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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener Darrell Miller 5/31/24
Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor Darrell Miller 5/30/24
Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction Darrell Miller 5/29/24
Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin? Darrell Miller 12/7/23
Understanding Benfotiamine: The Fat-Soluble, Bioavailable and Physiologically Active Form of Thiamine Darrell Miller 7/27/23
5 Reasons to Look Forward to Cooler Weather with Cocoa Lovers™ Organic Hot Cocoa Darrell Miller 1/19/23
The Many Benefits of Graviola Leaves Darrell Miller 10/25/22
Betaine aka TMGs Many Benefits as a Methyl Donor Darrell Miller 10/21/22
Curcumin Absorption: How CuraMed Beats Other Supplements Darrell Miller 8/11/22
Safe and Effective Joint Pain Relief: Natural Supplements That Work Darrell Miller 7/21/22
How Melatonin Can Support a Healthy Sleep Cycle and More Darrell Miller 5/11/22
Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid Darrell Miller 4/30/22
Delta-8 THC Shows Promise in Combating Myocarditis Darrell Miller 4/29/22
Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease Darrell Miller 4/26/22
Green Tea Extracts: The Best Source of EGCG for Cognitive Health, Cellular Defense, and Mental Well-being Darrell Miller 4/25/22
How DIM Complex Supports Hormone Balance and Liver Function for Women of All Ages Darrell Miller 4/23/22
Argan Oil Benefits Darrell Miller 5/28/19
The key nutrients needed to prevent heart attacks, strokes andheart failure Darrell Miller 5/8/19
Can reishi mushrooms help prevent cancer and other life-threateningdiseases? Darrell Miller 5/3/19
Spice beats chemo: Study reveals turmeric is more effective atkilling cancer cells than chemo or radiation Darrell Miller 4/30/19
Can choline be used as an alternative treatment for Alzheimer'sdisease? VitaNet, LLC Staff 4/26/19
Fiber reduces inflammation, reducing risk of inflammatory diseasesand the rate of mortality Darrell Miller 4/17/19
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) treats back pain naturally: Research Darrell Miller 4/13/19
Vitamin C research booming, 'emerging evidence' promising - ThePress Darrell Miller 4/12/19
Science confirms turmeric as effective as 14 drugs Darrell Miller 3/26/19
Study proves the antifungal potential of thyme essential oil Darrell Miller 3/22/19
Lemongrass tea boosts the production of red blood cells, making ita great natural treatment for anemia Darrell Miller 1/9/19
Garlic the master medicine: Scientists find a compound in the herbthat can destroy resistant bacteria Darrell Miller 12/14/18
The importance of magnesium in the prevention and treatment of Type2 diabetes Darrell Miller 11/23/18
Delicious remedy: Licorice is a potential treatment forischemia-induced brain damage Darrell Miller 11/20/18
From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/13/18
Higher omega-3s status linked to less depression in population withheart failure Darrell Miller 9/20/18
How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally in 28 Simple (!) Steps Darrell Miller 7/31/18
Three nutrient dense superfoods that are easy on your digestion Darrell Miller 6/23/18
How green tea could help prevent heart attacks Darrell Miller 6/3/18
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Antioxidant power: Blueberry extract found to improve health outcomes for women receiving radiation for cervical cancer, reducing the damaging effects of the therapy Darrell Miller 1/6/18
Indiana senator files bill to legalize sale, possession of CBD oil Darrell Miller 1/3/18
Eating fish once a week may promote sleep and boost IQ Darrell Miller 12/25/17
NBC: Doctor researching cancer says common plant may hold cancer cure Darrell Miller 12/25/17
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Study: Single Dose Of CBD Shown To Reduce Blood Pressure Darrell Miller 8/25/17
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Starving prostate cancer with what you eat: Apple peels, red grapes, turmeric Darrell Miller 6/11/17
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Here's How CBD Can Help Your Hyper Toddler Darrell Miller 5/12/17
Can turmeric really shrink tumours, reduce pain and kill bacteria? Darrell Miller 5/9/17
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Marijuana could help treat drug addiction, mental health, study suggests Darrell Miller 2/19/17
Cannabis and Epilepsy Treatment Darrell Miller 1/30/17
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Inositol is a vital nutrient for your body that could prevent and heal cancer Darrell Miller 12/5/16
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Reducing salt intake may help protect kidney patients’ heart and kidney health Darrell Miller 12/3/16
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Is Erythritol A Better Sweetener Than Sugar? Darrell Miller 9/2/15
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Can Fenugreek Seed Help Lower Blood Sugar? Darrell Miller 5/17/12

The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

Date: May 31, 2024 11:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

The History of Stevia: From Ancient Sweet Leaf to Global Sweetener

Stevia, a natural sweetener that has become globally popular in recent years, boasts a rich history spanning centuries. This article delves into the origins and historical significance of stevia, shedding light on its traditional use by indigenous peoples and its evolution into a mainstream alternative to sugar.

The Origins of Stevia

Stevia, scientifically known as Stevia rebaudiana, originates from South America. This small, green plant is part of the Asteraceae family, which also includes daisies and sunflowers. The leaves of the stevia plant contain sweet compounds known as steviol glycosides, which are responsible for its sweetness.

Traditional Use by the Guaraní People

The historical journey of stevia begins with the Guaraní people of Paraguay and Brazil, who have used the plant for over 1,500 years. The Guaraní referred to stevia as "ka'a he'ê," which translates to "sweet herb." They traditionally used stevia leaves to sweeten beverages like yerba maté, a popular herbal tea, and to enhance the flavor of various traditional dishes.

Stevia wasn't just a sweetener for the Guaraní; it also held medicinal importance. The leaves were used to treat a variety of conditions, including burns, stomach issues, and as a general tonic. This dual use of stevia as both a sweetener and a medicinal plant highlights its invaluable role in indigenous culture.

Stevia's Journey to the Modern World

Rediscovery by European Explorers

The modern history of stevia began in the 16th century when European explorers first arrived in South America. Spanish botanist and physician Pedro Jaime Esteve (1500–1556) is often credited with the early European studies on stevia, although the plant was not widely documented until later.

Interest in stevia grew in the early 20th century when it was scientifically studied by Paraguayan chemist Ovidio Rebaudi. Rebaudi analyzed the sweet properties of stevia leaves and confirmed that they were much sweeter than sugar, which caught the attention of the scientific community.

Introduction to Asia and Beyond

In the 1970s, stevia began gaining traction in Japan as the country sought alternatives to artificial sweeteners. Japanese researchers developed methods for extracting and refining steviol glycosides from stevia leaves, making it possible to use stevia as a commercial sweetener. The success of stevia in Japan set the stage for its global acceptance.

Stevia in the Modern Health Movement

Health Benefits and Advantages

Stevia's rise in popularity can be attributed to its myriad of health benefits. Unlike sugar, stevia is calorie-free, making it an attractive option for those managing their weight. Additionally, stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose levels, which is beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those monitoring their carbohydrate intake.

Moreover, steviol glycosides are stable at high temperatures, making stevia a versatile sweetener suitable for cooking and baking. This thermal stability, combined with its natural origin, has positioned stevia as a preferred option for health-conscious consumers.

Regulatory Approval and Global Adoption

The journey of stevia to becoming a global sweetener has involved rigorous scientific scrutiny and regulatory approval. In 2008, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted stevia the status of "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS), which paved the way for its use in a wide range of food and beverage products.

Following the FDA's approval, other countries, including those in the European Union, Canada, and Australia, also approved the use of stevia in food and beverages. Today, stevia is found in everything from soft drinks to baked goods, reflecting its widespread acceptance and global reach.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Overcoming Obstacles

Despite its many advantages, the path to widespread adoption of stevia has not been without challenges. One of the initial hurdles was the aftertaste associated with some of the early stevia extracts. However, advances in extraction and formulation techniques have significantly improved the taste profile of stevia, making it more palatable for consumers.

Another challenge has been ensuring the sustainable cultivation of stevia. As demand grows, it is essential to implement agricultural practices that support environmental sustainability and fair labor conditions for farmers.

Research and Innovation

The future of stevia holds exciting possibilities as ongoing research continues to explore new applications and improvements. Scientists are currently investigating the potential of stevia extracts in providing health benefits beyond sweetness, such as their antioxidant properties and possible roles in managing certain health conditions.

Innovations in biotechnology are also paving the way for the development of new stevia varieties with enhanced sweetness and improved agronomic traits. These advancements could further solidify stevia's position as a key player in the global sweetener market.

In Summary

The history of stevia is a fascinating journey from the rainforests of South America to the shelves of supermarkets around the world. From its traditional use by the Guaraní people to its rediscovery by European explorers and subsequent global adoption, stevia has proven to be a remarkable sweetener with enduring significance. As the modern world continues to prioritize health and wellness, stevia's natural sweetness offers a much-needed alternative to sugar, promising a future where we can enjoy the sweetness of life without compromising our health.

Are You Ready to Make a Sweet Change?

If you've been searching for a healthier way to satisfy your sweet tooth, the journey of stevia offers a compelling reason to make the switch. With its rich history rooted in traditional use by the Guaraní people, and its scientifically-backed benefits recognized globally, stevia stands out as a truly remarkable sweetener. Free from calories and gentle on blood glucose levels, it's an excellent choice for both weight management and diabetes care. Plus, its versatility in cooking and baking means you won't have to compromise on your favorite recipes.

Join the growing number of health-conscious consumers who are choosing stevia for a naturally sweet life. Explore its various forms—from whole leaves to refined steviol glycosides—and incorporate this natural sweetener into your diet today. Embrace the future of sweetening and enjoy the benefits of stevia for yourself and your loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Stevia

What is stevia?

Stevia is a natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, which is native to South America. It has been used for centuries by the Guaraní people and is known for being much sweeter than sugar while containing zero calories.

How is stevia used as a sweetener?

Stevia can be used in various forms, including whole leaves, powdered extracts, and liquid concentrates. It is commonly used to sweeten beverages, baked goods, and other foods. Thanks to its stability at high temperatures, stevia can also be used in cooking and baking.

Is stevia safe to consume?

Yes, stevia is considered safe for consumption. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted stevia the status of "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS). It has also been approved for use in many other countries, including those in the European Union, Canada, and Australia.

Can stevia help with weight management?

Stevia can be an effective tool for weight management because it contains no calories. Replacing sugar with stevia in your diet can help reduce overall calorie intake, which may contribute to weight loss or maintenance.

Is stevia suitable for people with diabetes?

Stevia is suitable for people with diabetes as it has a negligible effect on blood glucose levels. This makes it a preferable alternative to sugar for those needing to monitor their carbohydrate intake. However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet.

Does stevia have any side effects?

Stevia is generally well-tolerated and considered safe for most people. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects, such as digestive discomfort, when consuming large amounts. It is advisable to use stevia in moderation.

What does stevia taste like?

Stevia is known to be much sweeter than sugar, and its taste can vary depending on the form used and the specific product. Early versions of stevia extracts were noted for having a slight aftertaste, though modern formulations have significantly improved the taste profile.

How is stevia cultivated?

Stevia is typically grown in subtropical and tropical climates. Sustainable cultivation practices are essential as the demand for stevia increases. These practices include using environmentally friendly agricultural methods and ensuring fair labor conditions for farmers.

Are there any environmental benefits to using stevia?

Stevia has the potential to be more sustainable than traditional sugar crops. It requires less land and water to produce the same level of sweetness, which can reduce the environmental impact associated with sugar cultivation.

Can stevia be used in baking?

Yes, stevia can be used in baking due to its high-temperature stability. However, because it is much sweeter than sugar, recipes may need to be adjusted to account for its intensity. Many commercially available stevia sweeteners come with specific usage guidelines for cooking and baking.

Are there different types of stevia products?

Yes, stevia products come in various forms, including whole leaves, powdered extracts, and liquid concentrates. Some products are blended with other sweeteners or filler ingredients to better mimic the taste and texture of sugar.

How does stevia compare to artificial sweeteners?

Stevia is a natural sweetener, which sets it apart from many artificial sweeteners. It is derived from a plant and does not undergo extensive chemical processing. Many consumers prefer stevia because it is perceived as a more natural and healthier option.

What research is being done on stevia?

Ongoing research on stevia explores its potential health benefits beyond sweetness, such as its antioxidant properties and possible roles in managing certain health conditions. Innovations in biotechnology are also working to develop new stevia varieties with enhanced sweetness and other desirable traits.

Where can I buy stevia?

Stevia products are widely available at VitaNet LLC. Stevia can be found in the baking aisle or the section dedicated to natural and alternative sweeteners.

By understanding the benefits and uses of stevia, you can make an informed decision about incorporating this natural sweetener into your diet. With its rich history, proven health benefits, and versatility, stevia offers a compelling alternative to traditional sugar.


Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Date: May 30, 2024 12:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Culinary Uses of Stevia: Sweeten Your Dishes Without Compromising Flavor

Stevia has garnered attention as a natural, calorie-free sweetener that can seamlessly replace sugar in various recipes. Derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, this sweetener is known for its ability to provide a satisfying sweetness without the health drawbacks associated with traditional sugar. In this article, we'll explore creative recipes and practical tips for incorporating stevia into everyday cooking and baking, allowing you to enjoy your favorite dishes without compromising on taste.

Benefits of Using Stevia

Before diving into recipes, it's important to understand why stevia is a fantastic alternative to sugar. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Zero Calories: Unlike sugar, stevia gives you sweetness without adding calories, making it ideal for weight management.
  2. Low Glycemic Index: Stevia doesn't raise blood sugar levels, making it a suitable option for people with diabetes or those watching their carb intake.
  3. Natural Origin: Derived from a plant, stevia offers a more natural sweetening option compared to artificial sweeteners.

Baking with Stevia

Stevia can effectively replace sugar in many baking recipes, but it's essential to remember that it is much sweeter than sugar. Typically, a teaspoon of stevia extract can replace a cup of sugar, but always refer to specific conversion charts provided by stevia product manufacturers.

Stevia-Sweetened Chocolate Chip Cookies


  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon white stevia sweetener (or stevia-sweet chocolate chips) to desired taste.
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup stevia-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, and salt.
  3. In another bowl, cream the butter and brown stevia sweetener until smooth. Beat in the egg and vanilla extract.
  4. Gradually blend in the dry ingredients.
  5. Fold in the chocolate chips.
  6. Drop by spoonful onto a cookie sheet.
  7. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Cool on wire racks.

Cooking with Stevia

Beyond baking, stevia can introduce a hint of sweetness to savory dishes as well. Here are some innovative ways to include stevia in your everyday cooking.

Stevia BBQ Sauce


  • 1 1/2 cups tomato sauce
  • 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 to 1 teaspoon stevia sweetener (Kal Sure Stevia Powder) add to desired sweetness
  • 2 tablespoons molasses
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.
  3. Cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally until sauce thickens.
  4. Use immediately or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.

Drinks and Smoothies

Stevia is also great for sweetening beverages. Whether it’s a refreshing iced tea or a nutritious smoothie, stevia can add the perfect touch of sweetness.

Stevia Lemonade


  • 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 4 cups water
  • Stevia sweetener to taste
  • Ice cubes
  • Lemon slices for garnish


  1. In a pitcher, combine lemon juice, water, and stevia sweetener.
  2. Stir well until the stevia dissolves.
  3. Add ice cubes and lemon slices as desired.
  4. Serve chilled.

Tips for Cooking with Stevia

  • Understand Stevia Varieties: Stevia comes in various forms—liquid, granulated, and powdered. Liquid stevia is excellent for beverages, while granulated and powdered forms are better suited for baking.
  • Adjust Recipes Accordingly: Because stevia is so much sweeter than sugar, you may find that you also need to adjust other elements in recipes such as liquids and flour.
  • Watch for Aftertaste: Some people notice a slight aftertaste with stevia. Combining it with other natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup can help balance this out.
  • Experiment and Taste Test: Always taste test when trying out a new stevia-based recipe. This will allow you to fine-tune the sweetness to your preference.

Stevia opens up a world of culinary possibilities, letting you enjoy the sweetness of your favorite recipes without the drawbacks of sugar. From delectable desserts like chocolate chip cookies to savory innovations like homemade BBQ sauce, the versatility of stevia can enhance all your culinary creations. Remember, the key is to experiment and adapt recipes to suit your taste, making stevia a valuable and enjoyable part of your cooking repertoire.


Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Date: May 29, 2024 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Stevia has gained significant popularity as a natural sweetener, but with popularity comes a wave of misconceptions and myths. As consumers become more health-conscious and seek alternatives to sugar, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction regarding Stevia. This article debunks stevia myths with evidence-based info to clarify consumer doubts.

Myth 1: Stevia Is Artificial


One of the most prevalent myths about stevia is that it is artificial. In reality, stevia is a completely natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. The plant has been used for centuries by indigenous people in South America for its sweetening properties. Unlike artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or saccharin, stevia is derived from a natural source and processed to extract its sweet components, known as steviol glycosides.

Myth 2: Stevia Is Harmful


Another common misconception is that stevia is harmful to health. Scientific studies and regulatory organizations have repeatedly confirmed the safety of stevia. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies high-purity stevia extracts as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) for consumption. Furthermore, research indicates that stevia can have health benefits like lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, making it a suitable sweetener for individuals with diabetes and hypertension.

Myth 3: Stevia Tastes Bad


Some people believe that stevia has a bitter aftertaste, which makes it less appealing as a sweetener. While early formulations of stevia extracts indeed presented a noticeable bitter aftertaste, advancements in processing have minimized this issue. Modern high-purity stevia products are often combined with other natural sweeteners or flavor enhancers to improve taste, making them virtually indistinguishable from sugar in many applications.

Myth 4: Stevia Is Only for Diabetics


While it’s true that stevia is an excellent sweetener for individuals managing diabetes due to its zero-calorie and zero-carbohydrate nature, it is not exclusive to them. Anyone looking to reduce sugar consumption or seeking a natural alternative can benefit from using stevia. It is a versatile sweetener that can be used in a variety of foods and beverages, making it suitable for the general population striving for a healthier lifestyle.

Myth 5: All Stevia Products Are the Same


Not all stevia products are created equal. The purity and quality of stevia extracts can vary significantly between products. It's crucial to read labels and choose products that contain high-purity stevia extracts, as some products on the market contain added fillers or lower-grade stevia. By selecting reputable brands and scrutinizing ingredient lists, consumers can ensure they are using high-quality stevia that meets their health standards.

Kal Sure Stevia Extract is one of those high-quality brands that stand out in the market. Known for its commitment to purity and potency, Kal Sure Stevia Extract offers a product that is free from fillers and unnecessary additives. The brand’s stringent quality control measures ensure that each batch contains only high-purity stevia extracts, delivering consistent sweetness without the aftertaste. Consumers can trust Kal Sure Stevia Extract as a safe, reliable, and pleasant-tasting alternative to conventional sugar. When choosing a stevia product, it's essential to opt for a brand like Kal Sure stevia to enjoy the full benefits of this natural sweetener.

