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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin Health Darrell Miller 5/24/24
Soothing relief for achy muscles and joints Darrell Miller 10/26/22
All-Natural Flea and Tick Repellent for Dogs Darrell Miller 10/14/22
How to Deal With Mild Ear Discomfort Darrell Miller 10/11/22
How to Get Rid of Age Spots on Your Face? Try Dark Spot Serum! Darrell Miller 10/8/22
Comforting Massage Oil is the Perfect Way to Unwind Darrell Miller 10/3/22
The Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Your Skin Darrell Miller 9/28/22
Introducing the Now Foods Bakuchiol Skin Renewal Serum for Fine Lines and Wrinkles! Darrell Miller 9/10/22
Experts find that vitamin D can soothe symptoms of COPD Darrell Miller 5/13/19
Ginger Oil: Fighting Inflammation And Other Healing Health BenefitsOf The Oil Darrell Miller 4/19/19
Honey: Its benefits for health and skin Darrell Miller 3/10/19
Monolaurin The Most Beneficial Compound in Coconut Oil? Darrell Miller 1/11/19
Natural remedies for dry scalp VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/31/18
Natural ways to whiten your teeth VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/11/18
Essential Oils: How to Choose the Right Carrier Oils for Them VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/5/18
How To Get Rid of Dark Spots Naturally and Look Years Younger Darrell Miller 4/30/18
5 Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Naturally #Home Remedies for Remove Dark Circles Darrell Miller 3/13/18
3 Natural Remedies That You Can Use To Clean Your Armpits!! Darrell Miller 1/17/18
How To Brighten Skin, Get Even Skin Tone - How To Get Clear, Glowing & Spotless Skin Darrell Miller 10/24/17
Look What Happens To Your Skin If You Use Tea Tree Oil!! Darrell Miller 10/20/17
Get Rid Of Your Joint Pain In 5 Hours After Drinking This Home Made Liquid!! Darrell Miller 10/6/17
Look what happens to your mouth if you apply this homemade recipe. Surprising!! Darrell Miller 9/19/17
Homemade Hair Treatment for Frizzy, Dry and Damaged Hair - How To Get Shiny Hair, Silky, Smooth Hair Darrell Miller 9/18/17
This Recommended Me My Grandmother To Remove The Bad Smell From The Armpits!! Darrell Miller 9/17/17
These 6 Essential Oils Work Like Valium For Your Anxiety Darrell Miller 8/29/17
A Magic Trick With Tea Bags For Your Teeth That Your Dentist Does Not Want You To Know!! Darrell Miller 8/24/17
Top 3 Skin Care Secrets || How to Use Baking Soda To Whiten Skin Darrell Miller 8/1/17
How to Get Rid of Acne, Stains and Pimple Marks Naturally Darrell Miller 7/27/17
3 wonder ways to brighten your teeth Darrell Miller 7/12/17
Home REMEDIES for PILES that Actually works? | Health tips 2017 Darrell Miller 7/6/17
Dandruff And Hair Will Grow Wildly If You Apply This Unique And Fabulous Ingredient!! Darrell Miller 7/4/17
9 Health Benefits Of Hibiscus Darrell Miller 6/30/17
Compounds in Turmeric, Red grapes, Apple Peels, & Berries May Help in Treating Prostate Cancer Darrell Miller 6/28/17
Apply These Natural Remedies And Say Goodbye To Pain, Inflammation And Insomnia! Darrell Miller 6/16/17
This Plant Surely Has It In Your Yard And Could Save The Life More Than Once!! Darrell Miller 6/11/17
How to treat and heal a sunburn Darrell Miller 6/11/17
Interesting quiz reveals the truth behind what's really "healthy" Darrell Miller 5/22/17
This Is Why You Need To Put Essential Oils On Your Feet Every Night Before Bed! Darrell Miller 5/9/17
5 Ways to Grow Your Nails FAST! Darrell Miller 4/10/17
treat skin disorder with potato juice Darrell Miller 3/29/17
Heal Your Skin Naturally With This DIY Antifungal Cream Darrell Miller 3/22/17
nasal polyps treatment miracle Darrell Miller 3/16/17
The fix for dry eyes Darrell Miller 2/13/17
Change likely to make CDB oil accessible Darrell Miller 1/25/17
Cannabis Use For Pediatric Cancers Darrell Miller 1/25/17
Is Fermented Tea Making People Feel Enlightened Because of ... Alcohol? Darrell Miller 12/14/16
Ancient beauty rituals that work, and where to try them Darrell Miller 12/8/16
How does a high-protein diet aid weight loss? Study sheds light Darrell Miller 11/24/16
Powerful natural ways to relieve stress, anxiety Darrell Miller 11/13/16
Naturally eliminate pimples overnight Darrell Miller 11/11/16
People can use DE Darrell Miller 9/16/16
Importance of Antioxidants and How Can We Get Them from Various Foods Darrell Miller 12/18/15
Is Your Blood Pressure Out Of Control? Eat beet roots! Darrell Miller 11/15/15
Look Younger With This Natural Facial Exfoliator Darrell Miller 11/11/15
Learn how iodide can fix hemorrhoids over night Darrell Miller 10/25/15
Can I Use Tea Tree Oil As A Deodorant? Darrell Miller 9/16/15
Can Tea Tree Oil Cleanse The Hair? Darrell Miller 8/18/15
Aloe vera Darrell Miller 6/16/15
Natural Skin Care Products - Kukui Nut Oil Darrell Miller 5/17/14
Things to Know Before Using Arnica Cream for Pain Relief or Bruise Treatment Darrell Miller 4/26/14
What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin E? Darrell Miller 4/17/14
How Does Arnica Relieve Pain? Darrell Miller 3/6/14
Can MSM Work As A Lotion? Darrell Miller 3/5/14
Vitamin D Cream Review. Darrell Miller 3/4/14
Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health? Darrell Miller 2/20/14
The health benefits of citronella oil Darrell Miller 2/14/14
What Are The Benefits Of Taking Wheat Germ Oil? Darrell Miller 12/31/13
Castor oil Darrell Miller 12/29/13
Difference between colloidal minerals and ionic minerals. Darrell Miller 12/23/13
How important is it to take a GLA supplement? Darrell Miller 12/4/13
Various health benefits of Sea Buckthorn Darrell Miller 12/3/13
Can The Consumption of Collagen Help Hair, Skin, Nails, And Joints? Darrell Miller 5/30/13
How Does Oregano Oil Help Fight The Common Cold? Darrell Miller 2/22/13

The Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin Health

Date: May 24, 2024 04:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin Health

The Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin Health

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, plays an essential role in maintaining overall skin health. This potent nutrient offers numerous benefits, making it a staple ingredient in many skincare products. Below, we explore some of the key advantages of incorporating Vitamin C into your skincare routine.

Promotes Collagen Production

Collagen is a structural protein that maintains the skin's firmness and elasticity. As we age, collagen production declines, leading to signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. Vitamin C is a crucial co-factor in the synthesis of collagen, helping to keep the skin plump and youthful. Regular application of Vitamin C can stimulate collagen production, making the skin look smoother and more resilient.

Accelerates Wound Healing

Vitamin C's role in collagen production also extends to wound healing. This nutrient supports the repair of damaged skin by promoting new tissue growth. Whether dealing with minor cuts, abrasions, or post-surgical wounds, Applying Vitamin C can expedite the healing process and reduce the risk of scarring.

Antioxidant Protection

Environmental factors like pollution and UV radiation generate free radicals, molecules that damage skin cells and accelerate aging. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, protecting the skin from oxidative stress. By incorporating Vitamin C into your skincare routine, you can shield your skin from environmental damage and maintain a healthier complexion.

Boosts Immune Function

A robust immune system is vital for overall skin health. Vitamin C bolsters the immune system, making it an essential component of both internal and external treatments. A well-functioning immune system can better fend off skin infections and inflammatory conditions, contributing to clearer, more radiant skin.

Reduces Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation occurs when certain areas of the skin produce excess melanin, resulting in dark spots or patches. Vitamin C can inhibit melanin production, helping to lighten hyperpigmented areas. Over time, consistent use of Vitamin C can promote a more even skin tone, reducing the appearance of age spots, sun spots, and melasma.

Enhances Skin Radiance

One of the most sought-after benefits of Vitamin C is its ability to enhance skin radiance. By improving skin texture and tone, Vitamin C can give your complexion a noticeable glow. Regular use of Vitamin C serums or creams can help achieve a brighter, more luminous look.

Prevents Sagging

Loss of skin elasticity leads to sagging, which is a common sign of aging. By promoting collagen synthesis and offering antioxidant protection, Vitamin C can help maintain the skin's structural integrity. This results in tighter, firmer skin, reducing the likelihood of sagging.

Combats Environmental Damage

Exposure to environmental pollutants can wreak havoc on your skin, causing premature aging and damage. Vitamin C acts as a protective barrier, reducing the detrimental effects of pollutants. Adding Vitamin C to your skincare regimen helps combat environmental damage, ensuring your skin remains healthy and vibrant.

Supports Hydration

Maintaining adequate moisture levels is crucial for healthy skin. Vitamin C can support skin hydration by enhancing the skin barrier function and reducing water loss. This ensures that your skin stays supple and well-moisturized, reducing the risk of dryness and irritation.

Skin Repair and Protection Against Oxidative Stress

Vitamin C not only protects against oxidative stress but also aids in repairing the skin. By promoting cell regeneration and improving skin texture, Vitamin C helps to rejuvenate and restore damaged skin.

Are You Ready to Experience What Vitamin C Can Do?

Ready to experience the transformative benefits of Vitamin C for your skin? Don't wait any longer. Invest in a high-quality Vitamin C serum or cream today and take the first step toward healthier, more radiant skin. Visit our store now to explore our range of Vitamin C products tailored to meet your skincare needs. Enhance your skin's vitality and glow with the power of Vitamin C – your skin will thank you!

Food Sources of Vitamin C

Incorporating Vitamin C into your diet is a great way to boost your skin health from within. Here are some excellent food sources of this essential nutrient:

  • Citrus Fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are well-known for their high Vitamin C content.
  • Strawberries: These delicious berries are not only rich in antioxidants but also pack a substantial amount of Vitamin C.
  • Kiwi: This small, nutrient-dense fruit provides more Vitamin C than an orange per serving.
  • Bell Peppers: Among vegetables, bell peppers are a top source of Vitamin C, especially the red and yellow varieties.
  • Broccoli: This cruciferous vegetable offers a considerable amount of Vitamin C along with other beneficial nutrients.
  • Brussels Sprouts: Another vegetable rich in Vitamin C, Brussels sprouts are a great addition to any meal.
  • Papaya: This tropical fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin C and other beneficial compounds.
  • Tomatoes: Whether fresh, in sauces, or as juice, tomatoes are a versatile source of Vitamin C.
  • Spinach: This leafy green not only provides Vitamin C but also a host of other vitamins and minerals.

Including these foods in your diet can help ensure you receive adequate Vitamin C, supporting both your overall health and your skin's vitality.

Convenience of Taking Vitamin C: Supplements vs. Food Sources

While both food sources and supplements offer ways to meet your daily Vitamin C needs, supplements provide unmatched convenience. Incorporating Vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges, strawberries, and bell peppers into your diet requires careful meal planning and preparation and adds calories to your diet. In contrast, Vitamin C supplements offer a quick and efficient alternative, allowing you to ensure adequate intake regardless of your dietary habits. This convenience makes supplements particularly appealing for busy individuals or those with specific dietary restrictions, enabling them to maintain optimal Vitamin C levels effortlessly.


Soothing relief for achy muscles and joints

Date: October 26, 2022 12:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Soothing relief for achy muscles and joints

Feeling sore after a workout? You're not alone. Aching muscles and joints are common, especially if you're new to exercise or you've had a particularly intense session. Thankfully, there's a natural way to soothe your soreness and ease your discomfort. NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream is specially formulated to provide relief for the skin surrounding active joints and muscles. Keep reading to learn more about this product and how it can help you feel your best.

How NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream Works

This product contains glucosamine, a compound normally found in the articular cartilage of joints. Glucosamine is known for its ability to support healthy joint function and ease occasional discomfort associated with exercise or overexertion. The cream also includes boswellia, capsaicin, and natural methyl salicylate. These three active ingredients are combined for their skin care properties and for conditioning the areas around joints and muscles. Boswellia is an Indian herb that has been used for centuries to support healthy inflammation response. Capsaicin is derived from chili peppers and is known for its ability to temporarily relieve minor muscle pain. Methyl salicylate is a naturally occurring organic compound that gives wintergreen its characteristic fragrance and flavor. It's also used topically for its soothing properties.

When applied to the skin, NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream penetrates deeply to deliver its moisture-attracting capabilities directly where you need it most. This product is fast-absorbing, non-greasy, and non-staining, making it ideal for use before or after exercise. It's also free of parabens, propylene glycol, synthetic fragrances, dyes, and phthalates. Plus, it's dermatologist tested and safe for all skin types.

If you're looking for a natural way to relieve occasional muscle pain and discomfort, try NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream. This product contains glucosamine, boswellia, capsaicin, and natural methyl salicylate—all of which are known for their ability to soothe soreness and ease discomfort. The cream is fast-absorbing, non-greasy, and non-staining, making it easy to Apply before or after exercise. It's also free of parabens, propylene glycol, synthetic fragrances, dyes, phthalates, making it a good choice for those with sensitive skin. Plus, it's dermatologist tested and safe for all skin types. Give NOW® Solutions Joint & Muscle Cream a try today!


All-Natural Flea and Tick Repellent for Dogs

Date: October 14, 2022 04:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: All-Natural Flea and Tick Repellent for Dogs

At The Royal Treatment, we are always looking for ways to provide the best possible care for your furry friends. That's why we're excited to introduce our new all-natural flea and tick repellent for dogs! This product has been formulated by our very own Dr. Barbara Royal, DVM, CVA and is safe for dogs of all ages.

Why You Should Use an All-Natural Flea & Tick Repellent for Dogs

As pet parents, we want what's best for our furry friends. That's why we're always on the lookout for products that are safe, effective, and affordable. When it comes to flea and tick repellents, there are a lot of products on the market that contain harmful chemicals like DEET, synthetic pesticides, and pyrethrins. These chemicals can be toxic to both humans and animals, and can cause a host of health problems including skin irritation, respiratory distress, and even cancer.

Our all-natural flea & tick repellent for dogs is made with essential oils that are safe for both humans and animals. It's also free of artificial colors and fragrances. And best of all, it's vet-formulated and approved! This product is ideal for dogs of all ages and can be used as often as needed. Simply spray it on your dog's coat before going outside, and reApply as needed throughout the day.

