Search Term: " Artemisinin "
Chinese medicine herb discovered to prevent tuberculosis infections ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 14, 2017 03:44 PM
There has been some groundbreaking research into the possible prevention of tuberculosis. A new study has found that a compound found in sweet wormwood called artemisinin might be able to help prevent the tuberculosis-causing bacteria from becoming dormant which is associated in antibiotic resistance. Preventing dormancy makes the drug treatments work better. Research has found that artemisinin inhibits a molecule in the tuberculosis bacteria's oxygen sensor. This bacteria needs oxygen to thrive and artemisinin helps to deprive the bacteria of oxygen. Read on for more details. Key Takeaways:
"A recent study reveals that artemisinin, a compound found in sweet wormwood, shows potential in tuberculosis treatment. This Chinese herbal medicine is previously known for its efficacy in treating malaria." Read more:
( This Chinese Herb (+ Iron) Kills Cancer Cells in 16 Hours ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 18, 2017 08:44 AM
150 years ago cancer was almost non-existent, but with the inclusion of processed foods, low-quality meat and dairy, and refined sugars into the standard diet, disease and sickness sprung up in the body, and quickly became a human epidemic. Artemisinin has been used in the past as a powerful anti-malarial herb, but it now has been proven to be a cancer-fighter, too. French drugmaker Sanofi is expected to make 50 to 60 tons of Artemisinin each year, aiming to supply enough for global market demand. Key Takeaways:
"In a recent study published by Life Sciences, it was found that Artemisinin (the derivative), coupled with Iron, can kill 98% of breast cancer cells in 16 hours." Reference: //
( What Is Artemisinin? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 28, 2014 06:56 PM
Long known as an imposing enemy to malaria and other significant parasites, studies indicate that Artemisinin could assume a useful part in cancer medicines. Uncovered to be a compelling malaria medication many years prior by Chinese botanists, the most recent century has seen that Artemisinin is utilized productively within western pharmaceutical. Not just Artemisinin treat the worldwide executioner malaria, yet late studies are additionally revealing to its medicinal viability extending from malaria to cancer. It's exceptionally extraordinary in its sub-atomic structure in that it has two oxygen particles joined together by what's known as an 'endoperoxide span'. Why Artemisinin utilization are so wide is unequivocally on account of this extension and its unique atomic structure. Its piece implies it responds with particles with a high iron substance, for example, malaria parasites and cancerous tumors. Upon contact with infected cells (with this high iron substance), its system of activity is to structure free radicals. These free radicals are poisonous to the respectability of the attacking cells, separating them and in the end leaving the contaminated cells devastated.
( How Does Artemisinin Boost Your Health? ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 22, 2013 10:15 PM
What is Artemisinin? Artemisinin also known as Ching hao su is a herbal medicine that is extracted from wormwood herb. Asians have been using this leaf for many years to treat simple ailment such as parasitic infections and cold. However, it has recently become very useful for its effect on malaria. The herb has been used to treat parasitic infections, mainly worms and flukes that strain our body not only on feeding them but also in excreting their waste & by-products. Malaria is caused by such a parasite and Artemisinin has proved to be effective solution.
Artemisinin and Malaria The plant contains a chemical known as Endoperoxide Bridge that reacts with iron to form free radical which is unwelcomed in our body. Nevertheless, malaria parasites have high level of iron that reacts with Artemisinin to form free radicals that kill off the parasite. This has become the best cure for malaria since the parasites that cause it have developed mutant to many cures and they are not resistant to the endoperoxide.
What are Other Benefits of Artemisinin? For other application is in the fight against cancer. Different cancers such as colon cancer and leukemia that involve iron rich cells can be destroyed by Artemisinin by the same mechanism that kills off malaria parasites. Cancer cells are known to accumulate iron because they need it in cell division process. However, if you’re using Artemisinin for treatment of cancer cells, it is important not to eat antioxidant containing supplements or foods because this drug work by creating free radicals that destroy cancer cells, antioxidant activity is known to counter these free radicals.
If you are suffering from intestinal parasites, then taking a gram or two each day will keep them off. This supplement is also effective when you are dealing with cough, cold and other general conditions but is more effective in the ones that cause fever. The Chinese have been using it as a form of “cure all” when specific remedies fail. Reference:
( Wormwood, Black Walnut, Triphala ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 17, 2008 08:28 PM
Wormwood Intestinal Detox With Triphala and Artemisi
Wormwood Intestinal Detox™ is a unique combination of purifiers for clearing the intestines of potentially toxic waste matter and supporting a healthy environment where beneficial flora can thrive. This formula, developed by renowned acupuncturist and clinical herbalist Michael Tierra, combines potent, traditional herbal ingredients such as sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua), black walnut hulls and the classic internal cleanser and tonic Triphala, to help clear the intestines and support a healthy gastrointestinal environment. Wormwood intestinal Detox combines historically known wormwood and black walnut together for a powerful worm parisite fighting combination along with its other synergistic ingredients can help the body rid itself of toxic material and move foward with a healthier happier life. 2 tablets contain: Proprietary Blend: 1.6 g Sweet Wormwood Aerial Parts Extract (5% Artemisinin), Black Walnut Hull Extract (4:1), Butternut Bark Extract (4:1), Chebulic Myrobalan Fruit, Grapefruit Seed Extract (Citricidex™) (49% polyphenolic compounds), Belleric Myrobalan Fruit, Fennel Seed, Quassia Wood Extract (4:1), Amla Fruit Extract (40% tannins), Marshmallow Root Extract (4:1), Epazote Whole Plant Extract (15:1), and Ginger Rhizome Extract (4:1). Suggested Use: 1 to 2 tablets twice daily between meals.