Myth 6: Stevia Causes Allergic Reactions


Some believe that consuming stevia can trigger allergies. However, stevia is generally considered hypoallergenic and does not commonly cause allergic reactions. There have been few documented cases of stevia allergies, and these are typically related to individuals with specific sensitivities. For the vast majority of people, stevia is a safe and well-tolerated sweetener, even for those with common food allergies.

Myth 7: Stevia Leads to Weight Gain


The notion that stevia contributes to weight gain is counterintuitive, given its zero-calorie nature. Unlike sugar, which is high in calories and contributes to weight gain, stevia provides sweetness without adding calories. Using stevia instead of sugar can help reduce overall caloric intake, aiding in weight management efforts. Multiple studies have shown that replacing sugar with stevia can be an effective strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Myth 8: Stevia Disrupts Metabolism


Concerns about stevia disrupting metabolism are unfounded. Research indicates that stevia neither affects metabolic rates nor alters insulin sensitivity in a negative manner. On the contrary, stevia has been shown to have a neutral or even beneficial impact on metabolism, particularly for individuals with metabolic disorders like diabetes. It allows for sweetening without the metabolic consequences associated with high sugar consumption.

Myth 9: Stevia Can’t Be Used in Baking


There is a misconception that stevia is unsuitable for baking due to its chemical composition. While it is true that baking with stevia requires some adjustments—since it does not have the same physical properties as sugar—it can still be used effectively. Bakers often use stevia in combination with other ingredients to achieve the desired texture and sweetness. Many recipes and commercial products have successfully incorporated stevia, proving its versatility in baking applications.

Myth 10: Stevia Is Expensive


Consumers sometimes think that switching to stevia will significantly increase their grocery bills. While high-purity stevia products may be more expensive per ounce than sugar, they are much sweeter. A small amount of stevia goes a long way, which means that even a small container can last a long time. In the long run, the cost of stevia can be comparable to or even less than sugar, particularly when considering the health benefits and potential medical cost savings from reduced sugar consumption. Brands like Kal Stevia 3.5 oz contains 1800 servings per container.

Are You Ready to Sweeten Your Life?

It is crucial to approach any information about stevia with a critical eye and rely on evidence-based data rather than myths. Stevia is a natural, safe, and versatile sweetener that offers numerous health benefits without the downsides of sugar and artificial sweeteners. By debunking these common misconceptions, consumers can make informed choices that contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Take the Next Step Towards a Healthier Life

Now is the perfect time to reconsider your sweetening choices and embrace the benefits of stevia. With its proven safety, versatility in cooking, and numerous health advantages, stevia stands out as a superior alternative to traditional sugar and artificial sweeteners. Start exploring reputable brands, like Kal Sure Stevia Extract, and experiment with incorporating stevia into your daily routine. By making this simple switch, you can enhance your overall well-being without compromising on taste. Visit your local grocery store or trusted online retailer to find high-quality stevia products and embark on your journey to a healthier, sweeter life today!


Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin?

Date: December 07, 2023 12:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin?

Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin?

Glutathione (GSH), often considered as an amino acid but actually a tripeptide, is an antioxidant primarily synthesized in the liver. Composed of cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, it plays a crucial role in the synthesis and repair of DNA and protein, as well as the synthesis of prostaglandins. With its involvement in various functions like amino acid transport, toxin and carcinogen metabolism, immune system function, prevention of oxidative cell damage, and activation of enzymes, it is undoubtedly the most important tripeptide in the body.

While the benefits of supplementing with glutathione are numerous, two particularly compelling reasons are its positive impact on liver health and beautiful skin, which are the key focus of this article. However, before diving into the specifics of liver health and skin benefits, it's important to review the data on glutathione depletion and absorption.

GSH depletion can occur due to various oxidative stressors such as radiation, v.infections, enviro toxins, household chemicals, heavy metals, surgery, inflammation, burns, septic shock, and dietary deficiencies of GSH precursors and enzyme cofactors. Additionally, research suggests that GSH levels tend to decline with age.

The bioavailability of glutathione as a dietary supplement has encountered challenges in the past. Studies in the 1990s suggested that oral GSH might be inactivated by peptidases in the gut, as the levels of glutathione in the body did not seem to correlate with dietary intake, despite its presence in fruits, vegetables, and meats. Moreover, previous studies showed no significant increase in blood GSH levels when subjects were given high doses of 1,000-3,000 mg. As a result, alternative strategies like supplementation with NAC were used to boost GSH levels.

In 2014, something interesting happened that changed the way we look at the bioavailability of GSH. A groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shed new light on the old research. This study showed that GSH, when taken in its intact form as OPITAC, a yeast-derived glutathione by Kohjin/Mitsubishi, can actually be rapidly transported across intestinal epithelial cells. Once inside, it gets rapidly converted into oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and accumulates in red blood cells and the liver, with only a small presence in plasma. So, although the GSH was indeed absorbed, it didn't show up in blood plasma because it transformed into GSSG and stored in the red blood cells and the liver. The bottom line is, supplementing with GSH is an effective way to boost GSH levels in the body.

This finding was further confirmed in another study that described how OPITAC, as a yeast-derived glutathione by Kohjin/Mitsubishi, is directly absorbed in its electrochemically reduced form in the intestine, then transported in the blood in bound forms, and eventually deposited into the liver in its reduced form.

But here's where it gets even more significant. A six-month randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial involving 54 adults was conducted to investigate the effects of oral GSH supplementation (250 or 1,000 mg/day, as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi) on GSH levels in various parts of the body, including blood, erythrocytes, plasma, lymphocytes, and exfoliated buccal mucosal cells. The results were astounding. After one, three, and six months, GSH levels in blood increased significantly compared to baseline in both dosage groups. At the six-month mark, GSH levels skyrocketed 30-35 percent in erythrocytes, plasma, and lymphocytes, and a mind-boggling 260 percent in buccal cells in the 1,000 mg group (P < 0.05). Even in the low-dose group, GSH levels in blood and erythrocytes increased by 17 and 29 percent, respectively (P < 0.05). This research clearly demonstrates that supplementation with GSH is not only effective for increasing GSH levels in the body but also for maintaining them.

So, to sum it all up, the evidence speaks volumes - supplementing with GSH can have a profound impact on your body's GSH levels, and trust me, that's definitely a good thing!

Liver Health

When it comes to our well-being, the liver is a true superhero. Let's dive into some fascinating details about this essential organ.

Did you know that the liver is not only the largest reservoir of GSH (glutathione) but also a major site of GSH manufacture in the body? Pretty impressive, right? Special cells in the liver work tirelessly to synthesize GSH, which plays a crucial role in detoxification. Speaking of detoxification, the liver is a champion in this field. Its cells have sophisticated mechanisms to break down toxic substances, be it internal or external compounds.

During the detoxification process, the liver attaches or conjugates the toxins to water-soluble substances. This attachment makes the toxic molecules more water-soluble, less harmful, and easier to eliminate via urine or bile. In fact, glutathione conjugation produces water-soluble mercaptates that are excreted via the kidneys, effectively detoxifying acetaminophen and nicotine. Isn't it amazing how this process helps our bodies get rid of harmful substances?

But that's not all. Adequate levels of glutathione are crucial for the elimination of fat-soluble compounds, particularly heavy metals like mercury and lead. What's more, GSH serves as a cofactor for various peroxidase enzymes, aiding in the detoxification of peroxides generated from oxygen radical attacks on biological molecules. It also assists transhydrogenase enzymes in reducing oxidized centers on DNA, proteins, and other biomolecules. Talk about a multitasker!

The practical significance of this liver superhero was demonstrated in a study involving workers exposed to lead. A group of five workers received GSH at 200 mg/day for 30 days, while five others served as the control group. The results were striking. The group receiving GSH showed a significant increase in ALA dehydratase activity (which is inhibited by lead) compared to the control group (p < 0.05). This indicates that GSH could be a valuable solution for treating patients with lead poisoning.

So, let's take a moment to appreciate the remarkable liver and its incredible role in maintaining our health and well-being!

Alcohol Intoxication

Alcohol consumption is widely recognized for its capability to induce hepatic steatosis, also known as fatty liver disease, and disrupt biomembranes due to hepatic lipid peroxidation. This can lead to various lifestyle-related diseases and even hepatic cirrhosis by diminishing hepatic physiological function. Nevertheless, animal studies have shown that hepatic damage caused by alcohol intoxication can be mitigated by glutathione (GSH), a powerful antioxidant found in cells.

To further investigate the impact of GSH supplementation on the effects of alcohol intake, a human crossover comparative study was conducted. The study involved twenty healthy men and women who were grouped into three categories: placebo, 100 mg GSH (as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi), and 30 mg curcumin. The study evaluated laboratory parameters, including breath alcohol concentration at different time intervals (20, 60, 120, and 180 minutes post-alcohol consumption) as measured by an alcohol checker. Additionally, subjective feelings were assessed through a questionnaire. During the study, all participants consumed whiskey in a quantity equal to their body weight multiplied by 1.25 mL, and were instructed to drink the entire sample within 10 minutes.

The results revealed that the breath alcohol concentration in the group supplemented with GSH significantly decreased compared to the placebo and curcumin groups at 20 (p<0.01), 60 (p<0.01), 120 (p<0.05), and 180 (p<0.08) minutes post-consumption. Furthermore, the GSH group reported lower levels of "sleepiness," "headache," and "upset stomach" in the subjective feeling questionnaire. Importantly, the concentration of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), an indicator of alcohol-induced organ damage, was significantly lower in the GSH group after two months compared to the placebo group.

The oral intake of GSH has demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing alcohol consumption-related stress and improving long-term hepatic function. These findings highlight the potential benefits of GSH supplementation in alleviating the detrimental effects of alcohol intoxication on the liver.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition characterized by the build-up of fat in the liver of individuals who consume little or no alcohol. Unfortunately, NAFLD is quite common, affecting nearly one-third of all American adults. Interestingly, it often presents without readily apparent signs or symptoms, sometimes resulting in complications, and can lead to liver inflammation and scarring as the fat accumulates. Additionally, NAFLD is typically associated with conditions such as insulin resistance, central obesity, reduced glucose tolerance, type-2 diabetes, and elevated triglyceride levels.

Recognizing the substantial role glutathione (GSH) plays in phase 2 liver detoxification, a pilot trial was conducted to examine the therapeutic effects of GSH supplementation in patients with NAFLD. The trial included 29 individuals, and the patients were provided with daily oral supplementation of GSH at a dose of 300 mg (in the form of OPITAC glutathione, from Kohjin/Mitsubishi). The patients' clinical parameters were assessed before and after the GSH supplementation, and liver fat and fibrosis were quantified as well. The primary goal of the study was to determine any changes in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. The results indicated a significant decrease in ALT levels following the GSH supplementation. Furthermore, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids, and ferritin levels also showed a reduction. This pilot study provides promising evidence for the potential therapeutic effects of oral glutathione administration, even at practical doses, in patients diagnosed with NAFLD. However, further investigation through large-scale clinical trials is necessary to validate its efficacy.

In summary, NAFLD is a prevalent condition with potential serious consequences, but studies like the aforementioned pilot trial shed light on potential treatment options such as GSH supplementation. The findings demonstrate the need for continued research in order to provide more conclusive evidence and expand our understanding of NAFLD management.

Beautiful Skin

By activating melanocytes in the skin, there is a notable increase in melanin formation, resulting in various blemishes such as freckles, pigmentation, and UV-induced skin spots, commonly known as age spots or liver spots. This is especially prominent after prolonged sun exposure and tanning. Age spots appear when melanin becomes concentrated or "clumped" in areas that have had years of frequent sun exposure. Luckily, there are materials like glutathione that can prevent or improve such pigmentation-related skin conditions.

Another aspect to consider is skin pigmentation, wrinkles, and pores. In a study conducted with eight women in their 30s or early 40s, each supplemented with 100 mg/day of GSH (as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi) for two months, their skin conditions were evaluated using the Robo Skin Analyzer. Several parameters were analyzed, including skin brightness, the amount and area of skin pigmentation, number of pores, and number of wrinkles under the eyes. It was observed that all subjects' skin brightness improved when measured on the second day of the study. Additionally, over the course of the two months, both the amount and area of skin pigmentation decreased, leading to an improvement in blemishes and pigmentation. Not only did glutathione exhibit a whitening effect, but it also reduced the number of wrinkles under the eyes and minimized pores.

Furthermore, a randomized, double-blind, two-arm, placebo-controlled study was conducted with 60 otherwise healthy medical students. The purpose was to investigate whether supplementing with 500 mg of glutathione daily for four weeks would affect the skin melanin index compared to a placebo. Melanin indices were measured at six different sites on the body. The results demonstrated that melanin indices consistently decreased at all six sites in subjects who received glutathione after four weeks. The reductions were statistically significant compared to those who received the placebo at two sites: the right side of the face and the sun-exposed left forearm (p = 0.021 and 0.036, respectively). This improvement was likewise reflected in the reduction of UV spots. Importantly, both glutathione and placebo were well-tolerated. In conclusion, oral administration of glutathione leads to a lightening of skin color in the tested subjects.

Skin Lightening

Skin lightening is a process that is of interest to many individuals who seek to achieve a more even and radiant complexion. In recent studies, the use of a lozenge containing GSH 500 mg was explored as a means of skin lightening through an open-label, single-arm trial. The focus of this trial was to evaluate the buccal mucosa as a route for GSH administration and its potential in relation to skin lightening. It is worth noting that substances absorbed through the buccal route have the advantage of entering directly into the systemic circulation, effectively bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

The trial involved thirty Filipino females with Fitzpatrick skin types IV or V who received a daily glutathione-containing lozenge for eight weeks. The results from this trial demonstrated a significant decrease in melanin indices from baseline to endpoint. What is fascinating is that this visible change became evident in as little as two weeks. It is important to highlight that during this trial, there were no recorded serious adverse events, and the laboratory examination findings remained normal. Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that the lozenge containing glutathione was deemed safe and effective in lightening the skin of Filipino women.

In addition to the aforementioned buccal route administration, another interesting approach that emerged from the studies is the topical application of GSH. A double-blind randomized clinical trial35 conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, involved 74 healthy Indonesian women, with an average age of 33.3 ± 5.9 years, to explore the potential benefits of topical GSH. The trial subjects received supervised applications of facial wash twice a day, along with day cream containing sunscreen and night cream. The subjects were divided into three groups based on the active ingredients of the tested products, which included GSH (as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi) at concentrations of 0.1 percent and 0.5 percent, and a control group without GSH.

Throughout the trial, the effects of the tested products on skin color and pigmentation were measured using colorimetry with Chromameter Minolta for L. Compared to the baseline measurements, there were significant increases in lightness (L) detected as early as week 2 for the group using GSH at 0.1 percent concentration. Interestingly, this increase was significantly higher compared to the group using GSH at the higher concentration of 0.5 percent, as well as the group without GSH. It is important to note that hyperpigmented lesions also showed improvement, particularly in the group using GSH at 0.5 percent concentration, which displayed superiority compared to the other groups at week 8. In conclusion, the skin care products containing GSH at 0.1 percent and 0.5 percent concentrations were found to be effective in lightening facial skin.

The findings from these studies shed light on the potential benefits of GSH in achieving skin lightening, either through buccal administration or topical application. It is worth noting that these studies focused on specific populations and more research is necessary to explore its effectiveness and safety across different skin types and ethnicities.

In summary, the administration of Glutathione sublingual clinically studiedglutathione, whether oral, buccal, or topical, has shown promising results in skin lightening and the improvement of complexion. Studies have demonstrated that glutathione not only enhances skin brightness but also reduces hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and minimizes pores. Moreover, its effects have been evident in as little as two weeks, with a sustained impact over longer periods. These benefits were observed across a range of different skin types and ethnicities. However, it is important to highlight that these findings are based on specific populations, and more research needs to be conducted to confirm the consistency of these effects across a broader spectrum of skin types and ethnicities. The studies have also confirmed that the usage of glutathione is well-tolerated with no serious adverse effects reported.


Understanding Benfotiamine: The Fat-Soluble, Bioavailable and Physiologically Active Form of Thiamine

Date: July 27, 2023 12:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Understanding Benfotiamine: The Fat-Soluble, Bioavailable and Physiologically Active Form of Thiamine

What if there existed a form of thiamine that was more bioavailable and physiologically active than the conventional form we all know about? Well, that form does exist, and it is called Benfotiamine. Benfotiamine has been gaining popularity lately, especially among people dealing with diabetes and other metabolic disorders. But what exactly is Benfotiamine, and what makes it different? Lets explore Benfotiamine, its bioavailability, and its physiological effects.

Thiamine, also known as Vitamin B1, is a nutrient that plays a crucial role in energy production, nerve function, and metabolism. It is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water and is not stored by the body. However, conventional forms of thiamine have a limited ability to cross cell membranes and are easily excreted out of the body, rendering it ineffective for some individuals. This is where Benfotiamine comes in; it is a modified form of Vitamin B1 that is fat-soluble, highly bioavailable, and because cells are wrapped in lipid fat this form of B1 is capable of crossing cell membranes with ease.

Since our cell membranes are composed of lipids, fat-soluble nutrients can easily penetrate the cell barrier and get into living cells where the vitamin is needed. Upon entering the bloodstream, benfotiamine is converted to thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP), the biologically active co-enzyme of thiamin, which is responsible for energy metabolism. By raising the blood levels of TPP, benfotiamine has been shown to support glucose metabolism, reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, and protect against the damage caused by high levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

In addition to its bioavailability, benfotiamine has been shown to have several physiological effect on the body. One of the key enzymes that benfotiamine influences is transketolase, which is involved in the pentose phosphate pathway, a metabolic pathway that generates NADPH, a vital molecule that protects cells against oxidative stress. By stimulating transketolase, benfotiamine supports the diversion of excess glucose to the pentose phosphate pathway, thereby reducing the production of reactive oxygen species and increasing the production of NADPH.

Another significant benefit of benfotiamine is that it helps protect the nervous system. Chronic high blood glucose levels are known to cause oxidative stress and to damage the peripheral and central nervous systems. However, benfotiamine has been shown to help lower oxidative stress markers and reduce the risk of nerve damage. This can in turn help reduce pain, numbness, and tingling sensations associated with nerve damage, making it a promising adjunct therapy for people with diabetic neuropathy.

In Summary: benfotiamine is a modified and bioavailable form of thiamine that offers unique benefits compared to conventional forms of Vitamin B1. Its fat-solubility enables it to cross cell membranes, raise levels of thiamin pyrophosphate, stimulate the transketolase enzyme, and support proper glucose metabolism. Its notable effects on the nervous system make it an attractive therapeutic agent for people with diabetic neuropathy. If you're seeking an alternative and highly effective form of thiamine, benfotiamine is definitely worth considering. Give it a try today!


5 Reasons to Look Forward to Cooler Weather with Cocoa Lovers™ Organic Hot Cocoa

Date: January 19, 2023 04:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Reasons to Look Forward to Cooler Weather with Cocoa Lovers™ Organic Hot Cocoa

As the weather starts to cool down, there’s no better way to warm up than with a cup of hot cocoa. Cocoa Lovers™ Organic Hot Cocoa is the perfect treat for those crisp fall and winter days. Here are five reasons why you’ll look forward to the cooler months with Cocoa Lovers™ in your cupboard.