We know that as a pet parent, you only want what's best for your furry friend. That's why we've formulated this all-natural flea & tick repellent for dogs. It's safe for both humans and animals, and can be used as often as needed. Simply spray it on your dog's coat before going outside, and reApply as needed throughout the day.


How to Deal With Mild Ear Discomfort

Date: October 11, 2022 03:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Deal With Mild Ear Discomfort

Do you ever have that feeling like there's something in your ear but you can't seem to get it out? Or maybe your ear feels itchy and uncomfortable but you're not quite sure why. If you're experience any mild discomfort or irritation of the tissues of the ear, don't worry—you're not alone. In fact, this is a pretty common problem. But what can you do about it?

One option is to try using a natural blend of herbs like Now Foods soothing Ear Oil. This product is designed to cleanse and moisturize the delicate tissues of the ear canal, providing relief from itchiness and discomfort. Simply Apply a few drops of the oil into your ear and massage gently for 30 seconds. Then, tilt your head to the side and let the oil drain out. Repeat as necessary until you're feeling better.

Another option is to make a simple home remedy using ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. First, mix together 1/4 teaspoon each of baking soda, salt, and hydrogen peroxide. Then, use a dropper to Apply 3-4 drops of the mixture into your affected ear. Keep your head tilted for 5 minutes so that the mixture has a chance to work its magic, then rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel.

If you're experiencing any mild discomfort or irritation in your ears, don't panic—there are a few things you can do to find relief. Try using an herbal oil like Now Foods soothing Ear Oil or mix up a simple home remedy using ingredients like baking soda, salt, and hydrogen peroxide. Whichever method you choose, hopefully you'll be feeling better in no time!


How to Get Rid of Age Spots on Your Face? Try Dark Spot Serum!

Date: October 08, 2022 10:26 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Get Rid of Age Spots on Your Face? Try Dark Spot Serum!

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed dark spots on your face that weren't there before? If so, you're not alone. Age spots are a common skin concern for people over the age of 40. But what are age spots, exactly? Age spots are flat, brown, or black patches of pigmentation that occur when your skin is exposed to too much sun. While they pose no health risk, age spots can be unsightly and make you look older than you actually are.

Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help improve the appearance of age spots. One such treatment is Dark Spot Serum. This serum is clinically tested and shown to significantly improve the appearance of age spots and even out skin tone over a 12-week time period. Dark Spot Serum contains an extract of alpine plants that is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of age spots. Additionally, licorice extract, vitamin C, and a multi-fruit extract aid in evening skin tone. So, if you're looking for a way to get rid of those pesky age spots, Dark Spot Serum may be just what you need!

Dark Spot Serum is easy to use; simply Apply it to your face and neck twice daily after cleansing. For best results, use Dark Spot Serum in conjunction with sunscreen as sun exposure can exacerbate age spot formation. Give Dark Spot Serum a try today and see for yourself how it can help restore your skin's youthful glow!

Do you have dark spots on your face? If so, Dark Spot Serum may be able to help. This serum is clinically tested and shown to significantly reduce the appearance of age spots and even out skin tone over a 12-week time period. So, if you're looking for a way to get rid of those pesky age spots, give Dark Spot Serum a try today!


Comforting Massage Oil is the Perfect Way to Unwind

Date: October 03, 2022 04:42 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Comforting Massage Oil is the Perfect Way to Unwind

We all know how hectic and stressful life can be. That's why it's important to take some time for yourself every now and then to relax and rejuvenate. One of the best ways to do this is with a soothing massage. And what could make a massage even better? Using a luxurious, nourishing massage oil like Comforting Massage Oil from Naja Naturals!

Comforting Massage Oil is an advanced blend of natural oils specifically formulated for relaxation and skin rejuvenation. Natural essential oils from lavender, chamomile and patchouli are combined with grape seed, apricot and almond oils to provide a full spectrum of emollient properties. The tranquil and calming essence of Comforting Massage Oil is the perfect complement to a therapeutic massage. It can also be used as a daily moisturizer to leave skin feeling silky soft, nourished and rejuvenated.

How to Use Comforting Massage Oil

There are endless ways to use Comforting Massage Oil. Here are just a few of our favorites:

  • Add a few drops to your bathtub for a relaxing, aromatherapy-infused soak.
  • Use it as a daily moisturizer after showering or bathing. Simply Apply it to damp skin and let it absorb for a few minutes before getting dressed.
  • Massage it into tired muscles after exercise or a long day at work. Focus on areas that feel especially tight or sore.

Rub it into your cuticles and nails to keep them healthy and hydrated. If you're looking for a way to relax and rejuvenate, look no further than Comforting Massage Oil from Naja Naturals. Made with natural ingredients like lavender, chamomile, grape seed oil, and more, this luxurious oil is perfect for use in massages or as a daily moisturizer. Trust us, your mind and body will thank you!


The Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Your Skin

Date: September 28, 2022 11:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Your Skin

You may have seen activated charcoal in face masks, and there’s a good reason for that! This natural ingredient has some incredible benefits for your skin. If you’re looking to improve your complexion, reduce acne, or just give your skin a deep clean, activated charcoal should be your go-to. Here’s everything you need to know about the benefits of activated charcoal for your skin.

What is Activated Charcoal?

Activated charcoal is made from carbon-rich materials like wood or coconut shells that have been heated to high temperatures. This process “activates” the charcoal by increasing its surface area, which allows it to trap more toxins and impurities.

Benefits of Activated Charcoal for Your Skin

There are so many reasons to incorporate activated charcoal into your skincare routine. Here are just a few of the benefits of activated charcoal for your skin:

  • -Deep Cleansing: Activated charcoal is very absorbent and can help draw dirt, oil, and impurities from your skin. This makes it an excellent choice for those with oily or acne-prone skin.
  • -Reduces Pore Appearance: Another benefit of activated charcoal is that it can help reduce the appearance of pores. If large pores are a concern of yours, try using a facial mask with activated charcoal a few times per week.
  • -Soothes Irritation: Activated charcoal can also help soothe irritation caused by conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Simply Apply a thin layer of an activated charcoal cream or ointment to the affected area and let it work its magic!
  • -Rejuvenates Skin: In addition to all of these amazing benefits, activated charcoal can also help rejuvenate tired, dull skin. When used in a facial mask, activated charcoal can help reveal brighter, more youthful skin.

In Summary: Activated charcoal is an incredible natural ingredient with endless benefits for your skin. If you’re looking for a way to improve your complexion and give your skin a deep cleanse, look no further than activated charcoal! Try incorporating this versatile ingredient into your skincare routine and see the results for yourself.


Introducing the Now Foods Bakuchiol Skin Renewal Serum for Fine Lines and Wrinkles!

Date: September 10, 2022 09:42 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Introducing the Now Foods Bakuchiol Skin Renewal Serum for Fine Lines and Wrinkles!

Have you ever wished you could turn back the clock on your skin? If so, you're in luck! The Now Foods Bakuchiol Skin Renewal Serum is a plant-based retinol-alternative serum that contains clinically-tested bakuchiol and Pycnogenol to help gently combat the appearance of imperfections and wrinkles. This beauty renewing formula moisturizes and refines for visibly younger-looking skin. Keep reading to learn more about this amazing product!

What is Bakuchiol?

Bakuchiol is a plant-based compound that has been used medicinally for centuries. It is extracted from the seeds and leaves of the babchi plant, also known as Psoralea corylifolia. Bakuchiol has traditionally been used to treat a variety of skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. More recently, it has gained popularity for its anti-aging properties.

How Does Bakuchiol Work?

Bakuchiol works by mimicking the effects of retinol, a vitamin A derivative that is commonly used in anti-aging products. Retinol works by stimulating collagen production and cell turnover, which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. However, retinol can also cause irritation, redness, and dryness, especially if you have sensitive skin. That's where bakuchiol comes in! Bakuchiol has been shown to provide many of the same benefits as retinol without causing irritation.

What are the Benefits of Bakuchiol?

In addition to reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, bakuchiol has also been shown to improve skin elasticity and firmness. It can also help to even out skin tone and texture. If you're looking for an anti-aging product that won't irritate your skin, bakuchiol is a great option!

The Now Foods Bakuchiol Skin Renewal Serum contains clinically-tested bakuchiol along with other naturally derived ingredients to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also contains Pycnogenol®, a patents pending ingredient derived from French maritime pine bark extract that helps improve skin firmness and elasticity while providing antioxidant protection against environmental stressors. The lightweight formula absorbs quickly into the skin without leaving behind any greasy residue. For best results, Apply 1-2 pumps to clean skin every morning and evening.

In Summary:

If you're looking for an anti-aging serum that won't irritate your skin, look no further than the Now Foods Bakuchiol Skin Renewal Serum! This lightweight serum contains clinically-tested bakuchiol along with other naturally derived ingredients to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while improving skin firmness and elasticity. For best results, Apply 1-2 pumps to clean skin every morning and evening. Trust us, your skin will thank you!


Experts find that vitamin D can soothe symptoms of COPD

Date: May 13, 2019 04:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Experts find that vitamin D can soothe symptoms of COPD

European scientists recently published new research in the journal Thorax which indicates that correcting a vitamin D deficiency can mitigate breathing and lung problems caused by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COPD symptoms include chronic bronchitis, asthma that cannot be reversed and persistent difficulty with breathing. However, the benefits only apply to people who have a deficiency of the vitamin. Vitamin D can help augment the immune system while reducing harmful inflammatory responses. Good food source of vitamin D include several species of fish, as well as eggs and mushrooms l.

Key Takeaways:

  • Not specifically one disease, COPD refers to an array of chronic, serious and non-reversible lung conditions, such as emphysema.
  • COPD sufferers with low levels of vitamin D may curb symptoms by consuming bitamin-D rich foods, like salmon, beef liver and egg yolks, so suggests data.
  • The data arises from a review of four randomized controlled trials that used more than 500 overall participants.

"Carried out by a team of researchers from Europe, the study revealed that supplementing with regular doses of vitamin D safely and significantly reduced the symptoms of COPD."

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Ginger Oil: Fighting Inflammation And Other Healing Health BenefitsOf The Oil

Date: April 19, 2019 01:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginger Oil: Fighting Inflammation And Other Healing Health BenefitsOf The Oil

Ginger oil is made from the versatile kitchen spice, and provides a wide variety of antibacterial, anti inflammatory and other health benefits. Ginger can help clear out your airway and soothe a troubled digestive system. You can also apply it topically to help relieve muscle and joint aches. Ginger oil is easy to make at home, and it retains the spicy taste of its main ingredient, making it an excellent addition to baked goods and other dishes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ginger is an anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial agent, making it one of the healthiest spices available.
  • Ginger oil can help ease pain from inflammation and it promotes respiratory health.
  • Ginger can promote digestive health and be helpful in cases of food poisoning.

"Ginger is one of the healthiest spices you can add to your diet and all its healing properties are credited to the presence of the bio-active compound gingerol."

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Honey: Its benefits for health and skin

Date: March 10, 2019 05:56 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Honey: Its benefits for health and skin

Most people are aware that honey is exceptionally good for your health with particular benefits for your skin. For example, it can remove acne scars and prevent more acne is used consistently. However, it has so many other health benefits as well. Honey can lower a person's cholesterol level if consumed on a regular basis. Honey is also a great weight loss tool in that it can relieve those pesky bouts of craving sugar. It also boosts your energy and increases your metabolic rate.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you apply honey to your skin, its antibacterial and antiseptic properties can treat a number of skin problems.
  • Honey can help you lose weight because it reduces your cravings for sugary foods.
  • The methylglyoxal compound in honey can boost your immune system as well as your energy levels.

"Many studies have proved that honey can help control high cholesterol levels."

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Monolaurin The Most Beneficial Compound in Coconut Oil?

Date: January 11, 2019 08:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Monolaurin The Most Beneficial Compound in Coconut Oil?

We're constantly hearing about the benefits associated with coconut oil, but many of us are unaware of what actually causes coconut oil to be so healthy for our bodies. The main compound found in coconut oil that has positive health benefits is called monolaurin. Monolaurin derives from lauric acid, and it is able to kill off viruses and bacteria due to it being a natural antimicrobial. It can also help in preventing the phenomenon known as antibiotic resistance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Monolaurin is the secret why coconut has so many beneficial uses and also why breast milk has a lot of immune-boosting benefits to babies.
  • Monolaurin is an antiviral agent and that is why it is used to treat many viral infections such as flu, common cold, herpes, and shingles.
  • Monolaurin can be used to treat herpes virus by applying coconut oil to the areas where one has cold sores which are caused by herpes.

"In nature, lauric acid is a precursor to monolaurin, which is an even more powerful antimicrobial agent than lauric acid. When your body digests lauric acid, certain enzymes within the digestive tract form this beneficial monoglyceride known as monolaurin."

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Natural remedies for dry scalp

Date: October 31, 2018 08:51 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Natural remedies for dry scalp

Dry scalp may sound like a ho-hum problem, but it can quickly become an irritating and all-consuming affair should the dryness lead to intense itch and dead skin amassing on the scalp, before descending as mortifying flakes. Though there are chemical-laden options available to consumers at pharmacies and groceries, it behooves the natural-minded consumer to consider some options that use organic ingredients. Aloe vera gel is one specific that can be used as a stand-alone on the scalp. Simply apply and leave on for an hour, repeating a couple times a week. A slightly more complicated approach incorporates olive oil, dressed up with a few drops of lavender oil. The combination deeply nourishes the scalp and leaves a light fragrance.

Key Takeaways:

  • To moisturize a dry scalp, thereby alleviating itchiness and embarrassing flakes, try a mixture of olive oil and several drops of lavender essential oil.
  • Leave the mixture in place, on your scalp for an hour for best results and repeat the process two times a week.
  • Aloe vera gel, which can also be applied topically, makes another good alternative treatment to combat dry scalp itch and dandruff.

"Dryness is among the most common skin issues that affect the scalp – one which, if left unaddressed, can easily become an annoying problem."

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Natural ways to whiten your teeth

Date: September 11, 2018 08:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Natural ways to whiten your teeth

Natural ways to whiten your teeth

If you are considering whitening your teeth, there are many natural ways you can accomplish this without resorting to chemically based products. Swishing around edible oil in your mouth 2 to 3 times a day can help. Baking soda is another trusted stain remover when combined with water and made into a paste.Rubbing tumeric on your gums and teeth can also provide good results. Finally, apple cider vinegar works well to topple plaque and to keep your teeth white.

Key Takeaways:

  • White teeth can improve your appearance significantly, and you don't need chemicals to do so.
  • Make a paste out of baking power and apply regularly to remove teeth stains
  • You can also use apple cider vinegar or turmeric over a longer period of time to see improvements in teeth health

"Fortunately, you don’t always have to visit a dentist or rely on chemicals to get pearly whites!"

