
Search Term: " aging "

  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being Darrell Miller 6/1/24
The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care Darrell Miller 11/6/23
Support the Cardiovascular System, Promote Health Aging, and Reduce Stress with Resveratrol Darrell Miller 10/13/22
The Importance of Collagen for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails Darrell Miller 9/12/22
High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia Darrell Miller 4/29/22
What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body Darrell Miller 4/28/22
6 Health benefits to make you love manuka honey (if you don'talready) Darrell Miller 5/6/19
Pistachios: Discover 7 reasons to eat this delicious nut Darrell Miller 4/24/19
The Swiss Army knife of plants why sea buckthorn oil is such apowerful remedy Darrell Miller 4/1/19
Reishi mushroom show tremendous promise in strengthening the immunesystem Darrell Miller 2/22/19
8 Ways Rosehip Oil Benefits Your Skin, According to Dermatologists Darrell Miller 1/16/19
Hydrochloric Acid: The Stomach Acid that Defends Against GERD, Candida & Leaky Gut VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/20/18
Hesperidin, a natural flavonoid in citrus fruit, found to prevent photoaging Darrell Miller 8/1/18
How does Vitamins B Complex Work on Skin and Hair? Darrell Miller 1/17/18
6 Vitamins and Minerals That Boost Brain Function Darrell Miller 12/15/17
8 Ways To Slow Aging, Anti-Inflammatory Style Darrell Miller 10/29/17
This Berry is One of the Top Chinese Longevity Secrets | Natural Cures Darrell Miller 9/6/17
Insulin and disease Darrell Miller 8/21/17
How To Get Long Hair, Thick Hair and Healthy Hair | Garlic Hair Oil For Extreme Hair Growth Darrell Miller 7/29/17
Get Rid Of Gray Hair And Cover Them Naturally With This New Method!! Darrell Miller 7/14/17
Keto Diet for Women: Benefits, Food List & Tips to Overcome Side Effects Darrell Miller 6/6/17
Slow Aging by Eating Less Darrell Miller 3/1/17
Toxins in Your Fast-Food Packaging? Darrell Miller 2/6/17
Lingzhi mushrooms combat aging, disease and even cancer Darrell Miller 1/4/17
A number of skin problems can be improved with the right vitamins Darrell Miller 12/6/16
Wheatgrass - A Superfood To Improve Your Energy Levels Darrell Miller 8/15/15
What are the Health Benefits of Beta-Glucans Darrell Miller 12/22/14
What are the health benefits of organic Cacao? Darrell Miller 4/24/14
What are the health benefits of organic Cacao? Darrell Miller 4/24/14
Does Ubiquinol Get Absorbed Better Than Regular CoQ10 Darrell Miller 11/6/13
What Are The Health Benefits Of The Amino Acid Glutathione? Darrell Miller 1/30/13
Why Is Acai, Goji, Pomegranate, Noni And Mangosteen Called Super Fruits? Darrell Miller 1/15/13
Benefits Of Zeaxanthin Darrell Miller 2/7/12
Free Radicals And Cancer, How Do I Combat Free Radicals? Darrell Miller 10/12/11
Fight Inflammation, Gastric Problems, and Arthritis with Boswellia Darrell Miller 6/14/11
How Does Selenium Support Your Immune System? Darrell Miller 6/13/11
The Health Benefits of Turmeric Darrell Miller 1/27/11
NADH 10 mg And 20 mg Enhanced with Bioenergy RIBOSE Darrell Miller 12/10/09
Ginseng, Its Good For The Body Darrell Miller 10/5/09
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Protect The Liver with Glutathione And Cysteine Darrell Miller 4/23/09
Boost Memory Darrell Miller 3/23/09
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Alpha Lipoic Acid Darrell Miller 12/11/08
Green Tea Extract Darrell Miller 10/23/08
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Lutein 20mg (FloraGlo) Darrell Miller 9/26/08
Essential Fatty Acids (omega-3) ( Primrose Oil) Darrell Miller 9/11/08
Colon Cleanse And Enema Darrell Miller 9/8/08
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Coconut Oil Darrell Miller 8/18/08
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What is Alpha Lipoic Acid? Darrell Miller 7/18/08
Antioxidants For The Body Darrell Miller 6/10/08
Bilberry Extract Is A Powerful Antioxidant That Strengthens Veins Darrell Miller 4/12/08
Diet And Nutrition Can Boost The Body’s Energy Efficiency Darrell Miller 4/10/08
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Fight Night Blindness, Boost Eye And Vascular Health With Bilberry Darrell Miller 3/19/08
Alpha Lipoic Acid is a Powerful Antioxidant Darrell Miller 2/15/08
Age Gracefully With Anti Aging Nutrition Darrell Miller 1/19/08
Give Your Health A Boost With Silica Hydride A Powerful Antioxidant Darrell Miller 1/18/08
IBS Sufferers Rejoice Over Probiotics Darrell Miller 1/18/08
Natural Supplements Like Fish Oils And Phosphatidylserine Can Boost Memory Darrell Miller 1/14/08
Build Healthier Skin With Antioxidant Rich Skin Moisturizing Lotions Darrell Miller 11/2/07
Consume Bright Colored Foods for Better Health Darrell Miller 10/22/07
Supplements to Fight Prostate Cancer Darrell Miller 7/29/07
Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth Darrell Miller 5/31/07
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<B>Pycnogenol: Heart, Blood Sugar and Cellular Health</B> Darrell Miller 11/3/06
Your Cells Supercharge Your Cells Darrell Miller 12/20/05

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Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

Date: June 01, 2024 10:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

In the quest for beauty, many often look to skincare products and treatments, yet one of the most effective pathways to radiant skin and overall health is through regular physical activity. Exercise offers an array of benefits that enhance beauty from within, contributing to healthy skin, a glowing complexion, and a fit physique. This article explores how fitness plays a crucial role in beauty and well-being, suggests exercise routines that promote beauty from within, and recommends a supplement to boost hair and skin health.

The Connection Between Fitness and Beauty

Improved Circulation

When you engage in physical activity, your heart pumps more blood, increasing circulation throughout the body. This enhanced blood flow delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, promoting cell regeneration and elasticity. Improved circulation also assists in flushing out toxins, contributing to clearer and more vibrant skin.

Reduction of Stress

Stress is a significant contributor to numerous skin concerns such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Regular exercise can help reduce stress by releasing endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers. Lower stress levels can result in fewer breakouts and a reduction in skin flare-ups, ultimately leading to a more serene and healthy appearance.

Enhanced Skin Detoxification

Engaging in activities that make you sweat, such as running, cycling, or hot arobics, can help detoxify your skin. Sweating helps to open up pores and remove dirt and impurities, giving your skin a natural detox. Remember to cleanse your face thoroughly after sweating to prevent any potential buildup of bacteria.

Collagen Production

Exercise helps to boost collagen production, a protein that maintains skin's firmness and elasticity. High-intensity workouts and strength training, in particular, can stimulate collagen synthesis, leading to tighter, more youthful-looking skin.

Better Sleep

Regular exercise can improve your sleep patterns, which in turn benefits your skin. During deep sleep, the body works to repair and regenerate cells, including skin cells. Better sleep can result in fewer dark circles, reduced eye puffiness, and a more rested appearance overall.

Balanced Hormones

Hormonal imbalances can cause various skin problems, including acne and premature aging. Exercise helps regulate hormones, stabilizing levels of cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone, which are crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

Exercise Routines That Promote Beauty from Within

Cardiovascular Exercises

Running and Jogging

Running and jogging are excellent ways to boost circulation, enhance cardiovascular health, and induce sweating, which can help detoxify the skin.


Cycling, whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, improves blood flow to the skin, reduces stress, and can be a fun way to stay active.


Swimming is a low-impact exercise that increases circulation, tones muscles, and has the added benefit of keeping skin hydrated due to the water environment.

Strength Training


Incorporating weightlifting into your routine can boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity. Focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses for maximum effect.

Resistance Band Exercises

Using resistance bands can help build muscle and enhance circulation without putting too much strain on your joints. These exercises are great for improving muscle tone and skin firmness.

Mind-Body Workouts


Arobics not only improves flexibility and muscle tone but also reduces stress and promotes a better sleep cycle, which are all beneficial for your skin. Floor leg lifts with dumbells and crunches and lateral lifts on the floor can increase blood flow to the face, enhancing your complexion.


Pilates focuses on core strength, posture, and flexibility. The controlled movements and emphasis on breathing can improve circulation and reduce stress, contributing to overall skin health.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle form of martial arts that reduces stress, improves flexibility, and enhances balance. It’s an excellent way for people of all ages to promote overall well-being and skin health.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods. This type of training is highly effective for boosting metabolism, increasing collagen production, and promoting healthy, radiant skin. Exercises like burpees, jump squats, and sprinting can be incorporated into a HIIT routine.

Enhancing Beauty Through Nutrition: Supplements for Hair and Skin Health

Understanding the Importance of Supplements

While a balanced diet and regular exercise are vital for maintaining healthy skin and hair, supplements can provide an additional boost. Nutritional supplements can fill in dietary gaps, ensuring that your body gets the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to support glowing skin and strong, vibrant hair.

Recommended Supplement: Biotin and Collagen Complex


Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is crucial for hair and skin health. It supports the structure of keratin, a protein that makes up your hair, skin, and nails. Regular intake of biotin can help reduce hair loss, strengthen nails, and improve skin's overall appearance.


Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to your skin. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading to wrinkles and saggy skin. A collagen supplement can help replenish this essential protein, promoting firm, youthful-looking skin.

Combining Biotin and Collagen

For optimal results, opt for a supplement that combines both biotin and collagen. This combination can provide comprehensive support for your beauty regimen, enhancing skin elasticity and hydrating hair follicles from within.

Tips for Choosing the Right Supplement

When selecting a supplement, look for products that are:

  • Clinically Tested: Ensure the product has undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy.
  • High-Quality Ingredients: Choose supplements made with natural, high-quality ingredients.
  • Free from Fillers: Avoid products with unnecessary additives, preservatives, or fillers.
  • Transparent Labeling: Check for clear labeling about ingredient sources and concentrations.

Incorporating Supplements into Your Routine

Take your supplement consistently, as directed by the packaging, to see the best results. It's also beneficial to combine your supplement intake with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Ready to Make a Change in Your Hair & Skin?

Integrating regular physical activity into your lifestyle is a powerful way to achieve glowing skin and overall well-being. From improved circulation to reduced stress, the benefits of exercise extend beyond physical fitness, promoting beauty from within. By incorporating a mix of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and mind-body workouts, you can enhance your natural radiance.

Additionally, supporting your fitness routine with a biotin and collagen supplement can provide further benefits for your hair and skin health. Remember, beauty is not just skin deep—it’s a reflection of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care

Date: November 06, 2023 04:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care

The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care

Have you ever heard about collagen? It might have been a buzzword in the beauty industry, but it's important to know that collagen is much more than just skin-deep. Collagen is actually a protein that plays a crucial role in providing structure, strength, and support to different parts of our bodies such as skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Lets explore the importance of collagen for your health, its different types and functions, the effects of collagen loss on the body, factors that affect collagen production, and how to boost collagen levels naturally.

Factors That Affect Collagen Production:

Collagen production declines naturally with aging, leading to visible signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging skin, and brittle nails. However, several lifestyle factors also contribute to collagen loss like smoking, consuming sugary foods, and excessive sun exposure. Medical conditions like scleroderma and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome also lead to reduced collagen production.

The Effects of Collagen Loss on the Body:

Collagen loss can have various detrimental effects on the body. One of the most visible effects is on the skin where collagen loss leads to wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, and dryness. Collagen loss also affects joints, resulting in pain and stiffness. Since collagen is crucial to maintaining bone structure, a decrease in collagen levels weakens the bones and muscles, causing osteoporosis. Collagen is important for the digestive tract lining, so when the body lacks sufficient collagen, people could experience digestive issues.

Lifestyle Habits Leading to Collagen Loss:

Several lifestyle habits exacerbate the natural decline in collagen production, thereby speeding up the aging process and negatively affecting overall health. First among these is smoking. The chemicals present in cigarettes damage collagen and elastin, causing premature skin aging with characteristic wrinkles and sagging. Not only does smoking impact the skin, but it also affects collagen-rich organs and tissues, leading to various health problems.

Next is the consumption of excessive sugar and refined carbohydrates. A high-sugar diet interferes with collagen's ability to repair itself, leading to inflammation and collagen cross-linking that results in skin aging and joint discomfort. Refined carbohydrates spike blood sugar levels, encouraging the same damaging process.

Last but not least, ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, particularly from the sun, can also lead to significant collagen loss. UV light increases collagen breakdown by activating enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases that degrade collagen and elastin. This exposure results in photoaging of the skin, characterized by deep wrinkles, leathery texture, and pigmentation changes. Therefore, it's crucial to protect your skin from the sun by wearing SPF every day, even on cloudy days.

How to Boost Collagen Levels Naturally:

Fortunately, several natural ways can help boost collagen levels in your body. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, zinc, copper, and iron is key to boosting collagen levels. Vitamin C is vital in the production of collagen, which makes it an essential nutrient for the body. Excessive sun exposure and smoking lead to the accumulation of free radicals that damage collagen, so avoiding these is key. In addition, the topical use of skincare products like sunscreen and moisturizers protects and nourishes collagen and helps maintain healthy skin. Exercise such as weight training and yoga can help stimulate collagen synthesis, ensuring youthful-looking skin, healthy joints, and strong bones.

Common types of collagen!

  • Type I Collagen: This is the most abundant type of collagen in the body. It's primarily responsible for providing structure to the skin, tendons, organs, and the bone matrix. It also plays a crucial role in wound healing.
  • Type II Collagen: This type of collagen is primarily found in cartilage and serves as the main component of our joints. It's important for maintaining healthy joint movement and reducing the effects of joint-related aging.
  • Type III Collagen: Often found alongside Type I, Type III collagen supports the structure of muscles, organs, and arteries. It's also a key component in the body's natural healing processes.
  • Type IV Collagen: This type forms the basis of the cell basement membrane and plays a critical role in maintaining cell and tissue health by aiding filtration.
  • Type V Collagen: This type of collagen is found in the surfaces of cells, hair, and placenta. It's important for various cellular processes, including the growth and development of cells and tissues.

Collagen is an essential protein that is vital for overall health and well-being. It provides support and structure to different body parts, ensuring their optimum functionality. The decline in collagen production is an inevitable part of aging, but several natural ways can help boost its levels. Maintaining a balanced diet, avoiding habits that damage collagen, and practicing regular exercise can help maintain healthy collagen levels. It's crucial to remember that relying solely on supplements may not necessarily boost collagen levels, so it's best to consult your healthcare provider before taking them. So, go ahead and adopt healthy habits to maintain healthy levels of this crucial protein. Your body will thank you for it!


Support the Cardiovascular System, Promote Health Aging, and Reduce Stress with Resveratrol

Date: October 13, 2022 03:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Support the Cardiovascular System, Promote Health aging, and Reduce Stress with Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a polyphenol naturally found in the skin of red grapes, certain berries, and other plants. This substance has received a lot of attention in recent years due to its many potential health benefits. Here's a closer look at some of the ways resveratrol may be able to help support your health.

Cardiovascular Support

One of the most well-known potential benefits of resveratrol is its ability to help support healthy cardiovascular function.* This substance has been shown to help promote healthy blood flow, as well as healthy levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.* All of these factors contribute to a healthy heart and circulatory system. If you're looking for a way to help keep your heart healthy, resveratrol may be worth considering.

Anti-aging Properties

In addition to its cardiovascular benefits, resveratrol is also best known for its cellular anti-aging properties.* This substance has been shown to help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.* Free radical damage is one of the main causes of cellular aging, so resveratrol's ability to protect cells from this type of damage may help slow the aging process. If you're concerned about aging gracefully, resveratrol may be worth adding to your regimen.

Promotes Healthy Stress Response*

Biological stress is a normal part of life, but it's important to maintain a healthy response to it.* When our bodies are constantly in a state of stress, it can lead to serious health problems over time. Fortunately, resveratrol has been shown to promote a healthy stress response.* So if you're looking for a way to help your body better cope with stress, resveratrol may be worth considering.

Resveratrol is a naturally occurring substance with many potential health benefits. These benefits include supporting healthy cardiovascular function, promoting a healthy cellular aging process, and helping the body maintain a healthy response to biological stress.* If you're looking for a way to support your overall health and wellness, resveratrol may be worth considering. Talk to your healthcare provider today to see if adding this substance to your regimen is right for you.


The Importance of Collagen for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

Date: September 12, 2022 10:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Collagen for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

We all want to look our best, and that starts with having healthy hair, skin, and nails. One of the most important things you can do to maintain these treasures is to make sure you're getting enough collagen.

Collagen is a protein found in the connective tissues of our bodies, and it's responsible for giving our skin its elasticity and firmness. It also strengthens our nails and helps keep our hair shiny and lustrous. In other words, collagen is pretty much essential for anyone who wants to look their best. That's why we've put together this blog post on the importance of collagen for healthy hair, skin, and nails. Keep reading to learn more!

As we mentioned, collagen is a protein found in the connective tissues of our bodies. Specifically, it's found in the dermis, which is the layer of skin below the epidermis (the outermost layer). Collagen provides support to the other cells in the dermis and gives our skin its elasticity. It also helps to prevent sagging and wrinkling.

Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies produce less collagen. This decrease in collagen production leads to many of the telltale signs of aging, such as wrinkles and thinning hair. That's why it's so important to make sure you're getting enough collagen—either through your diet or via supplements. Here are some foods that are rich in collagen:

  • -Bone broth
  • -Fish
  • -Eggs
  • -Citrus fruits
  • -Berries
  • -Red peppers
  • -Garlic
  • -Green leafy vegetables

You can also get collagen through supplementation. For example, you might take a daily collagen supplement in pill form or use a collagen serum on your face or other areas of your skin. No matter how you get it, make sure you're getting enough collagen to keep your hair, skin, and nails looking their best!

As you can see from everything we've talked about above, collagen is essential for anyone who wants to maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails. Make sure you're getting enough by incorporating collagen-rich foods into your diet or using a supplement. Your hair, skin, and nails will thank you!

Now Foods Beef Bone Broth is 70% Collagen, give it at try today.


High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

Date: April 29, 2022 03:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

A high fiber diet may reduce the risk of developing dementia, according to a study published in the journal Neurology. The study found that people who ate the most fiber were 30% less likely to develop dementia than those who ate the least fiber. This is an important discovery, as dementia is becoming increasingly common around the world. There are currently about 47 million people living with dementia, and this number is expected to grow to 135 million by 2050.

What is dementia and what are the symptoms?

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability due to disease or injury. symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, but may include problems with memory, mood, and thinking. People with dementia may have difficulty remembering recent events or familiar faces, and they may become confused about time and place. They may also have trouble completing familiar tasks, such as cooking a meal or getting dressed. As the disease progresses, people with dementia may lose the ability to communicate or take care of themselves. Dementia is not a normal part of aging, and it can affect people of all ages. There is no one test that can diagnose dementia, and doctors often use a combination of medical tests, brain scans, and neurological exams to make a diagnosis. There is no cure for dementia, but there are treatments that can help people manage the symptoms and improve their quality of life.

What causes dementia?

Dementia is a complex neurological disorder with no known underlying cause. While some theories suggest that environmental factors such as exposure to certain toxins or injuries may play a role, the exact mechanisms underlying dementia remain uncertain. Some researchers have proposed that dementia may be related to problems in the functioning of certain proteins in the brain, while others have suggested that chronic inflammation may also be involved. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underlying this debilitating and often devastating illness. Ultimately, identifying the precise causes of dementia will help inform more targeted and effective treatments for this disease, allowing those affected by it to live fuller and healthier lives.

How can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of developing dementia?

A diet rich in fiber has been linked with a reduced risk of developing dementia. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Foods high in fiber are known to promote gut health, and some studies have suggested that gut inflammation may play a role in the development of dementia. In addition, fiber-rich foods tend to be high in antioxidants and other nutrients that have been linked with brain health. For these reasons, increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.

What are some good sources of fiber?

There are many good sources of fiber, including both plant-based and animal-based foods. Psyllium husk, which is made from the soluble fibers found in the seeds of a Mediterranean shrub called Plantago ovata, is a popular option due to its high concentration of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Inulin, meanwhile, is a type of carbohydrate that is naturally found in many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Both psyllium husk and inulin are excellent sources of nutrition that can help promote good digestive health and overall well-being. Other common sources of dietary fiber include whole grains like oats and barley, as well as beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Whether you are looking for plant-based or animal-based sources of fiber, there are plenty of options out there to suit your needs.

How much fiber should you eat each day?

There is no single answer to the question of how much fiber you should eat each day. The amount of fiber that your body needs will depend on a number of factors, including your age, sex, and overall health status. In general, most health experts recommend consuming between 25 and 35 grams of fiber per day. This can typically be achieved by eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of fiber-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Furthermore, it is important to remember that fiber needs can vary depending on your symptoms or underlying condition. So if you are experiencing any gastrointestinal issues or other health concerns, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine the right amount of dietary fiber for your body.

Are there any risks associated with eating a high fiber diet?

While fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with eating too much fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is typically found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When fiber is not broken down by the body, it can bind to other nutrients and substances in the digestive tract and cause them to be eliminated from the body before they are absorbed. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. In addition, consuming large amounts of fiber can also cause bloating and gas.

How can you prevent dementia from developing?

There is no one definitive cause of dementia, but there are a number of risk factors that have been identified as contributing to its development. These can include things like a genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors like drinking and smoking, and certain health conditions. Because these risk factors can vary widely from person to person, there is no one strategy that will prevent dementia in everyone. However, there are some general measures that anyone can take to lower their risk of developing dementia. These might include maintaining healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and avoiding excessive exposure to environmental toxins. Additionally, early diagnosis and treatment for any existing health conditions can also play an important role in reducing the likelihood of dementia. By taking these proactive steps, it is possible to greatly reduce your risk of developing this debilitating condition.

Vitamins and Dementia

Some studies have suggested that certain vitamins may help to prevent dementia. Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid are involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, a substance that has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, and it has been suggested that this may help to slow the progression of dementia.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body combat dementia

Recent studies have suggested that diet may also play a role in the development of dementia. In particular, fruits and vegetables appear to offer some protection against the disease. The antioxidants found in these foods help to fight inflammation and damage to cells, both of which are thought to contribute to the development of dementia. In addition, fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for brain health. Thus, incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.


What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

Date: April 28, 2022 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

If you want to stay healthy, it's important that you know what cellular mitochondria does in the body. Mitochondria are organelles found in the cytoplasm of cells. They are responsible for producing energy for the cell. Without them, the cell would not be able to function properly. We will discuss the role of mitochondria in the body, and how they impact our health.

What are mitochondria and what do they do in the body

Mitochondria are organelles that play an important role in the energy metabolism of cells. Most of the oxygen we breathe is used by mitochondria to convert glucose from the food we eat into ATP, the energy molecule used by our cells. Therefore, mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell. In addition to producing ATP, mitochondria also have other important functions, such as regulating cell growth and death, as well as calcium homeostasis. Mitochondria are unique in that they have their own DNA separate from the DNA in the cell nucleus. This mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mother to child, which is why defects in mitochondrial function can lead to diseases that are inherited in a maternal lineage. Although most of our cells contain only a single nucleus, they may contain hundreds or even thousands of mitochondria. This allows them to produce enough ATP to meet the energy needs of the cell.

How mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to health problems

Mitochondria are integral to many essential physiological processes in the body. Not only do they produce energy for cells, but they also play a key role in maintaining cellular structures and initiating cell division. Therefore, any disruption of normal mitochondrial function can have far-reaching consequences for overall health and well-being. Maladaptive responses to environmental stressors, such as chemical exposure or radiation, are among the most common causes of mitochondrial dysfunction. These stressors result in damage to mitochondrial DNA and can cause problems with cell division and abnormal growth patterns, which can lead to a range of disorders and chronic diseases. For example, mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to conditions like Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Therefore, it is important to understand the role that mitochondria play in maintaining healthy functioning bodies and take proactive steps to prevent or reverse damage from maladaptive responses to environmental stressors.

Mitochondria and Longevity

Mitochondria are specialized organelles found within our cells that perform many critical functions, including generating energy to support cellular processes and maintaining healthy cell function. These organelles are the site of many important chemical reactions, often referred to as oxidative phosphorylation or metabolism. Studies have shown that Proper functioning of these organelles is essential for healthy aging, and may be a key factor in determining how long we live. By promoting mitochondria health and making lifestyle changes that help to promote healthy mitochondria, we can take an important step towards optimizing our longevity potential. This includes eating a nutrient-rich diet with a focus on foods high in antioxidants, managing stress levels through regular exercise and relaxation techniques, and avoiding environmental toxins that can damage mitochondria health. Through such strategies, we can give ourselves the best chance at living a long, full life.

Ways to protect your mitochondria and keep them healthy with PQQ

PQQ, or pyrroloquinoline quinone, is an important molecule for the functioning of mitochondria in the human body. This compound plays a crucial role in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, the fundamental energy currency of biological systems. By driving cellular processes that release energy for metabolic use, PQQ plays a key role in maintaining mitochondrial health and efficiency. Additionally, PQQ has been shown to exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, which help to mitigate the effects of oxidative stress on mitochondria and other critical cells in the body. Overall, PQQ is an essential component of healthy mitochondrial function and a crucial nutrient for energy production and overall metabolic health.

D-ribose, the Mitochondria, and Energy

D-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar that plays an important role in cellular metabolism and energy production. This nutrient is especially important for cells that rely on a lot of energy, such as those found in the heart and muscles. D-ribose helps these cells to generate adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is the main energy currency used by cells to drive chemical reactions. Additionally, research has suggested that d-ribose can help to improve physical endurance and reduce the pain and stiffness associated with exercise, making it an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Also, D-ribose is a simple sugar that plays an important role in the structure and function of mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell. In addition to supplying energy to the cells, mitochondria also help to regulate cell growth and death. D-ribose is essential for the proper function of mitochondria, and it plays a key role in energy production. Studies have shown that D-ribose can help to improve mitochondrial function and reduce fatigue. In addition, D-ribose supplements have been shown to improve exercise performance and increase energy levels. These effects are likely due to the ability of D-ribose to help the body produce more ATP, the energy currency of the cell. For these reasons, D-ribose is an important nutrient for maintaining healthy mitochondria and supporting cellular energy production.

Another important nutrient for the mitochondria is CoQ10

The process of producing energy is called oxidative phosphorylation, and it involves the transfer of electrons from nutrients to oxygen. This reaction creates a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, which is used to generate ATP, the energy currency of the cell. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an important component of this process. It acts as an electron carrier, shuttling electrons between enzymes in the respiratory chain. It also helps to maintain the proton gradient, allowing the mitochondria to continue generating ATP. Without CoQ10, oxidative phosphorylation would grind to a halt, and cells would quickly run out of energy. Consequently, CoQ10 plays a vital role in energy production and cellular metabolism.

The bottom line is that both D-ribose and CoQ10 are important nutrients the body needs to maintain optimal energy levels. If you’re feeling run down, low on energy, or just generally not your best, consider taking a supplement containing these two nutrients. You may be surprised at how much better you feel once you start including them in your diet. What’s stopping you from giving them a try?


6 Health benefits to make you love manuka honey (if you don'talready)

Date: May 06, 2019 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 Health benefits to make you love manuka honey (if you don'talready)

Manuka honey is touted as a super food due to its numerous therapeutic benefits. Manuka honey is a strong antibacterial that can strengthen your immune system during flu season and all year-round. Because of its antimicrobial properties, manuka honey is particularly effective in soothing sore throats. Manuka honey is also quite good for oral health and can be used to prevent gingivitis. When purchasing manuka honey, be sure there is a UMF rating on the packaging, which shows that it has been tested for purity. A high UMF rating correlates to strong antibacterial properties and a potent flavor.

Key Takeaways:

  • Manuka honey should always be available in the home because it is important for boosting the immune system due to the various antibacterial properties it possesses.
  • It has been shown by research that Manuka honey is effective against staph infections like MRSA due to its ability to interfere with the cell cycle of the bacteria.
  • Manuka oil can not only fight against the bacteria that is causing sore throat when one has an infection, it acts as a relief to the throat itself.

"Manuka honey is a unique kind of honey from New Zealand. It comes from the manuka tree and has many therapeutic properties."

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Pistachios: Discover 7 reasons to eat this delicious nut

Date: April 24, 2019 02:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pistachios: Discover 7 reasons to eat this delicious nut

Tree nuts can be a great addition to a healthy diet, and there is no better example of this than the pistachio. Pistachios are rich in antioxidants that help fight against aging, cancer and inflammation. Eating pistachios can also improve your blood pressure and blood glucose levels. They're a good source or protein, fiber and healthy fats. In fact, snacking on pistachios can actually help you lose weight because they make you feel full. Note that one serving of pistachios is about one ounce of unshelled nuts, which is just under 50 kernels. How you eat them (alone or added to salads, rice, desserts, etc.) and buy them (pre-shelled vs. shelling them yourself) is up to you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pistachios are named after the Greek name and these are one of the most nutrient dense nuts around the world which provide a source of protein, antioxidants, and fiber.
  • A diet that is rich in healthy fats like oleic acid and linoleic acid can reduce inflammation and make the risk of having heart disease lesser.
  • In 7000 BC, history has it that pistachio was famous among royalty because the Queen of Sheba named it an exclusive royal delicacy.

"They’re super gut healthy and can increase the number of bacteria which produce the anti-inflammatory fatty acid called butyrate (which protects against everything from obesity to autoimmune disorders)."

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The Swiss Army knife of plants why sea buckthorn oil is such apowerful remedy

Date: April 01, 2019 03:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Swiss Army knife of plants why sea buckthorn oil is such apowerful remedy

The sea buckthorn oil serves many purposes such as treating varied health problems. The oil is made from the berries, seeds, and leaves of the plant. The antioxidant flavonoids within the oil can help the immune system as can the amount of Vitamin C contained in the oil. This oil can also help the heart by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. The carotenoids contained in the berries can also assist with anti-aging, wrinkles, and skin moisture. Another study suggested that buckthorn oil may help to regulate blood sugar, therefore helping with diabetes, and yet another study showed that omega fatty acids were found in the oil too, which can help with liver disease prevention.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sea buckthorn has medicinal properties that rival most of today’s natural and conventional drugs and treatments.
  • Sea buckthorn is packed with powerful flavonoids and vitamin C, which have potent antioxidant and immune boosting properties.
  • According to one study, daily intake of sea buckthorn contributed to decreased levels of LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure.

"The high antioxidant content found in sea buckthorn oil can help protect your body from the harmful effects of free radical damage and oxidative stress."

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Reishi mushroom show tremendous promise in strengthening the immunesystem

Date: February 22, 2019 05:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Reishi mushroom show tremendous promise in strengthening the immunesystem

Immunosenescence is a condition that affects people as they age. The condition causes a decline in the immune system response and its ability to fight off infections and diseases. There is new evidence that suggests that eating the Reishi mushroom is one beneficial way to boost the immune system and ward off this condition. The delicious mushrooms are easy to use in the kitchen, making it even easier than you thought to add them to your diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • With age and the passage of time, many people become susceptible to immunosenescence but reishi mushrooms have been shown to address this condition.
  • Reishi mushrooms can help fight immunosenescence can helping to regulate and support the immune system when it is aging, reducing inflammation and preventing heart disease.
  • Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners call the mushroom the “mushroom of immortality” because it has healing and antiviral properties which make it ideal for treating various health problems.

"According to research data, the potent mushrooms can also be used to boost the immune system."

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8 Ways Rosehip Oil Benefits Your Skin, According to Dermatologists

Date: January 16, 2019 07:55 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 8 Ways Rosehip Oil Benefits Your Skin, According to Dermatologists

The things that you put on your skin enter the bloodstream, so it is important to carefully think about the things that you'll use in your skin care regimen. One oil that can be applied to the skin that will benefit you when it is absorbed is rosehip. The powerful oil can enhance your skin in a plethora of ways and dermatologists agree that it is a product that people of all ages should use to keep their skin smooth, wrinkle-free, and looking great.

Key Takeaways:

  • People who are passionate about trying out beauty products would notice that rosehip oil (also known as rosehip seed oil) is increasingly becoming a major ingredient in these products.
  • Rosehip oil has a lot of hype. It is reported to be good for turning back the signs of aging, for calming acne, and can function as a moisturizer.
  • To make it an ideal skin care product, rosehip oil contains a lot of vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids.

"Here, exactly how rosehip oil benefits your skin and the easiest way to add it to your beauty routine."

