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Cell Rejuvenator by Peter Gillham formulation ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 22, 2006 09:01 AM
Cell Rejuvenator is Peter Gillham’s formulation that creates good health on a cellular level. It’s in the formulation Cell rejuvenator is a precisely engineered formula designed to give cells the exact nutrients they need to rejuvenate quickly and in the best condition possible. The formulation contains MSM (methylsulfonyl methane—a source of organic sulfur derived from nature), vitamin C, bioflavanoids and zinc. While primarily used for its anti-aging benefits, Cell Rejuvenator has a great many applications. What’s in Cell Rejuvenator? Peter Gillham’s Cell Rejuvenator is a complete formulation, not just another MSM product. Cell Rejuvenator starts with Lignisul MSM, which guaranteed 99.9 Precent pure and is an assurance of a high standard of quality necessary for optimal health benefits. Lignisul MSM is extremely safe, non-toxic and non-allergenic. Then we’ve added vitamin C the perfect companion to MSM. MSM helps to speed new cell formation and vitamin C is one of the primary nutrients the body looks for in making new cells. While MSM helps release toxins, vitamin C neutralizes them. Bioflavonoids are another part of the Cell Rejuvenator formula. They greatly enhance the absorption of vitamin C. along with this, bioflavonoids help promote a strong immune system, improve circulation, and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Cell Rejuvenator also includes zinc one of nature’s “super minerals.” Zinc is responsible for accelerating healing and for the formation of DNA in our tissues. DNA is essentially the blue print the body follows when forming and renewing itself, piece by piece, starting with each new cell. How you benefit Cell Rejuvenator releases toxins with MSM, neutralizes them with vitamin C, promotes a stronger immune system, improved circulation and healthy cholesterol levels with bioflavonoids, and accelerates healing and cellular DNA formation with zinc. MSM is an important nutrient and a key ingredient in Cell Rejuvenator. It is needed by the body for healthy connective tissue and joint function, proper enzyme activity and hormone balance, along with correct functioning of the immune system. Just how important is it? Approximately half of the body’s total sulfur is concentrated in the muscles, skin and bones. It is also present in keratin, the tough substance in the skin, nails and hair. Sulfur is necessary for making collagen, the primary constituent of cartilage and connective tissue. Supplementation with MSM has been found to improve many health situations, such as allergies, asthma, emphysema, lung dysfunction, arthritis, headaches, skin difficulties, stomach and digestive tract problems, circulation and cell absorption. MSM is non-allergenic and has no undesired pharmacological effects. One cannot overdose with MSM the body will use what is needed and flush out the rest without harm. Because it is also a free radical and foreign-protein scavenger, MSM cleans the bloodstream, so allergies to foods or pollens can be eliminated sometimes in just a few days. Beauty Secret We have all heard that with age the skin loses its elasticity, but do you know why? When the body replaces old skin cells, if there is a deficiency of MSM, the new cells are stiff and contribute to wrinkling. Taking Cell Rejuvenator helps the body replace bad cells with good, healthy elastic cells. Easy to use The ingredients in Cell Rejuvenator are mixed in exact amounts to achieve what we feel is the best recipe for cell rejuvenation. Cell Rejuvenator is available in convenient capsules and in powdered form. If you prefer capsules we recommend four capsules a day (2400mg). if they want to take a higher therapeutic does, they may prefer the powdered form, which easily mixes with your favorite juice. Some people see results within days, while it can take weeks for others. The key to success is to be consistent in taking Cell Rejuvenator. A constant supply of the ingredients in Cell Rejuvenator is required to build the healthy cells needed for proper organ functioning and for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. When you stop to think about the fact that our bodies produce cells 24 hours a day, you get some idea of how vital Cell Rejuvenator is!
( NMI: Consumer Supplements for Health Maintenance ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 18, 2006 12:04 PM
NMI: Consumer Supplements for Health Maintenance Harleysville, PA.—An estimated 187 million Americans are using dietary supplements to improve their overall health and well-being, according to the Barometer Survey, a nationwide online poll conducted by The Natural Marketing Institute (NMI). The study found 85 percent of Americans believe using dietary supplements can keep them healthier, while 72 percent want to have control over health decisions including the type of supplements available. NMI ( also reported multivitamins were not only used most often, but also taken more regularly on a daily basis compared with other supplements. Supplements users were also found to be more likely to be affluent, married and higher educated. However, there is a need for more education, as 67 Precent of survey respondents said conflicting stories in the media made them confused about supplements, and 70 percent believe their health care provider lacks important knowledge about the role of dietary supplements and health. In addition, there is a widening gap between consumer attitude (what they say) and behavior (what they actually do), with regard to nutrition, use of multi-vitamins, diet regimens, exercise programs and environmentally friendly products. NMI further reported 70 percent of consumers say taking a vitamin, mineral or dietary supplement every day is important, but only 60 percent use a multi-vitamin regularly, and only half of users take one on a daily basis. “The difference between attitudes and behaviors indicates a continuing struggle for consumers to fully integrate health and wellness measures into their lives,” said Steve French, managing partner. “While 86 percent of consumers believe there is a definite connection between diet and health, less than 50 percent select foods based on nutrition. And 45 percent admit that they know they should eat healthier, but don’t.
