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Make an INFORMED decision: Everything you need to know about colloidal silver ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 22, 2018 05:54 PM
There is a rich history that goes back for centuries, associating the use of colloidal silver with the treatment of wounds and various illnesses. Today, the FDA does not acknowledge the use of colloidal silver as medicinal, calling assertions by practitioners and users as "unfounded." Nonetheless, many practitioners and users have found the substance to be of high value, particularly in the treatment of wounds, burns, cuts and infections. Colloidal silver is deemed to be both antiseptic and antimicrobial. Neither is colloidal silver associated with any serious side effects, save one. Unfortunately, the 'one' is a doozy and responsible for much of the foot-dragging, when it comes to accepting colloidal silver. It seems that it is possible to have the skin turn blue, a condition called, "argyria," with the taking in of too much colloidal silver. However, although the condition is real and not reversible, it is also highly unlikely, considering the normal dose users ingest of colloidal silver is one teaspoon and that dose would have to go up to 48 teaspoons every day, for an entire year to possibly have enough in the system to develop argyria. Key Takeaways:
"There are are a number of misconceptions about colloidal silver being spread around as “truth,” while the facts regarding its uses and benefits are being obscured — as is the case for so many alternative treatments these days." Read more:
( Fake news is what you get when the mainstream media tells you vaccines are completely safe ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 08, 2016 10:59 AM
It's hard to say who's right/wrong when it feels like I'm not getting the whole story. I'd like to think the big Pharmas are shooting two birds with one stone: helping people while making a profit. On one hand, it's putting a lot of faith into something that's going into my children. On the other, it might be the lesser of two evils. Key Takeaways:
"But the reality is, when it comes to publishing truth, the alternative media is becoming the new mainstream media. We not only get it right, but we're not afraid to tell it like it is." Reference: //
( Studies Linked to Soda Industry Mask Health Risks ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 19, 2016 09:54 AM
Can you trust the studies that are out there concerning soda and the health risks that it brings when consumed? Perhaps they're telling you the truth, but not the whole truth. Some are saying that the health risks of soda are being masked when the results are released to the public. What should you know? Key Takeaways:
"The notion that sugary drinks play a major role in the spread of obesity has prompted authorities and health officials to increasingly call for soda taxes and similar measures aimed at curbing their consumption." Reference:
( Give Your Health A Boost With Beta Glucan ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 19, 2008 04:54 PM
Beta Glucan is a little-known component of many common foods we eat on a daily basis. Cereal, mushrooms, and even baker's yeast contain beta glucan. The substance is most common found in such grains as barely and oats. Beta glucan is often used in soluble fiber supplements. The FDA has given baker's yeast the rating for being generally safe (G.R.A.S.). Beta Glucan has been studied in Japan for its anti-tumor and anti-malignancy properties. It is commonly known worldwide to have a significant impact on improving the human immune system. The clinical applications have been many for this substance. Beta glucan has been studied for preventing infection in post-operative patients. Likewise, it has been attributed with slightly faster, more efficient healing of wounds. Beta glucan has helped patients with septic shock. This substance has also been studied for its effects on individuals suffering from arthritis. Beta glucan has been attributed with slowing the disease's progress and preventing further damage to tissues. Beta glucan has been studied for decades, however was too expensive for the general public until recent times. It has no known reactions with prescription medications and beta glucan supplements derived from baker's yeast isn't know to contain enough to cause a reaction in those with yeast allergies. There are also on-going studies regarding beta glucan and it's usefulness with radiation and radiation exposure. There is a great deal of interest that this can perhaps lessen the severity of symptoms from radiation in chemotherapy and help those experiencing nuclear therapy or who are involved in a nuclear emergency. Beta glucan is one of the few nutrients that are recommended for both humans and animals. It is also advised for those who have poor daily nutrition, athletes, those regularly exposed to radiation, individuals under stress, or anyone who wants to stay healthy. In truth, studies indicate that consumption of oats, cereal grains, and other beta glucan containing products can lower cholesterol, can aid in overcoming intestinal problems, and can benefit those diagnosed with AIDS and multiple sclerosis. Beta glucan strengthens the cells responsible for fighting foreign invaders in the body such as viruses, bacteria and even parasites. It helps these cells be more responsive and stronger when free radials enter the body. One study in Canada evaluated the response of beta glucan to Anthrax. As a result, the beta glucan proved to be a very effective supplement to the antibiotics used in treating this disease. Higher dosages do not equal effectiveness. Beta glucan is not measured by the size or milligram of the supplement. The determining factors for the effectiveness of beta glucan involve how the substance is processed and if the particular pill re-aggregates during the digestive process. If your supplement re-aggregates, it will not have the same effective nature as those that do not. Be sure to evaluate the labels and inspect the image the company is portraying. If a product is "too good to be true," it is. As always, consult with your physician before starting this or any other long-term supplement.
( Staying on Your Diet throughout the Holidays ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 18, 2006 12:22 PM
The temptations of the holiday season don't have to mean a bigger waistline in the new year and yet another resolution to get in shape. With just a few tricks and tips, you can keep your weight in check and still celebrate with everyone. Pre-Party Dos While you might be invited to more parties than usual, you can do a lot before you even arrive to keep yourself from eating too much. One way of keeping your food consumption down is to eat before you go out. An apple or a large glass of water before leaving home will keep you away from the dessert cart at the party. At-the-Party! Dos and Don'ts Now that you have lined your stomach, all you have to do is to take care of your calories, maintaining them at a sensible level. Do keep away from the high calorie sips. Alcohol, for instance, has a high calorie content that will easily build up to shatter your calorie allowance. It's a good idea to talk about anything but food, and try avoiding holding a plate! it helps to do something else with your hands, so they are occupied. If you really must eat, you'll find that the vegetable and fruit trays can be the best places to fill up your plate. If you put these items on your plate first and then put smaller servings of other higher fat items, you'll be able to have everything without the caloric damage. During the main course, you can balance your calories by eating only half of what is on your plate. You can easily explain it away by complementing your host on the meal, while pleading you couldn't possibly eat more. Or you could tell them the truth, one that most people readily accept! that you are being careful about your diet. When you're at home If you're doing the cooking during a holiday, you are more in control of your eating. Why not make items that are low in calories so you don't have to avoid anything? When cooking, ask a family member to do the tasting. They will be only too thrilled to do this and you can save yourself from consuming added calories. You might also want to freeze any cookies or other tempting items until you will be eating them for a meal or a gathering. It's a lot harder to eat something that's frozen. At the end of it all, these dos and don'ts may even take a couple of inches off your waistline at the New Year. But if they don't, and you still weigh the same, you accomplished what you set out to do! now that calls for a party!
Tania Makevey operates the website and writes for R You Diet which a site dedicated to researching diet related topics and contains all the very latest diet news and views. For more details please visit //
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