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Can hemp extract provide health benefits without getting you high? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 06, 2017 11:59 PM
Cannabidiol, or CBD is a substance found in marijuana mainly in hemp, that unlike THC does not get you high. It can treat pain and inflammation without the psychogenic effects but is regulated under the same laws as marijuana and s considered illegal to sell. There also needs to be more research done on the oil and it's overall benefits and effects especially since some studies suggest it can interfere with serotonin levels in your system. Read more: Can hemp extract provide health benefits without getting you high?
( Jamaican Scientists on Verge of Creating Cannabis-Based Hepatitis C Drugs ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 28, 2017 05:59 AM
The effort is being led by leading Jamaican cancer researcher Dr. Henry Lowe, whose team at the University of the West Indies made the announcement this past. The discovery which is fleshed out in greater detail in the latest issue of the peer reviewed publication Pharmacognosy Research could provide vital treatment for the hepatitis C. The illness has been linked to causing cirrhosis of the liver, as well as liver cancer. Jamaican Scientists on Verge of Creating Cannabis-Based Hepatitis C Drugs
( New Research Shows Depression Linked with Inflammation ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 21, 2017 07:59 AM
Does your struggle with depression have you on the Verge of exploding? Inflammation could be the reason why. Researchers study the connection between inflammation and depression. Backed by science, take charge of your inflammation and manage your Depression. Also, check out some inexpensive and easy ways to reduce your inflammation. Key Takeaways:
"But growing evidence supports that at least some forms of depression may also be linked to ongoing low-grade inflammation in the body." Reference:
( What Health Benefits Juniper Berry Oil Posses ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 19, 2014 03:18 PM
What is juniper berry
Organically talking, the juniper berry isn't a real tree grown foods yet the juniper's seed cone. It's viewed as a berry as a result of its scales. The juniper is an evergreen tree and there are obviously 6 types of this tree whose berries are palatable and utilized for a ton of useful purposes. Juniper berries oil are widely utilized within European cooking, particularly meat based arrangements as it gives one of a kind quality. Gin significant others likewise may be amazed to discover that juniper berries are the essential element in gin. However the juniper berry is eminent for its notoriety as a home grown answer for an unimaginably long rundown of conditions and afflictions. How it makes a difference The juniper is truth be told a helpful tree as a large portion of its parts are utilized for a medicinal readiness or the other. In this way, the berries, leaves, bark and even oil determined from the berries and wood are utilized within different ways. Benefits of juniper berry Basically a severe berry, the juniper berry holds various unpredictable oils or key oils, strand, vitamin C, flavoring and entire parcel of dynamic fixings that makes it the achievement healer that it is. Note that juniper berries might be taken as teas and the squashed berries could be connected on the skin also for an assortment of sicknesses. Here is a glance at a portion of the employments of the juniper berry and how it can help us lead healthier lives: Juniper is recognized to be a herb with the most astounding consequences for kidneys. It is additionally used to cure different urinary tract contaminations and it can uproot uric harsh corrosive from the figure. Juniper makes the kidneys work rapidly and the form transforms more pee, making it a great diuretic additionally. People confronting water maintenance issues can feel a great deal of alleviation with the juniper berry and its oil due to its diuretic lands. Oil from the juniper berry has a disinfectant impact and it comes as an extraordinary easing to individuals experiencing urethritis and cystitis. Suffering from digestive issues? The Berry may very well be your reply as it can help diminish tooting and colic and help processing. It additionally moves issues, for example, bloating, belching and acid reflux. As a digestive help, it is remarkable as it expands the longing, soothes gas and expansions the generation of gastric harsh corrosive. Juniper berry oil additionally has calming qualities and it is of superb assistance to those experiencing joint inflammation, gout and different conditions, for example, ailment. These joint related ailments happen due to the liquid maintenance around these joints and the juniper berry with its diuretic activity assuages this weight extensively. Skin afflictions, for example, dandruff, skin inflammation and contender's foot can additionally be treated with topical provision of the juniper berry. Juniper helps in invigorating the muscle tone and discernibly decreasing the impacts of ageing for generally individuals. Menstrual spasms are frequently a significant number of the most troublesome parts of a lady's life; however these can additionally be lessened fundamentally with the assistance of the juniper berry. Numerous cultivators even utilize the juniper to enhance the uterus tone and to help the individuals who have moderate or late beginning periods. Concentrated oils of the juniper are utilized topically for lung clogging and hack while it is additionally pivotal in helping those experiencing respiratory contaminations. The unpredictable oils help in clearing up bronchial entries and disposing of bodily fluid. It has a high conVergence of insulin and aides in mending the pancreas. Essential oils extricated from juniper berries can help in soothing toothache and making gums stronger. It can additionally be utilized to oversee hair fall. Finally, the juniper berry is utilized by numerous to thin down and since it even scrubs the poisons from the form, it is an extraordinary general purifier also. Safety measures Juniper does have some noteworthy symptoms and its vital that you're attentive to them before you begin utilizing them as any type of medicine. Avoid the juniper berry oil in the event that you have extreme kidney issues as it can disturb the issue and cause further harm. If you utilize more than the endorsed sum, chances are that you could experience the ill effects of loose bowels, kidney torment, high circulatory strain, quick pulse and purplish pee. When taken inside, it can affect the assimilation of iron and different minerals. Open wounds are best not treated with juniper on the grounds that it can cause inconvenience and swelling. Juniper causes uterine fits and could prompt brought down ripeness, so ladies who are endeavoring to get pregnant must escape juniper. Pregnant ladies ought not to utilize juniper as it can cause uterine compressions and reason a premature birth. Diabetics must be cautious while utilizing juniper as it can raise the levels of glucose in the form. Juniper when taken in prudent sums and with individuals, who don't have the shown issues as said above, could be a blessing as it furnishes them with a considerable measure of help.
