditional Ayurvedic medicines, whose benefits have been supported by modern scientific evidence.

Holy basil, otherwise known as Tulsi or Tulasi in Sanskrit and Hindi, is correctly Ocimum tenuiflorum, an aromatic member of the Lamiaceae family just as the more common form of basil is (Ocimum basilicum). Holy basil is cultivated for several reasons, the major ones being for its essential oils, for culinary use, religious use and for its medicinal properties. It is grown right across South Asia. Thai holy basil is used in Thai cookery while other forms play an important role within some of the traditions of Hinduism and is found profusively around Hindu temples.

Holy basil extract has been used for thousands of years for its healing and medicinal properties, and is mentioned in the ancient Ayurvedic text, the Charaka Samhita. It is written that it is used to balance a number of bodily processes and believed to be involved in promoting longevity. It is considered to be able to allow the body to adapt to stress and is also used to treat a large number of different medical conditions, from headaches to malaria and heart disease.

Most modern medical studies, however, have been carried out on animals rather than human subjects, so definitive evidence is lacking, and while there is evidence that tulsi extract might be an effective antioxidant and help in the control of blood sugar, there is also compelling evidence that it might be able to counteract the effects of stress. First, let's have a look at the active ingredients of holy basil extract, and how they fit in with the beneficial medical properties claimed.

One of the more important components of tulsi is eugenol, or 1-hydroxy-2-methoxy-4-allylbenzene. Eugenol is a phenylpropanoid, also found in clove oil, and is a COX-2 inhibitor that is used in medicine as a local anesthetic. Two others are the triterpenes oleanolic and ursolic acids, which possess anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. The pentacyclic ursolic acid can inhibit the development of various forms of cancers through the inhibition of the STAT3 pathway that is responsible for several types of human cancer that have poor prognosis.

Also present in holy basil extract is the polyphenol Rosmarinic acid which is a powerful antioxidant that is also present in herbs such as rosemary, oregano and thyme. Rosmarinic acid will also contribute to the anti-inflammatory properties of holy basil, and many of the antibacterial properties it is said to possess could be due to carvacrol, a terpene that damages bacterial cell membranes and inhibits the growth of a number of bacterial strains.

Another component of Tulsi is the sesquiterpene B-caryophyllene, also contained in clove oil, and also possessing anti-inflammatory properties in mice. It is unknown whether or not these properties are transferred to humans, but the evidence of the use of the plant is that they are. Beta-caryophyllene is an FDA approved food additive, and as such, a dietary cannabinoid. Apegenin, also present in tulsi, is a flavanoid and another strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

With all of these ingredients that have proven health benefits, it is little wonder that holy basil is claimed to have the health benefits that it has. But what about its effects on blood sugar that it is said to control? It's probably not a coincidence that many other herbs that contain eugenol, such as cloves, are also claimed to have the same moderating effect on blood sugar levels. Not only that, but since diabetes is an inflammatory condition, it is not surprising that holy basil extract, that is rich in ant-inflammatories, should possess this property.

The main theory is that many of the components of holy basil can help support the beta cell function of the pancreas, and so enhance the secretion of insulin. In one of the few controlled human tests, a group of 40 people with Type 2 diabetes stopped taking their normal medication seven days before the test. They were then given holy basil leaves for an initial period of 5 days. Half were then given 2.5g powder holy basil leaf and the other half a placebo for 4 weeks. The two groups then switched over for 4 weeks - the first being on the placebo, and the second taking the holy basil.

With the first group, the average fasting glucose level dropped by 25.9%, from 234.5 mg/dl to 99.7. After switching to the placebo for 4 weeks it increased to 115.6 mg/dl (15.9% increase). The fasting blood glucose of the second group dropped from an average of 132.4 to 123.2 (6.9%), and then when on the holy basil leaf, dropped further to 97.2 mg/dl (21.1%).

This demonstrates clearly that holy basil leaf reduces blood sugar significantly faster than fasting, and so is beneficial to Type 2 diabetics. Perhaps more such studies should be carried out to confirm these important results, which appear to conform to the theory that the components of the plant should have this type of effect on blood sugar levels.

How about stress? Tulsi is said to particularly useful to people suffering from stress. The human stress response is an inflammatory cascade in which the immune system reacts by attempting to repair the stressed areas. If this response gets out of hand the stress can be exacerbated, and it is important that the stress response is carried put at an appropriate level.

A COX-2 modulator can prevent the inflammatory cascade by inhibiting the COX-2 enzyme that causes it. Since eugenol is a COX-2 inhibitor, it can help to keep the body healthy and prevent the stress reaction. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of many of the components of holy basil extract can help to prevent the body being stressed by antioxidants and by today's environmental pollution and it also possesses antiviral and antibacterial properties to help reduce illness.

It is also an adaptogen, which enhances your natural response to emotional stress and helps your body functional normally when stressed. Studies have indicated that holy basil extracts can reduce the levels of corticosterone, a hormone responsible for stress, and improve your mood and mental clarity. Longer term effects can include memory improvement and a reduction in the risk of age-related mental conditions.

The active factors involved in the reduction of mental stress, and an increase in mental clarity, are the essential oils that tulsi contains, and their chemical components: particularly eugenol and caryophyllene. Studies have shown these to elevate the spirit and the mood, while the terpene acids, such as ursolic acid and oleanolic acid, can help to improve your body's response to stress.

There are very few doubts of the effect of holy basil extract (or tulsi extract and leaf) in improving mood, mental clarity and reducing the effects of stress, or of its other extensive beneficial medical effects. More studies might be needed to prove them to the medical community, but even now people suffering from diabetes mellitus are benefiting from its moderating effect on blood sugar levels, and once again the application of Ayurvedic medicine is being proved as effective in the modern era as it was in the ancient world.


Hyper-immune Egg Vs Colostrum

Date: September 23, 2008 03:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hyper-immune Egg Vs Colostrum

When a hen lays her eggs she is virtually an antibody-producing factory, as she passively transfers her antibodies and immunoregulatory factors into the egg in order to protect her offspring. These eggs are made up of a concentrated source of antibodies and helpful immune-supporting biomolecules. However, there are significant differences in the way a cow passes immune protection to a calf and the way a mother hen passes protection to a chick.

A newborn calf will nurse for several months, acquiring immune support over the entire period of time. Since a mother hen cannot nurse her chick, it is essential for the egg to provide all the immune support a chick will need until its own immune system is functioning properly. Because of this, an egg is much more concentrated in antibodies and immunoregulatory molecules than is colostrums. This is an advantage for using hyperimmune egg over supplements that are made from bovine colostrums as an immune system support. It has been found that chickens produce almost twenty times more antibody per unit of weight than cows are able to secret in their milk. Additionally, certain egg antibodies are compared to milk antibodies, and it has been found that egg antibodies seem to be more effective in binding antigens.

In order to produce a hyperimmune egg supplement, the following procedure must be followed. First, eggs are collected from the specially designated chicken flocks after they are specifically stimulated. They are then washed and broken. The yoke of the egg white is then removed and dried to produce a find proteinous powder. There have been various processes developed to minimize the amount of heat damage to antibodies and immunoregualtory factors during the spray-drying procedure. The immune eggs are required to be processed under good manufacturing practices in USDA-inspected and monitored facilities. After processing occurs, the powders are combined with other vitamins, minerals, and possibly other ingredients in order to form a formula that possesses a high nutritive value.

Unlike the conventional methodologies, hyperimmune eggs seems to team up with our immune system instead of boosting or suppressing its function. The immune products in hyperimmune egg are a resource for the body. The body is then able to select those immune elements that it needs in order to up or down-regulate the autoimmune and inflammatory pathways.

Because our immune systems are under constant attack, immune disorders are increasing at an alarming rate. Recent research has found that immune malfunction is an important contributing factor to conditions including heart disease, arthritis, and auto immune disorders. By fine-turning and supporting our immune system in order to prevent disease, we can make one of the best investments possible for our health and longevity.

The potential value of using hyperimmune egg for various health conditions has been shown by new research. Some of the most well-known doctors using alternative and complementary health treatments have found that hyperimmune egg supplements are extremely helpful in reversing a wide array of health problems. As research continues and understanding of how hyperimmune egg works increases, the application of hyperimmune egg can be expected to increase. Impressive properties found in hyperimmune eggs make them an excellent supplement for immune support. When we have a balanced and well-functioning immune system, our lives will be much healthier and happier.

Buy Immune Advantage at Vitanet ®, LLC



Date: September 12, 2008 09:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fiber

The ileocecal valve, which is made up of sphincter muscles that close the ileum, prevents toxins and other materials that are released by the appendix from entering into the small intestine. Additionally, the ileocecal valve helps to keep digested material in the small intestine until all of the nutrients have been absorbed. When the food residue is ready for elimination, the small intestine mixes bile, mucus, and other excretions with the food residue and releases it systematically through the ileocecal valve into the large intestine. This process prevents an overload of material in the intestine for the body to eliminate.

When the toxic material of the colon is able to enter back into the intestine, where it becomes rapidly reabsorbed, ileocecal valve syndrome occurs, which can lead to infection and disease. Symptoms of ileocecal valve syndrome include constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, irregular bowel movements, lower right bowel tenderness, acne, immune weakness, migraines, and duodenal ulcers.

To avoid ileocecal valve syndrome one should eat a diet that is high in fiber and includes whole grains. These whole grains should be soaked and cooked in order to avoid irritating the valve. Foods that cause constipation such as diary products, meat, and bananas should be avoided. Raisins, figs, and stewed prunes should be eaten for breakfast. More fresh fruits and vegetables should be added to the diet. Softer raw vegetables such as leaf lettuce, spinach, avocados, sprouts, and tomatoes should be used first.

Additionally, one should reduce the amount of meat that they eat and take a fiber supplement in order to avoid constipation. Fasting on juices two or three days a week will help to speed the healing process of the digestive tracts. Grains that are thermos-cooked are healing on the digestive tract and rich in enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and protein. The slow cooking process protects the body from destruction of vital enzymes. Milet, buckwheat, and basmati brown rice can also be eaten for breakfast, as they are easy for the body to digest and extremely nourishing. Raw vegetables and fruits, steamed vegetables, yams, and avocados are all also extremely helpful in healing the digestive tract, so they are recommended.

Nutritional supplements that can assist with ileocecal valve syndrome include antioxidants, vitamin A, B-complex, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, calcium, magnesium, essential fatty acids, blue-green algae, acidophilus, and plant digestive enzymes. Also, aloe vera juice, cat’s claw, grape seed extract, pau d’arco, licorice, goldenseal, slippery elm, and comfrey are great herbal aids for helping for ileocecal valve syndrome.

Colon health is a lot more important than most people realize, as the digestive process is directly related to the health of the body, immune system function, and overall longevity. When any disease occurs, the colon should be the first thing looked to for treatment. By understanding what it means to have a healthy colon, adding fiber, nutritional supplements, herbal aids, and a change in diet, one can promote overall colon health. Eating habits should be changed slowly and unhealthy, nutrition robbing foods should be eliminated from the diet and replaced with whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables.

Buy Fiber at Vitanet ®, LLC


Health Comes From The Honey bee

Date: August 08, 2008 04:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Comes From The Honey bee

The substances found in the beehive have held a treasured place in history among the ancient cultures of Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, Middle East, and the Slavic and Native American peoples. Experts have long theorized that bees came into being when flowering plants first began blossoming in abundance. The fossilized remains of pollen, leaves, and even flowers have been dated back to when dinosaurs roamed the land back when time began.

Bees collect pollen from flowers and mix it with their nectar, which transforms it into a nutrient-dense super food with bioactive ingredients numbering in the thousands including enzymes, bioflavonoids, essential fatty acids, free amino acids, natural chelated minerals, and whole vitamin complexes. Ancient Egyptians, Orientals, Hebrews, and South American natives often applied a combination of honey mixed with bee pollen to wounds, burns, and boils, while Orientals used honey and bee pollen mixed with fruit or vegetable juice as a health drink. Norse mythology even states that honey and bee pollen were the secret to the eternal life of their gods.

Whether bee pollen is the secret to eternal life or not, there have been many studies done which show the connection between its consumption and healthy longevity. Bee pollen is seen as an immune system enhancer due to its ability to strengthen the body against viral infections. It is also effective in relieving fatigue, improving concentration, the treatment of asthma and of allergies, and in confronting skin problems and inhibiting wrinkles.

Bee pollen has also helped many women with painful menstrual cramps or hot flashes. It can also relieve headaches and heart palpitations as well as increase sexual potency, fertility, and benefit the prostate. Bee pollen can be used to regulate colon problems and as a diuretic for the kidney and bladder. Evidence has even been found for bee pollen’s effectiveness on children with ADD.

Bee pollen is packed with many different nutrients including amino acids, antibiotic factors, DNA/RNA, enzymes, glucosides, hormones, minerals, vitamins, and other ingredients that have not yet been determined. There are a total of 22 amino acids in bee pollen, including all of the essential ones, which makes it an extremely usable and complete source of protein. It is higher in protein than steak, eggs or cheese weight for weight, without large amounts of fat.

Bee pollen is rich in phytochemicals such as flavonoids, carotenes, and phytosterols, which allows it to provide important antioxidants including lycopene, selenium, quercetin, and beta carotene. Bee pollen also has the ability to regulate intestinal bacterial, which neutralizes toxic waste and improves blood health. Bee pollen contains 18 different enzymes including amylase, diastase, phosphatase, pepsin, and tryspin. Because bee pollen is such a rich source of enzymes, it greatly assists the body since they are required for all bodily functions.

Glucosides, which are natural sugars, are involved in the creation of energy within the body, can be found in bee pollen, as they promote better healing and coagulation and also control hypertension by regulating blood flow. Bee pollen contains plant hormones which activate and assist the body’s own endocrine glands, allowing them to function better, which can lead to an increased sperm count for men.

Twenty-seven different kinds of minerals can be found in bee pollen including calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, boron, chlorine, copper, iodine, molybdenum, phosphorus, selenium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, titanium, and zinc. All known vitamins, from A through K, are found in concentrated amounts in bee pollen. With all of these nutrients present, bee pollen is an excellent addition to the diet which will ensure healthy functioning of all your body’s processes.