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Hydrochloric Acid: The Stomach Acid that Defends Against GERD, Candida & Leaky Gut

Date: August 20, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Hydrochloric Acid: The Stomach Acid that Defends Against GERD, Candida & Leaky Gut

Hydrochloric Acid: The Stomach Acid that Defends Against GERD, Candida & Leaky Gut

Hydrochloric Acid is a key digestive juice which tends to decrease within your body as you get older, causing a variety of digestive and non-digestive issues. Less hydrochloric acid means a less acidic gut, which can result in higher incidence of heartburn, gas, acid reflux, bacterial or yeast infections and other conditions. While some decrease in hydrochloric acid is a common part of aging, eating too much processed food, not exercising and other lifestyle issues can exacerbate it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hydrochloric Acid is a highly acidic enzyme produced in your stomach that plays a critical role in digesting food.
  • Production of hydrochloric acid tends to decrease somewhat with age, but this issue can be exacerbated by eating too much processed food, lack of exercise and other lifestyle issues.
  • Decreased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can be associated with indigestion, acid reflux, gas, yeast infections and other digestive ailments.

"Additionally, not producing enough HCL can lead to many other problems, such as skin problems, including acne or rosacea, mineral deficiencies and autoimmune reactions."

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Hesperidin, a natural flavonoid in citrus fruit, found to prevent photoaging

Date: August 01, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hesperidin, a natural flavonoid in citrus fruit, found to prevent photoaging

Hesperidin, a natural flavonoid in citrus fruit, found to prevent photoaging

A recent study has revealed a new treatment for skin exposure to UVB rays. Hesperidin is a compound found in many common citrus fruits, like oranges, and has more health benefits besides helping with the impacts of UVB rays. According to the paper, hesperidin also has impacts on wrinkles, aging, and inflammation of the skin. All of these benefits were confirmed through initial testing on mice. Scientists are hopeful for the future of hesperidin in skincare and treatment.

Key Takeaways:

  • A recent study displayed that hesperidin, a compound in citrus fruit, can have important skin benefits.
  • Hesperidin has been shown to help with photoaging, which occurs when skin is exposed to UVB rays.
  • Hesperidin also may help with wrinkles and inflammation of the skin.

"Results showed that mice that were treated with hesperidin had improved length and depth of wrinkles, as well as inhibited the development of skin thickness and epidermal hypertrophy."

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How does Vitamins B Complex Work on Skin and Hair?

Date: January 17, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How does Vitamins B Complex Work on Skin and Hair?

B complex vitamins can solve many skin problems and help make hair healthy and lustrous. B complex includes Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), Biotin (B7), Folic Acid (B9) and Cobalamin (B12). These vitamins have been found to decrease or prevent eczema, hyper-pigmentation, acne, skin cancer, premature aging, vitilago, and dandruff. Hair follicle size also increases due to B complex. All of the B complex vitamins are present in a healthy diet containing a variety of fruits and vegetables. Where diet is lacking, B complex supplements can be used and are taken by millions of people. There are many health benefits not related to hair and nails that B complex provides. Be sure to get B complex vitamins daily to look and feel your best.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin B is well known for helping people grow stronger hair. Prevent dull and damaged hair by taking the right assortment of vitamins.
  • Both young and old people could benefit from taking Vitamin B themselves. Find the vitamin in stock through various stores across the country.
  • Do the research and be ready to use Vitamin B consistently as well. People have noticed immediate results when they started taking the vitamin.

"Dull, hair fall, lifeless hair and receding hairlines are problems that plague not only older people but also the youth of today."

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6 Vitamins and Minerals That Boost Brain Function

Date: December 15, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 Vitamins and Minerals That Boost Brain Function

As our brain ages, it begins to decline in cognition and other functions. It is well known that people who eat primarily a vegan diet get the nutrients to help this brain aging, but that diet is not practical for many to follow. Here are six essential vitamins and minerals you can take in supplement form that will help you keep your brain young. Each nutrient is described by what it can do for both your brain and overall health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) has been associated with memory and the intake has positive effects on Alazheimer's disease.
  • The proper intake of omega 3 and calcium are necessary to have healthy neurons and proper neural communication.
  • The intake of zinc and magnesium are necessary as it improves memory and the health of the brain.

"Not only does vitamin C strengthen your immune system, it can also help prevent cognitive decline."

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8 Ways To Slow Aging, Anti-Inflammatory Style

Date: October 29, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 8 Ways To Slow aging, Anti-Inflammatory Style

Dietary and lifestyle changes may help prevent or alleviate some of the symptoms associated with chronic inflammation. Lifestyle changes suggested in the article "8 Ways To Slow Aging, Anti-Inflammatory Style" include getting enough sleep, exercise, and not smoking. For those who are not malnourished, intermittent fasting has proven to be helpful with inflammation. This practice has also shown to improve cognitive abilities and slow bone mineral density loss. Physiologically, fasting inhibits inflammatory reactions by reducing markers of oxidative stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are more ways than one in which people can slow down their aging, with ways like improving their diet or even getting the correct number of hours of sleep per night.
  • Some ways like reducing your stress can be very easy and can help your future when it comes to looking young.
  • Diet is something that is very important when it comes to your youth and your aging process.

"The overall inflammation burden was 27% lower for those with strong spousal support."

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This Berry is One of the Top Chinese Longevity Secrets | Natural Cures

Date: September 06, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Berry is One of the Top Chinese Longevity Secrets | Natural Cures

Goji berries, used in Chinese medicine for centuries, has recently been gaining a lot of attention in the West for it's numerous health benefits. Some of these benefits include regulating blood sugar, boosting your energy, boosting your immune system, and skin improvement. The berry also is low calorie and contains essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, beta-carotene and iron. More and people are realizing the benefits of this berry and it's many uses to help our body function better.

Key Takeaways:

  • Goji berries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for a variety of ailments for centuries
  • Goji berries help regulate blood sugar, and are very beneficial for diabetics
  • The high antioxidant content of goji berries can counteract the effects of aging, like loss of vision and skin elasticity

"Goji berries contain higher levels of both beta-carotene and iron than either carrots or spinach"


Insulin and disease

Date: August 21, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Insulin and disease

Many health problems, and especially cancer and heart disease are caused by an imbalance of insulin, due to poor diet. We eat far too much sugar and too many carbohydrates. This leads to insulin resistance, which, in turn, leads to heart disease, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, and diabetes. It also raises blood pressure because when we are insulin resistant our bodies cannot store magnesium, which is needed to relax the walls of the blood vessels. Dr. Michael Cutler has written a book, "The Insulin Factor" which explains how to get your insulin back in balance, through diet. This will help us to live longer, healthier lives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Excessive eating disrupts the body’s metabolic system and produces conditions which can lead to cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • Insulin problems lay at the root of most serious health conditions, including cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and more.
  • Insulin problems are directly related to the problems associated with aging, and determine how our bodies age over time

"Centenarian studies show no health consistency at all except that all the centenarians have relatively low insulin (sugar) for their age and they all have low triglycerides for their age."

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How To Get Long Hair, Thick Hair and Healthy Hair | Garlic Hair Oil For Extreme Hair Growth

Date: July 29, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How To Get Long Hair, Thick Hair and Healthy Hair | Garlic Hair Oil For Extreme Hair Growth

Putting different kinds of oils in your hair can be good for it. Garlic oil is one of the choices you can go with. It can help your hair grow longer and thicker, and will also help it stay healthy so it keeps on growing for a long time. Luxurious hair can be very beautiful and will be oticed way more than scraggly hair which is dry and brittle. No one wants to run their fingers through that.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some common causes of hair loss include acute stress, biology, aging, diet, and hair damage due to exposure to harsh chemicals like those found in most hair dyes
  • You can get long, luscious hair through treatments of garlic oil made with garlic cloves and carrier oil. Just know that this isn’t the same as garlic essential oil
  • If the garlic oil treatment is too strong, there are alternative solutions available that you can try in order to still get the healthy, lovely hair you seek

"If this is a bit too hippy (and smell) for you, don't worry, there are plenty of modernised recipes for garlic oil hair treatments."


Get Rid Of Gray Hair And Cover Them Naturally With This New Method!!

Date: July 14, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Get Rid Of Gray Hair And Cover Them Naturally With This New Method!!

We are all trying to look younger than we really are. Many of us color our hair to keep the gray away, but there is a natural option that works on dark colored hair that might be more appealing. Using coffee and black tea, along with water, you can create a concoction that can be sprayed on hair and will help cover gray. This can be done once a week to keep the dark color. It might be a better option for some since it uses no chemicals and will not damage the hair like hair dyes will. Try it to see if it's appropriate for your needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gray hairs are a natural part of the human life cycle.
  • Hair graying is associated with aging, and isn't something you need to accept.
  • There are ways to knock out the gray hairs with natural techniques. You need to read the steps in order to get the technique down perfect, though.

"If you are already one of the people who already has gray hair, we will recommend an excellent natural recipe to cover the hair in a natural way."


Keto Diet for Women: Benefits, Food List & Tips to Overcome Side Effects

Date: June 06, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Keto Diet for Women: Benefits, Food List & Tips to Overcome Side Effects

While existing somewhat below the radar, the ketogenic, or keto diet, has been around for almost a hundred years. In a nutshell, it requires the follower to get three fourths of their diet from healthy fat sources, a radical shift from the high carb diet prevalent today. Notable as a good way to shed pounds and avoid complications of aging, such as insulin resistance and neurological impairment, the diet’s statistical backup has so far centered mainly around rodents and male humans. Anecdotal evidence does suggest, however, that the diet is beneficial for women undergoing perimenopause and menopause. One practitioner, in particular, advocates combining a keto diet with an alkaline diet, to avoid some of the discomfort users have when undergoing the radical shift in intake. A more alkaline pH is good for the body. So, the combination is a win/win.

Key Takeaways:

  • An alkaline ketogenic diet combined with intermittent fasting has health benefits for women.
  • The combination diet promotes anti-aging, better sleep,and normalizing blood sugar while reaching and maintaining healthy weight.
  • Combining the alkaline with the ketogenic leads to diminished side effects from eating mainly low carb foods.

"Fasting is a key aspect of a healthy diet and has many anti-aging effects."

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Slow Aging by Eating Less

Date: March 01, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Slow aging by Eating Less

There's a multi-billion-dollar industry devoted to products that fight signs of aging, but moisturizers only go skin deep. aging occurs deeper at a cellular level and scientists have found that eating less can slow this cellular process. Recent research published in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics offers one glimpse into how cutting calories impacts aging inside a cell. The researchers found that when ribosomes the cell's protein makers slow down, the aging process slows too. The decreased speed lowers production but gives ribosomes extra time to repair themselves.

Key Takeaways:

  • One cell part, the ribosome, is responsible for the production or synthesis of that necessary protein.
  • Researchers have found a correlation between the aging process and the speed with which ribosomes work.
  • If the ribosomes slow down it appears to give them more time to repair themselves

"Researchers have found a correlation between the aging process and the speed with which ribosomes work."




Toxins in Your Fast-Food Packaging?

Date: February 06, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Toxins in Your Fast-Food Packaging?

Fast food isn’t exactly known for its health benefits, but a new U.S. study suggests even the packaging may be harmful. That’s because the study found one-third of fast food packaging contains chemicals that give it stain-resistant, water-repellant and nonstick properties. The trouble is these fluorinated chemicals have also been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers, hormone problems, high cholesterol, obesity and immune suppression in human and animal studies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Testing on more than 400 samples from restaurants nationwide revealed that nearly half of fast-food wrappers and one out of five paperboard food boxes contained detectable levels of fluorine, said lead researcher Laurel Schaider. She's an environmental chemist at the Silent Spring Institute in Newton, Mass.
  • Previous studies have linked some fluorinated chemicals such as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) to kidney and testicular cancer, low birth weight, thyroid disease, decreased sperm quality, pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, and immune system problems in children, the study authors said in background notes.
  • Major U.S. manufacturers voluntarily phased out PFOA and PFOS for most uses starting in 2011, but other countries still produce them. These study results show that fluorinated chemicals are still widely present in food packaging, the authors said.

"Major U.S. manufacturers voluntarily phased out PFOA and PFOS for most uses starting in 2011, but other countries still produce them."




Lingzhi mushrooms combat aging, disease and even cancer

Date: January 04, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lingzhi mushrooms combat aging, disease and even cancer

This article is a very informative article on how Lingzhi mushrooms can help prevent one from getting diseases such as cancer and that it also helps to combat cancer and aging. The mushroom has specific oils inside and outside of it and it could help the body of human when the processing mechanism within the body is enabled. This will prevent aging, but can not stop it, only help delay it.

Key Takeaways:

  • In ancient holistic medicine practices, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the full-grown mushroom was dried, cut into slices and then boiled in hot water and steeped to make a healing tea or soup.
  • As well as being bitter, Lingzhi mushrooms have a tough, woody texture; for this reason, they are used rather for their medicinal properties than for their nutritional value
  • These enzymes not only play a crucial role in digestion, but they also help to break down toxins, fight cancer-causing free radicals and increase the liver’s metabolic efficiency.

"Lingzhi mushrooms have a remarkable diversity of genes coding for cytochrome P450 enzymes. These enzymes not only play a crucial role in digestion, but they also help to break down toxins, fight cancer-causing free radicals and increase the liver’s metabolic efficiency."




A number of skin problems can be improved with the right vitamins

Date: December 06, 2016 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A number of skin problems can be improved with the right vitamins

Skin problems are not only unsightly, they can really disturb your mental peace. Did you know that many a time just an improved nutrient intake will fix many skin problems? Make sure you are getting your daily requirement of vitamins A, B, C, E and K. No need to stockpile pills – natural vegetables and fruits are a great source for all these vitamins.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamins are the key to having healthy skin, as they are for any other vital organ. Deficiencies in essential vitamins can, of course, lead to issues with the skin, including acne and other conditions.
  • Vitamin A deficiency can cause skin to appear dull and become flaky. It can even contribute to psoriasis and pimple-formation. Some good sources of vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, raw milk and dark, leafy greens.
  • Vitamin C deficient skin is more susceptible to the effects of aging, such as wrinkling or the development of hyper-pigmented areas.

"Vitamins are the key to having healthy skin, as they are for any other vital organ. Deficiencies in essential vitamins can, of course, lead to issues with the skin, including acne and other conditions. While all vitamins are important, some are more important to healthy skin."



Wheatgrass - A Superfood To Improve Your Energy Levels

Date: August 15, 2015 01:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Wheatgrass - A Superfood To Improve Your Energy Levels

The most nutritious of all cereal grasses is wheatgrass.  It is richest in nutrients when it is grown in clean soil and just before the development of its stem. The most interesting factor is that it does not contain gluten. This article aims to list some of the health benefits of wheatgrass and how it can boost energy levels.)

Wheatgrass contains over 90 minerals including Mg, Ca, Na, etc. It has a rich concentration of alkaline minerals.  It contains a number of enzymes such as Lipase (splits fat), Amylase (helps in digestion), Protease (helps to digest protein), and Transhydrogenase (strengthens the heart muscle,etc. , among others).

Wheatgrass contains high doses of vitamin C, almost twice the amount of Vitamin A as in carrots and a full complement of B vitamins.  A teaspoon of wheatgrass powder is nutritionally equivalent to 50 g of spinach salad and supplies an equivalent amount of energy.  Wheatgrass contains 19 amino acids.

Benefits of Taking Wheatgrass

Containing a high number of enzymes vitamins and minerals, it boosts vitality and energy levels. It enhances detoxification and aids in maintaining the correct acid-alkaline base in the body. The high vitamin content helps to increase endurance and stamina levels in the body. Chlorophyll contained in the wheatgrass works to increase production of hemoglobin in the body. With increased blood circulation, the body’s metabolism is improved with increased energy levels. Chlorophyll also serves to alkalize the blood. This slows down aging, increases energy levels, and slow down/prevent degenerative diseases such as arthritis and gout.

The B vitamins and iron in wheatgrass reduce tiredness and fatigue and give way for a more energy in their place. The quick and easy absorption of wheatgrass also contributes to effective assimilation of the nutrients that it contains in the body.


Wrapping up, wheatgrass is one of nature’s most nourishing superfoods that you can lay your hands on.

// More


What are the Health Benefits of Beta-Glucans

Date: December 22, 2014 04:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the Health Benefits of Beta-Glucans

mushroom beta-glucan

What are Beta-glucans?

Beta glucan is a biological response modifier that nutritionally activates the immune response through the Dendritic, Macrophage and other immune cells to produce various therapeutic effects.

Beta-glucans are sugars found in the cell walls of algae, fungi, lichens, bacteria, yeasts, and plants, such as oats and barley. They can be use as medicine.

Benefits of beta-glucan

Beta-glucans are use for cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and high cholesterol. Beta-glucans are also use for boosting the immune system in people whose body defenses have been weakens by emotional or physical stress, chronic fatigue syndrome or by treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. Beta-glucans are also used for ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, aging, H1N1 flu, Lyme disease, allergies, fibromyalgia, ear infections, rheumatoid, asthma and crohn's disease.

Beta-glucans is applied to the skin for wrinkles, dermatitis, burns, eczema, bedsores, radiation burns, wounds and diabetic ulcers.

Beta-glucans can be given by injection into the muscle or intravenously to boost the immune system in people with HIV/AIDS and related conditions and to treat cancer. Beta glucans are also given intravenously to prevent infection in people who have undergone surgery.

Beta-glucans can be given by subcutaneously for reducing the size of skin tumors or for treating them.

In the food industry, beta-glucans are used as an additive in products such as cheese spreads, frozen desserts, salad dressings and sour cream.

Adding beta-glucans to your diet either in form of foods that contain the compound or in form of food supplements plays a significant role in boosting your immune system to help your body fight diseases.

How does beta-glucans work?

When taken by mouth, Beta-glucans lower blood cholesterol by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol from food in the intestines and stomach. Beta-glucans stimulate the immune system by increasing chemicals that prevent infections when given by injection.

Studies by leading scientists and medical experts have shown that Beta-glucans act as immunomodulator agents by triggering events that regulate and increase the efficiency of the immune system. Beta-glucans stimulate the activity of immune cells that attack and ingest invading pathogens.

Immune cells such as Macrophages release cytokines that are chemicals that enable immune cells to communicate with each other. In addition, Beta-glucans increase the activity of white blood cells that bind to viruses or tumors, and release chemicals to destroy it. Beta-glucan is a biological response modifier that nutritionally activates the immune response through the Dendritic, Macrophage and other immune cells to produce various therapeutic effects.

The potential side effects of Beta-glucan when taken by mouth are unknown. When used by injection, Beta-glucans can cause fever, pain at the injection site, chills, vomiting, headache, nausea, dizziness, rashes, diarrhea, back pain, joint pain and low blood pressure.

Where does Beta-glucan come from?

The body does not produce Beta-glucan naturally; you can only get it from outside sources such as shiitake mushrooms, baker’s yeast and cereal grains such as wheat, oats, barley and rye.

The most potent form of beta glucan is extracted as a purified isolate from the yeast cell wall of Baker's yeast with harmful yeast proteins removed by a process that prevent clumping or reaggregation after exposure to water during digestion. Research has shown that Beta- glucan is a safe and potent immune potentiation isolate.

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What are the health benefits of organic Cacao?

Date: April 24, 2014 02:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the health benefits of organic Cacao?

Do you know what Cacao and some of its health benefits are?

What is a cacao

Cacao is a kind of a tropical tree, which is part of the evergreen family that produces chocolate from its seeds in its raw state; that is before both sugar, and fats or some other forms of sweeteners are added to it.

First, some of the benefits for finding the Cacao tree are that the cacao tree is grown under the shade of much bigger and different trees thus having a very profound effect on the Cacao seeds, which instead tends to be more potent and higher in antioxidants. The Cacao tree comes in different species that is Forastero, Trinitario and Caffeine. Cacao is used to describe both the seeds and the tree as well as the pods which holds the actual Cacao seeds/ beans which are also known as nibs. Well, the terms Cocoa and Cacao were often interchangeably used mistakenly to mean a similar thing. However, both the terms are used to differentiate different parts of the process and ingredients where Cocoa refers to the processed and sweetened Cacao.

When the Cacao seeds without the shells are crushed and liquified into what is known as chocolate liquor, a dark chocolate is therefore created. Dark chocolate, which is synonymous with pure chocolate, exhibits a more powerful and a stronger effect of this health enhancing ingredients. The organic Cacao nibs’ offers a real chocolate treat as they are crunchy, flavorful and packed with powerful nutrients and antioxidants as well as natural mood lifters. Cacao in its raw form is regarded as the most potent and provides many benefits as it is packed with lots of nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants, essential minerals, Phenylethylamine and many more. This therefore makes Cacao either to act as multivitamin or to be regarded as super food.

Benefits of cacao

Although the Cacao nibs produces chocolate which when taken in very large quantities may prove to be very dense in calories thus being unhealthy. However, when taken in moderation this product can be highly nutritious while providing numerous health benefits such as intestinal regularity, heart and blood vessels as well as blood sustained sugar levels not to mention lowering of cholesterol, boosting cognitive performance, providing antidepressant benefits, elevating ones mood by boosting ones endorphin's. Cacao also contains poly phenols and more oxidants per cup which when taken offers the body a chance to fight cancer, aging, heart diseases.

Additionally, some of the nutritional and health value that are offered by the Cacao arises from some of the beneficial ingredients such as Theobromine which is a mild stimulant to offer a diuretic effect hence helping to push toxins out of one's body. This helps to enhance one's mood. The Phenylethylamine on the other hand also acts to enhance a person’s mood making one to feel a sense of well being. Cacao increases the level of serotonin that one's brain produces which is a feel good hormone. Other essential minerals that are also found in Cacao include magnesium, Iron, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium while the essential vitamins that one will receive from Cacao are vitamin A,B1,2,3 and C,E as well as the Pantothenic  acid.


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What are the health benefits of organic Cacao?

Date: April 24, 2014 02:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the health benefits of organic Cacao?

cacao plantDo you know what Cacao and some of its health benefits are?

What is a cacao

Cacao is a kind of a tropical tree, which is part of the evergreen family that produces chocolate from its seeds in its raw state; that is before both sugar, and fats or some other forms of sweeteners are added to it.

First, some of the benefits for finding the Cacao tree are that the cacao tree is grown under the shade of much bigger and different trees thus having a very profound effect on the Cacao seeds, which instead tends to be more potent and higher in antioxidants. The Cacao tree comes in different species that is Forastero, Trinitario and Caffeine. Cacao is used to describe both the seeds and the tree as well as the pods which holds the actual Cacao seeds/ beans which are also known as nibs. Well, the terms Cocoa and Cacao were often interchangeably used mistakenly to mean a similar thing. However, both the terms are used to differentiate different parts of the process and ingredients where Cocoa refers to the processed and sweetened Cacao.

When the Cacao seeds without the shells are crushed and liquified into what is known as chocolate liquor, a dark chocolate is therefore created. Dark chocolate, which is synonymous with pure chocolate, exhibits a more powerful and a stronger effect of this health enhancing ingredients. The organic Cacao nibs’ offers a real chocolate treat as they are crunchy, flavorful and packed with powerful nutrients and antioxidants as well as natural mood lifters. Cacao in its raw form is regarded as the most potent and provides many benefits as it is packed with lots of nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants, essential minerals, Phenylethylamine and many more. This therefore makes Cacao either to act as multivitamin or to be regarded as super food.

Benefits of cacao

Although the Cacao nibs produces chocolate which when taken in very large quantities may prove to be very dense in calories thus being unhealthy. However, when taken in moderation this product can be highly nutritious while providing numerous health benefits such as intestinal regularity, heart and blood vessels as well as blood sustained sugar levels not to mention lowering of cholesterol, boosting cognitive performance, providing antidepressant benefits, elevating ones mood by boosting ones endorphin's. Cacao also contains poly phenols and more oxidants per cup which when taken offers the body a chance to fight cancer, aging, heart diseases.

Additionally, some of the nutritional and health value that are offered by the Cacao arises from some of the beneficial ingredients such as Theobromine which is a mild stimulant to offer a diuretic effect hence helping to push toxins out of one's body. This helps to enhance one's mood. The Phenylethylamine on the other hand also acts to enhance a person’s mood making one to feel a sense of well being. Cacao increases the level of serotonin that one's brain produces which is a feel good hormone. Other essential minerals that are also found in Cacao include magnesium, Iron, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium while the essential vitamins that one will receive from Cacao are vitamin A,B1,2,3 and C,E as well as the Pantothenic  acid.


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Does Ubiquinol Get Absorbed Better Than Regular CoQ10

Date: November 06, 2013 08:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does Ubiquinol Get Absorbed Better Than Regular CoQ10

 Benefits is Ubiquinol

Ubiquinol can be described as reduced form of CoQ10 (Ubiquinone). For an individual to benefit from the type of nutrient that is needed for producing cellular energy and reduce signs of aging, the body has to convert ubiquinone to ubiquinol. Studies have shown that it gets absorbed better than CoQ10. It is also known to reduce exercise induced fatigue by around 90% when compared with Ubiquinone. This is probably because CoQ10 has a chemical nature that undergoes “redox chemistry”. This implies that it flips back and forth between not having and having two additional electrons.

Importance of Ubiquinol to Human Body

This is a very important part of the human body because it transports flow of electrons that permits chemical energy to be harnessed down a gradient. This is normally the last stage where food is converted to energy to fuel the body. Ubiquinol on the other hand is the form where these extra electrons are reduced when speaking in chemistry terms. Although there is a small difference between the two, it really has big implications as this is exactly what makes it to be more absorbable in the intestines. In addition to this, the body prefers this form to perform the transport function of the blood. 

It is important to note that Ubiquinol was introduced to the market when Kaneka discovered techniques on how to stabilize the ingredient in 2006. From then, it has become an ingredient in numerous products. Various findings also show that it is the preferred form when it comes to ingestion. There are some studies that also show that this form is beneficial for patients who are suffering from advanced stage cardiac disorders. This is because it is absorbed much easily and also shows potential for greater clinical benefit. Manufactures are also looking into new and more advanced methods that will be used to make sure that it can be absorbed more easily than before.


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What Are The Health Benefits Of The Amino Acid Glutathione?

Date: January 30, 2013 12:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of The Amino Acid Glutathione?

Glutathione is a naturally occurring substance produced by the liver that acts as a very good antioxidant. Apart from being produced in the body, glutathione is also found in some fruits and vegetables, and also detoxifies and boosts the human immune system. Glutathione is a very exciting and important discovery, as it can do all this, and much more. Experts who have been researching glutathione over the years have found out that it can also treat and repair the damage caused to the body by various factors like pollution, radiation, poor diet, stress, drugs, aging, burns, injury, trauma and infection. Glutathione is found in almost every cell of the body, and acts as a very important antioxidant. It is also found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Anyone with a decent diet should not have to worry about not having enough glutathione in their system.

What is it that glutathione does for your body, anyway?

Well, to put it simply, glutathione helps keep your cells functioning properly. It also assists the liver in freeing the body of foreign agents like chemicals and pollutants. You might dismiss glutathione as not being of much importance, but its actual role comes into effect when you become severely ill. Not enough glutathione in your body can deteriorate chances of recovery, as it is essential in keeping your cells together and in good condition.

There are oral glutathione supplements available for people who don't have enough of it in their body. It has many health benefits like fighting against various diseases and aging. Some of the diseases where glutathione has been proved to effectively act include high blood pressure, cataracts, Parkinson's disease, cancer, male infertility and Alzheimer's disease. It is thus evident how beneficial glutathione is for the human body. Research is being done to explore the possibility of glutathione treating cancer, and some progress has been obtained. If we can successfully treat cancer with this powerful antioxidant, it will be a medical miracle.


Why Is Acai, Goji, Pomegranate, Noni And Mangosteen Called Super Fruits?

Date: January 15, 2013 04:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Is Acai, Goji, Pomegranate, Noni And Mangosteen Called Super Fruits?

Health Benefits Of Super Fruits

"Super fruits" is an idiom that is frequently used to refer fruits that have extraordinary antioxidant and nutrient qualities and provides benefits over and above the basic nutrition. Exotic fruits such as acai berries, goji berries, mangosteen, noni and pomegranate have earned this distinguished status. These fruits have exceptional amounts of vitamins, antioxidants and phytochemicals that play a significant role in preventing various diseases.

Each of these super fruits restrains its own distinctive set of properties that prove to be extremely beneficial for the overall health of the body.

Health Benefits Associated With Super Fruits:

Acai Berry:

Acai berry is a rich source of dietary fiber, protein and a compound called anthocyanins. It also includes high levels of omega-6 as well as omega-9 fatty acids, which are believed to have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and heart. In addition, the anthocyanins compound present in the acai berry helps in lowering the blood cholesterol level.


This fruit is abundantly grown in south Asian and due to its fine flavor it is also referred to as "The Queen of Fruits". Mangosteen retains high levels of phytochemicals known as xanthones that offer this fruit a unique medicinal property which is not found in other common fruits. Mangosteen also includes other powerful natural compounds such as polysaccharides, catechins, quinones, polyphenols and stilbenes. Each of these compounds are believed to be effectual in preventing diseases such as, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, kidney stones, glaucoma, cataract, Alzheimer's, neuralgia etc. The fruit is also used to treat aging, depression, obesity, allergies, skin diseases, ulcers, fevers, diarrhea and pain.


Noni juice is known to restrain more than 150 nutrients, including protein, all the essential amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E, minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium and potassium, polysaccharides, phytonutrients and digestive enzymes. Noni is one of the most unique super fruits. Noni juice can help to normalize blood sugar levels; decrease inflammation, arthritis and joint pain; enhance digestive function, cleanse colon, remove parasites; reduce irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, constipation and menstrual cramps; prevents gastric ulcers; relives pain, mental depression and atherosclerosis.

Goji Berry Juice:

This miraculous berry is rich in polysaccharides. It also includes fiber, 18 amino acids, 21 minerals, Vitamins A, C, B, & E, protein and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Goji juice is a potent antioxidant that prevents premature aging. It also stabilizes molecules called free radicals that damage the DNA and gives rise to several diseases. Moreover, Goji juice helps in reducing the risk of cancer by averting DNA mutation, curtailing growth of tumors and by managing the peroxidation of lipids. This distinctive fruit helps to relieve insomnia and headache, improve functions of the heart, assist in digestion, aid to regulate weight, promote sexual health, improve fertility, enhance memory functions, and alleviate dry cough.


Pomegranate is one of the oldest known super fruits. It is rich in vitamins A, B and C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, calcium and sodium. Pomegranates are very high in dietary fiber which boosts the digestive system. Additionally, medical evidences reveal that a unique amalgamation of polyphenols found in pomegranate helps to lower LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood which eventually benefits the heart. Moreover, pomegranate's natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties aid to slow down the development of cancer especially, prostate and lung cancer.

Overall, super fruits are extremely valuable for our body due to its high anti-oxidant and nutrient content that helps to reinforce the body's natural defenses and make it healthier and less prone to most type of diseases.


Benefits Of Zeaxanthin

Date: February 07, 2012 08:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits Of Zeaxanthin

With aging, our eyes and the associated muscles weaken. They can degenerate and lose our ability to see properly. Eyes enable us with vision to see the world, and losing the eyesight will halt affect our daily activities and movements. People are frequently worried about losing their sight, and try to find supplements that can prevent the loss of vision. However, this debility can be prevented.

Supplements should be ideally be all natural, healthy, and with no side effects. Zeaxanthin is an important nutrient for eye health. This is found in found in green leafy vegetables, and also in other foods like eggs. Zeaxanthin fulfills most of the requirements that most people look in a supplement.


Zeaxanthin and lutein are carotenoids that filter out the harmful high-energy wavelengths of light, and also act as antioxidants in the eye. This helps to maintain and protect healthy eye cells. Out of the six hundred carotenoids found in nature, only these two, Zeaxanthin and Lutein are deposited in high quantities in the retina (macula) of the eye. Unfortunately, our body does not synthesize the zeaxanthin and lutein it requires.

This is the reason why green vegetables, eggs and other sources of these carotenoids are essential to proper nutrition. Daily intake of zeaxanthin and lutein through diet, beverages, fortified foods or nutritional supplements and is very important for the protection and continuation of good eye health.

Studies have indicated that zeaxanthin and lutein can help to lessen the chance of chronic eye illnesses, including cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Zeaxanthin, is also a bioflavonoid, that besides its benefits to ocular health, has been linked to providing many health benefits, including its anti-inflammatory property. Because of zeaxanthin being a carotenoid category bioflavonoid, its main action is over the blood vessels; it works by supporting the blood vessels around the retina area with their proper function.


Zeaxanthin is both an anti-inflammatory phytochemical and an antioxidant; hence this has been used as a preventative measure for macular degeneration and cataracts. Its antioxidant properties keep eyes from being damaged from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sunlight. Overall, zeaxanthin keeps the eye healthier, and looking younger.

ZEAXANTHIN AGAINST CATARACT: Our natural eye collects and focuses light on the retina, and to properly provide this function continuously, the lens must remain clear throughout life. A major cause of cataracts is oxidation of the lens, which clouds it. Antioxidant nutrients, like zeaxanthin and lutein neutralize the free radicals or the unstable molecules associated with this oxidative stress associated with retinal damage. Thus, these phytochemicals play a role in cataract prevention. Higher dietary intakes of vitamin E, zeaxanthin and lutein can considerably reduce the risk of cataract formation.