1. Crafted for Quality – Cocoa Lovers™, we believe that quality always comes first. That’s why our organic hot cocoa is made from only the best ingredients available, including premium organic Dutch-processed cocoa powder, organic sugar and natural flavors like vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Everything is blended together until it forms a rich and creamy concoction that will have you coming back for more!

2. Natural Goodness – If you’re looking for something to indulge in without having to worry about putting your health at risk, then our organic hot cocoa is perfect for you. Not only is it free of artificial preservatives, colors and flavors but it also contains no added trans fats or hydrogenated oils so you can feel good about what you put into your body.

3. Versatility – Our hot cocoa mix isn't just good for making hot chocolate — it can also be used in baking recipes such as cakes, cookies and brownies! And if you're feeling adventurous, why not try adding some spices like chili powder or cardamom for a unique twist? The possibilities are endless!

4. Convenience – No need to spend hours slaving away over a stove because our organic hot cocoa mixes come ready-to-go that make preparing your drink quick and easy, you can mix it thick or thin, it tastes good both ways! Just add water (or milk!) and heat until desired temperature is reached — it's that simple!

5. Great Taste – But of course, all of this would be meaningless if our product didn't taste great — which thankfully it does! Our customers rave about the sweet yet complex flavor profile that's sure to please even the pickiest palates out there; plus, each packet makes two servings so you can share with friends or family members who may not like their drinks as sweet as yours.

So if you’re looking for an easy way to warm up during these cooler months while also indulging in something delicious without compromising on quality or nutrition value, then Cocoa Lovers'™ Organic Hot Cocoa should definitely be on your list! Whether enjoyed alone or with friends and family around the fireplace; whether stirred into cakes or cookies; whether served with marshmallows or topped with whipped cream—enjoying some hot cocoa during these chilly days has never been easier (or tastier)!


The Many Benefits of Graviola Leaves

Date: October 25, 2022 12:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Benefits of Graviola Leaves

The graviola tree, also known as soursop or Annona muricata, is found in tropical areas of the world and has a long history of use by traditional herbalists. Graviola leaves contain acetogenins, which are active constituents that can support healthy cell growth and function.* Other active compounds in graviola leaves have free radical scavenging properties.* This blog post will discuss the many benefits of graviola leaves.

The Health Benefits of Graviola Leaves

Graviola leaves are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which are thought to contribute to the health benefits of this traditional remedy.* Some of the potential health benefits associated with graviola leaves include:

Immune system support* - Graviola leaves are thought to help support the immune system due to their high concentration of antioxidants.* These antioxidants help to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.* Additionally, graviola leaves contain kaempferol, a compound that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.* This may be beneficial for people who suffer from conditions characterized by chronic inflammation, such as asthma and arthritis.*

Digestive support* - The active compound annonacin found in graviola leaves is thought to help relieve gastrointestinal discomfort.* This makes graviola an effective natural remedy for digestive issues such as indigestion, bloating, and diarrhea.*

Cancer-fighting properties* - Some preliminary studies suggest that acetogenins found in graviola may help to fight cancer cells.* These studies are ongoing, but the potential cancer-fighting properties of graviola make it a promising natural remedy worth further exploration.

Graviola leaves have a long history of use in traditional medicine and recent scientific studies have begun to uncover the many potential health benefits of this powerful natural remedy.* If you are interested in exploring graviola as a possible treatment for an existing condition or simply as a way to boost your overall health, Consider Now Foods brand of Graviola and give it a try today!


Betaine aka TMGs Many Benefits as a Methyl Donor

Date: October 21, 2022 12:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Betaine aka TMGs Many Benefits as a Methyl Donor

Methylation is a process in the body that helps to produce DNA, keep hormones in balance, and support detoxification. You need methyl groups for this process to happen, and TMG (trimethylglycine) donates methyl groups to help with methylation. TMG also supports cardiovascular health and cognitive function while reducing inflammation.

Not sure if TMG is right for you? Keep reading to learn more about this methyl donor’s benefits.

Benefit #1: TMG Promotes Healthy Methylation

As we just touched on, one of the main benefits of TMG is that it promotes healthy methylation. As we know, methylation is important for DNA production, hormone balance, and detoxification support.

TMG provides the extra push of methyl groups needed to keep these processes running smoothly which is why it’s often taken as a supplement. If you have difficulty methylating or you have a genetic mutation that affects methylation, TMG may be a good supplement for you to consider. Check with your doctor first, of course!

Benefit #2: TMG Supports Cardiovascular Health

TMG also known as betaine, can improve cardiovascular health by reducing homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an amino acid that at high levels has been linked to heart disease. While more research needs to be done in this area, initial studies are promising.

In one study of nearly 500 participants, researchers found that those who took TMG had lower levels of homocysteine than those who didn’t supplement with the nutrient [1]. While this doesn’t prove causation, it’s an interesting correlation worth noting—especially given that other studies have found similar results [2].

benefit #3: May Reduce Inflammation

Chronic inflammation has been linked to many diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer. Some studies suggest that TMG may help reduce inflammation levels in the body [3]. In one animal study, rats given TMG had reduced lung inflammation compared to rats who weren’t given the supplement [4]. More research needs to be done in this area but initial studies are promising.

In Summary:

TMG is a nutrient known as a methyl donor which means it provides methyl groups needed for processes like DNA production and hormone balance. It also supports cardiovascular health and cognitive function while reducing inflammation. If you have difficulty methylating or you have a genetic mutation that affects methylation, TMG may be a good supplement for you to consider. Check with your doctor first!


Curcumin Absorption: How CuraMed Beats Other Supplements

Date: August 11, 2022 11:15 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin Absorption: How CuraMed Beats Other Supplements

If you're looking for a curcumin supplement that is highly absorbable by the body, look no further than CuraMed. With its patented BCM-95 turmeric essential oil process, CuraMed beats other supplements on the market when it comes to absorption. In fact, studies have shown that CuraMed is up to 10 times more absorbable than regular curcumin supplements! So if you're looking to get the most out of your curcumin supplement, make sure to choose CuraMed.

What is Curcumin and what are its benefits?

Curcumin is a yellow compound that is found in the spice turmeric. It has been used for centuries in Asian cuisine and traditional medicine. Curcumin has many potential health benefits, including reducing inflammation, boosting brain function, and fighting cancer. The anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin have been studied extensively. Curcumin is known to block inflammatory molecules, which can play a role in conditions like arthritis, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. The brain-boosting effects of curcumin are also well-documented. Curcumin has been shown to improve memory and increase levels of BDNF, a protein that helps to protect brain cells. Additionally, the potent antioxidant properties of curcumin may help to protect against the development of cancer. Although more research is needed, the potential health benefits of curcumin are very promising.

How is CuraMed different from other curcumin supplements?

CuraMed is a unique curcumin supplement that uses the patented BCM-95 process of manufacturing. This process increases the absorption of curcumin significantly and the turmeric essential oils extends the time at which the curcumin stays in the blood stream, making it more effective and longer lasting than other supplements on the market. In addition, CuraMed does not contain black pepper, which can cause stomach upset in some people. as a result, CuraMed is a more gentle and effective option for those looking to improve their health with curcumin. One can add bioperine which is standardized black pepper to increase absorption further.

How does the BCM-95 turmeric essential oil process increase absorbability?

BCM-95 is a patented process that significantly increases the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. Curcumin is notoriously difficult to absorb, so this process is a major breakthrough. BCM-95 uses the essential oils from the turmeric plant, which further increase absorption. This unique process results in a product that is absorbed up to 10 times better than standard curcumin supplements. In addition, BCM-95 maintains blood levels for up to 8 hours, while standard supplements only last for 2-3 hours. This makes BCM-95 the most effective turmeric supplement on the market today. If you're looking for a turmeric supplement that will give you maximum benefit, look for one that contains BCM-95.

Key Points:

  • CuraMed is a highly absorbable curcumin supplement, due to its patented BCM-95 process.
  • CuraMed does not contain black pepper, which can cause stomach upset in some people.
  • The BCM-95 process increases absorption of the active ingredient in turmeric by up to 10 times.
  • The essential oils in BCM-95 maintain blood levels of curcumin for up to 8 hours, while standard supplements only last for 2-3 hours.

In summary:

CuraMed is a highly absorbable curcumin supplement that uses the patented BCM-95 process to increase absorption by up to 10 times. This patented curcumin BCM-95 formula also help to maintain blood levels of curcumin for up to 8 hours, making it the most effective turmeric supplement on the market today. If you're looking for a way to improve your health with curcumin, CuraMed is definitely worth considering.


Safe and Effective Joint Pain Relief: Natural Supplements That Work

Date: July 21, 2022 10:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Safe and Effective Joint Pain Relief: Natural Supplements That Work

Do you suffer from joint pain? If so, you're not alone. In fact, according to the Arthritis Foundation, over 50 million adults in the United States are affected by some form of arthritis. And if that's not bad enough, it's estimated that by 2030, that number will grow to 67 million! The good news is that there are safe and effective ways to relieve joint pain without resorting to over-the-counter drugs. We'll discuss natural supplements like glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and MSM that have been shown to help rebuild cartilage and reduce inflammation.

What is joint pain and what are the most common causes?

joint pain is a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of conditions. The most common causes include arthritis, bursitis, and tendinitis. Arthritis is a general term used to describe inflammation of the joints. There are many different types of arthritis, but the most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Bursitis is the inflammation of the small sacs of fluid that cushion the joint, while tendinitis is the inflammation of the tendons that attach muscle to bone. Joint pain can also be caused by injuries, such as sprains and fractures. In some cases, the exact cause of joint pain cannot be determined. Treatment for joint pain depends on the underlying cause.

How can over-the-counter drugs be harmful to your health?

The wide availability of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be a godsend when we are feeling pain or discomfort. However, it is important to remember that these drugs are potent medications that can also be harmful to our health if we take them inappropriately. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are both nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs work by reducing inflammation, but they can also have adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver. In addition, NSAIDs can interact with other medications that we may be taking, so it is important to speak to a healthcare professional before taking them. Although OTC drugs can be helpful when used as directed, it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved in taking them.

What are some natural supplements that have been shown to help relieve joint pain safely and effectively?

While there are a number of different supplements that have been traditionally used to help relieve joint pain, not all of them have been proven to be effective. However, there are a few natural supplements that have been shown to be safe and effective for this purpose. Glucosamine is a supplement that has been shown to help rebuild cartilage and relieve pain in osteoarthritis sufferers. Another promising supplement is chondroitin and msm, which helps to reduce inflammation and ease the symptoms of joint pain. Finally, fish oil supplements have also been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and relieving joint pain. Turmeric, Boswellia, and CBD also reduce inflammation. When used together, these natural supplements can provide significant relief from joint pain.

How do glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and MSM work to reduce inflammation and rebuild cartilage tissue?

Glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and MSM are all natural compounds that have been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and rebuilding cartilage tissue. Glucosamine is an amino sugar that is produced naturally by the body. It is a building block of cartilage, and it has been shown to stimulate the production of new cartilage. Chondroitin sulfate is a complex carbohydrate that is also found naturally in the body. It helps to keep cartilage healthy by protecting it from wear and tear. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is a sulfur-containing compound that is found naturally in some foods. It has anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to promote the repair of damaged cartilage. Together, these three compounds can help to reduce inflammation and improve the health of cartilage tissue.

How long should you take these supplements for maximum benefit, and when should you stop taking them if you don't experience results within a certain time frame?

Many people take supplements in order to improve their health or address a specific health concern. But how long should you take them for? In general, most supplements should be taken for at least 6 to 8 weeks in order to see maximum benefit. However, some people may not see results until 12 weeks of supplementation. Of course, if you're working with a healthcare professional, they can help you determine when to start and stop taking supplements. But in general, 6 to 8 weeks is a good rule of thumb. Don't be afraid to add Turmeric or Boswellia to the mix. These herbs can enhance the effectiveness of the glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM.

Taking a natural supplement like glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and MSM can be an effective way to reduce inflammation and rebuild cartilage tissue safely and effectively. These supplements have been shown to be safe and effective for this purpose. When taken together, they can provide significant relief from joint pain. It is important to speak to a healthcare professional before taking these supplements if you are taking other medications, as there is potential for adverse effects. Be sure to take 1500mg of each in divided dosages though out each day for at least 6 to 8 weeks in order to see maximum benefit.


How Melatonin Can Support a Healthy Sleep Cycle and More

Date: May 11, 2022 12:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Melatonin Can Support a Healthy Sleep Cycle and More

Did you know that melatonin is a powerful free radical scavenger? This means that it helps protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called radicals. Melatonin is also naturally produced in the pineal gland and is present in high amounts in the GI tract. We will discuss some of the ways that melatonin supports health and wellness.

Melatonin and the body

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It is responsible for regulating the body's internal clock, or circadian rhythm. The production of melatonin increases at night, and decreases during the day. This hormone is also available in supplement form, and is often used to treat jet lag or insomnia. When taken as a supplement, melatonin works by resetting the body's internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Additionally, melatonin may also help to reduce anxiety and improve mood. As a result, this hormone plays an important role in regulating the body's sleep-wake cycle.

How does melatonin support a healthy sleep cycle?

Melatonin is a hormone that help regulate the sleep cycle. The production of melatonin is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light. As a result, melatonin levels typically start to rise in the evening as the sun sets, and they remain high throughout the night. In the morning, light exposure causes melatonin levels to drop, helping to wake us up and start the day. Melatonin supplements can be used to help people who have difficulty sleeping and staying asleep. This hormone helps to reset the body's natural sleep cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. As a result, melatonin can be an effective way to support a healthy sleep cycle.

What are some of the other benefits of melatonin?

It can help to boost the immune system, protect against cancer, and reduce inflammation. Research suggests that melatonin may also have neuroprotective effects and could be beneficial for people with Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.

Tips for getting a good night's sleep

Most people need about seven to eight hours of sleep a day. However, many people find it difficult to get enough rest. There are a number of things you can do to improve your sleep habits. First, create a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Second, create a relaxing bedtime routine. This might include taking a warm shower, reading a book, or writing in a journal. Third, create a comfortable sleep environment by making sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. Fourth, avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. Caffeine can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep, while alcohol can disrupt your sleep cycle. Finally, try not to use electronic devices in bed. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with your body's natural sleep rhythm and take melatonin. By following these tips, you can improve your chances of getting a good night's sleep.

Scientific research

Research on melatonin began in the 1950s, and since then, numerous studies have been conducted on its potential health benefits. Some of the most promising research has found that melatonin may help to prevent cancer. In one study, melatonin supplements were found to reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence by half. Other research has shown that melatonin may help to protect against colon cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. Additionally, melatonin has been shown to boost the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy.

While more research is needed to confirm the exact role of melatonin in cancer prevention, the available evidence suggests that it could play a significant role in protecting against this disease. Therefore, it may be worth considering supplementing with melatonin if you are at high risk for cancer or are undergoing treatment for this disease.


  • How Melatonin Can Support a Healthy Sleep Cycle and More. (n.d.).
  • Tips for Getting a Good Night's Sleep. (n.d.).
  • The Role of Melatonin in Cancer Prevention. (n.d.).
  • Cancer Treatment Centers of America. (2017, September 28). Melatonin Shows Promise as Cancer Treatment Adjuvant | Cancer Treatment Centers of America.
  • National Sleep Foundation. (2015, July 29). Melatonin and Cancer Risk - National Sleep Foundation.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff.(2018, March 23). Melatonin: Is it effective?Retrieved from Mayo Clinic: Diseases & Conditions.."Melatonin."


Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Date: April 30, 2022 10:02 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Reduce Inflammation Through Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Do you suffer from inflammation? If so, you're not alone. Inflammation is a common problem that many people deal with on a daily basis. It can cause pain and discomfort in the body, and it can make everyday activities difficult to perform. Luckily, there are ways to reduce inflammation through diet. We will discuss the foods that you should eat and avoid if you want to reduce inflammation. We will also provide some helpful tips for getting started!

How can you reduce inflammation through diet?

There are many ways to reduce inflammation through diet, but perhaps the most important is cutting out processed foods and sugar. These foods contain inflammatory compounds known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which can aggravate existing inflammation or cause it to develop in the first place. In addition, studies have shown that eating a diet rich in vegetables and lean proteins can help to lower levels of inflammation throughout the body. Choosing whole grains, fruits, and healthy fats like olive oil is also a good way to support a body that is fighting against inflammation. In short, adopting a diet low in sugar and processed foods and high in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can go a long way toward reducing inflammation both now and in the long term.

Supplements to take to reduce inflammation?

Inflammation is a natural and necessary part of our immune response, but if it becomes chronic or extreme, it can cause issues for our overall health. There are many different supplements that have been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and promoting overall good health, including omega-3 fatty acids, Boswellia, pumpkin seeds, and turmeric. These nutrients work by interfering with the production of inflammatory hormones and enzymes, changing the chemical balance within our bodies and helping to reduce swelling and discomfort. Whether taken as a capsule or added to your diet through food sources like fish oil or ginger tea, these supplements can be an excellent way to boost your system's ability to fight inflammation. So if you're looking for ways to reduce inflammation and improve your overall well-being, consider adding these key nutrients to your daily routine.

The most effective anti-inflammatory supplements, Fish oil, Curcumin, and Boswellia!

While there are a number of different anti-inflammatory supplements on the market, some have proven to be more effective than others when it comes to reducing inflammation in the body. Perhaps the most commonly recommended supplement for this purpose is fish oil, which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that has been shown to be especially effective in reducing inflammation. Another popular anti-inflammatory supplement is curcumin, which gives turmeric its signature yellow color and is thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, another powerful anti-inflammatory agent is derived from the resin of Boswellia trees called Boswellia extract. All of these compounds have been shown to reduce inflammation in various scientific studies and can therefore be considered among the most effective anti- inflammatory supplements available today.

Tips for getting started on a anti-inflammatory diet?

When trying to get started on an anti-inflammatory diet, there are a few key strategies that can help make the process more successful. First, it is important to stock your pantry and fridge with plenty of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and reduce refined sugar intake as much as possible. These nutrient-dense foods are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that help to reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Another key strategy to keep in mind when starting an anti-inflammatory diet is the use of supplements such as curcumin and CBD. These powerful compounds are believed to have anti-inflammatory effects in the body, helping to curb inflammation at its source vs. simply masking symptoms with painkillers or steroids. You can incorporate these supplements into your diet by taking them as pills or liquids or by incorporating them into your cooking through recipes like curried chicken or infused coconut oil tinctures.