Bee Pollen Available at Vitanet ®, LLC


Coral Calcium

Date: May 16, 2008 02:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Coral Calcium

The health benefits of coral calcium were discovered in 1979, when a British journalist representing the Guinness Book of records traveled to Okinawa to talk to Shigechiyo Izumi, who at 115 years old was at the time the world’s oldest documented living human being. Not only was the journalist impressed and surprised at how healthy such an old man was, but he also found that good health to be shared by the majority of Okinawa’s aged residents.

After his report was filed on his return to England, a team of researchers were sent to the island to make further investigations in the phenomenon. They found that the key to their longevity was the water they were drinking. The water of Okinawa appeared unique, and coral calcium was discovered.

It was not only the calcium, of course, that made such as difference but the whole mineral balance of the water. Okinawa is formed of coral reefs built up over millennia, and rainwater filters down through the coral collecting minerals and other nutrients on its way. This water is both alkaline, with a pH of 8.6, and closely resembles the natural mineral composition, not only of the human skeleton but also of body fluids such as blood plasma and amniotic fluid. It seemed the ideal stuff to bottle, and there are now over 4 million users of coral calcium in Japan alone.

The commercial use of Sango coral, as it is called, is controlled by the Japanese government, and living coral is left untouched: only the dead coral sand lying on the ocean bed is used. The sand is collected and cleaned, and then pulverized and the calcium and all the rest of the minerals it contains are easily absorbed by the body.

It is this ease of absorption that renders coral calcium so useful. Most minerals find it difficult to pass from the intestine to the bloodstream, but this is not a problem for the minerals in Sango coral. Because they do not come from inorganic mined minerals, but from natural organic sources, they are present in a very bio-available form and are readily absorbed into the bloodstream. It not only contains the common minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and so on, but also many trace elements that are essential for life. Not only that, however, but they also contain antioxidants to help prevent the oxidative stress caused by free radicals, and also at a pH that allows the minerals to become naturally ionic very readily.

It is this ionic form of each mineral that permits it to be so readily available to your system. This was a major discovery at the time, since the form that inorganic minerals generally come in had been a problem prior to this to the extent that only 10% was absorbed by the body. In comparison, 95% of the coral calcium and other minerals are able to be easily absorbed since they are in an ionized form – an even higher absorbency than colloidal minerals allow.

Why are minerals so important and how can they possible lead to such an effect on the elderly of Okinawa? In fact minerals are very important components of human metabolism and biochemistry. Most believe vitamins to be significantly more important to human health than minerals, but this is not the case. Many vitamins are useless without the synergistic effect of minerals, and the reverse is also the same.

For example, calcium needs vitamin D to be present before it can be used by the body to strengthen bone structure. There are many other such interactions involving vitamins and minerals, and without chelation (the rendering of large organic molecules to a soluble form by combining them with metal ions) many of the essential biochemical processes of life would be impossible. Coral calcium contains all the minerals found in your body, and in very similar proportions, so that you are able to use it to maintain that all important synergism and not throw the mineral balance of your body out of balance. This is very easy to do if you take individual mineral supplements.

However, there is still more to come from this remarkable substance. It is also rich in antioxidants that spell death for free radicals. Free radicals can’t really die, because they are not living entities but molecules that have a free electron, and free electrons like to pair up with other electrons. Free radicals are therefore very aggressive when near any body cell from which they can rob an electron, and that, unfortunately, destroys the cell.

Not only that but they also oxidize molecules from which they take the electron, and if that is a low density lipoprotein, or LDL, that happens to be carrying some cholesterol to one of your arteries that needs a bit of repair work, then it will cause the LDL to deposit the cholesterol immediately and form plaques that constrict and narrow your arteries. That is called atherosclerosis and it can kill you or give you a stroke. Cholesterol is essential for good health, but once the free radicals get to work you are better without it.

However, Sango coral contains substances that prevent the free radicals from oxidizing other substances, and in so doing destroy them. That’s what antioxidants do. They prevent free radicals from oxidizing other molecules and creating all sorts of havoc with your health. Excessive amounts of free radicals have been associated with over 80 different conditions, and one of the benefits of coral calcium is that it is one of the most powerful antioxidants known.

It is not only the mineral content and antioxidant properties of coral calcium that are of benefit to the human body, but also its pH. The various fluids of your body are maintained at a specific pH, which is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of a fluid. This should be slightly alkaline without being caustic. If your body fluids are too acidic it becomes difficult for you to absorb minerals and vitamins, and it is essential for you maintain a balance of from around 6.4 to 7.0 Any lower than that and you will find it difficult to sleep and you will feel listless with no energy.

You can measure the pH of your body by testing your urine with pH strips available at any pharmacy. Coral calcium can be used to maintain a good pH level that allows your body to absorb the nutrients it needs, and keep you feeling not only well, but young and sprightly just like Shigechiyo Izumi did at 115 years old.

Vitanet ®, LLC


Goji Berry Elixir Antioxidant Rich Tonic

Date: January 26, 2008 08:25 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Goji Berry Elixir Antioxidant Rich Tonic

• Nutrient-rich goji extract

• Renowned longevity tonic from China

• Provides powerful antioxidant protection

• Helps maintain visual acuity

Goji is highly revered as a general health-promoting longevity tonic and has been used in Chinese herbalism for thousands of years. The antioxidants in Goji Berry Elixir support cholesterol wellness, healthy circulation and normal cellular metabolism. The addition of seven additional fruit concentrates enhances the many health benefits which goji provides. Planetary Herbals Goji Berry Elixir™ is a highly concentrated source of goji (Lycium barbarum) which is rich in polyphenols, carotenoids and other antioxidants.

1 fl oz contains:

Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 60 mg

Proprietary Goji Fruit Blend: 15 g

Goji Berry Concentrate, Apple Concentrate, White Grape Concentrate, Pear Concentrate, Cranberry Concentrate, Elderberry Concentrate, Grape Seed Extract.

Suggested Use: 1 ounce twice daily.


Active Coenzyme Q10

Date: July 07, 2007 01:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Active Coenzyme Q10

Active CoQ10


The benefits of Coenzyme Q10 have become increasingly well-known. This important nutrient has been shown in clinical trials to improve heart function, reduce the side effects of certain drugs used to treat cancer, and slow the progression of serious brain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. Now research has opened a new chapter in the CoQ10 story, highlighting the benefits of ubiquinol, the active form of CoQ10, to increase energy and stamina, and reduce some of he physical signs of aging.

In this issue of Ask the Doctor we will review the benefits of Coenzyme Q10, and discuss the differences between CoQ10 and its active form –ubiquinol.


Q. What is CoQ10?

A. CoQ10 is a natural, fat-soluble nutrient present in virtually all cells. CoQ10 also is known as ubiquinone. That’s because CoQ10 is ubiquitious and exists everywhere there is life. CoQ10 is vital to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. ATP is the energy-rich compound used for all processes requiring energy in the body. Although CoQ10 is produced by the body and exists in some limited dietary sources, these levels may be insufficient to meet the body’s requirements. CoQ10 levels diminish with age and as a result of dietary inadequacies and various disease states. Also, some drugs, especially a group of cholesterol lowering prescription drugs known as “statins,” (Pravachol, Zocor, Lipitor, etc.) significantly reduce CoQ10 levels in the body.


Q. What is ubiquinol? Is it the same or different from CoQ10?

A. Ubiquinol and CoQ10 are very closely related. Ubiquinone, or CoQ10, is the oxidized form of the molecule. This means it has to be converted to a non-oxidized form before it can perform its work. Ubiquinol is the active form of this nutrient. Our bodies convert CoQ10 to ubiquinol – which is the form needed to produce cellular energy. Until recently, it was not possible to use ubiquinol as a supplement because it is very unstable outside the human body. But research has now found a way to keep this molecule stable so it can be successfully taken in supplement form.


Q. If CoQ10 gets converted to ubiquinol anyway, can’t I just take CoQ10?

A. While it is true that our bodies can convert CoQ10 to ubiquinol, it isn’t true that we all do this equally well. In fact, as we age, our ability to convert CoQ10 to ubiquinol declines. And some people even have a gene that makes them less effective at this conversion than the majority of the population. IN fact, several common health issues have been associated with less than optimal ratios of CoQ10 to QH. For healthy people the ideal ratio is approximately 97% Ubiquinol to 3% CoQ10. But in people with diabetes, for example, the ratios have been found to range from 43% ubiquinol to 47% CoQ10 in mild diabetes, to only 24% ubiquinol to 76% CoQ10 in severe diabetes. These numbers are for men; the numbers for women vary by 2 to 5 percentage points.

So for older folks, the 30-50% of people who have the gene that impairs CoQ10 conversion, or for people who have serious health concerns, supplementing with ubiquinol instead of CoQ10 might be the smart choice.


Q. What are the health benefits of CoQ10 and Ubiquinol?

A. There have been many studies showing that CoQ10 is beneficial in treating and preventing heart disease and conditions such as high blood pressure atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), angina, and congestive heart failure (CHF). It’s been shown that heart attacks tend to occur when CoQ10 levels are low in the body. Exciting new research has found that CoQ10 in a unique delivery system supplementation may slow the progression of symptoms associated with neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, ALS, Huntington’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, CoQ10 is beneficial for diabetes, immune dysfunction, cancer, periodontal disease, prostate cancer, and neurological disease. While the research on ubiquinol is still very new, it is reasonable to expect that its benefits will be equal to or perhaps even better than CoQ10, because it is the more active form.


Q. Why is CoQ10 especially important for preventing and treating heart disease, and for neurological diseases like Parkinson’s disease?

A. The heart and brain are some of the most metabolically active tissues in the body. Both require large amounts of uninterrupted energy, which means these tissues also need increased amounts of ubiquinol. Research has shown that many people with heart of brain diseases have serum CoQ10 levels that are lower than those of healthy people. Correcting such deficiencies often can produce significant results. However, these diseases become more common as we age – right at the time our ability to convert CoQ10 to its active form, ubiquinol, declines.


Q. How might ubiquinol be important for the heart?

A. Heart Health: A study on patients admitted to the hospital with an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) found that CoQ10 can provide rapid protective effects in patients with a heart attack if administered within three days of the onset of symptoms. Seventy-three patients received CoQ10 (120 mg/d). The study’s control group consisted of 71 similarly matched patients with acute AMI. After treatment, angina pectoris (severe chest pain signifying interrupted blood flow to the heart), total arrhythmias (dangerously irregular heartbeats), and poor function in the left ventricle (the essential chamber of the heart) were significantly reduced in the CoQ10 group compared to the placebo group. Total deaths due to sudden cardiac failure and nonfatal heart attacks also were significantly reduced in the CoQ10 group compared with the placebo group.

In another study, CoQ10 was studied in 109 patients with high blood pressure (hypertension). The patients were given varying doses of supplemental CoQ10 with the goal of attaining a certain blood level (greater than 2.0 mcg/l). Most patients were on medications to treat hypertension. Half the patients were able to stop taking some or all of their prescription drugs at an average of 4.4 months after starting CoQ10. The 9.4% of patients who had echocardiograms, performed both before and during treatment, experienced a highly significant improvement in heart wall thickness and function. This improvement was directly attributed to CoQ10 supplementation.

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a debilitating disease that affects 5 million people in the U.S. It causes edema, difficult breathing, and impaired circulation. In another study, CoQ10 restored healthy heart function in CHF patients. Patients received 100 mg of CoQ10 or a placebo twice daily for 12 weeks. Before and after the treatment period, the investigators introduced a catheter into the right ventricle of patients’ hearts to determine the degree of CHF damage to the heart muscle. The patients’ heart muscles at rest and work improved significantly. The researchers concluded CHF patients would greatly benefit from adjunctive CoQ10 treatment. Since ubiquinol is the active form of CoQ10, it may be able to overcome the hurdles to providing maximum impact, most importantly, age and genetic related inefficiencies in converting CoQ10 to active CoQ10 (Ubiquinol).


And Neurological Health?: A study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health showed that supplementing with CoQ10 in a unique delivery system was associated with a slowing of the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Participants were divided into 4 groups and their physical skills (coordination, walking, etc) and mental skills were evaluated. Each group then received 300 mg, 600 mg, or 1200 mg of a special form of chewable CoQ10, or a placebo. The researchers evaluated the participants after 1, 4,8, 12, and 16 months of treatment. Each participant was again scored on motor, mental, and activities of daily living skills.

The results of the study showed that the people who took the highest dosage of CoQ10-1200 mg-experienced the least decline in their physical abilities. The results were so encouraging that the researchers will be continuing with new studies, suing higher dosages to see if the results can get even better.

Huntington’s disease (HD) is a devastating and degenerative inherited disease that is always fatal. In fact, no other medication, drug, or nutritional supplement has ever been shown to cause a decline in the progression of this terrible disease. A study compared CoQ10 against remacemide (an investigational HD drug made by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals), in 347 HD patients who were in the early stages of the disease. Remacemide blocks glutamate, the neurotransmitter scientists think may cause the death of brain cells that occurs in Huntington’s disease. While remacemide had no effect on the progression of HD, CoQ10 showed a trend toward slowing the disease by an average of 15%. This meant the HD group taking CoQ10 was able to handle every day activities of life a little longer than the patients taking remacemide or a placebo. They also were able to focus their attention better, were less depressed, and less irritable.

The 15% slowing of decline can result in about one more year of independence of HD patients. Needless to say, the gift of an additional year of health in the lives of HD patients is incredibly significant.

Because of these impressive results, researchers are hopeful that supplemental CoQ10 will have beneficial effects for people with other neurological diseases such as ALS and Alzheimer’s disease, too. Studies are under way to confirm these effects.

Using the active form of CoQ10 helps to assure that, regardless of age or illness, the CoQ10 can have the greatest impact.


Q. What have been the results of research studies with Ubiquinol?

A. One of the most interesting effects of Ubiquinol that has been reported so far is its ability to slow the physical signs of aging. In laboratory studies, administration of stable ubiquinol to mice forestalled the changes associated with aging – rounded spine, patchy fur and irritated eyes. While the mice who received ubiquinol did not necessarily live longer than the mice that didn’t, they lived better. But it is important to note that these mice were bred to die at a young age. Human studies are needed to determined true impact on longevity.