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Essential Oils: How to Choose the Right Carrier Oils for Them

Date: September 05, 2018 05:52 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Essential Oils: How to Choose the Right Carrier Oils for Them

Essential Oils: How to Choose the Right Carrier Oils for Them

Carrier oils make it easier and safer to apply essential oils for therapeutic purposes, and some have their own beneficial qualities. For example, apricot kernel, borage seed, coconut, flaxseed and avocado oil all have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and improve joint and skin health. Others are full of vitamins and nutrients that benefit your skin, including argan, jojoba, and sesame oil. Yet others can be beneficial to your hair’s health and appearance, including castor and coconut oils.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are many oils that are now considered healthy to be applied to one's self.
  • Of course, many are skeptical over what kind of benefit oils can have for one person.
  • Different people have different needs and their bodies react to different things at times.

"Essential oils have powerful effects on our bodies, but you need to use a carrier oil to ensure safe topical application."

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How To Get Rid of Dark Spots Naturally and Look Years Younger

Date: April 30, 2018 01:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How To Get Rid of Dark Spots Naturally and Look Years Younger

Over the years the skin on our faces develop spots and other signs of aging that can be expensive to tend to. However, there are also natural inexpensive mixtures that you can make to address these spots and signs of aging. This mixture uses lemon juice, parsley, and water. However, apple cider vinegar can be used in place on lemon juice. Once the mixture is made, you can Apply it to your face at night and wash your face as normal in the morning.


5 Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Naturally #Home Remedies for Remove Dark Circles

Date: March 13, 2018 01:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Naturally #Home Remedies for Remove Dark Circles

Dark circles around and under eyes are a common experience in both men and women. Poor sleep, injury, hormones and stress all have a part in contributing to dark circles. Carrots contain high levels of vitamin A which is necessary in skin repair and for eye health. Carrot juice can be applied to the eye area. Potato is good for bleaching. Blend it and strain for the potato juice and Apply it soaked onto a gauze pad. Both these remedies should be used regularly for results.


3 Natural Remedies That You Can Use To Clean Your Armpits!!

Date: January 17, 2018 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 3 Natural Remedies That You Can Use To Clean Your Armpits!!

If you do not want to use deodorant that bleaches your armpits over time then you can try any of these three natural solutions for removing stains in your under arms. The first is baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is a great exfoliant and coconut oil is a natural antimicrobial and will help hydrate your skin. Combine 2 tablespoons of baking soda and a spoonful of virgin coconut oil and Apply the mixture three times a week, scrub, soak for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. You can adjust the ratio of coconut oil and baking soda to your liking. The next remedy is dried orange-peel (exfoliant and antibacterial) and rose water (rejuvenating properties). Make a paste out of two tablespoons of dried orange-peel, a teaspoon of rose water and a teaspoon of milk. Apply the paste to your skin, scrub, soak for 15 minutes, rinse and repeat the process every other day. The third option is lemon juice (antibacterial) and sugar (exfoliant). Mix a spoonful of lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar together to make a paste. Apply the mixture, scrub, soak for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, repeat 3-4 times a week. Apply a moisturizer afterwards.


How To Brighten Skin, Get Even Skin Tone - How To Get Clear, Glowing & Spotless Skin

Date: October 24, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How To Brighten Skin, Get Even Skin Tone - How To Get Clear, Glowing & Spotless Skin

During childhood, people have very good skin, but as we age, we have very bad skin issues and this leads to long term damage. Everyone wants to have great skin. But, they do not want to spend a lot of money on it. There is an answer thankfully. Sun damaged skin is another thing that leads to an uneven skin tone. With a few simple ingredients, you can make your own homemade face remedy that will maker your skin shine again.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ingredients are 1 tbsp. of aloe vera gel,1 tbsp. of sandalwood powder, and Rosewater or cold milk.
  • Mix all ingredients and mix to a paste. Apply paste to the face for 15 minutes and wash it off with cool water.
  • This process of skin cleansing should be done twice per week. for those with oily skins. Lemon (honey) Juice and cucumber mix will

"Fair and clear skin can be yours in no time if you use this face pack regularly."


Look What Happens To Your Skin If You Use Tea Tree Oil!!

Date: October 20, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Look What Happens To Your Skin If You Use Tea Tree Oil!!

Many are told to use tea tree oil for everything from cleaning to skin care. Is it really that good for you, though? It does have some benefits but you should research before using anything on your skin since this s technically an organ. It does absorb things which you use on it. Using unsafe products could be bad for your health because they can get into your body. This will help you decide if tea tree oil is right for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • While Tea Tree oil fights infections, such as acne healing to prevent infections illuminates bad smelly feet
  • cures fungal infections on the nails of hand and feet removes stains and wrinkles by anti -oxidize properties
  • cures athletes foot reduces cold and flu symptoms, by Applying to chest eliminate head lice

"The tea tree is an aromatic plant whose oil has exceptional medicinal purposes."


Get Rid Of Your Joint Pain In 5 Hours After Drinking This Home Made Liquid!!

Date: October 06, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Get Rid Of Your Joint Pain In 5 Hours After Drinking This Home Made Liquid!!

Joint pain is hard for many. It hurts and makes it hard to get things done. This drink can help, though, and if you suffer from joint pain you could notice how much better it is to have it lessened. There are medications for this but not everyone wants to take those. Some people are allergic to them or just don't like the ingredients. This drink will seem safter to those people so they might be willing to try it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lemon peel combined with olive oil and eucalyptus can relieve joint pain
  • Lemon peel though doesn't taste very good has 10 x more vitamin C than the liquid and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Soaking bandages in this liquid and then Applying them to sore joints will relieve pain instantly.

"its high concentration of nutrients will help eliminate pain and inflamation almost immediately"


Look what happens to your mouth if you apply this homemade recipe. Surprising!!

Date: September 19, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Look what happens to your mouth if you Apply this homemade recipe. Surprising!!

People can see some interesting things happen in their mouth when they Apply one homemade recipe. It is very surprising. Dental health is a very important thing. If our teeth are not healthy, then chewing can be a tough thing for people. One thing people have in their teeth that causes an issue is tartar. This homemade method will get rid of tartar. With a good cleaning, you can eliminate the root problem. If we take care of our teeth, we do not need to go to the dentist a lot.

Key Takeaways:

  • One homemade recipe is surprising people who have tried the product. It can cause a strange effect to take place in the mouth.
  • Expect cleaner teeth when the product is finished with its work on the whole. Teeth can be made clean when using just a simple recipe found online.
  • Read through the recipe and learn the details as they are written. People have made comments about its effectiveness when it was used before now.

"One of the most common problems that people is the presence of tartar as it causes the teeth to look yellow"


Homemade Hair Treatment for Frizzy, Dry and Damaged Hair - How To Get Shiny Hair, Silky, Smooth Hair

Date: September 18, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Homemade Hair Treatment for Frizzy, Dry and Damaged Hair - How To Get Shiny Hair, Silky, Smooth Hair

This video discusses the struggles of frizzy hair, what some of the main causes of frizzy hair are, and how to combat it on a daily basis using things from your kitchen to make a mask, etc. The video details the recipe for a hair mask containing honey and corn starch and conditioner. This concoction is applied to dry hair and the scalp and then all hair is contained in a shower cap. The video does specify for users not to Apply to scalp if they tend to have oily hair. This is in informational video for those whom may be looking to tame their frizzy hair.

Key Takeaways:

  • There is a homemade hair treatment for frizzy and dry hair. That is a sign that hair could have been damaged in the past.
  • Shiny hair can be obtained by using a simple recipe found here. That will help hair regain its silky and smooth texture over time.
  • That hair treatment is a popular option for people who have changed their lives. Shiny hair is a popular choice and one that is worth trying personally.

"No matter how often you suffer from frizzy hair you can use a variety of common ingredients from your kitchen to treat the problem with simple natural remedies."


This Recommended Me My Grandmother To Remove The Bad Smell From The Armpits!!

Date: September 17, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Recommended Me My Grandmother To Remove The Bad Smell From The Armpits!!

The video begins with an explanation of how everyone has armpit odor in some degree, especially after activity. It states that though products can be used to eliminate armpit odor, natural remedies can be used. It follows with recipes for these remedies. The first is a mixture of a tablespoon each of baking soda and lemon. Put it on the armpits and let stand for one minutes. Do this daily for 2 weeks. Option 2 is to mix equal parts of baking soda and cornstarch and Apply occasionally to dry pits. Option 3 is to boil neem leaves and Apply during a shower for antibacterial qualities. If these options still don't work, one should go see a specialist.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bad armpit smells are a scorn in the lives of many people. Follow the advice of one grandmother who understands how to remove odors.
  • The odor can be blocked, even using all natural ingredients in house. That has helped people manage the symptoms associated with bad odors.
  • Take pride in smelling good, especially while at work or at school. That should help people handle some of the stress that they encounter too.

"There are no excuses to continue suffering from bad smell."


These 6 Essential Oils Work Like Valium For Your Anxiety

Date: August 29, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: These 6 Essential Oils Work Like Valium For Your Anxiety

There are 6 essential oils that work like Valium for your anxiety. Bergamot is one of these essential oils that people can use. Bergamot is a very sweet fruit and it is a part of the citrus family. It makes for a very good and calming oil. It has soothing and moos boosting properties. There have been studies done on this that have shown its healing properties. Orange is another essential oil that will work great for healing anxiety.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are six essential oils other than lavender & chamomile that are supremely effective for anxiety: bergamot, orange, geranium, rose, clary sage, and cedarwood.
  • Studies of these oils in clinical settings have revealed that they appear to significantly reduce anxiety.
  • You can use these oils personally to lower your anxiety by: mixing with coconut oil and applying to body and face; infusing the air with the scent; and, applying diluted oil to pressure points.

"Geranium essential oil has been found to have both calming and refreshing properties, and it may especially help to soothe anxiety in women during those especially trying times in our monthly cycles."

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A Magic Trick With Tea Bags For Your Teeth That Your Dentist Does Not Want You To Know!!

Date: August 24, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Magic Trick With Tea Bags For Your Teeth That Your Dentist Does Not Want You To Know!!

There is a magic trick with tea bags for your teeth that your dentist might not want you to learn about. Tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. Each kind of tea offers a unique set of benefits for people. There are many hidden benefits that tea bags offer. They are very good for your gums and they can also treat your sunburn. Tea bags help you get rid of itchy and irritated skin caused by the burn.

Key Takeaways:

  • A universally popular beverage, tea is consumed in a frequency just behind water and coffee.
  • Chill used tea bags in the refrigerator and then Apply them to painful gums to achieve relief from the soreness.
  • Tea tannins, in the used tea bags, can be used to treat minor burns and to energize and refresh tired eyes.

"Helps to clean dishes: A plate full of grease ends with the patience of anyone."


Top 3 Skin Care Secrets || How to Use Baking Soda To Whiten Skin

Date: August 01, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top 3 Skin Care Secrets || How to Use Baking Soda To Whiten Skin

Natural remedies are always best and that includes beauty treatments for facial skin. Baking soda is a refreshing mask ingredient that can be used to cleanse and brighten the face. As a wash it can slough off dead skin cells and encourage new cell growth. Other ways to use it are in combination with natural ingredients. A fruit mix combined with baking soda can be applied as a mask. Strawberries and lemon help moisturize and also exfoliate. Masks can be used weekly to prepare skin for moisturizer and your beauty routine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Baking soda works as an effective ingredient in homemade skincare treatments, as it has exfoliating properties that leave skin fresh and glowing
  • You can make a homemade treatment easily by just mixing two tablespoons of baking soda with water until a somewhat thick paste is formed
  • Once you’ve made your baking soda paste, you just need to gently Apply the mixture to the desired spots of skin and wait two minutes before rinsing with water

"Baking Soda is alkaline in nature and thus balances the pH levels of your skin to make it glow with radiance"


How to Get Rid of Acne, Stains and Pimple Marks Naturally

Date: July 27, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Get Rid of Acne, Stains and Pimple Marks Naturally

Our appearance is crucial to making positive first impressions, so it makes sense to take care of our face. However, problems like acne, unhealthy environments, and even poor diets can leave unwanted marks on a person's face. Because of this, safe, natural, and cost effective remedies to this problem are treasured. There exists one recipe to alleviate this problem, involving common ingredients that could be found in most homes; water, apple cider, lemon, baking soda, and honey. Together, these ingredients can form a mixture that, when properly applied, can help restore appearance to one's face by removing blemishes and pimples. However, it is important to check for allergies before Applying the mixture, and you must avoid sunbathing the next day.

Key Takeaways:

  • Acne in teens reduces their self esteem because their appearance is an important thing in their life.
  • Home remedy can help with the acne and also the self esteem of a teen
  • Make sure you do an allergy test before using the home remedy

"Many young people suffer from low self-esteem due to blemishes and acne."


3 wonder ways to brighten your teeth

Date: July 12, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 3 wonder ways to brighten your teeth

Speaks upon the use of multiple whitening brands telling you to try using natural elements. Like Mixing strawberries, baking soda, and salt making a substance that's like paste which you apply about once or twice a week. Also, surprisingly charcoal is another method, using the dust to rub on your teeth causing the stains to go away. Be careful not to swallow the charcoals. Even the use of tumeric! Yes the cooking material, you can put a little on your teeth every other day literally provoking your teeth to be more white!

Key Takeaways:

  • According some studies charcoal binds with tannis that are stains on your teeth and alter the PH level of your mouth.
  • Baking Soda with salt and starwberries: Mix all three together to make a paste and scrub for almost five minutes at least once or twice a week
  • Turmeric: It might leave yellow orange stains on your hands as you cook but this very same turmeric can actually help you whiten your teeth

"Are you tired of trying the very many toothpastes in the market and still not getting the result? Go natural when it comes to tooth whitening with these all natural products which have natural ingredients."

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Home REMEDIES for PILES that Actually works? | Health tips 2017

Date: July 06, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Home REMEDIES for PILES that Actually works? | Health tips 2017

Your body can throw you for a loop at any time. You wake up with a sore throat the day you're set to make a major presentation, a seafood-salad sandwich leaves you with grumbling indigestion, or you overdo it at the gym and arrive home with a stiff neck. Wouldn't it be great to have a live-in doctor/therapist/trainer to tend to your everyday aches and pains? Here's the next best thing: all-natural, expert-recommended ways to treat ailments quickly, safely, and effectively at home. So clear some space in your bathroom cabinet, refrigerator, and kitchen cupboard for these surprisingly effective (and inexpensive) remedies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Applying apple cider vinegar (with a cotton ball) to the inflamed area will help shrink swollen blood vessels and provide relief to those suffering from both internal and external hemorrhoids.
  • Juice from a freshly squeezed lemon can either be applied externally (with a cotton ball) or ingested by mixing with milk and drinking. Should be repeated 3 times each day for best results.
  • The easiest remedy for treating hemorrhoids is simply to increase your daily intake of water to 8 to 10 glasses.

