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How to treat and heal a sunburn Darrell Miller 6/11/17
Improving Liver Health - Does NAC Help Improve Liver Health? Darrell Miller 9/25/15

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How to treat and heal a sunburn

Date: June 11, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to treat and heal a sunburn

Summer is here which means people will be getting sunburned if they're not creful. Sun screen helps avoid this but it isn't fool proof. If you do get sunburned this gives you good advice on how to heal it. It can be very painful depending on how bad it is so this will help you a lot. You'll want relief and fast healing because it can hurt to even have a shirt on if it's too bad.

Key Takeaways:

  • First step in treating a sun burn is to determine how bad it is. There are four degrees to a burn, each will require a different set of treatment options.
  • Second step in treating a sun burn is reducing your agony. It is recommended to take Anti-Inflammatory pain killers. Use a hypoallergenic ointment and aloe vera. Finally drink lots of water.
  • Do not use ointments containing neomycin, bacitracin, or lanolin because they are ineffective or can cause an allergic reaction.

"And yes: We all inevitably get burned, whether we fall asleep in the hammock or forget to reapply sunscreen after a dip in the pool. So while you heal from your latest burn (or in preparation for your next one…), we suggest you stock up on tough sunscreens and SPF-packed moisturizers."

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Improving Liver Health - Does NAC Help Improve Liver Health?

Date: September 25, 2015 01:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Improving Liver Health - Does NAC Help Improve Liver Health?

All organs in our body have purposes why they exist. This includes our football size liver. Many people take their liver health for granted. Since it is an internal organ, we do not see the actual effects of toxins and unhealthy lifestyle as they slowly destroy the liver. However, we might feel the results from time to time. Our liver has the size of a football, making it a star football player in our digestive system where everything passes through it. It cleanses the blood by taking away hazardous chemicals, converting the liquid into bile, which is then used to break down fat from the food we eat. The liver also stores glucose, a sugar that quickly boosts energy. So how do we take care of our liver?

How to Take Care of Liver Health

  • Moderately drink alcohol

It is okay to enjoy and have fun, but to do it every day with a lot of alcohol is dangerous. Drinking too much alcohol leads to the swelling of liver cells.

  • Maintain a healthy diet and have regular exercise

Controlling what you eat and good amount of exercise will help you avoid non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases, a condition that might lead to severe liver damage.

  • Be careful with the medicines you are taking

There are some medicines such as Tylenol and cholesterol drugs that may hurt your liver when taken in uncontrolled doses. Also avoid taking medicines with alcohol, because they are not a good combination, or joining different drugs together.

  • N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

Many studies say that liver diseases are caused by the lack of Glutathione or GSH in our body. That is why NAC comes to the rescue.

NAC is a small protein powerful to restore intracellular level of Glutathione or GSH, an effective antioxidant. The GSH is most needed by those who have liver diseases because it protects the liver against toxicity. When you are suffering from stress caused by a chronic liver disease, there is the reduction of glutathione, which is why there is a need to supplement it. NAC also helps to protect against present liver damages by reducing a wide range of chronic, deteriorating issues which include liver inflammation and impaired glucose control.

Taking good care of our liver health is like Grooming a football superstar. Always watch out of the things you are doing to it.


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