ZEAXANTHIN AGAINST AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION (AMD): Zeaxanthin and lutein reduces the risk of AMD. In fact, studies like AREDS2 (Age-Related Eye Disease Study) are being conducted with supplements containing ten mg lutein along with two mg zeaxanthin each day, how it affects or lowers the chance of developing this degeneration.


Zeaxanthin is naturally found in some green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach. Other sources of zeaxanthin include egg yolk, yellow squash and bell-peppers. This makes zeaxanthin available as a completely natural nutrient, with no side effects.


Free Radicals And Cancer, How Do I Combat Free Radicals?

Date: October 12, 2011 01:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Free Radicals And Cancer, How Do I Combat Free Radicals?

Free Radicals Overview

Free radicals, just the very sound of those words are so dreaded in so many consultation clinics around the country today, this substance has mainly been linked to cancer and its proliferation but what else is there to know about free radicals and cancer. This is what we will be looking at as we go along this article. These free radicals are organic molecules which are primarily the cause for aging, damaged tissues, and a variety of diseases. The main property that causes them to bind with other molecules in the body there by causing damage is because it is unstable. This is the non-stop process that these molecules will do, destroy cells, takes away its vigor and initiate this pro aging process. In a way it is the natural order of things, our world is filled with so many unstable molecules and just like us, there survival instincts kick in and they have to keep stable. Outside the body, that’s all good, no harm for us, but when the same process occurs inside that’s where our own survival instincts come in and helps us think of ways to stop this process of degeneration. With this degeneration process of cells being damaged, it is not far fetch to see these free radicals as the cause of some disease most especially Cancer.


Cancer has been a close second as the top killing disease in America for the past few years now, 2011 is not over yet so there is no ranking out but my guess is, the top 2 will most likely be the same with number one still being heart disease. Cancer is basically characterized by out of control cell growth. There are many classifications of cancer and one thing remains constant, it is characterized or named based on what type of cells it began to damage to cause the eventual cancer. For many of us out there what we do not want to here are malignant tumors in the body and this can occur based on 2 things, when cancerous cells spreads around the body through the bloodstream which is often referred to as an invasion process and the second is when the cancerous cells divide and grow leaving tissues metastasized in a process called mestastasis. Tumors grow and uncontrollably which are lumps of masses that interfere with our normal bodily functions and causes systems to crash like our digestive and nervous systems just to name a few.

The Answer:Antioxidant

Antioxidants has been well known to be one of the best ways to fight cancer, present in many foods, these molecules does its handy work against cancer by going to the source. More research needs to be done in its healing effects but as an effective treatment it has been proven to be an integral part in minimizing further proliferation of damaged cells. Antioxidants have been shown to have an amazing characteristic against free radicals and that it plays an integral role in killing these cell damaging molecules in the body.

List of antioxidants:

This by far a complete list, but it will get you get started with an antioxidant program to help prevent disease caused by free radical damage.


Fight Inflammation, Gastric Problems, and Arthritis with Boswellia

Date: June 14, 2011 11:49 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Inflammation, Gastric Problems, and Arthritis with Boswellia

How Does Boswellia Fight Inflammation.

Boswellia fights inflammation through the action of a family of anti-inflammatory terpenes known as boswellic acids. Inflammation is a natural reaction of your immune system to tissue damage and infection, and is often associated with conditions such as arthritis, sports damage to bones and joints and bacterial infections caused by cuts and grazes. There are more serious inflammatory conditions of course, such as asthma, and boswellic acids act in the same way as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) without their unwelcome side effects.Solaray Boswellia Resin Extract

Among the causes of inflammation are inflammatory mediators such as leukotrienes, the biosynthesis of which is blocked by boswellia. Another is the 5-lipoxygenase enzyme, also known as LOX-5, and again, the terpenoid anti-inflammatory boswellic acids block this so that the causes of inflammation in the above conditions are severely restricted. Boswellia extract is a good supplement to take for those suffering any form of arthritis, joint pain or even asthma.

Using Boswellia to treat Arthritis

Boswellia can be used to treat both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, although rheumatoid arthritis is not always easy to control. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition, in the case of osteoarthritis the inflammation being a natural response to joint damage and infection of the synovial fluid generally caused by wear and tear on the joint with aging, and also by sports injuries.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of immune disease caused by the body attacking its own joints, and while the terpenoid anti-oxidants known as boswellic acids can help to mediate the pain and other symptoms, it can do nothing to cure the condition.

If you are suffering pain through arthritis, and your joins are tender and swollen, a supplement consisting of an extract of boswellia or its terpenes can help to relieve these symptoms and to offer pain relief equivalent to that offered by synthetic NSAIDs such as aspirin and Ibuprofen.

Gastric Problems and Arthritis Pain? Perhaps Boswellia Can Help

Extracts and supplements based on the resins of the boswellia tree are commonly used to treat inflammatory conditions, and reduce the severe pain of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, ease the discomfort of colitis and also help ease the symptoms of those suffering asthma. Each of these is an inflammatory condition that would otherwise have been treated using NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

NSAIDs have a number of side effects, being particularly unsuitable for those with ulcers or any other gastric problem. The terpenoids contained in boswellia extract an effective alternative to these drugs that many try to avoid taking. Long-term use of boswellia appears a lot safer than long-term use of NSAIDs, since it doesn't promote the severe gastric problems of these synthetic drugs, such as irritation of the stomach lining or even ulcers. If you already have ulcers or other gastric problems then NSAIDs area define no-no for you, and boswellia is the ideal substitute.

Grab some boswellia today and experience relief for your self!


How Does Selenium Support Your Immune System?

Date: June 13, 2011 01:32 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Selenium Support Your Immune System?

Selenium And Your Health.

Selenium is a trace element that may or may not be take in sufficient quantities in your diet. However, selenium supplements are available in quantities that would ensure you did not suffer an overdose. Whether you need such a supplement or not depends on your diet, and on your daily consumption of fish, red meat and chicken, eggs and grains. Solaray - Selenium 100mcg

So why is selenium so important? Apart from it now appearing to help protect you from some cancers, and its properties as an antioxidant protecting your heart and your cells from premature aging, selenium helps to support your immune system. Without a healthy immune system you would fall prey to every virus, bacterium, fungus and other pathogen that decided to attack your body.

Selenium is an important factor in the formation of antibodies against these invading pathogens, but it also has another role to play. It is currently under investigation for its potential to fight HIV, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus that can eventually lead to AIDS. It is already known that selenium can prevent the reactivation of latent herpes viruses that cause shingles and cold sores, and it is also under investigation for its effects on the HIV virus.

Selenium supports your immune system in ways other than these, and it is important that you maintain a good intake in your daily diet.

Try Some Selenium Today And Feel The Difference!


The Health Benefits of Turmeric

Date: January 27, 2011 05:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a member of the ginger family, often called Indian saffron because of its use as a yellow dye, particularly in cookery. The spice comes from boiled turmeric rhizomes that are dried and then ground into a fine powder. Its main active ingredient is curcumin, which offers a number of medicinal uses including its traditional use in Ayurvedic medicine as an antibacterial antiseptic for cuts and burns. It also possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties and is used to treat the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and other disorders of the digestive system.

Turmeric is strongly antioxidant and neutralizes the free radicals that can accelerate the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and liver spots, and it is also believed to be effective in treating some cancers, although more research is needed on these potential properties. Turmeric is a good liver tonic, helping to protect it from certain toxins such as alcohols that destroy liver cells of taken in excess. It also helps to reduce the incidence of blood clots due to its anti-platelet properties, and it is little wonder that in traditional Ayurvedic medicine using turmeric was regarded as a sign of wealth, and a means of curing most ailments.


NADH 10 mg And 20 mg Enhanced with Bioenergy RIBOSE

Date: December 10, 2009 04:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: NADH 10 mg And 20 mg Enhanced with Bioenergy RIBOSE

NADH 10 mg And 20 mg Enhanced with Bioenergy RIBOSE™

NADH is the biologically-active form of vitamin B-3 (niacin), and is involved in a wide range of functions throughout the body. An easier way to understand it, is to think of NADH as a biological spark plug that makes it possible for us to become and remain energetic, active, and functioning at our best. Remove the “spark” and some of the most basic human functions will inevitably suffer. This is not speculation. It is the result of decades of scientific investigation that has examined the link between nutrition and chronic conditions; notably those related to cellular life cycles and apoptosis, excessive fatigue, enzyme decline, free radical expansion, cognitive disparity, intracellular balance, normalized aging, and many more important aspects of human health.*

Based on a wealth of ongoing studies, we have a great understanding of the benefits of NADH. Not only is it an effective source of cellular energy, it is also one the body’s versatile electron donors—the molecule most frequently degraded during oxidation. Because of these characteristics NADH is, however, also very unstable with regard to light and oxygen, which leads to a very rapid loss of overall effectiveness. Additionally, poor lifestyle choices, such as the use of tobacco, excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs, and prescription medications, sleep deprivation, genetically-engineered foods, and a host of others can all inhibit the activity of NADH within the body. Hope is not lost, however.

NOW® NADH contains a patented form of NADH from Panmol® - the first natural stabilized, stomach acidresistant form of this unique vitamin B3 supplement. Panmol® uses a patented process to naturally preserve its effectiveness. The end result is a highly stable, and bioavailable NADH which can easily withstand the harsh, acidic environment of the stomach and digestive tract; a breakthrough in the battle against many of todays’ most chronic conditions. NOW® NADH is available in both 10 and 20 mg potencies. Both varieties have been further enhanced with 200 mg of Bioenergy RIBOSE™ to support its cellular energy support properties.*

Who Stands to Benefit from NADH

With a proper supply of amino acids and/or B3 vitamins (niacin) the human body is, in fact, capable of producing a limited reserve of NADH. Under chronic strain however, the body’s need for NADH increases. As we age, the body’s ability to manufacture NADH becomes increasingly limited. With this in mind, the following groups stand to benefit the most from incorporating NOW® NADH into their supplement regimen.

• Those who work in stressful, cognitively-demanding professions
• Individuals who frequently struggle with fatigue
• People who have difficultly focusing on routine tasks
• Older and elderly individuals
• Those who want to maintain a high level of mental alertness
• Professionals who travel extensively for business
• Those who experience jet-lag after long flights


Ginseng, Its Good For The Body

Date: October 05, 2009 11:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginseng, Its Good For The Body

Ginseng, one of the oldest and most beneficial herbs in the world, is probably the most popular herb used in traditional medicine. It was rated the highest and most potent of herbs in Shen-Nung’’s Pharmacopoeia in AD 206-220. People in northern China began using ginseng thousands of years ago. Early herbalists recognized the shape of ginseng as resembling a human figure, feeling this was a sign that the root was important for healing the entire body. Often, ginseng is referred to as the “man root” and is often the subject of many legends and fold history. The Chinese revered the ginseng root so highly that they even fought wars over the land used for growing this herb.

There are many different types of the ginseng plant that are grown throughout the world and used for traditional medicine. All of the most common species of plants known as ginseng have similar reactions in the body. Ginseng has often been referred to as an adaptogen herb, helping to normalize and adjust the body. This herb also restores and regulates natural immune response. Ginseng helps produce adjustments as needed in the body without side effects or harm. This herb has been used to help normalize blood pressure. This adaptogen helps to modify the effects of the environmental and internal stresses from various sources like chemical pollutants, radiation, some poisons, weather, temperature changes, poor diet and exercise, and emotional stress. Used for many ailments, ginseng is thought of as a universal cure-all, promoting longevity in general.

A great variety of studies have been done in many countries to determine the effectiveness of ginseng. In some instances, incomplete results have occurred. However, there have been enough credible studies done to now determine that high-quality ginseng plants do contain active constituents that are very beneficial to the body. Research has even shown that the roots are effective against bronchitis and heart disease.

There has been a lot of interest in the alleged aphrodisiac effects of ginseng. Often marketed as a sexual stimulant, the results of most studies have been inconclusive. Ginseng does increase the sperm count. For thousands of years, ginseng has been used to strengthen the male reproductive system. It is highly recommended alone or in combinations for both male and female health.

Ginseng contains at least thirteen known triterpenoid saponins, which are referred to as ginsenosides. These are thought to be the most important active constituents. Many other minor components have been isolated as well. The age, location, species, and curing method of each plant effects the composition. Some of the plants tend toward stimulating and warming effects, while others have relaxing and cooling effects.

The root of the ginseng plant is used to provide adaptogen, alterative, aphrodisiac, stimulant, and stomachic properties. Primarily, ginseng is extremely beneficial in dealing with age spots, appetite loss, asthma, high blood pressure, and depression, lack of endurance, fatigue, fevers, hemorrhage, hormone imbalance, sexual stimulation, and stress.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating aging, anemia, bleeding, blood diseases, bronchitis, and cancer, lack of concentration, gastric disorders, indigestion, inflammation, impotence, insomnia, liver disorders, and lung disorders. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by ginseng, please contact a representative from your local health food store.


Ginkgo Biloba

Date: October 01, 2009 11:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginkgo Biloba

In the past decade, ginkgo has received much attention. It has been revered throughout China and other areas of Asia for thousands of years. However, its popularity increased in Western countries. An increase in sales can be attributed to interest in the benefits of ginkgo on conditions that are associated with aging like Alzheimer’s, memory loss, dementia, and circulatory disorders. Often, gingko is used to increase the blood flow to the brain, which improves memory problems like Alzheimer’s, to prevent strokes, and to increase blood circulation through vasodialation. The improved circulation is also thought to improve ear conditions, help blood flow to the retina, aid in preventing muscular degeneration, reduce frequency of asthma attacks, and help transplant recipients avoid rejection.

The ability of ginkgo to boost brain function has been studied extensively. Most importantly, ginkgo increases oxygen supply to brain cells, as the brain is the body’s most sensitive organ to oxygen deprivation. Additionally, ginkgo has been used to improve electrical transmission in nerves and supply more oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. The effect that ginkgo has on the brain and circulatory system disorders seems to be extremely promising for a variety of conditions. Ginkgo has also been found to be effective in treating migraine headaches. In one study that took place in 1975, ginkgo extract was given to individuals who were suffering from migraines. Results concluded that eighty percent of the patients showed improvement or were cured of the condition.

Ginkgo extract has also helped dementia that results from poor blood flow to the brain. Senile dementia is often recognized by depression, unusual fatigue, and memory problems. Ginkgo has the ability to help improve circulation to the brain tissue, which in turn improves brain function.

Blood platelet aggregation, or clotting, can cause serious problems in the body. Among these are strokes, heart attacks, and coronary thrombosis. It has been found that ginkgo can reduce the tendency for platelets to stick together and prevent them from forming clots in the arteries and veins.

The brain and nervous system are extremely sensitive to free-radical damage because of the high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids. It has been found that ginkgo’s antioxidant activity is particularly powerful in these areas, along with the eye and retina. This is extremely helpful in conditions like retinopathy, cataracts and macular degeneration. The central nervous system possesses fat lipids in the cell membranes that are typically attracted by free radicals. Ginkgo can help protect these cell membranes and prevent condition which can occur in the brain and nervous system that are often associated with aging, like memory loss.

The leaves of the ginkgo plant are used to provide adaptogen, alterative, antioxidant, antiseptic, and stimulant properties. Primarily, ginkgo is extremely helpful in treating ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, lack of attention span, blood clots, cardiovascular disorders, poor circulation, dementia, dizziness, edema, impotence, inflammation, ischemia, memory loss, lack of mental clarity, multiple sclerosis, muscular degeneration, PMS, Raynaud’s disease, senility, stress, stroke, and tinnitus.

Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with allergies, angina, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, coughs, depression, lack of equilibrium, eye problems, hearing problems, hemorrhoids, lung disorders, migraines, mood swings, toxic shock syndrome, transplant rejection, varicose veins, vascular problems, and vertigo.


Gotu Kola And Memory

Date: September 15, 2009 04:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Gotu Kola And Memory

For centuries, gotu kola has been used in India and the islands of the Indian Ocean as a tonic and medicinal remedy. The herb was thought to increase longevity and improve energy. It was used in ancient days to treat leprosy, calm nerves, increase mental and physical power, stimulate and rejuvenate the brain, prevent nervous disorders, and avoid mental fatigue and senility.

This herb is considered to be one of the best herbal tonics, which is a substance that works to put the body into balance. A tonic makes sure that everything is working properly, while an herbal tonic helps to promote an optimum state in the body systems. This herb is responsible for gradually building the nervous system as a nervous system tonic. Gotu kola has been used for many different maladies, which include nervous disorders, deficient mental function, memory problems, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. The herb works by cleansing and purifying the blood by neutralizing acids and helping the body defend itself against toxins.

Research has found that an ingredient in gotu kola, known as asiaticoside, is responsible for speeding the healing of wounds. This ingredient is considered a blood cleanser and is also effective for diseases of the lungs. The herb stimulates the capillaries and helps to improve brain function, varicose veins, and hypertension.

Gotu kola is often used to increase mental function and performance. A variety of studies have confirmed this herb’s ability to improve brain function. It is often prescribed in Europe and India for this purpose. Studies done in India have found the water extract of fresh leaves helps to improve memory and learning. Additionally, it was found to help overcome the negative effects that are associated with stress and fatigue.

Additional clinical trials in India have found that gotu kola is able to help increase the IQ and mental ability of mentally retarded children. The children that were involved in this study showed improved mental capacity and behavior. This herb was given to children in combination with capsicum and ginseng. This improved behavior and mental capacity can help individuals who have mental and learning disabilities to achieve a higher quality of life.

In ancient times, gotu kola was used to heal wounds and soothe cases of leprosy. One of the first studies done on this herb was with cases of leprosy. The asiaticoside content found in gotu kola has been used for years in Europe and the Far East to cure leprosy and tuberculosis. Recent studies on this herb center more on its healing ability. Gotu kola seems to be able to accelerate the healing of wounds and skin diseases. Additionally, it has been shown to be beneficial in helping repair tissue after surgery and trauma. The herb has the ability to strengthen veins and repair connective tissue, while nourishing the motor neurons.

The entire gotu kola plant is used to provide alterative, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, blood purifier, diuretic, and nervine properties. The primary nutrients in this herb are catechol, epicatechol, magnesium, theobromine, and vitamin K. Primarily, gotu kola is extremely helpful in dealing with aging, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, poor circulation, fatigue, heart problems, hypoglycemia, leprosy, memory loss, mental problems, nervousness, and senility.

Additionally, this herb is beneficial in treating blood impurities, depression, dysentery, fevers, headaches, insomnia, liver ailments, menopausal symptoms, pituitary problems, psoriasis, rheumatism, schizophrenia, thyroid problems, tonsillitis, effects of toxins, tuberculosis, varicose veins, lack of vitality, and wounds. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by gotu kola, please contact a representative from your local health food store.



Date: August 04, 2009 12:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Schizandra

The schizandra plant belongs to the family of the Magnoliaceae family. The herb is a creeping woody vine that is native to both China and Japan. The fruit of the schizandra plant has a sweet, salty, bitter, hot, and sour taste. This explains the Chinese name for it, wu wei zi, which means five taste fruit. The seeds of the schizandra plant are both bitter and pungent. Along with the phytochemicals, schizandra is also rich in minerals, vitamins, and essential oils. Schizandra fruit can be found growing wildly in northern China. There, it has been used as a natural medicine for thousands of years. It is often prescribed by physicians in that region. The herb was listed in a book on pharmacy written in the sixteen century by Li Schizheng. Schizandra is used to increase energy; replenish and nourish the viscera, which are the internal abdominal organs; improve vision; boost muscular activity; and soothe both coughs and digestive upsets. In short, schizandra is an adaptogenic, Asian herb that is gaining popularity throughout the world.

This herb helps the body to heal itself. It can help increase energy in the cells of the brain, muscles, liver, kidney, glands, nerves, and the entire body. Schizandra good for adrenals and stimulates the immune system and protects against free-radical damage, radiation, and the effects of sugar, as well as boosting stamina, normalizing blood sugar and blood pressure, and protecting against infections. This herb has a tonic action on the immune system, as well as other body system. For this reason, it can be taken regularly. Schizandra is able to help protect the body from both viral and bacterial infections.

Scientific research has determined that schizandra is antibacterial, stimulant, and protects the liver against toxins. Problems with the liver can lead to immune disorders because of the buildup of toxins. This herb has also been found to help allergies, depression, and fatigue in mice. The herb has been found to protect against the effects of alcohol in laboratory mice. Additional studies have determined that this herb has a mild regenerative effect on the liver. The herb has been used effectively in China to treat infectious hepatitis. Schizandra seems to have a liver-protective effect that is similar to that of milk thistle extracts.

In short, the berries of the schizandra plant are used to provide alterative, antibacterial, astringent, and sedative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, and vitamin C. Primarily, schizandra is extremely beneficial in treating diabetes, lack of energy, fatigue, impotence, lack of mental alertness, nervous disorders, and stress. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with aging, anxiety, arteriosclerosis, asthma, high blood pressure, coughs, diarrhea, edema, gastritis, heart palpitations, hepatitis, indigestion, infections, insomnia, kidney disorders, lung disorders, motion sickness, effects of radiation, uterine problems, and poor vision.

In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by schizandra, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.

Schizandra is available at your local or internet health food store in capsule or tablet forms. Always look for name brands of schizandra to ensure that you purchase a product that is high quality and pure.


Bee Pollen

Date: May 20, 2009 12:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is made up of the fine powder that is found in the male seed of a flower blossom. Bees transport this powder and mix it with nectar to create their own form of nourishment. The pollen grains are collected and eaten by the bees, but they are also used to pollinate the flowers. Since the beginning of time, bee pollen and honey have been recognized for their astounding healing benefits. Egyptian records going back thousands of years have references to honey and the potential for healing that it holds. Marathon runners of ancient Greece recognized the value that bee pollen held to increase their strength and endurance. Bee pollen was also revered by European nations and Asian countries for its medicinal value.

Bee pollen is considered to be a complete food due to the fact that it contains every chemical substance that is needed to maintain life. This makes it a great supplement to help build the immune system and provide the body with energy. Recent scientific research has found that bee pollen contains properties which are beneficial to healing, revitalizing, and protecting against radiation therapy. Bee pollen is also a rich source of protein and carbohydrates. This nutrient can not only be used as a food supplement, but also to correct body chemistry and normalize weight.

Scientists at the Institute of Bee Culture in Buressur-Yvette near Paris, in addition to other researchers throughout Europe, have studied the effects of honeybee pollen consumption on human beings. The study concluded that there are exceptional antibiotic properties in bee pollen. It was also found that bee pollen is helpful in treating conditions like chronic fatigue, hay fever, allergies, bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma, colds, balancing the endocrine system, and menopausal symptoms. Additionally, bee pollen can be helpful in treating other conditions such as prostate problems including prostates, infertility, indigestion, constipation, colitis, anemia, high blood pressure, premature aging, depression, and hair loss.

Bee pollen has also been shown to improve one’s concentration and mental function. A study found that a group of students’ mental performance improved drastically when supplementing with bee pollen. This nutrient also reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It does this by preventing plaque buildup in the arteries. This supplement is often used by athletes to increase strength, endurance, and speed.

The pollen of bees is used to provide both alterative and nutritive properties. The primary nutrients found in bee pollen are twenty-one amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, and variable vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals depend on the region that the bee pollen is harvested in. Primarily, bee pollen is extremely beneficial in dealing with aging, allergies, hay fever, loss of appetite, lack of endurance, exhaustion, fatigue, a weak immune system, infection, multiple sclerosis, and pregnancy problems.

Additionally, bee pollen can be extremely helpful in treating asthma, high blood pressure, cancer, depression, hypoglycemia, indigestion, liver diseases, prostate disorders, and radiation. Bee pollen is available in capsules, tablets, and bulk powder forms for easy consumption. Always look for name brands to ensure quality and purity of the bee pollen product you purchase. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by bee pollen, please contact a representative from your local health food store.


Protect The Liver with Glutathione And Cysteine

Date: April 23, 2009 01:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Protect The Liver with Glutathione And Cysteine

The tripeptide L-glutathione is synthesized in the body from L. glutamic acid, L-cysteine and glycine, a reaction that can occur in any cell of the body although it is essential that it also occurs in the liver. Should glutathione concentrations drop, they can be increased by supplementing with cysteine or any other of the three amino acids that are used in the biosynthesis of this important if substance

The tripeptide exists in two forms: the reduced form (GSH) which contains a sulfhydryl (SH) functional group attached to the cysteinyl part of the molecule, and the oxidized form glutathione disulfide (GSSG). As electrons are lost from the reduced form, two molecules combine to create a dimer formed by a disulfide bridge, the process which can be reversed through reduction of the GSSG. Such electrons are lost during its reaction with free radicals, in which the free radicals are neutralized by the donation of an electron from the oxidized version of glutathione.

The definition of a free radical is a molecule that is lacking one electron from an electronic pair. Its prime purpose is then to steal an electron from the nearest molecule to it. In doing so, it can not only destroy that molecule, but also destroy body cells and lead, not only to premature aging, but also to some potentially fatal conditions.

It is an unusual peptide in that it involves a link between the cysteine amino grouping and the carboxyl functional group of the glutamic acid. It is a powerful antioxidant, acting as an effective free radical scavenger and protecting the body cells from the effects of free radical oxidation. However, it is on its detoxification effect in the liver that we shall focus here prior to discussing some other uses to which the body puts glutathione in its two manifestations.

Much of the detoxification is connected with the thiol group in the molecule. Take mercury for example. The thiol grouping forms a strong Hg-sulfydryl chemical bond within the liver, in the form of a glutathione-mercury chelate. In this form mercury is unable to exert any toxic effect on the body and can be excreted in the normal manner. The same reactive pathway is followed by other heavy metals that can bond to thiol groupings. In this way L-glutathione can protect the liver from the effects of a number of toxic heavy metals such as cadmium and chromium.

This is an important property of the amino acid, particularly in industrial and urban environments where the population is more prone to exposure to heavy metals than their rural counterparts. However, the end result on the glutathione is that it is removed from the body, and, particularly with city dwellers, a supplement may be required to maintain a healthy concentration of this amino acid in the body and in particular in the liver. Therefore, although L-glutathione is not considered an essential amino acid, in that it is biosynthesized within the body, a supplement is sometimes required, particularly by those who live in large cities.

It is important to consider the form in which the glutathione supplement is administered. This is because of the presence of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase within the digestive system. This enzyme appears to destroy L-glutathione before it can be absorbed in the intestine so normal oral forms of supplementation are likely to be ineffective. Possible forms of effective administration include buccal (between the cheek and teeth) and hypodermically.

An alternative means of supplementation is to take substances such as selenium, methionine, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin C and glutamine that stimulate the biosynthesis of glutathione. Also, since the substance utilizes the raw materials of L-cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine in its intracellular production, supplementation with these amino acids should also help to produce L-glutathione.

That said, let's return to its antioxidant properties and its effect on the liver that contains the largest stocks of glutathione in the body. It is generally regarded as the most important antioxidant in the body. It protects cellular cytoplasm from oxidation by reducing disulfide groups and maintaining a highly reducing environment within the cytoplasm. It reacts with hydrogen peroxide and other oxidative agents, and is converted to the oxidized form GSSG. It is then reduced back to GSH through the combination of the reducing agent and an enzyme. The reducing agent is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), the enzyme being glutathione reductase.

The implications that this strong reducing effect has on the liver are significant. Reduced GSH L-glutathione levels have been found in patients suffering from HIV, hepatitis C and other liver diseases. Supplementation with GSH has been found to restore normal levels of glutathione to the liver, and it has been demonstrated that the treatment has improved such conditions significantly.

Atherosclerosis is a condition of the arteries caused by the deposition of plaques formed from oxidized low-density lipoproteins, otherwise known as bad cholesterol. The strong antioxidant effect of GSH prevents this from LDLs from being oxidized and deposited on the arterial wall. There are other results of glutathione supplementation that indicate the effectiveness of antioxidants in the treatment of serious liver conditions, and there are no doubts that combating the effects of free radicals and oxidizing agents within the liver has a positive effect on many potentially serious liver diseases.

Many of these are exacerbated by the generation of free radicals by relatively modern pollution sources such as pesticides, petrol and diesel emissions, tobacco fumes and various other chemical emissions. A strong antioxidant such as L-glutathione cannot be anything other than an effective means of reducing the biological effect of these oxidants. It protects not only the liver but also the lungs and cardiovascular system.

For all these reasons a supplement consisting of L-glutathione or its constituent parts, glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine, provide significant protection against the stresses and strains of modern living. Increased pollution levels and heightened oxidative stress levels within the body are playing havoc with our body defenses, and GSH is an important one of them that can easily be enhanced by supplementation. There are no known reactions to L-glutathione supplementation, but pregnant women and babies should receive expert medical advice prior to taking it.


Boost Memory

Date: March 23, 2009 01:56 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Boost Memory

Our memory is as natural to us as breathing. An ability we all have, but don’t often think of, it doesn’t seem to cross our mind until we perceive that we are losing the ability. Memory lapses are an annoyance in themselves, but the anxiety that often comes along with them seems to be even worse. We often wonder if our memory problems are a symptom of some other problem like midlife depression, arteriosclerosis, or even Alzheimer’s disease. Although Alzheimer’s disease is a fairly common disorder among older people, one must realize that most memory lapses have nothing to do with Alzheimer’s disease.

Generally, it is believed that increasing age brings about an increased likelihood of developing memory loss. The mildest form of this illness is called age-associated memory impairment. This is characterized by one’s perception of his or her own memory loss and it is estimated that it is experienced by 40 percent of Americans over the age of sixty-five. Not all memory loss is attributable to aging, as occasional memory lapses are a natural normal part of life at almost any age, and are not likely to precede serious memory loss. With a proper diet, nutrition, and memory use, the memory should remain sharp and active well into one’s nineties or beyond.

One big reason why people suffer from memory loss is an insufficient supply of necessary nutrients to the brain. The life of the body is in the blood, as it literally feeds and nourishes every cell within our bodies. Only certain substances are allowed to pass from the bloodstream into the brain, thanks to the protective envelope that is known as the blood-brain barrier. If the blood is thick with cholesterol and triglycerides, the amount of nutrient-rich blood that can pass through the blood-brain barrier decreases. This can result in the brain becoming malnourished over time.

The functioning of the brain also depends upon substances that are referred to as neurotransmitters, which are brain chemicals that act as electrical switches in the brain and are responsible for all the functions of the body. If the brain does not have an adequate supply of neurotransmitters, or the nutrients to make them, it starts to develop something similar to a power failure or a short circuit. If you are trying to recall as specific fact or piece of information and your mind goes blank, it is likely that the above “short circuit” has occurred.

There are many other factors that are involved in the deterioration of the memory. One of the most important is exposure to free radicals, which can cause huge amounts of damage if the memory is unchecked. Alcoholics and drug addicts often suffer a great deal of memory loss, with alcoholics being notorious for huge memory gaps that occur even though they are conscious. Allergies, candidiasis, stress, thyroid disorders, and poor circulation to the brain can also contribute to memory loss, while hypoglycemia can play a role in memory loss as well, as the brain requires that the level of glucose in the blood fall within a specific narrow range. Wide swings in blood sugar levels affect brain function and memory.

The following nutrients are beneficial in dealing with and preventing memory loss: acetylcholine, boron, DMAE, garlic, huperzine A, lecithin granules, manganese, multivitamin and mineral complex, omega-3 fatty acid complex, phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl serine, SOD, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin B3, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, acetyl-l-carnitine, l-glutamine, l-tyrosine, coenzyme Q10, DHEA, DMG, melatonin, NADH, pregnenolone, RNA and DNA, Brahmi, ginkgo biloba, anise, blue cohosh, ginseng, gotu kola, and rosemary.

All of the above mentioned as well as formulas tailored to help improve memory can be found in capsule, table, or power forms. Remember, only look to name brands such as Solaray, Source Naturals and Natures Plus for quality products. Memory vitamins and herbs can be found at your local or internet health food store.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.

Vitanet ®. LLC



Date: January 29, 2009 03:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hoodia

Some companies are already manufacturing a blend of cheaper ingredients with hoodia, and claiming it is better than hoodia alone. This means that you might find a product that contains 1,000 mg of total ingredients, but it could contain as little as 50 mg of hoodia. As a general rule, the other ingredients are only included to make the product cheaper. All hoodia supplies are the same strength worldwide. The stems of the plant are picked, dried, and milled, leaving a powder about 5 percent of the original weight, which is why some quote it as a 20:1 extract. However, don’t be misled. Despite what a label may lead you to believe, you’re only getting 50 mg of hoodia.

The minimum dosage that is necessary to have a usable effect is about 800 to 1,200 mg of actual hoodia each day. This amount will help to reduce your appetite so that you can eat smaller meals and, consequently, lose weight. If you think you’d like to try hoodia, look for a product that has been naturally extracted and grown or ethically wild crafted without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or preservatives, preferably in a vegetarian capsule.