( The Free Radical Theory ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 14, 2005 12:11 PM
The popular theory has been the subject of a great deal of research. Developed by Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D., at the University of Nebraska in 1956, the free radical theory proposes that unstable molecules known as free radicals are responsible for inflicting extensive cellular damage, which causes cell death and dysfunction and eventually, disease. The most common type of free radicals are oxygen derived, and free radical damage is often referred to as oxidation. Environmental sources of free radicals include radiation (I.E., sun exposure, X-rays), ozone and nitrous oxide, heavy metals (i.e., mercury, cadmium, lead), smoke, alcohol, saturated fat, and other chemicals and pollutants. The body itself generates free radicals in performing essential bodily functions including energy production and immune activities. Fortunately, the body also has the ability to create antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals and prevent extensive cellular damage. When free radicals are not neutralized by antioxidants, they inflict large-scale cellular damage which can cascade and lead to age-related degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and age –relaged macular degeneration. For example, free radical damage to joint cells may cause the cartilage to become rough or break down, and can lead to the development of osteoarthritis. Antioxidants are needed to comb at free radicals and prevent this cellular damage. “Oxidative stress can lead to DNA mutations, cell death, and disease, all of which contribute to aging,” said Gerald R. Cysewski, president and chief executive officer (CEO) at Cyanotech corp. “Antioxidants are produced naturally by the body to combat oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals. Increasing the amount of antioxidants in one’s system by consumption of supplements can provide further protection from the damaging effects of free radicals.” Because the body is continually assaulted by free radicals, antioxidant supplementation is often necessary. “by taking certain nutrients that our bodies stop producing over time, supplements help us to maintain a youthful look and health, which in turn enhances the quality of life,” Alkayali said. “Furthermore, supplements can help decrease oxidative stress that may otherwise accompany age-related illness and disease.” Many Substances are known antioxidants including certain enzymes, vitamins, phytochemicals and minerals, and include Vitamin C, Vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), Carotenoids, Selenium, superoxide dismutase, melatonin, quercetin, catechins, and zinc. Consuming a diet high in plant sources of powerful antioxidants is an important step to deter ageing, because nutrients from foods are often highly bioavailable and can act synergistically to increase their health benefits. Garlic contains several antioxidant phytochemicals and minerals including allicin, beta-carotene, quercetin, selenium and zinc, and may have a protective effect against stomach and colorectal cancers. Catechins are potent antioxidants flavonoids, with the best known source being green tea; they include gallocatechin (GC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin (EC) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These antioxidants are being studied for their powerful abilities to combat free radical damage. In particular, EGCG has been researched for its reported protection against certain cancers and Alzheimer’s disease. Green Foods such as seaweed, sea vegetables, young grain grasses and shoots, broccoli, cabbage and other green leafy vegetables pack a nutritional punch due to their concentratged amounts of antioxidant carotenoids, vitamins and the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD). SOD is produced by the body and neutralizes free radicals known as superoxide radicals, which cause damaging fat oxidation. GliSODin is a patented form of SOD derived from cantaloupe and bound to a wheat protein for superior bioavailability. “GliSODin promotes the body’s production of its own endogenous antioxidants, including SOD, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, in virtually every cell,” said Eric Anderson, brand manager at P.L. Thomas. “This activation of the cellular antioxidant defenses across the whole body creates a state of alertness against any shock of oxidative stress, including sun rays, to which our body may be exposed.” Pomegranates contain two powerful antioxidants—ellagic acid, derived from fruit’s seeds, and punicaligans, found in the juice. “Research has shown that the juice from the pomegranate, rich in polyphenols, reduces oxidative stress by helping to produce enzymes to fight free radicals,” Alkayali said. NeoCell Corp. manufactures of ellagic-acid based Pomegranate Power, while P.L. Thomas supplies POM40p, a kosher-free pomegranate juice extract standardized to 40-Precent punicocides, polyphenols belong to the punicalagin family. Consumer demand is on the rise for products that address degenerative health conditions, including supplements that support function of the bones, joints, eyes. According to a June 2005 report by the freedonia group, “Bone and joint care products will continue to dominate the health maintenance segment, spurred by a growing customer base and a plethora of new and improved products expected to soon enter the marketplace.” The report also projected rapid gains for vision care. “Demand for vision care products will be propelled by aging baby boomers who are becoming aware of debilitating eye conditions and seeking both preventive measures and ameliorative treatments.” Dietary Supplements can help prevent and ease symptoms of age-related diseases affecting the joints, bones and eyes, including osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
( Nattokinase: Food For Cardiovascular Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 10, 2005 10:13 AM
