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Food with avocado extract could prevent bacterial illness ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 09, 2016 10:59 AM
A recent study has found that extracts from avocado seeds can potentially be used as a natural additive incorporated into ready-to-eat foods to control microbes that cause Listeria. Listeria is a foodborne bacterial illness that can be very serious for pregnant women and people with impaired immune systems. Researchers from Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico compared enriched acetogenin extract from avocado seeds with two name-brand synthetic antimicrobials. While humans already consume acetogenins from avocado pulp that are above antilisterial levels, bioavailability and safety of the extracts from avocado seeds need further assessment. Key Takeaways:
"A recent study has found that extracts from avocado seeds can potentially be used as a natural additive incorporated into ready-to-eat foods to control microbes that cause Listeria." Reference:
( Oregano Plant Is the Most Potent Antimicrobial In The world ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 15, 2016 07:24 PM
Along with its culinary usage, oregano shows antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and possess probable activity like an antispasmodic and in diabetes. But there is no clinical proof to facilitate the usage of oregano in any signs. Normal or wild oregano is a perennial plant grown in the Mediterranean region and Asia. It is also cultivated in the United States. The creeping rootstock of oregano makes a downy, square, purplish stem with reverse ovate leaves. The plant stem also grows about 76cm tall. Purple two lipped flowers develop in terminal groups from July to October. Features of OreganoThis plant has been a normal ingredient in Italy, Spain and Italian dishes like a spice and flavouring compound for several years. Its basic purpose was like a cautious digestive and circulatory stimulant. This plant has been availed in perfumery for the volatile oil materials, particularly in scenting soaps. The antiseptic feature of medicinal and aromatic plants and the extracts have been identified since antiquity. It has been recommended that an infusion of the new herb is useful in treating a collapsed stomach and indigestion, colic, headache and nervous problems as well as for some respiratory ailments. A mixture of the flowers has been utilized to avoid seasickness. Uses of OreganoThe oil of this plant has been availed externally in lotions and liniments and to ease toothache. Oregano has been utilized like an ant repellent. Oregano has ursolic and oleanolic acids, hydroquinones, flavonoids, rosmarinic, caffeic,tannins, lithospermic acid and phenolic glycosides. The compounds of phenolic represent seventy one percent of the full oil. The carvacrol and polar phenols thymol are accountable for several of the properties of the necessary oil as well as terpinene and P-cymene. Research has compared the impacts of oregano necessary oil, carvacrol and thymol on fungi. All three totally reduced fungal development of aspergillus and penicillium species. The oil also seems to possess certain activity against Candida species, probably due to the reason of its carvacrol content. The oregano volatile oil have explained in vitro antibacterial activity against different types of gram negative and gram positive microorganisms like pseudomonas, listeria, salmonella, proteus and clostridium species as well as certain methicillin resistant. There are different reports explaining antiparasitic activity of oregano. The origanum vulgare oil has been presented to remove normal parasites in pheasants and chickens. There are also some other Potent Antimicrobial seen in the world like clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, onion, garlic, anise, sassafras, ginger. These all have certain amount of antimicrobial properties in it. Related Products
( Listeria and its prevention ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 21, 2016 03:17 PM
Eliminating Listeria The only way to get rid of Listeria is by cooking and pasteurisation. To avoid coming in contact with Listeria, you need to wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them. For the vegetables which grow under the soil, like beetroot and potato, it is advisable to cook them at a high temperature or boil them before consuming. Disinfect cookware It is also critical to keep everything used in the process of preparing food spotless and disinfected. Washing hands before eating and cooking is necessary too. These precautions can help you avoid listeria from entering your body.
( Why Is Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil So Good For Your Health? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 23, 2012 07:12 AM
Organic Extra Virgin Coconut OilWhy Is Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil So Good For Your Health? One of the main reasons why this oil happens to be really good for your health is because it contains a pretty high percentage of lauric acid. According to certain resources, our bodies actually converts lauric acid into some sort of monolaurin, and it's said to help deal with the bacteria and viruses that causes various diseases. Studies have shown that lauric acid helps prevent diseases like HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, and influenza. The types of bacteria that this acid fights are heliobacter pylori and listeria monocytogenes. This oil also prevents certain harmful protoza's as well. The Benefits Of Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. - Weight Loss Virgin coconut oil is well known for eliminating all of the extra fats that your body has, and according to certain sources, the results can be very visible. Since this oil boosts your metabolism, you will be able to lose more weight than you normally would. The reason to why your metabolism fastens when you consume this oil is because it eliminates the stress on your pancreases, allowing your body to lose more weight than normal. This is basically the main reason why the people that live in tropical countries are fit and have less fat than those who don't, as coconut oil is very easy to get in those tropical countries. - Hair Care Virgin coconut oil also helps promote softer, smoother, and much healthier hair, as it is well known for being the best medicine for hair. This oil doesn't just promote healthier hair, but it also helps the hair grow faster, and the best part is that it also eliminates the dandruff in your hair. All you need to do is massage a bit of this oil on your scalp everyday, and in just a couple of days, you'll then notice your dandruff start to disappear. - Skin Care This oil is also a really excellent oil (massage) for the skin, as it acts as a natural moisturizer. If you have dry skin, this would make a really great moisturizer for your skin, and the nicest part is that it also helps treat skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. When you apply this oil on your skin, you will really be shocked on how fine and healthy your skin will become. Organic Extra virgin coconut oil is also good for stress relief and kidney relief, and it can also maintain the cholesterol levels and increase your immunity. This oil has become very popular lately, and it's definitely going to benefit you in the long run.
