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The Unsettling Truth About Plastic: Microplastics Found in Human Stool Samples ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 29, 2023 11:04 AM
We all know that plastic pollution is a serious issue, but what we may not be aware of is that we are consuming it. Yes, you read that right. The researchers have recently discovered microplastic particles present in human stool samples, making us ingest the plastic we produced. It is not only our oceans and landfills that are clogged with plastic waste, but even our bodies, and that's alarming.
According to the study, participants from Finland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, the United Kingdom, and Austria were tested for ten different types of plastics, and nine types were found in their stool samples. On average, participants had 20 microplastic particles per 10 grams of stool. That's a concerning number.
As we all know, plastic is everywhere, from plastic bags to water bottles, from household items to toys, and the list goes on. A recent study revealed a frightening fact that our food, especially seafood and sea salt, and tap water and bottled water contain microplastics too. It is surprising to know that plastic is all around us, and we are consuming it daily.
Apart from being present in our bodies, research suggests that microplastics may have adverse effects on our gut microbiota. As per a study conducted by the University of Vienna, polystyrene microplastics adversely affected the gut barrier, microbiota, and metabolism of mice. Moreover, it can lead to a bacterial imbalance in our gut, decreasing our immune response.
Microplastics have a size smaller than 5 millimeters and are much smaller than the size we can see with naked eyes. Therefore, our bodies cannot filter them out. As a result, these microplastics can cause inflammation, obstruct our digestive system, and damage our gut lining.
The impact of plastic on the environment and marine life is alarming, but knowing that we, humans, are part of the problem is overwhelming. The amount of plastic waste we produce every year is immense, and if we don't change our ways, it will only get worse.
The Solution to Microplastics in Our Digestive Tract Could Be Psyllium Husk and Inulin.
Psyllium husk is a soluble fiber that is derived from the seeds of the Plantago ovata plant. It is a powerful colon cleanser that can rid our bodies of toxins, including microplastics. When mixed with water, psyllium husk forms a gel-like substance that bulks up and moves through our digestive tract, trapping and removing microplastics along the way. Psyllium husk is also known to help regulate bowel movements and reduce inflammation in our gut.
Another solution to microplastics in our digestive tract is prebiotics, specifically inulin. Inulin is a type of soluble fiber that feeds friendly bacteria in our gut, promoting gut health. Studies have shown that inulin can strengthen the gut lining, which can reduce the absorption of toxins like microplastics into our bodies. Inulin can also help regulate bowel movements and reduce inflammation in our gut.
In addition to psyllium husk and inulin, there are other steps we can take to reduce our exposure to microplastics. One such step is to avoid plastic packaging and utensils when possible and opt for reusable and sustainable options instead. We can also be mindful of the products we use that contain microplastics, such as cosmetics and cleaning products, and choose more natural alternatives.
It is also important to note that the effects of microplastics on our health are still being studied, and more research is needed to fully understand the extent of their impact. However, taking steps to reduce our exposure to microplastics and improve our gut health can only be beneficial for our overall well-being.
The discovery of microplastics in human stool samples is the harsh reality of the plastic pollution crisis. The studies strongly suggest that it may have severe implications for human health (we haven't even touched on the topic of endocrine disruptors due to plastics), and we must take action to reduce plastic consumption and pollution.
Reducing plastic waste from our daily lives might seem challenging, but it's essential if we want to create a healthier planet for ourselves and the generations to follow. Being more conscious of our daily habits in using plastic, choosing eco-friendly alternatives, and encouraging others to do the same can go a long way in reducing our plastic footprint.
We must work together as a community to reduce plastic waste and promote a sustainable future. The change starts with us, and together we can make a difference. You can get started to better health by adding psyllium husk and inulin to your daily supplement regiment. Your colon will thank you for it!
( There is a STRONG link between exposure to endocrine-disruptingchemicals and vitamin D deficiency ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 22, 2019 04:39 PM
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as BPA are a group of over 80,000 manufactured chemicals that are present within the products that we use on a consistent basis. These chemicals can unfortunately lead to many health implications such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Studies have even shown that those who are exposed to higher levels of EDCs are more prone to developing Vitamin D deficiencies. All of these harmful health risks show just how dangerous these man-made chemicals can be to our bodies. Key Takeaways:
"But recent research has shown that the hazards of BPA and other endocrine disruptors can even cause vitamin D deficiency — which can cause a whole host of other health issues." Read more:
( Are You At Risk And What Can You Do About It? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 23, 2008 04:54 PM
Did you know there are Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) that can have an endocrine disrupting ability? Meaning, these chemicals can have an estrogen like and anti-androgen effect on the body, disrupting the normal function of our endocrine system which can cause all sorts of health issues. Back in the industrial boom directly following world war II these chemicals were widely used in plastics, cosmetics, personal care products, cleaning agents, clothing, household furnishings, and decorations, food and water, fertilizers, and pesticides and fungicides. These chemicals are being banned by the government but are not gone all together yet. Endocrine disruptor chemicals are fat soluble which means when consumed they are stored by the body in our fat stores. This makes these chemicals a persistent pain in the butt for a very long time since fat soluble substances tend to be stored and slowly released; some claim the release can be years and years down the road. These types of toxins can easily leach into water including juices and can vaporize into the air that we breathe in to our lungs. Once ingested, these chemicals can lead to reproductive, developmental, behavioral, neurological, endocrine, and immunologic adverse health effects that can last a lifetime. Those men and women who want to have children may discover that one of both at have reproductive impairments due to POPs. Symptoms of toxicity are male infertility, gynecological problems, and accelerated puberty, developmental abnormalities of the reproductive tract, premature delivery, behavioral problems, abnormal thyroid function, cancer and heart disease. In cases of children, signs of toxicity are leukemia when fetal exposure is experienced. The wide spread use of phthalates in industrial and consumer products has raised a lot of concerns. Phthalates are what keep plastics flexible. Dibutyl phthalate is used in PVC piping (in new homes the piping that supply water to faucets), various varnishes and lacquers, safety glass, nail polishes, paper coatings, dental materials, pharmaceuticals, children’s toys, and plastic food wrap. The heating of plastic containers either by microwave or a hot cup of tea can easily leach these phthalate’s in to food or drink exposing humans to high amounts of this toxin. Also, Parabens are high on the watch list for those health minded. Parabens are a group of synthetic chemicals used as a preservative in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. The most common parabens are methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben. These three are used as a bacteriocidal and fungicidal agent in many products we use every day. The FDA does not require approval of cosmetic ingredients before they reach the market place so cosmetic manufactures are free to use what ever they want in their products. Parabens have been shown to have a mild estrogenic affect on the body, and are in practically all personal care products on the market today. If you are applying a name brand cosmetic onto your skin daily, take a look at the label to see if Parabens are used. For those looking to stay away form all the above listed toxins look for products packaged in glass, PETE or HDPE bottles and containers. Look for packets lined with saran, and can linings made of polyolefins. Use biodegradable household cleaning agents and avoid sprays and insecticides. Cleaning supplies are not required to list ingredients so it is always buyer beware unless the label states it is free from PCBs, Parabens, and POPs. Finally, when buying furniture avoid furniture that contains flame retardant PBDEs and limit children to the exposure of such furniture. Exposure to PBDEs can lead to some of the above listed symptoms and cause health problems. Staying healthy is a tough task with all the environmental toxins we face. By buying organic foods and avoid the above listed chemicals one can live longer and maintain better health over a lifetime.
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