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Too Much Estrogen Linked To Cancer And Weight Gain ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 24, 2017 09:14 AM
A website that reports on health news has published an article on the dangers of too much estrogen. The article contends the hormone estrogen can cause cancers and weight gain. The article reports that humans have been more exposed to estrogen-like substances. These are located in birth control pills, and also in meat and poultry. Lately, farm fish have been treated with estrogen as well. The article recommends taking probiotics as well as selenium to combat estrogen. Key Takeaways:
"One of the most significant causes of xeno-estrogen exposure occurs through foods. Over the past 60 or so years, the FDA has approved xeno-estrogenic substances for use in livestock" Read more:
( Fatten up your brain ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 06, 2017 07:14 PM
Dementia is characterized by a decline in memory and it's more often found in older people, especially in those over 85 years old. Your brain depends on essential fats to convert into energy to keep functioning. Most people do not get enough of these important facts in their diet and have to take supplements in order to maintain brain health. Ocean Health Coco Omega Memory Formula, and supplements like it, contain everything that you need to keep your brain healthy and prevent dementia. Read more: Fatten up your brain
( Easy Healthy Recipes || How to Make Avocado Smoothie ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 28, 2017 11:44 AM
Avocado used to be seen as a fattening food that should only be eaten rarely. That perception has changed as it becomes clear that avocado is rich in healthy fat, vitamin E and carotenoids. Avocado is also rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It should definitely be included in your diet and there are many ways to do this. Watch this video for a recipe for a delicious avocado smoothie. It's simple to make and its ingredients are inexpensive. Takeaways:
"You should learn how to make an avocado smoothie because it can be a great morning meal to eat."
( What is chitosan and how effective is it for weight loss? ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 19, 2015 06:26 PM
Chitosan is a compound extracted from the hard shells of shrimps and other crustaceans. While it has many uses, it also claims that it aids in the elimination of excess fat in our bodies which makes it a perfect candidate for inclusion in any weight loss program. It can be ingested in the form of capsules, powder and pills. How does it work? Chitosan works by preventing the absorption and storage of fat before it is metabolized in the stomach. Basically, it is a fiber that absorbs fats when they enter the body. Therefore, the fat is broken down and does not get absorbed into the blood stream. Instead, fat and chitosan go through your small intestine or the ileum where they bind with bile acids. They then form an insoluble gel that passes through the large intestine and is excreted out of your body. This means that instead of the fat being absorbed into the blood stream, it is excreted out of the body and no fat absorption means no weight gain. There is still another way that chitosan helps in weight loss. Since chitosan is a fiber, it promotes cleansing which is important in the process of losing weight. Another reason this compound seems to work for weight loss is that it makes the body not to crave for fattening foods. It neither starves nor does it make you feel hungry; this is simply because you continue eating fat, the only thing is that the fat does not get absorbed into your blood stream. Now, since less amounts of fat are entering the blood stream, the body is able to burn the existing fat present in your body. Therefore, your body burns the fat in the body and you constantly lose weight. Chitosan products contain vitamin C which makes it swell up. This promotes appetite suppression which is very important for weight loss. References // //
( The Health Benefits OF Avocado Oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 08, 2014 09:02 AM
Avocado oil has a high attention of healthier fats and supplement E, that is a fabulous epidermis lotion. Icy pressed virgin avocado oil, taken consistently, may help decrease levels of cholesterol and ensure against coronary illness. Actually avocado oil holds its own particular emulsifier, lecithin, and additionally the cancer prevention agents Vitamin An and Vitamin E that likewise help to administer a young looking skin. These cell reinforcement vitamins annihilate the free radicals that execute your skin cells and make you look more advanced in years. Avocado oil can help you to continue looking more youthful as you develop sequentially more senior. It likewise holds vitamin D that is so paramount in large portions of the natural methodologies inside your skin - it is not called the 'daylight vitamin' to no end.
