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MaitakeGold 404® and Certified immune-stimulative activity ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 26, 2005 10:49 AM
Dr. Nanba's Maitake Beta Factor & Dr. Nanba's Maitake-Pro Certified Immune-Stimulative ActivityBy now, many people are aware of the numerous benefits of mushrooms, especially for immune health. But not all mushroom products are created equal. Planetary formulas offers Dr. Nanba's Maitake Beta Factor and Dr. Nanba's Maitake Pro. These products feature MaitakeGold 404®, a specialized beta glucan fraction with important health promoting properties. And every lot comes with certified proof of immune bioactivity -- so customers can be assured they are getting the benefits they look for in a mushroom product.
Immune Active Certification programThe Tradeworks Group, Inc., supplier of MaitakeGold 400® and planetary formulas' exclusive supplier for dr. nanba's maitake beta factor an d Maitake pro, has introduced a new and unprecedented quality assurance program. The Immunactive Certification program provides MaitakeGold 404® licensees with proof of in vivo immune activity analysis for every lot of MaitakeGold 404®. Each lot is independently tested at the University of Louisville school of Medicine to validate its phagocytosis activity.Phagocytosis is the process by which cells (White blood cells, for example) engulf and digest foreign organisms. As the body's first line of immune defense, phagocytosis is understoood to be one of the most important activities in immunology. For an immune support prodcut to be of benefit, it must be able to stimulate phagocytosis, thereby protecting the body against daily health chellenges. Based on this testing, Maitake Gold 404® has been shown to be a consistent and potent immunostimulant.
Certification Exceeds Conventional Industry StandardsThe biological assays provided under the ImmuneActive certification program offer customers a form of quality control that goes beyond the chemical analyses typically provided by companies, according to Roy Upton, herbalist and Planetary Formulas General Manager. "Most all comnpanies perform some type of quality control test," Upton said. "However, a biological assay measuring activity is often much better than chemical charaterization. Because of the important role maitake plays in support of healthy immune system, it is important that activity, not just chemistry be delivered. People depend on its immune system activity, not its chemistry."
Endorsed by world's Premier Maitake ResearcherMaitakeGold 404® is the only maitake extract endorsed by award-winning mushroom researcher, Dr. Hiroaki Nanba, PH.d. It was Dr. Nanba's research that led to the discovery of the beta glucan fraction known as MaitakeGold 404®. MAitakeGold 404® is a trademark of the Tradeworks Group, Inc., and is protected under U.S. Patent # 5,854,404
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