Make sure that the product you use is a true standardized full-spectrum herbal supplement that does not include any fillers, binders, or common allergens. Also, keep in mind that even though safety reports to date are encouraging, no long-term safety studies have been performed. Additionally, there is no data on the possible interactions hoodia may have with other drugs.

Hoodia is a non-stimulating herb, which makes it more suitable for a large range of people. Herbal stimulants such as guarana or kola nut, which both contain caffeine, can cause a large range of side effects such elevated heart rate and blood pressure, nervousness, and sleeplessness. P57, the active ingredient in hoodia, has no sedative effects.

Losing weight and maintaining an ideal weight also requires changing attitude and lifestyle. If your main goal is to quickly lose weight so you can fit into your bathing suit, you may be able to achieve that lighter weight, but without exercise, you’re still going to look flabby. Even though the subjects in the hoodia clinical study did not exercise, you should, as exercise plays an important role in losing and managing weight along with overall health.

Weight loss should be about your overall health. Without the proper eating habits, especially nutrition and exercise, you won’t be able to accomplish much. It’s true that less weight puts less stress on your cardiovascular system, but you need to exercise to strengthen your heart muscles. Proper nutrition and exercise also helps to prevent many other health problems, which includes fighting off many digestive ailments.

If you’re considering trying hoodia for weight loss, experts suggest that you supplement with 800 to 1,200 mg a day, divided into two doses and taken with water. For best results, follow the manufacturer’s dosage instructions since products may vary. You should also follow a reduced-calorie diet of natural, unprocessed foods. Even though you can probably lose weight on a diet like this without supplementing with hoodia, adding hoodia may help you to stick to your diet better.


Alpha Lipoic Acid

Date: December 11, 2008 11:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid is the ideal antioxidant for five main reasons. It can scavenge free radicals of all kinds of both fat and water-based cell structures. It rapidly assimilates and absorbs into cells. Alpha lipoic acid boosts the action of other protective compounds. It chelates free meal ions and it also promotes normal cell replication.

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is both fat and water soluble, which makes it a superior free-radical scavenger because it can protect lipid (fat) and aqueous (water) cell parts from free-radical damage. This ability allows ALA to offer excellent cellular protection because it can easily transport across cell membranes and give oxidant protection outside and inside cell structures. ALA has the ability to freely move throughout all cell parts, scavenging for free radicals in a way that is definitely more effective than other antioxidant compounds. Vitamin C, for example, is a good antioxidant but is strictly water soluble and only affects the interior of cells. On the other hand, vitamin E is only fat soluble, meaning that it affects only the lipid portion of cell structures or the membrane, which leaves other areas unprotected.

Cellular glutathione, which is produced in the body and works to neutralize free radicals, is very difficult to artificially boost. Although oral glutathione supplements are available, they have to go through the GI route before they enter the blood stream, leaving little glutathione which actually survives this process. Because of this, cellular levels are not significantly increase by oral supplementation. ALA has been found to help regenerate glutathione by providing extra cellular protection.

If the body becomes deficient in ALA, other antioxidant compounds may not work well. ALA plays an important role in boosting the activity of protective compounds such as vitamin E. ALA dramatically extends the life and effectiveness of other vital compounds.

ALA has been used for decades to treat diabetic conditions and complications including diabetic neuropathy, with ALA actually having the ability to initiate a reverse in the condition in some cases. Additionally, ALA helps to boost glucose uptake and results in less insulin dependency in some cases. Among its other properties, ALA can protect brain tissue on a cellular level, as well as protect brain cells from certain hazardous chemicals.

Research has shown that ALA may even play a role in the treatment of neurological disorders such as Huntington’s disease. As we are all aware, LDL cholesterol has a huge role in the development of cardiovascular disease. LDL cholesterol, which is particularly susceptible to free-radical damage, can be protected by ALA from free radical damage itself. Along with the above properties, ALA has been shown to help in strokes, cancer, cataracts, HIV, liver regeneration, and detoxification.

ALA can be purchased in tablet and capsule form and works well when it is orally ingested so that it can be easily assimilated through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Taking between 40 to 50 mg of ALA is recommended for best results. The primary applications of alpha lipoic acid are aging, aids, alcoholism, atherosclerosis, bell’s palsy, cataracts, cancer, cirrhosis, diabetes, diabetic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, liver disease, radiation sickness or exposure, Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia, stroke, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and heavy-metal poisoning. Have you had your alpha lipoic acid today?

Buy ALA At Vitanet ®, LLC


Green Tea Extract

Date: October 23, 2008 01:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Tea Extract

To understand the truth behind the medical claims for green tea and the antioxidant properties of EGCG, it is first necessary to have a close look at what green tea is, and why these claims are being made.

Green tea is a form of tea made from the leaves of the Carmellia Sinensis, a shrub that is native to China and has spread to other areas of Asia including Japan and the Middle East. Drinking it is believed to impart many health benefits, including the prevention of obesity, heart disease and some forms of cancer and it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 400 years.

Tea is known to have been consumed in China for around 5,000 years, and used, not only in Chinese medicine, but also in that of Japan, Thailand and India for a number of ailments including regulating blood sugar, treating wounds and digestive problems. The drinking of green tea to benefit the heart and other vital organs is described in the Kissa Yojoki (Book of Tea), written in 1191 by Eisai, a Japanese Zen priest.

This two-part book talks about the various medicinal benefits of green tea, such as preventing fatigue, curing beriberi, quenching thirst, clearing the thoughts, maintaining health of the urinary tract and improving digestive problems. It also explains how to grow tea and how to prepare and use the leaves. The methods of treatment of various ailments and medical conditions are described in the second part of the book.

The active ingredients in green tea are catechins, polyphenols with strong anti-oxidant properties. Antioxidants are important components of your diet due to their effect on free radicals. These are small molecules, generally oxygenated, such the superoxide cation and hydrogen peroxide that are generated during normal metabolic processes and also ingested in pollutants such as traffic and factory fumes and insecticides. Free radicals are also formed by the effect of the ultra-violet component of sunlight on your skin and other tissues.

The effect of free radicals on your body can be devastating, and they not only destroy cell membranes but also oxidize such molecules as the low density lipids (LDL) that carry cholesterol around your bloodstream. This allows the LDLs to be absorbed by the white blood cells and then deposited as fatty plaques in the walls of your arteries. The end result is a thickening and hardening of the arteries that leads to a condition known as atherosclerosis, where the blood supply to the brain and heart muscle is restricted, which can in turn lead to strokes and heart disease.

Their effect on your cells is to cause cancer and premature aging, among others, and free radicals are also believed to play a part in conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and also inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and diabetes. They can also cause damage to your DNA.

It is essential, therefore, that these free radicals are destroyed as quickly as they are generated, and that is what antioxidants do. You might be more familiar with the antioxidants Vitamins A, C and E, and phytochemicals such as flavonoids and carotenoids, but there are many substances available to you that are even more powerful such as the polyphenols found in green tea.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most powerful of these with antioxidant properties at least twenty five times that of Vitamin E, and 100 times that of Vitamin C. EGCG comprises around 10-50% of the total catechin content of the tea and studies indicate that it likely helps to protect against DNA damage by free radicals, to protect against oxidation of LDL, provide protection against the damage of ultra-violet radiation and to protect you from the free radicals that are generated by smoking tobacco and general airborne pollution.

There are suggestions that the bioavailability of EGCG can be increased by consuming black pepper when drinking green tea, possibly due to the presence of piperine in the pepper. The piperine appears to retard the intestinal glucuronidation of EGCG and so allow more of it to be absorbed as opposed to excreted. So if you are using green tea for health reasons, spice up your food with a small amount of black pepper - that's all it needs. You don't have to smother your food in it! It should be stressed that these tests were carried out on animals, although the biochemistry involved is much the same.

The oxidation of fat by your metabolism to provide energy is a very important factor in weight control. If the contribution of the fats you ingest to the energy generated by your metabolism is low, then the fats can go on to be deposited in your body. This is not only unsightly, in that it can basically make you look 'fat', but is also dangerous to your health. Fat deposits around your midriff and round the major organs of your body can be extremely damaging and a severe risk to your health.

It has been shown by a recent study in the UK (Birmingham University) that those taking green tree extract displayed a 17% increase in fat oxidation over those given a placebo. Not only that, but the ratio of fat oxidation to the overall energy expenditure showed a similar differential between the study and the control group. This provides evidence of green tea extract being able to control your weight by burning fat, and also to improve the tolerance to glucose and sensitivity to insulin of healthy people.

Many other health claims have been made for green tea extract, although many of these have little, if any, scientific basis. Among these are the claims that it can treat multiple sclerosis and be used to treat cancer, although claims that it can prevent the destruction of cell membranes due to its oxidative effect are supported by the biochemistry, if not the medical proof. There are cases where theoretical biochemistry can explain many of the applications of ancient remedies without needing modern day studies to support it.

Some of the research supporting the green tea theories include:

1. In 2006, a study was announced that had followed over 40,500 Japanese men and women, aged between 40 and 79, that had no history of coronary heart disease, stroke or cancer starting in 1994. It was found that those who drank at least 5 cups of tea per day had a 16% lower risk of dying from any cause and a 26% less risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those that drank less than one cup of tea each day. Since cardiovascular disease and cancer are the major causes of death world-wide, these are significant results.

2. Again in 2006, it was reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that studies indicated that a higher consumption of green tea was associated with a reduction in human mental impairment when compared to the average.

3. Yale University School of Medicine reported later that year that, in spite of smoking more than their western counterparts, Asians suffered lower rates of cancer and heart disease, and put that down to them drinking over 4 pints of green tea daily. It was the polyphenol content of green tea and its antioxidant effect that was proposed for this result, known commonly as the 'Asian paradox'. A specific reason given for this was the antioxidant effect preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and its subsequent deposition in the artery walls.

4. Another component of green tea is the amino acid L-Theanine that promotes relaxation, and it is believed that this could help to fight stress by inhibiting the excitation of cortical neurons.

There is a lot more evidence for the health benefits of green tea, and once again it appears that the ancients have been proved correct. Perhaps we should pay more attention to ancient remedies, although without the proper evidence much of it is ignored - for the time being at least. Green tea, however, has generally been accepted due to the research and studies carried out on ECGC (Epigallocatechin gallate) and in additional to the traditional form, is also available as a dietary supplement.

Vitanet ®, LLC


Green Coffee Bean Extract

Date: October 22, 2008 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Coffee Bean Extract

It is known that aging is largely a result of the effect of free radicals on our body cells, and that green coffee bean extract can be used to fight against these. While we intuitively understand what the term ‘aging’ means, very few people can actually describe it in words, although there are several theories of why it occurs.

The most viable of these include the Error Catastrophe Theory, related to faulty molecular transcription and errors in cellular function, the Crosslinkage Theory, in which progressively increasing cross-linking between proteins slows the body functions down, and the Neuroendocrine Theory, in which changes in homeostasis and hormone levels occur through time due to an increasing loss of sensitivity of receptors to feedback inhibition.

However, by far the most acceptable and best understood theory is the Free Radical Theory of aging, which green coffee beans have been found to help fight, and it is on that which we shall focus here.

The Free Radical Theory of aging

Free radicals are oxidants created by unpaired electrons. Electrons generally go around in pairs, but occasionally molecules lose one of these electrons, creating a situation where it possesses an unpaired electron. In this condition, that molecule has only one purpose in life and that is to oxidize other molecules by stealing an electron from them.

Oxidation can cause untold damage to cell membranes, and also to other molecules that are vital to life, such as DNA. The end result is aging, and the onset of many diseases and conditions connected with aging. Free radicals are believed to be behind inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and Crohn’s disease, strokes, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer among many others. Each of these is associated with aging.

Free radicals are generated in the body in four different ways:

1. Energy is generated by the intercellular mitochondria by the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). By-products of the mechanism by which this is done include hydrogen peroxide, the superoxide anion, and a hydroxyl radical. Over 20 billion molecules of antioxidant are produced in each individual cell daily, and every one of these has the capability to do damage to your body. The figure for inefficient cell metabolism is significantly higher.

2. Peroxisomes are eukaryotic cell components that contain oxidative enzymes, whose function is to produce hydrogen peroxide that is then used by another enzyme, catalase, to oxidize other toxic substances. It is used by the liver, for example, to oxidize about a quarter of all the alcohol we drink to acetaldehyde, and also to remove other toxins from the body. The down side is that the hydrogen peroxide can escape and degrade the cell membranes.

3. Chronic infections give rise to a high activity of white blood cells, which utilize oxidants of various kinds to destroy viruses, bacteria and parasites. These include hydrogen peroxide, superoxide and nitric oxide which can also destroy the cells they are protecting.

4. Cytochrome P450 is an enzyme used to clear the body of toxic chemicals in our food such as pesticides and drugs. They also give rise to oxidative by-products.

In addition to these, free radicals are also produced by air pollution consisting of smoking, factory emissions and traffic fumes. Trace metals such as lead, iron and copper, are rich free radical sources, as is the ultraviolet component of sunlight, and caffeine, from tea and coffee, can also contribute to the store of free radicals in your body.

So where does green coffee extract come into this, and how should it be used. Free radicals tend to react very rapidly to accelerate aging, and in order to counter them, and hold the effects of aging at bay, it is necessary to destroy them almost as quickly as they are produced. This is carried out by antioxidants, of which there must be a plentiful supply available in each body cell.

Antioxidants donate electrons to free radicals, and so effectively neutralize them before they can attack the membranes of the cells in your body, or any of the other tissues that they can degrade. Many of the vitamins have a powerful antioxidant effect, among them vitamins A, C and E. Other antioxidants available in our diet include beta carotene and other carotenoids, flavonoids and glutathione, and also cofactors such as lipoic acid. All of these can destroy free radicals by the donation of an electron.

Green coffee beans have also been found to possess a strong antioxidant effect, due largely to the plant phenols, such as caffeic acid that forms chlorogenic acid with quinic acid, both cholorgenic and caffeic acid being string antioxidants. Green coffee bean extract is standardized to 99% chlorogenic acid. This substances not only reacts rapidly with free oxygen radicals but also helps to prevent to formation of hydroxyl radicals.

It has been established that green coffee bean reacts twice as fast as green tea or grape seed extracts, and speed of reaction is critical in the destruction of free radicals that have to be destroyed before they do damage. Other antioxidants found in extracts of green coffee beans include heterocyclic compounds such as pyrroles, furans and maltol.

The extract is made from beans of Coffea Arabica, this containing higher concentrations of chlorogenic and caffeic acids than the Arabica plant. The extract is also produced to be naturally low in caffeine, thus avoiding the negative effects of drinking coffee for its stimulating properties. When the green coffee bean is roasted, the antioxidant effect is found to decrease, and after roasting and brewing both the Arabica and the Robusta beans have reduced in activity to much the same level.

Studies on some of the conditions exacerbated by free radicals have indicated the effectiveness of green coffee beans as an antioxidant. It is believed to help reduce atherosclerosis caused by the oxidation of low density lipids (LDL). Oxidized LDLs tend to be easily absorbed by phagocytes to form plaques and foam cells in artery walls, thus narrowing and hardening the arteries, causing a deprivation of oxygen and nutrients to the heart and also increased blood pressure. Antioxidants from the green coffee bean prevent this from happening, and so help to reduce this serious effect of aging.

A good supply of antioxidants will also prevent the cell membranes from being destroyed, one effect of which is to age the skin. Antioxidants in the form of green coffee bean extract can help to maintain a youthful appearance while also aiding in the prevention of the more serious effects of free radicals that can shorten life.

There are no doubts that free radicals contribute significantly to accelerated aging, and that the antioxidants contained in green coffee beans can help hold back the physical signs of aging, while also helping to destroy those free radicals that threaten life by promoting cancer, atherosclerosis, and other similar conditions.

Vitanet ®, LLC


GrapeSeed Extract

Date: October 15, 2008 09:46 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: GrapeSeed Extract

It is possible to fight off aging with grape seed extract due largely to the antioxidant effect of the phytochemicals contained within the seed of the grape. The seed is rarely absorbed by your body because it is so difficult for your digestive juices to break down; significantly more difficult than the skin or the pulp. So what is specific about the seed that makes it so useful as a source of antioxidants? That shall be discuss shortly, but for now let's discuss the causes of aging, and how antioxidants can help to keep them at bay.

To fight off aging you have to understand what causes it, and the take steps to avoid these causes. It is fairly obvious that all causes of aging cannot be circumvented, but there are things that can be done to keep some of them at bay. Here, we are specifically concerned with the aging of your skin, which is the most visible form of aging. The first aspect of aging to understand is that there are two types: intrinsic and extrinsic.

Intrinsic aging

Intrinsic aging is natural aging, and is largely genetic. Starting when you are fairly young, normally in the early to mid 20s, intrinsic aging is typified by wrinkling, hair loss or graying of the hair, hollowing of cheeks and other areas where the fat underneath the skin that normally contributes to your physical appearance is lost, and also bone loss that causes your skin to sag due a gradual loss of the structure that sculpts your physical appearance.

The age at which this occurs, and its speed is determined by your genes; although the process generally begins around the mid 20s, the speed with which it progresses is genetically controlled.

Extrinsic aging

This is where grape seed extract can help. Extrinsic aging is not genetic, but environmental. Ten majority of this type of aging is due to exposure to the damaging UV light of the sun, which cause the typical 'leathery' look of the skin of people raised in areas such locations as the hotter parts of Australia and the USA, without the benefit of the native skin pigmentation that filters out these harmful ultra-violet rays.

Other factors that can cause the same degradation of your skin cells are smoking, the way you sleep and gravity. The sun generates free radicals (more on these later) that can destroy skin cells, cause freckles, leathery skin and a blotched complexion and also skin cancer. Smokers are more likely to develop leathery and wrinkled skin than non-smokers, and as the elasticity of your skin reduces, gravity cause jowls to develop and also a more pronounced lower lip.

Even your sleeping position can make you appear to age quicker, particularly using the same sleeping position on your pillow each night that cause what are known as sleep lines, that are really wrinkles that are difficult, if not impossible to remove. However, one of the most relevant factors is pollution, and the effects of car emissions, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, paint fumes and 1001 other forms of chemical pollution that produce free radicals.

Where grape seed extract is involved in fighting off aging is in extrinsic aging is by destroying the free radicals. All substances, from the air to the oceans, are formed of atoms that contain electrons. Stable molecules contain an even number of electrons, or what are known as 'electron pairs'. When a molecule loses one electron it is known as a free radical, whose prime purpose in its very short life is to steal an electron from the nearest molecule. This 'short' lifetime can as long as a day or as short as thousandth of a second: it depends on is size and the degree of steric hindrance to the reaction with the spare electron.

Now that the reasons for aging and the nature of free radicals are better understood it is easier for you understand why grape seed extract can help to fight aging caused by the effects of free radicals on your skin.

Grape seed is a waste product of the wine industry. You cannot make wine from grape seeds, so they are removed from the final product by filtration or sedimentation. It contains a large number of phytonutrients, the most important being polyphenols in the form of flavanoids, lipids and carbohydrates. It also contains proteins that don't have much of an effect on aging. Flavonoids (also spelled flavanoids) are powerful antioxidants that destroy free radicals; they are twenty times as powerful as Vitamin E and over fifty times more powerful an antioxidant than Vitamin C.

Both of these vitamins are regarded as strong antioxidants in their own right, which is an indication of how good grape seed extract is at killing free radicals. It's like a combination of Harry Callahan, Paul Kersey, John McClane and the whole of the Magnificent Seven after the scavengers in your body cells. They succeed, and do it in spades!

Not only do the ingredients of grape seed extract kill off free radicals with the efficiency of a Delta Task Force, but are also anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti just about anything else you can think of. However, let's have an even closer look and find out exactly what polyphenols are present in this so-called wonder juice.

Procyanadin was originally named Vitamin P in 1936 by its discoverer, Prof. Jacques Masquelier, and is believed to bond with collagen to protect you from premature aging by retaining and even improving the elasticity of your skin. An added benefit is that it also improves the elasticity of your blood vessels, and so helps to fight off the effects of high blood pressure and places less strain on your heart. The overall effect on your face is to practically give you a chemical face lift and also provide protection from the damaging effect of the UV component of sunlight through its lethal attitude towards the free radicals that UV radiation generates.

Another component of grape seed extract particularly that of muscadine grapes is resveratrol; a phytoalexin that has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can also fight off the effects of aging. Phytoalexins are antibiotics produced by plants that are under attack, and, in addition to helping you age slower, confers other benefits to your body including helping your brain to carry out its work more efficiently.

All in all, grape seed extract confers many benefits to your health and is also believed to possess powerful anti-cancer properties. However, it is for its ability to fight off aging that most people use it as a supplement, and in this respect it has been found to be extremely effective. Any antioxidant is of benefit to your body, but grape seed extract is of particular benefit due its high antioxidant potency.

Buy Grape Seed Extract



Date: October 03, 2008 10:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Chlorella

A lot of us eat without really thinking about the food that we are putting into our bodies. This is extremely unfortunate because diet is crucial to human health. A good diet depends on choosing what to eat and how much to eat, because otherwise food can actually harm someone. People’s food choices in Japan have significantly changed in recent years, with the Japanese diet becoming more and more like the American and European diet, leading to an increase in various diseases that are associated with the Western diet increasing in Japan. This new Japanese diet is high in protein and fat and low in fiber, just the way the Western diet is.

These dietary changes have caused an increase in body fat, sticky blood, damaged blood vessel walls, and rise in dietary-related diseases like hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipemia, cancer, heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease. These diseases are abundant in Western countries, with the number one cause of death in the United States being heart disease. It has been found that the main cause of death in many advanced countries is related to diet.

Chlorella has the ability to prevent diseases that are caused by diet. Chlorella is a type of algae, the very origin of the food chain, and is a highly regarded health-food supplement for use in maintaining the human body. Introduced to the health-food marketplace about 40 years ago, chlorella was first established in Japan and today is produced by Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Indonesia.

Not only is it used for health-food supplementation, but also in processed foods, food additives, medication additives, marine feeds, feed additives, and fertilizers. Chlorella is helpful in supplementing nutrients of high-quality, plant-based proteins, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and antioxidants. It has been shown to help lower cholesterol, regulate the intestines, detoxify the body, lower blood pressure, and regulate the immune system, In short, chlorella helps the human body to maintain balance.

It is likely that Chlorella appeared on the Earth many thousands of years ago. It is a fresh-water, one-celled green algae that can be found widely in lakes and marshes throughout the world. This plant was discovered and named by M.W. Beyerinck of Holland in 1890. In size, chlorella is 2 to 10 microns, which is slightly smaller than a red blood cell. It is an ancestor of such vegetables as spinach and pumpkins. As compared to other plants, chlorella has a high concentration of chlorophyll, making its capability for photosynthesis many times higher than that of other plants. Because of its high-quality, plant-based protein, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, chlorella is able to maintain human health and prevent and treat disease.

Diseases including hyperlipemia, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, and cancer are closely related to diet. Heredity, aging, and environmental factors including chemical substances and stress are also all liked to the above diseases. These diseases are on the rise in advanced countries, with a lot of them being the most prevalent causes of death in many countries. To prevent diet-related illnesses, the diet must be balanced and lowered immune function must be improved.

The body also needs to be protected from health-threatening chemical substances and stress. Scientists have found that Chlorella is effective for balancing the diet, improving lowered cell function and resistance, and detoxifying chemicals and alleviating stress. Many diet-related diseases can be prevented and treated by simply adding Chlorella to ones diet.

Buy Chlorella at Vitanet ®, LLC


Lutein 20mg (FloraGlo)

Date: September 26, 2008 03:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lutein 20mg (FloraGlo)

Maintains Healthy Visual Function*

It has been well established that lutein is present in high concentrations in the retinal tissue of the human eye. However, a study was conducted in human volunteers to determine whether taking lutein in supplement form actually increased the density of the carotenoid pigments present in the macula. In this study of eight individuals, researchers estimated the density of the macular pigments prior to having each individual take 10 mg of lutein daily in supplement form for 12 weeks. Plasma lutein concentrations were measured at 4-week intervals. During the first four weeks of the study, plasma levels increased five-fold from pre-supplement measures, and then remained at this level for the duration of the study. It was also shown that, due to increased deposition of lutein in optical tissues, macular pigment density increased by an average of 5.3% at the 4-week mark, and continued to increase until the duration of the study.1

A study was also conducted to investigate the possible role of specific nutrients in protecting the lens of the eye against aging, a risk factor for compromised visual function. The study was comprised of 376 individuals aged from 18 to 75. Of the nutrients measured, it was found that the lenses of individuals with higher concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin showed less of an effect from the aging process. The investigators concluded that these carotenoids might play a protective role in supporting the maintenance of healthy vision.2

The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) was a landmark study of the effects of diet and antioxidant supplementation on eye health. The study enrolled over 3500 subjects aged 55 to 80 years who were followed for approximately 6 years. Among the data collected in this multi-faceted study was a self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). The AREDS Report No. 22 examined the data from the FFQs and determined that, of the nutrients evaluated, only lutein and zeaxanthin were directly related to maintaining eye health with statistical significance3. These findings corroborated similar results of an earlier multi-center study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that also found that those with a higher intake of lutein and zeaxanthin maintained healthier eye function.4 These promising results have spurred the design of a second major clinical trial (AREDS2), which is currently enrolling participants to study the impact of supplemental xanthophylls (FloraGLO® Lutein and zeaxanthin) and other nutrients on age-related eye health.5

In addition, a double-blind placebo controlled trial was performed in ninety individuals who had signs of compromised visual function. Individuals were divided into three groups and received either 10 mg FloraGLO® lutein, 10 mg FloraGLO® lutein plus a multivitamin/multimineral formulation, or placebo for 12 months. In both the FloraGLO® lutein and FloraGLO® lutein plus other nutrients groups, improvements were seen in mean eye macular pigment optical density, visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. No improvements were noted in the placebo group.6 These results demonstrate FloraGLO® lutein’s beneficial effect on maintaining healthy visual function.

Newly published research has demonstrated that lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation may enhance visual performance under glare conditions. Forty healthy subjects took daily doses of 10 mg FloraGLO® Lutein plus 2 mg zeaxanthin for six months. They were evaluated for changes in macular pigment, glare disability and photostress recovery at the onset of the study, and at 1, 2, 4 and six months. After six months, subjects experienced an average increase in macular pigment optical density (MPOD) of 39% compared to baseline, and all but two participants experienced some increase in MPOD. This increase in MPOD was also directly related to measured improvements in visual performance after exposure to bright light, as well as photostress recovery.7 This study suggests another way in which lutein and zeaxanthin can help support optimal visual function in healthy individuals.

Potent Antioxidant Protection*

Most of the beneficial effects of lutein are ascribed to its potent free radical scavenging abilities. It is well-known that lutein is a carotenoid related to beta-carotene and possesses antioxidant activity against a number of reactive oxygen species.8

More direct evidence for the free radical scavenging activity of lutein is found in studies of its effects on human lens epithelial cells. Cell cultures were exposed to ultraviolet light after pretreatment with lutein or alpha-tocopherol. Both nutrients were found to reduce ultraviolet-induced damage to lens epithelial cells. However, lutein was shown to have significantly higher photoprotective activity than alpha-tocopherol9 demonstrating its potential as a high-powered antioxidant.

A further review of the mechanisms of lutein in conferring a protective role reveals evidence for its antioxidant activity in various body tissues. Lutein has been shown to be an effective antioxidant in vitro as well as in experimental models of a number of body systems.10

Supports Healthy Skin*

A recent randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study has demonstrated the positive effects of oral and topical administration of lutein on skin health parameters (surface lipids, hydration, photoprotective activity, skin elasticity and skin lipid peroxidation). Forty female subjects were divided into four treatment groups. Treatment options included oral administration of 5 mg of FloraGLO® Lutein twice daily or placebo and topical administration of 50 ppm FloraGLO® Lutein twice daily or placebo. Each treatment group received either an active oral treatment with a placebo topical treatment, a placebo oral treatment with an active topical treatment, both active treatments, or both placebo treatments. Statistically significant improvements were seen in all five parameters tested in all treatment groups compared to the group receiving only placebos. The greatest overall improvements were seen in the group receiving both active oral and topical treatments, while lesser but still significant improvement was seen in both the active oral only and the active topical only groups. Additionally, oral administration of lutein conferred superior photoprotective activity (as measured by skin surface redness after exposure to ultraviolet light) and prevention of lipid peroxidation (as indicated by levels of malondialdehyde in skin lipids after exposure to ultraviolet light) than either topical lutein or placebo.11

Diverse Cinical Benefits*

Evidence from various experimental trials suggests that lutein may play a protective role on the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Its antioxidant activity may also extend to the heart, skin, lungs and blood vessels, making it a nutrient with diverse clinical benefits. Lutein possesses the ability to promote the health of many body tissues.12

Suggested Adult Use: One softgel daily with food, or as directed by a health care professional.

Does Not Contain: milk, egg, wheat, sugar, sweeteners, starch, salt, or preservatives.

Scientific References

1. Berendschot TT, et al. Influence of lutein supplementation on macular pigment, assessed with two objective techniques. Invest Opthalmol Vis Sci. 2000 Oct; 41(11): 3322-6.

2. Berendschot TT, et al. Lens aging in relation to nutritional determinants and possible risk factors for age-related cataract. Arch Opthalmol. 2002 Dec; 120(12): 1732-7.

3. Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. The relationship of dietary carotenoid and vitamin A, E, and C intake with age-related macular degeneration in a case-control study: AREDS Report No. 22. Arch Ophthalmol. 2007 Sep; 125(9): 1225-32.

4. Seddon JM, et al. Dietary Carotenoids, Vitamins A, C, and E, and Advanced Age-Related Macular Degeneration. JAMA. 1994 Nov; 272(18):1413-1420.

5. Clinical Studies Database. Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2). Last Updated 2/28/2008. Viewed 5/15/2008.

6. Richer S, et al. Double-masked, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of lutein and antioxidant supplementation in the intervention of atrophic age-related macular degeneration: the Veterans LAST study (Lutein Antioxidant Supplementation Trial). Optometry. 2004 Apr; 75(4): 216-230.

7. Stringham JM and Hammond BR. Macular pigment and visual performance under glare conditions. Optom Vis Sci. 2008 Feb; 85(2):82-8.

8. “Lutein and Zeaxanthin”. PDR Health.

9. Chitchumroonchokchai C, et al. Xanthophylls and alpha-tocopherol decrease UVB-induced lipid peroxidation and stress signaling in human lens epithelial cells. J Nutr. 2004 Dec; 134(12): 3225-32.

10. Krinsky NI. Possible biologic mechanisms for a protective role of xanthophylls. J Nutr. 2002; 132: 540S-542S.

11. Palombo P, et al. Beneficial Long-Term Effects of Combined Oral/Topical Antioxidant Treatment with the Carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin on Human Skin: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2007; 20: 199-210.

12. Mares-Perlman JA, et al. The body of evidence to support a protective role for lutein and zeaxanthin in delaying chronic disease. Overview. J Nutr. 2002; 132: 518S-524S.

Buy Lutein at Vitanet ®, LLC


Essential Fatty Acids (omega-3) ( Primrose Oil)

Date: September 11, 2008 09:04 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Essential Fatty Acids (omega-3) ( Primrose Oil)

A deficiency in essential fatty acids can be linked to many ailments. When the body lacks linoleic acid in the diet, adverse symptoms result. Such symptoms include: acne, changes in personality or behavior, gallbladder dysfunction, slow healing wounds, cardiovascular problems, prostate inflammation, thirst due to excessive perspiration, arthritis, miscarriage, poor growth, kidney problems, muscle tremors, skin disorders, and sterility in males. Low contents or a lack of linolenic acid in the diet can also cause many adverse symptoms. These symptoms include poor growth, learning disability, tingling in the extremities, impaired motor coordination, and poor vision.

When adequate amounts of dietary fatty acids are obtained in the deficient person, adverse symptoms will disappear. Unfortunately, long-term deficiencies of essential fatty acids can eventually lead to death. Because the human body requires forty-five known essential nutrients and requires linoleic acid more than any other, researchers estimate that the body needs at least three to six grams a day of linoleic acid in order to prevent deficiency symptoms. This is equivalent to one to two percent of your daily caloric intake.

However, a much larger amount can be helpful to encourage and preserve optimum health. Although the requirements are different for each person, factors such as stress, diet, and amount of physical activity that is engaged in daily must be taken into account. For example, an obese person who eats a lot of saturated fats will need a lot more essential fatty acids than a thin person who is cautious about the amount of saturated fats that are included in their diet. Saturated fats interfere with the absorption and metabolism of linoleic acid.

A well-balanced diet will include primary nutrients such as vitamins B3, B6, C, zinc, and vitamin A. This will help the body to utilize essential fatty acids much more efficiently. It should be mentioned that the ability of lipids to hold high levels of oxygen has negative effects for those who are obese. By having increased oxygen in fat reserves, one can experience lipid oxidation, which leads to free radical formation, which in turn increases many tissue pathologies. In order to avoid this process, a diet or supplementation that is rich in antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E is encouraged. Many factors can get in the way of fatty acid metabolism. These include a diet that is high in saturated fats and cholesterol, aging, alcohol, high blood sugar, viral infections, and aspirin use.