( Can DMAE Help Memory And Mood? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 19, 2013 07:23 AM
Do you ever feel like you are experiencing lapses in memory or you have a low general mood? There is evidence that DMAE might be able to help with both memory and mood. DMAE occurs naturally in the human brain. When we take supplemental amounts of the compound, brain function effects can be seen. DMAE as a Supplement It is thought that the supplement works by increasing the speed of the brain's turnover and synthesis of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter plays a strong role in maintaining general mental ability. It also works at supporting a stable, healthy memory in older adults. It is also believed that DMAE might work by stopping choline metabolism. This allows the free choline to gather in the blood, go into the brain, and stimulate the cholinergic receptors. A French double-blind study was performed to measure how much of an impact the supplement DMAE has on both mood and vigilance. Four of the subjects were categorized as having anxiety, and four other subjects were the controls. They were each given 1200mg of DMAE over the course of 5 days. These subjects were measured daily for their EEG and conVergence of the inter hemispheres of the brain. In the case of the four subjects that were given the supplement, progressive sync of the two brain hemispheres was found. This is correlated with increased neuromotor control, increased verbal memory, improvement in behavioral tasks, as well as better control of anxiety. Another use for DMAE worth mentioning is its affects on learning deficiencies like ADD or hyperkinesia. Many doctors prescribe amphetamines for conditions like this, but DMAE has also proven useful. According to studies, hyperactivity and irritability decrease, and scholastic ability improves from supplementing with DMAE. In addition to improving these conditions there is evidence that DMAE can improve life span, IQ, and motor mechanisms. It is very important to take the correct dosage of DMAE. I would start with taking 200-400mg first, and work your way up from there. Sources:
( Wonders Of Elderberry ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 25, 2013 07:56 PM
With this belief, the residents used to grow the Elderberry around their homes and farms, as they believed that it had powers that could protect them from all kinds of evil things. For protection to be accorded to them, they had to offer sacrifices and prayers to it so as to be assured that they would be covered. Shrines were also made in regards to the tree, where all individuals would conVerge and offer thanksgiving prayers to it. The Healthy Benefits of Elderberry There are many health benefits associated with this wonderful tree and they go on to offer medicinal value as well as ensuring a general sense of well being in the body. It is seen as helping in the chest and nose congestion, which is evident in individuals who have all sorts of allergies. This is especially important for them because it enables them have temporary relief before getting medication from the doctors. Common infections in women such as yeast are also catered for when it comes to the Elder tree as it constitutes the required substances that are responsible for taking care of the yeast infections. It also builds up the immune system, which helps the body to be able to fight against diseases that cause the body harm. Antioxidants are also present in the elder tree and they are at high levels, which allow the individual to choose whether to get the antioxidants from it or from modern medicine.It is believed that every part of this tree has medicinal value, so embracing the many benefits of this tree is important because it is all rounded.
