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  Messages 1-7 from 7 matching the search criteria.
These Essential Oils Beat Commercial Products Hands Down Darrell Miller 5/8/19
What Makes Neptune Krill Oil So Good For Your Health? Darrell Miller 3/24/12
High Potency Premium Fish Oil for Adults or Children. Darrell Miller 6/5/06
Premium COD Liver Oil from Barlean's Organic Oils Darrell Miller 6/5/06
New Signature Fish Oil Darrell Miller 6/5/06
Barleans – Organic Evening Primrose Oil Darrell Miller 6/2/06
Re: Keeping the Intestines Healthy Darrell Miller 5/12/05

These Essential Oils Beat Commercial Products Hands Down

Date: May 08, 2019 01:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: These Essential Oils Beat Commercial Products Hands Down

Mixtures of plant essential oils can be surprisingly powerful cleaning agents that will keep your dwelling pristine without harsh chemicals. Lemon oil excels at cutting grease. Tea tree oil is a powerful antimicrobial that can handle the toughest bathroom germs, and can be mixed with thyme oil to create a superb all-purpose cleaner and disinfectant. Lavender oil can be added into laundry to make it smell fresh and pleasant. Clove essential oil can be mixed with water and rubbing alcohol to make a sprayable air freshener.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nothing packs a powerful punch in cleaning and disinfecting like essential oils. The five recommended essential oils here can give you a germ-free home any day.
  • Although the cleaning powers in individual oils are very strong, they become more powerful and potent when they are mixed with other oils.
  • You can try out mixing ten drops of oil in a bucket of water and then add vinegar, baking soda, and castile soap.

"Essential oils are compounds that are extracted from plants. These oils engulf the plant oil and flavor, which is also called the “essence.” Each oil contains special aromatic compounds that give it a unique essence."

Read more:


What Makes Neptune Krill Oil So Good For Your Health?

Date: March 24, 2012 05:32 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Makes Neptune Krill Oil So Good For Your Health?

Neptune Krill Oil

Neptune Krill Oil is a dietary supplement that is made from the a species of Krill, a small crustacean that is quite similar to a shrimp. Neptune krill oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These krills are supposed to be the largest biomass in the world and are found in the Antartic and North Pacific Oceans. While these shrimp like creatures are small in size, there is an estimate of 500mn tons of krill in the ocean. Neptune Technology has the patent for krill oil extraction and hence the krill oil that is found as supplement comes from Neptune Technologies only. As Krill form important part of the food chain, especially in the Antartic region, there have been many krill farms being setup for harvesting of krill.

Health Benefits

Krill oil has many health benefits and is used as a dietary supplement as it contains important nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids similar to those found in fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids conjugated to phospholipids and astaxanthin. Lets us see what benefits of Neptune krill oil are:

Blood Sugar and Hyperlipidemia: Recent studies have shown the beneficial effects of krill oil in lowering blood sugar levels and totalcholesterol. Neptune Krill oil helps in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL), blood sugar, triglycerides and total cholesterol:HDL ratio. Hence it keeps your heart healthy and fit.

Premenstrual Syndrome: Neptune Krill oil is an effective and natural way to manage the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. It not just gives relief from the physical symptoms such as bloating, breast tenderness and fatigue, but also helps in controlling the emotional symptoms (irritability, stress and depression) experienced by many women during their menses.

Inflammation relief: Studies have indicated that daily intake of krill oil helps in improving the joint health and thus helps in reducing inflammation and pain of arthritis.

Reduces risk of Cancer: Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-carcinogenic properties. Consumption of Neptune krill oil could reduce the risk of cancer. Studies have even shown that krill oil helps slowing down the growth of cancerous tumors.

Fish oil versus Krill oil: Which one is better?

Fish oil vs Krill oil is the most common debate that is becoming popular among health enthusiasts. This is because both Fish oil and Krill oil are the daily nutritious supplements that are loaded with potential health benefits. In essence, both of these oils share same characteristics in terms of their composition and their properties but still the comparisons between these two healthy oils continue. Let us discuss the pros and cons of fish oil vs krill oil and compare different parameters to decide it by ourselves, which one is better?

1. Krill oil contains higher amounts of anti-oxidants (astaxanthin) that are quite beneficial for health while many manufacturers add anti-oxidants from outside in fish oil.