It is recommended that people stay away from fats that have been altered from their normal, health-giving state to the point in which they actually cause damage to the cells of the body. In an ideal state, a person who is health conscious will avoid any foods that are deep-fried, as they are especially dangerous to the human body. However, because we are all humans, it is almost impossible to eat a perfect diet in this day and age.

Therefore, taking an essential fatty acid supplement is a great idea that is recommended by many health experts to offset the damage that is often done to your body by consuming the unwanted, yet inevitable, bad fats. Essential fatty acids can regulate hormone production in the body and stabilize ones emotional state if it is due to a hormone imbalance. Have you had your essential fatty acids today?

Buy Essential Fatty Acids at Vitanet ®, LLC


Colon Cleanse And Enema

Date: September 08, 2008 09:49 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Colon Cleanse And Enema

While on a colon cleanse, it is extremely important to take a daily enema, a coffee or garlic enema is suggested, but inter-changing the two may be a good idea. When coffee enemas are taken, be sure to use 8 rounded tablespoons of regular grind coffee with 2 quarts of water. Be sure to boil thoroughly or perk first. A garlic enema can be made by emptying two capsules of garlic into two quarts of warm water and mixing well. The following steps should be followed when taking an enema. First, lie on your left side and let in ½ to 1 cup of enema water. Next, massage the lower left side of your abdomen, working especially hard on any lumps or ridged areas that you may feel, as these are deposits of fecal matter. After four to five minutes of massaging, let more water in. Then, continue to massage across the abdomen and down your right side, as this is where the greatest problems occur. Make sure to be especially thorough in massaging this area. Do not retain the liquid if you feel the need to eliminate. Instead, simply start over. Most people have expelled brown or grey mucous, black fleck-like matter, parasites, and other surprising matter.

Slantboard exercises are extremely important in helping all pocketed lazy bowels and are a great help for colon problems, prolapsus, and gas. It also regenerates the vital nerve center of the brain. Most people are able to use a slantboard. However, those with high blood pressure or any other problem that would contra-indicate a slantboard exercise should not use this method. The mini trampoline is probably one of the best devices ever invented, as it can increase circulation, empty the lymph glands, exercise the heart, and increase energy. It is recommended that one jump every day while they are on a seven day cleanse.

Most individuals should stay on a colon cleanse for at least a full seven days and repeat this program twice a year. This is especially true for those who are interested in the prevention and maintenance of good health. People with chronic health problems should repeat the cleanse four times a year and also follow a building program in the meantime. Nutritionists often suggest a year round use of the bentonite, but many believe that the bentonite cleanse should be alternated with a building program that is individually designed to meet each person’s specific needs. This program should include a variety of herb formulas that will help to rebuild the colon and supplements that are specific for individual problems.

It is suggested that people cut down on processed foods such as white sugar and flour where ever possible. Also, use foods that have the least amount of chemical additives like artificial food colors and preservatives. Whenever possible, eat mainly foods that spoil because of not having added preservatives, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, use a wide variety of vegetables, raw or cooked in way that keeps in the most of the nutrition. When one does eat frozen foods, the fluid released in thawing often does have nutritional value. Make sure to avoid a steady intake of junk foods like candy and soda drinks.

Therefore, substitute natural sweets with fruit juices when you can do so. Also, exercise regularly and take into consideration your age and general health. While taking a colon cleanse, it is usually a good idea to consume only liquids for the first two – three days to help elimination. Consult your doctor if on medications so that a colon cleanse does not conflict with your medications.

Buy Colon Cleanse's at Vitanet ®, LLC



Date: August 22, 2008 05:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: FOS

Fructooligosaccharides, which shall henceforth be referred to as FOS for obvious reasons, are sugars with chemical linkages known as osidic covalent bonds that resist enzymic hydrolysisis, and so are broken down by neither the salivary nor the digestive enzymes. In other words, they are indigestible.

However, before discussing the biochemistry further, let's have a look at what they can be used for. Your body depends upon certain bacteria for its health. These are essential to help break down and digest certain foods, and also to provide a resistance to disease and infection. FOS is what is known as a prebiotic, which used to feed these friendly bacteria. Just like any other living organism, bacteria require nourishment and while they get plenty of food from our own diet, especially from the fiber content, they find FOS particularly appetizing.

Because fructooligosaccharides cannot be digested, it passes unchanged into the colon, where these bacteria live. As they break down the FOS and live on it, they multiply, and create an environment in your lower intestine that is hostile to many harmful bacteria such as Clostridia and E. coli. However, it is not only these harmful bacteria that cause problems with your digestion since there many other agents that can interfere with the smooth functioning of your gastrointestinal tract.

People all over the world are continually suffering from both minor and very serious digestive problems, ranging from heartburn and upset stomachs to severe diarrhea, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome and even bowel cancers. There is a multitude of reasons for that such as the effects of aging, poor diet and bacteria from contaminated food. Organic foodstuffs do not last long in many warm countries, and while spices can be used to hide the taste, they are not always successful in killing off the bacteria.

Your health depends on a healthy digestive system, and when that is wrong then you will feel ill. If your digestive system is running below par, then you will not feel good, and could suffer from a wide range of symptoms, including tiredness, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, fevers and depression. The health of your intestinal tract in particular is often neglected, and most people need to do something to give it a boost and improve its, and their, overall health.

That is what FOS can do. And it can do more than just feed friendly bacteria: it can help you maintain regular bowel movements, maintain healthy blood sugar levels, maintain a healthy immune system, break down hormones and rebuild them again (it is useful for the relief of the symptoms of PMS) and to keep down the cholesterol and fatty acid levels in your blood. It is used to feed beneficial bacteria, not to replace them, and if you are on a probiotic supplement, you can take FOS along with it.

Fructooligosaccharides are also used as artificial sweeteners, and alternative names for them oligofructan and oligofructose. There are two classes of FOS, the first of which is produced commercially by the chemical or enzymic degradation of inulin, a polymer of D-fructose linkages terminated with D-glucose. This is produced commercially predominantly in Belgium and Holland, and it also occurs naturally in chicory and Jerusalem artichoke, and in lesser amounts in bananas, garlic, tomatoes and onions. The second class of FOS is produced mainly in Japan. This is produced by a process known as the transfructosylation of a B-fructosidase from saccharose or aspergillus niger, a black mould found on onions and grapes. This is basically the same as the first class, although the chemical bonds are in different places.

While they resist breakdown by enzymes, they are fermented in the colon by anaerobic bacteria, bacteria that work in the absence of oxygen. Because they are fairly soluble, they can be added to dairy products such as yoghurt and used to feed the bacteria contained in the yoghurt. In fact many supplements containing acidophilus bacteria are fortified with FOS: you drink the bacteria along with its food.

Although FOS is only now assuming increasingly popularity in the West, it has been used as a dietary supplement in Japan for many years. Some of the specific health benefits that FOS coveys by promoting the health of essential bacteria, are:

Calcium and Magnesium Absorption

There have been several studies that have concluded that FOS and inulin improve the absorption of calcium in the intestine of both animals and humans. The fermentation of the FOS by bacteria reduces the pH of the gut, which increases the solubility of these minerals and hence extracts more of them from food. The increased solubility also helps them to be more easily absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. FOS can therefore help to maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

Strengthened Immune System

By taking a supplement of FOS, you can increase the density of friendly bacteria in your gut fivefold in a matter of weeks. This crowds out harmful bacteria, and so the level of toxins in your body is reduced. Your immune system is allowed to work properly to fight of infection and disease without having to work hard on keeping down the harmful bacteria in your gut.

Promotes Regularity

Apart from being a food for bacteria, since it is not digestible FOS is also a soluble fiber that draws water into your colon, and so promotes easy transport of feces by the peristaltic pumping action of the intestinal muscles. It also absorbs excess water in the chyme and feces and so helps to prevent diarrhea. Furthermore, improving the health of the friendly bacteria also improves your digestive health that also promotes regularity.

Increased Energy

The fermentation of FOS by bacteria produces gases and acids. These acids help the body to produce energy, and although not a massive energy boost, when allied to the improved digestion it is significant.

All of these benefits and more suggest that FOS is highly recommended in the event of sporadic and chronic gastrointestinal problems. It is a natural substance that does not have a direct influence on your body's biochemistry, but promotes the health and reproduction of those bacteria that do have a significant influence on intestinal health. Add that to the added benefits discussed above, and FOS is one of these supplements that could almost be called essential.

buy FOS at Vitanet ®, LLC


Coconut Oil

Date: August 18, 2008 12:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Coconut Oil

Whether coconut oil is good for weight loss or not, it is becoming an increasingly popular component of a weight loss diet. So how justified is this in view the fact that fats and oils are not normally regarded as being the best form of food to take if you want to lose weight?

Apart from any other considerations, fats are actually very important components of any diet. Consider, for example, how many vitamins are fat soluble: vitamins A, D, E and K are all fat soluble, and without fats in your diet vitamins would not be able to circulate and be taken to where they do most good. Fats are also essential building blocks for hormones and cell membranes. In short, you cannot survive without fats. Coconut oil is a fat.

In referring to coconut oil here, we are discussing virgin oil, not the refined form that is high in cholesterol. Refined, or processed coconut oils, is hydrogenated, which renders it more in nature to the longer chain fatty acids. Virgin coconut oil contains what are known as medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), which are easily metabolized by your liver into energy.

The longer chain fatty acids, also called triglycerides, are not easily broken down into smaller components, and tend to be stored in the body as fat. This fat can be particularly dangerous if stored round the midriff, and so long chain fatty acids are dangerous to your health. This does not apply to MCFAs, and a possible mechanism for this is discussed later.

An inability to distinguish between the different types of fats and oils in your diet is largely due to a lack of education in the chemistry of fats, and the lumping together of all fats and oils under the 'fatty' flag. Perhaps it is the use of the word 'fat' for the overweight condition and the fact that the triglycerides and other chemicals are known generically as 'fats' that triggers a connection between the two, but although this is logical, and in some cases justified, it is not always the case. There are fats and fats, just as there are lubricating oils and greases, and edible cooking oils and greases.

The fatty acids in coconut oil are composed of relative small carbon chain lengths. Caprylic acid and capric acid contain 8 and 10 carbon atoms in the backbone compared to the 18 of the stearic acid that is commonly contained in animal fats. The longer the carbon chain in the molecule, the more difficult it is to break down, and the more likely it is to be stored in the body as a dense fatty deposit that places a strain on the heart.

Due to the shorter chain length the medium chain fatty acids hold less energy per unit weight. Apart from any other reasons then, coconut oil contains fewer calories than other fats and so if used as the bulk of your fat requirement, will be less liable to generate body fat. Not only that, but as inferred earlier, due to the smaller molecule these calories are more readily released as energy for use by your body rather than stored unused.

However, that is not the whole story on either count: coconut contains saturated fats, and also monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, although in small quantities. These, however, are present in only small amounts, although would still be expected to undergo oxidation and produce the rancid taste commonly found in aged unsaturated oils and fats. However, even after a year this does not happen, which indicates that coconut oil possesses some form of antioxidant properties. This is confirmed by the fact that people eating a diet rich in coconut oil has less of a need for the strong oil-soluble antioxidant vitamin E.

In fact, the metabolism of fats is usually connected with the carnitine transport system in the mitochondria, although the shorter chain fatty acids do not need carnitine for their metabolism. What happens then is that because carnitine promotes oxidation during stress, and causes oxidative damage to body cells, its absence in metabolism of coconut oil fatty acids results in a reduction in the oxidation that degrades unsaturated fats. Hence the lack of rancidity.

Taking this further, then, this lack of oxidation infers that those that take a diet rich in coconut oil (for example using it for cooking rather than animal and vegetable oils containing longer chain fatty acids) should be partially protected against cell oxidation in general. Oxidative effects such as aging, cardiovascular diseases and some cancers should be reduced, and studies have shown this to be the case. Those consuming coconut oil rather than other oils tend to age more slowly, suffer less from heart disease and tend to experience fewer incidences of cancer.

With regard specifically to weight loss, it is believed that consumption of medium chain triglycerides, as opposed to longer chain triglycerides, results in a higher rate of thermogenesis, or the conversion of carbohydrates to energy (fats are also carbohydrates). The first step in this process requires the presence of Coenzyme A in the form of the enzyme acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase, and measurement of the activity of this enzyme has indicated that medium chain triglycerides exhibit much higher expenditure of energy than the metabolism of long chain triglycerides when being converted to fatty tissue. However, though the energy used up in this reaction, known as lipogenesis, was higher, the formation of fatty tissue was the same.

Hence, MCA uses more energy to produce the same amount of fat as LCA, and therefore, although more energy is used up, no new fat is generated by the liver. Since your dietary fat intake can ultimately have only three fates: burned as energy, stored as the emergency energy source glycogen, or deposited as fat, then it is logical that the more energy generated then the less fat will be stored.

In this way, coconut oil, with a high content of medium chain fatty acids, has a scientific explanation for causing weight reduction when used as a source of fat in the diet rather than animal or other vegetable fats or oils. It is converted to energy rather than fatty tissue, and if you exercise to use up that energy then your weight loss can be significant.

What this theory also states, however, is that coconut oil should be used as a replacement for other fats, and not in addition to it. If you take coconut oil in addition to your normal diet, do not expect to see results.

Buy Coconut Oil At Vitanet ®, LLC



Date: August 15, 2008 11:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: DHEA

In the recent past, DHEA has shown scientists its amazing abilities within the human body. Clinical tests have created a huge amount of interest for both scientists and consumers, with estimates of about 500 in-depth clinical studies on DHEA taking place. These tests, which have been conducted at some of the most prestigious medical research centers and universities in the country, have proven DHEA to be one of the most important anti-aging and anti-disease substances of the 21st century.

DHEA is a crucial and important hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands. It is often called the mother hormone, as it forms the base for the biochemical actions of hormones like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and corticosterone. These hormones control important body functions that determine metabolism, energy output, endocrine mechanisms, and reproductive capabilities. DHEA directs the entire endocrine systems through activating and inhibiting enzymes. In its many clinical studies, DHEA has shown an unusually wide variety of physiological benefits. Although it has been known for many years that DHEA is made by the adrenal glands, the function of DHEA in the body has only been recently studied.

DHEA is produced by the adrenal glands, but it can also be found in non-patented prescription drugs and other over-the-counter forms. A lot of these supplements contain a synthetic DHEA-S. A lot of people consider Dioscorea extract, which can be found in Mexican Wild Yam, to have a natural source of DHEA. There are a lot of naturally occurring compounds that can mimic the actions of DHEA and, at the time, do not require a prescription. Wild Yam and Mexican Yam can give a botanical precursor of DHEA, which is considered a substantial source by a lot of health advocates. A great number of studies on DHEA that is derived from Mexican Yam have been conducted, with results concluding that DHEA derived from Mexican Yam and Dioscorea extract is a great idea. However, some controversy surrounds the value of Wild Yam as a valuable source of DHEA.

DHEA is used in the body to make other hormone, as it is the most dominant of all the hormones present in the body. It contributes to the proper growth of brain cells, inhibits the conversion of carbohydrates to fats, decreases the formation of blood clots, regulates hormones, decreases the stickiness of platelets that can clump to cause heart attacks and strokes, increase estrogen in women and testosterone in men, lowers LDL cholesterol, enhances overall immunity, and decreases symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

DHEA helps to reduce menopausal symptoms, promotes thermo genesis, helps to increase muscle mass, stabilizes blood sugar, inhibits appetite and discourages eating, boosts endurance, inhibits diseases associated with aging, helps to restore collagen and skin integrity, fights fatigue and depression, helps to inhibit certain tumors, improves calcium absorption to discourage osteoporosis, acts as an anti-inflammatory, and helps to lower blood pressure.

DHEA levels dramatically vary in each individual and can drop as a result of stress or other conditions such as blood sugar, fever, hypertension, nicotine ingestion, alcohol consumption, drinking coffee, and the presence of various diseases. Taking birth control pills and other synthetic hormones can also deplete levels of DHEA. When any of these occur, supplementation is needed. Therapeutic doses range from 5 to 25 milligrams per day which can be found here at VitaNet, LLC.


What is Alpha Lipoic Acid?

Date: July 18, 2008 12:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is Alpha Lipoic Acid?

You can be sure that a supplement has some remarkable therapeutic possibilities when it makes headlines on the five o’clock news. A recent experiment which showed the conditions of rats that had been fed a diet that was totally deficient in vitamin E tested alpha lipoic acid, which caused the rats to return to full health even though no vitamin E was replenished. The results of this test are profound, as giving these rats an alpha lipoic acid caused existing stores of vitamin E that the body was previously unable to use to be regenerated.

Alpha lipoic acid is a vitamin-like antioxidant that has been used in Europe for a long period of time. It has recently emerged as an extremely impressive therapeutic agent that scavenges free-radicals. Recent studies have suggested that it has the ability to stop some degenerative diseases, the oxidative process of aging, and restores the health of diseased organs. Additionally, it has the ability to make up deficits of vitamin E or C and could potentially be one of the best treatments that have emerged for diabetes. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is considered to be more potent than vitamins E and C, as well as coenzyme Q10. Unlike other antioxidants, ALA has properties that make it superior because it is able to replace certain nutritional supplements, while potentiating others, and inhibiting tissues from deterioration that is associated with diseases. This supplement is also both fat and water soluble, which allows it to protect lipid and aqueous cell structures.

Alpha lipoic acid is a compound that is synthesized in small amounts in the body, but can also be supplied from food or supplement sources. A vitamin-like substance, it contains sulfur and also plays a crucial role in energy reactions. It can be found in liver, yeast, spinach, organ meats, broccoli, red potatoes, and red meat. When it is orally ingested, alpha lipoic acid is not compromised in the GI tract or the liver.

Numerous studies have been conducted on ALA, all of which confirm its positive effect on metabolic processes, with recent clinical tests supporting its ability to enhance free-radical protection, slow the aging process, and guard against a variety of degenerative diseases. ALA was discovered in the 1930s, where it was originally classified as a vitamin, and later categorized as an essential coenzyme when scientists discovered that it was involved in the energy processes of cell mitochondria. It wasn’t until 1988 that scientists found that it also has powerful antioxidant effects.

Alpha lipoic acid is important because it protects us from free-radicals which are present in a body as a result of the number of toxic substances such as auto exhaust, tobacco smoke, pollution, preservatives, and additives that we are exposed to on a daily basis. These free radicals can actually accelerate the aging process, causing premature tissue breakdown to occur. Additionally, our environment will continue to surround us with these pollutants that create free radicals.

There are things we can do to minimize our health risks, which include exercising, eating nutritiously, and not smoking. However, these measures are rarely enough to decrease our risk for certain degenerative disease a substantial amount. ALA is beneficial because it scavenges oxidants that are left behind and helps to convert carbohydrates, fatty acids and protein to energy that is needed to drive muscle movements.

Buy Alpha Lipoic Acid at Vitanet ®, LLC


Antioxidants For The Body

Date: June 10, 2008 11:27 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Antioxidants For The Body

Eating the fruits and vegetables that naturally contain antioxidants is the best way to get them into your system. Mixing them into a well-balanced and healthy diet is the best method of all. This way you reap the benefits of all of the antioxidants in a natural combination.

The benefit of dietary antioxidants is that they slow the chemical process of oxidation. This oxidation is what causes narrowing of the arteries and heart-related health problems due to cholesterol deposits. Eating a regular variety of herbs, vegetables and fruits that contain antioxidants is the best way to maintain good health. Some foods that contain antioxidants include:

* Tomatoes
* Garlic
* Onions
* Rosemary
* Grapes
* Pomegranates

Antioxidant supplements are available, lab testing have shown that they are just as effective as their natural counterparts. Natural foods contain ranges of antioxidants that work together synergistically. These combinations of antioxidants are much more effective.

More Benefits:

Antioxidants and other nutrients are needed by the body to protect against cell damage. They also may reduce the risks of certain forms of cancer.

It has been discovered that the mitochondria (cell power plants) are a major source of oxidant production. They are also a target for the damaging effects of the very oxidants that they produce. This is a major cause in the advancement of cellular aging, called apoptosis.

It is believed that in apoptosis, each cell has a fixed number of cell divisions that it is capable of. After the cell has used its allotted number of divisions, it ceases to function. Oxidative damage is also a contributing factor of DNA mutation, which causes further malfunction of the cells.

Most Common Antioxidants:

The following is a list of the most common antioxidants, what benefits they offer and where to find them:

*Beta-carotene keeps the skin healthy and promotes growth and development of bones. It also helps to prevent night blindness and fight infection. Beta-carotene is found in vegetables and fruits: carrots, cantaloupe, apricots, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes and pumpkin.

* Vitamin C destroys free radicals inside and outside cells. It helps in the healing of wounds, preventing bruising, formation of connective tissue, iron absorption and keeping gums healthy. Vitamin C is being studied for its beneficial effects in reducing cataracts, cancer and heart disease. Foods high in vitamin C include tomatoes, citrus fruits and juices, berries, mango, papaya, peppers, cabbage, spinach, broccoli and potatoes.

* Vitamin E acts as the essential fat protector in cell membranes and red blood cells. It reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases associated with age. Vitamin E is found in peanut butter, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, margarine, whole grains, wheat germ, salad dressings and avocado.

* Selenium helps the body maintain healthy hair and nails. It also enhances immunity and, along with Vitamin E, prevents cell damage. Vitamin E reduces the risk of cancers, especially prostate, lung and colorectal. The best sources of Selenium include brazil nuts, garlic, meat, eggs, poultry, seeds, seafood and whole grains. The amount of selenium found in plants depends on the soil content in which they are grown.

Antioxidants benefit the body by providing a layer of protection for the tissues and cells. They are the front line of the body's protection against free radicals. Free radicals are unstable by-products of oxygen that cause premature aging and degenerative diseases. They also come from environmental sources, such as pollution, UV rays and other toxins. Foods rich in antioxidants help to clean free radicals from the body. They also help to prevent various age-related diseases, cancers and heart disease.

Maintaining a healthy, nutritionally balanced body that has the ability to fight disease and infection is a prime way to live a long, disease free and happy life. Regular ingestion of antioxidant rich foods or supplements is the best method to achieve this.


Bilberry Extract Is A Powerful Antioxidant That Strengthens Veins

Date: April 12, 2008 11:06 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bilberry Extract Is A Powerful Antioxidant That Strengthens Veins

Bilberry extract is taken from the Vaccinium myrtillus, or bilberry, a small blue berry that has been used traditionally for the treatment of conditions now known to be due to inflammation and the action of free radicals on the body.

Among these is atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, caused by the free radical oxidation of the low density lipids that carry cholesterol around the bloodstream, and that cause deposition of fatty plaques on the arterial walls and eventually constricts them to a stage that can cause heart failure or a stroke, depending on whether the arteries are close to the heart or in the brain.

However, additional to treating this condition, bilberry has also traditionally been used for the treatment of varicose veins and also for certain eye conditions. In fact it was during the Second World war that the Royal Air Force in Britain received reports from pilots that their night vision improved after eating bilberries. Not only their vision, but the restoration of night vision after exposure to glare.

This was extremely important to war-time pilots who had to be able to rapidly adapt their vision to fly their plane after exposure to searchlights and explosive detonations. That is the reason for anything that appeared to promote this essential adaptation to be reported.

The pharmacology of these effects have been found to be due to the anthocyanosides in which bilberries are particularly rich. Anthocyanosides consist of an anthocyanaidin backbone, to which one of either arabinose, galactose or glucose can be bound. Since bilberry contains five of these anthocyanadins, then there are fifteen different anthocyanosides in the fruit concentrate.

The area of the retina that appears to control night vision, and the transition from day to night sight, is called the epithelium which is connected with purple vision. Anthocyanosides seem to have an affinity for this part of the retina, and in so doing plays an important part in this type of vision, specifically night vision although it is also beneficial in improving day vision.

Although bilberry also contains vitamins A and C, hydroquinone and tannins, it is the anthocyanosides that provide it with its unique antioxidant properties, and also its effect upon collagen fibers. It can cross-link collagen fibers to help overcome weaknesses in the connective tissues such as cartilage, tendons and the walls of blood vessels.

Its effect as an antioxidant is to prevent the cleavage of collagen by the cyzymes that are secreted by leukocytes generated by the immune system. By preventing histamine release, and release of prostaglandins and other proteins and cells mobilized during the immune inflammatory response to the detection of foreign invasion into human tissue, anthocyanosides can help to reduce inflammation and to protect against other extreme reactions of the immune system that can harm the organism it evolved to protect.

The most powerful property of anthocyanosides are their antioxidant properties: perhaps even its only property once all of the conditions it helps to protect against are fully understood. An antioxidant combines with free radicals and destroys them. Free radicals are particularly vile chemical entities that require an electron to make them stable, and they take this electron from the nearest source. This can result in oxidation and destruction of many bodily tissues leading to premature aging, atherosclerosis, eye damage and many other problems that result from the destruction of body cells and tissue.

The various constituents that make up bilberry act in concert to scavenge the free radicals and increase the supply of oxygen to the eye. The benefits of this are in helping to prevent cataracts and glaucoma, the latter due to the effect of the anthocyanoside cross-linking effect on the structure of the collagen in the eye. It can also help in cases of macular degeneration that affects the central area of the retina which might be due to the same property of there glucoside.

Moving away from the eyes and back to the vascular system, the collagen cross-linking properties of the flavonoids, which is what anthocyanosides basically are, can help to repair damaged vein tissue by strengthening the vein walls themselves, and also by providing support for the cell membranes, or outer layers of the cells.

This in turn builds up more strength in the vein tissue below the outside walls and contributes to an overall reduction in the weakness of the vein. This in turn enables it better to withstand the internal pressure put upon it by the failure of the valve that created the problem. In this way bilberries can be used to help repair the damage done by varicose veins and improve the function of the vein in returning blood to the heart from the extremities of the legs and also to help reduce the pain and swelling of varicose veins.

In addition to these beneficial effects on the vascular system and the eyes, bilberry can also help to decrease the permeability of the blood-brain barrier to pollutants, drugs and other undesirable chemicals by improving the resistance of the capillaries in the brain to the transfer of such substances through their walls. It does so by preventing the collagen of the capillaries in the brain being degraded either by enzymes or other agents, Also, by helping to strengthen that collagen structure so that it becomes more impermeable to the larger molecules that form the pollutants.

A lesser known constituent of bilberry is myrtillin, an anthocyanoside monoglucoside that is also available in all green plants, that possesses anti-glycemic properties. What this means is that it can reduce hyperglycemia and glycosurea, and so reduce blood sugar without reducing the blood sugar level to dangerously low levels. In other words it is an ideal insulin substitute.

Native Americans used green plants for teas for centuries and were free from diabetes until the came into contact with Europeans and adopted their dietary habits. Although the case has to be proved, it appears highly likely that it was the myrtillin that kept them free from a condition that affects so many other races.

Irrespective of that, however, it is for its powerful antioxidant effect that bilberry finds its best use, and also its effects on varicose veins. However, all of the above health benefits that bilberry provides, can likely be laid at the door of the combined antioxidant effect of its vitamin C content and the anthocyanosides – including the glucoside myrtillin.

Vitanet ®, LLC


Diet And Nutrition Can Boost The Body’s Energy Efficiency

Date: April 10, 2008 10:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Diet And Nutrition Can Boost The Body’s Energy Efficiency

Today, when we look around, we can’t help but notice that the environment is suffering. Natural resources are depleted, water and soil are contaminated, and air, in some cities, is gray with particulates. If the human body is a microcosm of the planet, and the planet is showing signs of stress, then one can only imagine what is going on with our bodies. Scientific advances allow us to fight fatal disease, but obesity and diabetes rates are higher than ever. People who are living unhealthy lifestyles are facing a “personal environment” crisis similar to the one that Earth is fighting.

Just as fossil fuels are guilty of polluting the environment, junk foods are to blame for polluting our bodies, making both our bodies and the planet pay the price. The answer lies in our energy choices. Fresh foods are the antidote to microwave dinners and meals from the drive-thru. The healthiest and most efficient sources of energy all have one thing in common; they are derived directly from the sun. Sunlight creates vitamin D in our bodies and allows plants to grow. Despite our fears of melanoma and premature aging, the sun does so much for us.

About 85% of our country’s power today comes from carbon-based fossil fuels. Even though these energy sources originated from the sun, it took the earth millions of years to create these fuels that we rely upon today. After over 100 years of use, we’re quickly running out of these fuels, which may be good considering the harmful effects fossil fuels cause. The good news it that there are clean, renewable, natural alternatives to these energy sources, such as solar energy.

Although solar energy currently accounts for only about 0.1% of US energy usage, its momentum is increasing steadily, as demand has grown from 20% to 25% over the past twenty years. We can harness the sun’s energy by passive solar heating, which can reduce heating bills as much as 50%; solar hot water heating, which uses a roof-mounted solar collector in order to produce hot water; and PV panels, which achieve between 10% to 20% efficiency in converting sunlight into energy. Solar energy doesn’t pollute, is infinitely available, and is steadily increasing in efficiency levels.

The sun also supplies the cleanest, most efficient fuel for our bodies: vegetables, fruits, grains, and anything else that comes from the earth. All living things depend on sunlight for food. Therefore, food in its natural state, nourished by the sun, comes readily made with all the nutrients that we need in order to achieve optimal health. The processed junk foods are many steps removed from the sun’s energy and have little nutritious effects to offer us and all they do is pollute our system. Those calories that are nutrient-based are the best bet for our body’s efficiency.

Nutrient-dense foods allow us to eat less and yet feel more satisfied because we’re getting the needed nourishment. If the body’s cells are thought of as microscopic power plants, it can be seen that they need the right kind of fuel in order to make the machine (the body) do what it’s suppose to do. Without carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water, the body can not function. These substances allow the body to perform daily activities such as heart, lung, and organ function, as well as repairing tissue.

Those foods containing phytochemicals are disease fighting, adding increased benefits to our diet. Whole foods that are fresh from the earth are the best options to keep your body in peak performance. For those who can not eat good all day long, multiple vitamins are available to help supplement what is missing from the over processed foods in out diets.

Stay Healthy With Vitanet ®, LLC


Systemic C

Date: April 08, 2008 08:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Systemic C

A unique blend of compounds, including alpha-lipoic acid, N-acetyl cysteine, quercetin, and grape seed extract, which is designed to reactivate and recycle vitamin C in the body, making it more available for immune support and free radical scavenging.

  • Antioxidants support clear blood flow, cardiovascular health, healthy inflammatory response and immune support.
  • Uses non-acidic form of Vitamin C (calcium ascorbate), recommended for individuals with acid sensitivity.

The well-known benefits of vitamin C are recharged in this formula, which is designed to make more vitamin C available for immune support and free radical scavenging. The unique blend of compounds in systemic C may reactivate and recycle vitamin C in the body, providing increased antioxidant activity for healthy aging, heart health and immune support.

Vitamin C (as calcium ascorbate) 1 g
N-Acetyl Cysteine 120 mg
alpha-Lipoic Acid 100 mg
Quercetin 50 mg
Bioflavonoids 40 mg
Grape Seed Extract (Proanthodyn™) 30 mg
Suggested Use: 2 capsules/tablets 1 to 2 times daily.

Buy Systemic C At Vitanet ®, LLC


Systemic C - Vitamin C with Optimized Vitamin C Activity!

Date: March 28, 2008 04:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Systemic C - Vitamin C with Optimized Vitamin C Activity!

What could be even better than vitamin C? source naturals systemic C, of course, a vitamin C that is designed to upgrade the important benefits of this powerful antioxidant. The systemic C formula is designed to make more vitamin C available for immune support and free radical scavenging.

After vitamin C carries out its antioxidant function of neutralizing free radicals, it is oxidized and spent. The unique blend of compounds in systemic C, including alpha lipoic acid, n-acetyl cysteine, quercetin, and grape seed extract, helps to reactivate and recycle vitamin C in the body. this provides the body with increased antioxidant activity, an upgraded, robust C for healthy aging, immune, heart, and skin health. Reactivating vitamin C allows this important vitamin to continue its vital functions.


Fight Night Blindness, Boost Eye And Vascular Health With Bilberry

Date: March 19, 2008 09:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Night Blindness, Boost Eye And Vascular Health With Bilberry

Weakness of blood vessels is often seen during the aging process when blood vessels become fragile. Dark bilberry fruit has been shown to reduce blood vessel permeability, improve capillary resistance, and provide antioxidant properties, to scavenge free radicals. One way to fight the aging process of the body is to promote health in the vascular system by eating nourishing foods, exercising, and learning how to handle stress. Evidence shows that eating five servings or more a day of fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk of heart disease, cataracts, and some other disorders that related to blood vessel health. The dark pigment in fruits and vegetables has many health advantages.

A lot of people think that the only way to improve blood vessel health is to reduce blood cholesterol, minimizing the risk of a heart attack. That is an essential goal, but blood vessels should also have strength and integrity to maintain their health in order to carry nutrients and oxygen through the body to feed the tissues. As we age, eye function begins to diminish and causes a lot of people to fear that they are losing their eyesight.