( Essential Oils Is Flax Seed ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 30, 2014 05:58 PM
Flax Seed as an Essential Oil
Flax Seed History A source of filament for cloth fabric since aged times, the slim flax plant likewise brags a long history as a mending herb. Initially grown in Europe, the plant's tan seeds were customarily used to plan salves for aroused skin and mending slurries for clogging. Today, flax seeds (additionally called linseeds) are best known for the helpful oil that is inferred by pressing them. Rich in essential greasy acids, or Efas, flax seed oil has earned a robust notoriety for treating a reach of afflictions, from coronary illness to lupus. Benefits of Flax Seed Oil The essential oils and greasy acids in flaxseed oil are one of its key mending parts. Efas are especially profitable in light of the fact that the form needs them to capacity fittingly, yet can't produce them on its own. Essential greasy acids work all around the form to secure cell layers, keeping them effective at conceding solid substances while excepting harming ones. One of the Efas in flax seed oil, alpha-linolenic harsh corrosive, is reputed to be an omega-3 greasy harsh corrosive. Like the omega-3s found in fish, it seems to diminish the danger of coronary illness and various different illnesses. Flax Seed Oil is an Amazing Source of Omega 3: Just 1 teaspoon holds around the range of 2.5 grams, identical to more than double the sum most individuals get past their eating methodologies. Flax seeds additionally hold omega-6 fattening acids as linoleic harsh corrosive; omega-6s are the same solid fats found in vegetable oils. Flax seed oil just holds these alpha-linolenic harsh corrosive (Omega 3 oils), and not the strand or lignan segments. Along these lines, flax seed oil gives the Omega 3 profits, for example, lipid-bringing down lands, not the purgative or against growth lands. Entire flax seeds (not the concentrated oil) are a rich source of lignans (phytoestrogens), substances that seem to emphatically influence hormone-related issues. Lignans might likewise be functional in anticipating certain growths and battling particular microscopic organisms, parasites, and infections, incorporating those that cause mouth blisters and shingles.
( CLA in Weight Loss ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 21, 2014 10:05 AM
What is CLA
Scientists accept CLA helps square fat cells that are in the figure from topping off with fat by meddling with a fat-archiving compound regarded as lipoprotein lipase, and additionally, by expanding the affectability of units to the hormone insulin. Creature studies have likewise demonstrated an expansion in lean bulk and fat lessening, or fat blazing; furnishing positive progressions to form sythesis, a decline in general muscle to fat ratio ratios. It is known as a "fat eliminator" on the grounds that it revs up muscle metabolism, in this way, helping increment lean tissue, bringing about the figure to need more calories to capacity (since fat units smolder next to zero calories), accordingly accelerating the fat smoldering procedure to make vigor.
( What Is A Natural Carb Blocker? ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 05, 2011 01:57 PM
Carbohydrate BlockerThere are so many individuals nowadays who are already overweight because of their natural love for food that are fattening. Overeating has now become a common problem for many individuals hence, has been the primary cause unto why weight problems have become more rampant. Despite how evident the problem is right now, people still find it very difficult to resist food thus, people having weight related problems is still growing in number.Despite the fact that several diets has been formulated that could help you shed off extra pounds, many of these diets do not work for all because people find it so difficult to adhere to a tasteless diet even for just a week. Because not all diets are easy to adhere with, diet pills has been formulated by experts that helps block carbohydrate therefore, will aid you in getting rid of excess body weight. Carb blockers are pills that helps inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates in your system. With the help of carb blockers, carbohydrates are passed out naturally which means that carbohydrates will no longer be metabolized by the body into fat. With this mechanism, build up or accumulation of fats in your body will be greatly reduced. Brown seaweed extract is a notable carb blocker sold in the market today. This particular product is highly effectual and proven to relevantly reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in your body to as much as 82 percent. Weight loss is not the sole benefit of carb blockers because a good and effectual carb blocker also has the capacity of enhancing your metabolic rate which is highly necessary to make reduction of fat a lot faster. Another capacity of carb blockers is that it could significantly reduce appetite hence, will enable you to consume less food that can make you fat. This threefold effect that carb blockers could do for your body will really help you achieve your goals of losing weight. A weight loss of five pounds per week is a guarantee once you follow the recommendations indicated in the product’s label. Because of the fact that there are already so many carb blockers that are sold in the market today, it is very necessary to choose those that are 100 percent natural and those that contains effectual components such as cactus extract, capsicum extract, prickly pear extract and brown seaweed extract. These components have innate properties that could help you lose weight faster. Trying ways and means to make yourself more attractive to the eyes of the public is not bad as long as you will only engage on those modalities that will not bring harm on your body. Make sure that the regimens that you will try are highly safe and effectual. If it involves some risk, better not try the regimen because in the end, it is you who will suffer from the health consequences that the product might bring.