The latest for calmness, relaxation, and to fight inflammation is CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, has become increasingly popular in recent years as a natural solution for relieving stress, promoting relaxation, and managing inflammation in the body. Unlike THC, which is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis, CBD does not produce any high or altered state of consciousness. Instead, its many benefits are achieved through interactions with various receptors throughout the body, modulating mood and regulating pain response. As more and more people turn to CBD to achieve a sense of calm and well-being without depending on traditional pharmaceuticals, this powerful compound continues to gain widespread attention as a promising treatment option for everyday health issues. So if you're looking for a natural way to feel more mellow and at peace with yourself and your environment, consider giving CBD a try! With proven effects on everything from chronic pain management to improved sleep quality, this powerful all-natural remedy has something to offer everyone. Whether you're ready to give CBD a try for yourself or just curious about its many potential benefits, there's never been a better time than now to learn more about this exciting new approach to health and wellness.

Inflammation is one of the most common health concerns today, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. While diet and lifestyle can be major contributing factors like white sugar, there are also a number of dietary supplements that can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Curcumin, fish oil, and CBD are some of the most popular supplements for managing inflammation. These substances work by targeting key pathways involved in inflammatory responses, helping to prevent or reduce swelling and pain. They can be taken on their own or combined with other anti-inflammatory compounds for maximum effectiveness. Ultimately, whether you are trying to manage chronic illness or simply boost your overall health, using supplements such as curcumin, fish oil, and cbd can be a great way to go about it. So if you're looking for more tools to manage inflammation in your diet, these are certainly worth trying out.

Whatever methods you choose, remember that making small changes over time will be much more effective than trying to overhaul your lifestyle all at once. With a little patience and persistence, you can start down the path toward better health today! Let dietary supplements assist you in your goal to reduce inflammation each day for a life time!


Delta-8 THC Shows Promise in Combating Myocarditis

Date: April 29, 2022 12:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Delta-8 THC Shows Promise in Combating Myocarditis

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, and myocarditis is one of the most common causes. Researchers are constantly looking for new ways to combat this deadly disease, and Delta-8 THC may be a promising treatment. A recent study found that Delta-8 was able to slow down heart rate and reduce inflammation in mice with myocarditis. While more research is needed, these findings suggest that Delta-8 could be a valuable tool in the fight against heart disease.

What is myocarditis and what are the symptoms?

Myocarditis is a term used to describe inflammation of the heart muscle. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including infection or injury, and it can cause a wide range of symptoms. Some of the most common signs of myocarditis include shortness of breath, chest pain, and chest tightness. Other possible symptoms include dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, nausea, and weakness. If you experience any combination of these symptoms along with changes in your heart rate or blood pressure, it is important to seek immediate medical attention to determine whether you are suffering from myocarditis. Treatment will depend on the specific cause of your condition, but it typically involves anti-inflammatory medications and rest. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for preventing the progression of the disease and reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications.

What causes myocarditis and how is it diagnosed?

Myocarditis is a condition characterized by inflammation and swelling of the heart muscle. This can lead to a number of symptoms, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, increased heart rate, and cough. There are many possible causes of myocarditis, including infections, autoimmune disorders, metabolic or nutritional disorders, or exposure to toxins or other irritants. In order to diagnose myocarditis properly, doctors will typically perform several different tests. These may include blood tests, scans of the heart using ultrasound or MRI technology, and electrocardiograms to assess heart activity. Ultimately, the treatment for myocarditis will depend on its underlying cause and the severity of symptoms. With proper care, however, most people can recover fully from this condition.

How is myocarditis treated and what are the potential complications?

Myocarditis is a condition that occurs when the heart muscle becomes inflamed. This can be caused by a viral infection, an autoimmune reaction, or other factors. Treatment for myocarditis generally involves addressing the underlying cause, if possible. For example, if the inflammation is due to a viral infection, antiviral medications may be prescribed. Corticosteroids may also be used to reduce inflammation. In some cases, heart surgery may be necessary to repair damage to the heart muscle. Complications of myocarditis can include heart failure and arrhythmias. With prompt and appropriate treatment, however, most people with myocarditis recover fully.

What is Delta-8 THC and how does it work?

Delta-8 THC is a chemical compound that is found in the Hemp plant. Unlike other forms of THC, which produce psychoactive effects by binding to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, Delta-8 simply activates these receptors without producing any noticeable effects on cognition or perception. While the precise mechanism of action for this compound remains somewhat unclear, scientists believe that Delta-8 works by interacting with specific neuroreceptors in the brain and body, thereby triggering a series of responses that ultimately lead to changes in mood or behavior. Furthermore, research suggests thatDelta-8 may also have antioxidant properties and may be effective at reducing inflammation in certain tissues. Overall, while more research is needed to fully understand the pharmacological effects of this compound, it seems clear that Delta-8 has great potential as a therapeutic agent and may hold benefits for patients suffering from certain mood disorders or neurological conditions.

Delta-8, inflammation and relaxation

Delta-8 is a cannabinoid that is found in hemp plants. This compound has a similar structure to Delta-9 THC, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. However, Delta-8 is much less potent than Delta-9 and does not produce the same psychoactive effects. Instead, Delta-8 provides a more mild physical response that is associated with relaxation and relief from anxiety and pain. Research suggests that Delta-8 may also be effective in reducing inflammation. This anti-inflammatory effect may be due to the ability of Delta-8 to bind to CB2 receptors, which are found in high numbers in the immune system. As a result,Delta-8 may offer a unique combination of anti-inflammatory and relaxant effects.

What are the findings:

The results of recent studies suggest that delta-8, a type of cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, may play a role in reducing the symptoms of myocarditis. Myocarditis is a condition characterized by inflammation and damage to the heart muscle, which can lead to serious complications such as cardiac arrest if left untreated. Early research has shown that delta-8 may be able to help protect against this deterioration, as it was found to reduce levels of oxidative stress and inhibit pro-inflammatory signaling pathways. As more studies continue to explore the mechanisms underlying myocarditis, it is hoped that delta-8 will become an important tool for managing this deadly disease.


Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Date: April 26, 2022 10:18 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

A recent study has shown that Vitamin D may play a role in preventing cardiovascular disease. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Edinburgh, looked at data from over 10,000 adults. They found that those who had the highest levels of Vitamin D were less likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke. This is great news for those looking to improve their heart health!

What is Vitamin D and why is it important for heart health?

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays various important roles in the body, including helping to maintain healthy bones and supporting immune function. In recent years, scientists have also begun to uncover the critical role that Vitamin D can play in promoting cardiovascular health. Vitamin D is involved in the regulation of several important cardiovascular processes, including blood pressure and lipid metabolism. Studies have shown that individuals with lower levels of Vitamin D are at increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Therefore, ensuring adequate vitamin D levels through diet, sun exposure, or supplementation may help to protect against heart conditions and improve overall cardiovascular health.

The study on Vitamin D and heart health

Researchers at the University of South Australia have recently conducted a study exploring the link between vitamin D and heart health. They found that individuals with higher levels of vitamin D in their blood were less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks, than those with lower levels. The results suggest that vitamin D plays an important role in protecting the heart and maintaining efficient cardiovascular function. This is important not only for preventing or mitigating the effects of heart disease, but also for overall health and well-being. Overall, the results of this study highlight the importance of ensuring adequate levels of vitamin D to safeguard our hearts and keep us healthy.

How to get more Vitamin D in your diet

While vitamin D-3 is essential for good health, many people struggle to get enough of this important nutrient through their diet alone. With so many factors affecting our ability to absorb nutrients from food, it can be difficult to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D through regular meals. However, research suggests that we may be able to get enough of this vital nutrient by taking supplements or getting outside on sunny days. For example, studies show that simply spending time in sunlight for a few minutes each day can go a long way toward maintaining adequate vitamin D levels in the body. Additionally, many foods are fortified with vitamin D-3, including dairy products and some types of bread and cereal. Ultimately, the best way to ensure adequate vitamin D-3 levels is through a combination of dietary sources and appropriate supplementation. So don't be afraid to take that extra step or buying a supplement – your health will thank you!

Bottom line: Vitamin D is a promising nutrient for heart health

Vitamin D-3 is a nutrient that is continually been getting attention for its potential benefits to heart health. This nutrient can be obtained through certain foods, such as oily fish and eggs, but many individuals also supplement with vitamin D-3 on a regular basis. Preliminary research suggests that this nutrient may help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation in the arteries, two important contributors to cardiovascular disease. Additionally, studies have shown that vitamin D-3 can help to strengthen the immune system, which further enhances overall heart health by keeping the body healthy and strong. Overall, when it comes to promoting heart health, vitamin D-3 seems like a promising nutrient that deserves further scientific study and exploration.

Assist Mineral absorption

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. It also plays a role in maintaining strong bones and muscles. Unfortunately, foods are a relatively poor source of vitamin D. The best way to get this nutrient is through exposure to sunlight. However, too much sun exposure can lead to skin damage, so many people choose to take a supplement instead. Vitamin D supplements are available in both liquid and pill form. They are typically taken once a day, and they can help people maintain adequate levels of vitamin D without exposing themselves to the harmful effects of the sun.

Vitamin D-3 is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body

As we already know, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone health and calcium absorption. Vitamin D-3, the form of vitamin D found in supplements, is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body. These processes include cell proliferation, immunomodulation, and regulation of gene expression. Vitamin D-3 has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. Supplementation with vitamin D-3 has been shown to improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures, particularly in older adults. In addition, vitamin D-3 supplementation has been shown to improve muscular strength and reduce the risk of falls in older adults. While most people can get adequate amounts of vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, those who don't get enough sun exposure or have dark skin are at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Supplementation with vitamin D-3 is an effective way to ensure adequate intake of this important nutrient.


Green Tea Extracts: The Best Source of EGCG for Cognitive Health, Cellular Defense, and Mental Well-being

Date: April 25, 2022 04:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Tea Extracts: The Best Source of EGCG for Cognitive Health, Cellular Defense, and Mental Well-being

Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and for good reason. It has a delicious flavor and offers a variety of health benefits. One of the most beneficial compounds found in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a catechin polyphenol that has been extensively studied for its positive effects on cognitive health, cellular defense, metabolism, and mental well-being. We will take a closer look at EGCG and discuss why it is such an important compound for optimal health.

What is EGCG

EGCG is short for epigallocatechin gallate, a type of polyphenol that is found in green tea. In addition to its potential health benefits, EGCG is also a powerful antioxidant. Studies have shown that it can help to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. EGCG has also been shown to boost metabolism and reduce inflammation. Furthermore, some research suggests that it may even have cancer-fighting properties. While more studies are needed to confirm these effects, EGCG is a promising compound with a wide range of potential applications.

How does it work in the body

EGCG is a polyphenol compound that is found in high levels in green tea. Polyphenols are a type of phytochemical, which are plant-based chemicals that have a number of health-promoting properties. EGCG is the most abundant polyphenol in green tea, and it is thought to be responsible for many of the health benefits associated with green tea consumption. In the body, EGCG can bind to certain enzymes and proteins, preventing them from performing their normal functions. For example, EGCG has been shown to inhibit the activity of angiogenesis, which is the growth of new blood vessels. This may explain why green tea consumption has been linked with lower rates of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, EGCG has been shown to boost metabolism and promote fat loss. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects in humans. Overall, EGCG appears to be a potent phytochemical with a wide range of potential health benefits. Further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential.

Why is it important for health and longevity

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most active and abundant catechin in tea. It is a polyphenol that has attracted much attention for its potential health benefits, which include cancer prevention, cardiovascular protection, and neuroprotection. EGCG has also been shown to boost metabolism and promote weight loss. In addition, EGCG has been linked with longevity. Studies in both animals and humans have shown that EGCG can increase lifespan and protect against age-related diseases. These findings suggest that EGCG may be an important key to health and longevity.

The benefits of EGCG

  • -EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals
  • -EGCG has been shown to boost metabolism and reduce inflammation
  • -EGCG may even have cancer-fighting properties
  • -EGCG is a potent phytochemical with a wide range of potential health benefits
  • -Further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential
  • -EGCG can increase lifespan and protect against age-related diseases
  • -Incorporating more green tea into your diet or lifestyle may have numerous health benefits.

Below are some FAQs that might help:

Q: How much green tea should I drink per day?

A: It is recommended to drink three to five cups of green tea per day to reap the most benefits.

Q: What are some good ways to add green tea into my diet?

A: You can add green tea to your diet by drinking it as a beverage, taking green tea supplements, or adding matcha powder to smoothies or baking recipes.

Q: What are some of the possible side effects of green tea?

A: Green tea is generally safe for most people, but it can cause digestive issues in some individuals. It is also important to note that green tea contains caffeine, so it should be consumed in moderation if you are sensitive to this stimulant.

Free Radical Damage and Green Tea

Free radicals can damage cells, which can lead to health problems over time. You know that free radicals are bad for you, but what can you do about them?

Green tea with EGCG is a great way to protect yourself from the damaging effects of free radicals. EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect cells from damage caused by these harmful molecules.


How DIM Complex Supports Hormone Balance and Liver Function for Women of All Ages

Date: April 23, 2022 10:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How DIM Complex Supports Hormone Balance and Liver Function for Women of All Ages

broccoliFor women of all ages, hormone balance is crucial for overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, many women experience problems with hormone balance at some point in their lives. This can be due to a variety of factors, including stress, diet, and environmental toxins. Fortunately, there is a supplement that can help support healthy hormone detoxification and liver function: DIM complex. Here we will discuss the benefits of DIM complex for women of all ages and how it can help you achieve optimal health!

Hormones are chemical messengers that help to regulate various bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, reproduction, and mood. When hormones are out of balance, it can lead to a variety of problems, including fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, and depression. There are many different factors that can contribute to hormone imbalance, including stress, diet, and certain health conditions. Luckily, there are also many things that you can do to help keep your hormones in check. Exercise, for example, has been shown to help reduce stress and improve sleep quality, both of which are important for maintaining hormone balance. Eating a healthy diet is also important, as certain nutrients (such as omega-3 fatty acids) have been shown to assist in the regulation of hormones.

Millions of women suffer from hormone imbalances, which can lead to a wide variety of health problems.

A hormone imbalance can cause many different problems, including weight gain, fatigue, mood swings, and hair loss.

DIM Complex is a natural supplement that helps to balance hormones and improve overall health. DIM Complex contains diindolylmethane (DIM), which helps the body to metabolize estrogen and keep it in balance.

What is DIM Complex?

DIM Complex is a supplement that is derived from cruciferous vegetables. It is available in capsule form and can be taken by mouth. The active ingredient in DIM Complex is diindolylmethane, which is a compound that is found in broccoli, cabbage, and kale. Studies have shown that diindolylmethane has a variety of health benefits, including the ability to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Additionally, diindolylmethane has been shown to improve the metabolism of estrogen in the body, making it an effective treatment for conditions like PCOS and endometriosis. DIM Complex is a safe and effective way to obtain the benefits of diindolylmethane, and it may offer a valuable addition to your overall health regimen.

How does it work?

It has been shown to improve the metabolism of estrogen in the body, making it an effective treatment for conditions like PCOS and endometriosis. DIM works by inhibiting the production of enzymes that convert testosterone to estradiol, a more potent form of estrogen. This action reduces the amount of estradiol available to bind to receptors in the body, resulting in fewer symptoms of estrogen-related conditions. DIM has also been shown to reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity, both of which are important factors in the management of PCOS. While further research is needed to confirm these effects, DIM appears to be a promising treatment for women with hormone-related conditions.

How does diindolylmethane bind up estrogen in the gut?

Diindolylmethane (DIM) is thought to have many health benefits, including the ability to bind up estrogen in the gut. The body breaks down estrogen into two main forms: estrone and estradiol. These hormones can then be further metabolized into other active or inactive compounds. One of these inactive metabolites is estrogen sulfate, which is excreted in the feces. DIM is thought to increase the activity of enzymes that convert estrone and estradiol into estrogen sulfate, thereby reducing the amount of active estrogen in the body. This may explain why DIM is often used as a natural treatment for conditions like PCOS and endometriosis, which are characterized by high levels of circulating estrogen. Additionally, DIM may also help to reduce the risk of breast cancer by binding up estrogen in the gut and preventing it from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Who can benefit from taking DIM Complex

DIM Complex is a supplement that is said to offer a number of benefits. These include supporting hormone health, helping to clear blemishes, and promoting a healthy weight. However, who can actually benefit from taking this supplement? DIM Complex is most often recommended for women who are going through menopause or perimenopause. This is because it can help to balance hormones and relieve some of the symptoms associated with these changes, such as hot flashes and night sweats. In addition, DIM Complex may also be beneficial for women who are struggling with PCOS or other hormonal imbalances. Some research suggests that it may help to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation. Finally, DIM Complex may also be helpful for anyone who is struggling with acne. This is because it can help to regulate hormone levels and reduce the production of sebum, which is often responsible for clogged pores. Ultimately, DIM Complex offers a wide range of potential benefits. However, it is most often recommended for women who are experiencing hormone-related issues.

Foods that are high in indole-3-carbinol (DIM)

Indole-3-carbinol (DIM) is a substance that is found naturally in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. In recent years, DIM has gained attention for its potential health benefits. Some research has suggested that DIM may help to protect against certain types of cancer, and it has also been shown to boost the immune system. Foods that are high in DIM include:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Mustard greens
  • Turnip greens

If you're looking to increase your intake of DIM, adding more of these vegetables to your diet is a good place to start. You can also take a DIM supplement, to reduce calories intake and guarantee the amount of DIM your getting into your diet.

Quick benefits:

  • DIM helps maintain estrogen balance, which is essential for overall health.*
  • DIM has been shown to be helpful in maintaining a healthy weight and preventing weight gain.*
  • As an antioxidant, DIM helps scavenge harmful toxins and radicals from the body.*
  • DIM supports breast and uterine health.*

Please consider taking DIM and feel the difference it can make!


Argan Oil Benefits

Date: May 28, 2019 11:07 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Argan Oil Benefits

Moroccans have been using argan oil for centuries because it has a good, nufty flavor but also many health benefits. This has made the oil, derived from the fruit of the argan tree, very popular worldwide although it is native to Morocco. It is widely known and used for culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal purposes. The author suggests some 12 uses of argan oil in the blog. One of the uses is that it contains essential nutrients which are usually fatty acids like oleic and linoleic acid. These fatty acids are good sources for the health and also it contains a rich source of vitamin E. Another usefulness of argan oil is that is has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Some of its compounds that make this possible are vitamin E, CoQ10, melatonin, and plant sterols. The author states that more research is needed though to fully understand how argan oil is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Another good reason to use argan oil is that it boosts heart health. This is due to the omega-9 fatty acid, oleic acid, it contains. Other reasons to use argan oil are found in the blog.

Key Takeaways:

  • Argan oil has been used in Moroccan cooking for centuries because of its flavor and health benefits.
  • Argan oil is a healthy fat that is good for the hair, skin, and eyes.
  • Because argan oil is high in anti-oxidants, it has promising benefits for heart health and diabetes.

"Although native to Morocco, argan oil is now used across the globe for a variety of culinary, cosmetic and medicinal applications."

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The key nutrients needed to prevent heart attacks, strokes andheart failure

Date: May 08, 2019 04:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The key nutrients needed to prevent heart attacks, strokes andheart failure

The CDC assesses that more than 5,100,000 Americans have some variant of heart disease, and that 610,000 will die from it this year alone. While the conventional range of treatments mostly relies on medications, micronutrient-based Cellular Medicine provides an alternative. Cellular Medicine pioneer Dr. Matthias Rath has carried out some very promising clinical research involving micronutrient supplementation. Dr. Rath believes that the American diet, medication side effects and modern food handling and production practices mean that many people are deprived of a range of important micronutrients, with very bad consequences for heart health.