2. Both the oils are rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, but fish oil contains high concentration of harmful metals that can cause unwanted side-effects if consumed.

3. Fish oil is made commercially from farm raised fish, which lacks useful nutrients, whereas krill oil is made from the pristine waters of Antarctica.

Krill oil is nature's rich source of important nutrients. Neptune krill oil is a vital supplement that has many health benefits.


High Potency Premium Fish Oil for Adults or Children.

Date: June 05, 2006 03:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High Potency Premium Fish Oil for Adults or Children.

Fresh Catch Healthy Adult

Fresh Catch® Healthy Adult formula is a pure and pristine source of molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical grade fish oil formulated with the ideal dose and ratio of highly concentrated EPA and DHA omega-3 for the vibrant health and energy of healthy adults. Meet’s the American Heart Association’s recommendation of 2-to-4 grams of EPA and DHA.

Fresh Catch Healthy Adult 50+

Fresh Catch® Healthy Adult 50+ is a pure & pristine source of molecularly distilled, Pharmaceutical grade fish oil formulated with the ideal dose and ratio of beneficial Omega-3 - EPA and DHA, to support vibrant health and energy in healthy adults 50 years of age and over. Meets the American Heart Association’s recommendation of 2-to-4 grams of EPA and DHA.

Fresh Catch Healthy Mom

Fresh Catch® Healthy Mom is a pure and pristine source of molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical grade fish oil formulated with the ideal dose and ratio of DHA and EPA to address the health and nutrition priorities of pregnant and lactating women.

Compelling research indicates that DHA, and omega-3 fatty acid found in fish, and provided in Barlean’s Healthy Mom – aids in the cerebral and eye development that occurs during pregnancy and into infancy. Optimal levels of DHA in the bloodstream of pregnant and lactating women may be important to development of the brain and nervous system of the developing fetus and infant and possibly address post partum depression.

Fresh Catch High EPA-DHA

Fresh® Catch EPA-DHA concentrate is a pure and pristine source of pharmaceutical grade fish oil providing an ideal dose and ratio of highly concentrated EPA and DHA omega-3 to support overall vibrant health and well being – for your vibrant health and energy. Meets the American Heart Association’s recommendation of 2-4 grams of EPA/DHA daily.

Fresh Catch High EPA

Fresh Catch® Super High Potency EPA is a pure and pristine source of pharmaceutical grade fish oil providing highly concentrated EPA Omega-3 to support cardiovascular, joint, immune and colon health. – for your vibrant health and energy.

Fresh Catch High DHA

Fresh Catch® Super Potency DHA is a pure and pristine source of molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical grade fish oil providing highly concentrated DHA omega-3 to support memory, cognition and emotional well-being – for your vibrant health and energy.


Premium COD Liver Oil from Barlean's Organic Oils

Date: June 05, 2006 03:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Premium COD Liver Oil from Barlean's Organic Oils

Fresh Catch Cod Liver Oil

Barlean's Fresh Catch® Cod Liver Oil is a pure and pristine source of molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical grade cod liver oil. Ideal for those who seek a naturally occurring, well-balanced ratio of EPA, DHA and vitamins A & D, Fresh Catch® Cod Liver Oil is derived from 100% Icelandic Cod – harvested in the deep, icy-cold and crystal clean waters of Norway for your vibrant health and energy.


New Signature Fish Oil

Date: June 05, 2006 03:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New Signature Fish Oil

Fresh Catch Fish Oil

Our signature formula is ideal for people who are seeking the absolute highest quality fish oil at the best value. Fresh Catch® Fish Oil is a pristine source of ultra-purified pharmaceutical grade fish oil providing naturally occurring levels of EPA and DHA for your vibrant health and energy. Fresh Catch® includes all of the quality attributes found in the entire Fresh Catch® line of quality fish oils.


Barleans – Organic Evening Primrose Oil

Date: June 02, 2006 03:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Barleans – Organic Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose Oil has long been revered for providing relief from symptoms associated with PMS and menopause such as cramps, hot flashes, breast tenderness and moodiness*. Now, for the first time you can enjoy the benefits of EPO from a pure, pristine and organic source.

Barlean’s … You deserve nothing less.