Additionally, supplemental, stable ubiquinol has been shown to increase physical energy and stamina. In an animal study, the length of time rats were able to run on a treadmill before getting tired was measured. The same rats were then given ubiquinol and the treadmill test was repeated. The length of time the rats were able to run before tiring increased 150 times.


Q. How can one supplement have applications for neurological diseases, heart health, and even the immune system?

A. Supplements often have more than one function, especially when it’s a substance like CoQ10, which is present in all parts of the body. All nucleated cells (most cells other than red blood cells) have mitochondria and all cells require energy to function. CoQ10 is vital to ATP production. Thus, CoQ10 has applications not only in neurological (neurons or nervous system cells) and cardiac health (myocardium or heart tissue), but also for the immune system.


Q. Should I take CoQ10 or ubiquinol? How much should I take?

A. While everyone can benefit from CoQ10 or ubiquinol supplementation, it appears that ubiquinol should be the first choice for older adults, people with known genetic inefficiencies in converting CoQ10 to ubiquinol, and for people with serious heart disease or neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, who are otherwise supplementing with high levels of CoQ10. For people in overall good health, a high quality CoQ10 supplement with proven absorption is a good choice.

Take 200 to 300 mg of CoQ10 or 100 mg ubiquinol daily, depending on your health history. The safety of both forms has been tested, and no significant side effects reported. Occasional mild stomach upset may occur. Taking your CoQ10 or ubiquinol with meals usually alleviates this rare effect.


CoQ10 is not the only answer to the complex issues of heart disease, neurological diseases, or immune dysfunction; however, research indicates that it’s a bigger piece of the puzzle than physicians and scientists ever imagines. The more we study this naturally occurring compound, the more benefits we find. And with this new ability to provide CoQ10 in its active form, ubiquinol, for the first time, even greater benefits may be derived.


Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth

Date: May 31, 2007 02:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth

Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth


Seventy years ago, when the Social Security Administration was developed during the Great Depression, age 62 was recognized as average life expectancy. These days, getting older is a whole different ball game. Not only are people living well into their 80s and 90s, they’re living better, too. People well into retirement are mountain biking, kayaking, jogging and hiking, as well as gardening, golfing and attending concerts – sometimes for their first time. Everybody, it seems, is on the go, from ages of 22 to 92.


Of course, you don’t have to wait until retirement to start planning for a longer more vibrant life. The best way to ensure happier and longer years ahead is to start young.

Nobody wants to spend retirement in the doctor’s waiting room or have their golden years intruded upon with illnesses or infirmities. And, most importantly, we don’t want to feel 80 years old even though our driver’s license says we are.

These desires and demands are not just wishful thinking. Huge advances in the understanding of how men and women age are being made almost daily. These findings are helping to improve our chances of living long, healthy lives. And, some of the most impressive findings have shown that using nutritional supplements can help – in particular, a specially formulated papaya preparation is able to fight two of the primary reasons we get old – oxidative stress and immune system decline.

This issue of Ask the Doctor is going to share the anti-aging secrets hidden in the papaya and how this tropical fruit may hold the key to a long, vibrant life.


Q. Why papaya? What does papaya have that other fruits and vegetables don’t?

A. Not many American moms put a papaya in their kids’ lunch boxes and papaya pie has yet to gain a following. But this tangy tasting fruit is now appearing fairly frequently in the produce departments of most grocery stores and its popularity seems to steadily increase each year.

The papaya’s bright orange flesh is fairly fibrous and very slippery – slicing a peeled papaya is a little like slicing a bar of wet soap. The core is filled with little black seeds that look a lot like caviar. And while eating a papaya will give you a day’s worth of vitamins A and C as well as potassium taking Fermented Papaya Preparation (or FPP) might just give you an additional 30 years of healthy vibrant life.


Q. What exactly is Fermented Papaya Preparation (FPP)?

A. It’s a specialized nutritional supplement. Backed by more than 30 studies to date, FPP has been used in Japan for decades. It’s also an extremely popular supplement in France and other parts of Europe. FPP begins with fresh, ripe papayas that are slowly fermented by a natural process that takes several months to complete. The fermented papaya is then dried and ground into a fine powder. This phytonutrient-rich powder can then be sprinkled in the mouth, dissolved, and swallowed.


Q. How was FPP developed?

A. Japanese scientists noticed that individuals with higher amounts of papaya in their diets experienced certain health benefits.

Researchers who study aging decided to look at the papaya’s chemistry to see if it might have properties that could contribute to longevity. Several plant chemicals in the papaya showed promise. And when they combined papaya with specific yeasts and traditional Japanese fermentation techniques, FPP was born. This unique substance was then subjected to scientific studies to see its health impact; they determined that FPP is a superior antioxidant, a powerful immune-booster, and one of Japan’s secrets to a long healthy life.


Q. How does FPP help people live longer and healthier?

A. While getting older is an indisputable fact of life, aging, per se, is not. We can’t do much about our annual birthdays and we really shouldn’t even if we could. Every age is a cause for celebration and every life experience, both the difficult and the sublime, should be treasured.

However, we don’t have to accept the consequences of aging that can make a mockery of the “Golden Years” - heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, and cancer. Our parents and grandparents and the generations that preceded them might have had little say in how they aged. But we can. We can slow down the harmful effects of aging and FPP can help by reducing oxidative stress and immune system decline.

Additionally, fighting oxidative stress helps people retain their youthful appearance longer. Oxidative damage is the number one factor in facial aging.


Q. What exactly does oxidative stress mean and what does it have to do with aging?

A. One theory of aging is that harmful molecules called free radicals wreak havoc in our cells. Many of our body’s normal metabolic processes produce free radicals. For example, free radicals are a normal by-product in the production of ATP (the energy molecule) from glucose. Certain types of white blood cells destroy invading microbes by the production of free radicals. Free radicals are also formed by the many normal enzymatic actions that take place every minute every day.

However, outside sources can also cause free radical formation, as well. If we are exposed to pollutants in the environment, chemicals, additives and preservatives in the food we eat, or even direct sunlight, excess production of free radicals can occur, causing profound damage. This free radical frenzy is called oxidative stress, and is linked to almost every disease of aging including arthritis, heart disease, cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. In fact, the reason why these are called diseases of aging is because the longer we are alive, the longer we are subjected to these free radical assaults.


Q. How does FPP affect the decline of our immune systems as we age?

A. Our immune systems consist of specialized tissues, organs, and cells, including several different kinds of white blood cells. Each type of white blood cell works in specific ways to keep us healthy and free of disease. They not only stand guard – on the alert for invaders – they can fight and eradicate microbes, too.

However, as we age, our white blood cells become less efficient in keeping viruses and bacteria from infecting us. They often mistake invaders for good guys, like nutrients. As they age, white blood cells may recognize foreign invaders, but be too tired to fight and let them in. This age-associated immune decline also results in single cancer cells being able to “take hold” and grow into tumors. By the time the white blood cells realize their mistake, the cancer is a widespread disease.

That’s why older members of society have more urinary tract infections, more pneumonia, more cases of bacterial meningitis, tuberculosis, herpes zoster, and much more cancer than younger adults do. Moreover, mortality rates for these diseases are often 2-3 times higher among adults than younger people with the same disease.

FPP steps in and takes charge. One kind of white blood cells, the macrophage “eats” and digests bacteria, viral particles, and free radical fragments. Research has shown that FPP helps macrophages work faster and ingest more disease-causing microbes. Scientists have also discovered that FPP increases the production of a chemical protein called interleukin that’s secreted by macrophages. Interleukin plays an important part in wound healing and keeping minor infections from becoming major infections.

Another important immune system cell is the natural killer (NK) cell, a white blood cell that is continually on the prowl for cancer cells. As the immune system ages, NK cells have trouble “seeing” cancer cells. Researchers have discovered that FPP boosts the activity of NK cells. Increased NK cell activity can result in the increased killing of cancer cells as well as cells infected by viruses.


Q. How does FPP help protect us from free radical damage?

A. FPP contains unique and powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radical damage. Antioxidants do this by donating an extra electron to the free radical without becoming frenzied or worked up into a free radical themselves. Although the antioxidant has donated an electron, it has a more stable “personality” and is less reactive. This action stops the domino effect and ongoing free-radical damage.

If you consider your body a temple, think of free radicals as stealing bricks from your temple’s foundation. FPP acts not only as policeman, but as a builder as well. It doesn’t just stop the theft of bricks; it helps create new ones, keeping the foundation strong and young.

FPP does this by affecting super oxide dimutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), the very genetic pathways that eliminate free radicals from the system. FPP is more than an antioxidant – it doesn’t turn into a pro-oxidant if you happen to take a large dose the way standard antioxidants can. Consider it an “antioxidant plus.”

Since aging is largely determined by how well our bodies can fight oxidative damage, using FPP can slow down the clock as it bolsters natural abilities with its own potent neutralizing activities.


Q. What else does science say about FPP?

A. As the subject of over 30 clinical studies, FPP has been shown to inhibit dangerous hydroxyl free radicals. In addition, it is also being considered for its immuno-protective effects.

Researchers and medical professionals have been studying FPP for years, tracking its effect on the immune system and aging. In fact, no less a personage then Dr. Luc Montagnier, co-discover of HIV 1 & 2 virus, has been conducting research on this natural immune booster.

Dr. Montagnier recommends using FPP as part of a tri-therapy (including antibiotics) that reduces the proliferation of the virus and stimulates the immune system. Since FPP has antioxidant and immuno-stimulative properties, it seems like an obvious choice for a combined approach to combating AIDS. Because of the higher free radical production in stage II of HIV infection, Montagnier believes that reducing this oxidative stress at the earliest stage of HIV infection may be a key factor.

In HIV-infected patients, the glutathione system is depressed even at the early stages. As part of a combination treatment, FPP increased the numbers of CF4 lymphocytes helped with weight gain and increased hemoglobin levels.

One scientific study showed the ability of FPP to inhibit dangerous hydroxyl and hydroxyl-like free radicals, while enhancing the production of protective super oxide. Other research by Dr. Lester Packer, a professor of Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University Of Southern California School Of Pharmacy, shows FPP to have natural iron chelating effects and prevents lipid peroxidation.

And, in one randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, patients with cirrhosis of the liver were given FPP or a placebo. The results showed that 81.2% of the patients survived in the FPP group compared to 38.5% of participants in the placebo group.

These studies and many others like it, show that FPP can neutralize the effects of oxidative stress on disease states as well as slowing the normal aging process.


Q. So if we can prevent oxidative damage to our cells AND prevent decline in our immune systems, how much longer can we expect to live?

A. Most theories of aging and almost all researchers who study aging claim there IS a limit to how long the human body can remain viable. However, the oldest age achieved so far was 128 by a woman named Ma Pampo who lived in the Dominican Republic. Other notable oldsters include Jeanne Louise Calment of France, who lived to be 121; Elena Slough, of Trenton New Jersey who lived for 114 years and 112-year old Mary Dorothy Christian who lived and died in San Pablo, California.

Right now, Japanese women have the longest life span of any country in the world, with an average life expectancy of 85.93 years. Japanese men live an average 78.87 years. Japan also has more centenarians – people living to age 100 and beyond – than any other country as well. There is no reason why the rest of the world, the USA included, can’t achieve these average life expectancies and, hopefully, even surpass them.


Q. Is FPP safe?

A. Yes, it is. Many health-conscious people in Japan and Europe have used FPP for many years as an anti-aging product without any side effects.


Q. What is the recommended dosage level of FPP?

A. Dosages of FPP vary depending on individual needs and usage. For basic anti-aging support, 3 grams per day is fine. For additional support, up to 9 grams per day is recommended. To add a boost to your immune system when you need it, start out with 6-9 grams a day for the first 2-3 days (at the beginning of a cold, for example) and then move back down to 3 grams per day.

For individuals looking for optimum immune support, Dr. Montagnier advises morning and evening doses, preferably on an empty stomach.



As America’s Baby Boomers turn 65, they are living proof that the milestone is no longer the herald of old age. It’s just one more stepping stone from where we’ve been – to where we are – and on to where we want to go. Using Fermented Papaya Preparation, we can feel younger, look younger and live younger – to a very old age.

Buy Papaya at Vitanet LLC


Extended existence?

Date: May 28, 2007 11:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Extended existence?

Humankind has long searched for a special elixir that would confer immortality…or, failing that, at least prolong youthful vitality for a decent number of years. Resveratrol is no magic potion, but it has improved survival rates among mice at the ripe old age (for a mouse) of 114 weeks even overweight mice fed high-calorie chow (Nature online 11/1/06). What’s more the Resveratrol bolstered rodents stayed fit and trim well into their senior years; as Dr. Rafael de Cabo of the National Institute on Aging told the news service heartwire, such a finding “suggests that this compound may not just extend life but may also enable individuals to lead healthy and functional lives for longer.”

While tests continue on how Resveratrol could produce these results, it is believed that this substance may actually mimic the effects of calories restriction, which has been shown to increase longevity. Resveratrol apparently activates a gene known as SIRT1 activation is also associated with greater exercise capacity and fat burning.) in addition, Resveratrol both acts as an antioxidant itself by mopping up dangerous molecules called free radicals and helps enhance the antioxidant effects of vitamin C and E.


Learn about Bone Health!

Date: April 20, 2007 12:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Learn about Bone Health!

Bone Health

Approximately 44 million American women and men aged 50 and older have osteoporosis (severe bone loss) or osteopenia (mild bone loss), with women being affected about twice as often as men. At least 1.5 million fractures of the hip, vertebra (back or neck), or wrist occur each year in the United States as a result of osteoporosis, and the annual cost of treating this disorder is nearly $14 billion and rising. Unfortunately, the toll in human suffering and loss of independence is even greater.

In this issue of Ask the Doctor, we will discuss the risk factors for osteoporosis and some key nutrients you can add to your diet that can minimize bone loss and reduce your chances of developing this disease.

