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CDC confirms lemon eucalyptus oil as effective as toxic DEET for repelling bugs Darrell Miller 3/23/17

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CDC confirms lemon eucalyptus oil as effective as toxic DEET for repelling bugs

Date: March 23, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CDC confirms lemon eucalyptus oil as effective as toxic DEET for repelling bugs

Those in mosquito prone areas may not have to use toxic DEET to repel the bugs because the CDC has confirmed that lemon eucalyptus oil works just as well as an insect repellent and doesn't carry the neurotoxins that DEET does. Two recent scientific publications concluded that oil of lemon eucalyptus was as effective as repellents with small levels of DEET. This is good news for those who are looking for a less toxic alternative to protect them from bug bites.

Key Takeaways:

  • lemon-eucalyptus oil confirmed by CDC as effective insect repellent.
  • DEET is a neurotoxin and is found in most chemical insect repellents
  • chemicals found in DEET can be highly toxic to certain people

"when oil of lemon eucalyptus was tested against mosquitoes found in the US it provided protection similar to repellents with low concentrations of DEET"

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