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SYTRINOL - For Heart Health, Don’t Be Confused About Cholesterol... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 29, 2005 09:44 AM
SYTRINOL - For Heart Health, Don’t Be Confused About Cholesterol... Maintaining your cardiovascular health is one of the best ways you can stay fit. That means working to keep your cholesterol levels within the normal range. And contrary to popular belief, the amount of cholesterol you consume in food is not the most important factor for regulating normal cholesterol levels. It is actually the liver’s imbalanced production of cholesterol that is much more critical for your cardiovascular health. You can address the root cause of maintaining normal cholesterol levels today with Source Naturals SYTRINOL™. This patented blend of citrus polymethoxylated flavones and tocotrienols has been clinically shown to promote cardiovascular health by supporting normal cholesterol production by your liver, promoting balanced triglyceride (fat) production, and providing antioxidant protection. Source Naturals, an industry leader in many categories, introduces the science of SYTRINOL™ in the CHOLESTEROL RESCUE™ product family to support your better heart health today. The Truth About Cholesterol Cholesterol is a very confusing subject – our bodies require it but we can also get too much of it. Cholesterol is one type of the ring-shaped compounds called sterols. Other sterols include bile acids, sex hormones, adrenal hormones and vitamin D. Approximately 90% of the cholesterol in your body is in your cell membranes. The remaining 10% can be found in your blood and throughout your body. Liver’s Over-Production of Cholesterol When your body needs more cholesterol, your liver takes carbohydrates, proteins and fats (also called triglycerides) from your diet and converts them into cholesterol. The amount of cholesterol that you might consume from foods (in animal products such as eggs, milk, cheese and beef ) is minute compared to the amount of cholesterol produced by your liver. Thus, cholesterol from food isn’t as critical to your total cholesterol. But balancing the cholesterol produced by your liver is very critical to your total cholesterol and thus, your cardiovascular health. Oxidized LDL Cholesterol Despite the confusion, cholesterol is a vital component of good health that strengthens cell membranes and provides building blocks for hormones, bile and vitamin D production. However, there is one potential pathway where cholesterol can contribute to an imbalance. When cholesterol moves through the blood to individual cells, it can travel in groups such as lipoproteins, which also contain fats and proteins. When the cholesterol is moving through your blood in Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) it can undergo oxidation by free radicals in the artery walls. Some medical experts theorize that the oxidized LDL cholesterol becomes trapped in the artery walls as imbalanced deposits instead of completing the journey to join cell membranes. These deposits can eventually reduce the size and function of the arteries, compromising blood flow. Thus, antioxidant protection, balanced triglyceride production, and normal cholesterol production by the liver can all be critically important to your good health. And SYTRINOL™ provides all of these benefits. How SYTRINOL™ Supports Heart Health SYTRINOL is a powerful scientifically formulated blend protected by U.S. patent numbers 6,251,400, 09/ 481724. It contains natural citrus polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs) and tocotrienols that go deep to address the root causes of cholesterol wellness. Citrus PMFs Polymethoxylated flavones are types of polyphenolic compounds called flavonoids, which are the largest known category of phytonutrients. Health benefits of various flavonoids include antioxidant activity, immune system support, and cellular protection. The unique structure of polymethoxylated flavones, which naturally contain methyl groups paired with oxygen in key places, enables PMFs to interfere with cholesterol production. The citrus PMFs in SYTRINOL, such as tangeretin and sinensetin, promote normal cholesterol levels by inhibiting both the production of cholesterol precursors, such as cholesteryl esters, and the activity of HMG CoA Reductase, an enzyme that synthesizes cholesterol in the liver. These PMFs can also balance the body’s production of triglycerides by inhibiting the activity of your liver’s triglyceride producing enzyme, diacylglycerol acetyltransferase. Since LDL cholesterol is made from cholesterol and triglycerides, decreasing your liver’s production of triglycerides will reduce the amount of those triglycerides available to form LDL cholesterol compounds. Tocotrienols are compounds similar to vitamin E in structure and function. The tocotrienols in SYTRINOL increase degradation of cholesterol building blocks such as Apolipoprotein B, interfere with cholesterol production, and provide antioxidant protection. The tocotrienols in SYTRINOL are also especially protective antioxidants for LDL cholesterol compounds that have already been produced, helping to prevent the oxidized LDL cholesterol conditions that may affect your cardiovascular circulation. SYTRINOL’s Proactive Synergy SYTRINOL works so well because this natural blend of PMFs and tocotrienols works proactively, synergistically, and independently. In preliminary human research, SYTRINOL proactively supported balanced cholesterol and triglyceride production by the liver through the synergistic effects of the PMFs and tocotrienols. Furthermore, SYTRINOL promotes LDL cholesterol antioxidant protection. The above information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Other products work reactively to disable existing cholesterol and may only work in conjunction with diets. And because SYTRINOL works independently of diet, you can take it anytime. Three Lifestyle Strategies for Cardiovascular Health 1. Exercise regularly to increase hearthealthy HDL cholesterol and lower blood triglycerides (fats). 2. Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to help maintain normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 3. Take the right supplements to promote your cardiovascular health. In preliminary clinical studies, the amino acid L-ARGININE supported healthy blood flow to the heart and body. GARLIC OIL helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and promotes healthy circulation. POLICOSANOL CHOLESTEROL COMPLEX, CHOLESRESPONSE™, CHOLESFIBER™, Cholestrex®, and GRAPEFRUIT PECTIN all help to support normal cholesterol levels. HEART RESPONSE™ and HEART SCIENCE™ are advanced formulas that address heart health. Additionally, you can get cardiovascular system supporting compounds such as folic acid, betacarotene, CoQ10, lipoic acid, ginkgo, grapeseed extract, hawthorn extract, magnesium, vitamin E, and many other nutrients in LIFE FORCE MULTIPLE™, Source Naturals’ best-selling multiple. There is a revolution underway in natural health consciousness, and your local health food store is at the forefront. You can benefit right now – long before word spreads to the general public – with the innovative heart nutrition of SYTRINOL, a CHOLESTEROL RESCUE™ product. SYTRINOL™ is a trademark of KGK Synergize exclusively licensed worldwide to SourceOne Global Partners.
( Cholestrex - Lower Cholesterol with Source Naturals Supplements ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 01, 2005 10:41 AM
Our lives depend on an uninterrupted flow of blood throughout the 60,000 miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries that bring vital nourishment to our cells. Our bodies have complex chemical strategies to maintain and repair blood vessel walls. Cholesterol is an important part of the process. However, too much cholesterol in the bloodstream can have serious consequences for our well-being. By understanding how nutrition affects blood cholesterol, we can gain valuable control of our health. Source Naturals Cholestrex has been formulated to provide the nutritional support that we need to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. SINCE DOCTORS FIRST DISCOVERED that cholesterol was the primary ingredient in the sticky deposits that clogged their patients’ arteries, scientists have gained a thorough understanding of cholesterol’s role in our health. Essential to human and animal life, cholesterol is part of every cell in the body. Because cholesterol is so important, the liver synthesizes from 1 to 2 grams of it each day. In addition, we get about another 500 mg from the foods we eat. Problems occur when too much cholesterol gets into the bloodstream. Today, it’s estimated that over 50 million adults in the United States have cholesterol levels that are too high. The body’s processes to manage excess cholesterol depend upon a lifestyle that includes exercise, stress reduction and proper nutrition. Source Naturals Cholestrex is designed to deliver a comprehensive combination of nutrients known to support a healthy blood vessel system – and keep the life stream flowing.
The nutrients in Cholestrex are known to support a healthy blood vessel systemCholesterol: What It Is Cholesterol is a solid waxy substance, technically classed as a “sterol.” Cholesterol enables our cell membranes to maintain their integrity. It is the basic raw material from which the body makes steroid hormones, which include the sex hormones. Cholesterol is the primary component of bile salts that the liver creates to help us assimilate fats, fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids. The liver also uses bile to rid itself of stored toxins. Our skin contains large amounts of cholesterol, making it resistant to the absorption of water-soluble toxins. Even the brain is 7% cholesterol (dry weight).
Blood vessel walls cover a surface area of half an acre and are under constant pressureCholesterol in the Blood Because it’s not water-soluble, cholesterol must be attached to a carrier molecule in order to be transported in the bloodstream. The liver manufactures two types of carrier molecules for cholesterol, LDL and HDL. LDL (low density lipoprotein) molecules carry cholesterol from the liver out to cells of the body. One of its functions is to repair damaged cells, including those of the artery walls. LDL is primarily made up of saturated fats, (meat fats, butter, etc.). HDL (high density lipoprotein) molecules transport cholesterol and fatty acids from body tissues back to the liver for disposal. HDL helps remove excess fat and cholesterol from the bloodstream. HDL is composed of liquid fats (most vegetable oils). It’s crucial to have a proper balance between LDL and HDL cholesterol. High LDL – a sign that the body has too much fat – is a threat to the health of blood vessels, because excess LDL cholesterol may accumulate in damaged areas of vessel walls. These “fatty streaks” are the beginning stage of artery blockage.