"As many as 75% of people in the United States will be affected by hemorrhoids also known as piles."


Dandruff And Hair Will Grow Wildly If You Apply This Unique And Fabulous Ingredient!!

Date: July 04, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Dandruff And Hair Will Grow Wildly If You Apply This Unique And Fabulous Ingredient!!

Dandruff and hair are going to grow very rapidly if you Apply one unique and fabulous ingredient. Hair loss is one of the major problems that people face in life. There are many medical treatments that stop hair loss, but most of this is through the use of chemicals and is not natural. There is a natural way to grow hair and will also get rid of dandruff. Ginger and olive oil are two main ingredients.

Key Takeaways:

  • A simple treatment using ginger root, olive oil, and honey can help solve hair loss problems.
  • There are many chemical-based medical treatments for hair loss, but the best way is natural.
  • The results from this remedy can quickly be seen, and it will also provide other benefits, such as dandruff control.

"Hair loss is one of the major problems that thousands of men and women face daily, but it is women who have it more often."


9 Health Benefits Of Hibiscus

Date: June 30, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 9 Health Benefits Of Hibiscus

Hawaii is an island known mostly for its luaus and gorgeous views, Hawaii is also covered with beautiful hibiscus trees. These hibiscus flowers while beautiful, hold many not well known health benefits. The hibiscus flower is mostly used to make a tea known as "sour tea" or made into a topical application. Hibiscus is loaded with antioxidants, these antioxidants help combat free radical damage that lowers inflammation in the body. The flowers is also filled with nutrients and help boost your immune system especially during cold and flu season. Hibiscus also has many other benefits including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, helps improve your mood and digestive system. When applied to your skin it will make it more firm and great at moisturizing as well. All around hibiscus has many health benefits and would be very beneficial for your body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hibiscus flowers have a wide variety of health benefits. You can either drink hibiscus tea or apply hibiscus oil to reap these benefits.
  • Hibiscus is rich in antioxidants, which helps to reduce inflammation in the body. It is also nutritious, containing B-vitamins and minerals.
  • Some of the health benefits from hibiscus are: immune system function boost, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, improves mood and improves optimal digestion.

"not only are hibiscus flowers beautiful and fragrant, they also have a wide array of health benefits."

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Compounds in Turmeric, Red grapes, Apple Peels, & Berries May Help in Treating Prostate Cancer

Date: June 28, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Compounds in Turmeric, Red grapes, Apple Peels, & Berries May Help in Treating Prostate Cancer

Scientists have some lab-tested evidence showing that certain natural foods, especially eaten together, have an effect in stopping the growth of cancer cells in the prostrate and elsewhere in the body. More specifically, turmeric, red grapes, and apple peel contain compounds that, when taken together, can starve cancer tumors in the prostrate. These ingredients were tested successfully in mice and may apply to the human body as well. Researchers encourage a greater intake of turmeric, red grapes, apples, and berries, which are already healthy foods for the body.

Read more: Compounds in Turmeric, Red grapes, Apple Peels, & Berries May Help in Treating Prostate Cancer


Apply These Natural Remedies And Say Goodbye To Pain, Inflammation And Insomnia!

Date: June 16, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Apply These Natural Remedies And Say Goodbye To Pain, Inflammation And Insomnia!

You can Apply some natural remedies and say goodbye to pain, inflammation and insomnia. There is a written explanation as to how you can achieve this. Many people take pills on their own and they forget the side effects that are caused by the pills. This is the main reason why you need to go for a more natural health remedy. Pain is a symptom and not a disease, which means you need to find the root of the issue.

Key Takeaways:

  • more and more take pills on their own and have been experiencing side effects
  • pain is a symptom, not the disease and the cause of it.
  • in many cases of pain, natural remedies is the way to go

"Pain is a symptom, not a disease, which means that you must find the real problem that causes this condition."


This Plant Surely Has It In Your Yard And Could Save The Life More Than Once!!

Date: June 11, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Plant Surely Has It In Your Yard And Could Save The Life More Than Once!!

the video spoke about the money plant or crassula, as it is actuallythe named, and the wonderful medicinal properties that it has. it went into detail about several medical conditions a person might have such as, arthritis, tonsillitis, and ulcers,and the proper way to Apply the crassula to treat it. lastly it mentioned a warning against digesting too much of the crassula orally as it has a high amount of arsenic so treatments should be brief and not prolonged. the information was presented in scrolling text and recited verbally by and automated female voice as the text moved.

Key Takeaways:

  • This plant is known as a "money plant" which makes people believe it will bring money into the home.
  • It has several medicinal benefits if it is consumed on a daily basis.
  • HAving plants in the home helps keep the air in the home clean.

"Having plants in our home is something very beautiful because thanks to our plants the air is purified."


How to treat and heal a sunburn

Date: June 11, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to treat and heal a sunburn

Summer is here which means people will be getting sunburned if they're not creful. Sun screen helps avoid this but it isn't fool proof. If you do get sunburned this gives you good advice on how to heal it. It can be very painful depending on how bad it is so this will help you a lot. You'll want relief and fast healing because it can hurt to even have a shirt on if it's too bad.

Key Takeaways:

  • First step in treating a sun burn is to determine how bad it is. There are four degrees to a burn, each will require a different set of treatment options.
  • Second step in treating a sun burn is reducing your agony. It is recommended to take Anti-Inflammatory pain killers. Use a hypoallergenic ointment and aloe vera. Finally drink lots of water.
  • Do not use ointments containing neomycin, bacitracin, or lanolin because they are ineffective or can cause an allergic reaction.

"And yes: We all inevitably get burned, whether we fall asleep in the hammock or forget to reapply sunscreen after a dip in the pool. So while you heal from your latest burn (or in preparation for your next one…), we suggest you stock up on tough sunscreens and SPF-packed moisturizers."

Read more:


Interesting quiz reveals the truth behind what's really "healthy"

Date: May 22, 2017 06:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Interesting quiz reveals the truth behind what's really "healthy"

There is a lot of health info out there and not all of it is accurate. Many fads and trends confuse us. We see everyone hopping on a band wagon and think it's correct even if it isn't. We just assume instead of thinking for ourselves or researching. This is a quiz on the topic of health and its truth. It will help you learn a lot so you can apply it to your life and get yourself healthier.

Read more: Interesting quiz reveals the truth behind what's really "healthy"


This Is Why You Need To Put Essential Oils On Your Feet Every Night Before Bed!

Date: May 09, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Is Why You Need To Put Essential Oils On Your Feet Every Night Before Bed!

If you use essential oils for their health benefits, did you know that rubbing essential oil on the soles of your feet is just as good for your body? The soles of the feet have no hair follicles, so essential is quickly absorbed through the feet and into your body. The feet are also one of the least sensitive parts of the body so essential oil can be robbed on the feet without needing the oil to be diluted. Read this article for more details this method of using essential oils.

Key Takeaways:

  • At times oil need to be diluted with water to avoid swelling. It is not needed when Applying to the feet
  • The feet has 72 thousand nerves per square inch this makes traditional medicine use feet as part of a healing plan. This is called reflexology
  • Oils offer many benefits such as aiding in sleep when applied to the feet. The pours on the feet absorb the oils.

"If you are a fan of essential oils and you have some of them at home, you already know that they are extremely beneficial for health and have intense relaxing and counting properties."



Date: April 20, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Garlic is considered "old medicine" and natural healing effects. Garlic can remove earaches and headaches quickly, by using a clean clove of garlic right into the ear canal. Also, putting a garlic clove in your ear can help with headaches, especially if left in overnight. Garlic can also lower your body temperature, which is ideal for children with fever by slicing garlic and adding with apple cider vinegar. Apply topically on legs and ears of child. Garlic juice can be added with other ingredients and be used as a natural cough medicine.

Key Takeaways:

  • A clove of garlic placed outside the ear canal acts to remove pain and headaches.
  • Chopped garlic in apple cider can be rubbed on to reduce a fever.
  • Garlic can be used to create a natural cough syrup that can be taken every 2 hours or more.

"If you are having ear pain, or an excess amount of wax put some garlic in your ears."


5 Ways to Grow Your Nails FAST!

Date: April 10, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Ways to Grow Your Nails FAST!

Growing strong nails is a process that takes some steps. Fortunately, it can be done with the right maintenance and quitting bad habits that are detrimental to nail growth such as nail-biting, using acrylics and gels, picking at chipped nail polish, skipping base or top coats when Applying nail polish, and using your fingernails as tools. You then need to take the right vitamins and manicure regularly. If you are looking for ways to grow your nails quickly, watch this video for some good tips.

Key Takeaways:

  • Manicure and taking essential vitamins is vital to having healthier attractive nails.
  • Another way to help nails grow is to clip them instead of biting them which will stop the transfer of harmful bacteria.
  • Another way to grow healthy nails is to alternate between acrylics and gels.

"As long as you take good care of your nails, you can grow them to the length you desire."



Date: March 30, 2017 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Sometimes natural ingredients are the best thing for your body. Instead of expensive, man-made materials, apple cider vinegar is full of healthy, natural ingredients that can help your body in many different ways. Generally, apple cider vinegar can help your skin, removing blemishes and helping the health of your skin. You can't lose using an all natural ingredient! Apple cider vinegar is almost a miracle cure...and you can actually drink it too to help your health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Apple cider vinegar can be used to fight infections, dry, inflamed and itchy skin.
  • Mix 2 teaspoons of Apple cider Vinegar and water then soak 3 cotton balls in it and Apply to face to treat eczema.
  • Put 1/2 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar in your bath water with moisturizer to create a bath soak.

"Put apple cider vinegar on your face and see what happens to toxins, eczema, and age spots."


treat skin disorder with potato juice

Date: March 29, 2017 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: treat skin disorder with potato juice

There are a number of skin disorders that can be treated with potato juice. Potato juice works for so many things, because it contains vitamin B that helps prevent a number of skin problems and has properties that reduce skin inflammation. Prevention for some issues can be helped by drinking potato juice and for others one would Apply potato juice directly to the skin. Sometimes application is straight potato juice and for some conditions one mixes it with other ingredients such as lemon juice. In addition to helping with skin disorders, potato juice be used to help prevent hair loss.

Key Takeaways:

  • Potato juice has numerous beneficial health effects for the skin, including but not limited to angular chelitis, sunburn, wrinkles, puffy eyes.
  • Potato juices can be used in combination with multiple other foods, lemon juice, cucumber, curd to reduce signs of aging of the skin.
  • Potato juice, in combination with other natural substances are natural remedies for hair loss, dry hair, and grey hair.

"Apart from angular cheilitis, drinking potato juice can also treat eczema, another common skin problem."



Date: March 26, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Improve you complexion that has been affected by various factors such as sun exposure, harsh cosmetics and even stress. Don't use more chemical based cosmetics to accomplish skin whitening and repair when there are natural remedies that you can safely use. Save money by using these simple suggestions. Scrub your feet and Apply natural mixture. Just leave it in for a while and massage your feet, then wash it off for an effective skin whitening process!

Key Takeaways:

  • Skin can darken for many reasons including stress, pollution and prolonged use of the sun.
  • A two step process using natural remedies may help to whiten skin naturally.
  • Many people try to achieve a fair and flawless skin tone.

"Many people work hard to achieve fair and flawless skin. The market is flooded with skin-lightening creams and lotions."



Date: March 25, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Beauty habits should be followed nightly. It is important to remove makeup before bed to prevent clogged pores. You should clean your face and use moisturizer. Toner should be used to maintain the ph balance levels. You should wipe your face and neck to keep it hydrated and clean. Use an eye cream to assist in tightening the skin. Use of a silk pillowcase benefits the hair and skin. You should Apply hand cream at night to soften hands. Turning on a humidifier prevents eczema or psoriasis. Tying up your hair at night can prevent acne breakouts. Using petroleum jelly on your feet at night can prevent cracked heels.

Key Takeaways:

  • One can utilize specific beauty habits to have a great complexion and fight aging.
  • It is important to always remove your makeup before going to bed. It can clog pores and create acne.
  • It is important to use toner at night which can help skin stay healthy and clear.

"Every day we are exposed to dangerous toxins, chemicals, UV rays, and pollution which reduce the quality of our skin and make it dry and damaged and can cause dark spots, lines, and wrinkles."


Heal Your Skin Naturally With This DIY Antifungal Cream

Date: March 22, 2017 01:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Heal Your Skin Naturally With This DIY Antifungal Cream

How can a woman reduce stress? Females can reduce stress by as much 23% simply by eating 5 to 7 portions of fruit and vegatables a day compared to someone who only eats 0 to 1 portions a day. Foods high in potassium, such as bananas or tomatoes can help you achieve this. Studies recently conducted in Australia has concluded this. More research is needed to verify the results that have been recorded so far, but it is start on showing the connection of eating healthy and reducing stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • OTC antifungal medication has numerous ingredients most of us have never heard of. Is it really safe to apply it to our skin?
  • Homemade antifungal creams are easy to create and safe to use.
  • Homemade antifungal cream is a simple mix of almond, olive, and coconut oils, beeswax, shea butter, and melaleuca and wild orange essential oils.

"If you have ever needed an antifungal medication, it was probably due to an area of your skin showing signs of redness, inflammation and swelling."

Read more:


nasal polyps treatment miracle

Date: March 16, 2017 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: nasal polyps treatment miracle

A mechanical voice presented an advertising video regarding a natural way to get rid of nasal polyps. The video is not a moving picture but just a drawing of a woman injecting something into her nose and an audio description of an offer to tell the viewer how to naturally get rid of the polyps with diet and exercise along with the undisclosed remedy. A link is included to order the briefly described remedy, along with a written testimonial from the vendor and other purchasers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Natural remedies are the best, so I decided to look for a natural cure for nasal polyps.
  • Manuel Richards suffered from nasal polyps, and found a natural way to treat them.
  • They are painful, and often require surgery. Just Apply the principles in this book and they will be cured in a few days.

"Firm believer of natural remedy and this guide will combat all painful ailment."



Date: February 19, 2017 05:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Japanese woman tend to maintain soft and supple skin well into their 50s. They use gentle cleansers free of alcohol. They don't Apply a lot of product to their skin and when they Apply moisturizer, they lightly tap the skin to stimulate blood flow. Eating seaweed based products, drinking more water and green tea also keeps skin supple. This and several other healthy maintenance tricks keep Japanese women looking younger and can help anyone who adheres to these techniques.