( Nutritional Supplements Could Save U.S. $6.5 Billion. ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 07, 2006 12:26 PM
Health Care Crisis Bankrupting U.S. BudgetNutritional Supplements Could Save U.S. $6.5 Billion. You probably never heard about it on the radio, nor saw its actions reported on CNN. Others can’t guess what its acronym stands for. The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an investigative arm of Congress examining the receipt and payment of public funds. This government office exists for the sole purpose of communicating to Congress those facts and figures which we, as a society, can’t afford to overlook. And they are saying that the healthcare system is going to bankrupt us. The agency recently issued a special report called 21st Century Challenges, which concludes that current U.S. fiscal policies are unsustainable and, unless radical changes are initiated relatively soon, will “result in large, escalating, and persistent deficits. The Money Pit According to the GAO report, the United States spends more than 15% of our gross domestic product on health care, and that figures growing fast. We spend a larger percentage than is spent by any other industrialized country. What’s even more suprising is how little we get for the money. An estimated 45million Americans are uninsured. The United States continues to compare abysmally to the other industrialized nations in critical areas like infant mortality, life expectancy, and premature and preventable deaths. Medicare and Medicaid together devour 20% of the federal budget. With the baby boomers—individuals born between the end of WWII 1960—hitting retirement age this year, those figures will only grow larger with each passing year. Unless, as the GAO report says, something is done quickly. A report released just weeks ago by the Dietary Supplement Education Alliance (DSEA) demonstrates that the government can save at least 6.5 billion in health care cost reductions if nutritional supplements are integerated into the healthcare system. The Lewin Group, a market research firm, developed a report, entitled: Increasing Quality of Life While Minimizing Costs. It focused in on just two supplements, both of which concern reduction in disease prevention for people over age 65. Omega-3 oil, popular for its reduction in coronary heart disease, is projected to save 3.1 billion dollars. Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which supports healthy vision, will save 2.5 billion dollars if this supplement is added to health care plans, according to the study. Savings would come from reduced hospitalizations and doctor’s fees, as well as reduced nursing home use for those who in good health, could remain independent rather than needing to transfer to live-in care facilities. Critical Mass Early last month, a bipartisan caucus on dietary supplements kicked off. It will be co-chaired by Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah), and Rep. Fran Pallone (D-N.J.), and its goal will be to examine the manner in which nutritional supplements may become a component of healthcare reform, such as part of an individual flexible Spending Account or health Saving account. As the GAO report indicates, the government interest is reaching critical mass and nutritional supplements are on the Verge of entering a new era. As Congressman Cannon said during a November 2nd press conference, government needs to develop a sound policy supporting nutritional supplements “As more and more Americans start taking responsibility for their own health.” Sources/Links for Further Reading: Visit the website of the United States Government Accountability Office. // House Government Reform Subcommittee on Human Rights Wellness. // For more information about the Lewin Group’s Health Impact Study, please visit: //
( Ginseng Varieties ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 25, 2005 12:56 PM
Ginseng Varieties This valued plant known as ginseng can be purchased in different forms. White ginseng is what the root is called before any processing occurs. White is the natural color of the root after it is harvested and washed. When dried, the root becomes a light brown color. When the ginseng root is processed using steam and heat, it becomes red. This procedure is done in order to preserve the plant and its constituents. The heat process is thought to help stimulate the active properties in ginseng and some herbalists believe that the red ginseng is more stimulating than the white.2 There are a variety of types as well as grades of ginseng and ginseng products. This is due in part to differences in age, source, part of the root used and the preparation. The old wild plants are the most desirable because of their nutritional content which is believed to increase with age. The western world often treats the different ginseng varieties the same. But in traditional Chinese medicine, the various types are thought to possess distinct properties. They are each valued for their differences and used for diVergent purposes. The Asian variety of ginseng (Panax ginseng) grows principally in Korea, Japan and China. Centuries ago the ginseng plant grew wild and was abundant. But because of the claims of its healthy properties, it has been depleted in its natural state almost to the point of extinction. Now it is grown commercially for export and local medicinal use. The Asian ginseng is often exported to the western world. It is unfortunate but most of the ginseng grown now is cultivated using pesticides to promote mass production. The Asian plant has similar composition to the American variety with some variations. It contains ginsenosides, the active ingredients, between one and three percent. There are at least thirteen of these different triterpenoid saponins, referred to as ginsenosides. The Asian contains Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Re, and Rg1.3 The Wild American variety of ginseng is still found in its natural state. This variety grows naturally and organically but is hard to find. There is an increasing amount of American ginseng being cultivated and grown for commercial use. Fertilizers and pesticides along with modern farming equipment aid in the production and high yield of this variety of ginseng. The American ginseng is thought to be less stimulating than the Asian variety. The American ginseng contains primarily the ginsenosides Rb1 and Re and does not contain Rb2, Rf and sometimes not Rg1.4 Generally, the American ginseng is thought to possess more of a sedative effect than the Asian ginseng. Differences in the chemical structures of the ginseng roots makes the identification process between the varieties easier. Siberian ginseng, though not considered a “true ginseng,” contains similar properties to the other varieties. It was discovered in Siberia but is now cultivated around the world. Some of the saponins found in this variety are not the same as the Asian and American. But is known to have the same tonic and stimulant effect as the “true ginseng.”5 It is believed to be less potent than either the American or Asian ginsengs. Research has documented may of its valuable adaptogenic capabilities.
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