Q. What are the risk factors for osteoporosis?

A. Small body frame, underweight, Caucasian or Asian race, a sedentary lifestyle, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol or caffeine intake, high intake of carbonated beverages (especially colas), and having other family members with osteoporosis all increase personal risk of developing the disease. Certain medical conditions, including diabetes, celiac disease, hyperthyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstructive lung disease, hyperadrenalism, and hyperparathyroidism, are all associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis. Some medications increase the rate at which bone is lost; these include drugs prescribed for the treatment of seizures, drugs used for blood thinning, steroids such as prednisone, aluminum-containing antacids, and loop diuretics (furosemide {Lasix}).

Q. Isn’t bone loss just a normal consequence of aging?

A. Although bone mass normally declines after the age of 35, bone loss severe enough to cause fractures after just minor trauma (such as bump or fall) seems to be a relatively new phenomenon. Osteoporosis was rare in the late 19th century, and it was not until around 1920 that the condition began to attract attention among doctors. Since that time, the percentage of people who develop osteoporosis has continued to increase. For example, the age-adjusted prevalence of osteoporosis in England and Sweden double between 1950 and 1980. In addition, the percentage of elderly people with osteoporosis in some developing countries is lower than that of elderly Americans, despite lower calcium intakes in the developing countries, further suggesting that osteoporosis is a disease of modern civilization.

Q. Can osteoporosis be prevented?

A. Engaging in regular weight bearing exercise, avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and quitting smoking will slow the rate of bone loss. Eating adequate, but not excessive, amounts of protein also enhances bone health. In addition, a growing body of research has shown that supplementing with various vitamins and minerals may not only help prevent, but in some cases actually reverse, bone loss. At least 15 different nutrients have been found to play a role in bone health.

Q. What type of calcium is best?

A. For most people, calcium salts are absorbed about the same, between 30% and 40% of the administered dose. People who low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria) should not use calcium carbonate, because that form of calcium is absorbed poorly in the absence of stomach acid. Calcium phosphate may be preferable for many older people, because phosphorus is necessary for normal bone formation, the phosphorus intake of older people is often low, and calcium supplements inhibit the absorption of phosphorus.

Also, calcium bound to phosphorus is the form in which calcium in the bone is stored, and it has a much greater bone activity than other forms.

Q. How much vitamin D is needed to promote strong bones?

A. Because vitamin D is produced when the ultraviolet rays from the sun hit skin, people who stay out of the sun, wear sunscreen, or live in a northern latitude (such as Boston or Seattle) where less ultraviolet light reaches the skin, are at increased risk of vitamin D deficiency. In addition, aging decreases a person’s ability to synthesize vitamin D in the skin. Results from five research trials on vitamin D found that supplementation with 700-800 IU of vitamin D per day decreased the number of hip fractures by 26%, but 400 IU per day was ineffective. In addition to enhancing bone health, vitamin D improves nerve and muscle function in older people, thereby reducing their chances of falling down. Supplementation of elderly women with 800 IU of vitamin D per day has been shown to decrease the number of falls by about 50%.

Q. Is that much vitamin D safe?

A. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine established a “safe upper limit” of 2,000 IU per day in 1997. More recent research suggests that up to 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day is safe for the average person. However, you likely don’t need nearly this much to address most bone issues.

Q. Why would nutrients besides calcium and vitamin D is important?

A. Bone is living tissue, constantly remodeling itself and engaging in numerous biological functions. Like other tissues in the body, bone has a wide range of nutritional needs. The typical refined and processed American diet has been depleted of many different vitamins and minerals, some of which play a key role in promoting bone health. Not getting enough of one or more of these micronutrients may be and important contributing factor to the modern epidemic of osteoporosis. In addition, supplementing with calcium may cause a loss of magnesium, zinc, silicon, manganese, and phosphorus, unless these nutrients are also provided.

Q. What nutrients besides calcium and vitamin D promote healthy bones?

A. Magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin K, boron, strontium, silicon, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and vitamin C have all been shown to play a role in bone health. Following is a brief description of the role that each of these 15 nutrients play in building healthy bones.

Calcium: A component of the mineral crystals that make up bone.

Vitamin D: Enhances calcium absorption, prevents falls by improving nerve and muscle function.

Magnesium: Important for bone mineralization (accumulation of minerals which form bones). Magnesium deficiency is associated with abnormal bone mineral crystals in humans. In an open clinical trial, magnesium supplementation increased bone mineral density by an average 5% after 1-2 years in postmenopausal women.

Copper: Laboratory research has found that copper promotes bone mineralization and decreases bone loss, and that osteoporosis can develop if the diet is deficient in copper. Western diets often contain less copper than the amount recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. In a 2-year double-blind trail, copper supplementation reduced bone loss by 90% in middle-aged women, compared with a placebo.

Zinc: Like magnesium, zinc is important for bone mineralization, and also has been shown to decrease bone loss. Low dietary zinc intake was associated with increased fracture risk in a study of middle-aged and elderly men. The zinc content of the diet is frequently low; a study of elderly low-income people found they were consuming only half the Recommended Dietary Allowance for this mineral.

Manganese: Plays a role in the creation of the connective-tissue components of bone. Manganese deficiency in laboratory tests resulted in low bone mineral density and weak bones. Manganese deficiency may be associated with the development of osteoporosis.

Boron: Supports creation of bone-protecting hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA. Boron supplementation prevented bone loss in experimental studies. In human volunteers consuming a low-boron diet, boron supplementation decreased urinary calcium excretion by 25-33%, a change that may indicate reduced bone loss.

Silicon: Plays a role in the synthesis of the connective-tissue components of bone. Silicon deficiency has been associated with bone abnormalities. In an observational study, higher dietary silicon intake correlated with higher bone mineral density. In a clinical trial, administration of an organic silicon compound increased bone mineral density of the femur (or thigh bone) in postmenopausal women.

B vitamins (folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12): These three B vitamins have been shown to lower blood levels of homocysteine, a breakdown product of the amino acid methionine. An elevated homocysteine concentration is a strong and independent risk factor for fractures in older men and women. Homocysteine levels increase around the time of menopause, which may explain in part why bone loss accelerates at that time. In a 2-year double-blind trial, supplementation of elderly stroke patients with folic acid and vitamin B12 reduced the number of hip fractures by 78%, compared with a placebo.

Strontium: This trace mineral is incorporated into bone and appears to increase bone strength. It also stimulates bone formation and inhibits bone breakdown. Controlled trials have demonstrated that strontium supplementation of postmenopausal women increases bone mineral density and decreases fracture risk.

Vitamin K: Best known for its effect on blood clotting, vitamin K is also required for the creation of osteocalcin, a unique protein found in bone that participates in the mineralization process. The amount of vitamin K needed for optimal bone health appears to be greater than the amount needed to prevent bleeding. Vitamin K levels tend to be low in people with osteoporosis. In randomized clinical trials, supplementation of postmenopausal women with vitamin K prevented bone loss and reduced the incidence of fractures.

Q. Which form of vitamin K is best?

A. Two forms of vitamin K compounds are present in food: vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. Vitamin K1 (also called phylloquinone) is present in leafy green vegetables and some vegetable oils, and vitamin K2 is found in much smaller amounts in meat, cheese, eggs, and natto (fermented soybeans).

To make things a little more complicated, Vitamin K2 itself can occur in more than one form. The two most important to this discussion are menaquinine-4 (MK-4, also called menatetrenone), which is licensed as a prescription drug in Japan, and menaquinone-7 (MK-7), which is extracted from natto.

Research suggests that MK-7 from natto may be an ideal form of vitamin K. The biological activity of MK-7 in laboratory studies was 17 times higher than that of vitamin K1 and 130 times higher than that of MK-4. After oral administration, MK-7 was better absorbed and persisted in the body longer, compared with MK-4 and vitamin K1. Although both have shown ability to prevent osteoporosis in laboratory research, a much lower dosage (600 times lower) of MK-7 is required, compared to MK-4, to obtain beneficial effects.

Thus, MK-7 has greater biological activity, greater bioavailability, and possibly more potent effects on bone, compared with other forms of vitamin K. The potential value of MK-7 for bone health is supported by an observational study from Japan, in which increasing natto consumption was associated with a lower risk of hip fracture. While additional research needs to be done, the available evidence suggests that the best forms of vitamin K for long-term use at physiological doses are MK-7 and vitamin K1.

Q. Why is strontium so important in building strong bones?

A. Strontium is of great interest to bone health researchers and has been studied in very high doses. Surprisingly, lower doses are not only safer for long-term supplementation, but may in fact have a greater impact on bone health than very high doses. Too little, and bone density is impaired; too much and health may be impaired. This is a case where dosing needs to be just right for optimal impact. Therefore, until more is known, it is wise to keep supplemental strontium at less than 6 mg per day.

Q. Can people taking osteoporosis medications also take bone-building nutrients?

A. Because nutrients work by a different mechanism than osteoporosis drugs, nutritional supplements are likely to enhance the beneficial effect of these medications. Calcium or other minerals may interfere with the absorption of biphophonates such as alendronate (Fosamax) or etidronate (Didronel). For that reason, calcium and other minerals should be taken at least two hours before or two hours after these medications. Also, it is always best to discuss the supplements you are using with your healthcare practitioner to create an integrated health plan.

Final thoughts…

Bone health ramifications extend beyond osteoporosis and fractures. Bone health is essential for freedom of movement, safety, comfort, independence and longevity. Weak bones do not heal well – sometimes they never heal at all. Osteoporosis-related fractures rob us of our mobility and consign thousands of Americans to walkers and wheelchairs every year. In fact, 40% of people are unable to walk independently after a hip fracture, and 60% still require assistance a year later. The most terrible consequence of fractures related to osteoporosis is mortality. The impairment of the ability to move around freely can cause pneumonia and skin damage leading to serious infections. It is estimated that suffering a hip fracture increases the risk of dying almost 25%. Making bone health a priority now will allow you to reap health dividends for many years to come.

Build Strong Bones with Vitamins from Vitanet


Supplements good for reducing stress and boosting energy!

Date: March 26, 2007 02:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Supplements good for reducing stress and boosting energy!

Vitality 101


More and more Americans are feeling overworked, overtired, and overcome by life’s demands. We just do not have the energy we need to meet our responsibilities to the people we care about. More importantly, we don’t even have the energy to have fun! It seems that a constant feeling of fatigue has become part of the American way of life.

Research has shown that the same processes that cause lack of energy can rob us of sleep, saddle us with excess weight, disrupt our hormonal balance, and create significant amounts of stress in our daily lives. Chronic stress can dramatically contribute to fatigue, sleep disorders, irritability, and anxiety. The research simply confirms what most of us already know – uncomfortable stress can really wear us out mentally and physically! It can take away the satisfaction of a job well done. It can take away our ability to believe in ourselves. And, sadly and maybe most importantly, continual stress can take the fun and joy out of life.

In a separate issue of Ask the Doctor, we discuss the energy and sleeping needs of people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. In this issue, I discuss the 3-step process I call “Vitality 101.” People do not have to accept pain, insomnia, or fatigue. It’s time for everyone to feel great and have a life they love!


Step 1 – Nutrition

Good overall nutrition is important for everyone! As a foundation product to support energy levels, a powdered drink mix is a pleasant, easy way to ensure that you are taking all of the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that you need to have great energy all through your day.

The following chart lists the most critical ingredients. You can see that almost all of the vitamins and minerals work together to help improve energy levels and overall health.


Effect on Vitality & Energy

Vitamin A

Essential for healthy skin and mucous membrane integrity, healthy immune system responses and healthy bone growth and healthy reproductive processes. Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene is an antioxidant and free radical fighter.

Vitamin C

Necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system. Antioxidant, free radical fighter. Assists with hormone synthesis; supports healthy skin integrity; supports healthy iron absorption.

Vitamin D

Essential for healthy calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and the absorption of vitamin A; supports bone mineralization.

Vitamin E

Helps oxygen circulation; supports healthy nerve transmissions; supports healthy leg nerves and muscles; helps boost energy levels.


Supports enzyme activity involved in energy production; supports healthy nerve and muscle function; supports healthy immune system functions

Malic Acid

Catalyst to stimulate the complete burning of fuel for energy; supports healthy connective tissue and muscle functioning.


Works with B vitamins to synthesize amino acids, and acts as a precursor to SAM-e. SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine) is a naturally-occurring molecule in the body, and may have an effect on overall mood elevation


Works with vitamin E to maintain healthy cell membranes; supports healthy thyroid functioning.


Supports healthy immune system, healthy enzyme processes and healthy immune response.

Amino Acids

Glycine, Serine, Taurine, Tyrosine are essential for the production of energy in the body. Also essential for brain function.


Provides nutrition for good bacteria in the intestinal tract, improving digestion and healthy microflora.

In addition to the powdered energy drink mix, it is important that you also take a high potency vitamin B-complex supplement. This should include niacinamide, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, and choline, which are especially important to restore the energy production needs of your body. It is also critical to get enough water, as most Americans are chronically dehydrated.


B Vitamins

Effect on Vitality & Energy

Thiamine B1

Supports healthy energy, growth, appetite, and learning capacity; healthy red blood cell production; carbohydrate metabolism and the production of hydrochloric acid.

Riboflavin B2

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is crucial in the production of body energy. Supports healthy glutathione reductase activity, which helps maintain glutathione, a major protector against free radical damage. Vitamin B2 itself also has antioxidant qualities.

Niacinamide B3

Niacinamide is an essential nutrient for the healthy metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, as well as for the production of hydrochloric acid for digestion.

Pantothenic Acid B5

An essential component in the production of coenzyme A, a vital catalyst that is required for the conversion of carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy.

Pyridoxine HCL B6

Aids in the conversion of amino acids to carbohydrate or fat for storage or energy. Also required for the production of serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine. Since it aids in the formation of several neurotransmitters it is an essential nutrient in the regulation of mental processes.

Vitamin B12

An essential nutrient for healthy energy production. Vitamin B12 helps support metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. It contributes to healthy cell formation and cellular longevity.