The blood vessels decline in function, but there are other factors such as the reduction of arrestin and rhodopsin. Arrestin is a protein while rhodopsin is the light sensitive pigment that can be found in the retina. The dark pigment of fruits and vegetables is extremely important to blood vessels and the health of the structures and proteins of the eyes. Brilliant colored fruits and vegetables may prevent strokes, heart disease, and help long-term vision because they improve integrity of blood vessels.

Bilberry fruit has been studied for over 40 years for its supportive effects on blood vessel health, blood circulation, and lymph flow. Blood vessels in the brain, heart, eyes, stomach, veins in the legs, and actually anywhere in the body have the potential to leak. In many regions bilberry extract has been used to support individuals with microcirculatory disorders including varicose veins, atherosclerosis, and degenerative retinal conditions including macular degeneration and cataracts. Diabetes, atherosclerosis, poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, excess alcohol and an inability to handle stress can all contribute to blood vessel disorders and cause the capillary’s membrane to thicken, therefore, increasing capillary permeability causing edema and leaking of fluid.

During the aging process, oxidative damage occurs by free radicals in the eyes, which then causes a loss in the transparency of the lens. Symptoms that occur because of this are blurred vision, increased sensitivity to glare, reduced visual acuity, color perception, and light sensitivity. When the eye structure begins to break down, vision impairment and cataract formation result. Bilberry extract has been shown to improve vision and twilight vision, helping the retina adapt to darkness and glare.

With aging, a gradual degenerative process is experienced which is caused by free radical damage to our body’s genetic material, cell membranes, and tissues. Free radicals attack blood vessel endothelial cells, and they begin to rupture. Antioxidants help to prevent AMD and reduce the damage of the retina’s photo receptors. In summary, blood vessel health is an important part of age management. By improving diet, managing stress, exercising, and supplementing with bilberry extract, one can promote the health of blood vessels throughout the body, and therefore, support the eyes.


Alpha Lipoic Acid is a Powerful Antioxidant

Date: February 15, 2008 02:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Alpha Lipoic Acid is a Powerful Antioxidant

The discovery of alpha lipoic acid at the University Of Texas Chemistry Department in 1951 was not heralded with trumpets of joy at the revelation of such a powerful antioxidant, but was instead largely ignored. This is largely due to the biochemistry involved not being fully understood at that time, but by the 1980s it was a commonly used supplement, recommended for several medical conditions.

Chemically, the substance is a 5-membered cyclic disulphide with a carboxylic acid grouping. Biochemically, it’s extremely powerful antioxidant properties are largely due to the fact that it one of those rare active molecules that are soluble in both water and fats, and in fact is the only such antioxidant currently know. One of the properties that this ability enables it to possess is to cross the blood-brain barrier, and apply antioxidant propertied to the brain.

Antioxidants are essential to human life in that they destroy free radicals. These are compounds with free unpaired electrons that destroy human body cells in their hunt for electrons to pair with. Electrons come in pairs in organic animal tissue, just as they do in organic compounds. However, under certain circumstances this pairing can become destroyed, leaving a molecule with one of its electrons without a partner.

The factors that lead to this situation are many and varied, and our own biochemistry can produce free radicals during the normal chemical processes of life. However, pollution can also lead to the oxidation processes that create free radicals, common such pollutants being cigarette smoke, vehicle exhaust fumes, pesticides and the like. Excessive exposure to the UV content of sunlight can also create free radicals as can eating barbecued and smoked foods, and exposure to carbon monoxide and peroxides. Even the biochemical conversion of glucose to energy in our bodies creates free radicals.

These free radicals can destroy body cells, including DNA, and can create conditions such as premature aging due to destruction of skin cells, destruction of brain cells, strokes, cancers, diabetes, atherosclerosis due to oxidation of LDL cholesterol that deposits in the main arteries of the body, stiffening of the joints and many other undesirable conditions.

Free radicals are destroyed rapidly by antioxidants: the reaction is very rapid and most are destroyed immediately they are formed before they can do harm. Fortunately, if your diet is well maintained, the body possesses many antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E, and other substances such as Coenzyme Q10, flavanoids, xanthenes, polyphenols and carotenoids. Many of these are found in highly colored foods, and if your food is brightly colored, it should contain a good supply of antioxidants.

However, the problem with all of these is that they are either fat and oil soluble or water soluble, which means that they can either be freely carried round the body by the blood or have to be emulsified by the bile and transported via the lymphatic system that places restrictions on their effectiveness in certain organs of the body. The fact that alpha lipoic acid is soluble in both water and fats enables it to be carried to all parts of the body and to every organ, and can cross water/fat barriers that other antioxidants cannot do.

It can therefore be carried via the blood to the brain and carry out an essential antioxidant function within our brains. It took a long time for this property of ALA to be recognized and its consequent health benefits understood. It is, in fact, the ideal antioxidant. The substance provides many known benefits to the body due to its antioxidant properties and also helps the body to generate the maximum possible amount of energy from the blood glucose and thus improve the energy balance of your body.

However, it is with its antioxidant properties that we are most concerned here. One of the benefits of these properties is its effect in holding back the visible effects of aging on your body. Because it is both water and fat soluble, alpha lipoic acid can help destroy free radicals in every part of your skin; the areas served by the blood and the fatty and oily secretions are protected simultaneously by the same strong antioxidant. The end result is a reduction in the destruction of the cells through the dermis and epidermis and a reduction in the degree of wrinkling with age.

Its antioxidant effect in the brain renders ALA in great demand for reducing cognitive impairment with age. In fact studies have indicated that alpha lipoic acid can improve memory and brain function in the aging and the elderly. This effect appears to be increased by the synergistic combination of alpha lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine that work together to prevent cognitive decline in the brain through the effect of free radicals.

There is evidence that during a stroke, ALA works synergistically with vitamin E to reduce the effect of free radical damage on the vulnerable brain cells, and so reduce the longer term effects of the stroke. Together with ALC, it also reduces oxidative stress on the mitochondria of cells and in so doing helps once again to reduce the effects of aging, and maintain the body’s capacity to generate energy from blood glucose.

Cardiovascular disease is the main killer of the western world, largely due to our diets, and this is especially true of the USA. Although Americans appear unable to change their unhealthy diet, alpha lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine can be used to offset much of the damage done. ALA reduces the development of atherosclerosis through its antioxidant properties and the reduction of the adhesion of monocytes to the artery walls.

LDL trapped in the wall of the artery can be oxidized and enable monocytes to also enter under the surface of the arterial wall, where it changes into macrophages and ingests the oxidised LDL, causing the plaque that forms atherosclerosis. As the plaque thickens, the artery becomes increasingly restricted until the blood flow is significantly reduced or even stopped, causing cardiac failure or a stroke.

Alpha lipoic acid can prevent this free radical oxidation from occurring by destroying them before they act on the low density lipoprotein (LDL). Acetyl-L-carnitine works with the ALA to achieve this, as does another substance known as carnosine. Between them, these three musketeers work to keep your arteries clear and your brain functioning as it should, though it is the ALA that is most powerful due to its oil and water solubility properties.

Although alpha lipoic acid is available as a supplement, either alone or in combination with acetyl-l-carnitine, it is also available from natural food sources. It is particularly rich in offal such as heart and kidney, and also in broccoli, spinach and brewer’s yeast. It is also available in beef, and it is here that burgers can perhaps repay some of the damage that it causes. However, it is not a recommended source since burgers still cause more damage to your health than any of their constituent nutrients can allay.

Like any other supplement, you should seek medical advice before taking any substance if you have a health condition. Nevertheless, the benefits of alpha lipoic acid are such that it is difficult to see it doing anything but good. However, please consult your physician if are taking other drugs.


Age Gracefully With Anti Aging Nutrition

Date: January 19, 2008 01:57 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Age Gracefully With Anti aging Nutrition

With today’s society constantly frowning upon aging and advertisements constantly urging consumers to buy products to tighten, firm, and rejuvenate their skin, our society has placed a very high value on youthful appearances. No one wants to look old, so a natural product to help this is very important. However, just because consumers want to use natural products doesn’t necessarily mean they will, as many wonder if natural products will actually work. Despite some reservation from the consumer, the popularity of all natural anti-aging products is on the rise. Although many products can help minimize signs of aging, companies are starting to recommend the start of preventative skin care regimens in a woman’s late teens.

The key to preventing aging is keeping skin clear, pores unclogged, and you skin moisturized in your twenties so that by the time you reach your thirties, aging is not quite as evident. By age thirty, collagen levels start to reduce, and skin starts to lose its elasticity. It is important to continue a skin care routine and work in some anti-aging products. By age forty and beyond, it’s extremely important to continue the regimen you have build in your thirties while adding an anti-aging serum.

On top of a regular skin care routine, it’s essential for women to use products that contain some level of SPF, which is very important for preventing fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Along with SPF, antioxidants are critical in anti aging products, preventing free radical damage and also minimizing facial redness by constricting protecting fine capillaries. Good antioxidant and anti-aging ingredients include blueberries, green tea, ginkgo biloba, cucumber, aloe, lavender, cranberry seed oil, and pomegranate.

Moisturizing the skin is also an anti-aging essential, helping the derma layer provide nourishment and adding cushion to support the skin. A good moisturizer will also help to fight dry skin and wrinkles. Some moisturizing formulas used in Japan have an ability to provide omega essential fatty acids and help to slow the formation of wrinkles. Jojoba, aloe, and avocado oils are also extremely hydrating and effective in the reduction and appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Since aging can cause the skin to be discolored, there are many products that can help to minimize the appearance of age spots and help to brighten and even out skin tone. A skin tone balancer, using natural skin lighteners such as kojic acid, lemon extract, and bilberry extract, can stop the process of melanin production and also reduce existing age spots. Sugar cane extract and sugar maple extract act as natural exfoliates, which help to brighten the skin by getting rid of dead skin cells. Night creams containing macadamia nut oil, mulberry bark, and licorice extracts help to firm and brighten the skin and also lighten age spots.

Although natural products are definitely better for consumers’ skin, they often have short shelf lives. In order to fight this, many companies create smaller batches with shorter shelf lives, to make sure that customers will use the entire product before it expires. For retailers to sell anti-aging products and compete with mainstream lines, marketers stress that education is needed to make consumers aware of how great natural skin care is.


Give Your Health A Boost With Silica Hydride A Powerful Antioxidant

Date: January 18, 2008 05:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Give Your Health A Boost With Silica Hydride A Powerful Antioxidant

Hydride ions are strong proton acceptors and hence fatal to free radicals. Silica hydride is consequently a powerful antioxidant that can be used to protect your body against the ravaging effects of these free radicals that destroy the cells of your body, and due to its other unique properties this is a molecule that could be a very useful participant in the various redox reactions that occur naturally within our bodies every microsecond of every day of our lives.

A free radical is a positively charged molecule that is deficient in an electron. Whereas stable compounds consist of electron pairs, a free radical consists of electron pairs and one unpaired electron. Although such a compound is not stable, it does not immediately disintegrate but grabs the nearest electron it can find. This would normally be an electron in the nearest body cell to it, whether it is a blood cell, a cell in an artery wall or a skin cell. The result is that the cell that loses the electron is disrupted.

Free radicals are formed in the body through its normal biochemistry, and also promoted by pollutants such as cigarette smoke, pesticides and traffic fumes. Excessive exposure to the ultraviolet radiation of sunlight or sunbeds also creates free radicals, as does excessive exercise, believe it or not. As stated earlier, these chemicals have only one purpose in your body: to grab an electron from wherever they can, and in doing so they destroy the cells that make up your body tissue.

This can lead to premature aging, heart disease and many other problems with your health. Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E are important parts of your diet, and silica hydride is an other supplement which has been relatively recently discovered to have antioxidant properties. A component of glacial streams, this substance is generally in colloidal form, or in the form of small particles maintained in suspension by the interaction of positive and negative charges on the surface of the tiny particles of which it consists.

The interface between the silica and water can be saturated with reduced hydrogen to form a surface that is overall negatively charged and can hence neutralize free radicals that are seeking the free electrons available from the negative charge. This is otherwise described as a reducing or anti-oxidant effect. All anti-oxidants play their part in neutralizing the properties of free radicals that result in the destruction of body cells.

This leads to premature aging of your skin, if a skin cell is affected, if it is a cell in your artery wall, then the artery will become damaged, and if a blood cell then you can suffer from any one of a number of abnormal blood conditions. The stealing of an electron from one molecule by another is scientifically termed 'oxidation', and the substances that prevent this from occurring are called antioxidants, or reducing agents.

An antioxidant will destroy free radicals by providing the extra electron, or chemically, a negatively charged hydrogen ion. This occurs practically instantaneously, in microseconds in fact, as soon as the free radical is formed, so you need a good supply of antioxidants in your body at all times. Free radicals do not roam your bloodstream looking for likely candidate cells to destroy – they do it right away with the nearest available, so antioxidants must be present at the time that the free radicals are created.

Other beneficial effects of such antioxidants are an increase in the potential for the mitochondria to generate energy within your cells, an increase in the hydration of body cells and a decrease in lactic acid build–up that occurs as the result of exercise. The negative charges of silica hydride atoms are very strong antioxidants and can dramatically increase the energy production of mitochondria. It has been shown to do so by up to six times in Chinese hamsters. There is more on this claim for such a significant effect on your energy production later.

In addition to its action as an antioxidant, silica hydride is an electron donor to other antioxidants that have been neutralized by reaction with a free radical. When antioxidants do their work they are not destroyed, but neutralized. They act by giving an electron to the free radical, and are then one electron deficient themselves. This could virtually turn them into free radicals also were it not for the other electron donors available. Silica hydride is one of these. Thus, Coenzyme Q10, another very powerful antioxidant, can have is potency regenerated by silica hydride. If you take a silica hydride supplement, you are not only taking an effective antioxidant, but also a substance that can recharge the batteries of other powerful antioxidants.

Another side effect of this substance is that the reacted hydrogen atoms can also be used in the body to maintain a slightly alkaline pH which is an additional health benefit. pH is a measure of the acidity and alkalinity of the body fluids, and should be maintained slightly alkaline, other than in the stomach where the digestive juices are strongly acidic.

Silica hydride is not essential to the body, so you cannot suffer from a deficiency of it. It is not known to be contained in any foodstuff or water source, and appears to be available only as a supplement. Consequently no optimum dosage has been determined, though the supplements available contain from 200 to 250 mg per capsule. Likewise, side effects from it are unknown since there have been few scientific studies carried out on it. It has, however, been described as the ‘perfect antioxidant’.

Some of the claims made for the substance include reducing lactic acid concentration during exercise. Lactic acid production during exercise causes tiredness and cramps, and silica hydride is said to increase the body’s production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) a substance essential for the production of energy in your body. This is through the reduction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) to the reduced form NADH as a part of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. Glycolysis is the metabolism of glucose to energy by the mitochondria.

If the claim that silica hydride effects this reduction of NAD to NADH six or seven times stronger than normal were true, then it would indeed be a significant energy booster invaluable to most athletes.

Buy Silica Hydride at Vitanet®, LLC


IBS Sufferers Rejoice Over Probiotics

Date: January 18, 2008 10:55 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: IBS Sufferers Rejoice Over Probiotics

For those people who are tormented by Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), the good news is that there is a safe and effective remedy. The FDA recently requested that a drug which is commonly used for IBS be withdrawn from the market, with the agency adding that doctors who prescribe the drug should work with their patients to transition them into other therapies. Thankfully, studies have already shown that there are specific bacteria that are as effective as the drug and have no side effects. The news about this probiotic treatment offers relief from the debilitating constipation; diarrhea, abdominal cramps, gas, and bloating that cause IBS victims to suffer.

Since there are so many things that can go wrong with the human body, it is amazing that any of us feel healthy. The rush for scientists to find a cure for every problem people experience is now having a negative impact on us, as bacteria have become resistant to the drugs and many of the medications have side effects that are worse than the initial ailment. For many sufferers of IBS, that is the case with the prescription drug Zelnorm. Early this year, Zelnorm was withdrawn from the market at the request of the FDA because of its life-threatening cardiovascular side effects. It was shown to coincide with a higher chance of heart attack, stroke, and worsening heart chest pain that could eventually become a heart attack. Additionally, anti-diarrheal medications of laxative drugs are not recommended for the long-term treatment of IBS because the colon can become dependant on them for a bowel movement.

Because one in five Americans suffer from IBS, this condition is the most common disease diagnosed by doctors. IBS starts affecting people in their early adulthood, afflicting more women than men. Stress, emotions, and diet can strongly affect the colon of people that affected by IBS, triggering a variety of symptoms ranging from uncomfortable to agonizing. Symptoms of IBS can be so severe that their lifestyle can be disrupted. Although IBS cannot be traced back to a single cause, it is classified as a functional disorder, meaning a problem with the way the body works. Researchers have concluded that more than 75 % of patients with IBS have evidence of excessive bacteria in their small intestines. Doctors tell their patients to control their diet and lessen emotional stress, as well as avoid French fries, milk products, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, and carbonated sodas. The following factors continually affect overall health and can leave microflora in a bad state: stress, diet, pollution, aging, illness, colon cleanses, drugs and antibiotics, medical treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation, and environmental changes due to traveling or moving.

Research has shown that Bifidobacterium infantis is an effective treatment for all the symptoms of IBS. This supplement helps to restore optimal immune function to protect the intestines from damaging toxins, but also presents no toxins. B. infantis can be found as a supplement, but be sure to buy only supplements that list the exact strain of the bacteria, such as NLS super strain, to make sure that you are getting the right bacteria. This bacterium is the most beneficial bacteria prominent in a healthy baby, having up to 99 percent Bididobacterium spp, in its G.I. tract. B. infantis has also been shown to prevent the invasion of Bacteroies in the gut epithelial layer, a bacteria that is responsible for inflammatory bowel conditions. Taking the right probiotic beneficial bacteria, B. infantis, NLS super strain, may not only ease the symptoms of IBS, it may also help patients achieve optimum health.

Fight IBS With Help From Vitanet®, LLC


Natural Supplements Like Fish Oils And Phosphatidylserine Can Boost Memory

Date: January 14, 2008 03:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Supplements Like Fish Oils And Phosphatidylserine Can Boost Memory

We often think of our brain as being different from other organs, but the brain undergoes changes over time, just like the heart. Up until recently, brain aging and everything that goes along with it was associated with neuron failure. Actually, brain neurons do not undergo massive die-off with age. Although some neurons are lost, the brain continues to grow new ones, though at a slower pace. Decreasing cognitive function is now believed to start as early as one's late thirties, which is the result of a lowered vascular function for oxygen and nutrient supply, increased oxidative stress, and decreased production of neurotransmitters. Other issues impact memory too such as normal aging, emotional trauma, alcoholism, depression, seizures, dementias, stroke, neurodegenerative illnesses, and obesity. All of these can lead to devastating changes in mood and memory. Additionally, it is widely known that the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs can severely impact skills that involve brain functions.

Researchers believe that losing one's memory is not a requirement of aging. The human brain is like skeletal muscle: the more you exercise the mind the more efficient it becomes. Additionally, providing the mind with the right nutrients and protective antioxidants is absolutely necessary. For many years, Gingko biloba was the most well known dietary supplement for increasing cognitive function. Although a lot of physiological functions have been suggested, the improved blood microcirculation is the most important benefit of gingko. Gingko contains a number of beneficial plant compounds called flavonoids which support enhanced blood flow to the brain. This increased circulation helps combat a lot of the age-related memory issues that occur.

Gingko extract positively enhances short-term memory, sociability, mood and thinking ability. The herb also offers antioxidant benefits that can protect brain cells from free radical damage. Other compounds that have proved them selves to have benefits include phosphatidylserine. This phospholipid plays a critical role in maintaining optimal mental performance. Acetyl L-carnitine supports the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is a key compound that is needed for brain and nerve function. Acetylcholine facilitates memory function and learning and also influences emotions. It also has been shown to be a highly valuable antioxidant and supports the health of brain cells. Studies have found curcumin to potently protect brain cells from damage. Curcumin is best known for its anti-inflammatory effects and its antioxidant ability. Further antioxidant protection can be found in a diet full of fruits and vegetables.

Few, if any, nutrients have been proven truly effect in fighting Alzheimer's disease. However, phosphatidylserine can help individuals with noticeable memory loss and it is 100 percent safe. Anyone with any degree of memory impairment should take this supplement for at least a few months to see what degree of improvement can be experienced. It has also been found that people with a regular intake of omega-3 fatty acids from seafood do not develop Alzheimer's disease to the same extent as those who do not eat fish. Supplementing with the DHA can help to reduce the risk of and/or improve memory loss.

It's never too late to start thinking about how you can support and maintain healthy cognitive function. Since free radical damage is a major factor in reduced cognitive ability, supporting the health of the neurons and enhancing our antioxidant capacity to fight the effects of free radical damage can have beneficial effects on people of any age. It is crucial for us to focus on nutritional factors that can support our thinking ability over the long-term as we age.

Vitanet;reg&, LLC ®


Build Healthier Skin With Antioxidant Rich Skin Moisturizing Lotions

Date: November 02, 2007 04:32 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Build Healthier Skin With Antioxidant Rich Skin Moisturizing Lotions

Antioxidant rich skin moisturizing lotions can help you to build healthier skin, since they can help to allow the appearance of the fine lines that eventually develop into the wrinkles that you dread.

Most people think about caring for their skin more in the summer when the sun is hot than in the colder winter months, but cold can also dry out your skin since you tend to sweat less. However, the summer brings with it the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun to a greater or lesser degree depending on your climate. Tough leathery skin is generally associated with skin neglect by white skinned people in the hotter areas of the world such as Australia and the southern parts of Florida and California.

You should look after your skin since it is important to you. It not only keeps everything inside that should be kept inside, but also generates vitamin D and contains the temperature control system that your body relies upon. Elephants flap their ears, dogs pant and humans sweat! Without your skin you would be in a bad way, so you should look after it. If you don’t keep it supple it gets dry and hard, wrinkled, itchy and can crack, into which the bugs and viruses needed to make you ill can enter.

All of this occurs when your skin loses its moisture. In order to keep it in tip top condition, and keep yourself looking young and attractive, you should keep it moist through the use of artificial moisturizers if necessary. So why does your skin dry out and how do moisturizers work to help overcome the effects of drying?

In fact the major problems that occur with your skin due to exposure to sun in the summer have nothing to do with drying out. Your skin actually does, as suggested above, become more affected by dryness in the winter when the relative humidity is low. It is in winter that you have to use lip moisturizer because of dry and cracked lips, not summer. However, summer has its dangers, even more than winter.

It is the UV radiation from the sun that damages your skin and can ultimately lead to skin cancer. The UVA and UVB radiation are at different wavelengths and have different effects. The combination, however, causes wrinkles, skin disorders when aging, premature aging, and dry leathery skin. Part of this is believed to be due to the breakdown of the collagen in the skin that maintains its elasticity, free radical damage and inhibition of the immune system.

When UV radiation breaks down collagen it causes the accumulation of abnormal tissue. When this builds up, enzymes are produced that are intended to repair the collagen, but sometimes it does not work properly and produces a disorganized and random accumulation of collagen fibers that eventually result in wrinkles.

Free radicals are chemicals that have a free electron available, rather than having all electrons in pairs as in stable compounds. It is therefore unstable and will steal an electron from healthy tissue and so damage the cell that it takes it from. Eventually, the cells die and genetic material within the cells can be altered. This can cause wrinkling of the skin and underlying tissues or even cancer by changing the DNA and RNA contained within the cell.

The final defense of the body against cell damage is paradoxically apoptosis, which is suicide by the damaged cells to prevent them becoming cancerous. This is what you see when your skin peels after sunburn – it is deliberate action on behalf of the cells of your skin sacrificing themselves to save the body as a whole. UV exposure can prevent this from occurring which is why it can lead to some forms of skin cancer.

However, it is the action of oxidants on the skin that cause most damage. The so-called drying out of skin is largely due to oxidant damage more so than to loss of moisture. The sweat glands in your skin can produce lots of moisture, but nothing can be done about free radicals other than provide the help of antioxidants to kill them off. Antioxidants destroy free radicals with glee, and hunt them down wherever they are. The common antioxidants in your body are vitamins A, C and especially the powerful vitamin E. That is why so many skin creams contain vitamin E, and sometimes also vitamin A.

However, there are many more antioxidants than these. Astaxanthin is one. ‘Asta what?’ I can hear you say, and I am not surprised. It is not very common in health stores, but has been approved by the FDA and in Europe as a food colorant. It is a terpene carotenoid, though does not break down to vitamin A in the human metabolism as other carotenes do. It is claimed to be fifty times more powerful as an antioxidant than vitamin E and acts as an internal sunscreen in the skin by blocking the harmful effects of UV radiation at cellular level.

It is available naturally in krill, salmon, trout, crustaceans and some bird feathers, and is extracted from microalgae. Not all sources are palatable and it is best taken as a supplement, or to protect the skin, in a cream. Another super-antioxidant is pycnogenol. However, be aware of purchasing it under this trade name in the USA, since the term has been hijacked by others who are selling a different product under that name. The true chemical pycnogenol as named by Frenchman Dr. Masquelier is a very strong antioxidant: any others are mere imitations that are not the same product.

Chemically, pycnogenol is a proanthocyanidin, a flavanol extractable from grape seed or pine bark. Any product that comes from a different source cannot be pycnogenol. That said, the product is able to strengthen the skin and prevent wrinkles through its effect in scavenging free radicals. It stops the free radicals from destroying the cells of the skin and causing premature aging. Whether the chemical is extracted from pine bark or grape seed appears to make no difference. The chemicals are virtually identical, or should be if they are from the right form of pine bark.

The polyphenols in green tea also eradicate free radicals. They too are very strong antioxidants, just one of the remarkable properties of this plant. However, none of these will be of much help unless specifically applied to the skin. If taken internally, they will do a great job of mopping up free radicals in the blood, but very little will actually reach the skin.

In order to build healthier skin, you will have to use antioxidant rich skin moisturizing lotions that apply moisture to your skin, but more importantly also apply these powerful antioxidants. If you really want to maintain good looking wrinkle-free supple skin in sunny climates, then look for one or more of the above substances as an ingredient in your moisturizing lotion.

Moisturizing Lotions and skin lotions/a>


Consume Bright Colored Foods for Better Health

Date: October 22, 2007 10:06 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Consume Bright Colored Foods for Better Health

A plate of colored food is not only very pleasing to our eyes, but also very healthy. What looks good to eat is also very healthy for us and if you are finding it difficult to persuade your children to eat those boring old tired looking vegetables, then try brightening up their plates with some nice bright colors.

Kids love brightly colored pop and candy so it should not be a difficult thing to persuade them to eat some brightly colored vegetables like peppers, tomatoes, quashes and even thinly sliced carrots with a nice dip. The more intense the color the better for you they appear to be. Colored foods are normally packed full of anti-oxidants that help to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and to mop up free radicals present in our bodies. These antioxidants are all chemicals, and many of the naturally occurring antioxidants are highly colored. They are very good at destroying free radicals.

Free radicals are a form of chemical that destroy body cells, and not only accelerate the effects of aging, but also harm our heart. A free radical is a molecule with an unpaired electron. Electrons like to go around in pairs. Every atom has pairs of electrons, and one atom has an odd number then it pairs up with another atom with an odd number, so the two form a compound with an even number of electrons.

However, now and again, the body’s metabolism throws up a molecule with an unpaired electron. That electron’s first thought is to find a partner, and it does so by stealing one from a cell in your body. The result is the disruption and destruction of the cell. Free radicals can also be formed by environmental pollution, cigarette smoke, pesticides and so on.

Anti-oxidants destroy free radicals, and generally keep us healthier for longer. They do so by mopping up the extra electron, and there are many different types of antioxidant that form part of our normal diet. Among them are vitamins A, C and E, but there are others that are complex highly colored organic compounds. Among these are the anthocyanins, known to paint and ink manufacturers as strong red pigments.

Anthocyanins are the pigments or dyes that color red grapes, egg plant, plums and blueberries and they are very powerful antioxidants. However, it is not only for antioxidants that we should eat colorful foods. Some dark green foods, such as spinach, green peppers, peas, celery and dark leafy vegetables, contain what are known as lutein. Lutein works in combination with zeaxanthin to protect our eyes from cataracts and a condition known as macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness. Zeaxanthin is available from red peppers, oranges, egg yolk and corn.

Many people take folic acid supplements help maintain a healthy heart, and especially women to help prevent birth defects. However, the natural form of folic acid, folate is available from green foods such as lettuce, green beans, broccoli, peas, green grapes, and many other green foods. Broccoli and cabbage also contain indoles also known as indol-3-carbinol are believed to protect your from some cancers. So green is good!

Yellow is also good, and foods such as grapefruit, pineapple and melon help to boost the immune system and keep infections at bay, and also to provide energy and help maintain healthy eyes. Many antioxidants are yellow, although yellow might not a color that you would associate as being attractive to children, unless very bright. However, the yellow foods tend to be fruits rather than vegetables, and it is much easier to persuade a child to eat a pineapple than a squash.

Lycopene is another very powerful antioxidant that prevents the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol that can damage the cardiovascular system through atherosclerosis. Lycopene is a red pigment very common in tomatoes, and is fat soluble. It is a member of the carotenoid family of antioxidants that are common in brightly colored foods such as carrots, red peppers and many yellow fruits and vegetables as described above. Lutein is also a carotenoid.

A diet rich in carotenoids is very good for keeping the effects of aging at bay and protecting you from heart problems. Lycopene is contained in the liver, colon, skin and prostate gland, and can occur at higher concentrations than most other carotenoids. People that suffer from HIV infections, high cholesterol diseases and inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis, are generally found to have low levels of lycopene in their blood.

Many of the so-called ‘superfoods’ are also brightly colored, and useful not just for their antioxidant properties. Take cranberries for example. These bright red berries contain proanthocyanadins that prevent some bacteria such as e-coli from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract and cause urinary tract infections such as cystitis, and also from adhering to the gums. Cranberries can therefore be used in the treatment of some gum diseases. However, they also possess strong antioxidant properties that help to protect the body against some cancers and also heart disease.

Blueberries are high in vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants with strong anti-inflammatory properties. Pomegranates have exceptionally high antioxidant content and are excellent for a healthy cardiovascular system while strong green broccoli contains not only vitamin C and antioxidants but also folate (the natural form of folic acid) and the phytochemical sulforafane that is believed to protect against certain cancers.

The color of your food, therefore, not only makes it look pretty on your plate and attractive to children, but also indicates the presence of strong antioxidants and other chemicals that help to protect you from specific medical conditions. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of the so-called superfoods is vegetable in origin rather than animal, and also tastes good. You should eat as many of them as you can, and certainly at least five portions every day.

Some can also be used as a remedy for specific conditions in addition to being used for their preventative properties, such as cranberries are used in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, and specific diets can help to reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body. Eating with your eyes is not always a bad thing. Some may find it hard to consume enough colorful fruits and vegetables to be beneficial so what is a person to do? Your local health food store has available powdered vegetable and fruit concentrates that supply all the needed nutrients in one simple drink.

Buy Bright Food Concentrates at Vitanet, LLC ®


Supplements to Fight Prostate Cancer

Date: July 29, 2007 11:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Supplements to Fight Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer and Nutritional Supplements


Years of research have discovered that the foods a man chooses to eat (or doesn’t eat) can have a profound impact on the health of his prostate gland. Because of this close nutritional link, prostate cancer may be the most preventable type of cancer (after smoking-related lung cancers).

Recently, there has been an incredible amount of research and investigation of prostate cancer. Many of these studies have explored the use of certain nutrients to prevent and actually treat prostate cancer. These nutrients, calcium D-glucarate selenium, broccoli, green tea, maitake, and lycopene are powerful prostate cancer fighters. All are available as nutritional supplements that men can take every day as an important part of a healthy diet.

In this issue of Ask the Doctor, we will discuss prostate cancer and how men can actually prevent it with the use of these six nutrients. Plus, if men already have prostate cancer, these nutrients can be an important part of their treatment regimen in fighting their disease.


Q. What does the prostate gland do?

A. The prostate is a gland in a man’s reproductive system. It makes and stores seminal fluid, the milky fluid that nourishes sperm. This fluid is released to form part of the semen. The prostate is about the size of a walnut and it is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The prostate actually wraps around the upper part of the urethra, the tube that empties urine from the bladder through the penis.


Q. What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

A. Early prostate cancer often does not cause any symptoms. However, many symptoms of prostate cancer are also symptoms of other problems with the prostate, such as an infection or benign prostatic hyperplasia, a prostate enlargement associated with age-related changes.

A man who has any of these symptoms should see his health care practitioner for evaluation:

-A need to urinate frequently, especially at night

-Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine

-Inability to urinate

-Weak or interrupted flow of urine

-Painful or burning urination

-Difficulty in having an erection

-Painful ejaculation

-Blood in urine or semen

-Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.


