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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction Darrell Miller 5/29/24
Unlocking the Benefits of Green Tea Extract Darrell Miller 8/10/23
Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important Darrell Miller 8/4/23
Support Healthy Gastroinesteinal Tract, Blood Sugar, And Cholesterol With Berberine Darrell Miller 11/8/22
The Many Benefits of Graviola(Diabetes, Liver, Parasites) Darrell Miller 10/11/22
7-Keto-DHEA: The Metabolite That Can Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight Darrell Miller 8/19/22
Curcumin: The Superfood That Fights Inflammation Darrell Miller 4/30/22
How DIM Complex Supports Hormone Balance and Liver Function for Women of All Ages Darrell Miller 4/23/22
A Healthy Endocannabinoid System ECS Properly Regulates The Following: Darrell Miller 10/9/20
CBD comes from Cannabis Sativa Darrell Miller 10/9/20
No to Pain Pills and Yes to Safe and Effective Curcumin Darrell Miller 9/4/20
Study shows that vitamin D can help lower your risk of Type 2diabetes Darrell Miller 5/21/19
These 3 unexpected dangers of gum disease will make you want to gobrush your teeth Darrell Miller 5/3/19
Cocoa has profound healing properties, beating even acai andblueberries Darrell Miller 4/2/19
The Arjun tree holds potential for lowering blood sugar andcholesterol levels Darrell Miller 1/8/19
Researchers look at the powerful effect of mulberry fruit extracton insulin sensitivity Darrell Miller 1/7/19
Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You LoseWeight & Fight Inflammation VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/10/18
Vitamin K: The Wellness Vitamin VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/18/18
Probiotics are the guts' best friends Darrell Miller 5/31/18
Ladies: 15 Early Warning Signs Of Lupus You Shouldnâ??t Ignore Darrell Miller 3/30/18
Contact Dermatitis + How to Soothe Skin Irritation Darrell Miller 10/19/17
Omega-3 fatty acids essential for well-being Darrell Miller 8/18/17
If you get less than 7 hours of sleep, this is what can happen to your belly fat Darrell Miller 7/21/17
Why you should never go gluten-free unless you have an actual allergy or disease Darrell Miller 7/15/17
Why You Need To Eat Fat In Order To Lose Weight Darrell Miller 7/10/17
7 Reasons to Love Wheat Darrell Miller 6/3/17
Can high-protein diets lower diabetes risk? Darrell Miller 2/21/17
C-reactive protein test Darrell Miller 12/13/16
Dr. Rao of Diet Doc Warns That Going Gluten-Free Can Inadvertently Result in a Lack of Proper ... Darrell Miller 12/11/16
Here's How the Food Lobby Affects What We Eat Darrell Miller 11/26/16
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high protein diets may not help fend off diabetes webmd Darrell Miller 11/1/16
What Is Fibromyagia Sydrome ? Darrell Miller 9/30/16
Bulletproof coffee - coconut and butter does improve health Darrell Miller 9/23/16
Eye Inflammation and one Herb To Prevent It! Darrell Miller 9/20/16
Importance of Magnesium in the body. Darrell Miller 5/8/14
The Health Benefits Of Brazil Nuts Darrell Miller 2/3/14
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The benefit of Amino Acid L-Tyrosin for our brains Darrell Miller 1/21/14
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Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches? Darrell Miller 11/25/13
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Benefit Of Stevia Darrell Miller 10/6/12
Preventive Measures for Metabolic Syndrome/ Diabetes Darrell Miller 2/10/12
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Can tea Tree Oil Kill Bugs? Darrell Miller 9/26/11
How Does Serrapeptidase Support A Healthy Immune System, Regulate Inflammation, And More? Darrell Miller 9/1/11
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What is Myrrh and How Does it Boost My Health Darrell Miller 4/25/11
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Honey And Your Health Darrell Miller 7/2/09
Fight Inflammation naturally Darrell Miller 3/19/09
Migraines Darrell Miller 2/21/09
Yeast Cleanse Darrell Miller 1/26/09
Natural Soap Bars Darrell Miller 1/20/09
Green Tea Extract Darrell Miller 10/23/08
Green Coffee Bean Extract Darrell Miller 10/22/08
Polyphenols is an Antioxidant Darrell Miller 10/13/08
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Can the Fatty Acid CLA Help me Lose Weight ? Darrell Miller 7/14/08
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Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Date: May 29, 2024 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Stevia has gained significant popularity as a natural sweetener, but with popularity comes a wave of misconceptions and myths. As consumers become more health-conscious and seek alternatives to sugar, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction regarding Stevia. This article debunks stevia myths with evidence-based info to clarify consumer doubts.

Myth 1: Stevia Is Artificial


One of the most prevalent myths about stevia is that it is artificial. In reality, stevia is a completely natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. The plant has been used for centuries by indigenous people in South America for its sweetening properties. Unlike artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or saccharin, stevia is derived from a natural source and processed to extract its sweet components, known as steviol glycosides.

Myth 2: Stevia Is Harmful


Another common misconception is that stevia is harmful to health. Scientific studies and regulatory organizations have repeatedly confirmed the safety of stevia. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies high-purity stevia extracts as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) for consumption. Furthermore, research indicates that stevia can have health benefits like lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, making it a suitable sweetener for individuals with diabetes and hypertension.

Myth 3: Stevia Tastes Bad


Some people believe that stevia has a bitter aftertaste, which makes it less appealing as a sweetener. While early formulations of stevia extracts indeed presented a noticeable bitter aftertaste, advancements in processing have minimized this issue. Modern high-purity stevia products are often combined with other natural sweeteners or flavor enhancers to improve taste, making them virtually indistinguishable from sugar in many applications.

Myth 4: Stevia Is Only for Diabetics


While it’s true that stevia is an excellent sweetener for individuals managing diabetes due to its zero-calorie and zero-carbohydrate nature, it is not exclusive to them. Anyone looking to reduce sugar consumption or seeking a natural alternative can benefit from using stevia. It is a versatile sweetener that can be used in a variety of foods and beverages, making it suitable for the general population striving for a healthier lifestyle.

Myth 5: All Stevia Products Are the Same


Not all stevia products are created equal. The purity and quality of stevia extracts can vary significantly between products. It's crucial to read labels and choose products that contain high-purity stevia extracts, as some products on the market contain added fillers or lower-grade stevia. By selecting reputable brands and scrutinizing ingredient lists, consumers can ensure they are using high-quality stevia that meets their health standards.

Kal Sure Stevia Extract is one of those high-quality brands that stand out in the market. Known for its commitment to purity and potency, Kal Sure Stevia Extract offers a product that is free from fillers and unnecessary additives. The brand’s stringent quality control measures ensure that each batch contains only high-purity stevia extracts, delivering consistent sweetness without the aftertaste. Consumers can trust Kal Sure Stevia Extract as a safe, reliable, and pleasant-tasting alternative to conventional sugar. When choosing a stevia product, it's essential to opt for a brand like Kal Sure stevia to enjoy the full benefits of this natural sweetener.

Myth 6: Stevia Causes Allergic Reactions


Some believe that consuming stevia can trigger allergies. However, stevia is generally considered hypoallergenic and does not commonly cause allergic reactions. There have been few documented cases of stevia allergies, and these are typically related to individuals with specific sensitivities. For the vast majority of people, stevia is a safe and well-tolerated sweetener, even for those with common food allergies.

Myth 7: Stevia Leads to Weight Gain


The notion that stevia contributes to weight gain is counterintuitive, given its zero-calorie nature. Unlike sugar, which is high in calories and contributes to weight gain, stevia provides sweetness without adding calories. Using stevia instead of sugar can help reduce overall caloric intake, aiding in weight management efforts. Multiple studies have shown that replacing sugar with stevia can be an effective strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Myth 8: Stevia Disrupts Metabolism


Concerns about stevia disrupting metabolism are unfounded. Research indicates that stevia neither affects metabolic rates nor alters insulin sensitivity in a negative manner. On the contrary, stevia has been shown to have a neutral or even beneficial impact on metabolism, particularly for individuals with metabolic disorders like diabetes. It allows for sweetening without the metabolic consequences associated with high sugar consumption.

Myth 9: Stevia Can’t Be Used in Baking


There is a misconception that stevia is unsuitable for baking due to its chemical composition. While it is true that baking with stevia requires some adjustments—since it does not have the same physical properties as sugar—it can still be used effectively. Bakers often use stevia in combination with other ingredients to achieve the desired texture and sweetness. Many recipes and commercial products have successfully incorporated stevia, proving its versatility in baking applications.

Myth 10: Stevia Is Expensive


Consumers sometimes think that switching to stevia will significantly increase their grocery bills. While high-purity stevia products may be more expensive per ounce than sugar, they are much sweeter. A small amount of stevia goes a long way, which means that even a small container can last a long time. In the long run, the cost of stevia can be comparable to or even less than sugar, particularly when considering the health benefits and potential medical cost savings from reduced sugar consumption. Brands like Kal Stevia 3.5 oz contains 1800 servings per container.

Are You Ready to Sweeten Your Life?

It is crucial to approach any information about stevia with a critical eye and rely on evidence-based data rather than myths. Stevia is a natural, safe, and versatile sweetener that offers numerous health benefits without the downsides of sugar and artificial sweeteners. By debunking these common misconceptions, consumers can make informed choices that contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Take the Next Step Towards a Healthier Life

Now is the perfect time to reconsider your sweetening choices and embrace the benefits of stevia. With its proven safety, versatility in cooking, and numerous health advantages, stevia stands out as a superior alternative to traditional sugar and artificial sweeteners. Start exploring reputable brands, like Kal Sure Stevia Extract, and experiment with incorporating stevia into your daily routine. By making this simple switch, you can enhance your overall well-being without compromising on taste. Visit your local grocery store or trusted online retailer to find high-quality stevia products and embark on your journey to a healthier, sweeter life today!


Unlocking the Benefits of Green Tea Extract

Date: August 10, 2023 10:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Unlocking the Benefits of Green Tea Extract

  • Powerful Antioxidant
  • Benefits of these antioxidants in fighting inflammation and chronic diseases
  • The role of bioactive compounds in green tea in improving immune function
  • Promotes Weight Loss
  • Improve Mental Efficiency
  • Green tea extract's impact on the central nervous system
  • How Natures Answer Green Tea Extract can enhance cognitive abilities
  • Promotes Heart Health

With the growing awareness about the health benefits of green tea, it comes as no surprise that it has become a popular health supplement. One potent green tea supplement that has continued to maintain attention is Natures Answer brand Green Tea Extract in an Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract. Packed with powerful antioxidants, this supplement can aid in digestion, weight management, and overall well-being.

Powerful Antioxidant

Antioxidants are substances that inhibit oxidation, a process that can lead to cellular damage. They act as scavengers, helping shield the body from harmful free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can inflict damage to our cells. This is where green tea, and particularly green tea extract, shines. Rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols, green tea plays a significant role in maintaining the body's overall health. Polyphenols, including flavonoids and catechins, are known for their potent antioxidant effects. The most notable catechin in green tea is Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), widely studied for its powerful impact on health. Green tea's antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals, reducing oxidative stress, and subsequently lowering the risk of a host of chronic conditions including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers. Thus, the antioxidants in green tea aren't just important, they're an integral part of a health-conscious lifestyle.

Boost Immune System

Green tea boosts immunity through its potent bioactive compounds, primarily polyphenols like catechins. These compounds exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body. Additionally, they help increase the body's production of detoxifying enzymes, further enhancing the immune system's efficiency. Green tea also contains a type of catechin called Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), renowned for its immune-boosting properties. EGCG aids in the production of T-cells, the body's first line of defense against infections. Furthermore, green tea fosters beneficial gut bacteria, which play a crucial role in maintaining a robust immune system.

Promotes Weight Loss

Green tea extract works to accelerate weight loss primarily through its active ingredients, one of which is caffeine. Although not as much as coffee, green tea does contain sufficient caffeine that can aid in fat burning and improving exercise performance. More importantly, it is loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins. The most important of these is Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a substance that can boost metabolism. Studies suggest that the combination of EGCG and caffeine in green tea extract can assist in weight loss by helping the body burn more calories, even at rest, and breaking down more fat cells. Additionally, green tea extract is known to increase fat oxidation and improve insulin sensitivity, both beneficial for weight control. While the effects on each individual can vary, when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, green tea extract can indeed support and accelerate weight loss efforts.

Impacts Central Nervous System

Green tea extract is known to have profound effects on the central nervous system, primarily due to the presence of caffeine and an amino acid called L-theanine. Caffeine, a known stimulant, works by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain called Adenosine. This increases the firing of neurons and the concentration of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, leading to improved brain function, mood, vigilance, reaction times, and even memory. On the other hand, L-theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier and has been shown to increase the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which has anti-anxiety effects. It also increases dopamine and the production of alpha waves in the brain. The unique combination of these two compounds in green tea extract is believed to make it an excellent tool for maintaining and enhancing the central nervous system.

Improve Mental Efficiency

Green tea improves mental efficiency through several biological mechanisms. Primarily, it contains caffeine and L-theanine, two compounds known to enhance brain function. Caffeine, a known stimulant, works by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine, which not only increases the firing of neurons but also amplifies the concentration of other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. This results in improved brain function, vigilance, reaction times, memory recall, and mood.

On the other hand, L-theanine is an amino acid that can cross the blood-brain barrier and has psychoactive properties. It promotes relaxation without drowsiness and can work synergistically with caffeine to enhance brain function. Furthermore, L-theanine increases the frequency of alpha waves in the brain, which leads to improved creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Moreover, green tea is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants, particularly Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which has protective effects on neurons, potentially lowering the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Hence, regular consumption of green tea or its extract can significantly improve mental efficiency.

Promotes Heart Health

Natures Answer Green Tea Extract Alcohol-Free Extract can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels, reduce high blood pressure, and prevent blood clot formation that can lead to heart diseases. The polyphenol and catechin compounds in green tea extract are known to promote the health of the heart by reducing inflammation and improving blood vessels' function. Green tea maintains healthy cholesterol levels by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract and aiding in its excretion. This leads to a reduced level of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the bloodstream, while not affecting the levels of HDL (good cholesterol). Green tea extract can also lower blood pressure. The catechins it contains help to dilate blood vessels, improving their function and allowing blood to flow more easily. This can lead to a significant reduction in blood pressure, especially in cases of hypertension.

Furthermore, studies have shown that the antioxidants in green tea can prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a process that contributes to the formation of plaques in arteries and blood clot formation. By preventing this oxidation, green tea extract can reduce the risk of heart diseases and strokes.

Lastly, the anti-inflammatory nature of green tea's antioxidants helps in reducing inflammation in blood vessels, a condition that can contribute to heart disease. By reducing inflammation, blood flow improves, and the risk of heart disease decreases. In this way, green tea actively promotes heart health.

In conclusion, Natures Answer Green Tea Extract is an all-in-one supplement that can enhance your overall health and well-being in various ways. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and weight management properties of this supplement can do wonders for your physical, neurological, and mental health. Incorporating Natures Answer green tea (alcohol free) liquid extract into your daily routine can help you unlock the multiple benefits that this tea has to offer. So, go ahead, give it a try, and reap the benefits of this powerful supplement!


Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important

Date: August 04, 2023 02:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important

The typical Western diet is largely comprised of processed foods, which are notoriously high in processed table salt. This results in an imbalance in the sodium to potassium ratio, a significant health concern. Sodium is necessary for a variety of bodily functions; however, too much can be detrimental, leading to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Simultaneously, potassium is often neglected, despite its crucial role in muscle function, nerve signaling, and balancing fluids.

The general dietary advice suggests a potassium to sodium intake ratio of 3:1. However, the reality in diets, particularly those in America, often sees this ratio inverted. The excessive sodium consumption is linked to a myriad of health complications, including high blood pressure and heart disease. Conversely, potassium, a mineral that aids in nerve function and muscle control, is consumed in insufficient quantities. This is a troubling trend that underscores the importance of dietary change towards natural, unprocessed foods.

The importance of potassium is often overshadowed by the emphasis on limiting sodium for reducing chronic disease risk factors. Potassium plays an essential role in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels by counteracting the effects of sodium. Furthermore, the mineral is crucial for other functions like heart and muscle cell functioning, nerve transmission, and maintaining fluid balance.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine discovered that individuals with the lowest risk for heart complications or death from any cause were those consuming between four to six grams of sodium per day. This is a fascinating discovery, as this intake is significantly higher than the U.S. daily recommended limits. It suggests a need for a reconsideration of current sodium intake guidelines.

Another consideration to balance the sodium-potassium ratio is the type of salt consumed. Unprocessed, natural salts like sea salt and Himalayan salt contain higher potassium levels compared to standard table salt. These natural salts provide a variety of minerals and trace elements that contribute to our overall health and wellness. It's crucial to note that switching to natural salt should be part of a broader shift towards a diet rich in fresh, unprocessed foods.

Why You Should Focus on Increasing Potassium

While it's beneficial to monitor and moderate sodium intake, it's equally important to shift our focus towards increasing potassium consumption. Potassium-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, bananas, potatoes, and beans, not only contribute to a well-rounded and nutritious diet but also help in maintaining an optimal sodium-potassium balance in the body. A high potassium intake can counteract the effects of sodium, aiding in blood pressure regulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, an elevated potassium level supports various bodily functions, including nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. Thus, prioritizing potassium intake forms a cornerstone for an overall healthier dietary approach. It is recommended that individuals consume 5 grams of potassium daily and potassium to salt ratio should be 2 to 1. To boost potassium intake, one can take a potassium supplement or add the following foods to their diet or both: Watermelon, Orange juice, Boiled red potatoes, Avocado, Bananas, Cantaloupe, Oranges, Coconut water, Tomatoes, Yogurt, Winter squash, and Wild-caught salmon.

Why Low-Salt Advice Can Be Harmful

Contrary to popular belief, adhering to low-salt advice can sometimes pose risks to certain individuals. While it is true that excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and heart problems, sodium still plays a vital role in our bodies. It assists in nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and maintaining the body's fluid balance.

In fact, low sodium levels in the body, a condition known as hyponatremia, can lead to symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue, and in severe cases, coma or even death. Moreover, a low-salt diet may lead to increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance. This can potentially elevate the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Low-salt diets can also exacerbate the risk of certain health conditions. For instance, individuals with conditions like Addison's disease or certain kidney disorders, where the body struggles to maintain a balance of electrolytes, might find a low-salt diet harmful.

Therefore, it is crucial to balance the intake of sodium, considering both the potential risks associated with too much, or too little, sodium. The key is to consume sodium from natural and unprocessed sources, such as Himalayan salt, fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean meats, which also provide a host of other nutrients necessary for overall health. As with most things in nutrition, moderation and balance seem to hold the answer rather than extreme restriction. The RDA - recommended daily allowance of sodium is 3.5 grams. It is advised to consume 3.5 grams of natural salt each day by way of foods or combination of foods plus Himalayan salt to reach that goal.

The Impact of Excessive Salt Intake on Certain Health Conditions

While moderate salt intake is vital for normal physiological functions, its excessive consumption can have detrimental effects, particularly for individuals with certain health conditions. For instance, endocrine disorders, high aldosterone levels, Cushing's syndrome, and elevated cortisol levels can all heighten the body's sensitivity to sodium, making it even more essential to monitor and limit salt intake.

Endocrine disorders, which involve imbalances in the body's hormone production, can often lead to increased sodium retention, exacerbating issues of water retention and swelling. Similarly, high aldosterone levels, a hormone that regulates sodium and potassium balance, can cause the body to retain excessive sodium, leading to high blood pressure and potential damage to the cardiovascular system.

Cushing's syndrome, a condition characterized by excessive cortisol production, can lead to a host of symptoms, including high blood pressure and rapid weight gain, both of which can be intensified by high sodium intake. The excessive cortisol found in Cushing's syndrome promotes sodium retention, further elevating the risk for hypertension.

Similarly, elevated cortisol levels, even outside of Cushing's syndrome, can lead to heightened sodium retention, contributing to high blood pressure, fluid retention, and an imbalance of electrolytes. Therefore, individuals with these conditions should be particularly mindful of their sodium intake.

In these scenarios, reducing salt consumption can help mitigate the associated health risks and symptoms. Switching to a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods, and taking conscious steps to limit the use of added table salt can play a crucial role in managing these health conditions. As always, it is essential to seek personalized advice from a healthcare professional, as individual needs may vary.

In summary, while salt is often villainized in the health community, its consumption, especially from natural sources, is vital for maintaining bodily functions like nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. However, excessive or inadequate sodium intake can have adverse health effects, such as hypertension, imbalances in cholesterol and triglycerides, and even hyponatremia in severe cases. Certain health conditions, including endocrine disorders, high aldosterone levels, Cushing's syndrome, and elevated cortisol levels, can also exacerbate these risks, making it crucial for individuals with these conditions to carefully monitor their salt intake. On the other hand, increasing potassium intake can help maintain an optimal sodium-potassium balance, reducing blood pressure and lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In a nutshell, moderation and balance are key in sodium consumption, but the emphasis should be on consuming more potassium-rich foods to ensure your potassium intake is higher than sodium levels which will ensure a healthier dietary approach.


Support Healthy Gastroinesteinal Tract, Blood Sugar, And Cholesterol With Berberine

Date: November 08, 2022 05:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Support Healthy Gastroinesteinal Tract, Blood Sugar, And Cholesterol With Berberine

Berberine is a substance that has been shown in clinical studies to support multiple body systems. It is found in the roots, stems, and bark of certain plants and has a long history of traditional use. Berberine supplements are a convenient way to get the benefits of this substance, and they can support gastrointestinal health, healthy blood glucose levels, and healthy blood cholesterol levels.* Let's take a closer look at the benefits of berberine.

Gastrointestinal Health

Berberine has been shown in human clinical trials to support gastrointestinal health. This is likely due to the fact that it can help regulate the growth of certain bacteria in the gut.* In addition, berberine has been shown to stimulate production of mucus, which can help protect the gut lining.*

Blood Glucose Levels

Several clinical trials have demonstrated that berberine can help support healthy blood glucose levels.* This is likely due to the fact that berberine can help improve insulin sensitivity and decrease insulin resistance.* In addition, berberine can help stimulate production of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), an enzyme important for regulating blood sugar levels.*

Blood Cholesterol Levels

Clinical trials have also demonstrated that berberine supplementation can help support healthy blood cholesterol levels already within the normal range.* This is likely due to the fact that berberine can help decrease low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.*

As you can see, there are many reasons to consider adding a berberine supplement to your daily routine. If you are looking for a convenient way to support gastrointestinal health, healthy blood glucose levels, and healthy blood cholesterol levels,* a berberine supplement may be right for you. As always, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.


The Many Benefits of Graviola(Diabetes, Liver, Parasites)

Date: October 11, 2022 11:18 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Benefits of Graviola(Diabetes, Liver, Parasites)

Graviola, also known as soursop, is a small, green fruit that grows in tropical climates. The fruit, leaves, and seeds of graviola have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of conditions. Today, we know that graviola can help control diabetes and blood sugar problems, cleanse the liver, and remove parasites. These functions help in cases where underlying blood sugar imbalances and immune system weakness are persistent problems. Also, numerous studies of Graviola have shown selective cytotoxicities against several lines of cancer cells. Let's take a closer look at some of the ways graviola can benefit your health.

Graviola and Diabetes

Graviola can be helpful in managing diabetes and blood sugar levels for two reasons. First, graviola helps to increase insulin sensitivity. Second, graviola leaf extract has hypoglycemic properties, which means it can help to lower blood sugar levels. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that rats with diabetes who were given graviola leaf extract had significantly lower blood sugar levels than rats who were not given the extract.

Graviola and the Liver

Graviola can also help to cleanse the liver and protect it from damage. The liver is responsible for filtering toxins out of the body, so it is important to keep it healthy. Graviola helps to keep the liver healthy by reducing inflammation and protecting it from oxidative damage. A study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found that graviola was able to protect the liver from oxidative damage in rats with liver disease.

Graviola and Parasites

In addition to its other benefits, graviola can also help to eliminate parasites from the body. Parasites can cause a wide range of problems including fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, and weight loss. A study published in Phytotherapy Research found that graviola was effective at eliminating parasites in rats infected with the parasite Ascaris suum.

In Summary:

Graviola is a small fruit with a big impact on health. It can help to control diabetes, cleanse the liver, and remove parasites from the body. Additionally, studies have shown that graviola has anti-cancer properties. If you are looking for a natural way to improve your health, Graviola may be worth trying!


7-Keto-DHEA: The Metabolite That Can Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight

Date: August 19, 2022 12:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7-Keto-DHEA: The Metabolite That Can Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight

As we age, our bodies produce less and less Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its metabolite 7-Keto-DHEA. This can lead to a decrease in metabolic rate, making it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. That's where 7-KETO® comes in. This unique ingredient has been shown to help with weight maintenance when combined with a healthy diet and exercise routine.* Want to learn more? Read on!

What is DHEA and what does it do?

DHEA is a hormone that is produced naturally in the body. It is responsible for a number of functions, including regulating metabolism and supporting the immune system. DHEA levels decline as we age, which can lead to a number of health problems. supplementing with DHEA has been shown to improve mood, increase strength and stamina, and promote healthy skin and bones. It can also help to boost the immune system and fight the effects of aging. If you are considering taking a DHEA supplement, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider first to ensure that it is right for you. 7-Keto DHEA is a metabolite of DHEA, but the great thing about 7-Keto, it does not convert to pro hormones like estrogen and testosterone, it stays as DHEA in the body.

How can 7-KETO® help with weight maintenance?

7-KETO-DHEA is a hormone that is produced in the body naturally. It helps to maintain lean body mass and promote thermogenesis, which is the production of heat in the body. 7-KETO also helps to boost metabolism and support a healthy weight. In addition, 7-KETO has been shown to provide some protection against age-related weight gain. Studies have shown that 7-KETO can help to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass in both men and women. Furthermore, 7-KETO has been shown to help improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. As a result, 7-KETO may be an effective tool for maintaining a healthy weight.

Who should take 7-Keto-DHEA supplements and how much should they take per day?

Generally, 25mg - 100mg per day is sufficient for men and women.


Curcumin: The Superfood That Fights Inflammation

Date: April 30, 2022 09:39 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin: The Superfood That Fights Inflammation

Do you suffer from inflammation? If so, you're not alone. Inflammation is a common problem that can cause pain and discomfort in the body. Fortunately, there is a natural remedy that can help: curcumin. Curcumin is a compound found in turmeric that has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. We will discuss the benefits of curcumin and how to add it to your diet.

What is inflammation and what causes it?

