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NOW Real Food® Goldenberries - Your New Favorite Superfood! ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 22, 2022 11:24 AM
Here at NOW Real Food®, we're always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to help our customers live healthier, happier lives. That's why we're so excited to introduce - NOW Real Food® Goldenberries! Native to South America, goldenberries have been consumed for thousands of years thanks to their numerous health benefits. Once dried, they resemble raisins, but their taste is a unique and exotic combination of sweet-and-sour, pucker-up goodness the whole family will absolutely love! Not only are they delicious, but goldenberries are also incredibly versatile. You can enjoy them straight out of the bag, mix them with nuts and granola for an ultra-tasty trail mix, sprinkle them on salads, add them to breads and cookies, or create your own tasty jams and Jellies. Goldenberries are also paired with artisan wines, cheeses and chocolates to create unique and remarkable flavor combinations. Trust us - there's nothing quite like goldenberries! So what are you waiting for? Head on over to our website and stock up on NOW Real Food® Goldenberries today. Your taste buds (and your body) will thank you! The Health Benefits of Goldenberries In addition to being delicious and versatile, goldenberries are also packed with nutrients that can help your body in a variety of ways. Here are just a few of the many health benefits associated with consuming goldenberries:
As you can see, there are plenty of good reasons to start incorporating NOW Real Food® Goldenberries into your diet! Not only are they delicious, but they offer numerous health benefits that can help improve your overall well-being. So what are you waiting for? Head on over to our website and stock up today! Your taste buds (and your body) will thank you!
( The Many Uses of Gelatin Powder ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 12, 2022 02:58 PM
NOW Real Food® Beef Gelatin Powder is a versatile thickener, stabilizer and texturizer that mixes instantly – no soaking necessary. Gelatin is commonly used in jams, Jellies, desserts, marshmallows, and many other foods. It’s often used to create volume without adding a lot of calories. Let's explore some of the many uses of gelatin powder and the benefits it can have on your health. One of the most common uses for gelatin powder is as a thickener for soups and sauces. If you've ever made homemade gravy or sauce and it's come out too thin, gelatin powder can help fix that. Simply mix a small amount of gelatin powder with an equal amount of cold water, then whisk it into your soup or sauce. The gelatin will help thicken it up without changing the flavor. Gelatin powder is also commonly used in desserts such as pudding, pie filling, and ice cream. It helps give these desserts a silky smooth texture. Gelatin powder can also be used to make fruit snacks and jello. If you want to get really creative, you can even use gelatin powder to make homemade marshmallows! In addition to its culinary uses, gelatin powder also has a number of health benefits. Gelatin is a great source of protein and amino acids, which are essential for muscle growth and repair. Gelatin also helps improve joint health by reducing inflammation and boosting collagen production. Collagen is the main structural protein found in connective tissue, so adequate collagen levels are necessary for keeping our joints healthy as we age. As you can see, there are many uses for gelatin powder beyond just making JellO! Whether you're looking to add some protein to your diet or thicken up a soup or sauce, gelatin powder is a versatile kitchen staple that can do the job. So next time you're at the store, be sure to pick up some NOW Real Food® Beef Gelatin Powder. Your taste buds will thank you!