( Calcium D Glucarate ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 25, 2008 10:57 AM
Studies have found that D-glucarate has therapeutic actions; among these are cancer prevention and serum cholesterol reduction. However, its most impressive property could be its ability to quickly detoxify the body of both artificial and natural toxins which can be potentially harmful. These toxins can be neutralized in many ways, with glucuronidation being one those ways. The process of glucuronidation involves using the liver to neutralize chemical carcinogens and steroidal hormones including estrogen. Once a toxin has been glucuronidated in the liver, it goes to the bile and is eventually eliminated from the body in the stool. Beta-glucuronidase is an enzyme that is produced in the gut by unfriendly bacteria which can actually inhibit this process by chemically splitting a glucuronidated toxin before it is able to be eliminated in the stool. This unbound toxin can come into contact with the bowel lining where it can be reabsorbed and the whole process will be repeated. When a situation like this happens, cells are exposed, once again, to the chemical and the liver can become overworked. Thankfully, if D-glucarate is present, beta-glucuronidase is inhibited, resulting in a flawless glucuronidation in the body. These findings suggest that taking D-glucarate orally as a supplement can provide us with the increased ability to efficiently and rapidly rid our bodies of toxins through problem-free glucuronidation. Additionally, D-glucarate does not work like an antioxidant, which neutralizes free radicals, but instead actually forms a type of bond with harmful compounds to enhance their rapid removal from the body. Some of the organs that can be especially toxin-sensitive are the breast, prostate, liver, lung, and kidney, therefore, they can greatly benefit from this process. These organs can be most damaged by the continued exposure to poisons and carcinogens. Because our generation, more than that of any other, is exposure to a great number of potentially harmful environmental pollutants, our contact with carcinogens increased exponentially. Just some of the cancer-causing agents include cigarette smoke, pesticides, radon, hormonally-fattened meats, diagnostic and therapeutic x-rays, gamma radiation, trans-fatty acids, alcohol, poor diets, xeno-estrogen, herbicides, smog, car exhaust, certain prescription drugs, ultra-violet light, rancid foods, saturated / hydrogenated fats, some food/water supplies, and food preservatives. Although a lot of us have taken necessary measures to protect ourselves from exposure to the substances listed, it is inevitable that we will consistently take chemicals that can prompt the growth of cancer into our bodies. Additionally, our own hormones can be a threat if they are not efficiently metabolized and excreted from our body. One study found that Glucarate supplementation amplifies the process by which carcinogens and hormones are removed from the body, while D-glucarate can exert a positive effect on different stages of the carcinogenic process. It has been found that lower cancer rates in some populations could be attributed to their consumptions of foods that are rich in D-glucaric acid, self-medicated with D-glucarate, or combine D-glucarate supplementation with other chemopreventive agents.
Either way, the protective function of glucarate in the body’s natural cancer prevention mechanisms has been established for long periods of time, while other recent studies have indicated that the use of glucarate could potentially present a fifty percent decrease in tumor incidence.
