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Go Deep to the Underlying Cause of Symptoms* Darrell Miller 5/31/05
Aller Response - Deep support of multiple body systems... Darrell Miller 5/31/05

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Go Deep to the Underlying Cause of Symptoms*

Date: May 31, 2005 05:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Go Deep to the Underlying Cause of Symptoms*

Go Deep to the Underlying Cause of Symptoms*

Bio-Aligned Formulas Balance Your Body Systems

Source Naturals comprehensive Bio-Aligned Formulas go deep to address the root causes of nutritional symptoms*. Our expert formulators exhaustively review the latest scientific research on nutrition and health. Then they design scientifically based formulas that help bring alignment to your multiple, interdependent body systems. Only this in-depth formulation approach can bring you the most effective formulas possible.

Cardiovascular Symptoms*

Your heart function and circulation can be disrupted by factors including diet, stress, and free radicals. Bio-Aligned Formulas supply nutrients to meet the heart’s energy requirements, nutrients necessary for the maintenance of blood vessels, antioxidants to help control cholesterol oxidation, minerals to support normal electrical rhythms, vitamins for regulation of homocysteine levels, and fibers to help with the exertion of cholesterol. The following formulas help align these systems: CHOLES RESPONSE™, CHOLESTREX ®, HEART SCIENCE ™, and POLICOSANOL CHOLESTEROL COMPLEX ™.

Cognitive & Mood Symptoms*

Brain health can be affected by nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors, leaving you susceptible to problems in memory, concentration, and perception. Bio-Aligned Formulas provide ingredients such as neurotransmitters for brain cell communication, phospholipids that are components of nerve cell membranes, nutrients to fuel the brain’s energy demands, and herbs for stress response. The following formulas help balance these underlying systems: ATTENTIVE CHILD™, CALM THOUGHTS ™ KAVA, HIGHER MIND ™, MEGAMIND ™, MENTAL EDGE®, NIGHT REST ™, POSITIVE THOUGHTS™, and VISUAL EYES™.

  • *The term symptom as used in this literature refers to the effects of nutrient shortages or imbalances and is not related to the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease.
  • Digestive, Eliminative & Metabolic Symptoms* Without adequate nutrition, your liver can’t perform its critical functions: detoxification, metabolism, and conversion of vitamins into usable forms. Bio-Aligned Formulas provide antioxidants, herbs that detoxify and promote bile flow, ingredients for the liver’s energy needs, nutrients that support glucose metabolism and pancreatic activity, and digestive enzymes. The following formulas bring these systems into alignment: ESSENTIAL ENZYMES™, GLUCO-SCIENCE™, HERBAL RE:STORE™, and LIVER GUARD™.

    General Symptomatic Conditions*

    Daily well-being requires nutrition for your major body systems. While typical multiples supply just enough ingredients to meet minimum requirements, Bio-Aligned Formulas provide nutrients to support energy and liver function, heart-friendly botanicals, herbs that promote circulation to the brain, immune-supporting vitamins, minerals for your skeletal system, and antioxidants for general protection. These multiples bio-align your body systems: ÉLAN VITÀL™ MULTIPLE, and LIFE FORCE™ MULTIPLE.

    Immune Symptoms*

    Appropriate immune response is critical for seasonal health and wellness all year around—but it can be compromised by stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet. Bio-Aligned Formulas supply botanicals that modify histamine release, nutrients for the adrenals, clearing herbs, and antioxidants to defend white blood cells. The following formulas help bring these systems into balance: ALLERCETIN™, Aller-Response™, CAT’S CLAW DEFENSE COMPLEX™, WELLNESS COLD & FLU™, WELLNESS COUGH SYRUP™, WELLNESS EARACHE™, WELLNESS FORMULA®, and WELLNESS MULTIPLE™.

    Joint, Bone, and Muscular Symptoms*

    Healthy joints, bones, and muscles require continuous nutrition. Bio-Aligned Formulas provide components of joint and connective tissue, bone-building minerals, soothing herbs, and nutrients that support muscular energy. The following formulas help align these systems: FIBRO RESPONSE™, GLUCOSAMEND™, MUSCLE MASS™, ULTRA-CAL NIGHT™, and ULTRA JOINT RESPONSE™.

    Men’s & Women’s Symptoms*

    The health of men and women can be impacted by diet, stress, and aging. Bio-Aligned Formulas provide phytoestrogens for hormonal balance, calming neurotransmitters, ingredients for metabolic support, and nutritional support for skin, hair, and nails. The following formulas help harmonize these systems: LUSTRE™, MALE RESPONSE™, MENOPAUSE MULTIPLE™, MONTHLY COMFORT™, MOOD BALANCE™, PROSTA RESPONSE™, SKIN ETERNAL PLUS™ and ULTRA BONE BALANCE™.

    Choose Your Bio-Aligned Formula

    In a world of dizzying consumer choices, shopping for the right supplement can leave you confused and frustrated. And since few companies disclose the rationale behind their formulas, it’s hard to make an informed choice. The best place to start is at your local health food store. The natural foods industry is unique in its dedication to holistic health, self-care and consumer education. And the Source Naturals Bio-Aligned Formulas Chart Book—now available at participating health food stores as well as online—is an invaluable tool. The Chart Book helps you pick the formula that is appropriate for your nutritional symptoms* by explaining how each formula supports specific, interdependent body systems. Source Naturals Bio-Aligned Formulas are expertly designed using groundbreaking nutrients, clinically substantiated potency levels, cofactors that facilitate the action of key ingredients, bioavailable forms, and effective delivery systems. Together, these ingredients can help bring you the power of Bio-Alignment.

