

New to Barlean's Organic oils - Fish Oils

old message New Signature Fish Oil Darrell Miller 06/05/06
old message High Potency Premium Fish Oil for Adults or Children. Darrell Miller 06/05/06
old message Premium COD Liver Oil from Barlean's Organic Oils Darrell Miller 06/05/06


Date: June 05, 2006 03:09 PM
Subject: New Signature Fish Oil

Fresh Catch Fish Oil

Our signature formula is ideal for people who are seeking the absolute highest quality fish oil at the best value. Fresh Catch® Fish Oil is a pristine source of ultra-purified pharmaceutical grade fish oil providing naturally occurring levels of EPA and DHA for your vibrant health and energy. Fresh Catch® includes all of the quality attributes found in the entire Fresh Catch® line of quality fish oils.

Guarantee: VitaNet® LLC Offers a 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!


Date: June 05, 2006 03:14 PM
Subject: High Potency Premium Fish Oil for Adults or Children.

Fresh Catch Healthy Adult

Fresh Catch® Healthy Adult formula is a pure and pristine source of molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical grade fish oil formulated with the ideal dose and ratio of highly concentrated EPA and DHA omega-3 for the vibrant health and energy of healthy adults. Meet’s the American Heart Association’s recommendation of 2-to-4 grams of EPA and DHA.

Fresh Catch Healthy Adult 50+

Fresh Catch® Healthy Adult 50+ is a pure & pristine source of molecularly distilled, Pharmaceutical grade fish oil formulated with the ideal dose and ratio of beneficial Omega-3 - EPA and DHA, to support vibrant health and energy in healthy adults 50 years of age and over. Meets the American Heart Association’s recommendation of 2-to-4 grams of EPA and DHA.

Fresh Catch Healthy Mom

Fresh Catch® Healthy Mom is a pure and pristine source of molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical grade fish oil formulated with the ideal dose and ratio of DHA and EPA to address the health and nutrition priorities of pregnant and lactating women.

Compelling research indicates that DHA, and omega-3 fatty acid found in fish, and provided in Barlean’s Healthy Mom – aids in the cerebral and eye development that occurs during pregnancy and into infancy. Optimal levels of DHA in the bloodstream of pregnant and lactating women may be important to development of the brain and nervous system of the developing fetus and infant and possibly address post partum depression.

Fresh Catch High EPA-DHA

Fresh® Catch EPA-DHA concentrate is a pure and pristine source of pharmaceutical grade fish oil providing an ideal dose and ratio of highly concentrated EPA and DHA omega-3 to support overall vibrant health and well being – for your vibrant health and energy. Meets the American Heart Association’s recommendation of 2-4 grams of EPA/DHA daily.

Fresh Catch High EPA

Fresh Catch® Super High Potency EPA is a pure and pristine source of pharmaceutical grade fish oil providing highly concentrated EPA Omega-3 to support cardiovascular, joint, immune and colon health. – for your vibrant health and energy.

Fresh Catch High DHA

Fresh Catch® Super Potency DHA is a pure and pristine source of molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical grade fish oil providing highly concentrated DHA omega-3 to support memory, cognition and emotional well-being – for your vibrant health and energy.

Guarantee: VitaNet® LLC Offers a 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!


Date: June 05, 2006 03:11 PM
Subject: Premium COD Liver Oil from Barlean's Organic Oils

Fresh Catch Cod Liver Oil

Barlean's Fresh Catch® Cod Liver Oil is a pure and pristine source of molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical grade cod liver oil. Ideal for those who seek a naturally occurring, well-balanced ratio of EPA, DHA and vitamins A & D, Fresh Catch® Cod Liver Oil is derived from 100% Icelandic Cod – harvested in the deep, icy-cold and crystal clean waters of Norway for your vibrant health and energy.

Guarantee: VitaNet® LLC Offers a 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

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