( Weight Loss and Toxicity: The Missing Link ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 22, 2005 10:44 AM
We are THE toxic generation and therefore must become the DETOX GENERATION. The solution to all of the se conditions is to limit consumption of animal fats because most oil-soluble toxins accumulate in fat. The problem is not the saturated fat content found in animal foods, it’s the toxins that are stored in the animal’s fat. Choosing organic dairy and meats, as well as eating organic vegetables and fruits, is another helpful way to lower your exposure to fattening toxins. For good measure, it is imperative to fortify our intestinal tracts with good bacteria, because over 75 percent of the immune system’s receptor sites are located in the GI tract-so the GI tract, especially the colon, functions as a secondary immune system. Here’s where a good probiotic can enter the picture. R. Fuller undertook the most recent and accurate description of probiotics in 1989 that redefined it as “a live microbial fee supplement beneficial to the host by improving the microbial balance within the body.” Think of a probiotic like you do your daily multi- it is, perhaps, even more essential. Basically, there are over 100 trillion bacteria and around 400 different strains residing in your GI tract. The key is to have enough of the beneficial and essential bacteria. The optimum balance is 85 percent friendly bacteria to 15 percent unfriendly bacteria. And the trick is to make sure that if you take supplements for your probiotic needs, your supplement can really perform. There are certain strains of lactic acid bacteria that can attach to your intestinal lining and produce antibodies that are lethal to the most disease producing bugs like the methicillin resistant staph, as well as E. coli (which is harbored in manure used as fertilizer and then shows up on your imported foods) and H. pylor-the bug that causes ulcers, heart disease, migraines, and glaucoma. Simply put, probiotics crowd out the bad bugs by occupying most of the parking space in the bowel wall. The most promising probiotic strain to be discovered since Metchnikoff isolated the beneficial bacteria from yogurt is the TH10 strain researched and formulated by Dr. I. Ohhira, one of Japan’s leading microbiologists, and a team of research scientists from Okayama University. The TH10 strain is now available here in the U.S. in a probiotic formula known as Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics 12 PLUS. I have been an educator for this product for nearly five years since I discovered it and have found that after one day, my sensitive stomach no longer experienced bloating, flatulence, and other assorted discomforts. The product utilizes primary research, not borrowed science.
( Expanding Waist Lines ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 22, 2005 10:42 AM
The environment is not only making us sick, but it is also making us fat. According to Dr. Paula Baille Hamilton, who published her work in the 2002 Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, between the years of 1930 and 2000, the rise in the use of synthetic chemicals matched the rise in the number of overweight and obese adults in the U.S. Many animal studies with pesticides support this theory. Even with food intake cut by 50 percent, when animals were treated with various chemicals they more than doubled their total body fat. Growth hormones and many pesticides in the food supply are making both humans and animals fat. Pesticides act as toxic nerve agents, virtually paralyzing the functioning of certain areas of the brain involved in weight control by increasing levels of fattening hormones and increasing appetite.
July 25, 2005 10:06 PM
WHY DO SO MANYWOMEN SUFFER FROM HORMONE IMBALANCES? The question of why so many women, young and old, suffer from a hormonal imbalance persists. Today’s environment and life style are certainly significant causal factors and explain, to a great degree why even young, seemingly healthy women may experience a lack of progesterone. Dr. Peter Elliston of the Harvard Anthropology Department found through one of his studies of 18 women who all had regular menstrual cycles that seven of them did not experience a mid cycle increase in progesterone levels, suggesting that ovulation did not actually occur.12 Dr. Lee cites this as yet another example of the widespread incidence of anovulatory cycles occurring in young women throughout this country, a fact which is undoubtedly linked to rising infertility rates in the United States. Eating disorders, poor nutrition, widespread use of birth control pills, stress, pollution, etc., contribute to hormonally-related disorders and most certainly affect progesterone production, the ability to conceive and menopausal transitions. CAUSES OF HORMONE IMBALANCES