Inflammation is a natural process that helps the body heal. It occurs when the immune system responds to an injury or infection. The symptoms of inflammation include redness, swelling, and pain. While inflammation is a necessary part of the healing process, chronic inflammation can lead to serious health problems. Chronic inflammation is often caused by lifestyle factors, such as smoking, obesity, and stress. dietary factors can also contribute to chronic inflammation, including a diet high in sugar. Sugar causes the body to release inflammatory chemicals that can damage tissues and lead to disease. Therefore, reducing sugar intake can help to reduce the risk of chronic inflammation.

What are the symptoms of inflammation?

Inflammation is a natural process in the body that helps to protect us from injury and illness. It occurs when the immune system detects harmful stimuli, such as pathogens or damaged tissue, and triggers a series of reactions which boost the production of white blood cells. However, if inflammation becomes excessive or chronic, it can cause a range of physical symptoms, including redness and swelling at the site of inflammation, increased pain sensitivity, headache, fatigue and fever. Other common symptoms include irritation in the eyes and mouth, digestive issues like diarrhea and nausea, rashes or skin lesions, changes in appetite and mood swings. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms on a regular basis, it is important to take anti-inflammatory supplements to help control inflammation. One such supplement is curcumin.

How can curcumin help to reduce inflammation in the body?

Curcumin is a compound that can be found in turmeric, a bright yellow spice commonly used in cooking. This powerful phytochemical has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory properties, and can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body. One of the main ways that curcumin achieves this effect is by blocking an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase, or COX. This enzyme is responsible for producing pro-inflammatory compounds called prostaglandins that are often associated with pain and swelling. By preventing their production, curcumin can help to control acute and chronic inflammation in the body, thereby reducing the risk of conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, and cancer. In addition to blocking COX activity, curcumin helps to reduce oxidative stress by inducing production of antioxidants like superoxide dismutase. Overall, these mechanisms make curcumin an excellent natural treatment for chronic inflammation and a host of related health problems.

How to add curcumin to your diet?

Adding curcumin to your diet is a great way to reap the many health benefits of this powerful natural compound. There are several different ways that you can incorporate more curcumin into your daily routine, from simply adding it to your favorite recipes to taking a supplement. For example, you can start off by incorporating turmeric into your cooking, as turmeric is one of the richest sources of curcumin in nature. Additionally, there are many curcumin supplements available on the market that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Ultimately, by making these simple changes in your diet, you can enjoy all the great benefits of curcumin for overall health and well-being.

The benefits of taking curcumin regularly

Curcumin is a compound found in the spice turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and it has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. Recently, curcumin has begun to gain recognition in the Western world as well. A growing body of research suggests that curcumin may have a wide range of health benefits, including the ability to improve cognitive function, reduce inflammation, and even ward off cancer. Curcumin is generally well tolerated, but it can interact with certain medications. However, for many people, taking curcumin regularly can be a safe and effective way to improve overall health.

To fight inflammation, reduce sugar consumption and take curcumin

To help reduce inflammation in the body, it is important to reduce your sugar intake and take curcumin supplements. These steps are vital because chronic inflammation has been linked to a wide range of health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Additionally, sugar consumption can also worsen inflammation by triggering the release of inflammatory chemicals like cytokines and free radicals.

One of the best ways to fight against inflammation is to take curcumin supplements on a regular basis. Curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory agent found in turmeric, a spice that is commonly used in Indian cooking. Research has shown that curcumin can be just as effective as anti-inflammatory drugs in reducing levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), a potent inflammatory chemical released by cells. Furthermore, studies have also shown that taking curcumin regularly may benefit overall health and prevent certain age-related diseases like Alzheimer's.

Overall, reducing your sugar intake and taking curcumin supplements are two effective ways to fight inflammation and improve overall health. By following these simple steps, you can help protect yourself from the many negative effects of chronic inflammation.


How DIM Complex Supports Hormone Balance and Liver Function for Women of All Ages

Date: April 23, 2022 10:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How DIM Complex Supports Hormone Balance and Liver Function for Women of All Ages

broccoliFor women of all ages, hormone balance is crucial for overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, many women experience problems with hormone balance at some point in their lives. This can be due to a variety of factors, including stress, diet, and environmental toxins. Fortunately, there is a supplement that can help support healthy hormone detoxification and liver function: DIM complex. Here we will discuss the benefits of DIM complex for women of all ages and how it can help you achieve optimal health!

Hormones are chemical messengers that help to regulate various bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, reproduction, and mood. When hormones are out of balance, it can lead to a variety of problems, including fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, and depression. There are many different factors that can contribute to hormone imbalance, including stress, diet, and certain health conditions. Luckily, there are also many things that you can do to help keep your hormones in check. Exercise, for example, has been shown to help reduce stress and improve sleep quality, both of which are important for maintaining hormone balance. Eating a healthy diet is also important, as certain nutrients (such as omega-3 fatty acids) have been shown to assist in the regulation of hormones.

Millions of women suffer from hormone imbalances, which can lead to a wide variety of health problems.

A hormone imbalance can cause many different problems, including weight gain, fatigue, mood swings, and hair loss.

DIM Complex is a natural supplement that helps to balance hormones and improve overall health. DIM Complex contains diindolylmethane (DIM), which helps the body to metabolize estrogen and keep it in balance.

What is DIM Complex?

DIM Complex is a supplement that is derived from cruciferous vegetables. It is available in capsule form and can be taken by mouth. The active ingredient in DIM Complex is diindolylmethane, which is a compound that is found in broccoli, cabbage, and kale. Studies have shown that diindolylmethane has a variety of health benefits, including the ability to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Additionally, diindolylmethane has been shown to improve the metabolism of estrogen in the body, making it an effective treatment for conditions like PCOS and endometriosis. DIM Complex is a safe and effective way to obtain the benefits of diindolylmethane, and it may offer a valuable addition to your overall health regimen.

How does it work?

It has been shown to improve the metabolism of estrogen in the body, making it an effective treatment for conditions like PCOS and endometriosis. DIM works by inhibiting the production of enzymes that convert testosterone to estradiol, a more potent form of estrogen. This action reduces the amount of estradiol available to bind to receptors in the body, resulting in fewer symptoms of estrogen-related conditions. DIM has also been shown to reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity, both of which are important factors in the management of PCOS. While further research is needed to confirm these effects, DIM appears to be a promising treatment for women with hormone-related conditions.

How does diindolylmethane bind up estrogen in the gut?

Diindolylmethane (DIM) is thought to have many health benefits, including the ability to bind up estrogen in the gut. The body breaks down estrogen into two main forms: estrone and estradiol. These hormones can then be further metabolized into other active or inactive compounds. One of these inactive metabolites is estrogen sulfate, which is excreted in the feces. DIM is thought to increase the activity of enzymes that convert estrone and estradiol into estrogen sulfate, thereby reducing the amount of active estrogen in the body. This may explain why DIM is often used as a natural treatment for conditions like PCOS and endometriosis, which are characterized by high levels of circulating estrogen. Additionally, DIM may also help to reduce the risk of breast cancer by binding up estrogen in the gut and preventing it from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Who can benefit from taking DIM Complex

DIM Complex is a supplement that is said to offer a number of benefits. These include supporting hormone health, helping to clear blemishes, and promoting a healthy weight. However, who can actually benefit from taking this supplement? DIM Complex is most often recommended for women who are going through menopause or perimenopause. This is because it can help to balance hormones and relieve some of the symptoms associated with these changes, such as hot flashes and night sweats. In addition, DIM Complex may also be beneficial for women who are struggling with PCOS or other hormonal imbalances. Some research suggests that it may help to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation. Finally, DIM Complex may also be helpful for anyone who is struggling with acne. This is because it can help to regulate hormone levels and reduce the production of sebum, which is often responsible for clogged pores. Ultimately, DIM Complex offers a wide range of potential benefits. However, it is most often recommended for women who are experiencing hormone-related issues.

Foods that are high in indole-3-carbinol (DIM)

Indole-3-carbinol (DIM) is a substance that is found naturally in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. In recent years, DIM has gained attention for its potential health benefits. Some research has suggested that DIM may help to protect against certain types of cancer, and it has also been shown to boost the immune system. Foods that are high in DIM include:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Mustard greens
  • Turnip greens

If you're looking to increase your intake of DIM, adding more of these vegetables to your diet is a good place to start. You can also take a DIM supplement, to reduce calories intake and guarantee the amount of DIM your getting into your diet.

Quick benefits:

  • DIM helps maintain estrogen balance, which is essential for overall health.*
  • DIM has been shown to be helpful in maintaining a healthy weight and preventing weight gain.*
  • As an antioxidant, DIM helps scavenge harmful toxins and radicals from the body.*
  • DIM supports breast and uterine health.*

Please consider taking DIM and feel the difference it can make!


A Healthy Endocannabinoid System ECS Properly Regulates The Following:

Date: October 09, 2020 10:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Healthy Endocannabinoid System ECS Properly Regulates The Following:

Understanding the ECS

Some Endocannabinoids tell out body how much inflammatory messenger molecules to release or with hold. Others tell how fast to move food through the gastrointestinal tract. Still others tell the brain to release or hold neurotransmitters to calm the brain.

  • Stress
  • Memory
  • Mood
  • Inflammation
  • Energy
  • Sleep
  • Metabolism
  • Appetite
  • Appetite
  • Pain response
  • Immune function
  • Nerve signaling
  • Muscle control

Age does Matter!

Aging is a major contributor to a unhealthy ECS function. Lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, exposure to toxins and stress impact and contribute to a declining ECS.

  • These factors cause us to product fewer endocannabinoids.
  • Contribute to fewer enzymes known to liberate endocannabinoids in the body.
  • Then, Endocannabinoid receptors loose sensitivity and don't respond well.

Any age can consume CBD and benefit from a balanced ECS. Take the plunge and try CBD today!


CBD comes from Cannabis Sativa

Date: October 09, 2020 10:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD comes from Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis Sativa is an herb that has been well documented (used) in history for thousands of years. it is extremely unique in the fact that it contains the perfect profile of phytocannabinoids. In order to get the full benefits of cannabinoids, a perfect plant is needed.

When looking for quality CBD, one must stick with known name brands like CV Science (PlusCBD), Hempceutix by Natures Plus, Leaf Therapeutics by Solaray, and Smart Organics.

Unfortunately, it can be confusing choosing a CBD product because at the moment there are more than 400 brands of CBD.

Inferior quality hemp products may:

  • Use poorly grown or inactive hemp, with little or no cannabinoids.
  • Use harmful solvents and other harmful extraction methods.
  • Use isolated, individual cannabinoid compounds.
  • Use synthetic cannabinoids, which are actually dangerous and can cause injury.
  • Be Difficult to absorb.
  • May not contain the potency they claim.

Sticking with name brands that are known to be effective and hold to supplement industry standards are important, the above mentioned brands use CO2 extraction to preserve all the active ingredients found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. Consuming a full spectrum CBD is important!

A Quality Hemp derived CBD can help improve ECS Function:

  • Improve the natural release of cannabinoids each cell makes in the body.
  • Can Directly adhere to the endocannabinoid receptors in our body's.
  • Increase the amount of available cannabinoids in the body.
  • Promote or increase endocannabinoid receptor sensitivity and function in the body.

Researchers have discovered 180 different cannabinoids found naturally in hemp, each are able to work in a different way in the body. Only a select few brands provide the full spectrum cannabinoids we need for better health.

If you are looking to ease pain, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and balance the body, consider using a full spectrum, Name Brand CBD product and feel the difference it can make in your life!


No to Pain Pills and Yes to Safe and Effective Curcumin

Date: September 04, 2020 11:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: No to Pain Pills and Yes to Safe and Effective Curcumin

Many people turn to over the counter (OTC) drugs when they experience pain, the common ones are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, better known as NSAIDS. The problem with NSAIDS these drugs reduce an enzyme associated with pain called COX-1 and COX-2. There are a lot of hidden dangers behind prescription and OTC pain killers. Some of the most common ones consumed are Ibuprofen an d Acetaminophen.

Ibuprofen: a popular OTC pain reliever can cause stomach pain, nausea, gastric bleeding, ulcers, confusion, hypertension, increased heart attack and stroke. Also, swelling, rapid weight gain, reduced urination, which is a sign of kidney dysfunction, kidney failure, fever, sore throat, headache, rash, bruising, tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, neck stiffness, chills, light sensitivity, and seizures.

Acetaminophen: also known as Tylenol, is classified as an NSAID, but is also unsafe. The number one cause of liver failure in the United States is caused by acetaminophen next to alcohol consumption. If combined with alcohol, the damage to the liver is increased significantly. It also depletes glutathione, an important antioxidant needed by the liver to protect and detoxify the body. Over use of this OTC drug can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal tenderness, and it can interfere with blood clotting, weaken kidney function, and with severe over dose can cause death.

The alternative: Curcumin is a safe and effective pain reliever

Curcumin is a compound from Turmeric Root, unstandardized turmeric powder contains only two to three percent curcumin. It is important to get a standardized curcumin so that you can get a therapeutic response from consuming this herb. Not all curcumin is the same, look for a brand that blends turmeric essential oil with curcumin to enhance the absorption of the product because the product is hard to absorb.

Curcumin is one of the worlds best studied herbs, it works by reducing a COX-2 response to inflammation the same target as many prescription and OTC drugs that cause organ damage and side effects. Fortunately, Curcumin can target the same in a safe and natural way with no side effects. It can prevent a wide spectrum of inflammatory and oxidative damage, relieve chronic pain as effective and much more safely than drugs like NSAIDs.

Taking OTC or prescription pain relieving drugs are not a long term solution for pain. With the side effects associated with common pain relievers, one should only take them as a last resort and consider using a safer alternative that is as effective to relieving pain. Terry Naturally offers BCM-95 a patented curcumin that is blended with turmeric essential oils, BCM-95 has been the subject of many clinical studies demonstrating its effectiveness in relieving pain. We at VitaNet offer free shipping on any product in Terry’s brand. If you are struggling with pain, consider trying Terry Naturally to help relieve pain safely.


Study shows that vitamin D can help lower your risk of Type 2diabetes

Date: May 21, 2019 04:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study shows that vitamin D can help lower your risk of Type 2diabetes

Many people are frightened by the prospect of type 2 diabetes given all the risks that it comes with which include regular finger pricks for tests, and a host of complications for diseases like kidney and liver damage, and a higher risk of having stroke or heart disease. Preventing type 2 diabetes is then essential and recent studies have shown that vitamin D can help in that regard. The researchers already knew that vitamin D can help with insulin sensitivity and pancrease beta cells function so they wanted to find out the link between vitamin D and blood glucose levels. 680 women between the ages of 35 and 74 were experimented upon and they were given vitamin D supplementation and exposure to sunlight. They found a negative association between vitamin D and blood glucose level meaning that vitamin D, especially being exposed to sunlight, reduced the levels of glucose in the blood. They also found that vitamin D deficiency was associated with a high level of glucose in the blood. This present study was found to correlate with other studies between vitamin D presence in the body and glucose levels.

Key Takeaways:

  • Having type 2 diabetes is a frightening prospect because the condition entails a lot of complications like regular finger pricks for tests.
  • Since they already know that vitamin D can help one with insulin sensitivity and the function of pancreatic beta cells, the researchers wanted to find out the link.
  • 680 women were studied and they found that those who had high levels of vitamin D due to sunlight and supplementation had lower levels of blood glucose.

"Specifically, those who had high levels of vitamin D enjoyed a 55 percent lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes, a 51 percent lower change of metabolic syndrome, and a 33 percent lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease."

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These 3 unexpected dangers of gum disease will make you want to gobrush your teeth

Date: May 03, 2019 07:55 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: These 3 unexpected dangers of gum disease will make you want to gobrush your teeth

Gum disease and poor oral health are both associated with a number of serious health risks on top of its basic symptoms like red, swollen gums and sensitive teeth. Gum disease is correlated strongly with heart disease, although the exact causative agent isn’t well understood. Bad oral health is also strongly associated with higher cancer risk, possibly because of the associated inflammation, or perhaps due to compounds created by mouth bacteria. There may even be a link with Alzheimer’s, as bacteria found in the mouth are often also found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers believe that it is possible for oral bacteria to leech into the bloodstream, thereby causing cardiovascular infection.
  • Other adherents to the cardiovascular disease created by poor oral health bandwagon believe that gum inflammation can escalate to systemic body-wide inflammation.
  • Data also suggests that there is a strong correlation between poor oral health and the onset of cancer.

"Gum disease is a frustrating and painful enough condition on its own. Common signs and symptoms include bloody, red, painful, and swollen gums, bad breath, tooth sensitivity, and pain with chewing."

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Cocoa has profound healing properties, beating even acai andblueberries

Date: April 02, 2019 02:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cocoa has profound healing properties, beating even acai andblueberries

Cocoa is not only delicious, but also has healing properties. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants which are also found in berries, tea and wine. The antioxidants are known to help inflammation and blood pressure levels. Flavanols are also found in cocoa. These are correlated to improved heart function by controlling the levels of nitric oxide in your blood. Cocoa may even help with side effects of Type II Diabetes, brain health and reducing your risk of cancer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cocoa is rich in polyphenols, which are beneficial antioxidants that contribute to decreased inflammation, increased blood flow, and lowering blood pressure.
  • Cocoa also contains flavonols, which contribute to neutralizing damaging free radicals and shield the body from oxidative stress.
  • Cocoa powder can also support heart health by optimizing nitric oxide in the blood, which lowers your risk of heart failure and stroke.

"While cocoa does possess anti-diabetic properties, it does not mean that eating more chocolate will provide even more anti-diabetic properties. To a certain extent, the intake of cocoa can improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity."

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The Arjun tree holds potential for lowering blood sugar andcholesterol levels

Date: January 08, 2019 09:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Arjun tree holds potential for lowering blood sugar andcholesterol levels

According to the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Arjun Tree extract may have benefits for moderating your blood sugar and also your cholesterol levels. Diabetics are at dramatically higher risk of dying from heart conditions, perhaps because hyperglycemia tends to raise blood pressure and damage the circulatory system. The study in question focused on Wistar rats that received a high-fat diet, and found that Arjun Tree extract improved insulin sensitivity and liver triglycerides, and exhibited a pronounced anti inflammatory effect.

Key Takeaways:

  • Of the different plant-derived extracts used in traditional Indian medicine, Arjunarishta is a medicine that is produced from the Arjun tree is used for treating cardiovascular disorders and diabetes.
  • Type 2 diabetes has been identified as a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases because people with it have a higher percentage of getting cardiovascular diseases.
  • Looking for and finding natural products that could be used against diabetes is very important because apart from causing cardiovascular diseases, it can damage blood vessels in the heart.

"In this study, which was published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, the researchers were able to determine that Arjun tree extracts exhibit anti-hyperglycemic and anti-hyperlipidemic activity."

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Researchers look at the powerful effect of mulberry fruit extracton insulin sensitivity

Date: January 07, 2019 03:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Researchers look at the powerful effect of mulberry fruit extracton insulin sensitivity

One of the main chemicals in mulberry fruit is rosiglitazone, and studies are showing that mice given rosiglitazone had much lower insulin readings than those who were not given the substance. The mulberry fruit was able to accomplish this by improving the amount of a certain chemical called 'plasma membrane-glucose transporter 4'. This is what helps plasma enter the skeletal muscles. They think that this could potentially provide relief to those suffering from hyperglycemia or insulin resistance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Just as silkworms utilize the mulberry tree, humans can utilize it to treat the body’s sensitivity to insulin and glycemia.
  • The mulberry tree is native to China and is cultivated mainly for the silkworms in order to produce cotton. Yet, the fruit can be eaten raw as food.
  • The mulberry tree has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time to treat the premature graying of hair, and to cleanse the blood and restore its balance.

"The researchers constructed an animal model with a strain of mice that simulated the symptoms of diabetes in humans. The lab animals were divided into three groups according to the treatment they received."

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Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You LoseWeight & Fight Inflammation

Date: October 10, 2018 03:26 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You LoseWeight & Fight Inflammation

Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You Lose Weight & Fight Inflammation

The probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis, or B. lactis, is a powerhouse for gut health. Why is this strain of bacteria so important? One study published in 2015 showed that B. lactis could improve unpleasant and painful symptoms associated with poor gut motility, dysbiosis, and GI hypersensitivity. B. lactis is definitely one of the “good guys” of the gut bacteria world because it contributes to a healthy and balanced microbiome, which positively affects balanced blood sugar and optimal weight maintenance.

Key Takeaways:

  • While probiotics are ingested live organisms that are good for gut health, a prebiotic is food that helps these organisms thrive.
  • Bifidobacterium lactis in fermented milk is good for gut health because it improves gastrointestinal symptoms and well-being.
  • Oral health is tied to gut health in intricate ways. Studies with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has shown this truth.

"A particular strain of B. lactis, known as HN019, has been shown to have a significant impact on those with metabolic syndrome. This probiotic had beneficial effects on inflammation, nitric oxide metabolites, and antioxidant measurements, and the authors of the study stated that if their results are confirmed, supplementation with this probiotic should be considered further."

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Vitamin K: The Wellness Vitamin

Date: September 18, 2018 03:31 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Vitamin K: The Wellness Vitamin

Vitamin K: The Wellness Vitamin

Vitamin K isn't actually one specific vitamin. There is a whole grouping of fat-soluble cofactors that are intricately involved in the creation of protein in human beings. This grouping is called vitamin K in layperson speak and for everyday purposes. There are actually four cofactors in the K grouping, which has a designated K because of its well-know ability to coagulate human blood.

K1 is an important part of the chemical process that leads directly to clotting. The other organic K variant, specifically K2 (MK-4) and K2 (MK-7), are used by the body to transport calcium. They have a profound affect on human bone density and in preventing calcium plaque formation on blood vessel walls. K3 is a synthetic variant with possible cancer applications which are being investigated.

K1 is available to eaters through a wide array of fruits and vegetables and beans and margarine. The K2s can be found in an array of cheeses and in egg yolks,chicken and beef and other non-meat proteins.

Because it has such an important role to play vis a vis calcium use in the body, it stands to reason that K is significant in the possible prevention of both osteoporosis and cardiac disease. It is becoming clear to scientists that K may also have a role to play in cognition and in increasing insulin sensitivity, thereby ameliorating the effects of diabetes.

Key Takeaways:

  • The original term vitamin “K” comes from the letter “K” in the word “Koagulation”
  • Scientific research over the past few years has pointed towards the importance of K vitamins in osteoporosis, vascular calcification, osteoarthritis, diabetes and cognition.
  • Vitamin K is essential for good bone health due to its ability to improve bone density.

"Vitamin K is a name given to a group of fat-soluble vitamins which are considered essential cofactors in humans for the production of various proteins involved in coagulation homeostasis and calcium homeostasis."

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Probiotics are the guts' best friends

Date: May 31, 2018 09:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Probiotics are the guts' best friends

Probiotics are the guts' best friends

Probiotics are important not only for digestive health, but also a person's overall health as well. Benefits of probiotics include relief from symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, but can also extend to other parts of the body, such as helping the body better ingest vitamins and minerals. Maintaining a healthy diet can help make sure the body maintains the necessary probiotics; however, some foods are better for consuming probiotics than others. Foods such as yogurt and miso are some of the best sources of probiotics. As part of a healthy lifestyle, reduce stress, eat healthy, and use antibiotics only when necessary to keep the gut a healthy home for probiotics.

Key Takeaways:

  • Probiotics assist the human gut by creating an acid environment, suitable for the absorption of minerals.
  • They can slow down chronic hypersensitivity to various ingestible items, thereby assisting with autoimmune conditions and regulating inflammation.
  • These helpful strains of bacteria also secrete substances that aid in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic substances in the gut.

"Research has shown that either single-strain or multi-strain probiotic or prebiotic supplements can reduce palpitations, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance and discomfort."

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Ladies: 15 Early Warning Signs Of Lupus You Shouldnâ??t Ignore

Date: March 30, 2018 05:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ladies: 15 Early Warning Signs Of Lupus You Shouldnâ??t Ignore

Ladies: 15 Early Warning Signs Of Lupus You Shouldn’t Ignore

When it comes to maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle, one of the foremost and crucial things that anybody can do to ensure they remain healthy is looking out for warning signs of potentially oncoming diseases, in order to tackle them early. For women, lupus has become an increasing problem, however, recent studies and insight has found that there are various warning signs that your body will give you prior to the development of the ailment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lupus is a difficult to diagnose, sometimes life-threatening autoimmune disease that is more common amongst women.
  • When you have lupus, it’s important to eat anti-inflammatory foods such as wild caught salmon, tuna, olive oil, coconut oil, and raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Some symptoms of lupus include chronic fatigue, swelling of the joints, light sensitivity, headaches, and edema.

"It’s a potentially life-threatening autoimmune disorder that can strike anyone, at any age, in entirely unpredictable ways."

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Contact Dermatitis + How to Soothe Skin Irritation

Date: October 19, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Contact Dermatitis + How to Soothe Skin Irritation

When an irritant, or something that we have a sensitivity to touches our skin, we can get a very itchy and blistery rash. Most people will contract some form of this sometime in their life. It usually resolves itself without medical intervention. If it persists for a month, then it may need medical intervention. There are around 15 million people affected by this issue every single year. Thankfully, this issue is not something that can spread.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fortunately, for the nearly 15 million people in the United States affected each year, natural contact dermatitis treatments can help to relieve the symptoms
  • One of the things that puzzles researchers is that there seems to be evidence that repeated exposure to certain compounds can increase the risk of the immune system
  • While unsightly and uncomfortable, this skin condition is not contagious. It often heals within two to four weeks with effective home remedies. Plus reoccurrences can often be limited by avoiding the

"Contact dermatitis is responsible for 95 percent of occupational skin diseases and one of the most common reasons to see a dermatologist."

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Omega-3 fatty acids essential for well-being

Date: August 18, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3 fatty acids essential for well-being

Are you getting enough fat in your diet? Most people would probably think ew, no. Fat makes you fat. right? WRONG! Certain fats are essential to your diet and well being, namely omega 3 and 6. These fats are so important. There have been over 300000 studies done to show just how important these fats are. They have shown to help prevent blod clots, improve the immune system, promote cell growth, and aid in brain growth and development. The best way to get these nutrients is thru grass fed meat, leafy greens and flax seeds. Eat your fats!

Key Takeaways:

  • Medical science is once again discussing Omega-3 fatty acids. They might just be essential for well being among people.
  • The Omega-3 fatty acids affect receptors found in cell membranes. It will improve the performance of those membranes among participants.
  • Fats may be classified as healthy or unhealthy for everyday people. Omega fatty acids are a healthy choice that anyone can make.

"Research suggests omega-3s decrease the risk of developing diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity."

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If you get less than 7 hours of sleep, this is what can happen to your belly fat

Date: July 21, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: If you get less than 7 hours of sleep, this is what can happen to your belly fat

When adult don’t get the recommended amount of sleep (7-8 hours), the body is out of balance, especially with a proper eating schedule. Sleep deprivation can lead to poor nutritional habits (i.e. eating convenience food at any hour of the day). This can lead to heart disease and diabetes. Getting enough sleep allows the body to reset and can help ward off many diseases. There are many techniques, such as hypnosis shown in the video, or limited screen time before bed, to relax and aide in the sleeping process.