The fix for dry eyes

Date: February 13, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The fix for dry eyes

There are many remedies for dry eyes out there. This gives you some more ideas. Dry eyes can be very unpleasant. It can be anything from irritating to painful. It happens when the body doesn't make enough tears for themselves. Tears are needed to lubricate the eye's sensitive membranes and without them irritation occurs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Our eyes have a few sources of moisture. One is the lacrimal gland in the upper outer quadrant of the eye. That’s the gland that produces buckets of tears if you cry or something gets in your eye.
  • a network of glands embedded in the conjunctiva (the white surface of the eye and the undersurface of the eyelids) that produces water and mucus
  • The cocktail of water, mucus, and oil from these last two sources make up the tear film on the eye surface. We need it to see properly. “Each time you blink, you reApply a new wet surface,” explains Dr. Gardiner.

"Taking care of dry eyes not only relieves discomfort but can help you avoid infection or even scarred corneas."




Change likely to make CDB oil accessible

Date: January 25, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Change likely to make CDB oil accessible

Due to the efforts of one parent with a child that suffered from seizures, cannabis treatment for the disorder may be likely in the future. Sally Schaeffer helped pass Lydia’s Law in 2014, which hopes to allow research on the use of the drug. However, wording in the law has forced doctors to Apply for an FDA investigational license. An alteration to the law next week is hoping to change that. The bill will hopefully at least allow people in Wisconsin to legally own the oil. The government is trying to get it legalized at a national level as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • State Act 267 – now Lydia’s Law – was passed in April 2014, supporters hailed it as a potential alternative to traditional epilepsy medications.
  • The bill (Lydia's Law) had a flaw- doctors had to Apply for an FDA investigational license. New legislation is happening so now people can legally possess the CBD oil in the state of Wisconsin.
  • In no way does this mean that the use of medical or recreational marijuana is allowed.

"After two years of a stalemate in the state government, a bill legalizing the use of cannabidiol as seizure treatment may finally become useful."



Cannabis Use For Pediatric Cancers

Date: January 25, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cannabis Use For Pediatric Cancers

With the slackening of legislation in some states to allow the use of marijuana, there has been a surge in the research to test the effectiveness of cannabis against various diseases. The most interest has been on treating cancer. Animal cells have shown promise in fighting off cancer in children, but human trials are currently prohibited. There have, however, been some documented cases of parents using cannabis to treat cancer in their children. These few cases just show how much more research we need to Apply to the topic.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cannabis is a potentially beneficial treatment for cancer.
  • The author has had some success using cannabis oil alone and cannabis oil in conjunction with chemotherapy with children.
  • If cannabis can be rescheduled from Schedule I to Schedule II, researchers can finally find the desperately needed answers and save many lives.

"Cannabis treatment for children with cancer remains controversial, however, in cases of treatment-resistant cancers and severe side effects from treatment, cannabis must be a readily available option, especially since it is significantly less toxic than most cancer treatments."



Is Fermented Tea Making People Feel Enlightened Because of ... Alcohol?

Date: December 14, 2016 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Fermented Tea Making People Feel Enlightened Because of ... Alcohol?

One of the biggest campaigns of the 21st century has been to show people that not all bacteria are bad. There is a delicate balance of bacteria that must be maintained in our bodies in order to function properly. Many medical conditions, especially in the gut, start because we do not have the right balance of microbes. With this push for healthy microbes has come a resurgence of a drink that was popular over 200 years ago. It is called kombucha, which is a sugar-sweetened tea that ferments with yeast and microbes. Many claim it to be a wonder-drink.

Key Takeaways:

  • The cover could be you and Gwyneth surrounded by honey and dirt, Applying probiotic ointments, eating kimchi and smile-laughing over a cauldron of home-brewed kombucha.
  • Last month, PepsiCo acquired the small kombucha company Kevita for around $200 million. At least in that way, the drink is functional.
  • All of this I know, and yet I buy kombucha occasionally, because I started to like the flavor, which is sometimes worth the financial regret.

"That idea has brought the centuries-old drink roaring into upper-middle class consciousness at $5 per bottle in New York bodegas."



Ancient beauty rituals that work, and where to try them

Date: December 08, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ancient beauty rituals that work, and where to try them

Not all beauty treatments are the work of white-coated scientists toiling in ultra-clean laboratories. Thanaka powder, which comes from grinding the wood and bark of the thanaka tree, has long been used on the face to brighten the complexion and shield the skin against free radicals, polluted air and harmful UV rays. Argan oil was traded as a coveted beauty agent in and around the Mediterranean area in 12 BC. The Berber women of southern Morocco were known for their exotic beauty, and their secret was Applying this golden oil regularly to their faces, nails, hair and body.

Key Takeaways:

  • Burmese women have been doing the SPF thing for years -- more than 2,000 to be exact.
  • Thanaka powder, which comes from grinding the wood and bark of the thanaka tree, has long been used on the face to brighten the complexion and shield the skin against free radicals, polluted air and harmful UV rays.
  • Thanaka powder is still used today -- women cover cheeks, foreheads and chins with the paste and wear it throughout the day.

"The fact that some of these have been around for thousands of years is surely a good sign they actually work."




How does a high-protein diet aid weight loss? Study sheds light

Date: November 24, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How does a high-protein diet aid weight loss? Study sheds light

Are you trying to lose weight? It seems like there is a ton of tips out there and a lot of it is going the route of contradicting each other. No matter where you look, there's something that's supposed to help you lose weight compared to something else (nevermind what helps weight gain!). "How does a high-protein diet aid weight loss? Study sheds light" gives proof that a high-protein diet is actually better than all those other tips...

Key Takeaways:

  • In a new pilot study, researchers from Imperial College London in the United Kingdom reveal how phenylalanine - an amino acid produced by the digestion of protein - boosts levels of a hormone that tells us when we are full, leading to reduced food intake.
  • The researchers found that mice and rats given phenylalanine showed increased levels of the hormone GLP-1, which suppresses appetite, but reduced levels of the hormone ghrelin, which increases hunger.
  • On Applying phenylalanine to gut cells in a petri dish, the team found that the amino acid targets a receptor called the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), and it is this receptor that increases GLP-1 levels and lowers levels of ghrelin.

"Lead author Mariana Norton will present the findings at this week's Society for Endocrinology annual meeting in the U.K."



Powerful natural ways to relieve stress, anxiety

Date: November 13, 2016 03:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Powerful natural ways to relieve stress, anxiety

Need a few new ways to calm anxiety and stress naturally, without prescription drugs? Here are 10 unique ideas for calming your nerves by activating your senses in new ways. From breathing exercises to keeping a journal and trying some new herbal teas there is sure to be one or two options here that are worth a try for those looking for alternative ways to relax.

Key Takeaways:

  • When emergency strikes and you feel a panic attack coming, simple breathing exercises can reverse the situation. As reported by, breathing slowly and steadily can stimulate the body's parasympathetic response, which is also often referred to as the relaxation response.
  • If you want to take your breathing exercises a step further to find inner peace, guided meditation is the answer. Mindfulness meditation has become a widespread practice in the recent years to quiet the mind. A study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, suggests that mindfulness meditation can help ease psychological issues like anxiety, depression, and pain.
  • Scents have a powerful effect on the brain. Diffusing essential oils in your home and Applying a few drops on your wrists, are two of the easiest ways to make you feel calm and confident. The most commonly used essential oils known for their calming and relaxing effect are ylang-ylang, chamomile, lavender, rose, frankincense, and vetiver.

"When emergency strikes and you feel a panic attack coming, simple breathing exercises can reverse the situation"




Naturally eliminate pimples overnight

Date: November 11, 2016 03:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Naturally eliminate pimples overnight

Pimples have long bothered teens and adults but now there is something that you can do to eliminate the unsightly acne on your face. It is an all natural method that is safe for anyone. Best of all, it works as you sleep so you wake up without that annoying pimple bothering you!

Key Takeaways:

  • The antibacterial properties of tea tree essential oil make it perfectly suited to fighting acne-causing bacteria, and it can also help bring down inflammation.
  • Tea tree oil can dry out whiteheads and blackheads alike. In fact, it's so drying that you need to be careful not to use too much!
  • Dip a cotton swap in some tea tree oil and then Apply it to the area in question. You might want to dilute this with some aloe vera gel first, especially if your skin is sensitive.

"Whether it's the night before that big job interview you've been waiting for or a few days before your wedding, there really is never a good time for your skin to break out."





Date: September 17, 2016 11:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller

A toothache is such a dreadful thing that causes a lot of discomfort.Many people run to see a dentist the moment that nagging toothache strikes.But what if it is in the middle of the night and the dentist clinic is closed?or probably you cant make it to the dentist?. A relatively inexpensive remedy for tooth ache is the clove.

Cloves contain a very powerful anesthetic(Eugenol) that stops pain and even help to clear germs and bacteria in you teeth.It can be found in three forms;powdered cloves,clove oil or whole clove.In case your teeth becomes too sore,you should use the clove oil.

Apply a small amount of clove oil to a cotton swab and swish gently to the affected area until the pain recedes.Clove oil should be used with a lot of care since pouring the oil on the aching area can worsen the pain if you have sensitive gum tissues.

It essentially reduces the pain by numbing your nerves and prevents swelling of gums.Nevertheless it should not be considered a long term remedy since toothaches are majorly caused by decay.Clove oil simply masks the pain to help you regain your comfort.You should visit a dentist as soon as you can.



People can use DE

Date: September 16, 2016 05:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: People can use DE

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is safe to consume internally and sprinkle around externally.  DE can be used as a natural deodorizer for garbage cans, vacuum cleaner bags and refrigerators.  

Polishing jewelry

You can polish silver and jewelry by mixing DE in water to form a paste.  Apply then remove with a dry cloth.

Facial mask

For a facial mask mix DE with water or oil to make a paste.  Apply in a circular motion.  Leave on for five minutes, then wash off the warm water.

Polish your Teeth

Sprinkle a small amount of DE on toothpaste for vigorous tooth polishing.

Strengthen Nails

Mix DE with your favorite oil for nail soak to strengthen your nails.

Internal use amounts

The recommended dosage is 2% of dry weight.  One teaspoon of DE weighs 1/10 of an ounce.  Four cups of food weighs, on average, one pound.  If you consume four cups of food, you will use one tablespoon of DE.  If you want to mix with water, use one teaspoon for every cup of water.  Slowly work your way up in dosage so that you know your limits. 

Drink plenty of water when consuming 2 or more teaspoons daily. 

Have fun and enjoy a better life with DE. 


Importance of Antioxidants and How Can We Get Them from Various Foods

Date: December 18, 2015 04:29 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Importance of Antioxidants and How Can We Get Them from Various Foods

Antioxidants, also known as anti-oxidation agents, are nutrients that help reduce the harmful effects of oxidants in the body. We all know that our body cells need oxygen for energy and growth. As our body cells use oxygen to create energy and sustain life, free radicals are released in the process as a byproduct. Antioxidants help combat the damage caused by oxidation.

If you have ever left a slice of apple in open air, you must have seen that after some time the flesh of the fruit turns brown. This is a result of oxidation. However, if you Apply a little lemon juice on the slice, and then leave it in open air, the apple slice will remain white. This is because of the antioxidant present in lemon juice. Similarly, the antioxidants present in the food we consume do the same thing, neutralizes the free radicals, and thus keeps our cells protected. Studies have proven that people who consume antioxidant-rich food are at lower risk of developing many diseases, including cancer. Thus, it is very important for you to include these important nutrients in your everyday diet.

Foods Rich in Antioxidants

These important nutrients exist in many foods, and you can easily get them through a well-balanced diet. Nutrients having antioxidant benefits include vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, beta-carotene, and manganese. A large group of phytochemicals also works as antioxidants.

  • Vitamin C

One of the richest sources of vitamin C is sweet red peppers, and one single cup of these peppers can provide you 190 mg or 200 percent of your required daily intake. You can enjoy 100 percent of your daily intake from a single cup of green peppers, orange juice, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. One cup serving of cauliflower, cantaloupe, tomatoes, grapefruit, blackberries, and raspberries offers 32 percent of women’s and 25 percent of men’s suggested daily intake.

  • Vitamin E

The richest source of vitamin E includes hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pinto beans, peanuts, and vegetable oils like canola, corn, and safflower oil. 1 cup of cooked beans, 1-tablespoon vegetable oil and a one-ounce serving of seeds and nuts, offers 2 – 7 mg of vitamin E. These make 13 to 47 percent of your suggested daily intake. Certain vitamin C rich foods also fulfill 10 percent of your daily-required intake of vitamin E including blackberries, raspberries, broccoli, tomatoes, and sweet peppers.

  • Phytochemicals

Phytochemical antioxidants like carotenoids, resveratrol, and flavonoids can easily be identified because of the pigments they offer to the vegetables and fruits, like orange, red, yellow, purple and blue colors. Purple and dark blue fruits include blackberries, blueberries and grapes, and these are rich in resveratrol. Carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, oranges, and red peppers are rich in carotenoids, which offer them a shade of red, orange, and yellow. Dark greens, particularly leafy greens, are rich sources of antioxidants, but the presence of green chlorophyll hides the other colors.

  • Other sources

Dark chocolates are rich in flavonoids, but to enjoy the benefits you need to opt for those that have cacao solids. Milk chocolates and white chocolates do not offer flavonoids. Wine, tea, and coffee are also sources of flavonoids. You can find selenium in beans, nuts, and animal products like milk, beef, pork, chicken, and fish. The best sources of manganese are nuts, pineapple, beans, sweet potatoes, and brown rice.








Is Your Blood Pressure Out Of Control? Eat beet roots!

Date: November 15, 2015 08:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Is Your Blood Pressure Out Of Control? Eat beet roots!

Today, one of the most serious conditions that people face is hypertension, or as it is commonly known, high blood pressure. This is grave condition, that if not checked, can result to fatalities. This condition is mostly found in people who are over 40 years. However, it is not unlikely to find a teenager with hypertension. This is a worrying trend which means that something must be done to prevent it. Luckily, there is a simple solution that people can Apply to control this condition.

To start with, it is important to understand what causes the condition so that one may know how to combat it. High blood pressure is primarily caused by the constriction of the arteries which makes it hard to pump blood. The arteries are thinner than the veins and this means that the blood in them is at a higher pressure than in the veins. Due to the narrowness, they are able to pump blood faster and for longer distances.

When a person feeds on unhealthy food that is rich in cholesterol and other harmful substances, this causes a deposition of the harmful substances on the endothelium (the interior surface of the arteries). When this happens, the arteries become more constricted thus increasing the pressure of blood that flows in them (hence the term high blood pressure).

When the pressure increases, there is insufficient supply of blood to vital organs of the body like the brain. When the brain is not supplied with enough nutrients in the blood, this could lead to brain damage or stroke that may cause paralysis. Again, to ensure enough blood gets to the brain, the heart is forced to pump blood faster. This overworks the heart which may lead to heart attacks. Heart attacks are usually fatal.

