UPC: 355724001360
# RG0008

RidgeCrest Herbals ClearLungs: Your Secret to Clear Airways!

RidgeCrest Herbals ClearLungs started as a simple idea – to help people breathe easier. The team worked hard, studying plants and herbs that can support the lungs. They found some amazing ingredients that work together to help keep airways open and mucus levels balanced. Now, ClearLungs is a favorite for many, helping them feel their best.

Next, ClearLungs does something pretty cool in your body. When you take it, the mix of special herbs helps to make sure your airways are nice and open. This means you can take deep, full breaths. It's like a helping hand for your lungs to keep things moving smoothly and keeping you feeling great.

Looking for more?

Now, for those of you looking for a little extra help with your lungs, ClearLungs is perfect. Whether the air is dirty or you're just feeling a little tight in the chest, ClearLungs works to help clean and soothe your breathing. It’s like a breath of fresh air for your body, helping you to feel light and free.

Plus, ClearLungs has some extra benefits:

  • Keeps Airways Open: You’ll breathe easier with each breath.
  • Balances Mucus Levels: No more feeling clogged up.
  • Supports Free Breathing: Feel relaxed with smooth breathing.


Ingredients Breakdown:

  • Dong Quai Root: Often referred to as "female ginseng," it's known for its ability to support respiratory health and balance the body.
  • Ophiopogon Root: A traditional herb that helps moisturize the lungs and supports healthy respiratory function.
  • Poria Fungal Body: Used in traditional medicine to help balance bodily fluids and support lung health.
  • Chinese Asparagus Root: Known for its soothing properties, it helps promote lung and respiratory health.
  • Chinese Skullcap Root: Contains antioxidants and supports the body's natural defense mechanisms as well as respiratory health.
  • Gardenia Fruit: Helps to maintain a healthy inflammation response and supports lung function.


  • Luo Han Guo Fruit: A natural sweetener that also offers respiratory support and soothes the throat.
  • Platycodon Root: Traditionally used to clear the lungs and support healthy mucus levels.
  • Tangerine Mature Peel: Supports digestive health and helps with the proper movement of lung qi (energy).
  • White Mulberry Root Bark: Aids in maintaining healthy mucus levels and supports lung and respiratory health.
  • Zhejiang Fritillary Bulb: Known for its properties to support healthy respiratory pathways and mucus levels.
  • Schisandra Fruit: Strengthens the body's natural defenses and supports lung health.
  • Chinese Licorice Root: Offers broad support for the respiratory system, balances other herbs, and enhances their effects.

Tired of Struggling?

Are you tired of feeling like you can't catch a full breath? Or maybe you're looking for a natural way to help keep your lungs clear and healthy. RidgeCrest Herbals ClearLungs is here to help! With our carefully selected blend of herbs, ClearLungs is designed to support open airways, balance mucus levels, and promote free breathing. Imagine taking deep, satisfying breaths and feeling light and rejuvenated. That’s what ClearLungs can do for you.

Take the Plunge!

Now is the perfect time to try ClearLungs and step toward better lung health. With the support to keep your airways open and breathing easy, you'll wonder how you ever went without it. Don't wait to take your breath back – make the choice for clearer lungs and a happier life today. Click to buy now and start breathing the difference with ClearLungs!

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