  • Supports primary body functions
  • Promotes healthy hormone levels
  • Aids the body’s inflammation response

Evening Primrose Oil provides your body with a rich source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), and omega 6 fatty acid that supports the body’s cardiovascular, nervous, immune and reproductive systems. The GLA contained in Evening Primrose Oil is a nutrient used by the body to maintain healthy cells and vital body functions.

Evening Primrose Oil enhances the health and strength of cell membranes throughout the body, and promotes a proper inflammation response. Evening Primrose Oil is also used by the body to maintain healthy hormone levels.

Suggested use: 2 Capsules per day.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Ingredients: Each Light-resistant carob coated gelatin capsule contains: 100% organic, unrefined, evening primrose oil.

Supplement facts:

Serving size 2 Capsules 2.6g

Amount per serving:

Calories from fat….23
Total Fat….2.6 grams
Saturated Fat….210mg
Polyunsaturated fat….2.2 grams
Linolenic Acid….25mg
Linoleic Acid….1910 mg
Gamma Linolenic Acid….260mg
Monounsaturated Fat….1.6 grams
Oleic Acid….160mg



Date: May 12, 2005 09:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Keeping the Intestines Healthy

"Friendly Bacteria" Therapy Breakthrough

by Richard Conant, L.Ac., C.N.

Ninety percent of the cells found in the human body are not of human origin.

No, this does not mean we are all products of some sinister alien experiment.

The human body is made up of about 10 trillion cells. This huge number is dwarfed by the bacteria we all carry around in our intestinal tracts. The lower bowel is a campground for roughly 100 trillion bacteria, single-celled plant organisms that can be seen only through a microscope.

When we enjoy good intestinal health, the bulk of these bacteria are beneficial. Known as "friendly flora," these tiny guests help digest our food by breaking down undigested proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The friendliest of the friendly bacteria are the "lactobacilli," so named because they produce lactic acid in the bowel, by fermenting carbohydrates. This lactic acid production is profoundly important for keep the intestines healthy. And good intestinal health is the foundation of overall health.

How do we maintain a thriving population of lactic acid-producing bacteria in the gut? First introduced into the human body through mother's milk, lactobacilli are somewhat fragile. Stress, poor diets, and antibiotics can kill them off. They should be replanted fairly regularly throughout life. One way to do this is through consumption of cultured milk products such as sour milk, kefir and yogurt, which contain live lactobacilli. They can also be consumed in dietary supplements, but this may or may not be a reliable route. Bacterial products do not keep very well on the shelf, they require refrigeration, and are largely destroyed on the trip from the mouth to the gut by our own digestive juices.

Introducing Lactobacillus sporogenes- a revolutionary new friendly bacteria supplement.

This article will focus on one particular species of lactobacilli, a relatively unknown member of the family called Lactobacillus sporogenes. This lactic-acid producing bacteria may prove to be one of the most practical forms for use in supplements, thanks to a unique property not shared by the more well-known friendly flora such as acidophillus. L. Sporogenes is a spore-forming bacteria. Safely enclosed within a spore coat that protects it from the environment, L. sporogenes is resistant to heat, oxygen and digestive acids. Once L. sporogenes reaches the intestines, its spore coat dissolves, freeing the bacteria to multiply and churn out the beneficial lactic acid. (The spore coat, made up of a calcium-protein-carbohydrate complex, is harmless).1

The difficulty of keeping friendly bacteria supplements alive is an ongoing problem for manufacturers of these products. Studies have analyzed various commerical products claiming to contain acidophilus and found they often contain few live bacteria.2,3 L. Sporogenes is naturally microencapsulated; this insulates it from the gauntlet through which friendly bacteria in dietary supplements must pass.1 Autointoxication-Poisoning by Bacterial Toxins The intestinal tract may also play host to pathogenic, or disease-causing bacteria. These "unfriendly flora" cause putrefaction and release injurious toxins into the lower bowel. This healthy picture is all too common, and has long been concern of wholistic health practitioners.

