UPC: 355724001681
# RG0015

Revitalize Your Kidneys with RidgeCrest Herbals Kidney Aid!

RidgeCrest Herbals Kidney Aid is a special kind of helper for your kidneys. A while back, the people at RidgeCrest thought, "Hey, we've got to help folks keep their kidneys happy and healthy!" That's how Kidney Aid was born. It's packed with natural stuff that your kidneys love.

First off, Kidney Aid is like a best friend for your kidneys. It helps them do their job, which is to clean your blood. Think of your kidneys as a superhero duo, fighting off the bad stuff in your blood. Now, they have a sidekick in Kidney Aid. On top of that, Kidney Aid makes sure you go to the bathroom enough, which is super important. And it keeps your body's salts in perfect balance.

Now, for all the folks out there looking for a natural way to keep their kidneys in tip-top shape, listen up! Kidney Aid is made just for you. It's like giving your kidneys a gentle nudge, saying, "You got this!" And before you know it, they're doing their job better than ever.

But wait, there's more! Kidney Aid also helps with:

  • Making sure your kidneys work like they should.
  • Keeping you going to the bathroom regularly.
  • Balancing the salts in your body (like potassium and sodium).

Ingredients Breakdown

  • Trace Mineral Blend (75mg/cap)
  • 10.5mg Magnesium: Essential for muscle and nerve functions, and a crucial factor in maintaining a healthy heart rhythm and immune system.
  • 32.25mg Chloride: An electrolyte that helps balance fluids inside and outside of cells, crucial for maintaining proper blood volume, pressure, and pH balance.
  • <2mg Sulfate, Sodium, and Potassium: Minor but essential minerals for regulating blood pressure, hydration, and supporting cellular function.
  • KidneyAid Herbal Blend (600mg/cap)
  • European Goldenrod Flower: Known for its support of urinary tract health and its role in helping the body eliminate excess fluid.


  • Fenugreek Seed: A versatile herb that has been shown to support kidney health and aid in blood sugar regulation.
  • Horsetail Extract: Rich in antioxidants and silica, supports kidney and bladder function, and promotes wound healing.
  • Hydrangea Root: Traditionally used to support kidney health and help dissolve kidney stones.
  • Juniper Berry: Acts as a natural diuretic, supporting kidney function and urinary tract health.
  • Plantain Leaf: Offers natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, beneficial for urinary tract health and kidney support.

Ready for better kidney function?

Are you ready to give your kidneys the boost they've been waiting for? With RidgeCrest Herbals Kidney Aid, you're not just choosing a supplement; you're choosing a happier, healthier kidney life. Whether you're looking to keep your kidneys working smoothly, or need some help with balance in your body, Kidney Aid has got your back.

Don't wait for a sign to start taking care of your kidneys. The sign is here, and it's RidgeCrest Herbals Kidney Aid. Your kidneys do so much for you, and it's time to return the favor. Say yes to enhanced kidney function, a balanced body, and the health you deserve.

Take the first step towards loving your kidneys today. Click that button, grab some RidgeCrest Herbals Kidney Aid, and start your journey to better kidney health now!

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