Folic Acid

Folic acid promotes energy production and supports the immune and nervous systems. Folic acid works best when combined with vitamin B12. Recent research shows folic acid can reduce the amount of the amino acid homocysteine in the blood.


Step 2 – Rest Your Body

Having trouble sleeping is one of the most troubling symptoms of stress. While the stress is wearing us down and making us tired, it’s also keeping us tense and unable tot relax. The result? That easy drift into sleep becomes harder and harder. And if we are lucky enough to actually get some shut-eye, stress will often wake us up, sometimes several times a night.

This occurs because excess stress suppresses the sleep center in the brain. It is important to break the “stress/insomnia cycle” early, before it results in pain and hormonal and immune dysfunction!

Because good quality sleep is how the body repairs and re-energizes itself, it may be helpful to use herbal products to promote good quality sleep. There are many natural supplements that are marketed as sleep formulas. To get the best results, it is very important that the right ingredients are in the sleep formula you buy. Look for a supplement that has a blend of herbs that promote deep sleep, such as valerian, L-theanine, hops, passionflower, Jamaica dogwood and wild lettuce. This combination of herbs is important as each herb addresses a different aspect of sleeplessness and muscle tension caused by stress. Taking only one or two of these herbs alone is much less likely to be effective.



Effect on Sleep

Wild Lettuce

Has been found to have sedative effects.


Acts as a mild sedative and has a sleep inducing effect.

Jamaica Dogwood

Has been found to be mildly sedative and is often used for anxiousness.


Causes significant increases of neurotransmitter concentrations in the brain, which promotes muscle relaxation and improves sleep.


This herb has been clinically studied for its ability to improve sleep quality.


This herb eases nervousness and insomnia.


Step 3 – Manage Excess Stress Levels

In this fast paced world, it is important to learn to manage the stressor in our lives. Glandular extracts, such as raw adrenal extract, can offer natural support to help our bodies deal with the effects of stress and, in turn, can boost your energy levels. Exercise is another stress buster. Using your body physically is important for good health. Find something that is fun for you, however, or you are unlikely to stick with it!


Q. Does stress zap my energy in any other ways besides making me lay awake at night and causing me to be a zombie the next morning?

A. Most people are familiar with the body’s dramatic response to an emergency. The heart pounds, the muscles constrict, and the lungs expand – and while this is happening, we are capable of greater than normal strength and speed. This response is the body’s way of rescuing itself when faced with an emergency. We don’t have to think about it to make it happen. It’s automatic.

The same can be said of a chronic stress response. Whether we’re late for a business meeting because we’re stuck in traffic, or worrying about how we are going to pay for our children’s college tuition, our response to stress happens automatically. The difference between the two is that the body’s response in an emergency starts and resolves itself quickly. The response to being stuck in traffic may not.

The body makes the “stress hormone”, cortisol, to handle the normal stresses of day-to-day living. But in an emergency situation, the adrenal glands, located above the kidneys, secrete increased amounts of this hormone until the emergency passes. Then the body returns to its normal function. Unfortunately, however, chronic stress is more complex. When our body is subjected to increased amounts of the hormone, cortisol, for an extended time, it can lead to a condition known as “adrenal burnout” or “adrenal fatigue.” While it’s true that very large amounts of cortisol can have damaging effects on our hormones, too little cortisol doesn’t allow us to respond to stress properly. It’s really a matter of balance.


Q. How can I control the stress in my life and re-energize?

A. Many people who are under constant stress may have adrenal burnout. Adrenal burnout occurs when the adrenal glands are constantly producing cortisol in response to chronic stress. Over time, this exhausts the adrenal reserve, meaning the adrenal gland can no longer increase cortisol production in response to stress.

The good news is that changes in our hormone levels can return to normal when stress is decreased. The key in learning how to deal with daily stress is to allow the body to return to its normal state. I discuss additional techniques for coping with stress in my recent book Three Steps to Happiness! Healing Through Joy (see my website, www. jacobeitelbaum .com, for more information). In addition to stress control, it is important to supplement your adrenals with a glandular therapy regimen to ensure healthy cortisol levels and adrenal function. Glandular therapy, which uses the concentrated forms of bovine (cow) or porcine (pig) glands, can improve the health of our glands. Pioneers in the field of endocrinology (the study of hormones) hypothesized that glandular extracts work by providing nutrients the body lacked and thus repaired the malfunctioning gland.


Adrenal Extract

If you are one of the unlucky folks with stressed-out adrenal glands, you should see great results from taking raw adrenal supplements. Be sure to buy adrenal extract supplement that contains both whole adrenal and cortex adrenal.


The best adrenal supplement should also contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid and licorice. Licorice contains glycyrrhizin, which is broken down into glycyrrhizic or glycyrrhetinic acid. This compound inhibits the activity of an enzyme that turns active cortisol into inactive cortisol. While in high amounts (greater than 100 mg of glycyrrhizic acid/day), licorice administration causes hypertension, no such effects have been observed at lower doses. Experts have speculated that inhibition of the cortisol-converting enzyme may reduce cortisol-related symptoms associated with adrenal insufficiency. The adrenal glands use these nutrients to manufacture cortisone and other compounds. It just makes sense to purchase an adrenal supplement with these supportive ingredients.



Effect on Stress

Adrenal Polypeptide Fractions & Adrenal Cortex Extract

Polypeptide fractions are easily digested and help support the thyroid and the adrenal gland to regulate levels of cortisol and other hormones.

Vitamin C

Provides extra support during periods of chronic stress.

Vitamin B6

Required to make serotonin, melatonin and dopamine – all vital for maintaining energy levels – very important in dealing with stress-filled lifestyles.


L-tyrosine is an amino acid that supports nerve transmission and healthy adrenal, thyroid and pituitary glands. Converts to epinephrine and norepinephrine, brain neurotransmitters crucial during times of stress.


The component of licorice called glycyrrhizin, which breaks down into glycyrrhizic acid. This compound inhibits the breakdown of cortisol produced by the body, helping balance this important hormone. Glycyrrhizic acid’s mechanism of action is through the inhibition of 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. This enzyme catalyzes the conversion of cortisol to cortisone. It also inhibits the metabolism of corticol, and minimizes the binding of cortisol to mineral corticoid receptors.


Liver Extract

Did your grandmother ever tell you to eat your liver so that you didn’t get “tired blood?” Well, it turns out that she was right. Liver extract is another glandular extract that can help improve energy levels.

Liver extract is an excellent source of highly bioavailable nutrients including iron, B vitamins (especially B12), and other minerals. The stamina and energy-enhancing benefits of liver are widely touted. Liver extract has been shown to support healthy function of the liver and increase the energy levels inside our body.

Because heat will destroy the key components in the liver, a high quality liver extract supplement should be cold-processed and encapsulated to enhance speed and absorption of nutrients from liver. A high quality aqueous liver extract supplement should also contain vitamin B12 to support healthy blood iron and oxygen levels to energize.


Effect on Stress

Liver Fractions

Liver extract may have anti-vital properties and increase the mitochondrial production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is an important carrier of energy in the cells.

Vitamin B12

B12 is necessary for the production of red blood cells and healthy blood oxygen levels.


Q. It will be great to get a good night’s sleep. Are there also any other natural alternatives that could help promote relaxation and increase my energy levels during the day?

A. Yes, there are. Rhodiola rosea is an all-natural herb that has long been used to help relieve stress and increase energy. Rhodiola has also been used to lift our moods, improve sexual satisfaction, and even help in certain nervous system disorders. First used in Siberia and Russia, Rhodiola is now being extensively studied and has been found to increase resistance to toxins (both physical and chemical), balance the work of the body, help memory storage and mental functioning, and improve resistance to physical and emotional stress.

In clinical trials, the most effective Rhodiola rosea extract was found to contain 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside. While there are many Rhodiola supplements in health food stores, only those containing these specific amounts can provide the best results.


Lifestyle Treatments

Altered digestion, food intolerances, decreased energy, fatigue, cognitive problems, and sleeplessness create the need for changes in daily living routines. These can include alterations in diet; exercise modifications; alterations in activities of daily living according to one’s energy level; and sleep/rest management. All may require the assistance of a professional clinician, such as a chiropractor, nutrition specialist, physical and/or occupational therapist, mental health professional, or sleep therapist.



Super busy lives demand super strength nutrition. Begin each day with a powdered nutritional supplement after getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night. In addition to the nutritional beverage mix, a vitamin B complex supplement should be taken every morning. The nutritional drink mix and the vitamin B complex supplement will ensure that your body has all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients to combat your fatigue. Taking a daily adrenal supplement, like the one discussed earlier, will provide the much needed (and often depleted) nutrients your body may be lacking, and help you recover lost energy. Rhodiola rosea, and ginseng can offer additional natural nutritional support in your busy life to boost your energy levels. These nutritional supplements can be used daily and you will feel energized to get through each day’s challenges and opportunities!

Buy Energy and Stress Formulas at Vitanet Health Food Store ®


How to deal with Stress and Cortisol...

Date: August 30, 2006 09:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to deal with Stress and Cortisol...

Beating the Aging Odds

All of us grow older, but aging is a choice. You have it in your power to retain much of the health, vitality and beauty of your youth. It boils down to a simple fact – retard oxidative stress and you’ll retard the aging process. The 70 million people who make up the “boomer” generation and are getting ready for an active retirement welcome this news.

Stress and Cortisol

The early twentieth century “stress doctor” Hans Selye, M.D. was renowned for his work on the human adaptive response and the effects of stress on aging. He taught that every stress leanves an indelible scar, and the organism pays for its survival after a stressful situation by becoming a little older. That’s because stress raises levels of the adrenal hormone cortisol. It increases internal generation of free radicals, disrupts normal metabolism and leads to aging conditions. Because of this, cortisol has been dubbed the age-accelerating hormone.

The more stressful our lifestyle and the level of environmental hazards we are exposed to, the higher cortisol levels will climb in an effort to jump-start our adaptive response. Coupled with a poor diet, this is a recipe for pre-mature aging. At least eleven major aging factors are related to high cortisol levels:

  • Breakdown of collagen and elastin in muscles, joints, and bone
  • Memory loss and reduced cognitive function
  • Increased cardiovascular risk
  • Hypertension and fluid retention
  • Disordered lipid metabolism (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL to LDL ratio)
  • Decreased immune function
  • Increased inflammation (vascular network, allergies, asthma, acne and hair loss)
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Disordered sugar metabolism
  • Skin problems (wrinkling, psoriasis, seborrhea, acne and hair loss)
  • Nerve system damage

So, there you have it. Now let’s see how to tame cortisol and reduce oxidative stress.

Reducing Cortisol and Oxidative Stress

Be in the moment – stress reducing techniques such as meditation, prayer, visualization, yoga, chi gong, and listening to inspirational tapes induce calmness and a sense of balance.

Eat right for your genes – as we get older, we don’t digest animal protein as efficiently as when younger. Shifting to plant source proteins that are easier to digest and contain the full complement of vitamins and minerals is most desirable. We are accustomed to thinking of dairy, meat, poultry, and fish as “protein.” All vegetables are good sources of protein. Along with legumes, whole grains, and nuts, daily protein needs are easily fulfilled. Meals that combine a variety of tastes from plant foods also require less salt for flavor enhancement and this helps keep hypertension at bay. So, explore just how good meals can be that either do not contain meat or use it as a condiment. If you do need some salt, try substituting table salt with NOW Vitamins Potassium Chloride crystals.

Enzymes Increase Digestion

Use digestive enzymes such as Optimal Digestive System to insure that you are absorbing all the nutrients in your food. This product has been clinically tested for its digestive effectiveness helping to digest fats, carbs, proteins and even gas producing beans and cruciferous vegetables. Other enzymes, Serrazimes is a systemic enzyme that will help keep lymphatic’s clear of debris, support immune function, and boost your adaptive response to stress.

Tame Cortisol

As many people reach middle age they have a tendency to gain weight around the navel. High stress amps up levels of cortisol that results in increased girth. Middle body fat is considered a significant risk factor for impaired glucose metabolism and cardiovascular disease. Check your waist to hip ratio by dividing your waist measurement in inches by your hip measurement. If you have a ratio of 0.85 or below, you have lower risk of insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. This measurement is one of the best indicators of cortisol induced metabolic syndrome and weight gain.

Super cortisol support with Relora is an herbal, vitamin and mineral formula that’s designed to fight mid-body fat by taming cortisol. Its key ingredient is Relora which is a blend of the herbal extract of Phellodendron amurense and Magnolia officinalis. A small double blind clinical trial found that pre-menopausal obese women – half of whom took Relora – lost a significant amount of weight. These were women who eat in response to stress. Thus the researchers proposed that Relora appeared to reduce cortisol and perceived stress, resulting in weight loss. Super cortisol support also contains Ashwagandha and Rhodiola, herbs traditionally use for increasing adaptive response and reducing stress. You can read about these herbs and other nutritional products in the book 7-syndrome healing: supplement essentials for mind and body. Written by myself and coauthor Jayson Kroner. This book can be ordered from Now Foods.

Additionally, Chinese scientists found that the active components in Relora called honokiol and magnolol delayed gastric emptying, which would make you feel full longer. An additional anti-aging benefit was observed by another group of Chinese scientists. They reported that honokiol is a potent arterial thrombosis inhibitor because it inhibits prostacyclin release; a promoter of platelet adhesion. Platelet stickiness increases stroke risk. Phellodendron and Magnolia have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries.

Quell Free Radicals

Health and longevity essentially rests on the body balance between free radical load and antioxidant reserves. Toxic exposure depletes some of your antioxidant reserves. Eating a diet rich in antioxidant fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains, helps you rebound. Continued toxic exposure will challenge your antioxidant status and may overwhelm your reserves. VitaBerry Plus+ is a powerful antioxidant formula that contains a range of high ORAC fruits that naturally augment the diet. ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorbance capacity. It is a measure of the ability of a food to quell oxygen free radicals, the most dangerous kind. VitaBerry Plus+ is a product after my own heart. In my book The Anti-Aging Solution, I wrote about how different color foods protect DNA and prevent aging. VitaBerry Plus+ contains the important colors described in my bood. You can order your copy from Now Vitamins.