( Artemisinin For Better Health And Wellness ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 25, 2007 02:09 PM
Artemisinin, also called Ching-hao-su is a herbal medicine extracted from the sweet wormwood herb, also known as the Artemisia annua. Asians have been using the leaf for centuries to cure simple ailments such as colds and parasitic infections, but it has recently become big business for its effect on malaria. Sweet wormwood is predominantly a Chinese herb, used for over a thousand years for treatment of a large variety of conditions including malaria. It has also been used to treat wound and skin diseases, and has been recorded as far back as 200 BC as a component of Chinese prescriptions for specific illnesses. Although the origins of sweet wormwood are in Asia however, it is now grown throughout the temperate regions of the world, and reaches its best in midsummer. Although best known today for its use in treating malaria, its medical uses include treating bronchitis, fevers and general feelings of malaise. It is primarily grown now for the supplement industry and as a non-prescriptive natural cure for malaria. It is a common and favorite herb for Chinese herbalists and sold both in the herbal form and as the extracted Artemisinin. Although there is a wide variation in the Artemisinin content of sweet wormwood according to where it is grown, and under different agricultural conditions, it is the main active ingredient. Chemically, it is a sesquiterpene lactone containing an endoperoxide bridge that will be discussed later. In order to attain the optimum yield of active Artemisinin, the plant has to be grown in the right site for cultivation and fed with the correct fertilizers, the proper strain of the herb must be selected and the method of extracting the active chemicals is also critical. These are secrets that have been used for centuries by the Chinese herbalists who are masters of their craft and are now known to the west and being applied to scientific production of the extract. There are benefits of Artemisinin other than its effect on malaria, but that is the best known of its uses, so let’s have a look at that first. The herb has been used for a long time to treat parasitic infections, mainly flukes and worms that place great strains on the body having not only to feed these unwanted creatures, but also to excrete their waste and by-products. Malaria is caused by such a parasite, any one of four types in fact, and Artemisinin appears to be just as effective on them. The chemical contains what is known as an endoperoxide bridge that reacts with iron. The product of this reaction is a free radical, normally unwelcome in the body. However, malaria parasites contain high levels of iron, and the Artemisinin reacts with that iron, forming free radicals that then go on to kill off the parasite. The free radicals that we take supplements to destroy, actually work for us in the destruction of the parasite that cause malaria. There is a silver lining in every cloud! The reason that the medical world is so excited with this material is that malaria is second only to tuberculosis in its impact on world health. The problem is that the parasites that cause it have become largely resistant to the normal cures. They are not, however, resistant to the endoperoxide chemistry contained by Artemisinin. It is now the major hope of world leaders in the fight to stop the inexorable increase in deaths due to malaria. Now for the other applications. Another major use of the chemical is in the fight against cancer. Those cancers that involve iron rich cells can be disrupted by Artemisinin by the same mechanism that kills off malaria bacteria. It is not only parasites that are susceptible to free radical action, but also human cells, and if these can be selectively destroyed, then it is a step forward towards a cure for cancer. Such a cure does not yet exist, but mechanisms such as the endoperoxide bridge provide a means of controlling at least some cancers, the best results being obtained with leukemia and colon cancer. That is not to say, however, that cures for these cancers are currently available since tests are still under way. However, it would do no harm to use sweet wormwood or the Artemisinin extract as a supplement. Cancer cells tend to accumulate iron because it is needed in the cell division process that cancer takes advantage of. However, if cancer cells could be persuaded to accumulate more surface iron, or were artificially exposed to it, then perhaps the endoperoxide mechanism would be more effective. Studies on this mechanism of controlling cancer are currently under way. At a more mundane level, if you suffer from intestinal parasites, then one or two milligrams each day should see them off. It has also been effectively used to deal with colds, coughs and other general conditions, but most effectively against those that cause fever of one kind or another. It has been used in Chinese medicine as a form of ‘cure-all’ to be used when specific remedies failed. Its greatest current uses are, however, in cancer and especially malarial treatments. You have to be careful with Artemisinin since it can be toxic if taken in the wrong form. The least toxic, and most active, is the water soluble form known as artesunate. However, it lasts the least time in the body and has to get to work quickly. The oil soluble form, artemether, is the most toxic, but can cross from the blood to the brain. However, the parent form, Artemisinin is the very safe itself, and can also cross the blood-brain barrier and while some tend to use a combination of the three, others prefer just the parent form.
If you take too high a dose you can suffer neurotoxicity which makes you wobble when you walk, and makes you impervious to certain levels of pain. However, such doses are next to impossible accidentally, and there have been very few reports of adverse effects in humans. It should not be used for at least a month after you have had radiation therapy because that tends to release iron that can be attacked to form free radicals. The recommended dose is 200 – 100 mg daily though the doses should be spread throughout the day. It should also never be taken within 2 hours of any other antioxidant such as vitamins A, C and E. Otherwise Artemisinin can be safely used for better health and wellness in the way that the Chinese have been using it for centuries. Artemisinin is available at your local or internet vitamin store.
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