[video mp4=""]

Key Takeaways:

  • Levels of endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), a chemical that makes foods pleasurable, were elevated when the participants were sleep deprived.
  • Another revealing study showed that one night of sleep deprivation led to impairments in insulin sensitivity similar to those caused by six months of eating a poor diet.
  • Insufficient sleep may also be a contributing factor in the recurrence of breast cancer and more aggressive forms of breast cancer among post-menopausal women

"Even willpower may not be enough to overcome lack of sleep’s not-so-subtle influence on your appetite, as sleep restriction is associated with activation of your endocannabinoid system — the same one activated by marijuana."


Why you should never go gluten-free unless you have an actual allergy or disease

Date: July 15, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why you should never go gluten-free unless you have an actual allergy or disease

People who go gluten-free may feel better because, to avoid the protein, they end up cutting out desserts and junk foods, thus losing weight. You can eat a healthy diet without gluten, but you have to be very knowledgeable. Symptoms of gluten sensitivity are very similar to those of celiac disease and wheat allergy, often including digestive issues, emotional concerns, and joint and muscle pain. people on a gluten-free diet are more likely to increase their intake of essential nutrients, especially if they replace breads and other flour products with whole foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • The complex carbohydrates provided by wheat and grain are an essential part of your diet that shouldn't be ignored.
  • The benefits from eating gluten can't be substituted in pill form. Problems will persist.
  • "Gluten free" has come to incorrectly be synonymous with "Healthy", which is not true.

"When you're on a gluten-free diet, your body is at high-risk for inflammation, which the doctor says can slow your metabolism down and actually make you gain weight."

Read more:


Why You Need To Eat Fat In Order To Lose Weight

Date: July 10, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why You Need To Eat Fat In Order To Lose Weight

When losing weight, you'd think that avoiding fat is the ideal way to accomplish success. However, the truth of the matter is that you need fat to lose weight. Without some fat, you are doing your body a major injustice. Read this article if you'd like more information about the fat that your body needs to help lose weight. What you learn might surprise you but it will also help you achieve great results and the body that you want.

Key Takeaways:

  • Decreasing your carb intake and replacing it with healthy fats can improve your insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and support your metabolism.
  • There’s nothing worse than eating a lower calorie diet that leaves you hungry all the time. Eating high healthy fat foods will fill you up for longer.
  • At the end of the day, the body will adapt to what fuel source it is given, there is no decline in performance if you’re on a high fat diet as compared to a high carb diet

"Our quality of life is determined by the quality of our thoughts, how we choose to fuel our bodies, and how well we move"

Read more:


7 Reasons to Love Wheat

Date: June 03, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Reasons to Love Wheat

People treat wheat like the enemy nowadays. It started when people started having gluten problems but what people don't understand is that food allergies don't mean the food is bad, they just mean certain people have a sensitivity to it for some reason. This gives some of wheat's good points so you can feel better about eating it. It's a good food which you can do a lot with and it won't harm most people.

Read more: 7 Reasons to Love Wheat


Can high-protein diets lower diabetes risk?

Date: February 21, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can high-protein diets lower diabetes risk?

There is a question on whether, or not high protein diets can lower the diabetes risk. A small weight loss study was done and in it, women on a high protein diet lost weight, but they did not see any improvements in insulin sensitivity, which helps lower the risk of getting diabetes.

Key Takeaways:

  • A high protein diet in post menopausal women does not prevent diabetes
  • Post menopausal women who eat a recommended amount of protein in their diet improve their insulin sensitivity better than those on a high protein diet
  • It is unknown why the extra amount of protein does not improve insulin sensitivity. Studies need to be done in men and women already diagnosed with type 2 DM.

"The women who ate the recommended amount of protein saw big benefits in metabolism, led by a 25 to 30 percent improvement in their insulin sensitivity."



C-reactive protein test

Date: December 13, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: C-reactive protein test

Want to know why you have join pain? Maybe you are sore? Well when C-reactive protein levels are high in the body there is increased inflammation in the body, which can cause many problems. Your doctor can test the levels in your blood through a simple blood test, it's worth it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your doctor may check your C-reactive protein level treatment for infections or for other medical conditions.
  • A simple blood test measures C-reactive protein. Some researchers think that treating people with high C-reactive protein levels will lessen their risk of heart attack or stroke.
  • However, according to the American Heart Association, this test isn't recommended for general screening for heart disease.

"A high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) test, which is more sensitive than a standard test, also can be used to evaluate your risk of developing coronary artery disease, a condition in which the arteries of your heart are narrowed. Coronary artery disease can eventually lead to a heart attack."




Dr. Rao of Diet Doc Warns That Going Gluten-Free Can Inadvertently Result in a Lack of Proper ...

Date: December 11, 2016 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Dr. Rao of Diet Doc Warns That Going Gluten-Free Can Inadvertently Result in a Lack of Proper ...

With the emergence of Celiac disease in recent years, there are many who have cut gluten from their diet even though they do not suffer from the condition. It has been viewed as a fad new diet, but specialists argue that it can negatively impact your diet. The concern is that the lack of fortified breads, pastas, and cereals in a diet will cause a deficiency in essential B vitamins, folate, and fiber that come from them. Doctors are advising those who do not have Celiac disease to not cut gluten from their diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new report by Harvard Medical School states that gluten-free dieting can easily result in a lack of proper nutrition, particularly for those without celiac disease.
  • The truth is that there are no published reports showing that a gluten-free diet produces weight loss in persons without celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
  • Researchers are concerned that consumers who are eager to drop gluten from their diets may be lacking the essential B Vitamins, folate and fiber that comes from consuming fortified breads, cereals and pastas.

"This truth is that there are no published reports showing that a gluten-free diet produces weight loss in persons without celiac disease or gluten sensitivity"



Here's How the Food Lobby Affects What We Eat

Date: November 26, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's How the Food Lobby Affects What We Eat

Most people believe that fresh fruits and vegetables are the best choice for healthy food. Recent conferences with dieticians have been focusing more on prepackaged food as a healthy choice. Large companies at the conferences, such as Nabisco and PepsiCo, are trying to market their brands in a more healthy light. Many of these companies that are known for their less- healthy and high sugar products are trying to change the consumers’ views of them.

Key Takeaways:

  • "Newtons are made with real fruit and whole grains. True or false?" a Nabisco representative asks onlookers, who are among 10,000 attendees at a conference where dietitians can earn credits for continuing education.
  • While the influence of food corporations on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and its 75,000 members has come under greater scrutiny, some see growing sensitivity to ethical and conflict-of-interest issues.
  • The academy noted that sessions sponsored by companies or industry groups were distinct from regular educational sessions because they required a $10 donation from session attendees to the academy's foundation, which provides scholarships and research grants. The sponsored sessions still count toward continuing education credits, which are required to maintain licenses.

"Among the hundreds of exhibits, many focused on items like beans, eggs, strawberries and leafy greens."




Benefits Of Having Dried Plums For Health

Date: November 21, 2016 06:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits Of Having Dried Plums For Health

Prunes are not just for older people anymore. Along with vitamins A and C, prunes are also abundant in soluble and insoluble fiber. This helps clean out and strengthen the intestines, which will ease constipation and help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. It is recommended that each adult consume 3-6 prunes each day to help keep the body performing optimally.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to studies, if you consume 3-6 prunes daily, it can help reduce the blood pressure in your body. Consuming prunes also help reduce the bad cholesterol in your body which helps to restrict the swelling in your body and thus reduce the heart disease risk.
  • Prune juice contains soluble fibers which control your blood sugar levels. The solvable fibers also boost the insulin sensitivity which can further help in diabetes prevention.
  • If your want to lose weight, drinking prune juice can be quite effective in this regard. The reason is the soluble fiber in prune juice adds mass to your diet and hence you feel filled and content and don’t overeat.

"It emphasizes on how prunes can promote your cardiovascular health, help alleviate your constipation, control your blood sugar, prevent osteoporosis, avert cataract, help in anemia, fight obesity and ward off cancer."



high protein diets may not help fend off diabetes webmd

Date: November 01, 2016 11:04 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: high protein diets may not help fend off diabetes webmd

What do you know about diabetes? Now, what do you know about trying to prevent diabetes? Have you heard that you can prevent diabetes through diet? If this sounds like something that has peaked your interest then you want to take a look at this article about high protein diets that may not help fend off diabetes like we all thought before.

Key Takeaways:

  • In type 2 diabetes, cells gradually lose insulin sensitivity — their ability to respond to the metabolic hormone.
  • While many believe that a high-protein diet can help with weight loss, a new study finds it might actually prevent an important health benefit that comes with slimming down.
  • The research found that when you lose weight on a high-protein diet, there’s no improvement in what doctors call “insulin sensitivity” — a factor that could lower your risk for diabetes and heart disease.

"While many believe that a high-protein diet can help with weight loss, a new study finds it might actually prevent an important health benefit that comes with slimming down."




What Is Fibromyagia Sydrome ?

Date: September 30, 2016 09:38 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Is Fibromyagia Sydrome ?

Fibromyagia is a long term disorder that causes pain on your entire body. People with Fibromyagia havea higher chance of experiencing the following.

  • a)Muscle rigidity.
  • b) Insomnia.
  • c) Mental problems for instance memory and concentration troubles.
  • d) increased sensitivity to pain.
  • e) Stomach pain and bloating, a digestion condition known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • f) Cephalalgia(headache).
  • g) Increased sensitivity to an ache.
  • h) Extreme exhaustion (fatigue).

Causes of Fibromyalgia: How does someone get it?

The scientific reseacher has not come up with the exact cause of Fibromyagia. Fibromyagia is believed to be related to unusual levels of certain chemicals in the brain which interferes with the way brain, spinal cord and nerves (central nervous system) processes ache messages carried around the entire body and poor diets.

It is thought that Fibromyagia can be inherited. People might suffer Fibromyagia syndrome because of the genes inherited from their biological parents.

Occasionally the condition appears to be engineered by a physically or emotionally stressful occasion. For instance;

  • a)Relationship break ups.
  • b) An injury or infection.
  • c) Giving birth.
  • d) Death of someone you love.
  • e) Undergoing an operation.

Magnesium can help relax and sooth the nervous system.  It is important to eat well balanced meals and consider trying fibromyalgia supplements formulated to ease the symptoms.


Bulletproof coffee - coconut and butter does improve health

Date: September 23, 2016 02:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Bulletproof coffee - coconut and butter does improve health

A cup of coffee is a common thing that most of people drink in the morning. However, since many people realized that coconut oil and butter are healthy fats (Axe, 2016), they started replacing cream with them. This coconut and/or butter coffee is known as bulletproof coffee and it is a new trend of healthy morning drink. It has been extremely popular all over the world.

Coconut oil has so many benefits for your body, such as:

· Increases your energy - its ingredient, MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides), is absorbed by the body and metabolized as fuel more quickly (Tifanny, 2016).

· Improves your immune system - There is a lot of lauric acid in coconut oil that is effective to prevent and cure many viruses (WebMD in Tifanny, 2016).

· Improves brain function – Its fatty acid plays an important role in memory and brain functions (Axe, 2016).

· Promotes heart health – Coconut oil contains good cholesterol that is good for your heart (Axe, 2016).

· Acts as anti-inflammatory – Antioxidant content makes coconut an effective anti-inflammatory food that help reduce arthritis (Axe, 2016).

· Is good for hair and skin – It is able to smoothen and tighten the skin, as well as maintain healthy hair (Axe, 2016).

On the other hand, butter also offers many advantages for your health, such as:

· Prevents and treats many diseases - Omega 3 fatty acids in butter are essential for growth, as well as prevention and treatment of arthritis, coronary artery disease, cancer, inflammation, and high blood pressure (Leonard, 2016).

· Improves your brain, blood circulation, and hormonal system – It helps prevent neurodegenerative and heart diseases, increase energy expenditure, and act as anti-inflammatory (NN, 2014).

· Is good for bones and blood circulation – Butter contains vitamin K that plays an important role in blood clotting and keeping the bones strong (Leonard, 2016).

· Helps with weight loss – It makes you feel full for a longer period and its conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is an effective aid for losing weight (Leonard, 2016).

· Reduces caffeine sensitivity – Butter fat can protect the stomach from shakes and nausea caused by caffeine (Leonard, 2016).

· Boosts the energy – It provides more sustained energy for the body (Leonard, 2016).

· Accelerates metabolism and digestion – Vitamin A, D, and E contained in butter are easily absorbed by the body and stored in gastrointestinal tract (Axe, 2016).

Based on the facts above, coconut and butter coffee is a healthy drink. However, excessive consumption of this bulletproof coffee is not good. Healthy fats can only function effectively in the body if the amounts taken are mooderate, not more and not less. Moreover, drink this coffee as the replacement of your breakfast is not recommended since it does not have enough essential nutrients (Gunnars, 2016).






Eye Inflammation and one Herb To Prevent It!

Date: September 20, 2016 11:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Eye Inflammation and one Herb To Prevent It!

What is eye inflammation?

Inflammation is a process by which bodies react against infection, injury or irritation. Inflammation may occur due to quite harmless substances such as dust or even pollen grains. Body's immune system can also react against its own tissues to cause an autoimmune reaction. Inflammation of the eye occurs in response to irritation, injury, autoimmune disorders, or allergies. An inflamed eye often appears red, watery and in most cases, painful. Such eye inflammation affects all ages and lasts from a few minutes to months and years depending on the causative agent or other underlying disease conditions. It can affect one eye or both the eyes.

What are the signs and symptoms of an inflamed eye?

Inflammation of eyes can affect the surrounding soft tissues such as eyelids. The primary signs of inflammation include redness of the eye, swelling, increased warmth in the affected eye and excessive tearing. Other symptoms are causal in nature. These include-

Bruising: It is mainly observed on the eyelids. Bruising usually stems from an eye trauma/injury.

Increased Sensitivity: The affected eye has an increased sensitivity to bright light (photophobic). Other visual changes that may be noticed are blurred vision or loss of vision.

Pus Discharge: There is increased pus discharge in the affected eye. It is noticeable in the morning with the stickiness of the eyelids.

Bulging of Eyes: Bulging or protruding of the eye signifies swelling of the eyes.

Watery Eyes: Affected areas secrete excessive tears due to irritation.

Dryness: Depending on the underlying diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome, dryness of mucous membrane occurs. Dry eyes tend to become itchy and gritty.

Other prominent symptoms include general body swelling (edema), respiratory problems or change in level of consciousness, which indicate a serious problem and it is advisable to visit a physician.

What are the causes of eye inflammation?

Eye inflammation is a response to infections, allergies, injury to the eye, or autoimmune diseases. Some of the common causes of eye inflammation include:

Allergic reaction: Many individuals develop allergic reactions to substances which are not compatible with their body. Reaction to environmental allergens such as dust and pollen grains is the most common cause of irritation of the eye which leads to inflammation. Other common allergic substances include drugs, some foods, and insect bites such as bee sting.

Infections: Eye inflammation due to infections is common in people with low hygiene standards. Cleaning eyes twice a day, in the morning and before sleep at night, is advised to prevent infections. Women who use mascara are advised to wash their make-up before sleeping to prevent its adverse reaction with eyes.

Traumatic Injury: The eye is prone to injuries due to its exposure to the environment. Common injuries that cause eye inflammation include blunt trauma, corneal abrasion, irritants such as chemicals, orbital fractures or insect bites.

Autoimmune diseases: Inflammation of the eye could be a manifestation of an underlying autoimmune disease. In such a case, the body might develop inflammatory response towards tissues of the eyes. Some of the common diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, Behcet's syndrome (cause ulcers and abrasions), and Sjogren's syndrome (cause dryness of mucous membranes causing itchiness).

Contact lenses: People who use contact lenses are at a higher risk of getting an inflamed eye. Contact lenses should be kept clean to avoid importation of irritant substances and infections into the eye.

How is an inflamed eye treated?

In many cases inflammation of the eye does not need treatment as it lasts for a few minutes. In case the inflammation exceeds four days, there is a need to see the doctor to determine any underlying causes.

Inflammation of the eyes can be relieved in the following ways:

  1. Clean the eyelids in the morning and evening.
  2. Rub gently from outside to inside with a wet cotton swab.
  3. Lay a warm wet cloth on the eyes. This relieves the symptoms of the inflamed eye.
  4. Avoid wearing contact lenses as they can worsen the symptoms of eye inflammation.
  5. Visit the doctor for comprehensive treatment. The doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation while evaluating any underlying diseases.

The one single most important herb anybody can take to reduce inflammation, in the eye as well as systemic inflammation is "curcumin."  Curcumin is the most powerful substance discovered so far in nature which naturally lowers inflammation with zero side effects.  If you have followed the above list of ways to help reduce inflammation and you still struggle with eye inflammation,  consider taking curcumin daily to eliminate inflammation throughout the body!

For more information visit: //


Importance of Magnesium in the body.

Date: May 08, 2014 08:48 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Importance of Magnesium in the body.

magnesium foodsImportance of magnesium

Magnesium is an important element that is essential for hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. Its functions is to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, regulates blood glucose levels and aids the production of energy and protein, helps bones remain strong, supports a healthy immune system and lastly, keeps the heart beat steady.

Cause of lack in magnesium

Lack of magnesium causes many diseases. Substantial magnesium deficiencies have led to deaths caused by coronary diseases, diabetes, cancer and strokes. On the other hand mild magnesium deficiency causes nervousness, mental depression, increased sensitivity to noise, confusion, insomnia, twitching and trembling and apprehension.

Sources of magnesium are from foods we eat

  • Dark green, leafy vegetables
  • Fruits or vegetables e.g. bananas, dried apricots avocados
  • Whole grains e.g. brown rice, millet
  • Nuts e.g. almonds and cashews
  • Peas and beans
  • Soy products e.g. soy flour

Symptoms indicating lack of magnesium are: sleepiness, muscle weakness and hyperexcitablity.

Magnesium works in the brain miraculously as remarked by many scientists through researches. Magnesium L-Threonate has the capability to cross into the brain and boost magnesium levels. Magnesium L-Threonate boosts magnesium levels in the brain in that, it maintains a state of healthy sustained action. Through maintaining this healthy homeostasis, mental demands in the brain can respond well and perform cognitive responsibilities with less stress and fatigue.

The blood-brain barrier is a diffusion barrier, which impedes influx of most compounds from blood to brain. It is composed of high-density cells that prevent passage of substances from the blood stream, but in a more action than the endothelial cells in the capillaries do in other parts of the body. Due the reasons, why most magnesium supplements do not cross blood barrier magnesium Threonte was introduced. Threonate is a vitamin C metabolite that acts as a carrier to help magnesium to penetrate into the brain.


  2. //blog.lef.orh/2012/01/brain-helath-magnesium-theonate.html
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The Health Benefits Of Brazil Nuts

Date: February 03, 2014 07:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits Of Brazil Nuts

Brazil nut nutritional content

brazil nut fruitIf you are interested in improving your health, one of the most effective ways of doing it would be through increasing your intake of Brazil nuts. Most people don’t realize this, but these types of nuts have very high nutritional value and are beneficial for all kinds of people. They have a very high calorie count, which makes them one of the healthiest sources of energy you can find. It is estimated that 100 grams of Brazil nuts provide around 650 calories of energy. They also contain a high concentration of vitamin E, which is important in maintaining the integrity of human cells and is also a potent antioxidant. Selenium levels are also high in Brazil nuts, with 100g of the nuts having around 2000 micrograms of the element. This is more than enough for a single day. This trace element is a potent anti-oxidant, and has been shown to be very effective in protecting against diseases such as cirrhosis, some types of cancer and coronary artery disease.

Brazil nut minerals

One of the most remarkable things about these types of nuts is that they are gluten free. This means that they can safely be used by people who happen to have gluten sensitivity. Other minerals that are rich in the Brazil nuts include copper, manganese, potassium and phosphorus.

Benefits of brazil nut

Eating such nuts on a regular basis is therefore a good idea, since it exposes one to all the above. The good thing about them is that they don’t cost much, so you can benefit from all the above without having to spend a lot of money on them. When you consider the fact that they offer all the benefits above but without costing much, it’s easy to see that they are actually very good value for money. Including them in your diet, irrespective of your physiological status, is therefore a good idea.


Top reasons why gluten free diet is necessary

Date: January 27, 2014 09:31 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top reasons why gluten free diet is necessary

glutenWhat is Gluten

Gluten is a protein found mainly in grains, which include wheat, farro, durum, bulgur, spelt, semolina and many others. It is also found in other foods and is present in some toothpaste brands. Gluten is difficult to completely digest and can cause serious health problems for some people. It is for this reason that many people are increasingly consuming gluten free diet in an attempt at avoiding its negative health effects. The following is a look at the adverse effects of gluten in the human body.

What Gluten can Do

Some people’s bodies react to the presence of the protein by attacking it and the body tissue surrounding it, which results to numerous health problems in the body. Gluten is responsible for a condition referred to as celiac disease, which is a serious form of gluten sensitivity. This disease is considered an autoimmune disease because the body’s immune system attacks the protein and the cells of the digestive tract’s enzymes. This leads to bloating, gas, stomach pain, anemia, skin rashes, muscle cramps and bone pain. Other symptoms include missed periods in women, stunted growth in children, seizures, mouth sores, calcium deficiency, nerve damage and nutrient malabsorption.

Other serious effects of ingesting gluten

Include increased risk of developing some forms of cancer and chronic diarrhea. The protein has also been found to cause intestinal inflammation and degeneration of intestinal lining. Weakened intestines are dangerous because they can permit foreign substances into the blood stream, which is common in persons suffering from celiac disease.

Gluten is also associated with numerous disorders of the brain. Conclusive studies have associated the protein to a condition referred to as cerebellar ataxia. Its symptoms include difficulties in coordinating balance, problems with speech and movement. Gluten free diet results to significant improvement in health for persons suffering from autism, epilepsy and schizophrenia.

It has been observed that gluten may be addictive, which is why many people crave for meals made of wheat and other grains. This has not been conclusively proven but there are studies that suggest that traces of the protein’s exorphins can find their way into the human brain.

Gluten Free

Gluten free diet is healthy because it improves a person’s bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Any people experience significant benefits in their mental, emotional and physical health after eliminating the protein from their diets. It is, therefore, important that a gluten free diet be consumed especially by people who react negatively to it.


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The benefit of Amino Acid L-Tyrosin for our brains

Date: January 21, 2014 09:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The benefit of Amino Acid L-Tyrosin for our brains


L-Tyrosine is a nonessential amino acid because it can be made from phenylalanine, the another amino acid by our body. But from some researchers the body cannot make tyrosine from phenylalanine if stressed. In otherhand, L-Tyrosine is definitely present in many kinds of foods, such as milk, meats, eggs, nuts, cheese, bananas, beans and some seafood like fish.

Benefits of L-Tyrosine

By using this food stuff can increased the amount of L-Tyrosine in our body. And Also L-Tyrosine can we get from some suplement. L-Tyrosine has benefits for our brains. L-Tyrosine need for creating the neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. It can called stress hormone. This compounds that transmit chemical signals in our brains. The neurotransmitters that was produced by L-Tyrosine have effect significant for your mood, memory, concentration, focus and alertness. The neurotransmitter dopamine can affects the incentive mechanism in our brain which indicates it involved in feeling of happiness. Dopamine is also helps we keep motivated and handle problem that can make streesed. But too much stress can make our dopamine level decreased. It can make our brain less active and weak. The neurotransmitter epinephrine ability to increases our energy, heart rate and breathing. It because epinephrine produces oxygen with rich blood that travels to our brain. Moreover the neurotransmitter epinephrine can boosting our memory, enhance cognitive performance, polishing our senses and reducing pain level of sensitivity. And the third compound of neurotransmitters is norepinephrine. It can helps increase our concentrate and to develop new memories. Norepinephrine is also travels through our blood and can stimulate our brains. The effect of our body does not produce enough neurotransmitters, we will become depressed, fatigued, confused and also develop memory loss. So if you want to enhance your memories and don’t let your body has less L-tyrosine to products stressed hormone that you need. Food supplements have shown good results in improving the amount L-tyrosine in our body.


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Reasons why your Heart Need More Energy Try D-Ribose

Date: January 18, 2014 06:56 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Reasons why your Heart Need More Energy Try D-Ribose

Why take Ribose

ribose structureShould you buy these ribose supplements? This article will answer this question. The supplement is one of the latest discoveries that have gained favor on many people throughout the world. If you are contemplating on buying this supplement, you need to look at this background information to make sure that you get what you deserve.

What Is Ribose?

It is made up of glucose that is found within your body thus being a natural sugar and it is a major component of RNA. Ribose is also very important in the makeup of ATP. The RNA is an important transporter of information in the body and the ATP compound is responsible in the storage of transportation of energy to the millions of cells in the body.

Benefit of Ribose Supplements

These supplements are useful especially to athletes and other body builder in order to help them to increase the energy during their exercises. It helps the athletes in the recuperation during the exercises and helps them not to feel tired and sluggish during their workouts. Mostly the supplement is put in many energy drinks and other body building supplements.

The supplement is also very important in curing many illnesses. The most common treatment is that that it is very important in treating those patients suffering from congestive heart failure disease. Ribose supplement also help the patient suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome since it acts as a source of energy for the body.

The supplement is also useful in treatment of fibromyalgia. this is a debilitating illness that is characterized of painful skin sensitivity, muscle spasms, sleeping problem, weakness in the limbs etc. though it does not completely cure this problems it plays a major role in making sure that the pain is reduced and manageable.

Side Effects of Ribose.

The good news that comes with supplement is that it has minimal and non-existent side effects. The recommended dosage of ribose is about 5 grams thrice per day and should be taken with food. In case you take energy, drink containing the supplement also remembers to adjust your dosage accordingly


Omega Oils-What Are They For?

Date: January 02, 2014 09:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega Oils-What Are They For?

What is all the hype about with these omega fatty acids?

omega fishCurious why they have become a huge talk of the nation, and such an important part of our diets all of a sudden? Some omega oils are essential for the growth of human tissue and proper body function, but our body don't produce enough of them on its own.

What is the difference between Omega 3's-6's-8's-9's?

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that is not produced by the body naturally. They're obtained from food sources, such as fatty fish, and flax-seed oil. They contain a number of health benefits for the body, such as reduced inflammation throughout the body, and have benefits for the heart. Studies have shown the reduced inflammation has a huge impact on heart health, and is highly recommended to incorporate into your daily diet.

Omega 6: is also an essential fatty acid that is not produced naturally by the body. These omega oils obtained from different types of vegetable oils, and through dietary supplements. Many claims made about Omega-6 fatty acids, however the only substantial proof is for heart health. They lower bad cholesterol levels, while raising healthy cholesterol levels. While essential, they are not to be overused, or they start being unhelpful by adding too much fat to the diet.