The oxidation of LDL cholestrol is at the heart of the problemCholesterol and Artery Damage The walls of the blood vessels cover a surface area of half an acre and are under constant pressure. Of all the blood vessels in the body, the coronary arteries are under the greatest stress. Named for the Latin word for crown (corona), they sit directly on the heart muscle and must continually expand and contract with every heartbeat. That’s 100,000 times each day. This constant squeezing can cause small lesions in the artery wall. This triggers a repair process where LDL cholesterol comes in to patch up the damage. Recent research has found that the crux of the problem is the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Rich in fatty acids, the LDL molecule becomes permanently altered when oxidized by free radicals (overreactive molecules that steal electrons from other molecules). These rancid, oxidized LDL molecules are no longer recognized by the body, so they’re attacked by immune system cells. These immune cells become bloated with the oxidized lipids, accumulate in artery lesions and create plaque in blood vessels. Why is LDL cholesterol being oxidized? First of all, there’s too much of it in the blood, while not enough HDL. Secondly, the blood doesn’t have enough antioxidants to neutralize free radicals. The ingredients in Source Naturals Cholestrex address these specific problems in several ways. Cholestrex also provides nutrients that protect and strengthen blood vessel walls.
In the typical American diet, 95% of the cholesterol meant for removal is reabsorbedCholestrex Has It All Vitamin C helps maintain the health of artery walls because it’s the key building block for collagen and elastin, the primary constituents of blood vessels. Copper is required by the enzyme that weaves together the fibers of collagen and elastin into the matrix that makes vessel walls both tough and flexible. As an antioxidant, vitamin C scavenges free radicals in the blood plasma and also regenerates vitamin E within the LDL molecule. Vitamin E has a critical role as the primary protector of LDL, preventing its oxidation. One molecule of vitamin E can protect 200 molecules of polyunsaturated fatty acids from free radical damage. GTF Chromium is involved in insulin activity and the normalization of blood sugar. Excess simple sugars are converted to triglycerides, the blood fats which can accumulate in artery walls. Lecithin is a component of HDL that emulsifies excess blood fat so it can be more readily transported in the bloodstream to the liver, where it’s metabolized. Vitamin B3 (niacin) assists in the metabolism of fats, and puts an electric charge on red blood cells so they repel each other, which prevents blood clumping. The amino acid, L-Arginine, works to lower serum cholesterol and triglycerides by inhibiting fat absorption.
Beta sitosterol neutralizes incoming dietary cholesterolThe Body’s Cholesterol Removal System HDL molecules carry cholesterol from tissues throughout the body back to the liver, where it is incorporated into bile salts. These bile salts are sent to the intestines, where they combine with fiber for excretion. One problem with the typical American low fiber diet is that 95% of the bile-bound cholesterol is reabsorbed. Since this is the body’s primary pathway for ridding itself of excess cholesterol, another strategy incorporated into Cholestrex is to maximize the production of bile salts and minimize their reabsorption by increasing levels of fiber. Fiber is a key element of Cholestrex. Its four types of soluble fiber bind with bile salts that are laden with cholesterol to ensure their excretion from the body. Oat Bran & Fiber, Grapefruit Pectin, Psyllium Seed Husks and Alfalfa Seeds also absorb cholesterol from our food, thereby lowering total blood cholesterol. Alfalfa seeds are considered a blood purifier. Beta sitosterol, a plant equivalent of cholesterol, binds to sites in the intestines that would otherwise absorb cholesterol. Cholestrex provides a daily total of 300 mg of beta sitosterol which may, by itself, neutralize 200 to 300 mg of incoming dietary cholesterol by preventing its absorption. Vitamin C, among its many other vital roles, is the key factor in activating an enzyme that will increase the liver’s conversion of cholesterol into bile salts. Cholestrex uses bioactive mineral ascorbate forms of vitamin C that will not irritate the digestive system. Working in conjunction with the fiber in Cholestrex, Calcium increases HDL, while lowering total serum cholesterol. Cholestrex–Intelligent Nutritional Support Our generation is fortunate to witness the remarkable progress made by modern science in understanding the body’s complex biochemical processes. As we realize the vital connection between nutrition and cholesterol levels, we are empowered to improve our health and vitality beyond previous standards of wellness. Source Naturals Cholestrex. For you and the ones you love.
