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The Benefits of Zinc Supplements and Why OptiZinc is the best Form! ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 09, 2022 12:15 PM
Zinc is an essential mineral that is involved in hundreds of processes in the body, including cell growth and function, immune function, and protein synthesis. While it's possible to get zinc from food sources like oysters, beef, and spinach, many people don't get enough from their diet alone and may benefit from taking zinc supplements. OptiZinc® is a patented 1:1 complex of zinc and methionine, the amino acid that is best absorbed by the body. Studies show that OptiZinc® is absorbed better and retained longer than ordinary zinc supplements tested, and resists binding with dietary fiber and phytate, organic compounds that inhibit zinc absorption. The Importance of Zinc Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a role in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. It's involved in cell growth and repair, immune function, fertility, and protein synthesis. While most people can get the zinc they need from food sources like oysters, beef, pork, chicken, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fortified cereals, and dairy products, some people may not get enough from their diet alone and may benefit from taking zinc supplements. Zinc deficiency can lead to a host of problems like hair loss, diarrhea, impotence, eye and skin problems, delayed wound healing, depression, taste abnormalities, and reduced sense of smell. The Best Form of Zinc Is OptiZinc® OptiZinc® is a patented 1:1 complex of zinc and methionine that has been shown to be absorbed better and retained longer than ordinary zinc supplements. Unlike other forms of zinc supplementation which can bind with dietary fiber and phytate (organic compounds found in plant foods that inhibit zinc absorption), OptiZinc® resists binding with these compounds so that your body can more efficiently absorb the zinc. In addition to being better absorbed by the body, OptiZinc® has also been shown to provide antioxidant protection against free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and lead to inflammation. OptiZinc® has also been shown to support healthy immune function. If you're looking for a quality zinc supplement to help you meet your daily needs, OptiZinc® is an excellent option. This patented 1:1 complex of zinc and methionine is absorbed better by the body than other forms of zinc supplementation and provides antioxidant protection against free radicals. It's also been shown to support healthy immune function. All in all, OptiZinc® is an effective way to ensure that you're getting enough zinc in your diet.
( What Is Zinc and What AreThe Benefits of Taking OptiZinc ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 12, 2012 07:34 AM
Zinc is considered to be one of the most essential minerals that have the ultimate capacity to boost the immune health of a human body. Scientific researches revealed that zinc plays a major role in regulating the production of cells in the body's immune system. High levels of zinc can be derived from ginger roots, pecan nuts, oysters, peanuts, oats, peas, turnips, whole wheat grains, almonds and pumpkin seed. Zinc supplementation is getting a lot importance nowadays because of a number of health complications that can arise due to zinc insufficiency. Intake of zinc supplements can help the body gain sufficient amount of resistance against acne, eczema, prostate disorder and even simple colds. Studies show that zinc has the optimum capacity to regulate the level of testosterone in the body which when left uncontrolled can eventually lead to the formation of annoying acne. Zinc also stimulates the body's natural ability to heal chronic infections. Zinc actually aids a number of enzymes that facilitate in collagen synthesis which leads to faster healing of wounds and infections. Zinc is also known for its capacity to strengthen the body's immune system. In fact, it shortens the duration of common colds by enhancing the functions of white blood cells. Low level of zinc in the body makes an individual more susceptible to suffer from a number of health infections. Zinc is scientifically proven to be effective in preventing the development of diabetes. It regulates the production of insulin and helps the blood sugar move into the cells. The mineral is even effective in reducing the risk of suffering rheumatoid arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Inadequate amount of zinc in the body can lead to growth retardation, loss of appetite, bone degradation, low blood pressure, poor quality and rough skin and loss of sense of taste and smell. Zinc insufficiency can also be major culprit behind the development of weight loss, fatigue, hair loss, formation of white spots underneath the nails and diarrhea. Zinc is also known for its capacity to promote a healthy and radiant skin. The mineral has a direct influence over hormones that control the production of oil, promote optimum cell growth and prevent the development of skin disorders like diaper rash, burns, psoriasis and dandruff. Zinc is a powerful mineral that optimizes cognitive function by enhancing memory and cognition. OptiZinc is actually a patented complex of methionine and zinc supplement that absorbs better and retain longer than any other zinc supplement available on the market today. In fact, OptiZinc is considered as the superior quality bioavailable form of mineral zinc. OptiZinc actually increases the availability of zinc in the body that is effective in promoting healthy cell functions which include digestion, reproduction, respiration, growth and development. OptiZinc also promotes a better and efficient brain, vision, nerve and immune functions. It is also capable of neutralizing the effects of damaging free radicals thereby reducing the user's risk of suffering from serious health conditions like cancer. Clinical studies show that OptiZinc works better than any other zinc supplement available on the market today.