Omega 7's: are monounsaturated fatty acids, palmitoleic acid and vaccenic acid. Palmitoleic acids are commonly found in fat tissue of the human body, and in the liver. Animal oils, macadamia nut oil, vegetable oils, and marine oils are good sources of omega 7's. They're considered a beneficial fatty acid by increasing insulin sensitivity by lowering inflammation. They also aid in the destruction in of insulin beta cells in the pancreas. This action has been proven to reduce insulin levels, which have claims that omega 7's are helpful in weight loss. Other uses include support of healthy skin, and soothing the gastrointestinal tract.

Omega 9: fatty acids are not considered essential fatty acids since they're produced by the body. They're obtained from olive oil, and other monounsaturated fats. They contain the same heart healthy benefits as omega 3's and 6's helping lower cholesterol, our body makes them as needed.

Omega oils are important for our overall health, especially heart health. Omega 7s are important to control insulin levels, and may aid with weight loss. Supplementing omega 3, 6, and 7 can lead to better cholesterol levels, and healthier skin.


Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches?

Date: November 25, 2013 06:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches?

What is Butterbur?

butterburButterbur is a plant found in the daisy asteraceae and is in genus petasites. They are also known as sweet coltsfoot. They are mainly found in the temperate zones of the northern hemisphere in areas such as riverbanks, ditches and marshes it’s also found in Europe, Asia and North America. The plant was mainly used by Native Americans as a remedy for inflammation, coughs, asthma allergies and headaches. For many years its leaves and roots have been used as an important medicinal herb. In recent research, researchers have found out that extracts of butterbur contains an active ingredient that can be used to prevent migraines and also act as an antispasmodic supporting chronic cough or asthma.

What are the Benefits of Butterbur?

The plant contains two very active chemicals namely petasin and isopetasin. This chemicals are believed to be beneficial in treating headaches, the highest concentration of this chemicals mainly occurs in roots. Root extracts of the plant have been discovered to be very effective in the reduction of frequency and severity of migraines. Migraines are caused by rapid change in the blood flow to the head, they are characterized by episodes of headaches, sensitivity to light and sound and nausea. Treatment includes pain relievers and other medication that affect the openness of the blood vessels. Medication can help ease the pain as a short term measure but in the long run the may cause more headaches as a result of a condition known as medication overuse headaches. These resultant headaches are more difficult to treat than migraines; these medicines may also lead to other problems for people with other chronic illness.

Butterbur root extracts presumably contains isopetasin and/or petasin that are effective in relieving and preventing migraine, since the compound prevents blood vessel inflammation, although it’s said to have gastrointestinal side effects. From research it was discovered that petasin contains anti-spasmodic properties which helps in reducing spasms in vascular walls and smooth muscles. It also contains a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that prevents the synthesis of leukotrienes that is the pro-inflammatory agent in the blood vessel walls. Isopetasin also contains an anti-inflammatory by modulating prostaglandin metabolism. The two together have an antispasmodic effect on vascular walls.


According to a survey carried out in Germany where two hundred and two people who had migraines attacks three months prior to the survey and those who had stopped medication three months before were randomly assigned to receive 75mg of butterbur extract twice a day, the other group was assigned 50 mg or placebo. The results were recorded and it was discovered that people using a higher dosage of butterbur experienced a greater reduction in the frequency in migraines.

Other Treatment of Butterbur

Other than being used in migraine treatment butterbur have several other uses and benefits such as allergy relief without antihistamine side effects, while antihistamines have advance side effects such as fuzzy head and fatigue, when butterbur was used no side effects were evident. Butterbur extracts are also used to treat asthma; this is as a result of anti-inflammatory properties combined with bronchodilating properties.


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Astaxanthin Protects The Eye And More!

Date: November 13, 2013 02:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Astaxanthin Protects The Eye And More!

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that is commonly found in the marine environment. It is naturally found in salmon, krill, trout, crayfish, shrimp, crustaceans and yeast. It is the chemical that is responsible for the red color in cooked shellfish and salmon meat. The algae Haematoccus has the richest natural source of astaxanthin.

Astaxanthin can also be produced synthetically, but due to the synthetic product consisting of different steriosmers it is not preferred to be used in some cases.

Unlike beta-carotene it has two more oxygenated groups on each of its ring structure, these additional functional groups make it a highly potent antioxidant and give it a configuration that is more polar than that of other carotenoids. Vitamin E has been known as the strongest antioxidant both in topical use in cosmetics and in internal use, but research has shown that astaxanthin has a greater antioxidant strength than Vitamin E. For example in the quenching of singlet oxygen it has an antioxidant strength five hundred times stronger than Vitamin E.

Unlike many other antioxidants it has the ability of crossing the blood-brain barrier and enter into the eyes, brain and central nervous system (CNS). Most diseases of the CNS and eye are caused by increased generation of free radicals or by a decrease in the ability to remove free radicals from the body. Some of the diseases that are caused by problems with inflammation and oxidation include Glaucoma, Cataracts, and Huntington’s disease. These can be prevented by taking astaxanthin.

It has anti-inflammatory properties that are related to its strong antioxidants properties. It suppresses some of the inflammatory mediators such as, prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2), tumor necrosis factor –alpha (TNF-a), and nitric oxide. Unlike other anti-inflammatory drugs like acetaminophen that can damage the liver and aspirin that may cause stomach bleeding, astaxanthin doesn’t have any side effects.

In people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome it has the ability of reducing pain. Studies have shown that it is able to reduce pain in rheumatoid arthritis by 40% after 8 weeks of continuous use.

It prevents Ultra Violet induces oxidative stress of the skin and prevents the photo aging of the skin. It prevents UV induced formation of wrinkles and collagen degradation in the skin. It may be applied on the skin or taken orally.

In people participating in sports it eliminates the soreness of joints after exercise, and reduces the pain caused by inflammation. This enables athletes to train harder and as a result increase their endurance, skill, and strength. This is through its ant-inflammatory and ant-oxidant effects in the mitochondria (energy producing organelle).

It strengthens the immune system, research by scientists has shown that it causes increase in production of T cells, stimulates the proliferation of lymphocytes, amplify the cytotoxicity of natural killer cells, decrease damage of DNA, and increases significantly delayed type hypersensitivity syndrome.

It prevents heart disease and reduces the risk of people already suffering from heart disease form getting a stroke or heart attack. It improves the blood lipid profiles by increasing HDL (high density lipoprotein) and decreasing LDL (low density lipoprotein).

The liver main function of the liver and kidney is the detoxification and removal of harmful substances in the body. These activities lead to the formation of free radicals. Astaxanthin being a strong antioxidant helps by destroying these free radicals hence it eliminates their oxidative effects.

As a result of its immune benefits Astaxanthin also has anti-tumor properties and as a result it prevents the development of cancer. Its prevention of cancer is also caused by its antioxidant properties and by it regulating gene expression.


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How Does Chlorella Improve Your Health?

Date: November 04, 2013 05:06 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Chlorella Improve Your Health?

 chorellaWhat is Chlorella

Chlorella is made by two cycle periods that determine the total cell size and length. A timer usually runs through the G1 phase and it leads to the cell attainment prior to S phase without further growth requirement. The cycle is consistent with increments of size control. It multiplies rapidly through photosynthesis and requires only three basic conditions to reproduce namely; water, carbon dioxide and sunlight. There are various health benefits of chlorella including;


Chlorella is rich in various types of vitamins including; A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. It provides the nutrients as a whole food bundle that is way superior than manufactured formula.


Chlorella is rich in magnesium that helps in improving blood sugar levels, mental health and heart health. It also contains other rich minerals including; iron, potassium and calcium.

Amino Acids

Chlorella is a rich protein source and it also contains important amino acids. The amino acids are used by the body for rebuilding neurotransmitters and lean tissues.


Chlorella is very effective in binding with toxic chemicals and heavy metals. The toxins are removed from the body hence bringing a positive health impact.


Chlorella increases the body energy. It is also very effective in elevating moods and it is way stronger than taking super food.


Chlorella has amazing cancer-fighting abilities due its rich natural carotenoids that prevent oxidation. It also has the ability to nourish the system.


Chlollera helps to improve blood sugar levels and insulin over time. It can also improve insulin resistance and diabetes.

Heart Disease

Chlollera offers protection against heart disease by improving LDL cholesterol and triglyceride. It also has strong antioxidant properties.


Chlollera has unique properties that can lower body fat. It can also improve insulin sensitivity and aid fat metabolism.



Did You Know That Chromium Can Help Cells Absorb Glucose?

Date: November 03, 2013 12:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Did You Know That Chromium Can Help Cells Absorb Glucose?


What is Chromium

Chromium is a trace mineral that human body needs in very small amounts for maintenance of health and digestion of food. In nature, chromium of occurs in two isotopes- trivalent (chromium 3+) and hexavalent (chromium 6+). The biologically active isotope is the trivalent isotope and it is found in various food types. The other isotope results from industrial pollution and is very toxic.

Chromium has been demonstrated to be an essential trace mineral in glucose handling by the body. It is known to enhance the action of insulin, a hormone that plays a vital role in metabolism and storage of carbohydrates, proteins and fat in the body. The effects of chromium on glucose metabolism were realized in 1957 when it was observed that a compound in brewer’s yeast could prevent age related decline in insulin sensitivity in rats. Studies found that his compound contained chromium.

How Does Chromium Work

This trace mineral helps cells absorb glucose. When taken in appropriate amounts, chromium enhances the action of the anabolic hormone insulin in the cells. Usually, insulin is synthesized and stored in the pancreas. Intake of carbohydrates and indeed other food types stimulates the secretion of insulin from the pancreas into blood. Once in the blood it binds to specific receptors on cells, especially muscle and liver. This is where chromium comes in.

Chromium is believed to enhance the action of insulin by increasing the sensitivity of the cells to insulin. In other words, it promotes the absorption of glucose into cells. This has many benefits. It prevents the development of glucose intolerance and therefore the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Those people with chromium deficiency may actually develop type 2 diabetes mellitus with its attendant complications. In addition to effects on insulin and glucose metabolism, chromium can also promote lipid metabolism, prevent loss of calcium and promote muscle building.


Health Benefits Of Fish Oil

Date: November 01, 2013 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health Benefits Of Fish Oil

fish oilFish oil contains the omega-3 fatty acids that play a crucial role in performance and health throughout life. The omega-3 nutrients, containing EPA and DHA, are most frequently linked with heart health although they accomplish far much than that.

Some of the important health benefits of the omega-3 supplementation to the young, the old and everybody in between include:

1. Improved synthesis of proteins

The omega-3 fatty acids are renowned for their consequences on heart health and inflammation even though they really have powerful effects on boosting protein synthesis. Out of the 2 most essential omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, it seems EPA has the more significant effects in the synthesis of proteins.

2. Reduced breakdown of proteins

Decreasing protein breakdown and/or increasing protein synthesis leads to muscle growth. The EPA plays 2 unique functions in the growth of muscles. It reduces protein breakdown and increases protein synthesis by acting on totally different mechanisms in metabolism of muscles.

3. Improved immune function

It is a huge disappointment when a person gets sidelined from his or nutrition and training program because he or she is sick. Fish oil plays an important function in performance and fitness. This is because it supports the white blood cells (major cells in immunity) function.

4. Enhanced sensitivity of the insulin

Excessive adipose tissue (body fat) interrupts the ability of the body to maintain the sensitivity of insulin and control blood sugar level in fat tissue and muscle. The omega-3 fatty acids can improve insulin sensitivity if supplemented in the diet.

5. Enhanced delivery of nutrients to the cells

Increased intakes of omega-3 supplements actually alter the composition of cell membrane. Higher levels of omega-3 in cell membrane facilitates the passage of nutrients out and in of the cell.

6. 84014Increased rate of metabolism

The capacity of omega-3 fatty acids to enhance metabolism is less proven than theoretical. However, as the health of a cell improves during nutrient delivery, the rate of metabolic rate of the cell is also enhanced.

7. Decreased inflammation

The omega-3s are renowned for their benefits to heart health. When fish oil is consumed at effective amounts, they have positive effects on the inflammatory of the body.

8. Enhanced brain health

The DHA, component of omega-3 fatty acids, play an important function in brain health. It is transmitted from the expectant mother the unborn child, and is crucial for the developing brain.

9. Decreased Triglyceride levels

The EPA has been proven to support lower levels of Triglyceride.


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Do Solaray Products Contain Gluten

Date: January 09, 2013 12:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Do Solaray Products Contain Gluten

Solaray is a brand of natural supplements that has been in the market for decades. It is owned by the Nutraceutical Company which started in 1973. They produce supplements, herbal teas, tablets and capsules containing naturally derived remedies. Solaray supplements combine natural ingredients, nutraceuticals and herbs in special formulas. Often times, people have raised various questions concerning Solaray natural supplements. This is only because they want to know if the products are safe. One of the common questions that are often raised is if solaray products contain gluten.

Do Solaray products contain gluten?

If you visit their official website, you will find information on quality testing, allowed and disallowed ingredients for their products. So to answer the above question, let us find out what gluten is and why some persons want to avoid it. Gluten is a type of protein found in most cereals, grains, breads and other natural products. People who wish to avoid this ingredient are those with celiac disease. Gluten can also be found on its own as a protein supplement. This is prepared for those who do not have access to other protein source.

However, it is not good for people who are susceptible to gluten intolerance. The term gluten intolerance is commonly used to describe celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity or wheat allergy. These are chronic illnesses that are difficult to diagnose. This is why people who suffer from any of these illnesses tend to avoid products that contain gluten.

The answer to the above question is: NO!

Solaray products are gluten-free, dairy-free and are good for vegetarians. Their products do not contain FD or C colors, preservatives, high corn syrup and artificial flavors. Therefore, all solaray products are safe and good for the body. You can visit their official website to learn more about their products.

Buy Solaray Vitamins Here


What Is Vitamin B-2 Riboflavon Good For?

Date: November 17, 2012 02:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Vitamin B-2 Riboflavon Good For?

Vitamin B-2 is one of the B-complex, water soluble vitamins that is required for the proper functioning of the human body. They can be found in different dietary sources including but not limited to eggs, dairy products, grains and cereals, green vegetables, mushrooms, oily fish and meat. 

A B-2 Deficiency:

It is concluded that the deficiency in this vitamin can disrupt the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein. Symptoms of deficiency includes high sensitivity to light, inflammation the mouth, sore tongue, anemia, skin rash and fatigue, and it affects mostly malnourished people like alcoholics and the elderly.

Benefits of vitamin B-2 Riboflavin.

Apart from helping to increase the level of body metabolism, the vitamins is also useful in helping to prevent and treat diseases e.G. Riboflavin deficiency states and newborn jaundice. It can also help for the prevention of cataracts of the eyes and reduce migraine headaches intensity. Riboflavin plays a major role in the development of reproductive organs. It also help to support the growth of body tissue like the skin, nervous system, mucous membranes and the connective tissue. vitamin B-2 helps to improve the body immunity by energizing the body's natural defense and disease suppressing systems. Known to be very helpful as a natural supplement in the treatment of nervous system conditions like Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.

Constant intake of vitamin B-2 will help in the digestion of carbohydrates, fats and protein so that the body cells can derive more minerals and vitamins from them, for utilization. Absorption of other vitamins and minerals like folic acid, vitamin B1, Iron and vitamin B6 is also made very possible.

To have stress free digestion you'll need to have a digestive system with functioning mucus membranes. Riboflavin is helpful in making the mucus membrane in the digestive track work at optimum levels. Recent research also suggests that vitamin B-2 can help improve the body's response to iron therapy, which is a method used to boost red blood cell production in sickle cell anemia patients.

So my question to you is, are you getting enough B-2 in your daily diet?


Benefit Of Stevia

Date: October 06, 2012 08:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefit Of Stevia


Stevia is one of the herbs that have been in use for a long period in the past to sweeten food and drinks. It has no calories, side effects and it does not contain sugar. Stevia is very helpful to pre-diabetics and diabetics because it does not cause spike of blood sugar. As a natural sweetener, it can also be useful to other carbohydrate-controlled meals.

The research has shown that stevia is very beneficial to the pancreas by improving the sensitivity of the insulin as well it promotes the production of insulin. Stevia also helps to reverse metabolic syndrome and diabetes. If stevia is consumed before meal, it will reduce postpradial level of insulin as compared with sucrose.


Stevia has been used for many years and it is argued by many experts to be safe as it has no harmful effects. It's leaves have been used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. You should use stevia to sweeten your coffee or tea instead of sugar. It has no effect on the level of blood glucose and it maybe involved in enhancement of glucose tolerance.


Preventive Measures for Metabolic Syndrome/ Diabetes

Date: February 10, 2012 07:55 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Preventive Measures for Metabolic Syndrome/ Diabetes

Metabolic syndrome is a serious health problem associated with cluster of conditions like high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, high sugar level and excessive fats in the abdomen. It increases risks of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Having one of these conditions doesn't mean that you have metabolic syndrome. However, frequent occurrence of any of these symptoms can increase risk.

Knowing your family's medical history can prevent metabolic syndrome that can lead to diabetes. If it runs in the family, consult your doctor to have your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure checked.

Avoid high carb diet to prevent metabolic syndrome and diabetes. During digestion, carbohydrate rich foods are broken down into sugar or glucose. Glucose gives energy to the body while calorie is the measure of burned energy. When high amount of carbohydrate is digested, it increases sugar level in the blood. The brain prompts the pancreas release insulin to neutralize blood sugar level. Diabetes happens when the body becomes resistant to insulin or when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.

Replace high carb diet with more nutritious foods like oats, whole wheat, rye, red rice, sweet potatoes and buckwheat. They are energy giving food rich in dietary fibers. Fibers keep a healthy digestive system by improving digestion and eliminating body wastes. It maintains sexy abs by flushing out excess belly fats.

Stay physically active by engaging into sports and exercises. Inactive body does not use much energy. Unused energy is stored in the body in form of fats. Fat cells are resistant to insulin thus, increase blood sugar and cholesterol level. Fat cells slow down metabolism and increase weight gain. While lean muscles hastens metabolism even when the body is at rest. Lean muscle protects the body against insulin resistance.

Maintain a well balanced diet to reverse diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Raw fruits like oranges, berries, pineapple, grapes and other citrus fruits are good alternative for desserts like cakes. They are rich in Vitamin C that lowers cholesterol and burns fats. It is also rich in antioxidants that shield the body against harmful toxins.

Add green leafy vegetables to your diet to increase immunity from sickness like diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin E that repairs and regenerates damaged cells.

Develop a healthy sleeping pattern. Sleep disturbances and staying up late at night prompt the pancreas to continually release insulin. This creates stress on the pancreas that leads to insufficient production of insulin. A well rested mind and body keep metabolic syndrome and diabetes away.

Try natural remedies like cinnamon, pine bark, and blueberry leaf extract. Cinnamon prevents diabetes and metabolic syndrome by lowering cholesterol and blood sugar level. Pine bark, when extracted produces pycnogenol that absorbs glucose in the blood. It also protects the eyes from blindness and blurred vision caused by diabetes. Blueberry leaf extract regulates blood sugar level by increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin.

Health supplements like chromium and alpha lipoic acid have shown great results in preventing and managing diabetes. Chromium is a mineral that metabolizes carbohydrates to prevent weight gain. It stabilizes blood sugar and prevents hypertension.


Is Sulfite Sensitivity And Vertigo Linked?

Date: October 17, 2011 03:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Sulfite Sensitivity And Vertigo Linked?

Sulfites are chemical compounds which occur naturally in several animal and plant products. These chemicals are sulfur - based which is commonly used as food enhancer or preservative. Sulfites can effectively prolong the shelf life of food and also prevent discoloration of food. Foods which may contain sulfite include baked products, canned goods, junk foods, vegetable juices, fruit juices, apple cider, some teas and other processed food items. Sulfite - containing ingredients may include sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite or potassium metabisulfite and sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, or sodium sulfite.

Allergic reaction to sulfite is not that rare. In fact, the Food and Drug Authority have established "1 out of 100 people" prevalence rate that is hypersensitive to sulfite and its products. Any person may develop allergic reaction to sulfites any time of his/her life. Studies revealed that the cause of such hypersensitivity is still unknown. More studies are still ongoing. Initial results have stated that the allergic effects can be mild or life – threatening. In late 1980's, the FDA released a memorandum on prohibiting the use of sulfite on fruits and vegetables that are commonly eaten fresh and raw such as lettuce, apples, guavas and the like. Regulations are also released for manufacturers to put labels on sulfite – containing processed food items. Sulfites also occur naturally among wines and beers.

One theory revealed that sulfite allergic reaction may be caused by a significant insufficient amount of the enzyme necessary for the breakdown and elimination of such compound known as sulfite oxidase. This enzyme works hand in hand with the element molybdenum which acts as a cofactor. Nonetheless, asthma, nasal and sinus congestion, rhinitis, postnasal drip, headache and bronchospasm may also be experienced by the individual as an effect of sulfite consumption. In addition, vertigo may also be a manifestation of sulfite hypersensitivity.

Studies have found that the allergic reaction brought about by the compound sulfite can significantly lower blood pressure thus resulting to decreased cardiac output which can eventually lead to insufficient tissue perfusion. Thus, dizziness is experienced or even loss of consciousness. Vertigo or dizziness is a kind of feeling in which your surroundings seem to be moving around even though there is no actual movement. In cases of severe vertigo, the person may experience nausea and vomiting. This will greatly affect your daily functioning since the person with vertigo may have difficulty walking or even standing on his/her own. This will significantly result to loss of balance and increase the risk of fall.

There is no direct treatment of sulfite sensitivity. However, the symptoms can be alleviated in a palliative manner. The one and only way to prevent the occurrence of allergic reaction is to avoid food products with sulfites or food items which are likely to have sulfite content. Therefore, if you have sulfite allergy, you must be vigilant on what you eat. Carefully check labels of processed and preserved foods and when eating out, politely as the waiter or chef if the food you like contains sulfite or ingredients which contain such chemical compound.

Foods to avoid:

Alcoholic beverages, Baked goods (pastries), Beverages fruit based, Condiments, Relishes, Confections, Frostings, Modified Dairy Products, Drugs, Fish, shell fish, fresh fruit and vegetables, gelatin, puddings, grains, jams, jellies, nuts, plant proteins, snack foods, soups and soup mixes, sweet sauce, and instant teas. To name a few. Look online to view a more details list of foods to avoid.

This practically eliminates most of our favored junk foods we love to eat. Avoiding these foods may be hard but it is a healthier choice.


Can tea Tree Oil Kill Bugs?

Date: September 26, 2011 11:26 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can tea Tree Oil Kill Bugs?

Tea tree oil is known as an essential oil which is light yellow in color with a camphoraceous scent. It is extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia which originates from the northeast coast of Australia. The other name of tea tree oil is melaleuca oil.

Tea tree oil has been studied on its medicinal benefits. Such studies revealed that tea tree oil has a potent anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. In fact, since the olden times, tea tree oil can administered topically as an antiseptic agent. In addition, tea tree oil is also popularly used as one of the ingredients among many cosmetic products. Industrially, tea tree oil has been controversial whether it can be used to kill bugs or not.

Experiments on "concentrated" tea tree oil and bed bugs have shown that it can effectively kill bugs and other insects. However, it cannot be used at home because concentrated forms of tea tree oil have been found to be toxic to the human body. The commercial preparation of tea tree oil is diluted so that it cannot cause harmful effects to the body. Diluted tea tree oil, on the other hand, cannot kill bugs and insects. Health experts also further stipulated that it is significantly dangerous to use “concentrated” tea tree oil at home specifically at your bedroom. If tea tree oil in undiluted form is introduced inside the body either by ingestion or inhalation, it can have a negative effect on the liver so it is wise to always dilute this oil before ingesting.

If the room is exposed to “concentrated” tea tree oil, make sure to open the windows and provide adequate ventilation. Avoid entering the room for a short span of time because it the air is toxic. Eventually, if “concentrated” tea tree oil is smeared on the skin, it may cause inflammation as manifested by swelling and redness, blistering and itching. If swallowed, concentrated tea tree oil can cause significant diarrhea.

If diluted tea tree oil is employed for bed bugs, it can only make the bugs weak, not killed. The diluted form of tea tree oil is non – toxic to humans and is considered to be a cheaper remedy for the control of bed bug bites. Therefore, it can kill bugs but in concentrated form. However, concentrated tea tree oil must not be used as a household insect killer because of its toxicity. On the other hand, diluted form of tea tree oil is non – toxic but in cannot kill bugs and insects.

As mentioned earlier, tea tree oil is used as an ingredient of many cosmetic products such as facial creams, ointments, lotions, soaps, shampoos and even acne removing agents. Allergic reaction to tea tree oil is rare. However, if hypersensitivity occurs, manifestations include mild dermatitis, blister formation and rashes. It is important to remember that tea tree oil is for external use only. It must not be introduced inside the body even in very small amount because it can cause mild to severe adverse reactions. If untoward effects occur after use, consult your doctor.


How Does Serrapeptidase Support A Healthy Immune System, Regulate Inflammation, And More?

Date: September 01, 2011 02:25 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Serrapeptidase Support A Healthy Immune System, Regulate Inflammation, And More?

What Does Serrapeptidase Do In The Body?

Serrapeptidase is an enzyme which is protein - digesting by nature. It is considered to be one of the types of proteolytic enzymes which consist of the chemical substance protease. This chemical is derived from a non - genetically engineered fungus of the family of Aspergillus. Serrapeptidase is a dietary supplement which may be isolated from Serrapeptidase oryzae and Serrapeptidase melleus. Studies have claimed that this dietary supplement is effective as an anti - inflammatory, respiratory aid, cardiovascular or immune support. Other names of Serrapeptidase include serration - peptidase and serrapeptase.

During the early 1990’s, Serrapeptidase was isolated from the microorganism Serratia marcescens which is a known human pathogen found in the digestive tract of the Japanese silkworm. Many studies have been conducted to uncover the medicinal purposes of this bacterial enzyme. In fact, it has been widely used clinically in specific areas of Asia and Europe primarily as an inflammation relief agent.

These are some of the uses of the enzyme Serrapeptidase:

1. ANTI – THROMBIC AND FIBRINOLYTIC. Serrapeptidase can significantly prevent the build – up of blood clots. These clots must not be accumulated to prevent thromboembolism which can cause life threatening health conditions such as heart attack and stroke. Aside from its ability to prevent clot formation, Serrapeptidase also has a good fibrinolytic ability. It can lyse or dissolve already – formed blood clots.

2. PH REGULATOR. This proteolytic enzyme is considered to be an alkaline metalloprotease enzyme. It can selectively act on specific biological systems and prevent the activation of immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin A. These body chemicals are immune system factors which helps the body prevent from infections and illnesses.