True-E Bio Complex rounds out the antioxidant colors. It contains all eight tocopherols and eight tocotrienols in the natural ratio found in “tan” foods such as whole grains and legumes. It is the only natural vitamin E that is produced from soy that has not been genetically modified.

The best anti-aging advice I can pass on is from my friend and food columnist Joan Jackson. “Take Pleasure in Your Life TODAY and Enjoy What You Eat”

Buy Now Vitamins, minerals and herbs at Vitanet


WasabiCleanse - Potent Liver Detoxification!

Date: August 03, 2006 04:48 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: WasabiCleanse - Potent Liver Detoxification!


Source naturals is excited to introduce WasabiCleanse, a powerful cleansing botanical that aids the liver in breaking down toxins. Wasabi familiar to most people as a fiery-sweet condiment that accompanies Japanese food has actually been used by herbalists in Japan since the 10th century.

Today, natural health researchers are rediscovering and confirming wasabi’s stunning health benefits, especially its potent phytochemicals that cleanse and detoxify the body.

Wasabi is a member of the cruciferae plant family, which also includes broccoli, horseradish, kale, and cauliflower. Wasabi contains precursors to phytochemicals called isothiocyanates, which induce the liver’s phase II enzymes. These compounds support the body’s ability to clean its self of impurities, particularly toxins stored in the liver’s fatty tissues. In today’s polluted environment, it is critical to your health and longevity that you cleanse these toxins from your body.


Wasabi Rhizome Cleanse - Supports Phase II Liver Detoxification - Wasabi Health Benefits

Date: August 01, 2006 10:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Wasabi Rhizome Cleanse - Supports Phase II Liver Detoxification - Wasabi Health Benefits

Most people know of it as a pale-green lump on the side of their plates in Japanese restaurants—a hot, spicy accompaniment to sushi or sashimi. The fiery yet sweet taste perfectly compliments the saltiness of soy sauce and the cool delicacy of raw fish. But wasabi is much more than a burst of culinary flavor, it has been used by traditional herbalists of Japan since the 10th century and is now being rediscovered by modern health practitioners for its stunning health benefits.

Wasabi has powerful detoxification properties, in particular, it supports the immune system and cleanses the liver. Wasabi contains precursors to phytochemicals called isothiocyanates that help remove toxic substances that are stored in the liver’s fatty tissues.

The rare wasabi plant is a natural, potent support to a healthy, cleansed liver that in turn affects the detoxification and cleansing of the entire body. Source Naturals is pleased to bring you this convenient, effective addition to your wellness program.

Wasabia Japonica - Rooted In Health

The wasabi plant (Wasabia japonica) grows naturally in the mountains of Japan in the gravel and sandbars of coldwater streams and rivers. Rare and difficult to grow, it takes three years for a wasabi root or rhizome to reach maturity. Because of its popularity, wasabi is now cultivated hydroponically and in cold, wet environments outside of Japan, such as in New Zealand and Oregon. Traditionally, the rhizome was freshly grated at the table with a sharkskin grater, popular with dishes such as seafood or udon noodles. Now wasabi is usually dried into powder form and made into the pale green paste familiar to most westerners. Often, however, restaurants do not serve real wasabi; since it is so rare and expensive, a dyed horseradish paste is served in most American restaurants.

What makes wasabi so special? It comes from a good family; the brassica vegetables in the cruciferae family include such health giants as broccoli, horseradish, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale. All of these are well-known detoxifying plants, and wasabi appears to be the most amazing of them all, with detox capacities far beyond the others in the family because it is loaded with isothiocyanate precursors. This chemical not only gives wasabi its famous “fire,” it is likewise a fireball of detoxification properties.

Phase II Detox

The liver detoxifies the by-products of digestion and other harmful substances through a complex series of chemical reactions often referred to as Phase I and Phase II Detoxification. Phase I enzymes begin the process by taking the toxic molecule and changing it into a bioactive form. This process breaks down toxins. A second set of enzymes, Phase II, then neutralizes the toxin and makes it water soluble for elimination. Wasabi, with its long-chain isothiocyanate precursors, induces the Phase II enzymes. Simply stated, it is the sparkplug that starts Phase II enzymes on their work. This process, all done in the liver, supports the body’s ability to clean itself of impurities.

Part of a Complete Wellness Program

In the modern world, with so many pollutants, it is critical to your health and longevity that you cleanse these toxic compounds from your body. Wasabi, along with a whole food, high-fiber diet and reduction of alcohol consumption, supports the liver— the largest of the vital organs and the key to the digestion and elimination systems and most particularly, the body’s ability to cleanse itself. Source Naturals is pleased to bring you this exceptional product as part of your wellness program.


Depree, JA (1999) Flavour and pharmaceutical properties of the volatile sulphur compounds of Wasabia japonica. Food Research International: 31(5):329-337.

Morimitsu Y, et al. (2002) A sulforaphane analogue that potently activates the Nrf2-dependent detoxification pathway. J Biol Chem: 277:3456-3463.

Munday, R (2002) Selective induction of phase II enzymes in the urinary bladder of rats by allyl isothiocyanate, a compound derived from Brassica vegetables.

Nutrition and Cancer: 44(1):52-59.

Watanabe, M (2003) Identification of 6-methylsulfinylhexyl isothiocyanate as an apoptosis-inducing component in wasabi. Phytochemistry: 62(5):733-739.

Rose, P (2000) 7-methylsulfinylheptyl and 8- methylsulfinyloctyl isothiocyanates from watercress are potent inducers of phase II enzymes. Carcinogenesis: 21(11):1983-1988.


Goji Berry Extract

Date: February 13, 2006 04:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Goji Berry Extract

Goji Berry is a rich source of vitamin C and many other health-promoting vitamins and minerals. Long revered for its longevity-enhancing effects, Goji berry may support the health of the eyes, skin, and cardiovascular system. The latest scientific research suggests it is a potentially potent antioxidant that contains compounds with immune-enhancing properties. Goji berry possesses a unique combination of flavonoids, vitamins, minerals and polysaccharides thought to be responsible for antioxidant and anti-aging properties. Goji berries contain a high level of zeaxanthin dipalmitate, a carotenoid found in many fruits and vegetables, and is highly desirable for healthy visual function. The polysaccharide complex of Goji berry seems to be a powerful immune stimulator. Preliminary studies indicate it may have wide-ranging benefits to immune health. Best Goji

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Anabol Naturals Metabolic Fat Burners

Date: January 07, 2006 01:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Anabol Naturals Metabolic Fat Burners

Founded in 1983, Anabol Naturals has been the premier provider of the highest quality pharmaceutical-grade, free form amino acids for 22 years. The Anabol Naturals cutting edge line of free form, amino acid-based formulas in renowned for purity, quality and efficacy by professional and world-class athletes, fitness enthusiasts, health and natural food stores, as well as longevity and wellness specialists.

Driving sales nationally and internationally has been the recognition and recommendation of the Anabol Naturals line for product effectiveness and consumer satisfaction in such leading health bestsellers as Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch and Healthy Healing by Linda Page.

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Date: December 23, 2005 12:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Nature’s Apothecary


For years, Nature’s Apothecary’s reputation for producing high quality natural products, specifically multi-herb and single herb extracts and aromatherapy products, has been unparalleled. This family-owned, environmentally-conscious herbal extract company has laid deep roots on the front range of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, and in the natural products industry as well. NOW® is proud to continue their tradition of excellence in providing only the highest quality natural herbal extracts with the purchase of this premier liquid herbal extract supplier. We’re committed to using the same processes and procedures that have made the Nature’s Apothecary line one of quality and longevity.

Nature’s Apothecary herbal extracts are created with pure herbs grown on small organic farms, or herbs that have been ethically hand-harvested with respect for the earth, just as herbalists have done for thousands of years. While the various herbs used in these formulations offer a broad range of health benefits, two of the most important are immune system enhancement and detoxification. Herbs have a long history of usefulness in these categories. There is evidence of the use of herbs by Stone Age humans, who either cultivated or gathered hundreds of herbs and plants for a variety of uses. The histories of various cultures are filled with references to the use of herbs. Ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Chinese, Europeans, and American Indians – all used herbs to heal and to nourish. Herbs that support the immune system and provide detoxification benefits were, and still are, very popular. Two of the most effective are Astragalus and Shiitake Mushroom.

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is a member of the legume family and is considered an adaptogenic herb in traditional Chinese medicine, where it has been safely used for centuries. Native to central and western Asia, specifically China, Korea and Taiwan, Astragalus offers a unique benefit found in very few herbs - it seems to selectively support immune system function by stimulating certain immune functions and depressing others. One reason is that Astragalus has a high selenium content, a trace element with documented immune system benefits. It also contains polysaccharides and flavonoids, which support healthy immune system function as well as minimizing the effects of free radicals on various membranes. The mechanisms of action through which Astragalus supports immune system function are varied. It has shown promise as a means to stimulate “resting” immune system cells, increasing their activity. Research shows that Astragalus supports the body’s production of immunoglobulins, macrophages, T cells and natural killer (NK) cells, the grunts of the immune system’s army. Astragalus has been shown to support healthy cardiovascular function by protecting membranes from oxidative stress as a result of free radical damage.

Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinula edodes) is a culinary delight with some serious health benefits. The name Shiitake is from a combination of shiia, the Japanese word for a variety of chestnut tree, and take, the Japanese name for mushrooms.

Shiitake is also referred to as the Forest Mushroom and the Black Forest Mushroom. Indigenous to Eastern Asia, primarily Japan and China, Shiitake is Japan’s leading agricultural export, accounting for about eighty percent of the world’s Shiitake production. While it’s culinary reputation is well-known, Shiitake is also a medicinal herb with a long history of use. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Shiitake is well-regarded and has been used to treat a variety of ailments. Modern research has shown that Shiitake supports healthy immune system function and cardiovascular health, primarily due to the naturally-occurring nutrients found in Shiitake. It contains an excellent B vitamin profile, as well as amino acids, protein, iron, and beta glucan, a major structural component in the cell walls of most fungi, including Shiitake. Beta glucan has been shown to support healthy immune system function by stimulating the activity of phagocytes, white blood cells and NK (natural killer) cells, vital components of the body’s immune system defenses. Astragalus and Shiitake Mushroom are just a few of the immune supporting herbal extracts to be found in the Nature’s Apothecary line. With over 250 SKU’s, Nature’s Apothecary is your best source for high-quality, effective herbal extracts.

1) Balch, Phyllis A. Prescription For Herbal Healing, Avery, Penguin Putnam, 2002
2) Astragalus membranaceus. (Monograph), Thorne Research Inc., The Gale Group, 2003
3) Halpern, Georges M. & Miller, Andrew H. Medicinal Mushrooms: Ancient Remedies for Modern Ailments, M. Evans and Company, Inc. 2002
4) Longe, J.L. Shiitake Mushroom, Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, 2001

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Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection

Date: December 19, 2005 09:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection

The most effective antiaging program is one that protects and nourishes all of the vital systems that allow us to age in the first place. Our cell structure, immune system, skin and cognition are most significantly affected by the aging process. These supplements each serve a unique purpose, and have shown great promise in providing the essentials needed to attain longevity and vitality.

1. I. Vouldoukis, M. Conti, C. Kamate, S. Blazquez, M. Tefit, D. Mazier, A. Calenda, B. Dugas. Phytotherapy Research. (2004) in press.
2. I. Vouldoukis, M. Conti, JP Kolb, A. Calenda, D. Mazier, B. Dugas. Research Trends in Current Trends in Immunology. 5, (2003) 141-145
3. V. Giampapa, R. Pero, M. Zimmerman. The Anti-aging Solution. 2004, John Wiley and Sons Publishing.
4. J. Balch, The Super Anti-oxidants. 1998, M. Evans and Company
5. E. Burke, T. Fahey, Phosphatidyl Serine: Promise for Athletic Performance. 1998, Keats Publishing Inc.


Vitanet ®


GliSODin Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection

Date: December 19, 2005 08:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: GliSODin Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection

GliSODin Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection

  • Superior Anti-Aging Formula
  • Stimulates Natural Antioxidant Defenses
  • Helps Protect DNA
  • Reduces Oxidative Stress
  • Prevents Oxygen Related Cell Damage

In the time it takes you to finish reading this article, you, your body and your cells will have aged. Some, more than others. Nevertheless, every second that ticks away should serve as a reminder that our time here is temporary. How much time we actually end up with depends on many things. Diet. Lifestyle. Environment. Superoxide Dismutase? I’ll explain. What some of the healthiest individuals fail to realize is that our bodies age from the inside out. Aging is not the result of passing time, but rather the result of what we’re exposed to environmentally, physically and chemically. It is the integrity of our cells, not our clocks, that determine how smooth the aging process fares.

Each day, we’re subjected to millions of elements that affect us in ways seldom seen, felt or noticed. From the moment we’re born, we rely on our cells to work around the clock - producing energy, fighting infections and sustaining life. These same cells eventually determine the rate at which we show (or hide) our age.

Taking into consideration that our planet has no shortage of toxins & germs, the need to safeguard our cells becomes very real. Constant exposure to exhaust, secondhand smoke, heavy metals, lead, fluoride and uncountable other noxious compounds should ideally provide us with nothing more than a routine immune system workout. Unfortunately, over long periods they hinder our “resistance” abilities and become stepping stones to accelerated aging.

Antioxidants. We’ve all heard the term before, and may even have a general understanding of their role. But to better grasp just how vital they are, it helps to know what’s happening at the cellular level. Free radicals are unstable molecular thieves that often lack electrons. To compensate, they rob healthy cells - a process better known as oxidation. Antioxidants work with the immune system to prevent oxidation, and clean up the mess it leaves behind. Hence, the name.

There are two types. Exogenous antioxidants are derived from our diet and include vitamins A, E, and C along with others such as alpha lipoic acid, selenium, CoQ10, grape seed, pycnogenol and zinc. To date, we’ve been limited to exogenous antioxidants as a way to increase the rate at which our body wards off oxidation. They are not, however, our first line of defense. At birth, each and every one of us is equipped with three primary endogenous enzymatic antioxidants; SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) and Catalase.

