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Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP)... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 21, 2005 05:21 PM
By Isaac Eliaz, M.D. Modified citrus pectin (MCP) is an essential nutrient for cancer prevention and treatment. It directly attacks cancer, thereby reducing the disease, but also has properties that enhance overall health. A true super nutrient! Let me explain how it can do all this. Characteristics of Cancer Cells Cancer cells are different from normal cells in a number of ways. One difference is they way they "look." All cells have a variety of molecules on their surface, which allow them to communicate with each other and their environment:
Cancer cells have odd amounts or unusual molecular markers on their surface, which allow white blood cells to recognize the cells as cancerous and kill them. One type of molecule cancer cells have in excess is galectin-3. Galectin-3 molecules function as "hands" and help cancer spread. First, they are important in reaching out and stimulating growth of new blood vessels; this allows the cancer to obtain the blood flow and nutrients it needs to grow out of control. Second, galectins allow cells that break off from the primary tumor to clump together in the blood stream, enabling them to move to new sites. Third, the galectin hand can grab hold of the new location and complete the metastasis, or spread, of the cancer. MCP Blocks the Spread and Growth of Cancer Cells Modified citrus pectin is a natural substance that can bind to galectin molecules and block their spread and growth. Early research on prostate cancer showed that oral administration of MCP to rodents resulted in a dramatic reduction in prostate cancer metastasis to the lungs. More recent research by the same scientists extended MCP protection to breast and colon cancer, and showed that MCP blocks primary tumor growth and formation of new blood vessels. Successful Clinical Trial A commercially available form of modified citrus pectin was developed in response to the positive animal studies and tested in men with prostate cancer. A pilot trial using MCP at 15 grams a day and a subsequent phase II trial both showed that MCP slows prostate cancer progression, as evidenced by a reduction in the rate of PSA rise. PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is a protein made by the prostate gland; elevated PSA blood levels may indicate prostate cancer. The phase II trial, published in Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (Dec 2003), involved men who at first experienced successful primary conventional treatment; subsequently their PSA again began to climb, representing cancer recurrence. Seventy percent of these men showed a significant reduction in the rise of their PSA climb! Because of the mechanism of action, it is expected people with other cancers (leukemia, breast, colon, lung, nasopharyngeal, brain, lymphoma, melanoma and others that express galectin molecules) also would benefit from MCP. MCP Chelates and Removes Toxic Metals Heavy metals, in conjunction with environmental toxins and xenoestrogens, constitute a dangerous insult to the body through DNA damage, hormonal modulation, immune suppression, oxidative stress, and hyper inflammation. The metal chelation properties of MCP (Eliaz, U.S. patent #6,462,029) have been confirmed in a recent pilot trial. In healthy individuals, MCP increased urinary excretion of the toxic metals mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead. In addition, longterm administration of MCP has been shown to reduce the body burden of heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, lead, and nickel. MCP's ability to remove heavy metals and environmental toxins on an ongoing basis may significantly benefit people with cancer and other diseases involving immune dysfunction. Clinically Validated MCP Only one form of MCP has been validated in human clinical trials. This is important since no other MCP on the market matches the chemical specifications of the clinically validated product. If the molecular weight of MCP is too high it can't be absorbed into the bloodstream. If it is too low it won't effectively block galectin sites. Another property, the degree of esterification, must be below 5% for optimal binding. The most effective specifications were defined by cell culture studies and remain a trade secret. If you want the effects seen in the clinical studies, you must take the preparation used in those studies, at the recommended dose of 15grams/day. The Use of Modified Citrus Pectin
MCP Application Use (Take on an empty stomach) Active Cancer 15 grams/day (5 grams, three times a day) Biopsy 15 grams/day (5 grams, three times a day) Take one week before procedure and two weeks after. Heavy Metal Chelation High body burden levels: 15 grams/day (5 grams, three times a day) Lower levels: 15 grams/day for 5 days a month, 5 grams/day the rest of the month Cancer Prevention 5 grams/day ongoing
( Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) and Mercury Cleansing Programs... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 21, 2005 05:02 PM
Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) and Mercury Cleansing Programs by Isaac Eliaz, M.D., M.S., L.Ac. Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is a dietary supplement derived from the peel and pulp of citrus fruit. MCP is mostly known for its positive effects on cellular health. Recently, however, clinical research on MCP has produced exciting results for its use as a gentle chelator (eliminator) of mercury and other heavy metals. Some of the expanding clinical applications for MCP include: The Problem with Mercury Recent news on mercury is particularly concerning for the U.S. population. In March 2004 the EPA issued a press release reporting nearly all fish contained traces of mercury. Some samples contained levels high enough to harm an unborn baby or young child's developing nervous system. These findings prompted the EPA to issue a warning to women who may become pregnant, pregnant women and nursing mothers advising them to eat only two meals of fish per week that are thought to have lower levels of mercury.1 In their most recent update (August 2004), the EPA issued a warning that 1/3 of the nation's lakes and 1/4 of its river ways are contaminated with toxic levels of mercury and other contaminants, and warned pregnant women and children against consumption of fish from these sources. Additionally, a National Academy of Sciences panel definitively warned that some children who had been exposed to mercury while in the wombs of their mothers were at risk for becoming those children "who have to struggle to keep up in school and who might require remedial classes of special education." The risk of mercury toxicity from fish has reached epidemic levels. Two studies have further spurred on the concerns of mercury toxicity, as they both found women to have mercury levels that are 8-10% above what is considered safe.1,2 Furthermore, women who ate more fish were found to have higher levels of mercury. Another source of mercury toxicity may be amalgam dental fillings. Heavy metals, in conjunction with the abundant presence of environmental toxins and xenoestrogens, constitute a dangerous insult to the body through DNA damage, hormonal modulation, immune suppression, oxidative stress, and cellular irritation. A New Application for MCP Use: Heavy Metal Detoxification The standard western medical approach for removing mercury from the body to treat mercury toxicity is chelation. This procedure is performed with harsh chelators that can cause multiple side effects while potentially robbing the body of some of its essential nutrients. While this may be the routine and most beneficial procedure when facing a serious toxicity problem, are there other, gentler ways to reduce mercury levels? Two recent clinical studies have found that MCP may be a promising new dietary solution for reducing heavy metal load. In one recent clinical study, MCP was administered to a group of volunteers, and baseline levels of their total body mercury burden were measured and then compared against levels after treatment with MCP (15 grams of PectaSol® daily) for four months. The results showed a significant average decrease (over 60%; p=0.03) in the total body mercury burden after treatment with MCP3 In an earlier study, PectaSol® was given to patients and proven to increase urinary secretion of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.4 Both studies concluded that MCP may be a promising alternative to the harsher intravenous chelating therapies as MCP was found to be both effective and free of any side effects. How MCP Works as a Gentle Chelator Pectins are natural gelling agents, binders, thickeners, and stabilizers in foods. They mostly consist of galacturonic acid and galacturonic-acid methyl esters with average molecular weights from 50,000 to 150,000 daltons. High-methoxy (HM) pectin has at least 50% DE (degree of esterification) or greater, while a low-methoxy (LM) pectin?s DE is 50% or less. For systemic chelation of heavy metals, pectin is modified to a low molecular weight, and low-methoxy content. My observation from using MCP as a detoxification agent in my clinic is that it works as a gentle chelator in the bloodstream and it is very useful for ongoing use. Because fish are still recommended as part of a healthy diet and an essential source of certain nutrients (essential fatty acids like DHA), mercury levels are also becoming a widespread health concern. It is a Catch-22 for dietary health. As the widespread environmental cleanup of mercury is unlikely in the short-term, the medical community should develop methods to treat toxicity or reduce high body levels of mercury body burden. One approach is the use of traditional and alternative medicine cleansing programs along with the use of dietary supplements such as MCP that may act as gentle chelators. For chelation purposes, 5-15 grams of MCP should be taken per day depending on mercury levels for one year. Maintenance at 2-5 grams per day thereafter is usually sufficient. In my practice, I use 15 grams per day or 15 grams per day in the first 3-5 days of the month and 5 grams per day for the remainder of the month. MCP is generally regarded as safe and is well tolerated. Reported side effects have been rare, but may include mild and transient gastrointestinal discomfort. References: 1-CDC Press Release: Blood and Hair Mercury Levels in Young Children and Women of Childbearing Age-United States, 1999 (see:/media/mmwrnews/n010302.htm#mmwr3) 2-Schober, SE, Sinks, TH, Jones, RL et al. (2003) Blood mercury levels in US children and women of childbearing age, 1999-2000. Journal of the American Medical Association. 289(13) :1667-74. 3-Eliaz, I. (2004) Modified citrus pectin (MCP) in the treatment of cancer. Paper presented at: The American Chemical Society Annual Meeting; Philadelphia, PA. 4-Eliaz, I. and D. Rode (2003). The effect of modified citrus pectin on the urinary excretion of toxic elements. Fifth Annual Conference of Environmental Health Scientists: Nutritional Toxicology and Metabolomics, University of California, Davis.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Isaac Eliaz, M.D., M.S., L.Ac., is a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine and founder of Better Health Publishing®, an education-based company that provides health care professionals, consumers and other interested parties with scientific research on integrative medicine. He is a respected author, clinical practitioner and frequent guest lecturer on integrative medical approaches to health, immune enhancement and cancer prevention and treatment. Since 1991, Dr. Eliaz has maintained a busy private practice in Sebastopol, California, and is the current medical director of the Amitabha Medical Clinic and Healing Center ( which focuses primarily on integrative and holistic protocols for cancer patients as well as those with chronic health challenges.
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