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CBD Oil Is the 'Wellness Vitamin' Everyone Can Benefit From, Experts Say ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 22, 2018 11:53 AM
Unlike its cousin marijuana, which is psychoactive in nature, the hemp plant has very minute amounts of the intoxicant found in marijuana. It's therefore legal to consume and sell in all of the fifty states, as long as the sellers can show their product has less than .03% of THC, the intoxicating element in marijuana. CBD oil, or cannabidiol, which is a hemp extract, is not just legal it's sexy and offered to eager consumers in pills, powders, liquids, even smoothies. CBD popularity undoubtedly arises from the fact that the hemp variant has many of the calming feel-good effects of the marijuana variant, but without the intoxicant. Besides its mood-elevating and tranquilizing effects, CBD also has been shown to help pain-sufferers and lower inflammation. Many nutrition gurus are advocating use of the oil as a daily wellness regiment. Meanwhile, product uses multiply in everything from salad dressing to chocolate. Key Takeaways:
"Currently, CBD is being added to everything from smoothie powders, coffee, tinctures, gummies and tablets to salad dressing. Despite its lack of psychoactive components, which is typically credited for cannabis’ feel-good benefits, when taken internally, CBD has a similar effect — just without the high." Read more:
( DEA Reiterates: Hemp CBD is Illegal ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 19, 2017 03:44 PM
The DEA has reiterated that Hemp CBD is illegal. It does not matter what the sellers of CBD oil tell you, it is illegal. The DEA believes it is illegal in all fifty states. The authority that the DEA has over drugs comes from the Controlled Substances Act. This issue is important to many people. Key Takeaways:
"The term ”marihuana” means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L., whether growing or not." Reference:
( The Features Of The Fenugreek Seed ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 13, 2012 08:10 AM
Fenugreek Seed Introduction The fenugreek seed is used to make supplements and comes from a plant which grows in England, Egypt, India and Morocco amongst other regions. The seed is usually harvested from the plant's pod, crushed and then made into pills, capsules and also as tea. However many users prefers the pill and capsule since the tea is bitter and hence is not conveniently consumed. The seed popularity is attributed to believe that it is a galactagogue which is commonly used by lactating women to increase their milk supply. Records show that the women have been using the seed to improve their milk production since ancient times. How the seed is used Different studies have shown that the Fenugreek seed processes the potential to stimulate breast milk production. The stimulation is approximated to range from just a small quantity to about nine hundred percent increased production. Those who use the seed experiences increased milk production within twenty four to seventy two hours thus making it a popular supplement amongst women who in normal conditions do not produce adequate breast milk to feed their children. However women using the seed do not keep using it for the entire period they will be breast feeding. Instead, the seed is used until the mother is able to reach the quantity of milk that is sufficient after which the use of the seed is discontinued and the mother can stimulate their milk production on their own until they stop breast feeding. Most women who use the seed just take a single capsule three times a day which is thought to be the enough quantity to effectively stimulate enough milk production. However some who feels that these are not effective can increase the quantities of capsules to a maximum of three capsules in one go. This should be done under the supervision of a doctor who can recommend an increase or a decrease in the quantities of the seed used. Side effects and precautions Even though many women who use the Fenugreek seed do get positive results, there are some who experiences some side effects. Amongst the most common side effects include; Skin irritation, Reduced blood sugar, Diarrhea, Uterus contraction. There are also categories of people who have diverse health problems and hence can not use the seed, amongst them include; pregnant women because it might lead to uterus stimulation resulting to contractions. It is also paramount to ascertain the blood sugar levels prior to using the seed since it is known to reduce the sugar levels. Thus it is important to visit a doctor before using the seed so as to determine whether there is anything that can stop it from working or react negatively with it. Availability Women interested in using the Fenugreek seed can readily get it from diverse health food stores. It can also be acquired through ordering online from recommended sellers who have been allowed to sell the seed in the correct manner and in the right quantities. Hence Fenugreek seed has the capability to increase women milk production if properly used.
( Raspberry Ketones can help you in losing Weight ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 07, 2012 02:14 PM
According to NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey), more than two thirds of Americans are overweight and about one third are obese. Obesity is definitely a serious medical condition that not only reduces your stamina, but can also lead to various health complications such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea, menstrual irregularities, atherosclerosis and many more. Any attempt to lose weight can succeed only when it is multidimensional. In order to get the desirable results, you will have to bundle various weight loss techniques to get the desired results. In some instances, this can also lead to deleterious side effects. For example, stringent dietary restrictions may result in various nutritional disorders such as goiter, osteoporosis, scurvy and so on. Excessive exercises can also cause various maladies such as depression, fatigue, muscular injuries and insomnia. So What Are Raspberry Ketones? Raspberry, which is an edible fruit, is quite rich in Vitamin B, antioxidants, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium potassium copper and manganese. Aside from these, it also has large amounts of ketones, referred to as “Raspberry Ketones”. Actually, ketones are phenolic compounds that help you in losing excess body weight without harming your body in any way. How do Raspberry Ketones work? Raspberry ketones, being natural substances work in an entirely different way. Unlike various other weight loss therapies, they work all alone and in the most effective way. They persuade the body to release norepinephrine, which is a stress hormone and affects that part of your brain, which controls responses and attention. Along with norepinephrine, raspberry ketones trigger a increase in the heart rate, which increases the supply of oxygen to the brain. This also increases the blood flow to skeletal muscles. This results in increase in the energy requirements of the body. In order to get the desired energy, the stored body fat is broken down into much simpler products. Therefore, this lipolytic act of norepinephrine results in body losing considerable fat in an easy and healthy way. Raspberry ketones have a molecular structure which is identical to the synephrine (orange peeols) and capsaicin (chili peppers). Both of these compounds active a enzyime known as lipase which triggers rapid metabolism of body fats. Raspberry ketones ensure that the lipolysis process continues at a constant rate. This results in enhanced weight loss within a short time period. Raspberry ketones also increase the production of T and B cells and thus play an important role in strengthening the immune system of the body. Aside from that, they also nourish the body with all essential micronutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B, copper, magnesium, manganese and copper. If you are interested in using raspberry ketones for losing excess weight, then you will find many exciting options on the market. Before buying a supplement or pills, you must ensure that it is made by a reputable manufacturer and comes at a reasonable price and has safe ingredients. Many sellers on the Internet offer exciting deals and you can easily order your requirements right from the comforts of your home.