Say it Ain't Soy! Yes, but this soybean is different! What makes it different is simple. after hours of fermentation, the boiled soybean metamorphose to an ancient medicinal food called "Natto" pronounced "Nah'-Toe." Natto may just be the "perfect food," producing 18 valuable amino acids and an enxyme natokinase that may challenge the pharmaceutical industry's best "blood-clot busters." Natto, which has recently attracted attention throughout the world, is the third most popular type of fermented soybean in the japanese diet. Japan has the highest average longevity in the world, which may partly be attributed to a high consumption of natto. When compared with ordinary soybeans, the natto produces more calories, protein, fiber, calium, potassium and vitamin B2. Its high protein and economical price in terms of protein per gram has earned it the sobriquet. "Hata-ke no niko," a meat of the field. This nickname appears well deserved, as in comparison with an equivalent amount of beef, natto has slighly less protein (16.5 grams to 21.2 grams),but contains more carbohydrates and fiber, and is also higher in calcium, phosphorous, iron and vitamin B2. Plus, it has nearly double the calcium and far more vitamin E to boot. According to legend, the first person to originate traditional Japanese natto was the famous warrior Yoshiie Minamoto during the Heian era of Japanese history (794 - 1192 A.D.). The horse was extremely important to the Japanese samurai warrior of the period, and great care was given to provide suitable provisions for the horses when armies were on the move. Typically, boiled soybeans were cooled down, dried in teh sun and packed immediately in rice straw bags for transport with the army. If the army was on a rapid deployment, the boiled soybeans were packed hastely into the rice straw bags with out cooling or drying. The rice straw just happened to contain a harmless and naturally occuring microorganism, Bacillus Subtilis that fermented the soybeans and producted natto with its characteristic sticky texture. Initially, the soybeans were presumed to have spoiled until yashiie minamoto observed that his horses were "picky eaters" and demonstrated a preference for the "spoiled" Soybeans or natto. One day, Minamoto demonstrated tremendous courage and dipped his fingers into the seemingly rotten goo. To his astonishment, the fermented soybeans were not only edible but had a distinct umami flavor. Minamoto was responsible for introducing natto to northwestern Japan, where he ruled. To this day natto is especially popular in that region of Japan as a folk remedy for fatigue, beriberi, dysentery, heart and vascular deseases. The most distinctive features of natto are the adheasive surrounding the soybeans and the strong flavor. The sticky material has been shown to consist of poly-g-glutamic Acid (D and L) and polysaccharides (Levan-form fructan), and the strong "cheese like" flavor is due to the presence of pyrazine. These features sometimes make it hard for some people, especially people from other countries, to accept natto; however, these are the main factors which give natto the outstanding properties. Natto, which has recently attracted attention throughout the world, is a familiar part of the Japanese diet. Technical Aspects of Nattokinase: Nattokinase produces a prolonged action in two ways: it prevents the formation of thrombi and it dissolves existing thrombus. Nattokinase orally administrated to twelve healthy adults indicated elevations in the breakdown products of the fibrin and the ability of the blood to break down fibrin called eugobulin fibrionlytic activity (EFA). These results suggest the ability of nattokinase to accelerate fibrinolysis in the blood for a prolonged period of time. FDP levels in the adults drastically increased 4 hours after the administration of the nattokinase, indicating that fibrin within the blood vessels is gradually being disolved with repeated intake of nattokinase. By measuring the EFA & FDP levels, the activity of nattokinase has been determined to last for 8 to 12 hours. An additional parameter for confirming the action of NATTOKINASE following oral administration is a rise in blood levels of tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) antigen, which indicates a release of TPA from the endothelial cells and/or the liver and the endogenous production of plasmin (The body's blood clotting buster).6,7 In 1995, researchers from Miyazki Medical College and Kurashiki Unerversity of science and arts in Japan studied the effects of nattokinase on the blood preasure in both animals and human subjects. In addition, the researchers confirmed the presence of inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) within the test extract, which consisted of 80% ethanol extract of lyophilized viscous materials of natto. ACE causes blood vessels to narrow and blood pressure to rise - by inhibiting ACE; nattokinase has a lowering effect on blood pressure.1,2 The same natto extract was then tested on human volunteers with high blood pressure. Blood pressure levels were measured after 30 grams of lyophilized extract (Equivalent to 200 grams of natto food) was administered orally for 4 consecutive days. In 4 out of 5 volunteers, the systolic blood pressure (SBP) decreased on average from 173.8+- 20.5 mmHg to 154.8+-12.6 mmHg. Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) decreased on average from 101.0+- 11.3 mmHg to 91.2+- 6.6 mmHg. On average, this data representes a 10.9 percent drop in SBP and a 9.7 Precent drop in DBP. 1,2,6 Disclaimer: The above artical is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat a particular illness. The reader is encouraged to seek the advice of a holistically competen t licensed professional health care provider. The information in this artical has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any desease.
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