Key Takeaways:

  • A physician named Dr. Rath views heart disease as an early form of scurvy, which results from a Vitamin C deficiency.
  • If your body does not have enough Vitamin C, cracks can form in your arterial walls and your body tries to repair them with artery-clogging plaque.
  • In addition to Vitamin C, people at risk for heart disease should also consume more Vitamin E and B-complex vitamins.

"With the odds of surviving past the five-year mark currently standing at 50 percent, it’s clear that more effective prevention and treatment options are needed."

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Can reishi mushrooms help prevent cancer and other life-threateningdiseases?

Date: May 03, 2019 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can reishi mushrooms help prevent cancer and other life-threateningdiseases?

Reishi mushrooms and reishi extract have substantial health benefits, especially for boosting your immune system. Reishi mushrooms include a diverse array of bioactive compounds that, collectively, may boost cellular metabolism and restore the efficiency that the immune system tends to lose over time. Studies also indicate that reishi mushroom compounds may help induce immune cells to target cancer cells more aggressively, and boost the cancer-fighting functions of the spleen and thymus. Reishi mushrooms extracts may also help boost your overall immune system response against viruses and other pathogens.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating reishi mushrooms better prepares the immune system of the body for diseases that might attack it such as hepatitis B, cancer, and human immunodeficiency syndrome.
  • Reishi mushroom extracts have been shown to variously restrict the growth of timorous cells thereby decreasing one’s risk of getting cancer and extending one’s life.
  • Reishi mushroom’s status as a powerful and active superfood is made stabilized by the presence of various bio-active molecules which work together in the mushroom.

"Reishi mushroom extracts can block the human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and other infectious microbes from compromising the health of the targeted organs."

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Spice beats chemo: Study reveals turmeric is more effective atkilling cancer cells than chemo or radiation

Date: April 30, 2019 04:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Spice beats chemo: Study reveals turmeric is more effective atkilling cancer cells than chemo or radiation

A new study has revealed that there is an herbal cure for cancer that can be even more effective than traditional treatment methods such as chemotherapy and radiation. Turmeric has the ability to attack the cancer stem cells that cause the production of new cancer cells to form, successfully preventing cancer cells from multiplying and spreading to other areas of the body. This is mainly due to the healing component called curcumin which is naturally found in turmeric.

Key Takeaways:

  • The thought and mention of cancer strikes fear in many people because it evokes the thought of many years of brutal treatment and death at the end.
  • Patients are starting to have hope in the treatment of cancer with the discovery of treatments involving natural herbs like turmeric.
  • The inflammation fighting properties of turmeric are well known and recently it is found that the existence of a primary polyphenol in turmeric extract is promising for treating cancer.

"This ancient Indian spice has been the subject of many studies in recent years as it continues to demonstrate its strength when it comes to fighting and preventing a host of diseases."

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Can choline be used as an alternative treatment for Alzheimer'sdisease?

Date: April 26, 2019 02:48 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Can choline be used as an alternative treatment for Alzheimer'sdisease?

While we don't what causes Alzheimer's disease, new research from Arizona State University points to choline as a promising treatment for the condition. When mice consumed large amounts of choline, they showed positive improvements in spatial memory. Furthermore, these positive benefits were evident in their offspring, even though they did not supplement directly with choline. Researchers believe that choline helps to control brain inflammation and neuron death, processes that both contribute to Alzheimer's. Experts recommend that adults take 550 milligrams of choline daily for optimal brain health

Key Takeaways:

  • Although modern medicine has made advancement in several areas, there are some conditions that it is still trying to control without success and one of them is Alzheimer’s.
  • Although there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s, recent research from the Arizona State University shows that choline has some promise.
  • Mice who were bred to exhibit symptoms of Alzheimer’s were used in the research and promising results were obtained when these mice were fed high amount of choline.

"In other words, choline could help protect against this illness across several generations. It was the first time researchers have been able to show the transgenerational benefits of choline supplementation."

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Fiber reduces inflammation, reducing risk of inflammatory diseasesand the rate of mortality

Date: April 17, 2019 01:45 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fiber reduces inflammation, reducing risk of inflammatory diseasesand the rate of mortality

Chances are, you or someone you love has dealt with the ramifications of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in some way. While there may not be any way to completely safeguard you and your loved ones from early mortality due to CVD, research is now showing that fiber consumption may play a promising role. A recent study showed that those who consume more fiber are much less likely to face an early demise due to the presence of CVD.

Key Takeaways:

  • While cardiovascular disease is inherently troubling of itsself, those that have it also carry the risk of further complications.
  • Further complications can include a risk of developing chronic hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes.
  • A conjoined research effort, undertaken by the Navarre Health Institute and Navarra University, revealed that subjects that consumed the most fruit and fiber were in a much-lessened mortality bracket.

"A study reports that having a fiber-rich diet lowers the risk of contracting chronic CVDs and Type 2 diabetes, as well as some cancers and inflammatory diseases like rheumatism."

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CBD can reduce inflammation and east pain through out the body as well!


Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) treats back pain naturally: Research

Date: April 13, 2019 11:15 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) treats back pain naturally: Research

Studies of chronic pain sufferers that have been dealing with pain over a twelve week span have shown promising success by consuming alpha lipoic acid (ALA) supplements. By taking 600 mg per day, patients saw a large decrease in the amount of pain that they were suffering due to the consumption of the ALA pills. Researchers hope that the success of ALA in correlation to chronic lower back pain could give patients the opportunity to rely on more natural methods as opposed to opiates.

Key Takeaways:

  • The International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology reported on lower back pain caused by nerve damage in 2009.
  • The study revealed that alpha lipoic acid, used with other treatment modalities, was helpful to sufferers and a useful adjunct in the restoration of normal function.
  • A more recent study showed data suggesting that the antioxidant has the power to alleviate general back pain, regardless of the source.

"If you suffer from chronic lower back pain, there is hope beyond a life of just taking pharmaceutical painkillers all the time to cope with the agony."

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Vitamin C research booming, 'emerging evidence' promising - ThePress

Date: April 12, 2019 04:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin C research booming, 'emerging evidence' promising - ThePress

Researchers from around the world will convene in Australia, sharing the newest research on Vitamin C. Controversy precedes the gathering, with opposing claims on vitamin C’s effectiveness in treating cancer. This debate harkens back to research conducted in the 1970’s, but the results of recent trial might sway naysayers; it reported an 80% mortality reduction rate for those suffering from sepsis. Supporters from University of Otago claim that vitamin C’s hype has been largely ignored in the past, but more and more studies garner its support. Opposition from the same school submit the gathering evidence is substantial, but more research must be conducted.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin C has potential impact on the treatment of serious illnesses such as cancer.
  • Vitamin C research has been conducted to test the effects it has on sepsis.
  • Vitamin C used to be considered alternative medicine, but science is changing the way doctors view it.

"Alongside traditional treatments, patients with septic shock are being given intravenous doses of vitamin C, totalling about 7g a day."

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Science confirms turmeric as effective as 14 drugs

Date: March 26, 2019 01:45 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Science confirms turmeric as effective as 14 drugs

If you haven’t yet heard, turmeric is the latest super herb that is as effective as at least 14 drugs and is safe to consume in food, as a tea, or in supplement form. A 2008 study in Drugs found that turmeric worked just as well as Lipitor in decreasing blood levels of cholesterol. Another study in Phytotherapy Research found turmeric to be as effective as steroids in the treatment of chronic inflammatory eye disease. Studies conducted over the past twenty years also show turmeric to be a promising alternative to aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and tamoxifen for its anti-inflammatory and tumor suppressing properties.

Key Takeaways:

  • Curcuminoids from turmeric have been found to compare on equal terms with the pharmaceutical drug, Lipitor, which is used to treat endothelial dysfunction.
  • In the management of chronic anterior uveitis which is an inflammatory eye disease, curcumin from turmeric was found to be as effective as steroids.
  • Curcumin in turmin has also been found to be comparable in function to other steroids such as dexamethasone in protecting lung transplantation-associated injury.

"Have you heard of turmeric but weren’t sure if you should start incorporating it into your lifestyle?"

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Study proves the antifungal potential of thyme essential oil

Date: March 22, 2019 11:27 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study proves the antifungal potential of thyme essential oil

The essential oil thyme isn’t just for cooking! Derived from the thymus vulgaris plant, this potent essential oil has been found to have strong antifungal and antioxidant properties. The powerhouse oil has been found to be effective against infections caused by Candida, Aspergillus, and Trichophyton. This perennial herb has been used for generations to treat coughs, headaches, constipation, and kidney issues. One study in the Journal of Pharmacology even showed that thyme is promising in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Thyme essential oil contains an agent that helps to eliminate fungal infections which was one one of the key points that scientists discovered.
  • The scientists discovered that thyme essential oil can also be a natural, alternative remedy to cancer, which may be useful in further cancer studies.
  • Other health benefits to thyme essential oil include assistance with joint pain, respiratory issues, and prevent future mild illnesses.

"From these results, the researchers concluded that thyme essential oil has potent antifungal and cytotoxic properties, highlighting its potential use as a natural remedy for fungal infections and cancer."

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Lemongrass tea boosts the production of red blood cells, making ita great natural treatment for anemia

Date: January 09, 2019 10:02 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lemongrass tea boosts the production of red blood cells, making ita great natural treatment for anemia

Some people find themselves suffering from a condition called anemia where there are not enough red blood cells present within their systems. The consumption of lemongrass tea could possibly help in the production of these red blood cells, making it a promising intervention for anemic patients. In a recent study, patients who consumed regular amounts of lemongrass tea were shown to have steady packed cell volumes (PVCs) which indicates that their red blood cell counts were increasing to a stable level.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to a study in the Journal of Medicinal Food that was based on lemongrass tea, it was found it increased red blood cell production.
  • Anemia, a condition where the red blood cells in the body is very low, can impact on health because it can cause fatigue and stress on body organs.
  • The study on lemongrass tea that discovered its efficacy in treating anemia was done in Nigeria at the University of Uyo and University of Calabar.

"People with anemia may find that drinking lemongrass tea may benefit them."

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Garlic the master medicine: Scientists find a compound in the herbthat can destroy resistant bacteria

Date: December 14, 2018 09:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Garlic the master medicine: Scientists find a compound in the herbthat can destroy resistant bacteria

Garlic is something that is present in many different types of foods on a regular basis. It is very interesting to see how many people like garlic and use it for different things. However, now garlic is being used for something a little bit more new. Within the herb, scientists have found really promising compounds that could help ruin bacteria. This is revolutionary for people who suffer from a lot of bacteria and the results are continuing to come in.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are a lot of doctors, and scientists, out there that are really starting to look more at natural substances for treatment.
  • Garlic is something that can be used for a lot of different reasons in the world today!
  • The more people who are tested with garlic being the medicine, the better the results can be when it comes to figuring out if it works or not.

"The researchers say that they believe their garlic drug could help treat patients whose outlook is otherwise poor. A biotech firm is developing the compound for use against bacterial infections, and human clinical trials are expected to be carried out soon."

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The importance of magnesium in the prevention and treatment of Type2 diabetes

Date: November 23, 2018 02:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The importance of magnesium in the prevention and treatment of Type2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is something that is really common in the world today. There seems to be so many people who are struggling from it. Doctors have found ways to deal with it and the people who have it always have to go through a process to maintain healthy sugar levels. However, the emergence of magnesium as a potential factor in the prevention and treatment of the disease is promising. By incorporating more magnesium into one's diet, it can make a big difference.

Key Takeaways:

  • Type 2 diabetes prevalence is rising in America and 30 million Americans are purported to have it. It is one of the leading causes of death in America.
  • Scientists now believe that magnesium can be used to control type 2 diabetes because of its usefulness in several enzymatic reactions.
  • Americans eat less of vegetables, nuts and fruits. It is estimated that of the 12% of vegetables that Americans consume, 6% come from French fries.

"New research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has shown that achieving ideal magnesium intake can help prevent type 2 diabetes, as well as improve blood glucose levels in people who’ve already been diagnosed with the condition."

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Delicious remedy: Licorice is a potential treatment forischemia-induced brain damage

Date: November 20, 2018 09:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Delicious remedy: Licorice is a potential treatment forischemia-induced brain damage

Little do people know, there are actually some large medical use cases that are related to licorice. The candy is not the favorite of many people around the world but there are some that really do like to have it on a regular basis. With that being said, it is now being considered as a potential treatment for people who have some brain damage. While the likelihood for success remains to be seen, doctors say early signs are promising.

Key Takeaways:

  • Licorice has been used for all sorts of things since it was brought to Europe from the Middle East. From flavoring food, to sweetening flour and as coloring.
  • Licorice is also used as a potent medicine in China. In fact, it is quoted as such in Chinese pharmacopeia.
  • The purported report that licorice has neuroprotective properties caught the attention of some South Korean researchers who sought to verify if this was really so.

"These days, licorice is best known as a candy flavor, but at the root of that sweetness is an actual root that holds a bevy of medicinal benefits."

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From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders

Date: November 13, 2018 08:51 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders

Living at maximum wellness constitutes more than having a disease-free body, where all the parts are doing what they should. Mental health is also a key component to overall health. From PMS symptoms all the way to psychotic episodes, more than 40 million U.S. citizens suffer from a mental problem yearly. Although treating these potentially life-clouding conditions with pharmaceutical grade interventions is the norm, these interventions are not without the possibility of potentially hazardous side effects. A B vitamin, inositol is present in the human brain in large amounts. Scientists are considering whether significant supplementation of the vitamin might be a way to treat an array of mental conditions naturally and without side effects. The vitamin has already been shown to have positive effect in some mental conditions, which makes sense, as significant neural transmissions depend on the use of the vitamin. Moreover, it's also been shown that individuals with lesser amounts of the mood-regulating chemicals, serotonin and dopamine, have lower levels of inositol. Although more research needs to happen in some instances, there is promising research to suggest that elevating inositol levels could prove efficacious for an array of mental conditions, including panic attacks, bipolar mood disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and depression.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientists have been using inositol to treat people who suffer from mental illnesses and shown to be effective.
  • Studies have shown that people with metal illnesses have less inositol in their brains.
  • If considering increasing inositol, certain foods like beans, whole grains, citrus fruits and nuts contain significant amounts of inositol.

"In fact, other major neurotransmitters depend on inositol to relay messages, making it a key component in a lot of chemical systems in a person’s brain, including the ability to handle stress, learning and cognition, mood, productivity, sleep, and addiction."

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Higher omega-3s status linked to less depression in population withheart failure

Date: September 20, 2018 05:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Higher omega-3s status linked to less depression in population withheart failure

Higher omega-3s status linked to less depression in population with heart failure

A recent American College of Cardiology study of 108 chronic heart failure patients noted that patients with higher omega-3 index levels as a result of oral supplementation appear to suffer less from depression than the control group. Roughly 20 percent of chronic heart failure patients become clinically depressed. The promising results suggest that increased omega-3 index levels may result in better social functioning and reduced cognitive symptoms of depression as measured by the widely-used Hamilton Depression Scale. More research is needed, however, to better understand the impact of omega-3 indexes on depression.

Key Takeaways:

  • A recent American College of Cardiology study of depression symptoms in 108 chronic heart failure patients compared two omega-3 profile-boosting treatments to a placebo.
  • As measured by the Hamilton Depression Scale, patients with higher omega-3 indices had better social functioning and fewer cognitive impacts.
  • Around 20 percent of chronic heart failure patients get depression symptoms, so this issue certainly merits further research.

"A recent pilot study has linked a higher Omega 3 Index with lessened symptoms of depression in a cohort of subjects suffering from chronic heart failure."

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How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally in 28 Simple (!) Steps

Date: July 31, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally in 28 Simple (!) Steps

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally … in 28 Simple (!) Steps

There are all kinds of natural tricks for reducing your bad cholesterol. Too much of this bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein, can increase your risk of heart attack or stroke. A diet with less bad cholesterol or more good cholesterol (aka high density lipoprotein) can reduce your overall level of bad cholesterol and the resulting plaque in your blood vessels. Olive oil, nuts, seeds and salmon are all full of good cholesterol. Another potential avenue to explore is foods like turmeric or garlic that help with the smashing inflammation associated with plaque buildup.

Key Takeaways:

  • Low density lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol, can build up as plaques in your arteries and increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.
  • High density lipoprotein is a good form of cholesterol found in nuts, seeds and olive oil.
  • Limiting your intake of sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol can help to keep your bad cholesterol levels within healthy parameters.

"There are tons of natural remedies out there for how to lower cholesterol levels, often promising quick results with next to no effort required on your part. But while it’s true that there are tons of options to keep cholesterol levels in check, it can actually be as simple as swapping out a few foods in your diet for healthier options, switching up your workout routine or adding a supplement or two into the mix."

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Three nutrient dense superfoods that are easy on your digestion

Date: June 23, 2018 05:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Three nutrient dense superfoods that are easy on your digestion

Three nutrient dense superfoods that are easy on your digestion

Eating wholesome, unprocessed, nutritious “superfoods” can help promote better health and compensate for some of the other obstacles we encounter in trying to improve our diets. Moringa, for example, provides dense leaves rich in 90 vitamins, 18 amino acids and a variety of antioxidants, and is usually prepared as a fine powder that can be added to beverages. Aloe Vera is also rich in a wide variety of nutrients, including some rare ones, and freeze dried extracts of Aloe Vera can provide an excellent source of this remarkable superfood. Perhaps most promising of all is chlorella, an algae and one of the most nutritious foods in the world. The cracked cell wall and fermented variants of this rich protein source are especially easy to digest.

Key Takeaways:

  • Moringa ,also given the moniker "the miracle tree," has leaves that are easily made into powder and consumed in a smoothie.
  • Moringa has more than ninety vitamins and minerals and approximately eighteen amino acids.
  • Although better-known as a topical application, aloe vera is densely nutritious and good for the digestion, when taken internally-it's only drawback being its bitterness.

"From toxic onslaughts to poor food choices, the amount of trip wires on the road to good health can be nauseating and can paralyze people into doing nothing at all."

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How green tea could help prevent heart attacks

Date: June 03, 2018 05:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How green tea could help prevent heart attacks

How green tea could help prevent heart attacks

Scientists from the University of Leeds and Lancaster University have discovered that epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a compound found in green tea, can bind to and dissolve or break up amyloid protein deposits. Amyloid is the key causative agent in Alzheimer’s, but it is also found in atherosclerotic plaques, and the impact of EGCG can therefore help reduce plaque inside the arteries. While this research is promising, the body destroys most of the EGCG it ingests, and the absorption and transport of the molecule is highly inefficient, suggesting more research on delivery of ECGC is needed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Green tea is noted for its ability to aid in weight loss and building up immunity.
  • Now, University researchers are finding that the tea has a substance that could aid in breaking up dangerous plaque in human arteries.
  • Already under review for its possible ability to reduce amyloid plaques in the brain, the substance appears to have an ameliorating affect on fatty deposits in the blood vessels as well.