Q. Are certain men more prone to get prostate cancer?

A. Age is the biggest risk factor: most prostate cancers occur in men over 65 years of age. A man’s risk for developing prostate cancer is higher if his father or brother has had the disease. African-Americans are at higher risk for the disease. Mechanics, farmers, sheet metal workers, and workers exposed to cadmium have also had high rates of prostate cancer.


Q. How is prostate cancer diagnosed?

A. A man who has any of these risk factors may want to ask his health care professional whether to begin screening for prostate cancer (even though he does not have any symptoms), what tests to have, and how often to have them.

The usual prostate tests include: Digital rectal exam: the doctor inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum and feels the prostate through the rectal wall to check for hard or lumpy areas.

Blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA): a lab measures the levels of PSA in a blood sample. The level of PSA may rise in men who have prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland), or an infection in the prostate.

These tests will only determine if there is a problem with a man’s prostate gland. They cannot determine if the problem is cancer. Only a biopsy of a sample of prostate tissue can reveal the presence of actual prostate cancer.


Q. What nutrients help prevent or treat prostate cancer?

A. The prostate health nutrients, calcium D-glucarate, selenium, broccoli, green tea, maitake, and lycopene, each work in unique ways. Some help men’s bodies’ work more effectively some keep cancer cells from growing, while others actually kill prostate cancer cells. Let’s discuss each nutrient and how it works.


Calcium D-Glucarate

It is a troubling fact of modern life that we are continuously exposed to cancer-causing chemicals and toxins. These toxins come in part from contaminants in the food we eat and pollutants in the air we breathe. There are also “natural” toxins that are produced in our bodies. Excess hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, can cause cancer when they are no longer needed. Cancer causing chemicals not only initiate cancer, but exposure to them can also cause existing cancers to grow bigger, stronger, and more deadly.

Our bodies do a fairly good job of eliminating some of these toxins before they can cause us harm. In the liver, the toxin is bound or attached to a chemical called glucuronic acid. The bound toxin is then excreted in bile and eventually eliminated as a waste product in the stool. However, yet another chemical, an enzyme called glucoronidase, can break this bond between the toxin and glucuronic acid. When this happens, the hormone or toxin is released back into our bodies, capable of causing us harm once more. The longer the toxins and excess hormones are in our bodies, the greater the chances they can make us seriously sick. Scientists have discovered that increased glucuronidase activity in the body is strongly associated with prostate cancer.

Fortunately, scientists have also discovered that a natural substance found in foods, calcium D-glucarate, can greatly reduce the activity of glucuronidase. Calcium D-glucarate helps our bodies keep the harmful toxins and chemicals bound to glucuronic acid. While CDG is found in fruits and vegetables, the amounts may not be sufficient to maintain effective levels to stop beta-glucuronidase. CDG has been shown in many experimental studies to significantly stop prostate cancer growth. Studies have shown that by taking calcium D-glucarate, our bodies and get rid of the toxic chemicals and excess hormones that might stimulate cancer formation.



Selenium is an essential trace mineral fund in the soil. Both plant foods like oatmeal and meats that we eat, such as chicken and beef, contain selenium. How much selenium, however, is difficult to determine. This is because the amount of selenium in soil, which varies by region, determines the amount of selenium in the plant foods that are grown in that soil. Animals, too, will have varying levels of selenium in their muscle, depending on the amount of selenium in their feed. The actual selenium level in the grasses and grains that make up animal feed reflect the amount of the selenium in the soil where they grew.

A major antioxidant, selenium slows down aging, keeps our skin supple, and helps prevent dandruff. Selenium also keeps our blood vessels healthy and protects us from heart disease. However, some of selenium’s most powerful effects are on the prostate gland.

In a recent study, researchers recruited 974 men to take part in a large clinical trial to determine if selenium could prevent cancer. Half of the men were given selenium supplements and half were given a placebo. Researchers, who did know which group got the placebo, watched and recorded the men’s progress. The researchers were amazed to learn that selenium cut the rate of prostate cancer by 63%!

The results of this study were so impressive that it has led to many other studies of selenium and prostate cancer. In fact, researchers at the Arizona Cancer Center and the Arizona College of Public Health in Tucson are currently studying the effect of selenium on prostate cancer in four ongoing clinical trials.



Scientists have observed over for a long period of time, that men who eat lots of broccoli have a lower risk of getting prostate cancer. It seems that sulforaphane, a compound abundant in broccoli, is the secret ingredient responsible for this connection. Sulforaphane increases certain enzymes in the body, called phase 2 enzymes, which deactivate cancer-causing chemicals. In lab experiments, prostate cancer cells that were exposed to sulforaphane, the compound inhibited the growth of the cancer cells up to 80 percent.


Green Tea

There is a potent plant substance in green tea that is a very effective killer of prostate cancer cells. A recent study tested four common components of green tea and determined that one of these compounds, epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, has a special affinity for prostate cancer cells. Scientists discovered that EGCG can stop the growth of prostate cancer dead in its tracks. The chemical structure of EGCG is very similar to substances in red wine and cruciferous vegetables, known cancer killers.


Maitake mushroom

For many years, maitake mushrooms have been linked to good health in those who eat them. Called “dancing mushrooms” (possibly due to their wavy, rippling appearance or possibly due to the little dance of joy mushroom hunters perform when they find them in the woods), maitakes contain an important compound called D-fraction.

A recent study at New York Medical College showed that maitake D-fraction destroyed 95% of human prostate cancer cells in lab experiments.



Some of the most exciting nutritional news in relation to prostate health involves lycopene. This carotenoid is found primarily in tomatoes, and men who eat lots of cooked tomatoes have very low rates of prostate cancer. Because promising preliminary reports demonstrate that lycopene can actually kill prostate cancer cells, there has been an explosion of lycopene and prostate cancer studies.

In one of these studies, 32 prostate cancer patients ate a pasta meal covered with three-fourths cup of tomato sauce every day for three weeks. Results showed their PSA levels dropped two points. Even signs of DNA damage dropped sharply. The ability of lycopene to drop these levels in just three weeks has impressed researchers and scientists worldwide.


Q. Do I have to take each nutrient separately?

A. While you can purchase each one of these nutrients and take them separately, all of these nutrients are available in prostate health formulas. Make sure the formula you buy contains calcium d-glucarate, lycopene, and selenium, broccoli standardized to contain a minimum of 125 mcg sulforaphane, green tea, and maitake mushroom extract. Standardized ingredients provide consistently effective nutrients.


Q. What else can men do to prevent prostate cancer?

A. Adopting a healthy diet, including eating 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, eating several servings of whole grain cereals and bread, and reducing red meat consumption to 2 or 3 servings per week has been shown to reduce the risk of all kinds of cancer. In addition, the recent lycopene studies suggest that a diet that regularly includes tomato-based foods may help protect men from prostate cancer.

Men 50 years and older should have a digital rectal exam (DRE) and PSA test each year. African-Americans and those at higher risk should begin at age 40. Talk with your health care professional to determine how frequently the test should be done.



This year doctors expect to find 180,000 new cases of prostate cancer is the United States and 37,000 men will die of it. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men. But there is hope.

More cancers are caught early and new treatments might help make it possible for men to live long and healthy lives following their diagnosis. By taking a few simple steps, men diagnosed with prostate cancer can take charge of their lives and overcome much of the fear and anxiety that accompany a cancer diagnosis.

Buy Prostate Cleanses at Vitanet LLC


Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth

Date: May 31, 2007 02:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth

Papaya- May Be A Fountain of Youth


Seventy years ago, when the Social Security Administration was developed during the Great Depression, age 62 was recognized as average life expectancy. These days, getting older is a whole different ball game. Not only are people living well into their 80s and 90s, they’re living better, too. People well into retirement are mountain biking, kayaking, jogging and hiking, as well as gardening, golfing and attending concerts – sometimes for their first time. Everybody, it seems, is on the go, from ages of 22 to 92.


Of course, you don’t have to wait until retirement to start planning for a longer more vibrant life. The best way to ensure happier and longer years ahead is to start young.

Nobody wants to spend retirement in the doctor’s waiting room or have their golden years intruded upon with illnesses or infirmities. And, most importantly, we don’t want to feel 80 years old even though our driver’s license says we are.

These desires and demands are not just wishful thinking. Huge advances in the understanding of how men and women age are being made almost daily. These findings are helping to improve our chances of living long, healthy lives. And, some of the most impressive findings have shown that using nutritional supplements can help – in particular, a specially formulated papaya preparation is able to fight two of the primary reasons we get old – oxidative stress and immune system decline.

This issue of Ask the Doctor is going to share the anti-aging secrets hidden in the papaya and how this tropical fruit may hold the key to a long, vibrant life.


Q. Why papaya? What does papaya have that other fruits and vegetables don’t?

A. Not many American moms put a papaya in their kids’ lunch boxes and papaya pie has yet to gain a following. But this tangy tasting fruit is now appearing fairly frequently in the produce departments of most grocery stores and its popularity seems to steadily increase each year.

The papaya’s bright orange flesh is fairly fibrous and very slippery – slicing a peeled papaya is a little like slicing a bar of wet soap. The core is filled with little black seeds that look a lot like caviar. And while eating a papaya will give you a day’s worth of vitamins A and C as well as potassium taking Fermented Papaya Preparation (or FPP) might just give you an additional 30 years of healthy vibrant life.


Q. What exactly is Fermented Papaya Preparation (FPP)?

A. It’s a specialized nutritional supplement. Backed by more than 30 studies to date, FPP has been used in Japan for decades. It’s also an extremely popular supplement in France and other parts of Europe. FPP begins with fresh, ripe papayas that are slowly fermented by a natural process that takes several months to complete. The fermented papaya is then dried and ground into a fine powder. This phytonutrient-rich powder can then be sprinkled in the mouth, dissolved, and swallowed.


Q. How was FPP developed?

A. Japanese scientists noticed that individuals with higher amounts of papaya in their diets experienced certain health benefits.

Researchers who study aging decided to look at the papaya’s chemistry to see if it might have properties that could contribute to longevity. Several plant chemicals in the papaya showed promise. And when they combined papaya with specific yeasts and traditional Japanese fermentation techniques, FPP was born. This unique substance was then subjected to scientific studies to see its health impact; they determined that FPP is a superior antioxidant, a powerful immune-booster, and one of Japan’s secrets to a long healthy life.


Q. How does FPP help people live longer and healthier?

A. While getting older is an indisputable fact of life, aging, per se, is not. We can’t do much about our annual birthdays and we really shouldn’t even if we could. Every age is a cause for celebration and every life experience, both the difficult and the sublime, should be treasured.

However, we don’t have to accept the consequences of aging that can make a mockery of the “Golden Years” - heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, and cancer. Our parents and grandparents and the generations that preceded them might have had little say in how they aged. But we can. We can slow down the harmful effects of aging and FPP can help by reducing oxidative stress and immune system decline.

Additionally, fighting oxidative stress helps people retain their youthful appearance longer. Oxidative damage is the number one factor in facial aging.


Q. What exactly does oxidative stress mean and what does it have to do with aging?

A. One theory of aging is that harmful molecules called free radicals wreak havoc in our cells. Many of our body’s normal metabolic processes produce free radicals. For example, free radicals are a normal by-product in the production of ATP (the energy molecule) from glucose. Certain types of white blood cells destroy invading microbes by the production of free radicals. Free radicals are also formed by the many normal enzymatic actions that take place every minute every day.

However, outside sources can also cause free radical formation, as well. If we are exposed to pollutants in the environment, chemicals, additives and preservatives in the food we eat, or even direct sunlight, excess production of free radicals can occur, causing profound damage. This free radical frenzy is called oxidative stress, and is linked to almost every disease of aging including arthritis, heart disease, cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. In fact, the reason why these are called diseases of aging is because the longer we are alive, the longer we are subjected to these free radical assaults.


Q. How does FPP affect the decline of our immune systems as we age?

A. Our immune systems consist of specialized tissues, organs, and cells, including several different kinds of white blood cells. Each type of white blood cell works in specific ways to keep us healthy and free of disease. They not only stand guard – on the alert for invaders – they can fight and eradicate microbes, too.

However, as we age, our white blood cells become less efficient in keeping viruses and bacteria from infecting us. They often mistake invaders for good guys, like nutrients. As they age, white blood cells may recognize foreign invaders, but be too tired to fight and let them in. This age-associated immune decline also results in single cancer cells being able to “take hold” and grow into tumors. By the time the white blood cells realize their mistake, the cancer is a widespread disease.

That’s why older members of society have more urinary tract infections, more pneumonia, more cases of bacterial meningitis, tuberculosis, herpes zoster, and much more cancer than younger adults do. Moreover, mortality rates for these diseases are often 2-3 times higher among adults than younger people with the same disease.

FPP steps in and takes charge. One kind of white blood cells, the macrophage “eats” and digests bacteria, viral particles, and free radical fragments. Research has shown that FPP helps macrophages work faster and ingest more disease-causing microbes. Scientists have also discovered that FPP increases the production of a chemical protein called interleukin that’s secreted by macrophages. Interleukin plays an important part in wound healing and keeping minor infections from becoming major infections.

Another important immune system cell is the natural killer (NK) cell, a white blood cell that is continually on the prowl for cancer cells. As the immune system ages, NK cells have trouble “seeing” cancer cells. Researchers have discovered that FPP boosts the activity of NK cells. Increased NK cell activity can result in the increased killing of cancer cells as well as cells infected by viruses.


Q. How does FPP help protect us from free radical damage?

A. FPP contains unique and powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radical damage. Antioxidants do this by donating an extra electron to the free radical without becoming frenzied or worked up into a free radical themselves. Although the antioxidant has donated an electron, it has a more stable “personality” and is less reactive. This action stops the domino effect and ongoing free-radical damage.

If you consider your body a temple, think of free radicals as stealing bricks from your temple’s foundation. FPP acts not only as policeman, but as a builder as well. It doesn’t just stop the theft of bricks; it helps create new ones, keeping the foundation strong and young.

FPP does this by affecting super oxide dimutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), the very genetic pathways that eliminate free radicals from the system. FPP is more than an antioxidant – it doesn’t turn into a pro-oxidant if you happen to take a large dose the way standard antioxidants can. Consider it an “antioxidant plus.”

Since aging is largely determined by how well our bodies can fight oxidative damage, using FPP can slow down the clock as it bolsters natural abilities with its own potent neutralizing activities.


Q. What else does science say about FPP?

A. As the subject of over 30 clinical studies, FPP has been shown to inhibit dangerous hydroxyl free radicals. In addition, it is also being considered for its immuno-protective effects.

Researchers and medical professionals have been studying FPP for years, tracking its effect on the immune system and aging. In fact, no less a personage then Dr. Luc Montagnier, co-discover of HIV 1 & 2 virus, has been conducting research on this natural immune booster.

Dr. Montagnier recommends using FPP as part of a tri-therapy (including antibiotics) that reduces the proliferation of the virus and stimulates the immune system. Since FPP has antioxidant and immuno-stimulative properties, it seems like an obvious choice for a combined approach to combating AIDS. Because of the higher free radical production in stage II of HIV infection, Montagnier believes that reducing this oxidative stress at the earliest stage of HIV infection may be a key factor.

In HIV-infected patients, the glutathione system is depressed even at the early stages. As part of a combination treatment, FPP increased the numbers of CF4 lymphocytes helped with weight gain and increased hemoglobin levels.

One scientific study showed the ability of FPP to inhibit dangerous hydroxyl and hydroxyl-like free radicals, while enhancing the production of protective super oxide. Other research by Dr. Lester Packer, a professor of Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University Of Southern California School Of Pharmacy, shows FPP to have natural iron chelating effects and prevents lipid peroxidation.

And, in one randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, patients with cirrhosis of the liver were given FPP or a placebo. The results showed that 81.2% of the patients survived in the FPP group compared to 38.5% of participants in the placebo group.

These studies and many others like it, show that FPP can neutralize the effects of oxidative stress on disease states as well as slowing the normal aging process.


Q. So if we can prevent oxidative damage to our cells AND prevent decline in our immune systems, how much longer can we expect to live?

A. Most theories of aging and almost all researchers who study aging claim there IS a limit to how long the human body can remain viable. However, the oldest age achieved so far was 128 by a woman named Ma Pampo who lived in the Dominican Republic. Other notable oldsters include Jeanne Louise Calment of France, who lived to be 121; Elena Slough, of Trenton New Jersey who lived for 114 years and 112-year old Mary Dorothy Christian who lived and died in San Pablo, California.

Right now, Japanese women have the longest life span of any country in the world, with an average life expectancy of 85.93 years. Japanese men live an average 78.87 years. Japan also has more centenarians – people living to age 100 and beyond – than any other country as well. There is no reason why the rest of the world, the USA included, can’t achieve these average life expectancies and, hopefully, even surpass them.


Q. Is FPP safe?

A. Yes, it is. Many health-conscious people in Japan and Europe have used FPP for many years as an anti-aging product without any side effects.


Q. What is the recommended dosage level of FPP?

A. Dosages of FPP vary depending on individual needs and usage. For basic anti-aging support, 3 grams per day is fine. For additional support, up to 9 grams per day is recommended. To add a boost to your immune system when you need it, start out with 6-9 grams a day for the first 2-3 days (at the beginning of a cold, for example) and then move back down to 3 grams per day.

For individuals looking for optimum immune support, Dr. Montagnier advises morning and evening doses, preferably on an empty stomach.



As America’s Baby Boomers turn 65, they are living proof that the milestone is no longer the herald of old age. It’s just one more stepping stone from where we’ve been – to where we are – and on to where we want to go. Using Fermented Papaya Preparation, we can feel younger, look younger and live younger – to a very old age.

Buy Papaya at Vitanet LLC


Memory And Focus

Date: May 08, 2007 02:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Memory And Focus

Memory & Focus


Some people think getting older often means getting slower. It’s true that as we age, we may find we can’t walk quite as fast, climb as many flights of stairs, or play sports as hard as we could when we were twenty. However, we k now that a healthy diet, regular exercise, and the right dietary supplements can make a huge difference in our health, strength, and mobility as we age.

This is true for our mental abilities as well. We may not think as quickly as we used to, might misplace our keys more often, and experience more “tip-of-my-tongue” word searches. These so-called “middle-aged moments” most often have minor consequences: a missed appointment or the forgotten name of an acquaintance. However, in a small number of cases, these mental slips can also be the first sign of serious diseases of aging, such as Alzheimer’s disease of other dementias.

The good news is, just like our physical health, we can improve how we function mentally. Eating healthy foods, taking the right supplements, and participating in regular mental exercise can significantly increase our mental endurance, improve our memory, and optimize our ability to focus.

In fact, groundbreaking and ongoing research has discovered that specific herbs and vitamins, particularly Ginkgo Biloba, Bacopa monnieri, folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, and the important co-enzyme and antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid, all have powerful effects on memory and focus. These nutritional supplements have been scientifically shown to quickly reduce mild age-related memory chances, as well as greatly reducing the risk of developing more serious problems like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or other brain diseases later on in life.


Q. What is the difference between age related memory decline and dementia?

A. As we get older, our nerve cells need more time to spark and connect, slowing the process of bringing memories and events to mind. Another theory is that, as we age, we accumulate more knowledge and memories. The mind then has to sort through much more data to reference a memory. Almost everyone middle-aged and older notices this slowdown. Memory decline and problems with mental focus are a normal part of aging.

While it’s true that the older we get, our chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease increase, this illness is not a normal part of aging. Alzheimer’s is an irreversible, progressive dementia that slowly kills nerve cells in areas of the brain where memory, learning, though, and language take place. Often first appearing as people begin retirement, Alzheimer’s disease makes the “golden years” a time of loss and devastation. Memories vanish, relationships are erased, and independence is gradually lost.

After Alzheimer’s disease, the second most common cause of dementia in older people is multi-infarct dementia. Caused by a series of mini-strokes that damage or destroy brain tissue over time, multi-infarct dementia usually affects people between the ages of 60 and 75. Men are slightly more at risk. High blood pressure is the most significant risk factor for multi-infarct dementia.

Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, strokes, Huntington’s disease, Creutzfelt-Jakob disease, and alcoholism can also cause progressive and irreversible dementia.

While normal age-related memory and focus loss may mean we can’t remember where we put our car keys, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia may mean we can’t remember what our car keys are used for.


Q. Are any types of memory and focus loss reversible?

A. Yes. As women enter menopause, they frequently experience trouble remembering. This memory interference is caused by hormone fluctuations and can affect speech, thinking, and attention. Symptoms of menopause-related memory loss and poor focus include recognizing faces less well than in the past, missing scheduled appointments, and misplacing articles. Once a woman passes through menopause, her ability to remember and focus most often improves.

Certain medications, such as the heavily prescribed cholesterol lowering drugs called stains, can temporarily interfere with memory. Low vitamin B levels, artherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and thyroid disease can cause disruption of mental focus and memory loss. These problems usually resolve with treatment of the underlying disorder.

A certain type of stoke, called a transient ischemic attack (TIA) can cause memory loss that may be reversible. A TIA is a brief episode of stroke symptoms that come on quickly. Sometimes referred to as a “mini-stroke” or “warning stroke,” a TIA is caused by a temporary interruption in the blood supply to the brain. But, unlike a stroke, a TIA does not lead to permanent brain damage. While a TIA is usually short-lived, it is likely to occur again if not properly managed and can be a warning of future stroke.


Q. I seem to forget a lot of things. How can I be sure I don’t have Alzheimer’s disease or some other dementia?

A. If you, or other around you, are concerned about your memory, you should be examined by your health care practitioner. Once the cause of your memory and focus problem is diagnosed, treatment can begin. All causes of memory loss and mental focus disruption can be treated, even Alzheimer’s disease. While presently irreversible dementias cannot be cured, the progression of the disease may be slowed, and in some cases, stopped..

Research on memory loss and mental focus disruption has increased dramatically in the past few years. Discoveries regarding Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, as well as age-related loss of memory and focus have recently been made. Most importantly, many new treatment options, including the use of nutritional supplements, have been developed.


Q. How can nutritional supplements improve memory and focus?

A. Several herbs and vitamins have been demonstrated to improve memory and mental focus. While some nutritional supplements work now to improve memory and focus, others work to prevent problems we might develop later.

One of the most researched herbs, Ginkgo biloba, has been found to be effective in improving currently experienced memory and focus loss; in other words, problems we are having now. Ginkgo has been studied in individuals who have age-related memory loss, as well as in those with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. It seems that ginkgo can improve many brain functions, such as speeding up memory recall, protecting brain cells from chemical changes and free radical damage, improving blood flow to the brain, and helping nerve cells communicate with each other better.

Several studies examined ginkgo’s effect in healthy people who were experiencing normal age-related memory and focus problems. They determined that ginkgo improved memory, attention, and clarity of thinking. Ginkgo can also help restore memories that may be lost in TIAs, those mini-strokes that were discussed earlier.

In studies of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, the results showed that ginkgo slowed down the disease in those severely afflicted and actually improved those with very mild or moderate disease. In one of these studies, ginkgo was compared to four prescription cholinesterase inhibitors, medications commonly used to treat individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Using written mental tests, the researchers found that ginkgo worked just as effectively as the prescription drugs. While those taking one of the cholinesterase inhibitors dropped out of the study because of disturbing side effects, ginkgo had no side effects and improved symptoms equally as well.


Q. Hoe does Bacopa monnieri help memory and focus?

A. Like ginkgo, bacopa works on the memory and focus problems we are experiencing now. Bacopa grows in India and has a long history as a natural medicine. In a recent study, bacopa was compared to a placebo in its effect on memory. Adults between the ages of 40 and 65 were divided into 2 groups. Half got the bacopa and half got a placebo. Researchers, who didn’t k now which patients got the bacopa, tested both groups’ memory before the study, at three months, and when the study ended six weeks later. The results showed the group taking the bacopa extract was able to remember new information much better than the group taking the placebo.


Q. How does alpha lipoic acid help memory and focus?

A. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a vitamin-like coenzyme that prevents memory and focus problems we might have later on. ALA is an incredibly powerful antioxidant that works especially well with other antioxidants. An antioxidant’s job is to disarm damaging free radicals, those naturally occurring molecules that damage cells and cause disease. ALA has potent antioxidant action in almost all the tissues of the body, helps generate energy from food an oxygen, can get directly to the nerves, and plays an important role in the “antioxidant network”.

Researchers have discovered unmistakable free radical damage in Alzheimer’s disease. Accordingly, ALA’s effect in the illness has been studied extensively. Researchers have learned that ALA not only prevents free radical damage in Alzheimer’s disease, but also regulates protective chemicals in the brain that help improve symptoms.

In a recent study, people with Alzheimer’s disease were given tests that measured through and memory. They were then given ALA supplements for an average of 11 months. At the end of the study, the participants were tested again. The results showed that every person had higher scores on the thought and memory tests than they had at the beginning.

ALA is unique among antioxidants, as it can neutralize free radicals in both the fat and the water of cells. In contrast, the well known vitamin C is only water-soluble, while the popular antioxidant vitamin E is only soluble in fat. Because ALA is easily absorbed, enters cells and tissues in a highly usable form, performs a variety of antioxidant actions (including rejuvenation of other antioxidants), and is both fat and water soluble, many researchers label ALA an “ideal antioxidant”.


Q. How do vitamins B12 and B6 help memory and focus?

A. Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient in the regulation of nerve transmissions. It is required by the nervous system for normal brain function, and it may also help with mood.

Like ALA, vitamins B6 and B12 help prevent memory and focus problems further on down the road. One important recent discovery is the role of homocysteine in brain diseases. These important B vitamins can reduce homocysteine, an amino acid (the building blocks of protein) that is produced in the human body. Homocysteine irritate s blood vessels, makes it easier for blood to clot, and can cause cholesterol to become more harmful.

Researchers have learned that people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias (including Parkinson’s disease) have elevated homocysteine levels. IN fact, t he amount of homocysteine in the blood corresponds to the severity of the disease. Most people with a high homocysteine level don’t have enough folate, vitamin B5 or vitamin B12 in their diet. Replacing these vitamins helps return the homocysteine level to normal.

Reducing homocysteine levels may prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease, or other brain diseases, and improve the symptoms of those already afflicted.


Q. What about folic acid?

A. Folic acid has long been recognized as a vital nutrient for the brain and spinal cord. Recent research has demonstrated that folic acid has significant importance in Alzheimer’s disease.

An ongoing study of Alzheimer’s disease that began in 1986 has been studying 678 members of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in the hopes of learning how the disease develops, how it might be prevented, and how to treat it. Data collected in the study includes biographies the sisters wrote upon entrance to the order, blood samples from the sisters while they are living, and information gained from the voluntary donation of their brains after death.

Aptly named the “Nun Study,” ground breaking discoveries have already been made. It seems that diet and nutrition have a dramatic influence in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Sisters who had high levels of folic acid showed little evidence of Alzheimer’s-type damage in their brains after death. And, those nuns who had Alzheimer’s disease in spite of high folic acid levels had profoundly less brain damage from the disease. In fact, some sisters who had no outward evidence of Alzheimer’s disease while they were living had surprisingly extensive damage in their brains after death.


Q. Besides taking ginkgo, bacopa, B vitamins, folic acid, and ALA, is there other things I can do to prevent Alzheimer’s disease?

A. You may not know if you have a serious B-vitamin deficiency. Routine lab work does not measure the amount of B vitamins in your blood. You might want to ask your health care practitioner to have your B vitamin level in your blood measured, especially if you are having memory and focus problems. Keep in mind that this type of lab work is fairly expensive, however.

Supplements do not replace the need for a healthy diet, especially a diet with high levels of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and omega-3 fatty acids. Keeping your body healthy helps keep your brain healthy as well.

It also seems that the use-it-or-lose-it theory applies to our brain as well as our body. Research has shown that people who seek opportunities to keep mentally active, such as reading books, newspapers, and magazines, solving crossword puzzles, playing card games, and visiting museums, lower their risk of Alzheimer’s disease.



Dealing with age-related memory loss may be both frustrating and frightening. As the population of America gets older, dementia is continuing to affect a larger proportion of society. Prevention of these devastating diseases has become increasingly important.

In fact, more and more research shows prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is a reality. And age-related memory loss can successfully be improved as well. Taking the scientifically validated nutritional supplements ginkgo, bacopa, vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, and ALA can improve age-related memory loss and potentially prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias as we age.

Improve Memory and Focus at Vitanet Vitamin Store


NHA/Washington Update - Statistics Lie

Date: April 06, 2007 04:57 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: NHA/Washington Update - Statistics Lie

The mass media targets antioxidants with misleading stats.

The smear campaign against nutritional supplements continues in 2007, with headlines such as the following: “Antioxidants Don’t help You Live Longer,” “Antioxidants Might be Dangerous,” “Antioxidants Do Not Prevent Disease and May Increase Mortality.” Do you notice a theme? Antioxidants are the latest target for media manipulators seeking to steer the public away from life-enhancing nutrition.

The study that spawned these alarmist headlines, first published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, is a “meta-analysis”; this means it draws its conclusions from a number of different studies. In this case, 68 studies involving 232,606 people were analyzed. Meta-analyses are an example of how easily statistics can lie.

Deception Exposed

Like 2004’s infamous vitamin E-bashing meta-analysis (which proclaimed vitamin E to be deadly, even though it focused on elderly patients who were already stricken with disease), the recent meta-analysis of antioxidants has a preordained outcome—results are determined by which studies are chosen for analysis. Experts have pointed out significant flaws in the execution of this meta-analysis; for example, it includes studies that administered many different combinations of antioxidants, and in varying doses. In addition, these Hitler-skelter antioxidants and dosages are scattered across a wide range of people, everyone from male doctors to elderly nursing home patients. Finally, this meta-analysis neglected to include the most significant antioxidant study ever conducted in its findings. The china study, which in surveying 800 million people was one of the most comprehensive studies of its kind, verified antioxidants effectiveness in fighting cancer, heart disease and stroke. Why was it not included in the meta-analysis?

Even a junior high school science student would question this meta-analysis’s statistical significance. So how can mass media transform this flawed study into headlines that proclaim antioxidants will kill you?

The answer is because the media gets away with it. In our fast paced world, where celebrity rehab stints are front page news, fact-driven journalism is fading—and distracted news readers are enabling its demise. The solution? Consider media reports with awareness and intelligence, and never assume that headlines speak truthfully.

The recent antioxidant bashing study crumbles when subjected to awareness and intelligence. In addition to the obvious study flaws, and even more telling: stories coving the study with headlines proclaiming “antioxidants may increase mortality” are grievously misleading; as it turns out, the study did not identify any causes of death—which were surely diverse given that the study tracked over 200,000 diverse people. Believe the headlines, however, an antioxidants causing all the deaths when in fact they probably caused none—an example of the absurd “association with out causation” logic that may destroy our right to take safe, natural supplements.

Continue investigating and you will find that Denham Harman, MD, PhD, the “father of the free radical theory of aging,” antioxidants pioneer and professor emeritus at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, is able-bodied and active at age 91. Harman takes antioxidants vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium daily—a revelation with more credibility than any antioxidant bashing hatchet-job study.

Educate yourself about antioxidants and other supplements that Congress is trying to take away from you. Fight to keep your health under your own control, always. Patronize the natural health food store that are committed to providing you with quality products and reliable knowledge. For more information, visit


Growing Older, Feeling Better

Date: March 28, 2007 02:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Growing Older, Feeling Better

Growing Older, Feeling Better


Not long ago, when a man turned sixty-five, he became officially old – the best years of his life far behind him. The milestone meant his working days were done and if he was lucky, he might get four or five years to spend as he wished before illness and infirmity set in. It was simply expected and accepted that the older a man got, the sicker he got.

Well, not anymore. Today, a man age 65 is just as likely to be found hiking in the hills, running in a marathon, or even dancing in the streets than rocking in that proverbial front porch rocker. Because it’s becoming more and more evident that the older a man gets, the healthier that man has been.

Eating healthy, exercising, and kicking harmful habits (like smoking) can add years to a man’s life. aging research is proving over and over again, that we can prevent and delay heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease – the major causes of disability and death in men over 50.

Now, it’s very true that good clean living from early on is preferable to sixty five years of bad habits and five years of good. But it’s also true that it’s never too late for men to make changes and vow to take better care of themselves. And one of the easiest and most effective ways men can improve their health is the addition of high quality nutritional supplements.

In this issue of Ask the Doctor, we’ll talk about specific dietary supplements that have been scientifically shown to improve the health of men over fifty, prevent the diseases that often strike at this crucial time in men’s lives, and actually slow the aging process.


Q. I just turned 50 and I’d like to begin taking nutritional supplements, but they seem so confusing. Where should I begin?

A. Many men feel the same way. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of nutritional supplements on health food store shelves. Figuring out which supplements provide the best health benefits for a 50+ man can be overwhelming.

The best foundation supplement is a high quality multivitamin. Research is repeatedly finding that even very healthy men who take daily multivitamins can significantly improve their health. In fact, an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recommends that all adult Americans take a vitamin supplement. Look for solid doses of vitamin supplement. Look for sol doses of vitamins and especially minerals. Multivitamins designed to be taken once a day are often woefully deficient in calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The only mineral a man should avoid is supplemental iron. Iron should only be in formulas for women prior to menopause. Men over 50 get all the iron they need from food and too much iron can cause health problems.


