
Search Term: " L-Carnaine "

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Boost Energy With CoQ10 And L-Carnitine Darrell Miller 11/21/13
Health Benefits Of Taking L-Carnitine Darrell Miller 11/4/13

Boost Energy With CoQ10 And L-Carnitine

Date: November 21, 2013 08:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Boost Energy With CoQ10 And L-Carnitine

CoQ10 and L-Carnatine

 L-CarnatineCoQ10 and L-Carnitine offer double protection for the heart and the brain in just a single tablet. You obtain all benefits for your heart at 100% from CoQ10, while L-Carnitine supports your memory, learning ability, and focus. The exclusive combination of CoenzymeQ10 and L-Carnitine encloses an absorbable, water soluble capsule of CoQ10 and L-Carnitine, which is important for proper usage.

Why are CoQ10 and L-Carnitine Supportive in Energy Boost?

CoQ10 Energy Boost

CoQ10 is a vital nutritional element found in all body cells, in particular the mitochondria, in which most energy is generated. The major function of this coenzyme is to assist in the process of oxygen and food conversion into energy. As people grow older their ability to naturally, to produce this coenzyme decays.

At the same time as Coenzyme Q10 is taking part in the production of energy in each cell of your body, it is considered be remarkably imperative for the high energy requirements of the heart. The heart needs vast energy amounts, because it is the hardest worker in your entire body. Coenzyme Q10 seems to be indispensable for this process. It offers you sufficient antioxidant provision, protecting the body cells from damage of the free radicals, and proffering a dynamic function of the immune system.

L-Carnitine Energy Boost

L-Carnitine transports indispensable fat acids into the same organ where CoQ10 plays its major function - the mitochondria. There, with the help of L-Carnitine, all fatty acids are turned into energy. However, the beneficial function of L-Carnitine does not end here. In addition, it also supports the transportation of toxins outside the body. You can think of the problems that might occur if these vital body processes are not fully operational. At the same time however, the major impact of L-Carnitine over the body is directed towards the brain:
  • Cognitive function and concentration support
  • Cell membrane health support
  • Improves clarity and happiness
Encouraging the overall health of your brain, while offering your heart supreme support, the combination of CoQ10 and L-Carnitine is the best solution for you, in terms of:
  • Supporting your heart's energy needs
  • Providing essential nutrition for all cells of the body
  • Delivering powerful antioxidants, which protect your body
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Health Benefits Of Taking L-Carnitine

Date: November 04, 2013 07:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Benefits Of Taking L-Carnitine

 What is L –Carnitine

l-carnatineL –Carnitine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body. It is found in two different amino acids; methionine and lysine. Dietary sources of this amino acid include pork, beef and small amounts of milk, chicken and fish. This amino acid is highly required by the body and the following are the health benefits of Carnitine.

Important in the management of heart conditions

Carnitine is important in the management of a number of heart related conditions for example congestive heart failure, diphtheria, chronic chest pain, heart attack and high cholesterol. Studies show that Carnitine indeed is helpful in dealing with a number of heart related diseases.

Boosts overall brain function

A recent study shows that Carnitine aids in the recovery of stroke among animals. This clearly shows that this amino acid targets the brain cells. It contains nutrients that are highly required by the brain to function properly for example vitamins E, B-12 alpha-lipoic acid and folic acid.

Helps in burning body fat

Carnitine is a portent fat burner. It is needed in the transportation of fat into cells which will be used for the production of energy in the body. When the Carnitine levels are increased in the body, the body increases the fat burning process and then boosts energy levels in the body.

Prevents diabetes

This amino acid can prevent diabetes and promotes cardio vascular health. With its antioxidant properties Carnitine eliminates free radicals and also reduces oxidative stress. This is very important in the improvement of your insulin health and also help in fat loss.

Improves male fertility

Studies show that adequate Carnitine levels in the body are necessary for male fertility. According to the study fertile males had adequate levels of this amino acid it was associated with healthier sperm. While the others who were considered infertile had compromised sperm health and lower Carnitine levels.


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