( Improve Immune System, Digestion, Muscle Recover, The Skin, And More with OptiZinc ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 31, 2011 03:45 PM
Zinc And Your Health.OptiZinc is a patented zinc supplement in which the trace element zinc is bound to the essential amino acid methionine. It is especially formulated to guarantee absorption of zinc at a rate far superior to other zinc supplements. Hence, it is commercially touted to be the form of zinc best suited for people diagnosed with zinc deficiency. Decades-long studies have recorded noticeable effects on health. Increases Immune Function Zinc has long been tied to the immune system. For one, all white blood cells that contain granules in their cytoplasm secrete zinc at certain immune responses. In addition, several other cells in the employ of the immune system utilize zinc signaling for cell-to-cell communication. OptiZinc increases availability of elemental zinc for use by immune cells and modulates immune function in the process. Promotes Healthy Metabolism Zinc is one of the trace elements that are pervasive at the cellular level. Proteins that belong to all enzyme classes necessitate the presence of zinc to activate their catalytic activities. The scientific community has long come to a conclusion that zinc is absolutely necessary for healthy metabolism, and thus the daily zinc needs of the body must be met to avoid impairment of physiological functions. Aids Digestive Processes OptiZinc is particularly good for the gastrointestinal tract. It contains up to 200 per cent of the recommended daily value for zinc to ensure absorption and aid digestion at the same time. Zinc ions are directly involved in the antimicrobial activities that take place in the intestines. Digestive enzymes that contain zinc are responsible for the breakdown of peptide bonds of proteins during digestion. Accelerates Muscle Recovery Supplementation of OptiZinc is likely to benefit people who engage in regular physical activities, especially athletes and bodybuilders. This formulation of zinc contains an equal ration of zinc to methionine, an essential amino acid necessitated in the biosynthesis of many other amino acids. OptiZinc speeds up the recovery of skeletal muscles after subjected to intense exercise. Improves Skin Conditions It is well established fact that a deficiency in zinc leads to higher incidence to acne. Severe cases even result in progressive hair loss and skin ulcer formation. These skin conditions are in fact a symptom of a metabolic disorder affecting the uptake of zinc, whether congenital or acquired. OptiZinc have been reported to alleviate zinc deficiency-induced skin problems and promote healthy-looking skin. Scavenges Free Radicals OptiZinc is a noted free radical scavenger. Its efficacy in preventing oxidative stress has been associated to the prevention of a diverse variety of illnesses, which include eye problems, prostate inflammation, and neurodegenerative diseases. This special formulation of zinc delivers the highest absorbable amounts of zinc into the systemic circulation to effectively prevent radical damage.
( NEW PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 05, 2005 06:29 PM
The Most Comprehensive Antioxidant Formula Available!
Four tablets contain: Vitamin A (as beta-carotene 8,500 IU & palmitate 4,000 IU) 12,500 IU
gamma-Vitamin E Complex 500 mg
Quercetin 100 mg
( OptiZinc - The king of Zinc ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 04, 2005 10:43 AM
Source Naturals brings you yet another breakthrough in mineral nutrition: OptiZinc! Opti Zinc is Zinc Monomethionine — Zinc combined with the essential amino acid Methionine. It is FDA approved as safe for human nutrition, and is so unique, it’s patented. Opti Zinc — THE MOST POTENT FORM OF ZINC AVAILABLE Extensive scientific research shows that Opti Zinc is the most bioavailable and bioactive form of Zinc tested.1 Aside from demonstrating superior absorption and utilization by the body for Zinc’s many functions, Opti zinc is also more efficient than other forms of Zinc in getting needed Vitamin A out of storage in the liver, thus making it available for use.2 Perhaps most outstanding is the synergy offered by this combination of Zinc and Methionine: while both of these nutrients are well-known for their freeradical- neutralizing properties, the antioxidant activity of Opti Zinc far surpasses that of either Zinc or Methionine alone. ZINC — ESSENTIAL FOR YOUR HEALTH Zinc is one of the most important minerals your body uses. Among its many functions, Zinc is: ? critical for the health of the thymus gland, which is necessary for the natural defenses, as demonstrated in recent research by Nicola Fabris, Ph.D., director of the Gerontology Research Department of the Italian National Research Center on Aging in Ancona, Italy;3 DO YOU GET ENOUGH ZINC IN YOUR DIET? As vital as Zinc is, it can be hard to get enough of, even when following a healthy diet. Surveys show that the daily intake of Zinc in the average American diet ranges from 8 to 11 mg, yet the U.S. RDA is 15 mg. The few excellent sources include seafoods (such as oysters, herring, and clams), whole oatmeal, wheat germ, wheat bran, and milk.4 If some of these are not a regular part of your diet, you may be one of many people who are Zinc deficient, and you may want to use a dietary supplement. SOURCE NATURALS™ — Opti Zinc THE SUPPLEMENT OF CHOICE One Source Naturals’ Opti Zinc tablet provides 30 mg of Zinc (from 150 mg Opti Zinc Zinc Monomethionine), which is 200% of the U.S. RDA for Zinc. 300 mcg of the essential mineral Copper is also included, to offset the displacement of Copper that can occur when high levels of Zinc are consumed. The form of Copper used is also state-of-the-art: it is Copper Sebacate, a natural compound that is Copper:SOD-mimetic, meaning that even on its own, it can act as an antioxidant. Its inclusion with Zinc Monomethionine makes Source Naturals’ OptiZinc a powerful antioxidant combination that is truly on the cutting edge of nutrition science. OPTI ZINC® brand of Zinc Monomethionine complex is a trademark of InterHealth Company; U.S. Patents Nos. 3,941,818, 4,021,569, & 4,764,633. Source Naturals’ OPTI ZINC® is all-Vegetarian and hypoallergenic: contains no yeast, dairy, corn, soy or wheat. Contains no sugar, starch, salt, preservatives, or artificial color, flavor or fragrance.