The concept of "autointoxication," poisoning of the body by intestinal toxins, was popular among doctors in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. An editorial on the dangers of autointoxication which appeared in the June 3, 1893 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) declared that "most likely a large majority of chronic diseases take their origin from this cause."4 The famous Russian physician Eli Metchnikoff pioneered the use of lactobacteria for preventing autointoxication and restoring bowel health. His landmark work 'Prolongation of Life' sparked interest in lactobacilli as a food supplement.5,6

Naturopathy, widely practiced during the early twentieth century, has always stressed the fundamental importance of bowel cleansing. With the advent of so-called "scientific medicine," naturopathy slipped into decline, and the concept of autointoxication was discredited. Over the last thirty years or so, this has changed. Naturopathic medicine has rebounded, and the importance of bowel health is once again recognized. A paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1964, while opining that autointoxication "was exploited by quacks and faddists" in the early 1900's concedes that "the concept of autointoxication must now receive serious consideration."7

Leaders in the rebirth of natural medicine such as Dr. Bernard Jensen have helped educate the public about the importance of keeping the bowels healthy through regular use of lactobacilli. Jensen is well-known for his extensive studies of regions such as the Hunza Valley in Pakistan where people commonly live well over one hundred years. Jensen and others have noted that the consumption of fermented dairy products containing lactobacilli is a common dietary practice in these areas. Their observations have contributed to the popularity of friendly bacteria supplements. At the same time, clinical research has provided ample evidence of the beneficial effects of lactobacteria supplementation.5,9<.sup>

Eubiosis-Keeping a Healthy Bacteria Population in the Intestinal Tract

In his book 'Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, which contains a wealth of valuable wisdom on intestinal health, Dr. Jensen writes, "Where health and vitality are found, we invariably find the friendly and beneficial microbes ... To a large extent the flora in the bowel determines the state of health in an individual."8 In a healthy bowel the friendly flora make up the bulk of the bacteria population. The unfriendly, disease-causing organisms are in the minority. The good bacteria keep them firmly under control. This healthy microbial balance in the gut is called "eubiosis."

Life in our modern industrial society is hardly favorable to eubiosis. Residents of the Hunza Valley lead unhurried lives in a pristine, pollution-free environment. They grow their own food in fertile, nutrient-rich soil, work close to the landÐand consume lactic-acid producing bacteria on a daily basis. For the rest of us who cannot hope to enjoy this enviable lifestyle, eubiosis is something we should never take for granted. This means taking proactive steps to plant the seeds of health in our intestinal garden, by using a viable friendly bacteria supplement.

Supplements which help to populate the intestinal tract with friendly bacteria are known as "probiotics." The term "probiotic" literally means "for life.' (In contrast, "antibiotic" means "against life.") Probiotics restore the natural state of "eubiosis" that is so very important for health and longevity.

L. Sporogenes-an ideal probiotic

Not every species of lactobacilli qualifies as an effective probiotic. As noted above, many do not survive processing, storage and passage through the digestive system very well. The following attributes make L. Sporogenes an ideal probiotic supplement:1,10,11

1) Naturally microencapsulatedÐstable at room temperature and can be stored unrefrigerated for long periods without loss of viable organisms.

2) Tolerates heat, stomach acid and bile, allowing it to successfully travel into the lower bowel.

3) Non-pathogenic, has only beneficial effects on its host. Has similar characteristics as acidophilus: prefers a mild acid environment; produces lactic acid, digestive enzymes, etc.

4) Readily multiplies in the human gut. In the stomach, the spore coat absorbs moisture and begins to swell. Upon reaching the small intestine, the bacteria cells germinate and begin to multiply, doubling in number every 30 minutes.

5) Produces enzymes which help digest protein, fats and carbohydrates. These enzymes include lactose, the enzyme that digests milk sugar.12

6) Creates a favorable environment (mildly acidic) in the gut for other friendly bacteria to thrive. Prevents overgrowth of pathogenic organisms.

7) Produces lactic acid in the form of L- lactic acid only.

The last point is especially important. Lactic acid occurs in the form of three isomers (substances with identical molecular structures that have different shapes): L-lactic acid, D-lactic acid and DL-lactic acid. The D form is metabolized slowly, and can produce acidosis in the system. (Infants have a particularly difficult time metabolizing D-lactic acid.)11,13 DL-Lactic acid, the kind acidophilus makes, may be converted to either D or L.

The L form is the one we want. L. sporogenes is a "homofermenter," it makes L-lactic acid exclusively. Lactic acid keeps the gut mildly acidic. This acidity is essential for the gut to be a hospitable home for friendly bacteria, and stops the growth of the unwelcome disease-causing bacteria.