"Green tea could be key to help prevent deaths from heart attacks and strokes caused by atherosclerosis."

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CBD Oil Benefits for Dogs

Date: February 17, 2018 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD Oil Benefits for Dogs

The use of CBD oil as a supplement for humans has been growing in past years, as researchers discover new and promising benefits and regulatory restrictions are incrementally relaxed. But, did you know that this substance can have significant benefits for your dogs as well? Particularly, the use of CBD oil in dogs can help to improve cardiovascular health, as well as joint mobility. And, there are specific formulations which are aimed directly for use at our canine friends.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dogs have similar receptors for endocannabinoids like we do and can receive the same markers
  • CBD interacts similarly and doesn't have the psychoactive properties that can overwhelm a dog
  • The vet wing of the AMA has not officially said it is approved for dis 2 but studies are promising

"your canine family member can likely benefit from daily CBD oil supplements in much the same way you do."

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Pomegranate extract found to help mitigate the effects of a high fat diet; when combined with inulin, it also lowers cholesterol

Date: January 16, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pomegranate extract found to help mitigate the effects of a high fat diet; when combined with inulin, it also lowers cholesterol

Pomegranate has long been regarded as a wonderful fruit with many benefits. Now the extract of Pomegranate is found to help minimize a high fat diet. The extract can also lower cholesterol in the body for patients. That shows a lot of promise for individuals concerned with their health. Initial research is promising and could help people adapt to their health condition. Get to know more about pomegranate extract and what it could do for people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pomegranate and Inulin together are much stronger in lowering cholesterol than they are separately. Although, they both do help to lower cholesterol separately, with lesser effects than when combined
  • Pomegranate and Inulin supplementation is a healthy alternative to statins, which come with many side effects.
  • Along with lowering cholesterol, Pomegranates includes Vitamin C, along with many other vitamins. They also protect against inflammation in the body.

"Sometimes the sum is greater than its parts, and scientists have found this to be the case when it comes to the cholesterol-lowering effects of pomegranate and inulin."

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Antioxidant power: Blueberry extract found to improve health outcomes for women receiving radiation for cervical cancer, reducing the damaging effects of the therapy

Date: January 06, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Antioxidant power: Blueberry extract found to improve health outcomes for women receiving radiation for cervical cancer, reducing the damaging effects of the therapy

Blueberries have long been known to be a superfood with their high amounts of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories, but they are now being show to have a positive effect on radiation treatment. There have been positive studies showing resveratrol, a compound in blueberries, works well with promoting radiation and treatment in prostate cancer cells and it is doing the same with cervical cancer cells. This research is highly promising and also shows the wonderful way that nature works well with modern medicine to promote our body's natural defenses.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, ranking fourth worldwide
  • Blueberry extract can help slow the growth of abnormal cells, even in subjects not receiving radiation therapy
  • Subjects receiving both radiation therapy and blueberry extract had a nearly 70% reduction in cancer cells

"The extract of blueberry, which is a known superfood, can be beneficial to cervical cancer patients that undergo radiation therapy, according to a study."

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Indiana senator files bill to legalize sale, possession of CBD oil

Date: January 03, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Indiana senator files bill to legalize sale, possession of CBD oil

Indiana is hoping to be one of the first states with legal access to CBD oil. Senator Jim Tomes from Wadesville out forth this legislation in hopes that it will open up this promising drug to all. The drug, derived from hemp, instead of the marijuana, is seen to be promising in many of its tests in a wide range of symptoms for its anti-inflammatory properties. The major change would just get rid of CBD from the controlled substance ban list for ease of use throughout the state.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD is an anti-inflammatory drug derived from hemp and not from marijuana.
  • The drug is currently on schedule and this bill would remove it from that schedule.
  • It is currently only legal in states where marijuana has been legalized

"Republican Sen. Jim Tomes from Wadesville hopes to make the product readily available throughout the state."

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Eating fish once a week may promote sleep and boost IQ

Date: December 25, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eating fish once a week may promote sleep and boost IQ

Fish have always been called brain food but now researchers out of University of Pennsylvania have a found a link between them and sleep as well. The key seems to be the Omega 3 fatty acids. Getting extra sleep helps with intelligence due to lack of stress the next day. Your brain is able to function at top levels and one is able to test higher on IQ exams. These findings are still preliminary but seem promising.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fish has been known as brain food, but now it is linked to sleep
  • The mechanism seems to help with sleep which decreases stress and allows you to think clearer
  • The researchers at University of Pennsylvania will need to do more research to find all the links.

"While this may decision may be a joy for the taste buds, you might be robbing yourself from the benefits that occasionally eating fish can give you."

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NBC: Doctor researching cancer says common plant may hold cancer cure

Date: December 25, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: NBC: Doctor researching cancer says common plant may hold cancer cure

A researcher at Stephen F. Austin State University has found a new link between giant salvinia, a pest in Texas waterways, and a reduction in lung and pancreatic cancer. There are no details on what exactly in the plant is causing this decrease but the numbers are clear and hope is out there. This is part of a vanguard of disease and immunological studies to find cures from common plants and this looks to be promising

Key Takeaways:

  • This plant is a weed in Texas wetlands but may be the cute we're looking for
  • It has show positive findings to reducing tumor growth in lab findings.
  • The best links are to pancreatic and lung cancer but no mention of other cancers.

"Dr. Li says they found eight new compounds, with one of them showing anti-tumor activity."

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What Are The Health Benefits Of Hemp? You Can Use It In Food, On Your Skin, & So Much More

Date: November 23, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Hemp? You Can Use It In Food, On Your Skin, & So Much More

Though hemp is often associated with a cannabis induced high, the truth is far different. Hemp contains only a small percentage(.03%) of cannabis and does not create a high. So what good is hemp? Hemp can be used as a stress reliever, as hair or skin products, food or even clothing and textile products. While there is still ongoing research and certifications going on, in the United States and abroad, the practical uses of hemp look promising.

Key Takeaways:

  • More and more, eco-conscious millennials are turning to all-natural options for everything from makeup, to cleaning products, to relief from aches and pains
  • The latest all-natural option to hit the scene is hemp, which has tons of health and wellness benefits, and is currently getting a lot of attention for its healing properties
  • Because everyone is different, what works to relieve one person's pain or anxiety might not work for another person

"Reasons hemp is all the rage include its reported ability to reduce anxiety, sooth aches, manage chronic pain, relieve PMS symptoms, moisturize skin, and more — all without the worry of exposing yourself to toxic chemicals."

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This Drink Helps You Get Rid of Bloating & Belly Fat Naturally

Date: October 07, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Drink Helps You Get Rid of Bloating & Belly Fat Naturally

Bloating can be painful or just very uncomfortable. Your clothes don't fit correctly when it's going on either. This can actually be embarrassing because of a button being left undone or something. This drink can help make it better. It can also help with excess belly fat which is a very hard kind of fat to burn off. It might be good to add this yto your diet since belly fat doesn't melt off even when you work out sometimes.

Key Takeaways:

  • So, what’s the best way to put them together without compromising any of their natural properties? A simple, delicious tea works wonders. Follow these steps to start taking advantage of this unusual
  • Boil one cup of water on the stove. After it comes to a steady boil, remove it from the heat and add one small slice of ginger. Cover it and allow it to steep for five minutes. Then, add the juice.
  • Remember these natural ingredients only work if they are added to a healthy diet free from junk food, soft drinks, an increased amount of sodium. Get plenty of exercise and consume at least two liters

"This combination can compliment a healthy diet to help you reach your goal."


Are mangos the nutrient filled superfood we need for better health?

Date: September 23, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are mangos the nutrient filled superfood we need for better health?

A recent comprehensive review was published about all of the benefits of eating mangos. Review focused on the anti-inflammatory and health benefits of the pulp and flash of the mango. Recent research has shown that the mango enhances intestinal, grain in skin health. It also has shown to help prevent obesity as well as type 2 diabetes. Research into this low-calorie nutrient rich food needs to continue but it looks like the mango is a promising superfood.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to a recent review published in Food and Function, mangoes are great for the microbiome, vascular health, glycemic control, and the brain.
  • The delicious and popular fruit is a great source of essential and phyto-nutrients that have anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetes, and anti-cancer properties.
  • Mangoes can be consumed alone or can be used in a variety of dishes, such as fruit salads, chutneys, ice creams, and salsas.

"Mangos have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties according to a comprehensive review of all available science literature on the fruit."

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Can Cannabis Be Used To Treat Tourette Syndrome?

Date: September 03, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Cannabis Be Used To Treat Tourette Syndrome?

Cannabis may be able to be used to treat Tourette syndrome. Cannabis can help get rid of some of the effects of Tourette's syndrome. It can help to reduce anxiety as well as the frequency of tics. Tics are repetitive movements and they are involuntary. People that suffer from Tourette's syndrome tend to have two, or more physical tics and at least one vocal tic. These symptoms need to hang around for at least a year for a diagnosis to be made.

Key Takeaways:

  • People who have Tourette syndrome suffer from involuntary motor and vocal tics.
  • Research from the Medical School of Hanover conducted in 1998 have shown promising results from cannabis use from Tourette syndrome sufferers.
  • Four states have approved marijuana for the treatment of Tourette syndrome.

"According to highly specialized medical cannabis doctor Dr. Bonni Goldstein, ”There are many patients who suffer with Tourette syndrome (TS) who are finding relief of symptoms with cannabis.”"

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To Beetroot Juice or Not?

Date: August 26, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: To Beetroot Juice or Not?

Many people question whether or not they should try to drink beetroot juice to help lower their blood pressure. Studies show that a small group of males that drank beetroot juice every day for 15 days had lower blood pressure, dilated vessels, and were able to work for a longer period of time. This, however, was a small study and difficult to use to prove anything, but by drinking the juice and adding more of the beet vegetable in your diet can help you lead a healthier life, and may, in turn make your blood pressure lower.

Key Takeaways:

  • Beetroots have been eaten by people since the middle ages and are also how they are abundant in dietary nitrate.
  • In 2015 a study showed that males taking beetroot juice had lower blood pressure
  • Additional studies on the elderly and those with high blood pressure are even more promising than the study performed in 2015.

"It's always healthy to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. But no one food can do miracles. It takes moderation, variety and balance for a healthy diet."

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Study: Single Dose Of CBD Shown To Reduce Blood Pressure

Date: August 25, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study: Single Dose Of CBD Shown To Reduce Blood Pressure

A recent study conducted at the University of Nottingham in England has shown that a single dose of Cannabidiol can effectively lower blood pressure for individuals that are suffering from high blood pressure. This is great news, considering Cannabidiol is a non-addictive, natural medication. It is also an amazing breakthrough because this means that it can treat many other cardiovascular disorders, not just hypertension. Cannabidiol is believed to be a neuroprotectant that can help prevent cardiovascular disease and stroke, in addition to lowering an elevated heart rate.

Key Takeaways:

  • CBD may help prevent cardiovascular disease, specifically by lowering systolic blood pressure.
  • Patients who received one oral dose had an average of 5-7 mmHg drop in systolic blood pressure.
  • CBD may help reduce cardiovascular risk in other ways- like being a vasodilator and protecting neurons that regulate heartbeat.

"Nearly 75 million adults in the United States suffer from hypertension, or high blood pressure. That means around 32 percent of the population is at an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. It’s very promising that CBD has the possibility of reducing and preventing certain cardiovascular disorders."

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Does Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight? A Dietitian's Response

Date: August 21, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight? A Dietitian's Response

People may wonder if drinking apple cider vinegar helps them lose weight. There is not any harm in taking it regularly, but it might not be a good idea to use it as a weight loss supplement. There is evidence that shows it can help with weight loss and blood sugar levels, but there is not a ton of evidence that makes it a sure thing. It can help you feel satiated, which will make you want to eat less.

Key Takeaways:

  • While apple cider vinegar may potentially help with weight loss and blood sugar maintenance, its efficacy has not been proven.
  • One should expect that apple cider vinegar may help him or herself in feeling full, but weight loss should not be expected.
  • Apple cider vinegar is difficult to consume for some individuals, and it can be added to salads as a dressing instead.

"These studies sound promising, but as mentioned above, there haven't been extensive studies proving that taking ACV daily will greatly impact your metabolism or help with weight loss."

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Anti-cancer breakthrough: 52 herbs were tested, and only these three were found to effectively fight cancer

Date: August 19, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Anti-cancer breakthrough: 52 herbs were tested, and only these three were found to effectively fight cancer

Natural herbs have been used medicinally for centuries. Ancient civilizations have used them to cure many minor and major ailments. These herbs are now being studied to treat strains of cancer. Scientists from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology have reviewed the high contrast image screening of 52 herbs to test their properties that may affect cancer. In all of these 52 herbs three have showed promising results. They all originate in the middle east and include Citrullus colocynthis, Anastatica hierochuntica, and Juniperus phoenicea. More testing is necessary. With the discovery of these herbs' possible treatment powers, more people are hopeful to discover new herbs in such places as the Amazon Rainforest. Although recent deforestation is an issue.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers recently identified three plants that have properties that could help cure cancer.
  • The three plants identified by researchers had active compounds that could potentially be broken down to create anti-cancer chemicals.
  • Many other plants, such as some growing in the diverse Amazon rainforest, should be investigated in the search for anti-cancer medicines, but many of these plants are threatened by human activity.

"The three plants that showed a lot of promise were Anastatica hierochuntica, Citrullus colocynthis, and Juniperus phoenicea. All of these had potent anti-cancer substances known as topoisomerase inhibitors that could potentially be used to develop anti-cancer inhibitors."

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The Science Of CBD Oil [Infographic]

Date: August 17, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Science Of CBD Oil [Infographic]

Cannabis is a booming business right now. Colorado was a state that legalized marijuana back in 2012 and the revenue generated from legal marijuana sales has grown so much that it is now a rival of the GDP of a few island nations. The medical cannabis industry is is one of the major sectors being developed right now. People have known about the benefits for decades and only now are these claims being researched and understood better.

Key Takeaways:

  • One of the most promising sectors being developed within the legal marijuana industry right now is the medical marijuana industry
  • Because CBD oil interacts with and boosts your serotonin levels, it helps to treat with anxiety and other mental maladies
  • CBD oil use may be a problem in states that have yet to legalize marijuana, so it is best to check with local laws

"So far CBD oil has been found to treat addiction, inflammation, Multiple Sclerosis, epilepsy, mad cow disease, acne, diabetes, fibromyalgia, insomnia, PTSD, schizophrenia, Crohn’s disease, and many others."

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This spice is able to neutralize cancer cells

Date: August 06, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This spice is able to neutralize cancer cells

There is a spice that is able to neutralize cancer cells. Turmeric has very incredible properties. Nano particles, which contain turmeric can be a vital component that is able to cure the neuroblastoma. This is a type of cancer that generally attacks children. A rare tumor will develop in children under the age of 5 years old. Researchers think that if this treatment can work, then it will be an excellent alternative to the traditional chemotherapy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Neuroblastoma can be potentially treated with turmeric which has certain properties that help neutralize growth of cancer cells.
  • Turmeric is a promising treatment for neuroblastoma that lacks the negative effects of traditional chemotherapy. treatment.
  • Further laboratory testing is needed to determine the efficacy of turmeric in treating Neuroblastoma.

"It turned out that turmeric neutralizes malignant neuroblastoma cells that had previously shown resistance to other medicines."

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Cannabis phytochemicals found to be effective in destroying leukemia cells

Date: June 14, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cannabis phytochemicals found to be effective in destroying leukemia cells

A recent study shows that cannabinoids fight against leukemia cancer cells if administered in the correct order. When the cannabinoids were given to patients after they received chemotherapy it showed cancer cell death, but it didn't show nearly as effective when given before chemotherapy. When cannabinoids are used in conjunction with chemotherapy it can diminish the unfavorable side effects of chemotherapy significantly. There is still more to be learned, but so far the results look promising.

Read more: Cannabis phytochemicals found to be effective in destroying leukemia cells


Probiotics: Research Beyond the Belly...and to the Brain and Heart)

Date: June 13, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Probiotics: Research Beyond the Belly...and to the Brain and Heart)

Probiotics are a very successful thing. It is very popular among consumers and also among clinicians. The digestive tract is considered a main hub in our bodies. They have a long track record of digestive health and other positive things. Your digestive and immune health. The research on the links between probiotics and the heart is still in the very early stages. There are many factors to consider in this area. There is still much developing in this area.

Key Takeaways:

  • Though research on the ties linking probiotics with the heart and the head remains in its early stages, the notion that there’s a real “there” there is gaining traction
  • “The digestive tract is considered a main hub in our bodies and has an effect on almost every other vital bodily function—making it crucial that we keep it in balance,” Keller observes
  • While the gut-brain axis is an emerging focus of research, and while early results in mood and anxiety look promising, we’re still a long way from improving cognition and memory,” he says.

"The latest eye-opener: Not only do probiotics have a proven track record of promoting digestive and immune health; emerging findings associate some strains with marked improvements in cognition and cardiovascular wellness, to boot."

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Starving prostate cancer with what you eat: Apple peels, red grapes, turmeric

Date: June 11, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Starving prostate cancer with what you eat: Apple peels, red grapes, turmeric

According to recent research conducted on nutrition at the University of Texas, various natural compounds may help prevent the development of prostate cancer. These compounds are plant-based chemicals commonly found in foods such as tumeric, apple peels, rosemary, tumeric, and certain berries. Certain combinations of these chemicals can block cancer cells from obtaining nutrients they require to survive. The study effectively slowed tumor growth in mice without detrimental health effects. This research is especially promising for those with an increased risk of cancer due to obesity or a chronic inflammation.

Read more: Starving prostate cancer with what you eat: Apple peels, red grapes, turmeric


Prebiotics reduce body fat in overweight children

Date: June 09, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Prebiotics reduce body fat in overweight children

In the developed world today the most costly medical condition, for youth, is being overweight. This is a symptom arising from over nutrition. One such way to combat this epidemic may be to use probiotic, as part of a regular diet. A double blind test was preformed by the University of Calgary, in Canada. A controlled group of 42 participant age ranging from 7 to 12 years old participated. The participants added a powder mix to daily water intake and were monitored thereafter. The results showed that the group who supplemented with prebiotic lost more weight than those who took the placebo. Since prebiotic is inexpensive and non-invasive this area of weight loss techniques needs to be studied further.

Key Takeaways:

  • Slowed weight gain resulted from just one dose of probiotics a day compared to the control group
  • Since this is a low-cost treatment, it could be a promising way to help curb over nutrition in children
  • Obesity is one of the most common ailments facing children today

"Prebiotics reduce body fat in children who are overweight or obese by altering their gut microbiota, according to new research. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients (such as fiber) that act as fertilizers to help stimulate the growth of good bacteria already in the gut, different from probiotics, which introduce new bacteria into the system."