3. GOOD PROTEIN DIGESTER. Clinical studies have revealed that Serrapeptidase has a very good ability to digest protein molecules and its substrates. This is the reason behind why Serrapeptidase can effectively dissolve protein – based tissues such as fibrins, blood clots, cysts and certain inflammations. The advantage of this enzyme is that it can dissolve unnecessary tissues without harming the normal living tissues.

4. PROFOUND ANTI – INFLAMMATIORY AGENT. Serrapeptidase can effectively prevent and reduce inflammation, thus reducing swelling and pain sensation. The mechanism of action is said to be that Serrapeptidase blocks the synthesis of pain – inducing amines. Another mechanism is that it can effectively inactivate pro – inflammatory chemicals known as cytokines. In fact, this chemical is one of the components of analgesic drugs in Europe. The positive effect of this enzyme is that it does not have any digestive side effects.

5. RESPIRATORY AID. This enzyme is also helpful in improving the health of the respiratory system. It effectively alters the elasticity and viscosity of the dense mucus in people with respiratory problem such as sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, and pulmonary diseases. People who are taking this enzyme supplement have shown improved liquefaction and expectoration of the mucus, thus Serrapeptidase is considered to be an effective mucolytic agent widely used all over the world.

Serrapeptidase is generally safe. Clinical studies have revealed that the sources of this enzyme are non – pathogenic except of one strain known as Serratia marcesens. This strain is pathogenic to human body. It may cause hypersensitivity or any untoward signs and symptoms. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before starting such supplementation.


What is Wild Yam Root And How Does It Help PMS And More?

Date: July 25, 2011 02:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is Wild Yam Root And How Does It Help PMS And More?

Wild Yam And Your Health

Wild yam root refers to a group of tubers related to the common yam. While the common yam is consumed as a vegetable, wild yam root is known for its medicinal properties. It has been linked to many studies in the past few decades. It is a source of the plant steroid diosgenin, which is converted to progesterone in the laboratory. It has also shown to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Dioscorea villosa is the plant species often referred to as wild yam root, inasmuch as most products and supplements that are marketed as wild yam obtain extracts from this plant. Its positive effects on health are attributed to steroid-like organic compounds called saponins. Nevertheless, these saponins and other active ingredients of the root can also be derived in other closely related wild yam species.

Rebalances Female Hormones

Wild yam root is one of the most recognized plant species in the nutraceutical industry, especially in niches concerning the alleviation of hot flashes, night sweats, and other vasomotor symptoms. It is rich in compounds that precursors to human sex hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone.

Whether modified or not, the compounds extracted from wild yam root display estrogenic activities inside the female body, and they can be administered through the mouth or skin. They work normalize fluctuating levels of hormones, as is the case during menopause.

Counteracts Pain Chemicals

The phytochemical content of wild yam room is anti-inflammatory in nature. Not surprisingly, it has been used in the treatment of inflammation-induced disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, renal colic, ulcerative colitis, muscle cramps, abdominal pain, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Wild yam root suppresses the releases of endogenous compounds responsible for the perception of pain in certain body parts. In addition, it also inhibits the excessive productions of immune cells that trigger hypersensitivity and immune disorders, such as bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Boosts Bone Mineral Density

Extracts of wild yam root are commercially touted to prevent bone loss characteristic of osteoporosis. Since the human bones are the primary reserves of calcium and other minerals, they undergo a continuous cycle of demineralization to meet the mineral demands of other parts of the body.

The process of demineralization that alters bone density throughout life is called bone resorption. It is influenced by other factors, such as sedentary lifestyle and mineral deficiencies. With a balanced diet, regular consumption of wild yam root has been reported to easily reverse bone loss.

Reduces Overall Lipid Levels

There is a growing body of literature devoted to the effects of wild yam root on overall lipid levels in the blood. Wild yam root supplements are believed to lower utilization of triglycerides in the liver, limiting the releases of cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, and free fatty acids into the bloodstream.

In addition, regular intake of wild yam root extracts appears to interfere with the breakdown of fats into easily digestible fatty acids and their subsequent absorption in the small intestines. This results in lower fat intake and healthier levels of cholesterol.

What is stopping you from trying it?


Can Nettle Leaves Help with Allergies?

Date: July 12, 2011 12:48 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Nettle Leaves Help with Allergies?

Nettle And Allergies

Nettle leaf is a traditional medication for excessive inflammation in many European countries. It is valued for its hollow hairs called trichomes, which work as a counter-irritant. In addition to its putative effect on allergic rhinitis or hay fever, it remains extensively used as a treatment for joint pain, muscle spasms, back ache, osteoarthritis, atopic eczema, gout, and other disorders induced by inflammation.

Urtica dioica is the plant species referred to as the common nettle or stinging nettle, from which nettle leaf is harvested from in general. It is an herbaceous shrub that grows up to 2 meters in height. It is botanically noted for its trichomes, which inject list of inflammatory agents into the skin upon contact. In alternative medicine, these organic compounds are processed to combat excessive inflammation.

Nettles enjoy a wide distribution in almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica and South America. In particular, stinging nettle has been successfully naturalized in all regions outside the Frigid Zone. It prefers soils that retain moisture and receive high rainfall. Hence, it thrives well in tropical and subtropical regions. In temperate zones, it is often found in the wild and abandoned settlements.Solaray - Nettle Leaves 180ct 450mg

Nettle leaf has had a centuries-old association with folk medicine of England, Germany, Sweden, and much of Northern Europe. It is mentioned in the Old English poem called Nine Herbs Charm, which describes the common nettle as a treatment for poison and infection. In Germany, herbal preparations that contain nettle extracts are among the leading adjuvant remedies for allergic rhinitis and joint pain.

Hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system in the form of allergies is a reaction to otherwise harmless substances called allergens. These reactions include eczema, hives, hay fever, asthma, anaphylaxis, insect bites, and even systemic allergic reactions. Modern herbalists have long employed nettle leaf for the prevention, amelioration, and cure of hay fever and related allergic reactions.

The hollow stinging hairs of nettle leaf are a natural source of organic compounds that are similar to the chemicals released by the body during allergic reactions, such as histamine and acetylcholine. It produces optimum results when applied directly, as is the case with topical creams and alcoholic tinctures. Allergies subside when these compounds are introduced to local tissues underneath the skin.

Extracts of nettle leaf contain phytochemicals that display anti-inflammatory activities when ingested. The exact mechanism of action is still under investigation. Based on initial results, researchers are positive that nettle leaf exerts an inhibitory effect on pro-inflammatory cell-signaling protein molecules known as cytokines, which are directly involved in hypersensitivity disorder, especially hay fever.

More importantly, nettle leaf has been observed to inhibit the transcription of tumor necrosis factor alpha, which is responsible for a diverse variety of inflammatory responses of cells and tissues. As a results, it downregulates the production of cytokines and interleukins incriminated in excessive inflammation during joint pain, back ache, food allergies, asthma attacks, and allergic rhinitis.


What is the Amino Acid Taurine and How Does It Boost My Health

Date: April 26, 2011 02:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is the Amino Acid Taurine and How Does It Boost My Health

Taurine is a nutrient that improves cellular processes by regulating mineral salts in the human body. Many people consider it as an amino acid as it is derived from seafood and meats. It is not an amino acid in the strictest sense, but a naturally occurring sulfonic acid. It is pivotal to removing the water in the bile. Bile acids are produced in the liver in the presence of taurine and stored in the gallbladder.

Enhances Physical Capacity

Many energy drinks describe taurine as an active ingredient. Several groups of researchers believe it affects athletic performance, drawing on its biological roles. For one, taurine is necessary for the upkeep of skeletal muscles, and in athletes appears to lengthen duration of physical exertion. Also, it is implicated in chemical reactions in the nervous system, boosting mental clarity.

Counteracts Hypertension

There is evidence that taurine has an effect on blood flow. In the circulatory system, taurine is important to regulating the level of water and minerals. It is widely accepted that it modulates the movement of elements and their metabolites in the blood, such as calcium, potassium, and sodium. In fact, taurine has been observed to significantly decrease high blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

Promotes Liver Health

Taurine is especially good for the health. Numerous studies have noted the effects of high levels of taurine on liver cells. It has been proven effective in removing any adiposity in the organ. Clinical trials have published results that emphasize its benefits to people with liver diseases, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. It has also been observed that high intake of taurine counters hangover.

Lowers Serum Lipid Levels

In the liver, taurine plays an important role in inhibiting the releases of apolipoproteins, a class of proteins that bind with lipids to form lipoproteins. Apolipoprotein B makes up very-low-density lipoproteins and low-density lipoproteins, or what we refer to as bad cholesterol. This is the reason why taurine has been suggested to help people afflicted with cardiovascular diseases.

Normalizes Blood Sugar

It has been postulated that taurine protects the beta cells of the pancreas, the organ responsible for the manufacture of the insulin. Patients diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus have been reported to experience an improvement in insulin levels. Taurine is also helpful for type 2 diabetes as it also appears to enhance glucose sensitivity of cells, thereby decreasing glucose levels in the blood.

Scavenges Free Radicals

Taurine is an antioxidant known for its wide-ranging benefits. It is almost always associated with oxidative stress brought on by physical exertion as it protects the skeletal muscles from the damaging effects of free radicals. More importantly, it protects the liver, the pancreas, and the circulatory system from the toxic by-products of metabolism, notably during oxidation of chemical compounds.

Given the health benefits of Taurine, everybody should be taking some daily!


What is Myrrh and How Does it Boost My Health

Date: April 25, 2011 04:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is Myrrh and How Does it Boost My Health

Myrrh And Your Health

Myrrh is one of the oldest herbal remedies in the East and the West. It had a strong presence in many religious traditions of the ancient world. It was even compared to gold in value at some time in history. Early physicians noted its antibacterial properties and added it to poultices and health tonics. Modern medicine has started to look into its medicinal potential in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar.

Inhibits Pain Chemicals

Myrrh is obtained from the plant species Commiphora myrrha, though there are other related species that produce the same resinous gum. It is native to the Levant and the surrounding regions. As its use were quite common during the ancient times, it spread to eastern countries, eventually reaching India and China, where it remains an important part of folk medicine practices to this day.

In addition to its pleasant aroma, myrrh was prized for its antiseptic and analgesic properties in the old days. It was one of the ingredients used by ancient Egyptians in the mummification of their dead. Throughout the centuries, myrrh has been used primarily as a perfume or wound salve. It has a soothing effect on lesions of body surfaces that seem to remove the perception of pain.

Improves Insulin Resistance

Earlier studies have noted the benefits of myrrh to patients suffering from diabetes, drawing on its uses in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine. In India, physicians that practice both conventional and Ayurvedic medicine have ascribed certain species of myrrh with properties that remove disorders of the circulatory system, notably high blood sugar. Myrrh decoctions are the usual herbal preparations, but it is also available as liniments, balms, salves, tinctures, and incense.

In one laboratory study, myrrh extracts appear to lower serum glucose levels. It is postulated that it ameliorates symptoms of metabolic syndrome by enhancing the effects of the hormone insulin. It increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, even promoting faster glucose metabolism. In the Middle East, it is one of the mainstays of treatment for diabetes type 2.

Reduces Total Lipid Levels

Myrrh has been the subject of decades-long research on its role in the management of cholesterol. In the latter half of the 20th century, it was discovered that low-density lipoproteins play a major role in many cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis. The dichotomy of bad and good cholesterol hit the mainstream media to promote awareness of the lifestyle factors tied to cardiovascular diseases.

High-density lipoproteins are dubbed good cholesterol in contrast to low-density lipoproteins, or bad cholesterol. Low-density lipoproteins are actually involved in the formation of plaques within the blood vessel walls that leads to many complications. It has been observed that myrrh reduces total lipid levels in the blood by raising high-density lipoproteins and lowering low-density lipoproteins.

Give myrrh a try and experience its health beneficial properties for yourself!


Gooseberry Benefits Vision, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol And More

Date: April 09, 2011 11:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Gooseberry Benefits Vision, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol And More

Gooseberry And Your Health.

Gooseberry is a group of fruit-bearing plant species that belong to the same family as currants. They are easily recognizable by their round berries that are either bright green or deep purple in color. While most of the cultivars produce fruits that are bitter in taste, gooseberries are often added to desserts and preserved as jam or pickle. They are an excellent source of many nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, phosphorous, calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium, among others. Herbalists believe that the vitamin and mineral content of gooseberries do not significantly change after washing, heating, and other cooking preparations.

Different varieties of gooseberries are widely distributed across the Old World, with species native to Europe, Africa, and Asia. The American species are also considered indigenous to North America although many dispute this claim. Each species have been linked to varying herbal remedies, but they all have similar genetic traits and nutrient contents. European and American cultivars are known for the following uses:

Counters Visual Decline

Gooseberry is often associated with the improvement of eyesight. There have been numerous articles about its medicinal potential in the treatment of cataracts, myopia or nearsightedness, and macular degeneration. The fruits are indeed a good source of biological precursors of vitamin A, and the juice extracted from the fruits are believed to contain phytochemicals that contribute to the upkeep of healthy cells found in the human eye.

Reduces Blood Sugar

Almost all varieties of gooseberry are believed to lower blood glucose levels. Proponents of its use as a therapeutic remedy for hyperglycemia point to the modulating effects of its organic compounds and metabolites on the hormone insulin. Gooseberry appears to increase production of insulin and improve glucose sensitivity of cells, the reason why it is also in use in conjunction with other common treatments for type 2 diabetes.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

The organic compounds naturally occurring in gooseberry have been observed to show cardioprotective properties. First, they help lower serum cholesterol by interfering with the release of low-density lipoproteins, or bad cholesterol, from the liver. Second, they relax the smooth muscle cells within blood vessel walls, resulting in increased blood flow. Third, they strengthen heart muscles, promoting heart health.

Improves Hair Loss

The buzz around the ability of gooseberry products to control hair is supported by very encouraging results. It is believed that topical applications containing gooseberry extracts act on hair follicles, or hair roots, the part of the scalp that grow hair. Practitioners of folk medicine in Europe and Asia usually boil gooseberries, add the pulp to other ingredients to make paste, and apply the paste to the scalp.

Scavenges Free Radicals

Gooseberries are rich in polyphenols, with different species containing flavonoids, tannins, lignans, or their combination. Plant-based polyphenols are known for their antioxidant properties, which of course is important to neutralizing free radicals. Gooseberry is historically noted for its anti-aging effects, and modern research support this centuries-old with the discovery of its polyphenolic antioxidants.

Give Gooseberry A Try Today!


Bad Cholesterol, High Blood Sugar ? - Try Prickly Pear!

Date: March 29, 2011 04:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bad Cholesterol, High Blood Sugar ? - Try Prickly Pear!

Prickly Pear Cactus And Your Health

Prickly pear refers to a large genus of cactuses known for their culinary and medicinal uses. It is also known as nopal, a popular vegetable from the young pad segments with the spines removed that originated from Central America. Nopales are sold fresh in Mexico and neighboring countries and largely derived from the species Opuntia ficus-indica. This edible cactus is rich in fiber and flavonoids, making it not only a healthy source of but also a potent medicinal herb. In recent years it has enjoyed a much-publicized association with the therapeutic treatment of diabetes and high cholesterol. Also, its age-old preparations for indigestion and other digestive problems remain in wide use.

Cleanses the Digestive Tract

Prickly pear has long been used as a digestive and an herbal remedy for illnesses of the gastrointestinal tract. In certain regions of Central America, eating nopales is considered the most viable treatment for indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation simple because it works, not to mention nopales are delicious. Of course it is now common knowledge that its high fiber content is the reason why it aids digestion and allays digestive problems. Furthermore, the phytochemical it contains serves as natural cleansers of the entire alimentary canal.

Lowers Blood Lipid Levels

Bad cholesterol is notoriously named so because of the fact that they are a reliable indicator of cardiovascular diseases, notably atherosclerosis. Recent studies have linked prickly pear, especially Opuntia ficus-indica, to better management of high cholesterol. The exact mechanism of action is still under scrutiny, but it is postulated that it interferes with the conversion of very-low-density lipoproteins into low-density lipoproteins, or bad cholesterol, in the liver. It is also suggested that prickly pear may promote the releases of high-density lipoproteins, or good cholesterol.

Enhances Insulin Sensitivity

Among all the health benefits of prickly pear, its effect on diabetes may well be the best studied. Type 2 diabetes results from a metabolic disorder that impairs the capacity of cells to respond to the hormone insulin. Cells that have become resistance to the physiological effects of insulin significantly contribute to escalating levels of sugar in the blood, which often leads to diabetes. Prickly pear works on the principle of reversing this metabolic disorder by promoting the uptake of glucose.

Neutralizes Free Radicals

Free radicals are by-products of oxygen metabolism that damage cells and tissues, the reason why cells have endogenous antioxidants to fight them off. When there is an imbalance between endogenous antioxidants and free radicals, the body needs help in the form of exogenous antioxidant in our diet to contain the damage free radicals cause.

There have been numerous reports about the antioxidant properties of the herb prickly pear. In fact, Opuntia species contain a diverse variety of polyphenols that are not present in a single plant species. Nopales are particularly rich in betalains and flavonoids, both of which are organic compounds naturally occurring in nature that have been well investigated due to their active antioxidant properties inside the human body.


Natural Remedies To Control Blood Sugar

Date: June 17, 2010 01:32 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Remedies To Control Blood Sugar

Diabetes has now been found to be the seventh leading cause of death in the United States and Canada. It is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. The disease starts off as a variety of metabolic changes that are associated with hyperinsulinemenia and hyperglycemia. When this happens, Insulin Resistance Syndrome results, which is a precursor to actual, full-blown, diabetes. If left untreated, insulin resistance will develop into full-blown diabetes, which includes greatly magnified risks of heart disease, stroke, eye and kidney disease, and loss of nerve function. It should be noted that diabetes is the principal cause of adult blindness and limb amputation.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In this type of diabetes, the body either does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is crucial for the body to be able to use glucose for energy. The body breaks down all of the sugars and starches that you consume into glucose, while insulin takes the glucose from the blood into the cells. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into the cells, the cells may be starved for energy immediately, and high blood sugar glucose levels over time can cause damage to your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart. Diabetes occurs in people of all ages and races, with some groups having a higher risk for developing it than others. Diabetes is more common in African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans, as well as the older aged population.

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes, also known as type 2 diabetes, is a disease that is strongly associated with a sedentary lifestyle and the modern western diet. Inadequate physical activity, along with a diet that is high in refined sugars, saturated fats, and proteins, and simultaneously low in dietary fiber has resulted in an obesity epidemic throughout the United States and Canada. With this epidemic has risen the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. In fact, obesity is a main factor in type 2 diabetes, with almost 90% of those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes being obese at the time of diagnosis. Although there is still a disagreement as to whether obesity actually causes type 2 diabetes or whether diabetes causes obesity, there is one thing that is clear: the disease involves a huge disturbance to the metabolic balance of the body and weight is a major factor in blood sugar management. This disturbance leads to dramatic consequences for the individual.

In order to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, it is crucial that one prevents the onset of insulin resistance. Unfortunately, millions of North Americans unknowingly suffer from this syndrome. This places them at an increased risk for cardiovascular and neurological dysfunctions. Research has shown that complications that are associated with the development of insulin resistance may be mitigated effectively by conscientious dietary and lifestyle changes along with weight loss.

Vitamins B3, B6, B12, C, E, biotin, coenzyme Q10, and the trace elements chromium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc are all crucial for proper blood sugar defense and metabolic support, as well as the regulation of glucose metabolism. Supplementation with these nutrients at levels that are determined to be suitable for optimal nutritional health by cited nutritional authorities is an important part of product-rating criteria. Nutritional experts ask themselves whether the product in question contains vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, biotin, coenzyme Q10, chromium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc at potencies that are up to 100% of the potencies for these nutrients in the Blended Standard.

Excess weight seems to be a key factor in type 2 diabetes so it seems to reason that reducing body fat can help one improve insulin sensitivity. Losing weight is no easy task but is possible with consistent work. Fortunately, heath food stores have vitamin formulas that may help improve insulin sensitivity, but this is no substitute for good clean eating and exercise. For additional information on these supplements, please contact your local health food retailer.

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Honey And Your Health

Date: July 02, 2009 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Honey And Your Health

Honey is the perfect food, as it contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals, and is particularly rich in vitamins B and C. Additionally, it contains almost all vitamins of the B-complex, which are essential in the system for the digestion and metabolism of sugar. Honey is rich in minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and silicon, just to name a few. This is especially true for the darker varieties of honey like buckwheat. Although the amount of vitamin C varies considerably depending on the source of nectar, some kinds of honey may contain as much as 300 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of honey.

Honey has been used for centuries to supply energy and rejuvenate the body. Athletes all over the world use honey in order to increase their reserve of immediate energy. Due to its balanced sugar formula, honey requires no intermediate steps for proper digestion, making a rapidly supplied source of energy. A spoonful of honey is said to pass into the bloodstream and able to produce quick energy in ten minutes. If honey is taken with a calcium supplement, the glucose provided by honey can increase the body’s uptake of calcium by almost twenty-five percent. Even though many people see honey as just another form of sugar, it has a lot of advantages over refined, white, table sugar.

One universal application of honey is its ability to promote the rapid healing of wounds. Honey is perfect for any kind of injury that involved breaking the skin, as it protects against infection and boosts the healing process. A good amount of clinical studies have found the wound healing abilities of unprocessed, with tests confirming that honey can exert a protective effect against all kinds of abscesses including gastric lesions and ulcers.

Increasing amounts of research is confirming what ancients already knew about honey: that it has an impressive, natural antibiotic and antiseptic property. Research in Nigeria found that honey does exert an antibacterial effect on certain pathogens that cause cases of diarrhea. The ability of honey to stop proliferation of infection has made it a traditional treatment for wounds. Today, honey’s antibiotic action is in the process of re-discovery in the scientific community.

Recent trials have found that honey exhibits a significant inhibitory effect on the helicobacter pylori bacteria that is thought to be one of the single most common causes of gastric ulcers. These tests determined that honey was better at stopping the action of H. pylori than several other antimicrobial agents.

Another important use of honey is to treat a whole variety of respiratory ailments. Because honey has bactericidal, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties, the body is insured an immuno-biological defense and as the capacity to regenerate cells that are attacked. Results of one study found that honey facilitated improvement in cases of chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, and sinusitis. The report on this study concluded that treatment of non-specific disease of the air passages with honey is efficient when the right honey type and method are used. It should be noted that honey should never be used to treat any condition if there is a pre-existing sensitivity to honey. Anyone who is allergy prone should determine whether they are allergic to honey before using it therapeutically.

Honey is available in a wide range of forms including whole raw, pasteurized, and capsule forms for internal use. Look for your local or internet health food store for great name brands like Premier one and Montana big sky to ensure that you receive a quality and pure product to consume on a regular basis.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Honey is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.

Buy Honey At Vitanet ®, LLC


Fight Inflammation naturally

Date: March 19, 2009 02:36 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Inflammation naturally

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that often affects many of the body’s organs. An autoimmune disease, it occurs when the immune mechanism forms antibodies that attack the body’s own tissues. The majority of experts believe that lupus is caused by a virus that has yet to be identified. According to this theory, the immune system develops antibodies in response to the virus that proceed in attacking the body’s own organs and tissues. This causes inflammation of the skin, blood vessels, joints, and other tissues to result. Other possible contributing factors to the development of lupus include heredity and estrogen and testosterone hormones.

This disease was named lupus, which means wolf, due to the butterfly-shaped rash that many people get over their cheeks and nose, which gave them what many people considered to be a wolf-like appearance. However, the rashes may appear elsewhere on the body, including the chest, ears, hands, shoulders, and upper arms. At least 90 percent of those people who contract lupus are women, with women of Asian background appearing to be at greater risk for developing lupus than other women. Although lupus may occur at any age, it usually develops between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five.

There are two different types of lupus: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). SLE is a systemic disease that affects many different parts of the body and severity ranging from mild to life-threatening. The first symptoms in many cases of SLE seem to resemble those of arthritis, with swelling and pain in the fingers and other joints. The disease can also appear suddenly, with acute fever and the characteristic red rash appearing across the cheeks. Additionally, there may be red, scaling lesions elsewhere on the body, with sores possibly forming in the mouth.

Other symptoms of SLE include abdominal and chest pains, blood in the urine, fatigue, hair loss, loss of appetite, low-grade fever, nausea, poor circulation in the fingers and toes, shortness of breath, ulcers, vomiting, and weight loss. Many times, the lungs and kidneys are also involved, as about 50 percent of those with SLE develop nephritis, which is inflammation of the kidneys. The brain, lungs, spleen, and heart may also be affected in serious cases. Additionally, SLE can cause excessive bleeding and an increased susceptibility to infection. Amnesia, deep depression, headaches, mania, paralysis, paranoia, psychosis, seizures, and stroke may also be present if the central nervous system is involved.

DLE is a less serious disease, which primarily affects the skin. The butterfly rash forms over the nose and cheeks, with other possible lesions elsewhere, primarily on the scalp and ears. These lesions, which are small, yellowish lumps, can recur or persist for years. When they disappear, they often leave scars or permanent bald patches on the scalp. Although DLE is not necessarily dangerous to overall health, it is a chronic and disfiguring skin disease.

Both types of lupus follow a pattern of periodic flare-ups, with alternating periods of remission. These flare-ups can be caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays, fatigue, pregnancy, childbirth, infection, some drugs, stress, unidentified viral infections, and chemicals.

In order for a diagnosis to be made, the following eight symptoms have to occur either separately or at the same time: abnormal cells in the urine; arthritis; butterfly rash on the cheeks; low white blood cell count, low platelet count, or hemolytic anemia; mouth sores; seizures of psychosis; sun sensitivity; and the presence of blood of a specific antibody that is found in 50 percent of people with lupus.

The following nutrients are considered to be extremely important in dealing with lupus: calcium, magnesium, l-cysteine, proteolytic enzymes (Serrapeptase and nattokinase), essential fatty acids, glucosamine sulfate, garlic, raw thymus glandular, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, zinc, acidophilus, kelp, a multivitamin and mineral complex, pycnogenol, vitamin A, vitamin E, alfalfa, goldenseal, burdock root, feverfew, pau d’arco, red clover, licorice root, milk thistle, and yucca.

Natural alternatives can help support the body in the fight against lupus, but one should always consult a physician before taking matters into their own hands regarding this disease. Natural supplements like the ones listed above can all be found at your local or internet health food store.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.



Date: February 21, 2009 12:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Migraines

Migraines are severe, throbbing headaches that may or may not be accompanied by nausea, possibly with visual disturbances and other symptoms. Migraine incidences have increased by 50 percent within the last twenty years, with an estimated 25 to 30 million people suffering from them in the United States. Three out of four of these 25 to 30 million are women, with up to 24 percent of women experiencing at least one migraine in their lives and only 12 percent of men getting migraines. Migraine headaches are one of the most severe types of headache.