    VitaNet ®
    VitaNet ® Staff


    Aller Response - Deep support of multiple body systems...

    Date: May 31, 2005 04:57 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Aller Response - Deep support of multiple body systems...

    Seasonal changes don’t need to send you running for cover. A L L E R - R E S P O N S E is a comprehensive formula designed to modulate immune system r e s p o n s e. Aller-Response goes deep to support multiple body systems that affect inappropriate immune sensitivities. Its ingredients support histamine regulation, immune r e s p o n s e, adrenal stress r e s p o n s e, clearing, soothing and tonifying of mucous membranes, and prostaglandin metabolism.


    A Bio-Aligned Formula™ Seasonal sensitivities and other inappropriate immune responses are a growing health problem in the United States. Every year more than 50 million Americans suffer from these immune symptoms*, which affect more than 20% of the population. Pollen sensitivities alone account for more than eight million doctor visits annually, at a cost of $3.4 billion! A L L E R - R E S P O N S E can help bring you relief. This Bio-Aligned Formula goes deep to support the multiple, interdependent body systems involved with immune r e s p o n s e.

    Histamine Response

    A L L E R - R E S P O N S E contains plant constituents that modify the release of histamine. Human cell culture studies with quercetin have demonstrated itsability to inhibit the release of histamine from immune cells. Ginkgo inhibits Platelet Activating Factor, which stimulates histamine secretion from platelets.

    Immune Response

    E s t a b l i s h i n g appropriate immune r e s p o n s e is critical for seasonal health. Certain essential nutrients provide support for key components of the immune system, such as mucous membrane integrity, cell-mediated immunity, and antioxidant activity. These nutrients include vitamins A, B-6, B-12 and C, and the mineral, zinc.

    Clearing, Soothing and Tonifying

    The clearing and soothing of mucous membranes in the nasal passages, throat and lungs is an important part of seasonal health. These natural compounds assist in this process: bitter orange peel, bromelain, licorice, long pepper fruit, MSM, and stinging nettle.

    Prostaglandin Metabolism

    Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxanes are short-lived regulatory messenger molecules. They help regulate many body functions, including vasodilation and vasoconstriction, and smooth muscle contraction. Certain prostaglandins have a soothing quality and help the body maintain a state of comfort. Bromelain and quercetin have a beneficial influence on prostaglandin metabolism.

    Stress Response—Adrenal Support

    The adrenal glands produce hormones, such as cortisol, that enable our bodies to respond to stress. Supporting the adrenal glands is important for the body’s r e s p o n s e to seasonal stress. Licorice, pantothenic acid, and vitamin C support healthy stress r e s p o n s e.

    Allergy & Sinus Season:

    Healthy Lifestyle Tips

    Allergy Proof Your Home: Minimize exposure to dust mites and other indoor allergens by eliminating wall-to-wall carpets, down-filled blankets and pillows, and other dust catchers. Wash bedding regularly in hot water, and encase your mattress and pillows in airtight plastic. Dust and vacuum regularly. If you have pets, try to keep them out of your bedroom—frequent brushing and bathing can help get rid of excess pet hair. Consider using a HEPA (highefficiency particulate air) filter system, and a dehumidifier to reduce molds.

    Avoid Outdoor Allergens: You may need to limit time outdoors when pollen or mold spore counts are high. Walking through uncut fields or raking leaves can increase exposure to molds and fungi. Avoid smoke and polluted air. Keep windows and doors closed, and dry clothes indoors in a vented dryer.

    Watch Your Diet: Sometimes avoidance techniques are impractical or undesirable. Diet is easier to work with and can significantly influence immune reactions. Excess or undigested dietary proteins may worsen an overresponsive immune system—cows’ milk and wheat are frequent offenders. It may be helpful to cut down on protein, avoid dairy, and eat more fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates.

    Maintain Healthy Mucous Membranes: The linings of your nasal passages, throat and lungs are your first line of defense against airborne substances. Keep them healthy by drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. This thins mucus fluid and cleanses membranes. When sinuses are clogged, rinse the nasal passages with a quarter-teaspoon of salt dissolved in a cup of warm water. This washes away pollen grains and soothes irritated membranes.

    A l l e r - R e s p o n s e™ is a Bio-Aligned Formula™ Multi-System Seasonal Support

    Histamine Response Ginkgo, Quercetin Immune Support Vitamins A, B-6, B-12 & C, Zinc Clearing, Soothing and Tonifying of Bitter Orange Peel, Bromelain, Licorice, Mucous Membranes Long Pepper Fruit, MSM, Stinging Nettle Prostaglandin Metabolism Bromelain, Quercetin Stress R e s p o n s e—Adrenal Support Licorice, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin C

    • AAII Report. 3/00, available at
    • Busse, W.W. et al. (1984). JACI, 73: 801-809.
    • Middleton, E. (1981). J Immun, 127: 546-550.
    • Pearce, F., Befus, A.D., and Bienenstock, J. (1984). JACI, 73: 819-823.

    VitaNet ® Staff


    VitaNet ® LLC. Discount Vitamin Store.