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Here's How CBD Can Help Your Hyper Toddler

Date: May 12, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's How CBD Can Help Your Hyper Toddler

An Israeli study of 74 pediatric patients who suffered with intractable epilepsy that did not respond to medications were given CBD oil and the results were promising. Almost 90 percent of the patients experienced a reduction in seizure activity. The use of traditional antipsychotic drugs come with several side effects, CBD oil can avoid these complications. There is also evidence that it can control ADHD and hyperactivity disorder in toddlers without causing drowsiness, the evidence continues to grow that this treatment should be studied.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are many anti seizure medications that are not effective towards epilepsy and is unfortunately common.
  • CBD oil is a great homeopathic remedy for treating epilepsy in children.
  • ADHD symptoms can be reduced with different strains and levels of cannabis.

"Although this is the case, it is important to look at the current evidence as well as alternative solutions for our children."

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Can turmeric really shrink tumours, reduce pain and kill bacteria?

Date: May 09, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can turmeric really shrink tumours, reduce pain and kill bacteria?

According to Gunveen Kaur, the food turmeric is a miracle substance. This yellow-colored spice, widely used in India and South East Asia, supposedly contains anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer properties. Additionally, this substance encourages the death of cells that are dangerous or no longer needed in the human body. According to Kaur, systemized studies have supported these assertions to certain extents. While these findings are quite promising, more work needs to be done to validate and study how much of an impact this miracle food has on the health of others.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tumeric is pivotal in preventing insulin resistance which can help prevent tumors.
  • Tumeric is believed to reduce inflammation that is caused by a wide variety of medical conditions.
  • Black pepper helps our body absorb tumeric. Orally tumeric is not all absorbed by the body.

"Although curcumin is showing some encouraging effects in reducing markers of inflammation in humans, the majority of the pharmacological effects of curcumin are in lab studies or animal experiments."

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Amino acids in diet could be key to starving cancer

Date: April 23, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Amino acids in diet could be key to starving cancer

According to new research, eliminating certain amino acids from the diet of mice can slow tumor growth and increase chances of surviving cancer. Not only were the researches able to slow growth of lymphoma and intestinal cancer, certain cancer cells were able to boost the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Some cancers, such as pancreatic cancer, were not effected by eliminating amino acids. The evidence however is promising and the next step would be to repeat the findings in human cancer patients.

Read more: Amino acids in diet could be key to starving cancer


Research Proving Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells Safely has been Suppressed Since 1974

Date: March 15, 2017 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Research Proving Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells Safely has been Suppressed Since 1974

In 1974 the NIH working with the DEA sponsored research to prove that cannabis caused destruction of brain cells and suppresses the immune system. The research was cancelled and documents were destroyed when it was found it actually enhanced the immune system as well as destroyed cancer cells. Studies are now being sponsored overseas with promising results. Cannabis, when vapors instead of smoked kills cancer cells and city's off blood supply to the cells. There us even a case if a baby cured if brain cancer without surgery or radiation. Standard oncology treatments kill healthy cells as well as cancer while cannabis kills only cancer cells. The research should be allowed in the US with federal funding.

Key Takeaways:

  • After several attempts to get cannabis oil allowed through the court system with many testimonials from those who had been helped, Rick realized this important harsh reality: The cancer industry does not want a cure for cancer.
  • The townspeople were cured of several disorders, including lung cancer. All of them had been failed by mainstream medicine.
  • In 1974, the NIH (National Institutes of Health) funded the Medical College of Virginia to prove that cannabis hampers the immune system and destroys brain cells.

"After several attempts to get cannabis oil allowed through the court system with many testimonials from those who had been helped, Rick realized this important harsh reality: The cancer industry does not want a cure for cancer."




Vitamin C effective in targeting cancer stem cells

Date: March 12, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin C effective in targeting cancer stem cells

Cancer research has taken a front seat to many research projects over the years. Scientists have studied many different chemicals and how they can affect cancer cells. Vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient the body needs normally, has been found to be effective against some cancer cells in studies. Vitamin C has been shown before to be effective against cancer, but more research still needs to be done to show the best way to use this nutrient in therapy. Researchers want to use it to make chemotherapy and other drug options more effective.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin C is up to ten times more effective at stopping cancer cell growth than pharmaceuticals such as 2-DG, according to scientists in Salford, UK.
  • Vitamin C has previously been shown to be effective as a non-toxic anti-cancer agent in studies by Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling and was recently shown to reduce mortality by 25% on breast cancer patients in Japan
  • "Our results indicate it is a promising agent for clinical trials, and a as an add-on to more conventional therapies, to prevent tumour recurrence, further disease progression and metastasis

""Vitamin C is cheap, natural, non-toxic and readily available so to have it as a potential weapon in the fight against cancer would be a significant step.""



Marijuana could help treat drug addiction, mental health, study suggests

Date: February 19, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Marijuana could help treat drug addiction, mental health, study suggests

Marijuana may become legal in Canada as early as next year. With that in mind, researchers are trying to determine if the drug might have more implications than just for recreation. They have been reviewing all studies available on marijuana to see if there is a link between the use of cannabis and health. What they found is that the substance may be helpful in getting addicts off of alcohol and opioids. It may also reduce symptoms of PTSD, depression, and anxiety. More research needs to be done, but the possibilities are promising.

Key Takeaways:

  • Using marijuana could help some alcoholics and people addicted to opioids kick their habits, a UBC study has found.
  • This comprehensive review of research on medical cannabis use and mental health also found some evidence that cannabis may help with symptoms of depression, PTSD and social anxiety.
  • However, the review concluded that cannabis use might not be recommended for conditions such as bipolar disorder and psychosis.

"Research suggests that people may be using cannabis as an exit drug to reduce use of substances that are potentially more harmful, such as opioid pain medication"



Cannabis and Epilepsy Treatment

Date: January 30, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cannabis and Epilepsy Treatment

For those who struggle with seizures or have a family member who does, it can be difficult to find a treatment plan that manages it effectively. CBD oil has become a promising choice for people in a situation where normal treatment options are not working. A lot of research is being done on the subject, but the advancement of the field is going slow. There are a few stories of CBD oil being used to prevent seizures in children who did not respond to more mainstream treatment. This has allowed them to be functioning members of society.

Key Takeaways:

  • Since medicinal cannabis has become a more commonplace alternative for a well-established list of ailments, patients are finding a place for it next to their Advil and Tums.
  • But unlike many other chronic illnesses that can be managed with over-the-counter supplements, epilepsy requires a specific cocktail of chemicals not readily available at the local corner store.
  • Cannabis has demonstrated so much promise in the treatment of epilepsy that FDA-approved clinical trials are underway.

"There has been no other drug in history that has been as widely consumed and applied for medicinal use without the institutional blessing symbolized by clinical human trials."



Marijuana oil shows promise in treating epilepsy

Date: January 12, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Marijuana oil shows promise in treating epilepsy

Recently a compound that is found in marijuana has been showing some great promise in regards to the treatment of epilepsy in both adults and children. After nearly two years of research, researchers are getting the data that they need to show that the treatment method works in general. Researchers observed a reduction in the number of seizures in the majority number of the patients during clinical trials in general.

Key Takeaways:

  • A compound found in marijuana is showing great promise in the treatment of epilepsy in both kids and adults.
  • After two years of research, "finally we are getting the data to show patients that the treatment works," explains UAB neurologist Dr. Jerzy Szaflarski.
  • They've observed a reduction in seizures in the majority of patients in clinical trials, and some are even seizure-free.

"Results are so promising with CBD that this marijuana derivative -- which can't make anyone high -- could be available to patients in need within 18 months."



5 Reasons the DEA's Marijuana Ruling Is Absurd and Indefensible

Date: December 31, 2016 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Reasons the DEA's Marijuana Ruling Is Absurd and Indefensible

On December 14, 2016, in the Federal Register, DEA Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg made cannabis a Schedule I controlled substance by making it illegal to use. People suffering from medical issues often use cannabis (CBD) and CBD oil in their treatment. Opponents to the new classification argue that cannabis should not be included in Schedule 1 drugs. For starters, they say it’s not psychoactive, addictive, or dangerous. Also, the US government has conducted research on the drug and concluded that it has medical benefits. In addition, it has been helpful in treating other coditions, like seizures and schizophrenia.

Key Takeaways:

  • That last bit about treaty provisions? That’s the justification for the move. It’s meant to make the United States more compliant with treaties and agreements involving drug and narcotics control.
  • It’s an extract that has promising medical value, and by placing it under the Schedule I umbrella, the DEA is doing more harm than good.
  • They’re basically taking medicine from sick people with this move. It’s really hard to justify. Maybe even an indefensible move.

"While it’s possible to abuse marijuana (along with anything else), dependence and addiction are rare."



Inositol is a vital nutrient for your body that could prevent and heal cancer

Date: December 05, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Inositol is a vital nutrient for your body that could prevent and heal cancer

Many shamans, medicine men, and just plain old grandmothers have used food to heal the body. In the new millennium scientist have been able to look into many different ways of healing. Inositol may be that rare substance found within us and in Mother Nature that could hold the keys to our survival of terminal diseases. Scientist have been able to identify this substance in many foods from legumes to fruits. As long as we can locate these items in nature, there may be hope for a healthier future.

Key Takeaways:

  • a nutrient that is one of several little-known chemo-protective natural substances that have been discovered.
  • This nutrient is said to have positive effects on the brain's neurotransmitters and fat conversion, but in addition to that, it has been steadily showing promise as a fantastic nutrient for preventing a number of different cancers, including both lung and colon cancer.
  • many interested in the substance is that it is effective in maintaining proper brain health by assisting in the healthy function of neurotransmitters, while helping generate a feeling of calm.

"That's why it is promising that researchers are examining the health benefits of inositol, a nutrient that is one of several little-known chemo-protective natural substances that have been discovered."




Can Protein, Probiotics Help With Blood Sugar Control?

Date: December 04, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Protein, Probiotics Help With Blood Sugar Control?

A recent study to determine the effect protein and probiotics can have on blood sugar has shown promising results. By having patients consume a protein-rich diet or add probiotics to an already healthy diet, researchers were able to see their blood sugar levels decrease. The protein is believed to slow down the metabolism of carbohydrates and prevent blood sugar from spiking, while probiotics supposedly allow the cells in the body to utilize insulin more effectively to combat glucose surges. More research needs to be done, but these findings may help diabetics control their condition more effectively.

Key Takeaways:

  • Both proteins and probiotics appear to slow down digestion of carbohydrates, preventing blood sugar spikes that can lead to type 2 diabetes or exacerbate damage done by the disease, researchers found.
  • Protein slowed the release of sugars into the bloodstream, but Meng and her colleagues were surprised to find no similar effect from the fats in butter or the fiber in the oat cereal.
  • r to produce compounds that may make it easier for cells to use the hormone insulin to convert blood sugar into energy, Pandey said.

"Both proteins and probiotics appear to slow down digestion of carbohydrates, preventing blood sugar spikes that can lead to type 2 diabetes or exacerbate damage done by the disease, researchers found."




Reducing salt intake may help protect kidney patients’ heart and kidney health

Date: December 03, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Reducing salt intake may help protect kidney patients’ heart and kidney health

Chronic kidney disease is a serious condition. One of the most detrimental effects of the disease is albuminuria. In most patients, this effect can be controlled by kidney medications. In some, however, albuminuria cannot be reduced. A recent study in which 45 patients were asked to reduce their sodium intake, take paricalcitrol, or both showed promising results in significantly reducing albuminuria. Reducing salt intake alone helped, but combining both salt reduction and paricalcitrol provided the best results.

Key Takeaways:

  • New research indicates that reducing sodium intake may provide kidney and heart benefits for patients with chronic kidney disease.
  • Investigators found that dietary sodium restriction led to a significant reduction of residual albuminuria and blood pressure.
  • Even a moderate reduction in sodium intake may provide serious health benefits.

"The investigators found that dietary sodium restriction led to a significant reduction of residual albuminuria and blood pressure, whereas paricalcitol had no significant effect on these measures. The combination of paricalcitol and a low sodium diet, however, resulted in the lowest albuminuria levels."



Stronger Muscles for Improved Brain Function

Date: November 23, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Stronger Muscles for Improved Brain Function

A study conducted by the University of Sydney has linked physical fitness with cognitive fitness. They studied patients age 55 to 68 and found that those who adopted a daily regimen of weightlifting had a lower occurrence of cognitive impairment. In fact, those who were more physically fit were actually able to improve their cognitive function. The exact reason behind this link has not been full discovered, but the implications are promising.

Key Takeaways:

  • In Australia, a University of Sydney study has linked improved cognitive function with stronger muscles using a steady regime of weightlifting exercises.
  • Published in the Journal of American Geriatrics, the study used a system known as SMART (Study of Mental and Resistance Training).
  • This condition is not as serious as full-blown dementia, as people affected only have mild cognitive symptoms not severe enough to disable them from normal daily life.

"Exercise can help prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease, but also improves cardiovascular health and some other cognitive processes like multitasking."




The Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract

Date: November 14, 2016 10:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract is most commonly a waste product produced by the grape juice and winery industry. This is because grape seed extract doesn't go into finished drinks. Grape seed contains a wide variety of health-enhancing ingredients like protein, carbohydrates and lipids (healthy fats).

Immune system

A study done on healthy volunteers found that grape seed considerably increased the levels of antioxidants in the blood. So, another one of the benefits of grape seed is it helps boosts the immune system to fight against harmful compounds which may reduce the risk of chronic diseases including breast, stomach, colon, prostate and lung cancer.

Vascular Endothelial Health

Grape seed extracts have been tied to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases partly due to the long association of grape wines with low prevalence of heart diseases among the French. Besides, there is a growing literature devoted to the health potential of grape seed concerning their positive effects on vascular endothelial growth factor, a type of protein that signals the development of new healthy blood vessels and improves the circulation of oxygen to tissues that suffer oxygen deprivation.

High Blood Pressure

Due to its antioxidant activity that may protect the blood vessels, grape seed extract could theoretically benefit people with high blood pressure. The UMMC points out that study in animals indicate that it's useful for this purpose. However, there are no human studies that have looked at grape seed extract's effect on hypertension.

High Cholesterol

The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center states that one study suggests that grape seed, when taken with chromium, may lower "bad" blood cholesterol. The UMMC describes grape seed extract's effects on blood cholesterol as "promising"; however, more research is needed to see if grape seed is beneficial for this purpose.


In one study, patients with chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), grape seed extract showed promise. It appeared to significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of symptoms such as abdominal pain and nausea. This occurred even after conventional medications failed to help. These results are very preliminary and further studies will be needed to confirm these findings.


Dilute honey 'may fight urine infections'

Date: November 10, 2016 12:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Dilute honey 'may fight urine infections'

A recent study at the University of Southampton is proposing the use of honey to prevent microbiological biofilms from developing within catheters. Their research has shown promising results. They were able to use this natural substance to stop E. coli and Proteus mirabilis bacteria from clustering together as in normal catheters. While the research is far from human trials, this would be an alternative welcomed by those who prefer all natural substances. However, that doesn’t mean it will be as effective as current antimicrobials.

Key Takeaways:

  • Patients often have a catheter fitted, either to drain urine stuck in the bladder or to monitor urine output.
  • In theory, a honey solution might be useful for flushing urinary catheters to keep them clean while they remain in the bladder.
  • Honey has been used for centuries as a natural antiseptic. People have used it to treat burns and wounds and many companies now sell a range of "medical grade" honey products that comply with regulatory standards.

"Honey has been used for centuries as a natural antiseptic. People have used it to treat burns and wounds and many companies now sell a range of "medical grade" honey products that comply with regulatory standards."




Curcumin Helps Alleviate Depression

Date: October 26, 2016 08:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Curcumin Helps Alleviate Depression

Curcumin is a phenolic acid that can be sourced from the cooking spice turmeric. It acts as a powerful antioxidant in humans and protects the body's cells from dangerous free radicals (harmful by-products that are released into the cells during oxygen related reactions). Provisional studies suggest that it may also have many more health benefits. There is also some evidence that curcumin or turmeric may help alleviate the symptoms of certain skin diseases, viral infections, diabetes, colitis, stomach ulcers, and high cholesterol. Once again, the ancient herbal remedy is being celebrated as a modern wonder drug. But perhaps the most promising results have been seen in the use of curcumin to treat depression.


Curcumin vs. Prozac

If there's one thing Big Pharma fears more than anything else it's competition from the outside. Because herbal medicines have far fewer and less serious side effects than prescription pills, they would be the logical choice - if only they worked as well. Well, there is now irrefutable, ironclad scientific evidence that an herbal remedy is every bit as effective at treating depression as one of the most popular prescription antidepressants.

When researchers with the Department of Pharmacology of Government Medical College in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India conducted a controlled clinical study comparing the effects of curcumin and Prozac, they didn't expect to make national, even global news. Although the popular herbal remedy is widely used in India, curcumin had never been subjected to rigorous scientific testing for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). The most serious and chronic form of the disease, major or clinical depression affects about 3 percent of population at any given time. The idea that a chemical compound from a popular native spice could compete with Prozac seemed far- fetched to those conducting the study. But after 60 patients diagnosed with MDD were randomly administered curcumin, fluoxetine (Prozac), and a combination of the two, the results spoke for themselves.

With the help of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, 17-item version (HAM-D17), researchers determined that curcumin was just as effective as Prozac at treating serious depression. Because the study utilized the latest research tools and followed strict testing guidelines, it became the first published report that indicated the efficacy of turmeric or curcumin in the treatment of depression. What the report did not take into account, however, were the serious side effects those who take Prozac endure; the most serious of which include anxiety, seizures, racing heartbeat, trouble sleeping, and suicidal ideation.

How Curcumin Treats Depression

Shortly after the results of the aforementioned study made news, researchers started looking for answers. It was not enough for Western scientists to know that curcumin is effective in the treatment depression, they also had to know how. As you might imagine, the how has proved more challenging than the if. This is not at all surprising, since curcumin has diverse biological properties that are difficult to study separately. So, while the mechanism of action is poorly understood, the effects of curcumin intake are well documented, particularly with regard to neurotransmitters.

As their name implies, neurotransmitters send messages to the billions of neurons in the human brain. Some of these neurotransmitters are responsible for regulating brain functions such as mood, memory, appetite, and sleep. Known as "feel-good" neurotransmitters because they help maintain mood balance, dopamine and serotonin play a role in depression. How do we know? For starters, studies have confirmed that people who suffer from clinical depression have consistently low levels of both neurotransmitters.

Once again, we aren't sure how curcumin extract works its magic, but testing has shown that those who take it have higher serotonin and dopamine levels. That fact alone might account for the improved mood those that take the dietary supplement have consistently reported. Although researchers will undoubtedly get to the bottom of this ancient mystery, it enough for most patients to know that curcumin is a safe and effective treatment option.

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Benefits of Chanca Piedra (phyllanthus niruri)

Date: September 15, 2016 02:07 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Benefits of Chanca Piedra (phyllanthus niruri)

Chanca piedra also known as phyllanthus niruri and whose common names are stonebreaker, seed-under-leaf or gale of the wind is a tropical plant, indigenous to Amazon Rainforest in South America and India. It is a highly regarded plant, familiar to naturopaths. Read on to find why?