While both types of antioxidants are beneficial, we’ve become reliant on those from the diet to compensate for our inability to boost the effectiveness of our 3 primary antioxidants. For years, researchers have been examining ways to enhance the activity of our built-in bodyguards. One in particular, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) has been of foremost interest. SOD targets what many researchers regard as one of our greatest health threats and aging accelerators - Superoxide radicals. These highly reactive, merciless molecules incite enormous amounts of oxidative stress and are capable of wreaking havoc on healthy cells. When cells are left unprotected by SOD, the results can be disastrous - respiratory problems, premature aging, memory loss, cardiovascular challenges, vision failure and joint structure damage, among others.

Until now, we’ve been at the mercy of our natural SOD reserves to fight superoxides. Researchers have been working feverishly to produce an effective oral SOD supplement, but have continually encountered a frustrating hurdle - exposure to gastric acid denatures SOD, rendering it useless. As a result, the only effective way to supplement SOD was through injections. These, however, only yielded short-term spikes. And then something remarkable happened that changed everything. Nutrition scientists in France determined that by combining Cucumus melo (a melon high in SOD) with a wheat gliadin stabilizer, it would be possible to prevent SOD from deteriorating in the digestive tract, while preserving it in the blood for extended periods. Not only is this the answer to a puzzle that has plagued researchers, it’s a breakthrough that will impact the life of anyone seeking longevity and vitality.

As the first proven oral SOD supplement ever introduced to the public, GliSODin® has taken antioxidant protection, immune support and antiaging science to an entirely new level. The primary function of GliSODin® is to scour the body for superoxide radicals and reduce them to less reactive ions that can be swept away; a process known as dismutation. In addition, GliSODin® reduces the oxidation vulnerability of healthy cells, protects mitochondrial activity and safeguards DNA structure.

What’s most remarkable is that GliSODin® has actually been shown to stimulate the body’s own natural production of all three enzymatic antioxidants, including SOD. For the first time in history, we will have the ability to enhance the effectiveness of our body’s primary defense mechanism.

New GliSODin® from NOW® represents the ultimate in antioxidant protection. By increasing one’s level of SOD while stimulating the natural production of Glutathione Peroxidase and Catalase, GliSODin® delivers antioxidant protection unlike any previously released dietary supplement. Remember, the aging process begins at a level that we simply can not see, the cellular level. Shielding your cells from superoxide damage is one of the smartest steps you can take against aging before your due time. GliSODin® has made this a reality.

Buy GliSODin at Vitanet ®


7-Keto - Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection

Date: December 18, 2005 09:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7-Keto - Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection


“Anti-Aging and Antioxidant Protection”

The Fountain of Youth Discovered in Wisconsin

It turns out that Ponce de Leon was looking in the wrong place for the fabled Fountain of Youth. It was recently discovered – in Wisconsin! And it turns out that the Fountain of Youth isn’t really a fountain – it’s a biological compound produced in our own bodies. This compound is extremely important for the growth and development of the human body, and, as the body’s production of this substance decreases with age, the signs of aging begin to appear – weight gain, wrinkled skin, loss of muscle, loss of cognitive function, and loss of libido.

This biological Fountain of Youth was discovered by Dr. Henry Lardy and associates at the Institute for Enzyme Research at the University of Wisconsin. It’s called 7-Keto™, a metabolite of a hormone produced by the adrenal glands called DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). Research on 7-Keto™ indicates that it may work through a number of pathways to combat the signs of aging. Helping the body maintain a healthy weight as we age greatly improves overall health and longevity and is one of the strongest benefits discovered for 7-Keto™ to date.

Unfortunately, because 7-Keto™ is a metabolite of DHEA, whose levels decline as we age, so to does this wonderful, natural bio-nutrient. Scientists originally looked to DHEA for improved cardiovascular vitality, and strengthened immune and brain function3. Researchers believed that declining DHEA so profoundly impacted our bodies that it could be partly responsible for the effects of aging. They hypothesized that supplementation with DHEA could sustain hormone levels and stave off many of the degenerative changes we collectively call aging. But there was a catch. Because DHEA is converted into sex hormones, people taking supplemental DHEA would sometimes experience the frightening, unwanted side effects associated with hormone supplementation.

In 1989, Dr. Lardy and his colleagues set out to solve the mystery of eliminating DHEA’s side effects by examining all of the constituents that make up DHEA. Ten long years of research unearthed hundreds of DHEA derivatives, which were developed and tested continuously, until one derivative rose above all the others – a metabolite that was incredibly bio-active and far more promising than any other substance they’d tested. That metabolite is 7-Keto™. 7-Keto™ outperformed DHEA and other metabolites in immune modulation, memory enhancement and thermogenesis and, more importantly, without any adverse side effects3.

The most significant benefit of 7-Keto™ supplementation is its ability to support healthy body weight. Obesity is a major contributing factor in a number of serious medical conditions. A recent study assessed the effectiveness of 7-Keto™ on weight loss and body fat loss. Participants were divided into two groups; one group received 100mg of 7-Keto™ twice daily and the other a placebo. Both groups exercised three times per week. At the end of the study, researchers noted a statistically significant reduction in body weight and body fat only in the 7-Keto™ group. Researchers concluded that 7-Keto™ was three times more effective than diet and exercise alone in promoting weight and fat loss1,2,7. Preliminary research also indicates that 7-Keto™ may support healthy immune and nervous systems. One study measured the effects of 7-Keto™ on memory function. Subjects were given a single dose of a substance that inhibits nerve cell communication and causes shortterm memory loss. Afterwards subjects were given a single dose of 7-Keto™. Results showed that 7-Keto completely reversed the memory impairment, suggesting that 7-Keto™ supports memory retention6.

Another study gauged 7-Keto™’s ability to support immune system function. Interleukin 2 (IL2) is a substance produced by T lymphocytes that causes an increase of disease fighting white blood cells. White blood cells were taken from healthy volunteers and introduced into a solution that contained 7-Keto™ for 24 hours. When the cultures were tested for heightened IL2 production. 7-Keto™ was shown to augment IL2 production by a statistically significant 68%4.

NOW® 7-Keto™ is a well-researched and patented form of this amazing product that’s supplied by the Humanetics Corporation. Humanetics 7-Keto™ has been proven safe and well-tolerated in doses up to 200mg5. Research is clear, the rate at which we age can be influenced by the diet and lifestyle choices we make. One very smart choice would clearly be adding NOW 7-Keto™ to your diet.


1) 7-Keto™: The Key to Healthy Aging – Scientific Support; Humanetics Corporation, 1999
2) Garbis, Spiro; 7-Keto™ DHEA; internal meta-analysis, 2000
3) Sahelian, Ray, M.D.; DHEA: A Practical Guide; Avery Publishing, 1996
4) Lardy, H. Dehydroepiandrosterone and 7-Keto™ DHEA Augment Interleukin 2 (IL2) Production by Human Lymphocytes In Vitro, 5th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, February 1-5, 1998, Chicago, IL
5) Davidson, M.H. et. al. Clinical Safety and Endocrine Effects of 7-Keto™ DHEA; Presented at Experimental Biology 98 (Conference), April 19-22, 1998, San Francisco, CA
6) Shi, J. et. al. The Effect of 7-oxo- DHEA acetate on memory in young and old C57BL/6 mice; Steroids 65 (2000); 124-129
7) Colker, C. et. al. Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating the Effects of Exercise Plus 3-Acetyl- 7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone on Body Composition and the Endocrine System in Overweight Adults; Journal of Exercise Physiology online; Vol. 2, No. 4, October, 1999

buy 7 Keto at Vitanet ®


Vitaberry Plus + Super Fruit Antioxidant

Date: December 07, 2005 05:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitaberry Plus + Super Fruit Antioxidant

Vitaberry Plus +™ Super Fruit Antioxidant

By Nilesh Patel, NOW Quality Assurance, April 20, 2005 Why are FRUITS AND VEGETABLES important? “Diets rich in FRUITS AND VEGETABLES may reduce the risk of some types of cancer and other chronic diseases.”- National Cancer Institute. OXYGEN AND ANTIOXIDANTS As we all know, “Oxygen is critical to life,” but is itself a double-edged sword. While oxygen is necessary to sustain life and for natural defense against microbes, too much oxygen in our cells can lead to the production of “free radicals” (mitochondrial respiratory chain) or ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). Free radicals come in many forms - singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, superoxideperoxynitrite, to name a few - but all have one commonality. Each has an unpaired (unbalanced) electron, a situation it remedies by stealing an electron from a stable molecule. This sets off a domino effect of oxidation, a chain reaction that usually ends up damaging cellular integrity and compromising overall health. Nature has a defense system in place to protect these processes in the form of antioxidants. Whether endogenous (produced by the body, such as liver enzymes, SOD, coenzymes and sulfur-containing compounds) or exogenous (obtained through the diet, such as vitamins C & E, bioflavonoids, carotenes, etc.), antioxidants “quench” free radicals by donating an electron to stabilize a molecule, thus controling the chain reaction and stopping the oxidation “domino effect”. ANTIOXIDANT-RICH FOODS Research suggests that eating plenty of foods high in antioxidants helps to slow the processes associated with aging and protect against many chronic diseases. Maximizing one’s antioxidant power will enhance overall health. Fruit and vegetables contain both nutritive and non-nutritive factors that can affect oxidative damage and enzymatic defense and might contribute to redox (antioxidant and prooxidant) actions. A new “6-a-day” study looked into the effects of fruits and vegetables on markers of oxidative stress and antioxidative defense in healthy nonsmokers by The Danish Institute for Food and Veterinary Research in Denmark. The study found that fruits and vegetables increase erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity and resistance of plasma lipoproteins to oxidation more efficiently than do the nutritive factors (vitamins and minerals) that the fruits and vegetables are also known to contain. Certain berries, such as blackberries, also contain salicylates, which are also linked to heart health and prevention of atherosclerosis. The protective effects of fruits and vegetables intake on both heart disease death and deaths in general have previously been demonstrated but researchers at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston. Quercetin is an anti-oxidizing flavonoid found in many berries (such as cranberries, bilberries, blueberries, strawberries, etc.) and can prevent CVDs (coronary vascular diseases), according to a recent Finnish study. All these natural plant polyphenols are responsible for the colors of many red and purple berries, fruits, vegetables and flowers. GOVERNMENT GUIDELINES The new federal guidelines released earlier this year by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommend eating more fruits and vegetables, combined, than any other food group -- five cups or about 10 servings a day for most adults. The amount of fruits and vegetables recommended has increased for men and women of every age. “Fruits and vegetables are the "good news" story of the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans for food-loving consumers, the industry and America's public health”, stated the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH). Eating a variety of colorful phytochemical-rich fruits and vegetables has been associated with lower risk of some chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Many authoritative organizations such as the National Cancer Institute and The American Heart Association recommend getting phytochemicals from whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, rather than from individual component supplements. The Scottish government is promoting healthy eating through a scheme designed to increase purchasing of fruit and nutritional foods. Scottish health minister Andy Kerr said, "This initiative shows that healthy eating can be good for customers and good for business." Scottish women are said to have the highest rates of death from lung cancer in the world as well as the highest rates in Europe for coronary heart disease. They also have low consumption of fruits and vegetables, shown in studies to help protect against some cancers and benefit heart health. ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) Free radicals and oxygen free radicals play an important role in the development and progression of many brain disorders such as brain injury, neurodegenerative disease, and Down syndrome. Oxidative stress is an important factor in the etiology and pathogenesis of diabetes & is also linked to other host of degenerative health conditions. Fortunately, antioxidants are available to support the body’s defense and fight disease and aging. Examples of “Fast acting antioxidants” in the body (serum) are: uric acid (polyphenols), ascorbate, bilirubin, vitamin E (the later two are lipid soluble). Examples of “Slow acting antioxidants” are glucose, urea nitrogen etc. In short, free radicals, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are generated as by-products of normal cellular metabolism. Their deleterious effects are minimized in vivo (in the body) by the presence of antioxidant systems. How do Antioxidants work? Antioxidants are substances in plants that help maintain health. Antioxidants protect against damage to cells caused by too many “free oxygen radicals,” which form because of the effects of oxidation. Smoking, sunlight, heavy exercise, and pollution all increase oxidation in the body. Most people would benefit by eating more (five to nine or more servings) fruits and vegetables & colorful plant foods, such as purple, dark green, yellow, orange, blue, and red ones, each day. These have healthful pigments along with antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin C, carotenoids, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin E, selenium, flavonoids, and other beneficial substances. There are numerous ways in which these antioxidants affect, but can be explained in two groups: Alpha (a) Effects: This refers to the scavenging or neutralizing of free radicals. These effects do not change the way humans (or animals) feel. There are also no noticeable health, psychological or emotional benefits. While there are no obvious changes, increased total antioxidant intakes are associated with decreased tumor rates, prevention of heart attacks and increased longevity. Beta (ß) Effects: These are the changes on health, psychological or emotional state that you or others will notice. In this case, the antioxidant is affecting metabolic processes (enzymes) with consequent changes in the physical (improvement in joint movements, improved skin condition, tissue damage recovery), emotional (better ability to cope with stress) or psychological state (increased alertness). The ORAC value Because most of the active nutritional components in fruits and vegetables are antioxidants, accurate measurement of antioxidant activity serves as a good indicator of potential health benefit. Scientific opinion runs high that ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) will eventually become a government standard of reference for overall daily fruits and vegetables intake. ORAC units are a measurement of the ability of food to stop oxidation. It is most generally expressed in terms of Trolox equivalent per gram (µmole Trolox equivalents (TE)/g). POPULATION DATA A survey done by the National Research Council indicates that only 10% of the US population consumes the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. The equivalent to eating 5 mixed servings of fruits and vegetables per day is about 1,670 ORAC units. Based on scientific evidence it is suggested that daily antioxidant intake should be increased to between 3,000 and 5,000 ORAC units per day, per human subject, in order to reach a significant antioxidant capacity in blood plasma and other tissues. WHAT IS NOW DOING TO HELP? In accord with our mission, “To provide value in products and services that empower people to lead healthier lives,” NOW® Foods is introducing an ALL-FRUIT-DERIVED antioxidant product called VitaBerry Plus +™ Super Fruit Antioxidant Vcaps (vegetarian capsules) (product number #3336). At time of manufacture this product provides an ORAC value of at least 2,500 units per serving from a full-spectrum antioxidant blend of fruits containing phytochemicals and phenolic compounds such as anthocyanins, proanthocyanins, chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid, quinic acid, resveratrol , many organic acids, resveratrol and vitamin C. VitaBerry Plus +™ is formulated with VitaBerry™ Hi-ORAC Fruit Blend [a proprietary blend of fruit extracts & concentrated powders containing Wild Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) extract, Grape (Vitis vinifera) & Grape seed extract, Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) & Raspberry seed extract, Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon), Prune (Prunus domestica), Tart Cherry (Prunus cerasus), Wild Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) extract & Strawberry (Fragaria virginia)], Hi-Active™ Orange (Citrus sinensis) and Pomegranate (Punica granatum) min. 40% ellagic acid fruit extract. One gram of VitaBerry™ Hi-ORAC Fruit Blend provides at least 6,000 ORAC units (i.e., µmole Trolox equivalents (TE)/g). (Also watch for an upcoming antioxidant product from NOW called Enzogenol® (Pinus radiata bark extract from New Zealand) with Rutin (a flavonoid from South American fruit of Dimorphandra mollis) and Grapeseed extract. IS IT EFFECTIVE? Total ORAC value includes both lipophilic and hydrophilic components. VitaBerry Plus +™ contains only water/hydroethanol based extracts and concentrated (100:1 to 125:1) freeze-dried fresh fruit blends, so the lipophilic ORAC value is mere 2-4% of the total ORAC value. Glutathione peroxidase is a selenium-containing enzyme that decreases cell death from brain injuries. It also acts as a critical first-line antioxidant defense on the airway (respiratory) epithelial surface against ROS and RNS (reactive nitrogen species. Genetics research has found that the glutathione S-transferase gene controls the onset of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease etc. Taking glutathione (GSH) itself as a supplement does not boost cellular glutathione levels, since it breaks down in the digestive tract before it reaches the cells. So glutathione precursor dietary supplements (such as NAC and GliSODin), along with fruits and vegetables, are effective in boosting intracellular levels of GSH. The lungs have a defense system against the ROS oxidants consisting of low molecular weight antioxidants such as GSH and intracellular enzymes such as SOD, catalase and glutathione peroxidase to protect against the toxic effects of oxidants generated within the cells. Some of the primary effects of VitaBerry Plus +™ against the common reactive free-radical species or ROS are as follows: - Superoxide dismutase-SOD (destroys Superoxide radicals),
- Catalase (neutralizes peroxides),
- Functions similar to reduced Glutathione (GSH),
- Glutathione peroxidase enzyme (detoxifies peroxides, using GSH as a reducing agent),
- Functions similar to Glutathione S-transferase (GST),
- Nullifies Superoxide-generating NADH/NADPH oxidase system In conclusion More concentrated than fresh berries, with over 6000 ORAC units per gram, VitaBerry Plus +™ provides consumers with the antioxidant power of almost 15 servings per day of FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ina convenient vegetarian capsule form! VitaBerry™ PLUS +™ (# 3336) provides a powerful, convenient way to supplement diets that do not include sufficient fruit and vegetable antioxidants Selected References: USDA/HHS guidelines report at: etaryguidelines/dga2005/document/ g Kaplan M., Hayek T. , Raz A., Coleman R. and Aviram M. Pomegranate juice supplementation to apolipoprotein E deficient mice with extensive atherosclerosis reduces macrophages lipid peroxidation, cellular cholesterol accumulation and development of atherosclerosis. J. Nutr. 131: 2082-2089 (2001) Lars O Dragsted et. al., The 6-a-day study:effects if fruit and vegetables on markers of oxidative stress and antioxidative defense in healthy nonsmokers. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 79, No. 6, 1060-1072, June 2004 Fuhrman B. and Aviram M. Polyphenols and flavaonoids protects LDL against atherogenic modifications.In: Handbook of Antioxidants Biochemical, Nutritional and Clinical Aspects, 2nd Edition. Cadenas E & Packer L (Eds.) Marcel Dekker, NY(Pub.). 16:303-336 (2001) Wood, Jacqueline, et al. Antioxidant activity of procyanidin-containing plant extracts at different pHs. Food Chemistry 77 (2002) 155-161 Aviram M. Pomegranate juice as a major source for polyphenolic flavonoids and it is most potent antioxidant against LDL oxidation and atherosclerosis. Free Radical Research 36 (Supplement 1): 71-72 (2002) Jennifer Schraag, Antioxidants: Nature’s Way of Balancing Life. HSR Health Supplement Retailer, Vol. 11, No. 2, 24-27, February 2005 com/news/printNewsBis.asp?id=58665 com/news/printNewsBis.asp?id=58697