Research has described migraines as vascular headaches, as they involved excessive dilation or contraction of the brain’s blood vessels. Current research, however, gives other clues. The inflammation involved in migraines is most noticeable in the meninges, which surround the brain and the spinal cord. However, the inflammation of the meninges is not what leads to the pain of migraine, but instead abnormal nerve activity. Stimulation of the trigeminal nerve, which goes from the brain to the head and face, triggers the release of substances that are known as calcitonin gene-related peptides. These induce inflammation and send messages to pain receptors in the meninges. Some researches even liken migraines to meningitis in some ways, as the symptoms are very similar. However, meningitis is caused by viral or bacterial infection.

Migraines can occur anywhere from once a week to once or twice a year, often running in families. One factor that may contribute to the higher incidence of migraine in women may be fluctuations in the level of the hormone estrogen, as women typically get migraines around the time of menstruation, when estrogen levels are low. Most often, migraines occur in people between the ages of twenty and thirty-five, seeming to decline with age. Children can also suffer from migraines, with pain tending to be more diffuse, rather than localized. Migraines can first show up in childhood as colic, periodic abdominal pain, vomiting, dizziness, and severe motion sickness, rather than as headaches.

There are typically five phases in a migraine. The first phase beings a day or so before the onset of a headache, as changes in mood, problems with memory, an alteration in one or all of the five senses, and speech problems occur. Secondly, some people will see flashes or patterns of light and experience numbness of the hands and mouth just before the headache. This is called an aura, and is a common sign of a classic migraine.

Those migraines that occur without auras are called common migraines. The third phase occurs when the headache starts with a severe, throbbing pain occurring on one or both sides of the head and can also move from side to side. Nausea can also set in this phase, along with tenderness in the neck and scalp, sensitivity to light, and possibly immobilization due to pain. The fourth phase occurs when the headache dissipates, although nausea may linger. During the fifth phase, the person may feel tired and lethargic, simply wanting to sleep.

A variety of things can trigger a migraine in an individual who is susceptible, including allergies, constipation, stress, liver malfunction, too much or too little sleep, emotional changes, hormonal changes, sun glare, flashing lights, lack of exercise, and changes in barometric pressure. Dental problems and low blood sugar can also be factors, while other underlying causes such as genetic factors, chemical imbalances in the brain, poor nutrition, and the overuse of painkillers can cause an individual to be susceptible to migraines. Block Migraines with vitamins and herbs.

The following nutrients are recommended for preventing and dealing with migraines: calcium, magnesium, coenzyme Q10, DMG, DLPA, essential fatty acid complex, 5-HTP, a multivitamin and mineral complex, rutin, vitamin B complex, garlic, quercetin, taurine, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, cordyceps, feverfew, ginkgo biloba, cayeene, chamomile, fumitory, ginger, peppermint, rosemary, valerian, willow bark, and wormwood.

If you are experiencing migraines, consult your doctor before starting vitamin supplements. Vitamin supplements are natural and feed the body to make it stronger and capable of fighting the diseases it may come up against, but medications prescribed by your doctor can conflict with certain vitamins and herbs and a doctors consultation is needed when taken with medications. A source of natural vitamins are available at your local or internet health food store.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Natural vitamins and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.


Yeast Cleanse

Date: January 26, 2009 01:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Yeast Cleanse

When the immune system is compromised or nutrition is below standards, yeast organisms, including Candida Albicans, can invade the body and cause a whole variety of miserable symptoms. A yeast infection is a generally misunderstood condition which thrives in warm-blooded animals. With 900 species of yeast existing, the candida variety is the one that we have to deal with. Candida is similar to the type of yeast that is used to make bread. It is an oval-shaped microorganism that can reproduce rapidly by budding. Candida is unable to thrive on its own, with almost everyone having intestinal candida colonies. It is actually one of many organisms that thrive in our intestinal flora.

Normally, yeasts live in harmony with us thanks to a delicate balance of bacterial types. However, a yeast infection results when a certain set of physiological circumstances encourage the growth of more yeast. A lot of people experience a sensitivity to yeast in specific mucous membranes where the climate is moist and favorable such as the mouth and gastrointestinal tract.

It is unknown as to why exactly we have yeast in our bodies. After death, yeast organisms are responsible for initiating the work it takes to decompose our remains. When yeast organisms are able to flourish, a lot of systemic reactions take place, with some seeming unrelated, but together, making us feel downright lousy. The presence of yeast infections often suggests that our overall health may be somewhat weakened or our immune system may be compromised.

The human body possesses a variety of microorganisms that have to compete for nourishment. A health and properly maintained system causes these life forms to live in a harmonious balance with each other. Our skin and intestinal tracts provide the perfect home for these bacteria and fungi, as they release certain toxins and provide population control for each other. This biological balance can be easily offset when a number of factors exist. The development of yeast infection is often the first sign that we are not in overall good health.


Candida releases powerful poisons as it multiplies which circulate in the bloodstream and cause a variety of symptoms and disorders. The organisms can cause chemical reactions in the body and interfere with the body’s ability to destroy them. It can also produce a type of false estrogen that signals enough estrogen production, causing estrogen production to be inhibited. Candida Albicans is a very serious disease if it is allowed to thrive and is left untreated. Now as common as premenstrual syndrome, the two diseases even seem to go hand-in-hand, producing similar symptoms. Candida can invade a variety of body tissues and cause inflammation at the site. It typically attacks the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, prostate gland, skin, and finger or toenails.

The majority of the time we are totally unaware that yeast colonies occupy our bodies. However, if we come down with a yeast infection we can be sure that there is something else going on that will encourage uncontrolled yeast production. Three out of every four adult females will experience at least one episode of Candida, with most of these suffering from a recurrent infection.

Several physiological conditions which make us susceptible to a yeast infection include faulty nutrition, antibiotic therapy, a compromised immune system, and hormonal changes of pregnancy and PMS. Fortunately, natural alternative yeast cleanse formulas are available to help reduce the occurrence of bad yeast all of which are available at your local or internet health food store.

Fight Yeast at Vitanet ®, LLC


Natural Soap Bars

Date: January 20, 2009 09:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Natural Soap Bars

With the earth-friendly topic being on so many people’s minds lately, consumers are realizing that using natural personal care products is a simple way to start with a greener lifestyle. Consumer demands for natural personal care products has actually experienced double digit growth consistently for the past few years, with this trend not expected to slow. At the same time, non-natural personal care is typically seeing less than a five percent growth.

Natural is currently one of the fastest growing subcategories of personal care, with a large crossover clientele emerging and many mass, grocery, and drug stores are now offering natural products. Success has moved natural ingredients into mainstream brands, opened doors to food, drug, and mass merchant distribution, and driven major consumer brands to enter the market. Larger mass market companies are now realizing the extreme growth potential and profitability of the natural market as compared to the traditional personal care market.

Manufactures have been trying many different things in the soap market including making soaps for sensitive skin, using fair trade ingredients, and discovering new ways to make creamier and more moisturizing soaps. Consumers are looking for their natural personal care products to have the same easy use and performance level of chemical-based personal care products. There is also an increase in interest in using food-based ingredients, as it is appealing on a consumer level due to the familiarity, because if you can eat it, it must be safe.

Fragrance-free and sensitive-sin products are also on the rise, with thirty percent of the population reporting some sensitivity to fragrance, while more than eighty percent report that exposure to fragrances is bothersome, with many synthetic fragrances containing phthalates, which are linked to birth defects and health-related issues. However, the consumer must know that there is actually a difference between unscented and fragrance-free. Unscented products mask the odor of the actual formula with a fragrance, which leaves the potential for skin irritation and allergic reactions.

The Natural Products Association recently launched a Natural Care Product Seal and Standard so that consumers could more easily identify products with truly natural ingredients. Adhering to these requirements can prove difficult for manufactures of natural soaps. Soaps and creams present several challenges to formulators who are seeking to avoid chemicals and synthetic materials. Soaps made according to the above standards will cleanse skin and hair, although they may have an appearance and texture that was different than many consumers are use to. These soaps may be thin, create minimal foam, and may have a shorter shelf life than other natural products that are made according to alternative ingredient standards.

Although bar soaps are staple products year round, liquid soaps are currently gaining popularity, as bar soaps are often drying to the skin and have a high pH. Liquid soaps, on the other hand, have a pH closer to that of skin and also have the ability to moisturize. The market should see an increase in liquid soaps in the future, as the population ages and skin is drier and needs more moisture, leaving the moisturizing abilities of liquid soaps to meet these needs.


Green Tea Extract

Date: October 23, 2008 01:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Tea Extract

To understand the truth behind the medical claims for green tea and the antioxidant properties of EGCG, it is first necessary to have a close look at what green tea is, and why these claims are being made.

Green tea is a form of tea made from the leaves of the Carmellia Sinensis, a shrub that is native to China and has spread to other areas of Asia including Japan and the Middle East. Drinking it is believed to impart many health benefits, including the prevention of obesity, heart disease and some forms of cancer and it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 400 years.

Tea is known to have been consumed in China for around 5,000 years, and used, not only in Chinese medicine, but also in that of Japan, Thailand and India for a number of ailments including regulating blood sugar, treating wounds and digestive problems. The drinking of green tea to benefit the heart and other vital organs is described in the Kissa Yojoki (Book of Tea), written in 1191 by Eisai, a Japanese Zen priest.

This two-part book talks about the various medicinal benefits of green tea, such as preventing fatigue, curing beriberi, quenching thirst, clearing the thoughts, maintaining health of the urinary tract and improving digestive problems. It also explains how to grow tea and how to prepare and use the leaves. The methods of treatment of various ailments and medical conditions are described in the second part of the book.

The active ingredients in green tea are catechins, polyphenols with strong anti-oxidant properties. Antioxidants are important components of your diet due to their effect on free radicals. These are small molecules, generally oxygenated, such the superoxide cation and hydrogen peroxide that are generated during normal metabolic processes and also ingested in pollutants such as traffic and factory fumes and insecticides. Free radicals are also formed by the effect of the ultra-violet component of sunlight on your skin and other tissues.

The effect of free radicals on your body can be devastating, and they not only destroy cell membranes but also oxidize such molecules as the low density lipids (LDL) that carry cholesterol around your bloodstream. This allows the LDLs to be absorbed by the white blood cells and then deposited as fatty plaques in the walls of your arteries. The end result is a thickening and hardening of the arteries that leads to a condition known as atherosclerosis, where the blood supply to the brain and heart muscle is restricted, which can in turn lead to strokes and heart disease.

Their effect on your cells is to cause cancer and premature aging, among others, and free radicals are also believed to play a part in conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and also inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and diabetes. They can also cause damage to your DNA.

It is essential, therefore, that these free radicals are destroyed as quickly as they are generated, and that is what antioxidants do. You might be more familiar with the antioxidants Vitamins A, C and E, and phytochemicals such as flavonoids and carotenoids, but there are many substances available to you that are even more powerful such as the polyphenols found in green tea.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most powerful of these with antioxidant properties at least twenty five times that of Vitamin E, and 100 times that of Vitamin C. EGCG comprises around 10-50% of the total catechin content of the tea and studies indicate that it likely helps to protect against DNA damage by free radicals, to protect against oxidation of LDL, provide protection against the damage of ultra-violet radiation and to protect you from the free radicals that are generated by smoking tobacco and general airborne pollution.

There are suggestions that the bioavailability of EGCG can be increased by consuming black pepper when drinking green tea, possibly due to the presence of piperine in the pepper. The piperine appears to retard the intestinal glucuronidation of EGCG and so allow more of it to be absorbed as opposed to excreted. So if you are using green tea for health reasons, spice up your food with a small amount of black pepper - that's all it needs. You don't have to smother your food in it! It should be stressed that these tests were carried out on animals, although the biochemistry involved is much the same.

The oxidation of fat by your metabolism to provide energy is a very important factor in weight control. If the contribution of the fats you ingest to the energy generated by your metabolism is low, then the fats can go on to be deposited in your body. This is not only unsightly, in that it can basically make you look 'fat', but is also dangerous to your health. Fat deposits around your midriff and round the major organs of your body can be extremely damaging and a severe risk to your health.

It has been shown by a recent study in the UK (Birmingham University) that those taking green tree extract displayed a 17% increase in fat oxidation over those given a placebo. Not only that, but the ratio of fat oxidation to the overall energy expenditure showed a similar differential between the study and the control group. This provides evidence of green tea extract being able to control your weight by burning fat, and also to improve the tolerance to glucose and sensitivity to insulin of healthy people.

Many other health claims have been made for green tea extract, although many of these have little, if any, scientific basis. Among these are the claims that it can treat multiple sclerosis and be used to treat cancer, although claims that it can prevent the destruction of cell membranes due to its oxidative effect are supported by the biochemistry, if not the medical proof. There are cases where theoretical biochemistry can explain many of the applications of ancient remedies without needing modern day studies to support it.

Some of the research supporting the green tea theories include:

1. In 2006, a study was announced that had followed over 40,500 Japanese men and women, aged between 40 and 79, that had no history of coronary heart disease, stroke or cancer starting in 1994. It was found that those who drank at least 5 cups of tea per day had a 16% lower risk of dying from any cause and a 26% less risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those that drank less than one cup of tea each day. Since cardiovascular disease and cancer are the major causes of death world-wide, these are significant results.

2. Again in 2006, it was reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that studies indicated that a higher consumption of green tea was associated with a reduction in human mental impairment when compared to the average.

3. Yale University School of Medicine reported later that year that, in spite of smoking more than their western counterparts, Asians suffered lower rates of cancer and heart disease, and put that down to them drinking over 4 pints of green tea daily. It was the polyphenol content of green tea and its antioxidant effect that was proposed for this result, known commonly as the 'Asian paradox'. A specific reason given for this was the antioxidant effect preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and its subsequent deposition in the artery walls.

4. Another component of green tea is the amino acid L-Theanine that promotes relaxation, and it is believed that this could help to fight stress by inhibiting the excitation of cortical neurons.

There is a lot more evidence for the health benefits of green tea, and once again it appears that the ancients have been proved correct. Perhaps we should pay more attention to ancient remedies, although without the proper evidence much of it is ignored - for the time being at least. Green tea, however, has generally been accepted due to the research and studies carried out on ECGC (Epigallocatechin gallate) and in additional to the traditional form, is also available as a dietary supplement.

Vitanet ®, LLC


Green Coffee Bean Extract

Date: October 22, 2008 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Green Coffee Bean Extract

It is known that aging is largely a result of the effect of free radicals on our body cells, and that green coffee bean extract can be used to fight against these. While we intuitively understand what the term ‘aging’ means, very few people can actually describe it in words, although there are several theories of why it occurs.

The most viable of these include the Error Catastrophe Theory, related to faulty molecular transcription and errors in cellular function, the Crosslinkage Theory, in which progressively increasing cross-linking between proteins slows the body functions down, and the Neuroendocrine Theory, in which changes in homeostasis and hormone levels occur through time due to an increasing loss of sensitivity of receptors to feedback inhibition.

However, by far the most acceptable and best understood theory is the Free Radical Theory of Aging, which green coffee beans have been found to help fight, and it is on that which we shall focus here.

The Free Radical Theory of Aging

Free radicals are oxidants created by unpaired electrons. Electrons generally go around in pairs, but occasionally molecules lose one of these electrons, creating a situation where it possesses an unpaired electron. In this condition, that molecule has only one purpose in life and that is to oxidize other molecules by stealing an electron from them.

Oxidation can cause untold damage to cell membranes, and also to other molecules that are vital to life, such as DNA. The end result is aging, and the onset of many diseases and conditions connected with aging. Free radicals are believed to be behind inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and Crohn’s disease, strokes, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer among many others. Each of these is associated with aging.

Free radicals are generated in the body in four different ways:

1. Energy is generated by the intercellular mitochondria by the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). By-products of the mechanism by which this is done include hydrogen peroxide, the superoxide anion, and a hydroxyl radical. Over 20 billion molecules of antioxidant are produced in each individual cell daily, and every one of these has the capability to do damage to your body. The figure for inefficient cell metabolism is significantly higher.

2. Peroxisomes are eukaryotic cell components that contain oxidative enzymes, whose function is to produce hydrogen peroxide that is then used by another enzyme, catalase, to oxidize other toxic substances. It is used by the liver, for example, to oxidize about a quarter of all the alcohol we drink to acetaldehyde, and also to remove other toxins from the body. The down side is that the hydrogen peroxide can escape and degrade the cell membranes.

3. Chronic infections give rise to a high activity of white blood cells, which utilize oxidants of various kinds to destroy viruses, bacteria and parasites. These include hydrogen peroxide, superoxide and nitric oxide which can also destroy the cells they are protecting.

4. Cytochrome P450 is an enzyme used to clear the body of toxic chemicals in our food such as pesticides and drugs. They also give rise to oxidative by-products.

In addition to these, free radicals are also produced by air pollution consisting of smoking, factory emissions and traffic fumes. Trace metals such as lead, iron and copper, are rich free radical sources, as is the ultraviolet component of sunlight, and caffeine, from tea and coffee, can also contribute to the store of free radicals in your body.

So where does green coffee extract come into this, and how should it be used. Free radicals tend to react very rapidly to accelerate aging, and in order to counter them, and hold the effects of aging at bay, it is necessary to destroy them almost as quickly as they are produced. This is carried out by antioxidants, of which there must be a plentiful supply available in each body cell.

Antioxidants donate electrons to free radicals, and so effectively neutralize them before they can attack the membranes of the cells in your body, or any of the other tissues that they can degrade. Many of the vitamins have a powerful antioxidant effect, among them vitamins A, C and E. Other antioxidants available in our diet include beta carotene and other carotenoids, flavonoids and glutathione, and also cofactors such as lipoic acid. All of these can destroy free radicals by the donation of an electron.

Green coffee beans have also been found to possess a strong antioxidant effect, due largely to the plant phenols, such as caffeic acid that forms chlorogenic acid with quinic acid, both cholorgenic and caffeic acid being string antioxidants. Green coffee bean extract is standardized to 99% chlorogenic acid. This substances not only reacts rapidly with free oxygen radicals but also helps to prevent to formation of hydroxyl radicals.

It has been established that green coffee bean reacts twice as fast as green tea or grape seed extracts, and speed of reaction is critical in the destruction of free radicals that have to be destroyed before they do damage. Other antioxidants found in extracts of green coffee beans include heterocyclic compounds such as pyrroles, furans and maltol.

The extract is made from beans of Coffea Arabica, this containing higher concentrations of chlorogenic and caffeic acids than the Arabica plant. The extract is also produced to be naturally low in caffeine, thus avoiding the negative effects of drinking coffee for its stimulating properties. When the green coffee bean is roasted, the antioxidant effect is found to decrease, and after roasting and brewing both the Arabica and the Robusta beans have reduced in activity to much the same level.

Studies on some of the conditions exacerbated by free radicals have indicated the effectiveness of green coffee beans as an antioxidant. It is believed to help reduce atherosclerosis caused by the oxidation of low density lipids (LDL). Oxidized LDLs tend to be easily absorbed by phagocytes to form plaques and foam cells in artery walls, thus narrowing and hardening the arteries, causing a deprivation of oxygen and nutrients to the heart and also increased blood pressure. Antioxidants from the green coffee bean prevent this from happening, and so help to reduce this serious effect of aging.

A good supply of antioxidants will also prevent the cell membranes from being destroyed, one effect of which is to age the skin. Antioxidants in the form of green coffee bean extract can help to maintain a youthful appearance while also aiding in the prevention of the more serious effects of free radicals that can shorten life.

There are no doubts that free radicals contribute significantly to accelerated aging, and that the antioxidants contained in green coffee beans can help hold back the physical signs of aging, while also helping to destroy those free radicals that threaten life by promoting cancer, atherosclerosis, and other similar conditions.

Vitanet ®, LLC


Polyphenols is an Antioxidant

Date: October 13, 2008 02:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Polyphenols is an Antioxidant

A lot of new evidence suggests that consuming more plant polyphenols is a powerful way to protect aging arteries. These polyphenol compounds help improve endothelial function, a critical factor in preventing atherosclerosis; inhibit abnormal platelet aggregation which causes most sudden heart attacks and strokes; fight inflammation; and support healthy blood lipids. Polyphenols that are of particular interest are those derived from green tea, cocoa, apples, and black chokeberry, which all complement each other in helping to build the body’s defenses against various ailments.

All throughout history, the medicinal potential of plants has been celebrated. Modern science has found that edible plants are to be valued for their high vitamin and fiber along with their rich store of polyphenols. Polyphenols are found in fruits and vegetables, as well as cocoa, tea, and chokeberry and have been shown to be a type of chemical that may protect the body against some common health problems as well as certain effects of aging. Polyphenols protect cells and body chemicals against damage that is caused by free radicals and block the action of enzymes that cancers need for growth, deactivating substances that promote the growth of cancer. The increased consumption of polyphenols has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and potentially cancer and stroke.

In Aztec culture, cocoa was one of the most highly prized due to its medicinal and stimulant value, along with its taste. The polyphenols found in cocoa occur in a higher concentration than can be found in any other food. They also have antioxidant activity much greater than those found in broccoli or red wine. The catechins and procyanidins that are found in cocoa seem to lower the risk of cancer and heart disease. Cocoa has also been proven in studies to reduce blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity, and slightly ameliorate the lipid profile. Although cocoa is a healthy and tasteful food, it is high in caloric content and therefore, its ingestion must be accompanied by the careful reduction of calories from other sources.

Many studies have shown that tea polyphenols can be extremely beneficial to human health, possessing anti-obesity, antihypertensive, anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer effects. Tea is the world’s second most consumed beverage, although less popular in the Western diet. Green tea and white tea retain more polyphenols in their intact form, as oolong and black teas undergo more extensive processing before they are marketed. Tea polyphenols break down in high temperatures therefore; freshly brewed tea contains a higher amount of polyphenols per serving than do tea drinks that are canned or bottled.

Similar to the blueberry, the black chokeberry is high in anthocyanins and antioxidant activity. It is native to eastern North America and has become popular in Eastern Europe and Russia due to its health-promoting potential. This berry protects the liver from chemical poisoning and the stomach lining from ulcers. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory, lowers harmful cholesterol levels, and prevents dangerous swings in blood pressure. Some studies have shown that this berry seems to prevent the harmful mutations in cell cultures, regulates immune function of human white blood cell cultures, and suppressed the growth of human colon cancers.

Buy Polyphenol supplements at Vitanet ®, LLC


Lutein 20mg (FloraGlo)

Date: September 26, 2008 03:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lutein 20mg (FloraGlo)

Maintains Healthy Visual Function*

It has been well established that lutein is present in high concentrations in the retinal tissue of the human eye. However, a study was conducted in human volunteers to determine whether taking lutein in supplement form actually increased the density of the carotenoid pigments present in the macula. In this study of eight individuals, researchers estimated the density of the macular pigments prior to having each individual take 10 mg of lutein daily in supplement form for 12 weeks. Plasma lutein concentrations were measured at 4-week intervals. During the first four weeks of the study, plasma levels increased five-fold from pre-supplement measures, and then remained at this level for the duration of the study. It was also shown that, due to increased deposition of lutein in optical tissues, macular pigment density increased by an average of 5.3% at the 4-week mark, and continued to increase until the duration of the study.1

A study was also conducted to investigate the possible role of specific nutrients in protecting the lens of the eye against aging, a risk factor for compromised visual function. The study was comprised of 376 individuals aged from 18 to 75. Of the nutrients measured, it was found that the lenses of individuals with higher concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin showed less of an effect from the aging process. The investigators concluded that these carotenoids might play a protective role in supporting the maintenance of healthy vision.2

The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) was a landmark study of the effects of diet and antioxidant supplementation on eye health. The study enrolled over 3500 subjects aged 55 to 80 years who were followed for approximately 6 years. Among the data collected in this multi-faceted study was a self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). The AREDS Report No. 22 examined the data from the FFQs and determined that, of the nutrients evaluated, only lutein and zeaxanthin were directly related to maintaining eye health with statistical significance3. These findings corroborated similar results of an earlier multi-center study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that also found that those with a higher intake of lutein and zeaxanthin maintained healthier eye function.4 These promising results have spurred the design of a second major clinical trial (AREDS2), which is currently enrolling participants to study the impact of supplemental xanthophylls (FloraGLO® Lutein and zeaxanthin) and other nutrients on age-related eye health.5

In addition, a double-blind placebo controlled trial was performed in ninety individuals who had signs of compromised visual function. Individuals were divided into three groups and received either 10 mg FloraGLO® lutein, 10 mg FloraGLO® lutein plus a multivitamin/multimineral formulation, or placebo for 12 months. In both the FloraGLO® lutein and FloraGLO® lutein plus other nutrients groups, improvements were seen in mean eye macular pigment optical density, visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. No improvements were noted in the placebo group.6 These results demonstrate FloraGLO® lutein’s beneficial effect on maintaining healthy visual function.

Newly published research has demonstrated that lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation may enhance visual performance under glare conditions. Forty healthy subjects took daily doses of 10 mg FloraGLO® Lutein plus 2 mg zeaxanthin for six months. They were evaluated for changes in macular pigment, glare disability and photostress recovery at the onset of the study, and at 1, 2, 4 and six months. After six months, subjects experienced an average increase in macular pigment optical density (MPOD) of 39% compared to baseline, and all but two participants experienced some increase in MPOD. This increase in MPOD was also directly related to measured improvements in visual performance after exposure to bright light, as well as photostress recovery.7 This study suggests another way in which lutein and zeaxanthin can help support optimal visual function in healthy individuals.

Potent Antioxidant Protection*

Most of the beneficial effects of lutein are ascribed to its potent free radical scavenging abilities. It is well-known that lutein is a carotenoid related to beta-carotene and possesses antioxidant activity against a number of reactive oxygen species.8

More direct evidence for the free radical scavenging activity of lutein is found in studies of its effects on human lens epithelial cells. Cell cultures were exposed to ultraviolet light after pretreatment with lutein or alpha-tocopherol. Both nutrients were found to reduce ultraviolet-induced damage to lens epithelial cells. However, lutein was shown to have significantly higher photoprotective activity than alpha-tocopherol9 demonstrating its potential as a high-powered antioxidant.