There is therefore a need to unblock the heart vessels to ensure that blood flows easily. Nitric oxide is one of the best known remedy to people suffering from high blood pressure. It helps lower the blood pressure by unblocking the arteries. It has numerous benefits to the body especially in lowering the blood pressure. Arteries are able to release nitric oxide but as one advances in age, their effectiveness diminishes with time.


Beet roots are a great source of nitric oxide. Eating lots of them will help supply your body with the nitric oxide it needs to unblock the arteries and thus lower the blood pressure. The whole beet root plant including the leave and the roots provides are rich source of nitric oxide. For those who don’t like eating it raw or cooked, they can juice it and still get the nutrients. Apart from lowering hypertension, beet roots are also known to fight against cancer. These are enough reason why anyone should increase their intake of beet roots whether or not they are suffering from high blood pressure.

Beet roots juice is available in stores which could act as a powerful supplement to combat hypertension.









Look Younger With This Natural Facial Exfoliator

Date: November 11, 2015 06:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Look Younger With This Natural Facial Exfoliator

Diatomaceous Earth (also called diatomite) is a siliceous sedimentary rock. The rock is naturally occurring, soft and can be crushed into a fine powder. Like the name suggests, it is extracted from fossilized remnants of diatoms. Diatoms were tiny, hard shelled algae that lived in water. The diatoms skeletons comprise of silica, a natural substance. Over a long time, the diatoms collected on river, lakes and oceans sediments. Because of its fineness, DE acts as a great facial exfoliant. Besides silica, Diatomaceous Earth contains calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium. These minerals can be absorbed through the skin to complement your diet.

Diatomaceous Earth for Facial Exfoliation

The use of DE as a facial exfoliant is becoming very popular. Today, more than 150 products contain DE as the main ingredient. For facial exfoliation, make sure you use food grade DE. Food Grade DE differs from the DE used in the pool filter. Food grade DE is finer (less abrasive and has been purified) than non-food grade DE.

It is easy to make a facial scrub. Simply mix the powder with enough water to make a paste. Be sure to Apply the paste on your face immediately after preparing it. To increase its effectiveness as a facial exfoliator, rub the paste on your face with mild, circular motions. DE has abrasive properties which make it perfect for facial exfoliation.

You can use DE and water alone but for greater results mix DE with 1 tablespoon water, diluted honey or aloe vera juice and coconut oil. This way, not only do you remove microscopic dirt and oil deposits and dead skin but you also leave the skin moisturized. When massaging the paste to your face, refrain from Applying it on the area around your eyes. The skin around the eyes is gentle and is often affected by powerful exfoliators and could lead to irritation. Leave the paste for a couple of minutes and use lukewarm water to rinse it off.

Diatomaceous earth looks cylindrical under a microscope. It is also known to carry a negative ionic charge that scientists claim to be the reason why pathogens are attracted to it and carried out of the body.

Diatomaceous Earth

Benefits of Diatomaceous Earth as a Facial Exfoliator

DE is a naturally occurring ingredient. This means there are no side effects associated with its use. Food grade diatomaceous earth has anti-fungal properties. It acts as a detoxification agent and leaves the skin refreshed and clean. It is a nourishing, lightening and brightening facial exfoliator. It increases the elasticity of the skin and leaves the skin radiant. Diatomaceous earth has been tailored to boost skin immunity and act as an anti-oxidant to fight free radicals. Not only does DE rid your face of dead skin cells but also helps the skin fight premature signs of aging.

Salt and sugar scrubs are effective in facial exfoliation but they are too abrasive to be used every day. Diatomaceous earth is finer and thus a great alternative. You may choose to make a DE paste at home or a buy a product that contains DE (among other natural products).


Learn how iodide can fix hemorrhoids over night

Date: October 25, 2015 11:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Learn how iodide can fix hemorrhoids over night

Hemorrhoids, also popularly known as piles, is a condition characterized by enlarged veins in the lower rectum. This condition is majorly caused by blood blockage in the hemorrhoidal complex veins. The hemorrhoidal veins is located just above the internal opening of the anus and can enlarge enough to protrude and give subsequent disturbance and squeezing while setting causes pain.

Constipation and hardened stools due to lack of diet or fluids is the primary cause of hemorrhoids. People who are experiencing constipation have little or no peristalsis process (the process that cause wave-like motion in their bowel through their intestines), and when the bowel strain to have such movement, the result is hemorrhoids. Other causes of hemorrhoids include diarrhea, pregnancy, heavy lifting, and long periods of standing or sitting.


The standard conventional treatment includes lubrication of the surface of the veins with medication that reduce pain and help to shrink the hemorrhoid. Sitz baths and cold or hot packs are also used to soothe the irritated area. In conventional allopathic treatment, surgeons can operate the hemorrhoids and successfully remove it or may be even hardened through injection.

Iodine is popular for eliminating hemorrhoids. Iodine is used in a form called SSKI (Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide). It should be clear that SSKI can easily cause burning sensation and should be used with a carrier such as flaxseed or olive. A mix of 20 drops of SSKI should be mixed with carrier oil and applied on the affected area at night just before going to bed. Note that iodine stains and it is recommended that you wear bedclothes that you don’t worry about.

How Iodide can fix Hemorrhoids over Night

Saturated solution of potassium iodine is close to 100 in inhibiting and killing bacteria, fungi, and viruses before causing serious infections. So when you Apply a few drops of this product with carrier oil, you are sure of preventing any microorganism from affecting the protruded rectum. Taking an ounce of water with about 10 drops of water also results in rapid accumulation of SSKI in all secretions parts of the body and highly assists to eliminate hemorrhoids.

Applying SSKI on the hemorrhoids affected area ensure that it is soft and protected from all kind of germs and this alone enough to solve the problem overnight. A research done show that 6 to 8 drops of SSKI taken daily significantly reduce fibrocystic breast disease to insignificance within 3 to 6 months and when victims of hemorrhoids use Apply SSKI or take some drops of the same with water, they get healed within a few weeks.

While using SSKI for treatment, it is vital to monitor the thyroid functions since there sometimes side effects of this treatment. One of the side effect although minimal is peyronie’s disease that results when the tissue along the shaft of the penis thickens and results in erections that increasingly curve and even painful.

Applying SSKI to thicken tissue twice a day over some weeks helps to soften it considerably and assist to prevent any micro-organism from investing in the affected area and eventually allow normal functioning. In fact, hemorrhoids, disappears sometimes literally overnight when a mixture of 20 drops of SSKI and an ounce of flaxseed oil is applied to them at night.


Can I Use Tea Tree Oil As A Deodorant?

Date: September 16, 2015 09:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Can I Use Tea Tree Oil As A Deodorant?

Most people use deodorant to control their body odor. But what they don’t know is the several hazards it causes. People usually Apply these deo sprays under their armpits and over their body to control sweat and body odor. But these causes several health issues that should never be ignored.


Hazardous ingredients in deodorants

Some of the common substances used in deodorants include Parabens, aluminum, Triclosan, etc. Aluminum causes several health issues such as kidney problems, seizures, breast cancer, bone formation disorder, etc. Alzheimer and Down syndrome are also results of aluminum which people using these chemical deodorants suffer from. Apart from this, most deo sprays available in the market use parabens. These Parabens often mimic estrogen in the body, thereby disturbing the hormonal balance. It can cause hormonal cancer, early onset of puberty and more. If that’s not all, these deodorants also cause birth defects in unborn children. Along with this, the Triclosan included in body sprays also cause cancer, several allergies and fever.

Will these cause health problems?

There are numerous studies that show how deodorants and antiperspirants cause health issues. These can either be in the form of allergies to serious health hazards such as cancer. The chemicals used in these are extremely harmful for the body since it blocks the sweat glands.

Using tea tree oil as an alternative

The best thing is to use natural deodorants such as tea tree oil. It has several antiseptic properties that work well to control body odor. But the best thing about this essential oil, it is extremely safe to use and doesn't have any side effects. You can use it on your skin without worrying about the side effects.

Since tea tree oil can cause minor skin irritation in some people, it is always a good idea to use diluted oil under the arm pits. It works extremely well to mask odor and stays longer on your body, unlike deodorants. It also removes body odor once and for all, with regular use.






Can Tea Tree Oil Cleanse The Hair?

Date: August 18, 2015 05:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Can Tea Tree Oil Cleanse The Hair?

Tea Tree oil can be used to solve a host of hair problems.  For a long time, this has been used to solve many health and beauty problems.  It is a perfect oil for anyone who wants to cleanse the hair.  It is considered as one of the best alternatives to artificial and chemical hair products.  There are plenty of reasons why you should start using tree oil on your scalp and hair.

  • It improves your health of your scalp and hair

It is antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral.  This makes it a great product for anyone looking for a way to deal with hair-related problems caused by harmful microorganisms.   It is a great natural anti-septic and anti-infection.  Tree oil also helps unblock hair follicles and boost the performance of the immune system which helps fight dandruff and head lice more effectively.

  • It is great scalp moisturizer

Tree oil helps moisturize your scalp to make free from bacterial and fungal infection.  When you Apply this oil, your scalp will never be itchy and dry again.  Children who have the cradle cap problem can effectively be treated using tree oil.

  • It good for massaging the scalp

Massaging the scalp with tree oil helps to stimulate the flow of blood and to reduce inflammation. Inflammation in the follicle prevents the growth of hair. Massaging the scalp with tree oil also helps in the removal of dead cell, fungi and bacteria that clog the follicles. This helps a lot to promote hair growth.

  • It has anti-androgenic effects

Tree oil has anti-androgenic effects. This inhibits the hormones that are responsible for hair loss. Many beauty specialist and dermatologist recommend tree oil to people who are having the hair loss problem.






Aloe vera

Date: June 16, 2015 01:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is not a cactus plant as a lot of people believe, but rather a member in the Lilly family. The official name Aloe barbadensis is named by the botanist Dr Miller who characterized the plant in Barbados, the plant is native to Northern Africa.

Components are obtained within the leaf, the sap along with a mucilaginous gel derived within the inner cells from the leaf. The inner Aloe gel contains polysaccharides and a vast array of bio active chemical substances, which play a major role in the healing process.

Youthful Skin

The inner gel of Aloe is regarded as being extremely good for Skin Care. Because of its natural constituents, it is excellent for all Skin types regardless of whether you have Oily Skin, Dry Skin or a mixture of both.

Inside the leaves there is a Gel-like substance. This gel has a vast number of Vitamins (including Vitamin E which is very nourishing for skin), Minerals, Amino Acids & Enzymes. Aloe is a close match to our Skin's pH balance. Therefore, it's excellent to moisturize and healing.

Aloe Vera enhances the activity of Fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are specific cells observed inside the Skin that produce Fiber, for example Collagen & Elastin. These Fibers give Skin it's structure and make it look fleshy and supple. The more we have of it, the much more YOUTHFUL we Look.

Skin is a Vital Organ to take care of. The most common trouble we experience is getting dehydrated (dry) skin.


Exposure to Sun and pollution bring about several Skin problems. A lot of sun exposure can trigger free radical production in the skin, via ultra violet rays. These free radicals can cause wrinkly skin. The best way to fight these free radicals is to rub antioxidants on the skin.

Aloe is a good source of antioxidants which fight against these radicals, which has a rejuvenating effect.

Aloe Gel for Stretch Marks?

 Most women, particularly pregnant women, consider stretch marks as a major problem. Although stretch marks can disappear after some time, you will find they want to speed up the process. Who wouldn't?

At the very first sight of stretch marks, start Applying aloe Vera on all the marks before they grow to be more prominent.



Date: September 05, 2014 09:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (

moringa plant

What is Moringa

Moringa is a plant that is grown mostly in the tropics, and it is known for it's many health benefits. Different parts of the plant; bark, leaves and flowers have all been studied and found to be rich in medicinal and health value. Even though it traditionally originated from the Himalayan parts of India, Moringa is now used all over the world.

Health benefits of Moringa:

1.    Prevents cancer and other diseases: It is rich in antioxidants that prevent formation and development of cancer cells. Taking a serving of Moringa daily can provide you with about 46 different types of antioxidants and vitamins that your body needs. The antioxidants are also beneficial in keeping your general body health and boost your immunity so that you are not vulnerable to be attacked by other diseases. People with compromised immunity, like HIV patients can effectively use Moringa to control opportunistic diseases.

2.    Improves the skin and hair: The many minerals and nutrients in the Moringa plant makes it a good ingredient for skin care products. People with skin conditions like acne, inflammation, and ring worms can benefit by topically Applying Moringa oil from the pods to the skin. It also helps to increase hair growth, eliminate dandruff, and give hair a natural shine. Some cosmetic companies are now relying on Moringa as their main ingredient in making beauty products because consumers say it works well.

3.    Detoxifies the body: Moringa can be successfully used to detoxify the body without the risk of losing important nutrients. It also helps in speeding up metabolism and digestion. People who are struggling with weight loss can use it as a way to quick start their weight loss journey instead of using diet pills and other harmful products.

4.    Balances blood sugar: For people suffering from diabetes, consuming Moringa can help you control your insulin levels so that you do not have to entirely depend on injections every time.

5.    Boosts energy: Due to the many nutrients Moringa has, it provides the energy needed for daily activities. If you are constantly feeling fatigued and stressed, taking Moringa will put you right back to your feet. People suffering from erectile dysfunction can also benefit from it as it helps in improving circulation of blood, even to the penile region

6.    Increases the amount of breast milk: This is good news for new mothers who want to exclusively breastfeed their babies without worrying about starving their babies due to insufficient milk production. Due to the fact that Moringa is a natural plant, you do not have to worry about the potential harm it could have on your new born baby.

7.   Natural antibiotic: Moringa has antibacterial properties that help with controlling bacterial diseases. If you do not want to use conventional antibiotics, which come with a lot of health risks, then you can opt for Moringa.

It is available in many forms, including: Moringa powder, oil, tea, and drinks. You should always ensure that you use it in one of its most natural forms so that you get maximum benefits.


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Natural Skin Care Products - Kukui Nut Oil

Date: May 17, 2014 01:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Skin Care Products - Kukui Nut Oil

kukui nut treeWhat is kukui nut tree?

The Kukui Nut tree is a blooming tree that develops all around the tropics and was initially acquainted with Hawaii by right on time Polynesian pilgrims. On Hawaii, the tree immediately flourished is presently a national state symbol. The tree is occasionally alluded to as the Candlenut tree, Candleberry, Indian walnut tree and additionally the varnish tree. A few parts of the tree have the same number of employments, as the tree has been given names. The blossoms and bark are utilized within Hawaii to make the acclaimed Lei wreath and the tree trunk has utilized for 2 centuries now to make customary kayaks.