( GLUCOSAMINE: Origin and Action of Mechanism ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 06, 2012 01:08 PM
Glucosamine is an amino sugar made from glucose and amino acid glutamine. It is a monosaccharide that is found naturally in healthy joints, cartilages, ligaments, muscles and tendons. It helps in the formation and repair of cartilage and other body tissues. Glucosamine is available in the form of dietary supplements, cosmetics and sports drinks. Let us find out about the history of glucosamine and its role in repair and treatment of joint disorders. HISTORY of GLUCOSAMINE: Glucosamine was first discovered in 1876 by Dr. Georg Ledderhose. It was prepared by hydrolysis of chitin with Hydrochloric acid. Later on it was developed in sulphate blend. Since then, it has been studied multiple times and in multiple ways to find out its potent health benefits. It has been used clinically in Europe since 1960s. In 1971, researcher K. Karzel glucosamine HCl stimulated the production of glycosaminoglycan layer, which helps in protecting cartilages, ligaments and tendons from normal wear and tear. It became popular in United States in the mid 1990s with the publication of popular bestsellers such as 'The Arthritis Cure' by Jason Theodosakis. Now it has become the most popular selling dietary supplement with sales of $200 million per year. Glucosamine is naturally found in the body and can be synthetically made from the natural sources of chitin that is found in sea creatures such as shells of shell fish, bones and bone marrow. How does Glucosamine Works in reducing Joint pain? Our body's ability to produce glucosamine decreases as we age. Hence after any kind of injury cartilage, spinal discs and joints, the body may not be able to heal optimally. Aging and glucosamine depletion in the body leads to joint degradation. However, glucosamine supplementation can support cartilage and CT-integrity limiting degeneration. Glucosamine supplements do not work like NSAIDS, which are known to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects on the body. The exact mechanism of significant analgesic effect of glucosamine supplements is unknown but according to various studies, glucosamine has no effect on cyclooxygenase system. Studies have shown that glucosamine stimulates synthesis of proteoglycan in a dose dependent manner. It helps in stimulating the production of cartilaginous matrix, hence counteracting the degrading loss of cartilage in case of arthritis or injury. Several important studies demonstrate the role of glucosamine in stabilizing cell membranes, inhibit lysosomal enzymes and reduce the generation of oxygen free radicals by macrophages. It may inhibit interleukin 1 induced nitric oxide activity that leads to chondriotic cell death. Hence it increases aggrecanase activity that helps in preservation of proteoglycan. Glucosamine along with Chondroitin sulphate stimulates synthesis of cartilage precursors as well as synovial fluid. They also limit the degradation of existing cartilage in any loss of joint integrity. This non rapid acting drug has many beneficial effects in reducing the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It is a powerful joint repairing supplement that rebuilds joint cartilage. Glucosamine supplements have been thoroughly evaluated to find out any potential side-effects. However, it has been proved that it does not have any of the side-effects of NSAIDS, surgery or opiods.
( Anabol Naturals Metabolic Fat Burners ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 07, 2006 01:01 PM
Founded in 1983, Anabol Naturals has been the premier provider of the highest quality pharmaceutical-grade, free form amino acids for 22 years. The Anabol Naturals cutting edge line of free form, amino acid-based formulas in renowned for purity, quality and efficacy by professional and world-class athletes, fitness enthusiasts, health and natural food stores, as well as longevity and wellness specialists. Driving sales nationally and internationally has been the recognition and recommendation of the Anabol Naturals line for product effectiveness and consumer satisfaction in such leading health bestsellers as Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch and Healthy Healing by Linda Page.
( WoodLand Publishing ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 03, 2006 09:57 AM
WoodLand PublishingHealth books–That's what Woodland Publishing has been doing for over 25 years. Established in 1974 as a simple book distributor, Woodland has since grown into a successful publisher in the natural and alternative health fields and has cultivated relationships with various international corporations in these areas. Covering topics ranging from digestive disorders to the health benefits of ginkgo, Woodland's titles feature authors ranging from New York Times bestsellers to first-time authors.
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