A further review of the mechanisms of lutein in conferring a protective role reveals evidence for its antioxidant activity in various body tissues. Lutein has been shown to be an effective antioxidant in vitro as well as in experimental models of a number of body systems.10

Supports Healthy Skin*

A recent randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study has demonstrated the positive effects of oral and topical administration of lutein on skin health parameters (surface lipids, hydration, photoprotective activity, skin elasticity and skin lipid peroxidation). Forty female subjects were divided into four treatment groups. Treatment options included oral administration of 5 mg of FloraGLO® Lutein twice daily or placebo and topical administration of 50 ppm FloraGLO® Lutein twice daily or placebo. Each treatment group received either an active oral treatment with a placebo topical treatment, a placebo oral treatment with an active topical treatment, both active treatments, or both placebo treatments. Statistically significant improvements were seen in all five parameters tested in all treatment groups compared to the group receiving only placebos. The greatest overall improvements were seen in the group receiving both active oral and topical treatments, while lesser but still significant improvement was seen in both the active oral only and the active topical only groups. Additionally, oral administration of lutein conferred superior photoprotective activity (as measured by skin surface redness after exposure to ultraviolet light) and prevention of lipid peroxidation (as indicated by levels of malondialdehyde in skin lipids after exposure to ultraviolet light) than either topical lutein or placebo.11

Diverse Cinical Benefits*

Evidence from various experimental trials suggests that lutein may play a protective role on the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Its antioxidant activity may also extend to the heart, skin, lungs and blood vessels, making it a nutrient with diverse clinical benefits. Lutein possesses the ability to promote the health of many body tissues.12

Suggested Adult Use: One softgel daily with food, or as directed by a health care professional.

Does Not Contain: milk, egg, wheat, sugar, sweeteners, starch, salt, or preservatives.

Scientific References

1. Berendschot TT, et al. Influence of lutein supplementation on macular pigment, assessed with two objective techniques. Invest Opthalmol Vis Sci. 2000 Oct; 41(11): 3322-6.

2. Berendschot TT, et al. Lens aging in relation to nutritional determinants and possible risk factors for age-related cataract. Arch Opthalmol. 2002 Dec; 120(12): 1732-7.

3. Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. The relationship of dietary carotenoid and vitamin A, E, and C intake with age-related macular degeneration in a case-control study: AREDS Report No. 22. Arch Ophthalmol. 2007 Sep; 125(9): 1225-32.

4. Seddon JM, et al. Dietary Carotenoids, Vitamins A, C, and E, and Advanced Age-Related Macular Degeneration. JAMA. 1994 Nov; 272(18):1413-1420.

5. Clinical Studies Database. Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2). Last Updated 2/28/2008. Viewed 5/15/2008.

6. Richer S, et al. Double-masked, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of lutein and antioxidant supplementation in the intervention of atrophic age-related macular degeneration: the Veterans LAST study (Lutein Antioxidant Supplementation Trial). Optometry. 2004 Apr; 75(4): 216-230.

7. Stringham JM and Hammond BR. Macular pigment and visual performance under glare conditions. Optom Vis Sci. 2008 Feb; 85(2):82-8.

8. “Lutein and Zeaxanthin”. PDR Health.

9. Chitchumroonchokchai C, et al. Xanthophylls and alpha-tocopherol decrease UVB-induced lipid peroxidation and stress signaling in human lens epithelial cells. J Nutr. 2004 Dec; 134(12): 3225-32.

10. Krinsky NI. Possible biologic mechanisms for a protective role of xanthophylls. J Nutr. 2002; 132: 540S-542S.

11. Palombo P, et al. Beneficial Long-Term Effects of Combined Oral/Topical Antioxidant Treatment with the Carotenoids Lutein and Zeaxanthin on Human Skin: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2007; 20: 199-210.

12. Mares-Perlman JA, et al. The body of evidence to support a protective role for lutein and zeaxanthin in delaying chronic disease. Overview. J Nutr. 2002; 132: 518S-524S.

Buy Lutein at Vitanet ®, LLC


Apple Cider Vinegar

Date: August 13, 2008 03:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an old folk remedy claimed to be beneficial in treating a long list of ailments. It is sold today by "health food" companies and others who claim it has remedial properties. Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made by the fermentation of apple cider. Unlike white vinegar, apple cider vinegar is a light yellow-brown color and is often sold unfiltered and unpasteurized with a dark, cloudy sediment called mother of vinegar (consisting mainly of acetic acid bacteria) settled at the bottom of the bottle.

Over the centuries, vinegar has been used for countless purposes: making pickles, killing weeds, cleaning coffee makers, polishing armor, and dressing salads. While many of the folk medicine uses of vinegar are unproven (or were disproved), there is some medical research backing them up.

The main ingredient of apple cider vinegar, or any vinegar, is acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar is also said to contain an abundance of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Do not use a metal container when making vinegar or storing it; acid in the mixture will corrode metal or aluminum objects making the solution unfit for consumption.

When it comes to losing weight, experts say you are what you drink. Apple cider vinegar has recently found new use as a weight loss and weight management aide, and has been included in many over the counter weight loss nutritional supplements. Anecdotally, ancient Egyptians used apple cider vinegar for weight loss. The acetic acid in this vinegar can curve the appetite which benefits those trying to loose weight and keep it off.

Some say apple cider vinegar can help arthritis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and assist in digestion. It is also thought to help the body maintain a healthy alkaline level. The acidic nature of this vinegar has been said to help scalp problems such as dandruff, itchy scalp, baldness and thinning hair. Apple cider vinegar can also help gastric problems as well.

Civil War, soldiers used vinegar to prevent gastric upset and as a treatment for various ailments including pneumonia and scurvy. Research suggests that this vinegar can delay gastric emptying. Ten patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and diabetic gastro paresis were studied; when the study was over the patients were able to demonstrate a significant delay in already delayed gastric emptying after the ingestion of vinegar. So delaying the rate at which the stomach empties can keep a sense of fullness for those looking to loose weight.

The effect of vinegar on blood glucose levels is perhaps the best researched and the most promising of apple cider vinegar's possible health benefits. Several studies have found that vinegar may help lower glucose levels. For example, a small study compared the effect of vinegar with white bread on blood glucose and insulin levels. Keeping blood sugar lower is important to diabetic patients which can help reduce the use of insulin. Subjects with type 2 diabetes showed a slight improvement in insulin sensitivity, but postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels were not affected when apple cider vinegar was added to a meal.

In conclusion, apple cider vinegar could theoretically interact with diuretics, laxatives, and medicines for diabetes and heart disease so you must be careful. Apple cider vinegar should always be diluted with water or juice before swallowed. If you have diabetes, check with your doctor before using apple cider vinegar. Furthermore, blood glucose must be monitored more frequently in patients with diabetes treated with insulin experiencing gastro paresis to prevent adverse hypoglycemic episodes. All those taking medications should consult a doctor because the acid in this vinegar can enhance absorption and increase Side effects.


Denture Bonding Cream

Date: August 04, 2008 12:56 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Denture Bonding Cream

Denture creams, also referred to as adhesives can be a great tool for extra denture suction, which naturally leads to better denture grip. Secure Denture Bonding Cream is not only great for uppers; it is specially designed for lowers. As new technologies develop, denture creams have been prepared with cellulosic materials, such as sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose, and hydroxypropylcellulose either alone or in combination with ethylene oxide homopolymers, acrylamide homopolymers and copolymers, or maleic anhydride derivatives to improve the adhesion properties of these creams, but there are some things you should be aware of.

Most denture cream is slowly dissolved by your saliva, and studies have shown that it generally passes through your body without any ill side effects. Denture adhesive creams and similar compositions provide the desirable mechanical and aesthetic properties, at a minimum of cost, making these types of products inexpensive and effective for securing the dentures in your mouth. Being water soluble, these fixatives can dissolve, wash out, and result in the dentures slipping and sliding. Most denture creams are water-soluble and can be washed out by eating or drinking which may not be desirable at times.

These creams act as a real adhesive which create a secure, strong, bond between the dentures and the gums. Look for a cream or adhesive that does not dissolve in water. These creams and adhesives are applied to the face of the denture or plate which is particularly adapted to contact and mold itself to the contour of a particular oral surface in the mouth. Multiple applications of the adhesive are not only inconvenient, but are usually impractical if not impossible depending on the cream or adhesive purchased. When the dentures become loose or pull away from the jaw, it will be necessary to apply more than one application of the denture adhesive per day in order to obtain and maintain sufficient adhesion throughout the day.

Zinc is a very common ingredient in many over the counter and FDA approved products. Zinc is an essential mineral that is found in almost every cell in the body and in foods like red meat, poultry, whole grains and beans and is necessary for the maintenance of good health and nutrition. The potential for absorption of zinc through the gums is minimal but does happen. Zinc denture cream may adversely impact your health and create a copper deficiency in your body if left unchecked. If your mouth absorbs an excess of zinc, this overdose can lead to hypocupremia and neurologic diseases.

Many studies have been performed on zinc over dose and neurological disease. All the studies of denture cream zinc overdose reached the following conclusion: Denture cream containing zinc and chronic excessive use may result in hyopcupremia. Tests for zinc levels in your blood can determine quickly whether you have a zinc overdose in your body. Action should be taken immediately against zinc pPoisoning if you or someone you care about has been experiencing symptoms such as numbness, tingling along nerve pathways and hypersensitivity and you use Poligrip or Fixodent, please consider being examined by your doctor. People who incur permanent damage from zinc poisoning due to use of denture creams may be eligible for compensation for loss, suffering and medical treatments.

In conclusion, good denture cream acts as an inexpensive, though temporary alternative to having your dentures relined. Most creams promise all-day hold however, with out personally testing each cream or adhesive it is likely that one may work for some but not all people. Denture adhesives also come with no warning make sure you read the label and avoid zinc products. However, ill-fitting dentures may impair your health- consult your dentist for periodic examinations and over all oral health.

Safe Denture Cream Available at Vitanet ®, LLC


Can the Fatty Acid CLA Help me Lose Weight ?

Date: July 14, 2008 03:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can the Fatty Acid CLA Help me Lose Weight ?

CLA is conjugated linoleic acid, a compound known as a trans fatty acid due to its stereochemistry, and while trans fatty acids are generally regarded as harmful, CLA is not because it is conjugated. This means that it has alternate single and double bonds in the backbone carbon chain, and the overall energy of the molecule is therefore reduced.

Linoleic acid itself is one of the omega-6 fatty acids, the 6 referring to the double bond at the sixth carbon from the omega and of the carbon backbone chain. It is believed to be the cause of heart disease and obesity due to its increasing use in the diet at the expense of omega-3 fatty acids. When the molecule is conjugated, however, the fatty acid has different chemical properties to the standard isomer, and natural CLA is mainly found in cattle products, such as beef and dairy products.

Conjugated linoleic acid is present in cattle because it is formed when linoleic acid is converted to oleic acid by rumen bacteria, that are responsible for the microbial fermentation of the feed of ruminant animals such as sheep and cattle. When oleic acid is formed, so too is CLA. However, the form used in supplements is manufactured from vegetable oils, and therefore suitable for use by vegetarians. The usual vegetable oils used are safflower oil and sunflower oil.

It is believed to possess several beneficial properties, including antioxidant and anti-cancer properties, but it is for its ability to reduce body fat that it is best known to most people. A growing amount of information is being collected on the use of CLA as a supplement in the weight loss industry, although there are as yet no definitive mechanisms that explain its action. However, recent studies have indicated it possess properties that can help to reduce the levels of low density lipoproteins in the blood, and reduce the possibility of atherosclerosis due to LDL oxidation by free radicals.

It is also theorized that CLA in some way regulates the prostaglandin biosynthesis that controls the level of hormones in the body that can regulate growth. An increase in growth hormones is one way in which athletes promote an increase in muscle bulk, while reducing their fatty tissue mass. CLA is also purported to increase thermogenesis, and so promote the loss of body fat and overall weight.

Although most studies on the effect of conjugated linoleic acid in reducing body weight have been carried out on animals, recent animal studies have indicated that might not so much reduce weight, as to increase muscle bulk while reducing that of body fat. The end result, therefore, is not a loss of weight, but a leaner body that has more muscle and less fat. All it needs is the results on animals to be transferred to humans, and this, of course, is frequently the case. However, initial studies on the use of CLA in the human diet have been very positive, so the signs are good.

Most scientific progress in human biochemistry has been obtained by virtue of prior studies on animals. These studies, of course, have been beneficial to the animals, making them leaner and much fitter than they otherwise would have been. It is believed that the same will be true of humans taking CLA as a supplement. In fact, recent studies are split about 50/50 with regard to the effects on humans.

While some studies have shown no benefit, about an equal number have shown a positive benefit in the reduction in the mass of fat in the body. Some of the negative studies may have been flawed in measuring total body weight, and not the relative amounts of muscle and fat, and also basing their results on people already with a low level of fat in their body. In that respect, then, the results look very favorable, and taking CLA as a supplement is likely to help you to reduce fat and increase muscle, if not altogether lose total body weight. However, is that not the end result that most people want? They might not want to be lighter in weight, just to have more muscle mass and less fat tissue.

In a study shown at a 2002 Experimental Biology meeting, it was shown that is was possible to substantially reduce body fat mass by taking CLA alone, and when it was taken in association with guarana, both the size and the number of fats cells in the body were reduced by 50%. However it has also been shown that CLA can be oxidized by free radicals shortly after ingestion, and that sesame lignans help to prevent this. Since sesame lignans can also be used in conjunction with CLA to reduce fat by increasing the level of fatty acid oxidation in the liver, than the benefit of CLA seems obvious.

The antioxidant effect of CLA is one possible explanation for its anti-cancer properties, though there are others. Its antioxidant properties also have an anti-catabolic effect, in that it can help to prevent the wastage of muscle tissue. The FDA has published studies that attest to these anti-cancer properties. Diabetics, however, should consult with their physician before taking CLA as a supplement, since there is a body of thought that it reduces sensitivity to insulin. Others believe the opposite, so more studies might be needed in this aspect of the substance before it can be said to be safe for use by diabetics.

Over recent years, the American diet has increased significantly in its content of the undesirable linoleic acid, due to its ubiquitous presence in margarines, and has reduced in CLA due to modern farming methods. Cattle feeding techniques have resulting in a reduction of CLA in meat products and milk, although eggs are still a rich source, and the CLA in eggs can resist temperatures used in normal cooking methods such as frying, boiling, etc.

It is this CLA deficiency in the diet that has been proposed as one of the reasons for the current obesity problem in the USA. The European diet contains more beneficial fatty acids in general than the American diet.

However, there is an increasing body of evidence being accumulated that collectively that suggests almost unequivocally that CLA can help you lose body fat. Unless you are diabetic, there are few if any contra-indications and an increasing number of people are finding it effective not only to lose body fat, but to replace it with hard lean muscle.

loss weight at Vitanet ®, LLC


Fight Stress With Magnesium Supplements

Date: April 17, 2008 04:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Stress With Magnesium Supplements

When stress hormones are released into the body due to a stressful situation, several things may happen. Your metabolic rate can increase, heart rate jumps, blood vessels contract and get tighter, the rate at which one breaths gets more frequent and shorter, muscles contract in response to stress among other things.

At the cellular level a significant inflow of calcium decrease cellular magnesium to calcium ratios which stimulates cellular function such as secrete fluids, contract, go into active mode. The muscles prepare to contract this includes the lungs, heart, and blood vessels. Nerves start to fire more frequent, the blood gets ready to clot, and secondary stress hormones are released. Normally when the stress crisis is over, magnesium moves back into the cells at the cellular level forcing calcium out relaxing the cells, this allows the body to slow down and relax, the nerves calm down and blood flow slows.

Magnesium plays a vital role to relax the body, once the stressful situation is over. The demand for magnesium goes up with stress. If there are inadequate amounts of magnesium in the body, this magnesium deficiency can in itself sustain a stress response. A magnesium deficiency itself can initiate and maintain a stress response without a trigger to cause the stress in the first place. Low magnesium states can prevent the body from relaxing and cause muscle cramping. After a stressful situation, adequate magnesium is needed to help the body shift over to a relaxed state.

Boarder-line magnesium individuals can have a mental, emotional, environmental or physical state of continuous stress where their bodies never come down out of the stress state. This can be detrimental to health and wellness. Drinking coffee, alcohol, and eating lots of sugary foods will cause the body to become depleted. Today’s diets high in over processed foods are lacking magnesium; one should supplement by either changing ones diet or adding magnesium to their diet in mineral supplement form.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include signs such as, muscle cramps or twitches, insomnia, irritability, sensitivity to loud noises, anxiety, nervousness, autism, ADHD, heart palpitations, angina, constipation, spasms in the muscles, headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, asthma and kidney stones (typically caused by a calcium-magnesium imbalance), diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, irritable bladder, irritable bowel, acid reflux, and premenstrual syndrome, depression, low energy, weakness in the muscles, weakening bones (bone density loss), and calcification of organs.

Women who consume high amounts of calcium can actually create a greater deficiency in magnesium leading to greater bone mineral density lost then if no calcium was consumed at all. Foods today that are being fortified with calcium are actually helping women loose more bone density because magnesium is not in the right proportions.

To word off the negative effects of a prolonged or over-reaction to stress including a shortened lifespan, one needs to balance out their magnesium to calcium ratios by adding adequate amounts of both magnesium and calcium to their diet. Supplementing with 400 mgs to 800 mgs of elemental magnesium is critical for one looking to live a healthier longer life that is free from stress.

Keywords: Magnesium Deficiency, Fight Stress, Magnesium, Calcium, Fight High Blood Pressure

Description: Are you feeling tired, sick or maybe you feel like something is wrong but not quite sure what it is? Would you know if you had a magnesium deficiency? Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic functions in the body; learn how it can help you!


Systemic C

Date: April 08, 2008 08:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Systemic C

A unique blend of compounds, including alpha-lipoic acid, N-acetyl cysteine, quercetin, and grape seed extract, which is designed to reactivate and recycle vitamin C in the body, making it more available for immune support and free radical scavenging.

  • Antioxidants support clear blood flow, cardiovascular health, healthy inflammatory response and immune support.
  • Uses non-acidic form of Vitamin C (calcium ascorbate), recommended for individuals with acid sensitivity.

The well-known benefits of vitamin C are recharged in this formula, which is designed to make more vitamin C available for immune support and free radical scavenging. The unique blend of compounds in systemic C may reactivate and recycle vitamin C in the body, providing increased antioxidant activity for healthy aging, heart health and immune support.

Vitamin C (as calcium ascorbate) 1 g
N-Acetyl Cysteine 120 mg
alpha-Lipoic Acid 100 mg
Quercetin 50 mg
Bioflavonoids 40 mg
Grape Seed Extract (Proanthodyn™) 30 mg
Suggested Use: 2 capsules/tablets 1 to 2 times daily.

Buy Systemic C At Vitanet ®, LLC


Fight Night Blindness, Boost Eye And Vascular Health With Bilberry

Date: March 19, 2008 09:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Night Blindness, Boost Eye And Vascular Health With Bilberry

Weakness of blood vessels is often seen during the aging process when blood vessels become fragile. Dark bilberry fruit has been shown to reduce blood vessel permeability, improve capillary resistance, and provide antioxidant properties, to scavenge free radicals. One way to fight the aging process of the body is to promote health in the vascular system by eating nourishing foods, exercising, and learning how to handle stress. Evidence shows that eating five servings or more a day of fruit and vegetables can reduce the risk of heart disease, cataracts, and some other disorders that related to blood vessel health. The dark pigment in fruits and vegetables has many health advantages.

A lot of people think that the only way to improve blood vessel health is to reduce blood cholesterol, minimizing the risk of a heart attack. That is an essential goal, but blood vessels should also have strength and integrity to maintain their health in order to carry nutrients and oxygen through the body to feed the tissues. As we age, eye function begins to diminish and causes a lot of people to fear that they are losing their eyesight.

The blood vessels decline in function, but there are other factors such as the reduction of arrestin and rhodopsin. Arrestin is a protein while rhodopsin is the light sensitive pigment that can be found in the retina. The dark pigment of fruits and vegetables is extremely important to blood vessels and the health of the structures and proteins of the eyes. Brilliant colored fruits and vegetables may prevent strokes, heart disease, and help long-term vision because they improve integrity of blood vessels.

Bilberry fruit has been studied for over 40 years for its supportive effects on blood vessel health, blood circulation, and lymph flow. Blood vessels in the brain, heart, eyes, stomach, veins in the legs, and actually anywhere in the body have the potential to leak. In many regions bilberry extract has been used to support individuals with microcirculatory disorders including varicose veins, atherosclerosis, and degenerative retinal conditions including macular degeneration and cataracts. Diabetes, atherosclerosis, poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, excess alcohol and an inability to handle stress can all contribute to blood vessel disorders and cause the capillary’s membrane to thicken, therefore, increasing capillary permeability causing edema and leaking of fluid.

During the aging process, oxidative damage occurs by free radicals in the eyes, which then causes a loss in the transparency of the lens. Symptoms that occur because of this are blurred vision, increased sensitivity to glare, reduced visual acuity, color perception, and light sensitivity. When the eye structure begins to break down, vision impairment and cataract formation result. Bilberry extract has been shown to improve vision and twilight vision, helping the retina adapt to darkness and glare.

With aging, a gradual degenerative process is experienced which is caused by free radical damage to our body’s genetic material, cell membranes, and tissues. Free radicals attack blood vessel endothelial cells, and they begin to rupture. Antioxidants help to prevent AMD and reduce the damage of the retina’s photo receptors. In summary, blood vessel health is an important part of age management. By improving diet, managing stress, exercising, and supplementing with bilberry extract, one can promote the health of blood vessels throughout the body, and therefore, support the eyes.


Did You Know There Is One Mineral That Could Change Your Life Forever?

Date: March 05, 2008 04:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Did You Know There Is One Mineral That Could Change Your Life Forever?

Did you know there is one mineral that could affect the way you feel and change the way you live life forever? Yes that’s correct – forever - magnesium is that mineral! More than 50% of all Americans consume less then the required amounts of magnesium to stay healthy.

You might be wondering how you would know if you are deficient in magnesium and where you can get a test. Unfortunately it is not that simple. A magnesium test is available from your doctor, but when most people take this test, the results normally come back as normal, so we think everything is fine. This test only measures blood serum levels and not cellular magnesium. One needs to have their red blood cells tested to accurately measure the uptake of magnesium and at this time. This kind of testing needed is not readily available.

You might ask, “how can I tell whether I have a deficiency or not?” It is simple, look at your medical history. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include signs such as, muscle cramps or twitches, insomnia, irritability, sensitivity to loud noises, anxiety, nervousness, autism, ADHD, heart palpitations, angina, constipation, spasms in the muscles, headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, asthma and kidney stones (typically caused by a calcium-magnesium imbalance), diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, irritable bladder, irritable bowel, acid reflux, and premenstrual syndrome, depression, low energy, weakness in the muscles, weakening bones, and calcification of organs.

If you did not notice, this is an extensive list of symptoms that may be attributed to a deficiency in magnesium. Magnesium is essential for cardiac function in stabilizing cardiac membranes preventing arrhythmias. This mineral helps the cardiovascular system relax aiding in the relief of angina symptoms. Millions of Americans are diagnosed with heart disease yearly, a magnesium deficiency may be the cause.

The reason we are deficient in magnesium is mostly due to the fact that we eat refined, over-processed foods with white flour that have absolutely zero magnesium. The consumption of foods not rich in magnesium will rob our bodies of the little we still have in our bones and organs. Drinking coffee, alcohol, eating lots of sugary foods and stress will cause the body to become depleted.

If you are experiencing one of the above mentioned symptoms and suspect you have a magnesium deficiency, changing they way you eat can help. Pick up a nutritional almanac and find foods high in magnesium like nuts, sea vegetables, dark leaf vegetables and beans to start. Also, kelp, wheat bran, wheat germ, buckwheat, millet, brown rice, rye, tofu, soybeans, brown rice, figs, dates, avocados, parsley, barley, dandelion greens and garlic all contains high amounts of magnesium. Adding a magnesium supplement to your diet which provides 200 to 400 milligrams per day will help. One should limit the intake of coffee, alcohol, colas, salt, and sugar. Actually, many medications can deplete the body of magnesium such as water pills (diuretics) and antibiotics to name two.

So now you know what to do, you might be thinking that a magnesium supplement would be the fastest way to boost magnesium in the body for the time being. What form of magnesium is best? The recommended form of magnesium is magnesium citrate, because of its digestibility and absorbability in the body. Avoid magnesium carbonate, sulfate, gluconate, and oxide if at all possible for these forms of magnesium are harder to digest and will result in smaller amounts being absorbed by the body. Now what are you waiting for, give magnesium a try and see how good you can feel from it!

Buy Magnesium at Vitanet ®, LLC


Fight Acne by Eating Right to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Date: December 24, 2007 02:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Acne by Eating Right to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

If you are a teenager a cure for acne will likely be first on your list after finding a boyfriend or girlfriend, and most of us who have been teenagers can probably remember the misery that our perception of our looks gave us.

There have been many theories as to the cause of acne, and it is highly likely that there is more than one. The basic reason for the appearance of acne is that oils, dead skin cells and bacteria block the pores of the skin to form a variety of different types of pimples or spots, such as whiteheads, blackheads and pustules than can be irritating or painful. They can also be very unsightly, affecting the face, neck and sometimes the chest and back.

Studies have indicated that acne is caused by the over-production of sebum, a fatty oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin to keep it supple and lubricated. If this is excessive, the sebum can block the pores causing blackheads, and become infected causing acne. So what causes this excess production of sebum? There are theories that it could be due to high insulin levels in the blood.

High insulin levels are promoted by high blood glucose levels the more blood glucose in your blood then the more insulin your pancreas produces to help covert it into energy. Higher insulin levels are also associated with high levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). The result of this is an increase in androgens (male hormones), specifically dihydrotestosterone (DHT), metabolized from testosterone. This in turn causes an increased production of sebum leading to acne.

The complete chain, therefore, begins with increased levels of glucose in your blood and ends in acne. In order to prevent acne you would have to break this chain anywhere in its sequence, and the only viable place to do this is at the beginning reduce your blood glucose level. In order to achieve this you would have to determine what foods you are eating that could cause an excessively high level of glucose in your blood.

Glucose is metabolized from carbohydrates, ranging from complex carbohydrates to refined sugar. However, those that you should try to avoid are the refined carbohydrates such as pasta, white bread, rice and sugar. These are what are known as the high glycemic index foods that can cause a sharp rise in your blood glucose levels when consumed. The complex carbohydrates take longer to be metabolized and are not so prone to producing sudden increases in your sugar levels. These lead to more sustained and gradual increases in blood glucose that demand a steady insulin supply, rather than the sudden increase that can lead to acne. Such foods include high fiber whole grains, oats and the like.

Studies have indicated that twelve weeks on a diet of low glycemic index foods resulted in a significant reduction in acne symptoms when compared to a control that did not change their diet. It therefore seems likely that your nutrition can affect your acne, and that changes in your diet could lead to a significant long-term reduction in acne symptoms such as pimples, pustules and other types of lesion.

The same studies also proved a reduction in the androgen levels of those on the complex hydrocarbon diet compared to the controls, and also greater sensitivity to insulin. However, the test group also experienced a significant weight loss, and it was not conclusively proved whether the reduction in acne symptoms was due to the reduction in blood glucose levels or to the weight loss.