Dr. Lee believes that widespread use of the birth control pill has caused the ovaries to be compromised, possibly playing a role in the development of PMS that would normally not exist.13 Documented results from using natural progesterone have been impressive but remain relatively unknown by the majority of women. Progesterone therapy can help relieve the following PMS symptoms: breast engorgement, breast tenderness, irritability, headaches, depression, moodiness, fatigue, anxiety, bloating, water retention, cramps, and irregular periods. Dr. Joel T. Hargrove of Vanderbilt University Medical Center has had some very impressive results using natural progesterone to treat his patients with PMS. He has had a 90 percent success rate using this form of progesterone.14 Interestingly, he used oral progesterone which had to be administered in a much heavier dose to achieve the same results Dr. Lee obtained with transdermal progesterone.15
July 25, 2005 09:43 PM
THE PRECARIOUS ACT OF BALANCING HORMONES The very delicate relationship between progesterone and estrogen levels is what creates hormonal balance. Today we frequently hear the phrase, “she’s suffering from a hormonal imbalance.” What exactly does a hormonal imbalance imply, and why is it so prevalent among women of all ages? The simple truth is that our twentieth-century life style creates a great deal of health risks not previously experienced by earlier generations. Many of these new, modern factors adversely effect our endocrine systems, not to mention our overall health as well. Consequently, when we need to synthesize certain levels of progesterone, we may be lacking the proper nutrients or, as may be the case with women who have used birth control pills, our ovarian functions may be impaired. As a result, an excess of estrogen may develop predisposing us to a number of unpleasant symptoms. Unprecedented degrees of mental stress combined with exposure to toxins, pollutants, preservatives, chemicals, and drugs can impair a woman’s ability to produce progesterone. In addition, the consumption of sugary foods lacking in whole grains, overcooked, over processed, and fatty foods devoid of the raw enzymes we were meant to ingest can also wreak havoc with our glandular health. The consumption of hormonally fattened beef and poultry is certainly a concern, and may explain why premature puberty occurs in some children who are exposed to unnatural sources of animal estrogen. Why is there more infertility now that ever before? Why do seemingly healthy young women suffer from all sorts of menstrual disorders and unprecedented levels of PMS? Why is osteoporosis such a threat today, and why is breast cancer killing so many relatively young women? Why do so many of us plow through perimenopause and postmenopause, perplexed by a wide variety of ills that threaten our emotional and physical well-being? All of these questions are profoundly linked to hormonal factors and almost always reflect an estrogen dominance and a progesterone deficiency. I did not know that such a scenario even existed and like most women, did not understand that too much of certain kinds of estrogen can be extremely harmful. Furthermore, because I assumed that estrogen levels continued to decline as I got older, I never considered the possibility of a pre-menopausal estrogen overload. It is crucial to remember that when estrogen is unopposed by adequate levels of progesterone, a hormonal imbalance occurs. Unopposed estrogen is undesirable to say the least, and explains why so many women suffer from estrogen-related ills even as they approach menopause.
( STEVIA: THE IDEAL SWEETENER? ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 15, 2005 12:51 PM
STEVIA: THE IDEAL SWEETENER? For anyone who suffers from diabetes, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, obesity or chronic yeast infections, stevia is the ideal sweetener. It has all the benefits of artificial sweeteners and none of the drawbacks. Stevia can be added to a variety of foods to make them sweet without adding calories or impacting the pancreas or adrenal glands. It can help to satisfy carbohydrate cravings without interfering with blood sugar levels or adding extra pounds. Using stevia to create treats for children is also another excellent way to avoid weight gain, tooth decay and possible hyperactivity. While it may take some getting used to initially, stevia products are becoming easier to measure and better tasting. Stevia’s Unique Taste Sensation When the whole leaf extract or powdered forms of stevia make contact with the tongue, the resulting taste can be described as a sweet flavor, with a slight licorice-like and transient bitter flavor. If stevia is used correctly with hot water or some other liquid, both those flavors will disappear. At this writing, researchers are working on a new extraction process that will preserve stevia’s sweetening potency while minimizing any aftertaste associated with the herb. Additional Therapeutic Benefits Consider the following quote: Stevia . . . is not only non-toxic, but has several traditional medicinal uses. The Indian tribes of South America have used it as a digestive aid, and have also applied it topically for years to heal wounds. Recent clinical