For centuries, the indigenous people of Amazon have used Chanca piedra to treat and remove kidney gallstones. In fact, the name Chanca piedra is a Peru word for “stone breaker”. In addition to curing gallstones, the plant has diuretic qualities which, is why over 300 studies have been done since the 1960s to ascertain its healing abilities.

From this research, the plant has been found to cure a number of diseases. These include;

Gallstones, and Kidney Stones – Chanca is believed to hold the most promising treatment for kidney stones, not only among the indigenous people but also, in the Ayurvedic medicine.

Preliminary studies indicate that the plant has the potential to protect the kidney from kidney stones by simply increasing the secretion of bile and reducing the formation of any obstructions in the kidneys and the gall bladders. The extra bile secreted enhances digestion and increase absorption fats, like fat soluble vitamins. 

Chanca piedra and the Liver – the herb contains a protein which research has shown that it protects the tissues of the liver against oxidative stress by simply increasing antioxidative defense.

Antioxidant Activities – Chanca piedra has also been found to contain phenolic content which reflects antioxidant activities when tested. The antioxidants support optimal blood pressure levels in addition to supporting balanced blood sugar levels.

Defense against harmful organisms – water extracts from this herb have indicated toxic activities against several organisms that are harmful to human body. Additionally, Chanca piedra has been found to defend the body against;

  • · viral infections
  • · colds and flu
  • · bacterial infections
  • · herpes
  • · asthma,
  • · diabetes
  • · malaria,
  • · hypertension
  • · HIV, and
  • · bronchitis & colic


  1. //


Is Erythritol A Better Sweetener Than Sugar?

Date: September 02, 2015 05:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Is Erythritol A Better Sweetener Than Sugar?

Named as polyol, erythritol is known as "sugar alcohol" and later confirmed as food additive in worldwide perspective.  Some countries find no problems in using this sugar sweetener for human use.  Coming from fruits which are processed into fermentation, it ends up being sugar liquor and utilized for any sort of sustenance items like grape, wine, soy sauce, etc. Rather than being named as nourishment added substance, it likewise goes about as sugar substitute and made of no synthetic substance inside.  The level of sweetness is extended from 60-70% for sure if contrasted with characteristic sugar.

Further examination proves that erythritol contains zero calories.  It doesn't make you fatter.  Without a doubt, it keeps the body in perfect figure.  Diabetic sufferers are kept out of high glucose level when taking this common sweetener.  It really doesn't take off the glucose.  It conveys no impact to glucose level.  The tooth rot doesn't happen all things considered. So children are allowed to devour this sugar substitute and appreciate a mixed bag of sustenance items that may come in business sector.  Body regulation works out by taking incomplete assimilation of sugar free pastry and let the rest urinated.

What makes Erythritol stand out from other sweeteners is its capacity to lessen potential gastric problems.  It is less reactive compared to other sugar alcohols.  It is easily absorbed by the body which makes it a good component of beverages and certain gums.  Therefore, this sweetener is a safe sugar substitute.

Taking up Erythritol in larger quantities doesn't cause harm in the body.  Non-glycemic specialists say that it doesn't have an effect on people who have diabetes.  This is a good news for them since they can enjoy the sweet taste without compromising their health or thinking about their insulin level.


Does Broccoli Really Fight Cancer?

Date: May 27, 2014 05:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does Broccoli Really Fight Cancer?

broccoli plantWhat is a broccoli?

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli is known to have numerous health benefits within the body. In addition, many studies have proved that broccoli has another element known as sulforaphane that has cancer-fighting properties.

Benefits of broccoli

A recent study by the Oregon State University, suggested that sulforaphane is a powerful antioxidant in broccoli and many other cruciferous vegetables do have the power and the ability to kill cancer cells, thus leaving the prostate cells unaffected.

Sulforaphane is also another potent antioxidant that has the ability to inhibit HDAC enzymes known as histone deacetylase and play a vital role in suppressing tumor-like genes thus making a perfect solution to cancer treatment. HDAC in Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli is known to have numerous health benefits within the body. In addition, many studies have proved that broccoli has another element known as sulforaphane that has cancer-fighting properties.

A recent study by the Oregon State University, suggested that sulforaphane is a powerful antioxidant in broccoli and many other cruciferous vegetables do have the power and the ability to kill cancer cells, thus leaving the prostate cells unaffected.

Sulforaphane is also another potent antioxidant that has the ability to inhibit HDAC enzymes known as histone deacetylase and play a vital role in suppressing tumor-like genes thus making a perfect solution to cancer treatment. HDAC inhibition is another very promising cancer treatment and many researchers have found that it is associated with broccoli. Cancer is often characterized by the inappropriate cell growth, however, HDAC inhibitors has the ability of restoring cells to normalcy in terms of function and thus the most effective cure of cancer.

Other studies have also demonstrated the cancer-fighting ability of the cruciferous vegetables. In the year 2009, Victoria Kirsh., of Toronto Cancer Care Ontario and her team discovered that eating vegetables and fruits in general was associated with the decreased prostate cancer risk, making it one of the best ways of enhancing health. This remarkable compound in broccoli is among the strongest anti-cancer elements in the body.

It is important to recall that you cook your broccoli in the best way possible since this will preserve the elements that helps in fighting cancer. In addition, Broccoli has myrosinase that helps in the formation of sulforaphane. You need to remember that Myrosinase is an element that can be destroyed through overcooking the broccoli. You should only steam it for 2 to 4 minutes. In conclusion, the above information should convince on the incredible ability to cure the cancer cells that are found within the body.



Lavilin Deodorant reviews.

Date: March 04, 2014 09:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lavilin Deodorant reviews.

Lavilin deodorant

lavilin creamThere are many deodorants in the market but Lavilin is among the reputed deodorants. It is a gentle and effective deodorant.

Active ingredients.

  • Ricinus-communis- it is natural product from castor.
  • Wax, natural product from bees.
  • Modified potato starch.
  • Glycine soya.
  • Triethly citrate.
  • Glycine soya.
  • Lactose.
  • Milk and fragrance.
  • Lavilin is free from.

Aluminium-some deodorants contains aluminium which causes breast cancer and Alzheimer. Most of the ingredients are from natural sources. This makes Lavilin a premier deodorants.

It is also free from Parabens, though most anti-perspirants uses Parabens to improve shelf life, Lavilin uses natural methods. Parabens are very dangerous to our bodies since they can damage central nervous system, cause birth defects and endocrine disruption.

It contains zero Propylene Glycol, Triclosan and Phthalates which are also very harmful to your health.

It is also free from alcohol which damages skin pores and also causes blisters. Deodorants which contains alcohol will cause blisters and users will get irritation when they take bath.

How it works.

It works by eliminating bacteria that causes odor smell in your armpits. It does not prevent you from sweating, sweating is a very health process and any product that hinders normal body processes is definitely not good at all.

Lavilin uses essential oils to eliminate bacteria and ensure your skin remains fresh and you have a good smell.

Direction of use.

This product should be used after taking shower. It has a good smell which will not work well if you have not taken bath.

You can also use it after shaving, it does not cause irritations, it is very friendly.

Upon it use, you will have fresh breath for more than 72 hours. It has a good smell and it will keep your skin fresh for more than 72 hours. It does not wear off easily even after taking a bath, it is promising product that will keep you confident for more than 4 days.


It is long lasting, upon wearing it, it will remain effective for more than 72 hours. You don’t need to use it daily.

It is not affected by water, the scent will remain after taking bath.

There is no strong smell, it scent is just friendly to you and other people. It is never shouty and only a person close to you will smell the scent.

It does not stain clothes or make your armpits white. You clothes will not be discolored by use of Lavilin nor will your armpit get white color.

You can use it after shaving, it does not cause blisters or irritations. It is very friendly.

It is also very use, it has few and easy few to follow instructions.


Lavilin does not seem to be effective to men. It can last for more than 4 days when worn by a lady but for a man it will last for only three days. This call for regular use.

Lavilin can be used by body builders or people taking strenuous exercise. It can also be used in nay weather, sunny, rainy or high humidity, it effectiveness is not lessened by weather condition.


  1. //
  2. deodorant/to learn more about Lavilin.


Arginine and Ornithine Supplementation for Enhanced Athletic Performance

Date: January 19, 2014 07:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Arginine and Ornithine Supplementation for Enhanced Athletic Performance

Arginine and ornithine

Arginine and ornithine are two amino acids that are incorporated in protein that is found in many dietary sources, such as meat, egg whites, soy or fish. Although these two amino acids can be supplied to your muscles from food sources, several research studies have examined the benefits of arginine and ornithine supplements. Fitness researchers found positive and promising results in terms of muscular growth, endurance and fatigue prevention. These supplements are especially known and popular among bodybuilders and other types of strength athletes, as it has been clearly demonstrated that they improve athletic ability on a biochemical level.

Arginine Intake is Associated With a More Intense Production of Human Growth Hormone

Arginine is an amino acid that is able to exert a potent stimulation of the pituitary gland following intense workout routines. The pituitary gland is a small region in the human brain that is able to manufacture a hormone that is the most powerful accelerator of muscle and bone growth, which is the Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Several medical tests and research trials examined the effects of supplemental arginine intake on the HGH levels after bodybuilding or strength exercise aimed to increasing muscle size and strength. The results reveal that additional arginine intake through supplements results in a better HGH response to exercise, which stimulates muscle development through an accelerated protein synthesis in muscle fibers.

Ornithine Intake Results in Fatigue Prevention in Athletes

Ornithine is also a popular amino acid supplement among athletes because it allows for a more efficient energy production and utilization in muscle fibers. Moreover, arginine and ornithine taken together stimulate the faster elimination of toxic waste from the muscles, especially nitrogen removal. The combined benefits of arginine and ornithine supplementation for athletes and sports enthusiasts consists in their capacity to induce a better HGH response for muscle fiber growth and prevention of fatigue during strenuous physical exercise.


  1. //
  2. hhtp://


Lion's Mane Mushroom A Nerve Stimulant?

Date: December 21, 2012 12:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lion's Mane Mushroom A Nerve Stimulant?

Natural sources of nutrition and medication are the only secret to live a energetic, cheerful and long life. Still, the modern day pharmaceutical industry stands in front of this trend as it has to make money by extracting the natural ingredients and selling them back to people. Ancient herbalists had done enough research in finding out medicinal properties within our surroundings.

Mushrooms are one of these potent fungus and such a promising fungus is Lion's Mane Mushroom. It is identified by the botanical name Hericium erinaceus. One Beneficial role is in benefiting the nervous system. Our body secrets a nerve stimulating factor, known as NGF; standing for nerve growth factor. It is responsible for new nerve production. Lion's Mane Mushroom does the same thing (by stimulating NGF secretion) because it heals neurological disorders.

Terrific disorders like Parkinson's disease can be managed with the intake of this mushroom. Children who are given this mushroom with their meals are seen to be more active mentally than any other normal child. They also adapt, accommodate, improvise and decide faster even under stress. As far as other additional benefits are concerned, Lion's Mane Mushroom boosts the immune system. This is a common property of mushrooms though.

So, if you are thinking of adding mushroom dishes to your meals or supply your family with mushroom extracts, that's a smart idea. As these ancient treatment techniques aren't easily accepted by people and benefits of mushrooms are not discussed quite often in public, people don't get to know how powerful & medicinal mushrooms can be.

Who knows, few medicinal properties of mushrooms might not have been identified yet?

Few more benefits of Lion's Mane:

  • Regulates blood sugar level, hence helps in controlling diabetes.
  • It fights against all possible biological reason for Alzheimer's disease.
  • Heals ulcers too.
  • Enriches your memory bank.

Digestive system functions better.

Just get started with this healthy fungus cause you might not want to miss seeing yourself healthy and active till death.


Xanthan Gum Recipes

Date: December 18, 2012 11:29 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Xanthan Gum Recipes

Natural Healthy Thickener

Anyone who has wielded a ladle knows exactly what it means to get the right consistency in sauces and soups. Generally a flour, either cornstarch or arrowroot powder based additive, which is carbohydrate rich, make our soups and sauces thick, using conventional cooking methods. However, with growing concerns over carb -rich diets being linked to obesity and the recurring need for thickening required in cooking, has necessitated a switch without compromising on health.

Synthetic thickeners are not recommended though sometimes used commercially . Xanthun gum is a naturally derived form of a thickener made through the fermentation of glucose or sucrose using the harmless bacteria Xanthomonas campestris. Marketed from the 1960's, this harmless bacteria forms one of the most useful thickening agents that has been used commercially in the food industry. It has been used as an anti-settling agent, thickener and emulsifier for ice creams, smoothies, gums and confectioneries and even as a binding agent in creams ,lotions as well as other cosmetics including lipsticks.

Xanthan Gum Powder-Here are some benefits that one could look forward to:

  • * Go gluten free-Reduce your fear of gluten by substituting flour with xanthan gum in breads, cakes and pasta. Those who suffer from gluten allergy may use this natural substitute in their diet in place of flour.
  • *Provides all your dairy based products with a creamy texture, it does not deprive you of the pleasure of a dessert .
  • * Acts as a perfect binding agent in gluten- free and even egg -free cooking.
  • *It does not alter the color or flavor of the food.
  • *Xanthan gum is known to have skin hydrating properties and thus manages to find its way into some of the most popular and commonly sold cosmetics. Being hypoallergenic and non acidic, one could find it in liquid soaps, lotions, creams, shower gels, and shampoos.
  • * Because of its ability to coagulate and form a gel, it works wonderfully in the human digestive system to cleanse the colon with absolutely no harmful effects if taken within a certain limit. All therapeutic usage however requires the careful instructions of a therapist.
  • *Rich in fiber-Every teaspoon of xanthan gum powder has 7 grams of fiber which also explains its digestive cleansing action that in some cases may cause bloating.

This polysaccharide needs to be used in small quantities thus it is not only affordable but can get easily amalgamated into home cooked food recipes with absolute ease ending up providing the most mouth watering of recipes the respite from censure .


How Does Green Tea And African Mango Help With Weight Loss?

Date: December 11, 2012 12:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Green Tea And African Mango Help With Weight Loss?

Weight Loss

There are numerous weight loss concepts and supplements available on the market today. But finding a weight loss supplement that's safe and effective is quite a tough task. You all know that no magic is going to happen within a night when it comes to weight loss. The fact is you have to reduce the amount of calories you intake for weight loss. Though the safest methods for losing weight is regular exercising and consuming proper diet, but often people get frustrated as these ways are very complex and long term process. Hence many people are switching towards natural weight loss supplements which are safe and you'll get the positive results in short span of time. Finding ways will speed up the process of burning excess fat and make it easier. 

Green tea and African mango supplements

Green tea and African mango supplements are one such promising product which helps individuals to lose weight effectively. Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants especially polyphenols known as catechins. It is made up of un-fermented leaves. Apart from tea form, green tea supplements are found in the form of capsules, liquid extract and dried powder. Green tea/mango speeds up the metabolism and burns excess fat at a faster rate. They turn off the receptors that compel you to eat more.

Green tea

Green tea has the ability to reduce excess water and fat from the body, increases its energy consumption and stimulate an effective metabolism. Consuming green tea liquid extract containing catechins in accord with regular exercising increases persons ability to lose excess abdominal fat and improved their triglyceride levels. 

African mango

African mango is a rich source of fiber food. And all you know that a balanced and healthy is a high source of fiber. The mango supplements are available in the form of pills, tablets and powder. African mango is a great supplement that works for weight loss. It accelerates the metabolism of the body. When consumed mango extract it diminishes nutrient blocking toxins that allows the body to obtain the energy it requires to burn the excess fat. African mango contains vitamin B. The Vitamin B helps to speed up metabolism of other essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It has the power to suppress the appetite and makes your body sensitive to Leptin.

Leptin is a hormone that regulates you from overeating. African mango supplement also helps you to lose weight by slowing down the digestion process, you feel full stomach for a longer time being a high source of fibre. The fibre present in Mango helps suppress your appetite and flush out the toxins from your body. A recent study has been proven that Green tea/mango both emerged as great weight loss products, if consumed regularly and should be taken in proper dosages. One can get much faster results if these supplements are followed with routine exercises. Though consuming these dietary supplements are safe and have no side effects, but it is suggested to consult a doctor, prior to consumption a person having any medical history. The Green tea / mango supplements were proven to be the best weight loss aid , so choose the high quality products which provides quicker results.


Can Fenugreek Seed Help Lower Blood Sugar?

Date: May 17, 2012 08:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Fenugreek Seed Help Lower Blood Sugar?


The cells essentially need glucose since it supplies them with energy, and it is the simple sugar traveling in the blood that provides the cell with glucose. Glucose moves from the blood into the cells with the help of the insulin hormone. At times, the body fails at producing insulin or starts reacting abnormally to the insulin in the blood. This way, the cells are not able to use the glucose, which causes the glucose to continue accumulating in the blood until the glucose levels in the blood become really high.

The severity of this condition can lead to diabetes. Fortunately, people can keep their blood sugar levels in a healthy range by using fenugreek seeds, which is a herb this is capable of lowering blood sugar. Before consuming fenugreek, it is better if people consult their doctor and follow their doctor's advice.

What is Fenugreek?

Fenugreek or Trigonella foenum-graecum, is a plant that is also known as Greek hayseed, and it bears seeds. For thousands of years, the Fenugreek seeds have bee used in Ayurveda or traditional Indian medicine. Fenugreek is generally recommended as a remedy for digestive problems, since constipation is relieved and lactation is promoted by the seeds of this herb. Even diabetes, high cholesterol and inflammation can be treated using these seeds. Several biologically active components are contained fenugreek, which lessen the amount of blood sugar, lowering blood sugar levels.

What are the Properties Fenugreek?

Natural chemicals known as saponins and alkaloids are contained in Fenugreek. The way in which carbohydrates are converted by the digestive system into glucose and way in which insulin is secreted and used by the body is affected by some of these compounds. The saponins cause lesser glucose to be absorbed from digested nutrients. The amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas and the number of insulin receptors on red blood cells are increased by the rest of the compounds. Abundant fiber is also contained in fenugreek seeds, as a result of which the absorption of the glucose derived from carbohydrate after a meal is slowed down.

Is There Any Evidence that Fenugreek Helps Lower Blood Sugar?

It has been suggested by several laboratory studies that fenugreek indeed keeps the blood sugar levels in control. The benefits of fenugreek and its seeds have also been suggested by several clinical studies with human subjects. While large trials have not yet been conducted, the present findings seem to be quite promising and definitely suggest that fenugreek effectively lower blood sugar levels.

Precautions and Recommendations

A variety of health food stores are currently selling fenugreek extract and fenugreek seeds. While there is no standard dosage of consuming the extract or the seeds, but it is better if about five grams of the seeds per day or one gram of the extract per day is consumed. Fenugreek might result in mild abdominal bloating or gastric upset, but overall it is regarded safe to use. Thus, consuming fenugreek seeds or extract can prove to be beneficial for the people who are suffering from high blood sugar levels or diabetes.


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