( The benefits of the hawthorne berry ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 27, 2012 12:14 PM
It is in the autumn that the hawthorn flowers will give way to the red berries which are a very rich source of antioxidants and of course, flavonoids. The benefits of using them are numerous and most of the times people will get eat them because they can prevent the damage caused by free radicals, they will protect the blood vessels, they will stimulate the circulation and also strengthen the heart. The hawthorne berry benefits: Dilates blood vessels,Reduces LDL levels (bad cholesterol), Prevents damaging effects of free radicals, Strengthens the heart, Regulates the heart beat. Uses The main reason to why people are using hawthorn berries is because they have a lot of heart benefits. People who have heart problems will certainly have chest pains as well associated with them and these pains are one of the things that these berries can help with. People who have a high blood pressure will also respond positively most of the times when using these berries. Because these berries will improve the blood circulation, there is going to be less strain put on the heart. By using hawthorne berry preparations, the harmful plaque that forms around the arteries and blood vessels will be diminished. Mainly, this extract is going to help people in having the damaging LDL cholesterol in the body reduced. Antioxidants Hawthorn berry contains two main heart benefitting constituents and they are the OPCs and the flavonoids. They are both very rich in protective antioxidant properties, which will prevent the oxidation caused by the free radicals. This is not only going to be beneficial for the capillaries and heart, but also for the entire body. Benefits Flavonoids can easily dilate the blood vessel, strengthen them and also protect the entire blood vessel system in order to eventually increase the blood flow. People who are exposed to inflammatory agents or are suffering from inflammation, will be happy to know that the OPCs and the antioxidant properties of Hawthorne berries will help them in this regard. For instance, the astringent hawthorn preparations can be used externally in order to soothe skin irritations, bug bites, minor cuts and acne. On top of that, using the extracts created from hawthorn berries will strengthen the heart and regulate the heartbeat. Preparations For those who want to prepare a tincture, they will only need to soak some Hawthorne berries in alcohol for several weeks. What this will do is draw out their properties and concentrate them in the alcohol. More to that, the berries can be made into syrups, jams and Jellies. Most of the times though they are used to flavor brandy or into wine fusions. Also, tea made using the berries of hawthorn trees are the best for enjoying a great healthy state for the heart. History The preparations of hawthorn berries have a long history of use and mainly their benefits were concentrated in heart tonics. Dioscorides, a green herbalist from the I (first) century recorded that hawthorn was used back then as a strengthener and as a tonic. In the sixteenth century, Paracelsus, a Swiss physician reported that he used Hawthorne's cardio-tonic effects. A few centuries later, it was used by American doctors in order to treat circulatory and heart disorders. Even today, Hawthorne is used a lot and studied even more to unravel more of its beneficial secrets.
( Is Sulfite Sensitivity And Vertigo Linked? ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 17, 2011 03:40 PM
Sulfites are chemical compounds which occur naturally in several animal and plant products. These chemicals are sulfur - based which is commonly used as food enhancer or preservative. Sulfites can effectively prolong the shelf life of food and also prevent discoloration of food. Foods which may contain sulfite include baked products, canned goods, junk foods, vegetable juices, fruit juices, apple cider, some teas and other processed food items. Sulfite - containing ingredients may include sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite or potassium metabisulfite and sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, or sodium sulfite. Allergic reaction to sulfite is not that rare. In fact, the Food and Drug Authority have established "1 out of 100 people" prevalence rate that is hypersensitive to sulfite and its products. Any person may develop allergic reaction to sulfites any time of his/her life. Studies revealed that the cause of such hypersensitivity is still unknown. More studies are still ongoing. Initial results have stated that the allergic effects can be mild or life – threatening. In late 1980's, the FDA released a memorandum on prohibiting the use of sulfite on fruits and vegetables that are commonly eaten fresh and raw such as lettuce, apples, guavas and the like. Regulations are also released for manufacturers to put labels on sulfite – containing processed food items. Sulfites also occur naturally among wines and beers. One theory revealed that sulfite allergic reaction may be caused by a significant insufficient amount of the enzyme necessary for the breakdown and elimination of such compound known as sulfite oxidase. This enzyme works hand in hand with the element molybdenum which acts as a cofactor. Nonetheless, asthma, nasal and sinus congestion, rhinitis, postnasal drip, headache and bronchospasm may also be experienced by the individual as an effect of sulfite consumption. In addition, vertigo may also be a manifestation of sulfite hypersensitivity. Studies have found that the allergic reaction brought about by the compound sulfite can significantly lower blood pressure thus resulting to decreased cardiac output which can eventually lead to insufficient tissue perfusion. Thus, dizziness is experienced or even loss of consciousness. Vertigo or dizziness is a kind of feeling in which your surroundings seem to be moving around even though there is no actual movement. In cases of severe vertigo, the person may experience nausea and vomiting. This will greatly affect your daily functioning since the person with vertigo may have difficulty walking or even standing on his/her own. This will significantly result to loss of balance and increase the risk of fall. There is no direct treatment of sulfite sensitivity. However, the symptoms can be alleviated in a palliative manner. The one and only way to prevent the occurrence of allergic reaction is to avoid food products with sulfites or food items which are likely to have sulfite content. Therefore, if you have sulfite allergy, you must be vigilant on what you eat. Carefully check labels of processed and preserved foods and when eating out, politely as the waiter or chef if the food you like contains sulfite or ingredients which contain such chemical compound. Foods to avoid: Alcoholic beverages, Baked goods (pastries), Beverages fruit based, Condiments, Relishes, Confections, Frostings, Modified Dairy Products, Drugs, Fish, shell fish, fresh fruit and vegetables, gelatin, puddings, grains, jams, Jellies, nuts, plant proteins, snack foods, soups and soup mixes, sweet sauce, and instant teas. To name a few. Look online to view a more details list of foods to avoid. This practically eliminates most of our favored junk foods we love to eat. Avoiding these foods may be hard but it is a healthier choice.