( Life Minerals - Why are Minerals So Important? ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 02, 2005 01:14 PM
Why Are Minerals So Important? The value of adequate mineral intake for overall health cannot be overstated. Their effects are vast and broad; their deficiencies devastating. Minerals are components of body tissues and fluids that work in combination with enzymes, hormones, vitamins and transport substances. Minerals participate in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, cell permeability, tissue structure, blood formation, acid-base balance, fluid regulation, blood pressure control, protein metabolism and energy production. The human body requires large amounts of some minerals, and trace amounts of others, while some minerals – such as Lead, Mercury and Aluminum – are toxic to the body. Those minerals that are essential to health in relatively high amounts – Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, Sodium, Chlorine, and Magnesium – are called macrominerals. Trace minerals – Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Chromium, Selenium, Iodine and Molybdenum, to name a few – are those which are present in the body in minute amounts, but are just as essential to health as the major minerals. One of the main functions of minerals in the body is to activate enzymes. Magnesium, for example, activates over 300 different enzymes, while Zinc “turns on” over 100. Enzymes are catalysts, functioning in the cells to accelerate chemical reactions. All of these chemical reactions collectively are referred to as “metabolism”, which is the very basis of life. Why Do We Need Minerals Now More Than Ever?
What Is The Krebs’ Cycle? And What Are “Krebs’ Cycle Minerals”? The Krebs’ Cycle is the energetic root of life, taking place in every cell of the body. It produces 90% of the body’s total energy in the form of ATP. Krebs’ Cycle Minerals are those which are bound to the organic acids used in the Krebs’ Cycle. Such mineral complexes are increasingly becoming the standard in mineralinclusive supplements because they’re so good at what they do: Transport. They are especially effective at penetrating various cell membranes and organelle membranes, thus carrying their mineral partners inside the cell. Many of these organelles have membranes to keep out biochemical invaders; therefore, not just any substance can penetrate cells and their organelles. Source Naturals’ Life Minerals™: Optimal Mineral Supplementation All this technical and scientific information has been brought together by the experts at Source Naturals into one comprehensive multi-mineral formula: Life Minerals™. Many of the minerals in Life Minerals™ — Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese and Iron — are bound to some of the best known transport agents in the body, the Krebs’ Cycle organic compounds. In addition, there are minerals not usually found in other mineral supplements, such as Silicon, Boron, Copper, and Molybdenum. Plus there are the Vitamins B6, C and D3, which have been shown to significantly enhance mineral absorption and utilization. In addition to the Krebs’ Cycle minerals, Life Minerals™ also uses superior forms of other minerals. The Zinc is OptiZinc™ Zinc Monomethionine, shown in scientific studies to be highly bioavailable, offering increased absorption. The Chromium is ChromeMate®, the non-yeast Glucose Tolerance Factor Chromium, believed by many to be the most superior form of Chromium. Copper Sebacate, a more bioavailable form of Copper, is also included. Minerals are crucial to both the structure and function of the body in hundreds of ways. But what good are mineral supplements if your body cannot utilize them to their fullest advantage? Supplementing your diet with Life Minerals™ is an important aid against deficiencies that may be more significant than suspected. By providing minerals with the highest bioavailability, and including significant potencies of each, Source Naturals’ Life Minerals is your best chance of reaping all the benefits that minerals have to offer.
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