Look for men’s multivitamins that contain lycopene in the formula. Lycopene is the pigment that makes tomatoes red. The redder the tomato, the more lycopene is present. Numerous studies have shown that when men have high lycopene levels in their blood, they have a much lower risk of heart disease, age-related macular degeneration (a leading cause of vision loss) and prostate cancer.


Other important considerations are antioxidant blends, especially fruit- and tea-derived extracts; ginseng for energy and stamina; and digestive enzymes to aid in absorption and compensate for age-related decreased enzyme levels.


In fact, years of research has shown the foods a man chooses to eat (or not to eat) can have a profound impact on the health of his prostate gland. Because of this close nutritional link, prostate cancer may be the most preventable type of non-smoking related cancers.


Q. Aside from taking a quality multivitamin for general health, what nutritional supplements prevent and treat prostate cancer?

A. Six vital and all-natural nutrients can prevent prostate cancer from developing and even help fight the disease.


Calcium D-Glucarate

When men are exposed to excess levels of hormones, their risk of prostate cancer increases. A natural substance found in fruits and vegetables called calcium D-glucarate (or CDG), helps men’s built-in detoxification systems get rid of these harmful excess hormones.



This antioxidant has powerful effects on the prostate gland. In a recent study, researchers recruited 974 men to take part in a large clinical trial to determine if selenium could prevent cancer. The researchers found that selenium cut the rate of prostate cancer by 63%!


Green Tea

Green tea is the most widely consumed liquid in the world, after water. Men in China and Japan have been drinking it for centuries. They also have very low rates of prostate cancer. Research has discovered that potent plant substance in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, can stop the growth of prostate cancer cells dead in their tracks.


Maitake Mushroom

For many years, maitake mushrooms, or dancing mushrooms, have been linked to good health in those who eat them. That’s because maitakes contain an important compound called D-fraction. A recent study showed that maitake D-fraction destroyed 95% of human prostate cancer cells in lab experiments.



Promising preliminary reports demonstrate that lycopene can actually kill prostate cancer cells, so there has been an explosion of lycopene and prostate cancer research.


Q. What exactly happens to men’s hormones as they get older?

A. Just as women experience significant hormonal changes as they age, so do men. In fact, the term andropause has been used to describe men’s mid-life changes. Similar to menopause in women (where the decline of estrogen causes a myriad of symptoms), andropause in men signals the slow decline of testosterone, the chief sex hormone in men. While estrogen levels decline faster and more abruptly in women than testosterone levels do in men, testosterone decline can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. These include abdominal weight gain, hair loss, reduced energy and sex drive, heart disease, and prostate enlargement. Whether a man labels these age-related changes as andropause or just the consequences of aging, most men will unfortunately experience some or all of them as their birthdays mount.


Q. So, is there a supplement that can give me the hormone level of a 20 year old?

A. Sadly, no, at least not yet! But there is a nutrient that can help the testosterone in a man over fifty “behave” more like a younger man’s testosterone.


A study that took place at the Fred Hutchinson Center in Seattle found that men who ate three servings of cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts – every day had a 48 percent lower risk of prostate cancer. It seems a cruciferous plant chemical called diindolylmethane (DIM) that’s formed when broccoli is eaten, is the substance responsible for this impressive prostate cancer prevention. Since not many men could be persuaded to ea t broccoli for breast, lunch, and dinner every day researchers tried to extract DIM from these vegetables and make into a nutritional supplement. After many years of trying, scientists finally discovered a stable, all natural, and absorbable from of DIM.


The secret of DIM’s prostate cancer prevention is its ability to metabolize estrogen. While estrogen is generally thought of as a “female” hormone, a precise ratio of testosterone-to-estrogen is needed to maintain a man’s healthy sexual response, effective sexual function (erection of the penis and intercourse), strong bones and muscles, viable sperm, and a well-functioning prostate gland. As men enter their fifties, this ratio begins to change.


When men take DIM, however, their estrogen metabolism improves, testosterone metabolism accelerates, and the unwanted conversion of testosterone into estrogen is eliminated. This results in higher testosterone levels, similar to those seen in young men. As a result, DIM may speed weight loss, reduce prostate gland enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH), and help men over 50 feel stronger and leaner.


Some supplements on the market today contain indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a precursor to DIM. However, I3C is unstable and requires activation in the stomach to be converted into DIM. This means I3C must be taken at a much higher amount and can undergo unpredictable and undesirable chemical reactions in your stomach and colon. DIM is by far the preferred supplement.


Q. What is saw palmetto? Does it reduce symptoms of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)?

A. Yes it does and very effectively too. Saw palmetto is a small palm tree native to Florida and North Carolina. The tree’s dark red berries contain many beneficial compounds. Nutritional supplements that contain saw palmetto are highly effective in the treatment of BPH.


The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut and is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It wraps around the upper part of the urethra and its primary job is the production and storage of semen, the milky fluid that nourishes sperm. BPH is one of the most common health conditions in older men. Half of all men aged 40-60 and more than 90 percent in men over 80 have BPH. BPH causes the prostate gland to enlarge, putting pressure on the urethra.


Men have trouble starting or maintaining a stream of urine, find they can’t completely empty their bladders, and have to urinate frequently, even during the night. They may also have episodes of uncontrollable dribbling or complete loss of urine. BPH is caused by the conversion of estrogen to a very potent form of testosterone called, dihydrotestosterone (or DHT). When prostate cells are exposed to DHT, they multiply in number and get much larger.


BPH rarely improves. It most often remains the same for years or gets gradually worse. The need to continually urinate, interrupted sleep, dribbling, and loss of urine can significantly interfere with a man’s quality of life. Prescription medications that have been developed to treat BPH are only partially effective. And surgical removal of the prostate gland may result in even more persistent urinary incontinence and the inability to achieve an erection (ED).


However, saw palmetto berry extract relieves the symptoms of BPH by inhibiting the production of DHT. And, in study after study after study, saw palmetto caused none of the side effects that happen with prostate surgery or medications.


Q. There seem to be plenty of ads for supplements that claim they make men into Sexual Superheroes. Is there an “honest” nutritional supplement to help me sexually?

A. That’s a very good observation. And yes, there are honest nutritional supplements for men’s sexual health.


Sexual intimacy is an important, complex, and lifelong need. It makes us feel better physically and mentally and adds to our sense of security, belonging, and self-esteem. But just like other changes that happen to men as they get older, men’s sexual response most often changes, too. Declining testosterone levels, changes in blood flow to the penis, certain medications that older men are prescribed, and the presence of diabetes or heart disease can all affect men’s ability to engage in sexual activity.


When men have a chronic inability in obtaining and/or maintaining an erection, it’s called erectile dysfunction (ED). While ED is not an inevitable part of getting older, it does occur more frequently as men age. About 5% of 40-year-old men have ED, but more than 23% of 65-year-old men have difficulty maintaining erections.


The development of prescription medication Viagra (sildenafil citrate) has revolutionized ED treatment. When a man is sexually stimulated, Viagra helps the penis fill with enough blood to cause an erection.


Like all medicines, Viagra can cause some side effects, including headache, flushing of the face, and upset stomach. But because Viagra is a prescription medication, it requires a visit to a licensed healthcare practitioner. For many men, telling anyone (even a professional) that they are having trouble getting or keeping an erection is simply too embarrassing. Viagra is also fairly expensive and many older men do not have prescription drug health insurance.


These reasons may explain that while an estimated 30 million men in the United States – 10% of the male population – experience chronic ED, as few as 5% of men with chronic ED seek treatment.


Not every man can take Viagra, either. Men who use nitrate drugs, often used to control chest pain (also known as angina), must not take Viagra. This combination can cause their blood pressure to drop to an unsafe or life-threatening level. Men with serious liver and kidney problems who take Viagra must be monitored closely for possible serious side effects.


The good news is there is a nutritional supplement that’s formulated with vitamins, herbs, and glandular products that targets male sexual organs. The formula contains vitamin E, liver fractions, wheat germ, beta-sitosterol, and herbal extracts of muira puama, Mexican damiana, saw palmetto, cola nut, ginseng, and ginkgo biloba.


Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and men’s testicles, adrenal glands, and pituitary glands need high levels of this fat-soluble vitamin for proper functioning. Extracts of Muira puama, Mexican damiana, and cola nut have been studied for their beneficial effects on male hormones.


Study of ginkgo in sexual response came about when a patient in a nursing home who was taking the herb for memory enhancement noted that his erections were improved. Since then, study of ginkgo has shown it helps blood flow to the penis. Sexual response research in one ginkgo study showed that 76% of men taking ginkgo experienced improved sexual desire, erections, and orgasms.


While other nutritional supplements sold to improve sexual stamina often make outrageous claims, reputable manufacturers rely on science and results to sell their products.


An important note

Most often sexual problems are simply part of the aging process. They can also be signs of serious health problems. If the use of nutritional supplements for two months does not improve your erections, you do need to see your healthcare practitioner. Almost all practitioners understand how difficult this problem is for men to discuss and are experienced in getting the information as quickly and as painlessly as possible.



No man has the power to stop the passage of time. But every man has the power to make aging more healthy and less harmful. Research conducted on men who live to be 100 and beyond, has determined that those who reach extreme old age do so by avoiding ill health, rather than by enduring it. As I like to remind my patients, “Age is not determined by years, but by function.” And it’s never too late for men to detour around the major illnesses of getting older. With good nutrition, healthy habits, and high quality nutritional supplements, the best years of a man’s life can absolutely and positively be those he spends in his 70s, 80s and even his 90s.


Let Vitanet Help You Grow Older Gracefully!


Neurological Health and CoQ10

Date: February 25, 2007 12:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Neurological Health and CoQ10

Between 1946 and 1965, 78 million Americans were born, creating the largest number of children in U.S. history. This Baby Boom generation has greatly influenced the makeup of American society and undoubtedly w ill continue to do so. Thanks to good nutrition and health care, Baby Boomers are aging well and have an excellent life expectancy. For the first time in history, we have more people turning 60 every day, and record numbers of adults reaching their seventh decade. As a result, neurological diseases associated with aging, such as Parkinson’s disease, are becoming major health care concerns. The good news is CoQ10 has applications for neurological diseases, in addition to its better known use for cardiovascular diseases.

Q. What is CoQ10?

A. CoQ10 is a natural, fat-soluble nutrient present in virtually all cells. CoQ10 also is known as ubiquinone (existing everywhere there is human life). CoQ10 is vital to the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy-rich compound used for all energy-requiring processes in the body.

Q. Isn’t CoQ10 a supplement for heart health?

A. Yes, it is. Because the heart requires lots of ATP to meet its high energy needs, CoQ10’s function in heart health is well understood. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated that when individuals with heart disease take CoQ10, their symptoms improve, sometimes quite dramatically. Supplemental CoQ10 improves the heart’s pumping ability, improves blood circulation, increases tolerance to exercise, and improves the heart’s muscle tone. CoQ10 also is a powerful antioxidant and protects heart tissue from free-radical damage.

Q. How does CoQ10 affect brain health?

A. CoQ10 works in the brain the same way it works elsewhere in the body: it’s essential to ATP production. Nearly all human cells contain tiny structures called mitochondria. Mitochondria are referred to as cell powerhouses because they produce cellular energy. Depending on what each cell’s job is. There can be several thousand mitochondria in one cell. If a cell needs a lot of energy, it will have more mitochondria. This explains why heart cells contain so many mitochondria; the continual pumping of blood requires continual ATP production.

The brain also requires huge amounts of uninterrupted energy to regulate, integrate, and coordinate ongoing nervous system transmissions. To meet this need, ATP production within the mitochondria of brain cells is vital. Since CoQ10 exerts such a powerful influence on heart cells in ATP production, it was a natural progression for scientists to wonder how it affects brain cells. Brain and nervous system research led to the conclusion that the same intracellular principles apply. CoQ10 is produced in the body to assist in ATP production. Without it, ATP cannot be produced.

The most important discovery regarding CoQ10 and the brain is that CoQ10, when formulated with certain ingredients, can cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain’s mitochondria. If large amounts of CoQ10 can get into the brain cell’s mitochondria, its ability to make ATP is greatly enhanced.

Q. What is the blood-brain barrier and why is it important?

A. The blood-brain barrier is a unique anatomical structure. The cells that make up the blood vessels that provide blood to the brain are extremely close together. This greatly restricts what can leave the bloodstream and enter the brain. While the blood-brain barrier protects the brain and spinal cord from potentially toxic substances, it also can be a significant obstacle to therapy of central nervous system disorders. Only substances with certain solubilities or those that have a transport system can cross the blood-brain barrier to a significant degree.

Obtaining optimal absorption of CoQ10 is difficult. The CoQ10 molecule is large and inflexible. The easiest and least expensive way to increase absorption levels is with the use of harsh solvents such as propylene glycol. However, at higher doses, these types of chemicals are considered dangerous (neurotoxic) to the person with a serious neurodegenerative disease. It is more difficult, as well as more expensive (considering raw materials, research, and proper manufacturing methods) to promote absorption with less harmful alternatives. However, reputable companies ensure that their products are safe for all their customers. Look for CoQ10 products formulated with vitamin E and other safe ingredients such as Micosolle.

Nearly all CoQ10 supplements enter the bloodstream. But, only CoQ10 supplements with special formulations have been scientifically shown to enter the mitochondria and cross the blood-brain barrier.

Q. If CoQ10 is made in the body, why take supplements?

A. While CoQ10 is synthesized in the body, these levels may be insufficient to meet the body’s requirements. Researchers have discovered CoQ10 levels diminish with age and as a result of dietary inadequacies and various disease states. They also have determined some medications significantly reduce CoQ10 levels in the body.

Although CoQ10 exists in some dietary sources, it may not be realistic to obtain CoQ10 through food alone. For example, it would take approximately 3 pounds of sardines, 7 pounds of beef, or 8 pounds of peanuts to equal 100 mg of supplemental CoQ10.

Q. How does CoQ10 help people with Parkinson’s disease?

A. CoQ10 seems to have several beneficial actions in the illness. Researchers have looked at mitochondria in brain cells and determined people with Parkinson’s disease have reduced activity of Complex I in the electron transport chain. Recent research has proposed the reduced activity of Complex I interferes with the brain-signaling chemical dopamine. Stored and newly synthesized dopamine is depleted. The dopamine depletion causes nerve cell degeneration.

A recent clinical study involved 80 patients with Parkinson’s disease (both men and women). The researchers first evaluated all the participants to establish scores for basic motor skills (measuring the ability to control physical movements such as walking), mental status (whether the person was depressed or experiencing memory loss) and the activities of daily living (whether the person was experiencing difficulty with handwriting, dressing themselves, using utensils such as knives and forks, and so on). This scale is known as the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). This process is known as establishing “baseline values,” that is, the condition of the patient before receiving any treatment.

Participants were divided into 4 groups. Each group received either 300 mg, 600 mg, or 1200 mg of the special form of CoQ10, or a placebo. The researchers observed the participants for 16 months.

The results of the study showed that all the participants who received CoQ10 had smaller declines in function compared to the placebo group, but the smallest decline was experienced by the group taking the highest amount of the special form of CoQ10.

The most significant results were noted specifically in the activities of daily living scores by the people taking 1200 mg of CoQ10 daily. These people retained better ability to feed and dress themselves, speak, walk, and bathe or shower by themselves. They maintained greater independence for a longer time. Parkinson’s disease, as with other neurodegenerative diseases, robs the sufferer of their ability to control the movements of their own body and care for themselves. Supplementation with CoQ10, while not a cure, is the first intervention that showed a slowing in the progressive deterioration of the function associated with this disease.

Q. What were the results of clinical research on Huntington’s Disease?

A. A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study respected type of study, was conducted at the University of Rochester. All of the 347 Huntington’s disease (HD) patients were experiencing some HD symptoms, but were still in the early stages of the disease. The patients (who did not know which drug they were receiving) were randomly assigned to four different treatment groups: 25 percent received Remacemide, 25 percent received CoQ10, 25 percent received both, and 25 percent received a placebo, or sugar pill. The researchers, who also did not know which patients got which drug, watched and recorded their progress for two and one-half years. Remacemide is a new drug made by Astra Seneca that blocks the neurotransmitter glutamate in the brain, that has long been suspected of contributing to the death of brain cells in Huntington’s disease.

Unfortunately, in the CARE-HD study, Remacemide had no effect on the progression of the disease in patients in the early stages. However, the individuals who received 600 mg of CoQ10 per day experienced some slowing of the disease progression. They were able to manage daily activities, such as meal preparation, housekeeping tasks, and personal care longer than those not on CoQ10. They were also able to focus their attention better and were less depressed and irritable. The portion of the studied patients receiving 600 mg of CoQ10 per day experienced a 15 percent decline in the progression of HD. According to the researchers conducting the study, a 15 percent decline in the progression of HD would roughly translate into approximately one more year of independence for patients. This is the very first study from more than a dozen Huntington’s disease patient trails that showed any modification of the course of the illness.

Of note, the effects of the CoQ10 had not abated at the end of the research study. That is, the benefit of using CoQ10, 600 mg per day, was still increasing; this suggests that the longer a patient supplements with CoQ10, the greater the decline in the progression of HD. The next phase of the CARE-HD research will test a higher dose of CoQ10 (1200 mg or more per day), with more patients (over 1000), for a longer period of time (approximately 5 years). This study should improve our understanding of the optimal dose and the total achievable decline in the progression of HD. The CoQ10 product used in the CARE-HD study was designated an Orphan Drug by the FDA. The product utilizes a proprietary, patent-pending delivery mechanism, which is proven to be safe and tolerable at high doses for people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, substantially improving brain tissue levels of CoQ10.

Q. What other diseases could benefit from CoQ10 supplementation?

A. Studies show CoQ10 levels are greatly reduced in Alzheimer’s patients. Mitochondrial abnormalities also are noted; however, research has yet to determine how or why this occurs. Some scientists believe damage to mitochondria is an early feature of the disease. Free-radical damage also is a feature of Alzheimer’s.

In a study of 27 Alzheimer’s patients, subjects were given 60 mg of CoQ10, 150 mg of iron, and 180 mg of vitamin B6 daily. Each patient’s mitochondria activity was effectively activated. All patients continued to experience gradual decline. However, researchers believed that with this combination, the progression was much slower and allowed the patients to experience 1 to 2 years of extended good health.

ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) is a progressive, fatal, neurological disease. It occurs when the nerve cells in the brain that control voluntary movement gradually degenerate. Investigation of CoQ10 in individuals with ALS is just beginning. Researchers at the Eleanor and Lou Gehrig ALS Center at Columbia University recently conducted a small clinical pilot trial of CoQ10 in ALS. The study was an open label study, which meant that everyone enrolled received CoQ10, 400 mg three times per day. Of the 16 patients originally enrolled, nine patients completed the study. Six of these nine patients experienced some benefits. The patients declined from 0 – 25 percent in functional scores, 6 percent in strength, and 10 percent in breathing ability. These scores reflect a positive trend compared to the 50 percent decline that is seen in the natural history of ALS over the same period of time (5 to 9 months). Citing the need to conduct more studies of the effectiveness of CoQ10 for people with ALS is rapidly and efficiently as possible to get answers to patients and clinicians, another clinical trial is currently underway at the Gehrig ALS Center. This is a pilot study to determine if CoQ10 has short-term effects on motor nerves in the brain using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). The researchers are going to try to “see” if CoQ10 can change the chemical sin the brain’s upper motor nerves of people with ALS, an important next step of the investigation.

Q. Can taking CoQ10 prevent neurodegenerative disease?

A. To date, there have been no studies or research examining whether CoQ10 can prevent these diseases.

Alzheimer’s disease prevention is being clinically investigated. Researchers have determined that people who take certain anti-inflammatory medications seem less likely to develop the illness. A large, multi-centered trial is studying this connection.

Q. How much CoQ10 should I take?

A. Depending on your family history of neurological disease and your disease experience, studies show benefits at doses of 100 to 200 mg of CoQ10 daily. Some studies used doses of up to 1,200 mg per day.

CoQ10’s safety has been evaluated. To date, no toxicities have been reported. Mild stomach upset may occur. Taking CoQ10 with meals usually alleviates this rare effect.

Q. What should I look for in a CoQ10 supplement?

A. Use products which have a strong clinical research track record, supported by product-specific research from reputable institutions, and have been proven to be safe, tolerable and effective in treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. The CoQ10 product you choose should be proven to: be absorbed, enter the blood stream, cross the blood brain barrier and increase mitochondrial levels of CoQ10. If the product you are considering does not have evidence to support these points, keep looking. Once you have found a candidate, examine the product’s safety and efficacy record for neurodegenerative diseases- if the product has not been proven to be safe and effective, keep looking. Good products exist; however, caveat emptor.


CoQ10 supplementation for people with neurodegenerative diseases is supported by contemporary clinical research. CoQ10 is certainly not the only answer to the complex issues of management and treatment of these types of diseases. However, research indicates that it is a bigger piece of the puzzle than physicians and scientists ever imagined. As we continue to study this naturally occurring compound, we are finding more and more benefits to the body.

All CoQ10 is not created equal. For safety and overall effectiveness, use a CoQ10 product that is supported by product-specific research from reputable institution, which is proven to be safe, tolerable and effective at high doses; deviating from this set of criteria may do more harm than good for people with these serious illnesses. Choose clinically tested products from a well-respected company and increase the potential to achieve and maintain brain and neurological health.

Buy Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) at Vitanet


Pycnogenol: Heart, Blood Sugar and Cellular Health

Date: November 03, 2006 12:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pycnogenol: Heart, Blood Sugar and Cellular Health

Pycnogenol (pronounced pic-nojen-all) is a natural plant extract originating from the bark of the maritime pine that grows along the coast of southwest France. Pycnogenol® consists of particularly bioactive flavonoid species and its purity is in strict accordance with the United States Pharmacopoeia. Pycnogenol® was initially developed 35 years ago in Europe. During the past years it evolved as one of the most thoroughly researched nutritional supplements, with over 200 studies published in peer-reviewed journals. Seventy of these studies were clinical with in total more than 4,000 patients. Pycnogenol® taken in dosages from 25mg to 300mg is well tolerated and Pycnogenol® was attributed “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) by the FDA.

Pycnogenol® supports healthy capillaries

The “Career” of Pycnogenol® began in Europe, where it was first used to maintain vein and capillary health. Pycnogenol® has been shown to strengthen blood vessel walls, with 15 clinical trials showing fast relief from ankle and foot discomfort. A recent study with 200 passengers on long-haul flights showed that Pycnogenol® taken before departure and again during the flight supports foot comfort and healthy circulation. Travelers typically comment that with Pycnogenol® it is much easier to put shoes on again upon arrival. Clinicians in Germany discovered that Pycnogenol® also supports healthy capillaries in the eyes. Retinal capillaries may be affected by imbalanced blood sugar levels. In a multi-center field study with 1169 subjects Pycnogenol® supported healthy capillaries in the retina and improved visual acuity to some extent.

Pycnogenol® benefits the cardiovascular system

More detailed investigation of the interaction of Pycnogenol® with blood vessel walls at the University of Florida, Tampa led to an amazing discovery. Pycnogenol® stimulates an enzyme in blood vessel walls that is responsible for generating the most important vascular mediator, known as “nitric oxide” (NO). NO triggers relaxation of the arteries and supports clear blood flow. Hence, NO is the body’s mediator for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels and circulation. NO plays such an important function for cardiovascular health that Dr. Louis Ignarro (UCLA) and his co-workers received the Nobel Prize for this discovery in 1987.

A number of factors, including aging, can interfere with the body’s efficient production of NO. Supplementation with Pycnogenol® for four weeks was shown to restore NO production and improve blood supply to the fingertips of elderly people in a Japanese study. Microscopic evaluation of blood vessel diameter at the root of fingernails showed an increased diameter of capillaries allowing better blood perfusion. Specific sensors applied to the legs showed increased oxygen and decreased carbon dioxide presence. Better blood, nutrient and oxygen supply with Pycnogenol® benefits everybody. Italian researchers were able to show that regular intake of Pycnogenol® helps defy muscle cramps and minor pain in athletes.

The relaxation of arteries has a favorable effect on blood pressure. In two clinical studies Pycnogenol® taken for at least eight weeks was found to significantly support normal blood pressure.

Pycnogenol® stimulated NO generation directly translates into clear blood flow. This was first demonstrated at the University of Arizona, Tucson in smokers. Pycnogenol® dose-dependently, starting at a single dose of 25mg, countered the typical effects of cigarette smoking on the blood. Also, Italian vascular specialists found that Pycnogenol® supported the circulation of individuals on flights between New York and London.

Pycnogenol® supports healthy blood sugar levels

Pycnogenol® can support normal glucose levels when taken as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle plan. A clinical investigation has confirmed the significant glucose-lowering effect of Pycnogenol®. It was noted that Pycnogenol® did not affect insulin levels. Pycnogenol® appears to facilitate previously insulin-resistant cells to uptake sugar from the blood stream by yet unknown mechanisms.

Pycnogenol® limits cellular irritation

Two clinical studies carried out in Germany this year with student volunteers demonstrated that Pycnogenol® has a potent effect in preventing cellular irritation. Pycnogenol® inhibits a molecular “main-switch” in immune cells that triggers the onset of cellular irritation in any part of the body. Moreover, Pycnogenol® was found to inhibit so-called COX enzymes, which are involved with minor pain-sensation related to cellular irritation.

Pycnogenol® sooths menstrual pain

Japanese gynecologists discovered in 1999 that regular supplementation with Pycnogenol® soothes the normal discomfort of menstrual pain, particularly during cramping. Another clinical investigation of 47 women in year 2004 confirmed the effect of Pycnogenol® in addressing menstrual pain. This year a double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center field study with 116 women again confirmed these results. Pycnogenol® is not suitable for on-demand relief during menstruation. The studies show that Pycnogenol® reached highest efficacy when taken regularly for months.

Pycnogenol® helps to support respiratory health

Challenges to normal respiratory function may result from incidents the immune system perceives as harmful. Pycnogenol® offers valuable help in supporting respiration due to its immune-modulating effect and its ability to limit cellular irritation. A study at the University of Arizona found that Pycnogenol® supports clear breathing and lowers mediators of cellular irritation in the blood stream. More recently, a placebo-controlled clinical study at the University of California, Loma Linda described how Pycnogenol® supported healthy respiration in 60 children aged 6-18 years. Pycnogenol® needs to be taken continuously for prolonged periods of time for maximum benefit to the respiratory system.

Pycnogenol® is investigated in clinical trials all over the world. New findings are posted on the website

Frank Schonlau Ph.D. is a biochemist who has spent nine years in medical research at the University Clinic of Munster Germany. His area of expertise covers vascular disorders, inflammation and dermatology. He has published more than 20 studies and review articles in the medical literature. Since entering the dietary field in 1999 he was involved in numerous studies on Pycnogenol® and communication of new health discoveries.



Date: April 14, 2006 11:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Sunscreens provide inadequate protection from UVA

Divine Skin

Studies show that people often have the mistaken notion that the higher the SPF number of the sunscreen they use, the longer they can stay in the sun. In addition, the protection from sunscreens is understood as being the amount of time you can stay in the sun before getting burned. Research in the last several years shows that damage will occur long before you get pink or sunburned, exposure to the sun at what is considered safe levels still leads to photo aging and micro scars. The micro-scars compound over time and after many years lead to visible signs of aging.

Another problem is that the vast majority of sunscreens only provide protection from UVB but very little protection from UVA, wavelengths that appear to be the principle cause of photo-aging and lowered collagen production in the skin.

To prevent premature aging, sun damage, and skin cancer, you need to protect yourself from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. Sunscreen alone will not protect you. The best way to protect yourself is to avoid the sun altogether during the middle of the day, especially between the hours of 10am and 4pm.

However, simultaneously several studies have confirmed that under-exposure to the sun may lead to other health problems. A number of recent articles in medical journals report that the vitamin D made in the skin in response to ultraviolet B radiation may protect against certain diseases, including cancer of the breast, colon and prostate.

The bottom line is that it is important to practice safe sun exposure, without becoming sun-phobic. As always, a well balanced lifestyle is the key to optimal health. It takes just 15 minutes per day in the sun, preferably either earlier in the morning or late in the afternoon, to get all the benefits of sun exposure without the negative side effects.

Patients suffering from an irritating skin condition have been given new hope thanks to scientists on Wearside.

A team at Sunderland University has discovered that gossypol, a substance extracted from the cotton plant can be used to soothe psoriasis.

Fight UVA with Divine Skin at Vitanet ®


Your Cells Supercharge Your Cells

Date: December 20, 2005 11:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Your Cells Supercharge Your Cells

Your Cells Supercharge Your Cells

The differences between aging and growing old are poles apart. Sure, they may sound similar in nature. But when you think about it, the two are as different as night and day. Growing old is about retirement and travel and enjoying what you’ve worked an entire life for. aging, on the other hand, summons images of wrinkled skin, brittle joints, cloudy minds and medicine cabinets full of prescriptions. It’s safe to assume that the majority of us want to look, live, and feel better as we grow old. Not the opposite. Many of us are on the right track - committed to a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a well-balanced diet. And yes, these do serve as a solid foundation for good health during our golden years. It is our cells, however, that ultimately determine who grows old, and who just ages.

Still, slowing the proverbial hands of time is not all about health clubs and organic produce. If you want to grow old gracefully, you must nurture the ten trillion cells that defi ne you physically. Why? Because these cells are constantly under attack by free radicals - unstable molecules that either lack, or have an unpaired number of electrons. They scour the body in search of stable cells, and do whatever they can to rob them of their electrons, a process more formally known as oxidation. Considering that it’s environmentally impossible to completely avoid contact with the billions of airborne toxins that cause free radicals, the only other option is to safeguard your healthy cells. Making the commitment to a healthy lifestyle is the fi rst step in the process, and can be accomplished by eating healthier foods, exercising on a regular basis, and paying close attention to what you are exposed to environmentally.

The next step is to nourish and protect your cells. The best way to do this is to consume foods that are rich in antioxidants and other cell-friendly nutrients. Unfortunately, this task is often much easier said than done. Today’s average adult is busier than ever, making it far more diffi cult to consume fresh, unprocessed meals 100% of the time. This does not, however, imply that all hope is lost. Over the years, the nutritional sciences have made stunning advances that afford you the opportunity to live your life while still safeguarding the integrity of your most basic building blocks. Here are a few of the best.


Antioxidants work at the cellular level to paralyze the free radicals that cause oxidation throughout the body. Some of today’s most popular nutrients and dietary supplements fall into this category. They include vitamins A, E, and C, Selenium, Zinc, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Lycopene, Lutein, CoQ10, in addition to a host of others. And though similar in function, each of these free radical fi ghters has a unique role within the body.

Take CoQ10 for example. It’s present in every cell of the body, and is especially important for cardiovascular support. Lutein has been used extensively to prevent oxidation in the macular regions of the eyes. Zinc is a powerful immune system booster that has become extremely popular during cold and fl u season. Alpha Lipoic Acid is both fat and water soluble, and is commonly referred to as the “universal” antioxidant based on its ability to quench free radicals anywhere in the body.

Immune Boosting Herbs

Herbs such as Astragalus, Olive Leaf, Rhodiola, Echinacea, Panax Ginseng and Ashwaganda have been used for centuries to help support healthy cells and strong, responsive immune systems. They’ve also been shown to exhibit natural synergistic effects when used together. Today, they remain one of the most popular ways to naturally promote all-around wellbeing. When it comes to supporting healthy cells, NOW is pleased to offer one of the best selections of antioxidants, herbs and immune support formulas. Be sure to look for these and other great products at fi ne health food retailers, nationwide.*


OPCs (proanthocyanidins) are high-powered polyphenol antioxidants that belong to the fl avonoid family. Grape seed extract, pine bark extracts such as pycnogenol and enzogenol, bilberry, gingko biloba, resveratrol and others all fall into this category. Research continues to suggest that OPCs work in the same manner that traditional antioxidants do, however their ability to eradicate free radicals is much greater and more versatile. Equally appealing, OPCs can easily cross the blood barrier of the brain to help protect brain and neural tissues from the damage caused by oxidative stress.

Mushroom Extracts

Throughout history, many civilizations have relied on organic mushroom extracts to encourage wellness. What we know now is that mushrooms such as Shiitake, Maitake, Reishi and others are rich in 1,3 Beta-glucans - soluble fi ber compounds that help support both innate and adaptive immunity. In addition, the active compounds in some mushrooms have been shown to stimulate the production of microphages, T cells, and other natural killer cells. These biological warriors serve at the front line when it comes to responding to bacterial attacks. They are of immeasurable value to the immune system, though drastically lacking in today’s average diet. In just the past few years, more and more healthconscious individuals have learned fi rst-hand how benefi cial they can be in the preservation of healthy cells.

Boost immune system at Vitanet ®


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