L. sporogenes has only one drawback. It is a transient visitor that does not permanently colonize in the digestive tract. A study on the retention of L. sporogenes found no bacteria in the feces six days after consumption was discontinued.14

L. Sporogenes-Results from Clinical Studies

L. Sporogenes is used extensively in Japan and approved by the Japanese equivalent of the FDA. L. sporogenes has been given to hospital patients suffering from intestinal complaints such as gas and bloating due to abnormal fermentation, constipation, diarrhea and indigestion. (These problems often occur after surgery or chemotherapy.) A total of 16 clinical reports are on record in Japanese hospitals, documenting 293 case of digestive complaints treated with L. sporogenes.15 The overall improvement rate is an impressive 86 percent. Results are typically seen within four to five days. L. sporogenes has also been used with success to clear up diarrhea in newborns.16 Like other lactobacilli, L. sporogenes lowers blood cholesterol. (Lactobacilli break down cholesterol and bile salts in the intestinal tract.) Researchers at a hospital in New Delhi, India gave L. sporogenes tablets to 20 patients with high cholesterol for twelve weeks.17 Total cholesterol levels were substantially reduced, along with LDL cholesterol, and the beneficial HDL rose slightly.

The popularity of L. sporogenes in other countries as an ideal friendly bacteria supplement will no doubt be soon matched in the U.S. This microscopic helper for intestinal health is now sold in probiotic products under the name "Lactospore®."


1. Gandhi, A.B., Nagarathnam, T. Probiotics in veterinary use. Poultry Guide 1990;27(3):43-47.

2. Brennan, M., Wanismail, B., Ray, B. Prevalence of viable Lactobacillus acidophilus in dried commercial products. Journal of Food Protection 1983;46(10):887-92.

3. Gilliland, S.E., Speck, M.L. Enumeration and identity of lactobacilli in dietary products. Journal of Food Protection 1977;40(11):760-62.

4. Dalton, R.H. The limit of human Life, and how to live long. JAMA 1893;20:599-600.

5. Shahani, K.M., Ayebo, A.D. Role of dietary lactobacilli in gastrointestinal microecology. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1980;33:2448-57.

6. Metchnikoff, E.. Prolongation of Life. New York: G.P. Putnam Sons;1908.

7. Donaldson, R.M. Normal Bacterial populations of the intestine and their relation to intestinal function. New Eng. J. Med. 1964;270(18):938-45.

8. Jensen, B. Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management. Escondido, CA: publ. by Bernard Jensen, D.C.;1980.

9. Schauss, A.G. Lactobacillus acidophilus: method of action, clinical application, and toxicity data. Journal of Advancement in Medicine 1990;3(3):163-78.

10. 'General InformationÐLactospore®' 1996; Sabinsa Corporation: Piscataway, NJ.

11. Gandhi, A.B. Lactobacillus sporogenes, An Advancement in Lactobacillus Therapy. The Eastern Pharmacist August 1998:41-44.

12. Kim, Y.M., Lee, J.C., Choi, Y.J., Yang, H.C. Studies on the production of beta galactosidase by lactobacillus sporogenes. Properties and application of beta galactosidase. Korean J. Appl. Microbiol. Bioeng. 1985;13(4):355-60.

13. Oh, MS. D-Lactic acidosis in a man with short bowel syndrome. New Eng J Med 1979;31(5):249-52.

14. Hashimo, K. et. al. New Drugs and Clinics 1964;13(9):53-66.

15. 'Abstracts of papers on the clinical studies of Lacbon' Unpublished data.

16. Dhongade, R.K., Anjaneyule, R. Lactobacillus sporogenes (Sporlac) in neonatal diarrhea. Unpublished data.

17. Mohan, J.C., Arora, R., Khaliullah, M. Preliminary observations on effect of Lactobacillus sporogenes on serum lipid levels in hypercholesterolemic patients. Indian J. Med. Res. 1990;92(B):431-32.

Full Spectrum Multidophilus Probiotic Supplement 12 Strains of acidophilus

Proprietary Probiotic Blend (Supplying over 20 billion organisms):
  • B. lactis
  • B. bifidum
  • B. infantis
  • B. longum
  • L. acidophilus
  • L. brevis
  • L. bulgaricus
  • L. paracasei
  • L. planatarum
  • L. rhamnosus
  • L. salivarius
  • Streptococcus thermophilus

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    VitaNet ® Staff


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