studies have shown it can increase glucose tolerance and decrease blood sugar levels. Of the two sweeteners (aspartame and stevia), stevia wins hands down for safety. (Whitaker) Stevia has a long history of medicinal use in Paraguay and Brazil and while many of the therapeutic applications of stevia are anecdotal, they must be considered in that they have spanned generations. Experts who work with indigenous cultures frequently find that traditional applications of folk medicine can be verified with scientific data. Stevia and Blood Sugar Levels Clinical tests combined with consumer results indicate that stevia can actually help to normalize blood sugar. For this reason, the herb and its extracts are recommended in some countries as an actual medicine for people suffering from diabetes or hypoglycemia. Recent studies have indicated that stevia can increase glucose tolerance while decreasing blood sugar levels. Paraguayan natives have traditionally used stevia tea to regulate blood sugar. Stevia decoctions for diabetes are common and are usually prepared by boiling or steeping the leaves in water (Bonvie, 53). While scientific studies are certainly warranted, it is thought that disturbed blood sugar levels respond to stevia therapy while normal levels remain unaffected. Stevia and Weight Loss Stevia is an ideal dietary supplement for anyone who wants to lose or maintain their weight. Because it contains no calories, it can satisfy cravings for sweets without adding extra pounds. It is also thought that using stevia may decrease the desire to eat fatty foods as well. Appetite control is another factor affected by stevia supplementation. Some people have found that their hunger decreases if they take stevia drops 15 to 20 minutes before a meal. While scientific studies are lacking in this area, it is presumed that the glycosides in stevia help to reset the appestat mechanism found in the brain, thereby promoting a feeling of satiety or satisfaction. Much of our nation’s obesity epidemic is due to the over consumption of sugar-containing foods. Unfortunately, most sugary snacks are also loaded with fat, compounding the problem. When a sugar craving hits, anything will usually do. Doughnuts, candy bars, pies, pastries and cookies are considered high calorie, fattening foods. Using stevia to sweeten snacks and beverages can result making weight loss and management much easier. High Blood Pressure It is thought that taking stevia can result in lowering elevated blood pressure levels while not affecting normal levels. This particular application has not been researched, but its potential as a treatment for hypertension must be considered when assessing the value of herbal medicines for disease. Microorganism Inhibitor? Stevia is thought to be able to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and other infectious organisms. Some people even claim that using stevia helps to prevent the onset of colds and flu. Tests have supported the antimicrobial properties of stevia against streptococcus mutans (Bonvie, 54). The fact that stevia has the ability to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria helps to explain its traditional use in treating wounds, sores and gum disease. It may also explain while the herb is advocated for anyone who is susceptible to yeast infections or reoccurring strep infections, two conditions that seem to be aggravated by white sugar consumption. Oral Tonic Stevia can be used as an oral tonic to prevent tooth decay and gingivitis. Stevia extracts are sometimes added to toothpaste or mouthwashes to initiate this effect. Stevia is used in some Brazilian dental products with the assumption that the herb can actually help to prevent tooth decay and retard plaque deposits (Bonvie, 53). Stevia offers the perfect sweetener for oral products like toothpastes and mouthwash, enabling them to be more palatable without any of the drawbacks of other sweeteners. Digestive Aid Brazilians have used stevia to boost and facilitate better digestion (Bonvie, 53). Again, while this therapeutic application remains unresearched, the fact that stevia has a long history of use as a gastrointestinal tonic must be acknowledged. Plant glycosides can exert numerous therapeutic actions in the human body. Stevia and Skin Care Whole leaf stevia or its by-products have been used to soften and tone the skin and to ease wrinkles and lines. Facial masks can be made by adding liquid to the powder, and liquid elixirs can be used as facial toners to help tighten the skin. Stevia concentrate in the form of drops has also been used directly on sores or blemishes to promote healing. For this reason, some advocates of stevia use it on other skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, or minor cuts or wounds. Stevia tea bags can be placed over the eyes to ease fatigue and to tone the skin. Stevia skin care products are available in clay bases, masks, and water-based creams. Liquid extracts can be directly applied to the skin.
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