However, the result is in accordance with the insulin and androgen theory, and it is known that diabetes is connected with obesity, so the two might in any case be related. Acne, diabetes, and weight are all related to your blood sugar level, which is in turn related to diet and carbohydrate intake.

Although a low glycemic index diet is suggested, such a diet is not easy to apply properly, and a dietician could help you here. Persistence is the name of the game, and you will not see instant results. Note that the tests referred to above were over twelve weeks, and this is likely the minimum period you will need to stick to your diet. However, the minute you break it, and revert back to simple carbohydrates, your problem will return. There is no sudden cure, rather a continual dietary approach to the prevention of the condition. Acne is not a disease that you can catch and cure. It is a condition created by lifestyle and diet, and can only be controlled rather than cured until you grow out of it in your late teens or early twenties, although many people suffer from acne until later in life.

Your diet should include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and cereals, brown rice, fish, eggs and lean meats. You should avoid saturated and trans fats, and eat unsaturated fats and oils, with plenty of omega fatty acids, vitamins and minerals for a good skin and good health. Exercise will help by improving the blood flow to your skin.

You can also help your condition by taking some specific supplements. Saw palmetto and zinc will help to reduce the levels of testosterone in your blood, and vitamins E and B6 are also believed to help. Selenium, pantothenic acid and essential fatty acids are other supplements that can help with acne, but your best bet is to discuss your condition with a naturopath or somebody trained in the use of natural remedies and supplements with your condition.

Many swear by tea tree oil, although treatment has to be prolonged over a length period before it becomes effective, but you might prefer this to one of the chemical testosterone blockers that can be prescribed for acne in certain cases.

Overall, acne is not a serious condition but can be disfiguring. Although you can seek medical help in the event of serious attacks, your recommended treatment initially is to eat plenty of healthy foods low in simple carbohydrates, to take the appropriate supplements and nutrients to keep you healthy and to take plenty of exercise to maintain a good blood supply to your face.

In these ways you can reduce the number, depth and lasting effects of acne pustules, and in many cases clear the condition altogether.

Fight Acne at Vitanet, LLC ®


Cranberry May Help Fight Cancer

Date: October 31, 2007 12:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cranberry May Help Fight Cancer

A recent study suggested drinking a glass of cranberry juice before chemotherapy treatment helped boost the effectiveness of the treatment for ovarian cancer. The boost was 6 times the effectiveness with chemotherapy. Researchers stress that this is only a preliminary test, tart juices may be a new option for those who have built up resistance to their treatments. The lead author Ajay Singh, a research associate and natural products chemist at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ, said: “This was surprising and encouraging.” Also, “cranberries are well known as a great antioxidant and immune boosting berry that can strengthen the body and now we found that it can actually increase sensitivity to chemo several-fold.”

Buy Cranberry Juice and Capsules at Vitanet, LLC ®



Date: March 08, 2007 12:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Revita

Revita, the most efficient hair growth stimulating shampoo available in the market is the final result of DS Laboratories efforts on cutting edge research. Revita is a powerful and unique SLS/SLES free combination of active ingredients specially designed to maintain scalp vitality and act on folicle dysfunctions in order to achieve best results in short periods of time. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate, commonly used low cost detergents in shampoos and cleansers, are linked to skin irritation, skin drying and hair loss due to follicle attack. Revita is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate free, providing a high quality scalp skin safe shampoo product.

Revita was developed with a cost-no-object approach. Revita’s compounds have been chosen based exclusively on their properties, quality and efficacy (in the opposite of the majority of available products, which are usually developed with production costs in mind). The final result is a very high quality shampoo product with absolutely no equivalent competitor in the market. Revita combines costly first line compounds at high concentrations like Caffeine at 4.0%, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Seed Extract at 1.0% and Spin Traps (SOD Mimic) at 0.1% with other top level ingredients which make Revita a unique product in its class.

To improve the efficacy of this synergic combination, DS Laboratories developed a unique “chemical free” extraction process that keeps original properties and clinical efficacy of final components. Through gentle mechanical compression, Revita’s compounds are obtained as pure and chemically preserved active molecules.

Revita starts acting on your scalp and hair follicle since the first day of use. The time you will need to note the first results will depend of the severity and duration of your hair loss. No matter how long or how intense your hair loss is, using Revita on daily basis will improve the vitality of your scalp, maintaining the quality of your hair and stimulating new hair growth.

Through the synergic interaction of very effective compounds, Revita brings you a highly effective product designed to maintain scalp vitality and act on hair loss. By combining an antioxidant effect, anti-DHT properties, powerful hydrating molecules, hair growth stimulants and structural amino acids, Revita brings you the most effective hair growth stimulating shampoo available.

Apple Polyphenol (procyanidin B2 and C1) - phytochemical concentrate found in the skin of unripe apples that acts as potent antioxidant. It protects cells against free radicals, reactive atoms that contribute to tissue damage in the body. These chemical compounds are being studied extensively in labs around the world for their health effects in major diseases including treatment of hair growth. Studies showed that after sequential use, an increase of almost 80% of hair diameter and an increase in number of total hairs was shown, with no side effects.

In 2000, Japanese researchers presented their findings to the international community on the hair growth effects of apple polyphenols - specifically one known as procyanidin B-2. They identified two successful compounds- one from chardonnay grapes, and one extracted from unripe apples. The procyanidin B-2 fraction clearly outperformed the grape extract. "Procyanidin B-2 purified from apples," stated the research team, "shows the highest activity of more than 300% relative to controls."

In the same year, in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial, nineteen men with male pattern baldness were studied with a daily topical application of a 1% procyanidin B-2 solution, extracted from apples. Ten other balding men served as controls, receiving a placebo solution. After 6 months, the study concluded:

• The increase in number of total hairs and terminal hairs in the procyanidin B-2 group subjects was significantly greater than controls.

• 78.9% of subjects showed an increased mean value of hair diameter.

• "Procyanidin B-2 therapy shows promise as a cure for male pattern baldness."

Following the revelations, an attempt was made to further understand the mechanism by which the remarkable hair growth effects occurred. The results were published in the prestigious British Journal of Dermatology: Procyanidin B-2, extracted from apples, promotes hair growth: a laboratory study, Br J Dermatol. 2002 Jan;146(1):41-51. In this study, the researchers concluded that procyanidin B-2 acts to diminish protein kinase C isozymes, which play an important role in the hair growth cycle. Procyanidin B-2 seems to promote hair growth by down regulating PKC in both the anagen (active growth phase) and telogen (resting phase) of the hair follicle. When the anagen phase is prolonged, and the telogen phase is shortened, increased hair growth results.

Two more clinical trials and a total of seven published studies have now confirmed the surprising hair growth-promoting effects of apple procyanidins. Here is a summary of those findings:

• Total Number of Hairs: Significantly Increased

• Total Number of Terminal Hairs: Significantly Greater

• Increase in Hair Diameter: 78.9% Positive • Ratio of Thicker (terminal) Hairs: Significantly Higher

• Hair Follicle Activation: Intensive

In the most exciting development yet, Japanese researchers released a new study late in 2005. Once again, procyanidin therapy was proven successful in regrowing hair in subjects with male pattern baldness. The new study, published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, confirmed the findings of earlier studies, showing clear improvement in the number of hairs and the density of hairs in the treated area. Building on the success of earlier trials, the study was extended to 12 months in the procyanidin group, and proved that longer term procyanidin therapy was even more successful than prior 4 and 6 month trials.

Cooper Peptides - Cooper Peptides have two main properties: (1) potent tissue protective anti-inflammatory agents that limit oxidative damage after tissue injury, and (2) tissue remodeling activation agents, that is, the processes for removal of damaged protein and scar tissue and their replacement by normal tissue. Studies at numerous universities and research institutes have found copper-peptides to improve hair transplant success, increase hair follicle size, stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss.

Research scientists at the University of San Francisco Wound Center stumbled upon very interesting results. Their discovery was made while applying a synthetically formulated compound, Copper Peptide, to severe wound areas on several patients. During this process something unusual happened. Not only did the wounds heal about 30 percent faster, but a significant stimulation of the follicular cells occurred. As a side effect, these tripeptide complexes actually grew hair around the wound area.

The discovery was so startling that they then applied the same Copper Peptide complex to a female patient who had suffered roughly 90 percent alopecia (hair loss) for years. After about six months of use, she had recovered almost 100 percent of her hair. Dr. Loren Pickart, the leading authority in Copper Peptide technology, describes it as being like a protein injection to the scalp.

Tests were then conducted with chemotherapy patients and recent hair transplant recipients, all with great success in stimulating newer and stronger hair follicles.

Spin traps – are very special compounds that were originally utilized in measuring free radical activity because they react with free radicals both in vitro and in vivo, producing stable complexes. The most commonly used spin trap and the standard which measures new ones is PBN - alpha-phenyl- N-tert butyl nitrone. Hundreds of studies have been conducted over the last ten years that have tested PBN and other “spin traps” in numerous conditions. Later it was discovered that these spin traps had powerful free radical quenching abilities in living systems and could treat a variety of conditions. Spin traps could provide unique protection against free radical damage that complements and enhances the activities of the classical antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E.

Spin traps modulate NF kappa-B regulated cytokines and inducible nitric oxide synthases that are implicated in pro-inflammatory disease conditions. A method for ameliorating a cellular dysfunction of a tissue such as the treatment of hair loss and stimulation of hair growth comprises administering a nitroso or nitrone spin trap to the affected tissue. These agents inhibit the reaction of superoxide and nitric oxide to produce peroxinitrite. Scientists discovered that nitrone and nitroso spin traps have properties in the body for ameliorating cellular dysfunction in tissue attributed, in part, to high energy oxygen and hydroxyl free radicals, and enhancing recuperation of the tissue. Alpha-phenyl-N-tert butyl nitrone (PBN) can be administered, for example, as an anti-alopecia agent to stimulate hair growth.

Spin traps can be administered to the skin to be treated, such as the scalp. Depending on the type of hair loss or alopecia being treated and the conditions thereof, the stimulation of hair growth can usually be obtained by topical application, preferably repeated daily application. The utility of topically applied spin traps is not limited thereto, however, and the stimulation of hair growth can include an increased rate of growth, increased hair diameter, follicular neogenesis, and the like; inhibiting hair loss or alopecia from progressing.

Ketoconazole - Topical ketoconazole shows itself to have an anti-DHT binding effect in the scalp. Nevertheless, it is likely that ketoconazole exhibits other methods to its anti-hair-loss effect. One such theory of ketoconazole anti-alopecia effects may be on its activity upon the removal of sebum, a fatty substance that accumulates in the scalp around the hair follicles. In addition, ketoconazole is an antifungal medication and is significant for people combating hair loss since acting as an antifungal agent it reduces scalp irritation caused by fungal colonization or infection. Reduction of the inflammatory process that occurs in male pattern alopecia is crucial.

If we first examine the role of androgens, specifically dihydrotestosterone (DHT), we find that this hormone has been thought to slowly "choke" the growth of the hair follicle by inhibiting the function of an enzyme in the hair follicle called adenylate cyclase. Suffice it to say that when DHT concentrations remain high in the scalp, we see terminal (thick, coarse) scalp hair become reduced to vellus hair (fine, thin peach fuzz). On March 04, 2001, at the American Academy of Dermatology Meeting in Washington DC, scientists presented the findings of a study done on 1% ketoconazole shampoo which had good news for hair loss sufferers. In the study presented, one hundred male volunteers with mild to moderate dandruff and somewhat oily scalp, were using in a double-blind fashion either a 1% ketoconazole shampoo or a 1% zinc pyrithione shampoo, 2-3 times a week for 6 months.

Analysis of the different parameters set up in the study shows that the hair diameter gradually increased with ketoconazole use (+8.46%) over a 6 month period, whereas the diameter showed a trend to decrease with zinc pyrithione use over the same period (-2.28%). The sebum excretion rate was reduced with ketoconazole (-6.54%) while it increased with zinc pyrithione (+8.2%) over the same period of time. The number of hairs shed over a 24-hour period was reduced by 16.46% with ketoconazole and 6.02% with zinc pyrithione after 6 months. Finally, the percentage of hairs in the anagen phase increased by 6.4% and 8.4% respectively during the study.

The results are similar to a previous study done on 2% prescription strength Ketokonazole where it was shown that use of 2% ketoconazol yielded an increase in hair shaft diameter similar to what was achieved by the control group using 2% Minoxidil and a non-medicated shampoo.

Rooibos - Rooibos or Red Bush Tea - a hardy shrub indigenous to the North Western Cape of South Africa – is an exciting new botanical ingredient with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties well documented in medical literature. In alternative medicine Rooibos is often prescribed for nervous tension, allergies, stomach and digestive problems. Results from an independent study also showed a significant improvement in hair loss. Studies were initiated at an independent laboratory (Dermascan, France) to study the effect of the use of Rooibos in a hair lotion on a group of healthy persons who were suffering from the problem of hair loss. A 90 day trial was conducted comparing a hair lotion containing Rooibos with a placebo lotion.

After 90 days results showed a significant increase of the hair growth in the lotion containing Rooibos compared with the placebo. An increase in the hair growth was observed with 89% of the volunteers with no undesirable reactions (irritation or allergy). The participants were next asked to fill in a questionnaire. When the results were tallied, 67 percent rated their hair loss as zero or low, 78 percent saw a low to medium improvement, 45 percent saw a low to medium regrowth of hair, and 63 percent considered their hair had become smoother and shinier.

Conclusion: results show that most of the volunteers had a remarkable improvement in both the increase of hair growth and the decrease in hair loss.

MSM - Sulphur is present in protein-rich foods containing high levels of the amino acids methionine and cysteine. These foods include meat, fish, legumes, nuts, eggs, and vegetables, especially onions. However, sulphur has recently become a popular nutritional supplement and topical treatment thanks to the discovery of methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM.

The use of MSM as a nutritional supplement and topical application is relatively recent. An American chemist named Robert Herschler, began studying MSM in 1955. However, another man, Dr. Stanley Jacob with Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, is considered by many to be the father of MSM. Dr. Jacob found that simple marine life like algae and plankton convert inorganic sulphur to organic sulphur compounds. These compounds are known as dimethylsulfonium salts. These salts are transformed into dimethyl sulfide (DMS), which is released into the atmosphere and is converted by ultraviolet light into dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). When DMSO oxidizes, it turns into MSM and is absorbed by plants that become food for animals and humans. MSM is a white, crystalline powder that is odorless and nearly tasteless. When taken as a dietary supplement, MSM proved to have the same health benefits as DMSO without side-effects such as bad breath, itchy skin, nasal congestion, and shortness of breath. Why does MSM help with the development of stronger hair? Various scientific studies have proven that MSM contributes a definite normalizing effect on body functions. The sulfur normally provided to the body by MSM is required for healthy collagen and keratin which are essential for healthy hair, skin and nails. MSM also has proven antioxidant benefits which can disrupt or alter damaging chain reactions of lipid peroxidation in the cell membranes.

MSM has been widely used as a dietary supplement without any reports of allergy or intolerance related to its use. Supplements of MSM are comfortably assimilated without side effects. There are no known contraindications.

Caffeine 4% - Active caffeine ingredient helps to regulate the effects of testosterone levels. Male pattern baldness is known to occur in individuals with sensitivity to testosterone, causing damage to hair follicles that eventually leads to baldness. Caffeine is a xanthine alkaloid compound that acts as a stimulant in humans. Caffeine is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, having the effect of warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness.

The independent study at the University of Jena used hair samples from the scalps of young men entering into the first stages of hormone-related hair loss. The study relied on a hair organ culture that used four different types of testing samples. The first was a nutrient-based sample, the second a testosterone only sample, the third was a caffeine only sample and the fourth a mixture of caffeine and testosterone.

According to the research, the results showed that the samples containing the caffeine nutrient helped to stave off hair loss and encouraged new hair growth, while the sample that relied on testosterone only led to increased hair loss. But perhaps the most impressive was the testosterone and caffeine sample, which helped to prevent further hair loss.

The results showed that using the caffeine treatment average growth was increased by around 46 per cent and the life cycle of the hair was extended by 37 per cent, when compared to the control study.

Carnitine Tartrate - L-Carnitine, a vitamin-like nutrient, occurs naturally in the human body and is essential for turning fat into energy. Active energy metabolism is an essential prerequisite for the growth of strong and healthy hair. In biological systems ATP acts as the universal energy currency. One of the most potent bio-actives that significantly increases cellular ATP content is carnitine tartrate.

Statistical evaluation demonstrated a significant increase in ATP equivalents in human hair roots treated with carnitine tartrate, showing that carnitine tartrate is an ideal ingredient for hair care formulations, providing energy for the optimal environment to produce strong and healthy hair. Throughout the test period ATP content within plucked hair follicles was determined twice daily using a commercially available test kit. Statistical evaluation of baseline adjusted values demonstrated a significant increase in ATP equivalents in human hair roots treated with carnitine tartrate. These effects were absent in the placebo group, thus underlining the stimulating activity of carnitine tartrate.

The outstanding bio-activity of carnitine tartrate was furthermore demonstrated in a second study, assessing the effects after a single application of a shampoo formulation supplemented with carnitine tartrate. Again, ATP levels in plucked human hair follicles were significantly increased.

Amino Acids: Ornitine, Taurine, Cysteine - Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, from which hair is created. They are assembled in the correct sequence by stem cells to form keratin, a complex and immensely strong hair protein. Vital amino acids have to be replaced consistently, as damage is accumulated over time. We can replace a combination of these lost amino acids directly into the hair, where they are shown to provide significant tensile benefits to the hair shaft.

Hair is composed primarily of proteins (88%). These proteins are of a hard fibrous type known as keratin. Keratin protein is comprised of what we call "polypeptide chains.” The word, polypeptide, comes from the Greek word "poly" meaning many and "peptos" meaning digested or broken down. In essence, if we break down protein, we have individual amino acids.

Many (poly) amino acids joined together form a "polypeptide chain". Two amino acids are joined together by a "peptide bond", and the correct number of amino acids placed in their correct order will form a specific protein; i.e. keratin, insulin, collagen and so on. The "alpha helix" is the descriptive term given to the polypeptide chain that forms the keratin protein found in human hair. Its structure is a coiled coil. The amino acids link together to form the coil and there are approximately 3.6 amino acids per turn of the helix (coil). Each amino acid is connected together by a "peptide bond". The peptide bond is located between the carbon atom of one amino acid extending to bond with the nitrogen atom of the next amino acid. In many individuals the extremities, including the top of the head, are the most difficult places to maintain blood flow. Follicles which are constantly deprived of blood, and therefore nutrients, cannot produce hair properly. Lack of proper nutrients, amino acids, minerals and vitamins can certainly hamper hair growth.

L-Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid synthesized by the body from L-Ornithine. Arginine + Ornithine support protein synthesis because they are involved in the transport and storage of nitrogen. The usage of taurine corrects the "rigidification" of the connective sheath that surrounds the Pilosebaceous unit and hair follicles, specifically those affected by pattern hair loss. This is a novel and previously undisclosed angle on hair loss treatment that has yet to be touched upon in any of the medical literature or prior publications.

The amino acid, l-cysteine speeds up hair growth and increases hair shaft diameter resulting in fuller hair. L-cysteine has been reported to facilitate longer hair growth, beyond what is genetically programmed. L-cysteine also provides potent antioxidant protection to the hair follicle. Users of topical n-acetyl-cysteine have reported hair regrowth.

Emu Oil - The emu, dromaius nova hollandiae, is a flightless bird part of a group called ratites which also includes the ostrich and the kiwi. Modern Australians learned early on from the Aborigines the many valuable qualities in the emu and its oil. The earliest research studies in emu oil come from Australia, and Australia continues to export emu oil to this day.

In the United States today there is a growing network of research labs interested in emus and their incredible oil. Emu oil is rendered from a thick pad of fat on the back of the bird that was apparently provided by nature to protect the animal from the extreme temperatures in its Australian homeland. Emu oil is deep penetrating and super hydrating to the skin - an all-natural tissue nutrient. Michael Hollick, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine, Physiology, and Dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine conducted a study involving emu oil and hair growth. His study found that there was a 20% increase in growth activity of skin that received emu oil compared to skin that received corn oil. Looking at the hair follicles Dr. Hollick realized they were much more robust, the skin thickness was remarkably increased suggesting that emu oil stimulated skin growth and hair growth. Additionally, the study showed that over 80% of hair follicles that had been "asleep" were woken up, and began growing.

Emu oil is anti-inflammatory, which may be in part why it stimulates hair growth. Emu Oil has also been shown to be a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor in target tissues when topically applied, which likely contributes significantly to its hair growth properties. A third important property of emu oil is that it is bacteriostatic.

Emu Oil contains a multitude of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) which helps to "feed" the skin. Consumers who suffer from natural forms of baldness have reported hair re-growth. Since Alopecia Areata only suppresses the hair follicle (vs. killing the hair follicle), emu oil may have an effect to assist with hair regrowth.

Biotin – Biotin is a member of the B-vitamin family and a major component in the natural hair manufacturing process -- it is essential to not only grow new hair, but it also plays a major role in the overall health of skin and nails. The beneficial effects of biotin on hair may be linked to its ability to improve the metabolism of scalp oils. Biotin when absorbed by the scalp may promote hair growth and it is able to penetrate the hair shaft making it expand which actually thickens the hair cuticle.

Biotin is used in cell growth, the production of fatty acids, metabolism of fats and amino acids. It plays a role in the Krebs Cycle, which is the process in which energy is released from food. Biotin is so important to hair health, that many dermatologists prescribe biotin supplements to their patients as part of their medical treatment for hair loss.

After applying Revita with a gentle massage, you should leave it on the scalp from 1 – 2 minutes before rinsing. Then repeat and leave on the scalp for 3 – 5 minutes. If desired, follow with a high quality conditioner. For optimal results, Revita should be used at least 5 times per week.

This formulation is contraindicated in individuals with a history of sensitivity reactions to any of its components. It should be discontinued if hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients is noted.

Q. Is Revita safe ?

A. Revita primarily contains compounds that are not only safe in topical use, but actually dramatically enhance overall skin health. The other active ingredients such as Ketoconazole have been tested in clinical studies and have been shown safe.

Q: Can I use hair sprays, mousses, gels, etc.?

A: Hair spray, gel, and other styling aids are not recommended since they tend to clog the hair shaft. However, you can use them while using Revita.

Q: Can I have my hair colored or permed while using Revita ?

A: While there is no evidence that coloring or perming hair can lead to or even worsen hair loss, it is generally not recommended for people with hair loss. If you are experiencing hair loss then perming and coloring hair is not recommended. However, this will not interfere with Revita.

Q: What is SLS/SLES free ?

A: SLS means Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and SLES means Sodium Laureth Sulfate, commonly used low cost detergents in shampoos and cleansers. They are linked to skin irritation, skin drying and hair loss due to follicle attack. Revita is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate free, and that means that Revita does not irritate you scalp and preserves your hair follicale health.

Q: Can I blow dry my hair after using Revita ?

A: Extreme heat damages the proteins in the hairs making them fragile. Nevertheless, if you need or want to blow dry your hair, you can do it after using Revita.

Q: Who is a candidate for Revita ?

A: Ideal candidate is someone with little hair loss or at the beginning stages of hair loss, since it is much easier to prevent hair loss then to grow new hair. Someone who is concerned with hair loss prevention should start using Revita immediately.

Q: What type of results should I expect with Revita ?

A: When deciding to use Revita, it is important to have realistic expectations. Depending of severity and duration of your hair loss, it could take some time to see hair growth. In fact, during the first 2 weeks of treatment you may actually notice increased hair loss as old hairs are being pushed out and the hair follicles start growing new hair. Do not become alarmed with this and just stick to the treatment.

Q. Does Revita have any systemic side effects ?

A. No, when used as directed, Revita active ingredients have a long history of use both orally and topically.

Q. Does Revita work for women?

A. Yes. In most cases, the cause of hair loss in women is surprisingly similar to men. Fortunately for women, estrogen helps to protect the hair follicle from the destructive effects of DHT. However, many women develop thinning hair and loss due to fluctuation of estrogen levels and/or over production of DHT. Revita can help protect the hair follicle from DHT resulting in a thicker, fuller and healthier hair.

Q. I am using other topical treatments. Can I use Revita at the same time ?

A. Yes. Revita has no side effects and does not cross react with other topical treatments. You can safely opt to use Revita with other products, and we strongly recommend the association with Spectral.DNC for more severe hair loss or Spectral.RS for thinning hair.

Q. Do I need to use Revita for a long time ?

A. Once you have reached the desired results, you should continue to use Revita as your regular shampoo to maintain the revitalized hairs and a healthy scalp.

Q: Is stress a factor in hair loss?

A: When the body is under significant physical and emotional stress it is possible that the immune system will produce anti-bodies that attack hair follicles, and this results in bald patches or diffuse loss. Stress-induced loss will respond very well to Revita and you should keep using Revita as your regular daily shampoo to keep your scalp healthy.


All Natural Hair Care Products - Salon Quality!

Date: September 01, 2006 01:48 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: All Natural Hair Care Products - Salon Quality!

New from Jason Natural Salon and Fragrance Free Hair Care

Jason Natural Salon Hair Care: Perfectly Styles, Perfectly Beautiful, All Natural.

This new line features a full range of functional products for healthy, style-conscious women.  Jason has combined its expertise in developing natural and effective formulations with contemporary fashion to create luxurious styling and treatment specific products. Four specialized hair care systems offer a line of shampoos, conditioners, styling and finishing products to volumize, moisturize, naturalize, and style—for bold, sexy chic to soft, silky bounce.  All the products are enriched with conditioning essential oils and botanical extracts to nourish and revitalize radiantly beautiful, stylish hair.

  • Paraben-Free
  • No sodium lauryl/laureth sulfates
  • No animal by-products or testing
  • No harsh chemicals to strip hair, damage or irritate the scalp & harm the environment

Jason Fragrance Free: Pure and Natural

Studies indicate that 15-30% of the population reports some sensitivity to fragrance.  More than 80% report that exposure to fragrances is bothersome*.  Fragrance chemicals can cause health effects, primarily in the skin, lungs and brain.

Jason Fragrance Free is a line of hair and body care products formulated for individuals with fragrance or skin sensitivities and those who just want to steer clear of fragrance, dyes and synthetics.  Many “unscented” products mask the odor of the formula with fragrance so they remain a potential source of skin irritation.  Synthetic fragrances often contain phthalates which have been linked to birth defects and health related issues.

Unlike “unscented” products-which often contain fragrance to mask the scent of the formula—Jason Fragrance Free is truly sans fragrance. Stock up on Jason Naturals complete product line.

  • Great for use on sensitive skin
  • No sodium lauryl/laureth sulfates
  • Fragrance, phthalate and paraben free
  • No animal by-products or testing

*”scents and Sensitivity,” Environmental Health Perspectives, the research journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,, Nov. 1998


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