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July 12, 2005 10:15 AM
DO WE NEED EXTRA LIVER PROTECTION? Even if you don’t suffer from any liver disease or don’t abuse alcohol, you may still require the therapeutic effects of Milk Thistle. Everything that enters the liver through the portal vein must be de-toxified and neutralized. Many of us eat diets that are too high in protein, take overthe- counter or prescription drugs, and routinely expose ourselves to radiation and other pollutants. Everything we breath, eat and absorb through our skin is purified and refined in the liver. Some of the more detrimental compounds we ingest that increase the liver’ s work load include:
Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. author of Natural Health, Natural Medicine says, “High protein diets impose a considerable work load on the digestive system and may contribute to feelings of fatigue and lack of energy.” The problem with protein is that the liver has to work harder to detoxify the body from the nitrogen waste which results when it is metabolized. This compound called ure a has to eventually be eliminated from the body through the kidneys. Most of us are routinely exposed to nicotine, toxins of various kinds and a whole host of synthetic drugs fro m ibuprofen to steroids. Most of us overeat the wrong things and pass up what’s really good for us. High fat, high sugar, high protein diets stress the liver. Overeating, especially overcooked, fatty foods puts added strain on the liver. In addition, lack of exercise has an indirect effect on the liver. When we don’t exercise, an excess of toxins can build up and has to be transformed by the liver. Typically, when we are exposed to chemicals which can injure the liver, the amount of glutathione in the liver d e c reases. When this substance is reduced, the liver becomes susceptible to damage. The Silymarin content of Milk Thistle keeps concentrations of glutathione in the liver elevated by up to 35%.19 The ability of the liver to detoxify the system is largely dependent on the present of glutathione. According to the American Liver Foundation, liver diseases are the fourth leading cause of death up to the age of 65. It is not commonly known that a significant incidence of liver disease exists in this country. In the past, liver disease was only associated with chronic alcoholics. Now, however, liver disease strikes obese people, social drinkers and people who eat poorly. Milk Thistle can help prevent the subtle kind of liver damage any of us may be susceptible to.
July 12, 2005 09:58 AM
THE DEADLY DEATHCAP MUSHROOM AND SILYMARIN The protective action of Silymarin in the liver has been confirmed through several experimental and clinical studies. Animals who have had their livers exposed to toxic chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride, amanita toxin (deadly mushroom) and galactosamine were protected from damage by Milk Thistle.3 Animals who had their livers partially removed experienced some organ regeneration when treated with Milk Thistle. In the 1970’s, additional research on the ability of Milk Thistle to de-toxify liver cells of deadly mushro o m poisoning was conducted. The poison of this mushroom is extremely toxic and usually results in death within two to five hours. Amantine causes severe hemorrhagic liver dystrophy and inevitable death. Even when the studies were undertaken, scientists did not expect Milk Thistle to offer any significant protection against such a volatile and deadly toxin. The two peptides which comprise the poison are the most potent liver damaging substances currently known. Sixty patients who had severe amanita poisoning in Europe were treated with Milk Thistle. The results were impressive. In experiments where silymarin was given before the amanita toxin was ingested, it was 100 percent effective in preventing liver toxicity.4 If given within ten minutes, it still neutralized the poison. Even after 24 hours, it was found to prevent death and liver damage.5 Not only did Milk Thistle protect the liver fro m amantine damage, it also helped to prevent the loss of weight normally seen in animals that have ingested the poison. The impressive results of these tests resulted in stepped up production of Milk Thistle extract, which has made it much more available now.
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