Vitanet ®


Omega Man - For Men Interested in Optimal Health

Date: August 12, 2005 11:10 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega Man - For Men Interested in Optimal Health

Omega Man

For Men Interested in Optimal Health, Vitality and Staying Young

Scientists have discovered the key that unlocks the door to a longer life, healthy weight, optimal athletic performance, and overall well-being. That key is composed of essential fats, called omega-3 fatty acids. You need these fats to balance the effects of the male hormone testosterone. Found in flax, pumpkin seeds, and other plants, omega-3 fats are essential to well-being, vitality, and optimal fitness; yet most men are deficient in the omega-3s.

The low-fat and nonfat fads of the 1980s and 1990s taught nutrition experts a lot about the importance of omega-3 fats. As food manufacturers created one nonfat product after another, a strange thing happened- men got fatter and heart disease rates jumped.

Since then, experts at research institutions including Harvard and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have linked nonfat diets with depression, heart disease, weight gain, and poor physical performance.

We now know that all fats are not created equal. Although some fats are indeed bad for our health, other fats are essential to overall health, vitality, and well-being. Most men, however, over consume the wrong fats- those found in processed foods and animal products- and do not consume enough of the right fats. To make matters worse, the good omega-3s are dwindling from the food supply. Food processing has stripped this important fat from our foods, making supplementation necessary.

Thankfully, Omega Man from Barlean’s Organic Oils, a new whole food concentrate for men, will help reduce the risk of some of the most deadly and common men’s health problems. All men will benefit from Omega Man. Its blend of essential fats from flax, Styrian pumpkin seeds, and other sources complement one another, providing the optimal mix of the right types of fats, which promises to promote health and vitality no matter what your age.

From the athletic pursuits of your early twenties to the health concerns of your fifties and beyond, Omega Man is an important part of a man’s healthy diet and will unlock the door to a new, more vibrant, healthier you.

Recently, we’ve begun to report on the importance of certain men’s power foods and nutrients. By putting optimal amounts of these into men’s diets, men can ensure greater health and longevity.

Super Health Blend

Omega Man’s unique blend of flax, pumpkin and other fatty acid sources is an optimal formula for men’s health and vitality.

Organic Flaxseed Oil

Barlean’s award-winning organic omega-3 and lignan-rich flaxseed oil makes up the base of this formula and provides the richest and best-absorbed source of omega-3 fatty acids available. Other popular sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil, may contain contaminants such as mercury and industrial chemicals. Barlean’s flaxseed oil, on the other hand, comes from organic seeds grown in optimal conditions with no chemicals, pesticides, or other contaminants. You can feel safe knowing that all of Barlean’s flaxseed oil products, including Omega Man, are pure and fresh. They help you promote optimal health without polluting your body.


In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, Barlean’s lignan-rich flax oil is one of the world’s richest sources of lignans, important plant chemicals that act like hormones in the body. Lignans have been shown to bind to existing hormones in the body, bringing your hormones into the optimal balance needed for good health. Few men consume the amount of lignans needed to promote hormonal balance, making supplementation so important.

Lignans serve in the body to block two critical enzyme systems that serve to initiate prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The first is aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to a powerful testosterone derivative that is five times more powerful than its precursor in promoting prostatic disease. The second is 5-alpha reductase, and enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. Despite popular belief, estrogen is much more powerful in provoking prostate disease than testosterone. In fact, the ratio of testosterone to estrogen begins to weigh in favor of estrogen in the aging male. As testosterone levels decline with age, estrogen levels appear to remain relatively stable. Compared to younger men, the ratio of estrogen to testosterone is up to 40 percent higher in older men.

Breakthrough research is implicating the imbalance between testosterone to estrogen as a primary cause of prostate disease. Flying in the face of past misconceptions, it would actually serve the aging male to increase testosterone at the expense of estrogen. It appears that this is exactly what lignans do in blocking the enzyme necessary for converting testosterone to estrogen. When the enzyme is blocked, testosterone is spared because it is not being converted to estrogen. In what you could visualize as a seesaw-like action, the ratio of testosterone to estrogen begins to move back in favor of testosterone.

The action of lignans in sparing testosterone may hold greater implications than the obvious. Lack or loss of sexual desire in men and women is oftentimes associated with low testosterone levels. By preserving testosterone, many men and women may be able to retain or regain their sexual vigor. In fact, agents that block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen have been showing to increase testosterone levels by as much as 10 percent. (Speaking of sexuality, the surgical treatment of choice for prostatic disease (prostectomy) is the leading cause of impotency in men over 50. This fact alone should be powerful motivation for men of all ages to consider a supplemental regime to include lignans to lower the incidence of prostate cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy.)

The full significance of a “high-in-lignan” diet may be realized by the fact that lignans have been found isolated within prostatic fluids. Analytical work performed at a prominent cancer research center has indicated that the level of lignan in expressed prostatic fluid can be remarkable high, suggesting that it could well exercise a physiologic role within the gland. The glandular cells are certainly bathed in prostatic secretion for some considerable period, during which they could well influence cell biology. It has been established that the higher the intake of dietary lignans, the higher the physiologic lignan concentration in urine, blood plasma and prostatic secretions. The inference here is that the more dietary lignans that are ingested the more protection is offered in bathing the prostate gland in fluids high in protective lignans.

Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil

Barlean’s went to the edge of the earth to procure the seeds of a rare and unique pumpkin found only in the region of southeast Austria. It is reputed for its extraordinary wealth of vitamins A, C, E, and K and high levels of phytosterols, all important for reducing risk of enlarged prostate and in the fight again cancer and heart disease.

Phospholipid Concentrate

Nearly every part of your body, from your internal organs to your cell membranes to your brain, contains phospholipids. Phospholipid supplementation has been shown to promote heart, digestive, liver, and brain health. Omega Man contains the optimal amounts of phospholipids for your health.

Plant Phytosterol Complex

Omega man is a rich source of the plant phytosterols betasitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol. If men have not begun to put phytosterols into their diet, then they’re missing out on an important natural food constituent that offers protection against toe most common cancers, that is an excellent remedy for enlarges prostate, and lowers cholesterol. Phytosterols are used widely in Europe to treat enlarge prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and are known to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by interfering with cholesterol absorption. Omega Man contains an optimal blend.

Vitanet ®



Date: July 13, 2005 12:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (


New to North America but not to Europe, this natural product is considered safe and effective in the treatment of various diseases and for the maintenance of optimal health. This family of bioflavonoids is non-toxic, water soluble and highly bioavailable. Because proanthocyanidins scavenge free radicals so effectively, they have shown remarkable curative effects. Extensive research demonst rates that proanthocyanidins are such potent antioxidants, they find and neutralize free radicals with great rapidity, allowing cells to regenerate rather than deteriorate. Specific actions associated with Pycnogenol include:

  • • Binds with Collagen Fibers and helps restore skin elasticity
  • • Helps prevent excess wrinkling
  • • Protects capillaries from free radical damage which helps prevent phlebitis, varicose veins and bruising
  • • Treats Joint Pain and Injuries as a natural antiinflammatory
  • • Helps control and prevent edema
  • • Decreases the production of histamines in allergic reactions such as Hay Fever
  • • Reduces the risk of and treats diabetic retinopathy


    Testing has suggested that Pycnogenol flavonoids exhibited an anti-enzyme effect which prevented the break down of collagen and elastin, the very compounds which keep skin firm and inhibit the formation of wrinkles.7


    Unquestionably, studies have shown that Pycnogenol has the ability to inhibit cellular mutations.8 The implications of this finding for anyone suffering from tumor related disease which originates from cellular malfunctions should not be underestimated.


    The potential of Pycnogenol to pr e vent cellular deterioration or uncontrolled growth is profound to say the least. Several investigations have shown that if it is taken on a daily basis, Pycnogenol benefits people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and breast tumors.9 In addition, double blind placebo controlled studies have indicated that patients suffering from circulatory insufficiencies and diseases of the lymph system showed significant improvement in pain control and vessel elasticity after taking these flavonoids.10


    Subsequent experiments concluded that the family of bioflavonoids contained in Pycnogenol is capable of improving night vision and initialing “a rapid and marked improvement of visual performances after glare in comparison with control group.”11


    Pycnogenol is particularly valuable for anyone who suffers from water retention and edema. Studies at the Institute of Physiology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences confirm that this biofl avonoid compound stabilized capillary walls, which decreased fluid leakage into tissues which causes swelling and pressure.12


    The bioflavonoids found in Pycnogenol have been clinically indicated in the following pathological conditions:

  • • circulatory diseases, including cardiovascular disease and stroke
  • • varicose veins
  • • edema
  • • bruising
  • • capillary fragility (commonly seen in diabetes can cause retina damage and decrease sight)
  • • visual disturbances
  • • aging of skin
  • • diabetes
  • • stroke
  • • prostate disease
  • • wrinkles
  • • stress


  • • ULCERS
  • • LUPUS
  • • STROKE


    One of the most significant advantages of this flavonoid compound is its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. Consequently, it acts as an invaluable therapeutic agent in treating depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia or loss of memory.


    Other scientific tests have indicated that proanthocyanidins also posses anti-ulcer properties and may work to prevent the formation of undesirable chemicals in the stomach.13


  • VitaNet ® LLC. Discount Vitamin Store.