Generally, kids in Hawaii have been anointed with the kukui nut oil to secure them from the components and, likewise, the oil was found to have critical medicinal properties for skin disturbances, blazes, and wounds. The oil additionally has utilization as the premise for oil candles, henceforth where the names Candlenut and Candleberry are shaped. The scorched kukui nuts can likewise be utilized as the premise for tattoo ink and the oil is additionally utilized broadly as a part of Hawaii as a varnish and wood medications.

kukui productBenefits of kukui nut oil

In the nineteenth century, the tenants of Hawaii uncovered that Applying the kukui oil to the skin helped ensure it from the sun and likewise recuperate the harming impacts of the sun, wind and salt water. Current clinical studies have discovered that Kukui Oil holds a few common fixings that give noteworthy characteristic profits to the skin. It gives a wellspring of a-linolenic corrosive, which helps the phone structure of the epidermis layer of the skin. The Kukui nut oil has been discovered to be exceptionally alleviating for gentle sunburn and is likewise demonstrated in giving easing from psoriasis and skin inflammation.

Also alleviating and recuperating, broke and dry skin, the kukui oil saturates, relaxes, and has been utilized for quite a while as a part of Hawaii to help revive dry skin and reduce the appearance of almost negligible differences and wrinkles on the face. At the point when purchasing kukui nut oil skin health management items, search for items that are supplemented with Vitamins A, C and E and remember it that kukui does not give as defensive a sun boundary as cutting edge creams and salves so don't utilize these items for skin assurance, they are more for utilization as an after-sun medicine and lotion.

Other intriguing skin health management items leaving Hawaii are the lip mind demulcents, made up of a compound of Kukui Nut, beeswax, and Mango Butter and arrive in a reach of flavors, for example, sugar stick, coconut or simply unadulterated. A percentage of the unscented emollients can likewise obviously be utilized on dry noses, broke fingernail, skin, and mosquito chomps. At the point when purchasing kukui nut oil items it is fitting to watch that you are purchasing from a trustworthy merchant, ideally one situated in Hawaii who should have the capacity to give some insurance as to the degree of the genuine and nature of the oil.


Things to Know Before Using Arnica Cream for Pain Relief or Bruise Treatment

Date: April 26, 2014 09:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Things to Know Before Using Arnica Cream for Pain Relief or Bruise Treatment

arnica plantArnica medicinal qualities

The medicinal qualities of Arnica, or scientifically Arnica Montana, are known since long. This is a plant indigenous to Northern Europe. This herbal medicine is widely used as pain reliever. Rich in antioxidants. Arnica contains high amount of flavonoids such as carotenoids, tannins and inulin. It helps to alleviate pains of arthritis, bruises and injuries in short period of time. Since it has some dominant side effects, it is recommended that arnica should be taken under prescription of medics. However, arnica cream is available for common usage.

Healing qualities of arnica ointment:

  • Arnica creams contain extract of Arnica in a proportion making it a herbal remedy for muscle pain and injuries.
  • Bruise Treatment, it is often suggested by the medics that when you get a bruise or minor injury Apply arnica on that place as soon as possible. The active ingredients and essential oil of arnica prevents swelling and discoloration from bruise and hurt. The root extract of arnica, Thymol can repair the clogged circulatory channels facilitating the distribution of trapped blood and fluids from muscles, tissues and joints.
  • Anti-Inflammatory treatment, a recent study by the U.S. National Library of Medicine reveals that arnica ointment gives relief to pains generated from inflammation or irritation. This is possible because of the radical-scavenging capabilities? of Quercetin, which is the prime antioxidant contained in Arnica Montana. Helenanin is another pain reliever antioxidant in arnica that can deactivate the elements that is  responsible for inflammation.
  • Muscle Pain Reliever, according to the University of Maine Medical Centers list of pain relievers Arnica is a proven and tested topical ointment for muscle pain and strains. The palliative properties of essential oil in Arnica hold up with the nerve receptors to reduce the pain. Arnica as a topical cream is widely used by Americans for the treatment of rheumatic disorders and pain associated with various other ˜musculoskeletal (related to muscle and skeleton) condition.

Uses of Arnica

  • It can be directly applied on the skin in the form of cream or ointment.
  • Those who have bad breath or cavity can dilute a few drops of arnica in lukewarm water and use it as mouth wash. Similarly it is also helpful for sore throat and gum infection.

Things to Consider

  • Unlike other medicines Arnica is not approved by the FDA. Like most natural or herbal medicines arnica-based medicines are not covered by health insurance.
  • As a natural anti-inflammatory treatment arnica cream are easily available in any herbal medicine store and organic product retail shops. You can even purchase it through internet.
  • Be careful of Applying arnica without prescription. Over use of arnica cream on skin can cause eczema.
  • It can be dangerous for people suffering from chronic liver disease or kidney problems. Nausea and vomiting are two side effects of arnica overdose. It is not recommended for pregnant women.
    Arnica ointments are for external use only. Applying it on open wound is strictly prohibited as Helenanin, one of the active ingredients can be toxic.
  • Not just cream or ointment nowadays arnica is available in various forms such as lotion and gel. But you need to consult with your doctor before using arnica in order to play it safe.



What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin E?

Date: April 17, 2014 05:01 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin E?

vitamin eVitamin E

Vitamin E is composed of eight fat soluble vitamins and it’s available in four different forms. The fat soluble antioxidant can only be obtained in food as a supplement. They help in prevention of oxidative stress in the body and other vitamins.

There are different varieties of foods rich in vitamin E in terms of nutrients density with examples such as:

1. Tofu light, silken with a 25% daily value in every 5.3 mg.
2. Cooked spinach. 10 % DV in 2.1mg.
3. Almonds nuts
4. Roasted sunflower seeds and avocados with about160 calories
5. Shellfish shrimp and rainbow trout fish ranging at 12% DV for 2.8mg
6. Cooked broccoli and cooked butternut squash with about 7% DV for 1.5mg.

Health benefits of vitamin E.

The health benefits come from the vitamins antioxidant property which remove free radicals that damage the cell structure due to its unstable compounds. It improves immunity and reduces cholesterol thereby reducing the risk associated with developing cancer.

Vitamin E prevents the blood platelets from clumping. Heart diseases, sunstroke and coronary artery disorders are prevented through consumption of high levels of vitamin E.

Vitamin E owing to its properties of antioxidant, promotes blood circulation to the scalp which help in reducing fatigue and make capillary walls more stronger for nourished cells.

Vitamin E oil facilitates the healing process and since it’s extremely versatile, the vitamin E absorbed in the epidermis layer is used in treating and preventing sunburns.

Since vitamin E speeds up cell generation, it’s used to treat acne, scars, and wrinkles which makes the skin to appear more younger due to its anti-aging effect.

Vitamin E helps the skin to maintain its natural moist and appear to be more fresh. It’s also used to treat nails and cuticles by Applying a few drops of vitamin E on them.

Vitamin E is believed to promote eye health and reduces the risk of eye damage associated with old age by 20%. i.e macular degeneration.


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How Does Arnica Relieve Pain?

Date: March 06, 2014 09:32 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Arnica Relieve Pain?

What is arnica

arnica plantLife is all about knocks and wounds, to deal with the more physical ones Arnica is somewhat known jewel that everybody ought to get acquainted with and have promptly accessible. For the most part utilized as a treatment or oil, in cream or gel structure, Arnica is a herb utilized across the board for medicinal and medical aid purposes going back from the 1500's. Despite the fact that there are numerous herbs and homeopathic cures accessible, Arnica is one that is not difficult to utilize, whose adequacy has been demonstrated more than once.

You are most likely acquainted with those blasts that a kid in some cases gets on his head, where you see right before your eyes the tremendous knock that starts developing inside minutes. In this sort of circumstance, if Arnica is connected immediately you will be stunned to discover how powerful it is. Notwithstanding being useful for head damages, where it will prevent the knock from developing and will abate the swelling of the wound, it might be utilized for various different a throbbing painfulness. It offers alleviation for wounds or beat up imprints from falls or blasts and for sprains or for appendages that has been over pushed. Arnica can additionally help for wounds that cause discharging or for soreness or firmness from sore muscles or joint inflammation torment; it serves as a mitigating and will help ease the agony.

Benefits of arnica

Accessible in most health nourishment stores Arnica arrives in a mixture of homeopathic home cures. The cream or gel ought to be connected generously on unbroken skin. It is best if connected promptly after the damage and proceeded three times day by day until the wound is mended. Determine never to Apply it to broken or slice skin and never to utilize it inside aside from with bearings from an authorized homeopathic professional. It is incredible for junior kids or children and might be successfully utilized against diaper rash. Kids particularly like it since when connected it doesn't damage or sting and is effortlessly ingested by the physique.

With a solution midsection brimming with arranged items, it appears a disgrace to pass up a major opportunity for this key manifestation of easing. It is never amusing to fall and get damage and regardless of the fact that you don't have plays games it is amazing how frequently mature people crush their leg or get a blast from something, also sore muscles and sprained lower legs. Help yourself out and have Arnica in the medication bureau. You won't be sad and you may even join those that swear by it and bear it all around.


Can MSM Work As A Lotion?

Date: March 05, 2014 09:11 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can MSM Work As A Lotion?

What is MSM

msmMSM, or methyl-sulfonyl-methane, is the first sheltered, regular, symptom free solution for some sorts of torment and incendiary conditions. MSM is otherwise called Organic Sulfur. Sulfur is needed for our physique to capacity appropriately. Without enough sulfur in our framework our physique's unit capacities get languid. Defectively working units permit poison development. We all distinguish poison development manifestations, for example, muscle and joint torment and general emotions of weakness.

Benefits of MSM lotion

Applying this lotion permits you to gather MSM in the territories where you need the most profits. MSM Lotion gives alleviating quick alleviation for sore hands, elbows, hips and knees for a long time. The MSM lotion is perfect for skin health management and upkeep carrying non-abrasiveness and flexibility to your skin health management needs.

MSM in a topical lotion serves to takes out the irritation of carpal tunnel, breaks down scar tissue, surface spots, anticipate rankling and uproot the ache from a severe singeing. These are just a couple of the numerous prizes of utilizing Rich's MSM lotion.

Use MSM Lotion consistently to carry speedy help for terrible hands and joints. This quite brilliant lotion is hand made in little bunches to present you a 99.99% unadulterated MSM (17% result) Aloe Vera, Calendula, Jojoba and Tea Tree oil in a satisfying non-oily lotion.

MSM lotion is made of all characteristic items:

  1. sunflower oil,
  2. aloe vera,
  3. jojoba,
  4. calendula,
  5. vitamins A,b5 and
  6. 17 % MSM.

Sunflower oils, aloe vera and jojoba mollify and saturate your skin for about three hours without leaving an oily film. Calendula and tea tree oil execute parasite that creates around fingernails and additionally players foot.

This fine mix of elements takes the sting out of rashes and bug nibbles, even relieves outer surface yeast contaminations.

Utilizing Rich and Pure msm lotion helps pack MSM in spots where the form needs uncommon consideration.

When you have attempted msm lotions you will concur that they are the best lotions.


Vitamin D Cream Review.

Date: March 04, 2014 08:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin D Cream Review.

Vitamin D

vitamin d sourceVitamin D is very important to the body. Though sun is one source of this vitamin D, it does not provide enough of vitamin D, food such as fruits and vegetables are god sources. But there are other effective artificial sources such as creams.

Vitamin D-3 Cream offers a comprehensive moisture revitalization through a balanced ratio of beneficial nutrients. Research show that a gram of vitamin D-3 cream can make a great turn around on your skin as well as on your health.

There are many health benefits of vitamin D creams, some of the benefits are;

It rejuvenates your skin, it helps you look young. It contains antioxidant properties that eliminates free radicals in the body and gently help you to renew your skin.

Creams containing vitamin D are effective in reducing redness, itching, and patches of scaly skin. Vitamin D-3 cream is effective in preventing, managing and reducing scaly skin, patches as well as skin redness.

They also help to improve body immune system, users are not likely to suffer common diseases.

Vitamin D creams also encourages cell differentiation, Applying vitamin D cream will not only make your skin shiny and appealing, it goes further to encourage cell differentiation, thus user will ever look young and rejuvenated.

Vitamin D creams are also effective in alleviating and protecting users against fatal diseases such as diabetes. Users are not likely to suffer from diabetes, those with diabetes, they can alleviate it by using vitamin D cream.

They are also effective in moisturizing body, they have a very effective scent. It is lovely and has soothing effects, you feel less itchy and calmer upon using it.

It can be used by people with acne prone skin, it will also help in alleviating skin acnes.


Some people with reactive skins allege to suffer blister upon it use.


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Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health?

Date: February 20, 2014 05:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Lime Oil Benefit Ones Health?

What is lime

lime fruitLime, a green citrus fruit resembling lemons, is believed to have originated in Eastern Malaysia. While it is more popular as a citrusy, sweet, and oftentimes sour pulp and juice, lime oil can also be used to improve one's health.

Here are some of the health benefits of lime oil:


Lime's acidity and natural flavonoids help increase the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach and naturally aid the body's digestion process, preventing uncomfortable bloating and wind. The high amount of acids in the fruit help clear the excretory system of toxins, promoting better bowel movement and relieving constipation. Lime oil can be consumed directly or be combined with a juice. Mix lime oil with a pinch of salt to make a good and natural purgative minus all the side effects.

Skin Aging

Lime contains a high amount of Vitamin C and antioxidants that help maintain a healthy and fair complexion. Taking a few drops of lime oil a day helps remove toxins from the body and aid in the rejuvenation and repair of the tissues and cells. Many women also Apply lime oil to their skin and faces to treat and reduce pimples, acne, blackheads, and scars. Some women mix lime oil with water, milk, or other essential oils to whiten their skin and reduce their skin's oil production for a clearer and greaseless complexion. It also has antiseptic properties and can help remedy and relieve eczema when mixed with olive or almond oil.

Protects Against Diseases

Lime has a soluble fiber that can decrease bad cholesterol in the body and decrease inflamed blood vessel that can cause a heart complication. The citric acid of lime breaks away uric acid, a waste product that can cause inflammation and pain while urinating. It also aids in relieving arthritis due to excessive uric acid in the system. Just like other citrusy fruits extracted to essential oil, it is also effective in treating and relieving colds, sore throat, coughing, and other flu infections. Diffusing lime oil and inhaling its aromatic scent can also immediately relieve vertigo, nausea, and congestion.


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The health benefits of citronella oil

Date: February 14, 2014 10:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The health benefits of citronella oil

What is citronella

citronella grassCitronella is a grass that is grown in Asian countries as well as islands in the South Pacific and has a rich and crisp aroma. Citronella essential oil is extracted from the Ceylon and Java variety of the grass. This oil is known to have so many benefits and these include:

Insect repellant

Citronella oil is effective in repelling insects such as mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and black flies and thus prevents its bites. The oil can be used on human and their clothing in form of liquid, oil or patch. This makes it a natural and non-toxic alternative to chemical insect repellants. It is also available in products like insect repelling candles and cartridges.