( Go Deep to the Underlying Cause of Symptoms* ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 31, 2005 05:37 PM
Go Deep to the Underlying Cause of Symptoms* Bio-Aligned Formulas Balance Your Body Systems Source Naturals comprehensive Bio-Aligned Formulas go deep to address the root causes of nutritional symptoms*. Our expert formulators exhaustively review the latest scientific research on nutrition and health. Then they design scientifically based formulas that help bring alignment to your multiple, interdependent body systems. Only this in-depth formulation approach can bring you the most effective formulas possible. Cardiovascular Symptoms* Your heart function and circulation can be disrupted by factors including diet, stress, and free radicals. Bio-Aligned Formulas supply nutrients to meet the heart’s energy requirements, nutrients necessary for the maintenance of blood vessels, antioxidants to help control cholesterol oxidation, minerals to support normal electrical rhythms, vitamins for regulation of homocysteine levels, and fibers to help with the exertion of cholesterol. The following formulas help align these systems: CHOLES RESPONSE™, Cholestrex ®, HEART SCIENCE ™, and POLICOSANOL CHOLESTEROL COMPLEX ™. Cognitive & Mood Symptoms* Brain health can be affected by nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors, leaving you susceptible to problems in memory, concentration, and perception. Bio-Aligned Formulas provide ingredients such as neurotransmitters for brain cell communication, phospholipids that are components of nerve cell membranes, nutrients to fuel the brain’s energy demands, and herbs for stress response. The following formulas help balance these underlying systems: ATTENTIVE CHILD™, CALM THOUGHTS ™ KAVA, HIGHER MIND ™, MEGAMIND ™, MENTAL EDGE®, NIGHT REST ™, POSITIVE THOUGHTS™, and VISUAL EYES™. Digestive, Eliminative & Metabolic Symptoms* Without adequate nutrition, your liver can’t perform its critical functions: detoxification, metabolism, and conversion of vitamins into usable forms. Bio-Aligned Formulas provide antioxidants, herbs that detoxify and promote bile flow, ingredients for the liver’s energy needs, nutrients that support glucose metabolism and pancreatic activity, and digestive enzymes. The following formulas bring these systems into alignment: ESSENTIAL ENZYMES™, GLUCO-SCIENCE™, HERBAL RE:STORE™, and LIVER GUARD™. General Symptomatic Conditions* Daily well-being requires nutrition for your major body systems. While typical multiples supply just enough ingredients to meet minimum requirements, Bio-Aligned Formulas provide nutrients to support energy and liver function, heart-friendly botanicals, herbs that promote circulation to the brain, immune-supporting vitamins, minerals for your skeletal system, and antioxidants for general protection. These multiples bio-align your body systems: ÉLAN VITÀL™ MULTIPLE, and LIFE FORCE™ MULTIPLE. Immune Symptoms* Appropriate immune response is critical for seasonal health and wellness all year around—but it can be compromised by stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet. Bio-Aligned Formulas supply botanicals that modify histamine release, nutrients for the adrenals, clearing herbs, and antioxidants to defend white blood cells. The following formulas help bring these systems into balance: ALLERCETIN™, ALLER-RESPONSE™, CAT’S CLAW DEFENSE COMPLEX™, WELLNESS COLD & FLU™, WELLNESS COUGH SYRUP™, WELLNESS EARACHE™, WELLNESS FORMULA®, and WELLNESS MULTIPLE™. Joint, Bone, and Muscular Symptoms* Healthy joints, bones, and muscles require continuous nutrition. Bio-Aligned Formulas provide components of joint and connective tissue, bone-building minerals, soothing herbs, and nutrients that support muscular energy. The following formulas help align these systems: FIBRO RESPONSE™, GLUCOSAMEND™, MUSCLE MASS™, ULTRA-CAL NIGHT™, and ULTRA JOINT RESPONSE™. Men’s & Women’s Symptoms* The health of men and women can be impacted by diet, stress, and aging. Bio-Aligned Formulas provide phytoestrogens for hormonal balance, calming neurotransmitters, ingredients for metabolic support, and nutritional support for skin, hair, and nails. The following formulas help harmonize these systems: LUSTRE™, MALE RESPONSE™, MENOPAUSE MULTIPLE™, MONTHLY COMFORT™, MOOD BALANCE™, PROSTA RESPONSE™, SKIN ETERNAL PLUS™ and ULTRA BONE BALANCE™. Choose Your Bio-Aligned Formula In a world of dizzying consumer choices, shopping for the right supplement can leave you confused and frustrated. And since few companies disclose the rationale behind their formulas, it’s hard to make an informed choice. The best place to start is at your local health food store. The natural foods industry is unique in its dedication to holistic health, self-care and consumer education. And the Source Naturals Bio-Aligned Formulas Chart Book—now available at participating health food stores as well as online—is an invaluable tool. The Chart Book helps you pick the formula that is appropriate for your nutritional symptoms* by explaining how each formula supports specific, interdependent body systems. Source Naturals Bio-Aligned Formulas are expertly designed using groundbreaking nutrients, clinically substantiated potency levels, cofactors that facilitate the action of key ingredients, bioavailable forms, and effective delivery systems. Together, these ingredients can help bring you the power of Bio-Alignment.
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