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Organic Life Vitamins ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 13, 2005 11:09 AM
Peter Gillham has formulated a key nutritional step toward obtaining outstanding health and vitality—Organic Life Vitamins. This is a complete liquid multi-vitamin and mineral with some exciting pluses you won’t find elsewhere . Liquids absorb better. Organic Life Vitamins has been designed for maximum absorption, thereby allowing your body to assimilate vital life-giving nutrients in just minutes! Another benefit of this liquid formulation—with its delicious berry taste—is that you don’t have to purchase and take numerous pills and capsules in ord e r to give your body what it needs. And, unlike pills, Organic Life Vitamins contains no binders and fillers. PUTTING AN END TO CONFUSION Nutritional supplements range from A to Zinc with a lot of specialized products addressing specific conditions in between. Our belief is that good health doesn’t have to be complicated or something for which you need five graduate degrees in various disciplines in order to understand. Organic Life Vitamins is a power-packed premium formulation that supplies the body with the essential nutrients it requires—missing as a result of deficient diets and the stresses of today’s busy lifestyles. It’s that simple. WHAT’S IN ORGANIC LIFE VITAMINS? Organic Life Vitamins is a complete multi-vitamin— but it is more than that. Along with 16 key vitamins, Organic Life Vitamins supplies a full range of amino acids, vital minerals and 72 trace minerals (which work in combination with Natural Calm or our Cal- Mag products). A word about trace minerals. These are crucial to good health, a high energy level and nutrient assimil ation. They also affect the functioning of hormones and enzymes and help protect against toxic reactions and heavy metal poisoning. All of the premium nutrition in Organic Life Vitamins is combined in a base of organic Noni juice concentrate (a story in itself), and organic whole leaf Aloe Vera juice (a well-known immune booster and, like Noni juice, another nutritional “Swiss Army Knife” with many health benefits). HOW YOU BENEFIT Let’s take a closer look at the vitamins in Organic Life Vitamins and what they do: Vitamin A— p romotes good eyesight, healthy skin, shiny, healthy hair, a strong immune function and more. Vitamin B complex—O rganic Life Vitamins contains 11 essential B vitamins! The B vitamins are necessary for everything from energy and sleep to a full head of hair! Vitamin C—necessary for a strong immune system, strong bones and healthy skin. Vitamin D—necessary for the proper formation of bones and helps calcium to absorb properly.
Organic Life VitaminsFormulated for your lifestyle Vitamin E—necessary for supplying oxygen to the brain, creating hormones, healthy skin, proper muscular function and more . Vitamin K—supports natural blood clotting. Now let’s look at the minerals. O rganic Life Vitamins contains Selenium, Zinc, C h romium, MSM (organic sulfur), and a full spectru m of trace minerals. These minerals are essential for keeping off unwanted pounds, for a sharp mind, and for maintaining a strong immune system. An exciting plus that comes as part of Organic Life Vitamins is the inclusion of amino acids. Amino acids are the “building blocks” of the body. Besides building cells and repairing tissue, they form antibodies to combat invading bacteria and viruses; they are part of the enzyme and hormonal systems; they build nucleoproteins (RNA and DNA); they carry oxygen throughout the body and participate in muscle activity. Organic Life Vitamins is the only liquid multi-vitamin that contains 20 different amino acids to help bring you to a whole new level of health.
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