If used well, citronella oil can help with oily skin as it is an astringent. You should Apply a drop or two on the skin to test if it will cause irritation. You should then Apply 2 to 3 drops of the oil to a cotton ball and wipe out any excess sweat. You should then complete your regular facial routine.


Citronella oil contains methyl isoeugenol that help in its antibacterial property. The oil can kill and even inhibit the growth of bacteria in the body. Therefore, the oil can be helpful in treating wound infections, as well as other infections in the urinary bladder, urethra, colon, stomach, urinary track, intestines, prostate and kidney.


Citronella oil can be helpful in sedating inflammation. This is particularly so in issues pertaining to the stomach, liver, intestines and other parts of the digestive system. The oil can be used to soothe inflammation caused by drug and alcohol use.


Citronella essential oil has a crisp and rich lemon aroma that is effective in driving away body odors. Therefore, it is used for body sprays and deodorants but in very small quantities as it can cause skin irritations if used in high quantities.


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What Are The Benefits Of Taking Wheat Germ Oil?

Date: December 31, 2013 04:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Benefits Of Taking Wheat Germ Oil?

What is Wheat Germ Oil

wheat plantWheat germ oil is extracted from a wheat kernels’ germ in a technique known as cold processing. Its color is brown or amber and has a nutty flavor, and strong odor. The following is a look at its immense health benefits, the persons required to take it and the reasons for its intake.

Benefits of Wheat Germ

It is known to be one of nature’s greatest sources of vitamin E, which is very helpful for persons intending to prevent the risk of contracting cataracts, cancers and coronary heart diseases. Vitamin E has been found to interact with zinc and selenium to act as powerful antioxidants.

Persons with skin conditions that result from pollution, ageing, wrinkling, eczema, scaring, stretch marks, psoriasis, sun spots and dry skin have noticed tremendous improvement in their skin after topically Applying wheat germ oil. The remarkably positive results have been identified to result from the vitamin E content in the oil, which causes the regeneration of the skin, improved circulation and prevention of further damage.

Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy can benefit from the intake of the oil to prevent the recurrence of malignant tumors.

Wheat germ oil is invaluable for persons with blood clot problems because it enhances the process, which prevents excessive bleeding.

Muscle fatigue, spasms, aches and lowered endurance are common in persons, who engage in strenuous activities. The oil is helpful in relieving these effects on the muscles, resulting to restored vitality.

Its omega 3-fatty acid content is helpful in preventing cholesterol and blood pressure levels in persons with high risks of developing diabetes and coronary heart diseases.

If a person is suffering from poor memory, dizziness or fatigue, regular intake of wheat germ oil is essential in relieving these problems. This is due to the oil’s lecithin content, which is effective in strengthening the blood vessels and improving circulation.


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Castor oil

Date: December 29, 2013 05:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Castor oil

What is Castor Oil

castor oilCastor oil is an inflammatory and anti oxidant oil. A very pale yellow liquid extracted from castrol seed, with high concentration of unsaturated fatty acid,although with unpleasantand strong taste castor oil is used as medicine.

Benefits of castor oil

Castor oil have been found to help in many day to day problems, they include:

Yeast infection constipation: Castor oil has strong laxative thus very effective when it comes to constipation, you can mix with some juice to take away the bitterness.

Arthritis Natural remedy: Castor oil contains anti- inflammatory properties making it an excellent massage for reliving arthritic joints, nerve inflammation and sole muscles.

Acne: The medicinal content in castor oil makes the skin healthy and minimizes a menstrual disorder castor oil consist of ricinolec acid which is anti-inflammatory, oral consumption of 2 spoonful will reduce menstrual pains and other body pains.

Hair growth: Fatty acids and vitamin E aids in hair growth.

Anti allergic: Castor oil is anti allergic in nature thus helps in allergies related to skin ans naso-pharyngeal.

Increases immunity: Castor oil increases white blood cells thus fights infections.

Labor induction: When castor oil is given to pregnant female who are at full time pregnancy it induces labor by pushing of uterus contraction giving easy child birth.

Chemotherapy drugs: Castor oil acts as medium chemotherapy drug to some cancerous tumors. Castor oil is used to reduce warts, moles and cysts, Apply castor oil with a pinch of banking soda and wait for the desired results. Ringworm's known to be the most stubborn fungal infection castor oil has a compound known as undercylenic acid which is known to be effective in treating the fungal infections.

Castor oil thickens eye brows and eye lashes, since castor oil enhances hair growth just Apply castor oil in your eye brows and lids everyday.


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Difference between colloidal minerals and ionic minerals.

Date: December 23, 2013 02:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Difference between colloidal minerals and ionic minerals.

Minerals are generally divided into two forms.

Colloids Mineral

Colloids are one form of minerals, where minerals are in stable form. In colloidal form, minerals are evenly distributed in the medium. Minerals in this form will remain in large and organized pattern, and thereby remain in suspension without settling down. These types of minerals are not directly absorbed by the body since they don’t have that electric charge like other minerals. The size of these minerals is also one of the reasons for this. So we can define colloids as, it is a substance, which will not diffuse easily when it is suspended in a liquid medium. Though the colloidal minerals are more dispersed in the body, the absorption is not influenced by that. In order to absorb colloidal minerals, body needs to break down these minerals into smaller units.

Ionic Mineral

On the other hand, ionic minerals can be easily absorbed through the human cell membranes. The main reason for this is, ionic minerals are charged and so the body needs to Apply less amount of energy to get them absorbed. The colloidal minerals need to break down into smaller units to attain electric charge and thereby to get absorbed. The electric charge of ionic minerals helps them to travel from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. Atoms or group of atoms together forms the ionic minerals. They have got charge either positive or negative. During the time of absorption, the body charges the ions and makes absorption easier. Ionic minerals are more easily absorbed by the body than the colloidal minerals, since they have to go through all those process. Even after the different steps of absorption of colloidal minerals, all of them are not utilized by the body. Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride are 2 examples for ionic minerals.


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How important is it to take a GLA supplement?

Date: December 04, 2013 06:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How important is it to take a GLA supplement?

How important is it to take a GLA supplement?

primroseMajority of people consider evening primrose oil as one of the major miraculous discoveries within preventive care after Vitamin C. This oil consists a compound called phenylalanine that can assist with pain relief and has been applied increasingly with remedying headaches. Its therapeutic and preventive features are many hence making it a regular proposal from a big number of herbalists. 

10 health benefits:

1- GLA Deficiency

Evening primrose oil has a lot of fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which is very crucial for general operation of the body.

2- Heart Health

Studies revealed that utilizing of evening primrose oil on daily basis can assist in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and safeguard against the coronary artery disease thus minimizing the capability of heart attacks and diseases.

3- Menstrual Pain

The oil is normally used in relieving distress that is normally related with menstrual signs. Majority of women around the world get relief by Applying evening primrose oil.

4- Diabetes

Diabetics occasionally get challenges in producing GLA hence evening primrose oil is an effective supplement to assist them. Studies revealed that this oil can also safeguard people from diabetic neuropathy which is a nerve condition that often affects diabetics.

5- Skin Health

Evening primrose oil is considered as an effective remedy for eczema and other skin disorders due to GLA and other essential fatty acids that are vital for skin health.

6- Anti-Inflammatory & Discomfort Reliever

Evening primrose oil is referred to contain anti-inflammatory features and can assist to ease symptoms of chest discomfort and rheumatoid.

7- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Studies revealed that kids suffering from ADHD got relieved after taking evening primrose oil.

8- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Utilizing evening primrose oil with quality fish oil is an effective therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome.

9- Helps to Counter Impotence & Infertility

Evening primrose oil can stimulate blood flow, thus it helps in solving one of the key causes of male impotence. When taken for some time, it assists in preventing blood vessels to become narrow as a result of cholesterol.

10- Helping with Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

The GLA prompts the brain to make a specific type of prostaglandin called prostaglandin E that can operate to resist withdrawal symptoms.


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Various health benefits of Sea Buckthorn

Date: December 03, 2013 01:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Various health benefits of Sea Buckthorn

What is Sea Buckthorn

Sea buckthorn

We all know that there are so many natural herbs, fruits and plants are there that have amazing health benefits and Sea buckthorn is one of those fruits. It is also known as most balanced fruit of nature and here are few benefits of Sea buckthorn that are applicable for almost every individual.

It helps you to lose your weight:

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems around the world and Sea buckthorn can help you to your weight in a completely natural manner. In order to reduce your weight it prevent the storage of excess fat on your body and as a result of this you not only lose your body weight, but you stay aware from various health problems as well.

Work as a best anti-inflammatory medicine:

Sea buckthorn contain high amount of all highly beneficial omega fatty acid including omega acid 3, omega acid 6, omega acid 9 and the very rare omega acid 7 as well. However, all the benefits of these omega acids are still unknown to us, but it has best anti-inflammatory property that helps you in various pain inflammatory problems as well.

Make your skin glowing: 

Along with consuming it as a dietary supplement you can Apply it on your skin as well. Sea buckthorn contain high amount of Vitamin C and you can Apply it as a cream on your skin as well. Its Vitamin C helps you to get a firm and wrinkle free skin with natural glow on it.

Keep you away from various diseases:

As said above it can help you to control your weight and with the help of controlled weight you can easily reduce risk of various health problems including diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases including heart attack. Other than this it can protect you from various other diseases including asthma, cancer, and various stomach diseases. In addition to this it is a strong source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Mineral acids and various other minerals as well so many experts use it for treatment of night blindness, dry eye and other problems.

Soothe your skin:

Many people use Sea Buckthorn as a medicine for sunburn and other similar skin condition and if you got any problem on your skin due to sunburn, laser exposure, rashes, burn, cut or any similar issue you can easily Apply it on affected part of your skin for its resolution. In addition to this, it can also help you in some serious skin condition such as eczema, dry skin and skin ulcers.

Refreances :

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Can The Consumption of Collagen Help Hair, Skin, Nails, And Joints?

Date: May 30, 2013 02:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can The Consumption of Collagen Help Hair, Skin, Nails, And Joints?

Collagen is produced naturally by the body. It's a protein contained in connective tissues in the body. The benefits of collagen supplements are the most amazing fad on the market for health and beauty industry recently.

About 25% of proteins contained in our bodies are collagens. It is the second greatest substance in the body following water. Its production reduces as people get older. However, supplements are available in the market and help restore the quantity of collagen in the body. Collagen supplements are available in different forms such as gelatin and elastin. Gelatin has been used for a long time to strengthen nails and hair.

Collagen needs to be taken with water, 2 hours after taking a meal. It needs to pass through the stomach into the intestines and not get digested. In case it is broken down then it becomes ineffective so it is wise to take collagen on an empty stomach.

Below are some benefits of collagen;

Collagen for skin

It works to eliminate signs of old age by making skin firm, flexible and young because of the fibrous and steady structure of the substance. Several plastic surgeons use the substance to provide their customers a youthful look. Collagen is introduced directly to the skin on the parts with depressions formed by wrinkles. It makes the wrinkles less visible. The injection might last for about 6 months before you undergo another procedure to eliminate wrinkles. The time used to complete this procedure depends on the extent of wrinkles. Reduce occurrence of cellulite and works to restore the fibers that make cellulite to appear on skin. It is also used for artificial skin treatment for burn patients. Collagen applied in this process is usually acquired from bovine or equine to restore damaged skin as a result of burns.


Collagen supplements help reduce rheumatoid arthritis signs such as joint inflammation and lack of mobility. This might be because of collagen anti-inflammatory components and impacts on the body's immune system. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid patients use collagen supplements to treat joints. It offers a supportive structure for many body tissues, for instance, muscles or bones. It helps to rebuild cartilage material found in joints. Collagen reduces pain due to these conditions as well.


Collagen helps to strengthen nails and help to get rid of the white spots. Frequent use will help the nail-bed to maintain a healthy color.

Hair It's a key component in hair growth since it kills free radicals that can affect your hair texture, growth and thickness. Applying oils with collagen on the hair shaft could enhance hair growth. Taking collagen capsules reinforce hair and increase the thickness of a person's hair, providing your hair with an generally fuller look.

The suggested quantity for hair regrowth and thickness for aesthetic purposes is 4-6g. It also helps to decrease the appearance of grey hair by improving structure and health of hair follicle. Apply collagen creams directly on the scalp to make grey hair look darker and less dried out. Collagen is very efficient in treating dry brittle hair. It is useful in restoring and reversing split ends and also enhancing moisture levels in the hair.

If you are not currently taking collagen, whats stopping you?


How Does Oregano Oil Help Fight The Common Cold?

Date: February 22, 2013 12:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Oregano Oil Help Fight The Common Cold?

Oregano oil is one of the natural ingredients that are good for human health. This oil is extracted from the wild oregano plant. It contains two active ingredients, which are thymol and carvacrol. Many doctors believe that those two ingredients are good to decrease the amount of harmful microorganisms in human body. That is the reason why doctors recommend the use of this oil to improve someone's health. Nowadays, there are many people using this oil in order to improve their health. In this article, there are some health benefits of this ingredient.

1. Skin Infections

This oil is a perfect option for people who want to treat their skin infections. The oil can be directly applied to the skin in order to treat any itches, irritated skins, skin infections, and many other skin problems. It is important to read the instruction before Applying the oil topically on the skin. Most oregano oil products should be mixed with the coconut oil or olive oil before they are applied on the affected areas. Some people claim that they are able to reduce their skin problems several days after using this oil.

2. Digestive Problem

This is another benefit of consuming oregano oil. This oil contains high amount of carvacrol and thymol. These two ingredients are good to calm the upset stomachs and improve human digestion system. People usually mix 1 or 2 drops of this oil with the milk or juice in order to treat their digestive problems. There are many studies showing that this oil is good for the overall human digestion system. It is recommended for people to take this oil at least once a day in order to avoid any digestive problems in the future.

3. Sinus Congestion

This oil is also effective to treat people with sinus congestion. The oil of oregano is a perfect solution for treating the sinus congestion. People usually mix 2 - 3 drops of oregano oil with a glass of water or juice. It is important to consume this herbs at least once a day for 3 - 4 days. This product is going to improve the immune system. As the result, the sinus congestion can be reduced significantly.

4. Cold

Some doctors also believe that this oil is good to strengthen someone's immune system. It is an excellent product that can act as the perfect defense system to fight against any cold or sore throat condition. Cold is a common symptom that may happen to anybody. Most cold symptoms are caused by weak immune system. The oregano oil works by improving the immune system. As the result, the body is going to be able to fight against cold effectively.

People should take at least 3 drops of this oil every day in order to reduce the symptoms and help people recover from cold.

Those are some health benefits that people can get by consuming oregano oil frequently. It is important to take this oil because it has a lot of health benefits for human being. Score some today and take your health into your owns hands.


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