( References ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 24, 2005 04:34 PM
References 1Claire Kowalchik and William H. Hylton, Editors, Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia. (Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 1987), 176. 2Louise Tenney, “Echinacea”, To day’s Herbs. ( Provo, Utah: Woodland Publishing, Vol. XIII, Number 1, 1993), 1. 3Family Guide to Na t u ral Medicine. ( Pleasantville, New Yo rk : Reader’s Digest, 1993), 303. 4Andrew Weil, MD, Natural Health, Natural Medicine. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990) 236. 5Gary Gillum, Editor, “Echinacea” To day’s Herbs. ( Provo, Utah : Woodland Books, Vol. I Issue 11, July, 1981), 1. 6PenelopeOdy, The Complete Medicinal Herbal. ( New York : Dorling-Kindersley, 1993), 53. 7Michael Murray, ND and Joseph Pizzorno, ND, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. (Rocklin, California: Prima Publishing, 1991), 58. 8V.H. Wagner and A. Proksch., “Immunostimulatory Drugs of Fungi and Higher Plants”, Economic Medicinal Plant Research . (1985), 1, 113-53. 9Louise Tenney, The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies. ( Pleasant Grove, Utah: Woodland Publishing, 1995), 50. 10Ibid. 1 1Daniel B. Mowre y, The Scientific Validation of Herbs. ( New Canaan, Connecticut: Keats Publishing, 1986), 119. 12Murray, 59. 13Michael T. Murray, N.D.. The Healing Power of Herbs. (Rocklin, California: Prima Publishing, 1995), 100. 14J. Mose, “Effect of Echinacin on Phagocytosis and Natural Killer Cells”, Med. Welt. (1983), 34, 1,463-7. 1 5M. Stimple, A. Proksch, H. Wagner, etal., “Macrophage Activation and Induction of Macrophage Cytotoxicity by Purified Polysaccharide Fractions From the Plant Echinacea Purpurea”, Infection Immunity. (1984), 46, 845-9. 16Mowrey, 119. 17Ibid., 250 18Ibid., 119 19Ibid. 20Ody, 176 21Velma J. Keith and Monteen Gordon, The How To Herb Book. (Pleasant Grove, Utah: Mayfield Publishing, 1983), 29. 2 2Louise Tenney, To day’s Herbal Health. ( Pleasant Grove, Utah: Woodland Publishing, 1992), 60. 2 3Daniel B. Mow re y, Ph.D., Echinacea. ( New Canaan, Connecticut: Keats Publishing, 1995), 31. 24Ibid., 33. 25Ibid., 41. 26C. Steinmuller, J. Roesler, E. Grottrup, G. Franke, H. Wagner and Matthes Lohmann, “Polysacharides Isolated From Plant Cell Cultures of Echinacea Purpurea Enhance the Resistance of Immunosupproes Mice Against Systemic Infections with Candida Albicans and Listeria Monicytogens,” Int-J-Immunpharmacol. 1993, July: 15(5): 605-14. 27Ibid., 43. 2 8U. Mengs, C. Clare and J. Poiley, “Toxicity of Echinacea Purpurea. Acute, Subacute and Genotoxicity Studies , Arzneimittelforschung. 1991, Oct. 41(10): 1076-81. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES Becker, V. H. Against snakebites and influenza: use and components of echinacea angustifolia and e. purpurea.. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 122 (45), 1982, 2020-2323. Buesing, K.H. Inhibition of hyaluronidase by echinacin. Arzneimittel- Forschung. 2, 1952, 467-469. Foster, S. Echinacea, Nature’s Immune Enhancer. Healing Arts Press, Rochester, VT., 1991. Hobbs, C. The Echinacea Handbook. Eclectic Medical Publications, Portland, Oregon, 1989. Keller, H. Recovery of active agents from aqueous extracts of the species of echinacea. Chemie Gruenenthal G.M.B.H., GER. Oct . 11, 1956, 950, 674. Kuhn, O. Echinacea and Phagocytosis. Arzneimittel - Fo rxchung, 3, 1953, 194-200. Mc Gregor R.L. The taxonomy of the genus Echinacea (Compositae). Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 48, 1968, 113-142.
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