( Elder Berry - For Natural Respiratory Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 30, 2005 09:30 AM
Elder Berry By Ellen J. Kamhi, Ph. D. with Dorie Greenblatt The plant known as Elder Berry occurs as several different species and grows throughout Europe and North America. It can be a tall tree or smaller bush, earning it the knickname "Dwarf Elder". The berries that appear as the ripe fruits can range in color from red to black. Only the blue/black berries are medicinal. The genus and species name for this variety is Sambucus nigra. This plant has a long history of use as both a food and medicine in many countries. In England, for example, it was a common belief that Elder-Berry was a favorite tree of witches who enjoyed residing among its branches. To disturb such a tree was thought to incur a witch's wrath. To this day, many British still refuse to cut an Elder Tree down or burn its branches. In Denmark, the tree was said to house Hylde-Moer, "The Elder Tree Mother", who would haunt anyone found harming the tree. In addition, many believed that an Elder Tree was a symbol of "good luck" if found growing on one's property. As a food source Elder Berries are commonly made into jams, Jellies, chutneys and wine. As a medicinal, the fruit is often prepared as a syrup. For example, the "Duke of Monmouth's Recipe" was made with Elder syrup and other herbs, and was used for sciatica. Native Americans used different parts of the plant for infections, coughs and skin conditions. Today Elder can be found listed as an "official medicine" in the Holland pharmacopeia, and was listed in the past in the pharmacopeias of both England and the United States. The most common medicinal uses for Elder Berry are:
Elder Berries contain vitamins A, B and C plus various flavonoids including quercetin. However, these substances alone cannot account for its remarkable effect of disarming the symptoms of a cold or flu. An Israeli scientist, Dr. Madeleine Mumcuouglu, Ph.D., performed research that uncovered the mechanism of activity of Elder Berry's anti-cold and flu activity. The flu is triggered by a virus, which must invade living cells in order to reproduce and spread. The virus enters the cell by puncturing the cell's outer membrane with tiny spikes known as hemagglutinin. Dr. Mumcuoglu discovered that the active ingre- dients in Elder Berry bind onto the hemagglutin, deactivating it and ultimately preventing the piercing of the cellular membranes. Scientific investigations collaborate the effectiveness of Elder berry. One scientific study tracked a reduction of flu symptoms during an outbreak of influenza. (Zakay-Rones Z, Varsano N, Zlotnik M, et al. Inhibition of several strains of influenza virus in vitro and reduction of symptoms by an elderberry extract (Sambucus nigra L.) during an outbreak of influenza B Panama. J Alt Compl Med 1995; 1:361-9.) An added advantage to the use of Elder Berry is its record of safety. There are no known adverse reactions to the use of Elder Berry, although the possibi-lity of an individual allergic reaction can never be discounted. Nature's Answer® offers Elder Berry in an alcohol-free, tangy-tasting 4oz. liquid herbal extract form. This concentrated (1:1) maximum strength fluid extract contains 5,000mg of Elder Berry in each 1 teaspoonful dose. Nature’s Answer® also supplies Elderberry in two encapsulated products, Sambucus & Ester-C®, and Sambucus & Maitake Bio-Beta Glucan™. A great companion product is Nature's Answer®'s Elder Flower (organic alcohol). Flowers from the Elder tree contain tannins that have been shown to help dry up excess mucous, and can act as an expectorant. One final note...when deciding on an Elder berry liquid, remember to check the kind of sweetener it contains. Many brands add sugar or sorbitol, while Nature's Answer's® Elder berry contains only pure coconut glycerine. Ester-C® is a licensed trademark of InterCal Corporation and manufactured under U.S. patent #4,822,816 and other patent applications.
-- Vitanet ®
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